98-4765. Notice Policy Statement; Request for Comments  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 37 (Wednesday, February 25, 1998)]
    [Pages 9627-9629]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-4765]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    [Policy Statement Number ANM-98-1]
    Notice Policy Statement; Request for Comments
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
    ACTION: Notice policy statement, request for comments.
    SUMMARY: This notice announces an FAA policy statement applicable to 
    the type certification of transport category airplanes. This notice 
    advises the public, in particular manufacturers of certain transport 
    category airplanes, that the FAA intends to evaluate the airplanes' 
    wake vortex characteristics as part of the type certification process. 
    This notice is necessary to advise the public of FAA policy and give 
    all interested persons an opportunity to present their views on the 
    policy statement.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 27, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Send all comments on this policy statement to the individual 
    identified under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT at Federal Aviation 
    Administration, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
    Service, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98055-4056.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colin Fender, ANM-111, telephone (425) 
    227-2191, facsimile (425) 227-1320, or email: Colin.Fender@faa.dot.gov
    Comments Invited
        Interested persons are invited to comment on this policy statement 
    by submitting such written data, views, or arguments as they may 
    desire. Commenters should identify the Policy Statement Number of this 
    policy statement, and submit comments, in duplicate, to the address 
    specified above. All communications received on or before the closing 
    date for comments will be considered by the Transport Standards Staff.
        Wake vortices, masses of rotating air trailing an airplane, can 
    have serious consequences for following airplanes. According to the 
    National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), between 1983 and 1993 
    there were at least 51 accidents and incidents in the United States 
    that resulted from probable encounters with wake vortices. In these 51 
    encounters, 27 occupants were killed, 8 occupants were seriously 
    injured, and 40 airplanes were substantially damaged or destroyed.
        One of the primary means the FAA uses to reduce the potential of a 
    wake vortex upset is to specify minimum separation distances between 
    airplanes. The relative risk of an upset from a wake vortex encounter 
    is a function of the strength of the vortex generated by the leading 
    airplane, the distance between airplanes, and the roll moment inertia 
    of the trailing airplane. In general, both the strength of a vortex 
    that can be generated by an airplane and an airplane's roll moment 
    inertia are a function of the airplane's weight. Therefore, the FAA 
    specifies minimum separation distances in terms of the
    [[Page 9628]]
    weights of the leading and trailing airplanes. These minimum separation 
    distances are prescribed in FAA Order 7110.65, ``Air Traffic Control.'' 
    In Order 7110.65, airplane weights are specified in terms of three 
    weight classifications--``small,'' ``large,''or ``heavy.''
        The fatal accidents noted above have generally been the result of 
    ``small'' airplanes following ``large'' or ``heavy'' airplanes (as 
    defined in Order 7110.65) in Visual Flight Rules (VFR) meteorological 
    conditions at less than the minimum separation distances prescribed by 
    Order 7110.65. During the time period quoted, the separation standards 
    of Order 7110.65 were only applied during Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) 
    meteorological conditions where prolonged visual contact with the lead 
    airplane may not be possible.
        In 1996, the FAA revised Order 7110.65 to change the weight ranges 
    used to define each weight classification and to acquire air traffic 
    controllers to notify pilots of any aircraft trailing a ``heavy'' 
    aircraft of that ``heavy'' aircraft's type, position, altitude, and 
    direction when in VFR conditions. The new weight ranges resulted from a 
    recent review of existing wake vortex evaluation test data, from which 
    the following general relationship between an airplane's weight and its 
    wake vortex strength was developed:
        This relationship was developed from tests of conventional 
    transport category airplanes with separate wing and fuselage elements, 
    a midfuselage wing location with an aft-mounted horizontal stabilizer, 
    wing lite generated by ambient airflow over airfoil surfaces (i.e., no 
    forced blowing of wing surfaces or high lift devices), and turbojet/
    turbofan powerplants.
        The NTSB has expressed a concern, however, that the design of 
    future airplanes could result in wake vortices that are unusually 
    strong or persistent for the weight of the airplane. Also, due to the 
    wide range of weights covered by the weight classifications, this 
    method of defining minimum separation distances may inappropriately 
    place a new airplane near the top of one weight category when its 
    vortex strength characteristics are more representative of the next 
    higher weight category.
        Following a wake vortex-related fatal accident in December 1994, 
    the NTSB's attention was again drawn to the methods used to determine 
    aircraft separation distances. This led to the NTSB issuing Safety 
    Recommendation No. A-94-056 that recommended the FAA, ``Require 
    manufacturers of turbojet-powered transport category airplanes to 
    determine, by flight test or other suitable means, the characteristics 
    of the airplanes' wake vortices during certification.''
        In response to Safety Recommendation No. A-94-056, the FAA proposes 
    to establish the following general policy for addressing the potential 
    for mis-categorization of new transport category airplanes relative to 
    minimum separation distance for wake vortex avoidance:
    Policy Statement
        1. Airplanes that are of a ``conventional'' configuration 
    (transport category airplanes with separate wing and fuselage elements, 
    a midfuselage wing location with an aft-mounted horizontal stabilizer, 
    wing lift generated by ambient airflow over airfoil surfaces, i.e., no 
    forced blowing of wing surfaces or high lift devices, and turbojet/
    turbofan powerplants) can be placed into the existing weight 
    classification system for determining the minimum separation distances 
    for trailing aircraft. However, if an airplane would be near the 
    maximum weight for a particular classification, the FAA Aircraft 
    Certification Office (ACO) reviewing the application should ensure that 
    the classification is appropriate. The ACO may request the assistance 
    of the applicant in making this determination.
        2. For airplanes that do not fit the ``conventional'' configuration 
    description, the ACO reviewing the application should ensure that the 
    classification is appropriate, either by conservatively estimating wake 
    vortex characteristics or, with the assistance of the applicant, by 
    determining the wake vortex characteristics of the airplane, through 
    flight test or other means, as part of the type certification process.
    [[Page 9629]]
        In addition to requesting comments on this policy statement, the 
    FAA requests comments on the means of determining the appropriate 
    classification, when necessary, for new or derivative airplane types. 
    The FAA expects that advisory material will be necessary to provide 
    specific guidance for evaluating wake vortex characteristics. Until new 
    methods are developed and validated, the FAA intends to use the test 
    methods and procedures previously used to develop the current weight 
    classification scheme, illustrated in Figure 1, for transport category 
    airplanes of conventional design. An example of these test methods and 
    procedures can be found in FAA Report No. FAA-AEQ-75-1, ``Investigation 
    of the Vortex Wake Characteristics of Jet Transports During Climbout 
    and Turning Flight,'' May 1975 (available through the National 
    Technical Information System, Springfield, Virginia 22151).
        Issued in Renton, Washington, on February 18, 1998.
    Gilbert L. Thompson,
    Acting Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
    Service, ANM-100.
    [FR Doc. 98-4765 Filed 2-24-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

Document Information

Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Notice policy statement, request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before March 27, 1998.
9627-9629 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Policy Statement Number ANM-98-1
PDF File: