98-4802. Request for Comments on Draft Environmental Handbook; Notice.  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 37 (Wednesday, February 25, 1998)]
    [Pages 9696-9709]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-4802]
    [[Page 9695]]
    Part VI
    International Development Cooperation Agency
    Overseas Private Investment Corporation
    Request for Comments on Draft Environmental Handbook; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 1998 / 
    [[Page 9696]]
    Overseas Private Investment Corporation
    Request for Comments on Draft Environmental Handbook; Notice.
    AGENCY: Overseas Private Investment Corporation, IDCA.
    ACTION: Notice of publication and request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC, or the 
    ``Corporation'') has published a second version of its Environmental 
    Handbook (Handbook) which represents the current environmental policies 
    and procedures in use at the Corporation. Section 231(n) of the Foreign 
    Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2191(k)(2), as amended), requires 
    OPIC to: ``Refuse to insure, reinsure, guarantee, or finance any 
    investment in connection with a project which the Corporation 
    determines will pose an unreasonable or major environmental, health, or 
    safety hazard, or will result in the significant degradation of 
    national parks or similar protected areas.''
        An earlier draft of the Handbook was published as a notice in the 
    Federal Register on February 6, 1997. Based on the comments received in 
    response to that notice, OPIC has revised the Handbook. Comments are 
    now invited on the revised version of the Handbook that appears in this 
        The Handbook consolidates a number of sources of information into a 
    single, easy-to-review and easily accessible document. The Handbook is 
    also available on OPIC's Internet web site at WWW.OPIC.GOV.OPIC will 
    consider further revision of the Handbook based on the comments we 
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before June 25, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be submitted to Mr. Jonathan Sohn, 
    Department of Financial Management and Statutory Review, Overseas 
    Private Investment Corporation, 1100 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, 
    D.C. 20527, or via Internet e-mail at [email protected]
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Contact Mr. Sohn by telephone at (202) 
    408-6265, by facsimile transmission at (202) 218-0288, or via Internet 
    e-mail at [email protected]
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Message from OPIC President George Munoz:
        OPIC has a 27-year history of mobilizing private capital and skills 
    in the economic and social development of less developed nations while 
    supporting the foreign policy and economic goals of the United States. 
    OPIC is releasing this draft of its Environmental Handbook for public 
    comment as part of a process to ensure we are meeting the mandate of 
    our statute to decline support for ``a project which * * * will pose an 
    unreasonable or major environmental, health or safety hazard.'' OPIC 
    has been a leader among agencies in international investment in fairly 
    applying environmental standards. The new draft guidelines were 
    developed to clarify current policies and strengthen them where 
        While it is difficult to address all concerns, our goal is a fair 
    balance between the public's interest in environmental safeguards and 
    business' legitimate need to make prompt decisions as they consider 
    international projects--projects which are critical for the fulfillment 
    of OPIC's mission. OPIC is also mindful that companies supported by our 
    foreign counterparts often do not have to meet comparable environmental 
    standards. This will be an important issue going forward. OPIC is 
    committed to leveling the playing field through international 
    harmonization of standards for all countries.
        Developing nations are confronted with a range of environmental 
    challenges. We believe that in the long run a transparent decision-
    making process involving public disclosure of environmental impact 
    assessments is good for business and good for sustainable development. 
    It can promote consensus building and broad support for the long-term 
    economic and environmental sustainability of OPIC-supported projects in 
    developing countries.
        The new draft guidelines include:
         A 60-day public comment period to review a project's 
    environmental impact assessment;
         Adoption of the new 1997 World Bank draft guidelines;
         Clarification of prohibitions; and
         An independent audit requirement for environmentally 
    sensitive projects.
        OPIC welcomes comments from all interested members of the 
    public. OPIC will make use of the information highway to broaden its 
    reach and to accommodate input in its decision making; OPIC may be 
    contacted via Internet e-mail at WWW.OPIC.GOV. There will be a 120-
    day comment period from the date hereof before the guidelines are 
    made final. OPIC will carefully review comments on the draft 
    guidelines and will be particularly interested in hearing views on 
    the importance of the guidelines in ensuring fulfillment of OPIC's 
        OPIC looks forward to your thoughts and comments.
    OPIC Environmental Handbook
    February 1998 Edition
    Table of Contents
     OPIC'S Mission Statement
     Introduction and Summary of Environmental Procedures
     Environmental Screening
     Environmental Assessment
     Public Consultation and Disclosure
     Environmental Standards
     Climate Change and Renewable Energy
     Monitoring and Compliance
     Investment Funds Policy
     Appendix A: OPIC Statute and Executive Order 12114
     Appendix B: Recommended Content and Format for 
    Environmental Impact Assessment
     Appendix C: Recommended Content and Format for 
    Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan
     Appendix D: Recommended Content and Format for Initial 
    Environmental Audit (IEAU)
     Appendix E: Projects Requiring Environmental Impact 
    Assessment--Category A
     Appendix F: Categorical Prohibitions
     Appendix G: 1997 World Bank Group Pollution Prevention and 
    Abatement Handbook
     Appendix H: Format for Host Government Notification Letter
     Appendix I: Glossary
    OPIC'S Mission Statement
        OPIC's mission is to mobilize and facilitate the participation of 
    United States private capital and skills in the economic and social 
    development of less developed countries and areas, and countries in 
    transition from nonmarket to market economies. In accomplishing its 
    mission, OPIC will promote positive U.S. effects and host country 
    development effects. OPIC will assure that the projects it supports are 
    consistent with sound environmental and worker rights standards. In 
    conducting its programs, OPIC will also take into account guidance from 
    the Administration and Congress on a country's observance of, and 
    respect for, human rights. In accomplishing its mission, OPIC will 
    operate on a self-sustaining basis.
    Introduction: Statement of Purpose and Objectives
        This Handbook is intended to provide information to OPIC's users, 
    as well as the interested public, with respect to the general 
    environmental guidelines, assessment and monitoring procedures that 
    OPIC applies, in its discretion, to prospective and ongoing investment 
    projects. The standards and procedures described in this Handbook 
    generally reflect existing practice at OPIC as it has evolved since the 
    enactment in 1985 of
    [[Page 9697]]
    statutory environmental provisions applicable to OPIC. (The 
    environmental provisions contained in OPIC's statute are reprinted in 
    Appendix A.) (OPIC is also subject to Executive Order 12114, 
    ``Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions.'' 
    Environmental Assessment Procedures for EO 12114 are included in 
    Appendix A, as well as a reprint of a 1979 FR notice implenting the 
    EO.) Additionally, the Handbook reflects general policy initiatives 
    announced by President Clinton at the United Nations Special Session on 
    the Environment in June of 1997 as well as comments from OPIC's users 
    and other members of the public in response to OPIC's publication of 
    the Handbook in the Federal Register as a notice on February 6, 1997. 
    OPIC received comments on that notice for four months after its 
    publication. The provisions noted in this Handbook apply to all 
    political risk insurance, project finance and OPIC-supported financial 
    intermediaries unless otherwise noted.
        Since 1985, OPIC has been required by statute to assess the 
    environmental impacts of projects under consideration for political 
    risk insurance and financing. OPIC's authorizing statute was also 
    amended at that time to direct the Corporation to decline assistance to 
    projects posing an ``unreasonable or major hazard to the environment, 
    health or safety'' or resulting in the ``significant degradation of a 
    national park or similar protected area.'' OPIC was also directed to 
    operate its programs consistent with the intent of sections 117, 118 
    and 119 of the Foreign Assistance Act relating to environmental impact 
    assessment, tropical forests, biological diversity and endangered 
    species. Then and since Congress has continued to express its intent 
    that ``great care * * * be paid to assuring the environmental soundness 
    of U.S. Government supported foreign assistance projects.'' This is 
    particularly important given OPIC's self-sustaining mandate. OPIC 
    strongly supports these principles on their own merits.
        Over the years OPIC has worked with counterpart organizations 
    providing similar services to investors in the U.S., overseas and on a 
    multilateral basis as environmental procedures were developed. Many of 
    the OPIC standards and procedures described in this Handbook are also 
    applied by organizations such as the International Finance Corporation 
    (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), both 
    affiliates of the World Bank; the European Bank for Reconstruction and 
    Development (EBRD); and the U.S. Export-Import Bank (US Exim). In 
    OPIC's experience, the progressive harmonization of standards and 
    procedures similar to those used by these and other similar 
    organizations worldwide has facilitated co-financing and co-insurance 
    arrangements and made it simpler for clients to address environmental 
        The Handbook is not designed to be a static document but rather an 
    evolving process. OPIC welcomes comments from business and public 
    interest organizations seeking to enhance OPIC's environmental 
    assessment and management process.
    Summary of OPIC Environmental Procedures
        OPIC projects receive thorough yet efficient environmental review, 
    following the process described below. Applicants should carefully 
    review the entire Environmental Handbook, including all Appendices, to 
    ensure full understanding of OPIC's Environmental Procedures.
        (1) OPIC screens the application to determine whether its support 
    of the project would violate any categorical prohibitions required by 
    OPIC's statute or policy (See ``Categorical Prohibitions'', Appendix F) 
    to the extent possible at this early stage. If the project is 
    ineligible, OPIC informs the applicant immediately so as to avoid any 
    unnecessary effort or expense on the part of the applicant.
        (2) If the project is not categorically ineligible, OPIC continues 
    to screen the application to determine the level of environmental 
    sensitivity associated with the industry sector or site involved (See 
    `` Environmental Screening'') and to request the appropriate type of 
    information from the applicant.
        (3) If the project is identified as a Category A project, an 
    Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or Initial Environmental Audit 
    (IEAU) is required. Category B projects are subject to internal OPIC 
    assessment based on information supplied by the applicant that need not 
    take the form of an EIA. Category C projects do not have material 
    impacts on the environment and are not subject to environmental 
    assessment (See ``Environmental Assessment'').
        (4) OPIC requires that applicants for Category A projects submit 
    the EIA or IEAU in a form that can be made public without compromising 
    business confidential information. With the consent of the applicant, 
    the country and industry sector involved in a Category A project (but 
    not the name of the applicant), are listed on OPIC's Internet Web Site 
    and the EIA or IEAU is made publicly available on request for a 
    designated comment period of 60 days prior to any final OPIC commitment 
    to a project. No application for a Category A project can be processed 
    without this public disclosure and review process. Environmentally 
    sensitive projects are also subject to host government notification 
    prior to final commitment (See ``Public Consultation and Disclosure'' 
    and Appendix H).
        (5) Concurrent with this public notification process, OPIC conducts 
    an internal assessment of the project based on the EIA and other 
    available information, including any comments it receives from the 
    public. Category B projects are also subject to an internal 
    environmental assessment. Through this review process, OPIC 
    environmental staff assess the impacts of the project and the standards 
    and mitigative conditions applicable to OPIC support (See 
    ``Environmental Standards'').
        (6) These conditions are discussed with the applicant and included 
    as representations, warranties and covenants in the loan agreement or 
    political risk insurance contract (See ``Conditionality'').
        (7) OPIC monitors project compliance with contractual conditions 
    throughout the term of the OPIC loan agreement or insurance contract 
    (See ``Monitoring and Compliance'').
        (8) Category A projects are also required to conduct at least one 
    independent environmental audit during the first three years of OPIC 
    support (See ``Compliance Audit'').
        Similar procedures, but with restrictions on public disclosure and 
    consultation, apply to OPIC consideration and support of projects 
    supported by an OPIC-guaranteed investment fund or other financial 
    intermediaries (See ``''Investment Funds Policy'').
    Environmental Screening
        Environmental screening is the process of identifying, at the 
    earliest stage possible, the potential adverse environmental impacts of 
    a proposed project that could preclude OPIC support on categorical 
    grounds. If a project is determined to be categorically prohibited, 
    OPIC will promptly notify the investor that the application cannot be 
    considered for environmental clearance and ultimate project approval. 
    Examples of such projects include large dams that disrupt natural 
    ecosystems, infrastructure and raw material extraction in primary 
    tropical forests and other protected or ecologically fragile areas. (A 
    complete list of Categorical Prohibitions is provided in Appendix F.)
        For projects that are not categorically ineligible for further 
    [[Page 9698]]
    OPIC continues its screening process to determine the level of effort 
    and public disclosure required for the satisfaction of OPIC's 
    environmental assessment requirements. OPIC's Environmental Unit 
    assigns each project to one of the following categories:
        Category A: The appropriate category for projects likely to have 
    significant adverse environmental impacts that are sensitive (e.g., 
    irreversible, affect vulnerable population groups, involve involuntary 
    resettlement, affect cultural heritage sites, etc.), diverse, or 
    unprecedented.\1\ Such projects can be readily identified on the basis 
    of industry sector or site sensitivity. They require a full-scale EIA 
    or IEAU, as well as an EMMP or ENR. A fairly comprehensive list of 
    industries and sites within this category is provided in Appendix E.
        \1\ World Bank Group Pollution Prevention and Abatement 
    Handbook, September 1997.
        Category B: The appropriate category for projects likely to have 
    adverse environmental impacts that are less significant than those of 
    Category A projects, meaning that few if any of the impacts are likely 
    to be irreversible, that they are site-specific, and that mitigatory 
    measures can be designed more readily than for Category A projects.\2\ 
    The EA normally consists of a limited environmental review, identifying 
    suitable mitigating and management measures, and incorporating them 
    into the project. Projects not included in Categories A, C, D or E (as 
    defined below) can be expected to belong to Category B. Examples of 
    such project categories include: agriculture, electrical distribution, 
    electronics, food processing, light manufacturing, telecommunications 
    (involving infrastructure such as new telephone lines with rights of 
    way and towers, or that manufacture telecommunications equipment), 
    textiles and tourism. Information required from the applicant typically 
    includes the following: site description; processes involved; materials 
    used and stored on site; air, liquid, and solid wastes generated in 
    relation to applicable standards; and occupational health and safety 
        \2\ World Bank Group Pollution Prevention and Abatement 
    Handbook, September 1997.
        Category C: The appropriate category for projects that are likely 
    to have minimal or no adverse environmental impacts. Projects in this 
    category that are normally exempt from all environmental assessment.\3\ 
    Examples of such projects include branch banking, computer software 
    development and telecommunications (involving privatization of existing 
    service or other projects involving no infrastructure).
        \3\ World Bank Group Pollution Prevention and Abatement 
    Handbook, September 1997.
        Category D: This category includes financial intermediaries (FIs) 
    that make investments in or provide financing (loans, leases, etc.) to 
    identifiable projects or enterprises (``subprojects'') engaged in 
    activities within categories A and B. OPIC screens these subprojects to 
    determine the type of environmental review required. Also taken into 
    account is the nature and size of the FI's involvement in the 
    subproject. Expedited reviews are conducted for Category B subprojects 
    involving less than $5.0 million in investment, subject to further 
    review if the FI proceeds with additional investments in the same 
    subproject. (See section on Investment Funds' Policy.)
        Category E: This category includes small-scale, stand-alone 
    business ventures that have demonstrable environmentally beneficial 
    impacts.\4\ Such projects may seek to promote conservation of natural 
    ecosystems or biological diversity and attempt to involve local 
    indigenous peoples and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the 
    management process. Ecotourism (as defined below) projects are an 
    example of this category of project. Certain Category E projects may be 
    subject to OPIC's public consultation and disclosure processes, as 
    described on page A-13, due to site sensitivity.
        \4\ Projects that seek to environmentally enhance particular 
    aspects of a larger project are not screened into Category E.
        Category F: Categorical Prohibitions: This category includes 
    projects that OPIC will not support due to negative environmental 
    impacts or siting concerns. If a project is determined to be 
    categorically prohibited, OPIC will promptly notify the investor that 
    the application cannot be considered for environmental clearance and 
    ultimate project approval. Examples of such projects include large dams 
    that disrupt natural ecosystems, infrastructure or raw material 
    extraction in primary tropical forests and other protected or 
    ecologically fragile areas. (A complete list of Categorical 
    Prohibitions is provided in Appendix F.)
    Environmental Assessment (EA)
        The primary purpose of OPIC's environmental review is to determine 
    the eligibility of the project based on OPIC's statutory obligation to 
    decline support for projects posing ``unreasonable or major 
    environmental, health or safety hazards.'' OPIC interprets ``health or 
    safety'' to apply both to project employees and to the affected public 
    living or working in the vicinity of the project.
        In addition, OPIC is also required by statute to operate its 
    programs in a manner consistent with Sections 117, 118 and 119 of the 
    Foreign Assistance Act (FAA). These provisions pertain to environmental 
    assessment, and the protection of tropical forests, biodiversity and 
    endangered species, respectively.
        Grounds for Declining Assistance to Projects. In addition to the 
    Categorical Prohibitions outlined above (See Screening and Appendix F) 
    there are several other circumstances under which OPIC will decline 
    support for a project on environmental grounds:
         The applicant fails to provide OPIC with an EIA for a 
    Category A project or with adequate information about a Category B 
    project to conduct a review sufficient to determine project eligibility 
    on environmental grounds.
         The project will, in OPIC's determination, result in
    --Significant degradation of a national park, similar protected area or 
    tropical rainforest;
    --The destruction of or significant degradation in the habitat of an 
    endangered species; and/or
    --Other ``unreasonable or major environmental health or safety 
        Environmental assessment (EA) is the tool used by OPIC to make 
    these determinations and is the process of evaluating the environmental 
    and social impacts of a project and identifying ways to improve the 
    project by preventing, minimizing, mitigating, remediating or 
    compensating for adverse impacts as a condition of OPIC support. In a 
    broader sense, EA is the process of managing the environmental aspects 
    \5\ of a policy, strategy, program or project, from the earliest stages 
    of identifying potential actions to their completion and evaluation. 
    The process encompasses identification of potential adverse 
    environmental impacts; assessment of these impacts and comparison with 
    impacts of alternative approaches; design and implementation of 
    measures and plans to avoid, minimize, mitigate, or compensate for 
    adverse impacts; and design and implementation of associated management 
    and monitoring measures.
    [[Page 9699]]
    EA considers natural and social aspects in an integrated way.
        \5\ World Bank Group Pollution Prevention and Abatement 
    Handbook, September 1997. The term `environment' encompasses the 
    natural environment (air, water, and land); human ecology and health 
    and safety; and sociocultural aspects (including involuntary 
    resettlement and indigenous peoples) and transboundary and global 
    environmental aspects.
        By statute, OPIC is required to provide some degree of EA to every 
    project considered for insurance or finance in determining whether to 
    provide support for the project. This requirement extends to 
    subprojects undertaken by OPIC-supported investment funds and on-
    lending facilities. (See the discussion of financial intermediaries, 
    below.) OPIC cannot provide a final commitment to a project (i.e., 
    issue an insurance contract, disburse a loan, or approve a transaction 
    by a financial intermediary) until its environmental assessment is 
    complete and a determination is made by OPIC that the environmental, 
    health and safety impacts of the project are acceptable.
        Different types of EAs are conducted by the applicant depending on 
    the nature of the project. The actual work may be conducted by the 
    applicant/sponsor or by a third party, such as an environmental 
    consultant. On the basis of its considerable experience reviewing such 
    materials, OPIC can advise applicants regarding many aspects of EA 
    preparation. OPIC can provide technical guidance to small businesses as 
    well as first time applicants on the scope and resources available for 
    preparing an assessment.
        EAs and other environmental reports must be provided to OPIC as 
    early as possible in the application process. This enables OPIC to 
    identify environmental issues that may require additional attention 
    before the EA can be considered complete. Collaboration between OPIC 
    and other official and private lenders and insurers (which begins after 
    OPIC receives consent from the applicant) in reviewing environmental 
    information is in the interest of the applicant as it expedites the 
    review process and avoids delays and needless duplication with the 
    requirements of other lenders and insurers.
        OPIC will make every effort to review the material thoroughly and 
    efficiently taking public comment period requirements (see below, p. A-
    13) for Category A projects into account. In circumstances where OPIC 
    confronts a particularly full project pipeline, OPIC may contract for 
    outside expertise to enable it to complete the review process in a 
    timely manner. Any consultant hired to assist in the review would be 
    required to sign a confidentiality agreement to protect business 
    sensitive information.
        In all cases, the cost of preparing the original EA is borne by the 
    applicant, sponsor or foreign enterprise. When OPIC engages independent 
    consultants to review all or part of the EA materials submitted by the 
    investor, to undertake an original assessment of the project and/or to 
    undertake a site visit as part of the environmental review process, it 
    requires the applicant to reimburse the associated costs.
        OPIC may require one or more of the following documents to satisfy 
    a project's EA requirements:
        Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). An EIA is a comprehensive 
    assessment of the diverse impacts of a project on the natural and human 
    environment. It includes a detailed description of pre-existing 
    conditions (``baseline assessment''), all project activities having a 
    potential environmental impact (from pre-construction through 
    decommissioning and site reclamation), and the net impacts of the 
    project, taking into account alternative mitigative measures. It also 
    considers the relationship of the project to the natural and human 
    environment in the affected area and the cumulative impacts of those 
    activities. The content and format for an EIA will vary depending on 
    industry sector, the site and other project-specific factors. (A 
    generic format for an EIA is provided in Appendix B). If requested by 
    the client, OPIC will provide guidance with regard to the content of 
    the EIA.
        Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP). An EMMP is 
    designed to specify in detail the actions--both technical and 
    managerial--that the applicant or sponsor will undertake in order to 
    mitigate anticipated adverse impacts of the project on the environment, 
    health and safety. It also describes the technology and methodology 
    used to monitor the actual impacts of the projects on the environment 
    and the standards and procedures to be used for adjusting mitigative 
    measures as necessary to maintain impacts within an acceptable range. 
    (A generic format for an EMMP is suggested in Appendix C). While ISO 
    14000 Environmental Management Systems implementation is not a 
    substitute for a project-specific EMMP, a project sponsor's adherence 
    to the ISO criteria can facilitate the process of developing an 
    acceptable EMMP.
        Major Hazard Assessment (MHA). An MHA is a specialized form of EA 
    designed to identify and assess the risks of catastrophic events 
    resulting from the operation of an industrial facility. For projects 
    requiring an MHA, OPIC requires completion of the MHA, preferably as 
    part of the EIA process, but no later than the commencement of project 
    operations. The categories of facilities subject to an MHA as well as 
    the content and format of an MHA are outlined in the ``World Bank 
    Guidelines for the Identification, Analysis and Control of Major Hazard 
    Installations in Developing Countries,'' a copy of which is available 
    from OPIC.
        Initial Environmental Audit (IEAU). If the investment involves the 
    acquisition of a pre-existing facility or a site on which industrial 
    activity previously occurred, the project may also be subject to an 
    IEAU. An IEAU is designed to identify pre-existing adverse 
    environmental, health or safety conditions that could affect future 
    impacts from the facility or site. (A generic format for an IEAU is 
    suggested in Appendix D.) ISO Environmental Auditing criteria are a 
    useful adjunct to, although not a substitute for, performance-based 
    auditing that is required to meet OPIC IEAU requirements.
        Environmental Remediation Plan (ENR). The project may involve the 
    remediation of environmentally adverse conditions at a site. In this 
    case the applicant will be required to provide OPIC with an ENR, 
    similar in format to an EMMP, and designed to address the issues raised 
    in the audit.
        An EMMP, IEAU or ENR may be included as part of an EIA. Other 
    documents prepared to satisfy the requirements of other lenders may be 
    submitted to OPIC so long as the documentation addresses the 
    substantive issues needed for OPIC to complete its review of the 
        Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). By statute and Executive 
    Order (EO) 12114 (See Appendix A), OPIC is required to prepare, and to 
    take fully into account, an EIS for any project ``significantly 
    affecting the environment of the global commons outside the 
    jurisdiction of any nation (e.g., the oceans or Antarctica).'' Given 
    the discrete nature of projects assisted by OPIC, it is considered 
    unlikely that any single project assisted by OPIC would meet the test 
    of ``significant impact'' on the global commons to warrant an EIS. 
    However, the cumulative impacts of several large projects could 
    conceivably have an impact on extraterritorial waters or the atmosphere 
    sufficient to trigger the requirement.
        As prescribed by EO 12114, such an EIS should be concise and no 
    longer than necessary to permit an informed consideration of the 
    environmental effects of the proposed project and the reasonable 
    alternatives. It should include the following sections: (1) Purpose and 
    need for the proposed project; (2) a sufficient description of the 
    environment of the global commons affected by the proposed action; (3) 
    [[Page 9700]]
    analysis, in comparative form, of the environmental consequences on the 
    global commons of the proposed action; and (4) reasonable alternative 
    means of structuring the project.
        In lieu of preparing a new EIS, the Executive Order permits OPIC to 
    rely on one of the following: a pre-existing EIS for the same project 
    or a project involving similar environmental issues; a generic EIS 
    covering a number of similar projects; or an EIS obtained by other 
    Public Consultation and Disclosure
        The environmental assessment process has become an increasingly 
    public and transparent process among environmental regulatory agencies 
    in the United States and in some, although not all, foreign countries. 
    Likewise, multilateral development agencies that provide assistance to 
    governments and other public sector clients have also made their 
    activities more transparent to the public in both donor and host 
        OPIC recognizes the added value that interested and well-informed 
    members of the public can bring to the environmental assessment process 
    undertaken by its clients as well as by OPIC itself. Host country as 
    well as international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) often have 
    access to information and perceptions about potential environmental 
    impacts and resulting social, economic and cultural impacts that need 
    to be carefully considered as early as possible in the assessment 
    process. As a result, OPIC provides the public with a full opportunity 
    to comment on all Category A projects before making a final commitment 
    to such projects. A final commitment takes the form of a contract or 
    loan agreement for an insurance or finance project respectively.
        At the same time, certain aspects of the plans and proposals of 
    private sector investors may contain sensitive business information. 
    While OPIC is subject to the disclosure requirements of the Freedom of 
    Information Act, those requirements contain an exemption for business 
    confidential information that is protected from disclosure under the 
    Trade Secrets Act.\6\
        \6\ Certain requests for information may have to be obtained 
    through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. For more 
    information about OPIC's FOIA process visit OPIC's web page: HTTP://
        Because OPIC's goal is to provide the public with a level of 
    comfort about its environmental process, applicants for OPIC assistance 
    for Category A insurance and finance projects are required to submit 
    Environmental Impact Assessments or Initial Environmental Audits (to be 
    distinguished from the independent third-party compliance audit) in a 
    form that can be shared with the public. In an effort to save copying 
    time and expenses, OPIC encourages applicants to provide the EIA on a 
    ``read only'' computer disc.
        Applicants must sign a waiver agreeing to public release of their 
    EIA or IEAU. Because EIAs and IEAUs are the property of the applicant, 
    OPIC cannot release these documents if the applicant does not consent. 
    However, if an applicant does not agree to EIA or IEAU release, OPIC 
    will be unable to proceed with further consideration of the 
        In submitting project-specific information to OPIC, including 
    audits, management and remediation plans as well as monitoring reports, 
    applicants must specify which information has been or will be made 
    public in any format, including in the host country. Any additional 
    information that is identified as a public document will be treated as 
    such by OPIC in response to a specific request for such information. 
    Business confidential information will be accorded confidential 
    treatment to the full extent permitted by law.
        World Wide Web Posting. The first step in OPIC's public 
    consultation and disclosure process is posting a notice of OPIC's 
    potential support for a Category A project on the World Wide Web. When 
    OPIC's Environmental Unit receives an environmental clearance request 
    in connection with an insurance or finance application for a Category A 
    project or subproject, OPIC will list the nature of the project and its 
    location (but not the name of the applicant or sponsor, e.g. ``Gas-
    Fired Power Plant, Turkey'') on OPIC's Home Page on the World Wide Web 
    (HTTP://WWW.OPIC.GOV). No business confidential information will be 
    disclosed. This list will be updated at least monthly, and any comments 
    received will be considered in OPIC's processing of the application. 
    Additional information about projects may be provided to OPIC at any 
    time throughout the term of the project.
        Comment Period. As a second step in the public consultation and 
    disclosure process, OPIC will provide the public with a full 
    opportunity to comment on all Category A projects before making a final 
    commitment to such projects. OPIC will consider all public comments 
    received and take them into account in its environmental assessment and 
    decision-making process. Should additional information be required 
    based on comments received, OPIC will pass these requests to the 
    applicant. The comment period varies depending on the type of support 
    an investor seeks:
        Project Finance & Political Risk Insurance. Before making a final 
    decision to support a Category A project with political risk insurance, 
    OPIC will disclose the applicant's EIA or IEAU to the public for a 
    comment period of 60 days. OPIC will indicate on its World Wide Web 
    site and on a list server \7\ when OPIC receives a publicly releasable 
    copy of the EIA or IEAU, thus commencing the 60 day comment period. 
    OPIC also encourages the sponsor to release the EIA or IEAU in the host 
    country whenever feasible. A 60 day comment period is consistent with 
    the comment periods applied by multilateral institutions that issue 
    project finance and political risk insurance.
        \7\ A list server is a mechanism for automatically updating OPIC 
    users of new Category A projects via the internet.
        Financial Intermediaries (FIs). For FI investments: (A) OPIC will 
    post the nature of the investment and country where it is located on 
    OPIC's World Wide Web site and on a list server as soon as a request 
    for approval of a Category A investment is received. FI investments are 
    identified by an asterisk (*) unless only one fund is active in a given 
    country or the identity of the fund is self-evident by the nature of 
    the project. (B) OPIC will indicate when the EIA or IEAU for 
    investments has been received by OPIC on the World Wide Web site. OPIC 
    recognizes that the competitive nature of investment fund portfolio 
    activity may require more restrictive treatment of fund EIAs, etc. than 
    is the case for conventional investments.
        Host Country Notification. In addition to public consultation, when 
    OPIC supports an environmentally sensitive project, OPIC notifies 
    appropriate host country government officials of all applicable 
    environmental, health and safety standards applicable to the project 
    (See Appendix H).
        Annual OPIC Report. OPIC will report annually to Congress and the 
    public regarding its implementation of and compliance with internal, 
    national and international environmental policies, laws, treaties and 
    agreements to which its programs are subject. No confidential business 
    information will be disclosed in these reports.
    Environmental Standards
        In determining whether a project will pose an unreasonable or major 
    environmental, health or safety hazard,
    [[Page 9701]]
    or will result in significant degradation of national parks or similar 
    protected areas, Congress advised OPIC to ``rely primarily upon 
    guidelines and standards adopted by international organizations such as 
    the World Bank * * * and nongovernmental organizations with expertise 
    in this area.'' (House Report 99-285, September 23, 1985, page 5.)
        1997 World Bank Group Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook. 
    In an effort to strengthen its standards, OPIC will rely on the most 
    current version of the World Bank standards for the majority of its 
    projects. The most current version was issued by the World Bank Group 
    in September of 1997 for the majority of industrial categories.
        The 1997 Handbook received extensive review by several governments 
    (including U.S. federal environmental agencies), branches of the United 
    Nations, non-governmental organizations, industry associations and 
    individual companies.\8\
        \8\ World Bank Group Pollution Prevention and Abatement 
    Handbook, September 1997.
        Use of international standards is consistent with the current 
    practice of the IFC, MIGA and other organizations involved in 
    international investment. For particular industries not included in the 
    1997 draft, OPIC will consider compliance with the 1994 draft 
    guidelines acceptable. As the Bank continues to update its guidelines, 
    OPIC will substitute more current versions of particular guidelines on 
    a case-by-case basis by industry. (See Appendix G.)
        Where there are gaps in World Bank standards on a given 
    environmental or natural resource issue, OPIC incorporates U.S. federal 
    standards, World Health Organization standards, and standards set by 
    other international authorities in its environmental assessment and 
    decision making process. In addition, OPIC has adopted particular 
    standards with respect to Ecotourism and Forestry.
        Host Country Standards. All projects must comply with host country 
    environmental regulations. Therefore, whenever possible, applicants 
    must provide OPIC with summaries or copies of applicable host country 
    regulations as part of their EIS or EIA (for Category A projects) or as 
    information provided in support of their application (for Category B 
    projects). Government permits and certifications of compliance are 
    necessary in this regard, although not always sufficient to establish 
        Cumulative and Associated Impact Assessment. In considering project 
    applications, OPIC takes into account in its decision-making process 
    the overall environmental effects of which its involvement is part. The 
    agency will avoid support where OPIC involvement in a project results 
    in cumulative or associated impacts that violate OPIC standards. In the 
    environmental assessment process, the term ``cumulative impacts'' means 
    recognition of the total environmental impact of pre-existing projects, 
    the proposed project, and imminent future projects.\9\ Cumulative 
    impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant 
    actions taking place over a period of time. Assessing associated 
    impacts recognizes that certain other industrial processes are directly 
    and indirectly linked with the project being assessed and their 
    environmental impacts must be incorporated into the environmental 
        \9\ International Finance Corporation, ``Environmental Analysis 
    and Review of Projects,'' September 1993. World Bank OD 4.00-Annex 
    A. In addition, regional environmental assessments are applied by 
    the World Bank where a number of significant development activities 
    with potentially cumulative impacts are planned for a reasonably 
    localized area.
        \10\ World Bank Operational Directive 4.00-Annex A: ``Indirect 
    impacts are induced consequences of the project which occur later or 
    in another part of the environment.'' Direct effects are caused by 
    the action and occur at the same time and place. Indirect effects 
    are caused by the action and are later in time or farther removed in 
    distance, but are still reasonably foreseeable. Indirect effects may 
    include growth inducing effects and other effects related to induced 
    changes in the pattern of land use, population density or growth 
    rate, and related effects on air and water and other natural 
    systems, including ecosystems.
    Other Applicable Standards
        In addition to the World Bank Group 1997 Pollution Prevention and 
    Abatement Handbook, the Bank has issued policies on Natural Habitats, 
    Involuntary Resettlement, Pest Management, Dams and International 
    Waterways. OPIC uses these policies to the extent applicable to private 
    sector investments.\11\
        \11\ World Bank/IFC policies on Indigenous Peoples and Cultural 
    Properties are forthcoming.
    Protected Area Standards
        With respect to the identification of national parks and similar 
    protected areas, OPIC relies on World Bank guidelines and standards 
    stated in Operational Policy (OP) 4.04 on ``Natural Habitats'' issued 
    in September 1995. World Bank OP 4.04 defines ``critical natural 
    habitats'' as ``protected areas and areas officially proposed by 
    governments as protected areas (e.g. reserves that meet the criteria of 
    International Union for the Conservation of Nature [IUCN] \12\ 
    classifications) * * * as indicated in Guidelines for Protected Area 
    Management Categories (Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge, UK: IUCN/
    1994) and the United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas 
    or by a similar list acceptable to the Bank, published by another 
    competent organization.''
        \12\ The IUCN is a quasi-governmental organization established 
    in 1948 and is comprised of governments (including the U.S., Japan, 
    UK, Brazil, Sweden, etc.), government agencies, and international 
    and local non-governmental organizations. The U.S. Government is an 
    active participant in the IUCN. Six U.S. Government agencies are 
    members of the IUCN (State Department, Interior Department, 
    Agriculture Department, Commerce Department, Environmental 
    Protection Agency, and the U.S. Agency for International 
    Development). The IUCN's Commission on National Parks and Protected 
    Areas (CNPPA) is the leading international scientific and technical 
    body concerned with the selection, establishment and management of 
    national parks and other protected areas.
        United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas (UN 
    List). The UN list was first issued in December 1962, and most recently 
    in 1993. For purposes of the UN list, a protected area was defined as 
    an ``area of land and/or sea [no smaller than 1,000 hectares] 
    especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological 
    diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and 
    managed through legal or other effective means.'' The UN list is 
    compiled by the IUCN and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre 
    (WCMC). Projects in or adversely impacting areas on the UN List are 
    categorically prohibited. (See Appendix F.) Projects that are near 
    national parks and protected areas have the potential to adversely 
    impact such areas.
        In 1994 the IUCN published its Guidelines for Protected Area 
    Management, the purpose of which was to establish international 
    standards for the definition, identification and management of 
    protected areas. The relevant categories and primary management 
    objectives of each are summarized below:
                                                       General management   
              Category              Designation            objectives       
    Category 1a.................  Strict Nature    Managed mainly for       
                                   Reserve.         science, preservation of
                                                    species and genetic     
    Category 1b.................  Wilderness Area  Managed mainly for       
                                                    wilderness protection.  
    [[Page 9702]]
    Category II.................  National Park..  Managed mainly for       
                                                    ecosystem protection and
    Category III................  Natural          Managed mainly for       
                                   Monument.        conservation of specific
                                                    natural features.       
    Category IV.................  Habitat/Species  Managed mainly for       
                                   Management       conservation through    
                                   Area.            management intervention.
    Category V..................  Protected        Managed mainly for       
                                   Landscape/       landscape/seascape      
                                   Seascape.        conservation and        
    Category VI.................  Managed          Managed mainly for the   
                                   Resource         sustainable use of      
                                   Protected Area.  natural ecosystems.     
        OPIC applies the IUCN's management category definitions to derive 
    two general categories of protected areas:
        (1) Management Categories I-IV. Strict Nature Reserves/Wilderness 
    Areas, National Parks, Natural Monuments and Habitat/Species Management 
    Areas. Projects in or impacting these sensitive locations are 
    categorically prohibited unless determined to be Category E projects. 
    (See Appendix F.)
        (2) Management Categories V-VI. Protected Landscape/Seascapes, 
    Managed Resource Protected Areas. Projects in or impacting these two 
    areas, including any extractive projects, must be consistent with IUCN 
    management objectives. For example, projects in Category V areas must 
    be consistent with recreation and conservation objectives in those 
    areas. Likewise, projects in Category VI areas must be consistent with 
    sustainable use of natural ecosystem objectives in those areas.
    Resettlement Standards
        Projects that require large-scale (more than 5,000 persons) 
    involuntary resettlement are categorically prohibited (See Appendix F). 
    For any potential project involving the resettlement of 100 or more 
    households, OPIC will assess the ability of the project sponsor to 
    carry out an effective resettlement program consistent with IFC 
    Operational Policy 4.12: Involuntary Resettlement and any subsequent 
    policy revisions or updates from the IFC. Copies of the Involuntary 
    Settlement Policy are available from OPIC.
    Hydroelectric Dam Standards
        OPIC does not support the construction of large dam projects that 
    disrupt natural ecosystems or the livelihoods of local inhabitants (See 
    Appendix F).
        All other hydroelectric dam projects must, at a minimum, address 
    the issues noted in U.S. Export-Import Bank's Guidelines for Hydropower 
    and Water Resources Management (Dams & Reservoirs) as well as the World 
    Bank/IUCN Checklist For Key Potential Environmental & Social Impacts 
    Caused By Large Dam Projects.\13\ Copies of the Ex-Im guidelines and 
    the World Bank/IUCN checklist are available from OPIC.
        \13\ World Bank Group/IUCN, Large Dams: Learning Frm the Past, 
    Looking at the Future, Workshop Proceedings, Gland Switzerland, 
    April 11-12, 1997.
        Costs and benefits of large dams have been debated for many years. 
    Proponents note that dams provide electric power, irrigation for 
    agriculture, and water supply to developing areas. Critics claim that 
    project sponsors, public and private, systematically downplay the 
    adverse environmental, social and economic impacts of dams.\14\ 
    Negative impacts associated with hydroelectric dams have included 
    population decline in certain species, involuntary resettlement of 
    indigenous people and reduced water quality.\15\ As a result, certain 
    large dam projects are categorically prohibited by OPIC. (See Appendix 
        \14\ World Bank Group/IUCN World Commission on Dams.
        \15\ World Bank Gruop/IUCN World Commission on Dams, April 1997 
    Conference Report.
        World Commission on Dams. At a Workshop in Gland, Switzerland in 
    April 1997 jointly hosted by the World Bank and IUCN, stakeholder 
    representatives from governments, civil society organizations, 
    international financial institutions, and the private sector agreed to 
    establish a World Commission on Dams. An independent commission was 
    established and has a two year mandate to review the development 
    effectiveness of large dams and develop standards, criteria and 
    guidelines to advise future decision making. Pending completion of the 
    commission's report, EIAs prepared for hydroelectric dam projects 
    should, at a minimum, address the issues noted above.
    Forestry Standards/Certification
        Infrastructure and extractive projects, including commercial timber 
    harvesting, in primary tropical forests are categorically prohibited 
    (See Appendix F).
        Due to the difficulty of implementing consistent sustainability 
    across a broad range of ecological conditions, all other OPIC-supported 
    projects involving extraction from natural forests, including all 
    boreal/temperate forests and all secondary forests, must be and remain 
    certified by an independent non-governmental organization. Such 
    organizations must be accredited by an international accreditation body 
    (such as the Forest Stewardship Council) that can hold the certifier 
    accountable to a common set of principles and procedural protocols, 
    including periodic review and re-accreditation. Accredited certifiers 
    are required to adhere to an internationally agreed set of forest 
    management performance standards which incorporate a comprehensive 
    range of environmental and social criteria developed by a diverse group 
    of interests, organizations and stakeholders. Any forest product 
    labeling associated with a certified forest must be guaranteed by a 
    separate certification that credibly connects the labeled product to 
    its certified forest-of-origin.
    Ecotourism Standards
        All ecotourism projects should address the following issues: (1) A 
    comprehensive plan to protect ecological integrity and enhance 
    community participation. (2) Local community capacity building that 
    provides necessary skills for ecotourism development, while ensuring 
    that this development merges with traditional practices. (3) The 
    primary revenue source of the project must be directly linked to the 
    conservation effort. As a result, OPIC-supported ecotourism projects 
    can be a profitable conservation and community development model.
        Ecotourism is a means of enabling tourist dollars to flow into 
    local communities in developing countries while simultaneously 
    conserving ecosystems and wildlife through responsible travel that 
    preserves cultures and natural environments.
        Tourism in natural areas can generate significant adverse impacts 
    beyond those normally associated with large-scale tourism in commercial 
    areas. The World Bank Guideline on Tourism and Hotels is designed for 
    tourism in a conventional setting and does not address the specialized 
    impacts of tourism in natural ecosystems. OPIC-
    [[Page 9703]]
     supported Ecotourism projects seek to balance profitability with 
    ecological sustainability and respect for indigenous cultures.
        Best Practices. OPIC does not attempt to prescribe to its potential 
    users the choice of technologies or processes they must use to meet the 
    applicable guidelines. However, standards of best practice developed by 
    governments, industry and non-governmental organizations can be useful 
    in providing guidance to OPIC and its users in assessing alternatives 
    and their feasibility. For this purpose OPIC makes use of international 
    best practice guidelines for sectors of particular importance to OPIC's 
    environmental mandate.
    Climate Change and Renewable Energy
        In 1992 the U.S. signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate 
    Change (FCCC) and committed the U.S. to ``stabilization of greenhouse 
    gas concentrations at a level that would prevent dangerous 
    anthropogenic interference with the climate system.'' In December 1997, 
    agreement was reached at Kyoto requiring mandatory limitations and 
    reductions in greenhouse gases by developed countries. However, it is 
    important to note that the U.S. Government recognizes that any 
    effective international effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions must 
    include meaningful participation of developing countries.\16\ OPIC 
    seeks to support this policy via the following mechanisms:
        \16\ Speech of President Clinton on July 24, 1997; Byrd-Hagel 
    Resolution on Climate Change (S. Res. 98).
        Joint Implementation. To encourage U.S. companies, particularly 
    small business, to participate in efforts to reduce global greenhouse 
    gas emissions, OPIC will provide customized pricing for small business 
    projects intended to reduce such emissions, in particular those 
    projects certified by the U.S. Initiative for Joint Implementation (the 
    sharing of technology and resources, particularly transfers from 
    Developed to Developing nations, to limit and reduce GHG emissions). 
    OPIC will continually strive to make its portfolio more climate 
    friendly by proactively seeking renewable energy projects and by 
    seeking to harmonize its approach to climate change issues with that of 
    other U.S. Government entities.
        Climate Change Reporting. In an effort to support the management of 
    global greenhouse gas emissions, OPIC tracks and reports, on an 
    aggregate basis, the annual greenhouse gas emissions from its power 
    sector projects. OPIC will track and report, on an aggregate basis, the 
    annual greenhouse gas emissions from other greenhouse gas emitting 
    projects to the extent an appropriate framework is available. Aggregate 
    tracking results will be available to the public and reported annually 
    to Congress.
        In many cases, determinations of eligibility rely on critical 
    representations made by the client with respect to baseline 
    environmental conditions, mitigative measures and net impacts of 
    proposed projects. In addition to the EMMP or ENR submitted by the 
    applicant, OPIC may require the application of additional mitigative 
    measures in order to ensure that a project will not pose an 
    unreasonable or major environmental, health or safety hazard. These 
    critical representations and those undertakings agreed to by the 
    applicant or sponsor may be included in OPIC project documentation as 
    preconditions to contract execution, conditions of disbursement and/or 
    ongoing covenants, depending on the type of agreement entered into 
    between OPIC and the applicant. Where OPIC insures an institutional 
    lender, contract conditions are incorporated into the loan 
        Environmental conditions and covenants are developed in close 
    consultation with the client to minimize the cost to the project and to 
    ensure that they are consistent with the host country's legal 
    framework, objectively measurable and verifiable, and allow for 
    sufficient flexibility to address issues if circumstances change. Upon 
    approval and in response to public requests, OPIC documents its 
    determination as to applicable substantive/technical standards and 
    conditions in an EA Summary.
    Monitoring and Compliance
        OPIC's environmental assessment process is an ongoing one and 
    continues through the full term of OPIC's relationship with the project 
        Monitoring. OPIC reserves the right to monitor projects' compliance 
    with environmental representations and undertakings throughout the term 
    of its insurance or financing. Monitoring may take the form of self-
    reporting by the investor of summaries and, in specified cases, raw 
    data obtained from monitoring a project's environmental performance 
    (emissions, effluents or other waste discharges) as well as its 
    environmental impacts (e.g., on ambient conditions and biological 
    resources). OPIC requires investors to submit annual self-monitoring 
    reports for Category A projects. These annual reports must provide OPIC 
    with regular testing results for any emission standards, effluent 
    standards, ambient air limitations or water quality limitations that 
    were represented by the investor. Monitoring may also take the form of 
    third party evaluation, including compliance information developed by 
    host government authorities, co-lenders and independent auditors.
        OPIC routinely conducts on-site monitoring of projects, using OPIC 
    staff and/or consultants, for environmental and environmentally-based 
    social impacts as well as U.S. economic and host country development 
    effects. OPIC endeavors to monitor all Category A projects on-site at 
    least once during the first three years of project commitment, and more 
    frequently depending on the environmental sensitivity of the project. 
    Category B, D and E projects are also subject to monitoring on a random 
    and selective basis.
        Compliance Audits. OPIC requires project sponsors to conduct third-
    party independent audits for all Category A projects. These audits are 
    designed to take place after an OPIC supported project begins 
    construction or is operational.\17\ The purpose of these audits is to 
    evaluate a project's compliance with all environmental and social 
    conditions (and underlying representations) that are reflected in 
    OPIC's environmental or related social requirements with respect to the 
    project and to validate the methodology used for all self-monitoring 
    reports. At least one independent third-party audit must be conducted 
    generally within the first three years of all Category A projects and 
    the sponsor must provide certification to OPIC that OPIC's contract 
    conditions have been met. OPIC retains the right to review all 
    compliance audits.
        \17\ The independent third-party audit is distinct from the IEAU 
    conducted during the application process for existing projects. It 
    is further distinguished because the IEAU may be conducted by the 
    sponsor, whereas the compliance audit is to be conducted by an 
    independent third-party.
        Category A projects will be required to conduct further certified 
    independent audits if the investor fails to submit contractually 
    required annual self-monitoring reports in a timely manner or if 
    monitoring trips or other information indicates a need for further 
    independent audits.
        Business confidential information in these audits will be accorded 
    confidential treatment to the full extent permitted by law.
        Independent third-party compliance audits allow OPIC-supported 
    projects to be evaluated in an objective and
    [[Page 9704]]
    systematic manner based on defined criteria. Proper execution of an 
    audit requires active cooperation of project owners and/or managers, 
    good coordination of all interviews and sampling activities in order to 
    reduce costs and a carefully documented inspection to support all 
    findings and recommendations.\18\
        \18\ World Bank Group Pollution Prevention and Abatement 
    Handbook, September 1997.
        Non-compliance, Remediation and Termination. Material 
    misrepresentation or non-compliance with environmental undertakings may 
    constitute an event of default under the terms of OPIC insurance 
    contracts and loan agreements. Depending on the severity and 
    reversibility of the environmental impact and the investor's 
    responsibility and due diligence in attempting to prevent the default 
    and in curing the problem, OPIC may treat the default as curable or 
    incurable. In the case of a curable default, OPIC works with the 
    investor to develop a feasible timetable for remediation. In the case 
    of an incurable default, OPIC may require contract termination in the 
    case of insurance, or acceleration of repayment or other available 
    lenders' remedies, in the case of a loan. If an equity investment on 
    the part of a financial intermediary (FI) is involved, divestiture by 
    the FI may be required. Additionally, failure to meet contractually 
    required reporting requirements can constitute a default. In all cases, 
    OPIC seeks to work cooperatively with investors and lenders to arrive 
    at an equitable resolution of the situation, taking into account the 
    requirements of other lenders and insurers.
    Investment Funds Policy
        The investment funds are one type of OPIC-supported FI. OPIC 
    provides financing to support a number of privately owned and managed 
    direct investment funds that have the capability to provide equity 
    capital to facilitate business formation and expansion. The investment 
    funds are privately owned, privately managed, and make their own 
    commercially based investment decisions. Typically, OPIC-supported 
    investment funds invest in five to forty percent of the equity capital 
    of each of their portfolio companies (although they may hold a majority 
    position), and may hold equity interests in ten to twenty companies 
    when fully invested. It has been OPIC's experience that the majority of 
    Category A projects involve the expansion or acquisition of existing 
    projects as opposed to ``greenfield'' projects.
        All Category A investment fund projects are subject to a full 
    Environmental Impact Assessment or Audit and resulting terms and 
    conditions unique to the project. Additionally, where a fund proposes 
    to invest in a company rather than a specific project, the fund must 
    narrow the scope of the company's proposed use of the proceeds of the 
    fund's investment to specific projects that can readily be assessed.
        All non-Category A portfolio investments involving a fund 
    commitment greater than $5 million require OPIC screening and 
    assessment in accordance with the procedures noted in this Handbook.
        All non-Category A portfolio investments involving a fund 
    commitment of $5 million or less (a ``Non-Sensitive Small Project'' or 
    ``NSSP'') can be invested in by the Fund prior to receiving formal 
    environmental clearance subject to the following conditions:
         The fund must explicitly request that the proposal be 
    reviewed under an expedited process.
         OPIC may ask follow-up questions for five business days 
    following the date of initial submission of the subproject, in order to 
    determine whether the proposed investment qualifies for expedited 
         The fund must represent that it has taken commercially 
    reasonable efforts to obtain and provide all relevant environmental 
    information to OPIC and has no reason to believe that the project would 
    pose an unreasonable or major environmental, health or safety hazard. 
    Furthermore, the fund must represent that it will continue to obtain 
    and disclose to OPIC any material supplemental environmental, health or 
    safety information as received.
         Any follow-on investment in the project will be subject to 
    OPIC review and clearance prior to the date of such further investment.
         At OPIC's discretion, further review of an NSSP may occur 
    within a reasonable time period following the date of investment. 
    Possible outcomes of this review are:
        i. Class I--The project is satisfactory and no further conditions 
    are placed on the NSSP.
        ii. Class II--The project poses certain non-critical environmental, 
    health or safety issues. A remediation plan must be developed and 
    implemented. No further fund investment in the project will be 
    authorized prior to development of the remediation plan.
        iii. Class III--The project poses unreasonable or major 
    environmental, health or safety hazards. No further investments in the 
    project are authorized and divestment must occur.
        Finally, following OPIC review, investments may be authorized for 
    non-Category A investments involving a fund commitment greater than $5 
    million (and for follow-on investments in Class I and II NSSP projects) 
    that do not initially meet World Bank Guidelines, under the following 
    terms and conditions:
         A detailed and time-sensitive remediation plan is 
         The remediation plan is incorporated into the fund's 
    investment arrangements with the portfolio company in a manner that 
    provides the fund with legally binding enforcement rights in the event 
    of material non-compliance;
         At a minimum, the fund reports annually to OPIC regarding 
    implementation of the remediation plan;
         OPIC will require the fund to implement its enforcement 
    rights or divest its position in the event of material non-compliance 
    with the approved remediation plan.
    Appendix A--OPIC Statute (Environmental Provisions) and Executive Order 
    12114 (and Reprint of a 1979 FR Notice Implementing the EO)
        All references are to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as 
    amended, most recently by the Jobs Through Exports Act of 1992.
        Section 231 * * *. The Corporation, in determining whether to 
    provide insurance, financing or reinsurance for a project, shall 
        (3) Ensure that the project is consistent with the provisions of 
    section 117, (as so redesignated by the Special Foreign Assistance 
    Act of 1986), section 118, and section 119 of this Act relating to 
    the environment and natural resources of, and tropical forests and 
    endangered species in, developing countries, and consistent with the 
    intent of regulations issued pursuant to sections 118 and 119 of 
    this Act.
        In carrying out its purpose, the Corporation, utilizing broad 
    criteria, shall undertake--(n) to refuse to insure, reinsure, 
    guarantee or finance any investment in connection with a project 
    that the Corporation determines will pose an unreasonable or major 
    environmental, health or safety hazard, or will result in the 
    significant degradation of national parks or similar protected 
    Section 237. General Provisions Relating to Insurance, Guaranty and 
    Financing Programs
        (m)(1) Before finally issuing insurance, reinsurance, 
    guarantees, or financing under this title for any environmentally 
    sensitive investment in connection with a project in a country, the 
    Corporation shall notify appropriate government officials of that 
    country of--
        (A) all guidelines and other standards adopted by the 
    International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and any other 
    international organization relating to
    [[Page 9705]]
    the public health and safety or the environment which are applicable 
    the project; and
        (B) to the maximum extent practicable, any restriction under any 
    law of the United States relating to public health or safety or the 
    environment that would apply to the project if the project were 
    undertaken in the United States.
        The notification under the preceding sentence shall include a 
    summary of the guidelines, standards and restrictions referred to in 
    subparagraphs (A) and (B), and may include any environmental impact 
    statement, assessment, review or study prepared with respect to the 
    investment pursuant to section 239(g).
    Section 239. General Provisions and Powers
        (g) The requirements of section 117(c) of this Act relating to 
    environmental impact statements and environmental assessments shall 
    apply to any investment which the Corporation insures, reinsures, 
    guarantees, or finances under this title in connection with a 
    project in a country.
    Environmental Assessment Procedures For Executive Order 12114
        On January 4, 1979 the President issued Executive Order 12114 
    (44 FR 1957) entitled ``Environmental Effects Abroad of Major 
    Federal Actions''. The Executive Order requires federal agencies 
    taking action encompassed by the Order, and not exempted from it, to 
    effectuate procedures to implement the Order. The Overseas Private 
    Investment Corporation (OPIC) is implementing the Executive Order by 
    the adoption of the following procedures to take effect on September 
    4, 1979.
    Section 1. Purpose
        As required by Executive Order 12114. issued January 4, 1979, 
    which is incorporated herein by reference, the following procedures 
    shall be used by OPIC to ensure that all significant environmental 
    effects of its actions outside the United States are considered by 
    OPIC in its review of proposed insurance and finance projects. These 
    procedures shall supplement OPIC's existing environmental procedures 
    and guidelines required by the Foreign Assistance Act as amended 
    (the ``Act''), as set forth in OPIC Board of Directors and the 
    ``OPIC Environmental Handbook.''
    Section 2. Definition
        A. Application. The term ``application'' means a formal request 
    to OPIC in the manner specified by OPIC for assistance under an OPIC 
    program from an eligible private party interested in investing in a 
    project in a foreign nation.
        B. Environment. The term ``environment'' means the natural and 
    physical environment and excludes social, economic, and other 
        C. Global Commons. the term ``global commons'' means areas 
    outside the exercise of any national jurisdiction.
        D. Host Country. The term ``host country'' means the foreign 
    country in which a project for which OPIC assistance is sought is or 
    will be located.
        E. Major Action. The term ``major action'' means a contractual 
    commitment by OPIC to provide assistance under an OPIC program 
    involving at least $ 1 million of insured investment, loan 
    guaranties or direct loans. If the applicant therefor has or will 
    have sufficient control over the design and/or operation of the 
    project to mitigate environmental concerns raised by OPIC.
        F. OPIC Programs. The term ``OPIC programs'' includes OPIC's 
    insurance, direct loan and loan guaranty programs as authorized by 
    the Act.
        G. Significant Effects. With respect to effects on the 
    environment outside the United States, a proposed action has a 
    significant effect on the environment if it does significant harm to 
    the environment even though on balance the action is believed to 
    result in beneficial effects on the environment.
    Section 3. Applicability of Procedures
        A. Scope. Except as provided in Subsections B, C, and D below, 
    these procedures shall apply with respect to OPIC's review of each 
    new application for assistance under an OPIC program, whether for 
    new projects or expansions of existing projects, if a favorable 
    decision on such application will result in a major action by OPIC.
        B. Exemptions. If upon the initial review of an application the 
    OPIC insurance or finance officer making such review determines that 
    the project for which OPIC assistance is sought has no significant 
    effects upon the environment outside the United States, these 
    procedures shall not apply. If upon further review of the 
    application, and prior to taking action, it is determined that the 
    project may have a significant effect upon the environment, this 
    exemption shall no longer apply. Also exempt from these procedures 
    are actions falling within the categories listed in Section 2-5(ii) 
    through (vii) of the Executive Order, as limited by Section 2-5(d). 
    A concise administrative record will be prepared to document these 
        C. Categorical Exclusions. These procedures shall not apply to 
    the review of an application for any project falling within the 
    scope of any category of projects that are determined to involve no 
    significant effects on the environment. OPIC's Investment Committee 
    shall have the authority to establish such categorical exclusions.
        D. Special Exemptions. These procedures shall not apply to the 
    review of any application for which the General Counsel determines 
    that an exemption is necessary as a result of emergency 
    circumstances, situations involving exceptional foreign policy or 
    national security sensitivity or other special circumstances (except 
    as limited by Section 2-5(d) of the Executive Order). In utilizing 
    any such special exemption, OPIC, through its designated 
    Environmental Officer, shall consult as soon as feasible with the 
    Department of State and the Council of Environmental Quality.
    Section 4. Initial Determinations
        A. With respect to any application for OPIC assistance falling 
    within the scope of Section 3(A) above, the OPIC officer reviewing 
    such application shall make the following determinations that shall 
    be documented by a concise administrative record:
        1. Whether the proposed project is likely to have a significant 
    effect on the environment of the global commons;
        2. Whether the proposed project is likely to have a significant 
    effect on the environment of a foreign country other than the host 
    country; and
        3. Whether the proposed project is likely to have a significant 
    effect on the environment of a foreign country because it would 
    provide to that country;
        (a) a product, or physical project producing a principal product 
    or an emission or effluent, which is prohibited or strictly 
    regulated by Federal law in the United States because its toxic 
    effects on the environment create a serious public health risk, such 
    as asbestos, vinyl chloride, acrylonitrile, isocyanates, 
    polychlorinated biphenyls, mercury, beryllium, arsenic, cadmium, and 
    benzene; or
        (b) a physical project which in the United States is prohibited 
    or strictly regulated by Federal law to protect the environment 
    against radioactive substances.
        4. Whether the proposed project is likely to have a significant 
    effect on natural or ecological resources of global importance 
    hereafter designated for protection by the President or in the case 
    of such a resource protected by international agreement binding on 
    the United States, by the Secretary of State.
        B. The determination required in Subsection A above shall be 
    based upon the information contained in the application, information 
    reasonably available to OPIC and such additional information from 
    the applicant as deemed necessary by the reviewing officer.
        C. In the event that the reviewing officer makes a positive 
    determination with respect to any of the categories specified in 
    Subsection A above (i.e. that a significant effect is likely to 
    result), and such determination is not reversed upon review by a 
    supervisory officer or by the Investment Committee, the finance or 
    insurance department, as the case may be, in consultation with 
    OPIC's Environmental Officer, shall take the following actions, as 
    appropriate, prior to acting on the application:
        1. If the harmful effect is of the type described in Subsection 
    A(1) above, an environmental impact statement shall be obtained in 
    the manner specified in Section 5 below. Such an environmental 
    impact statement shall consider only the effects described in 
    Subsection A(1), regardless of whether the project would result in 
    other kinds of environmental effects.
        2. If the harmful effect is of the type described in Subsection 
    A(2), A(3) or A(4) above, an environmental study or an environmental 
    review shall be prepared in the manner specified in Section 6 below.
    Section 5. Environmental Impact Statement
        A. If a department within OPIC is required by Section 4(C)(1) to 
    cause the preparation of an environmental impact statement for a 
    particular project, it shall do so in accordance with Subsection B 
    below. If an environmental impact statement for the proposed 
    project, a project involving similar environmental issues or a 
    generic statement
    [[Page 9706]]
    covering a host of similar projects already exists, no new 
    environmental impact statement shall be required. When one or more 
    other agencies are also involved in a particular project requiring 
    an environmental impact statement OPIC may rely upon an 
    environmental impact statement obtained by one or more of the other 
        B. Environmental impact statements shall be concise and no 
    longer that necessary to permit an informed consideration of the 
    environmental effects of the proposed project and the reasonable 
    alternatives. The statement shall include a section on the 
    consideration of the purpose of and need for the proposed project; a 
    section that provides a succinct description of the environment of 
    the global commons affected by the proposed action: and a section 
    that analyzes, in comparative form, the environmental consequences 
    on the global commons of the proposed action and of reasonable 
    alternative means of structuring the project.
    Section 6. Environmental Studies and Reviews
        A. If a department is required under Section 4(C)(2) to produce 
    an environmental study or review, it shall, in consultation with the 
    Environmental Officer, determine whether an environmental study as 
    described in Subsection B below which deals with the environmental 
    aspects of the proposed project is available or will be undertaken 
    elsewhere. If no relevant environmental study is or will be 
    available, the OPIC department, in consultation with the 
    Environmental Officer, shall undertake the preparation of an 
    environmental review as described in Subsection C below with, as 
    appropriate, the assistance of the applicant and of other federal 
    agencies having jurisdiction by law or special expertise. If an 
    environmental review for the proposed project or a project involving 
    similar environmental issues or a generic review covering a class of 
    similar projects already exists, no new environmental review shall 
    be required hereunder. When one or more agencies are involved with 
    OPIC on a particular project, a lead agency may be designated to 
    prepare the environmental review.
        B. An environmental study shall consist of a bilateral or 
    multilateral study by the United States and one or more foreign 
    nations or by an international body or organization in which the 
    United States is a member or participant.
        C. An environmental review shall consist of a concise analysis 
    of important environmental issues relating to a proposed project, 
    including identification of such issues and of the significant 
    effects to the environment. The department involved in the 
    preparation of an environmental review shall consider the following 
    factors in deciding the scope, substance, and timing of review and 
    the availability of the review to other agencies:
        1. The need to avoid infringement or the appearance of 
    infringement on the sovereign responsibilities and internal affairs 
    of another government;
        2. The availability of meaningful information on the environment 
    of a foreign nation;
        3. The need to protect confidential business information and 
    trade secrets of the applicant;
        4. The desirability of acting promptly upon applications under 
    OPIC programs;
        5. The desirability of the project in terms of its export 
    promotion and developmental effects;
        6. OPIC's ability to influence the design and/or implementation 
    of the proposed project; and
        7. The need to protect sensitive foreign affairs information and 
    information received from another government with the understanding 
    that it will be protected from disclosure.
    Section 7. Decision
        The required environmental documents developed in accordance 
    with these Procedures shall accompany the application through the 
    review process to enable officers responsible for approving an 
    application and, if necessary, the Board of Directors, to be 
    informed and to take account of the environmental consideration 
    covered by such documents.
    Section 8. Availability
        Subject to the consideration of Section 6(C), environmental 
    documents developed under these procedures shall be available to the 
    Department of State, Council on Environmental Quality and other 
    federal agencies and shall be included in the public information 
    files for the pertinent applications. Foreign governments affected 
    thereby may also be informed of such documents after coordinating 
    with the Department of State regarding such communication with the 
    foreign government.
        Effective Date. These procedures became effective on September 
    4, 1979.
        Dated: August 27, 1979.
    J. Bruce Llewellyn,
    Appendix B--Recommended Content and Format for Environmental Impact 
    Assessment Category A Projects
    I. Executive Summary
        A. Concise project description
        B. Identification of project sponsors, operators and contractors
        C. Baseline environmental conditions
        D. Applicable environmental standards
        E. Proposed mitigation measures
        F. Net environmental impacts
    II. Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework
        A. Applicable host country environmental and occupational safety 
    and health laws and regulations
        B. Relevant international agreements
        C. Requirements of potential investors, lenders and insurers
    III. Baseline Conditions in Area Potentially Affected by Project 
    (``Project Area'')
        A. Designation of project area perimeters
        B. Physical geography (climate, geology, topography)
        C. Natural events history (earthquakes, floods, fires, storms, 
    volcanic eruptions, etc.)
        D. Biological environment
        1. Proximity to national parks and other protected areas
        2. Identification of unique or sensitive natural habitats of 
    internationally or locally recognized rare, threatened or endangered 
        3. Renewable and non-renewable natural resources
        E. Human environment
        1. Distribution of residential and occupational population in 
    project area
        2. Description of previous, current and planned land use 
    activities in or near project area
        3. Habitation or use of project area by indigenous peoples
        F. Environmental quality of project area
        1. Ambient air conditions (including seasonal variations)
        (a) Sulfur dioxide
        (b) Particulates
        (c) Nitrogen oxides
        (d) Carbon monoxides
        (e) Airborne toxics
        2. Water supply, quality and end use (human consumption 
    agriculture, plant and animal habitat)
        (a) Marine waters including estuaries
        (b) Surface waters (rivers, streams, lakes)
        (c) Groundwater
        3. Noise levels
        4. Soil conditions including contamination from previous or 
    current activities
        G. Archaeological, historical or cultural resources
    IV. Potential (Unmitigated) Environmental, Health and Safety Impacts
        A. Sources and volumes of untreated airborne, liquid, and solid 
    waste and potential impacts of unmitigated discharge on the 
        B. Potential impacts on natural and biological resources
        C. Potential human impacts:
        1. Positive: employment, services, economic opportunities
        2. Negative: resettlement and economic displacement
        D. Potential occupational health and safety hazards
        E. Potential for major safety and health hazards beyond the 
    V. Proposed Environmental Prevention and Mitigation Measures 
    (including a thorough discussion of alternatives and justifications 
    for measures selected)
        A. Waste minimization measures
        B. Waste treatment and disposal measures
        C. Natural resource management (e.g. sustainable management of 
    biological resources and protection of endangered species and their 
        D. Mitigation of human impacts: compensation, training, etc.
        E. Occupational safety and health measures
        F. Major hazard prevention and emergency response
    VI. Projected Net Environmental Impacts (post-mitigation)
        A. Physical impacts (e.g. topography, ground and surface water 
    supply, soil conservation)
        B. Biological impacts (flora, fauna and related habitat with 
    particular attention to threatened and endangered species; natural 
    resources, e.g. primary forests, coral reefs, mangroves, etc.)
        C. Net discharges of airborne, liquid and solid wastes and 
    resulting ambient
    [[Page 9707]]
    impacts as compared to applicable host country, World Bank and other 
    relevant regulatory standards and guidelines
        D. Net exposures by workers to safety and health hazards
        E. Net potential for major hazards
        F. Consistency with applicable international agreements
    VII. Appendices
        A. Permits issued and pending from environmental authorities
        B. Author information
        1. Names, affiliations and qualifications of project team
        2. Relationship of authors to project sponsors
        C. Record of meetings held as part of EIA, including public 
    hearings and consultations with government and non-governmental 
        D. Reference bibliography
        E. Technical data not included in text
    Appendix C--Recommended Content and Format for Environmental Management 
    and Monitoring Plan
    I. Applicable Regulatory Standards and Guidelines
        A. Host country laws and regulations
        B. Sponsor, investor, lender and insurance requirements
        C. International agreements
    II. Environmental Management Measures
        A. Potential impacts and corresponding preventive and mitigative 
        B. Equipment specifications for preventative and mitigative 
        C. Operational and maintenance procedures
    III. Organizational Responsibilities and Management Issues
        A. Operations
        B. Supervision
        C. Internal enforcement
        D. Monitoring
        E. Remedial actions
    IV. Training Requirements
    V. Monitoring and reporting procedures
        A. Perimeters to be monitored
        1. Airborne emissions and corresponding ambient air impacts
        2. Liquid effluents and corresponding ambient impacts on 
    receiving water
        3. Physical impacts
        4. Natural resource and biological impacts
        5. Human impacts
        (a) Standard of living of local inhabitants
        (b) Impact on local economy
        (c) Perceptions and attitudes of local inhabitants
        6. Workplace conditions
        (a) Accident frequency and severity
        (b) Worker exposures to hazardous substances
        7. Impacts on dedicated offsite infrastructure and facilities
        B. Frequency of monitoring
        C. Monitoring techniques and procedures
        1. Equipment and instrumentation
        2. Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC procedures)
        3. Personnel and training requirements
        D. Reporting procedures
        1. Internal
        2. External (e.g. to local authorities)
    Appendix D--Recommended Content and Format for Initial Environmental 
    Audit (IEAU)
    I. Executive Summary
        A. Environmental, safety and health areas of concern
        B. Recommended mitigation measures/enhancement opportunities: 
        C. Implementation schedule
    II. Project Description
        A. location
        B. past operations history
        C. current operations
    III. Applicable regulations and guidelines
    IV. Audit procedure (protocol)
        A. historical research
        B. records review
        C. interviews
        D. site inspections
        E. sampling and analysis (quality assurance and control) 
    V. Review of environmental management
        A. environmental management structure
        B. emergency, security and safety plans
        C. company-community interaction program
        D. handling of complaints and media coverage
    VI. Environmental Impacts
        A. air emissions
        B. liquid effluents
        C. solid (non-hazardous) waste treatment
        D. hazardous materials and management
        E. noise and vibration
        F. groundwater and soil contamination
    VII. Occupational Safety and Health
        A. summary of accident reporting, recording and investigation
        B. health and safety management
        safety procedures
        D. medical monitoring program
        E. air quality
        F. noise level exposure
        G. chemical/material handling
        H. temperature exposure
        I. personal protective equipment
        J. emergency response capability
        K. fire protection
        L. training programs
    VIII. Conclusions
    IX. Mitigation Recommendations
        A. Identify appropriate measures
        B. Priorities
        C. Implementation schedule
    X. Environmental Enhancement Opportunities
        A. energy and energy conservation
        B. waste minimization
        C. cleaner technology initiatives
        D. training programs
    XI. Annexes
        A. names of those responsible for preparing audit
        B. written material references used
        C. records of consultations
        D. other data
    Appendix E--Category A: Projects Requiring Environmental Impact 
        Any projects supported by OPIC in this Category that 
    subsequently change in nature from the description provided in 
    application materials, and will thereby cause material impacts to 
    the environment, shall be required to submit additional EA documents 
    to OPIC that must be acceptable to OPIC in its sole discretion.
    I. Industrial categories
        A. Large-scale industrial plants
        B. Industrial estates
        C. Crude oil refineries
        D. Large thermal power projects (200 megawatts or more)
        E. Major installations for initial smelting of cast iron and 
    steel and production of non-ferrous metals
        F. Chemicals
        1. manufacture and transportation of pesticides
        2. manufacture and transportation of hazardous or toxic 
    chemicals or other materials
        G. All projects which pose potential serious occupational or 
    health risks
        H. Transportation infrastructure
        1. roadways
        2. railroads
        3. airports (runway length of 2,100 meters or more)
        4. large port and harbor developments
        5. inland waterways and ports that permit passage of vessels of 
    over 1,350 tons
        I. Major oil and gas developments
        J. Oil and gas pipelines
        K. Disposal of toxic or dangerous wastes
        1. incineration
        2. chemical treatment
        L. Landfill
        M. Construction or significant expansion of dams and reservoirs 
    not otherwise prohibited
        N. Pulp and paper manufacturing
        O. Mining
        P. Offshore hydrocarbon production
        Q. Major storage of petroleum, petrochemical and chemical 
        R. Forestry/large scale logging
        S. Large scale wastewater treatment
        T. Domestic solid waste processing facilities
        U. Large-scale tourism development
        V. Large-scale power transmission
        W. Large-scale reclamation
        X. Large-scale agriculture involving the intensification or 
    development of previously undisturbed land
        Y. All projects with potentially major impacts on people or 
    serious socioeconomic concerns
        Z. Projects, not categorically prohibited, but located in or 
    sufficiently near sensitive locations of national or regional 
    importance to have perceptible environmental impacts on:
        1. wetlands (not covered by the RAMSAR Convention).
        2. areas of archeological significance
        3. areas prone to erosion and/or desertification
        4. areas of importance to ethnic groups/indigenous peoples
        5. primary temperate/boreal forests
    [[Page 9708]]
        6. coral reefs
        7. mangrove swamps
        8. nationally-designated seashore areas
        9. Managed resource protected areas, Protected Landscape/
    seascape (IUCN categories V and VI) as defined by IUCN's Guidelines 
    for Protected Area Management Categories; additionally, these 
    projects must meet IUCN's management objectives and follow the 
    spirit of IUCN definitions.
    Appendix F--Categorical Prohibitions
        I. Infrastructure and extractive projects located in primary 
    tropical forests (see Glossary). Extractive projects include oil, 
    gas, mineral resources, steam/geothermal and surface resources such 
    as timber.
        II. Projects involving the construction of `large dams' that 
    significantly and irreversibly: (A) disrupt natural ecosystems 
    upstream or downstream of the dam, or (B) alter natural hydrology, 
    or (C) inundate large land areas, or (D) impact biodiversity, or (E) 
    displace large numbers of inhabitants (5,000 persons or more) or (F) 
    impact local inhabitants' ability to earn a livelihood.
        III. Projects involving the commercial manufacturing of ozone-
    depleting substances or the production or use of persistent organic 
    pollutants. Investors may obtain a list of these substances and 
    chemicals from OPIC.
        IV. Projects that require resettlement of 5,000 or more persons.
        V. Projects in or impacting areas protected by the RAMSAR 
    Convention (Designated wetlands of international importance).
        VI. Projects in or impacting natural World Heritage Sites (Areas 
    of significant ecological value that have been internationally 
    recognized as necessary for strict protection by members of the 
    World Heritage Convention).
        VII. Projects in or impacting areas on the United Nations List 
    of National Parks and Protected Areas.
        VIII. Extraction or infrastructure projects in or impacting 
    Strict Nature Reserves/Wilderness Areas, National Parks, Natural 
    Monuments or Habitat/Species Management Areas as defined by the 
    World Conservation Union's (IUCN) Guidelines for Protected Area 
    Management Categories, with the exception of projects specifically 
    intended to improve the environment and those meeting recognized 
    environmentally appropriate ecotourism guidelines. Investors may 
    obtain a copy of these guidelines from OPIC.
    Appendix G--1997 World Bank Group: Pollution Prevention and Abatement 
    1. Aluminum Manufacturing
    2. Base Metal and Iron Ore Mining
    3. Breweries
    4. Cement Manufacturing
    5. Chlor-Alkali Plants
    6. Coal Mining and Production
    7. Coating Manufacturing (in preparation)
    8. Coke Manufacturing
    9. Construction Terminals (in preparation)
    10. Copper Smelting
    11. Dairy Industry
    12. Detergent Manufacturing (in preparation)
    13. Dye and Pigment Manufacturing
    14. Electronics Manufacturing
    15. Engine-Driven Power Plants
    16. Foundries
    17. Fruit and Vegetable Processing
    18. Fish and Shellfish Industries (in preparation)
    19. Forestry Operations (in preparation)
    20. General Manufacturing
    21. Geothermal Power Plants (in preparation)
    22. Glass Manufacturing
    23. Hazardous Waste Management (in preparation)
    24. Heavy Machinery (in preparation)
    25. Industrial Estates
    26. Infrastructure (in preparation)
    27. Iron and Steel Manufacturing
    28. Lead and Zinc Smelting
    29. Meat Processing and Rendering
    30. Medical Waste Management (in preparation)
    31. Metal Fabrication (in preparation)
    32. Mini Steel Mills
    33. Mixed Fertilizer Plants
    34. Monitoring
    35. Municipal Waste Management (in preparation)
    36. Nickel Smelting and Refining
    37. Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plants
    38. Oil and Gas Development-Onshore
    39. Oil and Gas Development-Offshore (in preparation)
    40. Pesticides Formulation
    41. Pesticides Manufacturing
    42. Petrochemicals Manufacturing
    43. Petroleum Refining
    44. Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing
    45. Phosphate Fertilizer Plants
    46. Pipelines and Terminals (in preparation)
    47. Plywood and Wood Products Industry (in preparation)
    48. Precious Metal Industry (in preparation)
    49. Printing
    50. Pulp and Paper Mills
    51. Rubber and Plastic Manufacturing (in preparation)
    52. Small Boilers (in preparation)
    53. Sugar Manufacturing
    54. Tanning and Leather Finishing
    55. Textiles
    56. Thermal Power-Guidelines for New Plants
    57. Thermal Power-Guidelines for Existing Plants
    58. Tourism and Hospitality Development
    59. Vegetable Oil Processing
    60. Wood Preserving
    Appendix H--Format for Host Government Notification Letter
    Minister of State for Environment,
    Republic of ______________
        Dear Mr./Ms. Minister: The Overseas Private Investment 
    Corporation (OPIC) is proposing to issue financing and insurance for 
    an investment in [name of host country] by a U.S. company. OPIC is 
    an agency of the United States Government, with the mandate of 
    facilitating economically productive and environmentally sound U.S. 
    private investments in developing countries and emerging economies.
        OPIC is required by U.S. law to notify appropriate host 
    government authorities of investments under consideration for OPIC 
    assistance, which have the potential to pose significant 
    consequences for the environment. The project that is the subject of 
    this notification involves an investment by [name of applicant] in 
    the construction and operation of [concise description of project].
        The potential environmental hazards associated with [industry 
    sector] includes [air, water, solid/hazardous waste, etc./].
        Based on information provided to us by the investor, the project 
    does not appear to pose significant hazards to the environment, 
    public health, or safety resulting from the diverse impacts of 
    [industry sector].
        OPIC is also required to provide your government with 
    information about standards and guidelines applicable to such 
    investments that have been developed by international organizations 
    or by federal environmental regulatory authorities of the United 
    States. The relevant World Bank and U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency (EPA) guidelines are attached for your information.
        We understand, of course, that the project will be subject to 
    the laws of [name of host country] with respect to the protection of 
    the environment as well as occupational health and safety.
        If you have any questions about OPIC's environmental assessment 
    of this project, you may contact OPIC's Director of Environmental 
    Affairs at the above address.
          Sincerely yours,
    President and Chief Executive Officer.
        Environmental Assessment (EA)--analytical tool used to 
    anticipate potential impacts of particular activities on the natural 
    environment and on humans dependent on that environment
        Initial Environmental Audit (I+EAU)--assessment of environmental 
    and related human impacts of pre-existing or ongoing activities
        Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)--comprehensive analytical 
    effort designed to anticipate environmental impacts of major 
    projects having the potential to have significant, diverse and 
    irreversible impacts on the natural environment and on humans 
    dependent on that environment
        Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)--comprehensive analytical 
    effort designed to anticipate environmental impacts of major federal 
    actions affecting the global commons outside of the jurisdiction of 
    any nation
        Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP)--systematic 
    program designed to prevent, mitigate and monitor anticipated 
    environmental and related human impacts of prospective and ongoing 
        Environmental Remediation Plan (ENR)--systematic program 
    designed to reverse adverse environmental impacts of previous 
    activities at a site
        European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)--
    multilateral development bank established in 1990 to assist in the 
    economic, social and political development of Central and Eastern 
    Europe and the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union. 
    Other members include the European Community and the United States.
    [[Page 9709]]
        Export-Import Bank of the United States (Exim)--independent U.S. 
    government agency that helps finance the overseas sales of U.S. 
    goods and services
        Financial Intermediary (FI)--investment funds, bank or other 
    financial institution that lends directly to projects or investment 
    funds guaranteed or insured by OPIC that invest in projects 
    (``subprojects'') subject to OPIC approval on policy grounds.
        Foreign Assistance Act (FAA)--Foreign Assistance Act of the 
    United States
        International Finance Corporation (IFC)--affiliate of the World 
    Bank group that makes loans to and investments in private sector 
    projects in developing countries and emerging markets
        ISO 14000--basic elements of an effective environmental 
    management system as developed by the Technical Committee of the 
    International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to provide 
    organizations worldwide with a common approach to environmental 
        Major Hazard Assessment (MHA)--analytical tool used for 
    identifying, analyzing and controlling potential major hazards to 
    human health and safety resulting from storage and processing of 
    toxic and hazardous substances
        Natural Forests--An area in which the cover has evolved 
    naturally so as to provide significant economic and/or ecological 
    benefits, or one that is sufficiently advanced in regeneration and 
    recovery from disturbance as to be judged in near-natural condition. 
    Forests that are not the result of man-made plantations, tree farms 
    or similar operations. All primary and secondary forests are 
    considered natural forests.
        Primary Forests--Relatively intact forest that has been 
    essentially unmodified by human activity for the past sixty to 
    eighty years; an ecosystem characterized by an abundance of mature 
    trees. Human impacts in such forests have been limited to low levels 
    of artisanal hunting, fishing and harvesting of forest products, 
    and, in some cases, to low density, migratory shifting 
        \19\ Tropical dry forest is deciduous to semi-evergreen during 
    the dry season, has a canopy with few epiphytes, and ranges from 2 
    to 40 meters in height in its undisturbed state. In the rainy season 
    it receives 500 to 3500 millimeters of precipitation, and the rain-
    free dry season is 4 to 8 months long. Tropical moist forests is 
    generally defined as forest in areas that receive not less than 
    100mm of rain in any month for two out of three years and have an 
    annual mean temperature of 24 degrees Celsius or higher. Also 
    included in this category, however, are some forests (especially in 
    Africa) where dry periods are longer but high cloud cover causes 
    reduced evapotranspiration. Rene Dubos Center for Human 
    Environment's Environmental Encyclopedia; IFC OP 4.36, ``Forestry.''
        World Bank (WB)--International Bank for Reconstruction and 
    (Authority: 22 U.S.C. Sec. 2191(k)(2), as amended)
    James R. Offutt,
    Assistant General Counsel for Administrative Affairs.
    [FR Doc. 98-4802 Filed 2-24-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3201-01-U

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Overseas Private Investment Corporation
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