[Federal Register Volume 61, Number 39 (Tuesday, February 27, 1996)]
[Pages 7272-7273]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 96-4415]
Bureau of Land Management
[WO-320-1330-01-24 1A]
OMB Approval Number 1004-0103; Notice of Proposed Information
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is announcing its intention to request
approval for the collection of information from applicants who apply
for purchase of mineral materials from public lands under the 43 CFR
3600 regulations. Respondents supply information as to their identity
and address and the location and amount of material desired for
purchase. The information enables the authorized officer to identify
and communicate with the applicant and to evaluate the effect of the
proposal on the environment and land uses and to determine whether or
not a mineral material contract may be granted.
DATES: Comments on the proposed information collection must be received
by April 29, 1996 to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed to: Regulatory Management Team (420),
Bureau of Land Management, 1849 C Street NW, Room 401LS, Washington,
D.C. 20240.
Comments may be sent via Internet to: WO140@attmail.com. Please
include ``ATTN: Patrick Boyd'' and your name and return address in your
Internet message. Comments may be hand-delivered to the Bureau of Land
Management Administrative Record,
[[Page 7273]]
Room 401, 1620 L Street, NW, Washington, DC. Comments will be available
for public review at the L Street address during regular business hours
(7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.), Monday through Friday.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Durga N. Rimal, (202) 452-0350.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with 5 CFR 1320.8(d), the BLM
is required to provide 60-day notice in the Federal Register concerning
a proposed collection of information to solicit comments on (a) whether
the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of
information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions
used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who are to respond, including
through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection techniques or other forms of information
The Materials Act of 1947, as amended (30 U.S.C. 601, 602),
provides for the disposal of mineral materials such as sand, gravel,
and petrified wood from the public lands by sale or free use. Such
disposals are made at the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior,
consistent with the 43 CFR 3600 regulations. These regulations were
last revised in 1983. The methods and information required from the
public are still the same.
The information that the regulations require an applicant/permittee
to submit will be used by the BLM to determine if the sale of materials
is in the public interest, to mitigate environmental impacts of mineral
materials development, to get fair market value for the materials sold,
and to prevent trespass removal of the materials.
An applicant requesting purchase of mineral materials must submit a
written request to the authorized officer. Information requirements are
not specified in the regulations but the authorized officer is required
to make all sales agreements on contract forms approved by the Director
of the BLM. Two forms are used. Form 3600-4 is used when the total sale
value is less than $2,000 and full payment is due upon execution of the
contract. Form 3600-5 is used for sales of $2,000 or greater and
provides for installment payments. Both forms require that the
applicants provide their name, address, and authorized signature, and
location and amount of material to be purchased. In addition to being
necessary for a binding contractual agreement, the information is used
by the authorized officer to identify and communicate with the
applicant. Without binding contractual agreements, the Government would
not be able to require appropriate reclamation of disturbed sites,
protect natural resources, and ensure regular payment for mineral
materials sold.
The public reporting burden for this entire collection, including
the form, is estimated to average one-half hour per response. The
respondents are sand, gravel, stone and other mineral materials
operators. The number of responses per respondent is one to two per
The majority of respondents consist of permittees with small sales
contracts, for sales amounting to less than $2,000. Depending on the
site and amount of material the authorized officer may require the
applicant to provide an outline of a mining and reclamation plan at the
time of application, prior to processing of the application (43 CFR
3602.1). However, a majority of sales occur from community pits for
which the BLM has already developed a mining and reclamation plan, and
there is no burden to the applicant. Estimated average preparation time
for completing Form 3600-4 and Form 3600-5 and preparing supporting
documents, is about 30 minutes. Actual time varies from 15 minutes
(most common) to several days for larger projects. The number of new
responses is estimated to be 2,500 per year. The estimated total annual
burden on new respondents is collectively 1,250 hours. For sales
contracts whose terms exceed one year, the respondents are required to
submit annual production reports during the duration of the contract
(43 CFR 3610.1-3). The average reporting burden for such respondents is
about 30 minutes. The estimated number of respondents with contracts
requiring annual production reports is 470 with annual burden
collectively estimated to be 235 hours. The regulations allow an
applicant to perform sampling and testing of deposits, by obtaining a
letter of use authorization from the authorized officer, prior to the
issuance of a sales contract or permit (CFR 3602.2). A majority of
mineral materials sales are made from known deposits where the
applicants perform sampling and testing of deposits, by obtaining a
letter of use authorization from the authorized officer, prior to the
issuance of a sales contract or permit (CFF 3602.2). A majority of
mineral materials sales are made from known deposits where the
applicants do not ask for permits for sampling and testing. In an
average year only about 100 such authorizations are issued and the
permittees are required to submit their findings to the authorized
officer. The collective annual burden on respondents is estimated to be
75 hours. The total burden for all respondents would collectively total
1,560 hours.
All responses to this notice will be summarized and included in the
request for Office of Management and Budget approval. All comments will
also become a matter of public record.
Dated: February 22, 1996.
Annetta Cheek,
Chief, Regulatory Management.
[FR Doc. 96-4415 Filed 2-26-96; 8:45 am]