96-4428. Drug and Alcohol Testing of Contractor Employees  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 39 (Tuesday, February 27, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 7224-7226]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-4428]
    48 CFR Parts 1823 and 1852
    RIN 2700-AB68
    Drug and Alcohol Testing of Contractor Employees
    AGENCY: Office of Procurement, National Aeronautics and Space 
    Administration (NASA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This rule implements the Civil Space Employee Testing Act of 
    1991, which requires NASA contractors to institute and maintain a 
    program for achieving a drug and alcohol-free workforce. Contractor 
    programs shall provide for preemployment, reasonable suspicion, random, 
    post-accident, and periodic recurring (follow-up) testing of contractor 
    employees responsible for safety-sensitive, security, or National 
    security functions for use, in violation of applicable law or Federal 
    regulation, of alcohol or a controlled substance.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: March 28, 1996.
    David K. Beck, (202) 358-0482.
        The Civil Space Employees Testing Act of 1991, Public Law 102-195, 
    sec. 21, 105 Stat. 1616 to 1619, requires NASA to prescribe regulations 
    that require testing of NASA contractor 
    [[Page 7225]]
    employees conducting safety-sensitive, security, and National security 
    functions for use, in violation of applicable law or Federal 
    regulation, of alcohol or a controlled substance. NASA published a 
    proposed rule on July 13, 1993, 58 FR 37697. Public comments on the 
    proposed rule have been considered in developing this rule.
    Changes to Rule
        A definition has been added to 1823.570-2 for the phrase ``use, in 
    violation of applicable law or Federal regulation, of alcohol.'' The 
    definition of ``employee in a sensitive position'' has been expanded to 
    include any applicant who is interviewed for a sensitive position.
        In response to public comments, 1823.570-3 has been revised to add 
    a contract threshold of $5 million, clarify application of the clause, 
    and revise the exception for ``commercial products'' to cover 
    ``commercial items.'' The exception for contracts performed outside the 
    U.S. has been removed. However, the clause has been revised to address 
    testing outside the U.S.
        Editorial changes have been made to 1823.570-4 to shorten and, in 
    response to a public comment, clarify the section.
        In response to a public comment, paragraph (b) of the clause at 
    1852.223-74 has been revised to remove the discussion of NASA 
    Management Instruction (NMI) 3792.3B, ``NASA Plan for a Drug-Free 
    Workplace.'' Appendix C of the NMI, sets forth guidelines that NASA 
    follows in making determinations as to which of its employees are in 
    sensitive positions. A contractor may follow these NASA guidelines in 
    making determinations as to which of its employees performing on the 
    contract are ``employee(s) in a sensitive position.'' However, there is 
    no need for NASA to include this guidance in the contract.
        In response to a public comment, paragraph (b) has been revised to 
    allow establishment of testing and rehabilitation programs in 
    cooperation with other contractors or organizations.
        To give contractors flexibility in tailoring their programs to test 
    for the use of controlled substances that pose the greatest threat to 
    safety, security, or National security, paragraph (b)(3) of the clause 
    requires testing only for marijuana and cocaine but allows the 
    contractor to test for other controlled substances.
        Paragraph (b)(4) of the clause incorporates testing procedures 
    established by the Department of Transportation in 49 CFR part 40.
        Paragraphs (c) and (d) of the clause are combined and clarified.
        In response to public comments, a paragraph addressing labor 
    agreements has been added. It uses language from the Department of 
    Energy rule at 10 CFR 707.15 and the NASA rule proposed for NASA 
    employees (58 FR 36159, July 6, 1993, proposed for 14 CFR 1272.104).
        In response to public comments, paragraph (g) has been revised to 
    state that the clause does not apply to any subcontract for commercial 
    Starting Date for Drug and Alcohol Testing
        NASA requested comments on the amount of time that contractors will 
    need, following contract award, to begin their drug and alcohol testing 
    programs in order to meet the requirements of the proposed contract 
    clause. Estimates included ``12 to 18 months,'' ``24 to 36 months,'' or 
    longer. Negotiation of labor agreements was cited as requiring 
    considerable time. Based on these comments, NASA has revised the clause 
    to address labor agreements. The rule does not otherwise specify the 
    amount of time that is considered reasonable for implementing the 
    required testing. As with other elements of contract performance, it is 
    anticipated that the contractor will make sufficient progress on 
    implementing this program to ensure contract performance.
    Procedural Requirements
    Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The rule was reviewed under the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980. 
    NASA certifies that the rule will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    Review Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
        Under 5 CFR 1320.5(b)(2)(i), NASA is required to inform potential 
    persons who are to respond to the collection of information that such 
    persons who are to respond to the collection of information that such 
    persons are not required to respond to the collection of information 
    unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Under 5 CFR 
    1320.5(b)(2)(ii)(C), this paragraph meets that display requirement by 
    providing the following statement: information collection associated 
    with this rule has been approved under OMB Control Numbers 2700-0085 
    and 2700-0089.
    List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 1823 and 1852
        Government procurement.
    Deidre A. Lee,
    Associate Administrator for Procurement.
        Accordingly, 48 CFR parts 1823 and 1852 are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 48 CFR Parts 1823 and 1852 continues 
    to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 2473(c)(1).
        2. Subpart 1823.5 is added to read as follows:
    Subpart 1823.5--Drug-Free Workplace
    1823.570  Drug- and alcohol-free workforce.
    1823.570-1  Scope.
    1823.570-2  Definitions.
    1823.570-3  Contract clause.
    1823.570-4  Suspension of payments, termination of contract, and 
    debarment and suspension actions.
    1823.570  Drug- and alcohol-free workforce.
    1823.570-1  Scope.
        Sections 1823.570 to 1823.570-4 set forth NASA requirements for 
    mandatory drug and alcohol testing of certain contractor personnel 
    under section 203, National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as 
    amended, 42 U.S.C. 2473, 72 Stat. 429; and Civil Space Employee Testing 
    Act of 1991, Public Law 102-195, sec. 21, 105 Stat. 1616 to 1619.
    1823.570-2  Definitions.
        As used in this subpart employee and controlled substance are as 
    defined in FAR 23.503. The use of a controlled substance in accordance 
    with the terms of a valid prescription, or other uses authorized by law 
    shall not be subject to the requirements of 1823.570 to 1823.570-4 and 
    the clause at 1852.223-74.
        Employee in a sensitive position means a contractor or 
    subcontractor employee who has been granted access to classified 
    information; a contractor or subcontractor employee in other positions 
    that the contractor or subcontractor determines could reasonably be 
    expected to affect safety, security, National security, or functions 
    other than the foregoing requiring a high degree of trust and 
    confidence; and includes any employee performing in a position 
    designated ``mission critical'' pursuant to the clause at 1852.246-70. 
    The term also includes any applicant 
    [[Page 7226]]
    who is interviewed for a position described in this paragraph.
        Use, in violation of applicable law or Federal regulation, of 
    alcohol includes having, while on duty or during a preemployment 
    interview, an alcohol concentration of 0.04 percent by weight or more 
    in the blood, as measured by chemical test of the individual's breath 
    or blood. An individual's refusal to submit to such test is presumptive 
    evidence of use, in violation of applicable law or Federal regulation, 
    of alcohol.
    1823.570-3  Contract Clause.
        The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 1852.223-74, 
    ``Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workforce,'' in all solicitations and 
    contracts containing the clause at 1852.246-70, ``Mission Critical 
    Space Systems Personnel Reliability Program,'' and in other 
    solicitations and contracts exceeding $5 million in which work is 
    performed by an employee in a sensitive position. However, the 
    contracting officer shall not insert the clause at 1852.223-74 in 
    solicitations and contracts for commercial items (see FAR parts 2 and 
    1823.570-4  Suspension of payments, termination of contract, and 
    debarment and suspension actions.
        The contracting officer shall comply with the procedures of FAR 
    23.506 regarding the suspension of contract payments, the termination 
    of the contract for default, and debarment and suspension of a 
    contractor relative to failure to comply with the clause at 1852.223-
    74. Causes for suspension of contract payments, termination of the 
    contract for default, and debarment and suspension of the contractor 
    are the following:
        (a) The contractor fails to comply with paragraph (b), (c), or (d) 
    of the clause at 1852.223-74; or
        (b) Such a number of contractor employees in sensitive positions 
    having been convicted of violations of criminal drug statutes or 
    substantial evidence of drug or alcohol abuse or misuse occurring in 
    the workplace, as to indicate that the contractor has failed to make a 
    good faith effort to provide a drug- and alcohol-free workforce.
        3. Section 1852.223-74 is added to read as follows:
    1852.223-74  Drug- and alcohol-free workforce.
        As prescribed in 1823.570-3, insert the following clause:
    Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workforce
    (March 1996)
        (a) Definitions. As used in this clause the terms ``employee,'' 
    ``controlled substance,'' ``employee in a sensitive position,'' and 
    ``use, in violation of applicable law or Federal regulation, of 
    alcohol'' are as defined in 48 CFR 1823.570-2.
        (b) (1) The Contractor shall institute and maintain a program 
    for achieving a drug- and alcohol-free workforce. As a minimum, the 
    program shall provide for preemployment, reasonable suspicion, 
    random, post-accident, and periodic recurring (follow-up) testing of 
    contractor employees in sensitive positions for use, in violation of 
    applicable law or Federal regulation, of alcohol or a controlled 
    substance. The Contractor may establish its testing or 
    rehabilitation program in cooperation with other contractors or 
        (2) This clause neither prohibits nor requires the Contractor to 
    test employees in a foreign country. If the Contractor chooses to 
    conduct such testing, this does not authorize the Contractor to 
    violate foreign law in conducting such testing.
        (3) The Contractor's program shall test for the use of marijuana 
    and cocaine. The Contractor's program may test for the use of other 
    controlled substances.
        (4) The Contractor's program shall conform to the ``Mandatory 
    Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs'' published 
    by the Department of Health and Human Services (59 FR 29908, June 9, 
    1994) and the procedures in 49 CFR part 40, ``Procedures for 
    Transportation Workplace Drug Testing Programs,'' in which 
    references to ``DOT'' shall be read as ``NASA'', and the split 
    sample method of collection shall be used.
        (c) (1) The Contractor's program shall provide, where 
    appropriate, for the suspension, disqualification, or dismissal of 
    any employee in a sensitive position in any instance where a test 
    conducted and confirmed under the Contractor's program indicates 
    that such individual has used, in violation of applicable law or 
    Federal regulation, alcohol or a controlled substance.
        (2) The Contractor's program shall further prohibit any such 
    individual from working in a sensitive position on a NASA contract, 
    unless such individual has completed a program of rehabilitation 
    described in paragraph (d) of this clause.
        (3) The Contractor's program shall further prohibit any such 
    individual from working in any sensitive position on a NASA contract 
    if the individual is determined under the Contractor's program to 
    have used, in violation of applicable law or Federal regulation, 
    alcohol or a controlled substance and the individual meets any of 
    the following criteria:
        (i) The individual had undertaken or completed a rehabilitation 
    program described in paragraph (d) of this clause prior to such use;
        (ii) Following such determination, the individual refuses to 
    undertake such a rehabilitation program;
        (iii) Following such determination, the individual fails to 
    complete such a rehabilitation program; or
        (iv) The individual used a controlled substance or alcohol while 
    on duty.
        (d) The Contractor shall institute and maintain an appropriate 
    rehabilitation program which shall, as a minimum, provide for the 
    identification and opportunity for treatment of employees whose 
    duties include responsibility for safety-sensitive, security, or 
    National security functions who are in need of assistance in 
    resolving problems with the use of alcohol or controlled substances.
        (e) The requirements of this clause shall take precedence over 
    any state or local Government laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, 
    standards, or orders that are inconsistent with the requirements of 
    this clause.
        (f) For any collective bargaining agreement, the Contractor will 
    negotiate the terms of its program with employee representatives, as 
    appropriate, under labor relations laws or negotiated agreements. 
    Such negotiation, however, cannot change the requirements of this 
    clause. Employees covered under collective bargaining agreements 
    will not be subject to the requirements of this clause until those 
    agreements have been modified, as necessary; provided, however, that 
    if one year after commencement of negotiation the parties have 
    failed to reach agreement, an impasse will be determined to have 
    been reached and the Contractor will unilaterally implement the 
    requirements of this clause.
        (g) The Contractor shall insert a clause containing all the 
    terms of this clause, including this paragraph (g), in all 
    subcontracts in which work is performed by an employee in a 
    sensitive position, except subcontracts for commercial items (see 
    FAR parts 2 and 12).
    (End of clause)
    [FR Doc. 96-4428 Filed 2-26-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7510-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
March 28, 1996.
7224-7226 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (6)
48 CFR 23.506
48 CFR 1823.570
48 CFR 1823.570-1
48 CFR 1823.570-2
48 CFR 1823.570-3
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