97-5040. American Red Cross Month, 1997

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 39 (Thursday, February 27, 1997)]
    [Presidential Documents]
    [Pages 9065-9066]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-5040]
    [[Page 9063]]
    Part III
    The President
    Proclamation 6973--American Red Cross Month, 1997
                            Presidential Documents 
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 39 / Thursday, February 27, 1997 / 
    Presidential Documents
    Title 3--
    The President
    [[Page 9065]]
                    Proclamation 6973 of February 24, 1997
    American Red Cross Month, 1997
                    By the President of the United States of America
                    A Proclamation
                    Founded over a century ago by Clara Barton, the 
                    American Red Cross has evolved from a branch of the 
                    International Red Cross into a uniquely American 
                    institution, serving our Nation in peace and in war, 
                    and through countless natural disasters. Since the 
                    Spanish-American War, when the first volunteers brought 
                    emergency first-aid and news from home to wounded 
                    soldiers, generations of Americans have followed in 
                    this grand tradition of service.
                    Today, in communities across our Nation, a million and 
                    a half volunteers stand ready to help their neighbors 
                    at a moment's notice. Last year, Red Cross paid and 
                    volunteer staff assisted disaster victims across the 
                    country by opening more than 3,200 shelters and giving 
                    comfort to 172,000 people. The Red Cross also reached 
                    16 million Americans through health and safety courses, 
                    including HIV and AIDS education and community outreach 
                    programs; collected more than 6 million units of 
                    lifesaving blood to keep our national blood supply 
                    ready, strong, and safe; and provided immediate 
                    counseling and support to the bereaved families of the 
                    victims of TWA Flight 800 and ValuJet Flight 592.
                    Overseas, American Red Cross workers provided emergency 
                    communications for our troops in Bosnia; worked with 
                    foreign Red Cross societies to rebuild the lives of 
                    civilian refugees in places such as the former 
                    Yugoslavia and Rwanda; and provided personnel, 
                    financial aid, and gifts of goods and services to the 
                    victims of international disasters and armed conflicts 
                    in every corner of the globe.
                    Since 1881, the size, scope, and complexity of major 
                    disasters have placed an ever-greater demand on the 
                    resources of the Red Cross. Yet, the generosity of our 
                    citizens has enabled the American Red Cross to continue 
                    to fulfill its humanitarian mission, providing 
                    assistance to those in need and easing suffering around 
                    the world. We must continue this tradition, and, in the 
                    spirit of service, support this voluntary agency 
                    because it truly belongs to all Americans. Each of us 
                    can help keep the American Red Cross strong through our 
                    donations of time, money, and blood.
    [[Page 9066]]
                    NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the 
                    United States of America and Honorary Chairman of the 
                    American Red Cross, by virtue of the authority vested 
                    in me by the Constitution and laws of the United 
                    States, do hereby proclaim March 1997 as American Red 
                    Cross Month. I urge all the people of the United States 
                    to support the humanitarian work of their local Red 
                    Cross chapters by volunteering and participating in Red 
                    Cross blood drives.
                    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 
                    twenty-fourth day of February, in the year of our Lord 
                    nineteen hundred and ninety-seven, and of the 
                    Independence of the United States of America the two 
                    hundred and twenty-first.
                        (Presidential Sig.)
    [FR Doc. 97-5040
    Filed 2-26-97; 8:45 am]
    Billing code 3195-01-P

Document Information

Executive Office of the President
Entry Type:
Presidential Document
Document Type:
Document Number:
9065-9066 (2 pages)
of 1997-02-24
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