X94-50228. CONTENTS  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 39 (Monday, February 28, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page ]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: X94-50228]
    [Federal Register: February 28, 1994]
                                          Vol. 59, No. 39
                                          Monday, February 28, 1994
    Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
    Superfund program:
        Hazardous substances priority list (toxicological profiles), 9486-
    Agricultural Marketing Service
    Filberts/hazelnuts grown in Oregon and Washington, 9425-9429
    Agriculture Department
    See Agricultural Marketing Service
    See Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
    See Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
    See Federal Grain Inspection Service
    See Forest Service
    Air Force Department
        Scientific Advisory Board, 9475-9476
    Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
    Exportation and importation of animals and animal products:
        Hoof importation, 9399-9400
    Interstate transportation of animals and animal products (quarantine):
        Brucellosis in cattle and bison--
            D-Tec Brucella A test; addition to official test list, 9398-
    Plant-related quarantine, foreign:
        Apples, apricots, peaches, persimmons, pomegranates, and citrus 
                from Sonora, 9381-9382
    Antitrust Division
    Pollution control; consent judgments:
        Petrotechnical Open Software Corp., 9498
        Spray Drift Task Force, 9498
    Children and Families Administration
    Agency information collection activities under OMB review, 9485-9486
    Coast Guard
    Privacy Act:
        Systems of records, 9514
    Commerce Department
    See Export Administration Bureau
    See International Trade Administration
    See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    Commercial Space Transportation Office
    Low earth orbit space market; docket availability, 9514
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Meetings; Sunshine Act, 9522
    Customs Service
    Commercial gauger:
            Atlantic Petroleum Services, Inc., 9520
            Caleb Brett, Inc., 9519
    Commercial gauger, and commercial laboratory accreditations:
            Camin Cargo Control, Inc., 9519
    Defense Department
    See Air Force Department
    Education Department
    Postsecondary education:
        Student assistance general provisions and Federal Pell grant 
            Higher Education Amendments of 1992 and Higher Education 
                    Technical Amendments of 1993; Federal student aid 
                    programs efficiency improvement, 9526-9590
    Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.:
        Dwight D. Eisenhower national program for mathematics and science 
                education, 9610-9611
    Energy Department
    See Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office
    See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
    Grant and cooperative agreement awards:
        Urban Energy & Transportation Corp., 9476
    Safety of plutonium shipments by sea; study availability, 9476-9477
    Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.:
        Cogen Power, Inc., et al., 9483-9484
    Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office
    Integrated resource planning program; impact on utility systems and 
              consumers, 9481-9483
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Pesticides; tolerances in food, animal feeds, and raw agricultural 
        Permethrin, cypermethrin, fenvalerate/esfenvalerate, etc., 9411-
    Solid wastes:
        Underground storage tanks containing petroleum; financial 
                responsibility requirements, 9604-9607
    Toxic and hazardous substances control:
            National Directory of AHERA Accredited Courses; availability, 
    Executive Office of the President
    See Trade Representative, Office of United States
    Export Administration Bureau
    Export licensing:
        Shipper's export declaration certification requirements; 
                elimination for General License GLR, 9402-9401
    Federal Aviation Administration
    Airworthiness directives:
        British Aerospace, 9400-9402
    Airworthiness directives:
        Boeing, 9449-9450
        Fokker, 9450-9452
    Rulemaking petitions; summary and disposition, 9449
    Airport noise compatibility program:
        Noise exposure map--
            Saipan International Airport, MP (Mariannas Protectorate), 9516
        Research, Engineering, and Development Advisory Committee; 
                correction, 9517
        RTCA, Inc., 9516-9517
    Technical standard orders:
        Airborne area navigation equipment using multi-sensor inputs, 9517-
    Federal Communications Commission
    Common carrier services:
        Telecommunications companies; uniform system of accounts--
            Income taxes; liability method of accounting, 9417-9419
    Radio services, special:
        New personal communications services; establishment, 9419-9421
        Private land mobile services--
            Mobile satellite services in 1610-1626.5 and 2483.5-2500 MHz 
                    frequency bands, 9413-9417
    Radio stations; table of assignments:
        Missouri, 9460
    Public safety radio communications plans:
        Hawaii, 9484-9485
        Washington, DC, area, 9484
    Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
    Crop insurance regulations:
        Small grains crop, 9382-9398
    Federal Election Commission
    Meetings; Sunshine Act, 9522
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
    Electric rate and corporate regulation filings:
        West Virginia Public Service Commission Consumer Advocate Division 
                et al., 9477-9478
        Wisconsin Public Service Corp. et al., 9478-9479
    Natural gas certificate filings:
        Transwestern Pipeline Co. et al., 9479-9480
    Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.:
        Chandeleur Pipe Line Co., 9480-9481
        Ozark Gas Transmission System, 9481
    Federal Grain Inspection Service
        Official pesticide residue testing, 9424-425
    Federal Maritime Commission
    Complaints filed:
        Dorland Management, Inc., 9485
    Federal Railroad Administration
    Exemption petitions, etc.:
        Southern California Regional Rail Authority, 9518-9519
    Federal Transit Administration
    Rail fixed guideway systems; State safety oversight; hearing, 9460-9461
    Food and Drug Administration
        Compressed medical gas industry workshops, 9487
    Organization, functions, and authority delegations:
        Health and Industry Programs Office, 9487
    Videoconferencing facility; availability, 9488
    Forest Service
    Environmental statements; availability, etc.:
        Manti-La Sal National Forest, UT, 9462-9463
    Health and Human Services Department
    See Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
    See Children and Families Administration
    See Food and Drug Administration
    See Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department
    See National Institutes of Health
    Health Care Financing Administration
    See Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department
    Housing and Urban Development Department
    Low income and public and Indian housing:
        Housing assistance payments (Section 8)--
            Fraud recoveries from tenants and owners, 9408-9410
    Privacy Act; implementation, 9406-9408
    Grant and cooperative agreement awards:
        Fair housing assistance program, 9491-9493
    Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.:
        Public and Indian housing--
            Family investment centers, 9592-9601
    Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department
    Medicaid and medicare programs:
        Fraud and abuse--
            State utilization and quality control peer review 
                    organizations; program sanctions imposition and 
                    adjudication, 9452-9460
    Interior Department
    See Land Management Bureau
    See Minerals Management Service
    See National Park Service
    Internal Revenue Service
    Excise taxes:
        Vaccine floor stock tax
            Correction, 9410-9411
    Income taxes:
        Notional principal contract income and deductions; correction, 
    Taxable substances, imported:
        2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate, etc.; correction, 
    International Trade Administration
        Antifriction bearings (other than tapered roller bearings) and 
                parts from--
            France et al., 9463-9469
            Japan, 9469-9470
        Fresh garlic from--
            China, 9470-9471
        Tapered roller bearings and parts from--
            Japan, 9471-9474
    Justice Department
    See Antitrust Division
    Agency information collection activities under OMB review, 9496-9497
    Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act; implementation:
        National Crime Information Center; designation, 9498
    Pollution control; consent judgments:
        Lowe, Ralph, 9497
    Privacy Act:
        Systems of records, 9497-9498
    Land Management Bureau
    Motor vehicle use restrictions:
        Idaho, 9493-9494
    Realty actions; sales, leases, etc.:
        Nevada, 9494
    Minerals Management Service
    Memorandums of understanding:
        Jurisdictional responsibilities for offshore facilities; 
                establishment, 9494-9495
    National Institute for Literacy
        Advisory Board, 9499
    National Institutes of Health
    Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.:
        Intramural research training award program, 9488-9490
        Genome Research Review Committee, 9490
        National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 9490-9491
        National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 9490
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    Fishery conservation and management:
        Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands groundfish, 
        National Weather Service, Modernization Transition Committee, 9474
        Endangered and threatened species, 9474-9475
        Marine mammals, 9475
    National Park Service
    Environmental statements; availability, etc.:
        Big Thicket National Preserve, TX, 9495
    Native American human remains and associated funerary objects:
        Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, MA; Hawaiian 
                inventory, 9495-9496
        U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, HI; Hawaiian inventory, 
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    Radiography licenses and radiation safety requirements for radiographic 
              operations, 9429-9448
        Reactor Safeguards Advisory Committee, 9499-9500
        Regulatory information conference, 9500-9501
    Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.:
        Detroit Edison Co., 9501-9502
        Kennecott Uranium Co., 9502
        Public Service Co. of Colorado, 9502-9503
    Office of United States Trade Representative
    See Trade Representative, Office of United States
    Public Health Service
    See Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
    See Food and Drug Administration
    See National Institutes of Health
    Securities and Exchange Commission
    Agency information collection activities under OMB review, 9504-9505
    Meetings; Sunshine Act, 9522
    Self-regulatory organizations; proposed rule changes:
        Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc., 9505-9506
        Depository Trust Co.; correction, 9523
        National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.; correction, 9523
        New York Stock Exchange, Inc., 9506-9508
    Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.:
        Bando McGlocklin Capital Corp., 9508-9511
        Public utility holding company filings, 9511-9513
        Smith Barney Shearson 1990s Fund, 9513-9514
    Thrift Supervision Office
    Condition reports; public disclosure, 9520-9521
    Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Agency
    See Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
    Trade Representative, Office of United States
        Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988; cellular telephone 
                products and services, noncompliance, 9503-9504
    Transportation Department
    See Coast Guard
    See Commercial Space Transportation Office
    See Federal Aviation Administration
    See Federal Railroad Administration
    See Federal Transit Administration
    Exemption petitions, etc.:
        Burlington Northern Railroad Co., 9518-9519
    Treasury Department
    See Customs Service
    See Internal Revenue Service
    See Thrift Supervision Office
    Government Securities Act; implementation, 9403-9406
    Veterans Affairs Department
    Medical benefits:
        Travel authority for beneficiaries who are in receipt of pension, 
    Separate Parts In This Issue
    Part II
    Education Department, 9526-9590
    Part III
    Housing and Urban Development Department, 9592-9601
    Part IV
    Environmental Protection Agency, 9604-9607
    Part V
    Education Department, 9610-9611
    Reader Aids
    Additional information, including a list of public laws, telephone numbers, 
    and finding aids, appears in the Reader Aids section at the end of this 
    Electronic Bulletin Board
    Free Electronic Bulletin Board service for Public Law numbers and Federal 
    Register finding aids is available on 202-275-1538 or 275-0920.
    This checklist, prepared by the Office of the Federal Register, is 
    published weekly. It is arranged in the order of CFR titles, stock 
    numbers, prices, and revision dates.
    An asterisk (*) precedes each entry that has been issued since last 
    week and which is now available for sale at the Government Printing 
    A checklist of current CFR volumes comprising a complete CFR set, also 
    appears in the latest issue of the LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected), 
    which is revised monthly.
    The annual rate for subscription to all revised volumes is $829.00 
    domestic, $207.25 additional for foreign mailing.
    Mail orders to the Superintendent of Documents, Attn: New Orders, P.O. 
    Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. All orders must be accompanied 
    by remittance (check, money order, GPO Deposit Account, VISA, or Master 
    Card). Charge orders may be telephoned to the GPO Order Desk, Monday 
    through Friday, at (202) 783-3238 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. eastern 
    time, or FAX your charge orders to (202) 512-2233.
    Title                Stock Number             Price       Revision Date
    1, 2 (2 Reserved)....(869-019-00001-1)...... $15.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    3 (1992 Compilation  (869-019-00002-0)......  17.00     \1\Jan. 1, 1993
    and Parts 100 and 
    4....................(869-019-00003-8)......   5.50        Jan. 1, 1993
    5 Parts:
    1-699............... (869-019-00004-6)......  21.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    700-1199............ (869-019-00005-4)......  17.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    1200-End, 6 (6       (869-019-00006-2)......  21.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    7 Parts:
    0-26................ (869-019-00007-1)......  20.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    27-45............... (869-019-00008-9)......  13.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    *46-51.............. (869-022-00009-8)......  20.00     \8\Jan. 1, 1993
    52.................. (869-019-00010-1)......  28.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    53-209.............. (869-019-00011-9)......  21.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    210-299............. (869-019-00012-7)......  30.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    300-399............. (869-019-00013-5)......  15.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    400-699............. (869-019-00014-3)......  17.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    700-899............. (869-019-00015-1)......  21.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    900-999............. (869-019-00016-0)......  33.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    1000-1059........... (869-019-00017-8)......  20.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    1060-1119........... (869-019-00018-6)......  13.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    1120-1199........... (869-019-00019-4)......  11.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    1200-1499........... (869-019-00020-8)......  27.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    1500-1899........... (869-019-00021-6)......  17.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    1900-1939........... (869-019-00022-4)......  13.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    1940-1949........... (869-019-00023-2)......  27.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    1950-1999........... (869-019-00024-1)......  32.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    2000-End............ (869-019-00025-9)......  12.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    8....................(869-019-00026-7)......  20.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    9 Parts:
    1-199............... (869-019-00027-5)......  27.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    200-End............. (869-019-00028-3)......  21.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    10 Parts:
    0-50................ (869-019-00029-1)......  29.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    51-199.............. (869-019-00030-5)......  21.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    *200-399............ (869-022-00031-4)......  15.00     \8\Jan. 1, 1993
    400-499............. (869-019-00032-1)......  20.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    500-End............. (869-019-00033-0)......  33.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    11...................(869-019-00034-8)......  13.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    12 Parts:
    1-199............... (869-019-00035-6)......  11.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    200-219............. (869-019-00036-4)......  15.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    220-299............. (869-019-00037-2)......  26.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    300-499............. (869-019-00038-1)......  21.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    500-599............. (869-019-00039-9)......  19.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    600-End............. (869-019-00040-2)......  28.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    13...................(869-019-00041-1)......  28.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    14 Parts:
    1-59................ (869-019-00042-9)......  29.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    60-139.............. (869-019-00043-7)......  26.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    140-199............. (869-019-00044-5)......  12.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    200-1199............ (869-019-00045-3)......  22.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    1200-End............ (869-019-00046-1)......  16.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    15 Parts:
    0-299............... (869-019-00047-0)......  14.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    300-799............. (869-019-00048-8)......  25.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    800-End............. (869-019-00049-6)......  19.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    16 Parts:
    0-149............... (869-019-00050-0)......   7.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    150-999............. (869-019-00051-8)......  17.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    1000-End............ (869-019-00052-6)......  24.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    17 Parts:
    1-199............... (869-019-00054-2)......  18.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    200-239............. (869-019-00055-1)......  23.00        June 1, 1993
    240-End............. (869-019-00056-9)......  30.00        June 1, 1993
    18 Parts:
    1-149............... (869-019-00057-7)......  16.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    150-279............. (869-019-00058-5)......  19.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    280-399............. (869-019-00059-3)......  15.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    400-End............. (869-019-00060-7)......  10.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    19 Parts:
    1-199............... (869-019-00061-5)......  35.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    200-End............. (869-019-00062-3)......  11.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    20 Parts:
    1-399............... (869-019-00063-1)......  19.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    400-499............. (869-019-00064-0)......  31.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    500-End............. (869-019-00065-8)......  30.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    21 Parts:
    1-99................ (869-019-00066-6)......  15.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    100-169............. (869-019-00067-4)......  21.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    170-199............. (869-019-00068-2)......  20.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    200-299............. (869-019-00069-1)......   6.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    300-499............. (869-019-00070-4)......  34.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    500-599............. (869-019-00071-2)......  21.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    600-799............. (869-019-00072-1)......   8.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    800-1299............ (869-019-00073-9)......  22.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    1300-End............ (869-019-00074-7)......  12.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    22 Parts:
    1-299............... (869-019-00075-5)......  30.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    300-End............. (869-019-00076-3)......  22.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    23...................(869-019-00077-1)......  21.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    24 Parts:
    0-199............... (869-019-00078-0)......  38.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    200-499............. (869-019-00079-8)......  36.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    500-699............. (869-019-00080-1)......  17.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    700-1699............ (869-019-00081-0)......  39.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    1700-End............ (869-019-00082-8)......  15.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    25...................(869-019-00083-6)......  31.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    26 Parts:
    Secs. 1.0-1-1.60.... (869-019-00084-4)......  21.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    Secs. 1.61-1.169.... (869-019-00085-2)......  37.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    Secs. 1.170-1.300... (869-019-00086-1)......  23.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    Secs. 1.301-1.400... (869-019-00087-9)......  21.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    Secs. 1.401-1.440... (869-019-00088-7)......  31.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    Secs. 1.441-1.500... (869-019-00089-5)......  23.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    Secs. 1.501-1.640... (869-019-00090-9)......  20.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    Secs. 1.641-1.850... (869-019-00091-7)......  24.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    Secs. 1.851-1.907... (869-019-00092-5)......  27.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    Secs. 1.908-1.1000.. (869-019-00093-3)......  26.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    Secs. 1.1001-1.1400. (869-019-00094-1)......  22.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    Secs. 1.1401-End.... (869-019-00095-0)......  31.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    2-29................ (869-019-00096-8)......  23.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    30-39............... (869-019-00097-6)......  18.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    40-49............... (869-019-00098-4)......  13.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    50-299.............. (869-019-00099-2)......  13.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    300-499............. (869-017-00100-0)......  23.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    500-599............. (869-019-00101-8)......   6.00     \4\Apr. 1, 1990
    600-End............. (869-019-00102-6)......   8.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    27 Parts:
    1-199............... (869-019-00103-4)......  37.00        Apr. 1, 1993
    200-End............. (869-019-00104-2)......  11.00     \5\Apr. 1, 1991
    28 Parts:............
    1-42................ (869-019-00105-1)......  27.00        July 1, 1993
    43-end.............. (869-019-00106-9)......  21.00        July 1, 1993
    29 Parts:
    0-99................ (869-019-00107-7)......  21.00        July 1, 1993
    100-499............. (869-019-00108-5)......   9.50        July 1, 1993
    500-899............. (869-019-00109-3)......  36.00        July 1, 1993
    900-1899............ (869-019-00110-7)......  17.00        July 1, 1993
    1900-1910            (869-019-00111-5)......  31.00        July 1, 1993
    (Secs. 1901.1 to 
    1910                 (869-019-00112-3)......  21.00        July 1, 1993
    (Secs. 1910.1000 to 
    1911-1925........... (869-019-00113-1)......  22.00        July 1, 1993
    *1926............... (869-019-00114-0)......  33.00        July 1, 1993
    1927-End............ (869-019-00115-8)......  36.00        July 1, 1993
    30 Parts:
    1-199............... (869-019-00116-6)......  27.00        July 1, 1993
    200-699............. (869-019-00117-4)......  20.00        July 1, 1993
    700-End............. (869-019-00118-2)......  27.00        July 1, 1993
    31 Parts:
    0-199............... (869-019-00119-1)......  18.00        July 1, 1993
    200-End............. (869-019-00120-4)......  29.00        July 1, 1993
    32 Parts:
    1-39, Vol. I..................................15.00.....\2\July 1, 1984
    1-39, Vol. II.................................19.00.....\2\July 1, 1984
    1-39, Vol. III................................18.00.....\2\July 1, 1984
    1-190............... (869-019-00121-2)......  30.00        July 1, 1993
    191-399............. (869-019-00122-1)......  36.00        July 1, 1993
    400-629............. (869-019-00123-9)......  26.00        July 1, 1993
    630-699............. (869-019-00124-7)......  14.00     \6\July 1, 1991
    700-799............. (869-019-00125-5)......  21.00        July 1, 1993
    800-End............. (869-019-00126-3)......  22.00        July 1, 1993
    33 Parts:
    1-124............... (869-019-00127-1)......  20.00        July 1, 1993
    125-199............. (869-019-00128-0)......  25.00        July 1, 1993
    200-End............. (869-019-00129-8)......  24.00        July 1, 1993
    34 Parts:
    1-299............... (869-019-00130-1)......  27.00        July 1, 1993
    300-399............. (869-019-00131-0)......  20.00        July 1, 1993
    400-End............. (869-019-00132-8)......  37.00        July 1, 1993
    35...................(869-019-00133-6)......  12.00        July 1, 1993
    36 Parts:
    1-199............... (869-019-00134-4)......  16.00        July 1, 1993
    200-End............. (869-019-00135-2)......  35.00        July 1, 1993
    37...................(869-019-00136-1)......  20.00        July 1, 1993
    38 Parts:
    0-17................ (869-019-00137-9)......  31.00        July 1, 1993
    18-End.............. (869-019-00138-7)......  30.00        July 1, 1993
    39...................(869-019-00139-5)......  17.00        July 1, 1993
    40 Parts:
    1-51................ (869-017-00138-4)......  31.00        July 1, 1992
    52.................. (869-019-00141-7)......  37.00        July 1, 1993
    53-59............... (869-019-00142-5)......  11.00        July 1, 1993
    60.................. (869-019-00143-3)......  35.00        July 1, 1993
    *61-80.............. (869-019-00144-1)......  29.00        July 1, 1993
    81-85............... (869-019-00145-0)......  21.00        July 1, 1993
    86-99............... (869-017-00143-1)......  33.00        July 1, 1992
    100-149............. (869-019-00147-6)......  36.00        July 1, 1993
    150-189............. (869-019-00148-4)......  24.00        July 1, 1993
    190-259............. (869-019-00149-2)......  17.00        July 1, 1993
    260-299............. (869-017-00147-3)......  36.00        July 1, 1992
    300-399............. (869-019-00151-4)......  18.00        July 1, 1993
    400-424............. (869-019-00152-2)......  27.00        July 1, 1993
    425-699............. (869-017-00150-3)......  26.00        July 1, 1992
    700-789............. (869-019-00154-9)......  26.00        July 1, 1993
    790-End............. (869-019-00155-7)......  26.00        July 1, 1993
    41 Chapters:
    1, 1-1 to 1-10................................13.00.....\3\July 1, 1984
    1, 1-11 to Appendix, 2 (2 Reserved)...........13.00.....\3\July 1, 1984
    3-6...........................................14.00.....\3\July 1, 1984
    7..............................................6.00.....\3\July 1, 1984
    8..............................................4.50.....\3\July 1, 1984
    9.............................................13.00.....\3\July 1, 1984
    10-17..........................................9.50.....\3\July 1, 1984
    18, Vol. I, Parts 1-5.........................13.00.....\3\July 1, 1984
    18, Vol. II, Parts 6-19.......................13.00.....\3\July 1, 1984
    18, Vol. III, Parts 20-52.....................13.00.....\3\July 1, 1984
    19-100........................................13.00.....\3\July 1, 1984
    1-100............... (869-019-00156-5)......  10.00        July 1, 1993
    101................. (869-019-00157-3)......  30.00        July 1, 1993
    102-200............. (869-019-00158-1)......  11.00     \6\July 1, 1991
    201-End............. (869-019-00159-0)......  12.00        July 1, 1993
    42 Parts:
    1-399............... (869-019-00160-3)......  24.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    400-429............. (869-017-00158-9)......  23.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    430-End............. (869-017-00159-7)......  31.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    43 Parts:
    1-999............... (869-019-00163-8)......  23.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    1000-3999........... (869-019-00164-6)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    4000-End............ (869-019-00165-4)......  14.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    44...................(869-019-00166-2)......  27.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    45 Parts:
    *1-199.............. (869-019-00167-1)......  22.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    200-499............. (869-017-00165-1)......  14.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    500-1199............ (869-019-00169-7)......  30.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    1200-End............ (869-017-00167-8)......  20.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    46 Parts:
    1-40................ (869-017-00168-6)......  17.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    41-69............... (869-017-00169-4)......  16.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    70-89............... (869-019-00173-5)......   8.50        Oct. 1, 1993
    90-139.............. (869-017-00171-6)......  14.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    140-155............. (869-017-00172-4)......  12.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    156-165............. (869-017-00173-2)......  14.00     \7\Oct. 1, 1991
    166-199............. (869-017-00174-1)......  17.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    200-499............. (869-017-00175-9)......  22.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    500-End............. (869-019-00179-4)......  15.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    47 Parts:
    0-19................ (869-017-00177-5)......  22.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    20-39............... (869-017-00178-3)......  22.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    40-69............... (869-019-00182-4)......  14.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    70-79............... (869-017-00180-5)......  21.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    80-End.............. (869-017-00181-3)......  24.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    48 Chapters:
    1 (Parts 1-51)...... (869-019-00185-9)......  36.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    *1 (Parts 52-99).... (869-019-00186-7)......  23.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    2 (Parts 201-251)... (869-017-00184-8)......  15.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    2 (Parts 252-299)... (869-017-00185-6)......  12.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    3-6................. (869-017-00186-4)......  22.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    7-14................ (869-017-00187-2)......  30.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    15-28............... (869-017-00188-1)......  26.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    29-End.............. (869-017-00189-9)......  16.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    49 Parts:
    1-99................ (869-019-00193-0)......  23.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    100-177............. (869-017-00191-1)......  27.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    *178-199............ (869-019-00195-6)......  20.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    200-399............. (869-017-00193-7)......  27.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    400-999............. (869-017-00194-5)......  31.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    1000-1199........... (869-017-00195-3)......  19.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    1200-End............ (869-019-00199-9)......  22.00        Oct. 1, 1993
    50 Parts:
    1-199............... (869-017-00197-0)......  23.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    200-599............. (869-017-00198-8)......  20.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    600-End............. (869-017-00199-6)......  20.00        Oct. 1, 1992
    CFR Index and        (869-019-00053-4)......  36.00        Jan. 1, 1993
    Findings Aids.
    Complete 1994 CFR set........................829.00.........       1994
    Microfiche CFR Edition:
      Complete set (one-time mailing)............188.00.........       1991
      Complete set (one-time mailing)............188.00.........       1992
      Complete set (one-time mailing)............223.00.........       1993
      Subscription (mailed as issued)............244.00.........       1994
      Individual copies............................2.00.........       1994
    \1\Because Title 3 is an annual compilation, this volume and all 
    previous volumes should be retained as a permanent reference source.
    \2\The July 1, 1985 edition of 32 CFR Parts 1-189 contains a note only for 
    Parts 1-39 inclusive. For the full text of the Defense Acquisition 
    Regulations in Parts 1-39, consult the three CFR volumes issued as of July 
    1, 1984, containing those parts.
    \3\The July 1, 1985 edition of 41 CFR Chapters 1-100 contains a note 
    only for Chapters 1 to 49 inclusive. For the full text of procurement 
    regulations in Chapters 1 to 49, consult the eleven CFR volumes issued 
    as of July 1, 1984 containing those chapters.
    \4\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period Apr. 1, 
    1990 to Mar. 31, 1993. The CFR volume issued April 1, 1990, should be 
    \5\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period Apr. 1, 
    1991 to Mar. 31, 1993. The CFR volume issued April 1, 1991, should be 
    \6\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period July 
    1, 1991 to June 30, 1993. The CFR volume issued July 1, 1991, should be 
    \7\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
    October 1, 1991 to September 30, 1992. The CFR volume issued October 1, 
    1991, should be retained.
    \8\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
    January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1993. The CFR volume issued January 1, 
    1993, should be retained.

Document Information

Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
0-0 (None pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: February 28, 1994