95-5146. Actions Required of all Executive Agencies To Facilitate Payment of Child Support  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 39 (Tuesday, February 28, 1995)]
    [Presidential Documents]
    [Pages 11013-11016]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-5146]
                            Presidential Documents 
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 39 / Tuesday, February 28, 1995 / 
    Presidential Documents 
    [[Page 11013]] 
                    Executive Order 12953 of February 27, 1995
    Actions Required of all Executive Agencies To 
                    Facilitate Payment of Child Support
                    Children need and deserve the emotional and financial 
                    support of both their parents.
                    The Federal Government requires States and, through 
                    them, public and private employers to take actions 
                    necessary to ensure that monies in payment of child 
                    support obligations are withheld and transferred to the 
                    child's caretaker in an efficient and expeditious 
                    The Federal Government, through its civilian employees 
                    and Uniformed Services members, is the Nation's largest 
                    single employer and as such should set an example of 
                    leadership and encouragement in ensuring that all 
                    children are properly supported.
                    NOW, THEREFORE, by the authority vested in me as 
                    President by the Constitution and the laws of the 
                    United States of America, including section 301 of 
                    title 3, United States Code, it is hereby ordered as 
                        PART I--PURPOSE
                    Section 101. This executive order: (a) Establishes the 
                    executive branch of the Federal Government, through its 
                    civilian employees and Uniformed Services members, as a 
                    model employer in promoting and facilitating the 
                    establishment and enforcement of child support.
                        (b) Requires all Federal agencies, including the 
                    Uniformed Services, to cooperate fully in efforts to 
                    establish paternity and child support orders and to 
                    enforce the collection of child and medical support in 
                    all situations where such actions may be required.
                        (c) Requires each Federal agency, including the 
                    Uniformed Services, to provide information to its 
                    employees and members about actions that they should 
                    take and services that are available to ensure that 
                    their children are provided the support to which they 
                    are legally entitled.
                        PART 2--DEFINITIONS
                    For purposes of this order:
                    Sec. 201. ``Federal agency'' means any authority as 
                    defined at 5 U.S.C. 105, including the Uniformed 
                    Services, as defined in section 202 of this order.
                    Sec. 202. ``Uniformed Services'' means the Army, Navy, 
                    Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the 
                    Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and 
                    Atmospheric Administration, and the Public Health 
                    Sec. 203. ``Child support enforcement'' means any 
                    administrative or judicial action by a court or 
                    administrative entity of a State necessary to establish 
                    paternity or establish a child support order, including 
                    a medical support order, and any actions necessary to 
                    enforce a child support or medical support order. Child 
                    support actions may be brought under the civil or 
                    criminal laws of a State and are not limited to actions 
                    brought on behalf of the State or individual by State 
                    agencies providing services under title IV-D of the 
                    Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 651 et seq.
                    Sec. 204. ``State'' means any of the fifty States, the 
                    District of Columbia, the territories, the possessions, 
                    and the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and of the Mariana 
                         [[Page 11014]] PART 3--IMMEDIATE ACTIONS TO ENSURE 
                    Sec. 301. Wage Withholding. (a) Within 60 days from the 
                    date of this order, every Federal agency shall review 
                    its procedures for wage withholding under 42 U.S.C. 659 
                    and implementing regulations to ensure that it is in 
                    full compliance with the requirements of that section, 
                    and shall endeavor, to the extent feasible, to process 
                    wage withholding actions consistent with the 
                    requirements of 42 U.S.C. 666(b).
                        (b) Beginning no later than July 1, 1995, the 
                    Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) 
                    shall publish annually in the Federal Register the list 
                    of agents (and their addresses) designated to receive 
                    service of withholding notices for Federal employees.
                    Sec. 302. Service of Legal Process. Every Federal 
                    agency shall assist in the service of legal process in 
                    civil actions pursuant to orders of courts of States to 
                    establish paternity and establish or enforce a support 
                    obligation by making Federal employees and members of 
                    the Uniformed Services stationed outside the United 
                    States available for the service of process. Each 
                    agency shall designate an official who shall be 
                    responsible for facilitating a Federal employee's or 
                    member's availability for service of process, 
                    regardless of the location of the employee's workplace 
                    or member's duty station. The OPM shall publish a list 
                    of these officials annually in the Federal Register, 
                    beginning no later than July 1, 1995.
                    Sec. 303. Federal Parent Locator. Every Federal agency 
                    shall cooperate with the Federal Parent Locator 
                    Service, established under 42 U.S.C. 653, by providing 
                    complete, timely and accurate information that will 
                    assist in locating noncustodial parents and their 
                    Sec. 304. Crossmatch for Delinquent Obligors. (a) The 
                    master file of delinquent obligors that each State 
                    child support enforcement agency submits to the 
                    Internal Revenue Service for Federal income tax refund 
                    offset purposes shall be matched at least annually with 
                    the payroll or personnel files of Federal agencies in 
                    order to determine if there are any Federal employees 
                    with child support delinquencies. The list of matches 
                    shall be forwarded to the appropriate State child 
                    support enforcement agency to determine, in each 
                    instance, whether wage withholding or other enforcement 
                    actions should be commenced. All matches will be 
                    performed in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(o)-(u).
                        (b) All Federal agencies shall inform current and 
                    prospective employees that crossmatches are routinely 
                    made between Federal personnel records and State 
                    records on individuals who owe child support, and 
                    inform employees how to initiate voluntary wage 
                    withholding requests.
                    Sec. 305. Availability of Service. All Federal agencies 
                    shall advise current and prospective employees of 
                    services authorized under title IV-D of the Social 
                    Security Act that are available through the States. At 
                    a minimum, information shall be provided annually to 
                    current employees through the Employee Assistance 
                    Program, or similar programs, and to new employees 
                    during routine orientation.
                    Sec. 306. Report on Actions Taken. Within 90 days of 
                    the date of this order, all Federal agencies shall 
                    report to the Director of the Office of Management and 
                    Budget (OMB) on the actions they have taken to comply 
                    with this order and any statutory, regulatory, and 
                    administrative barriers that hinder them from complying 
                    with the requirements of part 3 of this order.
                        PART 4--ADDITIONAL ACTIONS
                    Sec. 401. Additional Review for the Uniformed Services. 
                    (a) In addition to the requirements outlined above, the 
                    Secretary of the Department of Defense (DOD) will chair 
                    a task force, with participation by the Department of 
                    Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of 
                    Commerce, and the Department of Transportation, that 
                    shall conduct a full review of current policies and 
                    practices within the Uniformed Services to ensure that 
                    children [[Page 11015]] of Uniformed Services personnel 
                    are provided financial and medical support in the same 
                    manner and within the same time frames as is mandated 
                    for all other children due such support. This review 
                    shall include, but not be limited to, issues related to 
                    withholding non-custodial parents' wages, service of 
                    legal process, activities to locate parents and their 
                    income and assets, release time to attend civil 
                    paternity and support proceedings, and health insurance 
                    coverage under the Civilian Health and Medical Program 
                    of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS). All relevant 
                    existing statutes, including the Soldiers and Sailors 
                    Civil Relief Act of 1940, the Uniformed Services Former 
                    Spouses Protection Act, and the Tax Equity and Fiscal 
                    Responsibility Act of 1982, shall be reviewed and 
                    appropriate legislative modifications shall be 
                        (b) Within 180 days of the date of this order, DOD 
                    shall submit to OMB a report based on this review. The 
                    report shall recommend additional policy, regulatory 
                    and legislative changes that would improve and enhance 
                    the Federal Government's commitment to ensuring 
                    parental support for all children.
                    Sec. 402. Additional Federal Agency Actions. (a) OPM 
                    and HHS shall jointly study and prepare recommendations 
                    concerning additional administrative, regulatory, and 
                    legislative improvements in the policies and procedures 
                    of Federal agencies affecting child support 
                    enforcement. Other agencies shall be included in the 
                    development of recommendations for specific items as 
                    appropriate. The recommendations shall address, among 
                    other things:
                        (i) any changes that would be needed to ensure that 
                    Federal employees comply with child support orders that 
                    require them to provide health insurance coverage for 
                    their children;
                        (ii) changes needed to ensure that more accurate 
                    and up-to-date data about civilian and uniformed 
                    personnel who are being sought in conjunction with 
                    State paternity or child support actions can be 
                    obtained from Federal agencies and their payroll and 
                    personnel records, to improve efforts to locate 
                    noncustodial parents and their income and assets;
                        (iii) changes needed for selecting Federal agencies 
                    to test and evaluate new approaches to the 
                    establishment and enforcement of child support 
                        (iv) proposals to improve service of process for 
                    civilian employees and members of the Uniformed 
                    Services stationed outside the United States, including 
                    the possibility of serving process by certified mail in 
                    establishment and enforcement cases or of designating 
                    an agent for service of process that would have the 
                    same effect and bind employees to the same extent as 
                    actual service upon the employees;
                        (v) strategies to facilitate compliance with 
                    Federal and State child support requirements by quasi-
                    governmental agencies, advisory groups, and 
                    commissions; and
                        (vi) analysis of whether compliance with support 
                    orders should be a factor used in defining suitability 
                    for Federal employment.
                        (b) The recommendations are due within 180 days of 
                    the date of this order. The recommendations are to be 
                    submitted in writing to the Office of Management and 
                    Sec. 501. Internal Management. This order is intended 
                    only to improve the internal management of the 
                    executive branch with regard to child support 
                    enforcement and shall not be interpreted to create any 
                    right or benefit, substantive or procedural, 
                    enforceable at law by a party against the United 
                    States, its officers, or any other person.
                    Sec. 502.  Sovereignty of the United States Government. 
                    This order is intended only to provide that the Federal 
                    Government has elected to require Federal agencies to 
                    adhere to the same standards as are applicable to all 
                    other employers in the Nation and shall not be 
                    interpreted as subjecting the Federal Government to any 
                    State law or requirement. This order should not be 
                    construed as a waiver of the sovereign immunity of the 
                    United [[Page 11016]] States Government or of any 
                    existing statutory or regulatory provisions, including 
                    42 U.S.C. 659, 662, and 665; 5 CFR Part 581; 42 CFR 
                    Part 21, Subpart C; 32 CFR Part 54; and 32 CFR Part 81.
                     Sec. 503. Defense and Security.
                    This order is not intended to require any action that 
                    would compromise the defense or national security 
                    interest of the United States.
                        (Presidential Sig.)>
                    THE WHITE HOUSE,
                        February 27, 1995.
    [FR Doc. 95-5146
    Filed 2-27-95; 11:23 am]
    Billing code 3195-01-P

Document Information

Executive Office of the President
Entry Type:
Presidential Document
Document Type:
Executive Order
Document Number:
11013-11016 (4 pages)
E.O. 12953 of 1995-02-27
PDF File:
CFR: (15)
3 CFR 201
3 CFR 202
3 CFR 203
3 CFR 204
3 CFR 301
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