96-4027. Notice of Receipt of Requests for Amendments to Delete Uses in Certain Pesticide Registrations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 40 (Wednesday, February 28, 1996)]
    [Pages 7509-7512]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-4027]
    [OPP-34087; FRL 4994-8]
    Notice of Receipt of Requests for Amendments to Delete Uses in 
    Certain Pesticide Registrations
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: In accordance with section 6(f)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, 
    Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended, EPA is issuing a 
    notice of receipt of request for amendment by registrants to delete 
    uses in certain pesticide registrations.
    DATES: Unless a request is withdrawn, the Agency will approve these use 
    deletions and the deletions will become effective on May 28, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: James A. Hollins, Office of 
    Pesticide Programs (7502C), Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., 
    SW., Washington, DC 20460. Office location for commercial courier 
    delivery and telephone number: Room 216, Crystal Mall #2, 1921 
    Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA, (703) 305-5761; e-mail: 
    I. Introduction
        Section 6(f)(1) of FIFRA provides that a registrant of a pesticide 
    product may at any time request that any of its pesticide registrations 
    be amended to delete one or more uses. The Act further provides that, 
    before acting on the request, EPA must publish a notice of receipt of 
    any such request in the Federal Register. Thereafter, the Administrator 
    may approve such a request.
    II. Intent to Delete Uses
        This notice announces receipt by the Agency of applications from 
    registrants to delete uses in the 42 pesticide registrations listed in 
    the following Table 1. These registrations are listed by registration 
    number, product names, active ingredients and the specific uses 
    deleted. Users of these products who desire continued use on crops or 
    sites being deleted should contact the applicable registrant before May 
    [[Page 7510]]
    1996 to discuss withdrawal of the applications for amendment. This 90-
    day period will also permit interested members of the public to 
    intercede with registrants prior to the Agency approval of the 
        Table 1. -- Registrations with Requests for Amendments to Delete Uses in Certain Pesticide Registrations    
       EPA Reg No.             Product Name                Active Ingredient               Delete From Label        
    000299-00044....  Martin's Cube Powder           Rotenone                      Terrestrial crop uses            
    000432-00558....  SBP-1382 Liquid Insecticide    Resmethrin                    Thermal application outdoors     
                       0.5% Formula I                                                                               
    000432-00634....  Respond w/SBP-1382 Liquid      Resmethrin                    Thermal application outdoors     
                       Insecticide Spray 0.5%                                                                       
                       Formula III                                                                                  
    000432-00638....  SBP-1382 Oil Base Insecticide  Resmethrin                    Thermal application outdoors     
                       0.20% Formula III                                                                            
    000572-00315....  Rockland Rotenone-Pyrethrum    Pyrethrins                    Fruit & vegetable uses           
    000655-00741....  Prentox Methoxychlor 50W       Methoxychlor                  Agricultural crops, elevator     
                                                                                    tunnels, parks, beaches, public 
                                                                                    areas, field & forage crops,    
                                                                                    mushroom houses, cranberries,   
                                                                                    grain storage bins, gallery     
                                                                                    floors, headhouse, standing     
                                                                                    water, acreage, pet bedding     
    000655-00742....  Prentox 2 Lb. Methoxychlor     Methocychlor                  Forage crops, grain storage bins,
                       spray                                                        mosquito control, aircraft      
    000655-00745....  Prentox Methoxychlor 25%       Methoxychlor                  Forage crops, grain storage bins,
                       spray                                                        aircraft spraying               
    000769-00651....  SMCP Methoxychlor 2E           Methoxychlor                  Grain storage bins               
                       Emulsifiable Concentrate                                                                     
    000769-00855....  Pratt 1% Rotenone Dust         Rotenone                      Terrestrial crop uses            
    000769-00857....  Science Red Arrow Insect       Piperonyl butoxide            Terrestrial crop uses            
    000769-00871....  Pratt 50W Methoxychlor for     Methoxychlor                  Mosquito control                 
                       Forest & Shade Trees                                                                         
    000769-00903....  Science Garden Insect Spray    Methoxychlor                  Cranberries                      
    000769-00904....  Science 1% Rotenone            Rotenone                      Terrestrial crop uses            
    000769-00914....  Science 50% Methoxychlor       Methoxychlor                  Cranberries                      
                       Wettable Powder                                                                              
    000769-00947....  Pratt EC 2 Methoxychlor        Methoxychlor                  Area control of adult mosquitoes,
                       Insect Spray                                                 screen paint                    
    000769-00955....  Pratt Methoxy-Diazinon 20-10   Methoxychlor                  Cranberries                      
    000869-00186....  Green Light Rotenone           Rotenone                      Vegetables & fruit uses          
    002217-00628....  Methoxychlor 75 Dust           Methoxychlor                  Recreational areas, urban Base & 
                                                                                    rural areas, agricultural       
                                                                                    premise use for barns (including
                                                                                    dairy barns), milk rooms, pens, 
                                                                                    sheds, stalls, poultry houses,  
                                                                                    stables, feed rooms & mature    
                                                                                    piles, kennels, dog sleeping    
                                                                                    quarters, cat sleeping quarters,
                                                                                    food processing plants (edible &
                                                                                    inedible), food processing      
                                                                                    storage areas (including cereal 
                                                                                    processing mills, cereal storage
                                                                                    areas & flour mills),           
                                                                                    mausoleums, mushroom house &    
                                                                                    equipment treatment,            
                                                                                    transportation vehicles, empty  
                                                                                    peanut warehouses               
    002217-00676....  Casoron 50W Dichlobenil        Dichlobenil                   Citrus, nuts other than filberts,
                       Herbicide                                                    figs, mango, alfalfa, avocado,  
                                                                                    forestry uses, aquatic food uses
                                                                                    drainage systems, sewage systems
    002217-00679....  1 Acme Norosac 10G             Dichlobenil                   Citrus, nuts other that filberts,
                       Dichlobenil Herbicide                                        figs, mango, alfalfa, avocado,  
                                                                                    forestry uses, aquatic food uses
                                                                                    drainage systems, sewage systems
    003125-00449....  DYLOX 80 SP Nursery            Trichlorfon                   Turf (sod farm) use              
    003772-00032....  Garden Rotenone Dust           Rotenone                      All food uses                    
    005440-00113....  Cardinal Food Plant 5-1        Piperonyl butoxide;           Mushroom production & processing 
                       Insecticide                    Pyrethrins                                                    
    005440-00115....  Cardinal 25-5 Insecticide      Piperonyl butoxide;           Mushroom production & processing 
    006458-00001....  Cube Powder                    Rotenone                      Terrestrial crop uses            
    006458-00005....  Cube Extract                   Rotenone                      Terrestrial crop uses            
    007501-00054....  Terraclor Super X 20-5 Dust w/ Pentachloronitrobenzene       Sugar beet use                   
    [[Page 7511]]
    008590-00487....  Agway 25% Methoxychlor Spray   Methoxychlor                  Cranberries, mosquito control    
                                                                                    (outdoors only), yards, patios, 
                                                                                    picnic areas                    
    011540-00001....  ULD BP-300 Insecticide         N-Octyl bicyclophep tene      Greenhouses & horticultural      
                                                      dicarboximide; Piperonyl      nurseries                       
                                                      butoxide; Pyrethrins                                          
    011540-00009....  ULD BP-100 Insecticide         N-Octyl bicycloheptene        Greenhouses & horticultural      
                                                      dicarboximide; Piperonyl      nurseries                       
                                                      butoxide; Pyrethrins                                          
    011540-00013....  ULD BP-50 Insecticide          Piperonyl butoxide;           Greenhouses & horticultural      
                                                      Pyrethrins                    nurseries                       
    011715-00158....  Magic Guard with Rotenone &    Pyrethrins                    Terrestrial crop uses            
    011715-00164....  Fire Ant Insecticide with      Rotenone                      Terrestrial crop uses            
    019713-00027....  Drexel Methoxychlor Technical  Methoxychlor                  Agricultural premises, farm      
                                                                                    buildings, grain storage bins,  
                                                                                    mushroom houses, elevator       
                                                                                    tunnels, gallery floors,        
                                                                                    headhouse, peanut warehouses,   
                                                                                    freight cars, grain trucks,     
                                                                                    ships' holds, mosquito breeding 
                                                                                    areas, alfalfa, cowpeas, forage 
    019713-00032....  Drexel Methoxychlor 50 WP      Methoxychlor                  Grasses & legumes, farm          
                                                                                    buildings, grain storage bins,  
                                                                                    cranberries, field & forage     
                                                                                    crops, farm bldgs, grain storage
    019713-00034....  Drexel Methoxychlor 2EC        Methoxychlor                  Forage crops, agricultural       
                                                                                    premises, farm buildings, grain 
                                                                                    storage bins, alfalfa, cowpeas, 
                                                                                    forage grasses, cranberries,    
                                                                                    mosquito control                
    019713-00118....  Drexel Methoxychlor 4L         Methoxychlor                  Farm buildings, mushroom houses, 
                                                                                    grain storage bins, elevator    
                                                                                    tunnels, gallery floor,         
                                                                                    headhouse, peanut warehouses,   
                                                                                    freight cars, grain trucks,     
                                                                                    ships' hold, mosquito breeding  
                                                                                    areas, forage & field crops,    
                                                                                    peanuts, soybeans, contact &    
                                                                                    space spray for flies           
    028293-00014....  Unicorn Flea & Tick Powder     Methoxychlor                  Pet bedding use                  
                       for Dogs & Cats #3                                                                           
    028293-00102....  Unicorn Flea & Tick Powder I   Methoxychlor                  Pet bedding use                  
    034704-00738....  Casoron G-4 Herbicide          Dichlobenil                   Nectarines, peaches, plums,      
    067760-00002....  Cheminova Malathion-           Methoxychlor                  Mosquito control uses            
                       Methoxychlor Spray                                                                           
        The following Table 2 includes the names and addresses of record 
    for all registrants of the products in Table 1, in sequence by EPA 
    company number.
     Table 2. -- Registrants Requesting Amendments to Delete Uses in Certain
                             Pesticide Registrations                        
       No.                       Company Name and Address                   
    000299..  C.J. Martin Co., 606 West Main St., Nacogdoches, TX 75961.    
    000432..  Agrevo Environmental Health, 95 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Montvale, 
               NJ 07645.                                                    
    000572..  Rockland Corp., P.O. Box 809, West Caldwell, NJ 07006.        
    000655..  Prentiss Incorporated, C.B. 2000 21 Vernon St., Floral Park,  
               NY 11001.                                                    
    000769..  SureCo, Inc., 10012 N. Dale Mabry, Suite 221, Tampa, FL 33618.
    000869..  Green Light Co., P.O. Box 17985, San Antonio, TX 78217.       
    002217..  PBI/Gordon Corp., 1217 W. 12th St., P.O. Box 4090, Kansas     
               City, MO 64101.                                              
    003125..  Bayer Corp., P.O. Box 4913, 8400 Hawthorn Rd., Kansas City, MO
    003772..  Earl May Seed & Nursery Co., 208 N. Elm Street, Shenandoah, IA
    005440..  Cardinal Chemical Co., 1233 E. Beamer St., Suite G, Woodland, 
               CA 95776.                                                    
    006458..  Foreign Domestic Chemical Corp., 95 Chestnut Ridge Road,      
               Montvale, NJ 07645.                                          
    007501..  Gustafson, Inc., P.O. Box 660065, Dallas, TX 75266.           
    008590..  Agway Inc., Agriculture Group, P.O. Box 4741, Syracuse, NY    
    011540..  Micro-Gen Equipment Corp., 10700 Sentinel Dr., San Antonio, TX
    [[Page 7512]]
    011715..  Speer Products, P.O. Box 18993, Memphis, TN 38181.            
    019713..  Drexel Chemical Co., 1700 Channel Ave., P.O. Box 13327.       
               Memphis, TN 38113.                                           
    028293..  Unicorn Laboratories, 13535 Feather Sound Drive, Suite 400,   
               Clearwater, FL 34622.                                        
    034704..  Platte Chemical Co., 419 18th Street, P.O. Box 667, Greeley,  
               CO 80632.                                                    
    067760..  Cheminova, Inc., Oak Hill Park, 1700 Route 23, Suite 210,     
               Wayne, NJ 07470.                                             
    III. Existing Stocks Provisions
        The Agency has authorized registrants to sell or distribute product 
    under the previously approved labeling for a period of 18 months after 
    approval of the revision, unless other restrictions have been imposed, 
    as in special review actions.
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Pesticides and pests, Product 
    Dated: February 1, 1996.
    Frank Sanders,
    Director, Program Management and Support Division, Office of Pesticide 
    [FR Doc. 96-4027 Filed 2-27-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Unless a request is withdrawn, the Agency will approve these use deletions and the deletions will become effective on May 28, 1996.
7509-7512 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPP-34087, FRL 4994-8
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