96-4413. Endangered and Threatened Species; Notice of Reclassification of 96 Candidate Taxa  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 40 (Wednesday, February 28, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 7457-7463]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-4413]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    Endangered and Threatened Species; Notice of Reclassification of 
    96 Candidate Taxa
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Notice of candidate taxa reclassification.
    SUMMARY: In this document, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) 
    provides explanation for changes in the status of 96 taxa of plants and 
    animals that are under review for possible addition to the List of 
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants (List) under the 
    Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, as amended.
    ADDRESSES: Comments and questions concerning this notice should be sent 
    to the Chief, Division of Endangered Species, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
    Service, 1849 C Street, N.W., Mail Stop ARLSQ-452, Washington, D.C., 
    E. LaVerne Smith, Chief, Division of Endangered Species, at telephone 
    number (703/358-2171).
        In December 1992, the Service reached a settlement agreement 
    (agreement) with the plaintiffs in the Fund For Animals et al. v. Lujan 
    et al. case (D.D.C. Civ. No. 92-800) that provides for the Service to 
    review the listing status of species regarded as Category 1 candidates 
    as of September 1, 1992. For any species covered by the agreement and 
    removed from candidate (Category 1) status because listing is no longer 
    considered to be warranted, the Service must publish a notice in the 
    Federal Register that provides explanation for the reclassification. 
    This notice is published to comply with the above requirement.
        It is important to note that candidate assessment is an ongoing 
    function and changes in status should be expected. Species that are 
    removed from the candidate list may very well be restored to candidate 
    status if additional information supporting such a change becomes 
    available to the Service. Requests for such information were issued by 
    the Service in the 1993 Plant Notice of Review (58 FR 51144; September 
    30, 1993) and the 1994 Animal Notice of Review (59 FR 58982; November 
    15, 1994). A combined plant and animal notice of review, requesting 
    updated information on candidate species, is being published elsewhere 
    in today's Federal Register.
        Candidate species are those species for which the Service has on 
    file sufficient information to support issuance of a proposed rule to 
    list under the Act. The Service recently completed a review of all 
    candidate species to assure that this definition is uniformly 
    applicable. The results of this review indicate that 88 plant taxa and 
    8 animal taxa included in the settlement exhibits should be removed 
    from candidate status. There are four primary explanations for these 
    reclassifications: (1) The taxon is believed or known to be extinct; 
    (2) the taxon is not a listable entity or is the subject of taxonomic 
    review; (3) the taxon is more widespread than previously thought or not 
    subject to identified threats; and (4) Service files contain 
    insufficient information on status and threats to justify issuing a 
    proposed rule. This notice provides specific explanations for each of 
    the 96 reclassifications.
        The Ciervo aegialian scarab beetle (Aegialia concinna) is a 
    flightless, fossorial beetle that was first described in 1977: long-
    term information on species trends is not available. General threats 
    from urban, suburban, and agricultural development were identified when 
    this species was first designated as a candidate. Additional 
    populations have been discovered in Fresno, San Joaquin, and Costa 
    Counties. These discoveries include new habitat types and suggest that 
    the species is not likely to become threatened or endangered in the 
    foreseeable future. The species is removed from candidate status 
    because of the recent discoveries and limited information on habitat 
    requirements, life history, and status needed to prepare a proposed 
        Allium aaseae (Aase's onion) is a small, perennial plant that is 
    endemic to southwestern Idaho. The species occurs on relatively barren, 
    xeric habitats with gentle to steep slopes and is usually associated 
    with sparsely vegetated bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata) or 
    bitterbrush/sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) communities. Recent survey 
    information indicates there are at least 66 extant populations of 
    Aase's onion (containing approximately 400,000 individuals), with 49 of 
    these populations having more than 1,000 individuals. Because threats 
    from suspected hybridization with other species have been shown to be 
    unfounded and because of the size and distribution of extant 
    populations, A. aaseae is removed from candidate status.
        Allium dictuon (Blue Mountain onion) is known only from the 
    vicinity of Weller Butte in the Blue Mountains of Columbia County, 
    Washington. Five occurrences of this plant are historically and 
    currently known within a range of about 4 square miles. Population 
    estimates for this species range between 1,000 and 3,000 plants. The 
    species is removed from candidate status because it is believed to be 
    stable and the threats associated with recreational use are uncertain. 
    Cattle grazing does occur in the vicinity of Weller Butte, but the 
    impact of this activity on Allium dictuon is uncertain and data 
    currently available to the Service do not indicate that listing is 
        Allium hickmanii (Hickman's onion) occurs in Monterey and San Luis 
    Obispo Counties (California) and is associated with closed-cone 
    coniferous forests, chaparral, coastal prairie, coastal scrub, and 
    valley and foothill grasslands. Additional populations of Hickman's 
    onion have been found in the last five years, indicating the species is 
    more widespread than previously known. Also, information in Service 
    files is currently insufficient to support issuance of a proposed 
    listing, so this species is removed from candidate status.
        Artemisia campestris wormskioldii (northern wormwood) was 
    historically known from the banks of the Columbia River near the mouth 
    of the John Day River in Wasco County, Oregon, westward to the vicinity 
    of the Hood River. Today it is known from two widely disjunct sites 
    along the Columbia River in Washington. Possible trampling associated 
    with recreational activity is the only identified threat to this 
    species. The most recent status information indicated a declining 
    trend, but those data are from 1989. It is removed from candidate 
    status primarily because the Service lacks sufficient information on 
    current status to issue a proposed listing.
        Aster jessicae (Jessica's aster) is endemic to mesic grasslands or 
    steppe vegetation of the Palouse region in southeast Washington and 
    northern Idaho. The species is currently known 
    [[Page 7458]]
    from three population centers, two in Idaho and one in Washington. 
    Review of file information indicates that the threats from grazing, 
    non-native plants, and land use practices are not sufficiently severe 
    to support a proposed listing. Also, additional information on the 
    status of this species is needed. It is removed from candidate status 
    primarily because the Service lacks current information on biological 
    vulnerability and threats needed for preparation of a proposed listing.
        Aster puniceus ssp. elliotti var. scabricaulis (Synphyotrichum 
    puniceum var. scabricaule; rough-stemmed aster) inhabits wetland areas 
    in east-central Texas. Recent survey work has discovered three 
    additional populations and extended the range to a new (Cherokee) 
    county. A recent taxonomic study has placed this taxon in the genus 
    Synphyotrichum and the validity of the taxon is being reviewed. In 
    addition, the species' status appears to be stable, in part due to 
    development and implementation of management plans for roadside 
    populations by the Texas Department of Transportation.
        Astragalus agnicidus (Humboldt milk-vetch) is limited to a single 
    occurrence on an 8-acre privately-owned ranch in southern Humboldt 
    County, California. The population is afforded protection by an 
    agreement between the landowner and the California Nature Conservancy 
    to reduce threats by delaying logging and excluding cattle.
        Astragalus australis var. olympicus (Cotton's milk-vetch) is found 
    at elevations above 5,000 feet on talus slopes in arctic-alpine 
    habitats that are characterized by a variety of associated, low-growing 
    cushion plants. Most of the known populations are found on federal 
    lands managed by the National Park Service or the U.S. Forest Service. 
    The only known threat to this species is overgrazing or trampling by 
    non-native mountain goats (Oreamus americanus). The species is 
    currently believed to be stable.
        Astragalus beatleyae (Beatley's astragalus) is known only from the 
    vicinity of Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada, where it occurs on lands 
    managed by the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense. The 
    Department of Energy recently completed extensive studies of the 
    distribution and life history of the species which indicate that 
    listing is not warranted. The species is no longer regarded as a 
    candidate because the identified threats have been resolved.
        Astragalus columbianus (Columbia milk-vetch) is a short-lived 
    perennial that occurs in sagebrush/bunchgrass shrub-steppe habitat 
    along the Columbia River in Kittitas, Yakima, and Benton counties in 
    Washington. Though once presumed extirpated in Washington, 29 
    populations have been documented in the past 15 years, four of these in 
    1994. Approximately 55,000 plants are known to exist and viable seeds 
    are being produced. The recent discovery of additional populations and 
    apparent stability justify removal from candidate status.
        Astragalus mulfordiae (Mulford's milk-vetch) is endemic to the 
    western Snake River plain in Idaho and Oregon. Removal from candidate 
    status is justified by identification of 36 extant populations and a 
    lack of information on threats to the species. The estimated population 
    size is approximately 15,000 individuals in Oregon and between 3,000 
    and 4,000 individuals in Idaho. Because of poor documentation of 
    threats and the existence of stable populations, the species is removed 
    from candidate status.
        Bloomeria humilis (dwarf goldenstar) is known from two populations 
    that occur on private lands in northwestern San Luis Obispo County, 
    California. Current land uses, which have not been shown to be 
    detrimental, include light cattle grazing and periodic shrub removal. 
    No imminent threats are known at this time and no population losses 
    have been documented.
        Calochortus clavatus var. avius (Pleasant Valley mariposa lily) was 
    historically known from only 13 locations containing approximately 450 
    plants. Two of the historical occurrences were possibly extirpated. 
    Recent surveys conducted by the Eldorado National Forest discovered 
    additional occurrences within the original range. The variety is now 
    known from 125 locations with an estimate of 45,000 plants. The variety 
    is removed from candidate status.
        Calochortus greenei (Greene's mariposa) generally grows in pinyon-
    juniper woodland or upper montane coniferous forests. It is known from 
    southern Jackson and Klamath counties, Oregon and Siskiyou and Modoc 
    counties, California. Estimated abundance was 1,610 individuals in 
    Oregon and 6,840 individuals in California, but these data are from 
    1988 surveys. The threats posed by habitat destruction, harvest, and 
    grazing are not severe and the species is not particularly narrow in 
    its choice of substrate. Given the broad habitat tolerance, lack of 
    severe threats, and lack of current status information on which to base 
    a proposed listing, this species is removed from candidate status.
        Calochortus nitidus (broad-fruit mariposa lily) is a perennial herb 
    with large, showy flowers that is endemic to mid-elevation grassland 
    habitats of the Palouse region in north-central Idaho. The taxon was 
    previously known from southeast Washington but is now considered to be 
    extirpated from the State. C. nitidus is currently known from more than 
    100 populations that range in size from a few individuals to several 
    thousand plants. The species is believed to be stable and faces only 
    weak threats from grazing, nonindigenous plants, logging, and 
    agriculture. A conservation agreement was signed in 1991 to conserve C. 
    nitidus on a parcel of land transferred from the Bureau of Land 
    Management to private ownership and numerous other populations occur on 
    BLM lands.
        Calochortus westonii (Shirley Meadows mariposa lily) is a perennial 
    found in meadows and in the understory of broadleaf upland forests and 
    lower montane coniferous forests of the southern Sierra on lands 
    administered by Sequoia National Forest. The U.S. Forest Service 
    Species Management Guide allows for selective timber harvest at 
    infrequent intervals in C. westonii habitat. This action helps maintain 
    suitable habitat for the species and combined with recent population 
    discoveries justifies removal of this species from candidate status.
        Cardamine pattersonii (Saddle Mountain bittercress) is endemic to 
    four mountaintops in the Coast Ranges of Clatsop and Yamhill counties, 
    Oregon. The species grows on moss mats over bare rocks or on grassy 
    balds, and in the gravel of small creeks. Total habitat for this 
    species covers about 100 to 150 acres and there are roughly 3,000 
    individuals known. The only known threats are from recreational use of 
    a trail and possible construction of a radio repeater on nearby private 
    land. Neither of these threats are severe and inclusion as a candidate 
    is therefore not warranted.
        Castilleja salsuginosa (Monte Neva paintbrush) is known only from a 
    15-acre area of private land in White Pine County, Nevada. However, 
    information in Service files cast considerable doubt on the 
    distinctiveness of this taxon. Botanist Mark Egger (in litt.) has 
    concluded that material identified as C. salsuginosa is probably at 
    best a variety of the widespread species C. nana and other botanists 
    question even the varietal distinctiveness of the Monte Neva 
    paintbrush. C. salsuginosa is removed from candidate status while its 
    taxonomic status is under review.
        Caulanthus amplexicaulis var. barbarae (Santa Barbara jewelflower) 
    [[Page 7459]]
    a serpentinite endemic, known from five occurrences in Santa Barbara 
    County, California. It inhabits bluffs, dry disturbed slopes, openings 
    in chaparral, under ghost pines, and Sargent cypress forest. The 
    species is believed to be stable and the only potential threats are 
    from grazing and road grazing. Since serpentinite supports limited 
    forage, threats from grazing are unlikely. The species is removed from 
    candidate status.
        Chamaesyce remyi var. hanaleiensis (no common name) was endemic to 
    the island of Kauai. The plant has not been observed or collected in 
    this Century and is believed to be extinct. It is therefore removed 
    from candidate status.
        The greenest tiger beetle (Cicindela tranquebarica viridissima) was 
    recently rediscovered and returned to candidate status (see 60 FR 
    34226, June 30, 1995). However, experts for the family Cicindelidae 
    acknowledge that the taxonomy of C. tranquebarica is in need of serious 
    revision. Recent studies indicate that C. t. viridissima is in fact 
    synonymous with C. t. vibex, so candidate status for C. t. viridissima 
    is no longer appropriate.
        Claytonia lanceolata var. peirsonii (Peirson's spring beauty) 
    occurs on scree slopes in subalpine forests. The variety is known from 
    five populations in the eastern San Gabriel Mountains of Los Angeles 
    County, California. In 1980, the number of individuals was estimated at 
    about 3,300 but a major fire severely depressed the population later 
    that year. By 1987 the estimated number of individuals had risen to 
    about 1,400. Its current status is unknown. In the most recent 
    taxonomic treatment of the genus, this variety was not recognized as 
    distinct from the parent species C. lanceolata, so the variety is 
    removed from candidate status. This treatment has been challenged by 
    the California Native Plant Society so the Service will follow the 
    resolution of the taxonomic issues.
        The San Joaquin dune beetle (Coelus gracilis) is a flightless, 
    fossorial beetle restricted to dunes of fine-grained sand. It was 
    described from the Antioch dunes (Contra Costa County, California) in 
    1939 but has not been found there recently despite searches. Current 
    information on the status of the species is lacking and the known 
    threats from habitat alteration caused by nonindigenous tumbleweeds 
    (Salsola kali) or off-road vehicle use are believed to be slight. The 
    species is removed from candidate status primarily because the Service 
    lacks current status information needed for preparation of a proposed 
        Collomia rawsoniana (Rawson's flaming trumpet) was first described 
    in 1888 from specimens collected in the higher valleys of the Sierra 
    Nevada. The species is found within riparian zones of the upper 
    watershed of the San Joaquin River and the Fresno River at elevations 
    between 3,500 and 6,300 feet. The species is removed from candidate 
    status because it is believed to be stable. Threats associated with 
    logging have been alleviated by restricting logging in habitat areas as 
    part of an interagency agreement between the Service and the U.S. 
    Forest Service.
        Cordylanthus nidularius (Mt. Diablo bird's-beak) is found in a 
    single population on Mt. Diablo in Contra Costa County, California on 
    serpentine soils of Mt. Diablo State Park. The species is believed to 
    be stable and protected from threats by Park guidance.
        Cordylanthus rigidus ssp. littoralis (seaside bird's-beak) is an 
    annual member of the snapdragon family that flowers in mid-summer. 
    Habitat occurs in limited areas of loose sandy soils of stabilized 
    dunes in openings in maritime chaparral, oak woodland, and closed cone 
    pine forest communities. Seventeen extant populations have been 
    identified and threats to these populations are believed to be few. 
    Recent discoveries on Fort Ord property indicate that this species is 
    more widespread than previously known. Protections afforded for six of 
    the 17 extant occurrences, including the Fort Ord population, justify 
    removal from candidate status.
        Coryphantha recurvata (Santa Cruz cactus) occurs at elevations of 
    4,000-6,000 feet in grassland and oak woodland in the rolling hills of 
    the Atascosa Mountains in south-central Arizona and Sonora, Mexico. 
    Survey work conducted in 1994 identified previously unknown sites, 
    suggesting the species is more widespread than previously thought. The 
    species is removed from candidate status primarily because of recently 
    discovered populations. Preparation of a proposed listing would only be 
    possible with additional status information that contradicts the known 
        Cupressus stephensonii (Cuyamaca cypress) is a small tree or shrub 
    that grows in clay soils in closed conifer forest, chaparral, and along 
    riparian drainages. It is known from two small populations in San Diego 
    County, California. This species has received considerable taxonomic 
    revision and was recently deemed synonymous with C. arizonica. Based on 
    these changes, C. stephensonii does not meet the Act's definition of 
    species and is therefore removed from candidate status.
        Cymopterus deserticola (desert cymopterus) is a perennial herb that 
    grows on loose sandy soils in the western Mojave Desert at about 45 
    feet in elevation. The species is restricted to about 10 occurrences 
    over a 30 mile range. The plant occurs within the area being addressed 
    by the West Mojave Coordinated Management Plan, which will function as 
    a multi-species habitat conservation plan and this action will 
    alleviate many of the threats to the species.
        Delphinium pavonaceum (peacock larkspur) is endemic to the central 
    portion of the Willamette Valley, Oregon and to Benton, Clackamus, 
    Marion, and Polk counties. There are 53 reported occurrences, but only 
    31 of these have been confirmed since 1985. A status report prepared in 
    1980 does not provide site specific threats, population size, or 
    population trends. Candidate status is not justified based on the lack 
    of specific information on threats and population status.
        Delphinium variegatum ssp. thornei (Thorne's royal larkspur) is a 
    perennial herb restricted to southern San Clemente Island. Roughly 
    13,000 individuals are known from 13 populations. The recent removal of 
    goats from the island has removed the only known threat to this 
        Delphinium viridescens (Wenatchee larkspur) is found in moist 
    meadows at mid-elevation of the Wenatchee Mountains of Washington. 
    Roughly 5,000 stems of the species are known from 20 populations in 
    Chelan and Kittitas counties. Conservation efforts by the U.S. Forest 
    Service and the Washington Department of Natural Resources have reduced 
    threats to the species and warrant its removal from candidate status.
        Dudleya cymosa ssp. costafolia (Pierpoint Springs dudleya) is known 
    only from its type locality. The only known threats are associated with 
    use or construction of summer homes. Significant threats are lacking 
    and it is removed from candidate status.
        Dudleya viscida (sticky dudleya) is a perennial succulent that 
    occurs on steep rocky cliffs and outcrops in chaparral and coastal sage 
    scrub. The species is estimated to number between 100,000 and 250,000 
    individuals and appears to be stable. It is more abundant than 
    previously thought and is being removed from candidate status for that 
        The spring pygmy sunfish (Elassoma alabamae, formerly known as 
    Elassoma sp.) was discovered in 1938 in a spring in Lauderdale County, 
    Alabama near the Tennessee River. The species was thought extinct until 
    1973 when it was 
    [[Page 7460]]
    found in part of Beaverdam Creek in Limestone County. The species has 
    been successfully introduced into other waters and its distribution has 
    increased outside the range of introduction. Tennessee Valley Authority 
    biologists recently discovered additional populations, including one on 
    Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. The known populations, each exceeding 
    1,000 individuals, are increasing. This species is removed from 
    candidate status.
        Eriogonum brandegei (Brandegee wild-buckwheat) is a long-lived 
    perennial plant found in sagebrush stands or in pinyon-juniper 
    woodlands between 5,700 and 7,500 feet in elevation. Prior to the late 
    1980s the total known population was 700 individuals. However, 
    inventories conducted in 1989, 1992, and 1993 resulted in population 
    estimates between 100,000 and several million individuals. The species 
    is removed from candidate status.
        Eriogonum breedlovei var. breedlovei (Piute buckwheat) is 
    restricted to dolomite and limestone substrates within the Piute 
    Mountains in the southern Sierra Mountains of California. Previously 
    identified threats associated with gold mining were overstated and the 
    species is being removed from candidate status due to lack of known 
    threats to the species.
        Eriogonum chrysops (golden buckwheat) is a perennial herb limited 
    to the Dry Creek drainage in central Malheur County, Oregon. Roughly 
    9,500 individuals were known from five sites in 1988 but current status 
    information is lacking. Former threats from herbicide use, grazing, 
    off-road vehicles, and nonindigenous plants are now regarded as 
    inconsequential, justifying removal from candidate status.
        Eriogonum ericifolium var. thornei (Thorne's buckwheat) is 
    restricted to two populations in the New York Mountains of San 
    Bernardino County, California. When elevated to candidate status, 
    threats from mining and grazing were identified but it is uncertain 
    whether these activities still threaten the species' existence due to 
    the transfer of management of the areas occupied by this plant to the 
    National Park Service.
        Eriophyllum lanatum var. hallii (Fort Tejon woolly-sunflower) is 
    currently known from three populations in eastern Santa Barbara and 
    western Kern counties, California. The two Santa Barbara populations 
    were estimated to contain 800 and 12 individuals respectively and the 
    Kern County population has an estimated 500 individuals. Development on 
    private lands appears unlikely and hypothesized threats from erosion 
    and road grading on Forest Service lands are questionable. Similarly, 
    potential threats by cattle grazing and insects do not appear to be 
    problematic. In addition, current status information needed to support 
    a proposed listing is not available, so this species is being removed 
    from candidate status.
        Erythrina eggersii (Pinon Espinoso Cock's spur) is a spiny tree 
    known only from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. On the island 
    of St. John it is known from four sites within the National Park; 
    threats to the St. John population are not known. In Puerto Rico it is 
    known primarily from the northern limestone hills, but its distribution 
    and abundance within this habitat type is poorly known. Given secure 
    status on St. John and the lack of status information that would be 
    needed for preparation of a proposed listing in Puerto Rico, it is 
    removed from candidate status.
        The Florida mastiff bat (Eumops glaucinus floridanus) is known from 
    Florida, Cuba, Jamaica, Central America, and South America. The studies 
    upon which the original candidate classification was based were 
    seriously flawed in that they used a technique with low likelihood of 
    detecting mastiff bats. While native habitat appears to be declining, 
    the species also appears to have adapted to human presence by using 
    Spanish tile roofs. The current or historic number of mastiff bats in 
    Florida is unknown. This species is being removed from candidate status 
    because current status information is not available to prepare a 
    proposed listing, recent surveys indicate that mastiff bats in south 
    Florida may be more abundant than previously known, and adaptation to 
    human presence suggests that the species is unlikely to become 
    threatened or endangered in the foreseeable future.
        Franklinia alatamaha (Franklin tree) was last seen in the wild in 
    McIntosh County, Georgia in 1803. The type locality has been searched 
    repeatedly over the past 200 years, but no specimens have been 
    observed. While probably extinct in the wild, the species is extant 
    through cultivation and widely distributed as an ornamental. It is 
    removed from candidate status because the species is not threatened or 
        Gilia maculata (little San Bernardino Mountains gilia) is 
    restricted to sandy wash terraces at the base of the Little San 
    Bernardino Mountains in San Bernardino County, California. Recent 
    surveys have increased the number of known locations for this species, 
    reduced the intensity of threats to the species, and its status is 
    believed to be stable. Therefore, it is removed from candidate status.
        Hackelia cronquistii (Cronquist's stickseed) is found on sandy 
    moist sagebrush slopes in eastern Oregon and Idaho. The species is 
    being removed from candidate status due to stable populations in Oregon 
    and large amounts of potential habitat that are believed to be suitable 
    for this species.
        Hackelia venusta (showy stickseed) grows in openings within the 
    Ponderosa pine and Douglas fir forests of open, steep slopes on dry, 
    loose, granitic well-drained soils. The species appears to be 
    restricted to a single population in Tumwater Canyon, Chelan County, 
    Washington. Two other potential populations have been identified near 
    the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, also in Chelan County, but the taxonomic 
    status of these populations is uncertain. Tumwater Canyon was 
    designated a Botanical Area by the Wenatchee National Forest and the 
    State of Washington has developed management guidelines to protect the 
    species. The species is being removed from candidate status due to 
    poorly documented threats, management actions to supplement the wild 
    population with outplantings of disease-free plantings, and an 
    uncertain taxonomic status.
        Haplopappus (=Pyrrocoma) insecticruris (bugleg goldenweed) is 
    endemic to Camas, Elmore, and Blaine counties, Idaho. It occurs in two 
    habitat types: the densely vegetated habitat of the Cama prairie found 
    in mesic areas with deep soils, and less vegetated, somewhat xeric 
    habitats of the Artemisia arbuscula or shrub/grassland type. The 
    species' known distribution has increased from four populations in 1983 
    to more than 83 populations in 1985 surveys. It appears to occupy 
    disturbed and undisturbed habitats. The Idaho Native Plant Society 
    recently recommended removing this species from candidate status and 
    the Service concurs.
        Haplopappus radiatus (Snake River goldenweed) is endemic to the 
    dry, rolling hills, ridge, and canyon slopes of the Snake River in 
    eastern Oregon and western Idaho. The habitat is generally a grazing-
    modified sagebrush/grassland community. Estimated abundance in Idaho is 
    approximately 35,000 individuals from 22 known populations. Total 
    abundance of the 37 known Oregon populations may exceed 100,000 
    individuals. This species is too widely distributed and abundant to be 
    considered a candidate species.
        Hastingsia bracteosa (large-flowered rush-lily) is a lilaceous 
    plant growing from bulbs and is found in serpentine bogs at lower 
    elevations in Jackson and 
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    Josephine counties, Oregon, and Siskiyou and Del Norte counties, 
    California. The species is historically known from 43 locations in 
    Oregon but the most recent status information on the species is from 
    1980. It is being removed from candidate status due to weak or unclear 
    data on threats and due to the lack of current status information.
        Hemizonia arida (Red Rock tarplant) is associated with clay soils 
    in desert scrub. Its distribution is limited to a few square miles in 
    the Mojave desert, Kern County, California. Threats posed by off-road 
    vehicles have been relieved via transfer of the land to the California 
    Department of Parks and Recreation and the species is therefore removed 
    from candidate status.
        Hesperolinon didmyocarpum (Lake County dwarf-flax) is known from 
    six populations on a combined area of less than five acres. The current 
    range is comparable to its known historical range and only one 
    population is subject to threatened habitat degradation. The species is 
    believed to be stable and is removed from candidate status due to a 
    lack of documented threats.
        Hibiscadelphus crucibracteatus (hau kuahiwi) was historically found 
    on the island of Lanai but is now believed to be extinct. The last 
    known specimen, discovered in 1981, died in 1985. The species is 
    removed from candidate status.
        Ivesia aperta var. canina (Dog Valley ivesia) is known only from 
    Dog Valley, Sierra County, California on lands managed by the Toiyabe 
    National Forest. The population size was estimated at 2,700 individuals 
    in 1989, but has increased by about 33 percent since then. Potential 
    threats from grazing, recreation, and dam construction have not 
    materialized and the species' status is improving. The species is 
    removed from candidate status.
        Juncus leiospermus var. ahartii (Ahart's rush) is known from Butte, 
    Calaveras, and Placer counties, California. Since the late 1980s, 
    several additional populations of this plant have been discovered. Only 
    the Oroville population in Butte County is known to face threats 
    associated with habitat degradation. Because of insufficient 
    information on status, distribution, and threats, the species is 
    removed from candidate status.
        Lavatera assurgentiflora ssp. assurgentiflora and L. a. glabra were 
    combined in a 1993 taxonomic treatment to form Lavatera assurgentiflora 
    (island tree mallow). The species is widespread and cultivated as an 
    ornamental or windbreak on the mainland and it also occurs on the Santa 
    Cruz islands, Santa Catalina Island, and San Clemente Island. Given the 
    widespread distribution and taxonomic uncertainty, the two subspecies 
    are removed from candidate status.
        Layia leucopappa (Comanche layia) is known only from a small area 
    of the Tejon Ranch and surrounding area in Kern County, California. 
    Five of the six known populations occur on the privately owned ranch. 
    Although the plant has a very limited distribution, only one population 
    faces potential threats from grazing. The species is removed from 
    candidate status.
        The Hawaiian stream goby `o`opu alamo`o (Lentipes concolor) occurs 
    in freshwater streams throughout the main Hawaiian Islands. The species 
    has an amphidromous life-history pattern that allows for transfer of 
    genetic material among the various island populations. Although 
    populations on the island of Oahu have declined, recent studies 
    indicate that the species is not sufficiently threatened with 
    extinction to be considered a candidate species.
        Lilium maritimum (coast lily) grows in closed-cone coniferous 
    forest, coastal prairie, and coastal scrub habitats of Mendocino and 
    Sonoma counties, California. Populations from Marin, San Mateo, and San 
    Francisco counties may have been extirpated. Today, many populations 
    are found in roadside ditches at elevations from 30 to 1,100 feet. 
    Although the species faces threats associated with horticultural 
    collecting, the Service lacks current status information needed to 
    justify candidate status.
        Limnanthes floccosa ssp. pumila (dwarf wooly meadow-foam) is 
    endemic to two basalt formations in Jackson County, Oregon. The plant 
    occurs at the edges of deep vernal pools and during most years the 
    populations number in the thousands of individuals. While this species 
    has a limited distribution, it faces only limited threats and is 
    generally abundant. It is removed from candidate status.
        Lomatium erythrocarpum (red-fruited desert-parsley) is a perennial 
    herb that is restricted to western Baker County, Oregon, along the 
    Elkhorn Ridge of the Blue Mountains. It occurs on loose gravel or talus 
    on east- or south-facing slopes at elevations between 7,500 and 8,500 
    feet. Although the species has a limited distribution and is rare, it 
    faces only minor threats associated with trampling by ungulates or 
    humans. The species is removed from candidate status.
        Lomatium greenmanii (Greenman's desert-parsley) is endemic to the 
    summit region of Mount Howard in the Wallowa Mountains of northeast 
    Oregon. The total population of 20,000 individuals occupies roughly 20 
    acres of subalpine and alpine meadows. This rare endemic has a stable 
    population that appears to be fully using its available habitat. It is 
    removed from candidate status.
        Lotus argophyllus ssp. adsurgens (San Clemente Island silver 
    hosackia) is restricted to 10 populations at the southern tip of San 
    Clemente Island, California. Former threats posed by grazing and 
    rooting pigs have been alleviated by removal of feral goats and pigs 
    from the island. Therefore, candidate status is no longer justified.
        Luina serpentina (colonial luina) is a stout branching plant that 
    forms colonies or large mats which hug the ground. The species is known 
    only from two sites and grows on steep, rocky, open serpentine slopes. 
    There are no known threats and the last survey was conducted in 1980, 
    so status information necessary to support listing is not available.
        Lunania buchii (no common name) was originally described from 
    specimens collected by the U.S. Forest Service from Luquillo and 
    Maricao, Puerto Rico. This species had previously been reported from 
    Haiti. Studies by H.O. Sleumer, conducted in 1980, placed L. buchii in 
    synonymy with L. eckmanii, a species common to Hispaniola. More recent 
    studies of the Puerto Rican specimens suggest that they are not fully 
    consistent with L. eckmanii, further clouding the taxonomic status of 
    the species. The species is withdrawn from candidate status.
        Lupinus aridus ssp. ashlandensis (Mount Ashland lupine) is a 
    perennial lupine that grows in granitic outcrops only on the summit of 
    Mount Ashland in Jackson County, Oregon. The population was estimated 
    at roughly 350,000 individuals in 1991 and faces no verified threats. 
    It is believed to be stable and is therefore removed from candidate 
        Malacothamnus abbottii (Abbott's bush-mallow) is known from private 
    lands in southern Monterey County, California. It was originally 
    described from a single location in 1896 and was thought extinct until 
    its rediscovery in 1990. At least five populations have been located 
    and the species appears to persist in areas with surface disturbance. 
    The species is more abundant than originally believed and although it 
    is globally rare, threats are unknown. Current information on the 
    distribution, abundance, and life history is insufficient to support 
    candidate status. 
    [[Page 7462]]
        Oenothera psammophila (St. Anthony evening primrose) is part of the 
    early successional community dominated by Elymus flavescens and 
    Psoralea lanceolata. In 1983, approximately 50,000 individuals were 
    known from 298 colonies. By 1994 this number had grown to roughly 
    85,000 individuals in 685 colonies. Recent studies indicate that 
    threats from trampling and off-road vehicles are less than previously 
    believed. In light of reduced levels of threat and improving status, 
    this species is removed from candidate status.
        Oenothera wolfii (Wolf's evening primrose) is known from six sites 
    in Mendocino, Humboldt, and Del Norte counties, California and seven 
    sites in Curry County, Oregon. The species faces limited threats from 
    slope stabilization, road widening, and bridge replacement. Also, 
    review of file information indicates insufficient status information to 
    support issuance of a proposed listing for this species. The species is 
    removed from candidate status.
        Ophioglossum concinnum (pololei) was thought to be endemic to the 
    Hawaiian Islands but taxonomic revisions have placed it within o. 
    polyphyllum, a species found in Asia, South America, and Africa. This 
    revision greatly increases the range and abundance of the species and 
    it is removed from candidate status.
        Orobanche parishii ssp. brachyloba (short-lobed broom-rape) occurs 
    on the Pacific coast from San Luis Obispo south to Baja California and 
    on the Channel Islands. It is associated with sandy soils in coastal 
    bluff scrub, coastal dunes, and coastal scrub. Several new populations 
    have recently been discovered on San Nicolas Island and San Miguel 
    Island, supporting removal from candidate status.
        Penstemon discolor (Catalina beardtongue) is known to occur in the 
    Santa Catalina, Dragoon, Atascosa, Winchester, and Galiuro mountains of 
    southeastern Arizona. Since 1991, several additional populations have 
    been discovered. These discoveries lessen the significance of threats 
    posed to the Santa Catalina population and supports removal from 
    candidate status because a listing proposal is no longer warranted.
        Pentachaeta exilis ssp. aeolica (slender pentachaeta) is a small, 
    ephemeral plant associated with dry grasslands. Based on status 
    information from 1977, the species is restricted to three populations 
    in Monterey and San Benito counties, California. The only potential 
    threat is grazing by cattle. The extent of this threat is not presently 
    sufficient to warrant a proposed listing. Given the lack of recent 
    status information to support issuance of proposed listing, and a lack 
    of clearly identified threats, maintaining this species in candidate 
    status is not warranted.
        Phlox idahonis (Clearwater phlox) is endemic to moist meadows and 
    streambanks in the Clearwater Mountains of north-central Idaho. The 
    species occurs in relatively flat grassland/shrub habitats, ranging 
    from 2,800 to 3,275 feet in elevation and is the only phlox occurring 
    in mountain meadows of northern Idaho. This species is known from four 
    metapopulations (eight occurrences), all within four miles of the town 
    of Headquarters, Idaho. Although the timing and intensity of grazing 
    may adversely affect the species, the threat from grazing is not 
    sufficient to warrant a proposed listing for this plant. It is 
    therefore being removed from candidate status.
        Pleuropogon oregonus (Oregon semaphore grass) grows in moist 
    meadows and marshlands at about 2,500 to 4,000 feet in elevation with 
    numerous aquatic and semiaquatic associates. The species is known from 
    two widely separated regions of Oregon. There are eight known 
    populations, four in Lake County and four in Union County. Because the 
    species faces only minor threats from grazing and stream channelization 
    and is believed to be stable, removal from candidate status is 
        Polemonium pectinatum (Washington polemonium) is found primarily 
    along the outer margins of riparian areas near the transition with 
    xeric vegetation in Lincoln, Whitman, and Adams counties, Washington 
    and is believed extirpated from Spokane County. Currently there are 35 
    extant populations with an estimated total of 15,000 to 20,000 
    individuals. Minor threats have been reduced by a conservation 
    agreement aimed at reducing the populations of noxious weeds and 
    removal from candidate status is justified.
        Polyctenium williamsiae (Williams' combleaf) is presently known 
    from five occurrences in Washoe and Nye counties, Nevada. The species 
    occurs on sandy clay margins and bottoms of ephemeral pools in 
    sagebrush scrub. At its spring 1995 meeting, the Northern Nevada Native 
    Plant Society Rare Plant Committee recommended removing this species 
    from Category 1 candidate status but retaining it in Category 2 status. 
    A listing proposal is no longer warranted for this species in light of 
    the potential for locating additional populations and Federal agency 
    efforts to conserve this plant, so it is removed from candidate status.
        Potentilla basaltica (Soldier Meadows cinquefoil) occupies alkali 
    meadows, seeps, and occasionally, marshes bordering thermal springs, 
    outflow streams, and depressions in Soldier Meadows, Humboldt County, 
    Nevada. The total population in 1990 was estimated to be 85,000 
    individuals in 10 sub-populations. More recently, a small, disjunct 
    population was discovered on private lands in Lassen County, 
    California. The Bureau of Land Management has adopted conservation 
    practices to protect P. basaltica and the threatened desert dace 
    (Eremichthys acros), thereby reducing the threats from grazing, wetland 
    alteration, and recreational use and justifying removal from candidate 
        The Pecos springsnail (Pyrgulopsis [=Fontelicella] pecosensis) is 
    endemic to southeastern New Mexico, occurring on mud and pebble 
    substrates near the margins of springs. Threats to the water quality of 
    the spring have been alleviated by purchase of the water rights and 
    this species' status is believed to be improving. Potential threats 
    from oil and gas development do not appear relevant since reserves that 
    would affect the springs have not been identified.
        The dusky gopher frog (Rana areolata sevosa) is part of a group of 
    frogs that is subject to considerable taxonomic debate. One treatment 
    considers gopher frogs as conspecific with crawfish frogs under R. 
    areolata. An alternate treatment splits the gopher frogs from crawfish 
    frogs, assigning the gopher frogs to R. capito. Neither designation is 
    universally accepted. The distribution of the various subspecies of 
    gopher frogs is also problematic. This taxon is removed from candidate 
    status, pending resolution of the taxonomic and distribution questions 
    raised above.
        Ranunculus reconditus (obscure buttercup) is a perennial forb that 
    historically grew in Wasco County, Oregon and across the Columbia River 
    in Klickitat County, Washington. The Oregon sites were believed 
    extirpated until 1988, when two populations were discovered. The 
    estimated population sizes from 1988 surveys were 7,400 plants in 
    Washington and 250-400 plants in Oregon. Minor threats from grazing and 
    nonindigenous plants, coupled with the need for updated status 
    information, justify removal of this species from candidate status.
        Rorippa subumbellata (Tahoe yellow cress) occurs on sandy 
    substrates, along lake margins, near stream mouths, and in back-beach 
    depressions. Occurrence and availability of suitable habitat for R. 
    subumbellata are correlated with lake water surface elevation. A dam 
    constructed on the Truckee River 
    [[Page 7463]]
    outflow in 1871 allows lake surface elevation to fluctuate between 
    6,223 feet and 6,229.1 feet. Surveys of the entire lake shore conducted 
    in 1993 counted approximately 6,500 individuals at 35 locations. The 
    persistence of these populations over the last 15 years and recent 
    colonization of new sites as water levels recede indicate that R. 
    subumbellata should not be considered a candidate species.
        Rubus nigerrimus (northwest raspberry) occurs primarily along the 
    banks and channels of small streams that are tributary to the Snake 
    River. The species is found at elevations ranging from 700 to 2,200 
    feet. It is known from 18 locations scattered among approximately 80 
    square miles in Whitman and Garfield counties, Washington. Most 
    populations are small, consisting of 15 to 30 individuals and seedling 
    establishment appears to be low. Removal of this species from candidate 
    status is based primarily on a lack of current status information 
    needed to support issuance of a proposed listing.
        Scrophularia macrantha (Mimbres figwort) is a narrowly endemic 
    herbaceous perennial found in the Mimbres Mountains and the Cooks Range 
    in Grant and Luna counties, New Mexico. It is generally restricted to 
    north-facing igneous cliffs and steep talus slopes from 6,500 to 8,200 
    feet in elevation. Status surveys conducted in 1982 and 1994 indicate 
    the species is stable and previously identified threats from grazing 
    and recreational use were over-emphasized since these activities did 
    not occur in the species' habitat. It is hereby removed from candidate 
        Senecio huachucanus (Huachuca groundsel) is a herbaceous perennial 
    that grows on steep, mesic, high elevation mountain slopes. The species 
    is known from the Santa Rita and Huachuca Mountains in Arizona and the 
    Sierra Azul, Sonora, Mexico. Aside from one population in the Santa 
    Rita Mountains, populations tend to be isolated and small (less than a 
    few hundred plants). The Santa Rita population probably contains 
    thousands of plants on many acres in remote, wilderness lands. Since 
    1991, populations at two sites in the Huachuca Mountains, one site in 
    the Sierra Azula, and the large population in the Santa Rita Mountains 
    have been discovered, indicating the species is more widespread than 
    previously believed and should be removed from candidate status.
        Sidalcea covillei (Owens Valley checkermallow) grows in alkaline 
    and subalkaline meadows in the Owens River drainage in California. It 
    is restricted to 31 sites in Inyo County and occurs on habitat 
    protected in part by conservation efforts in the eastern Mohave Desert. 
    The primary threat to the species was believed to be hydrologic 
    alteration and grazing, but these threats no longer exist. The species 
    is removed from candidate status.
        Sidalcea stipularis (Scadden Flat checkerbloom) is known from only 
    two occurrences: one on private land and the second on a utility right-
    of-way. No threats to the species have been identified. S. stipularis 
    is believed to be stable and does not warrant status as a candidate 
        Sphaeromeria compacta (Charleston tansy) is known only from the 
    Spring Mountains, Clark County, Nevada, where it occurs at timberline 
    and above. It occurs on talus slopes, in frost-heave broken rubble, and 
    on gravelly slopes in limestone-derived soils. The species is known 
    from three separate populations but individual numbers are unknown. The 
    primary threat is trampling by hikers. In the face of limited status 
    data and minor threats, the species is removed from candidate status.
        Streptanthus albidus ssp. peramoenus (most beautiful jewelflower) 
    is the subject of an ongoing taxonomic revision. New subspecies of S. 
    albidus may be named and some new populations of S. albidus ssp. 
    peramoenus may be identified. As a result, the range and current status 
    are unknown, supporting removal from candidate status pending the 
    results of the taxonomic revisions.
        Streptanthus brachiatus ssp. brachiatus (Socrates Mine 
    jewelflower), Streptanthus brachiatus ssp. hoffmanii (Freed's 
    jewelflower), and Streptanthus morrisonii ssp. hirtiflorus are very 
    rare and vulnerable subspecies that are the subjects of ongoing status 
    reviews. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) protects known locations 
    from disturbance and the potential for habitat loss from geothermal 
    development in the Geysers Geothermal Steamfield has been reduced by 
    BLM protection and reduced rates of geothermal exploitation. 
    Information in Service files is currently insufficient to support 
    issuance of proposed listings, so these subspecies are removed from 
    candidate status.
        Streptanthus morrisonii ssp. elatus (Three Peaks jewelflower) is 
    known only from a few serpentine barrens in Lake County, California. 
    Habitat for this species has been seriously impacted by mining and 
    road-building, but recent actions by BLM will protect habitat for this 
    species. Information in Service files is currently insufficient to 
    support issuance of proposed listings, so this subspecies is removed 
    from candidate status.
        Synthyris ranunculina (Charleston kittentails) is found in 
    permanently damp areas, moist meadows, along creek corridors, snow 
    banks, on moss-covered rock, and moist cliff crevices. All known sites 
    are on the eastern flank of the Spring Mountains Range at elevations 
    ranging from 8,600 to 11,800 feet. The species is known only from lands 
    within the Toiyabe National Forest's Spring Mountains Recreation Area 
    and the Service and U.S. Forest Service are developing an ecosystem-
    level conservation agreement to provide for long-term conservation of 
    this species. Minor historic threats (from trampling by horses and 
    hikers and spring manipulation) support removal from candidate status.
        Trifolium polyodon (Pacific Grove clover) was included as part of 
    the common Trifolium variegatum in a recent taxonomic revision. This 
    species is removed from candidate status because it is no longer a 
    listable entity under the Act.
        This notice was compiled from materials supplied by the Service's 
    staff biologists located throughout the country in regional and field 
    offices. The materials were compiled by Dr. Richard E. Sayers, Jr., 
    Division of Endangered Species, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1849 C 
    Street, NW., Mailstop ARLSQ-452, Washington, DC 20240 (phone 703/358-
    2105; facsimile 703/358-1735).
        Authority: The authority for this notice is the Endangered 
    Species Act of 1973, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.
        Dated: February 16, 1996.
    John G. Rogers,
    Acting Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
    [FR Doc. 96-4413 Filed 2-27-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of candidate taxa reclassification.
Document Number:
7457-7463 (7 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 17