E7-3318. Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; West Virginia; Update to Materials Incorporated by Reference  

  • Start Preamble


    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


    Final rule; Notice of administrative change.


    EPA is updating the materials submitted by West Virginia that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into the State Implementation Plan (SIP). The regulations affected by this update have been previously submitted by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection and approved by EPA. This update affects the SIP materials that are available for public inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center located at EPA Headquarters in Washington, DC, and the Regional Office.


    This action is effective February 28, 2007.


    SIP materials which are incorporated by reference into 40 CFR part 52 are available for inspection at the following locations: Air Protection Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region III, 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103; the Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, EPA Headquarters Library, Room Number 3334, EPA West Building, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, and the National Archives and Records Administration. If you wish to obtain materials from a docket in the EPA Headquarters Library, please call the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) Docket/Telephone number: (202) 566-1742; or the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/​federal_​register/​code_​of_​federal_​regulations/​ibr_​locations.html.

    Start Further Info


    Harold A. Frankford, (215) 814-2108 or by e-mail at frankford.harold@epa.gov.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    The SIP is a living document which the State revises as necessary to address the unique air pollution problems. Therefore, EPA from time to time must take action on SIP revisions containing new and/or revised regulations to make them part of the SIP. On May 22, 1997 (62 FR 27968), EPA revised the procedures for incorporating by reference Federally-approved SIPs, as a result of consultations between EPA and the Office of the Federal Register (OFR). The description of the revised SIP document, IBR procedures and “Identification of plan” format are discussed in further detail in the May 22, 1997 Federal Register document. On February 10, 2005 (70 FR 7024), EPA published a Federal Register beginning the new IBR procedure for West Virginia. In this document, EPA is doing the following:

    1. Announcing the update to the IBR material as of December 15, 2006.

    2. Making corrections to the following entries listed in the paragraph 52.2520(c) chart, as described below:

    a. 45 CSR 14, “State citation [Chapter 16-20 or 45 CSR]” column—revising the entries for the regulation citation and Sections 45-14-2, 45-14-3, and 45-14-19.

    b. 45 CSR 14, “Title/subject” column—revising the entry for Section 45-14-25.

    c. 45 CSR 14, “State effective date” column, all entries—revising the effective date from “6/2/05” to “6/1/05.”

    d. 45 CSR 19—Adding entries for Tables 45-19A and 45-19B. These tables were part of the regulatory text of 45 CSR 19 which EPA approved as a revision of the West Virginia SIP on November 2, 2006 (71 FR 64668), but were inadvertently omitted from the amended rule for 40 CFR 52.2520(c) published at 71 FR 64670.

    e. 45 CSR 19, “State citation [Chapter 16-20 or 45 CSR]” column—revising the entries for the regulation citation and Sections 45-14-2, 45-14-3, and 45-14-17.

    f. 45 CSR 19, “Title/subject” column—revising the entry for Section 45-19-23.

    g. 45 CSR 19, “State effective date” column, all entries—revising the effective date from “6/2/05” to “6/1/05.”

    h. 45 CSR 14 and 45 CSR 19, “Additional explanation at 40 CFR 52.2565” column, all entries—adding the SIP effective date for each entry.

    3. Making corrections to the title of the “Additional information” column in the paragraph 52.2520(d) chart.

    EPA has determined that today's rule falls under the “good cause” exemption in section 553(b)(3)(B) of the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) which, upon finding “good cause,” authorizes agencies to dispense with public participation, and section 553(d)(3) which allows an agency to make a rule effective immediately (thereby avoiding the 30-day delayed effective date otherwise provided for in the APA). Today's rule simply codifies provisions which are already in effect as a matter of law in Federal and approved State programs. Under section 553 of the APA, an agency may find good cause where procedures are “impractical, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.” Public comment is “unnecessary” and “contrary to the public interest” since the codification only reflects existing law. Immediate notice in the CFR benefits the public by removing outdated citations and incorrect chart entries.

    Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    A. General Requirements

    Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this action is not a “significant regulatory action” and therefore is not subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget. For this reason, this action is also not subject to Executive Order 13211, “Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use” (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001). This action merely approves state law as meeting Federal requirements and imposes no additional requirements beyond those imposed by state law. Accordingly, the Administrator certifies that this rule Start Printed Page 8904will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). Because this rule approves pre-existing requirements under state law and does not impose any additional enforceable duty beyond that required by state law, it does not contain any unfunded mandate or significantly or uniquely affect small governments, as described in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-4). This rule also does not have tribal implications because it will not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, as specified by Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000). This action also does not have Federalism implications because it does not have substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government, as specified in Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999). This action merely approves a state rule implementing a Federal standard, and does not alter the relationship or the distribution of power and responsibilities established in the Clean Air Act. This rule also is not subject to Executive Order 13045 “Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks” (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), because it is not economically significant. In reviewing SIP submissions, EPA's role is to approve state choices, provided that they meet the criteria of the Clean Air Act. In this context, in the absence of a prior existing requirement for the State to use voluntary consensus standards (VCS), EPA has no authority to disapprove a SIP submission for failure to use VCS. It would thus be inconsistent with applicable law for EPA, when it reviews a SIP submission, to use VCS in place of a SIP submission that otherwise satisfies the provisions of the Clean Air Act. Thus, the requirements of section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) do not apply. This rule does not impose an information collection burden under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).

    B. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General

    The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United States. EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. This rule is not a “major rule” as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).

    C. Petitions for Judicial Review

    EPA has also determined that the provisions of section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act pertaining to petitions for judicial review are not applicable to this action. Prior EPA rulemaking actions for each individual component of the West Virginia SIP compilations had previously afforded interested parties the opportunity to file a petition for judicial review in the United States Court of Appeals for the appropriate circuit within 60 days of such rulemaking action. Thus, EPA sees no need in this action to reopen the 60-day period for filing such petitions for judicial review for this “Identification of plan” reorganization update action for West Virginia.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52

    • Environmental protection
    • Air pollution control
    • Carbon monoxide
    • Incorporation by reference
    • Intergovernmental relations
    • Lead
    • Nitrogen dioxide
    • Ozone
    • Particulate matter
    • Reporting and record keeping requirements
    • Sulfur oxides
    • Volatile organic compounds
    End List of Subjects Start Signature

    Dated: January 18, 2007.

    Donald S. Welsh,

    Regional Administrator, Region III.

    End Signature Start Amendment Part

    40 CFR part 52 is amended as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    1. The authority citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 42.U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

    End Authority

    Subpart XX—West Virginia

    Start Amendment Part

    2. Section 52.2520 is amended by revising paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    Identification of plan.
    * * * * *

    (b) Incorporation by reference.

    (1) Material listed as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (c) and (d) was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates on or after December 15, 2006 will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

    (2) EPA Region III certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of December 15, 2006.

    (3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the EPA Region III Office at 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, Room Number 3334, EPA West Building, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/​federal_​register/​code_​of_​federal_​regulations/​ibr_​locations.html.

    (c) EPA-Approved Regulations

    EPA-Approved Regulations in the West Virginia SIP

    State citation [Chapter 16-20 or 45 CSR ]Title/subjectState effective dateEPA approval dateAdditional explanation/ citation at 40 CFR § 52.2565
    [45 CSR] Series 1 NO X Budget Trading Program as a Means of Control and Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides
    Section 45-1-1General5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881
    Section 45-1-2Definitions5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881
    Start Printed Page 8905
    Section 45-1-3Acronyms5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881
    Section 45-1-4NOX Budget Trading Program Applicability5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881
    Section 45-1-5Retired Unit Exemption5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881
    Section 45-1-6NOX Budget Trading Program Standard Requirements5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-7Computation of Time5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-10Authorization and Responsibilities of the NOX Authorized Account Representative5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-11Alternate NOX Authorized Account Representative5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-12Changing the NOX Authorized Account Representative and the Alternate NOX Authorized Account Representative; Changes in Owners and Operators5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-13Account Certificate of Representation5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-14Objections Concerning the NOX Authorized Account Representative5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-20General NOX Budget Trading Program Permit Requirements5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-21NOX Budget Permit Applications5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-22Information Requirements for NOX Budget Permit Applications5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881
    Section 45-1-23NOX Budget Permit Contents5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-24NOX Budget Permit Revisions5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-30Compliance Certification Report5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-31Secretary's and Administrator's Action on Compliance Certifications5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-40State NOX Trading Program Budget5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-41Timing Requirements for State NOX Allowance Allocations5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-42State NOX Allowance Allocations5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-43Compliance Supplement Pool5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-50NOX Allowance Tracking System Accounts5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-51Establishment of Accounts5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-52NOX Allowance Tracking System Responsibilities of NOX Authorized Account Representative5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-53Recordation of NOX Allowance Allocations5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-54Compliance5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-55NOX Allowance Banking5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-56Account Error5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-57Closing of General Accounts5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-60Submission of NOX Allowance Transfers5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-61Allowance Transfer Recordation5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-62Notification5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-70General Monitoring Requirements5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881
    Section 45-1-71Initial Certification and Recertification Procedures5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881
    Section 45-1-72Out of Control Periods5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881
    Section 45-1-73Notifications5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-74Recordkeeping and Reporting5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881
    Section 45-1-75Petitions5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-76Additional Requirements to Provide Heat Input Data5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-80Individual Opt-in Applicability5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-81Opt-in General Requirements5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-82Opt-in NOX Authorized Account Representative5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-83Applying for NOX Budget Opt-in Permit5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-84Opt-in Process5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-85NOX Budget Opt-in Permit Contents5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-86Withdrawal From NOX Budget Trading Program5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-87Change in Regulatory Status5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-88NOX Allowance Allocations to Opt-in Units5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 37133(c)(46)
    Section 45-1-89Appeal Procedures5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881New Section.
    Section 45-1-90Requirements for Stationary Internal Combustion Engines5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881New Section.
    Section 45-1-100Requirements for Emissions of NOX From Cement Manufacturing Kilns5/1/069/28/06 71 FR 56881
    [45 CSR] Series 2 To Prevent and Control Particulate Air Pollution From Combustion of Fuel in Indirect Heat Exchangers
    Section 45-2-1General8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 45-2-2Definitions8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Start Printed Page 8906
    Section 45-2-3Visible Emissions of Smoke and/or Particulate Matter Prohibited and Standards of Measurement8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 45-2-4Weight Emission Standards8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 45-2-5Control of Fugitive Particulate Matter8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 45-2-6Registration8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 45-2-7Permits8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 45-2-8Testing, Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 45-2-9Start-ups, Shutdowns, and Malfunctions8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 45-2-10Variances8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 45-2-11Exemptions8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 45-2-12Inconsistency Between Rules8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Table 45-2A[Total Allowable Particulate Matter Emission Rate for All Type ‘c’ Fuel Burning Units Located at One Plant]8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    45CSR2 Appendix Compliance Test Procedures for 45CSR2
    Section 1General8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 3Symbols8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 4Adoption of Test Methods8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 5Unit Load and Fuel Quality Requirements8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 6Minor Exceptions8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 7Pretest and Post Test General Requirements8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 8Heat Input Data Measurements8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    Section 9Computations and Data Analysis8/31/008/11/03 68 FR 47473(c)(56)
    [45 CSR] Series 3 To Prevent and Control Air Pollution From the Operation of Hot Mix Asphalt Plants
    Section 45-3-1General8/31/0010/11/02 67 FR 63270(c)(48)
    Section 45-3-2Definitions8/31/0010/11/02 67 FR 63270(c)(48)
    Section 45-3-3Emission of Smoke and/or Particulate Matter Prohibited and Standards of Measurement—Visible8/31/0010/11/02 67 FR 63270(c)(48)
    Section 45-3-4Emission of Smoke and/or Particulate Matter Prohibited and Standards of Measurement—Weight Emissions8/31/0010/11/02 67 FR 63270(c)(48)
    Section 45-3-5Permits8/31/0010/11/02 67 FR 63270(c)(48)
    Section 45-3-6Reports and Testing8/31/0010/11/02 67 FR 63270(c)(48)
    Section 45-3-7Variance8/31/0010/11/02 67 FR 63270(c)(48)
    Section 45-3-8Circumvention8/31/0010/11/02 67 FR 63270(c)(48)
    Section 45-3-9Inconsistency Between Rules8/31/0010/11/02 67 FR 63270(c)(48)
    [45 CSR] Series 5 To Prevent and Control Air Pollution From the Operation of Coal Preparation Plants, Coal Handling Operations, and Coal Refuse Disposal Areas
    Section 45-5-1General8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-2Definitions8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-3Emission of Particulate Matter Prohibited and Standards of Measurement8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-4Control and Prohibition of Particulate Emissions From Coal Thermal Drying Operations of a Coal Preparation Plant8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-5Control and Prohibition of Particulate Emissions From an Air Table Operation of a Coal Preparation Plant10/22/937/13/99 64 FR 37681(c)(42)
    Section 45-5-6Control and Prohibition of Fugitive Dust Emissions From Coal Handling Operations and Preparation Plants8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-7Standards for Coal Refuse Disposal Areas8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-8Burning Coal Refuse Disposal Areas8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-9Monitoring of Operations8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-10Construction, Modification, and Relocation Permits8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-11Operating Permits8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-12Reporting and Testing8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-13Variance8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-14Transfer of Permits8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Section 45-5-15Inconsistency Between Rules8/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    Start Printed Page 8907
    AppendixParticulate Emission Limitations and Operational Monitoring Requirements Applicable to Thermal Dryers Installed Before October 24, 19748/31/0010/7/02 67 FR 62379(c)(47)
    [45 CSR] Series 6 To Prevent and Control Air Pollution From Combustion of Refuse
    Section 45-6-1General7/1/012/10/03 68 FR 6627(c)(51)
    Section 45-6-2Definitions7/1/012/10/03 68 FR 6627(c)(51)
    Section 45-6-3Open Burning Prohibited7/1/012/10/03 68 FR 6627(c)(51)
    Section 45-6-4Emission Standards for Incinerators and Incineration7/1/012/10/03 68 FR 6627(c)(51)
    Section 45-6-5Registration7/1/012/10/03 68 FR 6627(c)(51)
    Section 45-6-6Permits7/1/012/10/03 68 FR 6627(c)(51)
    Section 45-6-7Reports and Testing7/1/012/10/03 68 FR 6627(c)(51)
    Section 45-6-8Variances7/1/012/10/03 68 FR 6627(c)(51)
    Section 45-6-9Emergencies and Natural Disasters7/1/012/10/03 68 FR 6627(c)(51)
    Section 45-6-10Effect of the Rule7/1/012/10/03 68 FR 6627(c)(51)
    Section 45-6-11Inconsistency Between Rules7/1/012/10/03 68 FR 6627(c)(51)
    [45 CSR] Series 7 To Prevent and Control Particulate Matter Air Pollution From Manufacturing Process Operations
    Section 45-7-1General08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Section 45-7-2Definitions08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Section 45-7-3Emission of Smoke and/or Particulate Matter Prohibited and Standards of Measurement08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Section 45-7-4Control and Prohibition of Particulate Emissions by Weight From Manufacturing Process Source Operations08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Section 45-7-5Control of Fugitive Particulate Matter08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Section 45-7-6Registration08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Section 45-7-7Permits08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Section 45-7-8Reporting and Testing08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Section 45-7-9Variance08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Section 45-7-10Exemptions08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Section 45-7-11Alternative Emission Limits for Duplicate Source Operations08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Section 45-7-12Inconsistency Between Rules.08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    Table 45-7A, Table 45-7B[Maximum Allowable Emission Rates From Sources Governed by 45 CFR Series 7]08/31/0006/03/03 68 FR 33010(c)(55)
    [Ch. 16-20] TP-4 Compliance Test Procedures for Regulation VII—“To Prevent and Control Particulate Air Pollution From Manufacturing Process Operations”
    Section 1General2/23/846/28/85 45 FR 26732no (c) number;
    Section 2Visible Emission Test Procedure2/23/846/28/85 45 FR 26732no (c) number;
    Section 3Mass Emission Test Procedures2/23/846/28/85 45 FR 26732no (c) number;
    [45 CSR] Series 8 Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Oxides and Particulate Matter
    Section 45-8-1General4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Section 45-8-2Definitions4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Section 45-8-3Ambient Air Quality Standards4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Section 45-8-4Methods of Measurement4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Section 45-8-5Inconsistency Between Regulations4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    [45 CSR] Series 9 Ambient Air Quality Standards for Carbon Monoxide and Ozone
    Section 45-9-1General6/1/0010/7/02 67 FR 62381(c)(50)
    Section 45-9-2Anti-Degradation Policy6/1/0010/7/02 67 FR 62381(c)(50)
    Section 45-9-3Definitions6/1/0010/7/02 67 FR 62381(c)(50)
    Section 45-9-4Ambient Air Quality Standards6/1/0010/7/02 67 FR 62381(c)(50)
    Section 45-9-5Methods of Measurement6/1/0010/7/02 67 FR 62381(c)(50)
    [45 CSR] Series 10 To Prevent and Control Air Pollution From The Emission of Sulfur Oxides
    Section 45-10-1General8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Section 45-10-2Definitions8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Section 45-10-3Sulfur Dioxide Weight Emission Standards for Fuel Burning Units8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Section 45-10-4Standards for Manufacturing Process Source Operations8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Start Printed Page 8908
    Section 45-10-5Combustion of Refinery or Process Gas Streams.8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Section 45-10-6Registration8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Section 45-10-7Permits8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Section 45-10-8Testing, Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Section 45-10-9Variance8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Section 45-10-10Exemptions and Recommendations8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Section 45-10-11Circumvention8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Section 45-10-12Inconsistency Between Rules8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Table 45-10A[Priority Classifications]8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    Table 45-10B[Allowable Percent Sulfur Content of Fuels]8/31/006/3/03 68 FR 33002(c)(53)
    [45 CSR] Series 11 Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes
    Section 45-11-1General4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Section 45-11-2Definitions4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Section 45-11-3Episode Criteria4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Section 45-11-4Methods of Measurement4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Section 45-11-5Preplanned Reduction Strategies4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Section 45-11-6Emission Reduction Plans4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Table IEmission Reduction Plans-Alert Level4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Table IIEmission Reduction Plans-Warning Level4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Table IIIEmission Reduction Plans-Emergency Level4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Section 45-11-7Air Pollution Emergencies; Contents of Order; Hearings; Appeals4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    Section 45-11-8Inconsistency Between Regulations4/25/906/28/93 58 FR34526(c)(28)
    [45 CSR] Series 12 Ambient Air Quality Standard for Nitrogen Dioxide
    Section 45-12-1General6/1/0010/7/02 67 FR 62378(c)(49)
    Section 45-12-2Anti-Degradation Policy6/1/0010/7/02 67 FR 62378(c)(49)
    Section 45-12-3Definitions6/1/0010/7/02 67 FR 62378(c)(49)
    Section 45-12-4Ambient Air Quality Standard6/1/0010/7/02 67 FR 62378(c)(49)
    Section 45-12-5Methods of Measurement6/1/0010/7/02 67 FR 62378(c)(49)
    [45 CSR] Series 13 Permits for Construction, Modification, Relocation and Operation of Stationary Sources of Air Pollutants, Notification Requirements, Temporary Permits, General Permits, and Procedures for Evaluation
    Section 45-13-1General6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-2Definitions6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-3Reporting Requirements for Stationary Sources6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-4Administrative Updates to Existing Permits6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-5Permit Application and Reporting Requirements for Construction of and Modifications to Stationary Sources6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-6Determination of Compliance of Stationary Sources6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-7Modeling6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-8Public Review Procedures6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-9Public Meetings6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-10Permit Transfer, Suspension, Revocation and Responsibility6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-11Temporary Construction or Modification Permits6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-12Permit Application Fees6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-13Inconsistency Between Rules6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-14Statutory Air Pollution6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Section 45-13-15Hazardous Air Pollutants6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Table 45-13APotential Emission Rate6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    Table 45-13BDe Minimus Sources6/1/002/28/03 68 FR 9559(c)(52)
    [45 CSR] Series 14 Permits for Construction and Major Modification of Major Stationary Sources of Air Pollution for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration
    Section 45-14-1General6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Section 45-14-2 (Except: 14-2.17, 14-2.40.i, 14-2.46.d.2, 14-2.46.g, and 14-2.56)Definitions6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Start Printed Page 8909
    Section 45-14-3 (Except: 4-3.4.e, 14-3.4.f (part), and 14-3.6)Applicability6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470New Section. SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Section 45-14-4Ambient Air Quality Increments and Ceilings6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-3; SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Section 45-14-5Area Classification6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-4; SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Section 45-14-6Prohibition of Dispersion Enhancement Techniques6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-5; SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Section 45-14-7Registration, Report and Permit Requirements for Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-6; SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Section 45-14-8Requirements Relating to Control Technology6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-7; SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Section 45-14-9Requirements Relating to the Source's Impact on Air Quality6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-8; SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Section 45-14-10Modeling Requirements6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-9.
    Section 45-14-11Air Quality Monitoring Requirements6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-10; SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Section 45-14-12Additional Impacts Analysis Requirements6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-11; SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Section 45-14-13Additional Requirements and Variances for Sources Impacting Federal Class I Areas6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-12; SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-14-14Procedures for Sources Employing Innovative Control Technology6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-13; SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-14-15Exclusions From Increment Consumption6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-14; SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-14-16Specific Exemptions6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-15; SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-14-17Public Review Procedures6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-16; SIP effective date is 12/04/06.
    Section 45-14-18Public Meetings6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-17; SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-14-19 (except part of 19-19.8)Permit Transfer, Cancellation, and Responsibility6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-18; SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-14-20Disposition of Permits6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-19; SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-14-21Conflict with Other Permitting Rules6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470Formerly Section 45-14-20; SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-14-25Actuals PALs6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470New Section. SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-14-26Inconsistency Between Rules6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64470New Section. SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    [45 CSR] Series 19 Permits for Construction and Major Modification of Major Stationary Sources of Air Pollution Which Cause or Contribute to Nonattainment
    Section 45-19-1General6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Start Printed Page 8910
    Section 45-19-2 (Except: 19-2.16, 19-2.33.c.8, 19-2.39.b.2.C, 19-2.39.b.5, and 19-2.53)Definitions6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-3 (Except: 19-3.4.e, 19-3.4.f (part), and 19-3.6)Applicability6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-4Conditions for a Permit Approval for Proposed Major Sources that Would Contribute to a Violation of NAAQS6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-5Conditions for Permit Approval for Sources Locating In Attainment or Unclassifiable Areas that Would Cause a New Violation of a NAAQS6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-7Baseline for Determining Credit for Emission Offsets6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-8Location of Emissions Offsets6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-9Administrative Procedures for Emission Offset Proposals6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-12Reasonable Further Progress6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-13Source Impact Analysis6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-14Permit Requirements for Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-15Public Review Procedures6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-16Public Meetings6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-17 (Except part of 19-17.4)Permit Transfer, Cancellation and Responsibility6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-18Disposition of Permits6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-19Requirements for Air Quality Models6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-23Actuals PAL6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-24Conflict with Other Permitting Rules6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Section 45-19-25Inconsistency Between Rules6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Table 45-19ANo Title [Table of Significance Levels]6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    Table 45-19BAveraging Time (hours)6/1/0511/2/06 71 FR 64468SIP effective date is 12/4/06.
    [45 CSR] Series 20 Good Engineering Practice as Applicable to Stack Heights
    Section 45-20-1General7/14/894/19/94 59 FR 18489(c)(27)
    Section 45-20-2Definitions7/14/894/19/94 59 FR 18489(c)(27)
    Section 45-20-3Standards7/14/894/19/94 59 FR 18489(c)(27)
    Section 45-20-4Public Review Procedures7/14/894/19/94 59 FR 18489(c)(27)
    Section 45-20-5Inconsistency Between Regulations7/14/894/19/94 59 FR 18489(c)(27)
    [45 CSR] Series 21 Regulation to Prevent and Control Air Pollution From the Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds
    Section 45-21-1General7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-2Definitions7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-3Applicability7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-4Compliance Certification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Procedures for Coating Sources7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-5Compliance Certification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements for Non-Coating Sources7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-6Requirements for Sources Complying by Use of Control Devices7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-7Circumvention7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Start Printed Page 8911
    Section 45-21-8Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-9Compliance Programs, Registration, Variance, Permits, Enforceability7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-11Can Coating7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-12Coil Coating7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-14Fabric Coating7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-15Vinyl Coating7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-16Coating of Metal Furniture7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-17Coating of Large Appliances7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-18Coating of Magnet Wire7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-19Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-21Bulk Gasoline Plants7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-22Bulk Gasoline Terminals7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-23Gasoline Dispensing Facility—Stage I Vapor Recovery7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-24Leaks From Gasoline Tank Trucks7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-25Petroleum Refinery Sources7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-26Leaks From Petroleum Refinery Equipment7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-27Petroleum Liquid Storage in External Floating Roof Tanks7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-28Petroleum Liquid Storage in Fixed Roof Tanks7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-29Leaks From Natural Gas/Gasoline Processing Equipment7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-31Cutback and Emulsified Asphalt7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-39Air Oxidation Processes in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-41Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: General Provisions7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-42Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: Determining the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content of Coatings and Inks7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-43Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: Alternative Compliance Methods for Surface Coating7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-44Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: Emission Capture and Destruction or Removal Efficiency and Monitoring Requirements7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-45Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: Determining the Destruction or Removal Efficiency of a Control Device7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-46Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: Leak Detection Methods for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-47Performance Specifications for Continuous Emissions Monitoring of Total Hydrocarbons7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Section 45-21-48Quality Control Procedures for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    Appendix AVOC Capture Efficiency7/7/932/1/95 60 FR 6022(c)(33)
    [45 CSR] Series 26 NOXBudget Trading Program as a Means of Control and Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides From Electric Generating Units
    Section 45-26-1General5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-2Definitions5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-3Measurements, Abbreviations and Acronyms5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-4NOX Budget Trading Program Applicability5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-5Retired Unit Exemption5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-6NOX Budget Trading Program Standard Requirements5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-7Computation of Time5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-10Authorization and Responsibilities of the NOX Authorized Account Representative5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-11Alternate NOX Authorized Account Representative5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-12Changing the NOX Authorized Account Representative and the Alternate NOX Authorized Account Representative; Changes in Owners and Operators5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-13Account Certificate of Representation5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-14Objections Concerning the NOX Authorized Account Representative5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Start Printed Page 8912
    Section 45-26-20General NOX Budget Trading Program Permit Requirements5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-21NOX Budget Permit Applications5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-22Information Requirements for NOX Budget Permit Applications5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-23NOX Budget Permit Contents5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-24NOX Budget Permit Revisions5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-30Compliance Certification Report5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-31Secretary's and Administrator's Action on Compliance Certifications5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-40State NOX Trading Program Budget5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-41Timing Requirements for State NOX Allowance Allocations5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-42State NOX Allowance Allocations5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-43Compliance Supplement Pool5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-50NOX Allowance Tracking System Accounts5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-51Establishment of Accounts5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-52NOX Allowance Tracking System Responsibilities of NOX Authorized Account Representative5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-53Recordation of NOX Allowance Allocations5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-54Compliance5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-55NOX Allowance Banking5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-56Account Error5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-57Closing of General Accounts5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-60Submission of NOX Allowance Transfers5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-61Allowance Transfer Recordation5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-62Notification5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-70General Monitoring Requirements5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-71Initial Certification and Recertification Procedures5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-72Out of Control Periods5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-73Notifications5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-74Recordkeeping and Reporting5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-75Petitions5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    Section 45-26-76Additional Requirements to Provide Heat Input Data5/1/025/10/02 67 FR 31733(c)(46)
    [45 CSR] Series 29 Rule Requiring the Submission of Emission Statements for Volatile Organic Compound Emissions and Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions
    Section 45-29-1General7/7/938/4/95 60 FR 39855(c)(34)
    Section 45-29-2Definitions7/7/938/4/95 60 FR 39855(c)(34)
    Section 45-29-3Applicability7/7/938/4/95 60 FR 39855(c)(34)
    Section 45-29-4Compliance Schedule7/7/938/4/95 60 FR 39855(c)(34)
    Section 45-29-5Emission Statement Requirements7/7/938/4/95 60 FR 39855(c)(34)
    Section 45-29-6Enforceability7/7/938/4/95 60 FR 39855(c)(34)
    Section 45-29-7Severability7/7/938/4/95 60 FR 39855(c)(34)
    [45 CSR] Series 35 Requirements for Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions to Applicable Air Quality Implementation Plans (General Conformity)
    Section 45-35-1General5/1/959/5/95 60 FR 46029(c)(37)
    Section 45-35-2Definitions5/1/959/5/95 60 FR 46029(c)(37)
    Section 45-35-3Adoption of Criteria, Procedures and Requirements5/1/959/5/95 60 FR 46029(c)(37)
    Section 45-35-4Requirements5/1/959/5/95 60 FR 46029(c)(37)

    (d) EPA approved state source-specific requirements.

    EPA-Approved Source Specific Requirements

    Source namePermit/order or registration numberState effective dateEPA approval dateAdditional explanation/citation at 40 CFR § 52.2565
    Mountaineer Carbon CoConsent Order7/2/829/1/82 47 FR 38532(c)(18)
    National Steel Corp.—Weirton Steel DivisionConsent Order (Bubble)7/6/8212/9/82 47 FR 55396(c)(19)
    Start Printed Page 8913
    Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation—Lost River StationConsent Order9/12/904/24/91 56 FR 18733(c)(24)
    Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel CorpConsent Order CO-SIP-91-2911/14/917/25/94 59 FR 37696(c)(26)
    Standard LafargeConsent Order CO-SIP-91-3011/14/917/25/94 59 FR 37696(c)(26)
    Follansbee Steel CorpConsent Order CO-SIP-91-3111/14/917/25/94 59 FR 37696(c)(26)
    Koppers Industries, IncConsent Order CO-SIP-91-3211/14/917/25/94 59 FR 37696(c)(26)
    International Mill Service, IncConsent Order CO-SIP-91-3311/14/917/25/94 59 FR 37696(c)(26)
    Starvaggi Industries, IncConsent Order CO-SIP-91-3411/14/917/25/94 59 FR 37696(c)(26)
    Quaker State CorporationConsent Order CO-SIP-95-11/9/9511/27/96 61 FR 60191(c)(35)
    Weirton Steel CorporationConsent Order CO-SIP-95-21/9/9511/27/96 61 FR 60191(c)(35)
    PPG Industries, IncConsent Order CO-SIP-2000-11/25/008/2/00 65 FR 47339(c)(44)(i)(B)(1)
    Bayer CorporationConsent Order CO-SIP-2000-21/26/008/2/00 65 FR 47339(c)(44)(i)(B)(2)
    Columbian Chemicals CompanyConsent Order CO-SIP-2000-31/31/008/2/00 65 FR 47339(c)(44)(i)(B)(3)
    PPG Industries, IncConsent Order CO-SIP-C-2003-277/29/034/28/04 69 FR 23110(c)(58)
    Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel CorporationOperating Permit R13-1939A8/19/0305/05/04 69 FR 24986(c)(59)(i)(B)(1)
    Weirton Steel CorporationConsent Order, CO-SIP-C-2003-288/4/0305/05/04 69 FR 24986(c)(59)(i)(B)(2)
    * * * * *
    End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. E7-3318 Filed 2-27-07; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule; Notice of administrative change.
Document Number:
This action is effective February 28, 2007.
8903-8913 (11 pages)
Docket Numbers:
WV101-6038, FRL-8273-7
Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, Environmental protection, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Lead, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur oxides, Volatile organic compounds
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 52.2520