2014-04032. Medicaid Program; Preliminary Disproportionate Share Hospital Allotments (DSH) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 and the Preliminary Institutions for Mental Diseases Disproportionate Share Hospital Limits for FY 2014
Start Preamble
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
This notice announces the preliminary federal share DSH allotments for FY 2014 and the preliminary federal share FY 2014 limits on aggregate DSH payments that states may make to institutions for mental diseases (IMDs) and other mental health facilities. This notice also includes additional information regarding the calculation of the FY 2014 DSH allotments and FY 2014 IMD DSH limits.
Effective Date: This notice is effective on March 31, 2014. The final allotments and limitations set forth in this notice are effective for the fiscal years specified.
Rory Howe, (410) 786-4878; or Richard Strauss, (410) 786-2019.
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
I. Background
A. Fiscal Year DSH Allotments
A state's federal fiscal year (FY) disproportionate share hospital (DSH) allotment represents the aggregate limit on the federal share amount of the state's payments to DSH hospitals in the state for the FY. The amount of such allotment is determined in accordance with the provisions of section 1923(f)(3) of the Social Security Act (the Act). Under such provisions, in general a state's FY DSH allotment is calculated by increasing the amount of its DSH allotment for the preceding FY by the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the previous FY.
The Affordable Care Act amended Medicaid DSH provisions, adding section 1923(f)(7) of the Act which would have required reductions to states' FY DSH allotments beginning with FY 2014, the calculation of which was described in the Disproportionate Share Hospital Payment Reduction final rule published in the September 18, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR 57293). Under the DSH reduction methodology, first, each state's unreduced FY DSH allotment would have been calculated in accordance with the provisions of section 1923(f) of the Act, excluding section 1923(f)(7) of the Act; then, the reduction amount for each state would have been determined under the provisions of section 1923(f)(7) of the Act and implementing regulations at 42 CFR 447.294; and, finally, the net FY DSH allotment for each state would have been determined by subtracting the DSH reduction amount for the state from its unreduced FY 2014 DSH allotment.
The reductions under section 1923(f)(7) of the Act were delayed and modified by section 1204 of Division B (Medicare and Other Health Provisions) of the “Pathway for SGR Reform Act of 2013” (Pub. L. 113-67), which was enacted on December 26, 2013. The reductions of states' fiscal year DSH allotments under section 1923(f)(7) of the Act that were applicable to FY 2014 and 2015 were repealed, and the FY 2016 was increased substantially.
Because there is no reduction to DSH allotments for FY 2014 under section 1923(f)(7) of the Act, this notice contains only the state-specific FY 2014 DSH allotments, as calculated under the statute without application of the reductions that would have been imposed under the Affordable Care Act provisions beginning with FY 2014. This notice also provides information on the calculation of such FY DSH allotments, the calculation of the states' IMD DSH limits, and the amounts of states' preliminary FY 2014 IMD DSH limits.
B. Determination of Fiscal Year DSH Allotments
Generally, in accordance with the methodology specified under section 1923(f)(3) of the Act, a state's FY DSH allotment is calculated by increasing the amount of its DSH allotment for the preceding FY by the percentage change in the CPI-U for the previous FY. Also in accordance with section 1923(f)(3) of the Act, a state's DSH allotment for a FY is subject to the limitation that an increase to a state's DSH allotment for a FY cannot result in the DSH allotment exceeding the greater of the state's DSH allotment for the previous FY or 12 percent of the state's total medical assistance expenditures for the allotment year (this is referred to as the 12 percent limit).
Furthermore, under section 1923(h) of the Act, federal financial participation (FFP) for DSH payments to institutions for mental diseases (IMDs) and other mental health facilities is limited to state-specific aggregate amounts. Under this provision, the aggregate limit for DSH payments to IMDs and other mental health facilities is the lesser of a state's FY 1995 total computable (state and federal share) IMD and other mental health facility DSH expenditures applicable to the state's FY 1995 DSH allotment (as reported on the Form CMS-64 as of January 1, 1997), or the amount equal to the product of the state's current year total computable DSH allotment and the applicable percentage specified in section 1902(h) of the Act (the applicable percentage is the IMD share of DSH total computable expenditures as of FY 1995).
In general, we determine states' DSH allotments for a FY and the IMD DSH limits for the same FY using the most Start Printed Page 11437recent available estimates of or actual medical assistance expenditures, including DSH expenditures in their Medicaid programs and the most recent available change in the CPI-U used for the FY in accordance with the methodology prescribed in the statute. The indicated estimated or actual expenditures are obtained from states for each relevant FY from the most recent available quarterly Medicaid budget reports (Form CMS-37) or quarterly Medicaid expenditure reports (Form CMS-64), respectively, submitted by the states. For example, as part of the initial determination of a state's FY DSH allotment (referred to as the preliminary DSH allotments) that is determined before the beginning of the FY for which the DSH allotments and IMD DSH limits are being determined, we use estimated expenditures for the FY obtained from the August submission of the CMS-37 submitted by states prior to the beginning of the FY; such estimated expenditures are subject to update and revision during the FY before such actual expenditure data become available. We also use the most recent available estimated CPI-U percentage change that is available before the beginning of the FY for determining the states' preliminary FY DSH allotments; such estimated CPI-U percentage change is subject to update and revision during the FY before the actual CPI-U percentage change becomes available. In determining the final DSH allotments and IMD DSH limits for a FY we use the actual expenditures for the FY and actual CPI-U percentage change for the previous FY.
II. Provisions of the Notice
A. Calculation of the Preliminary FY 2014 Federal Share State DSH Allotments and the Preliminary FY 2014 IMD DSH Limits
1. Calculation of the Preliminary FY 2014 Federal Share State DSH Allotments
Addendum 1 to this notice provides the preliminary FY 2014 DSH allotments determined in accordance with section 1923(f)(3) of the Act. The preliminary FY 2014 DSH allotments contained in this notice were determined based on the most recent available estimates from states of their FY 2014 total computable Medicaid expenditures. Also, the preliminary FY 2014 allotments contained in this notice were determined by increasing the preliminary FY 2013 DSH allotments as contained in the notice published in the Federal Register on July 26, 2013 (78 FR 45217) by 1.5 percent, representing the most recent available estimate of the percentage increase in the CPI-U for FY 2013 (the previous FY to FY 2014).
We will publish states's final FY 2014 DSH allotments in future notices based on the states' four quarterly Medicaid expenditure reports (Form CMS-64) for FY 2014 available following the end of FY 2014 and the actual change in the CPI-U for FY 2013.
B. Calculation of the Preliminary FY 2014 IMD DSH Limits
Section 1923(h) of the Act specifies the methodology to be used to establish the limits on the amount of DSH payments that a state can make to IMDs and other mental health facilities. FFP is not available for IMD or DSH payments that exceed the IMD limits. In this notice, we are publishing the preliminary FY 2014 IMD DSH Limits determined in accordance with the provisions discussed above.
Addendum 2 to this notice details each state's preliminary FY 2014 IMD DSH Limit, determined in accordance with section 1923(h) of the Act.
III. Collection of Information Requirements
This notice does not impose any new or revised information collection, recordkeeping, or third-party disclosure requirements. The currently approved requirements and burden estimates associated with Form CMS-37 (OCN 0938-0101) and Form CMS-64 (OCN 0938-0067) are unaffected by this notice. Consequently, this notice, Form CMS-37, and Form CMS-64 are not subject to Office of Management and Budget review under the authority of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
IV. Regulatory Impact Analysis
We have examined the impact of this notice as required by Executive Order 12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review (September 1993), the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (September 19, 1980, Pub. L. 96-354), section 1102(b) of the Act, section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (March 22, 1995; Pub. L. 104-4), Executive Order 13132 on Federalism (August 4, 1999) and the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 804(2)).
Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). A regulatory impact analysis (RIA) must be prepared for major rules with economically significant effects ($100 million or more in any 1 year). This notice reaches the $100 million economic threshold and thus is considered a major rule under the Congressional Review Act.
The preliminary FY 2014 DSH allotments being published in this notice are about $108 million more than the preliminary FY 2013 DSH allotments previously published in the July 26, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR 45217). The increase in the FY DSH allotments is due to the application of the statutory formula for calculating DSH allotments under which the prior fiscal year allotments are increased by the percentage increase in the CPI-U for the prior fiscal year.
The preliminary FY 2014 IMD DSH limits being published in this notice are about $9 million more than the preliminary FY 2013 IMD DSH limits previously published in the FR on July 26, 2013 (78 FR 45217). The increase in the IMD DSH limits is because the DSH allotment for a FY is a factor in the determination of the IMD DSH limit for the FY. Since the preliminary FY 2014 DSH allotments were increased as compared to the preliminary FY 2013 DSH allotments previously published in the Federal Register, the associated FY 2014 IMD DSH limits for some states were also increased.
The RFA requires agencies to analyze options for regulatory relief of small businesses, if a rule has a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. For purposes of the RFA, small entities include small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions. Most hospitals and most other providers and suppliers are small entities, either by nonprofit status or by having revenues of less than $7.0 million to less than $35.5 million in any one year. Individuals and states are not included in the definition of a small entity. We are not preparing an analysis for the RFA because the Secretary has determined that this notice will not have significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Specifically, any impact on providers is due to the effect of the various controlling statutes; providers are not impacted as a result of the independent regulatory action in publishing this notice. The purpose of the notice is to announce the latest state distributions as required by the statute.
In addition, section 1102(b) of the Act requires us to prepare a regulatory impact analysis if a rule may have a significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals. This analysis must conform to Start Printed Page 11438the provisions of section 604 of the RFA. For purposes of section 1102(b) of the Act, we define a small rural hospital as a hospital that is located outside of a Core-Based Statistical Area for Medicaid payment regulations and has fewer than 100 beds. We are not preparing analysis for section 1102(b) of the Act because the Secretary has determined that this notice will not have a significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals.
The Medicaid statute specifies the methodology for determining the amounts of states' DSH allotments and IMD DSH limits; and as described previously, the application of the methodology specified in statute results in the changes in states' DSH allotments and IMD DSH limits for the applicable FYs. The statute applicable to these allotments and limits does not apply to the determination of the amounts of DSH payments made to specific DSH hospitals; rather, these allotments and limits represent an overall limit on the total of such DSH payments a state can make. In this regard, we do not believe that this notice will have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 also requires that agencies assess anticipated costs and benefits before issuing any rule whose mandates require spending in any 1 year of $100 million in 1995 dollars, updated annually for inflation. Currently the threshhold is approximately $141 million. This notice will have no consequential effect on state, local, or tribal governments, in the aggregate, or on the private sector.
Executive Order 13132 establishes certain requirements that an agency must meet when it promulgates a proposed rule (and subsequent final rule) that imposes substantial direct requirement costs on state and local governments, preempts state law, or otherwise has Federalism implications. Since this notice does not impose any costs on state or local governments, the requirements of E.O. 13132 are not applicable.
A. Alternatives Considered
We calculated the state-specific FY 2014 DSH allotments and the associated state-specific IMD DSH limits in accordance with the methodologies specified in statute and regulation. This notice does not put forward any further discretionary administrative policies for determining such allotments.
B. Accounting Statement
As required by OMB Circular A-4 (available at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a004/a-4.pdf), in the Table 1, we have prepared an accounting statement showing the classification of the estimated expenditures associated with the provisions of this notice. Table 1 provides our best estimate of the change (decrease) in the federal share of states' Medicaid DSH payments resulting from the application of the provisions of the Medicaid statute relating to the calculation of states' FY DSH allotments and the increase in the FY DSH allotments from FY 2013 to FY 2014.
Table 1—Accounting Statement: Classification of Estimated Expenditures, From the FY 2013 to FY 2014
[In millions]
Category Transfers Annualized Monetized Transfers $108. From Whom To Whom? Federal Government to States. C. Congressional Review Act
This proposed regulation is subject to the Congressional Review Act provisions of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.) and has been transmitted to the Congress and the Comptroller General for review.
In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12866, this notice was reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.778, Medical Assistance Program)
Start SignatureDated: January 24, 2014.
Marilyn Tavenner,
Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Dated: February 11, 2014.
Kathleen Sebelius,
Department of Health and Human Services.
Start Printed Page 11440Key to ADDENDUM 1—Preliminary DSH Allotments for FY 2014.
Column Description The Preliminary FY 2014 DSH Allotments for the NON-Low DSH States are presented in the top section of this addendum, and the Preliminary FY 2014 DSH Allotments for the Low-DSH States are presented in the bottom section of this addendum. Column A State. Column B FY 2014 FMAPs. This column contains the States' FY 2014 Federal Medical Assistance Percentages. Column C Prior FY (2013) DSH Allotments. This column contains the States' prior FY 2013 DSH Allotments. Column D Prior FY (2013) DSH Allotments (Col C) x (100 percent + Percentage Increase in CPIU): 101.5 percent. This column contains the amount in Column C increased by 1 plus the estimated percentage increase in the CPI-U for the prior FY (101.5 percent). Column E FY 2014 TC MAP Exp. Including DSH. This column contains the amount of the States' projected FY 2014 total computable (TC) medical assistance expenditures including DSH expenditures. Column F FY 2014 TC DSH Expenditures. This column contains the amount of the States' projected FY 2014 total computable DSH expenditures. Column G FY 2014 TC MAP Exp. Net of DSH. Start Printed Page 11439 This column contains the amount of the States' projected FY 2014 total computable medical assistance expenditures net of DSH expenditures, calculated as the amount in Column E minus the amount in Column F. Column H 12 percent Amount. This column contains the amount of the “12 percent limit” in Federal share, determined in accordance with the provisions of section 1923(f)(3) of the Act. Column I Greater of FY 2013 Allotment or 12 percent limit. This column contains the greater of the State's prior FY (FY 2013) DSH allotment or the amount of the 12 percent limit, determined as the maximum of the amount in Column C or Column H Column J FY 2014 DSH Allotment. This column contains the States' preliminary FY 2014 DSH allotments, determined as the minimum of the amount in Column I or Column D. For states with “na” in Columns I or D, refer to the footnotes in the addendum. Start Printed Page 11442Addendum 1—Preliminary DSH Allotments for Fiscal Year 2014
STATE FY 2014 FMAPs (percent) Prior FY (2013) DSH allotments Prior FY (2013) DSH allotment (Col C) × 100% + pct increase in CPIU: FY 2014 TC MAP Exp. including DSH 4 FY 2014 TC DSH Expenditures 4 FY 2014 TC MAPEXP. net of DSH Col E − F “12% Amount” =Col G × .12(1−.12/Col B)” (in FS) Greater of Col H or Col C (12% Limit, FY 2013 allotment) FY 2014 DSH allotment MIN Col I, Col D 101.5% A B C D E F G H I J ALABAMA 68.12 $323,093,267 $327,939,666 $5,837,507,000 $517,367,000 $5,320,140,000 $774,927,876 $774,927,876 $327,939,666 ARIZONA 67.23 106,384,369 107,980,135 8,763,763,000 156,364,000 8,607,399,000 1,257,306,757 1,257,306,757 107,980,135 CALIFORNIA 50.00 1,151,840,630 1,169,118,239 72,253,198,000 935,479,000 71,317,719,000 11,260,692,474 11,260,692,474 1,169,118,239 COLORADO 50.00 97,190,657 98,648,517 5,510,334,000 195,772,000 5,314,562,000 839,141,368 839,141,368 98,648,517 CONNECTICUT 50.00 210,141,962 213,294,091 6,585,550,000 228,325,000 6,357,225,000 1,003,772,368 1,003,772,368 213,294,091 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 70.00 64,355,975 65,321,315 2,345,594,000 44,744,000 2,300,850,000 333,226,552 333,226,552 65,321,315 FLORIDA 58.79 210,141,962 213,294,091 21,065,753,000 361,462,000 20,704,291,000 3,121,706,180 3,121,706,180 213,294,091 GEORGIA 65.93 282,378,262 286,613,936 8,929,625,000 435,776,000 8,493,849,000 1,246,058,516 1,246,058,516 286,613,936 ILLINOIS 50.00 225,902,609 229,291,148 16,174,722,000 428,796,000 15,745,926,000 2,486,198,842 2,486,198,842 229,291,148 INDIANA 66.92 224,589,223 227,958,061 8,960,665,000 0 8,960,665,000 1,310,228,045 1,310,228,045 227,958,061 KANSAS 56.91 43,341,780 43,991,907 2,825,757,000 74,228,000 2,751,529,000 418,408,859 418,408,859 43,991,907 KENTUCKY 69.83 152,352,923 154,638,217 6,276,300,000 152,353,000 6,123,947,000 887,363,415 887,363,415 154,638,217 LOUISIANA 1 na na na na na na na na 731,960,000 MAINE 61.55 110,324,530 111,979,398 2,491,965,000 37,000,000 2,454,965,000 365,940,898 365,940,898 111,979,398 MARYLAND 50.00 80,116,623 81,318,372 8,676,095,000 85,128,000 8,590,967,000 1,356,468,474 1,356,468,474 81,318,372 MASSACHUSETTS 50.00 320,466,492 325,273,489 14,210,660,000 0 14,210,660,000 2,243,788,421 2,243,788,421 325,273,489 MICHIGAN 66.32 278,438,100 282,614,672 13,523,842,000 364,144,000 13,159,698,000 1,928,021,733 1,928,021,733 282,614,672 MISSISSIPPI 73.05 160,233,246 162,636,745 5,094,327,000 321,190,000 4,773,137,000 685,361,490 685,361,490 162,636,745 MISSOURI 62.03 497,773,773 505,240,380 9,279,932,000 684,657,000 8,595,275,000 1,278,828,483 1,278,828,483 505,240,380 NEVADA 63.10 48,595,328 49,324,258 2,092,603,000 77,014,000 2,015,589,000 298,670,057 298,670,057 49,324,258 NEW HAMPSHIRE 50.00 168,217,088 170,740,344 1,340,075,000 124,810,000 1,215,265,000 191,883,947 191,883,947 170,740,344 NEW JERSEY 50.00 676,394,441 686,540,358 13,682,358,000 1,207,107,000 12,475,251,000 1,969,776,474 1,969,776,474 686,540,358 NEW YORK 50.00 1,687,702,633 1,713,018,172 67,240,475,000 3,373,800,000 63,866,675,000 10,084,211,842 10,084,211,842 1,713,018,172 NORTH CAROLINA 65.78 309,959,394 314,608,785 13,134,561,000 478,361,000 12,656,200,000 1,857,623,286 1,857,623,286 314,608,785 OHIO 63.02 426,850,861 433,253,624 19,534,779,000 0 19,534,779,000 2,895,527,493 2,895,527,493 433,253,624 PENNSYLVANIA 53.52 589,710,881 598,556,544 21,451,173,000 732,037,000 20,719,136,000 3,204,879,071 3,204,879,071 598,556,544 RHODE ISLAND 50.11 68,296,138 69,320,580 2,302,742,000 137,098,000 2,165,644,000 341,706,914 341,706,914 69,320,580 SOUTH CAROLINA 70.57 344,107,463 349,269,075 5,582,305,000 474,540,000 5,107,765,000 738,511,134 738,511,134 349,269,075 TENNESSEE 2 65.29 na na na na na na na 0 TEXAS 58.69 1,004,741,257 1,019,812,376 37,675,429,000 2,991,551,000 34,683,878,000 5,231,775,883 5,231,775,883 1,019,812,376 VERMONT5 56.76 23,640,971 23,995,586 1,536,190,000 37,449,000 1,498,741,000 228,065,789 228,065,789 23,995,586 VIRGINIA 50.00 92,050,138 93,430,890 8,287,311,000 243,321,000 8,043,990,000 1,270,103,684 1,270,103,684 93,430,890 WASHINGTON 50.00 194,381,315 197,297,035 7,949,059,000 456,511,000 7,492,548,000 1,183,033,895 1,183,033,895 197,297,035 WEST VIRGINIA 71.09 70,922,912 71,986,756 3,534,234,000 70,185,000 3,464,049,000 500,103,388 500,103,388 71,986,756 TOTAL 10,244,637,203 10,398,306,761 424,148,883,000 15,426,569,000 408,722,314,000 62,783,822,812 62,783,822,812 11,130,266,762 LOW DSH STATES ALASKA 50.00 21,402,636 21,723,676 1,583,467,000 20,638,000 1,562,829,000 246,762,473.68 246,762,474 21,723,676 ARKANSAS 70.10 45,325,292 46,005,171 4,549,145,000 43,820,000 4,505,325,000 652,302,821 652,302,821 46,005,171 DELAWARE 55.31 9,512,282 9,654,966 1,620,151,000 16,804,000 1,603,347,000 245,710,799 245,710,799 9,654,966 HAWAII 3 51.85 10,240,000 10,393,600 1,940,694,000 0 1,940,694,000 303,011,243.86 303,011,244 10,393,600 IDAHO 71.64 17,271,044 17,530,110 1,867,605,000 23,451,000 1,844,154,000 265,825,337.14 265,825,337 17,530,110 IOWA 57.93 41,378,149 41,998,821 3,852,612,000 53,536,000 3,799,076,000 574,997,969 574,997,969 41,998,821 MINNESOTA 50.00 78,476,334 79,653,479 10,571,446,000 154,792,000 10,416,654,000 1,644,734,842 1,644,734,842 79,653,479 MONTANA 66.33 11,926,371 12,105,267 1,078,653,000 18,023,000 1,060,630,000 155,387,273 155,387,273 12,105,267 NEBRASKA 54.74 29,733,219 30,179,217 2,060,181,000 41,391,000 2,018,790,000 310,272,058 310,272,058 30,179,217 NEW MEXICO 69.20 21,402,636 21,723,676 3,598,324,000 21,380,000 3,576,944,000 519,282,220 519,282,220 21,723,676 NORTH DAKOTA 50.00 10,036,360 10,186,905 844,103,000 1,600,000 842,503,000 133,026,789 133,026,789 10,186,905 OKLAHOMA 64.02 38,049,129 38,619,866 5,219,568,000 58,140,000 5,161,428,000 762,248,260 762,248,260 38,619,866 OREGON 63.14 47,561,414 48,274,835 6,163,918,000 71,176,000 6,092,742,000 902,688,455 902,688,455 48,274,835 SOUTH DAKOTA 53.54 11,604,719 11,778,790 843,570,000 1,476,000 842,094,000 130,242,791 130,242,791 11,778,790 UTAH 70.34 20,612,808 20,922,000 2,089,446,000 29,583,000 2,059,863,000 298,026,939 298,026,939 20,922,000 WISCONSIN 59.06 99,326,563 100,816,461 7,532,985,000 159,936,000 7,373,049,000 1,110,375,539 1,110,375,539 100,816,461 Start Printed Page 11441 WYOMING 50.00 237,807 241,374 568,307,000 463,000 567,844,000 89,659,579 89,659,579 241,374 TOTAL LOW DSH STATES 514,096,763 521,808,214 55,984,175,000 716,209,000 55,267,966,000 8,344,555,389 8,344,555,389 521,808,214 TOTAL 10,758,733,966 10,920,114,975 480,133,058,000 16,142,778,000 463,990,280,000 71,128,378,201 71,128,378,201 11,652,074,976 1 Louisiana's FY 2014 DSH allotment is determined under the provisions of section 1923(f)(3)(C) and (D) of the Act. 2 Tennessee's DSH allotment for FY 2014, determined under section 1923(f)(6)(A) of the Act, is 0. 3 Begining FY 2013, under section 1923(f)(6)(B)(II) of the Act, Hawaii's DSH allotment for a fiscal year is determined as for low-DSH states. This means Hawaii's DSH alloment for a fiscal year is determined as for all States, by increasing the previous fiscal year allotment by the percentage increase in the CPIU for the previous fiscal year. 4 Expenditures based on the amounts reported by States on the Form CMS-37. 5 FMAP for Vermont for FY 2014 determined in accordance with section 1905(z)(1)(A) of the Act. Start Printed Page 11443Key to ADDENDUM 2—Preliminary IMD DSH Limits for FY 2014
Column Description The preliminary FY 2014 IMD DSH Limits for the Non-Low DSH States are presented in the top section of this addendum and the preliminary FY 2014 IMD DSH Limits for the Low-DSH States are presented in the bottom section of the addendum. Column A State. Column B Inpatient Hospital Services FY 95 DSH Total Computable. This column contains the States' total computable FY 1995 inpatient hospital DSH expenditures as reported on the Form CMS-64. Column C IMD and Mental Health Services FY 95 DSH Total. Computable. This column contains the total computable FY 1995 mental health facility DSH expenditures as reported on the Form CMS-64 as of January 1, 1997. Column D Total Inpatient Hospital & IMD & Mental Health FY 95 DSH Total. Computable, Col. B + C. This column contains the total computation of all inpatient hospital DSH expenditures and mental health facility DSH expenditures for FY 1995 as reported on the Form CMS-64 as of January 1, 1997 (representing the sum of Column B and Column C). Column E Applicable Percentage, Col. C/D. This column contains the “applicable percentage” representing the total Computable FY 1995 mental health facility DSH expenditures divided by total computable all inpatient hospital and mental health facility DSH expenditures for FY 1995 (the amount in Column C divided by the amount in Column D) Per section 1923(h)(2)(A)(ii)(III) of the Act, for FYs after FY 2002, the applicable percentage can be no greater than 33 percent. Column F FY 2014 Federal Share DSH Allotment. This column contains the states' preliminary FY 2014 DSH allotments from Column J Addendum 1. Column G FY 2014 FMAP. Column H FY 2014 DSH Allotments in Total Computable, Col. F/G. This column contains states' FY 2014 total computable DSH allotment (determined as Column F/Column G). Column I Applicable Percentage Applied to FY 2014 Allotments in TC, Col E x Col H. This column contains the applicable percentage of FY 2013 total computable DSH allotment (calculated as the percentage in Column E multiplied by the amount in Column H). Column J FY 2014 TC IMD DSH Limit. Lesser of Col. I or C. This column contains the total computable FY 2014 TC IMD DSH Limit equal to the lesser of the amount in Column I or Column C. Column K FY 2014 IMD DSH Limit in Federal Share, Col. G x J. This column contains the FY 2014 Federal Share IMD DSH limit determined by converting the total computable FY 2014 IMD DSH Limit from Column J into a federal share amount by multiplying it by the FY 2014 FMAP in Column G. Start Printed Page 11445 End Supplemental InformationAddendum 2—Preliminary IMD DSH Limit for Fiscal Year 2014
State Inpatient hospital services FY 95 DSH total computable IMD and mental health services FY 95 DSH total computable Total inpatient & IMD & mental health FY 95 DSH total computable col B + C Applicable percent col C/D FY 2014 allotment in FS FY 2014 FMAPs (percent) FY 2014 allotments in TC col F/G Applicable percentage applied to FY 2014 allotments iin TC col E × Col H FY 2014 TC IMD limit (lesser of col I or Col C) FY 2014 IMD limit in FS col G × J A B C D E F G H I J K ALABAMA $413,006,229 $4,451,770 $417,457,999 1.07 $327,939,666 68.12 $481,414,659 $5,133,804 $4,451,770 $3,032,546 ARIZONA 93,916,100 28,474,900 122,391,000 23.27 107,980,135 67.23 160,613,022 37,367,451 28,474,900 19,143,675 CALIFORNIA 2,189,879,543 1,555,919 2,191,435,462 0.07 1,169,118,239 50.00 2,338,236,478 1,660,148 1,555,919 777,960 COLORADO 173,900,441 594,776 174,495,217 0.34 98,648,517 50.00 197,297,034 672,497 594,776 297,388 CONNECTICUT 303,359,275 105,573,725 408,933,000 25.82 213,294,091 50.00 426,588,182 110,131,741 105,573,725 52,786,863 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 39,532,234 6,545,136 46,077,370 14.20 65,321,315 70.00 93,316,164 13,255,248 6,545,136 4,581,595 FLORIDA 184,468,014 149,714,986 334,183,000 33.00 213,294,091 58.79 362,806,755 119,726,229 119,726,229 70,387,050 GEORGIA 407,343,557 0 407,343,557 0.00 286,613,936 65.93 434,724,611 0 0 0 ILLINOIS 315,868,508 89,408,276 405,276,784 22.06 229,291,148 50.00 458,582,296 101,168,027 89,408,276 44,704,138 INDIANA 79,960,783 153,566,302 233,527,085 33.00 227,958,061 66.92 340,642,649 112,412,074 112,412,074 75,226,160 KANSAS 11,587,208 76,663,508 88,250,716 33.00 43,991,907 56.91 77,300,838 25,509,277 25,509,277 14,517,329 KENTUCKY 158,804,908 37,443,073 196,247,981 19.08 154,638,217 69.83 221,449,545 42,251,398 37,443,073 26,146,498 LOUISIANA 1,078,512,169 132,917,149 1,211,429,318 10.97 731,960,000 60.98 1,200,327,976 131,699,118 131,699,118 80,310,122 MAINE 99,957,958 60,958,342 160,916,300 33.00 111,979,398 61.55 181,932,409 60,037,695 60,037,695 36,953,201 MARYLAND 22,226,467 120,873,531 143,099,998 33.00 81,318,372 50.00 162,636,744 53,670,126 53,670,126 26,835,063 MASSACHUSETTS 469,653,946 105,635,054 575,289,000 18.36 325,273,489 50.00 650,546,978 119,453,988 105,635,054 52,817,527 MICHIGAN 133,258,800 304,765,552 438,024,352 33.00 282,614,672 66.32 426,137,925 140,625,515 140,625,515 93,262,842 MISSISSIPPI 182,608,033 0 182,608,033 0.00 162,636,745 73.05 222,637,570 0 0 0 MISSOURI 521,946,524 207,234,618 729,181,142 28.42 505,240,380 62.03 814,509,721 231,485,157 207,234,618 128,547,634 NEVADA 73,560,000 0 73,560,000 0.00 49,324,258 63.10 78,168,396 0 0 0 NEW HAMPSHIRE 92,675,916 94,753,948 187,429,864 33.00 170,740,344 50.00 341,480,688 112,688,627 94,753,948 47,376,974 NEW JERSEY 736,742,539 357,370,461 1,094,113,000 32.66 686,540,358 50.00 1,373,080,716 448,489,771 357,370,461 178,685,231 NEW YORK 2,418,869,368 605,000,000 3,023,869,368 20.01 1,713,018,172 50.00 3,426,036,344 685,463,469 605,000,000 302,500,000 NORTH CAROLINA 193,201,966 236,072,627 429,274,593 33.00 314,608,785 65.78 478,274,225 157,830,494 157,830,494 103,820,899 OHIO 535,731,956 93,432,758 629,164,714 14.85 433,253,624 63.02 687,485,916 102,093,623 93,432,758 58,881,324 PENNSYLVANIA 388,207,319 579,199,682 967,407,001 33.00 598,556,544 53.52 1,118,379,193 369,065,134 369,065,134 197,523,660 RHODE ISLAND 108,503,167 2,397,833 110,901,000 2.16 69,320,580 50.11 138,336,819 2,991,033 2,397,833 1,201,554 SOUTH CAROLINA 366,681,364 72,076,341 438,757,705 16.43 349,269,075 70.57 494,925,712 81,303,266 72,076,341 50,864,274 TENNESSEE * 0 0 0 0.00 0 65.29 0 0 0 0 TEXAS 1,220,515,401 292,513,592 1,513,028,993 19.33 1,019,812,376 58.69 1,737,625,449 335,934,780 292,513,592 171,676,227 VERMONT ** 19,979,252 9,071,297 29,050,549 31.23 23,995,586 56.76 42,275,521 13,200,914 9,071,297 5,148,868 VIRGINIA 129,313,480 7,770,268 137,083,748 5.67 93,430,890 50.00 186,861,780 10,591,818 7,770,268 3,885,134 WASHINGTON 171,725,815 163,836,435 335,562,250 33.00 197,297,035 50.00 394,594,070 130,216,043 130,216,043 65,108,022 WEST VIRGINIA 66,962,606 18,887,045 85,849,651 22.00 71,986,756 71.09 101,261,438 22,277,660 18,887,045 13,426,800 TOTAL 13,402,460,846 4,118,758,904 17,521,219,750 11,130,266,762 19,837,936,852 3,778,134,755 3,440,982,495 1,930,546,450 LOW DSH STATES ALASKA 2,506,827 17,611,765 20,118,592 33.00 21,723,676 50.00 43,447,352 14,337,626 14,337,626 7,168,813 ARKANSAS 2,422,649 819,351 3,242,000 25.27 46,005,171 70.10 65,627,919 16,586,151 819,351 574,365 DELAWARE 0 7,069,000 7,069,000 33.00 9,654,966 55.31 17,456,095 5,760,511 5,760,511 3,186,139 HAWAII 0 0 0 0.00 10,393,600 51.85 20,045,516 0 0 0 IDAHO 2,081,429 0 2,081,429 0.00 17,530,110 71.64 24,469,724 0 0 0 IOWA 12,011,250 0 12,011,250 0.00 41,998,821 57.93 72,499,259 0 0 0 MINNESOTA 24,240,000 5,257,214 29,497,214 17.82 79,653,479 50.00 159,306,958 28,392,877 5,257,214 2,628,607 MONTANA 237,048 0 237,048 0.00 12,105,267 66.33 18,250,063 0 0 0 NEBRASKA 6,449,102 1,811,337 8,260,439 21.93 30,179,217 54.74 55,131,927 12,089,248 1,811,337 991,526 NEW MEXICO 6,490,015 254,786 6,744,801 3.78 21,723,676 69.20 31,392,595 1,185,861 254,786 176,312 NORTH DAKOTA 214,523 988,478 1,203,001 33.00 10,186,905 50.00 20,373,810 6,723,357 988,478 494,239 OKLAHOMA 20,019,969 3,273,248 23,293,217 14.05 38,619,866 64.02 60,324,689 8,477,046 3,273,248 2,095,533 OREGON 11,437,908 19,975,092 31,413,000 33.00 48,274,835 63.14 76,456,818 25,230,750 19,975,092 12,612,273 SOUTH DAKOTA 321,120 751,299 1,072,419 33.00 11,778,790 53.54 21,999,981 7,259,994 751,299 402,245 UTAH 3,621,116 934,586 4,555,702 20.51 20,922,000 70.34 29,744,100 6,101,896 934,586 657,388 WISCONSIN 6,609,524 4,492,011 11,101,535 33.00 100,816,461 59.06 170,701,763 56,331,582 4,492,011 2,652,982 Start Printed Page 11444 WYOMING 0 0 0 0.00 241,374 50.00 482,748 0 0 0 TOTAL LOW DSH STATES 98,662,480 63,238,167 161,900,647 521,808,214 887,711,318 188,476,899 58,655,539 33,640,422 TOTAL 13,501,123,326 4,181,997,071 17,683,120,397 11,652,074,976 20,724,648,170 3,966,611,654 3,499,638,034 1,964,186,872 FOOTNOTES: * Tennessee's DSH allotment for FY 2014, determined under section 1923(f)(6)(A) of the Act, is $0. ** Vermont's FMAP for FY 2014 determined in accordance with section 1905(z)(1)(A) of the Act. [FR Doc. 2014-04032 Filed 2-27-14; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 02/28/2014
- Department:
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice.
- Document Number:
- 2014-04032
- Pages:
- 11436-11445 (10 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- CMS-2389-N
- PDF File:
- 2014-04032.pdf