96-4480. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Miscellaneous Amendments  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 41 (Thursday, February 29, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 7739-7751]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-4480]
    48 CFR Parts 202, 204, 209, 213, 215, 216, 217, 223, 225, 228, 232, 
    235, 236, 242, 246, 252, 253, and Appendix G to Chapter 2
    [Defense Acquisition Circular (DAC) 91-10]
    Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Miscellaneous 
    AGENCY: Department of Defense (DoD).
    ACTION: Final rules.
    SUMMARY: Defense Acquisition Circular (DAC) 91-10 amends the Defense 
    Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to revise, finalize, 
    or add language on undefinitized contract actions; warranties; 
    institutions of higher education; should cost reviews; construction and 
    architect-engineer contracts; sensitive conventional arms, ammunition, 
    and explosives; international trade agreements; foreign offset 
    agreements; tank and automotive forging items; progress payment rates; 
    research and development contracting; contract administration; and 
    foreign military sales.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: February 29, 1996.
    Mrs. Susan Buckmaster, OUSD(A&T)DP(DAR), IMD 3D139, 3062 Defense 
    Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3062. Telephone (703) 602-0131. Telefax 
    (703) 602-0350.
    A. Background
        This Defense Acquisition Circular (DAC) 91-10 includes 17 rules and 
    miscellaneous editorial amendments. Three of the rules in the DAC 
    (Items VII, X, and XVII) were published previously in the Federal 
    Register (61 FR 130, January 3, 1996; 61 FR 3600, February 1, 1996; and 
    February 26, 1996; respectively) and thus are not included as part of 
    this rulemaking notice. These three rules are being published in the 
    DAC to conform the loose-leaf edition of DFARS to the previously 
    published revisions.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
    DAC 91-10, Items IV, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, and XVI
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act does not apply because these rules 
    are not significant revisions within the meaning of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq. However, comments from small 
    entities will be considered in accordance with Section 610 of the Act. 
    Please cite the applicable DFARS case number in correspondence.
    DAC 91-10, Items I, III, V, VIII, IX, and XI
        DoD certifies that these rules will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities within the meaning of 
    the Regulatory Flexibility Act because:
        Item I--The rule primarily (1) pertains to internal Government 
    considerations regarding use of warranties; and (2) consolidates and 
    standardizes existing regulatory requirements pertaining to 
    undefinitized contract actions.
        Item III--Contracts awarded to small entities normally are not 
    subject to program or overhead should-cost reviews.
        Item V--The rule merely provides a standard method of implementing 
    security requirements which already exist under DoD 5100.76-M.
        Item VIII--The rule retains the policy of acquiring tank and 
    automotive forging items from domestic sources to the maximum extent 
    practicable. The new exception only applies to forging items purchased 
    as tank and automotive spare parts, when the end use of the spare parts 
    is unknown.
        Item IX--The rule merely clarifies the scope of offset 
    administrative costs that 
    [[Page 7740]]
    contractors may recover under foreign military sales contracts. Also, 
    most companies involved in offset arrangements are not small 
        Item XI--The reduction in the customary progress payment rate only 
    applies to large businesses. While the rule also precludes the use of 
    flexible progress payments for contracts resulting from solicitations 
    issued on or after November 30, 1993, this change is not expected to 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities, because the customary progress payment rates for small and 
    small disadvantaged businesses generally are more favorable than a 
    flexible progress payment rate with its associated terms and 
    DAC 91-10, Items II and VI
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act applies. A final regulatory analysis 
    has been performed and is available by writing the Defense Acquisition 
    Regulations Council, OUSD(A&T)DP(DAR), 3062 Defense Pentagon, 
    Washington, DC 20301-3062
    C. Paperwork Reduction Act
    DAC 91-10, Items I, II, III, IV, VI, VIII, IX, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, 
    and XVI
        The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply because these rules do 
    not impose any information collection requirements which require the 
    approval of OMB under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    DAC 91-10, Item V
        The Paperwork Reduction Act applies. OMB has approved the 
    information collection requirement under OMB Control Number 0704-0385.
    Michele P. Peterson,
    Executive Editor, Defense Acquisition Regulations Council.
        Defense Acquisition Circular (DAC) 91-10 amends the Defense Federal 
    Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 1991 edition. The amendments 
    are summarized as follows:
    Item I--Contract Award (DFARS Case 95-D702)
        This final rule (1) amends DFARS Parts 216 and 217 to implement 
    Section 1505 of Pub. L. 103-355 and to clarify guidance on 
    undefinitized contract actions (UCAs); (2) amends the guidance on 
    warranties at 246.770 to implement Section 2402 of Pub. L. 103-355; and 
    (3) adds a new clause on definitization of UCAs at 252.217-7027. The 
    new clause is similar to, and will be used instead of, the clause as 
    FAR 52.216-25, Contract Definitization, which was designed for use in 
    letter contracts only.
    Item II--Institutions of Higher Education (DFARS Case 94-D310)
        The interim rule published as Item IX of DAC91-9 is revised and 
    finalized. The rule implements Section 558 of the Fiscal Year 1995 
    Defense Authorization Act (Pub. L. 103-337). Section 558 provides that 
    no funds available to DoD may be provided by grant or contract to any 
    institution of higher education that has a policy of denying, or which 
    effectively prevents the Secretary of Defense from obtaining for 
    military recruiting purposes, entry to campuses, access to students on 
    campuses, or access to directory information pertaining to students. 
    The final rule differs from the interim rule in that it makes 
    clarifying revisions at 209.470-1 and 252.209-7005, and adds language 
    at 209.470-1(c) to state that, when specific subordinate elements of an 
    institution of higher education, rather than the institution as a 
    whole, have a prohibited policy or practice, the prohibition on use of 
    DoD funds applies only to those subordinate elements.
    Item III--Overhead Should Cost Reviews (DFARS Case 92-D010
        This final rule revises DFARS 215.810 to specify when DoD 
    activities should consider performing an overhead should cost review of 
    a contractor business unit. This DFARS rule supplements the FAR rule 
    published as Item VIII of Federal Acquisition Circular 90-37 on January 
    26, 1996. Both the FAR and the DFARS rules become effective on March 
    26, 1996.
    Item IV--Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee Contracts for Military Construction (DFARS 
    Case 95-D024)
        This final rule adds new sections at DFARS 216.306 and 232.703-70 
    and revises 236.271 to expand guidance on statutory restrictions 
    pertaining to the use of cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts for military 
    Item V--Safeguarding Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and 
    Explosives (DFARS Case 95-D001)
        This final rule adds a new subpart at DFARS 223.72 and a new 
    contract clause at 252.223-7007 to provide guidance on physical 
    security requirements for contracts involving sensitive conventional 
    arms, ammunition, and explosives. Section 204.202 is amended to specify 
    additional requirements for distribution of contracts containing the 
    clause at 252.223-7007.
    Item VI--Applicability of Trade Agreements (DFARS Case 95-D022)
        This final rule amends DFARS 225.402 to provide that the value of 
    an acquisition for purposes of determining the applicability of both 
    the North American Free Trade Agreement Act and the Trade Agreements 
    Act is the total value of all end products subject to the acts.
    Item VII--Uruguay Round (1996 Agreement) (DFARS Case 95-D306)
        This final rule was issued by Departmental Letter 95-019, effective 
    January 1, 1996. The rule amends DFARS 225.402 and the clause at 
    252.225-7007 to implement the DoD-unique requirements of the 
    renegotiated General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Government 
    Procurement Agreement (1996 Code) (Uruguay Round), which became 
    effective January 1, 1996. This agreement is implemented in statute by 
    the Uruguay Round Agreement Act, Pub. L. 103-465, which amends the 
    Trade Agreements Act of 1979.
    Item VIII--Tank and Automotive Forging Items (DFARS Case 95-D003)
        This final rule amends DFARS Subpart 225.71 to add an exception to 
    the foreign source restrictions on the acquisition of forgings. The 
    rule excludes forging purchases as tank and automotive spare parts from 
    foreign source restrictions, except when it is known that the parts are 
    for use in tanks only.
    Item IX--Offset Implementation Costs (DFARS Case 95-D019)
        This final rule amends DFARS 225.7303-2 to clarify that, under a 
    foreign military sales contract, a contractor may recover costs 
    incurred to implement its offset agreement with a foreign government or 
    international organization, if the foreign military sale Letter of 
    Offer and Acceptance is financed wholly with customer cash or repayable 
    foreign military finance credits.
    Item X--Alternatives to Miller Act Bonds (DFARS Case 95-D305)
        This interim rule was issued by Departmental Letter 96-001, 
    effective February 1, 1996. The rule revises the interim rule which was 
    published as Item XXIII of DAC 91-9 to provide alternative payment 
    protections for construction contracts between $25,000 and $100,000, 
    pending implementation of Section 4104(b)(2) of the Federal Acquisition 
    Streamlining Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103-355) in the FAR. This interim 
    rule amends the guidance at 
    [[Page 7741]]
    DFARS 228.171 to require the contracting officer to specify two or more 
    alternative payment protections when using the clause at 252.228-7007, 
    and to give particular consideration to use of an irrevocable letter of 
    credit as one of the specified alternatives. This rule also amends the 
    clause at 252.228-7007 to exclude payment bonds from the payment 
    protections under which the contracting officer may access funds.
    Item XI--Reduction in Progress Payment Rates (DFARS Case 93-D305)
        The interim rule published as Item XXVII of DAC 91-6 is revised and 
    finalized. The rule implements Section 8155 of the Fiscal Year 1994 
    Defense Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 103-139). Section 8155 requires DoD 
    to reduce the customary progress payment rate for large business 
    concerns from 85 percent to 75 percent for contracts resulting from 
    solicitations issued on or after November 11, 1993. The final rule 
    differs from the interim rule in that it makes an editorial change in 
    the table at 232.502-1-71, and amends the clause at 252.232-7004 to 
    state that the 75 percent customary progress payment rate for large 
    business concerns also applies to progress payments made under 
    undefinitized contract actions.
    Item XII--Streamlined Research and Development (R&D) Update (DFARS Case 
        This final rule amends DFARS Subpart 235.70 to update 
    administrative information pertaining to the streamlined R&D 
    contracting test program, and to revise the list of clauses in the 
    streamlined R&D contracting format to conform to FAR and DFARS 
    revisions which occurred since initiation of the test program.
    Item XIII--Performance Evaluations for Construction and Architect-
    Engineer Contracts (DFARS Case 95-D034)
        This final rule amends DFARS 236.201 and 236.604 to prescribe use 
    of DD Forms 2626 and 2631 in lieu of Standard Forms 1420 and 1421, 
    respectively. The forms are used to document contractor performance 
    under construction and architect-engineer contracts. Copies of DD Forms 
    2626 and 2631 are added to Subpart 253.3.
    Item XIV--Magnitude of Construction Projects (DFARS Case 95-D031)
        This final rule adds a new section at DFARS 236.204 to provide 
    additional price ranges for identifying the magnitude of construction 
    projects in advance notices and solicitations.
    Item XV--Flexible Contract Administration Services (DFARS Case 95-
        This final rule amends DFARS 242.203 to expand the conditions under 
    which the Defense Contract Management Command may perform contract 
    administration services on a military installation.
    Item XVI--Military Assistance Program Address (MAPAD) Codes (DFARS Case 
        This final rule amends DFARS 253./213-70 to clarify instructions 
    for inclusion of foreign military sale shipment information in Block 14 
    of DD Form 1155.
    Item XVII--Allowability of Costs (DFARS Case 95-D309)
        This interim rule was issued by Departmental Letter 96-002, 
    effective February 26, 1996. The rule adds language at DFARS 231.205-6 
    to implememt Section 8122 of the Fiscal Year 1996 Defense 
    Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 104-61). Section 8122 prohibits DoD from 
    using fiscal year 1996 funds to reimburse a contractor for costs paid 
    by the contractor to an employee for a bonus or other payment in excess 
    of the normal salary paid to the employee, when such payment is part of 
    restructuring costs associated with a business combination.
    Item XVIII--Small Disadvantaged Business Utilization Program 
    (Information Item)
        On October 23, 1995, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition 
    and Technology suspended those sections of the DFARS which prescribe 
    set-aside of acquisitions for small disadvantaged businesses. This 
    suspension takes account of the Supreme Court's decision in Adarand 
    Constructors, Inc. v. Pena, 63 U.S.L.W. 4523 (U.S. June 12, 1995), 
    while an interagency Government-wide review of affirmative action 
    programs is conducted. The suspended DFARS sections are 219.501(S-70), 
    219.502-2-70, 219.502-4, 219.504(b)(i), 219.506, 219.508(e), 219.508-
    70, and 252.219-7002. Although these sections, and references thereto, 
    still appear in the DFARS text, use of these sections is suspended 
    until further notice.
    Item XIX--Editorial Revisions
        (a) DFARS 202.101 and Appendix G are amended to update activity 
    names and addresses.
        (b) DFARS Part 213 is amended to update statutory references and to 
    conform to revisions to FAR Part 13 published in Federal Acquisition 
    Circular 90-29.
        (c) DFARS 228.106-4, 228.106-4-70, 228.106-6, and 252.228-7006 are 
    deleted. The guidance in these sections has been superseded by the 
    guidance in FAR 28.106-4(b), 28.106-6(d), and 52.228-12, published in 
    Federal Acquisition Circular 90-32.
        (d) DFARS Part 253 is amended to update DD Forms 375, 375c, 428, 
    1659, 2222, 2222-2, and 2604. (This amendment is being made only in the 
    loose-leaf edition of the DFARS.)
    Interim Rules Adopted as Final With Changes
    PARTS 209 AND 252--[AMENDED]
        The interim rule published at 60 FR 13073 on March 10, 1995, and 
    amended at 60 FR 61593 and 61600 on November 30, 1995, is adopted as 
    final with a revision at section 209.470-1 and amendments at section 
    PARTS 232 AND 252--[AMENDED]
        The interim rule published at 58 FR 62045 on November 24, 1993, and 
    corrected at 58 FR 64363 on December 6, 1993, is adopted as final with 
    amendments at section 252.232-7004.
    List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 202, 204, 209, 213, 215, 216, 217, 
    223, 225, 228, 232, 235, 236, 242, 246, 252, 253, and Appendix G to 
    Chapter 2
        Government procurement.
    Amendments to 48 CFR Chapter 2 (Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation 
        48 CFR Chapter 2 (the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation 
    Supplement) is amended as set forth below.
        1. The authority for 48 CFR Parts 202, 204, 209, 213, 215, 216, 
    217, 223, 225, 228, 232, 235, 236, 242, 246, 252, 253, and Appendix G 
    to Chapter 2 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 41 U.S.C. 421 and 48 CFR Chapter 1.
    202.101  [Amended]
        2. Section 202.101 is amended in the definition entitled 
    ``Contracting activity'' under the heading ``NAVY,'' by removing the 
    two entries ``Ships Parts Control Center'' and ``Navy Aviation Supply 
    Office'', by adding the entry ``Naval Inventory Control Point'' after 
    the entry ``Naval Facilities Engineering Command''; and by revising the 
    entry ``U.S. Marine Corps Research, Development, and Acquisition 
    Command'' to read ``Marine Corps Systems Command''.
    [[Page 7742]]
        3. Section 204.202 is amended by removing in paragraph (1)(iii) the 
    word ``and''; by removing in paragraph (1)(iv) the period and adding 
    ``; and''; and by adding a new paragraph (1)(v) to read as follows:
    204.202  Agency distribution requirements.
        (1) * * * 
        (v) One copy, or an extract of the pertinent information, to the 
    cognizant Defense Investigative Service office listed in DoD 5100.76-M, 
    Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and 
    Explosives, when the clause at 252.223-7007, Safeguarding Sensitive 
    Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives, is included in the 
    * * * * *
        4. Section 209.470-1 is revised to read as follows:
    209.470-1  Policy.
        (a) Section 558 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
    Fiscal Year 1995 (Public Law 103-337) provides that no funds available 
    to DoD may be provided by grant or contract to any institution of 
    higher education that has a policy of denying or that effectively 
    prevents the Secretary of Defense from obtaining for military 
    recruiting purposes--
        (1) Entry to campuses or access to students on campuses; or
        (2) Access to directory information pertaining to students.
        (b) Institutions of higher education that are determined under 32 
    CFR part 216 to have the policy or practice in paragraph (a) of this 
    subsection shall be listed as ineligible on the List of Parties 
    Excluded from Federal Procurement Programs published by the General 
    Services Administration (see FAR 9.404).
        (c) In cases where a determination is made under 32 CFR part 216 
    that specific subordinate elements of an institution of higher 
    education, rather than the institution as a whole, have the policy or 
    practice in paragraph (a) of this subsection, 32 CFR part 216 provides 
    that the prohibition on use of DoD funds applies only to those 
    subordinate elements.
        5. Part 213 heading is revised to read as follows:
    213.000  [Amended]
        6. Section 213.000 is amended by revising the words ``small 
    purchase'' to read ``simplified acquisition'' and by revising the 
    threshold ``$100,000'' to read ``$200,000''.
        7. Section 213.101 is amended by revising the introductory text; by 
    adding a comma in paragraph (1) between the word ``operations'' and the 
    word ``or''; and by revising paragraph (2). The revisions read as 
    213.101  Definitions.
        Contingency operation is defined in 10 U.S.C. 101(a)(13) as a 
    military operation that--
    * * * * *
        (2) Results in the call or order to, or retention on, active duty 
    of members of the uniformed services under section 688, 12301(a), 
    12302, 12304, 12305, or 12406 of Title 10, chapter 15 of Title 10, or 
    any other provision of law during a war or during a national emergency 
    declared by the President or Congress.
    213.204  [Amended]
        8. Section 213.204 is amended by revising in paragraph (b) the 
    phrase ``above the dollar threshold at FAR 13.000'' to read ``not using 
    simplified acquisition procedures.''
    213.402  [Amended]
        9. Section 213.402 is redesignated as 213.401.
    213.403  [Amended]
        10. Section 213.403 is redesignated as 213.402.
    213.404  [Amended]
        11. Section 213.404 is redesignated as 213.403. Newly designated 
    Section 213.403 is amended by adding a period at the end of paragraph 
    (c)(i)(B); and by revising in paragraph (c)(ii) the words ``small 
    purchases'' to read ``simplified acquisitions.''
    213.502-2  [Amended]
        12. Section 213.502-2 is redesignated as Section 213.505-1. Newly 
    designated Section 213.505-1 is amended by revising the heading to read 
    ``Optional Form (OF) 347, Order for Supplies or Services, and Optional 
    Form 348, Order for Supplies or Services Schedule-Continuation.''; by 
    removing in the introductory text the hyphen between the words 
    ``Services'' and ``Schedule''; by adding a hyphen between the words 
    ``Schedule'' and ``Continuation'', by revising in paragraph (b)(i) the 
    words ``small purchase'' to read ``simplified acquisition''; and by 
    revising the sentence in paragraph (b)(i)(F)(3) to read ``A purchase 
    order for acquisitions using simplified acquisition procedures.''
        13. Section 213.505-3 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(1) 
    introductory text to read as follows:
    213.505-3  Standard Form 44, Purchase Order-Invoice-Voucher.
        (b)(1) The micro-purchase limitation applies to all purchasers 
    except that purchases up to the simplified acquisition threshold may be 
    made for--
    * * * * *
        14. Section 213.507 is amended by revising the heading; and by 
    revising paragraph (a)(i) to read as follows:
    213.507  Provisions and clauses.
        (a) * * *
        (i) Unilateral purchase orders--
        (A) FAR 52.252-2, Clauses Incorporated by Reference (required only 
    if other clauses are incorporated by reference);
        (B) FAR 52.203-3, Gratuities;
        (C) FAR 52.211-16, Variation in Quantity;
        (D) FAR 52.222-3, Convict Labor (unless the order will be subject 
    to the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (see FAR subpart 22.6));
        (E) FAR 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity (unless exempt under FAR 
        (F) FAR 52.225-3, Buy American Act-Supplies;
        (G) FAR 52.232,-1, Payments;
        (H) FAR 52.232-25, Prompt Payment;
        (I) FAR 52.232-28, Electronic Funds Transfer Payment Methods;
        (J) FAR 52.233-1, Disputes;
        (K) FAR 52.246-1, Contractor Inspection Requirements (except when 
    an alternate level of quality assurance is necessary (see FAR 46.203 
    and 46.204)); and
        (L) FAR 52.246-16, Responsibility for Supplies.
    * * * * *
        15. Section 215.810 is revised to read as follows:
    215.810  Should-cost review.
        16. Section 215.810-2 is added to read as follows:
    215.810-2  Program should-cost review.
        (b) DoD contracting activities should consider performing a program 
    should-cost review before award of a definitive major systems contract 
    exceeding $100 million.
        17. Section 215.810-3 is added to read as follows:
    [[Page 7743]]
    215.810-3  Overhead should-cost review.
        (a) Contact the DCMC/DLA Overhead Center, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-
    6221, at (703) 767-3387, for questions on overhead should-cost 
        (b)(i) The Defense Contract Management Command/Defense Logistics 
    Agency (DCMC/DLA), or the military department responsible for 
    performing contract administration functions (e.g., Navy SUPSHIP), 
    should consider, based on risk assessment, performing an overhead 
    should-cost review of a contractor business unit (as defined in FAR 
    31.001) when all of the following conditions exist:
        (A) Projected annual sales to DoD exceed $1 billion.
        (B) Projected DoD versus total business exceeds 30 percent;
        (C) Level of sole-source DoD contracts is high;
        (D) Significant volume of proposal activity is anticipated;
        (E) Production or development of a major weapon system or program 
    is anticipated; and
        (F) Contractor cost control/reduction initiatives appear 
        (ii) The head of the contracting activity may request an overhead 
    should-cost review for a business unit which does not meet the criteria 
    in paragraph (b)(i) of this subsection.
        (iii) Overhead should-cost reviews are labor intensive. These 
    reviews generally involve participation by the contracting, contract 
    administration, and contract audit elements. The extent of availability 
    of military department, contract administration, and contract audit 
    resources to support DCMC/DLA-led teams should be considered when 
    determining whether a review will be conducted. Overhead should-cost 
    reviews generally shall not be conducted at a contractor business 
    segment more frequently than every three years.
        18. Section 216.306 is added to read as follows:
    216.306  Cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts.
        (c) Limitations.
        (i) Annual military construction appropriations acts restrict the 
    use of cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts that--
        (A) Are funded by a military construction appropriations act:
        (B) Are estimated to exceed $25,000; and
        (C) Will be performed within the United States, except Alaska.
        (ii) The Secretaries of the military departments are authorized to 
    approve contracts described in paragraph (c)(i) of this section that 
    are for environmental work only, provided the environmental work is not 
    classified as construction, as defined by 10 U.S.C 2801.
        (iii) The Secretary of Defense or designee must specifically 
    approve contracts described in paragraph (c)(i) of this section that 
    are not environmental work only.
        19. Section 216.603-4 is revised to read as follows:
    216.603-4  Contract clauses.
        (b)(2) See 217.7406(a) for additional guidance regarding use of the 
    clause at FAR 52.216-24, Limitation of Government Liability.
        (3) Use the clause at 252.217-7027, Contract Definitization, in 
    accordance with its prescription at 217.7406(b), instead of the clause 
    at FAR 52.216-25, Contract Definitization.
        20. Section 216.703 is amended by revising paragraph (c) to read as 
    216.703  Basic ordering agreements
        (c) Limitations. The period during which orders may be placed 
    against a basis ordering agreement may not exceed three years. The 
    contracting officer, with the approval of the chief of the contracting 
    office, may grant extensions for up to two years. No single extension 
    shall exceed one year. See subpart 217.74 for additional limitations on 
    the use of undefinitized orders under basic ordering agreements.
    * * * * *
        21. Section 217.202 is amended by adding paragraph (3) to read as 
    217.202  Use of options.
    * * * * *
        (3) See subpart 217.74 for limitations on the use of undefinitized 
        22. Section 217.7402 is amended by revising in the introductory 
    text the term ``UCA's'' to read ``UCAs'' and by revising paragraph (b) 
    to read as follows:
    217.7402  Exceptions.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (b) Purchases at or below the simplified acquisition threshold;
    * * * * *
    217.7404-3  [Amended]
        23. Section 217.7404-3 is amended by revising in the introductory 
    text of paragraph (a) the word ``earliest'' to read ``earlier.''
        24. Section 217.7406 is revised to read as follows:
    217.7406  Contract clauses.
        (a) Use the clause at FAR 52.216-24, Limitation of Government 
    Liability, in all UCAs, solicitations associated with UCAs, basic 
    ordering agreements, indefinite delivery contracts, and any other type 
    of contract providing for the use of UCAs.
        (b) Use the clause at 252.217-7027, Contract Definitization, in all 
    UCAs, solicitations associated with UCAs, basic ordering agreements, 
    indefinite delivery contracts, and any other type of contract providing 
    for the use of UCAs. Insert the applicable information in paragraphs 
    (a), (b), and (d) of the clause. If, at the time of entering into the 
    UCA, the contracting officer knows that the definitive contract action 
    will meet the criteria of FAR 15.804-1 for not requiring submission of 
    cost or pricing data, the words ``and cost or pricing data'' may be 
    deleted from paragraph (a) of the clause.
        25. A new Subpart 223.72 is added to read as follows:
    Subpart 223.72--Safeguarding Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, 
    and Explosives
    223.7200  Definition.
    223.7201  Policy.
    223.7202  Preaward responsibilities.
    223.7203  Contract clause.
    Subpart 223.72--Safeguarding Sensitive Conventional Arms, 
    Ammunition, and Explosives
    223.7200  Definition.
        ``Arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E),'' as used in this 
    subpart, means those items within the scope (chapter 1, paragraph B) of 
    DoD 5100.76-M, Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, 
    Ammunition, and Explosives.
    223.7201  Policy.
        (a) The requirements of DoD 5100.76-M, Physical Security of 
    Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives, shall be 
    applied to contracts when--
        (1) AA&E will be provided to the contractor or subcontractor as 
    Government-furnished property; or
        (2) The principal development, production, manufacture, or purchase 
    of AA&E is for DoD use.
        (b) The requirements of DoD 5100.76-M need not be applied to 
    contracts when-- 
    [[Page 7744]]
        (1) The AA&E to be acquired under the contract is a commercial item 
    within the meaning of FAR 2.101; or
        (2) The contract will be performed in a Government-owned 
    contractor-operated ammunition production facility. However, if 
    subcontracts issued under such a contract will meet the criteria of 
    paragraph (a) of this section, the requirements of DoD 5100.76-M shall 
    223.7202  Preaward responsibilities.
        When an acquisition involves AA&E, technical or requirements 
    personnel shall specify in the purchase request--
        (a) That AA&E is involved; and
        (b) Which physical security requirements of DoD 5100.76-M apply.
    223.7203  Contract clause.
        Under the clause at 252.223-7007, Safeguarding Sensitive 
    Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives, in all solicitations and 
    contracts to which DoD 5100.76-M applies, in accordance with the policy 
    at 223.7201. Complete paragraph (b) of the clause based on information 
    provided by cognizant technical or requirements personnel.
        26. Section 225.402 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    225.402  Policy.
        (a) To estimate the value of the acquisition, use the total 
    estimated value of end products subject to trade agreement acts (see 
        (1) See 225.105 for evaluation of eligible products and U.S. made 
    end products.
    * * * * *
        27. Section 225.7102 is amended by revising the introductory text 
    to read as follows:
    225.7102  Policy.
        DoD requirements for the following, including acquisitions for 
    items containing the following, shall be acquired from domestic sources 
    (as described in the clause at 252.225-7025) to the maximum extent 
    * * * * *
        28. Section 225.7103 is amended by revising paragraph (e)(1); 
    redesignating paragraph (e)(2) as (e)(3); and adding paragraph (e)(2) 
    to read as follows:
    225.7103  Exceptions.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (1) Used for commercial vehicles or noncombat support military 
        (2) Purchased as tank and automotive spare parts (except when it is 
    known that the spare parts are for use in tanks only); or
    * * * * *
        29. Section 225.7303-2 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(3) to 
    read as follows:
    225.7303-2  Cost of doing business with a foreign government or an 
    international organization.
        (a) * * *
        (3) Offset implementation costs.
        (i) A U.S. defense contractor may recover costs incurred to 
    implement its offset agreement with a foreign government or 
    international organization if the foreign military sale Letter of Offer 
    and Acceptance is financed wholly with customer cash or repayable 
    foreign military finance credits.
        (ii) The U.S. Government assumes no obligation to satisfy or 
    administer the offset requirement or to bear any of the associated 
    * * * * *
    228.106-4, 228.106-4-70, and 228.106-6  [Removed]
        30. Sections 228.106-4, 228.106-4-70, and 228.106-6 are removed.
        31. Section 232.703-70 is added to read as follows:
    232.703-70  Military construction appropriations act restriction.
        Annual military construction appropriations acts restrict the use 
    of funds appropriated by the acts for payments under cost-plus-fixed-
    fee contracts (see 216.306(c)).
        32. Section 235.7003 is amended by adding a new paragraph (c)(6) to 
    read as follows:
    235.7003  Reporting requirements.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (6) Number of actions removed from the test due to inability to 
    comply with RDSS/C procedures, with a brief description of the 
    reasons(s) for the inability to comply.
    * * * * *
        33. Section 235.7004-3(d) is amended by revising ``Alternate III'' 
    to read ``Alternate II.''
        34. Section 235.7006, Exhibit--Research and Development Streamlined 
    Contracting Format, Part I--The Schedule, Section H, Special Contract 
    Requirements, is amended by revising the designation ``(H.4)*'' to read 
    ``(H.4)'' and by revising the address in (H.4) and by adding (H.6)* to 
    read as follows:
    235.7006--  The research and development streamlined contracting 
    Exhibit--Research and Development Streamlined Contracting format
    Part I--The Schedule
        Section H * * *
        (H.4) * * * Defense Technical Information Center, Attn: 
    Registration Section (DTIC-BCS), 8725 John J. Kingman Road, Suite 
    0944, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218,(703) 767-8273, or 1-800-CAL-DITC 
    (225-3842), menu selection 2.
    * * * * *
        *(H.6) (Insert nonstandard clause approved in accordance with 
    235.7006(c), if applicable.)
    * * * * *
        35. Section 235.7006, Exhibit--Research and Development Streamlined 
    Contracting Format, Part II--Contract Clauses, and Part IV, 
    Representations and Instructions, are revised to read as follows:
                                                Part II--Contract Clauses                                           
                                               Section I, Contract Clauses                                          
    (I.1)............................  52.252-2...................................  Clauses Incorporated by         
    (I.2)............................  52.202-1...................................  Definitions.                    
    (I.3)............................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (I.4)............................  52.203-3...................................  Gratuities.                     
    (I.5)............................  52.203-5...................................  Covenant Against Contingent     
    (I.6)............................  52.203-7...................................  Anti-Kickback Procedures.       
    (I.7)............................  52.203-10..................................  Price or Fee Adjustment for     
                                                                                     Illegal or Improper Activity.  
                                                                                     (Except educational            
    (I.8)............................  52.209-6...................................  Protecting the Government's     
                                                                                     Interest When Subcontracting   
                                                                                     with Contractors Debarred,     
                                                                                     Suspended, or Proposed for     
    (I.9)............................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (I.10)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    [[Page 7745]]
    (I.11)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (I.12)...........................  52.215-26..................................  Integrity of Unit Prices.       
    (I.13)...........................  52.215-33..................................  Order of Precedence.            
    (I.14)...........................  52.216-7...................................  Allowable Cost and Payment.     
                                                                                     (Modified in accordance with   
                                                                                     16.307 as applicable.)         
    (I.15)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (I.16)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (I.17)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (I.18)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (I.19)...........................  52.222-3...................................  Convict Labor.                  
    (I.20)...........................  52.222-26..................................  Equal Opportunity.              
    (I.21)...........................  52.222-35..................................  Affirmative Action for Special  
                                                                                     Disabled and Vietnam Era       
    (I.22)...........................  52.222-36..................................  Affirmative Action for          
                                                                                     Handicapped Workers.           
    (I.23)...........................  52.222-37..................................  Employment Reports on Special   
                                                                                     Disabled Veterans and Veterans 
                                                                                     of the Vietnam Era.            
    (I.24)...........................  52.223-6...................................  Drug-Free Workplace.            
    (I.25)...........................  52.225-11..................................  Restrictions on Certain Foreign 
    (I.26)...........................  52.227-1...................................  Authorization and Consent--     
                                                                                     Alternate I.                   
    (I.27)...........................  52.227-2...................................  Notice and Assistance Regarding 
                                                                                     Patent and Copyright           
    (I.28)...........................  52.228-7...................................  Insurance--Liability to Third   
    (I.29)...........................  52.232-9...................................  Limitation on Withholding of    
    (I.30)...........................  52.232-23..................................  Assignment of Claims.           
    (I.31)...........................  52.232-25..................................  Prompt Payment.                 
    (I.32)...........................  52.232-28..................................  Electronic Funds Transfer       
                                                                                     Payment Methods.               
    (I.33)...........................  52.233-1...................................  Disputes.                       
    (I.34)...........................  52.233-3...................................  Protest After Award--Alternate  
    (I.35)...........................  52.242-1...................................  Notice of Intent to Disallow    
    (I.36)...........................  52.242-13..................................  Bankruptcy.                     
    (I.37)...........................  52.244-2...................................  Subcontracts (Cost-Reimbursement
                                                                                     and Letter Contracts) Alternate
    (I.38)...........................  52.244-5...................................  Competition in Subcontracting.  
    (I.39)...........................  52.247-1...................................  Commercial Bill of Lading       
    (I.40)...........................  52.249-14..................................  Excusable Delays.               
    (I.41)...........................  52.253-1...................................  Computer-Generated Forms.       
    *(I.42)..........................  52.203-9...................................  Requirement for Certificate of  
                                                                                     Procurement Integrity-         
    *(I.43)..........................  52.203-12..................................  Limitation on Payments to       
                                                                                     Influence Certain Federal      
    *(I.44)..........................  52.204-2...................................  Security Requirements.          
    *(I.45)..........................  52.204-2...................................  Security Requirements-Alternate 
                                                                                     I. (For educational            
    *(I.46)..........................  52.215-22..................................  Price Reduction for Defective   
                                                                                     Cost or Pricing Data.          
    *(I.47)..........................  52.215-23..................................  Price Reduction for Defective   
                                                                                     Cost or Pricing Data           
    *(I.48)..........................  52.215-24..................................  Subcontractor Cost or Pricing   
    *(I.49)..........................  52.215-25..................................  Subcontractor Cost or Pricing   
    *(I.50)..........................  52.215-27..................................  Termination of Defined Benefit  
                                                                                     Pension Plans. (Except         
                                                                                     educational institutions.)     
    *(I.51)..........................  52.215-31..................................  Waiver of Facilities Capital    
                                                                                     Cost of Money. (Except         
                                                                                     educational institutions.)     
    *(I.52)..........................  52.215-39..................................  Reversion or Adjustment of Plans
                                                                                     for Postretirement Benefits    
                                                                                     Other than Pension (PRB).      
    *(I.53)..........................  52.216-8...................................  Fixed Fee.                      
    *(I.54)..........................  52.216-10..................................  Incentive Fee.                  
    *(I.55)..........................  52.216-11..................................  Cost Contract--No Fee.          
    *(I.56)..........................  52.216-11..................................  Cost Contract--No Fee-Alternate 
    *(I.57)..........................  52.216-12..................................  Cost-Sharing Contract--No Fee.  
    *(I.58)..........................  52.216-12..................................  Cost-Sharing Contract--No Fee-  
                                                                                     Alternate I.                   
    *(I.59)..........................  52.216-15..................................  Predetermined Indirect Cost     
    *(I.59A).........................  252.216-7002...............................  Alternate. (For educational     
                                                                                     institutions only.)            
    *(I.60)..........................  52.219-6...................................  Notice of Total Small Business  
    *(I.61)..........................  52.219-6...................................  Notice of Total Small Business  
                                                                                     Set-Aside--Alternate I.        
    (I.63)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    *(I.64)..........................  52.219-14..................................  Limitations on Subcontracting.  
    *(I.65)..........................  52.219-16..................................  Liquidated Damages--Small       
                                                                                     Business Subcontracting Plan.  
    (I.66)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    *(I.67)..........................  52.222-1...................................  Notice to the Government of     
                                                                                     Labor Disputes.                
    *(I.68)..........................  52.222-2...................................  Payment for Overtime Premiums.  
    *(I.69)..........................  52.222-28..................................  Equal Opportunity Preaward      
                                                                                     Clearance of Subcontracts.     
    *(I.70)..........................  52.223-2...................................  Clean Air and Water.            
    *(I.71)..........................  52.223-3...................................  Hazardous Material              
                                                                                     Identification and Material    
                                                                                     Safety Data.                   
    *(I.72)..........................  52.223-7...................................  Notice of Radioactive Materials 
                                                                                     (21 Days).                     
    *(I.73)..........................  52.226-1...................................  Utilization of Indian           
                                                                                     Organizations and Indiane-Owned
                                                                                     Economic Enterprises.          
    *(I.74)..........................  52.227-10..................................  Filing of Patent Applications-- 
                                                                                     Classified Subject Matter.     
    *(I.75)..........................  52.227-11..................................  Patent Rights--Retention by the 
                                                                                     Contractor (Short Form).       
    *(I.76)..........................  52.227-12..................................  Patent Rights--Retention by the 
                                                                                     Contractor (Long Form).        
    *(I.77)..........................  52.227-13..................................  Patent Rights--Acquisition by   
                                                                                     the Government.                
    *(I.78)..........................  52.228-7...................................  Insurance--Liability to Third   
                                                                                     Persons--Alternate I.          
    *(I.79)..........................  52.228-7...................................  Insurance--Liability to Third   
                                                                                     Persons--Alternate II.         
    *(I.80)..........................  52.229-8...................................  Taxes--Foreign Cost-            
                                                                                     Reimbursement Contracts.       
    *(I.81)..........................  52.229-10..................................  State of New Mexico Gross       
                                                                                     Receipts and Compensating Tax. 
    *(I.82)..........................  52.230-2...................................  Cost Accounting Standards.      
                                                                                     (Except if exempted.)          
    *(I.83)..........................  52.230-3...................................  Disclosure and Consistency of   
                                                                                     Cost Accounting Practices.     
                                                                                     (Except if exempted.)          
    *(I.84)..........................  52.230-5...................................  Administration of Cost          
                                                                                     Accounting Standards. (Except  
                                                                                     educational institutions.)     
    *(I.85)..........................  52.232-17..................................  Interest.                       
    *(I.86)..........................  52.232-20..................................  Limitation of Cost.             
    [[Page 7746]]
    *(I.87)..........................  52.232-22..................................  Limitation of Funds.            
    *(I.88)..........................  52.232-23..................................  Assignment of Claims--Alternate 
    *(I.89)..........................  52.233-1...................................  Disputes--Alternate I.          
    *(I.90)..........................  52.237-2...................................  Protection of Government        
                                                                                     Buildings, Equipment and       
    *(I.91)..........................  52.242-10..................................  F.O.B. Origin-Government Bills  
                                                                                     of Lading or Prepaid Postage.  
    *(I.92)..........................  52.242-11..................................  F.O.B. Origin-Government Bills  
                                                                                     of Lading or Indicia Mail.     
    *(I.93)..........................  52.242-12..................................  Report of Shipment (REPSHIP).   
    *(I.94)..........................  52.243-2...................................  Changes--Cost-Reimbursement-    
                                                                                     Alternate V.                   
    *(I.95)..........................  52.243-6...................................  Change Order Accounting.        
    *(I.96)..........................  52.243-7...................................  Notification of Changes (30     
                                                                                     Calendar Days).                
    *(I.97)..........................  52.245-5...................................  Government Property (Cost-      
                                                                                     Reimbursement, Time-and-       
                                                                                     Material, or Labor-Hour        
    *(I.98)..........................  52.245-5...................................  Government Property (Cost-      
                                                                                     Reimbursement, Time-and-       
                                                                                     Material, or Labor-Hour        
                                                                                     Contracts-Alternate I. (For    
                                                                                     educational institutions and   
                                                                                     nonprofit organizations.)      
    *(I.99)..........................  52.245-19..................................  Government Property Furnished   
                                                                                     ``As Is''.                     
    *(I.100).........................  52.246-23..................................  Limitation of Liability.        
    *(I.101).........................  52.246-24..................................  Limitation of Liability-High    
                                                                                     Value Items.                   
    *(I.102).........................  52.246-24..................................  Limitation of Liability-High    
                                                                                     Value Items-Alternate I.       
    *(I.103).........................  52.246-25..................................  Limitation of Liability-        
    *(I.104).........................  52.247-63..................................  Preference for U.S.-Flag Air    
    *(I.105).........................  52.247-66..................................  Returnable Cylinder.            
    *(I.106).........................  52.249-5...................................  Termination for Convenience of  
                                                                                     the Government (Educational and
                                                                                     Other Nonprofit Institutions). 
    *(I.107).........................  52.249-6...................................  Termination (Cost-              
    *(I.108).........................  52.251-1...................................  Government Supply Sources.      
    *(I.109).........................  252.201-7000...............................  Contracting Officer's           
    *(I.110).........................  252.203-7001...............................  Special Prohibition on          
    *(I.111).........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    *(I.112).........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    *(I.113).........................  52.204-7003................................  Control of Government Personnel 
                                                                                     Work Product.                  
    *(I.114).........................  252.209-7000...............................  Acquisition from Subcontractors 
                                                                                     Subject to On-Site Inspection  
                                                                                     under the Intermediate-Range   
                                                                                     Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.   
    *(I.115).........................  252.225-7012...............................  Preference for Certain Domestic 
    *(I.116).........................  252.225-7031...............................  Secondary Arab Boycott of       
    *(I.117).........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    *(I.118).........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    *(I.119).........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    *(I.120).........................  252.227-7030...............................  Technical Data-Withholding of   
    *(I.121).........................  252.227-7037...............................  Validation of Restrictive       
                                                                                     Markings on Technical Data.    
    *(I.122).........................  252.231-7000...............................  Supplemental Cost Principles.   
    *(I.123).........................  252.232-7006...............................  Reduction or Suspension of      
                                                                                     Contract Payments Upon Finding 
                                                                                     of Fraud.                      
    *(I.124).........................  252.242-7000...............................  Postaward Conference.           
    *(I.125).........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    *(I.126).........................  252.247-7023...............................  Transportation of Supplies by   
    *(I.127).........................  252.203-7000...............................  Statutory Prohibition on        
                                                                                     Compensation to Former         
                                                                                     Department of Defense          
    *(I.128).........................  252.203-7002...............................  Display of DoD Hotline Poster.  
    *(I.129).........................  252.204-7000...............................  Disclosure of Information.      
    *(I.130).........................  252.204-7002...............................  Payment for Subline Items Not   
                                                                                     Separately Priced.             
    *(I.131).........................  252.205-7000...............................  Provision of Information to     
                                                                                     Cooperative Agreement Holders. 
    *(I.132).........................  252.215-7000...............................  Pricing Adjustments.            
    *(I.133).........................  252.215-7002...............................  Cost Estimating System          
    *(I.134).........................  252.219-7001...............................  Notice of Partial Small Business
                                                                                     Set-Aside with Preferential    
                                                                                     Consideration for Small        
                                                                                     Disadvantaged Business         
    *(I.135).........................  252.219-7002...............................  Notice of Small Disadvantaged   
                                                                                     Business Set-Aside.            
    *(I.136).........................  252.219-7003...............................  Small Business and Small        
                                                                                     Disadvantaged Business         
                                                                                     Subcontracting Plan (DoD       
    *(I.137).........................  252.219-7004...............................  Small Business and Small        
                                                                                     Disadvantaged Business         
                                                                                     Subcontracting Plan (Test      
    *(I.138).........................  252.219-7005...............................  Incentive for Subcontracting    
                                                                                     with Small Businesses, Small   
                                                                                     Disadvantaged Businesses,      
                                                                                     Historically Black Colleges and
                                                                                     Universities and Minority      
                                                                                     Institutions. (. . . To be     
                                                                                     negotiated ________ %.)        
    *(I.139).........................  252.219-7005...............................  Incentive for Subcontracting    
                                                                                     with Small Businesses, Small   
                                                                                     Disadvantaged Businesses,      
                                                                                     Historically Black Colleges and
                                                                                     Universities and Minority      
                                                                                     Institutions-Alternate I. (. . 
                                                                                     . To be negotiated ________ %.)
    *(I.140).........................  252.219-7006...............................  Notice of Evaluation Preference 
                                                                                     for Small Disadvantaged        
                                                                                     Business Concerns.             
    *(I.141).........................  252.223-7001...............................  Hazard Warning Labels.          
    *(I.142).........................  252.223-7002...............................  Safety Precautions for          
                                                                                     Ammunitions and Explosives.    
    *(I.143).........................  252.223-7003...............................  Change in Place of Performance- 
                                                                                     Ammunition and Explosives.     
    *(I.144).........................  252.223-7004...............................  Drug-Free Work Force.           
    *(I.145).........................  252.225-7014...............................  Preference for Domestic         
                                                                                     Specialty Metals.              
    *(I.146).........................  252.225-7016...............................  Restriction on Acquisition of   
                                                                                     Antifriction Bearings.         
    *(I.147).........................  252.225-7025...............................  Foregin Source Restrictions.    
    *(I.148).........................  252.225-7026...............................  Reporting of Contract Outside   
                                                                                     the United States.             
    *(I.149).........................  252.225-7032...............................  Waiver of United Kingdom Levies.
    *(I.150).........................  252.226-7000...............................  Notice of Historically Black    
                                                                                     College or University and      
                                                                                     Minority Institution Set-Aside.
    *(I.151).........................  252.227-7026...............................  Deferred Delivery of Technical  
                                                                                     Data or Computer Software.     
    *(I.152).........................  252.227-7027...............................  Deferred Ordering of Technical  
                                                                                     Data or Computer Software.     
    (I.153)..........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    *(I.154).........................  252.227-7034...............................  Patent--Subcontracts.           
    [[Page 7747]]
    *(I.155).........................  252.227-7036...............................  Certification of Technical Data 
    *(I.156).........................  252.227-7039...............................  Patents--Reporting of Subject   
    (I.157)..........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    *(I.158).........................  252.232-7000...............................  Advance Payment Pool. (For      
                                                                                     educational institutions and   
                                                                                     nonprofit organizations.)      
    *(I.159).........................  252.233-7000...............................  Certification of Claims and     
                                                                                     Requests for Adjustment or     
    *(I.160).........................  252.235-7002...............................  Animal Welfare.                 
    *(I.161).........................  252.242-7002...............................  Submission of Commercial Freight
                                                                                     Bills for Audit.               
    *(I.162).........................  252.242-7003...............................  Application for U.S. Government 
                                                                                     Shipping Documentation/        
    *(I.163).........................  252.242-7004...............................  Material Management and         
                                                                                     Accounting System.             
    *(I.164).........................  252.245-7001...............................  Reports of Government Property. 
    *(I.165).........................  252.247-7024...............................  Notification of Transportation  
                                                                                     of Supplies by Sea.            
    *(I.166).........................  252.249-7001...............................  Notification of Substantial     
                                                                                     Impact on Employment.          
    *(I.167).........................  252.251-7000...............................  Ordering From Government Supply 
    *(I.168).........................  252.223-7006...............................  Prohibition on Disposal of Toxic
                                                                                     and Hazardous Materials.       
    *(I.169).........................  252.249-7002...............................  Notification of Program         
                                                                                     Termination or Reduction.      
    (I.170)..........................  52.204-4...................................  Printing/Copying Double-Sided on
                                                                                     Recycled Paper.                
    *(I.171).........................  52.208-8...................................  Helium Requirement Forecast and 
                                                                                     Required Sources for Helium.   
    (I.172)..........................  52.215-2...................................  Audit and Records--Negotiation. 
    *(I.173).........................  52.215-2...................................  Audit and Records--Negotiation, 
                                                                                     Alternate II.                  
    (I.174)..........................  52.215-40..................................  Notification of Ownership       
    *(I.175).........................  52.215-42..................................  Requirements for Cost or Pricing
                                                                                     Data or Information Other Than 
                                                                                     Cost or Pricing Data--         
    *(I.176).........................  52.215-42..................................  Requirements for Cost or Pricing
                                                                                     Data or Information Other Than 
                                                                                     Cost or Pricing Data--         
                                                                                     Modifications, Alternate II.   
    *(I.177).........................  52.215-42..................................  Requirements for Cost or Pricing
                                                                                     Data or Information Other Than 
                                                                                     Cost or Pricing Data--         
                                                                                     Modifications, Alternate III.  
    (I.178)..........................  52.219-8...................................  Utilization of Small, Small     
                                                                                     Disadvantaged and Women-Owned  
                                                                                     Small Business Concerns.       
    *(I.179).........................  52.219-9...................................  Small, Small Disadvantaged and  
                                                                                     Women-Owned Small Business     
                                                                                     Subcontracting Plan.           
    *(I.180).........................  52.242-3...................................  Penalties for Unallowable Costs.
    (I.181)..........................  52.242-4...................................  Certification of Indirect Costs.
    (I.182)..........................  52.244-6...................................  Subcontracts for Commercial     
                                                                                     Items and Commercial           
    *(I.183).........................  52.247-67..................................  Submission of Commercial        
                                                                                     Transportation Bills to the    
                                                                                     General Services Administration
                                                                                     for Audit.                     
    (I.184)..........................  52.223-14..................................  Toxic Chemical Release          
    (I.185)..........................  252.235-7010...............................  Acknowledgement of Support and  
    (I.186)..........................  252.235-7011...............................  Final Scientific or Technical   
    *(I.187).........................  252.227-7013...............................  Rights in Technical Data--      
                                                                                     Noncommercial Items.           
    *(I.188).........................  252.227-7013...............................  Rights in Technical Data--      
                                                                                     Noncommercial Items, Alternate 
    *(I.189).........................  252.227-7014...............................  Rights in Noncommercial Computer
                                                                                     Software and Noncommercial     
                                                                                     Computer Software              
    *(I.190).........................  252.227-7014...............................  Rights in Nocommercial Computer 
                                                                                     Software and Noncommercial     
                                                                                     Computer Software              
                                                                                     Documentation, Alternate I.    
    *(I.191).........................  252.227-7015...............................  Technical Data--Commercial      
    *(I.192).........................  252.227-7016...............................  Rights in Bid or Proposal       
    *(I.193).........................  252.227-7018...............................  Rights in Noncommercial         
                                                                                     Technical Data and Computer    
                                                                                     Software--Small Business       
                                                                                     Innovation Research Program.   
    *(I.194).........................  252.227-7018...............................  Rights in Noncommercial         
                                                                                     Technical Data and Computer    
                                                                                     Software--Small Business       
                                                                                     Innovation Research Program,   
                                                                                     Alternate I.                   
    *(I.195).........................  252.227-7019...............................  Validation of Asserted          
    *(I.196).........................  252.227-7025...............................  Limitations on the Use or       
                                                                                     Disclosure of Government-      
                                                                                     Furnished Information Marked   
                                                                                     with Restrictive Legends.      
    *(I.197).........................  252.209-7005...............................  Military Recruiting on Campus   
                                                                                     (For educational institutions  
                              *         *         *         *         *         *         *                         
                                        Part IV--Representations and Instructions                                   
                 Section K. Representations, Certifications and Other Statements of Offerors or Quoters             
      The following solicitation provisions require representations, certifications or the submission of other      
    information by offerors. They are mandatory, and are included by reference. Full text copies of these provisions
    are available from the Contracting Officer and must be completed and certified before contract award.           
    (K.1)............................  52.203-4...................................  Contingent Fee Representation   
                                                                                     and Agreement.                 
    (K.2)............................  52.203-8...................................  Requirement for Certificate of  
                                                                                     Procurement Integrity-Alternate
    (K.3)............................  52.203-11..................................  Certification and Disclosure    
                                                                                     Regarding Payments to Influence
                                                                                     Certain Federal Transactions.  
    (K.4)............................  52.204-3...................................  Taxpayer Identification.        
    (K.5)............................  52.209-5...................................  Certification Regarding         
                                                                                     Debarment, Suspension, Proposed
                                                                                     Debarment, and Other           
                                                                                     Responsibility Matters.        
    (K.6)............................  52.215-6...................................  Type of Business Organization.  
    (K.7)............................  52.215-11..................................  Authorized Negotiators.         
    (K.8)............................  52.215-20..................................  Place of Performance.           
    (K.9)............................  52.215-30..................................  Facilities Capital Cost of Money
                                                                                     (Except educational            
    (K.10)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (K.11)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (K.12)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (K.13)...........................  52.222-21..................................  Certification of Nonsegregated  
    (K.14)...........................  52.222-22..................................  Previous Contracts and          
                                                                                     Compliance Reports.            
    (K.15)...........................  52.222-25..................................  Affirmative Action Compliance.  
    [[Page 7748]]
    (K.16)...........................  52.223-1...................................  Clean Air and Water             
    (K.17)...........................  52.223-5...................................  Certification Regarding a Drug- 
                                                                                     Free Workplace.                
    (K.18)...........................  52.227-6...................................  Royalty Information.            
    (K.19)...........................  52.230-1...................................  Cost Accounting Standards       
                                                                                     Notices and Certification.     
    (K.20)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (K.21)...........................  252.209-7002...............................  Disclosure of Ownership or      
                                                                                     Control by a Foreign           
    (K.22)...........................  252.219-7000...............................  Small Disadvantaged Business    
                                                                                     Concern Representation (DOD    
    (K.23)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (K.24)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (K.25)...........................  252.226-7001...............................  Hostirically Black College or   
                                                                                     University and Minority        
                                                                                     Institution Certification.     
    (K.26)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (K.27)...........................  252.247-7022...............................  Representation of Extent of     
                                                                                     Transportation by Sea.         
    (K.28)...........................  52.204-5...................................  Women-Owned Business.           
    (K.29)...........................  252.209-7..................................  Organizational Conflicts of     
                                                                                     Interest Certificate--Marketing
    (K.30)...........................  252.219-1..................................  Small Business Program          
    (K.31)...........................  252.223-13.................................  Certification of Toxic Chemical 
                                                                                     Release Reporting.             
    (K.32)...........................  252.209-7001...............................  Disclosure of Ownership or      
                                                                                     Control by the Government of a 
                                                                                     Terrorist Country.             
    (K.33)...........................  252.209-7003...............................  Disclosure of Commercial        
                                                                                     Transactions with the          
                                                                                     Government of a Terrorist      
    (K.34)...........................  252.209-7004...............................  Reporting of Commercial         
                                                                                     Transactions with the          
                                                                                     Government of a Terrorist      
    (K.35)...........................  252.227-7017...............................  Identification and Assertion of 
                                                                                     Use, Release, or Disclosure    
    (K.36)...........................  252.227-7028...............................  Technical Data or Computer      
                                                                                     Software Previously Delivered  
                                                                                     to the Government.             
                         Section L. Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors or Quoters                    
    (L.1)............................  52.252-1...................................  Solicitation Provisions         
                                                                                     Incorporated by Reference.     
    (L.2)............................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (L.3)............................  52.210-2...................................  Availability of Specifications  
                                                                                     and Standards Listed in the DoD
                                                                                     Index of Specifications and    
                                                                                     Standards (DODISS) and         
                                                                                     Descriptions Listed in DoD     
                                                                                     5010.12-L (Deviation).         
    (L.4)............................  52.215-5...................................  Solicitation Definitions.       
    (L.5)............................  52.215-7...................................  Unnecessarily Elaborate         
                                                                                     Proposals or Quotations.       
    (L.6)............................  52.215-8...................................  Amendments to Solicitations.    
    (L.7)............................  52.215-9...................................  Submission of Offers.           
    (L.8)............................  52.215-10..................................  Late Submissions, Modifications,
                                                                                     and Withdrawals of Proposals.  
    (L.9)............................  52.215-12..................................  Restriction on Disclosure and   
                                                                                     Use of Data.                   
    (L.10)...........................  52.215-13..................................  Preparation of Offers.          
    (L.11)...........................  52.215-14..................................  Explanation to Prospective      
    (L.12)...........................  52.215-15..................................  Failure to Submit Offer.        
    (L.13)...........................  52.215-16..................................  Contract Award.                 
    (L.14)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (L.15)...........................  52.216-1...................................  Type of Contract (See           
    (L.16)...........................  52.222-24..................................  Preaward On-Site Equal          
                                                                                     Opportunity Compliance Review. 
    (L.17)...........................  52.228-6...................................  Insurance-Immunity from Tort    
    (L.18)...........................  52.233-2...................................  Service of Protest (See         
    (L.19)...........................  52.237-1...................................  Site Visit.                     
    (L.20)...........................  52.252-5...................................  Authorized Deviations in        
    (L.21)...........................  252.204-7001...............................  Commercial and Government Entity
                                                                                     (CAGE) Code Reporting.         
    (L.22)...........................  Reserved...................................                                  
    (L.23)...........................  52.215-16..................................  Contract Award--Alternate II.   
    *(L.24)..........................  52.215-41..................................  Requirements for Cost or Pricing
                                                                                     Data or Information Other than 
                                                                                     Cost or Pricing Data.          
    *(L.25)..........................  52.215-41..................................  Requirements for Cost or Pricing
                                                                                     Data or Information Other than 
                                                                                     Cost or Pricing Data, Alternate
    *(L.26)..........................  52.215-41..................................  Requirements for Cost or Pricing
                                                                                     Data or Information Other than 
                                                                                     Cost or Pricing Data, Alternate
    *(L.27)..........................  52.215-41..................................  Requirements for Cost or Pricing
                                                                                     Data or Information Other than 
                                                                                     Cost or Pricing Data, Alternate
    *(L.28)..........................  52.215-41..................................  Requirements for Cost or Pricing
                                                                                     Data or Information Other than 
                                                                                     Cost or Pricing Data, Alternate
    (L.29 through L.100)  Reserved..................................................................................
    (L.101) Government-Furnished Property.                                                                          
      No material, labor, or facilities will be furnished by the Government unless provided for in the solicitation.
    (L.102) Proposal Preparation and Submission Instructions........................................................
    [[Page 7749]]
        (i) Page limitation, format.
        (A) A proposal shall be prepared in separate volumes with the 
    page limit and number of copies specified below. The table of 
    contents and tabs are exempt from the page limits. No cross-
    referencing between volumes for essential information is permitted 
    except where specifically set forth herein. The following volumes of 
    material will be submitted:
                 Title                           Copies                page 
    Cost...........................  As specified in solicitation        *50
    Technical......................  As specified in solicitation        100
    *The 50-page cost proposal is a goal not a limit. The Contractor may use
      additional pages if necessary to comply with public law.              
        (B) Any technical proposal pages submitted which exceed the page 
    limitations set forth above will not be read or evaluated. Proposal 
    pages failing to meet paragraph D format will not be read or 
        (C) No program cost data or cross-reference to the cost proposal 
    will be included in any other volume.
        (D) Format of the above proposal volumes shall be as follows:
        (1) Proposals will be prepared on 8\1/2\ x 11 inch paper except 
    for foldouts used for charts, tables, or diagrams, which may not 
    exceed 11 x 17 inches. Foldouts will not be used for text. Pages 
    will have a one inch margin.
        (2) A page is defined as one face of a sheet of paper containing 
    information. Two pages may be printed on one sheet.
        (3) Type size will be no smaller than 10 point character height 
    (vertical size) and no more than an average 12 characters per inch. 
    Use of type-setting techniques to reduce type size below 10 points 
    or to increase characters beyond 12 per inch is not permitted. Such 
    techniques are construed as a deliberate attempt to circumvent the 
    intent of page limitations set forth above.
        (4) Proposal must lie flat when open, elaborate binding is not 
        (5) No models, mockups or video tapes will be accepted.
        (6) Technical proposals will be prepared in the same sequence as 
    the statement of work.
        (ii) Content.
        All proposals must be complete and respond directly to the 
    requirements of the solicitation. The factors and subfactors listed 
    in Section M of the solicitation shall be addressed. Cost and 
    supporting data shall be included only in the cost volume. All other 
    information shall be included in the technical volume.
    * * * * *
        36. Section 236.201 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read 
    as follows:
    236.201  Evaluation of contractor performance.
        (a) Preparation of performance evaluation reports. Use DD Form 
    2626, Performance Evaluation (Construction), instead of SF 1420.
    * * * * *
        37. Section 236.204 is added to read as follows:
    236.204  Disclosure of the magnitude of construction projects.
        Additional price ranges are--
        (i) Between $10,000,000 and $25,000,000;
        (ii) Between $25,000,000 and $100,000,000;
        (iii) Between $100,000,000 and $250,000,000;
        (iv) Between $250,000,000 and $500,000,000; and
        (v) Over $500,000,000.
        38. Section 236.271 is revised to read as follows:
    236.271  Cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts.
        Annual military construction appropriations acts restrict the use 
    of cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts (see 216.306(c)).
        39. Section 236.604 is amended by adding paragraph (a) introductory 
    text to read as follows:
    236.604  Performance evaluation.
        (a) Preparation of performance reports. Use DD Form 2631, 
    Performance Evaluation (Architect-Engineer), instead of SF 1421.
        (2) * * *
    * * * * *
        40. Section 242.203 is amended by removing at the end of paragraph 
    (a)(i)(P) the word ``and''; by removing at the end of paragraph 
    (a)(i)(Q) the period and adding a semicolon and the word ``and''; by 
    revising paragraph (a)(ii); by removing paragraph (a)(iii); and by 
    redesignating paragraphs (a)(iv) and (a)(v) as (a)(iii) and (a)(iv) 
    respectively. The revision reads as follows:
    242.203  Retention of contract administration.
        (a)(i) * * *
        (ii) Contract administration functions for base, post, camp, and 
    station contracts on a military installation are normally the 
    responsibility of the installation or tenant commander. However, the 
    Defense Contract Management Command (DCMC) shall, upon request of the 
    military department, and subject to prior agreement, perform contract 
    administration services on a military installation.
    * * * * *
        41. Section 246.770-2 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (b) 
    and (c) as paragraphs (c) and (d) respectively; by adding a new 
    paragraph (b); and by revising the newly designated paragraph (c) to 
    read as follows:
    246.770-2  Policy.
        (a) * * *
        (b) Contracting officers and program managers shall consider the 
    following when developing and negotiating weapon system warranty 
        (1) Warranties may not be appropriate in all situations, and a 
    waiver should be sought if a warranty would not be cost-effective or 
    would otherwise be inconsistent with the national defense. In drafting 
    warranty provisions, the drafters must ensure they understand the 
    planned operational, maintenance, and supply concepts of the weapon 
    system to be fielded, and must structure a warranty that matches those 
    concepts. A warranty plan should be prepared in consonance with 
    development of the warranty provision early in the weapon system's life 
    cycle. The plan should contain program warranty strategy, terms of the 
    warranty, administration and enforcement requirements, and should be 
    coordinated with the user and support activities.
        (2) A cost/benefit analysis must be accomplished in support of each 
    warranty (see 246.770-7). The cost/benefit analysis compares all costs 
    associated with the warranty to the expected benefits. An estimate 
    shall be made of the likelihood of defects and the estimated cost of 
    correcting such defects. Also, if substantive changes are required to 
    the planned operational, maintenance, or supply concepts, any increased 
    costs should be weighed against the expected benefits in deciding 
    whether a warranty is cost-effective.
        (3) The Warranty Guidebook prepared by the Defense Systems 
    Management College, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5426, is a valuable 
    reference that can assist in the development, negotiation, and 
    administration of an effective weapon system warranty.
        (c) Contracting officers may require warranties that provide 
    greater coverage and remedies than specified in paragraph (a) of this 
    * * * * *
    [[Page 7750]]
        42. Section 246.770-8 is amended by revising the introductory text 
    of paragraph (a); by removing paragraph (b)(2); by redesignating 
    paragraph (b)(3) as paragraph (b)(2), and by revising the introductory 
    text of paragraphs (c) and (c)(2). The revised text reads as follows:
    246.770-8  Waiver and notification procedures.
        (a) The Secretary of Defense has delegated waiver authority within 
    the limits specified in 10 U.S.C. 2403. The waiving authority for the 
    defense agencies is the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and 
    Technology). Submit defense agency waiver requests to the Director, 
    Defense Procurement, for processing. The waiving authority for the 
    military departments is the Secretary of the department with authority 
    to redelegate no lower than an Assistant Secretary. The waiving 
    authority may waive one or more of the weapon system warranties 
    required by 246.770-2 if--
    * * * * *
        (c) Departments and agencies shall issue procedures for processing 
    waivers and notifications to Congress.
        (1) * * *
        (2) Notifications shall include--
    * * * * *
        43. Section 252.209-7005 is amended by revising the clause date to 
    read ``(FEB 1996)''; and by revising paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    252.209-7005  Military recruiting on campus.
    * * * * *
        (b) General. An institution of higher education that has been 
    determined, using procedures established by the Secretary of Defense 
    at 32 CFR part 216: (1) to have a policy of denying, or (2) to 
    effectively prevent the Secretary of Defense from obtaining for 
    military recruiting purposes, entry to such institution's campuses, 
    access to students on those campuses, or access to directory 
    information pertaining to its students, is ineligible for contract 
    award and payments under existing contracts. In addition, the 
    Government shall terminate this contract for the Contractor's 
    material failure to comply with the terms and conditions of award.
    * * * * *
        44. Section 252.217-7027 is revised to read as follows:
    252.217-7027  Contract Definitization.
        As prescribed in 217.7406(b), use the following clause:
        (a) A ______(insert specific type of contract action) is 
    contemplated. The Contractor agrees to begin promptly negotiating 
    with the Contracting Officer the terms of a definitive contract that 
    will include (1) all clauses required by the Federal Acquisition 
    Regulation (FAR) on the date of execution of the underfinitized 
    contract action, (2) all clauses required by law on the date of 
    execution of the definitive contract action, and (3) any other 
    mutually agreeable clauses, terms, and conditions. The Contractor 
    agrees to submit a ______(insert type of proposal; e.g., fixed-price 
    or cost-and-fee) proposal and cost or pricing data supporting its 
        (b) The schedule for definitizing this contract is as follows 
    (insert target date for definitization of the contract action and 
    dates for submission of proposed, beginning of negotiations, and, if 
    appropriate, submission of the make-or-buy and subcontracting plans 
    and cost or pricing data).
        (c) If agreement on a definitive contract action to supersede 
    this undefinitized contract action is not reached by the target date 
    in paragraph (b) of this clause, or within any extension of it 
    granted by the Contracting Officer, the Contracting Officer may, 
    with the approval of the head of the contracting activity, determine 
    a reasonable price or fee in accordance with subpart 15.8 and part 
    31 of the FAR, subject to Contractor appeal as provided in the 
    Disputes clause. In any event, the Contractor shall proceed with 
    completion of the contract, subject only to the Limitation of 
    Government Liability clause.
        (1) After the Contracting Officer's determination of price or 
    fee, the contract shall be governed by--
        (i) All clauses required by the FAR on the date of execution of 
    this underfinitized contract action for either fixed-price or cost-
    reimbursement contracts, as determined by the Contracting Officer 
    under this paragraph (c);
        (ii) All clauses required by law as of the date of the 
    Contracting Officer's determination; and
        (iii) Any other clauses, terms, and conditions mutually agreed 
        (2) To the extent consistent with paragraph (c)(1) of this 
    clause, all clauses, terms, and conditions included in this 
    undefinitized contract action shall continue in effect, except those 
    that by their nature apply only to an undefinitized contract action.
        (d) The definitive contract resulting from this undefinitized 
    contract action will include a negotiated ____________________ 
    (insert ``cost/price ceiling'' or ``firm-fixed price'') in no event 
    to exceed ____________________ (insert the not-to-exceed amount).
    (End of clause)
        45. Section 252.223-7007 is added to read as follows:
    252.223-7007  Safeguarding Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and 
        As prescribed in 223.7203, use the following clause:
    Safeguarding Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives 
    (Feb. 1996)
        (a) Definition.
        ``Arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E),'' as used in this 
    clause, means those items within the scope (chapter 1, paragraph B) 
    of DoD 5100.76-M, Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, 
    Ammunition, and Explosives.
        (b) The requirements of DoD 5100.76-M apply to the following 
    items of AA&E being developed, produced, manufactured, or purchased 
    for the Government, or provided to the Contractor as Government-
    furnished property under this contract:
                     Nomenclature                      stock     Sensitivity
                                                       number      category 
        (c) The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of DoD 
    5100.76-M, as specified in the statement of work. The edition of DoD 
    5100.76-M in effect on the date of issuance of the solicitation for 
    this contract shall apply.
        (d) The Contractor shall allow representatives of the Defense 
    Investigative Service (DIS), and representatives of other 
    appropriate offices of the Government, access at all reasonable 
    times into its facilities and those of its subcontractors, for the 
    purpose of performing surveys, inspections, and investigations 
    necessary to review compliance with the physical security standards 
    applicable to this contract.
        (e) The Contractor shall notify the cognizant DIS field office 
    of any subcontract involving AA&E within 10 days after award of the 
        (f) The Contractor shall ensure that the requirements of this 
    clause are included in all subcontracts, at every tier--
        (1) For the development, production, manufacture, or purchase of 
    AA&E; or
        (2) When AA&E will be provided to the subcontractor as 
    Government-furnished property.
        (g) Nothing in this clause shall relieve the Contractor of its 
    responsibility for complying with applicable Federal, state, and 
    local laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations (including 
    requirements for obtaining licenses and permits) in connection with 
    the performance of this contract.
    (End of clause)
    252.228-7006  [Removed and Reserved]
        46. Section 252.228-7006 is removed and reserved.
    252.232-7004  [Amended]
        47. Section 252.232-7004 is amended by revising the clause date to 
    read ``(FEB 1996)'' and by revising in paragraph (a), in the 
    parenthetical phrase, the word 
    [[Page 7751]]
    ``excepting'' to read ``including'' and the phrase ``Undefinitized 
    Actions'' to read ``Undefinitized Contract Actions.''
    PART 253--FORMS
        48. Section 253.213-70 is amended by revising paragraph (e)(14) to 
    read as follows:
    253.213-70--  Instructions for completion of DD Form 1155
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        14  SHIP TO--
        If a single ship-to point applies to the entire order, enter the 
    name and address of that point in this block and a DODAAD code in 
    the code block. For FMS shipments, enter the MAPAD code in the code 
    block and an instruction for the contractor to contact the 
    transportation office of the administering activity to obtain a name 
    and shipping address. Enter multiple ship-to points in the schedule 
    and mark this block, ``See Schedule.''
    * * * * *
        49. At the end of Part 253 ``253.303-2626, Performance Evaluation 
    (construction)'' and ``253.303-2631, Performance Evaluation (Architect-
    Engineer)'' are added to the DFARS Form List.
    Appendix G to Chapter 2 [Amended]
        50-51. Appendix G to Chapter 2, Part 3, Navy Activity Address 
    Numbers, is amended by revising activity address numbers N00019, 
    N00023, N00024, N00030, N00039, N00104, N00383, and by adding activity 
    address number N00391 to read as follows:
    Appendix G--Activity Address Numbers
    * * * * *
    * * * * *
    N00019--Naval Air Systems Command
    EF*, GU*--1421 Jefferson Davis Highway
    EF0-9--Arlington, VA 22243-5120
    * * * * *
    N00023--Naval Supply Systems Command
    4J*, L5*--1931 Jefferson Davis Highway
    4J0-9--Arlington, VA 22241-5360
    N00024--Naval Sea Systems Command
    EH*, U0*--2531 Jefferson Davis Highway
    EH0-9--Arlington, VA 22242-5160
    * * * * *
    N00030--Strategic Systems Programs
    EK*--1931 Jefferson Davis Highway
    EK0-9--Arlington, VA 22241-5362
    * * * * *
    N00039--Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
    NS*--2451 Crystal Drive
    NS0-9--Arlington, VA 22245-5200
    * * * * *
    N00104--Naval Inventory Control Point
    EP--5450 Carlisle Pike
    EQ--Box 2020, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-0788
    * * * * *
    N00383--Naval Inventory Control Point
    GB--700 Robbins Avenue
    GC--Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098
    * * * * *
    N00391--Naval Inventory Control Point
    EP, EQ,--700 Robbins Avenue
    GB, GC--Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098
    * * * * *
        52. Appendix G to Chapter 2, Part 4, Marine Corps Activity Address 
    Numbers, is amended by revising activity number M67854 to read as 
    * * * * *
    M67854--Marine Corps Systems Command
    (MAJ00027)--2033 Barnett Ave, Suite 315
    MU6-9--Quantico, VA 22134-5010
    * * * * *
        53. Appendix G, Chapter 2, Part 10, Miscellaneous Defense 
    Activities Activity Address Numbers, is amended by revising activity 
    number MDA946 to read as follows:
    * * * * *
    MDA946--Real Estate and Facilities Directorate, Washington headquarters 
    Services, 1155 Defense Pentagon, room 3C345, Washington, DC 20301-1155
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 96-4480 Filed 2-28-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 5000-04-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Defense Department
Entry Type:
Final rules.
Document Number:
February 29, 1996.
7739-7751 (13 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Defense Acquisition Circular (DAC) 91-10
PDF File:
CFR: (4)
48 CFR 223.7200
48 CFR 223.7201
48 CFR 223.7202
48 CFR 223.7203