99-2641. Endangered Species; Permits  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 23 (Thursday, February 4, 1999)]
    [Pages 5640-5641]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-2641]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    [I.D. 012099A]
    Endangered Species; Permits
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Receipt of applications for modifications to scientific 
    research permits (1115, 1116, 1119); Issuance of amendments to 
    incidental take permits (899, 901, 902, 903).
    SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of the following actions regarding 
    permits for takes of endangered and threatened species for the purposes 
    of scientific research and/or enhancement: NMFS has received 
    applications for modifications to existing permits from: Public Utility 
    District No. 1 of Chelan County, Wenatchee, WA (PUD-CC)(1115), Public 
    Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County, East Wenatchee, WA (PUD-
    DC)(1116), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Leavenworth, WA 
    (FWS)(1119); and NMFS has issued amendments to incidental take permits 
    to: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife at Portland, OR (ODFW)(899), 
    Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife at Olympia, WA (WDFW) (901, 
    902), and Idaho Department of Fish and Game at Boise, ID (IDFG)(903).
    DATES: Written comments or requests for a public hearing on any of the 
    applications must be received on or before March 8, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: The applications and related documents are available for 
    review in the following offices, by appointment:
        Protected Resources Division, F/NWO3, 525 NE Oregon Street, Suite 
    500, Portland, OR 97232-4169 (503-230-5400).
        Office of Protected Resources, Endangered Species Division, F/PR3, 
    1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301-713-1401).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For permits 899, 901, 902, and 903: 
    Robert Koch, Portland, OR (503-230-5424).
        For permits 1115, 1116, and 1119: Tom Lichatowich, Portland, OR 
        Issuance of permits and permit modifications, as required by the 
    ESA, is based on a finding that such permits/modifications: (1) Are 
    applied for in good faith; (2) would not operate to the disadvantage of 
    the listed species which are the subject of the permits; and (3) are 
    consistent with the purposes and policies set forth in section 2 of the 
    ESA. Permits and modifications are issued in accordance with and are 
    subject to parts 217-222 of Title 50 CFR, the NMFS regulations 
    governing listed species permits.
    Species Covered in this Notice
        The following species and populations are covered in this notice:
        Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): Upper Columbia River 
    (UCR) spring, Snake River (SnR) spring/summer, SnR fall.
        Steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): UCR
        To date, a listing determination for UCR spring chinook salmon 
    under the ESA has not been promulgated by NMFS. This notice of receipt 
    of applications requesting takes of this species is issued as a 
    precaution in the event that NMFS issues a listing determination. The 
    initiation of a 30-day public comment period on the applications, 
    including their proposed takes of UCR spring chinook salmon, does not 
    presuppose a listing determination.
    Modification Requests Received
        PUD-CC requests modification 2 to permit 1115. Permit 1115 
    authorizes PUD CC to take adult and juvenile, endangered, naturally 
    produced and artificially propagated, UCR steelhead associated with 
    fish passage studies in the UCR Basin. For Modification 2, PUD-CC 
    requests takes of adult and juvenile UCR spring chinook salmon in 
    anticipation of a possible listing decision of this species by NMFS. 
    PUD-CC also requests authorization for takes of ESA-listed juvenile 
    salmonids associated with three new proposed studies, Studies 4, 5 and 
    6. In Study 4, PUD CC proposes to use new acoustic tagging technology 
    to monitor the behavior of juvenile salmonids as they migrate through 
    passage facilities at Rocky Reach Dam. Juvenile salmonids are proposed 
    to be anesthetized, tagged, allowed to recover, released above the dam 
    and tracked downstream. In Study 5, PUD CC proposes to use passive 
    integrated transponders (PIT) and radio tagging technology to study the 
    survival of juvenile, endangered, artificially
    [[Page 5641]]
    propagated, UCR steelhead at Rocky Reach and Rock Island Dams. ESA-
    listed juvenile steelhead are proposed to be anesthetized, tagged, 
    allowed to recover, released above the dams and tracked downstream. 
    Results from Study 4 and 5 will be used to improve the operation of 
    fish passage facilities and evaluate the relative benefits of PIT and 
    radio tagging technologies. For Study 6, PUD CC proposes to: (1) 
    determine the types and numbers of adult salmonids that may be present 
    in the Lake Chelan bypass reach after spill at the Lake Chelan 
    hydroelectric project is curtailed, and (2) identify a mitigation 
    strategy to protect anadromous and resident fish that may become 
    stranded in the bypass reach after spill is curtailed. Adult salmonids 
    are proposed to be observed during snorkel surveys. If any adult 
    salmonids are observed in the bypass reach, the fish are proposed to be 
    captured, handled to obtain scientific information, and released. An 
    associated increase in ESA-listed juvenile fish indirect mortalities 
    are also requested. Modification 2 is requested to be valid for the 
    duration of the permit. Permit 1115 expires on December 31, 2002.
        PUD-DC requests modification 2 to scientific research permit 1116. 
    Permit 1116 authorizes PUD-DC to take adult and juvenile, endangered, 
    naturally produced and artificially propagated, UCR steelhead 
    associated with fish passage studies. For modification 2, PUD DC 
    requests authorization for takes of ESA-listed juvenile steelhead 
    associated with two new research studies, Studies 4 and 5. In Study 4, 
    PUD DC proposes to use PIT tag technology to assess the survival of 
    juvenile, endangered, artificially propagated, UCR steelhead as they 
    pass through Wells Dam. In Study 5, PUD DC proposes to study the 
    survival of juvenile, endangered, artificially propagated, UCR 
    steelhead at Wells Dam and evaluate the relative benefits of PIT and 
    radio tag technology. ESA-listed juvenile steelhead are proposed to be 
    anesthetized, tagged, allowed to recover, released above the dam and 
    tracked electronically. Results from Studies 4 and 5 will be used to 
    improve the operation of fish passage facilities and evaluate fish 
    tagging technology. An associated increase in ESA-listed juvenile fish 
    indirect mortalities are also requested. Modification 2 is requested to 
    be valid for the duration of the permit. Permit 1116 expires on 
    December 31, 2002.
        FWS requests modification 1 to permit 1119. Permit 1119 authorizes 
    takes of adult and juvenile, endangered, naturally produced and 
    artificially propagated, UCR steelhead associated with scientific 
    research studies. For modification 1, FWS requests takes of adult and 
    juvenile UCR spring chinook salmon in anticipation of a possible 
    listing decision of this species by NMFS. Also for modification 1, FWS 
    requests authorization for takes of ESA-listed adult and juvenile 
    salmonids associated with a new study designed to evaluate the 
    feasibility of restoring endangered UCR steelhead and UCR spring 
    chinook salmon above barriers in Icicle Creek, a tributary to the 
    Wenatchee River. FWS proposes to capture adult, endangered, UCR 
    steelhead and UCR spring chinook with drift nets, hook and line, or by 
    collecting them in a fish ladder. The fish are proposed to be 
    anesthetized, tagged with radio transmitters, allowed to recover, 
    placed above the barriers and tracked electronically. Snorkel 
    observations of adult and juvenile salmonids in Icicle Creek are also 
    proposed. If successfully introduced above the barriers, endangered UCR 
    steelhead and UCR spring chinook salmon will benefit by having access 
    to a well managed wilderness watershed having suitable fish rearing 
    habitat. Modification 2 is requested to be valid for the duration of 
    the permit. Permit 1119 expires on December 31, 2002.
    Amendments Issued
        On December 30, 1998, NMFS issued amendments to ODFW's incidental 
    take permit 899, to WDFW's incidental take permits 901 and 902, and to 
    IDFG's incidental take permit 903. The amendments provide an extension 
    of the duration of the permits through December 31, 1999. The permits 
    were due to expire on December 31, 1998. The permits authorize 
    incidental takes of endangered SnR sockeye salmon and threatened SnR 
    spring/summer and fall chinook salmon associated with the operation of 
    non-listed fish hatchery programs, educational projects, and volunteer 
    salmon enhancement projects within the Columbia River Basin. Extension 
    of the permits will allow ODFW, WDFW, and IDFG to continue hatchery 
    operations in 1999 while NMFS prepares a new biological opinion.
        Dated: January 29, 1999.
    Kevin Collins,
    Chief, Endangered Species Division, Office of Protected Resources, 
    National Marine Fisheries Service.
    [FR Doc. 99-2641 Filed 2-3-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-F

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Receipt of applications for modifications to scientific research permits (1115, 1116, 1119); Issuance of amendments to incidental take permits (899, 901, 902, 903).
Document Number:
Written comments or requests for a public hearing on any of the applications must be received on or before March 8, 1999.
5640-5641 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
I.D. 012099A
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