99-2661. Self-Regulatory Organizations; Thomson Financial Technology Services, Inc.; Notice of Filing of Application for Exemption From Registration as a Clearing Agency  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 23 (Thursday, February 4, 1999)]
    [Pages 5691-5693]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-2661]
    [Release No. 34-41003; File No. 600-31]
    Self-Regulatory Organizations; Thomson Financial Technology 
    Services, Inc.; Notice of Filing of Application for Exemption From 
    Registration as a Clearing Agency
    January 29, 1999.
    I. Introduction
        On January 11, 1999, Thomson Financial Technology Services, Inc. 
    (TFTS) \1\ filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
    (Commission) an application on Form CA-1 for exemption from 
    registration as a clearing agency pursuant to Section 17A of the 
    Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) \2\ and Rule 17Ab2-1 
    thereunder.\3\ TFTS is requesting an exemption from clearing agency 
    registration in connection with its proposal to offer two services: an 
    electronic trade confirmation (ETC) service and a central matching 
    service. The Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments 
    on the exemption request.\4\
        \1\ TFTS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Thomson Information 
    Services, Inc., which is indirectly owned by the Thomson 
    Corporation. The Thomson Corporation is a public company 
    incorporated under the laws of Ontario, Canada.
        \2\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1.
        \3\ 17 CFR 240.17Ab2-1.
        \4\ Copies of TFTS's Form CA-1 are available for inspection and 
    copying at the Commission's Public Reference Room in File No. 600-
    31. TFTS also submitted a document entitled ``Application for 
    Exemptive Order'' which we do not consider part of the Form CA-1.
    II. Background
    A. Confirmation and Affirmation of Institutional Securities 
        The confirmation/affirmation process is used to communicate the 
    terms and acknowledgment of trades among institutional customers, 
    broker-dealers, and custodian banks. Securities trades for 
    institutional customers generally involve greater sums of money, 
    greater amounts of securities, and more participants than trades for 
    retail customers. As a result, there are more steps between order entry 
    and final settlement in an institutional transaction than in a retail 
        Typically, in an institutional trade, the institution's investment 
    manager places an order with a broker-dealer. After the broker-dealer 
    executes the trade, it advises the institution of the execution 
    details. The institution then informs the broker-dealer how the trade 
    should be allocated among its accounts. The broker-dealer then sends 
    confirmations of the allocated trades back to the institution. The 
    institution reviews the confirmations, and if they are accurate, the 
    institution affirms the trade with the broker-dealer by sending an 
    affirmed confirmation. Generally, the parties involved in an 
    institutional trade use an ETC service to transmit the messages 
    necessary to confirm and affirm the trade,\5\ The trade is then ready
    [[Page 5692]]
    for the settlement process (i.e., the transfer of securities and money 
    for completion of the trade).
        \5\ Currently, the rules of certain self-regulatory 
    organizations (SROs) require their broker-dealer members to use the 
    facilities of a registered clearing agency for the electronic 
    confirmation and affirmation of transactions where the broker-dealer 
    provides delivery-versus-payment (DVP) or receive-versus-payment 
    (RVP) privileges to its customer. See, e.g., Municipal Securities 
    Rulemaking Board (MSRB) Rule G-15(d)(ii); National Association of 
    Securities Dealers (NASD) Rule 11860(a)(5); and New York Stock 
    Exchange (NYSE) Rule 387(a)(5). Broker-dealers generally extend DVP 
    and RVP privileges only to their institutional customers. As a 
    practical matter, the SROs' confirmation rules require broker-
    dealers to use The Depository Trust Company's (DTC) Institutional 
    Delivery (ID) system because it is the only ETC service offered by a 
    registered clearing agency.
        The Commission has published notice of proposed rule changes by 
    the MSRB, NASD, and NYSE under which broker-dealers would be able to 
    use ETC services provided by an entity that has received an 
    exemption from clearing agency registration to provide confirmation 
    and affirmation services. See Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 
    39830 (April 6, 1998), 63 FR 18060 [File No. SR-NYSE-98-07]; 39831 
    (April 6, 1998), 63 FR 18057 [File No. SR-NASD-98-20]; and 39833 
    (April 6, 1998), 63 FR 18055 [File No. SR-MSRB-98-06] The Commission 
    expects to act on the proposed rule changes in the near future.
    B. The Commission's Interpretive Release on Matching
        The development of ``matching services'' has been a recent step in 
    the evolution of the confirmation/affirmation process. The term 
    matching in this context describes a process in which an intermediary 
    compares the broker-dealer's trade data submission with the 
    institution's allocation instructions to determine whether the two 
    descriptions agree. If the trade data and allocation instructions 
    match, the intermediary produces an affirmed confirmation. Matching 
    services eliminate the separate steps of producing a confirmation from 
    the trade data, review of the confirmation by the institution, and 
    issuance of an affirmed confirmation by the institution.\6\
        \6\ The Commission has approved a proposed rule change filed by 
    DTC that allows DTC to provide matching services. Securities 
    Exchange Act Release No. 39832 (April 6, 1998), 63 FR 18062 [File 
    No. SR-DTC-95-23]. Currently, only DTC offers a matching service 
    where it acts as an intermediary between broker-dealers and 
    institutional customers for U.S. trades.
        On April 6, 1998, we issued an interpretive release regarding 
    matching services (Matching Release).\7\ In the Matching Release, we 
    concluded that an entity that provides matching services as an 
    intermediary between broker-dealers and institutional customers is a 
    clearing agency within the meaning of Section 3(a)(23) of the Exchange 
    Act \8\ and is subject to the registration requirements of Section 17A 
    of the Exchange Act.\9\
        \7\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 39829 (April 6, 1998), 
    63 FR 17943 [File No. S7-10-98]. The Matching Release contains a 
    detailed description of the confirmation/affirmation process as it 
    currently operates through DTC's ID system.
        \8\ 15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(23). Section 3(a)(23) defines the term 
    clearing agency as, among other things. [A] person who acts as an 
    intermediary in making payments or deliveries or both in connection 
    with transactions in securities or who provides facilities for 
    comparison of data respecting the terms of settlement of securities 
    transactions, to reduce the number of settlements of securities 
    transactions, or for the allocation of securities settlement 
        \9\ Specifically, the Commission concluded that matching 
    constitutes ``comparison of data respecting the terms of settlement 
    of securities transactions.'' Exhibit S to TFTS's Form CA-1 contains 
    a statement that it disagrees with the Matching Release's 
    conclusion. In addition, on June 4, 1998, Thomson Information 
    Services, Inc. (TIS), an affiliate of TFTS, filed a petition with 
    the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia 
    Circuit (D.C. Circuit) to review and set aside the part of the 
    Matching Release that concludes that broker-to-customer matching is 
    a clearing agency function under the Exchange Act.
        In a settlement agreement with the Commission dated December 22, 
    1998, TIS stated that it would withdraw its petition before the D.C. 
    Circuit if the Commission approved TFTS's application for exemption 
    from clearing agency registration within 120 days of the filing of 
    its application. Our consideration of TFTS's application is 
    consistent with the statement in the Matching Release that matching 
    is a clearing agency function and that we would consider granting 
    matching services conditional exemptions from clearing agency 
    registration. Our consideration of TFTS's application is independent 
    of and will not be influenced by TIS's petition to the D.C. Circuit.
    III. TFTS's Request for Exemption
    A. TFTS's Proposed Service
        TFTS would offer two types of services under an exemption from 
    clearing agency registration. First, TFTS would offer an ETC service 
    that would transmit messages among broker-dealers, customers, and 
    custodian banks regarding the terms of a trade executed for the 
    customer. As noted above, ETC services are usually used to confirm and 
    affirm securities trades for institutional investors. Second, TFTS 
    would offer a central matching service under which it would act as an 
    intermediary in the confirmation/affirmation process to compare a 
    broker-dealer's trade data with a customer's allocation instructions to 
    produce an affirmed confirmation.
        All electronic messages that are sent through TFTS's systems will 
    originate at the sender's (i.e., the broker-dealer or the customer) 
    computer terminal and will be routed through TFTS's data center. TFTS's 
    data center will copy and store the data that passes through it. In its 
    Form CA-1, TFTS represents that it will not perform other functions of 
    a clearing agency such as net settlement, maintaining a balance of open 
    positions between buyers and sellers, or marking securities to the 
        \10\ Exhibit J to TFTS's Form CA-1.
        TFTS has agreed to certain undertakings as a condition of obtaining 
    an exemption from clearing agency registration:
        (1) To make available to the Commission prior to the commercial 
    operation of its central matching service an audit report that 
    addresses all the areas discussed in the Commission's Automation 
    Review Policies (ARPs);\11\
        \11\ Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 27445 (November 16, 
    1989), 54 FR 48703; and 29185 (May 9, 1991), 56 FR 22490.
        (2) To make available to the Commission on an annual basis 
    (beginning in the central matching service's second year of 
    operation) reports prepared by competent, independent audit 
    personnel that are generated in accordance with the annual risk 
    assessment of the areas set forth in the ARPs, and field work 
    associated therewith;
        (3) To provide the Commission with twenty business days' advance 
    notice of any material changes that TFTS makes to its matching 
    service, provided that such changes shall not be subject to 
    regulatory approval;
        (4) To provide the Commission with prompt notification of 
    significant systems outages, to be defined as outages lasting more 
    than thirty minutes;
        (5) To respond to the Commission's requests for additional 
    information relating to TFTS's matching service and to provide 
    access to the Commission to conduct on-site inspections of all 
    facilities (including automated systems and systems environment), 
    records, and personnel related to the matching service, provided 
    that such requests for information shall be made and such 
    inspections shall be conducted solely for the purpose of reviewing 
    the matching service's operations and compliance with the federal 
    securities laws and the terms and conditions of TFTS's exemptive 
        (6) To supply the Commission or its designee with periodic 
    reports regarding the affirmation rates for depository-eligible 
    transactions that settle in the United States effected by 
    institutional investors that utilize TFTS's matching service;
        (7) To preserve a copy or record of all trade details, 
    allocation instructions, central trade matching results, reports and 
    notices sent to customers, reports regarding affirmation rates that 
    are sent to the Commission or its designee, and any complaint 
    received from a customer, all of which pertain to the operation of 
    the matching service, for a period of not less than five years, the 
    first two years in an easily accessible place; and
        (8) To develop fair and reasonable linkages between the matching 
    service and the Depository Trust Company and other central matching 
    services regulated by the Commission.
    B. Statutory Standards
        Section 17A(b)(1) of the Exchange Act requires all clearing 
    agencies to register with us before performing any of the functions of 
    a clearing agency.\12\ However, Section 17A(b)(1) also states that, 
    upon our own motion or upon a clearing agency's application, we may 
    conditionally or unconditionally exempt the clearing agency from any 
    provisions of Section 17A or the rules or regulations thereunder if we 
    find that such exemption is consistent with the public interest, the 
    protection of investors, and the purposes of Section 17A. TFTS believes 
    that the undertakings it has proposed as a condition of obtaining an 
    exemption from clearing agency registration will allow it to protect 
    the public interest and strike the appropriate balance between safety 
    and soundness and the need to foster efficiency, competition, and 
    capital formation.
        \12\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(1).
        We have exercised our authority to conditionally exempt an 
    applicant from
    [[Page 5693]]
    clearing agency registration on three prior occasions.\13\ In those 
    cases, the applicants requesting exemption from clearing agency 
    registration were required to meet standards substantially similar to 
    those required of registrants under Section 17A in order to assure that 
    the fundamental goals of that section were furthered (i.e., safety and 
    soundness of the national clearance and settlement system).
        \13\ Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 36573 (December 12, 
    1995 60 FR 65076 (order approving application for exemption from 
    clearing agency registration for the Clearing Corporation for 
    Options and Securities); 38328 (February 24, 1997), 62 FR 9225 
    (order approving application for exemption from clearing agency 
    registration for Cedel Bank); and 39643 (February 11, 1998), 63 FR 
    8232 (order approving application for exemption from clearing agency 
    registration by Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, Brussels 
    Office, as operator of the Euroclear System).
        In the Matching Release, we stated that an entity that limited its 
    clearing agency functions to providing matching services might not have 
    to be subject to the full range of clearing agency regulation. In 
    addition, we stated that an entity seeking an exemption from clearing 
    agency registration for matching would be required to: (1) provide us 
    with information on its matching services and notice of material 
    changes to its matching services; (2) establish an electronic link to a 
    registered clearing agency that provides for the settlement of its 
    matched trades; (3) allow us to inspect its facilities and records; and 
    (4) make periodic disclosures to us regarding its operations.
        TFTS's matching service would be the only clearing agency function 
    that it would perform under an exemptive order. While we believe that 
    TFTS's matching services could have a significant impact on the 
    national clearance and settlement system, we do not believe that TFTS's 
    matching services raise all of the concerns raised by an entity that 
    performs a wider range of clearing agency functions. TFTS represents in 
    its Form CA-1 that as a condition of its exemption it will comply with 
    the conditions suggested by the Commission in the Matching Release. 
    Therefore, we believe that it may not be necessary to require TFTS to 
    satisfy all of the standards required of registrants under Section 
        \14\ For example, TFTS's Form CA-1 (1) represents that TFTS will 
    not handle funds or securities and (2) states that TFTS will not 
    impose prohibitions or limit access to its service by potential 
    customers but that it might terminate a subscription for failure to 
    pay fees. In addition, TFTS will provide us with a current balance 
    sheet and income statement before beginning operations which will 
    enable us to assess TFTS's financial capability.
        We anticipate that in addition to considering the public interest 
    and the protection of investors, the primary factor in our 
    consideration of TFTS's Application will be whether TFTS is so 
    organized and has the capacity to be able to facilitate prompt and 
    accurate matching services subject to the specific conditions that it 
    has proposed.\15\ In particular, TFTS has represented that, among other 
    things, it will provide us with (1) an independent audit report that 
    addresses all the areas discussed in the Commission's ARPs prior to 
    beginning commercial operations and annually thereafter, (2) on-site 
    inspection rights, and (3) a current balance sheet and income statement 
    prior to beginning operations.\16\
        \15\ See Section 17A(b)(3)(A) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. 
        \16\ See Section III.A, supra.
        We expect that any exemption from clearing agency registration for 
    TFTS would contain all of the conditions that TFTS has proposed in its 
    Form CA-1. We request comment on whether these conditions are 
    sufficient to promote the purposes of Section 17A and to allow us to 
    adequately monitor the effects of TFTS's proposed activities on the 
    national system for the clearance and settlement of securities 
    transactions. In addition, we invite commenters to address whether 
    granting TFTS an exemption from clearing agency registration would 
    impose any burden on competition that is not necessary or appropriate 
    in furtherance of the Exchange Act.
    IV. Solicitation of Comments
        Comments are due by March 8, 1999. These comments will be 
    considered in deciding whether to grant TFTS's application for 
    exemption from registration as a clearing agency. Six copies of the 
    comments should be filed with the Secretary, Securities and Exchange 
    Commission, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549. Comments 
    also may be submitted electronically at the following E-mail address: 
    rule-comments@sec.gov. All comment letters should refer to File No. 
    600-31; this file number should be used on the subject line if E-mail 
    is used. Copies of the application and all written comments will be 
    available for inspection and copying at the Commission's Public 
    Reference Room, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549.
        For the Commission by the Division of Market Regulation, 
    pursuant to delegated authority.\17\
        \17\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a0(16).
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 99-2661 Filed 2-3-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
5691-5693 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Release No. 34-41003, File No. 600-31
PDF File: