99-2642. Designated Critical Habitat: Proposed Critical Habitat for Nine Evolutionarily Significant Units of Steelhead in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 24 (Friday, February 5, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 5740-5754]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-2642]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 226
    [Docket No. 990128036-9036-01; I.D. 033198A]
    RIN 0648-AG49
    Designated Critical Habitat: Proposed Critical Habitat for Nine 
    Evolutionarily Significant Units of Steelhead in Washington, Oregon, 
    Idaho, and California
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: NMFS proposes to designate critical habitat for nine 
    evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) of steelhead (Oncorhynchus 
    mykiss) previously listed and currently proposed for listing under the 
    Endangered Species Act (ESA). Proposed critical habitat occurs in the 
    States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California. The areas 
    described in this proposed rule represent the current freshwater and 
    estuarine range inhabited by the ESU. Freshwater critical habitat 
    includes all waterways and substrates below longstanding, naturally 
    impassable barriers (i.e., natural waterfalls in existence for at least 
    several hundred years) and several dams that block access to former 
    anadromous habitats. The economic and other impacts resulting from this 
    critical habitat designation are expected to be minimal.
    DATES: Comments must be received by May 6, 1999. Requests for public 
    hearings must be received by March 22, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Comments on this proposed rule or requests for reference 
    materials should be sent to Branch Chief, Protected Resources Division, 
    NMFS, Northwest Region, 525 NE Oregon Street, Suite 500, Portland, OR 
    97232-2737; telefax (503) 230-5435.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Garth Griffin, (503) 231-2005, Craig 
    Wingert, (562) 980-4021, or Chris Mobley, 301-713-1401.
        On May 20, 1993, NMFS announced its intent to conduct a status 
    review to identify all coastal steelhead ESU(s) within California, 
    Oregon, and Washington and to determine whether any identified ESU(s) 
    warranted listing under the ESA. Subsequently, on February 16, 1994, 
    NMFS received a petition from the Oregon Natural Resources Council and 
    from 15 co-petitioners to list all steelhead (or specific ESUs, races, 
    or stocks) within the states of California, Oregon, Washington, and 
    Idaho. In response to this petition, NMFS announced the expansion of 
    its status review to include inland steelhead populations occurring in 
    eastern Washington and Oregon and the State of Idaho (59 FR 27527, May 
    27, 1994).
        On August 9, 1996, NMFS published a proposed rule to list 10 ESUs 
    of west coast steelhead as threatened or endangered under the ESA; NMFS 
    solicited comments on the proposal (61 FR 41541, August 9, 1996). In 
    this document, NMFS concluded that the Middle Columbia River ESU 
    warranted classification as a candidate species since NMFS was 
    concerned about the status of steelhead in this area, but lacked 
    sufficient information to merit a proposed listing, and that the Upper 
    Willamette River steelhead ESU did not warrant listing, based on 
    available scientific information.
        On August 18, 1997, NMFS published a final rule listing five ESUs 
    as threatened and endangered under the ESA (62 FR 43937). In a separate 
    document published on the same day,
    [[Page 5741]]
    NMFS determined that substantial scientific disagreement remained for 
    five proposed ESUs (62 FR 43974, August 18, 1997). In accordance with 
    section 4(b)(6)(B)(i) of the ESA, NMFS deferred its decision on these 
    remaining steelhead ESUs for 6 months, until February 9, 1998, for the 
    purpose of soliciting additional data. By court order, NMFS' deadline 
    for issuing determinations on these five remaining ESUs was extended to 
    March 13, 1998.
        On March 10, 1998, NMFS published a proposed rule to list the Upper 
    Willamette River and Middle Columbia River ESUs as threatened species 
    (63 FR 11798). On March 19, 1998, NMFS published a final rule to list 
    the Lower Columbia River and Central Valley, California, ESUs as 
    threatened species (63 FR 13347). NMFS now proposes critical habitat 
    for all nine currently listed and proposed steelhead ESUs.
    Critical Habitat
        Section 4(a)(3)(A) of the ESA requires that, to the maximum extent 
    prudent and determinable, NMFS designate critical habitat concurrently 
    with a determination that a species is endangered or threatened. NMFS 
    has determined that sufficient information exists to propose 
    designating critical habitat for the nine ESUs of steelhead previously 
    listed and currently proposed for listing under the ESA. NMFS will 
    consider all available information and data in finalizing this 
        The use of the term ``essential habitat'' within this document 
    refers to critical habitat as defined by the ESA and should not be 
    confused with the requirement to describe and identify Essential Fish 
    Habitat pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
    Management Act, 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
    Definition of Critical Habitat
        ``Critical habitat'' is defined in section 3(5)(A) of the ESA as 
    ``(i) the specific areas within the geographical area occupied by the 
    species * * * on which are found those physical or biological features 
    (I) essential to the conservation of the species and (II) which may 
    require special management considerations or protection; and (ii) 
    specific areas outside the geographical area occupied by the species * 
    * * upon a determination by the Secretary that such areas are essential 
    for the conservation of the species.'' The term ``conservation,'' as 
    defined in section 3(3) of the ESA, means `` * * * to use and the use 
    of all methods and procedures which are necessary to bring any 
    endangered species or threatened species to the point at which the 
    measures provided pursuant to this Act are no longer necessary.''
        In designating critical habitat, NMFS considers the following 
    requirements of the species: (1) space for individual and population 
    growth, and for normal behavior; (2) food, water, air, light, minerals, 
    or other nutritional or physiological requirements; (3) cover or 
    shelter; (4) sites for breeding, reproduction, or rearing offspring; 
    and, generally, (5) habitats that are protected from disturbance or are 
    representative of the historic geographical and ecological 
    distributions of this species (50 CFR 424.12(b)). In addition to these 
    factors, NMFS also focuses on the known physical and biological 
    features (primary constituent elements) within the designated area that 
    are essential to the conservation of the species and that may require 
    special management considerations or protection. These essential 
    features may include, but are not limited to, spawning sites, food 
    resources, water quality and quantity, and riparian vegetation (50 CFR 
    Consideration of Economic and Other Factors
        The economic and other impacts of a critical habitat designation 
    have been considered and evaluated in this proposed rulemaking. NMFS 
    identified present and anticipated activities that may adversely modify 
    the area(s) being considered or that may be affected by a designation. 
    An area may be excluded from a critical habitat designation if NMFS 
    determines that the overall benefits of exclusion outweigh the benefits 
    of designation, unless the exclusion will result in the extinction of 
    the species (16 U.S.C. 1533(b)(2)).
        The impacts considered in this analysis are only those incremental 
    impacts resulting specifically from a critical habitat designation, 
    above the economic and other impacts attributable to listing the 
    species or resulting from other authorities. Since listing a species 
    under the ESA provides significant protection to a species' habitat, in 
    many cases, the economic and other impacts resulting from the critical 
    habitat designation, over and above the impacts of the listing itself, 
    are minimal. In general, the designation of critical habitat highlights 
    geographical areas of concern and reinforces the substantive protection 
    resulting from the listing itself.
        Impacts attributable to listing include those resulting from the 
    ``take'' prohibitions contained in section 9 of the ESA and associated 
    regulations. ``Take,'' as defined in the ESA means to harass, harm, 
    pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to 
    attempt to engage in any such conduct'' (16 U.S.C. 1532(19)). Harm can 
    occur through destruction or modification of habitat (whether or not 
    designated as critical) that significantly impairs essential behaviors, 
    including breeding, feeding, rearing or migration (63 FR 24148, May 1, 
    Significance of Designating Critical Habitat
        The designation of critical habitat does not, in and of itself, 
    restrict human activities within an area or mandate any specific 
    management or recovery actions. A critical habitat designation 
    contributes to species conservation primarily by identifying important 
    areas and by describing the features within those areas that are 
    essential to the species, thus alerting public and private entities to 
    the area's importance. The only regulatory impact of a critical habitat 
    designation is through the provisions of section 7 of the ESA. Section 
    7 applies only to actions with Federal involvement (e.g., authorized, 
    funded, or conducted by a Federal agency) and does not affect 
    exclusively state or private activities.
        Under the section 7 provisions, a designation of critical habitat 
    would require Federal agencies to ensure that any action they 
    authorize, fund, or carry out is not likely to result in the 
    destruction or adverse modification of designated critical habitat. 
    Activities that destroy or adversely modify critical habitat are 
    defined as those actions that ``appreciably diminish the value of 
    critical habitat for both the survival and recovery'' of the species 
    (50 CFR 402.02). Regardless of a critical habitat designation, Federal 
    agencies must ensure that their actions are not likely to jeopardize 
    the continued existence of the listed species. Activities that 
    jeopardize a species are defined as those actions that ``reasonably 
    would be expected, directly or indirectly, to reduce appreciably the 
    likelihood of both the survival and recovery'' of the species (50 CFR 
    402.02). Using these definitions, activities that are likely to destroy 
    or adversely modify critical habitat would also be likely to jeopardize 
    the species. Therefore, the protection provided by a critical habitat 
    designation generally duplicates the protection provided under the 
    section 7 jeopardy provision. Critical habitat may provide additional 
    benefits to a species in cases where areas outside the species' current 
    range have been designated. Federal agencies are required to consult 
    with NMFS under section 7 (50 CFR 402.14(a)), when these designated 
    [[Page 5742]]
    may be affected by their actions. The effects of these actions on 
    designated areas may not have been recognized but for the critical 
    habitat designation.
        A designation of critical habitat provides Federal agencies with a 
    clear indication as to when consultation under section 7 of the ESA is 
    required, particularly in cases where the proposed action would not 
    result in direct mortality, injury, or harm to individuals of a listed 
    species (e.g., an action occurring within the critical habitat area 
    when a migratory species is not present). The critical habitat 
    designation, in describing the essential features of the habitat, also 
    helps determine which activities conducted outside the designated area 
    are subject to section 7 (i.e., activities outside critical habitat 
    that may affect essential features of the designated area).
        A critical habitat designation will also assist Federal agencies in 
    planning future actions because the designation establishes, in 
    advance, those habitats that will be given special consideration in 
    section 7 consultations. With a designation of critical habitat, 
    potential conflicts between Federal actions and endangered or 
    threatened species can be identified and possibly avoided early in an 
    agency's planning process.
        Another indirect benefit of designating critical habitat is that it 
    helps focus Federal, state, and private conservation and management 
    efforts in such areas. Management efforts may address special 
    considerations needed in critical habitat areas, including conservation 
    regulations that restrict private as well as Federal activities. The 
    economic and other impacts of these actions would be considered at the 
    time regulations are proposed and, therefore, are not considered in the 
    critical habitat designation process. Other Federal, state, and local 
    authorities, such as zoning or wetlands and riparian lands protection, 
    may also benefit critical habitat areas.
    Process for Designating Critical Habitat
        Developing a proposed critical habitat designation involves three 
    main considerations. First, the biological needs of the species are 
    evaluated, and essential habitat areas and features are identified. If 
    alternative areas exist that would provide for the conservation of the 
    species, such alternatives are also identified. Second, the need for 
    special management considerations or protection of the area(s) or 
    features identified are evaluated. Finally, the probable economic and 
    other impacts of designating these essential areas as ``critical 
    habitat'' are evaluated. After considering the requirements of the 
    species, the need for special management, and the impacts of the 
    designation, a notification of the proposed critical habitat is 
    published in the Federal Register for comment. The final critical 
    habitat designation is promulgated after considering all comments and 
    any new information received on the proposal. Final critical habitat 
    designations may be revised, using the same process, as new information 
    becomes available.
        A description of the essential habitat, need for special 
    management, impacts of designating critical habitat, and the proposed 
    action are described in the following sections.
    Critical Habitat of Steelhead ESUs
        Biological information for steelhead can be found in NMFS species 
    status reviews (Busby et al., 1996), species life history summaries 
    (Shapavalov and Taft, 1954; Barnhart, 1986; Pauley et al., 1986; Groot 
    and Margolis, 1991), and in Federal Register announcements of proposed 
    and final listing determinations (61 FR 41541, August 9, 1996; 62 FR 
    43937, August 18, 1997; 63 FR 11798, March 10, 1998; 63 FR 13347, March 
    19, 1998). Historically, steelhead were distributed throughout the 
    North Pacific Ocean from the Kamchatka Peninsula in Asia to the 
    northern Baja Peninsula. Presently, the species distribution extends 
    from the Kamchatka Peninsula, east and south along the Pacific coast of 
    North America, to at least Malibu Creek in southern California. There 
    are infrequent anecdotal reports of steelhead occurring as far south as 
    the Santa Margarita River in San Diego County (McEwan and Jackson, 
    1996). The species' marine distribution south of Punta Gorda, 
    California, appears to encompass a relatively narrow, nearshore strip 
    less than 100 kilometers (km) wide (NOAA, 1990). North of Punta Gorda, 
    the distribution widens to encompass nearly all marine areas north of 
    42 deg. N latitude in the North Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Alaska (NOAA, 
    1990). Any attempt to describe the current distribution of steelhead 
    must take into account the fact that many extant populations and 
    densities are a small fraction of historical levels. Hence, some 
    populations considered extinct could in fact exist but be represented 
    by only a few individuals that could escape detection during surveys.
        In the Central California Coast ESU, the major populations are 
    found in the Russian and San Lorenzo Rivers. In the South-Central 
    California Coast ESU, major rivers include the Big Sur, Carmel, Little 
    Sur, Pajaro, and Salinas Rivers. In the Southern California Coast ESU, 
    major rivers include Malibu Creek and the Santa Clara, Santa Ynez, and 
    Ventura Rivers. Within the range of the California Central Valley ESU, 
    major tributaries supporting steelhead in the Sacramento-San Joaquin 
    River Basins include the American, Feather, Merced, Mokelumne, 
    Tuolumne, and Yuba Rivers, as well as numerous smaller tributaries.
        The Columbia River serves as a migration corridor as well as an 
    important estuary for all of the listed or proposed steelhead ESUs in 
    Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Major tributaries known to support 
    steelhead in the Upper Columbia River ESU include the Entiat, Methow, 
    Okanogan, and Wenatchee Rivers. In the Snake River Basin ESU, major 
    tributaries include the Clearwater, Grande Ronde, Salmon, Selway, and 
    Tucannon Rivers. In the Middle Columbia River ESU, major tributaries 
    include the Deschutes, John Day, Klickitat, Umatilla, and Yakima 
    Rivers. In the Lower Columbia River ESU, major tributaries include the 
    Clackamas, Cowlitz, Hood, Kalama, Lewis, Sandy, Washougal, and Wind 
    Rivers. Finally, in the Upper Willamette River ESU, major tributaries 
    known to support steelhead include the Molalla and Santiam Rivers.
        In addition to the rivers identified, many smaller rivers and 
    streams in each ESU also provide important habitat for steelhead, but 
    access is often constrained by seasonal fluctuations in hydrological 
        Defining specific river reaches that are critical for steelhead is 
    difficult because of the current low abundance of the species and of 
    our imperfect understanding of the species' freshwater distribution, 
    both current and historical. The latter is due, in large part, to the 
    lack of comprehensive sampling effort dedicated to monitoring the 
    species. Based on consideration of the best available information 
    regarding the species' current distribution, NMFS believes that the 
    preferred approach to identifying critical habitat for steelhead is to 
    designate all areas accessible to the species within the range of 
    specified river basins in each ESU. NMFS believes that adopting a more 
    inclusive, watershed-based description of critical habitat is 
    appropriate because it (1) recognizes the species' extensive use of 
    diverse habitats and underscores the need to account for all of the 
    habitat types supporting the species' freshwater and estuarine life 
    stages; (2) takes into account the natural variability in habitat use 
    that makes precise mapping problematic (e.g., some streams may have 
    fish present only in years with
    [[Page 5743]]
    plentiful rainfall); and (3) reinforces the important linkage between 
    aquatic areas and adjacent riparian/upslope areas.
        While NMFS is proposing to focus on accessible (i.e., fish bearing) 
    river reaches, it is important to note that habitat quality is 
    intrinsically related to the quality of upland areas and upstream areas 
    (including headwater or intermittent streams) which provide key habitat 
    elements (e.g., large woody debris, gravel, water quality) crucial for 
    steelhead in downstream reaches. NMFS recognizes that estuarine 
    habitats are critical for steelhead and has included them in this 
    designation. Marine habitats (i.e., oceanic or nearshore areas seaward 
    of the mouth of coastal rivers) are also vital to the species, and 
    ocean conditions may have a major influence on steelhead survival. 
    However, NMFS is still evaluating whether these areas currently warrant 
    consideration as critical habitat, particularly whether marine areas 
    require special management consideration or protection. Therefore, NMFS 
    is not proposing to designate critical habitat in marine areas at this 
    time. If additional information becomes available that supports the 
    inclusion of such areas, NMFS may revise this designation.
        Introductions of non-native species and habitat modifications have 
    resulted in increased predator populations in numerous river systems, 
    thereby increasing the level of predation experienced by salmonids. 
    Predation by marine mammals is also of concern in areas experiencing 
    dwindling steelhead run sizes. NMFS recently published a report 
    describing the impacts of California sea lions and Pacific harbor seals 
    upon salmonids and on the coastal ecosystems of Washington, Oregon, and 
    California (NMFS, 1997). This report concludes that, in certain cases 
    where pinniped populations co-occur with depressed salmonid 
    populations, salmon populations may experience severe impacts due to 
    predation. An example of such a situation is Ballard Locks, Washington, 
    where sea lions are known to consume significant numbers of adult 
    winter steelhead. This study further concludes that data regarding 
    pinniped predation is quite limited and that substantial additional 
    research is needed to fully address this issue. Existing information on 
    the seriously depressed status of many salmonid stocks is sufficient to 
    warrant actions to remove pinnipeds in areas of co-occurrence where 
    pinnipeds prey on depressed salmonid populations (NMFS, 1997).
        Essential features of steelhead critical habitat include adequate 
    (1) substrate; (2) water quality; (3) water quantity; (4) water 
    temperature; (5) water velocity; (6) cover/shelter; (7) food; (8) 
    riparian vegetation; (9) space; and (10) safe passage conditions. Given 
    the vast geographic range occupied by each of these steelhead ESUs and 
    the diverse habitat types used by the various life stages, it is not 
    practical to describe specific values or conditions for each of these 
    essential habitat features. However, good summaries of these 
    environmental parameters and freshwater factors that have contributed 
    to the decline of this and other salmonids can be found in reviews by 
    Barnhart (1986), Pauley et al. (1986), California Advisory Committee on 
    Salmon and Steelhead Trout (CACSST) (1988), Bjornn and Reiser (1991), 
    Nehlsen et al. (1991), California State Lands Commission (1993), 
    Reynolds et al. (1993), Botkin et al. (1995), McEwan and Jackson 
    (1996), NMFS (1996), and Spence et al. (1996).
        An array of management issues encompasses these habitats and their 
    features, and special management considerations will be needed, 
    especially on lands and streams under Federal ownership (see Activities 
    That May Affect Critical Habitat and Need for Special Management 
    Considerations or Protection). While marine areas are also a critical 
    link in the species' life cycle, NMFS has not yet concluded that 
    special management considerations are needed to conserve the habitat 
    features in these areas. Hence, only the freshwater and estuarine areas 
    (and their adjacent riparian zones) are being proposed for critical 
    habitat at this time.
    Adjacent Riparian Zones
        NMFS' past critical habitat designations for listed anadromous 
    salmonids have included the adjacent riparian zone as part of the 
    designation. In the final designations for Snake River spring/summer 
    chinook, fall chinook, and sockeye (58 FR 68543, December 28, 1993), 
    NMFS included the adjacent riparian zone as part of critical habitat 
    and defined it in the regulation as those areas within a horizontal 
    distance of 300 feet (91.4 meters) from the normal high water line. In 
    the critical habitat designation for Sacramento River winter run 
    chinook (58 FR 33212, June 16, 1993), NMFS included ``adjacent riparian 
    zones'' as part of the critical habitat but did not define the extent 
    of that zone in the regulation. The preamble to that rule stated that 
    the adjacent riparian zone was limited to ``those areas that provide 
    cover and shade.''
        Streams and stream functioning are inextricably linked to adjacent 
    riparian and upland (or upslope) areas. Streams regularly submerge 
    portions of the riparian zone via floods and channel migration, and 
    portions of the riparian zone may contain off-channel rearing habitats 
    used by juvenile salmonids during periods of high flow. The riparian 
    zone also provides an array of important watershed functions that 
    directly benefit salmonids. Vegetation in the zone shades the stream, 
    stabilizes banks, and provides organic litter and large woody debris. 
    The riparian zone stores sediment, recycles nutrients and chemicals, 
    mediates stream hydraulics, and controls microclimate. Healthy riparian 
    zones help ensure water quality essential to salmonids as well as the 
    forage species they depend on (Reiser and Bjornn, 1979; Meehan, 1991; 
    FEMAT, 1993; and Spence et al., 1996). Human activities in the adjacent 
    riparian zone, or in upslope areas, can harm stream function and can 
    harm salmonids, both directly and indirectly, by interfering with the 
    watershed functions described here. For example, timber harvest, road-
    building, grazing, cultivation, and other activities can increase 
    sediment, destabilize banks, reduce organic litter and woody debris, 
    increase water temperatures, simplify stream channels, and increase 
    peak flows. These adverse modifications reduce the value of habitat for 
    salmon and, in many instances, may result in injury or mortality of 
    fish. Because human activity may adversely affect these watershed 
    functions and habitat features, NMFS concluded the adjacent riparian 
    zone could require special management consideration, and, therefore, 
    was appropriate for inclusion in critical habitat.
        The Snake River salmon critical habitat designation relied on 
    analyses and conclusions reached by the Forest Ecosystem Management 
    Assessment Team (FEMAT, 1993) regarding interim riparian reserves for 
    fish-bearing streams on Federal lands within the range of the northern 
    spotted owl. The interim riparian reserve recommendations in the FEMAT 
    report were based on a systematic review of the available literature, 
    primarily for forested habitats, concerning riparian processes as a 
    function of distance from stream channels. The interim riparian 
    reserves identified in the FEMAT report for fish-bearing streams on 
    Federal forest lands are intended to (1) provide protection to 
    salmonids, as well as riparian-dependent and associated species, 
    through the protection of riparian processes that influence stream 
    function, and (2) provide a high level of fish habitat and riparian 
    protection until
    [[Page 5744]]
    site-specific watershed and project analyses can be completed. The 
    FEMAT report identified several alternative ways that interim riparian 
    reserves providing a high level of protection could be defined, 
    including the 300-foot (91.4 meter) slope distance, a distance 
    equivalent to two site potential tree heights, the outer edges of 
    riparian vegetation, the 100-year flood plain, or the area between the 
    edge of the active stream channel to the top of the inner gorge, 
    whichever is greatest. The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and U.S. Bureau 
    of Land Management (BLM) ultimately adopted these riparian reserve 
    criteria as part of an Aquatic Conservation Strategy aimed at 
    conserving fish, amphibians, and other aquatic- and riparian-dependent 
    species in the Record of Decision for the Northwest Forest Plan (FEMAT 
    ROD, 1994).
        While NMFS has used the findings of the FEMAT report to guide its 
    analyses in ESA section 7 consultations with the USFS and BLM regarding 
    management of Federal lands, NMFS recognizes that the interim riparian 
    reserves may be conservative with regard to the protection of adjacent 
    riparian habitat for salmonids since they are designed to protect 
    salmonids as well as terrestrial species that are riparian dependent or 
    associated. Moreover, NMFS' analyses have focused more on the stream 
    functions important to salmonids and on how proposed activities will 
    affect the riparian area's contribution to properly functioning 
    conditions for salmonid habitat.
        Since the adoption of the Northwest Forest Plan, NMFS has gained 
    experience working with Federal and non-Federal landowners to determine 
    the likely effects of proposed land management actions on stream 
    functions. In freshwater and estuarine areas, these activities include, 
    but are not limited to agriculture; forestry; grazing; bank 
    stabilization; construction/urbanization; dam construction/operation; 
    dredging and dredged spoil disposal; habitat restoration projects; 
    irrigation withdrawal, storage, and management; mineral mining; road 
    building and maintenance; sand and gravel mining; wastewater/pollutant 
    discharge; wetland and floodplain alteration; and woody debris/
    structure removal from rivers and estuaries. NMFS has developed 
    numerous tools to assist Federal agencies in analyzing the likely 
    impacts of their activities on anadromous fish habitat. With these 
    tools, Federal agencies are better able to judge the impacts of their 
    actions on salmonid habitat, taking into account the location and 
    nature of their actions. NMFS' primary tool guiding Federal agencies is 
    a document titled ``Making Endangered Species Act Determinations of 
    Effect for Individual or Grouped Actions at the Watershed Scale'' 
    (NMFS, 1996a). This document presents guidelines to facilitate and 
    standardize determinations of ``effect'' under the ESA and includes a 
    matrix for determining the condition of various habitat parameters. 
    This matrix is being implemented in several northern California and 
    Oregon coastal watersheds and is expected to help guide efforts to 
    define salmonid risk factors and conservation strategies throughout the 
    West Coast.
        Several recent literature reviews have addressed the effectiveness 
    of various riparian zone widths for maintaining specific riparian 
    functions (e.g., sediment control, large woody debris recruitment) and 
    overall watershed processes. These reviews provide additional useful 
    information about riparian processes as a function of distance from 
    stream channels. For example, Castelle et al. (1994) conducted a 
    literature review of riparian zone functions and concluded that 
    riparian widths in the range of 30 meters (98 feet) appear to be the 
    minimum needed to maintain biological elements of streams. They also 
    noted that site-specific conditions may warrant substantially larger or 
    smaller riparian management zones. Similarly, Johnson and Reba (1992) 
    summarized the technical literature and found that available 
    information supported a minimum 30-meter riparian management zone for 
    salmonid protection.
        A recent assessment funded by NMFS and several other Federal 
    agencies reviewed the technical basis for various riparian functions as 
    they pertain to salmonid conservation (Spence et al., 1996). These 
    authors suggest that a functional approach to riparian protection 
    requires a consistent definition of riparian ecosystems based on 
    ``zones of influence'' for specific riparian processes. They noted that 
    in constrained reaches where the active channel remains relatively 
    stable through time, riparian zones of influences may be defined based 
    on site-potential tree heights and distance from the active channel. In 
    contrast, they note that, in unconstrained reaches (e.g., streams in 
    broad valley floors) with braided or shifting channels, the riparian 
    zone of influence is more difficult to define, but recommend that it is 
    more appropriate to define the riparian zone based on some measure of 
    the extent of the flood plain.
        Spence et al. (1996) reviewed the functions of riparian zones that 
    are essential to the development and maintenance of aquatic habitats 
    favorable to salmonids and the available literature concerning the 
    riparian distances that would protect these functional processes. Many 
    of the studies reviewed indicate that riparian management widths 
    designed to protect one function in particular, recruitment of large 
    woody debris, are likely to be adequate to protect other key riparian 
    functions. The reviewed studies concluded that the vast majority of 
    large woody debris is obtained within one site-potential tree height 
    from the stream channel (Murphy and Koski, 1989; McDade et al., 1990; 
    Robison and Beschta, 1990; Van Sickle and Gregory, 1990; FEMAT, 1993; 
    and Cederholm, 1994). Based on the available literature, Spence et al. 
    (1996) concluded that fully protected riparian management zones of one 
    site potential tree would adequately maintain 90 to 100 percent of most 
    key riparian functions of Pacific Northwest forests if the goal was to 
    maintain instream processes over a time frame of years to decades.
        Based on experience gained since the designation of critical 
    habitat for Snake River salmon and after considering public comments 
    and reviewing additional scientific information regarding riparian 
    habitats, NMFS defines steelhead critical habitat based on key riparian 
    functions. Specifically, the adjacent riparian area is defined as the 
    area adjacent to a stream that provides the following functions: shade, 
    sediment, nutrient or chemical regulation, streambank stability, and 
    input of large woody debris or organic matter. Specific guidance on 
    assessing the potential impacts of land use activities on riparian 
    functions can be obtained by consulting with NMFS (see ADDRESSES), 
    local foresters, conservation officers, fisheries biologists, or county 
    extension agents.
        The physical and biological features that create properly 
    functioning salmonid habitat vary throughout the range of steelhead and 
    the extent of the adjacent riparian zone may change accordingly 
    depending on the landscape under consideration. While a site-potential 
    tree height can serve as a reasonable benchmark in some cases, site-
    specific analyses provide the best means to characterize the adjacent 
    riparian zone because such analyses are more likely to accurately 
    capture the unique attributes of a particular landscape. Knowing what 
    may be a limiting factor to the properly functioning condition of a 
    stream channel on a land use or land type basis
    [[Page 5745]]
    and how that may or may not affect the function of the riparian zone 
    will significantly assist Federal agencies in assessing the potential 
    for impacts to listed steelhead. On Federal lands within the range of 
    the northern spotted owl, Federal agencies should continue to rely on 
    the Aquatic Conservation Strategy of the Northwest Forest Plan to guide 
    their consultations with NMFS. Where there is a Federal action on non-
    Federal lands, Federal agencies should consider the potential effects 
    of the activities they fund, permit, or authorize on the riparian zone 
    adjacent to a stream that may influence the following functions: shade, 
    sediment delivery to the stream, nutrient or chemical regulation, 
    streambank stability, and the input of large woody debris or organic 
    matter. In areas where the existing riparian zone is seriously 
    diminished (e.g., in many urban settings and agricultural settings 
    where flood control structures are prevalent), Federal agencies should 
    focus on maintaining any existing riparian functions and restoring 
    others where appropriate, for example, by cooperating with local 
    watershed groups and landowners. NMFS acknowledges in its description 
    of riparian habitat function that different land use types (e.g., 
    timber, urban, and agricultural) will have varying degrees of impact 
    and that activities requiring a Federal permit will be evaluated on the 
    basis of disturbance to the riparian zone. In many cases the evaluation 
    of an activity may focus on a particular limiting factor for a water 
    course (e.g., temperature, stream bank erosion, sediment transport) and 
    whether that activity may or may not contribute to improving or 
    degrading the riparian habitat.
        Finally, NMFS emphasizes that a designation of critical habitat 
    does not prohibit landowners from conducting actions that modify 
    streams or the adjacent terrestrial habitat. Critical habitat 
    designation serves to identify important areas and essential features 
    within those areas, thus alerting both Federal and non-Federal entities 
    to the importance of the area for listed salmonids. Federal agencies 
    are required by the ESA to consult with NMFS to ensure that any action 
    they authorize, fund, or carry out is not likely to destroy or 
    adversely modify critical habitat in a way that appreciably diminishes 
    the value of critical habitat for both the survival and recovery of the 
    listed species. The designation of critical habitat will assist Federal 
    agencies in evaluating how their actions on Federal or non-Federal 
    lands may affect listed steelhead and determining when they should 
    consult with NMFS on the impacts of their actions. When a private 
    landowner requires a Federal permit that may result in the modification 
    of steelhead habitat, Federal permitting agencies will be required to 
    ensure that the permitted action, regardless of whether it occurs in 
    the stream channel, adjacent riparian zone, or upland areas, does not 
    appreciably diminish the value of critical habitat for both the 
    survival and recovery of the listed species or jeopardize the species' 
    continued existence. For other actions, landowners should consider the 
    needs of the listed fish and NMFS will assist them in assessing the 
    impacts of actions.
    Barriers Within the Species' Range
        Within the range of all threatened or endangered ESUs, steelhead 
    face a multitude of barriers that limit the access of juvenile and 
    adult fish to essential freshwater habitats. In some cases these are 
    natural barriers (e.g., waterfalls or high-gradient velocity barriers) 
    that have been in existence for hundreds or thousands of years. Some 
    pose an obvious physical barrier to any anadromous salmonids (e.g., 
    Palouse Falls on the Palouse River, Washington) while others may only 
    be surmountable during years when extreme river conditions (e.g., 
    floods) provide passage.
        An example of the latter has recently been brought to NMFS' 
    attention via a petition from Meridian Gold Company (Meridian) to 
    revise critical habitat for Snake River spring/summer chinook salmon in 
    Napias Creek, a tributary to the Salmon River, located near Salmon, 
    Idaho (U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Unit ``Middle Salmon-Panther, 
    17060203''). Like chinook salmon, steelhead do not presently occur in 
    Napias Creek; therefore, conclusions regarding the nature of this 
    barrier are difficult since such conclusions must rely on indirect 
    modeling efforts and surveys, as well as historical sources on the 
    presence of anadromous fish. While NMFS believes it is likely steelhead 
    could migrate above the falls at certain streamflows (NMFS, 1998), it 
    is difficult to determine the frequency that steelhead would migrate 
    above the falls or whether steelhead would recolonize habitat areas 
    above the falls. The presence of relict indicator species above the 
    falls (e.g., rainbow trout) tends to indicate steelhead may have 
    occurred above the falls over evolutionary time periods; however, 
    recent historical information indicates steelhead have not occurred in 
    this area in recent times.
        After analyzing new information and analyses submitted by Meridian, 
    NMFS concludes Napias Creek Falls may constitute a naturally impassable 
    barrier for steelhead. While the falls may be passable to steelhead at 
    certain flows, available evidence suggests this species would not do so 
    with any regularity. Given the scientific uncertainty associated with 
    this conclusion, NMFS specifically requests data and analyses 
    concerning this and other potentially impassable natural barriers (see 
    Public Comments Solicited).
        Manmade barriers created in the past several decades can create 
    significant problems for anadromous salmonids (California Department of 
    Fish and Game (CDFG), 1965; CACSST, 1988; Forest Ecosystem Management 
    Assessment Team (FEMAT), 1993; Botkin et al., 1995; and Nuclear 
    Regulatory Commission, 1996). The extent of such barriers as culverts 
    and road crossing structures that impede or block fish passage appears 
    to be substantial. For example, of 532 fish presence surveys conducted 
    in Oregon coastal basins during the 1995 survey season, nearly 15 
    percent of the confirmed ``end of fish use'' were due to human 
    barriers, principally road culverts (Oregon Coastal Salmon Restoration 
    Initiative, 1997). Pushup dams/diversions and irrigation withdrawals 
    also present significant barriers or lethal conditions (e.g., high 
    water temperatures) to steelhead in nearly all ESUs. However, because 
    these manmade barriers can, under certain flow conditions, be 
    surmounted by fish or present only a temporary/seasonal barrier, NMFS 
    does not consider them to delineate the upstream extent of critical 
        Since man-made impassable barriers are widely distributed 
    throughout the range of each ESU, they can have a major downstream 
    influence on steelhead. Such impacts may include (1) depletion and 
    storage of natural flows which can drastically alter natural 
    hydrological cycles; (2) increased juvenile and adult mortality due to 
    migration delays resulting from insufficient flows or habitat 
    blockages; (3) loss of sufficient habitat due to deterring and 
    blockage; (4) stranding of fish resulting from rapid flow fluctuations; 
    (5) entrainment of juveniles into poorly screened or unscreened 
    diversions; and (6) increased mortality resulting from increased water 
    temperatures (CACSST, 1988; Bergren and Filardo, 1991; CDFG, 1991; 
    Reynolds et al., 1993; Chapman et al., 1994; Cramer et al., 1995; and 
    NMFS, 1996b). In addition to these factors, reduced flows negatively 
    [[Page 5746]]
    fish habitats due to increased deposition of fine sediments in spawning 
    gravels, decreased recruitment of large woody debris and spawning 
    gravels, and encroachment of riparian and non-endemic vegetation into 
    spawning and rearing areas resulting in reduced available habitat 
    (CACSST, 1988; FEMAT, 1993; Botkin et al., 1995; and NMFS, 1996b). 
    These dam-related factors will be effectively addressed through ESA 
    section 7 consultations and the recovery planning process.
        Numerous hydropower and water storage projects have been built 
    which either block access to areas used historically by steelhead or 
    alter the hydrograph of downstream river reaches. NMFS has identified 
    numerous dams within the range of steelhead ESUs listed or proposed for 
    listing that currently have no fish passage facilities to allow 
    steelhead access to former spawning and rearing habitats (Tables 18 
    through 26). In some ESUs, blocked habitat constitutes up to 95 percent 
    of the historical range (CACSST, 1988; and Reynolds et al., 1993). 
    While these blocked areas are significant in certain basins (e.g., 
    areas in California's Central Valley), NMFS believes that currently 
    accessible habitat may be sufficient for the conservation of affected 
    steelhead ESUs. NMFS has concluded that the potential for restoring 
    access to former spawning and rearing habitat above currently 
    impassable man-made barriers is a significant factor to be considered 
    in determining whether such habitat is essential for the conservation 
    of species. NMFS solicits comments and scientific information on this 
    issue and will consider such information prior to issuing any final 
    critical habitat designation. This may result in the inclusion of areas 
    above some man-made impassable barriers in a future critical habitat 
        Throughout the range of west coast steelhead, numerous hydropower 
    dams are undergoing, or are scheduled for, relicensing by the Federal 
    Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). NMFS will evaluate information 
    developed during the process of relicensing to determine whether fish 
    passage facilities are needed at such dams to restore access to 
    historically available habitat. Even though habitat above such barriers 
    is not currently designated as critical, this conclusion does not 
    foreclose the potential importance of restoring access to these areas. 
    Therefore, NMFS will determine on a case-by-case basis during FERC 
    relicensing proceedings whether fish passage facilities will be 
    required to provide access to habitat that is essential for the 
    conservation of affected steelhead ESUs.
    Critical Habitat and Indian Lands
        The unique and distinctive political relationship between the 
    United States and Indian tribes is defined by treaties, statutes, 
    executive orders, judicial decisions, and agreements, and 
    differentiates tribes from the other entities that deal with, or are 
    affected by, the Federal Government. This relationship has given rise 
    to a special Federal trust responsibility, involving the legal 
    responsibilities and obligations of the United States toward Indian 
    tribes and the application of fiduciary standards of due care with 
    respect to Indian lands, tribal trust resources, and the exercise of 
    tribal rights.
        Indian lands (Indian lands are defined in the Secretarial Order of 
    June 5, 1997, as ``any lands title to which is either: (1) held in 
    trust by the United States for the benefit of any Indian tribe or 
    individual; or (2) held by any Indian tribe or individual subject to 
    restrictions by the United States against alienation'') were retained 
    by tribes or have been set aside for tribal use pursuant to treaties, 
    statutes, judicial decisions, executive orders, or agreements. These 
    lands are managed by Indian tribes in accordance with tribal goals and 
    objectives, within the framework of applicable laws.
        As a means of recognizing the responsibilities and relationship 
    described here and implementing the Presidential Memorandum of April 
    24, 1994, Government-to-Government Relations with Native American 
    Tribal Governments, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary of the 
    Interior issued the Secretarial Order entitled ``American Indian Tribal 
    Rights, Federal-Tribal Trust Responsibilities, and the Endangered 
    Species Act'' on June 5, 1997. The Secretarial Order clarifies the 
    responsibilities of NMFS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
    (Services) when carrying out authorities under the ESA and requires 
    that they consult with, and seek the participation of, the affected 
    Indian tribes to the maximum extent practicable. The Secretarial Order 
    further provides that the Services ``shall consult with the affected 
    Indian tribe(s) when considering the designation of critical habitat in 
    an area that may impact tribal trust resources, tribally owned fee 
    lands, or the exercise of tribal rights. Critical habitat shall not be 
    designated in such areas unless it is determined essential to conserve 
    a listed species.''
        NMFS has determined that the Indian Reservations containing Indian 
    lands most likely to be affected by a critical habitat designation of 
    listed or proposed steelhead ESUs are the Colville Indian Reservation 
    (Upper Columbia River ESU); Nez Perce Indian Reservation (Snake River 
    ESU); and the Umatilla, Warm Springs, and Yakama Indian Reservations 
    (Middle Columbia River ESU). The major river basins containing 
    reservation lands and listed or proposed steelhead ESUs are identified 
    in Tables 24 through 26. NMFS has not yet identified tribally owned fee 
    lands or other areas where designation of critical habitat may impact 
    tribal trust resources or the exercise of tribal rights. NMFS will 
    identify any such lands during government-to-government consultation 
    with affected tribes.
        Although NMFS notified the affected tribes of the proposed critical 
    habitat designation, insufficient time was allotted for meaningful 
    government-to-government consultation. NMFS will continue to consult 
    with the tribes in accordance with the agency's trust responsibilities 
    and the Secretarial Order concerning critical habitat designation in 
    these ESUs. Therefore, NMFS is not proposing to designate critical 
    habitat on the described reservation lands at this time. In addition, 
    tribally owned fee lands and other areas where critical habitat 
    designation may impact the exercise of tribal rights or trust resources 
    may be identified and included or excluded from critical habitat 
    designation in a subsequent action. If any such lands are determined to 
    be essential to conserve listed steelhead, such lands may be designated 
    critical habitat in a subsequent action.
    Need for Special Management Considerations or Protection
        In order to ensure that the essential habitat areas and features 
    are maintained or restored, special management measures may be needed. 
    Federal activities that may require special management considerations 
    for freshwater and estuarine life stages of listed steelhead include, 
    but are not limited to (1) land management; (2) timber harvest; (3) 
    point and non-point water pollution; (4) livestock grazing; (5) habitat 
    restoration; (6) irrigation water withdrawals and returns; (7) mining; 
    (8) road construction; (9) dam operation and maintenance; and (10) 
    dredge and fill activities. Not all of these activities are necessarily 
    of current concern within every ESU; however, they indicate the 
    potential types of activities that will require consultation in the 
    future. Activities that are conducted on private or state lands that 
    are not federally permitted or funded are not subject to any additional 
    regulations under this rule. However, non-Federal
    [[Page 5747]]
    landowners should be aware that any significant habitat modifications 
    that could adversely affect listed fish, could result in a ``taking'' 
    (i.e., harming or killing) of the listed species, which is prohibited 
    under section 9 of the ESA. No special management considerations have 
    been identified for steelhead while they are residing in the ocean 
    Activities That May Affect Critical Habitat
        A wide range of activities may affect the essential habitat 
    requirements of steelhead. More in-depth discussions are contained in 
    the Federal Register documents announcing the listing determinations 
    for each ESU (61 FR 41541, August 9, 1996; 62 FR 43937, August 18, 
    1997; 63 FR 11798, March 10, 1998; 63 FR 13347, March 19, 1998) as well 
    as NMFS' document entitled ``Steelhead Factors for Decline: A 
    Supplement to the Notice of Determination for West Coast Steelhead'' 
    (NMFS, 1996b). These activities include water and land management 
    actions of Federal agencies (i.e., U.S. Forest Service (USFS), U.S. 
    Bureau of Land Management (BLM), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), 
    U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), Federal Highway Administration (FHA), 
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Natural Resource 
    Conservation Service (NRCS), National Park Service (NPS), and FERC) and 
    related or similar actions of other federally regulated projects and 
    lands including livestock grazing allocations by USFS and BLM; 
    hydropower sites licensed by FERC; dams built or operated by the Corps 
    or BOR; timber sales conducted by the USFS and BLM; road building 
    activities authorized by the FHA, USFS, BLM, and NPS; and mining and 
    road building activities authorized by the states of Washington, 
    Oregon, Idaho, and California. Other actions of concern include dredge 
    and fill, mining, and bank stabilization activities authorized or 
    conducted by the Corps and habitat modifications authorized by the 
    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Additionally, actions of 
    concern could include approval of water quality standards and pesticide 
    labeling and use restrictions administered by EPA.
        The Federal agencies that will most likely be affected by this 
    critical habitat designation include the USFS, BLM, BOR, Corps, FHA, 
    NRCS, NPS, FEMA, and FERC. This designation will provide clear 
    notification to these agencies, private entities, and the public of 
    critical habitat designated for steelhead and of the boundaries of the 
    habitat and protection provided for that habitat by the section 7 
    consultation process. This designation will also assist these agencies 
    and others in evaluating the potential effects of their activities on 
    steelhead and their critical habitat and in determining when 
    consultation with NMFS is appropriate.
    Expected Economic Impacts
        The economic impacts to be considered in a critical habitat 
    designation are the incremental effects of critical habitat designation 
    above the economic impacts attributable to listing or attributable to 
    authorities other than the ESA (see Consideration of Economic and Other 
    Factors). Incremental impacts result from special management activities 
    in those areas, if any, outside the present distribution of the listed 
    species that NMFS has determined to be essential to the conservation of 
    the species. For these steelhead ESUs, NMFS has determined that the 
    present geographic extent of their freshwater and estuarine range is 
    likely sufficient to provide for conservation of the species, although 
    the quality of that habitat needs improvement on many fronts. Because 
    NMFS is not designating any areas beyond the current range of these 
    steelhead ESUs as critical habitat, the designation will result in few, 
    if any, additional economic effects beyond those that may have been 
    caused by listing and by other statutes.
        USFS, BLM, BOR, and the Corps manage areas of proposed critical 
    habitat for the steelhead ESUs. The Corps and other Federal agencies 
    that may be involved with funding or permits for projects in critical 
    habitat areas may also be affected by this designation. Because NMFS 
    believes that virtually all ``adverse modification'' determinations 
    pertaining to critical habitat would also result in ``jeopardy'' 
    conclusions under ESA Section 7 consultations (i.e., as a result of the 
    species being listed), the designation of critical habitat is not 
    expected to result in significant incremental restrictions on Federal 
    agency activities. Critical habitat designation will, therefore, result 
    in few, if any, additional economic effects beyond those that may have 
    been caused by the ESA listing and by other statutes.
    Public Comments Solicited
        To ensure that the final action resulting from this proposal will 
    be as accurate and effective as possible, NMFS is soliciting comments 
    and suggestions from the public, other governmental agencies, the 
    scientific community, industry, and any other interested parties.
        NMFS requests quantitative evaluations describing the quality and 
    extent of marine, estuarine, and freshwater habitats (including 
    adjacent riparian zones) for juvenile and adult steelhead as well as 
    information on areas that may qualify as critical habitat in 
    Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California. Areas that include the 
    physical and biological features essential to the recovery of the 
    species should be identified. Essential features include, but are not 
    limited to (1) habitat for individual and population growth and for 
    normal behavior; (2) food, water, air, light, minerals, or other 
    nutritional or physiological requirements; (3) cover or shelter; (4) 
    sites for reproduction and rearing of offspring; and (5) habitats that 
    are protected from disturbance or are representative of the historic 
    geographical and ecological distributions of the species. NMFS is also 
    requesting information regarding steelhead distribution and habitat 
    requirements within the range of Indian lands identified in this 
    proposal and whether these lands should be considered essential for the 
    conservation of the listed species or whether recovery can be achieved 
    by limiting the designation to other lands.
        NMFS recognizes that there are areas within the proposed boundaries 
    of these ESUs that historically constituted steelhead habitat but may 
    not be currently occupied by steelhead. NMFS requests information about 
    steelhead in these currently unoccupied areas and whether these 
    habitats should be considered essential to the recovery of the species 
    or excluded from designation.
        For areas where natural barriers are believed to pose a migration 
    barrier for steelhead (e.g., the Napias Creek Falls issue described 
    earlier in this document), NMFS specifically requests data and analyses 
    concerning the following: (1) Historic accounts indicating steelhead or 
    other anadromous salmonids occurred above the barrier; (2) data or 
    reports analyzing the likelihood steelhead or other anadromous 
    salmonids would migrate above the barrier; and (3) other information 
    indicating that a particular barrier is or is not naturally impassable 
    to anadromous salmonid migration. NMFS will evaluate all new 
    information received concerning this issue and will reconsider this 
    issue in its final steelhead critical habitat designation.
        For areas potentially qualifying as critical habitat, NMFS is 
    requesting the following information: (1) The activities that affect 
    the area or could be affected by the designation and (2) the economic
    [[Page 5748]]
    costs and benefits of additional requirements of management measures 
    likely to result from the designation. The economic cost to be 
    considered in the critical habitat designation under the ESA is the 
    probable economic impact ``of the [critical habitat] designation upon 
    proposed or ongoing activities'' (50 CFR 424.19). NMFS must consider 
    the incremental costs resulting specifically from a critical habitat 
    designation that are above the economic effects attributable to listing 
    the species. Economic effects attributable to listing include actions 
    resulting from section 7 consultations under the ESA to avoid jeopardy 
    to the species and from the taking prohibitions under section 9 of the 
    ESA. Comments concerning economic impacts should distinguish the costs 
    of listing from the incremental costs that can be directly attributed 
    to the designation of specific areas as critical habitat.
        NMFS will review all public comments and any additional information 
    regarding the status and critical habitat of the steelhead ESUs 
    described herein and complete a final rule as soon as practicable. The 
    availability of new information may cause NMFS to reassess the proposed 
    critical habitat designation of steelhead ESUs.
    Public Hearings
        Joint Departments of Commerce and Interior ESA implementing 
    regulations state that the Secretaries shall promptly hold at least one 
    public hearing if any person so requests within 45 days of publication 
    of a proposed regulation to list species or to designate critical 
    habitat (50 CFR 424.16(c)(3)). NMFS will schedule public hearings on 
    this proposed rule in the range of affected communities in a subsequent 
    Federal Register document. Requests for specific locations or 
    additional public hearings must be received by March 22, 1999. NMFS 
    encourages the public's involvement in such ESA matters.
        A complete list of all references cited herein and maps describing 
    the range of listed or proposed steelhead ESUs are available upon 
    request (see ADDRESSES).
        NMFS has determined that Environmental Assessments or an 
    Environmental Impact Statement, as defined under the authority of the 
    National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, need not be prepared for 
    this critical habitat designation. See Douglas County v. Babbitt, 48 
    F.3d 1495 (9th Cir. 1995), cert. denied, 116 S.Ct. 698 (1996).
        NMFS proposes to designate only the current range of these 
    steelhead ESUs as critical habitat. Areas excluded from this proposed 
    designation include marine habitats in the Pacific Ocean and any 
    historically occupied areas above impassable natural barriers (e.g., 
    long-standing, natural waterfalls). NMFS concludes that the currently 
    inhabited areas within the range of each ESU are the minimum habitat 
    necessary to ensure the species' conservation and recovery.
        Since NMFS is designating the current range of the listed species 
    as critical habitat, this designation will not impose any additional 
    requirements or economic effects upon small entities beyond those which 
    may accrue from section 7 of the ESA. Section 7 requires Federal 
    agencies to insure that any action they carry out, authorize, or fund 
    is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any listed 
    species or to result in the destruction or adverse modification of 
    critical habitat (ESA section 7(a)(2)). The consultation requirements 
    of section 7 are nondiscretionary and are effective at the time of 
    species' listing. Therefore, Federal agencies must consult with NMFS 
    and ensure that their actions do not jeopardize a listed species, 
    regardless of whether critical habitat is designated.
        In the future, should NMFS determine that designation of habitat 
    areas outside the species' current range is necessary for conservation 
    and recovery, NMFS will analyze the incremental costs of that action 
    and assess its potential impacts on small entities, as required by the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. Until that time, a more detailed analysis 
    would be premature and would not reflect the true economic impacts of 
    the proposed action on local businesses, organizations, and 
        Accordingly, the Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and 
    Regulation of the Department of Commerce has certified to the Chief 
    Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration that the 
    proposed critical habitat designation, if adopted, would not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities, 
    as described in the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
        The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA, has determined 
    this rule is not significant for purposes of E.O. 12866.
        This proposed rule does not contain a collection-of-information 
    requirement for purposes of the Paperwork Reduction Act.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 226
        Endangered and threatened species, Incorporation by reference.
        Dated: January 29, 1999.
    Rolland A. Schmitten,
    Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 226 is 
    proposed to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 226 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1533.
        2. Section 226.29 is added to subpart C to read as follows:
    Sec. 226.29  Lower Columbia River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), 
    Upper Willamette River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Central 
    California Coast steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), South-Central 
    California Coast steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Southern California 
    steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Central Valley steelhead (Oncorhynchus 
    mykiss), Middle Columbia River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Upper 
    Columbia River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Snake River Basin 
    steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
        Critical habitat is designated to include all river reaches 
    accessible to listed steelhead within the range of the ESUs listed, 
    except for reaches on Indian lands within Indian Reservations defined 
    in Tables 24 through 26 to this part. Critical habitat consists of the 
    water, substrate, and adjacent riparian zone of estuarine and riverine 
    reaches in hydrologic units and counties identified in Tables 18 
    through 26 to this part for all of the steelhead ESUs listed in this 
    section. Accessible reaches are those within the historical range of 
    the ESUs that can still be occupied by any life stage of steelhead. 
    Inaccessible reaches are those above longstanding, naturally impassable 
    barriers (i.e., natural waterfalls in existence for at least several 
    hundred years) and specific dams within the historical range of each 
    ESU identified in Tables 18 through 26 to this part. Hydrologic units 
    are those defined by the Department of the Interior (DOI), U.S. 
    Geological Survey (USGS) publication, ``Hydrologic Unit Maps, Water 
    Supply Paper 2294, 1986, and by the following DOI, USGS, 1:500,000 
    scale hydrologic unit maps: State of California (1978), State of Idaho 
    (1981), State of Oregon (1974), and State of Washington (1974) which 
    are incorporated by reference. This incorporation by reference was 
    approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 
    [[Page 5749]]
    552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies of the USGS publication and maps may 
    be obtained from the USGS, Map Sales, Box 25286, Denver, CO 80225. 
    Copies may be inspected at NMFS, Protected Resources Division, 525 NE 
    Oregon St., Suite 500, Portland, OR 97232-2737, or NMFS, Office of 
    Protected Resources, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, 
    or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, 
    NW., Suite 700, Washington, DC.
        (a) Lower Columbia River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) geographic 
    boundaries. Critical habitat is designated to include all river reaches 
    accessible to listed steelhead in Columbia River tributaries between 
    the Cowlitz and Wind Rivers in Washington and the Willamette and Hood 
    Rivers in Oregon, inclusive. Also included are river reaches and 
    estuarine areas in the Columbia River from a straight line connecting 
    the west end of the Clatsop jetty (south jetty, Oregon side) and the 
    west end of the Peacock jetty (north jetty, Washington side) upstream 
    to the Hood River in Oregon. Excluded are areas above specific dams 
    identified in Table 18 to this part or above longstanding, naturally 
    impassable barriers (i.e., natural waterfalls in existence for at least 
    several hundred years).
        (b) Upper Willamette River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 
    geographic boundaries. Critical habitat is designated to include all 
    river reaches accessible to listed steelhead in the Willamette River 
    and its tributaries above Willamette Falls. Also included are river 
    reaches and estuarine areas in the Columbia River from a straight line 
    connecting the west end of the Clatsop jetty (south jetty, Oregon side) 
    and the west end of the Peacock jetty (north jetty, Washington side) 
    upstream to, and including, the Willamette River in Oregon. Excluded 
    are areas above specific dams identified in Table 19 to this part or 
    above longstanding, naturally impassable barriers (i.e., natural 
    waterfalls in existence for at least several hundred years).
        (c) Central California Coast steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 
    geographic boundaries. Critical habitat is designated to include all 
    river reaches and estuarine areas accessible to listed steelhead in 
    coastal river basins from the Russian River to Soquel Creek, California 
    (inclusive), and the drainages of San Francisco and San Pablo Bays. 
    Also included are all waters of San Pablo Bay westward of the Carquinez 
    Bridge and all waters of San Francisco Bay (north of the San Francisco/
    Oakland Bay Bridge) from San Pablo Bay to the Golden Gate Bridge. 
    Excluded is the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basin of the California 
    Central Valley as well as areas above specific dams identified in Table 
    20 to this part or above longstanding, naturally impassable barriers 
    (i.e., natural waterfalls in existence for at least several hundred 
        (d) South-Central California Coast steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 
    geographic boundaries. Critical habitat is designated to include all 
    river reaches and estuarine areas accessible to listed steelhead in 
    coastal river basins from the Pajaro River (inclusive) to, but not 
    including, the Santa Maria River, California. Excluded are areas above 
    specific dams identified in Table 21 to this part or above 
    longstanding, naturally impassable barriers (i.e., natural waterfalls 
    in existence for at least several hundred years).
        (e) Southern California steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) geographic 
    boundaries. Critical habitat is designated to include all river reaches 
    and estuarine areas accessible to listed steelhead in coastal river 
    basins from the Santa Maria River to Malibu Creek, California 
    (inclusive). Excluded are areas above specific dams identified in Table 
    22 to this part or above longstanding, naturally impassable barriers 
    (i.e., natural waterfalls in existence for at least several hundred 
        (f) Central Valley steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) geographic 
    boundaries. Critical habitat is designated to include all river reaches 
    accessible to listed steelhead in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers 
    and their tributaries in California. Also included are river reaches 
    and estuarine areas of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, all waters 
    from Chipps Island westward to Carquinez Bridge, including Honker Bay, 
    Grizzly Bay, Suisun Bay, and Carquinez Strait, all waters of San Pablo 
    Bay westward of the Carquinez Bridge, and all waters of San Francisco 
    Bay (north of the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge) from San Pablo Bay 
    to the Golden Gate Bridge. Excluded are areas of the San Joaquin River 
    upstream of the Merced River confluence and areas above specific dams 
    identified in Table 23 to this part or above longstanding, naturally 
    impassable barriers (i.e., natural waterfalls in existence for at least 
    several hundred years).
        (g) Middle Columbia River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 
    geographic boundaries. Critical habitat is designated to include all 
    river reaches accessible to listed steelhead in Columbia River 
    tributaries (except the Snake River) between Mosier Creek in Oregon and 
    the Yakima River in Washington (inclusive). Also included are river 
    reaches and estuarine areas in the Columbia River from a straight line 
    connecting the west end of the Clatsop jetty (south jetty, Oregon side) 
    and the west end of the Peacock jetty (north jetty, Washington side) 
    upstream to the Yakima River in Washington. Excluded are areas above 
    specific dams identified in Table 24 to this part or above 
    longstanding, naturally impassable barriers (i.e., natural waterfalls 
    in existence for at least several hundred years).
        (h) Upper Columbia River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) geographic 
    boundaries. Critical habitat is designated to include all river reaches 
    accessible to listed steelhead in Columbia River tributaries upstream 
    of the Yakima River, Washington, and downstream of Chief Joseph Dam. 
    Also included are river reaches and estuarine areas in the Columbia 
    River from a straight line connecting the west end of the Clatsop jetty 
    (south jetty, Oregon side) and the west end of the Peacock jetty (north 
    jetty, Washington side) upstream to Chief Joseph Dam in Washington. 
    Excluded are areas above specific dams identified in Table 25 of this 
    part or above longstanding, naturally impassable barriers (i.e., 
    natural waterfalls in existence for at least several hundred years).
        (i) Snake River Basin steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) geographic 
    boundaries. Critical habitat is designated to include all river reaches 
    accessible to listed steelhead in the Snake River and its tributaries 
    in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Also included are river reaches and 
    estuarine areas in the Columbia River from a straight line connecting 
    the west end of the Clatsop jetty (south jetty, Oregon side) and the 
    west end of the Peacock jetty (north jetty, Washington side) upstream 
    to the confluence with the Snake River. Excluded are areas above 
    specific dams identified in Table 26 to this part or above 
    longstanding, naturally impassable barriers (i.e., natural waterfalls 
    in existence for at least several hundred years).
        3. Tables 5 through 17 are added and reserved, and tables 18 
    through 26 are added to part 226 to read as follows:
    [[Page 5750]]
     Table 18 to Part 226.--Hydrologic Units and Counties Containing Critical Habitat for Lower Columbia River Steelhead, and Dams Representing the Upstream
                                                                   Extent of Critical Habitat
                                                 Hydrologic       Counties contained in hydrologic unit and within
               Hydrologic unit name               unit No.                        range of ESU \1\                                     Dams
    Middle Columbia-Hood.....................        17070105  Hood River (OR), Skamania (WA).                        ......................................
    Lower Columbia-Sandy.....................        17080001  Clackamas (OR), Multnomah (OR), Clark (WA), Skamania   Bull Run Dam #2.
    Lewis....................................        17080002  Clark (WA), Cowlitz (WA), Skamania (WA)                Merwin Dam.
    Lower Columbia-Clatskanie................        17080003  Clatsop (OR), Columbia (OR), Cowlitz (WA), Skamania
                                                                (WA), Wahkiakum (WA).
    Lower Cowlitz............................        17080005  Cowlitz (WA), Lewis (WA).............................  Mayfield Dam.
    Lower Columbia...........................        17080006  Clatsop (OR), Pacific (WA), Wahkiakum (WA).
    Clackamas................................        17090011  Clackamas (OR), Marion (OR).
    Lower Willamette.........................        17090012  Clackamas (OR), Columbia (OR), Multnomah (OR),
                                                                Washington (OR).
    \1\ Some counties have very limited overlap with estuarine, riverine, or riparian habitats identified as critical habitat for this ESU. Consult USGS
      hydrologic unit maps (available from USGS) to determine specific county and basin boundaries.
    \2\ Reserved.
        Table 19 to Part 226.--Hydrologic Units and Counties Containing Critical Habitat for Upper Willamette River Steelhead, and Dams Representing the
                                                               Upstream Extent of Critical Habitat
                                                 Hydrologic       Counties contained in hydrologic unit and within
               Hydrologic unit name               unit No.                        range of ESU \1\                                     Dams
    Lower Columbia-Sandy.....................        17080001  Clark (WA)...........................................  Bull Run Dam.
    Lower Columbia-Clatskanie................        17080003  Clatsop (OR), Columbia (WA), Cowlitz (WA), Wahkiakum
    Lower Columbia...........................        17080006  Clatsop (OR), Pacific (WA), Wahkiakum (WA).
    Middle Fork Willamette...................        17090001  Lane (OR)............................................  Dexter Dam.
    Coast Fork Willamette....................        17090002  Douglas (OR), Lane (OR)..............................  Dorena Dam.
    Upper Willamette.........................        17090003  Benton (OR), Lane (OR), Lincoln (OR), Linn (OR), Polk  Cougar Dam.
    McKenzie.................................        17090004  Lane (OR), Linn (OR).................................  Big Cliff Dam.
    North Santiam............................        17090005  Linn (OR), Marion (OR).
    South Santiam............................        17090006  Linn (OR)............................................  Green Peter Dam.
    Middle Willamette........................        17090007  Clackamas (OR), Marion (OR), Polk (OR), Washington
                                                                (OR), Yamhill (OR).
    Yamhill..................................        17090008  Lincoln (OR), Polk (OR), Tillamook (OR), Washington
                                                                (OR), Yamhill (OR).
    Molalla-Pudding..........................        17090009  Clackamas (OR), Marion (OR).
    Tualatin.................................        17090010  Clackamas (OR), Columbia (OR), Multnomah (OR),
                                                                Tillamook (OR), Washington (OR), Yamhill (OR).
    Lower Willamette.........................        17090012  Clackamas (OR), Columbia (OR), Multnomah (OR).
    \1\  Some counties have very limited overlap with estuarine, riverine, or riparian habitats identified as critical habitat for this ESU. Consult USGS
      hydrologic unit maps (available from USGS) to determine specific county and basin boundaries.
    \2\ Reserved.
       Table 20 to Part 226.--Hydrologic Units and Counties Containing Critical Habitat for Central California Coast Steelhead, and Dams Representing the
                                                               Upstream Extent of Critical Habitat
                                            Hydrologic    Counties contained in hydrologic unit and within
            Hydrologic unit name             unit No.                     range of ESU \1\                                        Dams
    Russian.............................        18010110  Mendocino (CA), Sonoma (CA).....................  Coyote Dam, Warm Springs Dam.
    Bodega Bay..........................        18010111  Marin (CA), Sonoma (CA).
    Suisun Bay..........................        18050001  Contra Costa (CA), Napa (CA), Solano (CA).
    San Pablo Bay.......................        18050002  Marin (CA), Napa (CA)...........................  San Pablo Reservoir.
    Coyote..............................        18050003  Alameda (CA), San Mateo (CA), Santa Clara (CA)..  Calavera Reservoir.
    San Francisco Bay...................        18050004  Alameda (CA), Contra Costa (CA), San Mateo (CA),
                                                           Santa Clara (CA).
    Tomales-Drake Bays..................        18050005  Marin (CA), Sonoma (CA).........................  Nicasio Dam, Seeger Dam.
    San Francisco Coastal South.........        18050006  San Mateo (CA).
    San Lorenzo-Soquel..................        18060001  San Mateo (CA), Santa Cruz (CA).................  Newell Dam.
    \1\ Some counties have very limited overlap with estuarine, riverine, or riparian habitats identified as critical habitat for this ESU. Consult USGS
      hydrologic unit maps (available from USGS) to determine specific county and basin boundaries.
    \2\ Reserved.
    [[Page 5751]]
    Table 21 to Part 226.--Hydrologic Units and Counties Containing Critical Habitat for South-Central California Coast Steelhead, and Dams Representing the
                                                               Upstream Extent of Critical Habitat
                                                 Hydrologic       Counties contained in hydrologic unit and within
               Hydrologic unit name               unit No.                        range of ESU \1\                                     Dams
    Pajaro...................................        18060002  Monterey (CA), San Benito (CA), Santa Clara (CA),
                                                                Santa Cruz (CA).
    Estrella.................................        18060004  Monterey (CA), San Luis Obispo (CA).
    Salinas..................................        18060005  Monterey (CA), San Benito (CA), San Luis Obispo (CA).  Salinas Dam.
    Central Coastal..........................        18060006  Monterey (CA), San Luis Obispo (CA)..................
    Alisal-Elkhorn Sloughs...................        18060011
    Carmel...................................        18060012  .....................................................  Los Padres Dam.
    \1\ Some counties have very limited overlap with estuarine, riverine, or riparian habitats identified as critical habitat for this ESU. Consult USGS
      hydrologic unit maps (available from USGS) to determine specific county and basin boundaries.
    \2\ Reserved.
        Table 22 to Part 226.--Hydrologic Units and Counties Containing Critical Habitat for Southern California
                        Steelhead, and Dams Representing the Upstream Extent of Critical Habitat
                                      Hydrologic    Counties contained in hydrologic unit and
         Hydrologic unit name          unit No.              within range of ESU \1\                    Dams
    Cuyama........................        18060007  San Luis Obispo (CA), Santa Barbara (CA).  Vaquero Dam.
    Santa Maria...................        18060008  San Luis Obispo (CA), Santa Barbara (CA).
    San Antonio...................        18060009  Santa Barbara (CA).
    Santa Ynez....................        18060010  Santa Barbara (CA).......................  Bradbury Dam.
    Santa Barbara Coastal.........        18060013  Santa Barbara (CA), Ventura (CA).
    Ventura.......................        18070101  Santa Barbara (CA), Ventura (CA).........  Casitas Dam, Robles
                                                                                                Dam, Matilija Dam,
                                                                                                Vern Freeman
                                                                                                Diversion Dam.
    Santa Clara...................        18070102  Los Angeles (CA), Santa Barbara (CA),      Santa Felicia Dam.
                                                     Ventura (CA).
    Calleguas.....................        18070103  Los Angeles (CA), Ventura (CA).
    Santa Monica Bay..............        18070103  Los Angeles (CA), Ventura (CA)...........  Rindge Dam.
    \1\ Some counties have very limited overlap with estuarine, riverine, or riparian habitats identified as
      critical habitat for this ESU. Consult USGS hydrologic unit maps (available from USGS) to determine specific
      county and basin boundaries.
    \2\ Reserved.
     Table 23 to Part 226.--Hydrologic Units and Counties Containing Critical Habitat for Central Valley Steelhead,
                              and Dams Representing the Upstream Extent of Critical Habitat
                                      Hydrologic    Counties contained in hydrologic unit and
         Hydrologic unit name          unit No.              within range of ESU \1\                    Dams
    Sacramento-Lower Cow-Lower            18020101  Shasta (CA), Tehama (CA).
    Lower Cottonwood..............        18020102  Shasta (CA), Tehama (CA).
    Sacramento-Lower Thomes.......        18020103  Butte (CA), Glenn (CA), Tehama (CA)......  Black Butte Dam.
    Sacramento-Stone Corral.......        18020104  Butte (CA), Colusa (CA), Glenn (CA),       .....................
                                                     Sutter (CA), Yolo (CA).
    Lower Butte...................        18020105  Butte (CA), Colusa (CA), Glenn (CA),       .....................
                                                     Sutter (CA).
    Lower Feather.................        18020106  Butte (CA), Sutter (CA), Yuba (CA).......  Oroville Dam.
    Lower Yuba....................        18020107  Yuba (CA).                                 .....................
    Lower Bear....................        18020108  Placer (CA), Sutter (CA), Yuba (CA)......  Camp Far West Dam.
    Lower Sacramento..............        18020109  Placer (CA), Sacramento (CA), Solano       .....................
                                                     (CA), Sutter (CA), Yolo (CA).
    Lower American................        18020111  Placer (CA), Sacramento (CA), Sutter (CA)  Nimbus Dam.
    Sacramento-Upper Clear........        18020112  Shasta (CA)..............................  Keswick Dam.
    Cottonwood Headwaters.........        18020113  Shasta (CA), Tehama (CA).                  .....................
    Upper Elder-Upper Thomes......        18020114  Tehama (CA).                               .....................
    Upper Cow-Battle..............        18020118  Shasta (CA), Tehama (CA).................  Whiskeytown Dam.
    Mill-Big Chico................        18020119  Butte (CA), Shasta (CA), Tehama (CA).      .....................
    Upper Butte...................        18020120  Butte (CA), Tehama (CA).                   .....................
    Honcut Headwaters.............        18020124  Butte (CA), Yuba (CA).                     .....................
    Upper Yuba....................        18020125  Yuba (CA), Nevada (CA)...................  Englebright Dam.
    Upper Coon-Upper Auburn.......        18020127  Placer (CA).                               .....................
    Middle San Joaquin-Lower              18040002  Calaveras (CA), Merced (CA), San Joaquin   Crocker Diversion
     Merced-Lower Stanislaus.                        (CA), Stanislaus (CA)                      Dam, La Grange Dam.
    San Joaquin Delta.............        18040003  Alameda (CA), Contra Costa (CA),           .....................
                                                     Sacramento (CA), San Joaquin (CA).
    Lower Calaveras-Mormon Slough.        18040004  Calaveras (CA), San Joaquin (CA),          .....................
                                                     Stanislaus (CA).
    Lower Consumnes-Lower                 18040005  Amador (CA), Sacramento (CA), San Joaquin  Comanche Dam.
     Mokelumne.                                      (CA).
    Upper Stanislaus..............        18040010  Calaveras (CA), San Joaquin (CA),          Goodwin Dam.
                                                     Tuolumne (CA).
    [[Page 5752]]
    Upper Calaveras...............        18040011  Calaveras (CA)...........................  New Hogan Dam.
    Panoche-San Luis Reservoir....        18040014  San Joaquin (CA), Stanislaus (CA).         .....................
    Suisun Bay....................        18050001  Contra Costa (CA), Solano (CA).            .....................
    San Pablo Bay.................        18050002  Contra Costa (CA), Marin (CA), San         .....................
                                                     Francisco (CA), Solano (CA), Sonoma
    \1\ Some counties have very limited overlap with estuarine, riverine, or riparian habitats identified as
      critical habitat for this ESU. Consult USGS hydrologic unit maps (available from USGS) to determine specific
      county and basin boundaries.
    \2\ Reserved.
       Table 24 to Part 226.--Hydrologic Units and Counties Containing Critical Habitat for Middle Columbia River
       Steelhead, Tribal Lands within the Range of the ESU, and Dams Representing the Upstream Extent of Critical
                                                      Counties and tribal lands contained in
         Hydrologic unit name         Hydrologic     hydrologic unit and within range of ESU            Dams
                                       unit No.                      \1\ \2\
    Upper Columbia-Priest Rapids..        17020016  Benton (WA), Franklin (WA).                .....................
    Upper Yakima..................        17030001  Kittitas (WA), Yakima (WA).                .....................
    Naches........................        17030002  Kittitas (WA), Yakima (WA).                .....................
    Lower Yakima..................        17030003  Benton (WA), Klickitat (WA), Yakima (WA),  .....................
                                                     Yakima Indian Reservation.
    Middle Columbia-Lake Wallula..        17070101  Gilliam (OR), Morrow (OR), Umatilla (OR),  .....................
                                                     Benton (WA), Klickitat (WA), Walla Walla
                                                     (WA), Yakima (WA).
    Walla Walla...................        17070102  Umatilla (OR), Wallowa (OR), Columbia      .....................
                                                     (WA), Walla Walla (WA).
    Umatilla......................        17070103  Morrow (OR), Umatilla (OR), Union (OR),    .....................
                                                     Umatilla Indian Reservation.
    Willow........................        17070104  Morrow (OR), Gilliam (OR).                 .....................
    Middle Columbia-Hood..........        17070105  Hood River (OR), Sherman (OR), Wasco       Condit Dam.
                                                     (OR), Klickitat (WA), Skamania (WA).
    Klickitat.....................        17070106  Klickitat (WA), Yakima (WA), Yakama        .....................
                                                     Indian Reservation.
    Upper John Day................        17070201  Crook (OR), Grant (OR), Harney (OR),       .....................
                                                     Wheeler (OR).
    North Fork John Day...........        17070202  Grant (OR), Morrow (OR), Umatilla (OR),    .....................
                                                     Union (OR), Wheeler (OR).
    Middle Fork John Day..........        17070203  Grant (OR).                                .....................
    Lower John Day................        17070204  Crook (OR), Gilliam (OR), Grant (OR),      .....................
                                                     Jefferson (OR), Morrow (OR), Sherman
                                                     (OR), Wasco (OR), Wheeler (OR).
    Lower Deschutes...............        17070306  Jefferson (OR), Sherman (OR), Wasco (OR),  Pelton Dam.
                                                     Warm Springs Indian Reservation.
    Trout.........................        17070307  Crook (OR), Jefferson (OR), Wasco (OR).    .....................
    Lower Columbia-Sandy..........        17080001  Multnomah (OR), Clark (WA), Skamania       .....................
    Lower Columbia-Clatskanie.....        17080003  Clatsop (OR), Columbia (WA), Cowlitz       .....................
                                                     (WA), Wahkiakum (WA).
    Lower Columbia................        17080006  Clatsop (OR), Pacific (WA), Wahkiakum      .....................
    Lower Willamette..............        17090012  Columbia (OR), Multnomah (OR).             .....................
    \1\ Some counties have very limited overlap with estuarine, riverine, or riparian habitats identified as
      critical habitat for this ESU. Consult USGS hydrologic unit maps (available from USGS) to determine specific
      county and basin boundaries.
    \2\ Tribal lands are specifically excluded from critical habitat for this ESU.
      Table 25 to Part 226.--Hydrologic Units and Counties Containing Critical Habitat for Upper Columbia River Steelhead, Tribal Lands Within the Range of
                                             the ESU, and Dams Representing the Upstream Extent of Critical Habitat
                                                 Hydrologic      Counties and tribal lands contained in hydrologic
               Hydrologic unit name               unit No.               unit and within range of ESU 1, 2                             Dams
    Chief Joseph.............................        17020005  Chelan (WA), Douglas (WA), Okanogan (WA), Colville     Chief Joseph Dam.
                                                                Indian Reservation.
    Okanogan.................................        17020006  Okanogan (WA), Colville Indian Reservation...........
    Similkameen..............................        17020007  Okanogan (WA)........................................
    Methow...................................        17020008  Okanogan (WA)........................................
    Upper Columbia-Entiat....................        17020010  Chelan (WA), Douglas (WA), Grant (WA), Kittitas (WA).
    Wenatchee................................        17020011  Chelan (WA)..........................................
    Moses Coulee.............................        17020012  Douglas (WA), Grant (WA).............................
    Upper Columbia-Priest Rapids.............        17020016  Benton (WA), Franklin (WA), Grant (WA), Kittitas
                                                                (WA), Yakima (WA).
    Middle Columbia-Lake Wallula.............        17070101  Gilliam (OR), Morrow (OR), Sherman (OR), Umatilla
                                                                (OR), Benton (WA), Klickitat (WA), Walla Walla (WA).
    Middle Columbia-Hood.....................        17070105  Hood River (OR), Sherman (OR), Wasco (OR), Klickitat
                                                                (WA), Skamania (WA).
    Lower Columbia-Sandy.....................        17080001  Multnomah (OR), Clark (WA), Skamania (WA)............
    Lower Columbia-Clatskanie................        17080003  Clatsop (OR), Columbia (WA), Cowlitz (WA), Wahkiakum
    [[Page 5753]]
    Lower Columbia...........................        17080006  Clatsop (OR), Pacific (WA), Wahkiakum (WA)...........
    Lower Willamette.........................        17090012  Columbia (OR), Multnomah (OR)........................
    \1\ Some counties have very limited overlap with estuarine, riverine, or riparian habitats identified as critical habitat for this ESU. Consult USGS
      hydrologic unit maps (available from USGS) to determine specific county and basin boundaries.
    \2\ Tribal lands are specifically excluded from critical habitat for this ESU.
     Table 26 to Part 226.--Hydrologic Units and Counties Containing Critical Habitat for Snake River Basin Steelhead, Tribal Lands Within the Range of the
                                               ESU, and Dams Representing the Upstream Extent of Critical Habitat
                                                 Hydrologic      Counties and tribal lands contained in hydrologic
               Hydrologic unit name               unit No.               unit and within range of ESU 1, 2                             Dams
    Hells Canyon.............................        17060101  Adams (ID), Idaho (ID), Wallowa (OR).................  Hells Canyon Dam.
    Imnaha...................................        17060102  Baker (OR), Union (OR), Wallowa (OR).................
    Lower Snake-Asotin.......................        17060103  Nez Perce (ID), Wallowa (OR), Asotin (WA), Garfield
    Upper Grande Ronde.......................        17060104  Grant (OR), Umatilla (OR), Union (OR)................
    Wallowa..................................        17060105  Union (OR), Wallowa (OR).............................
    Lower Grande Ronde.......................        17060106  Union (OR), Wallowa (OR), Asotin (WA), Columbia (WA),
                                                                Garfield (WA).
    Lower Snake-Tucannon.....................        17060107  Asotin (WA), Columbia (WA), Garfield (WA), Whitman
    Palouse..................................        17060108  Benewah (ID), Latah (ID), Nez Perce (ID), Franklin
                                                                (WA), Lincoln (WA), Spokane (WA), Whitman (WA) Nez
                                                                Perce Indian Reservation.
    Lower Snake..............................        17060110  Columbia (WA), Franklin (WA), Walla Walla (WA).......
    Upper Salmon.............................        17060201  Blaine (ID), Custer (ID), Lemhi (ID).................
    Pahsimeroi...............................        17060202  Custer (ID), Lemhi (ID)..............................
    Middle Salmon-Panther....................        17060203  Custer (ID), Lemhi (ID)..............................
    Lemhi....................................        17060204  Lemhi (ID)...........................................
    Upper Middle Fork Salmon.................        17060205  Boise (ID), Custer (ID), Lemhi (ID), Valley (ID).....
    Lower Middle Fork Salmon.................        17060206  Idaho (ID), Lemhi (ID), Valley (ID)..................
    Middle Salmon-Chamberlain................        17060207  Idaho (ID), Lemhi (ID), Valley (ID)..................
    South Fork Salmon........................        17060208  Idaho (ID), Valley (ID)..............................
    Lower Salmon.............................        17060209  Idaho (ID), Lewis (ID), Nez Perce (ID)...............
    Little Salmon............................        17060210  Adams (ID), Idaho (ID)...............................
    Upper Selway.............................        17060301  Idaho (ID)...........................................
    Lower Selway.............................        17060302  Idaho (ID)...........................................
    Lochsa...................................        17060303  Clearwater (ID), Idaho (ID)..........................
    Middle Fork Clearwater...................        17060304  Idaho (ID), Nez Perce Indian Reservation.............
    South Fork Clearwater....................        17060305  Idaho (ID), Nez Perce Indian Reservation.............
    Clearwater...............................        17060306  Clearwater (ID), Idaho (ID), Latah (ID), Lewis (ID),
                                                                Nez Perce (ID), Nez Perce Indian Reservation.
    Lower North Fork Clearwater..............        17060308  Clearwater (ID), Latah (ID), Shoshone (ID), Nez Perce  Dworshak Dam.
                                                                Indian Reservation.
    Middle Columbia-Lake Wallula.............        17070101  Gilliam (OR), Morrow (OR), Sherman (OR), Umatilla
                                                                (OR), Benton (WA), Klickitat (WA), Walla Walla (WA).
    Middle Columbia-Hood.....................        17070105  Hood River (OR), Sherman (OR), Wasco (OR), Klickitat
                                                                (WA), Skamania (WA).
    Lower Columbia-Sandy.....................        17080001  Multnomah (OR), Clark (WA), Skamania (WA)............
    Lower Columbia-Clatskanie................        17080003  Clatsop (OR), Columbia (WA), Cowlitz (WA), Wahkiakum
    Lower Columbia...........................        17080006  Clatsop (OR), Pacific (WA), Wahkiakum (WA)...........
    Lower Willamette.........................        17090012  Columbia (OR), Multnomah (OR) .......................
    \1\ Some counties have very limited overlap with estuarine, riverine, or riparian habitats identified as critical habitat for this ESU. Consult USGS
      hydrologic unit maps (available from USGS) to determine specific county and basin boundaries.
    \2\ Tribal lands are specifically excluded from critical habitat for this ESU.
    [[Page 5754]]
    [FR Doc. 99-2642 Filed 2-4-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by May 6, 1999. Requests for public hearings must be received by March 22, 1999.
5740-5754 (15 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 990128036-9036-01, I.D. 033198A
0648-AG49: Designated Critical Habitat; Pacific Steelhead
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 226.29