96-2484. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Withdrawal of the Proposed Rule to List the Fish Virgin Spinedace as Threatened and Withdrawal of the Proposed Rule to Designate Critical Habitat for the Virgin Spinedace  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 25 (Tuesday, February 6, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 4401-4406]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-2484]
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AC53
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Withdrawal of the 
    Proposed Rule to List the Fish Virgin Spinedace as Threatened and 
    Withdrawal of the Proposed Rule to Designate Critical Habitat for the 
    Virgin Spinedace
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule; withdrawal.
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) withdraws the May 
    18, 1994, proposed rule (59 FR 25875) to list the fish Virgin spinedace 
    (Lepidomeda mollispinis mollispinis) as a threatened species and also 
    withdraws the portion of the April 5, 1995, proposed critical habitat 
    designation for the Virgin spinedace (60 FR 17296). The Virgin 
    spinedace, a small fish in the minnow family (Cyprinidae), is endemic 
    to the Virgin River drainage of southwestern Utah, northwestern 
    Arizona, and southeastern Nevada. The Virgin spinedace was once common 
    to abundant in clear water tributaries of the Virgin River and in some 
    mainstem reaches above Pah Tempe (La Verkin) Springs near Hurricane, 
    Utah. It was also occasionally found in most reaches of the river below 
    Pah Tempe Springs, with the exception of the mouth of Quail Creek and 
    the mouth of Beaver Dam Wash, where Virgin spinedace were once reported 
    common. Approximately 37 to 40 percent of Virgin spinedace historical 
    habitat has been lost due to human impacts which include the 
    introduction of nonnative fishes, dewatering for agricultural purposes, 
    mining, and urban development. These impacts have resulted in habitat 
    fragmentation and continue to threaten the existence of the Virgin 
        Subsequent to publication of the proposed rule, the State of Utah 
    developed the Virgin Spinedace Conservation Agreement and Strategy 
    (Agreement) for the Virgin spinedace to ensure that conservation 
    measures and recovery actions needed for the fish's continued existence 
    are initiated and carried out. In June 1995, the eight signatory 
    parties to the Agreement began implementation of the Agreement and its 
    associated strategy to reduce threats to the Virgin spinedace that 
    otherwise would warrant its listing as a threatened species under the 
    Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). The Agreement will 
    reestablish and maintain water flows required for the Virgin spinedace 
    and will restore 50 percent of its lost historical habitat. On April 
    10, 1995, the Service's Salt Lake City Field Office received a letter 
    from one of the petitioners, the Bonneville Chapter of the American 
    Fisheries Society, stating that with the implementation of the 
    Agreement the Virgin spinedace no longer warrants listing. The other 
    petitioner, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, still supports listing 
    of the Virgin spinedace because of concerns that the Agreement will not 
    be fully implemented or recover the species.
    ADDRESSES: The complete file for this rule is available for inspection, 
    by appointment, during normal business hours at the Utah Field Office, 
    Ecological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 145 East 1300 
    South, Suite 404, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. The complete file for 
    this rule also will be available for public inspection at the 
    Washington County Public Library in St. George, Utah.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Robert D. Williams, Assistant 
    Field Supervisor, Salt Lake City Field Office, at the above address, 
    telephone (801) 524-5001.
        The Virgin spinedace belongs to one of three genera of a unique, 
    endemic tribe of western cyprinids, the Plagopterini. Adult Virgin 
    spinedace measure 80-120 mm (3-5 in) in length and have a broad, flat 
    silvery body with a brassy sheen. They are usually found in clear, cool 
    streams that are interspersed with pools, runs, and riffles. Rinne 
    (1971) found that Virgin spinedace inhabited pools, often with undercut 
    banks, debris, or boulders. The Virgin spinedace feeds primarily on 
    aquatic insect life (Rinne 1971, Gregor and Deacon 1988, Angradi et al. 
    1991), and their feeding habits are dependent upon the types of food 
    available. The Virgin spinedace is endemic to the Virgin River 
    drainage, a tributary to the Colorado River of southwestern Utah, 
    northwestern Arizona, and southeastern Nevada. The historical 
    distribution of the Virgin spinedace is not well documented (Valdez et 
    al. 1991). The species was probably common to abundant in tributaries 
    of the Virgin River and some mainstem reaches above 
    [[Page 4402]]
    Pah Tempe (La Verkin) Springs, near Hurricane, Utah (Holden et al. 
    1974). The Virgin spinedace was probably less abundant in the mainstem 
    Virgin River below Pah Tempe Springs, with the exception of the mouths 
    of Quail Creek and Beaver Dam Wash, where the Virgin spinedace was a 
    common member of the fauna.
        The proposal (59 FR 25875; May 18, 1994) to list the Virgin 
    spinedace as threatened and a subsequent proposal (60 FR 17296; April 
    5, 1995) to designate critical habitat were based on the decline in the 
    range of and continued threats to the species. The present distribution 
    of Virgin spinedace is substantially smaller than its former range, 
    with approximately 37 to 40 percent (83 kilometers (km) or 52 miles 
    (mi)) of its habitat lost due to human impacts (Valdez et al. 1991, 
    Addley and Hardy 1993). Much of this habitat loss has occurred 
    recently. Approximately 60 percent of the habitat loss has occurred 
    since the 1950's and is directly related to construction of dams and 
    diversions in the Virgin River Basin (Dr. Craig Addley, Utah State 
    University, in litt. 1994). Stream reaches that historically contained 
    Virgin spinedace (but are now dewatered) include portions of the East 
    Fork of Beaver Dam Wash, the Santa Clara River downstream of Gunlock 
    Reservoir, Mogatsu Creek, Ash Creek near Toquerville, Leeds Creek, 
    North Creek, and the mainstem Virgin River between Quail Creek 
    Diversion and Pah Tempe Springs.
    Previous Federal Action
        On June 15, 1992, the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) received 
    a petition from the Bonneville Chapter of the American Fisheries 
    Society to list the Virgin spinedace as an endangered species. On 
    August 17, 1992, another petition to list the Virgin spinedace was 
    received from the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. On March 16, 1993, 
    the Service published notice (58 FR 14169) of a finding that the 
    petitions presented substantial information indicating that listing of 
    the Virgin spinedace may be warranted and requested comments and 
    biological data on the status of the fish. On May 18, 1994, the Virgin 
    spinedace was proposed for listing as a threatened species (59 FR 
    25875). The Service requested independent review of the listing package 
    from three fish specialists. All three reviewers supported the listing 
    of the Virgin spinedace as threatened and that the Service's finding 
    was based on the best scientific information available. On April 5, 
    1995, the designation of critical habitat was proposed for the Virgin 
    spinedace, Virgin River chub (Gila seminuda), and woundfin (Plagopterus 
    argentissumus) (60 FR 17296). On April 11, 1995, the Service signed the 
    Agreement developed by the State of Utah.
    Summary of Comments and Recommendations
        In accordance with the July 1, 1994, Federal Register notice (59 FR 
    34270) which announced a statement of interagency cooperative policy 
    for peer review of activities under the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), 
    independent peer review was requested on the proposed listing of the 
    Virgin spinedace as a threatened species. This review process is 
    intended to complement the Service's existing public review process in 
    listing and recovery, and to ensure that the best biological and 
    commercial information is being used in the decision making process. 
    According to policy, when listing a species the Service is required to 
    (1) solicit the expert opinions of three appropriate and independent 
    specialists regarding pertinent scientific or commercial data and 
    assumptions relating to the taxonomy, population models, and supportive 
    biological and ecological information for species under consideration 
    for listing; (2) summarize in the final decision document (rule or 
    notice of withdrawal) the opinions of all independent peer reviewers 
    received on the species under consideration; and (3) include all such 
    reports, opinions, and other data in the administrative record of the 
    final decision.
        The Service requested assistance in reviewing the listing package 
    on the Virgin spinedace from three independent fish specialists. 
    Specific questions addressed in the review included: (1) Does the 
    listing package present the scientific information correctly?; and (2) 
    Is the listing package biologically supportable? All three reviewers 
    supported the listing of the Virgin spinedace as a threatened species, 
    and agreed that the listing package presented the best scientific 
    information available and that it was biologically supportable. 
    Subsequent to the peer review process, the State of Utah established 
    the Agreement for the Virgin spinedace, including conservation measures 
    and recovery actions that will ensure the fish's survival.
        In the May 18, 1994, proposed rule and associated notifications, 
    all interested parties were requested to submit factual reports or 
    information that might contribute to the development of a final rule to 
    list the Virgin spinedace as a threatened species. Appropriate Federal 
    and State agencies, county governments, scientific organizations, and 
    other interested parties were contacted and requested to comment. A 
    notice inviting general public comment on the proposed listing was 
    published in the following newspapers: Salt Lake Tribune/Desert News, 
    St. George Daily Spectrum, Las Vegas Review Journal/Las Vegas Sun, 
    Kingman Daily Miner, and the Mesquite Desert Valley Times. Requests to 
    hold public hearings on the proposed listing were received from the 
    Washington County Water Conservancy District, and from Congressman 
    James H. Hansen's office (1st District, Utah). On June 30, 1994, the 
    Service published a notice in the Federal Register (59 FR 33724) 
    announcing the public hearing and extending the comment period until 
    August 17, 1994. In addition to the Federal Register notice and 
    announcements in newspapers, a letter was sent to all interested 
    parties announcing the date of the public hearing and the extended 
    closing date for public comment. The Service conducted a public hearing 
    on July 13, 1994, in St. George, Utah and 19 parties presented 
        During the comment period, the Service received both written and 
    oral comments from 41 parties, including the testimony presented at the 
    public hearing. Comments were received from 1 Federal agency, 4 State 
    agencies, 11 city or county governments, 22 private individuals or 
    groups, and 3 representatives of the scientific community. Of the 41 
    comments received, 8 supported the proposed listing of the Virgin 
    spinedace as a threatened species, 32 opposed the listing, and 1 
    comment was neutral. Written and oral statements from both the public 
    hearing and the comment period are combined in the following 
    discussion. In addition, information submitted by the commentors has 
    been incorporated into this notice of withdrawal. Comments questioning 
    the rule have been organized into specific issues. These issues and the 
    Service's response to each are summarized as follows:
        Issue 1: A number of respondents objected to the Service's failure 
    to designate critical habitat concurrently with the listing of the 
    Virgin spinedace, claiming that the requirements set forth in the Act 
    for not designating critical habitat at the time of listing have not 
    been met.
        Service Response: Section 4(a)(3) of the Act requires that to the 
    maximum extent prudent and determinable, the Secretary shall designate 
    critical habitat at the time a species is determined to be 
    [[Page 4403]]
    endangered or threatened. Service regulations (50 CFR 424.12(a)(1)) 
    state that designation of critical habitat at the time when a species 
    is proposed for listing is not prudent when one or both of the 
    following situations exist: (1) The species is threatened by taking or 
    other human activity, and it is expected that identification of 
    critical habitat will increase the degree of threat to the species; or 
    (2) such designation of critical habitat is not beneficial to the 
    survival of the species. The Service found that designation of critical 
    habitat for the Virgin spinedace was not prudent at the time of its 
    original listing (May 18, 1994). The primary intent of the Act is to 
    provide for the conservation and continued existence of wild 
    populations of endangered and threatened species and the ecosystems 
    upon which they depend. The Service believed that an aquatic ecosystem 
    approach to enacting conservation measures for the Virgin spinedace, 
    the woundfin, and the Virgin River chub at the same time would provide 
    greater benefit to each species than treating each species separately. 
    Thus, the Service proposed designation of critical habitat for all 
    three fishes in the same notice since their historical ranges overlap, 
    their life history requirements are similar, the threats to each 
    species are similar, and the economic consequences of designating 
    critical habitat will be similar. On April 5, 1995, the Service 
    proposed the designation of critical habitat for the woundfin, Virgin 
    River chub, and Virgin spinedace (60 FR 17296) with the intention of 
    finalizing this designation by no later than December 1, 1995. 
    Concurrent with this notice withdrawing the proposed listing of the 
    Virgin spinedace, the Service also withdraws that portion of designated 
    critical habitat identified for the species in the April 5, 1995, 
    Federal Register notice.
        Issue 2: A number of commentors (32) stated that there was 
    insufficient scientific evidence to justify the listing of the Virgin 
    spinedace, and that there were not enough data available to document a 
    true decline in population numbers.
        Service Response: Section 4(a)(1) of the Act and regulations (50 
    CFR part 424) promulgated to implement the listing provisions of the 
    Act set forth the procedures for adding species to the Federal lists. A 
    species may be determined to be an endangered or threatened species due 
    to one or more of the following five factors: (1) The present or 
    threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or 
    range; (2) overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or 
    educational purposes; (3) disease or predation; (4) inadequacy of 
    existing regulatory mechanisms; and (5) other natural or human caused 
    factors affecting its continued existence. Section 4 of the Act also 
    states that after conducting a status review of a species, the 
    determination to list a species must be based on the best available 
    scientific and commercial information. The Service completed a status 
    review of the Virgin spinedace when preparing the proposed rule and 
    found evidence of real threats to the species. Valdez et al. (1991) and 
    Addley and Hardy (1993) published their findings on the population 
    status and distribution of the Virgin spinedace and their data were 
    cited by the Service as support for the proposed listing of the Virgin 
    spinedace as a threatened species.
        Issue 3: Several commentors stated that listing was not warranted 
    given the current conservation efforts, including the Agreement being 
    developed by the State of Utah, and supported this Agreement in lieu of 
    listing the species.
        Service Response: The Service participated in the development of 
    the Agreement and believes that its implementation will assist in the 
    recovery of the species. Conservation measures outlined in the 
    Agreement should help reduce actual and potential threats to the 
    species. Therefore, the listing of the Virgin spinedace is not 
    warranted at this time.
        Issue 4: Several commentors stated that there is no evidence that 
    habitat loss, a primary threat to the species, is still occurring and 
    stated that the loss of historical habitat occurred decades ago.
        Service Response: There are numerous reaches of the Virgin River 
    within Virgin spinedace historical or current habitat that support 
    existing or proposed commercial and noncommercial activities that may 
    result in future habitat losses to the species. Examples of Federal 
    projects which could have adverse effects upon Virgin spinedace habitat 
    are: the Sandstone Reservoir, Pah Tempe Pipeline, Halfway Wash Project, 
    Lake Powell Pipeline, water wheeling, water leasing, Washington Fields 
    Pumpback, and dewatering of springs for municipal and industrial 
    purposes. An evaluation of habitat loss over time has shown that 
    approximately 68 percent of Virgin spinedace habitat loss has occurred 
    in the last 45 years (Dr. Craig Addley, in litt. 1994). Actions, when 
    implemented as part of the Agreement for the Virgin spinedace, will 
    result in restoration of at least 50 percent of its historic habitat. 
    If future projects impact Virgin spinedace habitat, the Agreement puts 
    in place a mechanism for habitat restoration, thus preventing further 
    decrease in Virgin spinedace habitat.
        Issue 5: One respondent stated that the decline in Virgin spinedace 
    populations are a natural occurrence due to long term climatic changes. 
    Therefore, the species should be allowed to go extinct since it cannot 
    adapt to changes in the river system.
        Service Response: In several reaches of the Virgin River where good 
    habitat remains, there are healthy populations of Virgin spinedace. In 
    the reaches of the river where habitat has been degraded, Virgin 
    spinedace populations have declined. These declines are the result of 
    direct threats to the species rather than due to ``long term climatic 
        Issue 6: One commentor stated that listing the Virgin spinedace 
    would compromise efforts to manage and develop the region's water 
    resources in compliance with State and Federal laws. Also, the 
    ``taking'' provisions of section 9 of the Act unnecessarily undermine 
    the efforts of local water users and State authorities to manage the 
    waters of the State for the benefit of Utah citizens.
        Service Response: The listing of the Virgin spinedace as a 
    threatened species would not have modified or nullified any existing 
    State or Federal water laws, nor would it have ``taken'' any existing 
    water rights. The Service will consider State and Federal water laws 
    and local water user rights when protecting and recovering the Virgin 
    spinedace. Protective measures for listed species are provided for 
    under sections 7 and 9 of the Act. The section 9 ``takings'' provisions 
    of the Act are not intended to undermine State and local water usage, 
    but to insure that species are not harmed. Under certain circumstances, 
    section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Act allows permits to be issued to conduct 
    otherwise prohibited activities involving listed species. Such permits 
    provide for incidental taking of a species when in connection with an 
    otherwise lawful activity.
        Issue 7: One commentor stated that there is no evidence that Virgin 
    spinedace occurred north of the Narrows on the Virgin River's North 
    Fork or east of Parunaweap Falls on the Virgin River's East Fork. Thus, 
    there is no evidence of Virgin spinedace habitat occurring in Kane 
        Service Response: There is no evidence that Virgin spinedace 
    occurred north of the Narrows in the North Fork or east of Parunaweap 
    Falls in the East Fork of the Virgin River. However, the Virgin 
    spinedace is found in Shunes Creek, a tributary to the North Fork, and 
    also in the East Fork from Parunaweap Falls to the confluence with the 
    [[Page 4404]]
    Fork. Both of these reaches are in Kane County, Utah.
        Issue 8: Several commentors stated that, historically, many 
    stretches of the Virgin River dried up during summer, including a 
    stretch of the Virgin River's East Fork near Mt. Carmel Junction, and 
    the Santa Clara River downstream of the St. George-Clara diversion. 
    Consequently, there should be no instream flow requirements for these 
    reaches of the river.
        Service Response: Virgin spinedace historically did not occur in 
    the Virgin River's East Fork near Mt. Carmel Junction. Listing of the 
    species would not have dictated instream flow requirements for this 
    juncture of the river. All instream flow requirements are addressed in 
    the Agreement.
        Issue 9: Several commentors stated that more research needed to be 
    conducted on the Virgin spinedace before a decision to list the species 
    can be made. Specifically, if the species has declined in numbers, 
    there is insufficient evidence documenting the reasons for this 
    decline. They also stated that no current threats to the species have 
    been identified by researchers.
        Service Response: Listing the Virgin spinedace would not have 
    precluded further research efforts. Valdez et al. (1991) reported a 40 
    percent decline in Virgin spinedace habitat along with a reduction in 
    population numbers. Declines in the numbers of Virgin spinedace have 
    resulted from numerous threats to the species. Section 4 of the Act 
    states that the determination to list a species must be based on the 
    best available scientific and commercial information after conducting a 
    status review of the species. The Service completed this review when 
    preparing the proposed rule and found evidence of real threats to the 
    species. Two recent publications (Valdez et al. 1991, Addley and Hardy 
    1993) assessed the population status and distribution of the Virgin 
    spinedace. The Service relied upon this information, in part, to 
    support the proposed listing of the Virgin spinedace as a threatened 
        Issue 10: One commentor suggested that, in lieu of listing, the 
    Service should participate in the Virgin River Management Plan (Plan), 
    a cooperative multiagency agreement calling for the maintenance of 
    adequate water levels in the Virgin River, as set forth by the 
    Washington County Water Conservancy District.
        Service Response: The Plan addresses only a portion of Virgin 
    spinedace habitat, since it was developed primarily for the Virgin 
    River chub and woundfin habitat in the mainstem Virgin River. Much of 
    the Virgin spinedace habitat occurs in tributaries and subtributaries 
    of the Virgin River which were not addressed in the Plan.
        Issue 11: Several commentors stated that the results of the studies 
    cited in the proposed rule are inconsistent, and that the Valdez et al. 
    (1991) and Addley and Hardy (1993) studies indicate an upward trend in 
    the Virgin spinedace population.
        Service Response: Fish populations are subject to natural 
    fluctuations resulting from many environmental factors. Populations 
    fluctuate seasonally with highly inflated numbers of fishes following 
    the breeding season. Sampling for the two studies was conducted at 
    different times of the year. Addley and Hardy (1993) included larval 
    Virgin spinedace in their population counts while Valdez et al. (1991) 
    did not. When these differences are taken into account, the results 
    from the two studies are nearly identical.
        Issue 12: Several commentors disagreed that dewatering of portions 
    of the Virgin River was a threat to the Virgin spinedace. They stated 
    that water diverted for irrigation is actually the key to maintaining 
    water further downstream during dry years because return flows feed the 
    river downstream late in summer and early fall, thus enhancing Virgin 
    spinedace habitat.
        Service Response: Numerous reports (Cross 1975, Valdez et al. 1991, 
    Addley and Hardy 1993) have cited dewatering as a threat to the Virgin 
    spinedace. The reestablishment and maintenance of flows is identified 
    as one of the conservation measures to be implemented by the Agreement. 
    Water diverted for irrigation frequently results in complete dewatering 
    of portions of Virgin spinedace habitat. Historically, when these 
    reaches dried up, Virgin spinedace migrated to more suitable habitats. 
    Today, numerous dams and diversions isolate populations of Virgin 
    spinedace, making them vulnerable to the effects of dewatering. This 
    often translates into a high mortality rate. Return flows from 
    agricultural sources do augment summer flows in the river, but these 
    sources do not eliminate the negative impacts of upstream dewatering.
        Issue 13: Several respondents believe that habitat degradation from 
    livestock grazing is not a threat to the species, since the effects of 
    grazing have been reduced since the early 1930's and 1940's.
        Service Response: Livestock grazing has decreased along the Virgin 
    River since the early 1930's and 1940's, but there are still 18,000 
    head of cattle in Washington County alone. Cattle utilize riparian 
    areas, resulting in degraded Virgin spinedace habitat through 
    devegetation, stream bank erosion, siltation, and degraded water 
    quality. Valdez et al. (1991) identified 10 of 13 populations of Virgin 
    spinedace that are potentially threatened by grazing within riparian 
    areas and by runoff from nearby cattle feed lots. The Agreement 
    includes habitat enhancement projects such as: constructing and 
    maintaining boundary-line fences between Federal and private lands in 
    order to control unauthorized grazing; establishing intensive grazing 
    management programs for Federal lands along streams; and developing 
    conservation easements and barriers within the Virgin River floodplain 
    to help reduce additional agricultural impacts.
        Issue 14: One respondent recommended that the final rule include a 
    special rule allowing for take in accordance with applicable State fish 
    and wildlife conservation laws, and with regulations under the Act for 
    scientific purposes, enhancement of propagation or survival of the 
    species, or other conservation purposes as specified in 50 CFR 17.44. 
    The respondent believed that a special rule would provide greater 
    management flexibility in the recovery of threatened species.
        Service Response: The Act allows the Service to write special rules 
    for the conservation of threatened species. The withdrawal of the 
    proposed rule to list the Virgin spinedace as a threatened species 
    precludes any need for a special rule.
        Issue 15: Several respondents believed that preserving water for 
    the commercial growth of the St. George area is more advantageous than 
    preserving a small fish in southern Utah.
        Service Response: Section 2(a) of the Act states that wildlife and 
    plant species have intrinsic values (aesthetic, ecological, 
    educational, historical, recreational, and scientific) that are worth 
    preserving for the benefit of all citizens. The signing of the 
    Agreement puts in place a mechanism that sufficiently protects the 
    Virgin spinedace and addresses future water needs. Therefore, the 
    listing of the Virgin spinedace is not presently warranted.
        Issue 16: Several respondents stated that listing the Virgin 
    spinedace would diminish the water supply now available for 
    agriculture. This, in turn, would decrease the value of private lands, 
    and increase the legal and administrative costs associated with 
    obtaining permits from the Federal bureaucracy. These effects would 
    [[Page 4405]]
    increase economic and social hardships for the cities of Santa Clara 
    and Virgin. Additionally, the respondents stated this would cause a 
    cultural decay for the city of Santa Clara, whose orchards and tree-
    lined streets (a city hallmark) would receive decreased amounts of 
    irrigation water.
        Service Response: Under the Act, the Secretary shall make 
    determinations on the listing of species solely on the basis of the 
    best available scientific and commercial information without reference 
    to economic or other social impacts. The listing of the Virgin 
    spinedace would not affect existing water rights.
    Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
        After a thorough review and consideration of all available 
    information, coupled with the development of the Agreement, the Service 
    has concluded that the proposed rule to list the Virgin spinedace and 
    the corresponding portion of the proposed rule to designate critical 
    habitat should be withdrawn. Section 4(a)(1) of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 
    et seq.) and regulations (50 CFR part 424) promulgated to implement the 
    listing provisions of the Act set forth the procedures for adding 
    species to or deleting species from the Federal Lists. The Service 
    finds that evidence now available, as discussed below, does not justify 
    a final determination to add the spinedace to the List. A species may 
    be added or removed from the Lists based upon one or more of the five 
    factors described in section 4(a)(1) of the Act. These five listing 
    criteria are as follows:
        A. The present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
    curtailment of its habitat or range. While much Virgin spinedace 
    habitat has been destroyed, modified, and/or curtailed in the past, the 
    Agreement calls for enhancement and maintenance of Virgin spinedace 
    habitat. Habitat enhancement will be implemented for approximately 25 
    km (16 mi) of occupied habitat. Enhancement projects will focus on 
    those specific factors that have contributed to habitat degradation 
    such as agricultural activities, recreational use of riparian zones, 
    and activities that affect water quality. Enhancement projects will 
    include maintenance and construction of boundary-line fences between 
    Federal and private lands in order to control unauthorized grazing and 
    recreational use along the riparian zones. Grazing management programs 
    will be implemented for Federal lands bordering streams. Conservation 
    easements will be developed for the Virgin River floodplain to further 
    reduce habitat degradation. Additionally, mitigation for acceptable 
    future projects in occupied habitat will generally be based on a one to 
    one replacement of historical habitat.
        B. Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or 
    educational purposes. Historically, Virgin spinedace were used as bait 
    fish in the lower Colorado River (Miller 1952). However, 
    overutilization is not reported as a factor in the continuing decline 
    of Virgin spinedace populations, and recent studies (Valdez et al. 
    1991, Addley and Hardy 1993) give no indication that overutilization 
    has negatively impacted Virgin spinedace populations.
        C. Disease or predation. The introduction of nonnative fishes to 
    the Virgin River system has contributed to the decline of native fish 
    populations (Hardy 1991, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1993). The 
    Agreement specifically addresses this issue. One of the five 
    conservation actions to be implemented by the Agreement is to 
    selectively control nonnative fishes. Management and control of 
    nonnative fishes will focus on stocking and introduction procedures, as 
    well as control and/or eradication of nonnative fishes in the Virgin 
    River basin. Specific management actions to remove the threats to 
    Virgin spinedace associated with nonnative species will be developed on 
    a reach by reach basis. Stocking procedures have been implemented by 
    the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the Nevada Division of 
    Wildlife that include prohibitions on: stocking of rainbow trout to 
    establish new self-sustaining populations; and stocking of brown trout, 
    brook trout, and channel catfish. Stocking all nonindigenous aquatic 
    species is prohibited by respective State regulations or is recommended 
    for prohibition by the Colorado River Wildlife Council. In addition, 
    there are restrictions on the stocking of largemouth bass and bluegill 
    sunfish in standing water impoundments, including existing mainstem 
    reservoirs, and other isolated ponds and reservoirs. Species targeted 
    for control and/or eradication include rainbow trout in the upper 
    reaches of Beaver Dam Wash (October 1995); green sunfish in the Santa 
    Clara River; and the red shiner in the mainstem Virgin River below the 
    Washington Fields Diversion (October 1995). The feasibility of 
    engineering fish barrier structures to control nonnative fish is also 
    being developed.
        In addition to introduced fish species, several parasites have 
    invaded the Virgin River system, including the Asian tape worm 
    (Bothriocephalus acheilognathi) which was introduced to the Virgin 
    River system in 1986. This parasite weakens fish, making the fish more 
    vulnerable to stressful environmental conditions such as low water 
    levels. The Asian tape worm has not, as yet, been identified as a 
    parasite to the Virgin spinedace, but it has been reported from other 
    native fishes in the Virgin River. Addley and Hardy (1993) have 
    identified an unknown parasite infesting Virgin spinedace in the Ash 
    Creek drainage, but they were unable to determine the effects of this 
    parasite on the Virgin spinedace.
        D. Inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms. The Virgin 
    spinedace is listed as State endangered in Utah and Arizona, and State 
    protected in Nevada. These States protect the species from direct take. 
    Although land ownership within the Virgin River Basin is divided and 
    administered among many Federal and State agencies, and also private 
    landowners, cooperation among the various groups is helping to protect 
    the Virgin spinedace. The Agreement is a multiagency agreement whose 
    signatories and participants include the Utah Division of Wildlife 
    Resources, Bureau of Land Management (Utah and Arizona State Offices), 
    National Park Service, Nevada Division of Wildlife, Arizona Game and 
    Fish Department, Washington County Water Conservancy District, and the 
    Service. The Agreement was developed to expedite conservation measures 
    needed for the continued existence and recovery of the Virgin 
    spinedace. It focuses on two objectives: (1) To reduce and eliminate 
    significant threats to the species, and (2) to enhance and/or stabilize 
    specific reaches of occupied and unoccupied historical habitat. These 
    objectives will be met through: reestablishment of population 
    maintenance flows for Virgin spinedace; enhancement and maintenance of 
    habitat; selectively controlling nonindigenous fishes; maintaining 
    genetic viability; monitoring populations and habitat; and developing a 
    mitigation plan and protocol for future activities that may affect 
    Virgin spinedace. When the Agreement is fully implemented, it will 
    provide for the recovery of the Virgin spinedace by establishing a 
    framework for interagency cooperation and coordination on conservation 
    efforts, setting recovery priorities, and estimating costs of various 
    tasks necessary to accomplish the recovery priorities. In addition to 
    the Agreement, other partnerships will be developed on specific actions 
    within the Virgin River basin involving other interested agencies or 
        E. Other natural or human caused factors affecting its continued 
    [[Page 4406]]
    Drought directly impacts Virgin spinedace habitat by dewatering some 
    stream reaches, thus reducing the amount of usable habitat and 
    isolating individual populations. Many of the tributaries in the Virgin 
    River drainage have intermittent flows that disappear during drought 
    years. Historically, fish survived drought by following the receding 
    waters. Now, artificial barriers block their paths of retreat and some 
    Virgin spinedace populations may become stranded and die during drought 
    periods. One conservation action called for by the Agreement is the 
    reestablishment and maintenance of required stream flows. These interim 
    fish maintenance flows will be reestablished in approximately 39 km (24 
    mi) of historical habitat in order to reduce habitat fragmentation and 
    to help restore fish populations. The Washington County Water 
    Conservancy District has agreed to provide population maintenance flows 
    for approximately 5 km (3 mi) of previously dewatered Virgin spinedace 
    habitat below the Quail Creek Diversion. Actions are now underway to 
    provide flows for approximately 31 km (19 mi) of the Santa Clara River.
        In addition to drought, other factors such as pollution, livestock 
    water diversions, and mining activities have negatively impacted the 
    Virgin spinedace by degrading its habitat. Under the Agreement, efforts 
    will be made to implement intensive grazing management programs on 
    Federal lands along riparian zones to control unauthorized grazing and 
    recreational use. Conservation easements and barriers within the Virgin 
    River floodplain will be developed to help reduce additional impacts 
    from agriculture, recreation, and development.
        Implementation of the Agreement will result in the reestablishment 
    of Virgin spinedace in approximately 39 km (24 mi) of its historical 
    habitat and enhancement of currently occupied habitat. This will 
    involve the reestablishment of fish in areas that have not been 
    occupied for many years, and this effort will be monitored and 
    evaluated to determine the degree of success achieved. Changes in 
    nonnative stocking procedure will also be evaluated to determine the 
    degree of success. Therefore, until these evaluations are completed and 
    the degree of success determined, the Service will consider the Virgin 
    spinedace a species of concern. If the Agreement is successful, the 
    Virgin spinedace will no longer be considered a species of concern. If 
    the Agreement fails, the Virgin spinedace will be reevaluated for 
    possible listing.
        The Service has carefully assessed the best scientific and 
    commercial data available regarding the past, present, and future 
    threats faced by this species. As stated in section 4(b)(1)(A) of the 
    Act, the Service shall take into account those efforts, if any, being 
    made by any State or foreign nation, or any political subdivision of a 
    State or foreign nation, to protect such species, whether by predator 
    control, protection of habitat and food supply or other conservation 
    practices, within any area under its jurisdiction.
        The Service has evaluated each one of the five listing factors 
    discussed above after taking into account conservation efforts being 
    implemented on behalf of the Virgin spinedace. Based upon this 
    evaluation, the Service finds that the listing of the species as 
    proposed and the designation of critical habitat are no longer 
    warranted. The Service has determined that the Agreement, when fully 
    implemented, is expected to prevent any of the five listing factors 
    from causing the Virgin spinedace to become endangered in the 
    foreseeable future. Based on this decision, the Service withdraws the 
    proposed rule to list Virgin spinedace as threatened and withdraws that 
    portion of the proposed rule designating critical habitat that 
    addresses the Virgin spinedace.
    Available Conservation Measures
        An Agreement has been developed for the Virgin spinedace by the 
    Utah Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the Bureau of 
    Land Management, National Park Service, Nevada Department of 
    Conservation and Natural Resources, Arizona Game and Fish Department, 
    Washington County Water Conservancy District, and the Service. This 
    Agreement focuses on reducing and eliminating significant threats and 
    enhancing and/or stabilizing specific reaches of occupied and 
    unoccupied historical habitats of the Virgin spinedace. When the 
    Agreement is fully implemented, it will provide for recovery of the 
    Virgin spinedace by establishing a framework for cooperation and 
    coordination among State and Federal agencies. It will also establish a 
    framework for conservation efforts, setting recovery priorities, and 
    establishing costs of various tasks necessary to accomplish the 
    recovery priorities.
    References Cited
        A complete list of all references cited is available upon request 
    from the Salt Lake City Field Office (see ADDRESSES above).
        The primary authors of this document are Janet A. Mizzi and Henry 
    R. Maddux (see ADDRESSES above).
        Authority: The authority for this action is section 
    4(b)(6)(B)(ii) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 
    U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
        Dated: November 7, 1995.
    George T. Frampton, Jr.,
    Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
    [FR Doc. 96-2484 Filed 2-5-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Interior Department
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule; withdrawal.
Document Number:
4401-4406 (6 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 17