98-2926. Independence Pipeline Company; Notice of Petition To Amend  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 25 (Friday, February 6, 1998)]
    [Pages 6163-6164]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-2926]
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
    [Docket No. CP97-315-001]
    Independence Pipeline Company; Notice of Petition To Amend
    February 2, 1998.
        Take notice that on December 19, 1997, Independence Pipeline 
    Company (Independence) 500 Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan 48243, 
    filed in Docket No. CP97-315-001, pursuant to Section 7 (c) of the 
    Natural Gas Act, a petition to amend its pending application filed in 
    Docket No. CP97-315-000 to, among other things, reroute certain 
    segments of the new pipeline it has proposed to construct and operate 
    between Defiance, Ohio and Leidy, Pennsylvania, all as more fully set 
    forth in the application which is on file with the Commission and open 
    to public inspection.
        On March 31, 1997, Independence filed with the Commission in Docket 
    No. CP97-315-000 requesting authority to construct and operate an 
    approximately 370-mile, 36-inch diameter pipeline system to transport 
    gas from Defiance, Ohio to Leidy, Pennsylvania. The proposed pipeline 
    is designed to provide transportation services on an open-access basis 
    to shippers seeking to transport gas principally from expansion 
    projects destined for the Chicago Hub to the Leidy Hub, thereby 
    facilitating access to gas markets in Ohio, Pennsylvania and throughout 
    the Eastern United States.
        Since the original application was filed, several events have 
    occurred. One is the addition of a new partner in the project. The 
    original partners in Independence were ANR Independence Pipeline 
    Company (ANR Independence) and Transco Independence Pipeline Company 
    (Transco Independence), subsidiaries of ANR Pipeline Company (ANR) and 
    Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation (Transco), respectively. On 
    September 23, 1997, Seneca Independence Pipeline Company (Seneca 
    Independence), an affiliate of National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation 
    (National Fuel) reached agreement with ANR Independence and Transco 
    Independence to purchase an interest in the Independence partnership. 
    Each partner, including Seneca Independence, will now hold a 33\1/3\% 
    interest in the partnership.
        By the petition to amend, Independence proposes to modify the 
    original application to:
        (1) Reflect routing changes;
        (2) Reflect changes in compression;
        (3) Update estimated facility costs for the project;
        (4) Add to the tariff an option for negotiated rates; and
        (5) Reduce the proposed maximum tariff rates.
        Independence states that since the original application was filed, 
    it has met with landowners, public officials, environmental agencies, 
    non-government organizations, and others with regard to the pipeline 
    route. As a result of these discussions, Independence is proposing 
    route changes in Ohio and Pennsylvania which it believes will better 
    address existing land use issues and which are environmentally 
    preferable to the route originally proposed. Independence states that 
    the proposed reroutes will increase the overall length of the project 
    from 369.7 to 400.4 miles. The most notable reroute involve the portion 
    of the pipeline in Stark and Summit Counties, Ohio and the eastern-most 
    105 miles of the pipeline in Pennsylvania. The proposed Pennsylvania 
    reroute (the Clarion Reroute) is significant in that the last 105 miles 
    of the pipeline will follow a completely different right-of-way which 
    is well north of the original route. The Clarion Reroute will use 
    existing pipeline corridors for approximately 59 miles.\1\ In addition, 
    environmental review of the final 65 miles was previously conducted as 
    part of another project. Independence asserts the Clarion Reroute is 
    easier to build, has better access roads and will provide better access 
    to National Fuel's pipeline and storage system.
        \1\ Approximately 59 miles of the Clarion Reroute will involve 
    use of National Fuel's existing right-of-way. National Fuel will 
    remove certain of its existing lines within its right-of-way and 
    Independence will install larger diameter replacement pipeline using 
    the same trench. National Fuel has filed a related application to 
    abandon the subject pipeline facilities in Docket No. CP98-200-000.
        Independence has reexamined the configuration of the system in 
    conjunction with the proposed pipeline reroutes and has concluded that 
    although the total amount of compression (60,000 Horsepower (HP)) is 
    sufficient, a three compressor station design optimizes system 
    capability more than the two proposed in the original application. It 
    is stated that the
    [[Page 6164]]
    proposed station at Defiance, Ohio will remain unchanged (two 15,000 HP 
    units). However, Independence now proposes two downstream compressor 
    stations, each of which would have a 15,000 HP unit. One station would 
    be located in Wayne County, Ohio (the Canaan Station) and the other 
    would be located in Clarion County, Pennsylvania (the Porter Station).
        Independence now proposes 3 meter stations. Independence had 
    originally proposed stations at the western and eastern termini of the 
    system, one at Defiance, Ohio and one at Leidy, Pennsylvania. 
    Independence now proposes to add a meter station in Elk County, 
    Pennsylvania at an interconnection with National Fuel. Independence 
    further proposes 5 taps, 4 in Ohio and 1 in Pennsylvania, all at 
    unspecified locations. The proposed taps are designed to permit 
    possible future interconnections with East Ohio Gas Company, Columbia 
    Gas Transmission Company, and National Fuel--interconnections now under 
        Independence states that it is revising the estimated facility 
    costs of the project from $629.6 million to $677.9 million to take into 
    account costs attributable to the proposed route changes, the addition 
    of a new meter station, changes to compression facilities, and a 
    general update in project costs.
        Independence states that the redesigned compression, along with the 
    increases in pipeline length and other minor factors has changed 
    maximum capacity from 838,500 Mcf per day (Mcfd) to 916,300 Mcfd 
    (summer design) and from 943,300 Mcfd to 1,001,100 Mcfd (winter 
        In order to best meet the needs of the market, Independence now 
    proposes to offer the option of negotiated rates. Therefore, 
    Independence requests authority for tariff language to enable 
    Independence to negotiate rates with its shippers, consistent with the 
    Commission's policy statement on negotiated rates.
        Independence further proposes to reduce the maximum tariff rates 
    for service on the proposed pipeline. The change reflects the revised 
    project capital costs, a change in the depreciable life of the plant 
    from 25 to 40 years, and a reduced long-term interest rate assumption 
    (from 8.25% to 7.50%).
        Any person desiring to participate in the hearing process or to 
    make any protest with reference to said petition to amend should, on or 
    before February 23, 1998, file with the Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission, 888 First St., N.E., Washington, D.C. 20426, a motion to 
    intervene or a protest in accordance with the requirements of the 
    Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or 
    385.211) and the Regulations under the Natural Gas Act (18 CFR 157.10). 
    All protests filed with the Commission will be considered by it in 
    determining the appropriate action to be taken but will not serve to 
    make the protestants parties to the proceeding. The Commission's rules 
    require that protestors provide copies of their protests to the party 
    or parties directly involved. Any person wishing to become a party to a 
    proceeding or to participate as a party in any hearing therein must 
    file a motion to intervene in accordance with the Commission's Rules.
        A person obtaining intervenor status will be placed on the service 
    list maintained by the Secretary of the Commission and will receive 
    copies of all documents filed by the applicant and by every one of the 
    intervenors. An intervenor can file for rehearing of any Commission 
    order and can petition for court review of any such order. However, an 
    intervenor must submit copies of comments or any other filing it makes 
    with the Commission to every other intervenor in the proceeding, as 
    well as an original and 14 copies with the Commission.
        A person does not have to intervene, however, in order to have 
    comments considered. A person, instead, may submit two copies of 
    comments to the Secretary of the Commission. Commenters will be placed 
    on the Commission's environmental mailing list, will receive copies of 
    environmental documents and will be able to participate in meetings 
    associated with the Commission's environmental review process. 
    Commenters will not be required to serve copies of filed documents on 
    all other parties. However, commenters will not receive copies of all 
    documents filed by other parties or issued by the Commission and will 
    not have the right to seek rehearing or appeal the Commission's final 
    order to a federal court.
        The Commission will consider all comments and concerns equally, 
    whether filed by commenters or those requesting intervenor status.
    David P. Boergers,
    Acting Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 98-2926 Filed 2-5-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-M

Document Information

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
6163-6164 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. CP97-315-001
PDF File: