96-2523. AC Intertie Project; Rate Order  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 26 (Wednesday, February 7, 1996)]
    [Pages 4650-4659]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-2523]
    Western Area Power Administration
    AC Intertie Project; Rate Order
    AGENCY: Western Area Power Administration, DOE.
    ACTION: Notice of Rate Order.
    SUMMARY: Notice is given of the confirmation and approval by the Deputy 
    Secretary of the Department of Energy (DOE) of Rate Order No. WAPA-71 
    and Rate Schedules INT-FT2 and INT-NFT2 placing firm and nonfirm 
    transmission rates into effect on an interim basis. The interim rate, 
    called the provisional rate, will remain in effect on an interim basis 
    until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) confirms, 
    approves, and places it into effect on a final basis or until it is 
    replaced by another rate.
        The power repayment studies indicate that the proposed rates for 
    firm and nonfirm transmission service are necessary because of 
    adjustments in operation and maintenance expenses and an anticipated 
    decrease in current marketable capacity on the new 500-kV transmission 
        Three major changes are affecting the rates for the AC Intertie: 
    (1) The establishment of separate firm transmission rates for the 
    existing 230/345-kV lines and the new 500-kV lines as a result of 
    customer comments and concerns expressed in formal and informal 
    meetings with Western; (2) changing the methodology of calculating 
    interest offsets to be consistent with the other power marketing 
    administrations; and (3) adjustments Western made to budgeted 
    investments for the AC Intertie Project.
    DATES: Rate Schedules INT-FT2 and INT-NFT2 will be placed into effect 
    on an interim basis on the first day of the first full billing period 
    beginning on or after February 1, 1996, and will be in effect until 
    FERC confirms, approves, and places the rate schedules in effect on a 
    final basis through September 30, 2000, or until the rate schedule is 
    Mr. J. Tyler Carlson, Regional Manager, Desert Southwest Customer 
    Service Region, Western Area Power Administration, P. O. Box 6457, 
    Phoenix, AZ 85005-6457, (602) 352-2453
    Mr. Terry D. Waggoner, Western Area Power Administration, P.O. Box 
    3402, Golden, CO 80401-0098, (303) 275-1611
    Mr. Joel K. Bladow, Power Marketing Liaison Office, Room 8G-027, 
    Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-
    0001, (202) 586-5581
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: By Amendment No. 3 to Delegation Order No. 
    0204-108, published November 10, 1993 (58 FR 59716), the Secretary of 
    Energy delegated: (1) The authority to develop long-term power and 
    transmission rates on a nonexclusive basis to the Administrator of 
    Western; (2) the authority to confirm, approve, and place such rates 
    into effect on an interim basis to the Deputy Secretary; and (3) the 
    authority to confirm, approve, and place into effect on a final basis, 
    to remand, or to disapprove such rates to FERC. Existing DOE procedures 
    for public participation in power rate adjustments (10 CFR Part 903) 
    became effective on September 18, 1985 (50 FR 37835). These power rates 
    are established pursuant to section 302(a) of the Department of Energy 
    (DOE) Organization Act, 42 U.S.C. 7152(a), through which the power 
    marketing functions of the Secretary of the Interior and the Bureau of 
    Reclamation (Reclamation) under the Reclamation Act of 1902, 43 U.S.C. 
    371 et seq., as amended and supplemented by subsequent enactments, 
    [[Page 4651]]
    section 9(c) of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939, 43 U.S.C. 485h(c), 
    and other acts specifically applicable to the project system involved, 
    were transferred to and vested in the Secretary.
        Rate Order No. WAPA-71 confirming, approving, and placing the 
    proposed AC Intertie rate adjustments into effect on an interim basis, 
    is issued, and the new Rate Schedules INT-FT2 and INT-NFT2 will be 
    submitted promptly to FERC for confirmation and approval on a final 
        Issued in Washington, DC. January 30, 1996.
    Charles B. Curtis,
    Deputy Secretary.
        In the matter of: Western Area Power Administration Rate 
    Adjustment for Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie Project, 
    Rate Order No. WAPA-71.
    Order Confirming, Approving, and Placing the Pacific Northwest-Pacific 
    Southwest Intertie Firm and Nonfirm Transmission Service Rates Into 
    Effect on an Interim Basis
    February 1, 1996.
        These power rates are established pursuant to section 302(a) of the 
    Department of Energy (DOE) Organization Act, 42 U.S.C. 7152(a) through 
    which the power marketing functions of the Secretary of the Interior 
    and the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) under the Reclamation Act 
    of 1902, 43 U.S.C. 371 et seq., as amended and supplemented by 
    subsequent enactments, particularly section 9(c) of the Reclamation 
    Project Act of 1939, 43 U.S.C. 485h(c), and other acts specifically 
    applicable to the project involved, were transferred to and vested in 
    the Secretary of Energy (Secretary).
        By Amendment No. 3 to Delegation Order No. 0204-108, published on 
    November 10, 1993 (58 FR 59176), the Secretary delegated: (1) The 
    authority to develop long-term power and transmission rates on a 
    nonexclusive basis to the Administrator of the Western Area Power 
    Administration (Western); (2) the authority to confirm, approve, and 
    place such rates into effect on an interim basis to the Deputy 
    Secretary; and (3) the authority to confirm, approve, and place into 
    effect on a final basis, to remand, or to disapprove such rates to the 
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Existing DOE procedures 
    for public participation in power rate adjustments (10 CFR Part 903) 
    became effective on September 18, 1985 (50 FR 37835).
    Acronyms and Definitions
        As used in this rate order, the following acronyms and definitions 
    AC Intertie: Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie Project
    Additions: A unit of property constructed or acquired which enhances or 
    improves a project system.
    CIAR: Compound Interest Amortization Repayment
    CEP: Cost Evaluation Period, which is the first 5 future years in the 
    PRS, normally consistent with the budget period.
    CROD: Contract rate of delivery
    Current PRS: The PRS used in this rate order, which was used to test 
    the adequacy of the existing rate.
    Customer Brochure: A document prepared for public distribution 
    explaining the background of the rate proposal contained in this rate 
    DC: Direct Current
    DOE: Department of Energy
    DOE Act: Department of Energy Organization Act, August 4, 1977 (42 
    U.S.C. 7101 et seq.)
    DOE Order RA 6120.2: An order dealing with power marketing 
    administration financial reporting.
    EIS: Environmental Impact Statement
    Engineering Ten Year: A planning document prepared
    Construction and Replacement Plan: By Western for transmission system 
    construction for a 10-year period. Also referred to as the 
    ``Engineering 10-Year Plan.''
    FERC: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
    FY: Fiscal Year
    IDC: Interest During Construction
    kW: Kilowatt
    $/kW/year: Annual charge for capacity usage--(Sec. per kilowatt per 
    kWh: Kilowatthour
    mills/kWh: Mills per kilowatthour
    Multiproject Costs: These are costs for facilities being charged to one 
    project that benefit other projects
    MW: Megawatt
    NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (42 U.S.C. 4321 et 
    O&M: Operations and maintenance
    pinch-point: The future FY with the largest annual revenue requirement
    PMA: Power marketing administration
    PRS: Power repayment study
    Proposed rate: A rate revision that the Administrator of Western 
    recommends to the Deputy Secretary of Energy for approval
    Provisional rate: A rate which has been confirmed, approved, and placed 
    into effect on an interim basis by the Deputy Secretary
    Ratesetting PRS: The PRS that utilizes, in whole or part, proposed or 
    assumed rates. It is designed to demonstrate that potential revenue 
    levels will satisfy the cost recovery criteria over the remainder of 
    the power system's repayment period
    Reclamation: Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior
    Replacement: A unit of property constructed or acquired as a substitute 
    for an existing unit of property for the purpose of maintaining the 
    power features of a project
    Replacement study: The cyclical analysis of replacement service lives
    Secretary: Secretary of Energy
    Treasury: Secretary of the Department of the Treasury
    Western: Western Area Power Administration, DOE
    WSPP: Western Systems Power Pool
    Effective Date
        The AC Intertie rates for firm and nonfirm transmission service 
    will become effective on an interim basis beginning on February 1, 
    1996, and will be in effect until FERC confirms, approves, and places 
    the rate schedules into effect on a final basis through September 30, 
    2000, or until superseded. Western is implementing a rate for the AC 
    Intertie 230/345-kV transmission lines that is separate from the rate 
    for the 500-kV transmission lines for firm transmission service, but a 
    combined rate for nonfirm transmission service.
    Public Notice and Comment
        The Procedures for Public Participation in Power and Transmission 
    Rate Adjustments and Extensions, 10 CFR Part 903, have been followed by 
    Western in the development of the firm transmission service and nonfirm 
    transmission service rates. The provisional firm transmission rate for 
    the existing 230/345-kV transmission system in FY 1996 represents a 
    rate increase of 85 percent over the existing step 1 rate, and for the 
    period FY 1997 through FY 2000, it represents a 48 percent increase 
    over the existing step 1 rate. The provisional nonfirm transmission 
    service rate for the existing system represents an increase of 100 
    percent from the current nonfirm transmission service rate. The 
    provisional firm transmission rate for the 500-kV transmission system 
    is $17.98/kW/year for FYs 1996 through 1998 and $17.23/kW/year for FYs 
    1999 through 2000. This rate is classified as a major rate adjustment 
    as defined at 10 CFR Secs. 903.2(e) and 903.2(f)(1). The distinction 
    between a minor and a major rate adjustment is used only to 
    [[Page 4652]]
    determine the public procedures for the rate adjustment. The following 
    summarizes the steps Western took to ensure involvement of interested 
    parties in the rate process:
        1. The first informal public information meeting was held on 
    February 22, 1995. Western explained the need for the proposed rate 
    adjustments and answered questions from those attending.
        2. A Federal Register notice was published on May 17, 1995 (60 FR 
    26433), which extended the existing rates for firm and nonfirm 
    transmission service that became effective August 1, 1993, until 
    October 1, 1996.
        3. The second informal public information meeting was held on July 
    6, 1995. Western representatives again explained the need for the 
    proposed rate adjustment, provided copies of studies, and answered 
    questions from those attending.
        4. A Federal Register notice was published on July 31, 1995 (60 FR 
    38955), officially announcing the proposed rate adjustment for firm 
    transmission service and nonfirm transmission service rates, initiating 
    the public consultation and comment period, announcing the August 24, 
    1995, public information forum and the September 18, 1995, public 
    comment forum, and presenting procedures for public participation.
        5. A letter was mailed to all AC Intertie customers and other 
    interested parties on August 7, 1995, providing a copy of the AC 
    Intertie Proposed Rate Adjustment Brochure and announcing the public 
    information forum and public comment forum.
        6. At the public information forum held on August 24, 1995, Western 
    explained the need for the rate increase in greater detail and answered 
        7. A letter was mailed to all AC Intertie customers and other 
    interested parties on September 13, 1995, providing a copy of the issue 
    papers concerning the abandoned plant audit adjustment.
        8. The comment forum was held on September 18, 1995, to give the 
    public an opportunity to comment for the record. Four persons 
    representing customers and customer groups made oral comments.
        9. A letter was mailed to all AC Intertie customers and interested 
    parties on October 14, 1995, providing a copy of the answers to the 
    questions that were raised during the comment period. The letter also 
    announced an informal meeting on October 25, 1995, to answer any 
    questions on the CIAR methodology.
        10. A question and answer informal meeting was held on October 25, 
    1995, to discuss the compound interest amortization methodology. 
    Questions and comments were also raised at this meeting. These comments 
    have also been incorporated and taken into consideration in the final 
    rate settings studies.
        11. A Federal Register notice published on November 22, 1995 (60 FR 
    57867), extended the comment period until November 27, 1995.
        12. Ten letters were received during the 119-day consultation and 
    comment period ending November 27, 1995. All formally submitted 
    comments have been considered in the preparation of this rate order.
    Project History
        The AC Intertie was authorized as part of a much larger alternating 
    current (AC) and direct current (DC) combined transmission system 
    (Pacific Intertie Project) by section 8 of the Act of August 31, 1964, 
    16 U.S.C. 837g. The basic purpose of the Pacific Intertie Project was 
    to provide, through power transmission system interconnections, maximum 
    utilization of the total power resources to meet the nation's growing 
    demands. This purpose was to be accomplished through: (1) The exchange 
    of summer-winter surplus peaking capacity between the Northwest and 
    Southwest to reduce capital expenditures for new generating capacity; 
    (2) the sale of Northwest secondary energy to the Southwest; (3) the 
    sale of Southwest energy to the Northwest to ``firm'' peaking 
    hydroelectric sources during critical water years; (4) conservation of 
    significant amounts of fuel through the use of surplus hydroelectric 
    energy; and (5) increased efficiency in the operation of hydroelectric 
    and thermal resources. As authorized, the Pacific Intertie Project was 
    to be a cooperative construction venture by Federal and non-Federal 
    entities that incorporated the capability for both AC and DC 
    transmission components and that provided an intertie among certain 
    Federal and non-Federal power systems.
        The Lower Colorado Region (LCR), Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. 
    Department of the Interior, (Reclamation) was assigned construction 
    jurisdiction for: (1) the Celilo-Mead 750-kV DC transmission line from 
    the Oregon-Nevada border to Mead Substation; (2) Mead Substation; and, 
    (3) all facilities south of Mead Substation. Several delays in 
    congressional construction funding for the DC line revised its 
    estimated in-service date to the point that some of the potential users 
    withdrew their interest. This, and the subsequent lack of congressional 
    funding, resulted in the May 1969 indefinite postponement of the DC 
    line construction. Consequently, the facilities constructed provide 
    only AC transmission service.
        Pursuant to section 302 of the DOE Organization Act, 42 U.S.C. 
    7152(a), dated August 4, 1977, these Reclamation constructed facilities 
    were transferred to Western. Only those AC Intertie facilities which 
    are administered by Western's Desert Southwest Customer Service Region 
    and which provide AC transmission service are the subject of this rate 
    adjustment. To simplify identification, these facilities have been 
    classified as the AC Intertie and are sometimes referred to as the 
    existing system.
        On February 1, 1996, Western will add to the AC Intertie the new 
    Mead-Phoenix and Mead-Adelanto 500-kV transmission lines. The 
    additional sales of capacity are expected to be 668 MW. A separate 
    marketing plan is being developed for the sales of the additional 
    Power Repayment Studies
        PRSs are prepared each fiscal year to determine if power revenues 
    will be sufficient to pay, within the prescribed time periods, all 
    costs assigned to the power function. Repayment criteria are based on 
    law, policies, and authorizing legislation. DOE Order RA 6120.2, 
    section 12.b, states:
        In addition to the recovery of the above costs (operations and 
    maintenance and interest expenses) on a year-by-year basis, the 
    expected revenues are at least sufficient to recover (1) each dollar 
    of power investment at Federal hydroelectric generating plants 
    within 50 years after they become revenue producing, except as 
    otherwise provided by law; plus (2) each annual increment of Federal 
    transmission investment within the average service life of such 
    transmission facilities or within a maximum of 50 years, whichever 
    is less; plus (3) the cost of each replacement of a unit of property 
    of a Federal power system within its expected service life up to a 
    maximum of 50 years; plus, (4) each dollar of assisted irrigation 
    investment within the period established for the irrigation water 
    users to repay their share of construction costs; plus (5) other 
    costs such as payments to basin funds, participating projects, or 
    Existing and Provisional Rates
        The following table compares the existing transmission service 
    rates and the proposed transmission service rates.
    [[Page 4653]]
                                    Comparison of the Existing and Provisional Rates                                
                                                            Existing rates                                          
                                      Existing rate 230/   step two 230/345/  Proposed rate 230/  Proposed rate 500-
             Type of service             345-kV system    500-kV system 10/1/ 345-kV system 2/1/  kV system 2/1/1996
                                       extended through   1996 through 7/31/  1996 through 9/30/   through 9/30/2000
                                           10/1/1996             1998                2000                           
    Firm transmission service.......  $4.46/kW/year.....  $8.01/kW/year.....  1996 \1\--$8.26/kW/ 1996-1998--$17.98/
                                                                               year, 1997-2000--   kW/year, 1999-   
                                                                               $6.58/kW/year.      2000--$17.23/kW/ 
    Nonfirm transmission rate (mills/ 1.00 mills/kWh....  1.52 mills/kWh....  2.00 mills/kWh....  2.00 mills/kWh    
    \1\ Rate based upon 8 months.                                                                                   
    Certification of Rates
        Western's Administrator has certified that the AC Intertie firm and 
    nonfirm transmission service rates placed in effect on an interim basis 
    herein are the lowest possible, consistent with sound business 
    principles. The rates have been developed in accordance with 
    administrative policies and applicable laws.
        The power repayment study for the 230/345-kV transmission system 
    indicates that the proposed rate adjustments for firm and nonfirm 
    transmission service are necessary due to adjustments in operation and 
    maintenance expenses of the existing system, and due to capacity in the 
    new 500-kV transmission system being sold separately. The existing 
    rates were designed to recover all annual costs and investment 
    repayment of both the existing 230/345-kV transmission lines and the 
    new 500-kV transmission lines. Three major changes are affecting the 
    rates for the AC Intertie.
        The first change is the establishment of separate firm transmission 
    rates for the existing 230/345-kV transmission lines and the new 500-kV 
    transmission lines. This change responds to customer comments and 
    concerns during formal and informal meetings Western held with its 
    customers. Separate PRSs has been prepared for the 500-kV portion and 
    the 230/345-kV portion of the AC Intertie.
        The second change is the determination of interest offsets. An 
    interest offset is a credit that is made toward interest expenses. 
    Western is changing its methodology of calculating interest offsets to 
    be consistent with the other power marketing administrations. The old 
    method calculates interest offsets on only the principal that was 
    repaid in the current year. The new method calculates interest offsets 
    on both the principal and interest for the current year.
        The third change is adjustments Western made to data budgeted for 
    investments to the AC Intertie Project. Western's staff determined the 
    total O&M costs on the combined system for the AC Intertie Project and 
    developed a percentage breakdown based upon O&M costs, to determine a 
    method for allocating Other Revenues/Costs.
    Existing System
        Based upon FY 1994 data, the PRS for the AC Intertie showed that 
    the existing Step II of the firm transmission service rate of $8.01/kW/
    year and the nonfirm transmission service rate of 1.52 mills/kWh would 
    provide more than sufficient revenues to pay the project costs within 
    the prescribed time periods. The ratesetting PRS indicates that a 
    transmission service rate for February 1, 1996, through September 30, 
    1996, of $8.26/kW/year and a transmission service rate of $6.58 for 
    October 1, 1996, through September 30, 2000, for firm transmission 
    service is adequate to meet revenue requirements. The rate for FY 1996 
    is higher because the revenue will be collected over an 8 month period 
    rather than over a 12 month period. The nonfirm rate was determined by 
    developing a combined rate for both systems. The provisional nonfirm 
    transmission rate of 2.00 mills/kWh for nonfirm transmission service is 
    required to meet revenue requirements for FY 1996 through the end of 
    the study.
    New System
        Based upon FY 1994 data, the PRS for the new Mead-Phoenix and Mead-
    Adelanto 500-kV transmission system showed that a rate of $17.98/kW/
    year for February 1, 1996, through September 30, 1998, and a 
    transmission service rate of $17.23/kW/year for October 1, 1998, 
    through September 30, 2000, would satisfy the repayment criteria. The 
    nonfirm rate was determined by developing a combined rate for both 
    systems. The proposed rate for nonfirm transmission service of 2.00 
    mills/kWh will meet revenue requirements for FY 1996 through the end of 
    the study.
        The provisional rates filed with FERC have been updated from the 
    rate originally proposed in the customer brochure and Federal Register 
    notice dated July 31, 1995.
        The changes to the PRS are as follows:
        1. Revised budget data for the 230/345-kV existing system.
        2. Revised power repayment studies that include the new interest 
    offset methodology.
        3. Revised budget data for the 500-kV system.
        4. Increase in other revenue sales based upon proposed transmission 
    Firm Transmission Revenue Requirements
        A comparison of the transmission revenue requirements estimated for 
    the step II of the existing rate for 1996 to the proposed revenue 
    requirements for the existing 230/345-kV AC Intertie system and to the 
    proposed revenue requirements for the new 500-kV system based upon the 
    pinch-point methodology is as follows:
    Step II of the existing      Proposed revenue        Proposed revenue   
      system transmission      requirements for the    requirements for the 
      revenue requirements      230/345-kV system        new 500-kV system  
    $24,883,655............         $8,709,909              $12,352,554     
        The rate adjustment is necessary to satisfy the cost-recovery 
    criteria set forth in DOE Order RA 6120.2.
    Replacement and Addition Activities
        The decrease from the existing Step II 230/345-kV transmission 
    system rate is largely due to a decrease in replacements and additions 
    and a decrease in the O&M costs for the existing system. The AC 
    Intertie initial investment will not be fully paid until FY 2028. The 
    capitalized costs for future replacements and additions in the cost 
    evaluation period includes IDC. The IDC calculation for each 
    replacement is determined by the interest rate in the year construction 
    begins. The annual interest expense for replacements and additions is 
    also based on the interest rate in the year construction begins. The 
    [[Page 4654]]
    total replacement cost for the cost evaluation period through the end 
    of the study is $42,891,147.
        The 500-kV transmission system has been pulled out of the existing 
    230/345-kV transmission power repayment study. A 500-kV transmission 
    system power repayment study has been developed to determine the 
    transmission rate for the new system. The new transmission system will 
    provide better service to the customers and additional transmission 
    paths that are presently not available. The total cost of the 500-kV 
    Mead-Phoenix and Mead-Adelanto transmission line for the cost 
    evaluation period through the end of the study is $134,103,799 and is 
    to be repaid by 2046.
    Abandoned Plant
        Western's auditors have identified approximately $14.5 million in 
    equipment and interest charges that are contained in the financial 
    statements as abandoned plant that Western has not included in the rate 
    base. Western's financial statements show that these charges have 
    accumulated since 1964 for the construction of the Direct Current (DC) 
    portion of the Intertie Project.
        The construction of the DC line was discontinued in 1969 by the 
    Assistant Secretary of the Department of the Interior. At the time of 
    the decision, the total expenditure amounted to approximately $10.5 
    million. Since that time the amount has increased to approximately 
    $14.5 million. This amount includes $2,399,747 of IDC and approximately 
    $952,574 of tangible assets and studies. The remaining $11.1 million 
    represents the remaining charges for which no tangible assets/studies 
    exist. These costs are not in the PRS, because they were expended on a 
    feature that was never placed in service.
    Statement of Revenue and Related Expenses
        The following table provides a summary of revenue and expense data 
    for the 5-year proposed rate approval period for the existing 230/345-
    kV system.
                       AC Intertie Project--5-Year Rate Study Summary Period Revenues and Expenses                  
                                                     Existing rate step                                             
                                                      II 230/345/500-kV    Proposed rates 230/                      
                 Revenue and expenses                  system 10/1/96     245-kV system 2/1/96       Difference     
                                                      through 9/30/2000     through 9/30/2000                       
        Firm Transmission.........................           105,009,620            35,545,000            70,464,620
        Other Revenues............................            19,503,775             8,906,743            10,597,032
            Total Revenues........................           124,513,395            43,451,743            81,061,652
    Revenue Distribution:                                                                                           
        Operations & Maintenance..................            17,486,459            12,643,540             4,842,919
        Other Deductions..........................             1,077,007             1,640,012             (563,005)
        Interest on Deferred......................                     0               490,316             (490,316)
    Annual Cost:                                                                                                    
        Interest..................................            93,042,899            23,102,897            69,940,002
        Investment Repayment......................            12,814,649             1,984,977            10,829,672
        Capitalized Expenses......................                92,381             3,590,002           (3,497,621)
        Study-Year Adjustments....................                     0                     0                     0
            Total.................................           124,513,395            43,451,744            81,061,651
        The following table provides a summary of revenue and expense data 
    for the 5-year proposed rate approval period for the new 500-kV system.
                      AC Intertie Project.--5-Year Rate Study Summary Period Revenues and Expenses                  
                                                                  Existing rate                                     
                                                                step II 230/345/   Proposed rates                   
                       Revenue and expenses                     500-kV system 10/ 500-kV system 2/     Difference   
                                                                 1/96 through 9/   1/96 through 9/                  
                                                                     30/2000           30/2000                      
        Firm Transmission.....................................       105,009,620        59,051,200        45,958,420
        Other Revenues........................................        19,503,775         1,807,372        17,696,403
            Total Revenues....................................       124,513,395        60,858,572        63,654,823
    Revenue Distribution:                                                                                           
        Operations & Maintenance..............................        17,486,459         3,569,559        13,916,900
        Other Deductions......................................         1,077,007           487,620           589,387
        Interest on Deferred..................................                 0                 0                 0
    Annual Cost:                                                                                                    
        Interest..............................................        93,042,899        52,707,044        40,335,855
        Investment Repayment..................................        12,814,649         4,094,349         8,720,300
        Capitalized Expenses..................................            92,381                 0            92,381
        Study-Year Adjustments................................                 0                 0                 0
            Total.............................................       124,513,395        60,858,572        63,654,823
    [[Page 4655]]
        The table provides a summary of revenue and expense data for the 5-
    year proposed rate approval period for the combined system.
                      AC Intertie Project.--5-Year Rate Study Summary Period Revenues and Expenses                  
                                                                  Existing rate       Proposed                      
                                                                step II 230/345/    combined rate                   
                       Revenue and expenses                     500-kV system 10/   study 2/1/96       Difference   
                                                                 1/96 through 9/    through 9/30/                   
                                                                     30/2000            2000                        
        Firm Transmission.....................................       105,009,620        90,195,000        14,814,620
        Other Revenues........................................        19,503,775        10,714,115         8,789,660
            Total Revenues....................................       124,513,395       100,909,115        23,604,280
    Revenue Distribution:                                                                                           
        Operations & Maintenance..............................        17,486,459        16,213,099         1,273,360
        Other Deductions......................................         1,077,007         2,127,632       (1,050,625)
        Interest on Deferred..................................                 0           286,491         (286,491)
    Annual Cost:                                                                                                    
        Interest..............................................        93,042,899        71,141,078        21,901,821
        Investment Repayment..................................        12,814,649         7,458,773         5,355,876
        Capitalized Expenses..................................            92,381         3,682,042       (3,589,661)
        Study-Year Adjustments................................                 0                 0                 0
            Total.............................................       124,513,395       100,909,115        23,604,280
    Basis for Rate Development
        The provisional rates were designed to meet cost recovery criteria. 
    The power repayment studies indicate that the proposed rates for firm 
    and nonfirm transmission service are necessary because of the 
    redistribution of costs from the current rate setting study. The 
    current rate setting study anticipated 1,718 MW of capacity available 
    for sale. The existing rates were designed to recover all annual costs 
    and investment repayment of both the existing 230/345-kV transmission 
    lines and the new 500-kV transmission lines. Three major changes are 
    affecting the rates for the AC Intertie.
        The first change is the establishment of separate firm transmission 
    rates for the existing 230/345-kV transmission lines and the new 500-kV 
    transmission lines. This change is due to customer comments and 
    concerns during the informal and formal meetings Western held with its 
    customers. Separate PRSs have been prepared for the 500-kV portion and 
    the 230/345-kV portion of the AC Intertie.
        The second change is the determination of interest offsets. An 
    interest offset is a credit that is made toward interest expenses. 
    Western is changing its methodology of calculating interest offsets to 
    be consistent with the other power marketing administrations. The old 
    method calculates interest offsets on only the principal that was 
    repaid in the current year. The new method calculates interest offsets 
    on both the principal and interest for the current year.
        The third change is adjustments Western made to data budgeted for 
    investments to the AC Intertie Project. Western's staff determined the 
    total O&M costs on the combined system for the AC Intertie Project and 
    developed a percentage breakdown based upon O&M costs, to determine a 
    method for allocating Other Revenues/Costs.
    Existing 230/345-kV Transmission System
        Operations and Maintenance expenses have decreased for the 230/345-
    kV system, since the O&M expenses for the 500-kV transmission system 
    are in a separate power repayment study as well as the additional 
    facilities. The 230/345-kV system is projecting 1,050 MW of capacity 
    for sale.
    500-kV Transmission System
        There is also a anticipated decrease in current marketable capacity 
    on the new 500-kV system. This is now projected to be 668 MW which is 
    156 MW decrease from the current rate setting study. Once the 500-kV 
    transmission lines are energized and go into service, these 500-kV 
    transmission lines will become an integral part of the AC Intertie.
    Nonfirm Transmission Service
        Western decided to maintain one nonfirm transmission service rate 
    for the AC Intertie Project. This maintains consistency with other 
    Western projects and allows for the ability to market nonfirm 
    transmission service through the WSPP Agreement and Joint Transmission 
    Agreement which Western is a participant. The single nonfirm 
    transmission rate has been derived by calculating a firm rate from a 
    combined transmission line power repayment study. Once the yearly kW 
    rate is determined, it is divided by 8760 hours in a year and 
    multiplied by a 60 percent load factor. This number is then converted 
    to mills/kWh.
        During the 119 day comment period, Western received 10 written 
    comments. In addition, five persons commented during the September 18, 
    1995, public comment forum. All comments were reviewed and considered 
    in the preparation of this rate order.
        Written comments were received from the following sources:
    Irrigation & Electrical Districts Association of Arizona (Arizona)
    K. R. Saline & Associates (Arizona)
    Arizona Power Authority (Arizona)
    Central Arizona Water Conservation District (Arizona)
    Salt River Project (Arizona)
        Representatives of the following organizations made oral comments:
    Irrigation and Electrical Districts Association of Arizona (Arizona)
    K. R. Saline & Associates (Arizona)
    Arizona Power Authority (Arizona)
    Central Arizona Water Conservation District (Arizona)
    Salt River Project (Arizona)
        Most of the comments received at the public meetings and in 
    [[Page 4656]]
    were related to the issue on abandoned plant, the separation of the new 
    500-kV transmission system from the existing system, and the change in 
    the ratesetting methodology from the pinch-point methodology to the 
    CIAR method. All comments were considered in developing the provisional 
        Comment: The customers support the idea of moving away from the 
    pinch-point methodology to the compound interest amortization repayment 
    method as was done in the Parker-Davis Project.
        Response: Western developed power repayment studies based upon the 
    CIAR method and the pinch-point method. After review of these studies 
    with the customers through working groups, the customers request is to 
    remain with the traditional pinch-point methodology. This rate 
    submittal in based upon the pinch-point methodology.
        Comment: The rate brochure includes approximately $13,558,108 in 
    replacements associated with Mead Substation Stage 05. Would Western 
    please provide a breakdown of the proposed work including the rationale 
    to allocate all of these proposed expenditures to the 230/345-kV 
    transmission system project versus the 500-kV transmission system 
        Response: The Intertie Project Proposed Rate Adjustment Brochure 
    refers to replacements at Mead Substation (see page 15) which are part 
    of a multifaceted construction project, Mead Stage 05. The portion of 
    the work related to Intertie expenses is described below (excerpt from 
    the Congressional Budget document Facility Data Sheet):
        Activity 2: The work to be performed is as follows:
        At Mead: This portion of the project consists of replacing 18 power 
    circuit breakers at Mead Substation, provide new wiring and associated 
    control cabinets, and new line relaying to protect the lines. Four of 
    the 18 breakers to be replaced are a result of the planned addition of 
    a 500-kV AC transmission line from Liberty Substation to Mead 
    Substation to McCullough Substation, where it will tie into a 500-kV 
    line into the Los Angeles area. The associated costs will be recovered 
    from the Mead-Phoenix 500-kV Project. Add an additional fault recorder 
    to assist in determining causes of system failures. Provide two vehicle 
    crossing in the switchyard to improve access to equipment necessary for 
    maintenance of the breakers. Replace the bolted bus connections with 
    compression fittings to reduce thermal hot spots. Replace a portion of 
    the station service power distribution system to provide 120VAC 
    convenience power at the breakers. At Liberty Substation: Replace the 
    line relaying and control cabinet.
        The objective is to replace the breakers at Mead that are 
    associated with the Intertie facilities. These circuit breakers will be 
    under rated due to increased fault current. The fault current has 
    increased due to the interconnected power system growth in the area.
        The southern Division of the Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest 
    Intertie Transmission System (Intertie) is part of the Pacific 
    Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie authorized August 31, 1964, by 
    Public Law 88-552. The Intertie consists of a 345-kV AC transmission 
    line from Mead Substation, near Hoover Dam and Boulder City, Nevada, to 
    Liberty Substation near Phoenix, Arizona, and a 230-kV line from 
    Liberty Substation to Pinnacle Substation north of Phoenix. The 
    Intertie facilities are interconnected with additional AC Intertie 
    transmission facilities which are owned and operated by various Federal 
    and non-Federal entities.
        In the first paragraph of the description, in the bold and 
    underlined portion, it states that: ``Four of the 18 breakers to be 
    replaced are a result of the planned addition of a 500-kV AC 
    transmission line from Liberty Substation to Mead Substation to 
    McCullough Substation, where it will tie into a 500-kV line into the 
    Los Angeles area. The associated costs will be recovered from the Mead-
    Phoenix 500-kV Project.'' This statement should clarify that the 
    portion of the Intertie expense that is the result of the 500-kV 
    Project has been accounted for and properly funded. The accounting 
    process for the proper expending has been done by accounting 
    adjustments through the use of Journal Vouchers in our financial 
    management system.
        Comment: When Western decided to split the Intertie into two 
    separate projects (230/345-kV and 500-kV) how has Western allocated the 
    interconnection facilities between Mead Substation and Market Place 
    Substation? The tie between the two substations was not required for 
    the operation of the existing 345-kV project and therefore should be 
    allocated to the 500-kV project. At a minimum Western needs to identify 
    the offsetting benefits to the existing Intertie customers of these 
        Response: The tie between Mead Substation and Marketplace 
    Substation is 13 miles of 500-kV transmission line. The cost to build, 
    operate and maintain these facilities is being allocated to the 500-kV 
    transmission system.
        Comment: It is our understanding that there is approximately 67 MW 
    (Phoenix to Mead) of excess capacity available of the existing Intertie 
    (345-kV line). Since Western has indicated they believe that they will 
    be successful in marketing 668 MW on the 500-kV project. It seems 
    appropriate that 67 MW of those sales would in reality be contract over 
    the 345-kV line. Would Western provide its rational for not including 
    marketing the additional 67 MW on the 345-kV line before projecting 
    sales on the more expensive 500-kV line.
        Response: The referenced 67 MW of transmission system capacity was 
    the estimated amount of capacity that was not under firm contractual 
    arrangements for the existing system. This was stated at the August 18, 
    1995, public information forum. The existing system for the AC Intertie 
    has a total marketable transmission system capability of 1,050,000 
        Western currently has 987,643 kW of the 230/345-kV transmission 
    system capacity under firm contracts.
        Comment: Included in Western's FY 1995 10-Year Plan is 
    approximately $5,016,000 to replace the 345-kV Series Capacitor Control 
    and Bypass System. Has the installation of the 500-kV transmission line 
    caused or contributed to the need to replace the series capacitor 
    controls? Given the fact that the 500-kV transmission line may have 
    excess capacity for some time, is there potential to delay this 
    expenditure until additional transfer capability is needed? What is the 
    rate impact of the proposed replacement of the capacitor controls?
        Response: The series capacitor banks at Mead and Liberty 
    substations were installed in July 1977. The PCB capacitor units were 
    replaced in 1992 with new non-PCB units. The pneumatic control system 
    is deteriorating and preliminary review indicates it should be replaced 
    with an electronic and optical control system.
        The installation of the 500-kV line did not cause or contribute to 
    the deteriorating of the pneumatic control system. The series 
    capacitors were not included in the cost base of the power repayment 
    study because the projected in-service date went beyond the cost 
    evaluation period for power repayment consideration. Although the costs 
    were not included, a separate study has been run to determine the 
    effect on the rate. The existing system rate would increase about $.23/
        Comment: Would Western provide its rational for allocating Other 
    Revenues/Costs on miles of transmission?
        Response: Western's staff used the following rationale to 
    distribute projected Other Deductions and Other Revenues for the AC 
    Intertie Project to the two systems as follows: 
    [[Page 4657]]
        In the early studies, Western determined the total miles of the AC 
    Intertie Project and developed a percentage breakdown by transmission 
    miles. The existing system (230/345-kV transmission lines) consists of 
    271 miles of transmission lines or 37 percent of the combined system. 
    The new system (500-kV transmission lines) consists of 458 miles of 
    transmission lines or 63 percent of the combined system.
        Based upon customer request and comment, Western changed its 
    methodology and based the other deductions and other revenues upon the 
    total O&M in the combined power repayment study. Western's staff 
    determined the total O&M costs on the combined system for the AC 
    Intertie Project and developed a percentage breakdown based upon O&M 
    costs, to determine a method for allocating Other Revenues/Costs to 
    each of the separate systems. The allocation of other costs and other 
    revenues obtained through the Multiproject Cost calculations, has been 
    applied by the above methodology.
        Comment: Would Western provide its rational for a single nonfirm 
    rate? What has been the historical nonfirm uses of the existing 345-kV 
    system? Would Western please provide its projection of nonfirm energy 
    sales on each of the proposed projects (345-kV and 500-kV)?
        Response: Due to customer request to develop a single firm 
    transmission service rate for the 230/345-kV and 500-kV transmission 
    lines, Western decided to maintain one nonfirm transmission service 
    rate for the AC Intertie Project. This maintains consistency with other 
    Western projects and allows for the ability to market nonfirm 
    transmission service through the WSPP Agreement and Joint Transmission 
    Agreement of which Western is a participant. The single nonfirm 
    transmission rate has been derived by calculating a firm rate from a 
    combined transmission line power repayment study. Once the yearly kW 
    rate is determined, it is divided by 8760 hours in a year and 
    multiplied by a 60 percent load factor. This number is then converted 
    to mills/kWh.
        Typically, Western's non-firm sales on the existing AC Intertie are 
    made through our membership in the WSPP or under our fuel replacement 
    program. For example, in FY 1995, WSPP sales totaled approximately 195 
    GWh and revenues of approximately $2.3 million; fuel replacement sales 
    totaled approximately 67 GWh and revenues of approximately $670,000.
        Projections for non-firm energy sales on the AC Intertie system 
    should remain at the same levels. These sales could be split between 
    the existing and 500-kV AC Intertie systems in the future.
        Western determines future year projections for nonfirm transmission 
    sales revenues for the AC Intertie Project by calculating a 3-year 
    average of total nonfirm sales as reflected in the results of 
    operations. Western does not keep a separate log of nonfirm sales by 
    transmission line voltages; therefore information pertaining to 
    separate projections of nonfirm sales on the 230/345-kV and 500-kV 
    transmission lines is unavailable.
        Comment: Western's white paper addresses the options to resolve the 
    $11.1 million in abandoned plant that Western has indicated as a cost 
    responsibility of the AC Intertie project. We support Western's option 
    number 4, and hereby request Western seek authority through the budget 
    cycle to declare the abandoned plant as nonreimbursable.
        Response: With customer support, Western will seek authority 
    through the Department to declare the $11.1 million of abandoned plant 
    as nonreimbursable.
        Comment: Consider the acceptability of directly assigning non-firm 
    transmission revenues, which are based on the historical level of non-
    firm transmission, to the existing 345/230-kV system. Also, all ``Other 
    Revenues and Expenses'' would be allocated based on an O&M factor 
    versus the presently proposed ``Line Miles'' method.
        Response: Western has been directly assigning all nonfirm 
    transmission revenues, which are based on the historical level of 
    nonfirm transmission, to the existing 230/345-kV system. We are 
    estimating future nonfirm transmission revenues for the 500-kV system 
    to be $300,000 per year. Distribution of Other ``Revenue and Expenses'' 
    which is due to Multiproject Cost and Revenues, are based upon O&M 
        Comment: (1) Investigate what is included in the $2.3 million 
    revenue number stated in Western's October 13th letter. (2) What is the 
    appropriate level of GWH for the Intertie and what would be the 
    corresponding level of revenues?
        Response: The $2.3 million of WSPP sales mentioned in the October 
    13, 1995, letter includes total WSPP nonfirm transactions including 
    energy sales made under WSPP during FY 1995. The transmission portion 
    associated with the AC Intertie is approximately $70,000. The GWH 
    associated with these particular WSPP nonfirm transmission transactions 
    for FY 1995 was approximately 26 GWH.
        Comment: Continue the use of the 1,050,000 KW as the Marketable 
    Capacity for the Existing 230/345 System. This issue centers on whether 
    or not Western needs to reserve 50 MW of capacity on the existing 
    system considering the ability to use both the 230/345-kV lines and 
    500-kV lines for ``operation flexibility.''
        Response: The 1,050,000 kW is the estimated transmission capacity 
    which is projected to be marketed, for the purposes of determining the 
    existing 230/345-kV AC Intertie rate adjustment. This estimate is based 
    on projected demand for transmission capacity in the region and on 
    transmission service requests received by Western. Transmission 
    capacity in excess of 1,050,000 kW exists on the 230/345-kV AC Intertie 
    system, but is primarily available from Mead Substation to the Phoenix 
    area and is in limited demand. If transmission capacity in excess of 
    1,050,000 kW is marketed in the future, future rate adjustments will 
    reflect the addition.
        Comment: The information distributed by Western at the August 24, 
    1995, public information forum contains a page of ``AC Intertie Project 
    Investments'' which are to be assigned to the existing and new systems. 
    All of the investments, except the ``Mead-Phoenix 500-kV transmission 
    line'' and the ``Mead-Adelanto 500-kV transmission line'' have been 
    assigned to the existing 230/345 system. Yet, we know that at least a 
    component of the ``Mead-Substation Stage 05'' investment should be 
    allocated to the 500-kV system, specifically, the costs associated with 
    four (4) of the 18 breakers. What are the costs associated with these 
    four breakers and should any portion of the other investments be 
    assigned to the 500-kV system.
        Response: The costs associated with the four breakers which are 
    attributed to the 500-kV system are cost for breaker hardware, 
    installation, sectionalizing breaker, portion of design, portion of 
    switch gear, portion of control boards, and portion of site 
    preparation. The total cost attributed to the 500-kV system is 
        Breakdown of theses costs are as follows:
    Mead 05 Breaker Hardware....................................    $589,200
    Mead 05 Breaker Installation................................     494,030
    Mead 05 Sectionalizing Breaker..............................     103,345
    Mead 05 Portion of Design...................................      98,868
    Mead 05 Portion of Switchgear...............................      55,000
    Mead 05 Portion of CNTRL Boards.............................      79,448
    Portion of Mead:                                                        
      CNTRL Bldg., Site Prep....................................     525,181
        Total Itemized Cost:....................................   1,945,071
    [[Page 4658]]
        Western believes that all other investments have been properly 
    allocated to the 230/345-kV system and the 500-kV system. We are in the 
    process of closing out work for the 500-kV system and would be willing 
    to provide detailed information on the allocation of equipment. If an 
    adjustment is necessary, Western will work with customers during the 
    next rate adjustment process.
        Comments: Repayment of the Capitalized Deficits in FY 96. In 
    accordance with a customer's request, run a new PRS in which the 
    capitalized deficit is repaid in FY 1996, and then a separate PRS for 
    years 1997 forward.
        Response: Based upon the request, Western ran a new study forcing 
    the deficits to be paid by 1996, the results, using the Compound 
    Interest Amortization method are: Rates: FY 1995--$4.46, FY 1996--
    $10.36, FY 1997--$7.21.
        Comment: Customer request Western to determine separate nonfirm 
    transmission rates for the existing 230/345-kV transmission system and 
    the new 500-kV transmission line.
        Response: The calculated nonfirm transmission service rate for the 
    230/345-kV transmission lines is 1.40 mills/kWh. The calculated nonfirm 
    transmission service rate for the 500-kV transmission lines is 3.28 
        Comment: We have heard that the Area Manager of the Boulder City 
    Area Office may have written off the abandoned plant dollars in 1983. 
    Does any document exist writing off the abandoned plant?
        Response: Western has not been able to locate the document and is 
    not sure that such a document exists. Area Managers do not have the 
    authority to write off a dollar amount of such magnitude. Western will 
    continue to search for the document and check for the legality of the 
    Environmental Evaluation
        In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 
    42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.; Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 
    (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508); and DOE NEPA Regulations (10 CFR Part 1021), 
    Western has determined that this action is categorically excluded from 
    the preparation of the environmental assessment or an environmental 
    impact statement.
    Executive Order 12866
        DOE has determined that this is not a significant regulatory action 
    because it does not meet the criteria of Executive Order 12866, 58 FR 
    51735. Western has an exemption from centralized regulatory review 
    under Executive Order 12866; accordingly, no clearance of this notice 
    by OMB is required.
    Availability of Information
        Information regarding this rate adjustment, including PRSs, 
    comments, letters, memorandums, and other supporting material made or 
    kept by Western for the purpose of developing the power rates, is 
    available for public review at the Desert Southwest Customer Service 
    Region, Western Area Power Administration, Office of the Assistant 
    Regional Manager for Power Marketing, 615 South 43rd Avenue, Phoenix, 
    Arizona 85009-5313; and Power Marketing Liaison Office, Room 8G-027, 
    Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-
    Submission to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
        The rates herein confirmed, approved, and placed in effect on an 
    interim basis, together with supporting documents, will be submitted to 
    FERC for confirmation and approval on a final basis.
        In view of the foregoing and pursuant to the authority delegated to 
    me by the Secretary of Energy, I confirm and approve on an interim 
    basis, effective February 1, 1996, the Rate Schedules INT-FT2 and INT-
    NFT2. The rate schedules shall remain in effect on an interim basis, 
    pending FERC confirmation and approval of them or substitute rates on a 
    final basis, through September 30, 2000.
        Issued in Washington, D.C., January 30, 1996.
    Charles B. Curtis
    Supersedes Rate Schedule INT-FT1
    United States Department of Energy Western Area Power Administration
    Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie Project
    Schedule of Rates for Firm Transmission Service
        The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or 
    after February 1, 1996, and will remain in effect through September 30, 
    2000, or until superseded, whichever occurs first.
        In the marketing area served by the Pacific Northwest-Pacific 
    Southwest Intertie Project.
        To firm transmission service customers where capacity and energy 
    are supplied to the Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie 
    Project (AC Intertie) system at points of interconnection with other 
    systems and transmitted and delivered, on a bi-directional basis, less 
    losses, to points of delivery on the AC Intertie system specified in 
    the service contract.
    Character and Conditions of Service
        Alternating current at 60 Hertz, three-phase, delivered and metered 
    at the voltages and points of delivery established by contract over the 
    230/345-kV transmission lines.
    Rates 230/345-kv System
        Firm Transmission Service Charge: February 1, 1996, through 
    September 30, 1996: $8.26 per kilowatt per year for each kilowatt 
    delivered at the point of delivery, as established by contract: payable 
    monthly at the rate of $0.688 per kilowatt.
        October 1, 1996, through September 30, 2000: $6.58 per kilowatt per 
    year for each kilowatt delivered at the point of delivery, as 
    established by contract, payable monthly at the rate of $0.548 per 
    Rates 500-kv System
        Alternating current at 60 Hertz, three-phase, delivered and metered 
    at the voltages and points of delivery established by contract over the 
    500-kV transmission lines.
        Firm Transmission Service Charge: February 1, 1996, through 
    September 30, 1998: $17.98 per kilowatt per year for each kilowatt 
    delivered at the point of delivery, as established by contract, payable 
    monthly at the rate of $1.50 per kilowatt.
        October 1, 1998, through September 30, 2000: $17.23 per kilowatt 
    per year for each kilowatt delivered at the point of delivery, as 
    established by contract, payable monthly at the rate of $1.44 per 
    For Reactive Power
        None. There shall be no entitlement to transfer of reactive 
    kilovolt-amperes at points of delivery, except when such transfers may 
    be mutually agreed upon by contractor and contracting officer or their 
    authorized representatives.
    For Losses
        Capacity and energy losses incurred in connection with the 
    transmission and delivery of capacity and energy under this rate 
    schedule shall be supplied by 
    [[Page 4659]]
    the customer in accordance with the service contract.
    Rate Schedule INT-NFT2;Supersedes Rate Schedule INT-NFT1
    United States Department of Energy Western Area Power Administration
    Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie Project
    Schedule of Rates for Nonfirm Transmission Service
        The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or 
    after February 1, 1996, and will remain in effect through September 30, 
    2000, or until superseded, whichever occurs first.
        In the marketing area served by the Pacific Northwest-Pacific 
    Southwest Intertie Project.
        To nonfirm transmission service customers where capacity and energy 
    are supplied to the Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie 
    Project (AC Intertie) system at points of interconnection with other 
    systems and transmitted and delivered, on a bi-directional basis, less 
    losses, to points of delivery on the AC Intertie system established by 
    Character and Conditions of Service
        Alternating current at 60 Hertz, three-phase, delivered and metered 
    at the voltages and points of delivery established by contract.
        Nonfirm Transmission Service Charge: 2.00 mills per kilowatthour of 
    the scheduled delivered kilowatthours at the point of delivery, 
    established by contract, payable monthly.
    For Reactive Power
        None. There shall be no entitlement to transfer of reactive 
    kilovolt-amperes at points of delivery, except when such transfers may 
    be mutually agreed upon by contractor and contracting officer or their 
    authorized representatives.
    For Losses
        Capacity and energy losses incurred in connection with the 
    transmission and delivery of capacity and energy under this rate 
    schedule shall be supplied by the customer in accordance with the 
    service contract.
    [FR Doc. 96-2523 Filed 2-6-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Western Area Power Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of Rate Order.
Document Number:
Rate Schedules INT-FT2 and INT-NFT2 will be placed into effect on an interim basis on the first day of the first full billing period beginning on or after February 1, 1996, and will be in effect until FERC confirms, approves, and places the rate schedules in effect on a final basis through September 30, 2000, or until the rate schedule is superseded.
4650-4659 (10 pages)
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