95-3144. Lime Research, Promotion, and Consumer Information Order; Amendments  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 26 (Wednesday, February 8, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 7435-7439]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-3144]
    7 CFR Part 1212
    RIN 0581-AB19
    Lime Research, Promotion, and Consumer Information Order; 
    AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This rule amends the Lime Research, Promotion, and Consumer 
    Information Order. These amendments revise the definition of the term 
    ``lime'' in order to cover seedless rather than seeded limes; increase 
    the exemption level from less than 35,000 pounds annually to less than 
    200,000; alter the size, composition, and term of office of the Lime 
    Board; and make necessary conforming changes. This document is 
    necessary to implement amendments to the Lime Research, Promotion, and 
    Consumer Information Act of 1990.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: February 8, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Richard Schultz, Research and Promotion Branch, Fruit and 
    Vegetable Division, AMS, USDA, P.O. Box 96456, Room 2535-S, Washington, 
    DC 20090-6456.
    [[Page 7436]] FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard Schultz at the 
    above address or telephone (202) 720-5976.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This final rule amends the Lime Research, 
    Promotion, and Consumer Information Order [7 CFR 1212], herein referred 
    to as the Order. The Order is effective under the Lime Research, 
    Promotion, and Consumer Information Act of 1990 (1990 Act) [Pub. L. 
    101-624, 7 U.S.C. 6201-6212], as amended by the Lime Research, 
    Promotion, and Consumer Information Improvement Act (1993 Act) [Pub. L. 
    103-194, Dec. 14, 1993].
        The Department of Agriculture (Department) is issuing this rule in 
    conformance with Executive Order 12866.
        This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12778, Civil 
    Justice Reform. It is not intended to have retroactive effect. This 
    rule will not preempt any State or local laws, regulations, or 
    policies, unless they present an irreconcilable conflict with this 
        The Act provides that administrative proceedings must be exhausted 
    before parties may file suit in court. Under Sec. 1957 of the Act, a 
    person subject to the Order may file a petition with the Secretary of 
    Agriculture (Secretary) stating that the Order or any provision of the 
    Order, or any obligation imposed in connection with the Order, is not 
    in accordance with law and requesting a modification of the Order or an 
    exemption from the Order. The petitioner is afforded the opportunity 
    for a hearing on the petition. After such hearing, the Secretary will 
    make a ruling on the petition. The Act provides that the district 
    courts of the United States in any district in which a person who is a 
    petitioner resides or carries on business are vested with jurisdiction 
    to review the Secretary's ruling on the petition, if a complaint for 
    that purpose is filed within 20 days after the date of the entry of the 
    Regulatory Impact Analysis
        Pursuant to requirements set forth in the Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act (RFA), the Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service 
    (AMS) has considered the economic impact of this rule on small 
        The purpose of the RFA is to fit regulatory actions to the scale of 
    business subject to such actions in order that small businesses will 
    not be unduly or disproportionately burdened.
        The 1990 Act exempted lime producers who produce less than 35,000 
    pounds annually for the fresh market from being subject to the Order. 
    When the 1990 Act was enacted, there were an estimated 325 producers 
    who produced at least 35,000 pounds annually and were subject to the 
    Order. When the 1993 Act was enacted, the exemption level was increased 
    to less than 200,000 pounds annually. At this exemption level, there 
    are an estimated 50 producers who produce at least 200,000 pounds and 
    will be subject to the Order. Despite this increase in exemption level, 
    the majority of producers subject to the Order will still be classified 
    as small entities. Small agricultural producers have been defined by 
    the Small Business Administration (SBA) [13 CFR 121.601] as those 
    having annual receipts of less than $500,000.
        The increase in exemption level is not expected to significantly 
    affect the number of first handlers who are responsible for collecting 
    and remitting producer assessments to the Lime Board (Board). The 
    number of first handlers remains at approximately 25. The increase in 
    exemption level, which also applies to imports, is not expected to 
    significantly affect the number of importers of fresh market limes. The 
    number of importers subject to the Order will increase from 5 to 35. 
    However, this increase in importers is not primarily due to the 
    increase in the exemption level but rather to the changing character of 
    the lime industry. As in the case of producers, the majority of first 
    handlers and importers subject to the Order will still be classified as 
    small entities. Small agricultural service firms, which include 
    handlers and importers, have been defined by the SBA as those having 
    annual receipts of less than $5,000,000.
        Since the enactment of the 1990 Act, the character of the lime 
    industry has significantly changed. As a result of the extensive damage 
    to lime orchards in Florida by Hurricane Andrew in August 1992, 
    domestic production has plummeted and the volume of imports has 
    increased dramatically. Domestic production is not expected to reach 
    pre-Hurricane Andrew levels for possibly two to three years because 
    Florida accounted for a majority of domestic production.
        Shipment reports of domestic limes, from January 1, 1994, through 
    December 31, 1994, indicate truck shipments of 11.32 million pounds 
    from Florida and 4.23 million pounds from California, for a total of 
    15.55 million pounds. Shipment reports of imported limes for the most 
    recent 12 month period, November 1, 1993, through October 31, 1994, 
    indicate truck shipments of 240.46 million pounds from Mexico plus an 
    additional 8.02 million pounds from 13 other countries. Imports 
    currently represent roughly 94 percent of lime shipments in the United 
        The Order, prior to this action, required lime producers, producer-
    handlers, and importers who produce or import 35,000 pounds or more 
    annually for fresh market to pay an assessment not to exceed one cent 
    per pound of limes. This action limits assessment obligations to 
    producers, producer-handlers, and importers who produce or import 
    200,000 pounds or more annually. The expected results of this action 
    will significantly decrease the number of persons subject to the Order 
    and decrease the amount of assessments collected.
        This action also alters the size and composition of the Board, the 
    administrative body appointed by the Secretary to operate the Order, 
    from 11 members to seven. Further, it reduces the number of producer 
    members serving on the Board from seven to three. The number of 
    importer members will remain at three. The seventh member will be the 
    public member. These changes to the Board's size and membership are 
    reflective of the current structure of the lime industry.
        Accordingly, the Administrator of the AMS has determined that the 
    changes reflected in this action will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    Paperwork Reduction
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 [44 U.S.C. 
    Chapter 35] the information collection requirements contained in the 
    Order have been approved by the OMB and were assigned OMB number 0581-
    0093, except for the Board nominee background statement form which was 
    assigned OMB number 0505-0001. This action will generally reduce the 
    number of information collections, and hence the reporting burden. The 
    information collection requirements of the Order are as follows:
        (1) A periodic report by each first handler who handles limes for 
    fresh market. The estimated number of respondents required to complete 
    this report is 25, each submitting a maximum of 12 responses per year, 
    with an estimated average reporting burden of 30 minutes per response. 
    First handlers may alternatively prepay assessments annually, requiring 
    only an initial report of anticipated assessments and a final annual 
    report of actual handling;
        (2) A periodic report by each importer who imports 200,000 or more 
    pounds annually for fresh market. The estimated number of respondents 
    completing this report is 35, each [[Page 7437]] submitting a maximum 
    of 12 responses per year, with an estimated average reporting burden of 
    15 minutes per response;
        (3) A refund application form for persons who desire a refund of 
    their assessments. The estimated number of respondents completing this 
    application is five, each submitting two responses per year, with an 
    estimated average reporting burden of 15 minutes per response;
        (4) An importer reimbursement application for persons who import 
    less than 200,000 pounds annually and desire to be reimbursed for 
    assessments collected by the U.S. Customs Service. The estimated number 
    of respondents completing this application is 20, each submitting one 
    response per year, with an estimated average reporting burden of 15 
    minutes per response;
        (5) An exemption application for persons who produce or import less 
    than 200,000 pounds annually for fresh market to be exempt from 
    assessments and recordkeeping requirements. The estimated number of 
    respondents completing this application is 600, each submitting one 
    response per year, with an estimated average burden of 15 minutes per 
        (6) A referendum ballot to be used not later than 30 months after 
    assessments begin under the amended Order and periodically thereafter 
    to indicate whether producers and importers favor continuance of the 
    Order. The estimated number of respondents completing this ballot is 
    85, each submitting one response approximately every five years, or an 
    annual average of 10 respondents, with an estimated average reporting 
    burden of 15 minutes per response;
        (7) A nominee background statement form for Board member and 
    alternate positions. Two nominees will be nominated for each open 
    position on the Board. The estimated number of respondents completing 
    this form is 28 during the first year of Order operations, and 
    approximately eight per year thereafter, with an estimated average 
    reporting burden of 30 minutes per response; and
        (8) A requirement to maintain records sufficient to verify reports 
    submitted under the Order. The estimated number of persons required to 
    comply with this requirement is 70, each of whom will have an estimated 
    annual burden of seven minutes.
        The 1990 Act was enacted on November 28, 1990, for the purpose of 
    establishing an orderly procedure for the development and financing of 
    an effective and coordinated program of research, promotion, and 
    consumer information to strengthen the domestic and foreign markets for 
    limes. The Order required by the 1990 Act became effective on January 
    27, 1992 [57 FR 2985], after notice and comment rulemaking.
        In March 1992 the Department conducted nomination meetings to 
    nominate lime producers and importers for appointment to the Board. The 
    Board members were appointed by the Secretary in September 1992, and 
    the Board conducted its first meeting at the Department in Washington, 
    DC in October 1992. During the course of this meeting, the Board and 
    the Department concluded that a technical amendment was needed to cover 
    seedless rather than seeded limes. Consequently, full implementation of 
    the Order was delayed until the enactment of such technical amendment.
        The 1993 Act contained the necessary technical amendment to cover 
    seedless limes (citrus latifolia) rather than seeded limes (citrus 
    aurantifolia) under the Order. The 1993 Act also provided for 
    increasing the exemption level from less than 35,000 pounds annually to 
    less than 200,000; terminating the initial Board; changing the size and 
    composition of the Board; and delaying the initial referendum date.
        A proposed rule published in the April 7, 1994, issue of the 
    Federal Register [58 FR 3446] invited comments on amending the Order to 
    reflect the provisions of the 1993 Act. The Act, as amended, revises 
    the definition of the term ``lime'' from citrus aurantifolia to citrus 
    latifolia; increases the exemption level from less than 35,000 pounds 
    annually to less than 200,000; alters the size, composition, and term 
    of office of the Board; and makes conforming changes.
        The Department received one comment on the April 7 proposed rule. 
    This comment was received from the California Association of 
    Limegrowers. The commenter requested clarification on whether producers 
    and importers subject to the Order will be required to pay an 
    assessment on their total annual production or importation, or on the 
    portion of their volume surpassing the exemption level of less than 
    200,000 pounds annually. In response to this comment, producers and 
    importers of 200,000 pounds or more of limes annually will be required 
    to pay assessments on their total annual production or importation.
        This rule changes the definition of ``lime'' from citrus 
    aurantifolia (seeded lime) to citrus latifolia (seedless lime) in 
    Sec. 1212.5 of the Order. Although the intent of the Act was to cover 
    seedless limes, the definition of ``lime'' in Sec. 1953(6) of the 1990 
    Act applied only to seeded limes.
        This rule increases the producer and importer exemption level from 
    less than 35,000 pounds annually to less than 200,000 pounds annually. 
    This revised exemption level was reached through industry consensus. 
    Therefore, this rule changes references to 35,000 pounds in 
    Secs. 1212.65, 1212.68, and 1212.69 of the Order to 200,000 pounds. In 
    addition, a new paragraph (d) has been added to Sec. 1212.68 of the 
    Order whereby exempt importers may obtain a refund of assessments 
    collected by the U.S. Customs Service.
        Moreover, this rule changes the size of the Board from 11 members 
    to seven. The Board, prior to this action, was composed of seven 
    producer members, three importer members, and their alternates. The 
    public member position was vacant. This action decreases the number of 
    producer members from seven to three, which more fairly reflects the 
    current structure of the lime industry. Therefore, Secs. 1212.30, 
    1212.32, and 1212.34 of the Order have been either amended or revised 
    to make these changes in the Board's composition.
        This rule also changes the Board's composition in Sec. 1212.30(b) 
    relative to representation of producer and importer members within the 
    two districts established under the Order.
    District 1 includes the States east of the Mississippi River, Puerto 
    Rico, and the District of Columbia. District 2 includes the States west 
    of the Mississippi River. Prior to this action, the Order provided for 
    six producer members and one importer member and their alternates from 
    District 1, and one producer member and two importer members and their 
    alternates from District 2. This action reduces the number of producer 
    members from District 1 from six to two by amending and revising 
    Sec. 1212.30 of the Order.
        Further, as a result of this allocation of Board membership, the 
    realignment of districts or reapportionment of membership between 
    Districts 1 and 2 on the basis of changes in production and importation 
    is no longer necessary. Such realignment or reapportionment is 
    inconsistent with the 1993 Act. Therefore, any references to such 
    realignment or reapportionment have been removed from Secs. 1212.18, 
    1212.30, and 1212.40 of the Order.
        Reducing the size of the Board affects the requirements for a 
    quorum and the number of trustees which will be designated if the 
    program were to be terminated. Therefore, this action 
    [[Page 7438]] amends Sec. 1212.37 of the Order by decreasing from six 
    to four the number of members needed to constitute a quorum at Board 
    meetings and by changing the number of trustees designated in 
    Sec. 1212.84 of the Order from five to four.
        The 1993 Act requires that appointments of the Board members made 
    under the 1990 Act be terminated. Such appointments will be terminated 
    on the effective date of this rule and, when practicable, new 
    appointments will be made by the Secretary. The 1993 Act also specifies 
    that the initial Board members under the amended Order will serve 
    initial terms of office of 30 months. This change is directly related 
    to the provision of the 1993 Act which delays the deadline for the 
    initial referendum until 30 months after the date on which the 
    collection of assessments begin under the amended Order. A conforming 
    change in Sec. 1212.67 of the Order pursuant to the 1993 provision has 
    also been made.
        In order to provide administrative continuity during the 30 months 
    prior to the initial continuance referendum, the 1993 Act provides that 
    the initial Board members under the amended Order serve 30-month 
    concurrent terms of office. The 1990 Act provided for the staggering of 
    the terms of office of the initial Board members. Although staggered 
    terms of office are generally desirable, this created a situation where 
    30 percent or more of the Board's membership could change prior to the 
    initial referendum. In contrast, the 1993 Act provides that the initial 
    Board members under the amended Order serve 30-month concurrent terms 
    of office and that staggered terms be reinstituted after the referendum 
    if the program continues. The purpose of this change is to minimize the 
    organizational uncertainties associated with Board member turnover and 
    to facilitate organizational continuity during the period prior to the 
    initial referendum. Therefore, this action also revises Sec. 1212.34 of 
    the Order.
        In addition, a technical change is made to Sec. 1212.64 of the 
    Order to add the code number for limes from the Harmonized Tariff 
    Schedule of the United States.
        After consideration of all relevant material presented, it is found 
    that the amendments to the Order herein tend to effectuate the declared 
    policy of the Act, as amended.
        Pursuant to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 553, it is found and 
    determined that good cause exists for not postponing the effective date 
    of this action until 30 days after publication in the Federal Register 
    because (1) this action is required by the 1993 Act; (2) the proposed 
    rule provided a 30-day period to allow interested parties to comment 
    prior to this action; (3) the amended Order cannot be fully implemented 
    until this rule becomes effective and the initial Board is appointed; 
    and (4) no useful purpose would be served by a delay of the effective 
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 1212
        Administrative practice and procedure, Advertising, Limes, 
    Marketing agreements, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 7 CFR Part 1212 is 
    amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR Part 1212 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 6201-6212.
    Subpart A--Lime Research, Promotion, and Consumer Information Order
    Sec. 1212.2  [Amended]
        2. Section 1212.2 is amended by removing the phrase ``and any 
    amendments thereto'' and adding in its place ``as amended''.
    Sec. 1212.5  [Amended]
        3. Section 1212.5 is amended by removing the word ``aurantifolia'' 
    and adding in its place ``latifolia''.
    Sec. 1212.18  [Amended]
        4. Section 1212.18 is amended by removing the phrase ``, or other 
    subdivisions as may be prescribed pursuant to Sec. 1212.40(o)''.
        5. In Sec. 1212.30 paragraph (a) is amended by removing the word 
    ``Seven'' and adding in its place ``Three''; paragraph (b) is revised; 
    and paragraph (c) and the undesignated concluding text are removed as 
    Sec. 1212.30  Establishment and membership.
    * * * * *
        (b) Two of the three producer members shall be producers of limes 
    in District 1, and one producer member shall be a producer of limes in 
    District 2. One of the three importer members shall be an importer of 
    limes in District 1, and two importer members shall be importers of 
    limes in District 2. The public member shall be selected at large.
    Sec. 1212.31  [Amended]
        6. Section 1212.31 is amended by revising the section heading and 
    paragraph (a), designating the existing text of paragraph (k) as 
    paragraph (k)(1) and revising it, and designating the concluding text 
    at the end of the section as paragraph (k)(2) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1212.31  Nominations.
    * * * * *
        (a) Except for the member and alternate member who represent the 
    general public, nominations of initial members to the Board shall be 
    submitted to the Secretary for selection as soon as practicable after 
    February 8, 1995. In subsequent years, nominations of members to the 
    Board shall be submitted to the Secretary by the Board by August 1. 
    Nominations may be made by means of group meetings for producer and 
    importer members or by mail ballot.
    * * * * *
        (k) (1) In the event of a mail ballot, all qualified persons 
    interested in serving on the Board or who are interested in nominating 
    another person to serve on the Board shall submit to the Board in 
    writing such information as name, mailing address, number of pounds 
    produced, marketed, handled, or imported, or other information as may 
    be required, in order to place that person on the ballot: Provided, 
    That in the case of nominating the initial Board under the amended Act, 
    the Secretary shall mail out the ballots and cause press releases 
    concerning the distribution of ballots and pertinent information on 
    balloting to be distributed to the media in the lime producing and 
    importing areas. These ballots shall be returned to the Secretary.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 1212.32  [Amended]
        7. Section 1212.32 is amended by removing the word ``seven'' and 
    adding in its place ``three''.
        8. Section 1212.34 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1212.34  Term of office.
        (a) The initial members of the Board and their respective 
    alternates shall serve 30-month concurrent terms of office.
        (b) The term of office for the initial Board shall begin 
    immediately following appointment by the Secretary. In subsequent 
    years, the term of office shall begin on January 1 or such other period 
    which may be approved by the Secretary.
        (c) Subsequent appointments to the Board will be for a term of 3 
    years, except that during the initial 3-year appointments, members and 
    their alternates shall serve terms as follows: one producer member from 
    District 1 and one importer member from District 2 shall be appointed 
    for a term of 1 year; [[Page 7439]] the importer member from District 1 
    and the producer member from District 2 shall be appointed for a term 
    of 2 years; and one producer member from District 1 and one importer 
    member from District 2 shall be appointed for a term of 3 years.
        (d) Board members and alternates shall serve during the term of 
    office for which they are selected and have qualified, and until their 
    successors are selected and have qualified.
        (e) No member or alternate shall serve more than two successive 
    terms. However, members and alternates serving a term of 1 year, after 
    having served a 30-month concurrent term, may serve a third successive 
    Sec. 1212.37  [Amended]
        9. In Sec. 1212.37 paragraph (a) is amended by removing the word 
    ``Six'' and adding in its place ``Four''.
    Sec. 1212.40  [Amended]
        10. Section 1212.40 is amended by removing paragraph (o) and 
    redesignating paragraphs (p), (q), and (r) as paragraphs (o), (p), and 
    (q) respectively.
        11. Section 1212.64 is amended by adding a new paragraph (j) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 1212.64  Assessments.
    * * * * *
        (j) The import assessment shall be uniformly applied to imported 
    limes that are identified by the number 0805.90.0010 in the Harmonized 
    Tariff Schedule of the United States or any other number used to 
    identify limes as defined in Sec. 1212.5.
    Sec. 1212.65  [Amended]
        12. In Sec. 1212.65 paragraph (c)(2)(viii) is amended by removing 
    the number ``35,000'' and adding in its place ``200,000''.
        13. Section 1212.67 is amended by revising the introductory text of 
    paragraph (a) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1212.67  Refunds.
        (a) Subject to the provisions of this section any producer, 
    producer-handler, or importer shall have the right to personally demand 
    and receive from the Board a refund of assessments paid by or on behalf 
    of such producer, producer-handler, or importer for any calendar month 
    during the period beginning on the date on which the collection of 
    assessments begins under this Order and ending on the effective date of 
    the referendum mandated by section 1960(a) of the Act; Provided, That:
    * * * * *
    Sec. 1212.68  [Amended]
        14. In Sec. 1212.68 paragraph (a) is amended by removing the number 
    ``35,000'' wherever it appears and adding in its place ``200,000''; and 
    by adding a new paragraph (d) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1212.68  Exemption from assessment.
    * * * * *
        (d) Importers who are exempt from assessment shall be entitled to 
    reimbursement of assessments collected by the U.S. Customs Service and 
    shall apply to the Board for reimbursement of such assessments paid on 
    a marketing year basis. The Board shall reimburse such assessments 
    within 30 days of receiving an importer's application.
    Sec. 1212.69  [Amended]
        15. Section 1212.69 is amended by removing the number ``35,000'' 
    and adding in its place ``200,000''.
    Sec. 1212.84  [Amended]
        16. In Sec. 1212.84 paragraph (a) is amended by removing the word 
    ``five'' and adding in its place ``four''.
        Dated: February 2, 1995.
    Patricia Jensen,
    Acting Assistant Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs.
    [FR Doc. 95-3144 Filed 2-7-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-02-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Agriculture Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
February 8, 1995.
7435-7439 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (15)
7 CFR 1212.2
7 CFR 1212.5
7 CFR 1212.18
7 CFR 1212.30
7 CFR 1212.31
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