96-2665. Tin-Coated Lead Foil Capsules for Wine Bottles  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 27 (Thursday, February 8, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 4816-4820]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-2665]
    [[Page 4815]]
    Part II
    Department of Health and Human Services
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Part 189
    Tin-Coated Lead Foil Capsules for Wine Bottles; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 1996 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 4816]]
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Part 189
    [Docket No. 91N-0326]
    RIN 0910-AA06
    Tin-Coated Lead Foil Capsules for Wine Bottles
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending its 
    regulations to prohibit the use of tin-coated lead foil capsules (i.e., 
    coverings for the cork and neck area) on wine bottles. Lead in these 
    capsules may, as a result of their intended use, become a component of 
    the wine. FDA is taking this action to reduce exposure to lead to the 
    extent feasible.
    DATES: Effective February 8, 1996. Wine is adulterated under the 
    Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) if a tin-coated lead 
    foil capsule is applied to the wine bottle on or after February 8, 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael E. Kashtock, Center for Food 
    Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS-306), Food and Drug Administration, -
    200 C St. SW., -Washington, DC 20204, 202-205-4681.
    I. Background
        In the Federal Register of November 25, 1992 (57 FR 55485), FDA 
    published a proposed rule to prohibit the use of tin-coated lead foil 
    capsules on wine bottles (hereinafter referred to as the 1992 
    proposal). The 1992 proposal was based on evidence from studies on 
    bottled wine capped with tin-coated lead foil capsules that showed that 
    the lead in the foil becomes a component of food. No food additive 
    regulation exists for this use of tin-coated lead foil, nor is there a 
    prior sanction for this use. Moreover, this use of tin-coated lead foil 
    is not generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Therefore, FDA tentatively 
    found that tin-coated lead foil capsules used on wine bottles are an 
    unsafe food additive under section 409 of the act (21 U.S.C. 348), and 
    wine is adulterated under section 402 (a)(2)(C) of the act (21 U.S.C. 
    342(a)(2)(C)), if a tin-coated lead foil capsule is applied to the wine 
    bottle on or after February 8, 1996. Given the longstanding use of tin-
    coated lead foil capsules as a packaging material for wine, the agency 
    proposed to prohibit use of this capsule by regulation to make its 
    regulatory status clear. FDA proposed to make any final rule that 
    issued based upon the 1992 proposal effective on its date of 
    II. Summary of and Response to Comments
    A. Summary of Comments
        The agency received 16 comments in response to the 1992 proposal. 
    Thirteen comments were from domestic and imported wine merchants, 
    associations representing domestic winemakers, and a foreign national 
    trade association representing exporters of wine. In addition, one 
    comment was received from an international trade commission, and two 
    were received from foreign governments.
        All comments supported the proposal in principle. However, some 
    comments sought clarification of what the proposal was intended to 
    prohibit. Some comments raised issues concerning other types of 
    capsules that may contain lead used on wine bottles. Some comments 
    raised concerns about regulatory action by individual States concerning 
    capsules used on wine bottles.
        The majority of the comments reacted favorably to the proposed 
    effective date, but two comments expressed the need for further 
    clarification on this issue.
        One comment asserted that the wine industry is being charged with 
    an extraordinary share of the lead-reduction burden.
    B. Responses to Comments
        1. Several comments stated that the 1992 proposal did not clearly 
    identify the specific type of capsule that FDA proposed to prohibit. 
    One comment requested that the 1992 proposal be amended to provide a 
    clearer definition of what is prohibited. The comment also stated that 
    if the prohibition is to be based on the amount of lead that is present 
    in the capsule, then fairness requires that reasonable notice be given 
    of the precise requirement of the final rule before it becomes 
    effective. Another comment stated that since some traces of lead may 
    appear in alternative types of capsules, the final rule should be 
    written in such a way that no ambiguity is possible concerning the 
    amount of lead that the capsule may contain.
        These comments apparently derive in large measure from the fact 
    that the State of California has acted to prohibit the use of capsules 
    that contain more than 0.3 percent lead. These comments are responding 
    to the 1992 proposal's lack of a quantitative level of lead in a 
    capsule that would subject it to prohibition, inasmuch as the State's 
    action included such a level.
        In response to these comments, FDA emphasizes that the intent of 
    the 1992 proposal was not to set a maximum permissible level of lead in 
    a capsule. The intent was to prohibit the use of tin-coated lead foil 
    capsules as a covering for the cork and neck areas of wine bottles. In 
    the preamble to the 1992 proposed rule, FDA defined ``tin-coated lead 
    foil capsules'' as ``capsules composed of lead foil coated on both 
    sides with a thin layer of tin.'' This identification is not ambiguous. 
    It clearly differentiates between tin-coated lead foil capsules, in 
    which lead is intentionally used, and other types of capsules known to 
    be used in the bottling of wine (e.g., all tin capsules) that may 
    unavoidably contain some lead as an impurity.
        Nonetheless, given the concerns expressed by the comments, to 
    eliminate the possibility of any ambiguity in the final regulation, the 
    agency is modifying proposed Sec. 189.301(a) to incorporate the 
    definition of ``tin-coated lead foil'' as it appeared in the preamble 
    of the 1992 proposal.
        2. Several comments requested that the agency define ``all tin-
    capsules'' (an alternative to tin-coated lead foil capsules) to include 
    the amount of lead that may be present in the capsule as an unintended 
        As stated above, this final rule is a prohibition of, and applies 
    exclusively to, tin-coated lead foil capsules.
        It is not FDA's intent in this rulemaking to address the regulatory 
    status of any other type of capsule (e.g., tin, aluminum, or plastic). 
    However, FDA recognizes that it is conceivable that materials, both 
    metallic and nonmetallic, used in other types of capsules could become 
    components of wine, thus subjecting these capsules to the provisions of 
    the act. FDA provides the following guidance in response to the 
    comments that sought an opinion on the status of various types of 
    capsules that may be used in the bottling of wine.
        If a substance, such as tin or aluminum, has a history of use as a 
    capsule for wine bottles predating January 1, 1958, and the substance 
    could become a component of food as a result of its intended use, the 
    use may be GRAS based on common use in food or food contact. The 
    criteria for determining whether the use is GRAS are described in 
    Sec. 170.30(c) (21 CFR 170.30(c)). Any substance whose use in capsules 
    for wine bottles began after January 1, 1958, would either have to be 
    GRAS for such use on the basis of scientific procedures described in 
    [[Page 4817]]
    Sec. 170.30(b) or would be required to be used in accordance with a 
    food additive regulation that prescribes safe conditions of use. In 
    either case, the substance must be of a purity suitable for its 
    intended use.
        FDA is aware that the occurrence of some amount of lead in tin is 
    unavoidable because lead is a naturally occurring impurity in tin ore. 
    Manufacturers are expected to take steps to control this source of 
    exposure to lead by securing raw materials of the highest purity 
        3. Several comments expressed concern that the States have or may 
    enact inconsistent and conflicting laws that restrict the amount of 
    lead that may be present in ``all-tin capsules.'' Therefore, the 
    comments requested that FDA establish a national definition of ``all-
    tin capsules'' based on the California definition \1\ to eliminate 
    inconsistencies and conflicts, to level the playing field among States, 
    and to protect imported wine from State-imposed nontariff trade 
        \1\ The ``California definition'' refers to a definition agreed 
    to by the State of California and several wine producers and 
    importers in a December 6, 1991, consent decree (People of the State 
    of California v. Gallo Vineyards, Inc. et al., No. 640951, San Diego 
    County Superior Court). This decree states in part that ``lead 
    foil'' or ``tin-lead foil'' capsules are ``* * * any foil capsules * 
    * * containing lead as an intended constituent at concentrations 
    greater than .3% by dry weight.''
        The agency understands that some comments may wish to have a 
    preemptive Federal regulation defining ``all-tin capsules.'' However, 
    this final rule is a prohibition of, and applies exclusively to, tin-
    coated lead foil capsules as defined by this agency.
        It appears that the comments contemplate that some States may 
    promulgate regulations that are different from, or more restrictive, 
    than the ``California definition'' of ``all-tin capsules.'' The agency 
    recognizes that if individual States establish variable limits on the 
    lead content of capsule materials, burdens on interstate commerce can 
    result. However, the potential for such action by individual States, 
    and the question of what would be an appropriate course of action by 
    the Federal government in such a case, is outside the scope of this 
    rulemaking. The prohibition of tin-coated lead foil capsules is 
    absolute. More restrictive action by the States with respect to such 
    capsules is not possible. As for other materials used to make wine 
    capsules, interested persons may wish to petition the agency to 
    establish limits on lead in such materials that have preemptive effect. 
    Agency action on such petitions would be based on the merits of the 
    petition and the availability of agency resources.
        4. One comment stated that it is unfair for FDA, and for other 
    agencies of the United States, to place excessive responsibility on the 
    wine industry to achieve lead reduction in food and not require similar 
    efforts from other industries.
        FDA disagrees with the comment's allegation that the agency is 
    imposing excessive responsibility on the wine industry to achieve lead 
    reduction. The prohibition on the use of tin-coated lead foil capsules 
    is only one of the actions that the agency has taken to implement its 
    policy to reduce exposure to lead in food to the maximum extent 
    practicable. Other actions include a recently published final rule 
    formally banning lead-soldered food cans (60 FR 33106, June 27, 1995), 
    a final rule lowering the allowable level of lead in bottled water (59 
    FR 26933, May 25, 1994), the lowering of action guidelines for 
    leachable lead from ceramicware (57 FR 29734, July 6, 1992), and a 
    final rule requiring a warning label on decorative ceramicware, which 
    could be mistakenly used to hold food, in order to exempt it from the 
    action guidelines for leachable lead (59 FR 1638, January 12, 1994). 
    FDA is also considering action to reduce the specifications for lead in 
    food and color additives and in GRAS ingredients, as described in an 
    advance notice of proposed rulemaking that was published in 1994 (59 FR 
    5363, February 4, 1994).
        5. Several foreign comments sought assurance that wines capped with 
    tin-coated lead foil capsules before January 1, 1993, will be permitted 
    to enter the United States, and that marketing of wines capped with 
    tin-coated lead foil capsules and imported before January 1, 1993, will 
    be permitted.
        FDA's 1992 proposal specifically stated that the prohibition on the 
    use of tin-lead foil capsules is applicable to products capped after 
    the effective date of this final rule. Thus, this prohibition will not 
    be retroactively applied to any product capped before February 8, 1996, 
    nor is any action required to recall and retrofit any product capped 
    before that date. Consequently, European wines capped before the 
    European Commission (EC) ban of January 1, 1993, will not be prohibited 
    from being imported into the United States or marketed in the United 
    States by this rule.
        In the 1992 proposal, FDA proposed that the effective date of this 
    final rule be the date that it is published in the Federal Register. In 
    the 1992 proposal, the agency stated that information that it had 
    already received indicated that the industry anticipated the 
    availability of adequate supplies of alternative capsules by no later 
    than November 1992. The industry desired that the prohibition of the 
    use of tin-coated capsules not precede the availability of adequate 
    supplies of alternative capsules. No comments indicating that the 
    industry would not be able to comply with the effective date were 
    III. Conclusions
        After review and consideration of the comments received in response 
    to the 1992 proposal, FDA concludes that no evidence or information has 
    been presented that would cause the agency not to adopt Sec. 189.301, 
    which prohibits the capping of bottled wine with ``tin-coated lead foil 
        Therefore, FDA is amending 21 CFR part 189 as proposed with the 
    exception that the agency has modified Sec. 189.301 to include the 
    definition of ``Tin-coated lead foil capsules'' as discussed in comment 
    1 of this document and made minor editorial changes.
    IV. Environmental Impact
        The agency has previously considered the environmental effects of 
    this rule as announced in the proposed rule (57 FR 55485, November 25, 
    1992). No new information or comments have been received that would 
    affect the agency's previous determination that there is no significant 
    impact on the human environment and that an environmental impact 
    statement is not required.
    V. Economic Impact
        FDA has examined the impacts of this final rule to prohibit the use 
    of tin-coated lead foil capsules for wine bottles as required by 
    Executive Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96-
    354). Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess all costs and 
    benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, when regulation is 
    necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits 
    (including potential economic environmental, public health and safety, 
    and other advantages; distributive impacts; and equity). The Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act requires agencies to analyze regulatory options that 
    would minimize any significant impact of a rule on small entities. FDA 
    finds that this final rule is not a significant regulatory action as 
    defined by Executive Order 12866. In compliance with the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act, the agency certifies that the final rule will not have 
    a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    [[Page 4818]]
        On November 25, 1992, FDA published an analysis of the economic 
    impacts of the proposed requirements under the previous Executive Order 
    (Executive Order 12291). In that analysis the agency stated that 
    banning the use of tin-lead capsules for wine bottles would require the 
    wine industry to use other materials for capsules, such as 
    polyvinylchloride (PVC), aluminum, or tin. The cost estimates reported 
    in this regulation did not include costs to the wine industry in 
    California because California State law already prohibited the use of 
    these capsules in wine bottles.
        The impact of the proposed regulation was expected to be an 
    increase in the cost of capsule material and bottling equipment to the 
    portion of the industry that still used tin-lead capsules. At the time 
    of publication of the proposal it was assumed that the most likely 
    alternative to tin-lead foil capsules to be used was tin capsules at a 
    total cost to the industry of $4.5 million annually.
    A. Costs
        Since the publication of the 1992 proposal to ban tin-lead foil 
    capsules, several new alternatives have emerged and existing ones have 
    been improved through better quality, lower prices, or both. According 
    to a recent trade publication, there are four basic capsules that may 
    be used, which are listed in the chart below (Ref. 1).
    PVC (polyvinylchloride)................  $40 per 1,000 capsules         
    Polylam (aluminum/plastic laminate)....  $60 per 1,000 capsules         
    Aluminum...............................  $85 per 1,000 capsules         
    Tin....................................  $90 per 1,000 capsules         
        It is assumed in this analysis that only imported wines still 
    continue to use tin-lead foil capsules, not including those imported 
    from the European Union (EU). Approximately 15 percent of wines 
    consumed in the United States are imported and 5 percent of all wines 
    are from countries other than the EU. Thus, if all such wines used tin-
    lead foil capsules, 8.6 million bottles of imported wine would be 
    expected to be converted away from tin-lead foil capsules as a result 
    of this final rule. Since tin-lead foil capsules cost the same as 
    polylam capsules, only those wineries who choose tin or aluminum will 
    incur additional costs. Assuming that all conversions will be evenly 
    distributed between the four options above, costs of using different 
    capsules are expected to be approximately $90,000 per year.
    B. Benefits
        Benefits of this regulation will be realized in reduced exposure to 
    lead by children and pregnant women (fetuses), groups that are 
    particularly sensitive to exposure to lead. Adverse health effects of 
    lead exposure in these population groups occur at lower blood lead 
    levels than in adults. Exposure to very low levels of lead can 
    adversely affect the production of the iron-containing component of 
    hemoglobin in children and can cause neurobehavioral and growth 
    deficits at prenatal (maternal) stages. The agency has previously 
    stated that for infants and children, the lowest observed effect level 
    of lead in blood is 10 micrograms per deciliter (g/dL) (57 FR 
    55485 at 55487, November 25, 1992).
        The following table shows estimates of the current blood lead 
    incidence levels in the two population groups predicted to exceed 10 
    g/dL (Ref. 2).
      TABLE 1.--Background Incidence of Blood Lead Levels >10 g/dL 
               Population Group                   Estimated Incidence       
    Children, age 2 years................  10%                              
    Women of child-bearing age...........  1%                               
    1. Benefit Estimation for Children Ages 3 through 6
        Using the estimates in Table 1 and assuming that the same incidence 
    levels apply for children ages 3 through 6 as for 2-year olds, then 
    approximately 1.4 million children between the ages of 3 and 6 have 
    blood lead levels greater than 10 g/dL.
        Wine consumption data were obtained from the United States 
    Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nationwide Consumption Survey. This 
    survey provided the percentage of children who consumed wine at least 
    once in a 3-day period and the daily consumption distribution (in grams 
    (g)) for each group. Approximately 0.12 percent of the children ages 3 
    through 6 in this survey, or 1,680 children (1.4 million x 0.0012 = 
    1,680), consumed wine once in 3 days. The average daily consumption of 
    wine for children ages 3 through 6 is 51 g/day per child.
        Assuming that children who consume imported wine do so in the same 
    proportion as national consumption (e.g., 5 percent of the total wine 
    consumed is imported from non-EU countries), then an estimated 84 
    children (5 percent of 1,680) may be at risk.
        The capsule contribution of lead from imported wine is, on average, 
    6 g lead (Pb)/day (120 parts per billion (ppb)). By using an 
    absorption rate factor of 0.16 for children, the blood lead level 
    increase attributable to the consumption of imported wine by these 
    children is estimated to be 1 g Pb/dL (Ref. 3).
        To assess monetary benefits from reducing this lead intake, this 
    analysis uses a study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that 
    looked at the effect of lead reduction on the lifetime earnings of 
    consumers. The CDC study used three ``pathways'' with associated 
    parameter estimates to measure the change in lifetime earnings that 
    would result from a change in 1 g Pb/dL blood. Each pathway 
    included an estimate of a quarter of an intelligence quotient (IQ) 
    point decrease for each 1 g Pb/dL of blood increase.
        The CDC study measured the impacts of a change in blood lead on IQ 
    through changes in wages, educational attainment, and labor force 
    participation rates. Because each of these effects are highly 
    correlated (wages, education, and labor force participation), FDA will 
    conservatively use only the strongest effect, education. FDA used a 
    [[Page 4819]]
    approach in the economic impact analysis of the proposed rule to ban 
    lead soldered food cans (58 FR 33860, June 21, 1993). For this factor, 
    it is estimated that an increment of 1 g Pb/dL blood decreases 
    lifetime earning levels by approximately 0.2 percent.
        Starting from an average expected lifetime earnings rate of 
    $260,000, the decrease in the net present value of lifetime earnings 
    from a 1 g/dL change in blood lead levels will be $512 (.00197 
    x 260,000). For the 84 children estimated to be at risk, the lower 
    bound annual benefit of reducing blood lead levels by 1 g Pb/
    dL from domestic wine consumption is estimated to be $43,000 (512 per 
    child). It should be noted that the amount may be understated to the 
    extent that this estimate, a human capital approach, does not represent 
    utility from a higher IQ in nonlabor activities which would be included 
    in a willingness-to-pay estimate.
        The above calculations are also considered to be lower bound, as 
    they only estimate benefits for children with blood lead levels above 
    10 g/dL. Using the same wine consumption levels as above (51 
    g/day), but allowing for effects (linear) below 10 g Pb/dL 
    blood, the annual benefit of reducing blood lead levels by 1 
    g/dL would be $4.6 million.
        Assuming that half the problem is solved each year, over the next 
    20 years total discounted benefits may range between $81,000 and $5.7 
    2. Benefit Estimation for Fetuses
        There are approximately 58 million women between the ages of 
    childbearing age (15 to 44 years). Each year, approximately 3 million 
    (6 percent) are pregnant at any given time. Using the incidence 
    estimates in Table 1 (1 percent of 3 million), 30,000 of these women 
    (pregnancies) are estimated to have blood lead levels above 10 
        Dietary exposure to lead (from tin-lead foil capsules) for pregnant 
    women has been evaluated in a manner similar to that used for children. 
    The USDA food consumption survey (1977-1978) reported average wine 
    intake per day for individuals who drank wine on 1, 2, and 3 days over 
    a 3-day period. It also provided the wine consumption data for women of 
    different age groups, including those of childbearing age (15 to 44 
    years). After eliminating the tin-lead capsules in wine bottles, the 
    lead levels in imported wine would be reduced by an average of 120 ppb. 
    A 120 ppb reduction is equivalent to 120 g/kilogram of wine. 
    Thus, if a pregnant woman consumes 100 g of wine per day, the lead 
    intake from wine will be reduced by 12 g Pb/day. Using the 
    maternal (adult) absorption rate of 0.04, the blood lead level in the 
    fetus would be reduced by 0.50 g Pb/dL blood (Ref. 3).
        The figures in the following table were derived from the USDA food 
    consumption survey data utilizing data on lead levels in imported wine 
    attributable to the use of tin-lead foil capsules and the maternal 
    absorption rate factor just noted. Blood lead level reductions for each 
    group of wine consumers are the result of eliminating the capsule's 
    lead contribution.
                        TABLE 2.--Blood Lead Level Reductions After Eliminating Tin-Lead Capsules                   
          (Pregnant women who consume wine and are at risk of reaching blood lead levels over 10 g/dL)     
                                                                                                          Blood Pb  
                                                                           Number of      Number of        level    
                                Age females                                   wine      imported wine    reduction  
                                                                           consumers      consumers1    (g/
                                                                                                         dL blood)  
    Drink once in 3 days                                                                                            
    15-18..............................................................       37              1.8            0.29   
    19-34..............................................................    1,542             77              0.37   
    35-44..............................................................       74              3.7                   
    Drink two of 3 days                                                                                             
    15-18..............................................................        3              1.4            0.37   
    19-34..............................................................      411             20              0.70   
    35-44..............................................................       28              1.4            0.54   
    Drink all 3 days                                                                                                
    15-18..............................................................        0              0              0      
    19-34..............................................................      179              8.9            1.34   
    35-44..............................................................       26              1.3            0.94   
    TOTAL..............................................................    2,300           1152                     
    \1\ Excludes consumers of wine imported from the EC.                                                            
    \2\ Pregnancies resulted in live births only.                                                                   
        Assuming 115 fetuses have their blood lead levels reduced by the 
    amounts shown in Table 2 above, the increase in the value of lifetime 
    earnings is estimated to be $16,000.
        Again, assuming the relationship between IQ and income is linear 
    benefits are estimated for all fetuses with nonzero blood lead levels. 
    The annual upper bound benefit in terms of an increase in the value of 
    lifetime earnings is estimated to be $1.6 million.
        Thus, the benefit of reducing maternal blood lead levels ranges 
    from $16,000 to $1.6 million.
        Assuming half of the lead problem is solved each year, the total 
    discounted benefits (at 6 percent) to pregnant women (fetuses) is 
    estimated to be $30,000 to $3 million.
    C. Summary
        For this analysis, FDA has assumed that only imported wines still 
    continue to use tin-lead foil capsules, excluding those imported from 
    the EU. Costs of conversion are expected to be approximately $90,000 
    annually. Total discounted costs (6 percent) are estimated to be $1.2 
        Assuming that, (1) the population growth rate in the United States 
    continues to be near the replacement rate, and (2) half of the lead 
    problem is reduced each year, the reduction of blood lead levels due to 
    ingestion of wine is expected to result in discounted benefits ranging 
    from $97,000 to $8.7 million.
    VI. References
        The following references have been placed on display in the Dockets 
    Management Branch (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 12420 
    Parklawn Dr., rm. 1-23, Rockville, MD 20857.
        1. Walker, L., ``What's Next in the Wine Capsule Department?,'' 
    Wine & Vines, 74(3):20(3), March 1993.
        2. Carrington, C., P. M. Bolger, and R. J. Scheupleia, ``Risk 
    Analysis of Dietary Lead Exposure,'' in press.
    [[Page 4820]]
        3. FDA memorandum, ``Provisional Tolerable Exposure Levels for 
    Lead,'' Clark D. Carrington, Division of Toxicological Review and 
    Evaluation, to Elizabeth Campbell, Division of Regulatory Guidance, 
    November 16, 1990.
    List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 189
        Food ingredients, Food packaging.
        Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as 
    amended, and under authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and 
    Drugs, 21 CFR part 189 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 189 continues to read as 
        -Authority: Secs. 201, 402, 409, 701 of the Federal Food, Drug, 
    and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321, 342, 348, 371).
        2. New Sec. 189.301 is added to subpart C to read as follows:
    Sec. 189.301  Tin-coated lead foil capsules for wine bottles.
        (a) Tin-coated lead foil is composed of a lead foil coated on one 
    or both sides with a thin layer of tin. Tin-coated lead foil has been 
    used as a capsule (i.e., as a covering applied over the cork and neck 
    areas) on wine bottles to prevent insect infestation, as a barrier to 
    oxygen, and for decorative purposes. Information received by the Food 
    and Drug Administration establishes that the use of such a capsule on 
    wine bottles may reasonably be expected to result in lead becoming a 
    component of the wine.
        (b) The capping of any bottles of wine after February 8, 1996, with 
    a tin-coated lead foil capsule renders the wine adulterated and in 
    violation of section 402(a)(2)(C) of the Federal Food, Drug, and 
    Cosmetic Act because lead from the capsule, which is an unsafe food 
    additive within the meaning of section 409 of the act, may reasonably 
    be expected to become a component of the wine.
        Dated: January 29, 1996.
    William K. Hubbard,
    Associate Commissioner for Policy Coordination.
    [FR Doc. 96-2665 Filed 2-7-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
Effective February 8, 1996. Wine is adulterated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) if a tin-coated lead foil capsule is applied to the wine bottle on or after February 8, 1996.
4816-4820 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 91N-0326
0910-AA06: Lead in Foods
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
21 CFR 170.30(b)
21 CFR 170.30(c)
21 CFR 189.301