99-2866. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination of Whether Designation of Critical Habitat for the Coastal California Gnatcatcher is Prudent  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 25 (Monday, February 8, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 5957-5963]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-2866]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AC88
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination of 
    Whether Designation of Critical Habitat for the Coastal California 
    Gnatcatcher is Prudent
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Notice of determination.
    SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, have reconsidered our 
    prudency finding for designating critical habitat for the coastal 
    California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica). We listed 
    the coastal California gnatcatcher as a threatened species under the 
    Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act) on March 30, 1993. At 
    that time, we determined that designation of critical habitat was not 
    prudent because designation would not benefit the coastal California 
    gnatcatcher and would increase the degree of threat to the species. On 
    May 21, 1997, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit 
    issued an opinion that required us to issue a new decision regarding 
    the prudency of designating critical habitat for the coastal California 
    gnatcatcher. This notice of determination responds to that court order.
    DATES: We made the finding announced in this document on January 21, 
    ADDRESSES: The complete file for this prudency reconsideration is 
    available for inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours 
    at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife 
    Office, 2730 Loker Avenue West, Carlsbad, California 92008.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ken S. Berg, Field Supervisor, at the 
    above address (telephone: 760/431-9440; facsimile 760/431-9624).
        We listed the coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila 
    californica californica) (gnatcatcher) as a threatened species under 
    the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act) (16 U.S.C. 1531 et 
    seq.) on March 30, 1993 (58 FR 16742). This small, insectivorous 
    songbird typically occurs in several distinctive subassociations of the 
    coastal sage scrub plant community. Coastal sage scrub vegetation is 
    composed of relatively low-growing, dry-season deciduous, and succulent 
    plants. Characteristic plants of this community include coastal 
    sagebrush (Artemisia californica), various species of sage (Salvia 
    spp.), California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum), lemonadeberry 
    (Rhus integrifolia), California encelia (Encelia californica), prickly 
    pear and cholla cactus (Opuntia spp.), and various species of 
    Haplopappus. The gnatcatcher exhibits a strong affinity to coastal sage 
    scrub vegetation dominated by coastal sagebrush, although in some 
    portions of its range (e.g., western Riverside County) other plant 
    species may be more abundant. The species occurs below about 912 meters 
    (m) (3,000 feet (ft)) in elevation. The species remains
    [[Page 5958]]
    threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation resulting from urban and 
    agricultural development, and the synergistic effects of cowbird 
    parasitism and predation (58 FR 16742).
        The precarious status of the gnatcatcher and the importance of 
    habitat protection are well known to the general public and to land 
    planning agencies. We are working with Federal, State, and local 
    agencies and private landowners throughout the historic range of the 
    gnatcatcher to implement or develop conservation plans for this species 
    and the large array of other listed or sensitive species also found in 
    its coastal sage scrub habitats.
    Critical Habitat
        Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the Act as--(i) the 
    specific areas within the geographical area occupied by a species, at 
    the time it is listed in accordance with the Act, on which are found 
    those physical or biological features (I) essential to the conservation 
    of the species and (II) that may require special management 
    considerations or protection; and, (ii) specific areas outside the 
    geographical area occupied by a species at the time it was listed, upon 
    a determination that such areas are essential for the conservation of 
    the species. ``Conservation'' means the use of all methods and 
    procedures needed to bring the species to the point at which listing 
    under the Act is no longer necessary.
        Section 4(a)(3) of the Act, as amended, and its implementing 
    regulations (50 CFR 424.12) require that, to the maximum extent prudent 
    and determinable, the Secretary designate critical habitat at the time 
    a species is determined to be endangered or threatened. According to 
    our regulations (50 CFR 424.12(a)(1)), designation of critical habitat 
    is not prudent when one or both of the following situations exist--(1) 
    The species is threatened by taking or other human activity, and 
    identification of critical habitat can be expected to increase the 
    degree of threat to the species, or (2) such designation of critical 
    habitat would not be beneficial to the species.
        In general, critical habitat designation contributes to species 
    conservation primarily by highlighting habitat areas in need of special 
    management considerations or protection, and by describing the features 
    within those areas that are essential to the conservation of the 
    species. Critical habitat designation may provide additional protection 
    under section 7 of the Act with regard to activities that are funded, 
    authorized, or carried out by a Federal agency on either Federal or 
    non-Federal land. Section 7(a)(2) of the Act requires Federal agencies, 
    in consultation with us, to ensure that any action they carry out, 
    fund, or authorize does not jeopardize the continued existence of a 
    federally listed species or result in the destruction or adverse 
    modification of designated critical habitat. This requirement of 
    Federal agencies is the only mandatory legal consequence of a critical 
    habitat designation. We refer to areas where a Federal agency may be 
    involved as having a ``Federal nexus.''
        Regulations in 50 CFR part 402 define ``jeopardize the continued 
    existence of'' and ``destruction or adverse modification of'' in 
    similar terms. To jeopardize the continued existence of a species means 
    to engage in an action ``that reasonably would be expected to reduce 
    appreciably the likelihood of both the survival and recovery of a 
    listed species.'' Destruction or adverse modification of habitat means 
    an ``alteration that appreciably diminishes the value of critical 
    habitat for both the survival and recovery of a listed species.'' 
    Common to both definitions is an appreciable detrimental effect on both 
    the survival and recovery of a listed species. Thus, actions that would 
    adversely modify critical habitat generally also jeopardize the 
    continued existence of the species.
        At the time of the listing, we concluded that designation of 
    critical habitat for the gnatcatcher was not prudent because such 
    designation would not benefit the species and would make the species 
    more vulnerable to activities prohibited under section 9 of the Act. We 
    were aware of several instances of apparently intentional habitat 
    destruction that had occurred during the listing process. In addition, 
    most land occupied by the gnatcatcher was in private ownership and a 
    designation of critical habitat was not believed to be of benefit 
    because of a lack of a Federal nexus.
        On May 21, 1997, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth 
    Circuit (Court), issued an opinion (No. 95-56075; D.C. No. CV-93-999-
    LHM) that required us to issue a new decision regarding the prudency of 
    determining critical habitat for the gnatcatcher. In this opinion, the 
    Court held that the ``increased threat'' criterion in the regulations 
    may justify a not prudent finding only when we have weighed the 
    benefits of designation against the risks of designation. Secondly, 
    with respect to the ``not beneficial'' criterion explicit in the 
    regulations, the Court ruled that our conclusion that designation of 
    critical habitat was not prudent because it would fail to control the 
    majority of land-use activities within critical habitat was 
    inconsistent with Congressional intent that the imprudence exception to 
    designation should apply ``only in rare circumstances.'' The Court 
    noted that a substantial portion of gnatcatcher habitat would be 
    subject to a future nexus sufficient to trigger section 7 consultation 
    requirements regarding critical habitat. Third, the Court determined 
    that our conclusion that designation of critical habitat would be less 
    beneficial to the species than another type of protection (i.e., State 
    of California Natural Community Conservation Planning efforts) did not 
    absolve us from the requirement to designate critical habitat. The 
    Court was also critical of our lack of specificity in our analysis.
    Prudency Redetermination Process
        We have reevaluated our previous not prudent finding regarding 
    critical habitat designation for the gnatcatcher as instructed by the 
    Court. Initially, we inventoried all lands within the known range of 
    the gnatcatcher containing coastal sage scrub habitats. These lands 
    included coastal and inland areas--(1) that may support sage scrub or 
    similar habitat within San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, San 
    Bernardino, and Ventura counties, California, and (2) that are below 
    912 m (3,000 ft) in elevation (the approximate maximum elevation 
    occupied by gnatcatchers). Once we defined the study area, we 
    categorized lands by ownership within each County using Geographic 
    Information System (GIS) theme coverages, and estimated approximate 
    acreages for each category. We used Federal and non-Federal (i.e., 
    Tribal, local/State jurisdiction, and private) land ownership 
    categories for the purposes of this prudency determination. We also 
    considered the likelihood of a Federal nexus through land ownership, 
    project funding or activity jurisdiction (Table 1).
        We considered all Federal and Tribal trust lands to have a Federal 
    nexus. Because of its Tribal trust responsibilities, the Bureau of 
    Indian Affairs (BIA) represents the Federal nexus on Tribal trust 
    lands; the BIA does not represent a Federal nexus on Tribal fee-owned 
    land. We evaluated State, local government, and private lands that 
    contain gnatcatcher habitat for a potential Federal nexus. We expect 
    some projects on State, local government, or private lands in Orange, 
    San Diego and Ventura counties to have a Federal nexus.
    [[Page 5959]]
       Table 1.--Geographic Distribution, Ownership, and Size of Areas Evaluated in the Critical Habitat Prudency Redetermination for the Coastal California
                                                                                                                                         Gnatcatcher habitat
                                                                                                                                            with a Federal
                                                                        Total area within                           Gnatcatcher habitat      nexus where
                       Land ownership and county                      gnatcatcher study area  Gnatcatcher habitat   with federal nexus   critical habitat is
                                                                         hectares (acres)       hectares (acres)   hectares (acres) (b)    determined to be
                                                                                                      (a)                                  prudent hectares
      Los Angeles..................................................         186,004(459,625)       11,470(28,343)        11,470(28,343)       11,470(28,343)
      Orange.......................................................           26,948(66,590)           991(2,448)            991(2,448)           991(2,448)
      Riverside....................................................          88,072(217,631)        5,616(13,877)         5,616(13,877)        5,616(13,877)
      San Bernardino...............................................           22,890(56,562)         1,256(3,104)          1,256(3,104)         1,256(3,104)
      San Diego....................................................         178,285(440,550)       24,650(60,911)        24,650(60,911)       24,650(60,911)
      Ventura......................................................          77,287(190,980)        4,381(10,825)         4,381(10,825)        4,381(10,825)
          Total Federal............................................       579,486(1,431,938)      48,364(119,508)       48,364(119,508)      48,364(119,508)
      Los Angeles..................................................       466,149(1,151,873)      53,058(131,108)               54(133)                    0
      Orange.......................................................         178,040(439,944)       23,572(58,247)      (d)8,428(20,826)           473(1,169)
      Riverside....................................................         380,789(940,946)      62,248(153,817)         (d)750(1,854)              83(205)
      San Bernardino...............................................         128,953(318,649)       15,697(38,789)                  (c)0                    0
      San Diego....................................................       510,191(1,260,706)     673,684(167,250)     (d)32,627(80,622)         1,095(2,706)
      Ventura......................................................         221,167(546,514)      79,070(195,385)           (d)243(600)             243(600)
          Total Non-Federal........................................     1,885,289(4,658,632)     301,328(744,596)       42,102(104,035)         1,894(4,680)
          Grand Totals.............................................     2,464,775(6,090,570)     349,691(864,104)       90,465(223,543)      50,257(124,188)
    (a)Total amount of coastal sage scrub habitats within designated category.
    (b)Extent of habitat where a Federal nexus exists.
    (c)There are no known proposed projects or likely future activities with an established Federal nexus on lands within category.
    (d)See text for individual Federal project action areas contributing to totals; action areas in these categories may include small amounts of State and
      local lands.
        Of the approximately 2,464,775 hectares (ha) (6,090,570 acres (ac)) 
    of land within the study area, 77 percent is non-Federal land and 23 
    percent is Federal (Table 1). The GIS-based analysis of the study area 
    landscape further revealed that only about 349,691 ha (864,104 ac) or 
    14 percent of these lands support sage scrub habitat, with the majority 
    of the habitat occurring on privately or federally owned lands (Table 
    1). This estimate of habitat availability is more precise than our 
    previous efforts and may differ with some published estimates.
        We followed existing statutes and regulations, the Court order, and 
    our policy, to identify those lands for which a designation of critical 
    habitat might be prudent. In general, we carried out the analytical 
    steps for determining prudency sequentially--(1) we determined whether 
    Federal lands were involved, (2) if lands were non-Federal, we 
    determined whether a Federal nexus existed, (3) we determined whether 
    any threats associated with designation as critical habitat of Federal 
    lands and those non-Federal lands having a Federal nexus outweigh the 
    benefits of such designation, and (4) we determined whether any threats 
    associated with designation of non-Federal lands that lack a Federal 
    nexus outweigh the benefits of such designation.
        The potential threats associated with designation include an 
    increased likelihood of intentional acts of vandalism due to widespread 
    public misunderstanding of critical habitat. The benefits of 
    designating critical habitat include the section 7 consultation benefit 
    and the benefit of highlighting areas needing special management 
    considerations or protections. We describe several instances of 
    vandalism and intentional destruction of endangered species habitat in 
    the ``Prudency Finding'' section of this notice.
        In addition to determining whether designation of an area as 
    critical habitat is prudent, we must also evaluate, in accordance with 
    section 3(5)(A) of the Act, whether the area is essential to the 
    conservation of the species and whether the area may require special 
    management considerations or protection before designating the area as 
    critical habitat. Section 4(b)(2) of the Act requires us to evaluate 
    economic and other impacts, and exclude any area from the designation 
    if the benefits of excluding the area outweigh the benefits of 
    including the area. However, we can not exclude an area if the 
    exclusion would result in the extinction of the species. These 
    additional evaluations required to designate critical habitat are not a 
    part of the prudency determination ordered by the Court, and, for the 
    most part, have been deferred consistent with the current listing 
    priority guidance published on May 8, 1998 (63 FR 10931).
    Prudency Finding
        The only regulatory impact of a critical habitat designation is 
    through the consultation provisions of section 7. Section 7 applies 
    only to activities having a Federal nexus, not to activities that are 
    exclusively State or private. Thus, the existence or lack of a Federal 
    nexus is a key consideration in determining whether designating 
    critical habitat is prudent. A Federal nexus exists when a Federal 
    agency carries out, funds, or authorizes an activity or project on 
    Federal or non-Federal lands. As we previously stated, the designation 
    of non-Federal lands that lack a Federal nexus may not be prudent 
    because the limited benefit may be outweighed by the threat of 
    destruction of these areas. On the other hand, the designation of non-
    Federal lands where a Federal nexus exists or may exist in the future 
    could prove to be beneficial to the species. However, even for non-
    Federal lands where there may be a future Federal nexus, we must weigh 
    the benefits of designation as
    [[Page 5960]]
    critical habitat against any threat associated with designation. We 
    discuss our prudency findings, arranged by land ownership, below.
        Tribal Lands. Tribal lands include Tribal fee-owned and Tribal 
    trust lands. Tribal fee-owned lands are treated as private lands and 
    thus have no inherent Federal nexus. However, activities on such lands 
    are subject to section 7 consultation if a Federal action is involved. 
    Tribal trust lands have a Federal nexus in light of the trust 
    responsibility of the BIA. However, given the extremely small 
    proportion of coastal sage scrub habitat on Tribal lands (2 percent of 
    the 349,691 ha (864,104 ac) of total existing habitat) (Table 1), and 
    because no significant gnatcatcher populations are known to occur on 
    Tribal lands, we conclude that such lands are not essential to the 
    conservation of the species and do not meet the definition of critical 
        Federal Lands. Federal lands are generally those administered by 
    the Department of Defense (DOD) (including the Army Corps of Engineers 
    (COE), Department of Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force), Bureau of Land 
    Management (BLM), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Forest 
    Service, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, and Bureau 
    of Reclamation. For convenience, we included Tribal trust lands in the 
    Federal lands category in Table 1 due to the inherent BIA nexus; 
    however, for the reasons stated above in the discussion under ``Tribal 
    Lands,'' we conclude that Tribal trust lands are not essential to the 
    conservation of the species and do not meet the definition of critical 
    habitat. Approximately 579,486 ha (1,431,938 ac) of land within the 
    study area are in this Federal land category. Of this total, an 
    estimated 48,363 ha (119,508 ac), or 8 percent, support sage scrub 
    habitat (Table 1). We have determined that it is prudent to designate 
    critical habitat for the gnatcatcher on all Federal lands (not 
    including Tribal trust lands) containing coastal sage scrub within the 
    defined study area. We will further evaluate these lands during our 
    development of a proposed critical habitat rule. That evaluation may 
    indicate that not all of such habitat is essential for the conservation 
    of the species or requires special management. We may also exclude some 
    of these areas from designation as critical habitat because of economic 
    impacts of such designation.
        Non-Federal Lands. Non-Federal lands include lands owned by local 
    and State jurisdictions and private entities. This category includes 
    Tribal fee-owned lands. A Federal nexus exists on non-Federal lands 
    when there is Federal authorization or funding of, or participation in, 
    a project or activity. In such cases, a Federal action agency is 
    required to consult with us under section 7(a)(2) of the Act if the 
    proposed activity or project may affect a listed species or any 
    designated critical habitat.
        Several types of activities on non-Federal lands supporting sage 
    scrub habitat could potentially involve a Federal nexus. We have 
    evaluated all habitat within the range of the gnatcatcher and all types 
    of projects for a potential Federal nexus. For each Federal agency, we 
    describe below the agency's potential involvement in activities on non-
    Federal lands and identify those areas for which designation of 
    critical habitat is prudent.
         The BIA may provide funding, logistical support, and 
    technical assistance to Indian Tribes for activities that may involve 
    Tribal fee-owned lands. In some cases these actions require the BIA to 
    consult with us pursuant to section 7 of the Act. However, for the 
    reasons stated above in the discussion under ``Tribal Lands,'' we 
    conclude that Tribal fee-owned lands, as well as Tribal trust lands, 
    are not essential to the conservation of the species and do not meet 
    the definition of critical habitat.
         The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides funding 
    for transportation projects and approves linkages with the Federal 
    highway system. These activities require section 7 consultation. Two 
    regional transportation plans identify potential transportation 
    alignments and alternatives with potential FHWA involvement in southern 
    California. The 1998 Regional Transportation Plan authored by the 
    Southern California Association of Governments addresses Los Angeles, 
    Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura counties, while the 
    Regional Transportation Plan 1996-2020 authored by the San Diego 
    Association of Governments covers San Diego County. We have identified 
    several projects having a Federal nexus through FHWA involvement that 
    may affect gnatcatcher habitat. In Orange County, the action area of 
    the Foothill Transportation Corridor, which is under the jurisdiction 
    of FWHA, contains 461 ha (1,140 ac) of coastal sage scrub, and the 
    action area of the State Route 133/Laguna Canyon Road Realignment 
    project, which is also under the jurisdiction of FHWA, contains 
    approximately 12 ha (29 ac) of habitat. In San Diego County, State 
    Route 125 Project contains about 42 ha (105 ac) of habitat; State Route 
    905 Project contains about 8 ha (20 ac); State Route 78 Project 
    contains about 0.25 ha (0.65 ac) of habitat; and State Route 76 Project 
    contains about 7 ha (17 ac). The Moorpark Specific Plan 2/
    Highway 118 Extension Project, which is a Ventura County project under 
    the jurisdiction of the FHWA, contains 243 ha (600 ac) of coastal sage 
    scrub habitat. We conclude that designation of critical habitat in 
    these areas is prudent.
         The Fish and Wildlife Service conducts internal section 7 
    consultations when our actions may affect a listed species. Our 
    activities on non-Federal lands include issuance of permits for 
    incidental take of listed species under section 10 of the Act. Because 
    the decision to apply for an incidental take permit, thereby creating a 
    Federal nexus for consultation, rests solely with the potential non-
    Federal permit applicant, we do not consider the section 10 permit 
    process as providing a reliable future Federal nexus for activities on 
    non-Federal lands.
         The COE and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 
    administer the Clean Water Act Section 404 permit program. Under 
    Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, a Department of the Army permit is 
    required for projects on non-Federal and Federal lands involving a 
    discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, 
    including wetlands. The COE and EPA do not generally have jurisdiction 
    over upland areas where gnatcatchers are found unless upland 
    development is dependent upon an activity requiring a Section 404 
    permit. For this reason, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act would not 
    ordinarily provide a Federal nexus for activities on non-Federal lands 
    where gnatcatchers occur. However, the COE has exercised jurisdiction 
    on the SilverHawk project in Riverside County which contains 83 ha (205 
    ac) of coastal sage scrub. We conclude that it is prudent to designate 
    these 83 ha (205 ac) of coastal sage scrub as critical habitat. We do 
    not know of any other projects in gnatcatcher habitat under the 
    jurisdiction of the COE.
        By delegation of authority from the Department of Defense through 
    the Department of the Army, the COE also has responsibility to address 
    all ordnance and explosive wastes concerns and environmental 
    restoration activities at former defense sites. As a result, the COE 
    has jurisdiction over the East Elliot Ordnance Removal, a project that 
    would affect 243 ha (600 ac) of habitat in San Diego County. We 
    conclude that it is prudent to designate these 243 ha (600 ac) of 
    coastal sage scrub as critical habitat.
    [[Page 5961]]
         The BLM and Forest Service occasionally exchange their 
    lands for non-Federal lands. These land exchanges generally result in 
    more manageable landownership configurations for these agencies. These 
    agencies mostly try to acquire private inholdings within larger Federal 
    holdings in exchange for isolated Federal parcels that are surrounded 
    by non-Federal land. The BLM and Forest Service have already completed 
    most such land exchanges in southern California, and we do not 
    anticipate any future land exchange efforts that would affect the 
    gnatcatcher. Occasionally, projects such as roads or utility rights-of-
    way will cross both private and Forest Service or BLM property. In 
    these instances, both Federal and non-Federal lands will be considered 
    during the section 7 consultation process. Because private lands in the 
    vicinity of Forest Service or BLM land generally do not contain 
    gnatcatcher habitat, the potential of utility projects on Federal land 
    also affecting gnatcatcher habitat on private land is speculative and 
    likely remote.
         The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) conducts 
    activities along the United States/Mexico border and at immigration 
    check stations on major highways north of the border. Current 
    anticipated projects along the border include fences and roads to 
    increase interdiction of illegal immigrants. These projects are 
    generally located within 400 m (0.25 mile) of the international border. 
    Within this area, there are approximately 786 ha (1941 ac) of non-
    Federal lands containing gnatcatcher habitat that may be affected by 
    these projects. We conclude that the designation of critical habitat in 
    these areas is prudent.
         The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 
    conducts programs to assist private landowners in the purchase, sale, 
    and development of their properties. However, these programs generally 
    involve rehabilitation or redevelopment of previously disturbed areas 
    that do not contain gnatcatcher habitat.
         The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is involved 
    with non-Federal lands following natural disasters and other 
    emergencies such as floods, earthquakes, and other natural events. 
    FEMA's involvement in the projects typically does not occur during an 
    ``emergency'' situation, but rather after the disaster has occurred, so 
    that any impact to gnatcatcher habitat from such natural disasters 
    would also likely have already occurred prior to FEMA involvement. For 
    example, actions taken on private lands during a flood event, placing 
    riprap for example, do not involve FEMA funds since private landowners 
    are taking actions immediately. FEMA may provide financial assistance 
    for the repair of culverts, roads, etc. after a disaster. In these 
    cases, FEMA consults with us to avoid or minimize impacts to 
    gnatcatchers. Additionally under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, 
    FEMA funds programs, including vegetation management activities to 
    reduce the likelihood of wildfires. FEMA is currently consulting with 
    us on these actions. The existence of a Federal nexus from future FEMA 
    disaster relief or other actions cannot be predicted and is at best 
         The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) oversees 
    activities at existing airports and evaluates proposed airport 
    expansion and new airport construction. Construction of new airports 
    and expansion of existing airports have already been planned in 
    southern California, and we considered these projects in the 
    development of this determination. The Ramona Airport expansion project 
    contains 9 ha (22 ac) of habitat. The designation of critical habitat 
    on this parcel is prudent. We do not know of any other FAA projects 
    proposed in gnatcatcher habitat.
        As discussed above, FHWA, FAA, INS, and COE may carry out, fund, or 
    authorize projects in gnatcatcher habitat on non-Federal lands in San 
    Diego, Orange, and Ventura counties. We evaluated these lands to 
    determine whether a designation of critical habitat would be prudent. 
    We found that a Federal nexus exists for projects covering a total of 
    1,894 ha (4,680 ac), and determined that a designation of critical 
    habitat would be prudent for these lands.
    Approved NCCP Efforts
        Several multi-species planning efforts and habitat conservation 
    planning efforts have been undertaken within the southern California 
    range of the gnatcatcher to conserve the species and its coastal sage 
    scrub habitat. Principal among these are State of California Natural 
    Community Conservation Planning (NCCP) efforts in Orange and San Diego 
    counties. NCCP plans completed and permitted to date have resulted in 
    the conservation of 40,208 ha (99,310 ac) of gnatcatcher habitat.
        In southern San Diego County, the development of the NCCP Multiple 
    Species Conservation Program (MSCP) has resulted in our approval of 
    three southern County subarea plans under section 10(a)(1)(B) of the 
    Act. These three southern subarea plans account for approximately 95 
    percent of the gnatcatcher habitat in southern San Diego County. 
    Approval is pending for four other subarea plans within southern San 
    Diego County's MSCP. This planning effort has resulted in the 
    establishment of conservation areas that collectively contain 28,844 ha 
    (71,274 ac) of coastal scrub habitat within a 69,573-ha (171,917-ac) 
    preserve area.
        In addition, we have approved the Orange County NCCP Central/
    Coastal Plan and issued an incidental take permit under section 
    10(a)(1)(B) of the Act. This planning effort has resulted in the 
    conservation of 15,677 ha (38,738 ac) of reserve lands, which contain 
    7,621 ha (18,831 ac) of coastal sage scrub habitat.
        We have also approved several smaller multiple species habitat 
    conservation plans (HCPs) in San Diego Riverside, Los Angeles, and 
    Orange counties. These include, Bennett Property, Meadowlark Estates, 
    Fieldstone, and Poway Subarea Plan in San Diego County; Coyote Hills 
    East and Shell Oil in Orange County; Ocean Trails in Los Angeles 
    County; and Lake Mathews in Riverside County. These efforts have 
    resulted in the protection of 3,743 (9,250 ac) of gnatcatcher habitat.
        The gnatcatcher habitat in the approved NCCPs in San Diego and 
    Orange counties was selected for permanent preservation and 
    configuration into a biologically viable interlocking system of 
    reserves by the local jurisdictions with our technical assistance and 
    that of the California Department of Fish and Game. The reserve system 
    established under the approved NCCP plans includes the coastal sage 
    scrub habitat subject to the jurisdiction of those plans that we 
    consider essential to the long-term survival and recovery of the 
    gnatcatcher. In addition, the plans provide for management of the 
    reserve lands to protect, restore, and enhance their value as 
    gnatcatcher habitat. Because the essential gnatcatcher habitat that is 
    subject to the jurisdiction of the approved plans is permanently 
    protected in the habitat reserves, no additional private lands covered 
    by the plans warrant designation as critical habitat. In addition, 
    because the gnatcatcher habitat preserved in the plan is managed for 
    the benefit of the gnatcatcher as required under the plans, there are 
    no ``additional management considerations or protections'' within the 
    meaning of ``critical habitat'' under section 3(5)(A)(ii) of the Act 
    required for those lands. Therefore, we have determined that private 
    lands subject to the approved NCCPs do not meet the
    [[Page 5962]]
    definition of critical habitat in the Act and that designation of such 
    lands would not benefit the gnatcatcher.
    Private Lands Without a Federal Nexus
        We conclude that the designation of critical habitat on the 259,226 
    ha (640,560 ac) of coastal sage scrub on non-Federal lands that either 
    lack a Federal nexus or are covered by approved HCPs under the NCCP 
    program is not prudent. Threats and acts of vandalism toward coastal 
    sage scrub habitats were most acute at the time of the publication of 
    the final listing for the gnatcatcher in 1993 (58 FR 16742). The 
    destruction of coastal scrub habitat in apparent attempts to circumvent 
    potential land use restrictions resulting from Endangered Species Act 
    prohibitions continues. Our Law Enforcement Division has received 
    information on six incidents of land clearing that cumulatively 
    resulted in the destruction of about 243 ha (600 ac) of coastal sage 
    habitat and the possible take of up to eight pairs of gnatcatchers. 
    These actions involved clearing of coastal sage scrub, in some 
    instances without County grading permits, in San Diego, Riverside and 
    San Bernardino counties. We also have recently initiated investigation 
    into activities that apparently affected two endangered species, the 
    Quino checkerspot butterfly and the Delhi Sands flower-loving fly.
        As has been documented by a series of recent newspaper articles, 
    some members of the public believe that--(1) critical habitat can be 
    ``* * *put off limits for development* * *'' (San Diego Union Tribune, 
    May 22, 1997), and (2) the presence of listed species on a land parcel 
    can create ``* * *a lot of uncertainty among developers* * *'' and 
    complicate land sales (Riverside Press-Enterprise, January 7, 1998).
        The vast majority of private lands lack a Federal nexus that would 
    invoke the section 7 prohibition against adverse modification of 
    critical habitat. Also, considering the common misunderstandings about 
    the effects of designation, we believe that designating such lands as 
    critical habitat would increase the instances of habitat destruction 
    and exacerbate threats to the gnatcatcher. Therefore, we conclude that 
    the threats that would result from designating these lands as critical 
    habitat outweigh the benefit that would be provided.
        We will continue to investigate all instances of coastal sage scrub 
    clearing that may result in an unauthorized ``take'' of gnatcatchers in 
    violation of section 9 of the Act. Also, we are continuing extensive 
    outreach efforts to address public misunderstandings about the 
    gnatcatcher and its habitat. We are continuing to encourage local 
    jurisdictions to pursue comprehensive multi-species conservation plans 
    (e.g., NCCP plans) to conserve the gnatcatcher and other sensitive 
    species. Our cooperative approach is intended to ameliorate the 
    circumstances that may have led private landowners to destroy coastal 
    sage scrub habitat and to correct the misinformation presented by some 
    media accounts.
        We acknowledge that in some cases a designation of critical habitat 
    on private lands may provide some benefit to a species by highlighting 
    areas where the species may occur or areas that are important to the 
    species' recovery. However, as discussed above, the status of the 
    gnatcatcher, its coastal sage scrub habitat requirements, and the 
    location of that habitat are already well known, and this information 
    is readily available. County planning agencies inform members of the 
    public about sensitive resources, including the gnatcatcher and its 
    habitat, that may potentially occur on their lands. For example, the 
    County of San Diego informs applicants for grading permits of the 
    status of gnatcatchers and may require them to survey for the birds 
    prior to receiving a permit. Numerous newspaper articles have also 
    appeared describing the gnatcatcher and its habitat. The plight of this 
    species and coastal sage scrub habitat is well known to the public, and 
    a designation of critical habitat on private lands will not appreciably 
    increase landowners' knowledge of areas important for gnatcatcher 
        We, therefore, conclude that no benefit would arise from 
    designating critical habitat on private lands that do not have a 
    Federal nexus. To the contrary, we believe it is likely that a 
    designation of critical habitat on private lands may incite some 
    members of the public and increase incidences of habitat destruction 
    through acts of vandalism above current levels. Because, in this case, 
    no benefit can be identified, and because of increased threats to the 
    gnatcatcher and its habitat likely to result from designation, we 
    conclude that designation of critical habitat on private lands that 
    lack a Federal nexus is not prudent.
    Summary and Conclusion
        We conclude that designation of critical habitat totaling 50,257 ha 
    (124,188 ac) on lands within the United States portion of the range of 
    the gnatcatcher is prudent (Table 1). This total includes all Federal 
    lands within the range of the gnatcatcher (48,364 ha (119,508 ac)) and 
    1,894 ha (4,680 ac) of non-Federal lands where a Federal nexus exists.
        In addition to determining whether designation of an area as 
    critical habitat is prudent, we must also evaluate, in accordance with 
    section 3(5)(A) of the Act, whether the area is essential to the 
    conservation of the species and whether the area may require special 
    management considerations or protection before designating the area as 
    critical habitat. Also, section 4(b)(2) of the Act requires us to 
    evaluate economic and other impacts, and exclude any area from the 
    designation if the benefits of excluding the area outweigh the benefits 
    of including the area, unless the exclusion would result in the 
    extinction of the species. These additional determinations required to 
    designate critical habitat are not a part of the prudency determination 
    ordered by the Court. We are deferring these additional determinations 
    consistent with the current listing priority guidance published (63 FR 
    10931) described below.
    Listing Priority Guidance
        We published Listing Priority Guidance for Fiscal Years 1998 and 
    1999 on May 8, 1998 (63 FR 25502). The guidance clarifies the order in 
    which we will process rulemakings, giving highest priority (Tier 1) to 
    processing emergency rules to add species to the Lists of Endangered 
    and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; second priority (Tier 2) to 
    processing final determinations on proposals to add species to the 
    lists, processing new listing proposals, processing administrative 
    findings on petitions (to add species to the lists, delist species, or 
    reclassify listed species), and processing a limited number of proposed 
    and final rules to delist or reclassify species; and third priority 
    (Tier 3) to processing proposed and final rules designating critical 
    habitat. Upon completion of higher priority listing actions in 
    accordance with the listing priority guidance, we intend to go forward 
    with the critical habitat designation process for the gnatcatcher.
    References Cited
    Riverside Press-Enterprise. January 7, 1998. Rats! Irked developers 
    frustrated by butterfly. Page 22.
    San Diego Union Tribune. May 22, 1997. Court says gnatcatcher must 
    have safe habitat. Page A-3.
        The primary authors of this document are Loren R. Hays, Doug 
    Krofta, Art Davenport, Clark Roberts, and Jim
    [[Page 5963]]
    Bartel, Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES section).
        The authority for this action is the Endangered Species Act of 
    1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
        Dated: January 21, 1999.
    Jamie Rappaport Clark,
    Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
    [FR Doc. 99-2866 Filed 2-5-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-U

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Notice of determination.
Document Number:
We made the finding announced in this document on January 21, 1999.
5957-5963 (7 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 17