99-3031. Self-Regulatory Organizations; Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated; Order Granting Approval to Proposed Rule Change and Notice of Filing and Order Granting Accelerated Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Proposed Rule Change Relating to ...  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 26 (Tuesday, February 9, 1999)]
    [Pages 6410-6413]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-3031]
    [[Page 6410]]
    [Release No. 34-41009; File No. SR-CBOE-98-49]
    Self-Regulatory Organizations; Chicago Board Options Exchange, 
    Incorporated; Order Granting Approval to Proposed Rule Change and 
    Notice of Filing and Order Granting Accelerated Approval of Amendment 
    No. 1 to Proposed Rule Change Relating to Trading and Listing Options 
    on the Dow Jones Equity REIT Index
    February 1, 1999.
    I. Introduction
        On November 5, 1998 the Chicago Board Options Exchange, 
    Incorporated (``CBOE'' or ``Exchange'') submitted to the Securities and 
    Exchange Commission (``Commission'' or ``SEC''), pursuant to Section 
    19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act'') \1\ and Rule 
    19b-4 thereunder,\2\ a proposed rule change to provide for the listing 
    and trading of options on the Dow Jones Equity Real Estate Investment 
    Trust Index (``Index'' or ``REITS Index''). The Commission published 
    the proposed rule change for comment in the Federal Register on 
    December 22, 1998.\3\ No comments were received.
        \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
        \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
        \3\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 40794 (December 15, 
    1998), 63 FR 70816.
        On January 28, 1999, the CBOE submitted Amendment No. 1 to the 
    proposed rule change.\4\ This order approves the proposed rule change, 
    and also approves Amendment No. 1 on an accelerated basis.
        \4\ See letter, dated January 27, 1999, from Eileen Smith, 
    Director, Product Development, CBOE, to Marianne Duffy, Special 
    Counsel, Division of Market Regulation, Commission (``Amendment No. 
    1''). Among other things, Amendment No. 1 clarified that the Dow 
    Jones' internal surveillance procedures apply to the Index as well, 
    included the full list of the Index components, amended Rule 
    24.4.01(e) to include a hedge exemption of 625,000 contracts on the 
    Index and clarified that the maintenance standard of 80% is by 
    II. Description of the Proposal
    A. Index Design
        The proposed rule change would permit the Exchange to list and 
    trade cash-settled, European-style,\5\ A.M.-settled stock index 
    options. The Index is a broad-based, capitalization-weighted index 
    currently composed of 116 equity real estate investment trusts 
    (``REITs'').\6\ The Index was designed by Dow Jones & Company. The 
    Index has been designed to measure the performance of REITs that 
    comprise 95% of the market capitalization of the domestic equity REIT 
    investable universe, which includes equity REITs that are listed on the 
    New York Stock Exchange (``NYSE''), the American Stock Exchange 
    (``Amex'') and the Nasdaq National Market (``NNM'').
        \5\ A European-style option is one that may be exercised only 
    during a limited period of time prior to expiration of the option.
        \6\ REITs, created by the U.S. Congress to facilitate small 
    investor participation in real estate on a wholesale scale, pool 
    capital from multiple investors like mutual funds.
        The Index components are subject to a screening process that: (1) 
    eliminates REITs that have more than 10 no-trading days over the past 
    quarter; (2) eliminates REITs that comprise the bottom 1% of the 
    aggregate REIT market capitalization; and (3) eliminates REITs that 
    comprise the bottom 0.01% of the average dollar-trading volume. All of 
    the component REITs are ``reported securities,'' as that term is 
    defined in Rule 11Aa3-1 under the Act.\7\ All but one REIT in the Index 
    are eligible for options trading.
        \7\ See 17 CFR 240.11Aa3-1. A ``reported security'' is defined 
    as ``any security or class of securities for which transaction 
    reports are collected, processed and made available pursuant to an 
    effective transaction reporting plan.'' A ``transaction reporting 
    plan'' is in turn defined in paragraph (a)(2) of this rule as ``any 
    plan for collecting, processing, making available or disseminating 
    transaction reports with respect to transactions in reported 
    securities filed with the Commission pursuant to, and meeting the 
    requirements of this section.''
        On October 20, 1998, the 116 components ranged in capitalization 
    from $207 million to $6.13 billion. The largest component accounted for 
    5.08% of the total weighting of the Index, while the smallest accounted 
    for 0.17%. The total capitalization of the REITs in the Index was 
    $120.4 billion. The average capitalization was $1.04 billion, and the 
    median capitalization was $655 million. Also, as of October 20, 1998, 
    the Index components represented eleven distinct property 
    classifications: office property (21.01%), apartments (19.31%), 
    shopping centers (12.27%), hotels/restaurants (9.33%), regional malls 
    (9.17%), diversified (8.56%), warehouses/industrial (7.53%), healthcare 
    (5.35%), self-storage (4.99%), manufactured homes (1.65%) and outlet 
    centers (0.83%). In addition, the Index components are diversified by 
    geographic region, representing real estate investments throughout much 
    of the United States.
    B. Index Value Calculation
        The methodology used to calculate the value of the Index is similar 
    to the methodology used to calculate the value of other well-known 
    broad-based indices. The level of the Index reflects the total market 
    value of the component REITs relative to a particular base period. The 
    Index base date is January 2, 1990, when the Index value was set to 
    100. The Index had a closing value of 131.44 on October 19, 1998. The 
    daily calculation of the Index is computed by dividing the total market 
    value of the companies in the Index by the Index divisor. The divisor 
    keeps the Index comparable over time and is adjusted periodically to 
    maintain the Index. The values of the Index will be calculated by Dow 
    Jones & Company, Inc. or its designee and disseminated at 15-second 
    intervals during regular CBOE trading hours to market information 
    vendors via the Options Price Reporting Authority (``OPRA'').
    C. Index Maintenance
        Dow Jones or its designee is responsible for the maintenance of the 
    Index. Index maintenance includes monitoring and completing the 
    adjustments for company additions and deletions, share changes, stock 
    splits, stock dividends (other than an ordinary cash dividend), and 
    stock price adjustments due to company restructuring or spin-offs. Some 
    corporate actions, such as stock splits and stock dividends, require 
    simple changes in the common shares outstanding and the stock prices of 
    the companies in the Index. Other corporate actions, such as share 
    issuances or component changes, may change the market value of the 
    Index and require an index divisor adjustment as well.
        The Index is reviewed on a quarterly basis by adding or deleting 
    REITs using end-of-quarter market capitalization values. If any 
    component REIT fails to meet the targeted threshold or the investable 
    universe cutoff rules, it will be deleted from the Index. Non-component 
    REITs that become eligible for inclusion are added, largest to 
    smallest, until the 95% threshold is attained. In order to preserve the 
    continuity of the Index, the actual threshold may be slightly higher or 
    lower than the targeted 95%. An annual review is performed to update 
    any changes in an issue's investment structure and/or property type. As 
    a result of these periodic reviews, over time the number of component 
    REITs in the Index may change.
        The Exchange will notify the Commission if the number of securities 
    in the Index drops by 40 or more. In addition, the Exchange will notify 
    the Commission if any of the following occurs: 10% or more of the 
    weight of the
    [[Page 6411]]
    Index is represented by component REITs having a market value less than 
    $75 million; less than 80% of the weight of the Index is represented by 
    component REITs that are eligible for options trading; 10% or more of 
    the weight of the Index is represented by component REITs trading less 
    than 20,000 shares per day; the largest component REIT accounts for 
    more than 15% of the weight of the Index or the largest five components 
    in the aggregate account for more than 50% of the weight of the Index.
    D. Index Option Trading
        In addition to regular Index options, the Exchange may provide for 
    the listing of long-term index option series (``LEAPs'') and reduced-
    value LEAPS on the Index. For reduced-value LEAPs, the underlying value 
    would be computed at one-tenth of the Index level. The current and 
    closing index value of any such reduced-value LEAP will, after such 
    initial computation, be rounded to the nearest one-hundredth.
        Strike prices will be set to bracket the Index in 2\1/2\ point 
    increments for strikes below 200 and 5 point increments above 200. The 
    minimum tick size for series trading below $3 will be \1/16\th and for 
    series trading above $3 the minimum tick will be \1/8\th. The trading 
    hours for options on the Index will be from 8:30 a.m. to 3:02 p.m. 
    (Chicago time).
    E. Exercise and Settlement
        The proposed options on the Index will expire on the Saturday 
    following the third Friday of the expiration month. Trading in the 
    expiring contract month will normally cease at 3:02 p.m. (Chicago time) 
    on the business day preceding the last day of trading in the component 
    securities of the Index (ordinarily the Thursday before expiration 
    Saturday, unless there is an intervening holiday). The exercise 
    settlement value of the Index at option expiration will be calculated 
    by Dow Jones or its' designee based on the opening prices of the 
    component securities on the business day prior to expiration. If a REIT 
    fails to open for trading, the last available price will be used in the 
    calculation of the Index, as is done for currently listed indices.\8\ 
    When the last trading day is moved because of Exchange holidays (such 
    as when the CBOE is closed on the Friday before expiration), the last 
    trading day for expiring options will be Wednesday and the exercise 
    settlement value of Index options at expiration will be determined at 
    the opening of regular Thursday trading.
        \8\ The Commission notes that pursuant to Article XVII, Section 
    4 of the by-laws of the Options Clearing Corporation (``OCC''), OCC 
    is empowered to fix an exercise settlement amount in the event it 
    determines a current index value is unreported or otherwise 
    unavailable. Further, OCC has the authority to fix an exercise 
    settlement amount whenever the primary market for the securities 
    representing a substantial part of the value of an underlying index 
    is not open for trading at the time when the current index value 
    (i.e., the value used for exercise settlement purposes) ordinarily 
    would be determined. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 37315 
    (June 17, 1996), 61 FR 42671 (Commission order approving SR-OCC-95-
    F. Surveillance and Position Limits
        The Exchange will use the same surveillance procedures currently 
    utilized for each of the Exchanges' other index options to monitor 
    trading on options and LEAPs on the Index. For surveillance purposes, 
    the Exchange will have complete access to information regarding trading 
    activity in the underlying securities.
        The Exchange proposes to establish position limits for options on 
    the Index at 250,000 contracts on either side of the market. These 
    limits are roughly equivalent, in dollar terms, to the limits 
    applicable to options on other indices.
    G. Exchange Rules Applicable
        As modified by this proposal, the Rules in Chapter XXIV will be 
    applicable to the Index options. Broad-based margin rules will apply to 
    the Index. In addition, the Index will have a broad-based index hedge 
    exemption of 625,000 contracts. CBOE is proposing to amend Rule 24.14 
    in order to include specific reference to Dow Jones & Company, Inc. as 
    being entitled to the benefit of the disclaimer of liability in respect 
    of the Index.
    H. Systems Capacity
        CBOE believes it has the necessary systems capacity to support new 
    series that would result from the introduction of the Index options. 
    CBOE also has been assured that the OPRA has the capacity to support 
    the new series.
    III. Discussion
        The Commission finds that the proposed rule change is consistent 
    with the requirements of the Act and the rules and regulations 
    thereunder applicable to a national securities exchange, and, in 
    particular, with the requirements of Section 6(b)(5).\9\ Specifically, 
    the Commission finds that the trading of options on the REIT Index, 
    including LEAPs and reduced-value LEAPs, will serve to promote the 
    public interest as well as to help remove impediments to a free and 
    open securities market. The Commission also believes that the trading 
    of options on the Index will allow investors holding positions in some 
    or all of the securities underlying the Index to hedge the risks 
    associated with their portfolios. Accordingly, the Commission believes 
    that the Index options will provide investors with an important trading 
    and hedging mechanism.\10\ By broadening the hedging and investment 
    opportunities of investors, the Commission believes that the trading of 
    options on the REIT Index will serve to protect investors, promote the 
    public interest, and contribute to the maintenance of fair and orderly 
        \9\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
        \10\ Pursuant to Section 6(b)(5) of the Act, the Commission must 
    predicate approval of any new securities product upon a finding that 
    the introduction of such product is in the public interest. Such a 
    finding would be difficult with respect to a product that served no 
    hedging or other economic function, because any benefits that might 
    be derived by market participants likely would be outweighed by the 
    potential for manipulation, diminished public confidence in the 
    integrity of the markets, and other valid regulatory concerns. In 
    this regard, the trading of listed Index options will provide 
    investors with a hedging vehicle that should reflect the overall 
    market of stocks representing a substantial segment of the U.S. 
    securities market.
        \11\ In approving this proposed rule change, the Commission 
    notes that is has considered the proposed rule's impact on 
    efficiency, competition, and capital formation. 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
        Nevertheless, the trading of options on the REIT Index raises 
    several issues related to the design and structure of the Index, 
    customer protection, surveillance, and market impact. The Commission 
    believes, however, for the reasons discussed below, that the CBOE has 
    adequately addressed these issues.\12\
        \12\ The Commission notes that it did not object to the 
    designation of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange as a contract market 
    to trade futures and futures options on the Standard and Poor's REIT 
    Composite Index. See letter, dated November 23, 1998, from Richard 
    R. Lindsey, Director, Division of Market Regulation, Commission, to 
    Steven Manaster, Director, Division of Economic Analysis, Commodity 
    Futures Trading Commission. This index consisted of 105 REIT stocks, 
    most of which also are the components of the Index, and had a 
    similar market capitalization.
    A. Index Design and Structure
        The Commission believes that it is appropriate for the Exchange to 
    designate the Index as a broad-based index for purposes of index option 
    trading because the REIT segment of the U.S. equities market 
    constitutes a substantial segment of the overall public U.S. equities 
    market and the Index reflects the REIT market.\13\ First, the
    [[Page 6412]]
    Index consists of 116 component REITs, and incorporates approximately 
    95% of the REIT industry measured by capitalization. These 116 
    securities are diverse, representing a broad cross-section of the REIT 
    segment of the U.S. market. Second, all of the component REITs are 
    reported securities, and all but one REIT in the Index are eligible for 
    options trading.\14\ Third, no stock or group of stocks dominates the 
    Index. Specifically, no single REIT accounted for more than 5.08% of 
    the total weighting of the Index, and the five highest weighted 
    securities accounted for 19.02%. Accordingly, the Commission believes 
    that it is appropriate for the Exchange to classify the Index as broad-
    based and apply its rules governing broad-based index options.
        \13\ The REIT segment is recognized as a discernible, unique 
    segment of the overall market that operates, in part, as a vehicle 
    for equity market participants to hold indirect interests in real 
    estate. During this decade, the REIT segment of the U.S. equities 
    market has grown to 210 REITs with a market capitalization of 
    approximately $140 billion as of October 30, 1998. See National 
    Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (http://
    www.nareit.com). The REIT segment has also evolved into a diverse 
    segment, with numerous REITs holding a variety of investments 
    including healthcare, office, residential, retail, self-storage, 
    hotel/restaurants, shopping centers and diversified use properties.
        \14\ The Exchange's option listing standards, which are uniform 
    among the options exchanges, provide that a security underlying an 
    option must, among other things, meet the following requirements: 
    (1) the public float must be at least 7 million shares; (2) there 
    must be a minimum of 2,000 stockholders; (3) trading volume must 
    have been at least 2.4 million shares over the preceding twelve 
    months; and (4) the market price per share must have been at least 
    $7.50 for a majority of business days during the preceding three 
    calendar months. See Interpretations and Policies .01 to Exchange 
    Rule 5.3.
    B. Potential for Manipulation
        The Commission also believes that the large number of components, 
    the capitalization and weighting methodology of the Index, and the 
    depth and liquidity of the securities comprising the Index 
    significantly minimize the potential for manipulation of the Index. 
    First, the Commission notes that the REIT Index is composed of 116 
    securities which represent a broad cross-section of the REIT segment of 
    the U.S. market. Second, the Commission notes that the Index is a 
    capitalization-weighted index whose value is more difficult to affect 
    than that of a price-weighted index. Third, CBOE has represented that 
    it will notify the Commission when: (1) the number of securities in the 
    Index drops by 40 or more; (2) 10% or more of the weight of the Index 
    is represented by component REITs having a market value less than $75 
    million; (3) less than 80% of the weight of the Index is represented by 
    component REITs that are eligible for options trading; (4) 10% or more 
    of the weight of the Index is represented by component REITs trading 
    less than 20,000 shares per day; or (5) the largest component REIT 
    accounts for more than 15% of the weight of the Index or the largest 
    five components in the aggregate account for more than 50% of the 
    weight of the Index.\15\ Fourth, the Exchange has proposed reasonable 
    position and exercise limits for the Index options that will serve to 
    minimize potential manipulation and other market impact concerns. 
    Accordingly, the Commission believes that these factors minimize the 
    potential for manipulation because it is unlikely that attempted 
    manipulations of the prices of the Index components would affect 
    significantly the Index's value. Moreover, the surveillance procedures 
    discussed below should detect as well as deter potential manipulation 
    and other trading abuses.
        \15\ If the composition of the Index was to substantially 
    change, the Commission may reevaluate its decision regarding the 
    appropriateness of the Index's current maintenance standards and may 
    consider whether additional approval under Section 19(b) of the Act 
    is necessary to continue to trade the Index options.
    C. Customer Protection
        The Commission believes that a regulatory system designed to 
    protect public customers must be in place before the trading of 
    sophisticated financial instruments, such as options on the Index 
    including LEAPS and reduced-value LEAPs, can commence on a national 
    securities exchange. The Commission notes that the trading of 
    standardized, exchange-traded options occurs in an environment that is 
    designed to ensure, among other things, that: (1) the special risks of 
    options are disclosed to public customers; (2) only investors capable 
    of evaluating and bearing the risks of options trading are engaged in 
    such trading; and (3) special compliance procedures are applicable to 
    options accounts. Accordingly, because the Index options, including 
    LEAPS, will be subject to the same regulatory regime as the other 
    standardized options currently traded on the CBOE, the Commission 
    believes that adequate safeguards are in place to ensure the protection 
    of investors in options on the Index.
    D. Surveillance
        The Commission generally believes that a surveillance sharing 
    agreement between an exchange proposing to list a stock index 
    derivative and the exchange(s) trading the stocks underlying the 
    derivative product is an important measure for the surveillance of the 
    derivatives and underlying securities markets. Such agreements ensure 
    the availability of information necessary to detect and to deter 
    potential manipulations and other trading abuses, thereby making the 
    stock index product less readily susceptible to manipulation.\16\ In 
    this regard, the markets upon which all of the Index component stocks 
    trade, the NYSE, Amex and NNM, are members of the ISG. In addition, the 
    Exchange will apply the same surveillance procedures as those used for 
    existing broad-based index option trading on the CBOE. Furthermore, Dow 
    Jones & Company also has a policy in place to prevent the potential 
    misuse of material, non-public information by members of the Wall 
    Street Journal managerial and editorial staff in connection with the 
    maintenance of the Index.\17\
        \16\ See e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release No. 31243 
    (September 28, 1992), 57 FR 45849 (October 5, 1992) (order approving 
    the listing of options on the CBOE Biotech Index).
        \17\ See Amendment No. 1, supra note 4.
    E. Market Impact
        The commission believes that the listing and trading of options, 
    including LEAPS and reduced-value LEAPs, on the Index will not 
    adversely affect the underlying securities markets.\18\ First, as 
    described above, the Index is broad-based and constituted of 116 REIT 
    stocks, with no one stock dominating the Index. Second, the position 
    limit of 250,000 contracts on either side of the market and exercise 
    limit of 250,000 contracts based on the value of the Index will serve 
    to minimize potential manipulation and market impact concerns. Third, 
    currently all components except one REIT comprising the Index are 
    options eligible and CBOE will notify the Commission if less than 80% 
    of the Index continues to be eligible for options trading. Fourth, the 
    risk to investors of contra-party one-performance will be minimized 
    because the Index options and LEAPS will be issued and guaranteed by 
    the OCC, similar to all other standardized options traded in the United 
    States. Lastly, the Commission believes that settling expiring Index 
    options based on the opening prices of component securities is 
    reasonable and consistent with the Act. As noted in other contexts, 
    valuing options for exercise settlement on expiration based on opening 
    prices rather than on closing prices may help reduce adverse effects on 
    markets for
    [[Page 6413]]
    stocks underlying options on the Index.\19\
        \18\ In addition, the CBOE has represented that it and OPRA have 
    the necessary systems capacity to support those new series of index 
    options that would result from the introduction of Index options.
        \19\ See e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release No. 30944 (July 
    21, 1992), 57 FR 33376 (July 28, 1992) (order approving position 
    limits for European-style Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index options 
    settled based on the opening prices of component securities).
    F. Accelerated Approval of Amendment No. 1
        The Commission finds good cause to approve Amendment No. 1 to the 
    proposed rule change prior to the thirtieth day after the date of 
    publication of notice of filing thereof in the Federal Register. The 
    Commission notes that Amendment No. 1 does not change, but rather 
    clarifies, the proposed rule change, and thus does not raise any new 
    regulatory issues. Specifically, among other things, Amendment No. 1 
    clarified that the Dow Jones' internal surveillance procedures apply to 
    the Index as well, included the full list of the Index components, 
    amended Rule 24.4.01(e) to include a hedge exemption of 625,000 
    contracts on the Index, and clarified that the maintenance standard of 
    80% is by weight. In addition, the Commission notes that no comments 
    were received on the original CBOE proposal, which was subject to the 
    full 21-day notice and comment period. Accordingly, the Commission 
    believes that it is consistent with Sections 6(b)(5) and 19(b)(2) of 
    the Act to approve Amendment No. 1 to the proposal on an accelerated 
    IV. Solicitation of Comments
        Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and 
    arguments concerning Amendment No. 1 to the rule proposal. Persons 
    making written submissions should file six copies thereof with the 
    Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., 
    Washington, D.C. 20549. Copies of the submission, all subsequent 
    amendments, all written statements with respect to the proposed rule 
    change that are filed with the Commission, and all written 
    communications relating to the proposed rule change between the 
    Commission and any person other than those that may be withheld from 
    the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be 
    available for inspection and copying at the Commission's Public 
    Reference Room. Copies of such filing also will be available for 
    inspection and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. All 
    submissions should refer to File No. SR-CBOE-98-49 and should be 
    submitted by March 2, 1999.
    V. Conclusion
        It is therefore ordered, pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the 
    Act,\20\ that the proposed rule change (SR-CBOE-98-49), including 
    Amendment No. 1, is approved.
        \20\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
        For the Commission, by the Division of Market Regulation, 
    pursuant to delegated authority.\21\
        \21\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 99-3031 Filed 2-8-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
6410-6413 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Release No. 34-41009, File No. SR-CBOE-98-49
PDF File: