99-3102. AAL Variable Product Series Fund, Inc., et al.; Notice of Application  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 26 (Tuesday, February 9, 1999)]
    [Pages 6392-6397]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-3102]
    [Rel. No. IC-23678; File No. 812-11302]
    AAL Variable Product Series Fund, Inc., et al.; Notice of 
    February 2, 1999.
    AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission (``SEC'' or ``Commission'').
    ACTION: Notice of application for an order pursuant to section 6(c) of 
    the Investment Company Act of 1940 (``1940 Act'') granting relief from 
    sections 9(a), 13(a), 15(a) and 15(b) of the 1940 Act and Rules 6e-
    2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15) thereunder.
    SUMMARY OF APPLICATION: Applicants seek an order to permit shares of 
    certain series of the AAL Variable Product Series Fund, Inc. that are 
    designed to fund insurance products (``Funds'') and shares of any other 
    investment company that is designed to fund insurance products and for 
    which Aid Association for Lutherans or any of its affiliates may serve 
    as investment adviser, administrator, manager, principal underwriter, 
    or sponsor (collectively with the Funds, the ``Insurance Product 
    Funds'') to be sold to and held by: (1) Separate accounts funding 
    variable annuity and variable life insurance contracts (``Separate 
    Accounts'') of both affiliated and unaffiliated life insurance 
    companies (``Participating Insurance Companies''); and (2) qualified 
    pension and retirement plans (``Plans'').
    APPLICANTS: The AAL Variable Product Series Fund, Inc. (``Company'') 
    and Aid Association for Lutherans (``Adviser'').
    FILING DATE: The application was filed on September 11, 1998, and 
    amended and restated on December 9, 1998.
    HEARING OR NOTIFICATION OF HEARING: An order granting the application 
    will be issued unless the Commission orders a hearing. Interested 
    persons may request a hearing by writing to the Secretary of the SEC 
    and serving applicants with a copy of the request, personally or by 
    mail. Hearing requests must be received by the Commission by 5:30 p.m. 
    on March 1, 1999, and should be accompanied by proof of service on the 
    Applicants in the form of an affidavit or, for lawyers, a certificate 
    of service. Hearing requests should state the nature of the writer's 
    interest, the reason for the request, and the issues contested. Persons 
    may request notification of the date of a hearing by writing to the 
    Secretary of the SEC.
    ADDRESSES: Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth 
    Street, NW., Washington DC 20549. Applicants, 125 North Superior 
    Avenue, Appleton, Wisconsin 54911.
    Elisa D. Metzger, Senior Counsel, or Susan Olson, Branch Chief, Office 
    of Insurance Products, Division of Investment Management, at (202) 942-
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following is a summary of the 
    application. The complete application is available for a fee from the 
    Public Reference Branch of the SEC, 450 Fifth Street, NW., Washington 
    DC 20549 (tel. (202) 942-8090).
    Applicant's Representations
        1. The Company is a Maryland corporation and is organized under the 
    1940 Act as a diversified, open-end management investment company. The 
    Company is comprised of seven series, each with its own investment 
    objective or objectives and policies.
        2. The Company may in the future create additional series and/or 
    issue multiple classes of shares of each series.
        3. The Adviser, is registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 
    1940 and is a non-profit, non-stock membership organization licensed to 
    do business as a fraternal benefit society.
        4. Shares of the Funds may be offered to Separate Accounts, which 
    are either registered or unregistered under the federal securities 
    laws, that fund variable annuity contracts or variable life insurance 
    policies (``Contracts''). Shares of the Funds may also be offered to 
    Applicants' Legal Analysis
        1. Section 6(c) of the 1940 Act authorizes the Commission, by order 
    upon application, to conditionally or unconditionally exempt any 
    person, security or transaction, or any class or classes of persons, 
    securities or transactions from any provisions of the 1940 Act or the 
    rules promulgated thereunder, if and to the extent that such exemption 
    is necessary or appropriate in the public interest and consistent with 
    the protection of investors and the purposes fairly intended by the 
    policy and provisions of the 1940 Act.
        2. In connection with the funding of scheduled premium variable 
    life insurance contracts issued through a separate account registered 
    under the 1940 Act as a unit investment trust, Rule 6e-2(b)(15) under 
    the 1940 Act provides partial exemptions from sections 9(a), 13(a), 
    15(a) and 15(b) of the 1940 Act. The exemptions granted by Rule 6e-
    2(b)(15) are available, however, only where all of the assets of the 
    separate account consist of the shares of one or more registered 
    management investment companies which offer their shares ``exclusively 
    to variable life insurance separate accounts of the life insurer, or of 
    any affiliated life insurance company'' (emphasis added). Therefore, 
    the relief granted by Rule 6e-2(b)(15) is not available with respect to 
    a scheduled premium variable life insurance separate account that owns 
    shares of a management company that also offers its shares to variable 
    annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts of the same 
    insurance company or any other insurance company or to trustees of a 
    Plan. The use of a common management investment company as the 
    underlying investment medium for a variable annuity or a variable life 
    insurance separate account of the same insurance company or of any 
    affiliated life insurance company is referred to herein as ``mixed 
    funding.'' In addition, the
    [[Page 6393]]
    relief granted by Rule 6e-2(b)(15) is not available if the scheduled 
    premium variable life insurance separate account owns shares of any 
    underlying investment company that also offers its shares to separate 
    accounts funding variable contracts of one or more unaffiliated life 
    insurance companies. The use of a common management company as the 
    underlying investment medium for separate accounts of unaffiliated life 
    insurance companies is referred to herein as ``shared funding.'' 
    Furthermore, the relief granted by Rule 6e-2(b)(15) is not available if 
    the scheduled premium variable life insurance separate account owns 
    shares of an underlying management company that also offers its shares 
    to Plans.
        3. In connection with the funding of flexible premium variable life 
    insurance contracts issued through a separate account registered under 
    the 1940 Act as a unit investment trust, Rule 6e-3(T)(b)(15) under the 
    1940 Act provides partial exemptions from sections 9(a), 13(a), 15(a) 
    and 15(b) of the 1940 Act. These exemptions, however, are available 
    only where all of the assets of the separate account consist of the 
    shares of one or more registered management investment companies which 
    offer their shares ``exclusively to separate accounts of the life 
    insurer, or of any affiliated life insurance company, offering either 
    scheduled contracts or flexible contracts, or both; or which also offer 
    their shares to variable annuity separate accounts of the life insurer 
    or of an affiliated life insurance company'' (emphasis added). 
    Therefore, Rule 6e-3(T) grants the exemptions if the underlying fund 
    engages in mixed funding, subject to certain conditions, but not if it 
    engages in shared funding or sells its shares to Plans.
        4. Applicants state that the current tax law permits the Insurance 
    Product Funds to increase their asset base through the sale of shares 
    to Plans. Section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as 
    amended (the ``Code''), imposes certain diversification standards on 
    the assets underlying the Contracts. The Code provides that such 
    Contracts will not be treated as annuity contracts or life insurance 
    contracts for any period (and any subsequent period) during which the 
    investments are not adequately diversified in accordance with 
    regulations prescribed by the Treasury Department (the 
    ``Regulations''). Treasury Regulations provide that, to meet the 
    diversification requirements, all of the beneficial interests in an 
    investment company must be held by the segregated asset accounts of one 
    or more insurance companies. The Treasury Regulations do contain 
    certain exceptions to this requirement, however. One such exception 
    permits shares of an investment company to be held by the trustees of a 
    Plan without adversely affecting the ability of shares in the same 
    investment company also to be held by the separate accounts of 
    insurance companies in connection with their Contracts (Treas. Reg. 
    Sec. 1.817-5(f)(3)(iii)).
        5. Applicants state that the promulgation of Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 
    6e-3(T)(b)(15) preceded the issuance of the Regulations. Thus, the sale 
    of shares of the same investment company to both separate accounts and 
    Plans could not have been envisioned at the time of the adoption of 
    Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15), given the then-current tax law.
        6. Moreover, Applicants assert that if the Insurance Product Funds 
    were to sell their shares only to Plans, no exemptive relief would be 
    necessary. Applicants state that none of the relief provided for in 
    Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15) relates to Plans or to the ability 
    of a registered investment company to sell its shares to Plans.
        7. Section 9(a)(3) of the 1940 Act makes it unlawful for any 
    company to serve as an investment adviser to, or principal underwriter 
    for, any registered open-end investment company if an affiliated person 
    of that company is subject to any disqualification specified in either 
    Sections 9(a)(1) or 9(a)(2) of the 1940 Act. Rules 6e-2(b)(15) (i) and 
    (ii) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15) (i) and (ii) provide partial exemptions from 
    section 9(a) under certain circumstances, subject to limitations on 
    mixed and shared funding. These exemptions limit the application of the 
    eligibility restrictions to affiliated individuals or companies that 
    directly participate in the management of the underlying fund.
        8. Applicants state that the partial relief granted under Rules 6e-
    2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15) from the requirements of section 9, in 
    effect, limits the amount of monitoring necessary to ensure compliance 
    with Section 9 to that which is appropriate in light of the policy and 
    purposes of Section 9. Applicants submit that Rules 6e-2 and 6e-3(T) 
    recognize that it is not necessary for the protection of investors or 
    for the purposes of the 1940 Act to apply the provisions of Section 
    9(a) to the many individuals who may be involved in an insurance 
    company complex, but who would have no involvement in matters 
    pertaining to investment companies funding the separate accounts. 
    Applicants assert, therefore, that there is no regulatory purpose in 
    denying the partial exemptions because of mixed and shared funding and 
    sales to Plans.
        9. Applicants state that Rules 6e-2(b)(15)(iii) and 6e-
    3(T)(b)(15)(iii) provide exemptions from the pass-through voting 
    requirement with respect to several significant matters, assuming the 
    limitations on mixed and shared funding are observed. More 
    specifically, Rules 6e-2(b)(15)(iii)(A) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15)(iii)(A) 
    provide that the insurance company may disregard the voting 
    instructions of its contract owners with respect to the investments of 
    an underlying investment company or any contract between the underlying 
    investment company and its investment adviser, when required to do so 
    by an insurance regulatory authority and subject to certain 
    requirements. In addition, Rules 6e-2(b)(15)(iii)(B) and 6e-
    3(T)(b)(15)(iii)(A)(2) provide that the insurance company may disregard 
    contract owners' voting instructions if the contract owners initiate 
    any change in an underlying investment company's investment policies, 
    principal underwriter or any investment adviser (provided that 
    disregarding such voting instructions is reasonable and subject to the 
    other provisions of Rules 6e-2 and 6e-3(T)).
        10. Applicants assert that the offer and sale of shares of the 
    Insurance Product Funds to Plans will not have an impact on the relief 
    requested. Under Section 403(a) of the Employment Retirement Income 
    Security Act (``ERISA''), shares of the Insurance Product Funds sold to 
    Plans must be held by the trustees of the Plan. Section 403(a) also 
    provides that the trustee(s) must have exclusive authority and 
    discretion to manage and control the Plan with two exceptions:
        (a) When the Plan expressly provides that the trustee(s) is (are) 
    subject to the direction of a named fiduciary who is not a trustee, in 
    which case the trustee(s) is (are) subject to proper directions made in 
    accordance with the terms of the Plan and not contrary to ERISA; and
        (b) When the authority to manage, acquire or dispose of assets of 
    the Plan is delegated to one or more investment managers pursuant to 
    section 402(c)(3) of ERISA.
        Unless one of the two above exceptions stated in section 403(a) 
    applies, Plan trustees have the exclusive authority and responsibility 
    for voting proxies.
        11. Where a named fiduciary to a Plan appoints an investment 
    manager, the investment manager has the responsibility to vote the 
    shares held unless the right to vote such shares is reserved to the 
    trustees or the named
    [[Page 6394]]
    fiduciary. In any event, Applicants assert that ERISA does not require 
    pass-through voting to participants in Plans. Some of the Plans, 
    however, may provide participants with the right to give voting 
        12. Where a Plan provides participants with the right to give 
    voting instructions, Applicants assert that there is no reason to 
    believe that participants in Plans generally or those in a particular 
    Plan, either as a single group or in combination with participants in 
    other Plans, would vote in a manner that would disadvantage Contract 
    owners. The purchase of shares of the Insurance Product Funds by Plans 
    that provide voting rights to participants does not present any 
    complications not otherwise occasioned by mixed and shared funding.
        13. Applicants also maintain that no increased conflicts of 
    interest would be presented by the granting of the requested relief. In 
    this regard, Applicants assert that shared funding does not present any 
    issues that do not already exist where a single insurance company is 
    licensed to do business in several or all states. A particular state 
    insurance regulatory body could require action that is inconsistent 
    with the requirements of insurance regulators of other states in which 
    the insurance company offers its policies. The fact that different 
    insurers may be domiciled in different states does not create a 
    significantly different or enlarged problem.
        14. Applicants submit that shared funding is, in this respect, no 
    different than the use of the same investment company as the funding 
    vehicle for affiliated insurers, which Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-
    3(T)(b)(15) permit under various circumstances. Affiliated insurers may 
    be domiciled in different states and be subject to differing state law 
    requirements. Affiliation does not reduce the potential, if any exists, 
    for differences in state regulatory requirements. In any event, 
    Applicants submit that the conditions set forth in the application and 
    included in this notice are designed to safeguard against, and provide 
    procedures for, resolving any adverse effects that differences among 
    state regulatory requirements may produce.
        15. Applicants assert that the right of an insurance company under 
    Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15) to disregard contract owners' 
    voting instructions does not raise any issues different from those 
    raised by the authority of state insurance administrators over separate 
    accounts. Under Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15), an insurer can 
    disregard contract owner voting instructions only with respect to 
    certain specified items. Affiliation does not eliminate the potential, 
    if any exists, for divergent judgments as to the advisability or 
    legality of a change in investment policies, principal underwriter, or 
    investment adviser initiated by contract owners. The potential for 
    disagreement is limited by the requirements in Rules 6e-2 and 6e-3(T) 
    that an insurance company's disregard of voting instructions be 
    reasonable and based on specific good-faith determinations.
        16. A particular insurer's disregard of voting instructions 
    nevertheless could conflict with the majority of Contract owner voting 
    instructions. The insurer's action could be different from the 
    determination of all or some of the other insurers (including 
    affiliated insurers) that the contract owners' voting instructions 
    should prevail, and either could preclude a majority vote approving the 
    change or could represent a minority view. If the insurer's judgment 
    represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote, the 
    insurer may be required, at the election of the relevant Insurance 
    Product Fund, to withdraw its Separate Account's investment in that 
    Insurance Product Fund, and no charge or penalty would be imposed as a 
    result of such withdrawal.
        17. Applicants submit that there is no reason why the investment 
    policies of the Insurance Product Funds would or should be materially 
    different from what those policies would or should be if the Insurance 
    Product Funds funded only annuity contracts or only scheduled or 
    flexible premium life contracts. In this regard, Applicants note that 
    each type of insurance product is designed as a long-term investment 
    program. In addition, Applicants represent that each Insurance Product 
    Fund will be managed to attempt to achieve the investment objective of 
    that Insurance Product Fund and not to favor or disfavor any particular 
    insurer or type of insurance product.
        18. Furthermore, Applicants submit that no one investment strategy 
    can be identified as appropriate to a particular insurance product or 
    to a Plan. Each pool of variable annuity and variable life insurance 
    contract owners is composed of individuals of diverse financial status, 
    age, insurance and investment goals. A fund supporting even one type of 
    insurance product must accommodate those factors in order to attract 
    and retain purchasers.
        19. Applicants note that section 817(h) of the Code imposes certain 
    diversification standards on the underlying assets of variable annuity 
    and variable life insurance contracts held in the portfolios of 
    management investment companies. The Regulations specifically permit 
    ``qualified pension or retirement plans'' and insurance company 
    separate accounts to share the same underlying investment company. For 
    this reason, Applicants have concluded that neither the Code, nor the 
    Treasury Regulations, nor the revenue rulings thereunder, present any 
    inherent conflicts of interest of Plans, variable annuity separate 
    accounts, and variable life insurance separate accounts all invest in 
    the same management investment company.
        20. Applicants note that while there are differences in the manner 
    in which distributions from variable annuity contracts, variable life 
    insurance contracts and Plans are taxed, the tax consequences do not 
    raise any conflicts of interest. When distributions are to be made, and 
    a Separate Account or Plan is unable to net purchase payments to make 
    the distributions, the Separate Account or the Plan will redeem shares 
    of the Insurance Product Fund at their net asset value. A Plan will 
    make distributions in accordance with the terms of the Plan, and the 
    Participating Insurance Company will make distributions in accordance 
    with the terms of the Contract.
        21. With respect to voting rights, Applicants state that it is 
    possible to provide an equitable means of giving voting rights to 
    Contract owners and to Plans. Applicants represent that the Insurance 
    Product Funds will inform each shareholder, including each Separate 
    Account and each Plan, of information necessary for the shareholder 
    meeting, including its respective share of ownership in the respective 
    Insurance Product Fund. Each Participating Insurance Company will then 
    solicit voting instructions in accordance with the ``pass-through'' 
    voting requirement.
        22. Applicants content that the ability of the Insurance Product 
    Funds to sell their shares directly to Plans does not crease a ``senior 
    security,'' as that term is defined in section 18(g) of the 1940 Act. 
    Regardless of the rights and benefits of participants under the Plans 
    or Contract owners under the Contracts, the Plans and the Separate 
    Accounts have rights only with respect to their respective shares of 
    the Insurance Product Funds. They can only redeem such shares at their 
    net asset value. No shareholder of any of the Insurance Product Funds 
    has any preference over any other shareholder with respect to 
    distribution of assets or payments of dividends.
        23. Applicants submit that there are no conflicts between the 
    [[Page 6395]]
    owners of the Separate Accounts and Plan participants with respect to 
    the state insurance commissions' veto powers over investment 
    objectives. State insurance commissioners have been given the veto 
    power in recognition of the fact that insurance companies usually 
    cannot simply redeem their separate accounts out of one fund and invest 
    another. Generally, time-consuming complex transactions must be 
    undertaken to accomplish such redemptions and transfers. Conversely, 
    trustees of Plans can make the decision quickly and redeem their 
    interest in an Insurance Product Fund and reinvest in another funding 
    vehicle without the same regulatory impediments faced by separate 
    accounts or, as is the case with most Plans, even hold cash pending 
    suitable investment. Based on the foregoing, Applicants have concluded 
    that even if there should arise issues where the interest of Contract 
    owners and the interests of participants in Plans are in conflict, the 
    issues can be resolved almost immediately because the trustees of Plans 
    can, on their own, redeem the shares out of the Insurance Product Fund.
        24. Applicants assert that various factors have limited the number 
    of insurance companies that offer variable annuities and variable life 
    insurance contracts. These factors include the costs of organizing and 
    operating a funding medium, the lack of expertise with respect to 
    investment management (principally with respect to stock and money 
    market investments), and the lack of name recognition by the public of 
    certain insurers as investment experts. In particular, some smaller 
    life insurance companies may not find it economically feasible, or 
    within their investment or administrative expertise, to enter the 
    variable contract business on their own.
        25. Applicants content that the use of the Insurance Product Funds 
    as common investment vehicles for variable contracts would reduce or 
    alleviate these concerns. Mixed and shared funding should provide 
    several benefits to variable contract owners by eliminating a 
    significant portion of the costs of establishing and administering 
    separate funds. Participating Insurance Companies will benefit not only 
    from the investment and administrative expertise of the Adviser, but 
    also from the cost efficiencies and investment flexibility afforded by 
    a larger pool of assets. Therefore, making the Insurance Product Funds 
    available for mixed and shared funding will encourage more insurance 
    companies to offer variable contracts, and accordingly should result in 
    increased competition with respect to both variable contract design and 
    pricing, which can be expected to result in more product variation and 
    lower charges. Applicants also assert that the sale of shares of the 
    Insurance Product Funds to Plans can also be expected to increase the 
    amount of assets available for investment by the Insurance Product 
    Funds and thus promote economies of scale and diversification.
    Applicants' Conditions
    Applicants Consent to the Following Conditions
        1. A majority of the Board of each Insurance Product Fund shall 
    consist of persons who are not ``interested persons'' thereof, as 
    defined by section 2(a)(19) of the 1940 Act, and the rules thereunder 
    and as modified by any applicable orders of the Commission, except that 
    if this condition is not met by reason of the death, disqualification 
    or bona fide resignation of any Board Member or Members, than the 
    operation of this condition shall be suspended: (a) For a period of 45 
    days if the vacancy or vacancies may be filled by the remaining Board 
    Members; (b) for a period of 60 days if a vote of shareholders is 
    required to fill the vacancy or vacancies; or (c) for such longer 
    period as the Commission may prescribe by order upon application.
        2. The Board will monitor their respective Insurance Product Fund 
    for the existence of any material irreconcilable conflict among the 
    interests of the Contract owners of all Separate Accounts investing in 
    the Insurance Product Funds and of the Plans participants investing in 
    the Insurance Product Funds. The Board will determine what action, if 
    any, shall be taken in response to such conflicts. A material 
    irreconcilable conflict may arise for a variety of reasons, including: 
    (a) An action by any State insurance regulatory authority; (b) a change 
    in applicable Federal or State insurance, tax or securities laws or 
    regulations, or a public ruling, private letter ruling, no-action or 
    interpretive letter, or any similar action by insurance, tax or 
    securities regulatory authorities; (c) an administrative or judicial 
    decision in any relevant proceeding; (d) the manner in which the 
    investments of the Insurance Product Funds are being managed; (e) a 
    difference in voting instructions given by variable annuity Contract 
    owners, variable life insurance Contract owners, and trustees of Plans; 
    (f) a decision by an insurer to disregard the voting instructions of 
    Contract owners; or (g) if applicable, a decision by a Plan to 
    disregard the voting instructions of Plan participants.
        3. Participating Insurance Companies, the Adviser, and any Plan 
    that executes a fund participation agreement upon becoming an owner of 
    10 percent or more of the assets of an Insurance Product Fund (a 
    ``Participating Plan''), will report any potential or existing 
    conflicts of which it becomes aware to the Board of any relevant 
    Insurance Product Fund. Participating Insurance Companies, the Adviser 
    and the Participating Plans will be responsible for assisting the Board 
    in carrying out its responsibilities under these conditions by 
    providing the Board with all information reasonably necessary for the 
    Board to consider any issues raised. This responsibility includes, but 
    is not limited to, an obligation by each Participating Insurance 
    Company to inform the Board whenever voting instructions of Contract 
    owners are disregarded and, if pass-through voting is applicable, an 
    obligation by each Participating Plan to inform the Board whenever it 
    has determined to disregard Plan participant voting instructions. The 
    responsibility to report such information and conflicts, and to assist 
    the Board, will be contractual obligations of all Participating 
    Insurance Companies investing in the Insurance Product Funds under 
    their agreements governing participation in the Insurance Product 
    Funds, and such agreements shall provide that these responsibilities 
    will be carried out with a view only to the interests of the Contract 
    owners. The responsibility to report such information and conflicts, 
    and to assist the Board, will be contractual obligations of all 
    Participating Plans under their agreements governing participation in 
    the Insurance Product Funds, and such agreement will provide that their 
    responsibilities will be carried out with a view only to the interests 
    of Plan participants.
        4. If it is determined by a majority of the Board of an Insurance 
    Product Fund, or by a majority of the disinterested Board Members, that 
    a material irreconcilable conflict exists, the relevant Participating 
    Insurance Companies and Participating Plans will, at their own expense 
    and to the extent reasonably practicable as determined by a majority of 
    the disinterested Board Members, take whatever steps are necessary to 
    remedy or eliminate the material irreconcilable conflict, which steps 
    could include: (a) In the case of Participating Insurance Companies, 
    withdrawing the assets allocable to some or all of the Separate 
    Accounts from the Insurance Product Fund or any portfolio thereof and 
    reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium,
    [[Page 6396]]
    including another portfolio of an Insurance Product Fund or another 
    Insurance Product Fund, or submitting the question as to whether such 
    segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected Contract 
    owners and, as appropriate, segregating the assets of any appropriate 
    group (i.e., variable annuity Contract owners or variable life 
    insurance Contract owners of one or more Participating Insurance 
    Companies) that votes in favor of such segregation, or offering to the 
    affected Contract owners the option of making such a change; (b) in the 
    case of Participating Plans, withdrawing the assets allocable to some 
    or all of the Plans from the Insurance Product Fund and reinvesting 
    such assets in a different investment medium; and (c) establishing a 
    new registered management investment company or managed Separate 
    Account. If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because of a 
    decision by a Participating Insurance Company to disregard Contract 
    owner voting instructions, and that decision represents a minority 
    position or would preclude a majority vote, then the insurer may be 
    required, at the Insurance Product Fund's election, to withdraw the 
    insurer's Separate Account investment in such Insurance Product Fund, 
    and no charge or penalty will be imposed as a result of such 
    withdrawal. If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because of a 
    Participating Plan's decision to disregard Plan participant voting 
    instructions, if applicable, and that decision represents a minority 
    position or would preclude a majority vote, the Participating Plan may 
    be required, at the Insurance Product Fund's election, to withdraw its 
    investment in such Insurance Product Fund, and no charge or penalty 
    will be imposed as a result of such withdrawal. The responsibility to 
    take remedial action in the event of a determination by a Board of a 
    material irreconcilable conflict and to bear the cost of such remedial 
    action will be a contractual obligation of all Participating Insurance 
    Companies and Participating Plans under their agreements governing 
    participation in the Insurance Product Funds, and these 
    responsibilities will be carried out with a view only to the interest 
    of Contract owners and Plan participants.
        5. For purposes of Condition 4, a majority of the disinterested 
    Board Members of the applicable Board will determine whether or not any 
    proposed action adequately remedies any material irreconcilable 
    conflict, but in no event will the relevant Insurance Product Fund or 
    the Adviser be required to establish a new funding medium for any 
    Contract. No Participating Insurance Company shall be required by 
    Condition 4 to establish a new funding medium for any Contract if any 
    offer to do so has been declined by vote of a majority of the Contract 
    owners materially and adversely affected by the material irreconcilable 
    conflict. Further, no Participating Plan shall be required by Condition 
    4 to establish a new funding medium for any Participating Plan if (a) a 
    majority of Plan participants materially and adversely affected by the 
    irreconcilable material conflict vote to decline such offer, or (b) 
    pursuant to governing Plan documents and applicable law, the 
    Participating Plan makes such decision without a Plan participant vote.
        6. The determination of the Board of the existence of a material 
    irreconcilable conflict and its implications will be made known in 
    writing promptly to all Participating Insurance Companies and 
    Participating Plans.
        7. Participating Insurance Companies will provide pass-through 
    voting privileges to Contract owners who invest in registered Separate 
    Accounts so long as and to the extent that the Commission continues to 
    interpret the 1940 Act as requiring pass-through voting privileges for 
    Contract owners. As to Contracts issued by unregistered Separate 
    Accounts, pass-through voting privileges will be extended to 
    participants to the extent granted by issuing insurance companies. Each 
    Participating Insurance Company will also vote shares of the Insurance 
    Product Funds held in its Separate Accounts for which no voting 
    instructions from Contract owners are timely received, as well as 
    shares of the Insurance Product Funds which the Participating Insurance 
    Company itself owns, in the same proportion as those shares of the 
    Insurance Product Funds for which voting instructions from contract 
    owners are timely received. Participating Insurance Companies will be 
    responsible for assuring that each of their registered Separate 
    Accounts participating in the Insurance Product Funds calculates voting 
    privileges in a manner consistent with other Participating Insurance 
    Companies. The obligation to calculate voting privileges in a manner 
    consistent with all other registered Separate Accounts investing in the 
    Insurance Product Funds will be a contractual obligation of all 
    Participating Insurance Companies under their agreements governing 
    their participation in the Insurance Product Funds. Each Participating 
    Plan will vote as required by applicable law and governing Plan 
        8. All reports of potential or existing conflicts received by the 
    Board of an Insurance Product Fund and all action by such Board with 
    regard to determining the existence of a conflict, notifying 
    Participating Insurance Companies and Participating Plans of a 
    conflict, and determining whether any proposed action adequately 
    remedies a conflict, will be properly recorded in the minutes of the 
    meetings of such Board or other appropriate records, and such minutes 
    or other records shall be made available to the Commission upon 
        9. Each Insurance Product Fund will notify all Participating 
    Insurance Companies that separate disclosure in their respective 
    Separate Account prospectuses may be appropriate to advise accounts 
    regarding the potential risks of mixed and shared funding. Each 
    Insurance Product Fund shall disclose in its prospectus that (a) the 
    Insurance Product Fund is intended to be a funding vehicle for variable 
    annuity and variable life insurance contracts offered by various 
    insurance companies and for qualified pension and retirement plans; (b) 
    due to differences of tax treatment and other considerations, the 
    interests of various Contract owners participating in the Insurance 
    Product Fund and/or the interests of Plans investing in the Insurance 
    Product Fund may at some time be in conflict; and (c) the Board of such 
    Fund will monitor events in order to identify the existence of any 
    material irreconcilable conflicts and to determine what action, if any, 
    should be taken in response to any such conflict.
        10. Each Insurance Product Fund will comply with all provisions of 
    the 1940 Act requiring voting by shareholders (which, for these 
    purposes, will be the persons having a voting interest in the shares of 
    the Insurance Product Funds), and, in particular, the Insurance Product 
    Funds will either provide for annual shareholder meetings (except 
    insofar as the Commission may interpret section 16 of the 1940 Act not 
    to require such meetings) or comply with section 16(c) of the 1940 Act, 
    although the Insurance Product Funds are not the type of trust 
    described in section 16(c) of the 1940 Act, as well as with section 
    16(a) of the 1940 Act and, if and when applicable, section 16(b) of the 
    1940 Act. Further, each Insurance Product Fund will act in accordance 
    with the Commission's interpretation of the requirements of section 
    16(a) with respect to periodic elections of Board Members and with 
    whatever rules the Commission may promulgate with respect thereto.
        11. If and to the extent Rules 6e-2 or 6e-3(T) under the 1940 Act 
    is amended, or proposed Rule 6e-3 under the 1940
    [[Page 6397]]
    Act is adopted, to provide exemptive relief from any provision of the 
    1940 Act or the rules promulgated thereunder, with respect to mixed or 
    shared funding on terms and conditions materially different from any 
    exemptions granted in the order requested in the application, then the 
    Insurance Product Funds and/or Participating Insurance Companies and 
    Participating Plans, as appropriate, shall take such steps as may be 
    necessary to comply with such Rules 6e-2 and 6e-3(T), as amended, or 
    proposed Rule 6e-3, as adopted, to the extent that such Rules are 
        12. The Participating Insurance Companies and Participating Plans 
    and/or the Adviser, at least annually, will submit to the Board such 
    reports, materials or data as the Board may reasonably request so that 
    the Board may fully carry out obligations imposed upon it by the 
    conditions contained in the application. Such reports, materials and 
    data will be submitted more frequently if deemed appropriate by the 
    Board. The obligations of the Participating Insurance Companies and 
    Participating Plans to provide these reports, materials and data to the 
    Board, when the Board so reasonably requests, shall be a contractual 
    obligation of all Participating Insurance Companies and Participating 
    Plans under their agreements governing participation in the Insurance 
    Product Funds.
        13. If a Plan should ever become a holder of ten percent or more of 
    the assets of an Insurance Product Fund, such Plan will execute a 
    participation agreement with the Insurance Product Fund that includes 
    the conditions set forth herein to the extent applicable. A Plan will 
    execute an application containing an acknowledgment of this condition 
    upon such Plan's initial purchase of the shares of any Insurance 
    Product Fund.
        For the reasons summarized above, Applicants submit that the 
    exemptive relief requested is necessary and appropriate in the public 
    interest and consistent with the protection of investors and the 
    purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of the 1940 Act.
        For the Commission, by the Division of Investment Management, 
    pursuant to delegated authority.
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 99-3102 Filed 2-8-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Notice of application for an order pursuant to section 6(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (``1940 Act'') granting relief from sections 9(a), 13(a), 15(a) and 15(b) of the 1940 Act and Rules 6e- 2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15) thereunder.
Document Number:
The application was filed on September 11, 1998, and amended and restated on December 9, 1998.
6392-6397 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Rel. No. IC-23678, File No. 812-11302
PDF File: