[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 40 (Wednesday, March 1, 1995)]
[Pages 11093-11094]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-5018]
[OPP-00403; FRL-4939-1]
Pesticide Products Used to Disinsect Aircraft; Notice of
Availability of Draft Policy and Request for Comments
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Agency has received information which raises questions
concerning the potential human health risks associated with the use of
insecticide spray products in occupied aircraft cabins. The United
States has not required the spraying of aircraft since 1979 and the
Agency believes that this policy has not encouraged the spread of any
insectborne communicable diseases. EPA is soliciting comments on the
Agency's draft Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice which proposes strict
measures to prevent human exposure to any pesticide product
(insecticide) used for disinsecting aircraft. The proposed draft PR
Notice is entitled, ``Pesticide Products Used to Disinsect Aircraft.''
Interested parties may request a copy of the Agency's proposed policy
as set forth in the ADDRESSES unit of this notice.
DATES: Written comments, identified by the docket number [OPP-00403],
must be received on or before April 17, 1995.
ADDRESSES: The draft PR Notice is available from Rame' Cromwell, By
mail: Registration Division (7505W), Office of Pesticide Programs,
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
Office location and telephone number: 6th Floor, Westfield Building,
2800 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA, (703) 308-8377. Submit written
comments to: By mail: Public Docket and Freedom of Information Section,
Field Operations Division (7506C), Office of Pesticide Programs,
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington,
[[Page 11094]] DC 20460. In person bring comments to: Rm. 1128, CM #2,
1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA.
Information submitted and any comment(s) concerning this notice may
be claimed confidential by marking any part or all of that information
as ``Confidential Business Information'' (CBI). Information so marked
will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in
40 CFR part 2. A copy of the comment(s) that does not contain CBI must
be submitted for inclusion in the public record. Information not marked
confidential may be disclosed publicly by EPA without prior notice to
the submitter. Information on the proposed text and any written
comments will be available for public inspection in Rm. 1128 at the
Virginia address given above, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: Rame' Cromwell (7505W),
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
Office location and telephone number: 6th Floor, Westfield Building,
2800 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA, (703) 308-8377.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The draft PR Notice provides explicit label
statements prohibiting the use of insecticide products in occupied
cabins of aircraft. It also provides registrants with two choices to
comply: (1) Registrants of disinsection products with labels that
permit use in occupied cabins and who seek to continue that use must
generate and submit data to demonstrate that the use in occupied
aircraft cabins does not pose unreasonable adverse effects to human
health, and (2) registrants of all other disinsection products for use
in aircraft should revise their labels in accordance with the
instructions contained in the draft PR Notice to clearly prohibit use
of their products in occupied aircraft cabins. This Federal Register
notice announces the availability of the draft PR Notice and solicits
comment. If, after reviewing any comments, EPA determines that changes
are warranted, the Agency will revise the draft PR Notice prior to
List of Subjects
Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure,
Agricultural commodities, Pesticides and pests.
Dated: February 21, 1995.
Stephen L. Johnson,
Director, Registration Division, Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 95-5018 Filed 2-28-95; 8:45 am]