96-4963. Cyanazine; Notice of Preliminary Determination to Terminate Special Review; Notice of Receipt of Requests for Voluntary Cancellation  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 42 (Friday, March 1, 1996)]
    [Pages 8186-8203]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-4963]
    [[Page 8185]]
    Part VI
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Cyanazine; Notice of Preliminary Determination To Terminate Special 
    Review; Notice of Receipt of Requests for Voluntary Cancellation; 
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 42 / Friday, March 1, 1996 / 
    [[Page 8186]]
    [OPP-30000/60A; FRL-5352-6]
    Cyanazine; Notice of Preliminary Determination to Terminate 
    Special Review; Notice of Receipt of Requests for Voluntary 
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of Preliminary Determination to Terminate Special 
    Review; Announcement of Receipt of Voluntary Cancellation.
    Summary: This Notice sets forth EPA's preliminary determination to 
    terminate the Special Review of cyanazine based on amendments to the 
    terms and conditions of cyanazine registrations. In effect, the terms 
    and conditions call for an incremental phaseout and voluntary 
    cancellation of all pesticide products containing cyanazine that are 
    registered for use in the United States. The Agency has concluded that, 
    based on these terms and conditions of the amended registration of 
    cyanazine, any unreasonable adverse effects posed by cyanazine use will 
    be eliminated by the phaseout and voluntary cancellation of the 
    chemical. The Agency concludes that the benefits of use of the chemical 
    for the limited period of time and in strict accordance with all of the 
    terms and conditions of registration, outweigh the risks. In making 
    this determination, the Agency considered the risks and benefits of 
    cyanazine use in the 7-year phaseout, during which maximum label rates 
    will be reduced and closed cab application equipment will be required, 
    as well as the risks and benefits associated with the ultimate 
    cancellation of all use of cyanazine. In addition, pursuant to section 
    6(f)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 
    (FIFRA), this Notice announces EPA's receipt of requests to voluntarily 
    cancel all registrations containing cyanazine, effective December 31, 
    Dates: Comments, data and information relevant to the Agency's proposed 
    decision must be received on or before April 1, 1996.
    ADDRESS: Submit three copies of written comments bearing the document 
    number [30000/60A]. By mail to: Public Response and Program Resources 
    Branch, Field Operations Division (7506C), Office of Pesticide 
    Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, 
    DC 20460. In person, bring comments to Room 1132, CM #2, 1921 Jefferson 
    Davis Highway, Arlington, VA, Telephone: 703-305-5805.
        Comments and data may also be submitted electronically by sending 
    electronic mail (e-mail) to: opp-docket@epamail.epa.gov. Electronic 
    comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use of special 
    characters and any form of encryption. Comments and data will also be 
    accepted on disks in WordPerfect in 5.1 file format or ASCII file 
    format. All comments and data in electronic form must be identified by 
    the docket number ``OPP-30000/60A.'' No Confidential Business 
    Information (CBI) should be submitted through e-mail. Electronic 
    comments on this document may be filed online at many Federal 
    Depository Libraries. Additional information on electronic submissions 
    can be found in Unit IX. of this document.
        Information submitted as a comment concerning this document may be 
    claimed confidential by marking any part or all of that information as 
    CBI. Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance 
    with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. A copy of the comment that 
    does not contain CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public 
    record. Information not marked confidential may be disclosed publicly 
    by EPA without prior notice. All written comments will be available for 
    public inspection in Rm. 1132 at the Virginia address given above from 
    8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: Joseph E. Bailey, Review 
    Manager, Special Review and Reregistration Division (7508W), Office of 
    Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., 
    Washington, DC 20460. Office location, telephone number, and e-mail 
    address: Special Review Branch, 3rd Floor, Crystal Station, 2800 
    Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA, Telephone: 703-308-8173, e-
    mail: bailey.joseph@epamail.epa.gov. For a copy of documents in the 
    public docket, to request information concerning the Special Review, or 
    to request indices to the Special Review public docket, contact the 
    Public Response and Program Resources Branch, Field Operations Division 
    (7506C), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 
    401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460, Telephone: 703-305-5805.
    Supplementary Information:
    I. Introduction
    A. Regulatory Background
        Cyanazine is the common name for [2-((4-chloro-6-(ethylamino)-s-
    triazine-2-yl)amino)-2-methylpropionitrile], an herbicide sold under 
    the tradenames of Bladex and Cynex that is available as a granular or 
    liquid formulation. It is classified as a ``Restricted Use Pesticide'' 
    based on its reproductive effects and detection in ground and surface 
    water. Cyanazine was first registered by Shell Chemical Company in 
    1971. Today, DuPont Agricultural Products and Griffin Corporation are 
    the only registrants of technical grade cyanazine. Ciba Plant 
    Protection also has one registered product, a mixture of cyanazine and 
    metalochlor, but submitted a request for voluntary cancellation of this 
    product which was announced in the Federal Register of November 8, 1995 
    (60 FR 56333) (Ref. 1). A final cancellation order for this product was 
    effective February 8, 1996.
        In April 1985, a Special Review of cyanazine was initiated based on 
    studies indicating developmental toxicity in two species after oral 
    administration of the chemical. The Agency was concerned about 
    potential risks to mixer/loaders and applicators exposed to cyanazine. 
    Additional dermal developmental toxicity studies that were submitted to 
    the Agency led to a refinement of the risk estimates. The Special 
    Review was concluded in 1988 by requiring personal protective equipment 
    and revised label language.
        The Agency continued to assess ground and surface water monitoring 
    data for cyanazine contamination and, to help address contamination 
    concerns, approved label amendments in 1993 that reduced maximum 
    application rates and required surface water setbacks. These 
    amendments, however, did not ameliorate all of the Agency's risk 
    concerns and on February 8, 1994, a preliminary notification letter was 
    issued to all cyanazine registrants indicating that the Agency was 
    considering initiating a Special Review of cyanazine because of 
    potential cancer risks from dietary (food and drinking water) and non-
    dietary exposure. Additionally, the Agency was also concerned about 
    possible ecological risks to nontarget organisms (aquatic organisms, 
    terrestrial plants) and their ecosystems that may result from the use 
    of cyanazine.
        On November 10, 1994, EPA issued the Notice of Initiation of 
    Special Review (Position Document 1 or PD 1) formally announcing that a 
    Special Review was being initiated for cyanazine, along with atrazine 
    and simazine (58 FR 60412) (Ref. 2). The Agency formally initiated the 
    Special Review based only on the cancer risk concern to humans. The 
    Agency remains concerned about possible 
    [[Page 8187]]
    ecological effects; however, these effects were not considered as 
    formal criteria to initiate the Special Review.
        On August 2, 1995, DuPont voluntarily proposed to amend its 
    cyanazine registrations to effectively phaseout the production of 
    cyanazine for use in the U.S. by the end of 1999, with incremental 
    reductions in maximum label application rates in 1997, 1998, and 1999 
    and a closed cab requirement for applicators beginning in 1998 (Ref. 
    3). Cyanazine products that have been released for shipment by a 
    registrant on or before December 31, 1999, may only be distributed and 
    sold in the channels of trade in accordance with their labels through 
    September 30, 2002. Such products may only be used through December 31, 
    2002. EPA accepted DuPont's proposal to amend its cyanazine 
    registrations. Since the acceptance of DuPont's proposal to amend 
    cyanazine registrations, EPA has granted new conditional cyanazine 
    registrations to Griffin based on Griffin's agreement to accept the 
    same terms and conditions as part of its cyanazine registrations (Refs. 
    4, 5, 6, 7, and 8).
        The Agency has evaluated the risks and benefits posed by the terms 
    and conditions of the phaseout and voluntary cancellations submitted by 
    the manufacturers of cyanazine and approved by EPA. Among the factors 
    considered were the risks of use during and after the phaseout period 
    and arising from use of existing stocks, the benefits that will accrue 
    from use during the phaseout and use of existing stocks, the incentives 
    for and likelihood of the development of alternative control strategies 
    of a phaseout as opposed to an immediate commencement of cancellation 
    proceedings, and the litigative risks and uncertainties attendant to a 
    contested regulatory action as opposed to a voluntary action. Taking 
    all of these factors into consideration, the Agency has concluded that 
    risks associated with the proposed voluntary phaseout and cancellation 
    are outweighed by its benefits. Accordingly, the Agency believes the 
    Special Review of cyanazine may be terminated on the basis of the 
    voluntary cancellation.
        In response to the triazine PD 1 issued in November 1994, the 
    Agency received a number of comments about the risks and benefits of 
    cyanazine. All of the issues raised in the cyanazine comments received 
    during the comment period are addressed in this Notice and are on file 
    in the triazine public docket (OPP-30000/60). While a number of the 
    comments challenged the Agency's decision to initiate the Special 
    Review of the triazines and questioned various components of the 
    Agency's assessments, no additional scientific data were received by 
    the Agency that change the Agency's previous conclusions about 
    potential risks from cyanazine exposure. The majority of the comments 
    received were undocumented testimonials that generally made claims 
    concerning the usefulness of cyanazine. A few commenters provided 
    additional ground and surface water monitoring data. All of the 
    comments relating to cyanazine benefits have been considered in 
    assessing the economic impacts of phasing out cyanazine. Similarly, all 
    of the comments relating to cyanazine risks have been considered in 
    assessing the risks associated with the phaseout of cyanazine. 
    Significant comments and the Agency's responses to the comments are 
    discussed in appropriate sections of this Notice. Supporting 
    documentation may be found in the cyanazine public docket (OPP-30000/
        As discussed above, the Agency has recently granted cyanazine 
    conditional registrations to Griffin Corporation. These recently-
    approved cyanazine registrations, as well as any others that may be 
    granted by the Agency in the future, are required to comply with all of 
    the same terms and conditions of registration for cyanazine as approved 
    by the Agency for DuPont's registrations. The Griffin products were 
    conditionally registered by the Agency provided that Griffin comply 
    with all of the same terms and conditions of the DuPont cyanazine 
    registrations. If Griffin does not comply with the same terms and 
    conditions of the cyanazine registration, its registrations are subject 
    to cancellation by the Agency in accordance with FIFRA section 6(e). 
    Griffin's release for shipment of its products containing cyanazine 
    constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of the 
    registrations. In accordance with FIFRA section 3(c)(7)(A), these 
    conditional registrations have been approved because the Agency has 
    determined that they are substantially similar to other currently 
    registered cyanazine products or differ only in ways that do not 
    significantly increase the risk of unreasonable adverse effects to the 
    B. Legal Background
        In order to obtain a registration for a pesticide under FIFRA, an 
    applicant must demonstrate that the pesticide satisfies the statutory 
    standard for registration. The standard requires, among other things, 
    that the pesticide will not cause ``unreasonable adverse effects on the 
    environment'' [FIFRA section 3(c)(5)]. The term ``unreasonable adverse 
    effects on the environment'' means ``any unreasonable risk to humans or 
    the environment, taking into account the economic, social, and 
    environmental costs and benefits of the use of any pesticide'' [FIFRA 
    section 2(bb)]. This standard requires a finding that the benefits of 
    each use of the pesticide outweigh the risks of such use, when the 
    pesticide is used in compliance with the terms and conditions of 
    registration and in accordance with commonly recognized practices.
        The burden of proving that a pesticide satisfies the statutory 
    standard is on the proponents of registration and continues as long as 
    the registration remains in effect. Under FIFRA section 6, the 
    Administrator may cancel the registration of a pesticide or require 
    modification of the terms and conditions of a registration if the 
    Administrator determines that the pesticide product causes unreasonable 
    adverse effects to man or the environment. EPA created the Special 
    Review process to facilitate the identification of pesticide uses that 
    may not satisfy the statutory standard for registration and to provide 
    a public procedure to gather and evaluate information about the risks 
    and benefits of these uses.
        A Special Review may be initiated if a pesticide meets or exceeds 
    the risk criteria set out in the regulations at 40 CFR part 154. When 
    EPA believes that a pesticide has met such risk criteria, a notice is 
    published in the Federal Register which announces the initiation of the 
    Special Review. After a PD 1 is issued, registrants and other 
    interested persons are invited to review the data upon which the review 
    is based and to submit data and information to rebut EPA's conclusions 
    by showing that EPA's initial determination was in error, or by showing 
    that use of the pesticide is not likely to result in unreasonable 
    adverse effects on human health or the environment. In addition to 
    submitting rebuttal evidence, commenters may submit relevant 
    information to support EPA's initial conclusions or to aid in the 
    determination of whether the economic, social and environmental 
    benefits of the use of the pesticide outweigh the risks. After 
    reviewing the comments received and other relevant materials obtained 
    during the Special Review process, EPA makes a proposed decision on the 
    future status of registrations of the pesticide.
        The Special Review process may be concluded in various ways 
    depending upon the outcome of EPA's risk/benefit assessment. If EPA 
    concludes that all of its risk concerns have been adequately 
    [[Page 8188]]
    rebutted, the pesticide registration will be maintained unchanged. If, 
    however, all risk concerns are not rebutted, then EPA will proceed to 
    assess risks and benefits. EPA considers possible changes to the terms 
    and conditions of registration that can reduce risks to a level that 
    satisfies the risk criteria used to initiate Special Review. If risks 
    can be reduced to the level, then the Agency considers whether the 
    benefits outweigh those risks. Based upon this analysis, it may require 
    that such changes be made in the terms and conditions of the 
    registration. Alternatively, EPA may determine that no changes in the 
    terms and conditions of a registration will adequately assure that use 
    of the pesticide will not cause any unreasonable adverse effects. If 
    EPA makes such a determination, it may seek cancellation, suspension, 
    or change in classification of the pesticide's registration. This 
    determination would be set forth in a Notice of Final Determination 
    issued in accordance with 40 CFR 154.33.
        When the Administrator proposes to cancel, deny, or change the 
    classification of the registration of a pesticide product which is the 
    subject of a Special Review, regulations at 40 CFR 154.31(b) require 
    that the Agency submit notices of preliminary determination to the 
    Secretary of Agriculture and the Scientific Advisory Panel for review 
    and comment. In the case of the proposed decision for cyanazine, the 
    Agency does not deem this necessary because the cancellation of all 
    cyanazine products is a voluntary action on behalf of the registrants.
        Issuance of this Notice means that the Agency has assessed the 
    potential adverse effects of cyanazine and has preliminarily determined 
    that continued, but limited, use of the pesticide under the agreed-upon 
    terms and conditions of cyanazine registration with DuPont and Griffin 
    will not present unreasonable adverse effects when considering: (1) 
    Risks and benefits of restricted, continued use of cyanazine through 
    the phaseout period and (2) the ultimate cancellation of all cyanazine 
    registrations. The Agency is proposing to terminate the Special Review 
    of cyanazine based on the fact that use will be restricted during the 
    phaseout period and no cyanazine use will be allowed after December 31, 
    2002, and, therefore, continuation of the Special Review is no longer 
    necessary. Included as part of the terms and conditions of cyanazine 
    registration are cyanazine registrants' waivers of rights to challenge 
    the Agency's final action on the cyanazine Special Review or the terms 
    and conditions of registration, including label amendments, required by 
    agreements in any court or administrative forum. The complete terms and 
    conditions that amend cyanazine registration are provided in Unit X. of 
    this Notice.
    II. Summary of Toxicological Concerns
    A. Carcinogenicity
        The initiation of the Special Review of cyanazine in 1994 was based 
    on evidence that cyanazine may cause cancer in persons exposed to the 
    chemical through their diet (food and drinking water) and through 
    exposure while handling the chemical (mixer/loaders and applicators). 
    This risk concern is based on a statistically-significant incidence of 
    malignant mammary gland tumors in female Sprague-Dawley rats that were 
    exposed to cyanazine through their diet for 2 years. In addition to the 
    mammary gland tumors observed in these rats, the weight-of-the-evidence 
    for the carcinogenic potential of cyanazine includes the evidence that 
    cyanazine is structurally related to the other chloro-s-triazines which 
    also induce mammary gland cancer in female Sprague-Dawley rats. 
    Although cyanazine is structurally related to the other chloro-s-
    triazines, cyanazine differs in that it contains a cyano (nitrile) 
    functional group that is highly reactive.
        In March 1991, the OPP Carcinogenicity Peer Review Committee 
    evaluated the weight-of-the-evidence for cyanazine, with particular 
    emphasis on its carcinogenic potential. The Peer Review Committee 
    concluded that cyanazine should be classified as a Group C, possible 
    human carcinogen, and recommended quantification of human risk using a 
    linearized multi-stage model to extrapolate from effects seen at high 
    doses in laboratory studies to predict tumor response at low doses. 
    Using this model, the cancer potency equivalent (Q1*) for 
    cyanazine is 1.0 x 100 (mg/kg/day)-1 based on the development 
    of mammary gland adenocarcinomas and carcinosarcomas in female rats. 
    This represents the 95 percent upper confidence limit of tumor 
    induction likely to occur from a unit dose. The cancer classification 
    of cyanazine has not been presented to the FIFRA Scientific Advisory 
    Panel (SAP) for review.
        A more detailed discussion about the evidence that cyanazine may 
    cause cancer can be found in the PD 1.
    B. Comments Regarding the Carcinogenicity of Cyanazine and the Agency's 
    Comment: DuPont Agricultural Products and Griffin Corporation responded 
    that the Agency does not have sufficient toxicological evidence to 
    support its position that cyanazine may pose a cancer risk to humans. 
    Both state that the Sprague-Dawley rat model is inappropriate and that 
    evidence supports their assertion that cyanazine tumorigenicity is 
    associated with a hormonally-mediated threshold effect.
    Agency Response: In the PD 1 for atrazine, simazine, and cyanazine, the 
    Agency considered all information available at that time to evaluate 
    the carcinogenic potential of the triazines, including the 
    appropriateness of the Sprague-Dawley rat model, the method of 
    quantifying the carcinogenic risk and DuPont's assertion that cyanazine 
    tumorigenicity occurs through a hormonal mechanism. In response to the 
    PD 1, the Agency received additional information with comments 
    submitted for atrazine and simazine that will be reviewed and evaluated 
    in the continuing Special Review of those chemicals. The Agency 
    received no new information, however, to dispute the carcinogenicity 
    classification for cyanazine. Currently, it is the Agency's policy to 
    regulate carcinogens based on risk assessment procedures that utilize 
    the Q1* approach in the absence of data to support the 
    hypothesis of hormonally-mediated threshold responses. On several 
    occasions, DuPont has indicated that they have undertaken research that 
    will attempt to validate a hormonally-mediated mechanism of 
    carcinogenicity; however, the Agency received no information from 
    DuPont that attempts to prove such a mechanism exists.
    Comment: DuPont does not believe that a link between breast cancer and 
    exposure to cyanazine exists and has stated that reviews of several 
    epidemiology studies on estrogen replacement therapy find no such link.
    Agency Response: When the Agency initiated the Special Review for the 
    triazines, it had not concluded that cyanazine was directly related to 
    an incidence of human breast cancer. Upon review of published 
    literature, the Agency indicated that such tumor development in humans 
    seemed possible and that during the course of the Special Review, 
    further research into epidemiological studies would hopefully provide 
    information to make rational decisions about such cause and effect 
    relationships. The Agency is not in a position at this point to draw 
    [[Page 8189]]
    definitive conclusions about human breast cancer and cyanazine; 
    however, the Agency will continue to consider information throughout 
    the Special Review of the other triazines that may help clarify whether 
    an association exists. Information in published literature support the 
    possibility that some link between breast cancer and the triazine 
    herbicides is possible.
    Comment: The National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides 
    (NCAMP) provided comments about the triazines in general without 
    reference to cyanazine specifically. NCAMP supports the Agency's 
    Special Review of the triazines but unequivocally states that the 
    Agency must cancel the triazines due to unreasonable cancer risks.
    Agency Response: The terms and conditions of DuPont and Griffin 
    cyanazine registrations now provide for voluntary cancellation of all 
    cyanazine registrations in 1999 and will eventually result in a total 
    phaseout of the use of cyanazine in the U.S. During the period of the 
    phaseout, the Agency estimates that the risks will be decreasing 
    because of the reductions in allowable maximum application rates and 
    the requirement that applicators must work in closed cabs. Taking the 
    cyanazine phaseout and voluntary cancellation into consideration, the 
    Agency has evaluated the risks and benefits of cyanazine and determined 
    that the terms and conditions of the phaseout and voluntary 
    cancellations, as submitted by the manufacturers and approved by EPA, 
    will ultimately eliminate any unreasonable adverse effects associated 
    with the use of cyanazine. Accordingly, the Agency is proposing to 
    terminate the Special Review. As with all Special Reviews, cancellation 
    of uses is an available option but is only imposed when other less 
    severe risk reduction measures are not adequate to eliminate 
    unreasonable adverse effects.
    Comment: NCAMP commented that evidence supports the classification of 
    all of the triazines as Group B carcinogens.
    Agency Response: The Agency has taken its decision about the cancer 
    classification of atrazine and simazine to the SAP on a number of 
    occasions. The SAP agreed with the Agency's cancer classification of 
    atrazine and simazine. Current weight-of-the-evidence for cyanazine 
    supports its classification as a Group C carcinogen. Further, NCAMP did 
    not provide any additional data or evidence to support their assertion. 
    Accordingly, the Agency has concluded that cyanazine is a class C 
    carcinogen. The Agency has not presented the cancer classification of 
    cyanazine to the SAP, and in light of the cyanazine phaseout and the 
    ultimate cancellation of this chemical, does not believe that it is 
    necessary to do so.
    Comment: In general, Griffin commented that the Agency failed to 
    provide adequate information to allow others to fully evaluate its risk 
    Agency Response: As required by the regulations governing Special 
    Review procedures, the Agency has provided a record of all background 
    documents used in its assessments through the public docket. The public 
    docket contains all supporting documentation that describes all of the 
    assumptions and values used by the Agency to conduct the risk 
    assessments. The Agency has made available the same level of 
    information for the cyanazine Special Review as it has for other 
    Special Reviews, and this information should be adequate to evaluate 
    the assessments.
    III. Summary of Exposure and Related Human Health Risks
        In the PD 1, the Agency provided upper bound estimates of 
    carcinogenic risks from dietary exposure from both food and drinking 
    water and occupational exposure to handlers (mixer/loader/applicators) 
    of cyanazine.
    A. Dietary Exposure and Associated Risks
        Dietary exposure to cyanazine can occur through the direct 
    consumption of cyanazine residues in treated food as well as from 
    commodities that contain secondary residues from animals that were fed 
    cyanazine-treated crops. In the PD 1, the Agency considered all 
    residues (per its equivalency policy), including parent cyanazine and 
    both chloro and hydroxy metabolites, to be of toxicological concern. 
    Anticipated residues were calculated using data from field trials, 
    processing studies, and metabolism studies.
        The total upper bound dietary risk estimate from exposure to 
    cyanazine residues in food, as reported in the PD 1, is 2.9 x 10-
    5. This estimate did contain a risk contribution from wheat and 
    sorghum, uses which have been voluntarily cancelled and thus removed 
    from cyanazine labels. Removing the risk contribution for wheat and 
    sorghum from the total decreases the total upper bound risk to 2.7 x 
    10-5. The Agency has not received any data that justifies the 
    revision of any of the assumptions used in its dietary risk assessment 
    other than the information with respect to the voluntary cancellation 
    of the wheat and sorghum uses. For a detailed discussion of those 
    assumptions, the reader is referred to the PD 1. Table 1 below provides 
    the dietary risk estimates as discussed in the PD 1.
                                  Table 1.--Dietary Cancer Risk Estimates for Cyanazine                             
                                          Anticipated        Percent Crop      Exposure (mg/kg/   Upper Bound Cancer
                Commodity                Residue (ppm)          Treated              day)           Risk Estimates  
    Corn                              0.12                20                  1.2 x 10-5          1.2 x 10-5        
    Cottonseed                        0.09                5                   9.3 x 10-8          9.3 x 10-8        
    Milk                              0.00028 (milk)      --                  1.2 x 10-6          1.2 x 10-6        
                                      0.000034 (non-fat                                                             
    Poultry and eggs                  0.00232             --                  3.1 x 10-6          3.1 x 10-6        
    Red meat                          0.00345             --                  1.0 x 10-5          1.0 x 10-5        
    Sorghum                           0.10                5                   1.2 x 10-7          1.2 x 10-7        
    Wheat                             0.16                1                   2.3 x 10-6          2.3 x 10-6        
    Total                                                                                         2.9 x 10-5        
    Total excluding wheat and                                                                     2.7 x 10-5        
        1Range of values were used for meat, meat byproducts, fat, 
    liver, and kidney.
        2Range of values were used for meat, meat byproducts, fat, 
    liver, kidney and eggs.
    [[Page 8190]]
    B. Comments Regarding Cyanazine Dietary Risk Estimates and the Agency's 
    Comment: Griffin contends that Anticipated Residue (AR) values used by 
    EPA were not identified and interpolation of EPA's calculations reveals 
    that values used are exaggerated and inappropriate for determining 
    actual dietary risks. Griffin further objects to the Agency's use of 
    translated data from cattle to estimate anticipated residues in other 
    animal commodities. DuPont disagreed with the extrapolation from 
    metabolism studies to estimate residues in meat, milk, and eggs and the 
    assumption that 100 percent of the livestock feed from corn, cotton, 
    wheat, and sorghum has been treated with cyanazine.
    Agency Response: The AR values used in the Agency's risk assessment are 
    listed in Table 1 above and were identified in the PD 1 as well as in 
    the supporting documentation that was in the public docket at the time 
    of publication of the PD 1. In completing the dietary risk assessment 
    for cyanazine, the Agency utilized its standard approach to estimate AR 
    values and then used those values in determining dietary exposure 
    estimates and carcinogenic risk through its Dietary Risk Evaluation 
    System (DRES). Documentation supporting the estimation of ARs and 
    dietary exposure values is contained in the references used for the 
    triazine PD 1 and can be found in the triazine public docket. To 
    determine the cyanazine AR values for risk assessment purposes for crop 
    commodities, the Agency averaged the actual residues detected in field 
    trials; for nondetectable residues, the Agency assumed the residue 
    level equalled one-half of the analytical method's limit of detection. 
    This approach precludes the possibility of overestimating or 
    underestimating risks that could otherwise be based on residue values 
    at high or low detections. To estimate the ARs for animal commodities, 
    the Agency used animal dietary burden data which take into 
    consideration anticipated residues on feed crops as well as percent 
    crop treated data and animal metabolism studies. Since the consumption 
    of feed by animals has already been adjusted to account for the percent 
    of the crop that has been treated with cyanazine, use of the 100 
    percent assumption is appropriate.
        The Agency routinely translates data between commodities with 
    sufficient similarities, such as translating apple data to pears. 
    Translation is performed when data are either not available or are 
    insufficient. In the case of cyanazine, crop data do exist. Data for 
    cattle and other ruminants can be translated only to other animals such 
    as goats, sheep, hogs or horses, but not to poultry. Ruminant data 
    exist for cyanazine and were used to estimate risks in the PD 1. 
    However, at the time the PD 1 was published, cyanazine poultry 
    metabolism data were not available. Therefore, atrazine poultry 
    metabolism data were translated to cyanazine. Since atrazine and 
    cyanazine were grouped for Special Review purposes due to their 
    structural and metabolic similarities, the Agency considered it to be 
    appropriate to bridge this data gap by translation. Griffin did not 
    provide an alternative risk assessment for the Agency to review or any 
    additional data for review and consideration in refining risk 
    Comment: Griffin stated that the Agency's use of information from the 
    1977 - 1978 National Food Consumption Survey to estimate consumption 
    values is inappropriate because food consumption patterns have changed 
    dramatically over the past 17 years; therefore, ingestion rates used in 
    the dietary risk assessment are invalid. Griffin also stated that the 
    source of the percent crop treated data was not provided.
    Agency Response: Although Griffin did not agree with the Agency's use 
    of the 1977 - 1978 information to predict ingestion rates, it provided 
    no data that the Agency could use to revise the consumption values. The 
    Agency acknowledges that the 1977 - 1978 National Food Consumption 
    Survey may not reflect the most current consumption profile of 
    individuals in the United States. The continuing surveys of food intake 
    by individuals were performed in 1989 through 1991; the Agency is 
    working to translate these data into a form useful for the Agency's 
    Dietary Risk Evaluation System. However, until these data are in a 
    useable form, the Agency will continue to use the 1977 - 1978 data.
        The Agency revised the percent crop treated data for cyanazine in 
    1994 using the most current United States Department of Agriculture 
    (USDA) and other proprietary usage estimates that were available at 
    that time. The data reflect annual fluctuations in use patterns as well 
    as variability as a consequence of using data from various information 
    sources. Griffin did not supply any percent crop treated data for the 
    Agency to evaluate.
    Comment: Griffin asserts that EPA calculations incorrectly assume that 
    all secondary sources of ingested cyanazine are contaminated with 100 
    percent of the AR level.
    Agency Response: The Agency does use 100 percent of the AR level in its 
    calculations to estimate dietary risk; however, as discussed above, the 
    AR value has taken factors into consideration to adjust for the fact 
    that 100 percent of a crop may not be treated with the chemical. 
    Therefore, further percent crop treated adjustments are not necessary 
    and would tend to underestimate potential risks.
    Comment: Griffin purports that EPA provided no specific information 
    about the exposure frequency and exposure duration values used in its 
    calculations; i.e., EPA assumes that an individual consumes a maximum 
    amount of a particular food all in the same day, every day, for an 
    entire lifetime and does not account for differences in exposure 
    duration for people living in urban areas, rural areas and farms.
    Agency Response: The Agency acknowledges that there are differences in 
    food consumption habits across the U.S. To estimate chronic dietary 
    risk, the Agency considered information it has on the general U.S. 
    population as well as 22 population subgroups. The Agency's Dietary 
    Risk Evaluation System utilizes information that was obtained from the 
    1977 - 1978 food consumption survey discussed above. This survey was 
    designed to statistically encompass all income levels and all 
    population areas of the U.S., including participants from both rural 
    and urban areas. Average dietary consumption of an individual over a 3-
    day period is determined. The consumption value is then matched to the 
    self-reported body weight of the individual. All data for both 
    consumers and non-consumers of a particular commodity are then combined 
    or averaged to determine dietary exposure. Currently, this survey 
    provides the best estimate of food consumption patterns in the U.S., 
    assuming average consumption over a 70-year lifetime.
    Comment: Griffin contends that EPA provided no information indicating 
    the values used for body weight assumptions.
    Agency Response: Details about the assumptions used in the DRES 
    calculations were provided in the public docket. To calculate dietary 
    risk estimates for food and drinking water consumption, the Agency has 
    used information that was obtained in the 1977 - 1978 food consumption 
    survey. This survey matched individual consumption with individual 
    reported body weights of the respondents and the information is then 
    used by the Dietary Risk Evaluation System to estimate risk. Therefore, 
    the Agency has used the self-reported body weights to calculate both 
    the dietary and drinking water risk estimates. The self-reported body 
    [[Page 8191]]
    weights average out to approximately 58 kg.
    Comment: DuPont states that, because the use of cyanazine on sorghum 
    and wheat was voluntarily canceled, risks from these sources should be 
    removed from the risk assessment calculations.
    Agency Response: The Agency accepted DuPont's request to voluntarily 
    cancel cyanazine use on wheat and sorghum. The Agency has removed the 
    risk contribution from use on wheat and sorghum from the dietary risk 
    assessment. The upper bound dietary risk estimate without the 
    contribution from wheat and sorghum is 2.7 x 10-5 which is still 
    considered to be unacceptable.
    Comment: DuPont commented that EPA has presented upper bound risk 
    estimates only and ignored the most likely estimates which would be 
    orders of magnitude lower.
    Agency Response: It is standard policy for the Agency to provide upper 
    bound carcinogenic risk estimates. The use of less than upper bound 
    risk estimates may not adequately account for risks to the most 
    sensitive populations such as infants, children, or the elderly. The 
    Agency acknowledges that the true risk estimates may be as low as zero 
    for some people in some risk scenarios; i.e. where no exposure is 
    Comment: DuPont stated that EPA should not make the assumption that 
    chloro and hydroxy metabolites of cyanazine are as toxic as the parent 
    Agency Response: In the absence of appropriate toxicological 
    information, it is the Agency's policy to use a default assumption that 
    metabolites are no more or no less toxic than the parent compound. The 
    Agency is not aware of any information that indicates that cyanazine 
    metabolites are less toxic than cyanazine itself. The Agency has 
    completed its review of the hydroxyatrazine study and is currently 
    determining the study's impact on atrazine and simazine anticipated 
    residue calculations. The Agency has decided that translation of the 
    results of this study to simazine is appropriate. However, because the 
    structure of cyanazine contains the cyano functional group and the 
    other two triazines in Special Review do not, the Agency has decided 
    that it would not be appropriate to translate results of the 
    hydroxyatrazine study to cyanazine.
    C. Drinking Water Exposure and Associated Risks
        Ground and surface water sources provide drinking water for human 
    consumption. While the Agency does not yet have an enforceable 
    regulatory standard or Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for cyanazine 
    contamination of drinking water, a lifetime Health Advisory Level (HAL) 
    has been established at 1.0 g/L. Information from a number of 
    ground and surface water monitoring studies has indicated that 
    cyanazine detections are frequently found, especially in surface 
        To prepare the PD 1, the Agency considered information from a 
    number of surface water monitoring studies that indicated the presence 
    of cyanazine in areas of the Midwest where it is frequently used. The 
    information from these studies indicates that cyanazine is detected in 
    many streams and rivers for several months post-application at 
    concentrations of at least several g/L due to runoff. However, 
    the percentage of detections is lower during early spring (pre-
    application) and during fall and winter, many months after application. 
    Concentrations are usually less than 1.0 g/L. There are 
    reports of cyanazine detections in some lakes and reservoirs that 
    remain constant at several g/L almost year round. The ground 
    and surface water monitoring studies that provide evidence of cyanazine 
    contamination of water supplies are discussed in the PD 1.
        The Agency based its drinking water risk concerns on the cyanazine 
    detections discussed above and calculated high end (90th percentile) as 
    well as risk estimates for mean consumption of cyanazine-contaminated 
    drinking water derived from both ground and surface water sources. In 
    the PD 1, the Agency's estimates from exposure to a mean concentration 
    of cyanazine in ground and surface water are 2.3 x 10-6 and 9.7 x 
    10-6, respectively. The upper bound risk estimates from a 90th 
    percentile exposure in ground and surface water are 4.0 x 10-6 and 
    6.6 x 10-5, respectively. These risk estimates may underestimate 
    the actual risk because they are based on exposure to cyanazine parent 
    compound only and do not include the potential contribution to risk 
    from cyanazine degradates. The Agency is also concerned about exposure 
    to cyanazine degradates that are assumed to be no more or less toxic 
    than the parent compound. It is important to note that the cyanazine 
    drinking water risk estimates are representative values for individuals 
    residing in the corn belt region where the chemical is used and do not 
    apply to the entire U.S. population, particularly areas where the 
    chemical is not used. Details about the Agency's drinking water 
    assessments for ground and surface water may be found in the PD 1. 
    Since the publication of the PD 1, the Agency has not received any 
    information that would significantly alter the cyanazine risk 
    estimates. Table 2 below shows the drinking water risk estimates as 
    provided in the PD 1.
         Table 2.--Excess Individual Lifetime Cancer Risk Estimates from    
         Consumption of Cyanazine-Contaminated Surface and Ground Water     
                                         Mean Exposure      90th Percentile 
    Cyanazine - surface water         9.7 x 10-6          6.6 x 10-5        
    Cyanazine - ground water          2.3 x 10-6          4.0 x 10-6        
    D. Comments Regarding Cyanazine Drinking Water Risk Estimates and the 
    Agency's Response
    Comment: DuPont and Griffin contend that data from ground water 
    monitoring programs conclusively demonstrate that cyanazine ground 
    water detections are either nonexistent or extremely low. Neither EPA's 
    modeling nor actual ground water survey data support any regulatory 
    action to alter cyanazine registration status. DuPont and Griffin 
    specifically noted that studies cited in the PD 1 do not support the 
    claim that ground water contamination with cyanazine is a concern.
    Agency Response: The Agency continues to believe that cyanazine 
    contamination of ground water supplies poses concerns. Griffin was 
    correct in stating that cyanazine was not detected in EPA's National 
    Survey of Pesticides in Drinking Water Wells. However, the detection 
    limit in the survey was 2.4 g/L whereas the Agency's HAL for 
    cyanazine is 1.0 g/L. It is quite possible that there were 
    undetected residues of cyanazine at or greater than the HAL but less 
    than the detection limit. The fact that cyanazine was detected in few 
    [[Page 8192]]
    wells in the Monsanto National Alachlor Well Water Survey is reasonable 
    because the survey focused on the alachlor use area. The Agency does 
    not believe that the use of cyanazine geographically coincides closely 
    enough with the use of alachlor to rely heavily on the results of this 
    study to be representative of the contamination potential of cyanazine. 
    For example, in Illinois, only a small percentage of the total corn 
    acreage is treated with both alachlor and cyanazine. Most alachlor 
    applications are accompanied by treatments with atrazine, dicamba, or 
    glyphosate. Therefore, it would be less likely to detect cyanazine in 
    alachlor use areas. Also, no degradates were analyzed for in the 
    survey. Griffin further stated that no cyanazine was detected in ground 
    water during retrospective studies conducted by Shell. Although the 
    wells were located near fields in which corn had been grown in the last 
    5 years, in areas where 60 - 69 percent of the wells were tested, 
    cyanazine was not used or usage could not be confirmed in the 
    associated corn field. Therefore, these studies do not represent the 
    most accurate impact of cyanazine use on ground water quality. 
    Cyanazine was detected in 155 of 7,468 wells as noted in EPA's 
    Pesticides in Ground Water Database. The cyanazine detections in the 
    wells of 14 states probably resulted from nonpoint source mechanisms.
        The Agency acknowledges that the parent cyanazine compound may not 
    be very persistent under most field conditions; however, total chloro-
    degradate residues of cyanazine are potentially very persistent 
    depending on environmental conditions such as those that may be found 
    in ground water reservoirs. The Agency also acknowledges that less 
    information is available about the contamination of ground water with 
    cyanazine than with atrazine simply because cyanazine has not been as 
    extensively researched as atrazine. However, the information that the 
    Agency does have about the fate characteristics of cyanazine, the 
    monitoring data, and the large amounts of cyanazine that are used 
    continues to support the Agency's concern for ground water 
    Comment: DuPont stated that the Agency has no information indicating 
    that cyanazine metabolites will reach ground water in concentrations of 
    toxicological concern.
    Agency Response: The Agency has limited data on the detection of 
    cyanazine degradates in ground water; however, cyanazine is 
    structurally similar to atrazine and simazine and has similar 
    environmental fate characteristics with some common degradates. Because 
    of the similarity in fate characteristics, the Agency believes that it 
    is reasonable to assume that cyanazine degradates may reach ground 
    water supplies. Both atrazine and cyanazine degrade to deisopropyl 
    atrazine, a chlorodegradate that the Agency assumes to be no more or 
    less toxic than the parent compound.
    Comment: Griffin commented that EPA's use of CHEMRANK and LEACH models 
    overestimates cyanazine's leaching potential.
    Agency Response: The Agency believes that the models used are helpful 
    in judging whether significant differences exist in the leaching 
    potential between different pesticides but are not truly predictive of 
    the amounts of pesticides that will leach to ground water at a 
    particular site. In addition, the screening models used do not take 
    degradates into account; one particular cyanazine degradate, 
    deisopropyl atrazine, is extremely mobile and has been widely found in 
    ground water. So, the models may in fact underestimate risk.
    Comment: The South Dakota and Minnesota Departments of Agriculture and 
    the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted surface water 
    monitoring data in response to the PD 1 that included information for 
    Agency Response: The Agency has considered the data submitted by each 
    of these commenters. The South Dakota and Minnesota data were 
    consistent with United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1989 and 1990 
    reconnaissance studies of the Midwestern corn belt that showed levels 
    of cyanazine in the surface waters of those states generally to be 
    substantially lower than in several other states such as Illinois, Iowa 
    and Ohio. Although the available data are not sufficient to conclude 
    with certainty that cyanazine is not a potential problem in either 
    state, the Agency's primary concerns were and remain at this time with 
    some of the other corn belt states. For example, arithmetic average 
    annual cyanazine concentrations for samples collected from West Lake, 
    IA, exceeded the HAL in 1992 and 1993, and for samples collected from 
    Rathbun Reservoir, IA, exceeded the HAL in 1992 and 1994. Although 
    these averages are arithmetic and are only of detects, the Agency 
    believes in this case that the arithmetic averages are relatively close 
    to time-weighted mean concentrations because of the regularity of the 
    sampling dates. Such regularity would not be observed if there were a 
    significant number of non-detects or if the sampling schedule was 
    skewed. Additionally, the Agency received raw data from the 
    Environmental Working Group in which 29 surface water supplies were 
    monitored for cyanazine biweekly from March, April or May through 
    August 1995. Using these data, the Agency calculated time-weighted mean 
    concentrations. Six of the 29 systems sampled had cyanazine estimated 
    time-weighted mean concentrations greater than the HAL of 1.0 
    g/L (Bowling Green, OH - 1.4 g/L; Columbus, OH - 1.04 
    g/L; Danville, IL - 2.47 g/L; Decatur, IL - 1.88 
    g/L; Johnson County, KS - 1.01 g/L; and Springfield, 
    IL - 3.07 g/L) (Ref 6).
        In response to the PD 1, the Illinois Environmental Protection 
    Agency submitted data to update their network of 30 raw surface water 
    sampling sites from the Moyer and Cross report that covered 1985 - 1988 
    to include 1989 - 1993. Also provided were data on cyanazine 
    concentrations in finished water samples collected quarterly from 
    September 1992, to June 1994, from numerous surface water source 
    supplies throughout the state. Although the data updating the 30 raw 
    water sampling stations is in summary form with only mean 
    concentrations provided for the entire sampling period (1985 - 1993) 
    given for each site, the reported cyanazine average concentrations 
    equaled or exceeded the HAL at 7 of the 30 sites and equaled or 
    exceeded 3 g/L at 2 of those sites, even with the damping 
    effect associated with long-term multiple year averaging. Although the 
    arithmetic averages may be somewhat greater than time-weighted mean 
    concentrations, the Agency believes that they are probably not that 
    much greater due to the general collection of samples pre-application 
    and during the fall as well as a small number post-application. The 
    data further support the Agency's position that cyanazine detections in 
    the surface waters of Illinois remain of concern.
    Comment: Griffin and DuPont commented that detections of cyanazine in 
    surface water fluctuate seasonally with detections peaking in spring 
    and summer but returning to background levels that do not present 
    health concerns for the majority of the year. DuPont believes that 
    studies on effectiveness of best management practices (BMP) provide 
    evidence that DuPont's BMP efforts have helped reduce surface water 
    Agency Response: The Agency agrees that cyanazine detections tend to be 
    seasonal; however, the detections that are reported remain as a concern 
    to the Agency. Monitoring data post 1990 from West Lake and Rathbun 
    Reservoir in 
    [[Page 8193]]
    Iowa, as well as data provided to the Agency by the Environmental 
    Working Group and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, support 
    the Agency's concern that average annual cyanazine concentrations in 
    some surface source drinking water supplies continue to exceed the HAL 
    of 1 g/L. Data from studies conducted by Baker in Ohio and the 
    USGS in the Midwestern corn belt show that maximum cyanazine 
    concentrations exceed the HAL and that such concentrations may last 
    several weeks post-application. The Agency agrees with DuPont's 
    statement that concentrations of cyanazine exceeding 10 g/L 
    are more likely to occur in small streams rather than larger streams 
    and rivers where the concentration is likely to be diluted. DuPont's 
    assertion that small streams do not generally supply drinking water is 
    true. However, cyanazine concentrations often remain elevated for 
    longer periods of time in larger streams and rivers due to cyanazine 
    loadings that occur at different times within the watershed upstream 
    from the sampling location. Also, cyanazine concentrations appear to 
    remain elevated longer in lakes and reservoirs such as West Lake and 
    Rathbun Reservoir due to lower microbiological activities coupled with 
    long hydrological residence times. In the USGS reconnaissance survey of 
    129 surface water sites within the Midwestern corn belt, greater than 
    10 percent of the sites had post-application concentrations of 
    cyanazine greater than 10 g/L; in the study by Baker of eight 
    tributaries of Lake Erie over 4 years (32 site-years), 19 percent had 
    maximum concentrations exceeding 10 g/L.
        The Agency does believe that the changes brought about by the 
    adoption of the BMPs has helped to decrease the triazine loading of 
    surface waters. The Agency believes that the reduction in use rates 
    called for during the phaseout of cyanazine will further help reduce 
    the loading to surface waters from agricultural runoff. However, the 
    decreases observed since the use of BMPs are small and recent data show 
    that cyanazine contamination of some surface water source drinking 
    supplies continues to be a concern.
    Comment: DuPont disagrees with the Agency's use of a 20 percent 
    Relative Source Contribution (RSC) factor to calculate the HAL and 
    suggests that the Agency revisit this issue before assessing risk based 
    on the current number.
    Agency Response: The RSC value is a factor that is used to establish 
    regulatory standards for levels of a contaminant in drinking water. The 
    RSC apportions the allowable doses of a contaminant that are derived 
    from food, water and air. In the case of cyanazine, the Agency has used 
    the default value of 20 percent due to lack of data to support any 
    other value. In other words, the Agency is allowing only 20 percent of 
    the total amount of cyanazine exposure to come from drinking water; the 
    remaining 80 percent can be contributed through other exposure routes 
    such as food and air. In 1994, DuPont requested that the Agency revise 
    the RSC value and modify the cyanazine HAL accordingly. The Agency 
    responded to DuPont's request, concluding that the 20 percent default 
    value for the RSC was appropriate at this time due to uncertainties 
    associated with the contribution of total triazines and their 
    degradates to the total exposure. The Agency has received no additional 
    information that warrants making this change and, therefore, continues 
    to believe that the default value is appropriate. In the PD 1, the 
    Agency's calculations to determine drinking water risk estimates do not 
    use the RSC value or the HAL for cyanazine since actual intake survey 
    data were used to estimate consumption of drinking water and monitoring 
    data were used to estimate exposure to cyanazine. Therefore, changing 
    the RSC value would have no effect on the Agency's drinking water risk 
    Comment: DuPont disagrees that inclusion of cyanazine metabolites may 
    increase exposure to cyanazine by 10 percent. DuPont submitted data on 
    metabolites in several reservoirs.
    Agency Response: In the PD 1, the Agency's statement that degradates 
    could increase exposure by 10 percent referred to total triazine 
    degradates in general and did not refer specifically to cyanazine. The 
    study on metabolites in reservoirs, to which DuPont refers, had very 
    high detection limits for major cyanazine degradates; therefore, it is 
    reasonable to conclude that cyanazine degradates were detected in a 
    relatively low percentage of samples. However, in some of the samples 
    where degradates were detected, they were at concentrations comparable 
    to those of parent cyanazine.
    Comment: DuPont agrees that there are numerous sites where a single 
    measurement or even several measurements may exceed the HAL for 
    cyanazine, yet the annual mean may not exceed the HAL. DuPont states 
    that it is inappropriate to use chronic exposure standards in dealing 
    with exposure from surface waters which are highly variable.
    Agency Response: The Agency agrees that the concentration of individual 
    surface water samples taken at a given point in time should not be 
    compared to long-term regulatory standards and has only compared 
    arithmetic and time-weighted annual mean concentrations to the HAL for 
    cyanazine. The Agency has compared some maximum and individual 
    cyanazine concentrations to short-term HALs and to 4 times the HAL. The 
    rationale for comparing maximum or other individual concentrations to 4 
    times the guidance value is that any single quarterly concentration 
    that is greater than 4 times the guidance value will automatically make 
    the annual average of four successive quarterly samples greater than 
    the guidance value. If this guidance value was actually a regulatory 
    standard, the system would be out of compliance with the Safe Drinking 
    Water Act.
    Comment: EPA reports that a high percentage of samples from the 
    Chesapeake Bay have triazine detects. DuPont believes such detects 
    should be quantified when assessing risk.
    Agency Response: The statement in the PD 1 about a percentage of 
    triazine detections in the Chesapeake Bay was intended to support the 
    fact that the triazines are widely distributed in surface waters. The 
    statement was not meant to be interpreted as any measure of risk but 
    rather the far ranging distribution of the triazines in the 
    environment. Also, the statement referred to atrazine only, not 
    cyanazine, and stated that a small percentage of detections were 
    greater than 3 g/L.
    Comment: DuPont recommends that EPA reconsider appropriate action 
    levels for regulating drinking water contaminants that can occur at 
    varying levels over time. Using an identical exposure level over 70 
    years of exposure represents excessive conservatism in risk management.
    Agency Response: Actual exposure data on the same watershed over many 
    years are not available so the Agency cannot conduct assessments as 
    recommended by DuPont. Results using modeling, a possible future 
    option, are currently not sufficiently reliable to use in absolute 
    comparisons to MCLs or MCLGs. In addition, for regulatory purposes, the 
    Safe Drinking Water Act requires the comparison of running annual 
    average concentrations based upon four successive quarterly samples to 
    be compared to the MCL. The Agency acknowledges that the use of water 
    from the same source containing the same contaminant level is 
    conservative since most of the U.S. population moves at some time 
    during their life and does not live in the same area drinking from the 
    same water source for a 70-year lifetime. However, it could be 
    considered as 
    [[Page 8194]]
    either an over- estimation or under-estimation depending on the 
    contaminant levels in the other sources of drinking water.
    Comment: DuPont disagrees with EPA's statement that the concentration 
    of cyanazine in a watershed is proportional to the watershed's size.
    Agency Response: The Agency did not state that the concentration of 
    cyanazine in a watershed is directly proportional to the watershed 
    size. DuPont has misquoted the statement actually made in the PD 1. The 
    Agency stated that ``peak concentrations of triazines are generally 
    greater in surface waters draining small watersheds than in those 
    draining large watersheds. . . .'' The statement was intended to be 
    interpreted in the context of discussing watersheds which receive high 
    cyanazine applications. As discussed earlier, smaller streams tend to 
    have higher concentrations than do larger streams and rivers.
    Comment: DuPont is not aware of any data showing that tile drainage 
    and/or ground water inflow contributes substantially to cyanazine 
    loading of surface waters.
    Agency Response: Both Moyer and Cross (1990) and Squillace and Engberg 
    (1988) believe that tile drainage and/or ground water inflow sometimes 
    contribute significantly to triazine loadings of surface waters. 
    Because cyanazine has a shorter half-life in surface soil than does 
    atrazine, such contributions are probably substantially smaller for 
    cyanazine than for atrazine.
    Comment: DuPont commented that EPA indicates that the cumulative 
    effects of various triazines are assumed to be additive. DuPont 
    disagreed stating that information in a study report they submitted in 
    response to the PD 1 entitled ``Assessment of the Reproductive and 
    Developmental Toxicity of Pesticide/Fertilizer Mixtures Based on 
    Confirmed Pesticide Contamination in California and Iowa Ground 
    Water,'' indicates no additive effects and that safety margins in the 
    HAL are more than adequate to protect human health and the environment.
    Agency Response: Although it is unclear, the Agency assumes that DuPont 
    is referring to additive toxic effects of pesticides as it relates to 
    the Agency's combined risk assessment across several triazines and 
    exposure routes in the PD 1. The study to which DuPont is referring 
    assessed the reproductive and developmental toxicity, not 
    carcinogenicity, of pesticide/fertilizer mixtures based on ground water 
    contamination. The Agency continues to believe that additive effects of 
    exposure to multiple chemicals may increase risks and will continue to 
    evaluate and revise the combined risk assessment as appropriate though 
    the continuing triazine Special Review. Safety margins built into HALs 
    do not account for additive effects of multiple chemical exposures.
    Comment: Griffin commented that the exposure values EPA used to 
    characterize daily intake of drinking water are not consistent among 
    the calculations to determine risk from exposure at the HAL, risk from 
    surface water exposure and risk from ground water exposure or with 
    accepted risk assessment methodology.
    Agency Response: The Agency acknowledges that different body weight 
    assumptions were used in calculating the risk assessment performed for 
    exposure at the HAL (The Agency specified a 70 kg body weight and 2 L/
    day water consumption value in the PD 1) than were used to calculate 
    risks from ground and surface water consumption. Calculating risk at 
    the HAL is a screening level assessment similar to using tolerance 
    level residues to estimate risk for dietary consumption. The Agency 
    acknowledges that there can be different default assumptions for water 
    consumption; however, the 2L value used to determine the HAL is a 
    traditionally accepted value. However, the Agency provided a refined 
    assessment for the PD 1 that used actual ground and surface water 
    monitoring data and self-reported body weights from the 1977 - 1978 
    food consumption survey. Use of actual data to estimate risks, as was 
    done in this case, provides a more realistic estimation than does using 
    default assumptions such as exposure at the HAL or an assumed value for 
    body weight.
    Comment: Griffin stated that EPA has consistently used maximum or high-
    end values in the drinking water evaluation. The basis for using time-
    weighted averages is not clear. Actual exposure and risk is doubled 
    because: (1) EPA has not considered surface water treatments that may 
    reduce contamination, (2) it appears that EPA used a body weight of 50 
    kg in its calculations, and (3) EPA applied an exposure value 
    reflecting tap water only and not commercial beverages. EPA has used 
    maximum values in its drinking water assessment even though cyanazine 
    has actually been detected in few samples.
    Agency Response: The Agency disagrees with Griffin's statement that 
    maximum or high-end values have been used to estimate exposure in 
    drinking water. The Agency has used time-weighted mean concentrations 
    to provide a better estimate of the exposure to triazine residues over 
    an extended period of time in order to reduce any over- or 
    underestimation effects that may result from the variability of 
    detection levels at specific sampling times. In estimating exposures in 
    surface waters, time-weighted mean concentrations are generally better 
    approximations of the actual time integrated mean concentration than 
    are arithmetic means whose values tend to be greater due to the general 
    increase in sampling frequency during periods when the highest triazine 
    concentrations are expected.
        The Agency has not considered surface water treatment effects on 
    the exposure to cyanazine because it cannot be assumed that all 
    individuals are consuming drinking water that has actually been 
    treated. It cannot be assumed that every household is connected to a 
    public water system that provides adequate treatment to remove possible 
    triazine contamination. Since most water systems employ only primary 
    treatment methods (e.g., solids removal), cyanazine concentration in 
    raw and in finished water should generally be comparable. It is true 
    that the Agency did not include ``commercial water'' such as that added 
    during the manufacturing and processing of beverages. The survey from 
    which the Agency has taken the drinking water consumption value only 
    included tap water that is consumed directly or that is used in the 
    preparation of foods or beverages in the home.
    Comment: DuPont submitted a number of studies in response to the PD 1 
    that provides information about the effects of BMPs on cyanazine 
    movement in the environment.
    Agency Response: The Agency has not reviewed these studies to prepare 
    this Notice. As discussed earlier, the Agency does not believe that the 
    BMPs that have been put in place have totally addressed the Agency's 
    ground and surface water concerns because of the more recent monitoring 
    data that continue to show detections. These studies will be considered 
    in the continuing Special Review of atrazine and simazine to evaluate 
    the effects of BMPs on herbicide environmental contamination. Even 
    though some of the BMPs may have a positive impact on ground and 
    surface water contamination and potential ecological effects, the risk 
    concerns associated with occupational exposure and dietary exposure 
    from food consumption will remain unchanged.
    Comment: The Environmental Working Group (EWG) submitted its report 
    ``Tap Water Blues'' to the Agency in response 
    [[Page 8195]]
    to the initiation of the triazine review. EWG also submitted a follow-
    up report entitled ``Weed Killers by the Glass'' which indicates 
    cyanazine detections in drinking water samples taken directly from the 
    taps in people's homes or offices.
    Agency Response: The Agency thinks that the data indicating cyanazine 
    detections in drinking water are significant and support the Agency's 
    risk concerns. As discussed earlier, some of the water systems that 
    were sampled by EWG had time-weighted mean concentrations higher than 
    the cyanazine HAL of 1.0 g/L. The Agency will fully evaluate 
    the information with respect to atrazine and simazine as part of the 
    continuing Special Review of the triazines.
    Comment: EWG comments that EPA standards for triazines in food and 
    drinking water are not consistent and allow levels in drinking water 
    that are unsafe and would not be allowed in foods. EWG points out that 
    there is no enforceable standard for cyanazine and recommends 
    promulgation of a combined MCL for the triazines, including 
    metabolites. NCAMP also commented that the Agency's regulation of 
    contaminants in drinking water is less stringent than the regulation of 
    residues in food and that metabolites should be included in all 
    regulatory standards.
    Agency Response: While the Agency does not have an MCL for combined 
    triazines, including metabolites at this time, it is considering 
    establishing such an enforceable standard. Because cyanazine is being 
    phased out over the next several years, it is unlikely that the Agency 
    will establish an MCL for cyanazine.
    Comment: EWG recommends weekly monitoring of drinking water in 
    susceptible regions for all triazines and metabolites during high 
    runoff and vulnerable periods. EWG also recommended that exposure 
    estimates must include recent data from Missouri and other states 
    demonstrating that peak exposures and annual average concentrations for 
    many rural communities far exceed health standards.
    Agency Response: The Safe Drinking Water Act establishes the 
    requirements for monitoring pollutants in drinking water. The Agency 
    will consider the most recent monitoring data available to estimate 
    triazine exposure in drinking water when the risk estimates are revised 
    for the preliminary determination of the triazine Special Review.
    Comment: EWG commented that the Agency must concentrate its risk 
    assessment only on exposed populations. Unexposed populations deflate 
    risks faced by people with contaminated water.
    Agency Response: The Agency acknowledges the value of this comment and, 
    providing that adequate information is available, will respond to this 
    issue in the PD 2/3 for atrazine and simazine.
    E. Occupational Exposure and Associated Risks
        For the PD 1, the Agency determined exposure estimates for 
    cyanazine use on corn, the predominant use site, for different 
    scenarios depending on whether the person exposed to cyanazine was 
    mixing, loading or applying cyanazine or performing a combination of 
    these tasks. Additionally, estimates were provided for growers and 
    commercial applicators and whether open or closed equipment is used. 
    Those estimates were based only on dermal exposure assuming a dermal 
    absorption value of 2 percent and a use rate of 3 pounds active 
    ingredient per acre (lb/ai/acre).
        Just prior to initiating the triazine Special Review, DuPont 
    provided the Agency with its own occupational risk assessment that 
    estimated exposure to cyanazine by using information in the Pesticide 
    Handlers Exposure Database (PHED) for ground application (Ref. 7). 
    After reviewing DuPont's assessment, the Agency revised its own risk 
    assessment for ground application of cyanazine by using PHED 
    information to estimate worker exposure (Ref. 8). Aerial application 
    risks were not revised and remain as reported in the PD 1. The Agency 
    used a more recent version of PHED (version 1.1) than did DuPont 
    (version 1.01) that contains more data and therefore provides a greater 
    degree of confidence in the exposure estimates. Table 3 below provides 
    the Agency's revised occupational risk estimates as well as DuPont's 
    estimates for groundboom application of cyanazine.
                                      Table 3--Exposure and Risk Estimates for Groundboom Applications of Cyanazine to Corn                                 
                                                               Daily Exposure mg/  Annual Exposure                       Estimated Upper     Estimated Risk 
                                                                     kg/day           mg/kg/year       LADE mg/kg/day    Bound Risk (EPA)       (Dupont)    
    Mixer/Loader Open                                                     0.0099             0.0109         1.5 x 10-5         1.5 x 10-5        1.71 x 10-6
    Applicator Open                                                       0.0044             0.0048         6.5 x 10-6         6.5 x 10-6         5.2 x 10-7
    M/L/A Open                                                            0.0143             0.0157         2.2 x 10-5         2.2 x 10-5        2.23 x 10-6
    Mixer/Loader Closed                                                   0.0020             0.0022         3.0 x 10-6         3.0 x 10-6                N/A
    Applicator Closed                                                     0.0016             0.0018         2.4 x 10-6         2.4 x 10-6                N/A
    M/L/A Closed                                                          0.0036             0.0040         5.4 x 10-6         5.4 x 10-6                N/A
    Mixer/Loader Open                                                     0.0729             0.0874         1.2 x 10-4         1.2 x 10-4        5.28 x 10-5
    Applicator Open                                                       0.0321             0.0385         5.3 x 10-5         5.3 x 10-5        4.64 x 10-6
    M/L/A Open                                                            0.1050             0.1259         1.7 x 10-4         1.7 x 10-4        5.75 x 10-5
    Mixer/Loader Closed                                                   0.0147             0.0177         2.4 x 10-5         2.4 x 10-5                N/A
    Applicator Closed                                                     0.0117             0.0139         1.9 x 10-5         1.9 x 10-5                N/A
    M/L/A Closed                                                          0.0264             0.0316         4.3 x 10-5         4.3 x 10-5                N/A
    Daily Exposure = lb ai/day X Unit exposure X % Dermal absorption/70
    Annual Exposure = lb ai/year X Unit exposure X % Dermal absorption/
    LADE = Annual exposure } 365 X 35/70
    Risk = LADE X Q*
    Dermal absorption = 2% (DuPont's estimates are based on 1% dermal 
    Q* = 1
    [[Page 8196]]
    F. Comments Regarding Cyanazine Occupational Exposure Risk Estimates 
    and Agency's Response
    Comment: Griffin asserts that: (1) EPA has used an application rate of 
    3 lb/ai/a, but states that 1.5 lb/ai/acre is commonly used for 
    cyanazine, and that using the higher rate is a violation of EPA's legal 
    obligation to base regulatory activities on actual data, (2) EPA used a 
    dermal absorption value of 2 percent to calculate risks, while studies 
    indicate the actual dermal absorption value to be .84 percent, and (3) 
    EPA's risk assessment is overestimated and meaningless because 
    application rates were doubled and the dermal absorption value was 
    Agency Response: The Agency has estimated occupational exposure to 
    cyanazine based on an application rate of 3 pounds per acre when 
    applying cyanazine alone. The Agency noted in its risk assessment that 
    a rate of 1.5 pounds per acre is often used; however, this rate is 
    typically used when cyanazine is applied in combination with another 
    herbicide, often atrazine. While some cyanazine usage occurs at rates 
    greater than 3 lb/ai/acre (up to greater than 5.0 lb/ai/acre) the 
    majority of usage occurs at rates of 3 lb/ai/acre or less. The dermal 
    absorption rate used in the Agency's risk calculation is based on the 
    actual amount absorbed plus the amount remaining bound to the skin 
    after washing as shown in a dermal absorption study. Therefore, the 2 
    percent value used in the Agency's risk assessment represents the total 
    amount of cyanazine that could potentially be absorbed through the 
    skin. Assuming that the amount remaining bound to the skin after 
    washing will be absorbed over time is consistent with the Office of 
    Pesticide Programs' risk assessment practices.
    Comment: DuPont commented that occupational exposure risks were in the 
    acceptable range and referenced their risk assessment submitted to the 
    Agency Response: After reviewing DuPont's assessment, the Agency 
    revised its occupational risk assessment and then compared the two. In 
    using updated PHED information, the Agency's revised risk estimates 
    were lower than those estimates originally reported in the PD 1; 
    however, the risk estimates are not as low as those estimated in 
    DuPont's assessment. The assumptions that the Agency used in its risk 
    estimates vary from the assumptions used by DuPont. The Agency's unit 
    exposure estimates are based on a newer version of PHED and the Agency 
    has also used a different dermal absorption value than DuPont, as 
    discussed above. The Agency used information from PHED derived from 
    atrazine studies in which application parameters comparable to those 
    for cyanazine were used. DuPont's assessment for applicators is 
    unacceptable due to the lack of sufficient replicates used. Most of the 
    exposure estimates for applicators were based on data representing less 
    than the required minimum of 15 replicates per body part. Further, for 
    some of the exposure scenarios used by DuPont, the risks were higher 
    than negligible and of concern. The Agency has used updated use and 
    usage information to estimate the number of acres treated for exposure 
    estimations. Therefore, the Agency believes its revised estimates are 
    more accurate than those presented in the PD 1 and those calculated by 
    G. Combined Cancer Risks Across Multiple Exposure Pathways and 
        In the notice initiating the Special Review of the triazine 
    herbicides, the Agency provided examples of assessments of total risk 
    that was possible to individuals who may be exposed to more than one of 
    the triazines and from more than one exposure pathway. This was the 
    first time that the Agency looked at the additive risks associated with 
    a group of similar pesticide chemicals. In the combined risk 
    assessment, the Agency provided estimates of the total risk from 
    exposure to atrazine, simazine and cyanazine from dietary, drinking 
    water, occupational and residential exposure. In the PD 1, the Agency 
    acknowledged that various total risk estimates were possible depending 
    on the combination of chemicals to which one is exposed and the 
    combination of exposure routes. With the ultimate phaseout of the use 
    of cyanazine, this chemical will eventually cease to contribute to the 
    total combined triazine risk. However, during the phaseout, while 
    cyanazine continues to be used, the Agency will continue to evaluate 
    its contribution to the total risks of the triazine herbicides in 
    Special Review. Table 4 below shows the Agency's upper bound estimates 
    of total cancer risks across several exposure pathways and triazines.
                 Table 4.--Upper Bound Total Cancer Risks Across Several Exposure Pathways and Triazines            
            Exposure Pathway               Atrazine            Simazine           Cyanazine1             Total      
    Dietary                           4.4 x 10-5          1.1 x 10-5          2.7 x 10-5          8.2 x 10-5        
    Drinking Water2                   4.2 x 10-6          6.2 x 10-7          9.7 x 10-6          1.5 x 10-5        
    Occupational3,4                   1.1 x 10-3          N/A                 N/A                 1.1 x 10-3        
    Residential5                      1.1 x 10-4          N/A                 N/A                 1.1 x 10-4        
    Total                             1.3 x 10-3          1.2 x 10-5          3.7 x 10-5          1.3 x 10-3        
        1Risk contribution from use on wheat not included.
        2Derived from surface water.
        3Private grower application to corn using ground boom 
    equipment - mixer/loader/applicator.
        4Application of a combination of atrazine and cyanazine.
        5Lawn treatment by homeowner using hand cyclone spreader.
    H. Comments Regarding Combined Risk Estimates and Agency's Response
    Comment: Griffin commented that EPA has failed to recognize that a 
    critical factor to be addressed when combining risks is the compounding 
    of maximum values. For example, if 90th percentile values are used to 
    assess risk for each pathway to be combined, the total risk actually 
    represents an estimate closer to a 95-99th percentile range, an 
    overexaggeration that reduces the value of the risk estimate for 
    decision making.
    Agency Response: The Agency acknowledges that a simple additive 
    approach was used in combining the risks for atrazine, simazine, and 
    cyanazine. This approach was deemed scientifically sound as the 
    estimates were based on the induction of the same tumor type in the 
    same animal strain, quite possibly via the same or similar mode or 
    mechanism of action. The combined risk estimate contains all of the 
    uncertainties of the numbers used in the individual calculations. If 
    all of the triazine risk numbers were roughly of 
    [[Page 8197]]
    the same magnitude, then addition of many upper bound numbers could 
    eventually lead to an over-estimate of risk. However, adding upper 
    bounds in this case should not be considered to over-estimate the risk 
    since one chemical or one pathway ``drives'' the risk. In the case of 
    the triazines, the occupational risk from atrazine of 1.1 x 10-3 
    is driving the overall risk of 1.3 x 10-3.
    Comment: EWG and NCAMP support the Agency's combined risk assessment 
    for the triazines. EWG requests that the Agency calculate the effect of 
    exposure to infants and children on their lifetime cancer risks, the 
    average exposure levels for infants and young children, the degree to 
    which it is disproportionately occurring in early life and the 
    significance of this exposure. NCAMP further urges the Agency to extend 
    that risk assessment concept to include all pesticides with similar 
    toxic endpoints.
    Agency Response: The Agency agrees that it is important to consider the 
    differences between infants, children, and adults when estimating risks 
    and is working to develop scientifically-sound methodologies to account 
    for such differences in sensitivity and/or exposure and their impact on 
    the lifetime cancer risk estimates. Many factors such as the length of 
    exposure and variations in exposure levels need to be considered in the 
    risk assessment process. The triazines Special Review is the first case 
    study for estimating total risks from chemicals which are similar. The 
    Agency will likely apply the principles that are used in the combined 
    risk assessment in the triazine case study to estimate combined risks 
    from other pesticides that have concurrent exposure and/or common 
    mechanisms of toxicity in future risk assessments.
    IV. Summary of Exposure and Related Ecological Risks
        At the time the Agency initiated the Special Review of atrazine, 
    simazine, and cyanazine, it did not include ecological risk as a formal 
    trigger to initiate the review. The Agency did, however, express 
    concerns about the potential risks to aquatic organisms, terrestrial 
    plants and their ecosystems. The Agency based its concern on a number 
    of studies that indicate acute effects on various aquatic organisms and 
    terrestrial plants. These studies were discussed in detail in the PD 1 
    and the Agency requested any additional information about ecological 
    effects at the time the Notice was published. The Agency did not 
    receive any new information or new studies that either supported or 
    rebutted its concern about potential ecological risks from the use of 
    the triazines; therefore the Agency has not changed its position 
    regarding the ecological effects. Even though this Notice is proposing 
    the termination of the cyanazine Special Review, the Agency will 
    continue to look at adverse effects on ecological parameters in the 
    continuing Special Review of atrazine and simazine.
    Comments Regarding Ecological Risks and Agency's Response
    Comment: NCAMP supported the Agency's concerns about potential 
    ecological risks associated with the triazines and cited a number of 
    published studies about the toxic effects on aquatic and terrestrial 
    Agency Response: NCAMP did not provide any information other than 
    citing several studies about the potential ecological risks of the 
    triazines. The Agency conducted a comprehensive literature search and 
    considered all published information in its assessment of triazine 
    ecological risks at the time the triazine PD 1 was issued. The studies 
    that supported the Agency's ecological concerns are discussed in detail 
    in the PD 1. In the PD 1, the Agency stated that exclusion of 
    ecological risks as a Special Review trigger at that time would not 
    preclude the Agency from including those risks in the review at a later 
    time, should additional information warrant it. The Agency will 
    continue to evaluate ecological concerns as the Special Review of 
    atrazine and simazine proceeds. If new information becomes available 
    that changes the Agency's position regarding the ecological risks of 
    atrazine and simazine, the Agency may include them in the Special 
    V. Summary of Qualitative Benefits and Impacts of Phaseout and 
    Voluntary Cancellation
        Cyanazine is a broad spectrum herbicide which is registered for the 
    control of many annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in corn, cotton, and 
    sorghum. About 23 - 36 million pounds active ingredient of cyanazine 
    are applied each year in the U.S. Corn accounts for 95 percent of 
    cyanazine usage with between 18 and 21 percent of the field corn 
    acreage treated each year. Cotton accounts for about 3 percent of all 
    usage with between 12 and 20 percent of the cotton acreage treated 
    annually. Sorghum and sweetcorn account for less than 1 percent of all 
    cyanazine usage with between 1 and 3 percent of the sorghum acreage and 
    about 20 percent of sweet corn acreage treated annually.
        Cyanazine provides the grower with flexibility of application 
    (preplant, preemergence, postemergence) and residual activity in 
    addition to burndown in no-till crop management. A second advantage, 
    compared to the widely used atrazine-based products, is that cyanazine 
    is less persistent following application, which results in shorter 
    residual activity. Thus, a significant advantage of cyanazine alone or 
    in mixtures with atrazine, compared to atrazine alone or atrazine in 
    combination with other herbicides, is the ability to plant any 
    triazine-sensitive rotational crop in the fall or the spring following 
    the application without the concern of carryover. This flexibility is 
    extremely important in regions where growing seasons are shorter, which 
    may result in herbicide applications being made later in the spring. A 
    third advantage is that cyanazine offers the grower a wide weed control 
    spectrum, especially against several problem grass species. Therefore, 
    in some cases a second grass herbicide may be unnecessary, or can be 
    used at a reduced application rate.
        The Agency has evaluated how the phaseout of cyanazine will impact 
    users as compared to an immediate cancellation. Data and information 
    from publications of the USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service 
    (NASS), USDA/University State Extension Pesticide Use Recommendation 
    Reports, other proprietary marketing research sources, and comments 
    received in response to the triazine PD 1 were used as the basis for 
    this analysis. Although USDA National Agricultural Pesticide Impact 
    Assessment Program (NAPIAP) reports on field corn (1995), cotton 
    (1993), and sorghum (1994) exist, they have limited usefulness to EPA 
    in terms of quantitative estimates of impacts.
        The NAPIAP reports generally contain estimates of yield losses and 
    direct costs resulting from the use of some alternative chemicals. The 
    NAPIAP report on corn also includes estimates of crop damage. The yield 
    loss estimates were based on a survey of regional weed scientists. For 
    the corn assessment, scientists from 15 states were interviewed as a 
    group to encourage dialogue. Survey responses were then used as a basis 
    for quantitative estimates of the economic impact of a cancellation of 
    cyanazine and substitution of alternative control methods. The report 
    does not specify the basis for the opinions of the weed scientists. 
    Thus, it is not clear to what extent the opinions of the weed 
    scientists are based on comparative product performance tests or other 
    comparable scientific data. The Agency has concluded that a reliable 
    projection of the comparative performance of pesticide products must 
    [[Page 8198]]
    be based on scientifically derived data. Projections based solely on 
    opinions, even the opinions of experts, do not provide a sufficiently 
    reliable basis for the quantitative estimation of economic impacts. 
    Accordingly, the Agency has not relied on the NAPIAP reports to 
    estimate potential economic impacts of the cancellation or phaseout of 
    cyanazine registrations.
        The NAPIAP reports are limited in several other respects. The 
    commodity assessments do not focus on cyanazine, nor do they address 
    specific aspects that could affect the impacts associated with its 
    anticipated phaseout. Additional factors that were not considered in 
    the NAPIAP reports include tillage practices, potential for crop 
    injury, farm size, and regional preferences that could also influence 
    the overall economic impacts to users. Perhaps most significantly, the 
    corn and cotton assessments were completed before several newly 
    registered herbicides entered the market, so they were not considered.
        The Agency has not adopted the NAPIAP reports' quantitative 
    estimates of the economic impacts of a cancellation or phaseout, but 
    has used the reports for other purposes in the Agency's analysis. For 
    example, the NAPIAP reports do provide useful information about the 
    manner and extent of cyanazine use. The NAPIAP quantitative estimates 
    have been used only for the limited purpose of illustrating the 
    relative economic differences between the two regulatory options: a 
    complete cancellation or a phase-down of use followed by a complete 
    cancellation. In such an analysis, the accuracy and reliability of the 
    NAPIAP quantitative estimates are not crucial because the Agency is 
    using them for the limited purpose of illustrating the relative 
    relationship between the two regulatory options.
        Because the terms and conditions of the cyanazine phaseout call for 
    incremental annual reductions in cyanazine usage beginning in 1997, 
    reaching a maximum of 1 lb/ai/a in 1999, and requirements for closed 
    cab application equipment beginning in 1998 and remaining throughout 
    the phaseout period, the full impacts of the cyanazine phaseout will 
    not be realized until after 2002, when all use of the chemical is 
    prohibited. However, the Agency does believe that some impacts will 
    occur during the phaseout period as a result of a decrease in the 
    maximum rates allowed per acre and the closed cab requirements.
        Most cyanazine users are not expected to be adversely affected by 
    the phaseout until the maximum use rate drops below the rate at which 
    they are currently applying the chemical. For example, the majority of 
    cyanazine usage on corn is applied at rates between 1 and 3 lb/ai/acre. 
    Therefore, the use on corn will not be significantly affected until 
    1999 when the maximum rate is reduced to 1 lb/ai/acre. Similarly, for 
    cotton, the majority of usage occurs at rates of less than 1 lb/ai/a; 
    therefore, most uses in cotton will remain unaffected, assuming 
    adequate supplies, through 2002, at which time cyanazine will no longer 
    be available for use. Table 5 below presents the frequency distribution 
    of cyanazine acre treatments by application rate for each of the use 
              Table 5.--Distribution of Cyanazine Usage (Acre Treatments) by Application Rate (1993 - 1994)         
        Application Rate (lb/ai/acre)             Field Corn                 Cotton                 Sweet Corn      
    0 to 1                                 18%                      91%                      16%                    
    >1 to 3                                72%                      8%                       81%                    
    >3 to 5                                9.8                      1%                       3%                     
    >5 to 6.5                              0.2%                     --                       --                     
    Total                                  100%                     100%                     100%                   
        Source: U.S. EPA; Based on proprietary and publicly available 
        The Agency acknowledges that some benefits are associated with the 
    use of cyanazine throughout the phaseout period; however, quantitative 
    estimates of the impact of the phaseout have not been determined. As 
    discussed earlier, the Agency has used the quantitative estimates of an 
    immediate cancellation as reported by NAPIAP for the limited purpose of 
    illustrating the relative differences between a phaseout of cyanazine 
    followed by a complete cancellation and an immediate cancellation. The 
    Agency has not relied on the NAPIAP reports to estimate the potential 
    economic impact of the phaseout and cancellation of cyanazine other 
    than to merely illustrate that a phaseout incurs less of an impact to 
    growers than would an immediate cancellation. The NAPIAP reports 
    estimate that the aggregrate economic impacts of an immediate ban of 
    cyanazine would be $25 million for corn and $14 million for cotton. In 
    Table 6, the NAPIAP estimates have been used to illustrate the 
    ameliorating effect that the phaseout of cyanazine may have on 
    individual uses (Ref. 12).
                                   Table 6--Allocation of the Impacts of the Phaseout and Voluntary Cancellation of Cyanazine                               
                    Year                  App Rate (lb/ai/acre)     Field Corn ($mil)        Cotton ($mil)        Sweet Corn ($mil)     Total Impacts ($mil)
    1996                                 6.5                     $0.00                   $0.00                  $0.00                  $0.00                
    1997                                 5                       $0.05                   $0.00                  $0.00                  $0.05                
    1998                                 3                       $6.8                    $8.6                   $0.1                   $15.5                
    1999                                 1                       $21.4                   $9.0                   $0.7                   $31.1                
    2000                                 1                       $21.4                   $9.0                   $0.7                   $31.1                
    2001                                 1                       $21.4                   $9.0                   $0.7                   $31.1                
    2002                                 1                       $21.4                   $9.0                   $0.7                   $31.1                
    2003                                 0                       $25                     $14                    $0.8                   $39.8                
    [[Page 8199]]
        While the Agency has used the NAPIAP quantitative estimates of 
    impacts in Table 6 above, the Agency neither accepts nor rejects them. 
    The quantitative estimates are used only to illustrate the relative 
    difference between immediate cancellation and a phaseout.
        1. Field corn. Between 18 and 21 percent of the 73 million acres 
    planted to field corn receives one or more applications of cyanazine 
    per growing season at an average rate of 1.9 lb/ai/acre. Approximately 
    22 - 33 million pounds of cyanazine are applied annually. Treatments 
    are predominantly preemergence and preplant incorporated; however, 
    cyanazine combined with atrazine is commonly used in no-till corn as an 
    early post-emergence or burndown agent. Cyanazine is applied alone or 
    in combination with another herbicide approximately 35 and 65 percent 
    of the time, respectively. About 90 percent of cyanazine products are 
    applied broadcast using ground equipment and most of the remaining 10 
    percent applied as a band treatment. Cyanazine used alone is applied at 
    an average rate of 2.25 lb/ai/acre. When used in combination with 
    another herbicide, cyanazine is applied at an average rate of 1.67 lb/
        The majority of users who apply cyanazine to field corn will not be 
    affected until 1999 when the maximum use rate is lowered to 1 lb/ai/a. 
    However, about 10 percent of cyanazine usage does occur at rates of 3 
    lb/ai/acre or higher on heavier clay soils that generally contain 
    greater than 3 percent organic matter or on soils with greater than 30 
    percent surface residue. In 1999, when the maximum rate is reduced to 1 
    lb/ai/a, approximately 82 percent of cyanazine usage will be affected. 
    Compared to an immediate cancellation, the phaseout reduces annual 
    impacts because cyanazine will continue to be available to some growers 
    through 2002. Table 6 above illustrates the ameliorating effect that 
    the phaseout of cyanazine followed by a voluntary cancellation has on 
    corn growers relative to an immediate ban. Efficacious alternatives to 
    cyanazine include atrazine, nicosulfuron, metolachlor, alachlor, 
    dicamba, acetochlor, halosulfuron and prosulfuron.
        2. Cotton. Cotton is the second largest crop on which cyanazine is 
    used and it accounts for 3 percent of the total cyanazine used in the 
    United States or about 1 - 2 million pounds of active ingredient. About 
    62 percent of cyanazine usage in cotton are postemergence directed 
    applications, 25 percent are preemergence applications and 11 percent 
    are layby applications. About 12 - 20 percent of the U.S. cotton 
    acreage received a cyanazine application at an average rate of 0.8 lb/
    ai/a. Preplant applications were typically made at the rate of 1.5 - 
    2.0 lb/ai/acre while postemergence applications were made at the rate 
    of 0.5 - 1 lb/ai/a. Alternatives that are available for use on cotton 
    include diuron, fluometuron, oxyfluorfen, prometryn, and the recently 
    registered herbicide pyrithiobac-sodium. Since the majority of 
    cyanazine usage in cotton occurs at rates less than 1 lb/ai/a, the 
    phaseout should not adversely impact cotton growers until cyanazine use 
    is prohibited after 2002. Table 6 above illustrates the ameliorating 
    effect that the phaseout of cyanazine followed by a voluntary 
    cancellation has on cotton growers relative to an immediate ban.
        3. Sweet Corn. Approximately 200,000 to 300,000 pounds active 
    ingredient of cyanazine is applied to sweet corn per year at an average 
    rate of 1.5 lb/ai/acre. About 6 percent of the 164,000 acres of fresh 
    market sweet corn and about 24 percent of the 503,000 acres of 
    processed sweet corn receive cyanazine applications, with Wisconsin, 
    Illinois, New York, Michigan, New Jersey, and Minnesota having 
    significant cyanazine use on this commodity. The heavy usage in 
    Wisconsin is probably due to the restrictions placed on atrazine in 
    that state. There are fewer alternative herbicides registered for use 
    on sweet corn than for field corn, with atrazine being the primary 
    preemergence alternative. Dicamba and 2,4-D are postemergence 
    alternatives for broadleaf weed control and alachlor and metolachlor 
    are alternatives for grass control.
        As stated earlier, no published information was available that 
    estimated the impacts of the unavailability of cyanazine for sweet corn 
    production. The Agency calculated estimates for sweet corn based on 
    information that was available for field corn. The economic impact on 
    field corn is adjusted to account for differences between the total 
    acres planted and the per acre value of sweet corn and field corn. The 
    following formula is used to estimate this impact:
        Sweet Corn Impact = Field Corn Impact ($25 million) x total acres 
    sweet corn (800,000)/total acres field corn (70,000,000) x per acre 
    value sweet corn ($850)/per acre value field corn ($303).
        The per acre value of sweet corn is a weighted average of sweet 
    corn grown for the fresh market (224,900 acres, $373.7 million) and the 
    processed market (516,200 acres, $256.1 million). The per acre value of 
    field corn was calculated on the basis of 72.9 million acres with a 
    total crop value of $22.16 billion. Using the above formula, the annual 
    economic impact of banning cyanazine use on sweet corn is estimated to 
    be $0.8 million. Annual impacts that result from the phaseout of 
    cyanazine will not significantly impact sweet corn growers until 1999 
    when the maximum allowable application rate is reduced to 1 lb/ai/a.
        Wisconsin sweet corn growers may be severely impacted by the 
    phaseout of cyanazine since it is believed that a large percentage of 
    cyanazine usage in that state is a result of the state restrictions 
    that have been placed on atrazine. In some counties, rate restrictions 
    have reduced the performance of atrazine as a preemergence treatment. 
    Therefore, sweet corn growers may have to resort to using postemergence 
    herbicides to control broadleaf weeds unless new preemergence 
    herbicides are registered. The Agency anticipates that the impact to 
    sweet corn growers will be similar to that anticipated for field corn 
    growers. Table 6 above illustrates the ameliorating effect that the 
    phaseout of cyanazine followed by a voluntary cancellation has on sweet 
    corn growers relative to an immediate ban.
    Comments Regarding Benefits of Cyanazine and the Agency's Response
        A number of commenters, including academia and weed extension 
    scientists, grower groups, and chemical producers, submitted comments 
    about the general benefits of cyanazine use in agricultural practices. 
    These general arguments support cyanazine's continued use because of 
    its shorter residual life and therefore less crop rotation 
    restrictions, better control of certain grass weeds other than 
    triazines, effectiveness against germinating and emerged weeds with 
    good burndown action in no-till practices, role in weed resistance 
    management, no drift damage to sensitive crops nearby, and its 
    generally greater flexibility in weed control programs. The Agency 
    acknowledges that there are certain benefits associated with the use of 
    cyanazine and, as required, has considered all of cyanazine's 
    advantages in its assessments.
    Comment: NCAMP and EWG criticized the methodology of the Agency's 
    analyses of pesticide benefits. NCAMP commented that a comprehensive 
    benefits assessment will demonstrate the appropriateness of cancelling 
    all registrations of the triazines. NCAMP further stated that the 
    Agency's method of assessing benefits is inappropriate because the 
    assessment looks only at 
    [[Page 8200]]
    alternative chemical means of controlling weed pests. The EWG commented 
    that the Agency must consider the total social costs of using 
    pesticides in its benefits assessment and that it is not proper to 
    allow a chemical risk to support the production of commodities that are 
    subsidized and where supply exceeds demand.
    Agency Response: Because these comments were not specific to cyanazine, 
    the Agency intends to respond to them later in the Special Review when 
    comments on all triazines are addressed, unless it receives additional 
    comments demonstrating that these criticisms apply specifically to 
    Comment: Griffin provided an assessment of the general benefits of 
    cyanazine that addressed the following aspects of cyanazine: (1) 
    Importance in controlling a wide spectrum of weeds, (2) providing 
    greater crop rotation flexibility, (3) usefulness in no-till practices, 
    (4) weed resistance management, and (5) lower cost than alternative 
    Agency Response: The Agency agrees with Griffin that cyanazine offers 
    those benefits as Griffin pointed out; however, the Agency also 
    believes that alternative herbicides are available that provide 
    comparable weed control at similar costs. Earlier in this Notice, the 
    Agency acknowledged many of the same advantages of using cyanazine as 
    Griffin noted.
    VI. Risk/Benefit Analysis and the Agency's Proposed Decision 
    Regarding Special Review
    A. Risks
        The terms and conditions of the phaseout and cancellation are 
    expected to reduce risk from use of cyanazine as estimated in the 
    cyanazine PD 1 to zero over the course of the phaseout and depletion of 
    existing stocks. While both users and the public will be subject to 
    some continued risk during this time, the risk to users will decline 
    during the phaseout and depletion of existing stocks due to the 
    imposition of use restrictions and the risk to the public will decline 
    due to the reduction in use rates.
    B. Benefits
        In Unit V. of this Notice, a discussion of the impacts of phasing 
    out cyanazine compared to an immediate cancellation is presented. The 
    cyanazine phaseout allows for a gradual reduction in use of the 
    chemical over a period of 7 years.
        There are a number of elements inherent in the phaseout of 
    cyanazine that will, in effect, lessen the economic impact to growers 
    who have used cyanazine in their weed management practices in the past. 
    First, the phaseout should allow growers sufficient time to find 
    suitable alternatives to replace cyanazine, thereby causing little 
    disruption to agricultural production. For example, the majority of 
    cyanazine used is applied to field corn. With the phaseout, there will 
    be little impact to corn growers until 1999 when the maximum allowable 
    use rate drops to 1 lb/ai/a. With all uses, the full impact of the 
    phaseout will not be realized until after 2002 when cyanazine use will 
    be prohibited.
    C. Risks of Alternatives
        The Agency has identified the major chemical alternatives to 
    cyanazine in this Notice. Atrazine, one alternative to cyanazine, was 
    placed into Special Review concurrently with cyanazine based on the 
    potential risk of carcinogenicity to humans. No significant risk 
    concerns have been identified with the other alternatives except for 
    2,4-D, which is currently being considered for possible Special Review 
    pending results of further studies on its carcinogenic potential.
    D. Risk/Benefit Analysis
        In light of the terms and conditions of the DuPont and Griffin 
    cyanazine registrations, the Agency has considered the risks and 
    benefits of cyanazine for the remaining 7 years that the pesticide will 
    be allowed for use. During the phaseout, people will be exposed to 
    cyanazine for a limited time period during which application rates will 
    be reduced and closed cab application equipment will be required. As 
    discussed earlier, the Agency believes that the potential risks that 
    may result, while considering the factors of time and exposure imposed 
    by the cyanazine phaseout, will be less than those risks articulated in 
    the PD 1. Further, the Agency has evaluated the impacts of the 
    cyanazine phaseout and has concluded that there are benefits associated 
    with the phaseout of cyanazine.
        The phaseout also confers benefits by making it unnecessary to 
    recall and dispose of unused product and by allowing users to reduce 
    costs through various mechanisms such as allowing them time to 
    gradually modify weed management strategies to replace cyanazine. The 
    Agency also considered the costs, time, and uncertainties associated 
    with involuntary imposition of regulatory measures. In the absence of 
    the voluntary cancellation and phaseout, the Agency may have used its 
    authority under FIFRA section 6 to cancel cyanazine registrations. The 
    Agency believes that this action would have been contested and would 
    have required enormous resources and several years of litigation before 
    a final order could have been implemented. The resources saved by 
    voluntary cancellation and phaseout may now be applied to risk 
    reduction of other products. Also, a contested cancellation would not 
    have brought about the phased-in measures to reduce risk as currently 
    provided for by the terms and conditions of the voluntary cancellation 
    and phaseout. Finally, the outcome of litigation is uncertain in both 
    result and when those results may be achieved; the voluntary 
    cancellation and phaseout has set a firm schedule for the 
    implementation of risk reduction measures and has established a date 
    certain for the final cancellation of cyanazine registrations.
        For all of the foregoing reasons, the Agency has determined that 
    implementation of the voluntary cancellation and phaseout of cyanazine 
    will eliminate the potential risks posed by cyanazine identified in the 
    triazine PD 1.
    E. Proposed Decision Regarding Special Review
        In view of its determination discussed above, that the terms and 
    conditions of the cyanazine voluntary cancellation and phaseout will 
    eliminate any unreasonable adverse effects posed by the registration of 
    cyanazine, the Special Review need not be continued.
    VII. Request for Voluntary Cancellation
        As part of the terms and conditions of all registered cyanazine 
    products, including those of both DuPont and Griffin, voluntary 
    cancellations of all cyanazine registrations will become effective 
    December 31, 1999. Shortly thereafter, the Agency will issue a 
    cancellation order for all cyanazine products. Also, as part of the 
    terms and conditions, EPA is required to provide advance public 
    notification of the voluntary cancellation of cyanazine products as 
    part of the proposal to terminate the Special Review of cyanazine. This 
    section, Unit VII., will serve as the Agency's notification of the 
    requests for voluntary cancellation.
        The cyanazine products that, according to the amended terms and 
    conditions of cyanazine registration, will be voluntarily canceled, 
    effective December 31, 1999, are listed below by EPA registration 
    number and product name.
    [[Page 8201]]
                 Registration No.                       Product Name        
    352-475                                    DuPont Cyanazine Technical   
    352-470                                    DuPont Bladex (R)4L Herbicide
    352-495                                    DuPont Bladex (R)90 DF       
    352-500                                    DuPont Extrazine (R)II 4L    
    352-577                                    DuPont Extrazine (R)II DF    
    1812-364                                   Griffin Cyanazine Technical  
    1812-365                                   Griffin Cynex DF             
    1812-366                                   Griffin Cynex 4L Herbicide   
    1812-367                                   Griffin Cynex Extra 4L       
    1812-368                                   Griffin Cynex Extra DF       
        Comments on the requests for voluntary cancellation of these 
    registrations may be submitted to the contact person listed under the 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT unit of this document during the 30-day 
    comment period provided in this Notice.
        Also included in the terms and conditions of cyanazine 
    registrations is a provision for allowing the continued distribution 
    and use of cyanazine end use products beyond the effective voluntary 
    cancellation date. The terms and conditions specifically state that all 
    cyanazine formulated end use products released for shipment by a 
    registrant on or before December 31, 1999, may continue to be 
    distributed and sold in the channels of trade in accordance with labels 
    through September 30, 2002. The terms and conditions further state that 
    use of such existing products in accordance with their labels may 
    continue through December 31, 2002. All labels of cyanazine formulated 
    end use products released for shipment by a registrant after July 25, 
    1996, will state that the product may not be sold or distributed after 
    September 30, 2002, and that the products may not be used after 
    December 31, 2002. The existing stocks provision will allow any 
    remaining product in the channels of trade to be used, thereby 
    precluding the need for recall and disposal of unused product.
    VIII. Public Comment Opportunity
        During the 30-day comment period, specific comments are requested 
    on the Agency's preliminary determination to terminate the Special 
    Review of cyanazine and on the requests for voluntary cancellation of 
    cyanazine products. The Agency will review and consider any comments 
    received during the official comment period before issuing a final 
    determination on conclusion of the Special Review of cyanazine. All 
    written comments submitted pursuant to this Notice, except ``CBI,'' 
    will be available for public inspection in Rm. 1132, CM #2, 1921 
    Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA Telephone: 703-308-5805.
        Comments claimed as CBI must be clearly marked as ``confidential,'' 
    ``trade secret,'' or other appropriate designation on the face of the 
    comments. Comments marked as such will be treated in accordance with 
    the procedures in 40 CFR 2.204(e)(4). Comments not claimed as 
    confidential at the time of submission, or not clearly labeled as 
    containing CBI, will be placed in the public docket. The Agency will 
    consider the failure to clearly identify the claimed confidential 
    status on the face of the comment as a waiver of such claim, and will 
    make such information available to the public without further notice to 
    the submitter.
        All comments and information should be submitted in triplicate to 
    the address given in this Notice under ADDRESSES to facilitate the work 
    of EPA and others interested in inspecting them. The comments and 
    information should bear the docket control number, ``OPP-30000/60A.''
    IX. Public Docket
         A record has been established for the action under docket number 
    ``OPP-30000/60A'' (including comments and data submitted electronically 
    as described below). A public version of this record, including 
    printed, paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include 
    any information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection from 8 a.m. 
    to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The 
    public record is located in Rm. 1132 of the Public Response and Program 
    Resources Branch, Field Operations Division (7506C), Office of 
    Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, Crystal Mall #2, 
    1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA.
        Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
        Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
    use of special characters and any form of encryption.
        The official record for the document, as well as the public 
    version, as described above will be kept in paper form. Accordingly, 
    EPA will transfer all comments received electronically into printed, 
    paper form as they are received and will place the paper copies in the 
    official record which will also include all comments submitted directly 
    in writing. The official record is the paper record maintained at the 
    address in ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this document.
    X. Terms and Conditions Amending Cyanazine Registrations
        On August 2, 1995, EPA accepted DuPont's proposed amendments to its 
    cyanazine registrations that effectively phases out the production of 
    cyanazine for use in the United States by the end of 1999. The 
    amendments also included an incremental reduction of the maximum label 
    rates over the course of the phaseout and a requirement for closed cab 
    application equipment in 1998. The terms and conditions of the 
    amendments apply to all current DuPont cyanazine registrations as well 
    as any new registration that the Agency may approve since the 
    acceptance of DuPont's proposal, including Griffin's recent conditional 
    registrations that were approved by the Agency. As part of the 
    requirements for approval of any future cyanazine registrations, any 
    registrant must agree to comply with all of the same terms and 
    conditions to effectively phaseout cyanazine production for use in the 
    United States by end of 1999. The amended terms and conditions that are 
    required of all cyanazine registrants appear below.
    Terms and Conditions to Amend Cyanazine Registrations
        1. On November 23, 1994, the U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency (``EPA'') initiated a Special Review under the Federal 
    Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (``FIFRA''), for 
    pesticide products that contain a triazine herbicide as an active 
    ingredient, Federal Register Notice, Vol. 59, No. 225 (``the Special 
    Review''). Cyanazine is one of the triazine products subject to the 
    Special Review, and E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 
    (``DuPont'') is the primary registrant of cyanazine in the United 
        2. EPA's initiation of the Special Review for triazine 
    containing products was based on the Agency's preliminary 
    determination that triazine products trigger risk criteria that 
    indicate these products may present unreasonable risks as described 
    in the Notice of Special Review. This preliminary determination by 
    EPA with respect to cyanazine, however, is not a finding, conclusion 
    or other determination, that cyanazine does in fact present a risk 
    to humans or the environment.
        3. The purpose of this letter is to propose a comprehensive 
    listing of the terms and conditions of amendments to DuPont's 
    cyanazine product registrations. The specific mitigation steps 
    proposed in these amendments are designed to reduce the potential 
    for the risk criteria being triggered in the future and to 
    satisfactorily address EPA's concerns over potential risks as 
    described in the Notice of Special Review. DuPont's understanding in 
    agreeing to the 
    [[Page 8202]]
    proposed mitigation steps is that if they are required of all current 
    and potential future cyanazine-containing products and 
    registrations, including but not limited to DuPont's cyanazine 
    products and registrations, they will adequately address EPA's 
    concerns that cyanazine products may present risks as described by 
    EPA in the Notice of Special Review. It is DuPont's further 
    understanding that based on this determination, EPA will proceed to 
    conclude the Special Review as to cyanazine as soon as practicable.
        4. DuPont's agreement to the proposed amendments set forth 
    herein is not, and shall not be considered as, an admission by 
    DuPont that cyanazine used in accordance with DuPont's registrations 
    and labels triggers risk criteria as described in the Notice of 
    Special Review, or otherwise poses risks to humans or the 
        5. Cyanazine Risk Mitigation Measures shall be comprised of the 
    following steps: (a) The labels of all cyanazine formulated end use 
    products released for shipment by a registrantl after July 25, 
    1996, for use in the U.S., shall specify seasonal use rates that 
    limit the maximum amount of cyanazine active ingredient that may be 
    applied on a per acre basis as follows:
        1For the purpose of determining compliance with the proposed 
    terms and conditions of amended registrations as set forth in 
    paragraph 5., whenever the term ``released for shipment by a 
    registrant appears in these amendments, it shall mean the shipment 
    of cyanazine formulated end use products, shipped by or at the 
    direction of a registrant from the facility at which they are 
    finally formulated for distribution, sale and use in the U.S. as 
    evidenced by a bill of lading or other verifiable shipping 
    documents. The term shall not apply to a) shipments of cyanazine 
    formulated end use products by agents, distributors, or dealers who 
    receive and further distribute cyanazine products to customers, or 
    b) to cyanazine technical products shipped within the U.S. for 
    formulation into end use products, or c) to shipments of cyanazine 
    technical or formulated end use products for export. Any formulated 
    end use product containing cyanazine technical products and 
    registered for use in the U.S. shall be subject to the terms and 
    conditions of paragraph 5 of this letter.
    Beginning Jan. 1, 1997 5 lbs per acre
    Beginning Jan. 1, 1998 3 lbs per acre
    Beginning Jan. 1, 1999 1 lb per acre
        (b) Subject to all the terms and conditions of these amendments, 
    this letter shall serve as DuPont's request, pursuant to FIFRA, that 
    EPA accept the voluntary cancellation of all of DuPont's existing 
    registrations for formulated end use products containing cyanazine 
    to become effective December 31, 1999. The cancellation date of 
    December 31, 1999, shall become a part of the terms and conditions 
    of DuPont's registrations for formulated end use products that 
    contain cyanazine.
        (c) The labels of all cyanazine products released for shipment 
    by a registrant after July 25, 1996, for use in the U.S., shall 
    specify that closed cab application will be required for 
    applications to be made during or after the 1998 use season.
        (d) No cyanazine formulated end use products registered for use 
    in the U.S. shall be released for shipment by a registrant after 
    December 31, 1999.
        (e) EPA shall authorize existing stocks of all cyanazine 
    formulated end use products that have been released for shipment by 
    a registrant of such products on or before December 31, 1999, to 
    continue to be distributed and sold in the channels of trade in 
    accordance with their labels through September 30, 2002. EPA shall 
    authorize the continued use of such existing stocks in accordance 
    with their labels through December 31, 2002. Labels of all cyanazine 
    formulated end use products released for shipment by a registrant 
    after July 25, 1996, shall bear the following statements: ``This 
    product may not be sold or distributed after September 30, 2002'' 
    ``This product may not be used after December 31, 2002.''
        (f) The public will have advance notification of the voluntary 
    cancellation of DuPont's cyanazine formulated end use registrations 
    and the existing stocks provisions provided for herein as part of 
    the conclusion of the Special Review, and DuPont shall have no 
    obligation to recover or recall any cyanazine products, or to 
    reimburse, or otherwise compensate or provide additional notice to 
    any purchaser or other party in connection with or as a result of 
    the voluntary cancellation provided for herein.
        (g) cyanazine technical products released for shipment by a 
    registrant after July 25, 1996, shall bear labels stating that any 
    formulated end use products that are made from the technical 
    products and that are registered for use in the U.S., shall be 
    subject to the terms and conditions of cyanazine registrations set 
    forth in paragraph 5 of this letter.
        6.(a) It is DuPont's understanding that upon its submission to 
    EPA of a signed copy of this letter proposing amendments to its 
    registrations, EPA will commence such steps as are necessary to 
    approve finally the amendments and to conclude the Special Review of 
    cyanazine, without requiring further mitigation steps by DuPont, and 
    that EPA will complete such final Agency action, including any 
    public comment or required notice to other federal agencies, as soon 
    as practicable. In the event EPA is unable to so approve the 
    amendments or to finally conclude the Special Review, for whatever 
    reason, or if after August 2, 1995, and prior to the date EPA 
    finally approves these amendments and finally concludes the Special 
    Review, another party obtains a cyanazine registration that does not 
    contain the terms and conditions set forth in these amendments, for 
    whatever reason, these amendments may, at DuPont's election, be 
    withdrawn and be without effect, and the current terms and 
    conditions of DuPont's cyanazine registrations shall remain in 
    effect. In such event, DuPont will retain all of its rights to 
    participate fully in the Special Review, or any Agency or judicial 
    review of the same, or to contest any regulatory action that may be 
    initiated against its products and registrations, pursuant to FIFRA 
    or other applicable laws and regulations, as it deems appropriate.
        (b) In the event another party obtains a registration of a 
    cyanazine product that does not require the terms and conditions of 
    registration as specified in this letter, including cancellation as 
    of December 31, 1999, or said terms and conditions are proposed or 
    imposed upon another party's registrations, but are stayed or 
    enjoined in whole or in part by the Agency or any court, EPA agrees 
    to permit DuPont to continue its registrations in effect beyond 
    December 31, 1999, and/or amend its cyanazine registrations, on a 
    specific use and/or site specific or use rate basis, in order to 
    delete any term or condition of registration set forth in this 
    letter that is not required of the other party or as a term or 
    condition of that party's registration, and to make such other 
    amendments to its cyanazine registrations, including but not limited 
    to adding new uses or application methods, as are necessary so that 
    DuPont's cyanazine registrations may contain the same terms and 
    conditions as are contained in the other party's registrations. Any 
    such amendments are to be accomplished in accordance with the 
    requirements of FIFRA.
        7. On April 16, 1992, EPA issued a Data Call In for cyanazine 
    (the ``DCI''). DuPont has completed and submitted all of the studies 
    requested in the DCI. EPA agrees that DuPont has submitted all of 
    the studies requested by the DCI, and that EPA will not request 
    further data from DuPont in connection with said DCI. Nothing 
    contained in these amendments shall be interpreted as restricting 
    EPA's authority to issue a future Data Call In, or otherwise to 
    regulate cyanazine registrations pursuant to FIFRA, should the 
    Agency determine that there is significant new evidence about 
    potential unreasonable risks to the environment presented by use of 
    products containing cyanazine. DuPont shall retain all of its rights 
    under FIFRA and other applicable laws and regulations to challenge 
    any such action by EPA.
        8. Upon EPA's final acceptance of these amendments, and the 
    Agency's final action concluding the Special Review in accordance 
    with the amendments and understandings set forth herein, DuPont 
    agrees to waive its rights to challenge EPA's final action on the 
    Special Review, or the terms and conditions of label amendments that 
    are required by these amendments, in any court or administrative 
    forum, and agrees not to assist or encourage any other party to 
    challenge EPA's final actions. Except as expressly set forth in 
    these amendments, DuPont shall retain all of its rights under FIFRA, 
    and other applicable laws and regulations, to challenge any action, 
    proceeding or determination by EPA, or to challenge or intervene in 
    any action by or involving a third party, with respect to the 
    registration of DuPont's or any other party's cyanazine products.
    XI. References
        1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Notice of Receipt of 
    Requests to Voluntarily Cancel Certain Registrations. Federal Register 
    Notice (60 FR 56333). November 8, 1995.
        2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Atrazine, Simazine, and 
    Cyanazine; Notice of Initiation of Special Review. Federal Register 
    Notice (59 FR 60412). November 23, 1994.
    [[Page 8203]]
        3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Letter from Lynn R. 
    Goldman to Jane D. Brooks, Dupont Agricultural Products. August 2, 
        4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Notice of Pesticide 
    Registration. November 6, 1995.
        5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Notice of Pesticide 
    Registration. September 18, 1995.
        6. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Notice of Pesticide 
    Registration. February 8, 1996.
        7. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Notice of Pesticide 
    Registration. February 9, 1996.
        8. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Notice of Pesticide 
    Registration. February 12, 1996.
        9. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Memorandum from Denise 
    Keehner, Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Fate and Effects 
    Division. Transmittal of EFED Review of Comments Including DuPont's on 
    the PD 1 Related to Ground Water and Surface Water for Cyanazine. 
    November 3, 1995.
        10. DuPont Agricultural Products. Letter from Tony E. Catka. 
    ``Cyanazine Mixer/Loader/Applicator Occupational Cancer Risk 
    Estimates.'' October 19, 1994.
        11. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Memorandum from Olga 
    Odiott, Office of Pesticide Programs, Health Effects Division. 
    ``DuPont's Cyanazine Occupational Exposure Estimates.'' October 26, 
        12. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Biological and Economic 
    Assessment of the Cyanazine Phaseout. February 9, 1996.
        Dated: February 26, 1996.
    Lynn R. Goldman,
    Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pollution and Toxic Substances.
    [FR Doc. 96-4963 Filed 2-29-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of Preliminary Determination to Terminate Special Review; Announcement of Receipt of Voluntary Cancellation.
Document Number:
Comments, data and information relevant to the Agency's proposed decision must be received on or before April 1, 1996.
8186-8203 (18 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPP-30000/60A, FRL-5352-6
PDF File: