98-5471. Endangered and Threatened Species: Proposed Threatened Status and Designated Critical Habitat for Ozette Lake, Washington Sockeye Salmon  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 46 (Tuesday, March 10, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 11750-11771]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-5471]
    [[Page 11749]]
    Part III
    Department of Commerce
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Parts 226 and 227
    Endangered and Threatened Species: Proposed Threatened Status and 
    Designated Critical Habitat for Ozette Lake, Washington Sockeye Salmon; 
    Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 46 / Tuesday, March 10, 1998 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 11750]]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Parts 226 and 227
    [Docket No. 980219043-8043-01; I.D. No. 011498A]
    RIN 0648-AK52
    Endangered and Threatened Species: Proposed Threatened Status and 
    Designated Critical Habitat for Ozette Lake, Washington Sockeye Salmon
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: NMFS has completed a comprehensive status review of west coast 
    sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations in Washington, Oregon, 
    and California and has identified six Evolutionarily Significant Units 
    (ESUs) within this range, namely, Okanogan River, Lake Wenatchee, 
    Quinault Lake, Ozette Lake, Baker River, and Lake Pleasant, all in the 
    State of Washington. NMFS concluded that the Ozette Lake sockeye is 
    likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future, but that the 
    other ESUs, including Okanogan River, Lake Wenatchee, Quinault Lake, 
    Baker River, and Lake Pleasant sockeye salmon, are not in danger of 
    extinction, nor are they likely to become an endangered species within 
    the foreseeable future, thus determining that these ESUs did not 
    warrant listing under the ESA. NMFS is now issuing a proposed rule to 
    list Ozette Lake sockeye as threatened under the Endangered Species Act 
    (ESA). Ozette Lake sockeye spawn in Ozette Lake and its tributaries in 
    Washington. NMFS is also proposing to add Baker River sockeye to the 
    candidate species list because, while there is not sufficient 
    information available at this time to indicate that Baker River sockeye 
    warrant protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), NMFS has 
    identified specific risk factors and concerns that require further 
    consideration prior to making a final determination on the overall 
    health of the ESU.
        Only naturally spawned sockeye salmon are being proposed for 
    listing. Critical habitat for this ESU is being proposed as the 
    species' current freshwater and estuarine range and includes all 
    waterways, substrate, and adjacent riparian zones below longstanding, 
    naturally impassable barriers.
        NMFS is requesting public comments and input on the issues 
    pertaining to this proposed rule and on integrated local/state/Federal 
    conservation measures that might best achieve the purposes of the ESA 
    relative to recovering the health of sockeye salmon populations and the 
    ecosystems upon which they depend. Should the proposed listings be made 
    final, protective regulations under the ESA would be put into effect, 
    and a recovery plan would be adopted and implemented.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before June 8, 1998. The dates 
    and locations of public hearings regarding this proposal will be 
    published in a subsequent Federal Register notice.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to: Garth Griffin, NMFS, Protected 
    Resources Division, 525 NE Oregon St., Suite 500, Portland, OR 97232-
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Garth Griffin at (503) 231-2005, or 
    Joe Blum at (301) 713-1401.
    Previous Federal ESA Actions Related to West Coast Sockeye and Petition 
        The ESA actions on sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the 
    Pacific Northwest are extensive. In April 1990, NMFS received a 
    petition to list Snake River, Idaho, sockeye salmon as endangered under 
    the ESA, and announced shortly thereafter that a status review would be 
    conducted to determine if any Snake River basin sockeye should be 
    proposed for listing under the ESA (55 FR 13181). Subsequently, NMFS 
    found that the petition presented substantial scientific information 
    indicating that the listing may be warranted (55 FR 22942), and, on 
    April 5, 1991, it proposed to list Snake River sockeye as endangered 
    under the ESA (56 FR 14055). Eight months later, NMFS finalized its 
    proposed rule and listed Snake River sockeye salmon as an endangered 
    species under the ESA (56 FR 58619, November 20, 1991). Critical 
    habitat for Snake River sockeye salmon was designated on December 28, 
    1993 (58 FR 68543).
        On September 12, 1994, NMFS announced its intention to conduct a 
    more comprehensive status review for west coast sockeye salmon (O. 
    nerka) in response to a petition filed by Professional Resource 
    Organization-Salmon (PRO-Salmon) on March 14, 1994 (59 FR 46808). PRO-
    Salmon petitioned to list Baker River, Washington, sockeye as well as 
    eight populations of other species of Pacific salmon under the ESA. In 
    this notice, NMFS also requested information and data regarding the 
    petitioned stocks, including west coast sockeye, in Idaho, Washington, 
    Oregon, and California.
        A NMFS Biological Review Team (BRT), consisted of staff from NMFS' 
    Northwest Fisheries Science Center, completed a coast-wide status 
    review for west coast sockeye salmon (Memorandum to W. Stelle from M. 
    Schiewe, October 7, 1997, ``Status Review of Sockeye Salmon From 
    Washington and Oregon''). Copies of the memorandum are available upon 
    request (see ADDRESSES). Early drafts of the BRT review were 
    distributed to state and tribal fisheries managers and peer reviewers 
    who are experts in the field to ensure that NMFS' evaluation was 
    accurate and complete. The review, summarized below, identifies six 
    ESUs of sockeye salmon in Washington and describes the basis for the 
    BRT's conclusions regarding the ESA status of each ESU. The BRT also 
    provisionally identified three populations of sockeye salmon, Big Bear 
    Creek in the Lake Washington Basin, riverine spawning populations in 
    various Washington rivers, and the Deschutes River basin in Oregon, 
    where insufficient information exists to (1) Define the ESU; (2) assess 
    the abundance; or (3) analyze the risks facing the sockeye salmon 
    population unit. Sockeye salmon do not presently occur in California, 
    although they may have occured historically. Sockeye did occur 
    historically in two Oregon basins, but presently only a remnant 
    population of uncertain origin persists in the Deschutes River basin. A 
    complete status review of west coast sockeye salmon will be published 
    in a forthcoming NOAA Technical Memorandum.
        The use of the term ``essential habitat'' within this document 
    refers to critical habitat as defined by the ESA and should not be 
    confused with the term Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) described and 
    identified according to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
    Management Act, 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
    Sockeye Salmon Life History
        Sockeye salmon belong to the family Salmonidae and are one of seven 
    species of Pacific salmonids in the genus Oncorhynchus. Sockeye salmon 
    are anadromous, meaning they migrate from the ocean to spawn in fresh 
    water. They are the third most abundant of the seven species of Pacific 
    salmon, after pink and chum salmon. Unique in their appearance, the 
    adult spawners
    [[Page 11751]]
    typically turn bright red, with a green head, hence ``red'' salmon, as 
    commonly called in Alaska. During the ocean and adult migratory phase 
    sockeye often have a bluish back and silver sides, giving rise to 
    another common name, ``bluebacks.'' The name ``sockeye'' is thought to 
    have been a corruption of the various Indian tribes'' word ``sukkai.'' 
    Sockeye salmon exhibit a wide variety of life history patterns that 
    reflect varying dependency on the fresh water environment. With the 
    exception of certain river-type and sea-type populations, the vast 
    majority of sockeye salmon spawn in or near lakes, where the juveniles 
    rear for 1 to 3 years prior to migrating to sea. For this reason, the 
    major distribution and abundance of large sockeye salmon stocks are 
    closely related to the location of rivers that have accessible lakes in 
    their watersheds for juvenile rearing (Burgner, 1991). On the Pacific 
    coast, sockeye salmon inhabit riverine, marine, and lake environments 
    from the Columbia River and its tributaries north and west to the 
    Kuskokwim River in western Alaska (Burgner, 1991). There are also O. 
    nerka life forms that are non-anadromous, meaning that most members of 
    the form spend their entire lives in freshwater. Non-anadromous O. 
    nerka in the Pacific Northwest are known as kokanee. Occasionally, a 
    proportion of the juveniles in an anadromous sockeye salmon population 
    will remain in their rearing lake environment throughout life and will 
    be observed on the spawning grounds together with their anadromous 
    siblings. Ricker (1938) defined the terms ``residual sockeye'' and 
    ``residuals'' to identify these resident, non-migratory progeny of 
    anadromous sockeye salmon parents. Kokanee and residual or resident 
    sockeye salmon are further discussed in the ``Status of Non-anadromous 
    O. nerka'' section.
        Among the Pacific salmon, sockeye salmon exhibit the greatest 
    diversity in selection of spawning habitat and great variation in river 
    entry timing and the duration of holding in lakes prior to spawning. 
    The vast majority of sockeye salmon typically spawn in inlet or outlet 
    tributaries of lakes or along the shoreline of lakes where upwelling of 
    oxygenated water through gravel or sand occurs. However, they may also 
    spawn in (1) suitable stream habitat between lakes, (2) along the 
    nursery lakeshore on outwash fans of tributaries or where upwelling 
    occurs along submerged beaches, and (3) along beaches where the gravel 
    or rocky substrate is free of fine sediment and the eggs can be 
    oxygenated by wind-driven water circulation. All of these spawning 
    habitats may be used by these ``lake-type'' sockeye salmon.
        Growth influences the duration of stay in the nursery lake and is 
    influenced by intra- and interspecific competition, food supply, water 
    temperature, thermal stratification, migratory movements to avoid 
    predation, lake turbidity, and length of the growing season. Lake 
    residence time usually increases the farther north a nursery lake is 
    located. In Washington and British Columbia, lake residence is normally 
    1 or 2 years, whereas in Alaska some fish may remain 3 or, rarely, 4 
    years in the nursery lake, prior to smoltification (Burgner, 1991; 
    Halupka et al., 1993).
        Adaptation to a greater degree of utilization of lake environments 
    for both adult spawning and juvenile rearing has resulted in the 
    evolution of complex timing for incubation, fry emergence, spawning, 
    and adult lake entry that often involves intricate patterns of adult 
    and juvenile migration and orientation not seen in other Oncorhynchus 
    species (Burgner, 1991).
        Upon emergence from the substrate, sockeye salmon alevins exhibit a 
    varied behavior that appears to reflect local adaptations to spawning 
    and rearing habitat. For example, lake-type sockeye salmon juveniles 
    move either downstream or upstream to rearing lakes. Periods of 
    streambank holding are limited for most juvenile sockeye salmon, as 
    emergents in streams above or between connecting lakes use the current 
    to travel to the nursery lake. Predation on migrating sockeye salmon 
    fry varies considerably with spawning location (lakeshore beach, creek, 
    river, or spring area). Sockeye salmon fry mortality due to predation 
    by other fish species and birds can be extensive during downstream and 
    upstream migration to nursery lake habitat and is only partially 
    reduced by the nocturnal migratory movement of some fry populations 
    (Burgner, 1991). Juveniles emerging in streams downstream from a 
    nursery lake can experience periods of particularly high predation 
    compared with other juvenile sockeye. Juvenile sockeye salmon in lakes 
    are visual predators, feeding on zooplankton and insect larvae 
    (Foerster, 1968; Burgner, 1991). Smolt migration typically occurs 
    between sunset and sunrise, beginning in late April and extending 
    through early July, with southern stocks migrating the earliest.
        Sockeye salmon also spawn in mainstem rivers without juvenile lake-
    rearing habitat (Foerster, 1968; Burgner, 1991). These are referred to 
    as ``river-type'' and ``sea-type'' sockeye salmon. In areas where lake-
    rearing habitat is unavailable or inaccessible, sockeye salmon may 
    utilize river and estuarine habitat for rearing or may forgo an 
    extended freshwater rearing period and migrate to sea as underyearlings 
    (Birtwell et al., 1987; Wood et al., 1987a; Heifitz et al., 1989; 
    Murphy et al., 1988, 1989, and 1991; Lorenz and Eiler, 1989; Eiler et 
    al., 1992; Levings et al., 1995; and Wood, 1995). Riverine spawners 
    that rear in rivers for 1 or 2 years are termed ``river-type'' sockeye 
    salmon. Riverine spawners that migrate as fry to sea or to lower river 
    estuaries in the same year, following a brief freshwater rearing period 
    of only a few months, are referred to as ``sea-type'' sockeye salmon. 
    River-type and sea-type sockeye salmon are common in northern areas and 
    may predominate over lake-type sockeye salmon in some river systems 
    (Wood et al., 1987a; Eiler et al., 1988; Halupka et al., 1993; Wood, 
        Once in the ocean, sockeye salmon feed on copepods, euphausiids, 
    amphipods, crustacean larvae, fish larvae, squid, and pteropods. The 
    greatest increase in length is typically in the first year of ocean 
    life, whereas the greatest increase in weight is during the second 
    year. Northward migration of juveniles to the Gulf of Alaska occurs in 
    a band relatively close to shore, and offshore movement of juveniles 
    occurs in late autumn or winter. Among other Pacific salmon, sockeye 
    salmon prefer cooler ocean conditions (Burgner, 1991). Lake- or river-
    type will spend from 1 to 4 years in the ocean before returning to 
    freshwater to spawn.
        Adult sockeye salmon home precisely to their natal stream or lake 
    habitat (Hanamura, 1966; Quinn, 1985; and Quinn et al., 1987). Stream 
    fidelity in sockeye salmon is thought to be adaptive, since this 
    ensures that juveniles will encounter a suitable nursery lake. Wood 
    (1995) inferred from protein electrophoresis data that river- and sea-
    type sockeye salmon have higher straying rates within river systems 
    than lake-type sockeye salmon.
    Consideration as a ``Species'' Under the ESA
        To qualify for listing as a threatened or endangered species, the 
    identified populations of sockeye salmon must be considered ``species'' 
    under the ESA. The ESA defines a ``species'' to include ``any 
    subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants, and any distinct population 
    segment of any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds 
    when mature.'' NMFS published a policy (56 FR 58612, November 20, 1991) 
    describing how the agency will apply the ESA definition of ``species'' 
    [[Page 11752]]
    anadromous salmonid species. This policy provides that a salmonid 
    population will be considered distinct, and hence a species under the 
    ESA, if it represents an ESU of the biological species. A population 
    must satisfy two criteria to be considered an ESU: (1) It must be 
    reproductively isolated from other conspecific population units, and 
    (2) it must represent an important component in the evolutionary legacy 
    of the biological species. The first criterion, reproductive isolation, 
    need not be absolute, but must be strong enough to permit 
    evolutionarily important differences to accrue in different population 
    units. The second criterion is met if the population contributes 
    substantially to the ecological/genetic diversity of the species as a 
    whole. Guidance on the application of this policy is contained in a 
    scientific paper entitled ``Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) and the 
    Definition of `Species' Under the Endangered Species Act'' and a NOAA 
    Technical Memorandum entitled ``Definition of `Species' Under the 
    Endangered Species Act: Application to Pacific Salmon,'' which are 
    available upon request (see ADDRESSES).
        This Federal Register proposed rule summarizes biological and 
    environmental information relevant to determining the nature and extent 
    of sockeye salmon ESUs in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. The focus of this 
    document is on populations in the contiguous United States; however, 
    information from Asia, Alaska, and British Columbia was also considered 
    to provide a broader context for interpreting results. Further, as ESU 
    boundaries are based on biological and environmental information, they 
    do not necessarily conform to state or national boundaries, such as the 
    U.S./Canada border.
    Status of Non-anadromous O. nerka
        Within the range of west coast sockeye, there often exist 
    populations of ``resident'' or ``residual'' non-anadromous sockeye 
    salmon. Non-anadromous sockeye salmon are commonly referred to as 
    ``kokanee'' and may also be called ``residual'' or ``resident sockeye 
    salmon.'' Kokanee, for purposes of this proposed rule, are defined as 
    the self-perpetuating, non-anadromous form of O. nerka that occurs in 
    balanced sex-ratio populations and whose parents, for several 
    generations back, have spent their whole lives in freshwater. Several 
    native and introduced populations of kokanee within the geographic 
    range of west coast sockeye salmon may be genetically distinct and 
    reproductively isolated from one another and from other O. nerka 
    populations. It has long been known that kokanee can produce anadromous 
    fish. However, the number of outmigrants that successfully return as 
    adults is typically quite low, as the sockeye salmon morphology appears 
    to be absent on the kokanee spawning grounds in areas where there is 
    relatively easy access to the ocean.
        A portion of the juvenile anadromous sockeye salmon will 
    occasionally remain in their lake rearing environment throughout life 
    and will be observed on the spawning grounds together with their 
    anadromous cohorts. These fish are defined as ``resident sockeye 
    salmon'' to indicate that they are the progeny of anadromous sockeye 
    salmon parents, spend their adult life in freshwater, but spawn 
    together with their anadromous siblings.
        In considering the ESU status of resident forms of O. nerka, the 
    key issue is the evaluation of the strength and duration of 
    reproductive isolation between resident and anadromous forms. Many 
    kokanee populations appear to have been strongly isolated from 
    sympatric sockeye salmon populations for long periods of time. Since 
    the two forms experience very different selective regimes over their 
    life cycle, reproductive isolation provides an opportunity for adaptive 
    divergence in sympatry. Kokanee populations that fall in this category 
    will generally be considered not part of the sockeye salmon ESUs. On 
    the other hand, resident fish appear to be much more closely integrated 
    into some sockeye salmon populations.
    ESU Determinations
        The ESU determinations described here represent a synthesis of a 
    large amount of diverse information. In general, the proposed 
    geographic boundaries for each ESU are supported by several different 
    types of evidence. However, the diverse data sets are not always 
    entirely congruent, and the proposed boundaries are not necessarily the 
    only ones possible. In some cases, environmental changes occur over a 
    transitional zone rather than abruptly.
        Major types of information considered important by the NMFS BRT in 
    evaluating ecological/genetic diversity included the following: (1) 
    Physical features, such as physiography, geology, hydrology, and 
    oceanic and climatic conditions; (2) biological features, including 
    vegetation, ichthyogeography, zoogeography, and ``ecoregions'' 
    identified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; (3) life 
    history information, such as distributions, patterns and timing of 
    spawning and migration (adult and juvenile), fecundity and egg size, 
    and growth and age characteristics; and (4) genetic evidence for 
    reproductive isolation between populations or groups of populations. 
    Genetic data (from protein electrophoresis and DNA markers) were the 
    primary evidence considered for the reproductive isolation criterion. 
    This evidence was supplemented by inferences about barriers to 
    migration created by natural geographic features. Based on the 
    examination of the best available scientific and commercial 
    information, including the biological effects of human activities, NMFS 
    has identified six ESUs of west coast sockeye salmon in this region 
    that can be considered ``species'' under the ESA. A brief description 
    of the six ESUs follows:
        The ESUs identified by NMFS are the Okanogan River, Lake Wenatchee, 
    Quinault Lake, Ozette Lake, Baker River, and Lake Pleasant. All of 
    these ESUs are in Washington. Information required to determine the ESU 
    status of sockeye salmon in Big Bear Creek in the Lake Washington Basin 
    was inadequate. Sockeye salmon were seen spawning in rivers without 
    lake rearing habitat in Washington, and sockeye salmon returned to the 
    Deschutes River in Oregon.
    (1) Okanogan River
        This ESU consists of sockeye salmon that return to Lake Osoyoos 
    through the Okanogan River via the Columbia River and spawn primarily 
    in the Canadian section of the Okanogan River above Lake Osoyoos. The 
    BRT distinguished Okanogan River sockeye based on (1) the very 
    different rearing conditions encountered by juvenile sockeye salmon in 
    Lake Osoyoos, (2) the tendency for a large percentage of 3-year-old 
    returns to the Okanogan population, (3) the apparent 1-month separation 
    in juvenile run-timing between Okanogan and Wenatchee-origin fish, and 
    (4) the adaption of Okanogan River sockeye salmon to much higher 
    temperatures during adult migration in the Okanogan River. Protein 
    electrophoretic data also indicate that this population is genetically 
    distinct from other sockeye salmon currently in the Columbia River 
    drainage (Winans et al., 1996; Wood et al., 1996; and Thorgaard et al., 
        Sockeye salmon returns to Lake Osoyoos were severely depleted by 
    the early 1900s (Davidson, 1966; Fulton, 1970) with returns to the 
    Okanogan River in 1935, 1936 and 1937 amounting to 264, 895 and 2,162 
    sockeye salmon respectively (Washington Department of Fisheries (WDF) 
    et al., 1938). The construction of Grand Coulee Dam, which completely 
    blocked the passage
    [[Page 11753]]
    of sockeye salmon to the upper Columbia River basin, had a major impact 
    on sockeye salmon in the Okanogan River. To compensate for the loss of 
    habitat resulting from the total blockage of up-river fish passage by 
    Grand Coulee Dam, the Federal government initiated the Grand Coulee 
    Fish Maintenance Project (GCFMP) in 1939 to maintain fish runs in the 
    Columbia River above Rock Island Dam. Between 1939 and 1943 all sockeye 
    salmon adults returning to Rock Island Dam were trapped and transported 
    to either Lake Wenatchee or Lake Osoyoos, or to one of three national 
    fish hatcheries (Leavenworth, Entiat, or Winthrop) for artificial 
    propagation (Fish and Hanavan, 1948; Mullan, 1986). After 1944, all 
    sockeye salmon passing Rock Island Dam and returning to the Wenatchee 
    and Okanogan Rivers were essentially the progeny of relocated stock. 
    Mullan (1986) showed that between 1944 and 1948, hatchery-reared 
    sockeye salmon constituted 5 to 98 percent of the total run. By the 
    mid-1960s, the contribution of hatchery fish as a percentage of all 
    returning adult sockeye salmon had decreased to about 10 to 22 percent, 
    about one-third of what it had been in the 1940s.
        Releases from the GCFMP were thought to contribute to re-
    establishing healthy sockeye salmon populations in the Wenatchee and 
    Okanogan River Basins (Chapman et al., 1995), as well as producing 
    small populations in the Methow and Entiat Rivers, which previous to 
    the GCFMP apparently did not have sockeye salmon populations (Mullan, 
    1986; Chapman et al., 1995).
        The overall effect of the GCFMP on the current composition of 
    sockeye salmon in this ESU is difficult to determine. Electrophoresis 
    analysis of the current Okanogan River sockeye salmon reveals little 
    affinity with any of the stocks of sockeye salmon introduced by that 
    project or with kokanee currently residing in Lower Arrow Lake above 
    Grand Coulee Dam. Artificial propagation efforts at the GCFMP 
    hatcheries were abandoned in the 1960s due to ``low benefits to costs 
    and catastrophic losses from Infectious Hemopoietic Necrosis [IHN]'' 
    (Mullan, 1986).
        Kokanee are reported to occur in Lake Osoyoos, and one known plant 
    of 195,000 kokanee from an unknown source stock occurred in this lake 
    in the years 1919-1920. Kokanee-sized fish, or residuals with a 
    reportedly olive drab or ``typically dark'' coloration, respectively, 
    have been observed spawning with sockeye in the Okanogan River. Genetic 
    samples of kokanee-sized fish from Lake Osoyoos have not been obtained. 
    However, kokanee from Okanogan Lake, above Vaseux Dam and Vaseux Lake 
    on the Okanogan River, are genetically quite distinct from Okanogan 
    River sockeye salmon (Wood et al., 1994; Thorgaard et al, 1995; Utter, 
    1995; Robison, 1995; and Winans et al., 1996).
        The BRT concluded that, if ``kokanee-sized'' O. nerka observed 
    spawning with sockeye salmon on the Okanogan River are identified as 
    resident sockeye salmon, they are to be considered part of this sockeye 
    salmon ESU. Based on the large genetic difference between Okanagan Lake 
    kokanee and Okanogan River sockeye salmon, the BRT decided that 
    Okanagan Lake kokanee are not part of the Okanogan sockeye salmon ESU 
    (Note--The accepted spelling in Canada is Okanagan, and in the United 
    States it is Okanogan. In this document Okanagan will be used when 
    referring to geographic features in Canada and Okanogan when referring 
    to geographic features in the U.S.) The BRT felt that spawning 
    aggregations of sockeye that are occasionally observed downstream from 
    Lake Osoyoos and below Enloe Dam on the Similkameen River are most 
    likely wanderers from the Okanogan River population and are, therefore, 
    to be considered part of this ESU.
    (2) Lake Wenatchee
        This ESU consists of sockeye salmon that return to Lake Wenatchee 
    through the Wenatchee River via the Columbia River and spawn primarily 
    in tributaries above Lake Wenatchee (the White River, Napeequa River, 
    and Little Wenatchee River). Virtually all allozyme data indicate that, 
    of the populations examined, the Lake Wenatchee sockeye salmon 
    population is genetically very distinctive. The following constitute 
    the genetic, environmental, and life history information in 
    distinguishing this ESU: (1) Very different environmental conditions 
    encountered by sockeye salmon in Lake Wenatchee compared with those in 
    Lake Osoyoos, (2) the near absence of 3-year-old sockeye returns to 
    Lake Wenatchee, and (3) the apparent 1-month separation in juvenile 
    run-timing between Okanogan and Wenatchee-origin fish. Sockeye salmon 
    in Lake Wenatchee were severely depleted by the early 1900s (Bryant and 
    Parkhurst, 1950; Davidson 1966; and Fulton, 1970), with returns counted 
    over Tumwater Dam on the Wenatchee River in 1935, 1936, and 1937 
    amounting to 889, 29 and 65 fish, respectively (WDF et al., 1938).
        The overall effect of the GCFMP, described above, on the current 
    make-up of sockeye salmon in this ESU is difficult to determine. The 
    redistribution and long-term propagation of mixed Arrow Lakes, 
    Okanogan, and Wenatchee stocks of sockeye salmon originally captured at 
    Rock Island Dam, as well as introductions of Quinault Lake sockeye 
    salmon stocks, may have altered the genetic make-up of indigenous 
    sockeye salmon in the Lake Wenatchee system, particularly considering 
    the low estimated returns of native sockeye salmon to Lake Wenatchee 
    immediately prior to the beginning of the GCFMP. However, 
    electrophoretic analysis of current Lake Wenatchee sockeye salmon 
    reveals little affinity among Okanogan River sockeye salmon, Quinault 
    Lake sockeye salmon or kokanee from Lower Arrow Lake.
        Spawning aggregations of sockeye salmon that appear in the Entiat 
    and Methow Rivers and in Icicle Creek (a tributary of the Wenatchee 
    River) were presumed by the BRT to be non-native and the result of 
    transplants carried on during the GCFMP. Both the Methow and Entiat 
    Rivers had no history of sockeye salmon runs prior to stocking (WDF et 
    al., 1938; Mullan, 1986). Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery is located 
    on Icicle Creek, and, between 1942 and 1969, more than 1.5 million 
    sockeye salmon juveniles (of mixed Columbia, Entiat, Methow Rivers 
    heritage) were liberated from this facility into Icicle Creek (Mullan, 
    1986; Chapman et al., 1995).
        Kokanee-sized fish with a reportedly olive drab coloration have 
    been observed spawning with sockeye salmon in the White, Napeequa, and 
    Little Wenatchee Rivers (LaVoy, 1995). More than 23 million Lake 
    Whatcom kokanee were released in Lake Wenatchee between 1934 and 1983; 
    however, the current genetic make-up of the Lake Wenatchee sockeye 
    salmon population reveals little or no affinity with Lake Whatcom 
    kokanee. Genetic samples of kokanee-sized fish from Lake Wenatchee have 
    not been obtained.
        The BRT concluded that, if ``kokanee-sized'' O. nerka observed 
    spawning with sockeye salmon on the White and Little Wenatchee Rivers 
    are identified as resident sockeye salmon, they are to be considered 
    part of the Lake Wenatchee sockeye salmon ESU.
    (3) Quinault Lake
        This ESU consists of sockeye salmon that return to Quinault Lake 
    and spawn in the mainstem of the upper Quinault River, in tributaries 
    of the upper Quinault River, and in a few small tributaries of Quinault 
    Lake itself. The BRT felt that Quinault Lake sockeye salmon deserved 
    separate ESU status based on the unique life history
    [[Page 11754]]
    characteristics and the degree of genetic differentiation from other 
    sockeye salmon populations.
        The distinctive early river-entry timing, protracted adult-run 
    timing, long 3- to 10-month lake-residence period prior to spawning, 
    unusually long spawn timing, and genetic differences from other coastal 
    Washington sockeye salmon were important factors in identifying this 
    ESU. In addition, the relative absence of red skin pigmentation and the 
    presence of an olive-green spawning coloration by the majority of the 
    Quinault stock appear to be unique among major sockeye salmon stocks in 
    Washington (Storm et al., 1990; Boyer, Jr., 1995), although at least 
    two sockeye salmon stocks in British Columbia appear more green than 
    red at spawning (Wood, 1996). The rather large genetic difference 
    between U.S. and Vancouver Island sockeye salmon, together with the 
    apparently unique life-history characters of Quinault Lake sockeye 
    salmon persuaded the BRT to exclude Vancouver Island stocks from this 
        Kokanee-sized O. nerka have not been identified within the Quinault 
    River Basin.
    (4) Ozette Lake
        This ESU consists of sockeye salmon that return to Ozette Lake 
    through the Ozette River and currently spawn primarily in lakeshore 
    upwelling areas in Ozette Lake (particularly at Allen's Bay and Olsen's 
    Beach). Minor spawning may occur below Ozette Lake in the Ozette River 
    or in Coal Creek, a tributary of the Ozette River. Sockeye salmon do 
    not presently spawn in tributary streams to Ozette Lake, although they 
    may have spawned there historically. Genetics, environment, and life 
    history were the primary factors in distinguishing this ESU. The BRT 
    determined that Ozette Lake sockeye salmon were a separate ESU based on 
    the degree of genetic differentiation from other sockeye salmon 
    populations and on life history characteristics.
        Ozette Lake sockeye salmon are genetically distinct from all other 
    sockeye salmon stocks in the Northwest. Sockeye salmon stocks from west 
    coast Vancouver Island were excluded from this ESU partly because of 
    the large genetic difference between the two. On the other hand, Ozette 
    Lake kokanee proved to be the most genetically distinct O. nerka stock 
    examined in the contiguous United States. However, Ozette Lake kokanee 
    were closely allied to several sockeye salmon stocks on Vancouver 
        Kokanee are very numerous in Ozette Lake and spawn in inlet 
    tributaries, whereas sockeye salmon spawn on lakeshore upwelling 
    beaches. Sockeye have not been observed on the inlet spawning grounds 
    of kokanee in Ozette Lake, although there are no physical barriers to 
    prevent their entry into these tributaries. On the other hand, kokanee-
    sized O. nerka are observed together with sockeye salmon on the sockeye 
    salmon spawning beaches at Allen's Bay and Olsen's Beach. One recorded 
    plant of over 100,000 kokanee from an unknown source stock occurred in 
    1940, and anecdotal references of another kokanee plant in 1958 were 
        Based on the very large genetic difference between Ozette Lake 
    kokanee that spawn in tributaries and Ozette Lake sockeye salmon that 
    spawn on shoreline beaches, the BRT excluded Ozette Lake kokanee from 
    this sockeye salmon ESU. In addition, the BRT concluded that, if 
    ``kokanee-sized'' O. nerka observed spawning with sockeye salmon on 
    sockeye salmon spawning beaches in Ozette Lake are identified as 
    resident sockeye salmon, they are to be considered as part of the 
    Ozette Lake sockeye salmon ESU.
    (5) Baker River
        This ESU consists of sockeye salmon that return to the barrier dam 
    and fish trap on the lower Baker River after migrating through the 
    Skagit River. They are trucked to one of three artificial spawning 
    beaches above either one or two dams on the Baker River and are held in 
    these enclosures until spawning.
        The BRT felt that Baker River sockeye salmon are a separate ESU 
    based on genetic, life-history, and environmental characteristics. 
    Baker River sockeye salmon are genetically distinct from sockeye salmon 
    populations that spawn in the lower Fraser River and are genetically 
    distinct from all other native populations of Washington sockeye 
    salmon. Prior to inundation behind Upper Baker Dam, Baker Lake was a 
    typical cold, oligotrophic, well-oxygenated, glacially turbid sockeye 
    salmon nursery lake, in contrast to other sockeye salmon systems under 
    review, with the exception of Lake Wenatchee.
        The Birdsview Hatchery population on Grandy Creek in the Skagit 
    River Basin was established from Baker Lake sockeye salmon together 
    with a probable mixture of Quinault Lake stock and an unknown Fraser 
    River stock. This stock was the ultimate source for the apparently 
    successful transplants of sockeye salmon to the Lake Washington/Lake 
    Sammamish system in the mid-1930s to early 1940s (Royal and Seymour, 
    1940; Kolb, 1971).
        Numerous reports indicate that residual or resident sockeye salmon 
    began appearing in Baker Lake and Lake Shannon Reservoir following the 
    installation of Lower Baker Dam in 1925 (Ward, 1929, 1930, 1932; 
    Ricker, 1940; and Kemmerich, 1945). A spring-time recreational kokanee 
    fishery exists in Baker Lake, although substantial aggregations of 
    spawning kokanee have yet to be identified. The BRT found no historical 
    records of kokanee stocking in Baker Lake. However, approximately 40 to 
    100 kokanee-sized O. nerka spawn each year in the outlet channel that 
    drains the two upper sockeye salmon spawning beaches at Baker Lake.
    (6) Lake Pleasant
        A majority of the BRT concluded that Lake Pleasant sockeye salmon 
    constituted a separate ESU, while a minority thought that insufficient 
    information exists to accurately describe this ESU. Allozyme data for 
    Lake Pleasant sockeye salmon indicate genetic distinctiveness from 
    other sockeye salmon populations. Sockeye salmon in this population 
    enter the Quillayute River in May through September and hold in the Sol 
    Duc River before entering Lake Pleasant, usually in early November, 
    when sufficient water depth is available in Lake Creek. Spawning occurs 
    on beaches from late November to early January. Kemmerich (1945) 
    indicated that native sockeye occurred in Lake Pleasant prior to 1932 
    and that they were of an ``individual size comparable with the size of 
    the fish of the Lake Quinault and Columbia River runs;'' however, 
    sockeye salmon currently in Lake Pleasant are said to be small, no 
    bigger than 2 to 3 pounds (0.9 to 1.4 kg) (Haymes, 1995). Adult male 
    and female Lake Pleasant sockeye have an average fork length of 460 mm 
    or less for all ages combined, which is the smallest body size of any 
    anadromous O. nerka population in the Pacific Northwest. In addition, 
    in some brood years, a majority of Lake Pleasant sockeye salmon spend 2 
    years in freshwater prior to migrating to sea. More than 500,000 
    sockeye salmon fry from Baker Lake and the Birdsview Hatchery in the 
    Skagit River Basin were released in Lake Pleasant in the 1930s; 
    however, electrophoretic analysis of current Lake Pleasant sockeye 
    salmon reveals little genetic affinity with Baker Lake sockeye salmon. 
    It is assumed that the poisoning of Lake Pleasant during ``lake 
    rehabilitation'' activities in the 1950s and 1960s may have impacted 
    one or two broodyears of sockeye salmon in Lake Pleasant. Sockeye 
    salmon escapement to Lake Pleasant was
    [[Page 11755]]
    between 760 and 1,500 fish in the early 1960s, indicating that ``lake 
    rehabilitation'' failed to eliminate sockeye salmon from this system. 
    Although kokanee-sized O. nerka spawn together with sockeye salmon on 
    the beaches in Lake Pleasant, the BRT found only anecdotal references 
    to kokanee being stocked in Lake Pleasant during the 1930s.
        The BRT concluded that, if ``kokanee-sized'' O. nerka observed 
    spawning with sockeye salmon on sockeye salmon spawning beaches in Lake 
    Pleasant are identified as resident sockeye salmon, they are to be 
    considered part of the Lake Pleasant sockeye salmon ESU.
    Other Sockeye Salmon Populations
    (1) Big Bear Creek
        The BRT did not describe the population of sockeye salmon that 
    currently spawn in Big Bear Creek and its two tributaries, Cottage Lake 
    and Evans Creeks. The BRT agreed that the available evidence does not 
    clearly resolve this issue. In spite of various uncertainties, about 
    half of the BRT felt that the current sockeye salmon population in Big 
    Bear and Cottage Lake Creeks is a separate ESU that represents either 
    an indigenous Lake Washington/Lake Sammamish sockeye salmon population 
    or a native kokanee population that has naturally re-established 
    anadromy. About half the BRT members felt that the available 
    information was insufficient to describe the population of sockeye 
    salmon in Big Bear Creek as an ESU. This issue is particularly 
    difficult due to the equivocal nature of historical accounts concerning 
    the presence and distribution of sockeye salmon within the Lake 
    Washington/Lake Sammamish Basin.
        Genetically, Big Bear and Cottage Lake Creek sockeye salmon are 
    quite distinct from other stocks of sockeye salmon in the Lake 
    Washington/Lake Sammamish Basin; they are genetically more similar to 
    Okanogan River sockeye salmon than they are to any other sockeye salmon 
    population examined. It was acknowledged that the genetic 
    distinctiveness of the current Big Bear Creek/Cottage Lake Creek 
    sockeye salmon, as revealed through analysis of allozyme data, could 
    have resulted from genetic change following the recorded return of 2 
    adults in October 1940 after a transplant of Baker Lake stock sockeye 
    salmon in 1937, or it could be indicative of a native population of O. 
    nerka indigenous to the Lake Washington/Lake Sammamish Basin.
        A native kokanee population once spawned in Big Bear Creek and its 
    tributaries, although it is uncertain whether a remnant of this native 
    stock still exists in this drainage. Big Bear Creek was once the 
    largest producer of kokanee for artificial propagation in Washington, 
    although relatively few kokanee currently spawn there. Currently a 
    small number of kokanee-sized O. nerka spawn in Big Bear Creek together 
    with sockeye salmon. The spawn timing of kokanee in Big Bear Creek is 
    currently much later than the only remaining recognized native kokanee 
    stock in the Lake Washington Basin (early entry Issaquah Creek 
    kokanee). There were over 35 million Lake Whatcom kokanee fry released 
    in Big Bear Creek between 1917 and 1969, and what effect this stocking 
    program had on the native kokanee is open to speculation. In addition, 
    potential genetic interactions of these introduced kokanee with sockeye 
    salmon are unknown.
        Based on the available data, the BRT determined that the Bear Creek 
    sockeye salmon population unit did not meet the criteria necessary to 
    be defined as an ESU.
    (2) Riverine-Spawning Sockeye Salmon
        Spawning ground survey data of the Washington Department of Fish 
    and Wildlife and numerous anecdotal references dating back to the turn 
    of the century indicate that riverine spawning aggregations of sockeye 
    salmon exist in certain rivers within Washington that lack lake-rearing 
    habitat. Consistent riverine spawning aggregations of sockeye salmon 
    have been documented over a period of decades in the North and South 
    Fork Nooksack, Skagit, Sauk, North Fork Stillaguamish, Samish 
    (Hendrick, 1995), and Green Rivers. Riverine-spawning sockeye salmon 
    have also been reported in the Nisqually, Skokomish, Dungeness, 
    Calawah, Hoh, Queets, and Clearwater Rivers, and are occasionally seen 
    in small numbers in a number of other rivers and streams in Washington.
        Protein electrophoretic data for riverine-spawners from the 
    Nooksack, upper Skagit, and Sauk Rivers indicate that these 
    aggregations are genetically similar to one another and genetically 
    distinct from other sockeye salmon in Washington.
        The BRT considered five scenarios that might explain river spawning 
    aggregations of sockeye salmon in Washington representing (1) multiple 
    U.S. populations, (2) one U. S. population, (3) strays from U. S. lake-
    type sockeye, (4) strays from British Columbia lake-type sockeye 
    salmon, and (5) strays from river-type populations in British Columbia. 
    Genetic data for river-spawning sockeye salmon in the Nooksack, Skagit, 
    and Sauk Rivers do not support scenario (3). The disjunct timing and 
    geographic distance between individual aggregations of riverine-
    spawning sockeye salmon suggest that more than one process may be 
    responsible for the occurrence of these aggregations.
        The small size of the spawning aggregations of sockeye salmon 
    periodically reported in rivers without lake-rearing habitat in 
    Washington raises the question of historical population size and 
    persistence of Pacific salmon over evolutionarily significant time 
    scales. Because many populations of Pacific salmon show large temporal 
    fluctuations in abundance, Waples (1991) argued in the NMFS 
    ``Definition of Species'' paper that there must be some size below 
    which a spawning population is unlikely to persist in isolation for a 
    long period of time. The fact that small spawning aggregations are 
    regularly observed may reflect a dynamic process of extinction, 
    straying, and recolonization. Such small populations are unlikely to be 
    ESU's, although a collection of them might be.
        However, Waples went on to say that ``[i]n making this evaluation, 
    the possibility should be considered that small populations observed at 
    present are still in existence precisely because they evolved 
    mechanisms for persisting at low abundance.'' (Waples, 1991)
        The BRT acknowledged the evolutionary importance of existing river/
    sea-type sockeye in British Columbia and Alaska but felt that the 
    evidence was insufficient to determine whether sockeye salmon seen in 
    rivers without lake rearing habitat in Washington were distinct 
    populations. Whether riverine-spawning sockeye in Washington can be 
    defined as an ESU remains an open question.
    (3) Deschutes River (Oregon)
        The BRT concluded that sockeye salmon that historically migrated up 
    the Deschutes River via the Columbia River to spawn in Suttle Lake were 
    a separate ESU, but it is uncertain whether remnants of this ESU exist. 
    Fish passage into and out of Suttle Lake was blocked sometime around 
    1930. Currently, sockeye adults that are consistently seen each year in 
    the Deschutes River below the regulatory dam downstream from Pelton Dam 
    may be derived from (1) a self-sustaining population of sockeye that 
    spawn below Pelton Dam on the Deschutes River, (2) strays from 
    elsewhere in the Columbia River, or (3) outmigration of smolts from 
    populations of ``kokanee-sized'' O. nerka that exist
    [[Page 11756]]
    above the Pelton/Round Butte Dam complex. Two kokanee populations are 
    present above the dams, one population resides in Suttle Lake and 
    spawns in the lake inlet stream (Link Creek), and a second population 
    resides in Lake Billy Chinook, behind Round Butte Dam, and spawns in 
    the upper Metolius River. Both kokanee populations have a distinctive 
    blue-black body coloration that distinguishes them from hatchery 
    kokanee that are released in Lake Simtustus and in other Deschutes 
    River Basin lakes.
        Allozyme data for Deschutes River sockeye salmon does not exist; 
    however, mtDNA data (Brannon, 1996), suggests the possibility that Lake 
    Billy Chinook kokanee and Deschutes River sockeye salmon are related. 
    Protein electrophoretic data indicate that kokanee in Suttle Lake and 
    in Lake Billy Chinook cluster together genetically (NMFS unpublished 
    data). Over 1.2 million sockeye salmon were planted in the Metolius 
    River and its tributaries before 1962, and a significant portion of the 
    adult sockeye salmon returns recorded at the Pelton Dam fish trap, 
    starting in 1956, may have been descended from these plantings.
        The majority of the BRT concluded that a remnant component of this 
    historical run cannot be identified with any certainty. A minority of 
    the BRT felt that the extensive transplant history of non-native 
    sockeye salmon into this basin explains the continued occurrence of 
    anadromous O. nerka in the Deschutes River Basin and, as the 
    descendants of transplants, these sockeye salmon are not an ESA issue. 
    The majority of the BRT agreed that the possibility exists that recent 
    sockeye salmon in the Deschutes River may result from some remnant 
    migrants of residualized sockeye salmon or kokanee. Whether Deschutes 
    River sockeye salmon can be described as an ESU remains an open 
    Status of Sockeye Salmon ESUs
        The ESA defines the term ``endangered species'' as ``any species 
    which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant 
    portion of its range.'' The term ``threatened species'' is defined as 
    ``any species which is likely to become an endangered species within 
    the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its 
    range.'' 16 U.S.C. Sec. 1532 NMFS considers a variety of information in 
    evaluating the level of risk faced by an ESU. Important considerations 
    include (1) absolute numbers of fish and their spatial and temporal 
    distributions, (2) current abundance in relation to historical 
    abundance and carrying capacity of the habitat, (3) trends in 
    abundance, based on indices such as dam or redd counts or on estimates 
    of spawner-recruit ratios, (4) natural and human-influenced factors 
    that cause variability in survival and abundance, (5) possible threats 
    to genetic integrity (e.g., selective fisheries and interactions 
    between hatchery and natural fish), and (6) recent events (e.g., a 
    drought or a change in management) that have predictable short-term 
    consequences for abundance of the ESU. Additional risk factors, such as 
    disease prevalence or changes in life-history traits, may also be 
    considered in evaluating risk to populations.
    Previous Assessments
        In considering the status of the ESUs, NMFS evaluated both 
    qualitative and quantitative information.
        Qualitative evaluations: These evaluations included aspects of 
    several of the risk considerations outlined above, as well as recent, 
    published assessments of population status by agencies or conservation 
    groups of the status of west coast sockeye salmon stocks (Nehlsen et 
    al., 1991; WDF et al., 1993). Nehlsen et al. (1991) considered salmonid 
    stocks throughout Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California and 
    enumerated stocks found to be extinct or at risk of extinction. Stocks 
    that do not appear in their summary were either not at risk of 
    extinction or not classifiable due to insufficient information. They 
    classified stocks as extinct, possibly extinct, at high risk of 
    extinction, at moderate risk of extinction, or of special concern. They 
    considered it likely that stocks at high risk of extinction have 
    reached the threshold for classification as endangered under the ESA. 
    Stocks were placed in this category if they had declined from 
    historical levels and were continuing to decline, or had spawning 
    escapements less than two hundred. Stocks were classified as at 
    moderate risk of extinction if they had declined from historic levels 
    but presently appear to be stable at a level above two hundred 
    spawners. They felt that stocks in this category had reached the 
    threshold for threatened under the ESA. They classified stocks as of 
    special concern if a relatively minor disturbance could threaten them, 
    insufficient data were available for them, they were influenced by 
    large releases of hatchery fish, or they possessed some unique 
    character. For sockeye salmon, they classified twenty-two stocks as 
    follows: sixteen extinct, one possibly extinct, two high risk, one 
    moderate risk, and two special concern.
        WDF et al. (1993) categorized all salmon and steelhead stocks in 
    Washington on the basis of stock origin (``native,'' ``non-native,'' 
    ``mixed,'' or ``unknown''), production type (``wild,'' ``composite,'' 
    or ``unknown''), and status (``healthy,'' ``depressed,'' ``critical,'' 
    or ``unknown''). Status categories were defined as healthy: 
    ``experiencing production levels consistent with its available habitat 
    and within the natural variations in survival for the stock;'' 
    depressed: ``production is below expected levels . . . but above the 
    level where permanent damage to the stock is likely;'' and critical: 
    ``experiencing production levels that are so low that permanent damage 
    to the stock is likely or has already occurred.'' Of the nine sockeye 
    salmon stocks identified, three (Quinault, Wenatchee, and Okanogan) 
    were classified as healthy, four (Cedar, Lake Washington and Sammamish 
    Tributaries, Lake Washington Beach, and Ozette) as depressed, one 
    (Baker) as critical, and one (Lake Pleasant) as unknown.
        There are problems in applying results of these studies to ESA 
    evaluations. One problem is the definition of categories used to 
    classify stock status. Nehlsen et al. (1991) used categories intended 
    to relate to ESA ``threatened'' or ``endangered'' status; however they 
    applied their own interpretations of these terms to individual stocks, 
    not to ESUs as defined here. WDF et al. (1993) used general terms 
    describing status of stocks that cannot be directly related to the 
    considerations important in ESA evaluations. For example, the WDF et 
    al. (1993) definition of healthy could conceivably include a stock that 
    is at substantial extinction risk due to loss of habitat, hatchery fish 
    interactions, and/or environmental variation, although this does not 
    appear to be the case for any west coast sockeye salmon stocks. Another 
    problem is the selection of stocks or populations to include in the 
    review. Nehlsen et al. (1991) did not evaluate, or even identify, 
    stocks not perceived to be at risk, so it is difficult to determine the 
    proportion of stocks they considered to be at risk in any given area. 
    There is also disagreement regarding status of some stocks; for 
    example, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) (1996) disagrees 
    with Nehlsen et al's (1991) classification of Alturas and Stanley 
    Lakes' populations as extinct.
        Quantitative evaluations: This type of evaluation included 
    comparisons of current and historical abundance of west coast sockeye 
    salmon, calculation of recent trends in escapement, and evaluation of 
    the proportion of natural
    [[Page 11757]]
    spawning attributable to hatchery fish. Historical abundance 
    information for these ESUs is largely anecdotal, although estimates 
    based on commercial harvest are available for some coastal populations 
    (Rounsefell and Kelez, 1938). Time series data were available for many 
    populations, but data extent and quality varied among ESUs. NMFS 
    compiled and analyzed this information to provide several summary 
    statistics of natural spawning abundance, including (where available) 
    recent total spawning run size and escapement, percent annual change in 
    total escapement, recent naturally produced spawning run size and 
    escapement, and average percentage of natural spawners that were of 
    hatchery origin. Information on harvest and stock abundance was 
    compiled from a variety of state, Federal, and tribal agency records 
    (Foy et al., 1995a, b). Additional data were provided directly to NMFS 
    by state and tribal agencies and private organizations. NMFS believes 
    these records to be complete in terms of long-term adult abundance for 
    sockeye salmon in the region covered. Principal data sources were adult 
    counts at dams or weirs and spawner surveys.
        Computed statistics: To represent current run size or escapement 
    where recent data were available, NMFS computed the geometric mean of 
    the most recent 5 years reported (or fewer years if the data series is 
    shorter than 5 years), while trying to use only estimates that reflect 
    the total abundance for an entire river basin or tributary, avoiding 
    index counts or dam counts that represent only a small portion of 
    available habitat.
        Where adequate data were available, trends in total escapement (or 
    run size if escapement data were not available) were calculated for all 
    data sets with more than 7 years of data, based on total escapement or 
    an escapement index (such as fish per mile from a stream survey). 
    Separate trends were estimated for each full data series and for the 
    1985-1994 period within each data series. As an indication of overall 
    trend in individual sockeye salmon populations, NMFS calculated average 
    (over the available data series) percent annual change in adult spawner 
    indices within each river basin. No attempt was made to account for the 
    influence of hatchery produced fish on these estimates, so the 
    estimated trends include the progeny of natural spawning hatchery fish.
        The following summaries draw on these quantitative and qualitative 
    assessments to describe NMFS' conclusions regarding the status of each 
    steelhead ESU. Aspects of several of these risk considerations are 
    common to all sockeye salmon ESUs. These are discussed in general below 
    for each ESU, and more specific discussion can be found in the status 
    review. After evaluating patterns of abundance and other risk factors 
    for sockeye salmon from these ESUs, the BRT reached the following 
    Risk Assessment Conclusions
        NMFS has determined that, if recent conditions continue into the 
    future, one ESU (Ozette Lake) is likely to become endangered, and three 
    ESUs (Okanogan River, Lake Wenatchee, and Quinault Lake) may not come 
    under significant danger of becoming extinct or endangered. For the 
    sixth ESU (Lake Pleasant), there was insufficient information to reach 
    a conclusion regarding risk of extinction. NMFS also proposes to add 
    Baker River sockeye to the list of candidate species in order to 
    further review its status and the efficacy of existing conservation 
        Consideration was also given to the status of the three sockeye 
    salmon population units which had not been defined as ESUs. For one of 
    these (riverine-spawning sockeye salmon in Washington) there was 
    insufficient information to reach any conclusions regarding risk of 
    extinction. For the other two population units (Bear Creek and 
    Deschutes River sockeye salmon), NMFS concluded that Bear Creek sockeye 
    salmon were not in danger of extinction nor likely to become endangered 
    within the foreseeable future, but NMFS concluded that the anadromous 
    component of the Deschutes River sockeye salmon population unit is 
    clearly in danger of extinction if not already extinct.
        The following paragraphs summarize the conclusions for each ESU or 
    other population unit. These conclusions are tempered by uncertainties 
    in certain critical information. For several units, there are kokanee 
    (either native or introduced) populations using the same water bodies 
    as sockeye salmon; potential interbreeding and ecological interactions 
    could affect population dynamics and (in the case of non-native 
    kokanee) genetic integrity of the sockeye salmon populations. With few 
    exceptions, adult abundance data do not represent direct counts of 
    adults destined to a single spawning area, so estimates of total 
    population abundance and trends in abundance must be interpreted with 
    some caution.
    (1) Okanogan River
        The major abundance data series for Okanogan River sockeye salmon 
    consist of spawner surveys conducted in the Okanogan River above Lake 
    Osoyoos since the late 1940s, counts of adults passing Wells Dam since 
    1967, and records of tribal harvest (Colville and Okanogan) since the 
    late 1940s. Longer term data were available for dams lower on the 
    Columbia River (notably Rock Island Dam counts starting in 1933), but 
    these counts represent a combination of this ESU with the Wenatchee 
    population and other historical ESUs from the upper Columbia River 
    above Grand Coulee Dam.
        Blockage and disruption of freshwater habitat pose some risk for 
    this ESU. Adult passage is blocked by dams above Lake Osoyoos, 
    prohibiting access to former habitat in Vaseux, Skaha, and Okanagan 
    Lakes (Chapman et al., 1995). (However, it is not known whether sockeye 
    salmon in these upper lakes belonged to the same ESU as those in Lake 
    Osoyoos.) Other problems in the Okanogan River include inadequately 
    screened water diversions and high summer water temperatures (Chapman 
    et al., 1995) and channelization of spawning habitat in Canada. Mullan 
    (1986) stated that hydroelectric dams accounted for the general decline 
    of sockeye salmon in the mainstem Columbia River, while Chapman et al. 
    (1995) suggested that hydropower dams have ``probably'' reduced runs of 
    sockeye salmon to the Columbia River, particularly to Lake Osoyoos.
        The most recent 5-year average annual escapement for this ESU was 
    about 11,000 adults, based on 1992-1996 counts at Wells Dam. No 
    historical abundance estimates specific to this ESU are available. 
    However, analyses conducted in the late 1930s indicated that less than 
    15 percent of the total sockeye run in the upper Columbia River went 
    into Lakes Osoyoos and Wenatchee (Chapman et al., 1995). At that time, 
    the total run to Rock Island Dam averaged about 15,000, suggesting a 
    combined total of less than 2,250 adults returning to the Okanogan 
    River and Lake Wenatchee ESUs. Thus, abundance for the Okanogan River 
    ESU during the late 1930s was clearly substantially lower than recent 
    abundance. Trend estimates for this stock differ depending on the data 
    series used, but the recent (1986-1995) trend has been steeply downward 
    (declining at 2 to 20 percent per year); however, this trend is heavily 
    influenced by high abundance in 1985 and low points in 1990, 1994, and 
    1995, which may reflect environmental fluctuations. The long-term trend 
    (since 1960) for this stock has been relatively flat (-3 to +2 percent 
    annual change).
        For the entire Columbia River basin, there has been a considerable 
    decline in
    [[Page 11758]]
    sockeye salmon abundance since the turn of the century. Columbia River 
    commercial sockeye salmon landings that commonly exceeded 1,000,000 
    pounds in the late 1800s and early 1900s had been reduced to about 
    150,000 pounds by the late 1980s (Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), 
    1991). Since 1988, harvest has been fewer than 3,500 fish each year. 
    The TAC (1991) attributes this decline to habitat degradation and 
    blockage, overharvest, hydroelectric development, and nursery lake 
    management practices. The two remaining productive stocks (Okanogan and 
    Wenatchee) occupy less than 4 percent of historical nursery lake 
    habitat in the upper Columbia River basin.
        Both Okanogan and Wenatchee runs have been highly variable over 
    time. For harvest purposes, these two ESUs are managed as a single 
    unit, with an escapement goal of 65,000 adults returning to Priest 
    Rapids Dam (TAC, 1991). This goal has been achieved only ten times 
    since 1970 and has been met in 2 years between 1992 and 1996. 
    Examination of the historical trend in total sockeye salmon escapement 
    to the upper Columbia River shows very low abundance (averaging less 
    than 20,000 annually) during the 1930s and early 1940s, followed by an 
    increase to well over 100,000 per year in the mid-1950s. Since the mid-
    1940s, abundance has fluctuated widely, with noticeable low points 
    reached in 1949, 1961-62, 1978, and 1994. The escapement of about 9,000 
    fish to Priest Rapids Dam in 1995 was the lowest since 1945, but 1996 
    escapement (preliminary estimate, Fish Passage Center 1996) was 
    considerably higher, although still far below the goal. Escapement to 
    Wells Dam (i.e., this ESU) was at its lowest recorded value in 1994, 
    but increased in both 1995 and 1996.
        Past and present artificial propagation of sockeye salmon poses 
    some risk to the genetic integrity of this ESU. The GCFMP interbred 
    fish from this ESU with those from adjacent basins for several years, 
    with unknown impacts on the genetic composition of this ESU. Current 
    artificial propagation efforts use local stocks and are designed to 
    maintain genetic diversity, but there is some risk of genetic change 
    resulting from domestication. There is only one record of introduction 
    of sockeye salmon from outside the Columbia River Basin into this ESU: 
    395,420 mixed Quinault Lake/Rock Island Dam stock released in 1942 
    (Mullan, 1986). Records of kokanee transplants are most likely 
        In previous assessments of this stock, Nehlsen et al. (1991) 
    considered Okanogan River sockeye salmon to be of special concern 
    because of ``present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
    curtailment of its habitat or range,'' including mainstem passage, 
    flow, and predation problems, whereas WDF et al. (1993) classified this 
    stock as of native origin, wild production, and healthy status, but 
    WDFW (1996) suggested that this ``native'' classification will be 
    changed to ``mixed'' in the future.
        Low abundance, downward trends and wide fluctuations in abundance, 
    land use practices, and variable ocean productivity were perceived as 
    resulting in low to moderate or increasing risk for this ESU. Other 
    major concerns regarding health of this ESU were restriction and 
    channelization of spawning habitat in Canada, hydro system impediments 
    to migration, and high water temperature problems in the lower Okanogan 
        Positive indicators for the ESU were escapement above 10,000, which 
    is probably a substantial fraction of historical abundance, and the 
    limited amount of recent hatchery production within the ESU. Recent 
    changes in hydro system management (increases in flow and spill in the 
    mainstem Columbia River) and harvest management (restrictions in 
    commercial harvest to protect Snake River sockeye salmon) were regarded 
    as beneficial to the status of this ESU. NMFS concluded unanimously 
    that the Okanogan River sockeye salmon ESU is not presently in danger 
    of extinction, nor is it likely to become endangered in the foreseeable 
    future. However, the very low returns in the three most recent years 
    suggest that the status of this ESU bears close monitoring and its 
    status should be reconsidered if abundance remains low.
    (2) Lake Wenatchee
        The major abundance data series for Wenatchee River sockeye salmon 
    consist of spawner surveys conducted in the Little Wenatchee River and 
    the White River since the late 1940s, counts of adults passing Tumwater 
    Dam (sporadic counts 1935 to present), and reconstructions based on 
    adult passage counts at Priest Rapids, Rock Island, and Rocky Reach 
    Dams (early 1960s to present). Longer term data are available for dams 
    lower on the Columbia River (notably Rock Island Dam counts starting in 
    1933), but these counts represent a combination of this ESU with the 
    Okanogan River ESU and other historical potential ESUs from the upper 
    Columbia River above Grand Coulee Dam.
        There are no substantial blockages of sockeye salmon habitat in the 
    Wenatchee basin, and habitat condition in the basin is generally 
    regarded as good, although production is limited by the oligotrophic 
    nature of Lake Wenatchee (Chapman et al., 1995). Mullan (1986) and 
    Chapman et al. (1995) concluded that the main freshwater habitat 
    problem presently facing this ESU is hydropower dams in the mainstem 
    Columbia River, which have probably reduced the runs of sockeye salmon.
        The most recent 5-year average annual escapement for this ESU was 
    about 19,000 adults, based on the 1992-1996 difference in adult passage 
    counts at Priest Rapids and Rocky Reach Dams. No historical abundance 
    estimates specific to this ESU are available. However, as discussed 
    above for the Okanogan River ESU, abundance of the Lake Wenatchee ESU 
    during the late 1930s was clearly substantially lower than recent 
    abundance. The recent (1986-1995) trend in abundance has been downward 
    (declining at 10 percent per year), but this trend is heavily 
    influenced by 2 years of very low abundance in 1994 and 1995. The long-
    term (1961-1996) trend for this stock is flat. Escapement to this ESU 
    in 1995 (counts at Priest Rapids Dam minus those at Rocky Reach Dam) 
    was the lowest since counting began in 1962, but 1996 escapement was 
    somewhat higher. Other risk factors common to this ESU and other 
    Columbia River Basin sockeye salmon populations were discussed under 
    the Okanogan River ESU above.
        Past and present artificial propagation of sockeye salmon poses 
    some risk to the genetic integrity of this ESU. As for the Okanogan 
    River ESU, the GCFMP interbred fish from this ESU with those from 
    adjacent basins for several years and introduced many sockeye salmon 
    descended from Quinault Lake stock (Mullan 1986), with unknown impacts 
    on the genetic composition of this ESU. Current artificial propagation 
    efforts use local stocks and are designed to maintain natural genetic 
    diversity, but there is some risk of genetic change resulting from 
    domestication. Hatchery-raised kokanee have been released in Lake 
    Wenatchee, including native Lake Wenatchee stock and non-native Lake 
    Whatcom stock (Mullan, 1986). The effect of Lake Whatcom kokanee 
    introductions on the genetic integrity of this ESU is unknown.
        Previous assessments of this ESU are similar to those for the 
    Okanogan River ESU. Nehlsen et al. (1991) considered Wenatchee River 
    sockeye salmon to be of special concern because of ``present or 
    threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or 
    range,'' including mainstem passage, flow, and
    [[Page 11759]]
    predation problems. WDF et al. (1993) classified this stock as of mixed 
    origin, wild production, and healthy status. Huntington et al. (1996) 
    identified this stock as ``healthy--Level I,'' indicating that current 
    abundance is high relative to what would be expected without human 
        Low abundance, downward trends and wide fluctuations in abundance, 
    and variable ocean productivity were perceived as resulting in low to 
    moderate risk for the ESU. Other major concerns regarding the health of 
    this ESU were the effects of hatchery production, hydro system 
    impediments to migration, and potential interbreeding with non-native 
    kokanee on genetic integrity of the unit.
        Positive indicators for the ESU were escapement above 10,000 and 
    the limited amount of recent hatchery production within the ESU. Recent 
    changes in hydro system management (increases in flow and spill in the 
    mainstem Columbia River) and harvest management (restrictions in 
    commercial harvest to protect Snake River sockeye salmon) were regarded 
    as beneficial to the status of this ESU. Based on this information, 
    NMFS concluded that the Lake Wenatchee sockeye salmon ESU is not 
    presently in danger of extinction, nor is it likely to become 
    endangered in the foreseeable future. However, on the basis of 
    extremely low abundance in the 3 most recent years, NMFS concluded that 
    this ESU bears close monitoring and its status should be reconsidered 
    if abundance remains low.
    (3) Quinault Lake
        The major abundance data series for Quinault River sockeye salmon 
    consists of escapement estimates derived from hydroacoustic surveys 
    conducted in Quinault Lake since the mid-1970s, supplemented with 
    earlier estimates (beginning in 1967) based on spawner surveys. The 
    most recent (1991-1995) 5-year average annual escapement for this ESU 
    was about 32,000 adults, with a run size of about 39,000. Approximate 
    historical estimates indicate escapements ranging between 20,000 and 
    250,000 in the early 1920s, and run sizes ranging between 50,000 and 
    500,000 in the early 1900s (Rounsefell and Kelez, 1938). Comparison of 
    these estimates indicates that recent abundance is probably near the 
    lower end of the historical abundance range for this ESU.
        This ESU has been substantially affected by habitat problems, 
    notably those resulting from forest management activities in the upper 
    watershed outside Olympic National Park. Early inhabitants of the area 
    described the upper Quinault River as flowing between narrow, heavily 
    wooded banks, but, by the 1920s, the river was in a wide valley with 
    frequent course changes and much siltation and scouring of gravels 
    during winter and spring freshets (Davidson and Barnaby, 1936; Quinault 
    Indian Nation (QIN), 1981); resultant loss of spawning habitat in the 
    Quinault River above Quinault Lake has continued to recent times (QIN, 
        While stock abundance has fluctuated considerably over time (recent 
    escapements ranging from a low of 7,500 in 1970 to 69,000 in 1968), 
    overall trend has been relatively flat. For the full data series (1967-
    1995), abundance has increased by an average of about 1 percent per 
    year; for the 1986-1995 period, abundance declined by about 3 percent 
    per year.
        Artificial propagation of sockeye salmon in the Quinault River 
    basin has a long history. Releases have been primarily native Quinault 
    Lake stock, although Alaskan sockeye salmon eggs were brought into the 
    system prior to 1920. The genetic effects of this introduction are 
    unknown. Since 1973, all releases have been of local stock, but there 
    is some risk of genetic change resulting from unnatural selective 
        In previous assessments, Nehlsen et al. (1991) did not identify 
    Quinault Lake sockeye salmon as at risk, and WDF et al. (1993) 
    classified this stock as of native origin, wild production, and healthy 
        All risk factors were perceived as very low or low for this ESU. 
    However, NMFS had two concerns about the overall health of this ESU. 
    The ESU is presently near the lower end of its historical abundance 
    range, a fact that may be largely attributed to severe habitat 
    degradation in the upper river that contributes to poor spawning 
    habitat quality and possible impacts on juvenile rearing habitat in 
    Quinault Lake. The influence of hatchery production on genetic 
    integrity is also a potential concern for the ESU.
        On the positive side, NMFS noted that recent escapement averaged 
    above 30,000; harvest management has been responsive to stock status; 
    and recent restrictions in logging to protect terrestrial species 
    should have a beneficial effect on habitat conditions. The NMFS 
    concluded unanimously that the Quinault Lake sockeye salmon ESU is not 
    presently in danger of extinction, nor is it likely to become 
    endangered in the foreseeable future.
    (4) Ozette Lake
        The major abundance data series for Ozette River sockeye salmon 
    consist of escapement estimates derived from counts at a weir located 
    at the outlet of Ozette Lake. Counting has occurred in most years since 
    1977 (Dlugokenski et al., 1981; WDF et al., 1993). The most recent 
    (1992-1996) 5-year average annual escapement for this ESU was about 
    700. Historical estimates indicate run sizes of a few thousand sockeye 
    salmon in 1926 (Rounsefell and Kelez, 1938), with a peak recorded 
    harvest of nearly 18,000 in 1949 (WDF, 1974). Subsequently, commercial 
    harvest declined steeply to only a few hundred fish in the mid-1960s 
    and was ended in 1974. A small ceremonial and subsistence fishery 
    continued up until 1981 (Dlugokenski et al., 1981); there has been no 
    direct fishery on this stock since 1982 (WDF et al., 1993). Assuming 
    that Ozette River harvest consisted of sockeye salmon destined to spawn 
    in this system, comparison of these estimates indicates that recent 
    abundance is substantially below the historical abundance range for 
    this ESU.
        A recent National Park Service Technical Report (Jacobs et al., 
    1996) reported the conclusions of a review panel concerning the status 
    and management of sockeye salmon in Ozette Lake. The panel was 
    unanimous in expressing great concern about the future of this 
    population, but was unable to identify a single set of factors 
    contributing to the population decline. The panel concluded that 
    declines were likely the result of a contribution of factors, possibly 
    including introduced species, predation, loss of tributary populations, 
    decline in quality of beach-spawning habitat, temporarily unfavorable 
    oceanic conditions, excessive historical harvests, and introduced 
    diseases. They felt that intra-and inter-specific competition was 
    unlikely as a contributing factor.
        Harvest of sockeye salmon in the Ozette River fluctuated 
    considerably over time, which would indicate similar fluctuations in 
    spawner abundance if harvest rates were fairly constant. Based on the 
    full weir-count series (1977-1995), abundance has decreased by an 
    average of about 3 percent per year; for the 1986-1995 period, the 
    decrease averaged 10 percent per year. However, in recent years the 
    stock has exhibited dominance by a single brood cycle returning every 4 
    years (1984, 1988, 1992, 1996), and this dominant cycle has remained 
    stable between 1,700 and 2,200 adults; declines are apparent only in 
    the smaller returns during off-cycle years.
    [[Page 11760]]
        Artificial propagation has not been extensive in this basin, but 
    many of the releases have been non-indigenous stocks. Genetic effects 
    of these introductions are unknown. Recent hatchery production in 
    Ozette Lake has been primarily from local stock, with the exception of 
    120,000 Quinault Lake sockeye salmon juveniles released in 1983. The 
    release of 14,398 kokanee/sockeye salmon hybrids in 1991-1992 (Makah 
    Fisheries Management Department, 1995; Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 
    1995) may have had deleterious effects on genetic integrity of the ESU 
    because Ozette Lake kokanee are genetically dissimilar to Ozette Lake 
    sockeye salmon.
        In previous assessments, Nehlsen et al. (1991) identified Ozette 
    sockeye salmon as at moderate risk of extinction, citing logging and 
    overfishing in the 1940s and 1950s as major causes of the decline. WDF 
    et al. (1993) classified this stock as of native origin, wild 
    production, and depressed status.
        Perceived risks ranged from low to moderate for genetic integrity 
    and variable ocean productivity, from low to moderate and increasing 
    for downward trends and population fluctuations, and from moderate to 
    increasing for abundance considerations. Current escapements averaging 
    below 1,000 adults per year imply a moderate degree of risk from small-
    population genetic and demographic variability, with little room for 
    further declines before abundances would be critically low. Other 
    concerns include siltation of beach spawning habitat, very low 
    abundance compared to harvest in the 1950s, and potential genetic 
    effects of present hatchery production and past interbreeding with 
    genetically dissimilar kokanee. NMFS concluded that the Ozette Lake 
    sockeye salmon ESU is not presently in danger of extinction, but, if 
    present conditions continue into the future, it is likely to become so 
    in the foreseeable future.
    (5) Baker River
        The major abundance data series for Baker River sockeye salmon 
    consist of escapement estimates derived from counts of adults arriving 
    at a trap below Lower Baker Dam beginning in 1926. The most recent 5-
    year average annual escapement for this ESU was about 2,700 adults. 
    Historical estimates indicate escapements to average 20,000 near the 
    turn of the century, with a pre-dam low of 5,000 in 1916 (Rounsefell 
    and Kelez, 1938), although WDFW data suggest that the 20,000 figure is 
    a peak value, not an average (Sprague, 1996a). Comparison of these 
    estimates indicates that recent average abundance is probably near the 
    lower end of the historical abundance range for this ESU. However 
    escapement in 1994 (16,000 fish) was near the turn-of-the-century 
        Currently, spawning is restricted to artificial spawning 
    ``beaches'' at the upper end of Baker Lake (in operation since 1957) 
    and just below Upper Baker Dam (beach constructed in 1990). Spawning on 
    the beaches is natural, and fry are released to rear in Baker Lake. 
    Before 1925, sockeye salmon had free access to Baker Lake and its 
    tributaries. Lower Baker Dam (constructed 1925) created Lake Shannon 
    and blocked access to this area, but passage structures were provided. 
    Upper Baker Dam, completed in 1959, increased the size of Baker Lake, 
    inundating most natural spawning habitat; this was mitigated by 
    construction of artificial spawning beaches. In most years, all 
    returning adults are trapped below Lower Baker Dam and transported to 
    the artificial beaches, with no spawning occurring in natural habitat 
    (WDF et al., 1993). The only recent exception to this was in 1994, when 
    the large number of returning adults exceeded artificial habitat 
    capacity, and excess spawners were allowed to enter Baker Lake and its 
    tributaries (Ames, 1995). At the time of this report, no quantitative 
    reports regarding offspring resulting from this spawning ``experiment'' 
    are available (WDFW 1996).
        The artificial nature of spawning habitat, the use of net-pens for 
    juvenile rearing, and reliance on artificial upstream and downstream 
    transportation pose a certain degree of risk to the ESU. These human 
    interventions in the life cycle have undoubtedly changed selective 
    pressures on the population from those under which it evolved its 
    presumably unique characteristics, and thus pose some risk to the long-
    term evolutionary potential of the ESU. There have been continuing 
    potential problems with siltation at the newer (lower) spawning beach 
    (WDF et al., 1993), and recent proposals to close the two upper beaches 
    in favor of production at the lower beach would thus be likely to 
    increase the risk of spawning failure in some years. The future use of 
    the upper beaches is uncertain (WDFW, 1996). Problems with operations 
    of downstream smolt bypass systems have been documented, and there may 
    be limitations to juvenile sockeye production due to lake productivity 
    and interactions with other salmonids (WDF et al., 1993). Infectious 
    haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) has also been a recent problem for this 
    stock (Sprague, 1995).
        Artificial production in this ESU began in 1896 with a state 
    hatchery on Baker Lake; hatchery efforts at Baker Lake ended in 1933, 
    by which time the hatchery was being operated by the U.S. Bureau of 
    Fisheries. Current propagation efforts rely primarily on the spawning 
    beaches and net-pen rearing. Lake Whatcom kokanee were recently 
    introduced to Lake Shannon (Knutzen, 1995). Genetic consequences of 
    these releases and rearing programs are unknown, but there is some risk 
    of genetic change resulting from unnatural selective pressures.
        In previous assessments, Nehlsen et al. (1991) identified Baker 
    River sockeye salmon as at high risk of extinction, and WDF et al. 
    (1993) classified this stock as of native origin, artificial 
    production, and critical status.
        NMFS had several concerns about the overall health of this ESU, 
    focusing on high fluctuations in abundance, lack of natural spawning 
    habitat, and the vulnerability of spawning beaches to water quality 
    problems. Large fluctuations in abundance were a substantial concern. 
    It is also likely that this stock would go extinct if present human 
    intervention were halted and problems related to that intervention pose 
    some risk to the population. In particular, NMFS concluded that the 
    proposed change in management to concentrate spawning in a single 
    spawning beach could substantially increase risk to the population 
    related to abundance and habitat capacity and to water quality and 
    disease. NMFS concluded that the Baker sockeye salmon ESU is not 
    presently in danger of extinction, nor is it likely to become 
    endangered in the foreseeable future if present conditions continue. 
    However, because of lack of natural spawning habitat and the 
    vulnerability of the entire population to problems in artificial 
    habitats, NMFS concluded that this ESU bears close monitoring and its 
    status should be reconsidered if abundance remains low. Therefore, NMFS 
    proposes to add the Baker River Sockeye ESU to the list of candidate 
    (6) Lake Pleasant
        Although no recent complete escapement estimates are available for 
    this stock, NMFS recently received some spawner-survey data for the 
    period 1987 to 1996 (Mosley, 1995; Tierney, 1997). Peak spawner counts 
    ranged from a low of 90 (1991--a year with limited sampling) to highs 
    above 2,000 (1987 and 1992). Abundance fluctuated widely during this 
    period, with a slight negative trend overall.
    [[Page 11761]]
        Complete counts at a trapping station on Lake Creek in the early 
    1960s showed escapements of sockeye salmon ranging from 763 to 1,485 
    fish, and 65,000 sockeye salmon smolts were reported to have 
    outmigrated in 1958 (Crutchfield et al. 1965). This stock supports 
    small sport and tribal commercial fisheries, with probably fewer than 
    100 fish caught per year in each fishery (WDF et al., 1993). Sockeye 
    salmon from Grandy Creek stock were released in 1933 and 1937; no 
    sockeye salmon have been introduced since then.
        In previous assessments, Nehlsen et al. (1991) did not identify 
    Lake Pleasant sockeye salmon as at risk, and WDF et al. (1993) 
    classified this stock as of native origin, wild production, and unknown 
        Although escapement monitoring data are sparse, escapements 
    (represented by peak spawner counts) in the late 1980s and 1990s appear 
    roughly comparable to habitat capacity for this small lake. Some 
    concerns were expressed regarding potential urbanization of habitat and 
    effects of sport harvest during the migration delay in the Sol Duc 
    River. It was noted that recent restrictions in logging to protect 
    terrestrial species should have a beneficial effect on habitat 
    conditions, although little or no old growth forest is present in the 
        NMFS concluded that there was insufficient information to 
    adequately assess extinction risk for the Lake Pleasant ESU.
    Analyses of Biological Information for Other Population Units
        While the units discussed below are not presently considered to 
    constitute ESUs, NMFS briefly examined available information regarding 
    population status and extinction risk. Three other sockeye salmon 
    stocks (Cedar River, Issaquah Creek, and Lake Washington beach 
    spawners) are apparently introduced from outside the Lake Washington 
    drainage and have not been included in a recognized ESU at this time.
    (1) Big Bear Creek
        Abundance data for Big Bear Creek sockeye salmon are derived from 
    spawner surveys conducted by WDFW from 1982 to the present (WDF et al., 
    1993; Ames, 1996). The most recent (1991-1995) 5-year average annual 
    escapement for this unit was about 11,400 adults. No historical 
    estimates are available, but comparing habitat areas in these basins 
    with other sockeye salmon populations suggests that current production 
    is probably a substantial proportion of freshwater habitat capacity. 
    Habitat in this basin is subject to effects of urbanization.
        Stock abundance has fluctuated considerably over time, with recent 
    escapements ranging from a low of 1,800 in 1989 to 39,700 in 1994. 
    There has been little overall trend in this unit; for the full data 
    series (1982-1995), abundance has decreased by an average of about 7 
    percent per year; for the 1986-1995 period, abundance decreased by 
    about 4 percent per year. 1995 escapement was the second lowest on 
    record, but 1994 was the highest.
        Releases of non-native sockeye salmon in this area have occurred on 
    Big Bear and North Creeks (tributaries of the Sammamish River), using 
    Grandy Creek stock from the Skagit River and Cultus Lake stock from 
    British Columbia, respectively. There have been extensive introductions 
    of kokanee in this area, a substantial proportion of which were from 
    Lake Whatcom. Genetic interactions of these kokanee with sockeye salmon 
    are unknown.
        In previous assessments, Nehlsen et al. (1991) did not identify 
    this stock as at risk, and WDF et al. (1993) classified this stock as 
    of unknown origin, wild production, and depressed status.
        NMFS felt that the extreme fluctuations in recent abundances and 
    potential effects of urbanization in the watershed suggest that the 
    status of this populations bears close monitoring. Recent average 
    abundance has been relatively high, with escapement between 10,000 and 
    20,000. Recent development of a county growth management plan was seen 
    as a possible benefit to freshwater habitat for this population. NMFS 
    concluded that, if the Big Bear Creek sockeye salmon were determined to 
    be an ESU, it would not be presently in danger of extinction, nor is it 
    likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future if present 
    conditions continue.
    (2) Riverine Spawning Sockeye Salmon
        Beyond WDFW Salmon Spawning Ground Survey Data (Egan, 1977, 1995, 
    1997) and anecdotal reports of small numbers of sockeye salmon observed 
    regularly spawning in some of the Puget Sound and coastal Washington 
    rivers with no access to lake rearing habitat, NMFS has no information 
    on overall abundance or trends for these stocks. Thus, there was 
    insufficient information to reach any conclusion regarding the status 
    of this sockeye salmon population unit.
    (3) Deschutes River (Oregon)
        Counts of sockeye salmon adults reaching Pelton Dam on the 
    Deschutes River have been made during most years since the mid-1950s. 
    The most recent (1990-1994) 5-year average annual escapement was only 9 
    adults. No accurate estimates of historical abundance are available for 
    this unit, but a substantial run is known to have spawned in Suttle 
    Lake prior to construction of a dam in the 1930s, and is believed to 
    have continued to spawn in the Metolius River after that time (Columbia 
    Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA), 1990; Olsen et al., 1994; 
    and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 1995a). Since construction 
    of Pelton Dam, abundance has reached peaks of about 300 fish in several 
    years (1962, 1963, 1973, 1976--Fish Commission of Oregon, 1967, 
    O'Connor et al., 1993). NMFS has made no evaluation of abundance of 
    kokanee in the Deschutes River basin, which may be part of the same 
    evolutionary unit as sockeye salmon in this basin. Sockeye salmon 
    derived from the GCFMP were introduced into Suttle Lake and the 
    Metolius River between 1937 and 1961.
        Sockeye salmon stock abundance has fluctuated considerably over 
    time (recent escapements ranging from a low of 1 in 1993 to 340 in 
    1963), but there has been a substantial decline over the years for 
    which data are available. For the full data series (1957-1994), 
    abundance decreased by an average of about 3 percent per year; for the 
    1985-1994 period, abundance declined by about 13 percent per year. 
    Nehlsen et al. (1991) identified Deschutes River sockeye as at high 
    risk of extinction.
        NMFS concluded that, if anadromous sockeye salmon recently seen in 
    the lower Deschutes River are remnants of the historical Deschutes 
    River ESU, then the ESU clearly is in danger of extinction due to 
    extremely low population abundance. If there is an ESU that includes 
    sockeye salmon and native kokanee above Round Butte Dam, further 
    evaluation of the kokanee stock and its relationship to the sockeye 
    salmon would need to be completed before any conclusions regarding 
    extinction risk could be made. If these sockeye salmon originated from 
    stocks outside the Deschutes River Basin, they are not subject to 
    protection under the ESA. NMFS will need additional information 
    pertaining to the origin of this sockeye salmon population unit to make 
    a conclusion in this case.
    Existing Protective Efforts
        Under section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA, the Secretary of Commerce is 
    required to make listing determinations solely on the basis of the best 
    scientific and commercial data available and after taking into account 
    state or local efforts being made to protect a species. Under
    [[Page 11762]]
    section 4(a)(1)(D) of the ESA, the Secretary must also evaluate, among 
    other things, existing regulatory mechanisms. During the status review 
    for west coast steelhead and for other salmonids, NMFS reviewed 
    protective efforts ranging in scope from regional strategies to local 
    watershed initiatives. NMFS has summarized some of the major efforts in 
    a document entitled ``Steelhead Conservation Efforts: A Supplement to 
    the Notice of Determination for West Coast Steelhead under the 
    Endangered Species Act.'' (NMFS, 1996). Many of these efforts have also 
    significant potential for promoting the conservation of west coast 
    sockeye salmon. This document is available upon request (see 
    ADDRESSES). Some of the principal efforts within the range of sockeye 
    salmon populations reviewed in this proposed rule, and those that 
    specifically affect Ozette Lake sockeye salmon, are described briefly 
    in this section.
    Northwest Forest Plan
        The Northwest Forest Plan (NFP) is a Federal interagency 
    cooperative program, signed and implemented in April 1994 and 
    documented in the Record of Decision for Amendments to U.S. Forest 
    Service (USFS) and in Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Planning 
    Documents Within the Range of the Spotted Owl. The NFP represents a 
    coordinated ecosystem management strategy for Federal lands 
    administered by the USFS and BLM within the range of the Northern 
    spotted owl (which overlaps to some extent with the range of sockeye 
    salmon). The NFP region-wide management direction either amended or was 
    incorporated into approximately 26 land and resource management plans 
    (LRMPs) and two regional guides.
        The most significant element of the NFP for anadromous fish is its 
    Aquatic Conservation Strategy (ACS), a regional scale aquatic ecosystem 
    conservation strategy that includes the following: (1) Special land 
    allocations, such as key watersheds, riparian reserves, and late-
    successional reserves, to provide aquatic habitat refugia; (2) special 
    requirements for project planning and design in the form of standards 
    and guidelines; and (3) new watershed analysis, watershed restoration, 
    and monitoring processes. These ACS components collectively ensure that 
    Federal land management actions achieve a set of nine ACS objectives, 
    which include salmon habitat conservation. In recognition of over 300 
    ``at-risk'' Pacific salmonid stocks within the NFP area (Nehlsen et 
    al,. 1991), the ACS was developed by aquatic scientists, with NMFS 
    participation, to restore and maintain the ecological health of 
    watersheds and aquatic ecosystems on public lands. The ACS strives to 
    maintain and restore ecosystem health at watershed and landscape scales 
    to protect habitat for fish and other riparian-dependent species and 
    resources and to restore currently degraded habitats. The approach 
    seeks to prevent further degradation and to restore habitat on Federal 
    lands over broad landscapes.
    Washington Wild Stock Restoration Initiative
        In 1991, the Washington treaty tribes, Washington Department of 
    Fisheries, and Washington Department of Wildlife created this 
    initiative to address wild stock status and recovery. The first step in 
    this initiative was to develop an inventory of the status of all salmon 
    and steelhead stocks which was completed in 1993 with publication of 
    the Salmon and Steelhead Stock Inventory report. Based on this report, 
    the state and tribes have identified several salmon stocks in 
    ``critical'' condition and have prioritized the development of recovery 
    and management plans for them. The final stage of implementing the 
    policy will be plans to monitor and evaluate the success of individual 
    recovery efforts.
    Washington Wild Salmonid Policy
        The Washington State Legislature passed a bill in June of 1993, 
    (ESHB 1309) which required WDFW, in conjunction with Indian tribes, to 
    develop wild salmonid policies that ``ensure that department actions 
    and programs are consistent with the goals of rebuilding wild stock 
    populations to levels that permit commercial and recreational fishing 
    opportunities.'' The joint policy will provide broad management 
    principles and guidelines for habitat protection, escapement 
    objectives, harvest management, genetic conservation, and other 
    management issues related to both anadromous and resident salmonids. 
    The joint policy will be used as the basis to review and modify current 
    management goals, objectives, and strategies related to wild stocks. A 
    final Environmental Impact Statement, which analyzes the environmental 
    effects of the proposed policy, has been adopted by the Washington Fish 
    and Wildlife Commission, and WDFW is scheduled to consider final action 
    on the policy in the near future. Once the policy is adopted, full 
    reviews of hatchery and harvest programs are planned to ensure 
    consistency with the policy.
    Baker River Committee
        This ad hoc group of co-managers and private utilities was formed 
    in 1985 in response to record low returns of adult sockeye returning to 
    Baker River. The committee's mandate is to arrest the precipitous 
    decline in coho and sockeye salmon populations in the Baker River 
    system. Their goal is to restore these populations, as well as to 
    successfully restore steelhead populations in the Baker River 
    watershed. Members of the committee include state, Federal, tribal and 
    private land managers, fisheries agencies and licensees. The committee 
    has implemented conservation measures that have likely contributed to 
    the highest adult and juvenile abundance since the period before the 
    dams were constructed in this watershed.
    Harvest Restrictions
        The peak harvest of sockeye salmon in the Ozette Lake area was 
    18,000 fish in 1949 (WDF 1974). Commercial harvest ended in 1974, and 
    since 1982, there has not been any directed harvest on Ozette lake 
    sockeye salmon.
        NMFS concludes that the existing protective efforts described above 
    are inadequate to alter the proposed status determination for the Lake 
    Ozette sockeye salmon ESU. However, during the period between 
    publication of this proposed rule and of a final rule, NMFS will 
    continue to solicit information regarding protective efforts (see 
    Public Comments Solicited) and will work with Federal, state, and 
    tribal fisheries managers to evaluate the efficacy of the various 
    salmonid conservation efforts. If, during this process, NMFS determines 
    existing protective efforts are likely to affect the status of Ozette 
    Lake sockeye salmon, NMFS may modify this listing proposal.
    Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
        Species may be determined to be endangered or threatened due to one 
    or more of the five factors described in section 4(a)(1) of the ESA. 
    NMFS has determined that all of these factors have played a role in the 
    decline of west coast sockeye salmon, in particular the destruction and 
    modification of habitat, overutilization for recreational purposes, and 
    natural and human-made factors. The following discussion summarizes 
    findings regarding factors for decline across the range of west coast 
    sockeye. While these factors have been treated here in general terms, 
    it is important to underscore that impacts from certain factors are 
    more acute for specific ESUs. For example, impacts from hydropower 
    development are more
    [[Page 11763]]
    pervasive for ESUs in the upper Columbia River Basin than for some 
    coastal ESUs. For a detailed review of factors affecting all Pacific 
    salmonids, please refer to the NMFS report: Factors For Decline: A 
    Supplement to the Notice of Determination for West Coast Steelhead 
    Under the Endangered Species Act, August, 1996 (see ADDRESSES).
        Sockeye salmon on the west coast of the United States have 
    experienced declines in abundance in the past several decades as a 
    result of natural and human factors. Forestry, agriculture, mining, and 
    urbanization have degraded, simplified, and fragmented habitat. Water 
    diversions for agriculture, flood control, domestic, and hydropower 
    have greatly reduced or eliminated historically accessible habitat. 
    Studies indicate that in most western states, about 80 to 90 percent of 
    the historical riparian habitat has been eliminated. Further, it has 
    been estimated that, during the last 200 years, the lower 48 states 
    have lost approximately 53 percent of all wetlands and the majority of 
    the rest are severely degraded. Washington and Oregon's wetlands are 
    estimated to have diminished by one-third. Sedimentation from land use 
    activities is recognized as a primary cause of habitat degradation in 
    the range of west coast sockeye salmon.
        Sockeye salmon have supported important commercial fisheries 
    through much of their range (recreational fisheries are also 
    significant in parts of their range). Harvest restrictions to protect 
    sockeye in the Columbia River Basin have reduced harvest rates for 
    these sockeye. Sockeye salmon from the Washington coast and Puget Sound 
    are harvested in Puget Sound and nearshore fisheries targeting larger 
    sockeye populations originating in British Columbia.
        Introductions of non-native species and habitat modifications have 
    resulted in increased predator populations in numerous river and lake 
    systems, thereby increasing the level of predation experienced by 
    salmonids. Predation by marine mammals is also of concern in areas 
    experiencing dwindling sockeye run sizes.
        Natural climatic conditions have served to exacerbate the problems 
    associated with degraded and altered riverine and estuarine habitats. 
    Persistent drought conditions have reduced the already limited 
    spawning, rearing, and migration habitat. Further, climatic conditions 
    appear to have resulted in decreased ocean productivity which, during 
    more productive periods, may help (to a small degree) offset degraded 
    freshwater habitat conditions.
        In an attempt to mitigate the loss of habitat, extensive hatchery 
    programs have been implemented throughout the range of sockeye on the 
    West Coast. While some of these programs have been successful in 
    providing fishing opportunities, the impacts of these programs on 
    native, naturally reproducing stocks are not well understood. 
    Competition, genetic introgression, and disease transmission resulting 
    from hatchery introductions may significantly reduce the production and 
    survival of naturally spawned sockeye. Furthermore, collection of 
    native sockeye for hatchery broodstock purposes may result in 
    additional negative impacts to small or dwindling natural populations. 
    In limited cases, artificial propagation can play an important role in 
    sockeye recovery, and some hatchery populations may be deemed essential 
    for the recovery of threatened or endangered sockeye ESUs. In addition, 
    alternative uses of supplementation, such as for the creation of 
    terminal fisheries, must be fully explored to try to limit negative 
    impacts to remaining natural populations. This use must be tempered 
    with the understanding that protecting naturally spawned sockeye and 
    their habitats is critical to maintaining healthy, fully functioning 
    Specific Factors for Decline Affecting Ozette Lake Sockeye
        Three studies have been undertaken to evaluate habitat-related 
    factors limiting production of sockeye salmon in Ozette Lake. The U. S. 
    Fish and Wildlife Service conducted studies of the decline in this 
    stock during the 1970s, culminating in a report describing limiting 
    factors and outlining a restoration plan (Dlugokenski et al., 1981). 
    This report noted that this population formerly spawned in tributaries 
    but presently uses only the lakeshore, and that food supply, 
    competition, and predation in the lake are probably not limiting, but 
    that siltation has caused cementing of spawning gravels in tributaries. 
    Dlugokenski et al. (1981) suspected that sedimentation, resulting 
    primarily from logging and associated road building coupled with log 
    truck traffic on weak siltstone roadbeds, has led to decreased hatching 
    success of sockeye salmon in tributary creeks and creek outwash fans in 
    Ozette Lake. The authors concluded (p. 43) that ``a combination of 
    overfishing and habitat degradation have reduced the sockeye population 
    to its current level of less than 1,000 fish.''
        More recently, Blum (1988) conducted an assessment of the same 
    problems and concluded that ``the absence of tributary spawners is the 
    paramount problem explaining why sockeye runs have not increased 
    following the cessation of terminal-area fishing in 1973.'' He cited 
    three main problems related to road-building and logging that limit 
    spawning habitat: increased magnitude and frequency of peak flows, 
    stream-bed scouring, and degraded water quality. He also noted that 
    ``the logging of the watershed was so extensive that stream spawning 
    and rearing conditions are still questionable, despite having 35 years 
    to recover.''
        Finally, Beauchamp et al. (1995) examined patterns of prey, 
    predator, and competitor abundance in Ozette Lake as potential limiting 
    factors for juvenile production of sockeye salmon and kokanee. They 
    concluded that competition is unlikely to limit production but that 
    predation could be a limiting factor; however, data on piscivore 
    abundance were lacking, so the authors could not evaluate predation 
    impact accurately.
        A total of 13 species of fish occur in Ozette Lake. Dlugokenski et 
    al. (1981) and Blum (1984) listed potential competitors with sockeye 
    salmon juveniles in Ozette Lake, including kokanee, red sided shiner, 
    northern squawfish, yellow perch, and peamouth. Potential predators 
    listed by these same authors included cutthroat trout, northern 
    squawfish, and prickly sculpin. Beauchamp et al. (1995) showed that 
    competition is unlikely to limit the sockeye salmon population in 
    Ozette Lake; however, predation on juvenile sockeye salmon, which was 
    25 times greater by individual cutthroat trout than by individual 
    squawfish, may be limiting, although total predator abundance has yet 
    to be assessed.
        Harbor seals migrate up the Ozette River into Ozette Lake and have 
    been seen feeding on adult sockeye salmon off the spawning beaches in 
    Ozette Lake. The numbers of seals and of salmon taken by each seal is 
    unknown. Seal predation on sockeye salmon at the river mouth and during 
    the salmon's migration up the Ozette River may also be occurring. The 
    upriver migration of harbor seals to feed on adult sockeye occurs 
    commonly in British Columbia, occurring 100 miles upriver on the Fraser 
    River at Harrison Lake and up to 200 miles inland on the Skeena River 
    (Foerster, 1968). Sockeye migrate up to Ozette Lake in less than 48 
    hours, and the majority of the adults travel at night (Jacobs et al., 
    1996). Given the precarious state of west coast sockeye salmon stocks, 
    including Ozette Lake,
    [[Page 11764]]
    any marine mammal predation may have a significant effect on particular 
    stocks, and these effects need to be more fully understood.
        Outside that portion in Olympic National Park, virtually the entire 
    watershed of Ozette Lake has been logged (Blum, 1988). A combination of 
    past overfishing and spawning habitat degradation associated with 
    timber harvest and road building, have been cited as major causes of 
    this stock's decline (Bortleson and Dion, 1979; Dlugokenski et al., 
    1981; Blum, 1988; and WDF et al., 1993). McHenry et al. (1994) found 
    that fine sediments (<0.85 mm)="" averaged="" 18.7="" percent="" in="" ozette="" lake="" tributaries="" (although="" these="" levels="" may="" be="" partly="" attributable="" to="" the="" occurrence="" of="" sandstones,="" siltstones,="" and="" mudstones="" in="" this="" basin)="" and="" that="" fine="" sediment="" levels="" were="" consistently="" higher="" in="" logged="" watersheds="" than="" in="" unlogged="" watersheds="" on="" the="" olympic="" peninsula,="" as="" a="" whole.="" currently,="" spawning="" is="" restricted="" to="" submerged="" beaches="" where="" upwelling="" occurs="" along="" the="" lakeshore="" or="" to="" tributary="" outwash="" fans="" (dlugokenski="" et="" al.,="" 1981;="" wdf="" et="" al.,="" 1993).="" spawning="" has="" been="" variously="" reported="" to="" occur="" from="" mid-to="" late-november="" to="" early="" february="" (wdf="" et="" al.,="" 1993)="" and="" from="" late="" november="" to="" early="" april="" (dlugokenski="" et="" al.,="" 1981).="" dlugokenski="" et="" al.="" (1981)="" suggested="" that="" discreet="" sub-="" populations="" may="" be="" present="" in="" the="" lake,="" as="" evidenced="" by="" disjunct="" spawning="" times="" between="" beach="" spawners="" in="" different="" parts="" of="" the="" lake.="" during="" low="" water="" levels="" in="" summer,="" much="" of="" the="" beach="" habitat="" may="" become="" exposed="" (bortleson="" and="" dion,="" 1979).="" the="" exotic="" plant,="" reed="" canary="" grass,="" has="" been="" encroaching="" on="" sockeye="" spawning="" beaches="" in="" ozette="" lake,="" particularly="" on="" the="" shoreline="" north="" of="" umbrella="" creek,="" where="" sockeye="" spawning="" has="" not="" occurred="" for="" several="" years.="" this="" plant="" survives="" overwinter="" submergence="" in="" up="" to="" 3="" feet="" of="" water="" and="" may="" possibly="" provide="" cover="" for="" predators="" of="" sockeye="" salmon="" fry="" (meyer,="" 1996).="" suitable="" lakeshore="" spawning="" habitat="" for="" sockeye="" salmon="" is="" reported="" to="" be="" extremely="" limited="" in="" ozette="" lake="" (blum,="" 1984;="" pauley="" et="" al.,="" 1989).="" high="" water="" temperatures="" in="" ozette="" lake="" and="" river="" and="" low="" water="" flows="" in="" the="" summer="" may="" create="" a="" thermal="" block="" to="" migration="" and="" influence="" timing="" of="" sockeye="" migration="" (lariviere,="" 1991).="" water="" temperatures="" in="" late-july="" and="" august="" in="" the="" ozette="" river="" near="" the="" lake="" outlet="" have="" exceeded="" the="" temperature="" range="" over="" which="" sockeye="" are="" known="" to="" migrate="" (meyer,="" 1996).="" proposed="" determination="" the="" esa="" defines="" an="" endangered="" species="" as="" any="" species="" in="" danger="" of="" extinction="" throughout="" all="" or="" a="" significant="" portion="" of="" its="" range,="" and="" a="" threatened="" species="" as="" any="" species="" likely="" to="" become="" an="" endangered="" species="" within="" the="" foreseeable="" future="" throughout="" all="" or="" a="" significant="" portion="" of="" its="" range.="" section="" 4(b)(1)="" of="" the="" esa="" requires="" that="" the="" listing="" determination="" be="" based="" solely="" on="" the="" best="" scientific="" and="" commercial="" data="" available,="" after="" conducting="" a="" review="" of="" the="" status="" of="" the="" species="" and="" after="" taking="" into="" account="" those="" efforts,="" if="" any,="" being="" made="" to="" protect="" such="" species.="" based="" on="" results="" from="" its="" coast-wide="" assessment,="" nmfs="" has="" determined="" that="" there="" are="" six="" esus="" of="" sockeye="" salmon="" that="" constitute="" ``species''="" under="" the="" esa="" (snake="" river,="" idaho="" sockeye="" salmon="" were="" previously="" listed="" as="" an="" endangered="" species="" under="" the="" esa).="" nmfs="" has="" determined="" that="" the="" ozette="" lake,="" washington,="" sockeye="" salmon="" is="" likely="" to="" become="" endangered="" within="" the="" foreseeable="" future="" throughout="" all="" or="" a="" significant="" portion="" of="" its="" range="" and,="" therefore,="" should="" be="" added="" to="" the="" list="" of="" threatened="" and="" endangered="" species="" as="" a="" threatened="" species.="" the="" geographic="" boundaries="" for="" this="" esu="" are="" described="" under="" ``esu="" determinations.''="" in="" the="" ozette="" lake="" esu,="" only="" naturally="" spawned="" sockeye="" are="" being="" proposed="" for="" listing.="" prior="" to="" the="" final="" listing="" determination,="" nmfs="" will="" examine="" the="" relationship="" between="" hatchery="" and="" natural="" populations="" of="" sockeye="" in="" this="" esu="" and="" assess="" whether="" any="" hatchery="" populations="" are="" essential="" for="" its="" recovery.="" this="" may="" result="" in="" the="" inclusion="" of="" specific="" hatchery="" populations="" as="" part="" of="" a="" listed="" esu="" in="" nmfs'="" final="" determination.="" in="" addition,="" nmfs="" is="" proposing="" to="" list="" only="" anadromous="" life="" forms="" of="" o.="" nerka="" at="" this="" time="" due="" to="" uncertainties="" regarding="" the="" relationship="" between="" resident="" kokanee="" or="" residual="" sockeye="" salmon="" and="" sockeye.="" prior="" to="" the="" final="" listing="" determination,="" nmfs="" will="" seek="" additional="" information="" on="" this="" issue="" and="" work="" with="" the="" u.s.="" fish="" and="" wildlife="" service="" and="" fisheries="" co-managers="" to="" better="" define="" the="" relationship="" between="" resident="" and="" anadromous="" o.="" nerka="" in="" the="" esu="" proposed="" for="" listing.="" additionally,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" add="" the="" baker="" river="" sockeye="" esu="" to="" the="" list="" of="" candidate="" species="" because,="" while="" there="" is="" not="" sufficient="" information="" available="" at="" this="" time="" to="" indicate="" that="" baker="" river="" sockeye="" warrant="" protection="" under="" the="" esa,="" nmfs="" has="" identified="" specific="" risk="" factors="" and="" concerns="" that="" require="" further="" consideration="" prior="" to="" making="" a="" final="" determination="" on="" the="" overall="" health="" of="" the="" esu.="" nmfs="" believes="" it="" is="" important="" to="" highlight="" candidate="" species="" so="" that="" federal="" and="" state="" agencies,="" native="" american="" tribes,="" and="" the="" private="" sector="" are="" aware="" of="" which="" species="" could="" benefit="" from="" proactive="" conservation="" efforts.="" prohibitions="" and="" protective="" regulations="" section="" 4(d)="" of="" the="" esa="" requires="" nmfs="" to="" issue="" protective="" regulations="" that="" it="" finds="" necessary="" and="" advisable="" to="" provide="" for="" the="" conservation="" of="" a="" threatened="" species.="" section="" 9(a)="" of="" the="" esa="" prohibits="" violations="" of="" protective="" regulations="" for="" threatened="" species="" promulgated="" under="" section="" 4(d).="" the="" 4(d)="" protective="" regulations="" may="" prohibit,="" with="" respect="" to="" the="" threatened="" species,="" some="" or="" all="" of="" the="" acts="" which="" section="" 9(a)="" of="" the="" esa="" prohibits="" with="" respect="" to="" endangered="" species.="" these="" 9(a)="" prohibitions="" and="" 4(d)="" regulations="" apply="" to="" all="" individuals,="" organizations,="" and="" agencies="" subject="" to="" u.s.="" jurisdiction.="" nmfs="" intends="" to="" have="" final="" 4(d)="" protective="" regulations="" in="" effect="" at="" the="" time="" of="" a="" final="" listing="" determination="" on="" the="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" salmon="" esu.="" the="" process="" for="" completing="" the="" 4(d)="" rule="" will="" provide="" the="" opportunity="" for="" public="" comment="" on="" the="" proposed="" protective="" regulations.="" in="" the="" case="" of="" threatened="" species,="" nmfs="" also="" has="" flexibility="" under="" section="" 4(d)="" to="" tailor="" the="" protective="" regulations="" based="" on="" the="" contents="" of="" available="" conservation="" measures.="" even="" though="" existing="" conservation="" efforts="" and="" plans="" are="" not="" sufficient="" to="" preclude="" the="" need="" for="" listing="" at="" this="" time,="" they="" are="" nevertheless="" valuable="" for="" improving="" watershed="" health="" and="" restoring="" fishery="" resources.="" in="" those="" cases="" where="" well-="" developed="" and="" reliable="" conservation="" plans="" exist,="" nmfs="" may="" choose="" to="" incorporate="" them="" into="" the="" recovery="" planning="" process,="" starting="" with="" the="" protective="" regulations.="" nmfs="" has="" already="" adopted="" 4(d)="" protective="" regulations="" that="" exempt="" a="" limited="" range="" of="" activities="" from="" section="" 9="" take="" prohibitions.="" for="" example,="" the="" interim="" 4(d)="" rule="" for="" southern="" oregon/northern="" california="" coho="" salmon="" (62="" fr="" 38479,="" july="" 18,="" 1997)="" exempts="" habitat="" restoration="" activities="" conducted="" in="" accordance="" with="" approved="" plans="" and="" fisheries="" conducted="" in="" accordance="" with="" an="" approved="" state="" management="" plan.="" in="" the="" future,="" 4(d)="" rules="" may="" contain="" limited="" take="" prohibitions="" applicable="" to="" activities="" such="" as="" forestry,="" agriculture,="" and="" road="" construction="" when="" such="" activities="" are="" conducted="" in="" accordance="" with="" approved="" conservation="" plans.="" these="" are="" all="" examples="" where="" nmfs="" may="" apply="" modified="" section="" 9="" prohibitions="" in="" light="" of="" the="" protections="" [[page="" 11765]]="" provided="" in="" a="" strong="" conservation="" plan.="" there="" may="" be="" other="" circumstances="" as="" well="" in="" which="" nmfs="" would="" use="" the="" flexibility="" of="" section="" 4(d).="" for="" example,="" in="" some="" cases="" there="" may="" be="" a="" healthy="" population="" of="" salmon="" or="" steelhead="" within="" an="" overall="" esu="" that="" is="" listed.="" in="" such="" a="" case,="" it="" may="" not="" be="" necessary="" to="" apply="" the="" full="" range="" of="" prohibitions="" available="" in="" section="" 9.="" nmfs="" intends="" to="" use="" the="" flexibility="" of="" the="" esa="" to="" respond="" appropriately="" to="" the="" biological="" condition="" of="" each="" esu="" and="" to="" the="" strength="" of="" efforts="" to="" protect="" them.="" section="" 7(a)(4)="" of="" the="" esa="" requires="" that="" federal="" agencies="" confer="" with="" nmfs="" on="" any="" actions="" likely="" to="" jeopardize="" the="" continued="" existence="" of="" a="" species="" proposed="" for="" listing="" and="" on="" actions="" likely="" to="" result="" in="" the="" destruction="" or="" adverse="" modification="" of="" proposed="" critical="" habitat.="" for="" listed="" species,="" section="" 7(a)(2)="" of="" the="" esa="" requires="" federal="" agencies="" to="" ensure="" that="" activities="" they="" authorize,="" fund,="" or="" conduct="" are="" not="" likely="" to="" jeopardize="" the="" continued="" existence="" of="" a="" listed="" species="" or="" to="" destroy="" or="" adversely="" modify="" its="" critical="" habitat.="" if="" a="" federal="" action="" may="" affect="" a="" listed="" species="" or="" its="" critical="" habitat,="" the="" responsible="" federal="" agency="" must="" enter="" into="" consultation="" with="" nmfs="" (see="" activities="" that="" may="" affect="" critical="" habitat).="" sections="" 10(a)(1)(a)="" and="" 10(a)(1)(b)="" of="" the="" esa="" provide="" nmfs="" with="" authority="" to="" grant="" exceptions="" to="" the="" esa's="" ``taking''="" prohibitions="" (see="" regulations="" at="" 50="" cfr="" 222.22="" through="" 222.24).="" section="" 10(a)(1)(a)="" scientific="" research="" and="" enhancement="" permits="" may="" be="" issued="" to="" entities="" (federal="" and="" non-federal)="" conducting="" research="" that="" involves="" a="" directed="" take="" of="" listed="" species.="" nmfs="" has="" issued="" section="" 10(a)(1)(a)="" research="" or="" enhancement="" permits="" for="" other="" listed="" species="" (e.g.,="" snake="" river="" chinook="" salmon="" and="" sacramento="" river="" winter-run="" chinook="" salmon)="" for="" a="" number="" of="" activities,="" including="" trapping="" and="" tagging,="" electroshocking="" to="" determine="" population="" presence="" and="" abundance,="" removal="" of="" fish="" from="" irrigation="" ditches,="" and="" collection="" of="" adult="" fish="" for="" artificial="" propagation="" programs.="" nmfs="" is="" aware="" of="" several="" sampling="" efforts="" for="" chum="" salmon="" in="" the="" proposed="" esus,="" including="" efforts="" by="" federal="" and="" state="" fishery="" management="" agencies.="" these="" and="" other="" research="" efforts="" could="" provide="" critical="" information="" regarding="" sockeye="" salmon="" distribution="" and="" population="" abundance.="" section="" 10(a)(1)(b)="" incidental="" take="" permits="" may="" be="" issued="" to="" non-="" federal="" entities="" performing="" activities="" that="" may="" incidentally="" take="" listed="" species.="" the="" types="" of="" activities="" potentially="" requiring="" a="" section="" 10(a)(1)(b)="" incidental="" take="" permit="" include="" the="" operation="" and="" release="" of="" artificially="" propagated="" fish="" by="" state="" or="" privately="" operated="" and="" funded="" hatcheries,="" state="" or="" university="" research="" on="" species="" other="" than="" sockeye="" salmon,="" not="" receiving="" federal="" authorization="" or="" funding,="" the="" implementation="" of="" state="" fishing="" regulations,="" and="" timber="" harvest="" activities="" on="" non-federal="" lands.="" conservation="" measures="" conservation="" measures="" provided="" to="" species="" listed="" as="" endangered="" or="" threatened="" under="" the="" esa="" include="" recognition,="" recovery="" actions,="" federal="" agency="" consultation="" requirements,="" and="" prohibitions="" on="" taking.="" recognition="" through="" listing="" promotes="" public="" awareness="" and="" conservation="" actions="" by="" federal,="" state,="" tribal,="" and="" local="" agencies,="" private="" organizations,="" and="" individuals.="" several="" conservation="" efforts="" are="" underway="" that="" may="" reverse="" the="" decline="" of="" west="" coast="" sockeye="" salmon="" and="" other="" salmonids="" (see="" existing="" protective="" efforts).="" nmfs="" is="" encouraged="" by="" these="" significant="" efforts,="" which="" could="" provide="" all="" stakeholders="" with="" an="" approach="" to="" achieving="" the="" purposes="" of="" the="" esa--protecting="" and="" restoring="" native="" fish="" populations="" and="" the="" ecosystems="" upon="" which="" they="" depend--that="" is="" less="" regulatory.="" nmfs="" will="" continue="" to="" encourage="" and="" support="" these="" initiatives="" as="" important="" components="" of="" recovery="" planning="" for="" sockeye="" salmon="" and="" other="" salmonids.="" based="" on="" information="" presented="" in="" this="" proposed="" rule,="" general="" conservation="" measures="" that="" could="" be="" implemented="" to="" help="" conserve="" the="" species="" are="" listed="" here.="" this="" list="" does="" not="" constitute="" nmfs'="" interpretation="" of="" a="" recovery="" plan="" under="" section="" 4(f)="" of="" the="" esa.="" 1.="" measures="" could="" be="" taken="" to="" promote="" land="" management="" practices="" that="" protect="" and="" restore="" sockeye="" habitat.="" land="" management="" practices="" affecting="" sockeye="" habitat="" include="" timber="" harvest,="" road="" building,="" agriculture,="" livestock="" grazing,="" and="" urban="" development.="" 2.="" evaluation="" of="" existing="" harvest="" regulations="" could="" identify="" any="" changes="" necessary="" to="" protect="" sockeye="" populations.="" 3.="" artificial="" propagation="" programs="" could="" be="" modified="" to="" minimize="" impacts="" upon="" native="" populations="" of="" sockeye.="" 4.="" water="" diversions="" could="" have="" adequate="" headgate="" and="" staff="" gauge="" structures="" installed="" to="" control="" and="" monitor="" water="" usage="" accurately.="" water="" rights="" could="" be="" enforced="" to="" prevent="" irrigators="" from="" exceeding="" the="" amount="" of="" water="" to="" which="" they="" are="" legally="" entitled.="" 5.="" irrigation="" diversions="" affecting="" downstream="" migrating="" sockeye="" could="" be="" screened.="" a="" thorough="" review="" of="" the="" impact="" of="" irrigation="" diversions="" on="" sockeye="" could="" be="" conducted.="" nmfs="" recognizes="" that,="" to="" be="" successful,="" protective="" regulations="" and="" recovery="" programs="" for="" sockeye="" will="" need="" to="" be="" developed="" in="" the="" context="" of="" conserving="" aquatic="" ecosystem="" health.="" nmfs="" intends="" that="" federal="" lands="" and="" federal="" activities="" play="" a="" primary="" role="" in="" preserving="" listed="" populations="" and="" the="" ecosystems="" upon="" which="" they="" depend.="" however,="" throughout="" the="" range="" of="" the="" esu="" proposed="" for="" listing,="" sockeye="" habitat="" occurs="" and="" can="" be="" affected="" by="" activities="" on="" state,="" tribal="" or="" private="" land.="" agricultural,="" timber,="" and="" urban="" management="" activities="" on="" nonfederal="" land="" could="" and="" should="" be="" conducted="" in="" a="" manner="" that="" avoids="" adverse="" effects="" to="" sockeye="" habitat.="" nmfs="" encourages="" nonfederal="" landowners="" to="" assess="" the="" impacts="" of="" their="" actions="" on="" potentially="" threatened="" or="" endangered="" salmonids.="" in="" particular,="" nmfs="" encourages="" the="" formulation="" of="" watershed="" partnerships="" to="" promote="" conservation="" in="" accordance="" with="" ecosystem="" principles.="" these="" partnerships="" will="" be="" successful="" only="" if="" state,="" tribal,="" and="" local="" governments,="" landowner="" representatives,="" and="" federal="" and="" nonfederal="" biologists="" participate="" and="" share="" the="" goal="" of="" restoring="" sockeye="" to="" the="" watersheds.="" definition="" of="" critical="" habitat="" critical="" habitat="" is="" defined="" in="" section="" 3(5)(a)="" of="" the="" esa="" as="" ``(i)="" the="" specific="" areas="" within="" the="" geographical="" area="" occupied="" by="" the="" species="" .="" .="" .="" on="" which="" are="" found="" those="" physical="" or="" biological="" features="" (i)="" essential="" to="" the="" conservation="" of="" the="" species="" and="" (ii)="" which="" may="" require="" special="" management="" considerations="" or="" protection;="" and="" (ii)="" specific="" areas="" outside="" the="" geographical="" area="" occupied="" by="" the="" species="" .="" .="" .="" upon="" a="" determination="" by="" the="" secretary="" that="" such="" areas="" are="" essential="" for="" the="" conservation="" of="" the="" species.''="" the="" term="" ``conservation,''="" as="" defined="" in="" section="" 3(3)="" of="" the="" esa,="" means="" ``.="" .="" .="" to="" use="" and="" the="" use="" of="" all="" methods="" and="" procedures="" which="" are="" necessary="" to="" bring="" any="" endangered="" species="" or="" threatened="" species="" to="" the="" point="" at="" which="" the="" measures="" provided="" pursuant="" to="" this="" act="" are="" no="" longer="" necessary.''="" in="" designating="" critical="" habitat,="" nmfs="" considers="" the="" following="" requirements="" of="" the="" species:="" (1)="" space="" for="" individual="" and="" population="" growth,="" and="" for="" normal="" behavior;="" (2)="" food,="" water,="" air,="" light,="" minerals,="" or="" other="" nutritional="" or="" physiological="" requirements;="" (3)="" cover="" or="" shelter;="" (4)="" sites="" for="" breeding,="" reproduction,="" or="" rearing="" of="" offspring;="" and,="" generally,="" (5)="" habitats="" that="" are="" protected="" from="" disturbance="" or="" are="" [[page="" 11766]]="" representative="" of="" the="" historical="" geographical="" and="" ecological="" distributions="" of="" this="" species="" (see="" 50="" cfr="" 424.12(b)).="" in="" addition="" to="" these="" factors,="" nmfs="" focuses="" within="" the="" designated="" area="" on="" the="" known="" physical="" and="" biological="" features="" (primary="" constituent="" elements)="" that="" are="" essential="" to="" the="" conservation="" of="" the="" species="" and="" may="" require="" special="" management="" considerations="" or="" protection.="" these="" essential="" features="" may="" include,="" but="" are="" not="" limited="" to,="" spawning="" sites,="" food="" resources,="" water="" quality="" and="" quantity,="" and="" riparian="" vegetation="" (see="" 50="" cfr="" 424.12(b)).="" consideration="" of="" economic="" and="" other="" factors="" the="" economic="" and="" other="" impacts="" of="" a="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" have="" been="" considered="" and="" evaluated="" in="" this="" proposed="" rulemaking.="" nmfs="" identified="" present="" and="" anticipated="" activities="" that="" may="" adversely="" modify="" the="" area(s)="" being="" considered="" or="" be="" affected="" by="" a="" designation.="" an="" area="" may="" be="" excluded="" from="" a="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" if="" nmfs="" determines="" that="" the="" overall="" benefits="" of="" exclusion="" outweigh="" the="" benefits="" of="" designation,="" unless="" the="" exclusion="" will="" result="" in="" the="" extinction="" of="" the="" species="" (see="" 16="" u.s.c.="" 1533(b)(2)).="" the="" impacts="" considered="" in="" this="" analysis="" are="" only="" those="" incremental="" impacts="" specifically="" resulting="" from="" a="" critical="" habitat="" designation,="" above="" the="" economic="" and="" other="" impacts="" attributable="" to="" listing="" the="" species,="" or="" resulting="" from="" other="" authorities.="" since="" listing="" a="" species="" under="" the="" esa="" provides="" significant="" protection="" to="" a="" species'="" habitat,="" in="" many="" cases,="" the="" economic="" and="" other="" impacts="" resulting="" from="" the="" critical="" habitat="" designation,="" over="" and="" above="" the="" impacts="" of="" the="" listing="" itself,="" are="" minimal="" (see="" significance="" of="" designating="" critical="" habitat="" section="" of="" this="" proposed="" rule).="" in="" general,="" the="" designation="" of="" critical="" habitat="" highlights="" geographical="" areas="" of="" concern="" and="" reinforces="" the="" substantive="" protection="" resulting="" from="" the="" listing="" itself.="" impacts="" attributable="" to="" listing="" include="" those="" resulting="" from="" the="" ``take''="" prohibitions="" contained="" in="" section="" 9="" of="" the="" esa="" and="" associated="" regulations.="" ``take,''="" as="" defined="" in="" the="" esa="" means="" to="" harass,="" harm,="" pursue,="" hunt,="" shoot,="" wound,="" kill,="" trap,="" capture,="" or="" collect,="" or="" to="" attempt="" to="" engage="" in="" any="" such="" conduct="" (see="" 16="" u.s.c.="" 1532(19)).="" harm="" can="" occur="" through="" destruction="" or="" modification="" of="" habitat="" (whether="" or="" not="" designated="" as="" critical)="" that="" significantly="" impairs="" essential="" behaviors,="" including="" breeding,="" feeding,="" rearing="" or="" migration.="" significance="" of="" designating="" critical="" habitat="" the="" designation="" of="" critical="" habitat="" does="" not,="" in="" and="" of="" itself,="" restrict="" human="" activities="" within="" an="" area="" or="" mandate="" any="" specific="" management="" or="" recovery="" actions.="" a="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" contributes="" to="" species="" conservation="" primarily="" by="" identifying="" important="" areas="" and="" by="" describing="" the="" features="" within="" those="" areas="" that="" are="" essential="" to="" the="" species,="" thus="" alerting="" public="" and="" private="" entities="" to="" the="" area's="" importance.="" under="" the="" esa,="" the="" only="" regulatory="" impact="" of="" a="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" is="" through="" the="" provisions="" of="" section="" 7.="" section="" 7="" applies="" only="" to="" actions="" with="" federal="" involvement="" (e.g.,="" authorized,="" funded,="" or="" conducted="" by="" a="" federal="" agency)="" and="" does="" not="" affect="" exclusively="" state="" or="" private="" activities.="" under="" the="" section="" 7="" provisions,="" a="" designation="" of="" critical="" habitat="" would="" require="" federal="" agencies="" to="" ensure="" that="" any="" action="" they="" authorize,="" fund,="" or="" carry="" out="" is="" not="" likely="" to="" destroy="" or="" adversely="" modify="" designated="" critical="" habitat.="" activities="" that="" destroy="" or="" adversely="" modify="" critical="" habitat="" are="" defined="" as="" those="" actions="" that="" ``appreciably="" diminish="" the="" value="" of="" critical="" habitat="" for="" both="" the="" survival="" and="" recovery''="" of="" the="" species="" (see="" 50="" cfr="" 402.02).="" regardless="" of="" a="" critical="" habitat="" designation,="" federal="" agencies="" must="" ensure="" that="" their="" actions="" are="" not="" likely="" to="" jeopardize="" the="" continued="" existence="" of="" the="" listed="" species.="" activities="" that="" jeopardize="" a="" species="" are="" defined="" as="" those="" actions="" that="" ``reasonably="" would="" be="" expected,="" directly="" or="" indirectly,="" to="" reduce="" appreciably="" the="" likelihood="" of="" both="" the="" survival="" and="" recovery''="" of="" the="" species="" (see="" 50="" cfr="" 402.02).="" using="" these="" definitions,="" activities="" that="" would="" destroy="" or="" adversely="" modify="" critical="" habitat="" would="" also="" be="" likely="" to="" jeopardize="" the="" species.="" therefore,="" the="" protection="" provided="" by="" a="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" generally="" duplicates="" the="" protection="" provided="" under="" the="" section="" 7="" jeopardy="" provision.="" critical="" habitat="" may="" provide="" additional="" benefits="" to="" a="" species="" in="" cases="" where="" areas="" outside="" the="" species'="" current="" range="" have="" been="" designated.="" when="" actions="" may="" affect="" these="" areas,="" federal="" agencies="" are="" required="" to="" consult="" with="" nmfs="" under="" section="" 7="" (see="" 50="" cfr="" 402.14(a)),="" which="" may="" not="" have="" been="" recognized="" but="" for="" the="" critical="" habitat="" designation.="" a="" designation="" of="" critical="" habitat="" provides="" a="" clear="" indication="" to="" federal="" agencies="" as="" to="" when="" section="" 7="" consultation="" is="" required,="" particularly="" in="" cases="" where="" the="" action="" would="" not="" result="" in="" immediate="" mortality,="" injury,="" or="" harm="" to="" individuals="" of="" a="" listed="" species="" (e.g.,="" an="" action="" occurring="" within="" the="" critical="" area="" when="" a="" migratory="" species="" is="" not="" present).="" the="" critical="" habitat="" designation,="" describing="" the="" essential="" features="" of="" the="" habitat,="" also="" assists="" in="" determining="" which="" activities="" conducted="" outside="" the="" designated="" area="" are="" subject="" to="" section="" 7,="" i.e.,="" activities="" that="" may="" affect="" essential="" features="" of="" the="" designated="" area.="" a="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" will="" also="" assist="" federal="" agencies="" in="" planning="" future="" actions,="" since="" the="" designation="" establishes,="" in="" advance,="" those="" habitats="" that="" will="" be="" given="" special="" consideration="" in="" section="" 7="" consultations.="" with="" a="" designation="" of="" critical="" habitat,="" potential="" conflicts="" between="" federal="" actions="" and="" endangered="" or="" threatened="" species="" can="" be="" identified="" and="" possibly="" avoided="" early="" in="" the="" agency's="" planning="" process.="" another="" indirect="" benefit="" of="" a="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" is="" that="" it="" helps="" focus="" federal,="" state,="" and="" private="" conservation="" and="" management="" efforts="" in="" such="" areas.="" management="" efforts="" may="" address="" special="" considerations="" needed="" in="" critical="" habitat="" areas,="" including="" conservation="" regulations="" to="" restrict="" private="" as="" well="" as="" federal="" activities.="" the="" economic="" and="" other="" impacts="" of="" these="" actions="" would="" be="" considered="" at="" the="" time="" of="" those="" proposed="" regulations="" and,="" therefore,="" are="" not="" considered="" in="" the="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" process.="" other="" federal,="" state,="" and="" local="" management="" programs,="" such="" as="" zoning="" or="" wetlands="" and="" riparian="" lands="" protection,="" may="" also="" provide="" special="" protection="" for="" critical="" habitat="" areas.="" process="" for="" designating="" critical="" habitat="" developing="" a="" proposed="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" involves="" three="" main="" considerations.="" first,="" the="" biological="" needs="" of="" the="" species="" are="" evaluated="" and="" essential="" habitat="" areas="" and="" features="" are="" identified.="" if="" alternative="" areas="" exist="" that="" would="" provide="" for="" the="" conservation="" of="" the="" species,="" such="" alternatives="" are="" also="" identified.="" second,="" the="" need="" for="" special="" management="" considerations="" or="" protection="" of="" the="" area(s)="" or="" features="" are="" evaluated.="" finally,="" the="" probable="" economic="" and="" other="" impacts="" of="" designating="" these="" essential="" areas="" as="" ``critical="" habitat''="" are="" evaluated.="" the="" final="" critical="" habitat="" designation,="" considering="" comments="" on="" the="" proposal="" and="" impacts="" assessment,="" is="" typically="" published="" within="" 1="" year="" of="" the="" proposed="" rule.="" final="" critical="" habitat="" designations="" may="" be="" revised,="" using="" the="" same="" process,="" as="" new="" information="" becomes="" available.="" critical="" habitat="" of="" sockeye="" salmon="" proposed="" for="" listing="" as="" described="" in="" the="" section="" sockeye="" salmon="" life="" history,="" the="" current="" geographic="" range="" of="" sockeye="" salmon="" [[page="" 11767]]="" includes="" vast="" areas="" of="" the="" north="" pacific="" ocean,="" near="" shore="" marine="" zone,="" and="" extensive="" estuarine="" and="" riverine="" areas.="" any="" attempt="" to="" describe="" the="" current="" distribution="" of="" sockeye="" salmon="" must="" take="" into="" account="" the="" fact="" that="" extant="" populations="" and="" densities="" are="" a="" small="" fraction="" of="" historical="" levels.="" within="" the="" range="" of="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" salmon,="" their="" life="" cycle="" can="" be="" separated="" into="" five="" essential="" habitat="" types:="" (1)="" juvenile="" summer="" and="" winter="" rearing="" areas;="" (2)="" juvenile="" migration="" corridors;="" (3)="" areas="" for="" growth="" and="" development="" to="" adulthood;="" (4)="" adult="" migration="" corridors;="" and="" (5)="" spawning="" areas.="" areas="" (1)="" and="" (5)="" are="" often="" located="" in="" lakeshore="" areas,="" while="" areas="" (2)="" and="" (4)="" include="" these="" areas="" as="" well="" as="" small="" tributaries,="" mainstem="" reaches="" and="" estuarine="" zones.="" growth="" and="" development="" to="" adulthood="" occurs="" primarily="" in="" near-="" and="" offshore="" marine="" waters="" (area="" (3)),="" although="" final="" maturation="" takes="" place="" in="" freshwater="" tributaries="" when="" the="" adults="" return="" to="" spawn.="" within="" these="" areas,="" essential="" features="" of="" sockeye="" salmon="" critical="" habitat="" include="" adequate:="" (1)="" substrate;="" (2)="" water="" quality;="" (3)="" water="" quantity;="" (4)="" water="" temperature;="" (5)="" water="" velocity;="" (6)="" cover/shelter;="" (7)="" food;="" (8)="" riparian="" vegetation;="" (9)="" space;="" and="" (10)="" safe="" passage="" conditions.="" given="" the="" large="" geographic="" range="" occupied="" by="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" salmon="" and="" the="" diverse="" habitat="" types="" used="" by="" the="" various="" life="" stages,="" it="" is="" not="" practical="" to="" describe="" specific="" values="" or="" conditions="" for="" each="" of="" these="" essential="" habitat="" features.="" however,="" good="" summaries="" of="" these="" environmental="" parameters="" and="" freshwater="" factors="" that="" have="" contributed="" to="" the="" decline="" of="" this="" and="" other="" salmonids="" can="" be="" found="" in="" reviews="" by="" the="" california="" department="" of="" fish="" and="" game="" (1965),="" cacsst="" (1988),="" brown="" and="" moyle="" (1991),="" bjornn="" and="" reiser="" (1991),="" nehlsen="" et="" al.="" (1991),="" higgins="" et="" al.="" (1992),="" the="" california="" state="" lands="" commission="" (1993),="" botkin="" et="" al.="" (1995),="" nmfs="" (1996)="" and="" spence="" et="" al.="" (1996).="" nmfs="" believes="" that="" the="" current="" freshwater="" and="" estuarine="" range="" of="" the="" species="" encompasses="" all="" essential="" habitat="" features="" and="" is="" adequate="" to="" ensure="" the="" species'="" conservation.="" therefore,="" designation="" of="" habitat="" areas="" outside="" the="" species'="" current="" range="" is="" not="" necessary.="" habitat="" quality="" in="" this="" current="" range="" is="" intrinsically="" related="" to="" the="" quality="" of="" upland="" areas="" and="" inaccessible="" headwater="" or="" intermittent="" streams="" which="" provide="" key="" habitat="" elements="" (e.g.,="" large="" woody="" debris,="" gravel,="" water="" quality)="" crucial="" for="" sockeye="" salmon="" in="" downstream="" reaches="" and="" lake="" areas.="" nmfs="" recognizes="" that="" estuarine="" habitats="" are="" critical="" for="" sockeye="" salmon="" and="" has="" included="" them="" in="" this="" designation.="" marine="" habitats="" (i.e.,="" oceanic="" or="" near="" shore="" areas="" seaward="" of="" the="" mouth="" of="" coastal="" rivers)="" are="" also="" vital="" to="" the="" species,="" and="" ocean="" conditions="" are="" believed="" to="" have="" a="" major="" influence="" on="" sockeye="" salmon="" survival.="" however,="" no="" need="" appears="" to="" exist="" for="" special="" management="" consideration="" or="" protection="" of="" this="" habitat.="" therefore,="" nmfs="" is="" not="" proposing="" to="" designate="" critical="" habitat="" in="" marine="" areas="" at="" this="" time.="" if="" additional="" information="" becomes="" available="" that="" supports="" the="" inclusion="" of="" such="" areas,="" nmfs="" may="" revise="" this="" designation.="" based="" on="" consideration="" of="" the="" best="" available="" information="" regarding="" the="" species'="" current="" distribution,="" nmfs="" believes="" that="" the="" preferred="" approach="" to="" identifying="" critical="" habitat="" is="" to="" designate="" all="" areas="" (and="" their="" adjacent="" riparian="" zones)="" accessible="" to="" the="" species="" within="" the="" range="" of="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye.="" nmfs="" believes="" that="" adopting="" a="" more="" inclusive,="" watershed-based="" description="" of="" critical="" habitat="" is="" appropriate="" because="" it="" (1)="" recognizes="" the="" species'="" use="" of="" diverse="" habitats="" and="" underscores="" the="" need="" to="" account="" for="" all="" of="" the="" habitat="" types="" supporting="" the="" species'="" freshwater="" and="" estuarine="" life="" stages,="" (2)="" takes="" into="" account="" the="" natural="" variability="" in="" habitat="" use="" that="" makes="" precise="" mapping="" difficult,="" and="" (3)="" reinforces="" the="" important="" linkage="" between="" aquatic="" areas="" and="" adjacent="" riparian/upslope="" areas.="" an="" array="" of="" management="" issues="" encompass="" these="" habitats,="" and="" special="" management="" considerations="" will="" need="" to="" be="" made,="" especially="" on="" lands="" and="" streams="" under="" federal="" ownership.="" while="" marine="" areas="" are="" also="" a="" critical="" link="" in="" this="" cycle,="" nmfs="" does="" not="" believe="" that="" special="" management="" considerations="" are="" needed="" to="" conserve="" the="" habitat="" features="" in="" these="" areas.="" hence,="" only="" the="" freshwater="" and="" estuarine="" areas="" are="" being="" proposed="" for="" critical="" habitat="" at="" this="" time.="" need="" for="" special="" management="" considerations="" or="" protection="" in="" order="" to="" assure="" that="" the="" essential="" areas="" and="" features="" are="" maintained="" or="" restored,="" special="" management="" may="" be="" needed.="" activities="" that="" may="" require="" special="" management="" considerations="" for="" freshwater="" and="" estuarine="" life="" stages="" of="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" include,="" but="" are="" not="" limited="" to="" (1)="" land="" management,="" (2)="" timber="" harvest,="" (3)="" point="" and="" non-="" point="" water="" pollution,="" (4)="" livestock="" grazing,="" (5)="" habitat="" restoration,="" (6)="" irrigation="" water="" withdrawals="" and="" returns,="" (7)="" mining,="" (8)="" road="" construction,="" (9)="" dam="" operation="" and="" maintenance,="" (10)="" recreational="" activities,="" and="" (11)="" dredge="" and="" fill="" activities.="" not="" all="" of="" these="" activities="" are="" necessarily="" of="" current="" concern="" within="" the="" ozette="" lake="" watershed;="" however,="" they="" indicate="" the="" potential="" types="" of="" activities="" that="" will="" require="" consultation="" in="" the="" future.="" no="" special="" management="" considerations="" have="" been="" identified="" for="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" while="" they="" are="" residing="" in="" the="" ocean="" environment.="" activities="" that="" may="" affect="" critical="" habitat="" a="" wide="" range="" of="" activities="" may="" affect="" the="" essential="" habitat="" requirements="" of="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye.="" these="" activities="" may="" include="" water="" and="" land="" management="" actions="" of="" federal="" agencies="" (i.e.,="" national="" park="" service,="" u.s.="" army="" corps="" of="" engineers,="" the="" federal="" highway="" administration,="" and="" the="" bureau="" of="" indian="" affairs)="" and="" related="" or="" similar="" actions="" of="" other="" federally="" regulated="" projects="" and="" lands="" by="" the="" bureau="" of="" indian="" affairs;="" road="" building="" activities="" authorized="" by="" the="" federal="" highway="" administration="" or="" bureau="" of="" indian="" affairs;="" and="" dredge="" and="" fill,="" mining,="" and="" bank="" stabilization="" activities="" authorized="" or="" conducted="" by="" the="" u.s.="" army="" corps="" of="" engineers.="" these="" activities="" may="" also="" include="" mining="" and="" road="" building="" activities="" authorized="" by="" washington="" state.="" the="" federal="" agencies="" that="" will="" most="" likely="" be="" affected="" by="" this="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" include="" the="" national="" park="" service,="" u.s.="" army="" corps="" of="" engineers,="" bureau="" of="" indian="" affairs,="" and="" the="" federal="" highway="" administration.="" this="" designation="" will="" provide="" clear="" notification="" to="" these="" agencies,="" private="" entities,="" and="" to="" the="" public="" of="" critical="" habitat="" designated="" for="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" and="" the="" boundaries="" of="" the="" habitat="" and="" protection="" provided="" for="" that="" habitat="" by="" the="" section="" 7="" consultation="" process.="" this="" designation="" will="" also="" assist="" these="" agencies="" and="" others="" in="" evaluating="" the="" potential="" effects="" of="" their="" activities="" on="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" and="" their="" critical="" habitat="" and="" in="" determining="" when="" consultation="" with="" nmfs="" is="" appropriate.="" expected="" economic="" impacts="" the="" economic="" impacts="" to="" be="" considered="" in="" a="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" are="" the="" incremental="" effects="" of="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" above="" the="" economic="" impacts="" attributable="" to="" listing="" or="" to="" authorities="" other="" than="" the="" esa="" (see="" consideration="" of="" economic="" and="" other="" factors="" section="" of="" this="" proposed="" rule).="" incremental="" impacts="" result="" from="" special="" management="" activities="" in="" areas="" outside="" the="" present="" distribution="" of="" the="" listed="" species="" that="" have="" been="" determined="" to="" be="" essential="" to="" the="" conservation="" of="" the="" species.="" however,="" nmfs="" has="" determined="" that="" the="" species'="" present="" freshwater="" and="" estuarine="" range="" contains="" sufficient="" habitat="" for="" conservation="" of="" the="" [[page="" 11768]]="" species.="" therefore,="" the="" economic="" impacts="" associated="" with="" this="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" are="" expected="" to="" be="" minimal.="" the="" u.s.="" forest="" service,="" national="" park="" service,="" and="" army="" corps="" of="" engineers="" may="" manage="" areas="" of="" proposed="" critical="" habitat="" for="" the="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye.="" the="" corps="" of="" engineers="" and="" other="" federal="" agencies="" that="" may="" be="" involved="" with="" funding="" or="" permits="" for="" projects="" in="" critical="" habitat="" areas="" may="" also="" be="" affected="" by="" this="" designation.="" because="" nmfs="" believes="" that="" virtually="" all="" ``adverse="" modification''="" determinations="" pertaining="" to="" critical="" habitat="" would="" also="" result="" in="" ``jeopardy''="" conclusions,="" designation="" of="" critical="" habitat="" is="" not="" expected="" to="" result="" in="" significant="" incremental="" restrictions="" on="" federal="" agency="" activities.="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" will,="" therefore,="" result="" in="" few="" if="" any="" additional="" economic="" effects="" beyond="" those="" that="" may="" have="" been="" caused="" by="" listing="" and="" by="" other="" statutes.="" additionally,="" previously="" completed="" biological="" opinions="" would="" not="" require="" reinitiation="" to="" reconsider="" any="" critical="" habitat="" designated="" in="" this="" rulemaking.="" nmfs="" policies="" on="" endangered="" and="" threatened="" fish="" and="" wildlife="" on="" july="" 1,="" 1994,="" nmfs,="" jointly="" with="" the="" u.s.="" fish="" and="" wildlife="" service,="" published="" a="" series="" of="" policies="" regarding="" listings="" under="" the="" esa,="" including="" a="" policy="" for="" peer="" review="" of="" scientific="" data="" (59="" fr="" 34270)="" and="" a="" policy="" to="" identify,="" to="" the="" maximum="" extent="" possible,="" those="" activities="" that="" would="" or="" would="" not="" constitute="" a="" violation="" of="" section="" 9="" of="" the="" esa="" (59="" fr="" 34272).="" role="" of="" peer="" review="" the="" intent="" of="" the="" peer="" review="" policy="" is="" to="" ensure="" that="" listings="" are="" based="" on="" the="" best="" scientific="" and="" commercial="" data="" available.="" prior="" to="" a="" final="" listing,="" nmfs="" will="" solicit="" the="" expert="" opinions="" of="" at="" least="" three="" qualified="" specialists,="" concurrent="" with="" the="" public="" comment="" period.="" independent="" peer="" reviewers="" will="" be="" selected="" from="" the="" academic="" and="" scientific="" community,="" tribal="" and="" other="" native="" american="" groups,="" federal="" and="" state="" agencies,="" and="" the="" private="" sector.="" identification="" of="" those="" activities="" that="" would="" constitute="" a="" violation="" of="" section="" 9="" of="" the="" esa:="" the="" intent="" of="" this="" policy="" is="" to="" increase="" public="" awareness="" of="" the="" effect="" of="" this="" listing="" on="" proposed="" and="" ongoing="" activities="" within="" the="" species'="" range.="" nmfs="" will="" identify,="" to="" the="" extent="" known="" at="" the="" time="" of="" the="" final="" rule,="" specific="" activities="" that="" will="" not="" be="" considered="" likely="" to="" result="" in="" violation="" of="" section="" 9,="" as="" well="" as="" activities="" that="" will="" be="" considered="" likely="" to="" result="" in="" violation.="" for="" those="" activities="" whose="" likelihood="" of="" violation="" is="" uncertain,="" a="" contact="" will="" be="" identified="" in="" the="" final="" listing="" document="" to="" assist="" the="" public="" in="" determining="" whether="" a="" particular="" activity="" would="" constitute="" a="" prohibited="" act="" under="" section="" 9.="" public="" comments="" solicited="" to="" ensure="" that="" the="" final="" action="" resulting="" from="" this="" proposal="" will="" be="" as="" accurate="" and="" effective="" as="" possible,="" nmfs="" is="" soliciting="" comments="" and="" suggestions="" from="" the="" public,="" indian="" tribes,="" other="" governmental="" agencies,="" the="" scientific="" community,="" industry,="" and="" any="" other="" interested="" parties.="" public="" hearings="" will="" be="" held="" at="" locations="" within="" the="" range="" of="" the="" proposed="" esu="" (see="" public="" hearings).="" in="" particular,="" nmfs="" is="" requesting="" information="" regarding="" the="" following:="" (1)="" the="" relationship="" between="" sockeye="" salmon="" and="" kokanee,="" specifically="" whether="" kokanee="" and="" sockeye="" salmon="" populations="" in="" the="" same="" esu="" should="" be="" considered="" a="" single="" esu;="" (2)="" biological="" or="" other="" relevant="" data="" concerning="" any="" threat="" to="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" salmon,="" kokanee,="" or="" to="" lake="" pleasant="" sockeye="" salmon="" for="" which="" a="" risk="" assessment="" was="" not="" conclusive;="" (3)="" the="" range,="" distribution,="" and="" population="" size="" of="" sockeye="" salmon="" and="" kokanee="" in="" the="" sockeye="" salmon="" population="" not="" identified="" as="" esus="" (bear="" creek,="" wa,="" riverine-spawning="" sockeye="" salmon="" in="" wa,="" and="" deschutes="" river,="" or);="" (4)="" current="" or="" planned="" activities="" in="" the="" ozette="" lake="" area="" and="" their="" possible="" impact="" on="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye;="" (5)="" homing="" and="" straying="" of="" natural="" and="" hatchery="" fish;="" (6)="" efforts="" being="" made="" to="" protect="" naturally="" spawned="" populations="" of="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" salmon="" and="" kokanee;="" (7)="" suggestions="" for="" specific="" regulations="" under="" section="" 4(d)="" of="" the="" esa="" that="" should="" apply="" to="" the="" ozette="" lake="" esu,="" which="" is="" proposed="" for="" listing="" as="" a="" threatened="" species;="" and="" (8)="" information="" on="" the="" stability="" of="" baker="" river="" sockeye="" salmon="" populations="" and="" the="" effectiveness="" of="" ongoing="" or="" planned="" conservation="" measures="" aimed="" at="" reducing="" vulnerability="" of="" this="" population="" and="" its="" habitats.="" suggested="" regulations="" may="" address="" activities,="" plans,="" or="" guidelines="" that,="" despite="" their="" potential="" to="" result="" in="" the="" incidental="" take="" of="" listed="" fish,="" will="" ultimately="" promote="" the="" conservation="" and="" recovery="" of="" threatened="" sockeye.="" nmfs="" is="" also="" requesting="" quantitative="" evaluations="" describing="" the="" quality="" and="" extent="" of="" freshwater="" and="" marine="" habitats="" for="" juvenile="" and="" adult="" sockeye="" in="" ozette="" lake="" as="" well="" as="" information="" on="" areas="" that="" may="" qualify="" as="" critical="" habitat="" for="" the="" proposed="" esu.="" areas="" that="" include="" the="" physical="" and="" biological="" features="" essential="" to="" the="" recovery="" of="" the="" species="" should="" be="" identified.="" nmfs="" recognizes="" that="" there="" are="" areas="" within="" the="" proposed="" boundaries="" of="" the="" esu="" that="" historically="" constituted="" sockeye="" habitat="" but="" may="" not="" be="" currently="" occupied="" by="" sockeye.="" nmfs="" is="" requesting="" information="" about="" any="" presence="" of="" sockeye="" in="" these="" currently="" unoccupied="" areas="" and="" the="" possibility="" that="" these="" habitats="" be="" considered="" essential="" to="" the="" recovery="" of="" the="" species="" or="" be="" excluded="" from="" designation.="" essential="" features="" include,="" but="" are="" not="" limited="" to:="" (1)="" habitat="" for="" individual="" and="" population="" growth,="" and="" for="" normal="" behavior;="" (2)="" food,="" water,="" air,="" light,="" minerals,="" or="" other="" nutritional="" or="" physiological="" requirements;="" (3)="" cover="" or="" shelter;="" (4)="" sites="" for="" reproduction="" and="" rearing="" of="" offspring;="" and="" (5)="" habitats="" that="" are="" protected="" from="" disturbance="" or="" are="" representative="" of="" the="" historical,="" geographical,="" and="" ecological="" distributions="" of="" the="" species.="" for="" areas="" potentially="" qualifying="" as="" critical="" habitat,="" nmfs="" is="" requesting="" information="" describing="" (1)="" the="" activities="" that="" affect="" the="" area="" or="" could="" be="" affected="" by="" the="" designation,="" and="" (2)="" the="" economic="" costs="" and="" benefits="" of="" additional="" requirements="" of="" management="" measures="" likely="" to="" result="" from="" the="" designation.="" the="" economic="" cost="" to="" be="" considered="" in="" the="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" under="" the="" esa="" is="" the="" probable="" economic="" impact="" ``of="" the="" [critical="" habitat]="" designation="" upon="" proposed="" or="" ongoing="" activities''="" (50="" cfr="" 424.19).="" nmfs="" must="" consider="" the="" incremental="" costs="" that="" are="" specifically="" resulting="" from="" a="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" and="" that="" are="" above="" the="" economic="" effects="" attributable="" to="" listing="" the="" species.="" economic="" effects="" attributable="" to="" listing="" include="" actions="" resulting="" from="" section="" 7="" consultations="" under="" the="" esa="" to="" avoid="" jeopardy="" to="" the="" species="" and="" from="" the="" taking="" prohibitions="" under="" section="" 9="" of="" the="" esa.="" comments="" concerning="" economic="" impacts="" should="" distinguish="" the="" costs="" of="" listing="" from="" the="" incremental="" costs="" that="" can="" be="" directly="" attributed="" to="" the="" designation="" of="" specific="" areas="" as="" critical="" habitat.="" nmfs="" will="" review="" all="" public="" comments="" and="" any="" additional="" information="" regarding="" the="" status="" of="" the="" sockeye="" salmon="" esus="" as="" requested="" in="" this="" section="" and,="" as="" required="" under="" the="" esa,="" will="" complete="" a="" final="" rule="" within="" 1="" year="" of="" this="" proposed="" rule.="" the="" availability="" of="" new="" information="" may="" cause="" nmfs="" to="" reassess="" the="" status="" of="" sockeye="" esus.="" joint="" commerce-interior="" esa="" implementing="" regulations="" state="" that="" the="" secretary="" shall="" promptly="" hold="" at="" least="" one="" public="" hearing="" if="" any="" person="" so="" requests="" within="" 45="" days="" of="" publication="" of="" a="" proposed="" regulation="" to="" list="" a="" species="" [[page="" 11769]]="" or="" to="" designate="" critical="" habitat.="" (see="" 50="" cfr="" 424.16(c)(3)).="" in="" a="" forthcoming="" federal="" register="" notice,="" nmfs="" will="" announce="" the="" dates="" and="" locations="" of="" public="" hearings="" on="" this="" proposed="" rule="" to="" provide="" the="" opportunity="" for="" the="" public="" to="" give="" comments="" and="" to="" permit="" an="" exchange="" of="" information="" and="" opinion="" among="" interested="" parties.="" nmfs="" encourages="" the="" public's="" involvement="" in="" esa="" matters.="" references="" a="" complete="" list="" of="" all="" references="" cited="" herein="" is="" available="" upon="" request="" (see="" addresses).="" compliance="" with="" existing="" statutes="" the="" 1982="" amendments="" to="" the="" esa,="" in="" section="" 4(b)(1)(a),="" restrict="" the="" information="" that="" may="" be="" considered="" when="" assessing="" species="" for="" listing.="" based="" on="" this="" limitation="" of="" criteria="" for="" a="" listing="" decision="" and="" the="" opinion="" in="" pacific="" legal="" foundation="" v.="" andrus,="" 675="" f.="" 2d="" 825="" (6th="" cir.="" 1981),="" nmfs="" has="" categorically="" excluded="" all="" esa="" listing="" actions="" from="" environmental="" assessment="" requirements="" of="" the="" national="" environmental="" policy="" act="" under="" noaa="" administrative="" order="" 216-6.="" in="" addition,="" nmfs="" has="" determined="" that="" environmental="" assessments="" and="" environmental="" impact="" statements,="" as="" defined="" under="" the="" authority="" of="" the="" national="" environmental="" policy="" act="" of="" 1969,="" need="" not="" be="" prepared="" for="" this="" critical="" habitat="" designation="" made="" pursuant="" to="" the="" esa.="" see="" douglas="" county="" v.="" babbitt,="" 48="" f.3d="" 1495="" (9th="" cir.="" 1995),="" cert.="" denied,="" 116="" s.ct.="" 698="" (1996).="" classification="" the="" assistant="" administrator="" for="" fisheries,="" noaa,="" has="" determined="" that="" this="" rule="" is="" not="" significant="" for="" purposes="" of="" e.o.="" 12866.="" since="" nmfs="" is="" designating="" the="" current="" range="" of="" the="" listed="" species="" as="" critical="" habitat,="" this="" designation="" will="" not="" impose="" any="" additional="" requirements="" or="" economic="" effects="" upon="" small="" entities,="" beyond="" those="" which="" may="" accrue="" from="" section="" 7="" of="" the="" esa.="" section="" 7="" requires="" federal="" agencies="" to="" ensure="" that="" any="" action="" they="" carry="" out,="" authorize,="" or="" fund="" is="" not="" likely="" to="" jeopardize="" the="" continued="" existence="" of="" any="" listed="" species="" or="" result="" in="" the="" destruction="" or="" adverse="" modification="" of="" critical="" habitat="" (esa="" 7(a)(2)).="" the="" consultation="" requirements="" of="" section="" 7="" are="" nondiscretionary="" and="" are="" effective="" at="" the="" time="" of="" species'="" listing.="" therefore,="" federal="" agencies="" must="" consult="" with="" nmfs="" and="" ensure="" that="" their="" actions="" do="" not="" jeopardize="" a="" listed="" species,="" regardless="" of="" whether="" critical="" habitat="" is="" designated.="" in="" the="" future,="" should="" nmfs="" determine="" that="" designation="" of="" habitat="" areas="" outside="" the="" species'="" current="" range="" is="" necessary="" for="" conservation="" and="" recovery,="" nmfs="" will="" analyze="" the="" incremental="" costs="" of="" that="" action="" and="" assess="" its="" potential="" impacts="" on="" small="" entities,="" as="" required="" by="" the="" regulatory="" flexibility="" act.="" until="" that="" time,="" a="" more="" detailed="" analysis="" would="" be="" premature="" and="" would="" not="" reflect="" the="" true="" economic="" impacts="" of="" the="" proposed="" action="" on="" local="" businesses,="" organizations,="" and="" governments.="" accordingly,="" the="" assistant="" general="" counsel="" for="" legislation="" and="" regulation="" of="" the="" department="" of="" commerce="" has="" certified="" to="" the="" chief="" counsel="" for="" advocacy="" of="" the="" small="" business="" administration="" that="" the="" proposed="" rule,="" if="" adopted,="" would="" not="" have="" a="" significant="" economic="" impact="" of="" a="" substantial="" number="" of="" small="" entities,="" as="" described="" in="" the="" regulatory="" flexibility="" act.="" this="" rule="" does="" not="" contain="" a="" collection-of-information="" requirement="" for="" purposes="" of="" the="" paperwork="" reduction="" act.="" the="" assistant="" administrator="" has="" determined="" that="" the="" proposed="" designation="" is="" consistent="" to="" the="" maximum="" extent="" practicable="" with="" the="" approved="" coastal="" zone="" management="" program="" of="" the="" state="" of="" washington.="" this="" determination="" will="" be="" submitted="" for="" review="" by="" the="" responsible="" state="" agencies="" under="" section="" 307="" of="" the="" coastal="" zone="" management="" act.="" at="" this="" time="" nmfs="" is="" not="" promulgating="" protective="" regulations="" pursuant="" to="" esa="" section="" 4(d).="" in="" the="" future,="" prior="" to="" finalizing="" its="" 4(d)="" regulations="" for="" these="" threatened="" esus,="" nmfs="" will="" comply="" with="" all="" relevant="" nepa="" and="" rfa="" requirements.="" list="" of="" subjects="" 50="" cfr="" part="" 226="" endangered="" and="" threatened="" species,="" incorporation="" by="" reference.="" 50="" cfr="" part="" 227="" endangered="" and="" threatened="" species,="" exports,="" imports,="" marine="" mammals,="" transportation.="" dated:="" february="" 26,="" 1998.="" rolland="" a.="" schmitten,="" assistant="" administrator="" for="" fisheries,="" national="" marine="" fisheries="" service.="" for="" the="" reasons="" set="" out="" in="" the="" preamble,="" 50="" cfr="" parts="" 226="" and="" 227="" are="" proposed="" to="" be="" amended="" as="" follows:="" part="" 226--designated="" critical="" habitat="" 1.="" the="" authority="" citation="" for="" part="" 226="" continues="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" authority:="" 16="" u.s.c.="" 1533.="" 2.="" section="" 226.27="" is="" added="" to="" subpart="" c="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" sec.="" 226.27="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" salmon="" (oncorhynchus="" nerka).="" critical="" habitat="" is="" designated="" to="" include="" all="" lake="" areas="" and="" river="" reaches="" accessible="" to="" listed="" sockeye="" salmon="" in="" ozette="" lake,="" located="" in="" clallam="" county,="" washington.="" critical="" habitat="" consists="" of="" the="" water,="" substrate,="" and="" adjacent="" riparian="" zone="" of="" estuarine,="" riverine,="" and="" lake="" areas="" in="" the="" watersheds="" draining="" into="" and="" out="" of="" ozette="" lake.="" accessible="" areas="" are="" those="" within="" the="" historical="" range="" of="" the="" esu="" that="" can="" still="" be="" occupied="" by="" any="" life="" stage="" of="" sockeye="" salmon.="" inaccessible="" areas="" are="" those="" above="" longstanding,="" naturally="" impassable="" barriers="" (i.e.,="" natural="" waterfalls="" in="" existence="" for="" at="" least="" several="" hundred="" years).="" adjacent="" riparian="" zones="" are="" defined="" as="" those="" areas="" within="" a="" horizontal="" distance="" of="" 300="" ft="" (91.4="" m)="" from="" the="" normal="" line="" of="" high="" water="" of="" a="" stream="" channel,="" adjacent="" off-channel="" habitat="" (600="" ft="" or="" 182.8="" m,="" when="" both="" sides="" of="" the="" channel="" are="" included),="" or="" lake.="" figure="" 14="" identifies="" the="" general="" geographic="" extent="" of="" ozette="" lake="" and="" larger="" rivers="" and="" streams="" within="" the="" area="" designated="" as="" critical="" habitat="" for="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" salmon.="" note="" that="" figure="" 14="" does="" not="" constitute="" the="" definition="" of="" critical="" habitat="" but,="" instead,="" is="" provided="" as="" a="" general="" reference="" to="" guide="" federal="" agencies="" and="" interested="" parties="" in="" locating="" the="" boundaries="" of="" critical="" habitat="" for="" listed="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" salmon.="" 3.="" figure="" 14="" is="" added="" to="" part="" 226="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" figure="" 14="" to="" part="" 226--critical="" habitat="" for="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" salmon="" billing="" code="" 3510-22-p="" [[page="" 11770]]="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp10mr98.012="" billing="" code="" 3510-22-c="" [[page="" 11771]]="" part="" 227--threatened="" fish="" and="" wildlife="" 4.="" the="" authority="" citation="" for="" part="" 227="" is="" revised="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" authority:="" 16="" u.s.c.="" 1361="" and="" 1531-1543.="" 5.="" in="" sec.="" 227.4,="" paragraph="" (o)="" is="" added="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" sec.="" 227.4="" enumeration="" of="" threatened="" species.="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" (o)="" ozette="" lake="" sockeye="" salmon="" (oncorhynchus="" nerka).="" includes="" all="" naturally="" spawned="" populations="" of="" sockeye="" salmon="" (and="" their="" progeny)="" in="" ozette="" lake="" and="" its="" tributaries,="" washington.="" [fr="" doc.="" 98-5471="" filed="" 3-9-98;="" 8:45="" am]="" billing="" code="" 3510-22-p="">

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before June 8, 1998. The dates and locations of public hearings regarding this proposal will be published in a subsequent Federal Register notice.
11750-11771 (22 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 980219043-8043-01, I.D. No. 011498A
0648-AK52: Endangered and Threatened Species: Proposed Threatened Status and Designated Critical Habitat for West Coast Sockeye Salmon
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
50 CFR 226.27
50 CFR 227.4