[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 48 (Friday, March 11, 1994)]
[Unknown Section]
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From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 94-5779]
[[Page Unknown]]
[Federal Register: March 11, 1994]
14 CFR Part 71
[Airspace Docket No. 93-ANE-19]
Update of Class D and Class E Airspace in the New England Region
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This action updates certain Class D and Class E airspace in
the New England Region. This action is prompted by a review of all
Class D and Class E airspace in the New England region for conformity
with the requirements of the United States Standard for Terminal
Instrument Procedures (TERPS). This action is necessary in order to
keep the Class D and Class E airspace in the New England region
operationally current.
EFFECTIVE DATE: 0901 UTC, June 23, 1994.
Charles M. Taylor, Airspace Specialist, System Management Branch, ANE-
530, Federal Aviation Administration, 12 New England Executive Park,
Burlington, MA 01803-5299; Telephone: (617) 238-7532; Facsimile: (617)
On July 26, 1993, the FAA published a proposal to amend part 71 of
the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 71) to update certain
control zones and transition areas in the New England Region. (58 FR
39693) This action was prompted by a review of control zones and
transition areas in the New England region for conformity with the
requirements of the United States Standard for Terminal Instrument
Procedures (TERPS). That review revealed the need to expand the radius
of some areas to account for rising terrain in the vicinity of the
airport serving those areas, add and delete departure and arrival
extensions to conform areas to new updates in instrument flight rules
(IFR) approach and departure procedures, decrease the radius of some
areas due to published visual departure procedures, make minor
editorial changes, and delete one transition area.
Interested parties were invited to participate in this rulemaking
proceeding by submitting written comments on the proposal to the FAA.
The FAA received no comments.
Airspace Reclassification, in effect as of September 16, 1993, has
discontinued the use of the terms ``control zone'' and ``transition
area.'' The airspace in the vicinity of an airport with an operating
control tower is now designated as Class D airspace. General controlled
airspace is now designated as Class E airspace, and includes the
airspace extending upward from the surface in the vicinity of an
airport with no operating control tower, identified as E2; airspace
extending upward from the surface designated as extensions to Class C
surface areas, identified as E3; airspace extending upward from the
surface designated as extensions to Class D surface area, identified as
E4; and airspace in the vicinity of an airport extending upward from
700 feet or more above ground level, identified as E5. In addition to
those changes in terminology, this amendment makes the following minor
corrections and changes from the proposal. These corrections are based
on a review of the Notice and further updates to the affected airspace
descriptions based on amendments to instrument approach procedures.
None of these minor corrections increase the scope of the rule.
Airport/class Correction/change
Danbury, CT/D.................... Add location of the Carmel VORTAC,
and add a Class D extension to
contain aircraft executing the VOR-A
instrument approach.
Groton, CT/D..................... For charting purposes, change the
radius from 4.5 to 5 miles, and add
the word ``excluding'' prior to
description of Fisher's Island
Hartford, CT/D................... Add a phrase completing description
of airspace within vicinity of
Rentschler Airport.
Bedford, MA/D.................... Change state designation from ME to
MA, correct top of airspace from
2,500 feet MSL to 2,600 MSL.
Beverly, MA/D.................... Change state designation from ME to
North Kingstown, RI/D............ Change name of airport from Kingston
to Kingstown.
Danbury, CT/E5................... Change 9-mile radius to 10-mile
radius from the Danbury Airport 010
deg. bearing clockwise to the
Danbury Airport 320 deg. bearing,
and add an extension based on the
Danbury Airport 255 deg. bearing.
Oxford, CT/E5.................... Eliminate reference to the Waterbury
NDB, and change description of
Fryeburg, ME/E5.................. Change bearing references.
Boston, MA/E5.................... Change state designation from ME to
Provincetown, MA/E5.............. Change name of NDB referenced from
Racepoint to Provincetown, and add
latitude and longitude coordinates.
Laconia, NH/E5................... For charting purposes, change radius
from 2.8 miles to 3.5 miles.
Whitefield, NH/E5................ For charting purposes, change radius
from 2.8 miles to 3.5 miles, change
from ``east'' to ``west'' the
directional reference for the
Block Island, RI/E5.............. For charting purposes, change radius
from 6.3 miles to 9.0 miles.
Bennington, VT/E5................ For charting purposes, change radius
from 2 miles to 2.5 miles.
Burlington, VT/E5................ Increase radius from 10.8 miles to 23
miles, and eliminate extension
descriptions and references to the
Burlington VORTAC and HERRO NDB.
Morrisville, VT/E5............... For charting purposes, change radius
from 3.5 miles to 4.0 miles.
Springfield, VT/E5............... For charting purposes, change radius
from 3.0 miles to 3.5 miles.
The coordinates for this airspace action are based on North
American Datum (NAD) 83. Class D airspace designations for airspace in
the vicinity of airports with operating control towers are published in
Paragraph 5000 of FAA Order 7400.9A dated June 17, 1993, and effective
September 16, 1993, which is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR 71.1
(58 FR 36298; July 6, 1993). Class E airspace designations for areas of
controlled airspace designated as an extension to Class C airspace are
published in Paragraph 6003 of FAA Order 7400.9A; Class E airspace
designations for areas of controlled airspace designated as an
extension to Class D airspace are published in Paragraph 6004 of FAA
Order 7400.9A; and Class E airspace designations for controlled
airspace areas extending upward from 700 feet or more above ground
level are published in Paragraph 6005 of FAA Order 7400.9A. The Class D
and Class E airspace designations listed in this document will be
published subsequently in the Order.
The Rule
This amendment to part 71 of the Federal Aviation Regulations
updates Class D airspace to provide controlled airspace in the vicinity
of airports with an operating control tower, updates Class E airspace
to provide controlled airspace from the surface in the vicinity of
airports having instrument approach procedures but no operating control
tower, updates Class E airspace to provide controlled airspace upward
from 700 feet above the surface as extensions to Class C and Class D
airspace, and updates Class E airspace upward from 700 feet above the
surface to provide controlled airspace in the vicinity of certain
airports in the New England Region. These actions are necessary to keep
Class D and Class E airspace in the vicinity of certain airports in the
New England region operationally current in order to provide controlled
airspace for aircraft executing instrument departures from and
approaches to those airports.
The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an
established body of technical regulations for which frequent and
routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current.
It, therefore--(1) is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under
Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ``significant rule'' under DOT
Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979);
and (3) does not warrant preparation of a regulatory evaluation as the
anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that
will only affect air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is
certified that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air).
Adoption of the Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation
Administration amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 71 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. app. 1348(a), 1510; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565,
3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389; 49 U.S.C. 106(g); 14 CFR 11.69.
Sec. 71.1 [Amended]
2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of Federal
Aviation Administration Order 7400.9A, Airspace Designations and
Reporting Points, dated June 17, 1993, and effective September 16,
1993, is amended as follows:
Paragraph 5000 General
* * * * *
ANE CT D Bridgeport, CT [Revised]
Bridgeport, Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.09'48'' N, long. 73 deg.07'34'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,500 feet MSL within a 4.5-mile radius of the Igor I. Sikorsky
Memorial Airport from the Sikorsky Airport 360 deg. bearing
clockwise to the Sikorsky Airport 260 deg. bearing, and within a
6.5-mile radius from the Sikorsky Airport 260 deg. bearing clockwise
to the Sikorsky Airport 360 deg. bearing. This Class D airspace is
effective during the specific dates and times established in advance
by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The effective dates and times will
thereafter be continuously published in the Airport/Facility
ANE CT D Danbury, CT [Revised]
Danbury Municipal Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.22'17'' N, long. 83 deg.28'56'' W)
(lat. 41 deg.22'48'' N, long. 73 deg.34'53'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
3,000 feet MSL within a 6.5-mile radius of Danbury Municipal Airport
and within 1.2 miles on each side of the Carmel VORTAC 039 deg.
radial, extending from the 6.5-mile radius to the Carmel VORTAC.
This Class D airspace is effective during the specific dates and
times established in advance by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The
effective dates and times will thereafter be continuously published
in the Airport/Facility Directory.
ANE CT D Groton, CT [Revised]
Groton-New London Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.19'48'' N, long. 72 deg.02'42'' W)
Fisher's Island, Elizabeth Field, NY
(lat. 41 deg.15'07'' N, long. 72 deg.01'54'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,500 feet MSL within a 5-mile radius of the Groton-New London
Airport; excluding that airspace within a 1-mile radius of the
Fisher's Island, Elizabeth Field. This Class D airspace is effective
during specific dates and times established in advance by a Notice
to Airmen (NOTAM). The effective dates and times will thereafter be
continuously published in the Airport/Facility Directory.
ANE CT D Hartford, CT [Revised]
Hartford-Brainard Airport, Hartford, CT
(lat. 41 deg.44'10'' N, long. 72 deg.39'00'' W)
Rentschler Airport, East Hartford, CT
(lat. 41 deg.45'15'' N, long. 72 deg.37'28'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,500 feet MSL within a 4.5-mile radius of Hartford-Brainard
Airport, and within a 6.9-mile radius of the Rentschler Airport from
the Rentschler Airport 055 deg. bearing clockwise to the Rentschler
Airport 170 deg. bearing, and within a 4.9-mile radius of the
Rentschler Airport from the Rentschler Airport 170 deg. bearing
clockwise to the Rentschler Airport 055 deg. bearing; excluding that
airspace within the Windsor Locks, CT Class C Airspace. This Class D
airspace is effective during the specific dates and times
established in advance by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The effective
dates and times will thereafter be continuously published in the
Airport/Facility Directory.
ANE CT D New Haven, CT [Revised]
New Haven, Tweed-New Haven Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.15'49'' N, long. 72 deg.53'12'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,500 feet MSL within a 5-mile radius of the Tweed-New Haven
Airport. This Class D airspace is effective during specific dates
and times established in advance by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The
effective dates and times will thereafter be continuously published
in the Airport/Facility Directory.
* * * * *
ANE ME D Brunswick, ME [Revised]
Brunswick NAS, ME
(lat. 43 deg.53'32'' N, long. 69 deg.56'19'' W)
Brunswick Navy TACAN
(lat. 43 deg.54'09'' N, long. 69 deg.56'43'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,600 feet MSL within a 4.3-mile radius of Brunswick NAS, and within
1.8 miles on each side of the Brunswick Navy TACAN 166 deg. radial
extending from the 4.3-mile radius to 7 miles southeast of the
Brunswick Navy TACAN. and within 1.8 miles on each side of the
Brunswick Navy TACAN 015 deg. radial extending from the 4.3-mile
radius to 8.6 miles northeast of the Brunswick Navy TACAN.
ANE MA D Bedford, MA [Revised]
Bedford, Laurence G. Hanscom Field, MA
(lat. 42 deg.28'12'' N, long. 71 deg.17'20'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,600 feet MSL within a 5.2-mile radius of Laurence G. Hanscom
Field, excluding that airspace within the Boston, MA Class B
Airspace. This Class D airspace is effective during the specific
dates and times established in advance by a Notice to Airmen
(NOTAM). The effective dates and times will thereafter be
continuously published in the Airport/Facility Directory.
ANE MA D Beverly, MA [Revised]
Beverly Municipal Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.35'03'' N, long. 70 deg.55'01'' W)
Topsfield NDB
(lat. 42 deg.37'10'' N, long. 70 deg.57'25'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,600 feet MSL within a 4.5-mile radius of Beverly Municipal
Airport; excluding that airspace within the Boston, MA Class B
Airspace, and that airspace within the Lawrence, MA Class D Airspace
during the specific dates and times it is effective. This Class D
airspace is effective during the specific dates and times
established in advance by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The effective
dates and times will thereafter be continuously published in the
Airport/Facility Directory.
ANE MA Lawrence, MA [Revised]
Lawrence Municipal Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.43'02'' N, long. 71 deg.07'24'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,600 feet MSL within a 5-mile radius of the Lawrence Municipal
Airport. This Class D airspace is effective during the specific
dates and times established in advance by a Notice to Airmen
(NOTAM). The effective dates and times will thereafter be
continuously published in the Airport/Facility Directory.
* * * * *
ANE MA D Norwood, MA [Revised]
Norwood Memorial Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.11'27'' N, long. 71 deg.10'23'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,600 feet MSL within a 6-mile radius of the Norwood Memorial
Airport, excluding that airspace of the Boston, MA Class B Airspace.
This Class D airspace is effective during the specific dates and
times established in advance by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The
effective dates and times will thereafter be continuously published
in the Airport/Facility Directory.
ANE MA D Westfield, MA [Revised]
Westfield, Barnes Municipal Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.09'28' N, long. 72 deg.42'56'' W)
That airspace extending from the surface to and including 2,800
feet MSL within a 4.3-mile radius of Barnes Municipal Airport from
the Barnes Municipal Airport 341 deg. bearing clockwise to the
Barnes Municipal Airport 288 deg. bearing, and within 7.5 mile
radius from the Barnes Municipal Airport 288 deg. bearing clockwise
to the Barnes Municipal Airport 341 deg. bearing, and within 1.6
miles on each side of the Barnes Municipal Airport 009 deg. bearing
extending from the 4.3-mile radius to 4.9 miles north of the Barnes
Municipal Airport, and within 2.5 miles on each side of the Barnes
Municipal Airport 175 deg. bearing extending from the 4.3-mile
radius to 5.8 miles south of the Barnes Municipal Airport; excluding
that airspace within the Springfield/Chicopee, MA Class D Airspace
during the dates and times it is effective, and the airspace within
the Windsor Locks, CT Class C Airspace. This Class D airspace is
effective during the specific dates and times established in advance
by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The effective dates and times will
thereafter be published in the Airport/Facility Directory.
ANE NH D Lebanon, NH [Revised]
Lebanon Municipal Airport, NH
(lat. 43 deg.37'35'' N, long. 72 deg.18'15'' W)
(lat. 43 deg.43'57'' N, long. 72 deg.20'00'' W)
Hanover NDB
(lat. 43 deg.42'08'' N, long. 72 deg.10'39'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
3,100 feet MSL within a 6.7-mile radius of Lebanon Municipal
ANE NH D Nashua, NH [Revised]
Nashua, Boire Field, NH
(lat. 42 deg.46'54'' N, long. 71 deg.30'53'' W)CHERN NDB
(lat. 42 deg.49'24'' N, long. 71 deg.36'08'' W)
Manchester VORTAC
(lat. 42 deg.52'06'' N, long. 71 deg.22'10'' W)
Lawrence VOR/DME
(lat. 42 deg.44'25'' N, long. 71 deg.05'41'' W)
Sports Center Airport, Pepperell
(lat. 42 deg.41'45'' N, long. 71 deg.33'03'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,700 feet MSL within a 6-mile radius of Boire Field, and that
airspace extending upward from the surface within 1.1 miles on each
side of the Manchester VORTAC 231 deg. radial extending from the 6-
mile radius to 1.3 miles southwest of the Manchester VORTAC, and
within 3.7 miles on each side of the Lawrence VOR/DME 277 deg.
radial extending from the 6-mile radius to 6.9 miles east of Boire
Field; excluding that airspace within a 2-mile radius of Sports
Center Airport, Pepperell, and that airspace within the Manchester,
NH Class C Airspace, and that airspace within the Manchester, NH
Class E Airspace. This Class D airspace is effective during the
specific dates and times established in advance by a Notice to
Airmen (NOTAM). The effective dates and times will thereafter be
continuously published in the Airport/Facility Directory.
ANE NH D Portsmouth, NH [Revised]
Portsmouth, Pease International Tradeport, NH
(lat. 43 deg.04'40'' N, long. 70 deg.49'24'' W)
Eliot, Littlebrook Air Park, ME
(lat. 43 deg.08'35'' N, long. 70 deg.46'20'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,600 feet MSL within a 4.5-mile radius of the Pease International
Tradeport, excluding that airspace within a 1.5-mile radius of the
Littlebrook Air Park.
ANE RI D North Kingstown, RI [Revised]
North Kingstown, Quonse State Airport, RI
(lat. 41 deg.35'48'' N, long. 71 deg.24'43'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,500 feet MSL within a 5.3-mile radius of Quonset State Airport;
excluding that airspace within the Providence, RI Class C Airspace.
This Class D airspace is effective during the specific dates and
times established in advance by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The
effective dates and times will thereafter be continuously published
in the Airport/Facility Directory.
ANE ME D Augusta, ME [Revised]
Augusta State Airport, ME
(lat. 44 deg.19'14'' N, long. 69 deg.47'50'' W)
Dunns LOM
(lat. 44 deg.24'39'' N, long. 69 deg.51'39'' W)
Augusta VORTAC
(lat. 44 deg.19'12'' N, long. 69 deg.47'48'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface within a 4.1-
mile radius of Augusta State Airport, and within 3.5 miles on each
side of the Augusta State Airport 333 deg. bearing extending from
the 4.1-mile radius to 10 miles northwest of the Dunns LOM, and
within 2.5 miles on each side of the Augusta State Airport 156 deg.
bearing extending from the 4.1-mile radius to 7 miles southeast of
the Augusta VORTAC.
ANE ME D Houlton, ME [Revised]
Houlton International Airport, ME
(lat. 46 deg.07'25'' N, long. 67 deg.47'32'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface within a 6.5-
mile radius of Houlton International Airport excluding the airspace
outside of the United States.
* * * * *
ANE ME D Presque Isle, ME [Revised]
Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle, ME
(lat. 46 deg.41'20'' N, long. 68 deg.02'41'' W)
(lat. 46 deg.36'37'' N, long. 68 deg.01'08'' W)
Rogers Airport
(lat. 46 deg.37'30'' N, long. 67 deg.56'10'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface within a 6.8-
mile radius of Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle, and
within 2.5 miles on each side of the Northern Maine Regional Airport
at Presque Isle 165 deg. bearing extending from the 6.8-mile radius
to 8.2 miles southeast of the EXCAL LOM; excluding that airspace
within a 1-mile radius of the Rogers Airport. This Class D airspace
is effective during the specific dates and times established in
advance by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The effective date and time
will thereafter be continuously published in the Airport/Facility
* * * * *
* * * * *
Paragraph 6002 Class E airspace areas designated as a surface area
for an airport.
* * * * *
ANE NH E2 Concord, NH [Revised]
Concord Municipal Airport, NH
(lat. 43 deg.12'12'' N, long. 71 deg.30'07'' W)
Concord VORTAC
(lat. 43 deg.13'11'' N, long. 71 deg.34'32'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface within a 7.7-
mile radius of Concord Municipal Airport, and within 2.4 miles on
each side of the Concord VORTAC 300 deg. radial extending from the
7.7-mile radius to 7 miles northwest of the Concord VORTAC.
ANE VT E2 Montpelier, VT [Revised]
Barre-Montpelier, Edward F. Knapp State Airport, VT
(lat. 44 deg.12'12'' N, long. 72 deg.33'44'' W)
Mount Mansfield, VT NDB
(lat. 44 deg.23'12'' N, long. 72 deg.41'37'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface within a 4.1-
mile radius of Edward F. Knapp State Airport, and within 2.8 miles
on each side of the Edward F. Knapp State Airport 159 deg. bearing
extending from the 4.1-mile radius to 13.7 miles southeast of the
airport, and within 1.8-miles on each side of the Edward F. Knapp
State Airport 212 deg. bearing extending from the 4.1-mile radius to
7.0 miles southwest of the Edward F. Knapp State Airport, and within
1 mile on each side of Mount Mansfield NDB 152 deg. bearing
extending from the 4.1-mile radius to 6.6 miles southeast of the
Mount Mansfield NDB.
* * * * *
Paragraph 6003 Class E airspace areas designated as an extension to
a Class C surface area.
* * * * *
ANE CT E3 Windsor Locks, CT [Revised]
Windsor Locks, Bradley International, CT
(lat. 41 deg.56'20'' N, long. 72 deg.40'59'' W)
Bradley VORTAC
(lat. 41 deg.56'27'' N, long. 72 deg.41'19'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
4,200 feet MSL within 2.2 miles on each side of the Bradley VORTAC
314 deg. radial extending from a 5-mile radius of Bradley
International Airport to 6.4 miles northwest of the Bradley VORTAC,
and within 2.2 miles on each side of the Bradley VORTAC 218 deg.
radial extending from the 5-mile radius to 5.0 miles southwest of
the Bradley VORTAC.
ANE ME E3 Bangor, ME [Revised]
Bangor International Airport, ME
(lat. 44 deg.48'27'' N, long. 68 deg.49'41'' W)
(lat. 44 deg.50'30'' N, long. 68 deg.52'26'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
4,200 feet MSL within 1.5 miles on each side of the Bangor VORTAC
135 deg. radial extending from a 5-mile radius of Bangor
International Airport to 9.4 miles southeast of the Bangor VORTAC,
and within 3.1 miles on each side of the Bangor VORTAC 318 deg.
radial extending from the 5-mile radius to 7.2 miles northwest of
the Bangor VORTAC.
ANE NH E3 Manchester, NH [Revised]
Manchester Airport, NH
(lat. 42 deg.56'00'' N, long. 71 deg.26'16'' W)
Manchester VORTAC
(lat. 42 deg.52'07'' N, long. 71 deg.22'10'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
4,300 feet MSL within 1.1 miles on each side of the Manchester
VORTAC 325 deg. radial extending from a 5-mile radius of the
Manchester Airport to 5.6 miles northwest of the Manchester Airport.
This Class E airspace is effective during the specific dates and
times established in advance by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The
effective dates and times will thereafter be continuously published
in the Airport/Facility Directory.
ANE RI E3 Providence, RI [Revised]
Providence, Theodore Francis Green State Airport, RI
(lat. 41 deg.43'30'' N, long. 71 deg.25'40'' W)
Providence VORTAC
(lat. 41 deg.43'28'' N, long. 71 deg.25'47'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
4,100 feet MSL within 3.3 miles on each side of the Providence
VORTAC 132 deg. radial extending from a 5-mile radius of Providence,
Theodore Francis Green State Airport, to 8.4 miles southeast of the
Providence VORTAC, and within 3.8 miles on each side of the Theodore
Francis Green State Airport 211 deg. bearing extending from the 5-
mile radius to 15 miles southwest of the Theodore Francis Green
State Airport.
ANE VT E3 Burlington, VT [Revised]
Burlington International Airport, VT
(lat. 44 deg.28'17'' N, long. 73 deg.09'10'' W)
Burlington VORTAC
(lat. 44 deg.23'50'' N, long. 73 deg.10'57'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
4,400 feet MSL within 2.4 miles on each side of the Burlington
VORTAC 201 deg. radial extending from a 5-mile radius of the
Burlington International Airport to 7 miles southwest of the
Burlington VORTAC, and that airspace extending upward from the
surface within 1.8 miles on each side of the Burlington
International Airport 302 deg. bearing extending from the 5-mile
radius to 5.4 miles northwest of the Burlington International
* * * * *
Paragraph 6004 Class E airspace areas designated as an extension to
a Class D surface area.
* * * * *
ANE MA E4 Beverly, MA [Revised]
Beverly Municipal Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.35'03'' N, long. 70 deg.55'01'' W)
Topsfield NDB
(lat. 42 deg.37'10'' N, long. 70 deg.57'25'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,600 feet MSL within 3.2 miles on each side of the Topsfield NDB
317 deg. bearing, extending from a 4.5-mile radius of Beverly
Municipal Airport to 7 miles northwest of the Topsfield NDB;
excluding that airspace within the Boston, MA Class B Airspace, and
that airspace within the Lawrence, MA Class D Airspace during the
specific dates and times it is effective. This Class E airspace is
effective during the specific dates and times established in advance
by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The effective dates and times will
thereafter be continuously published in the Airport/Facility
* * * * *
ANE NH E4 Lebanon, NH [Revised]
Lebanon Municipal Airport, NH
(lat. 43 deg.37'35'' N, long. 72 deg.18'15'' W)
(lat. 43 deg.43'57'' N, long. 72 deg.20'00'' W)
Hanover NDB
(lat. 43 deg.42'08'' N, long. 72 deg.10'39'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
3,100 feet MSL within 3.3 miles on each side of the BURGR OM
352 deg. bearing extending from a 6.7-mile radius of Lebanon
Municipal Airport to 8 miles north of the BURGR OM, and within 2.4
miles on each side of the Hanover NDB 051 deg. bearing extending
from the 6.7-mile radius to 7 miles northeast of Hanover NDB.
ANE NH E4 Nashua, NH [Revised]
Nashua, Boire Field, NH
(lat. 42 deg.46'54'' N, long. 71 deg.30'53'' W)
(lat. 42 deg.49'24'' N, long. 71 deg.36'08'' W)
Manchester VORTAC
(lat. 42 deg.52'06'' N, long. 71 deg.22'10'' W)
Lawrence VOR/DME
(lat. 42 deg.44'25'' N, long. 71 deg.05'41'' W)
Sports Center Airport, Pepperell
(lat. 42 deg.41'45'' N, long. 71 deg.33'03'' W)
That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including
2,700 feet MSL within 2.6 miles on each side of the CHERN NDB
303 deg. bearing extending from a 6-mile radius of Boire Field to 7
miles northwest of the CHERN NDB; excluding that airspace within a
2-mile radius of Sports Center Airport, Pepperell, and that airspace
within the Manchester, NH Class C Airspace, and that airspace within
the Manchester, NH Class D Airspace. This Class E airspace is
effective during the specific dates and times established in advance
by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). The effective dates and times will
thereafter be coninuously published in the Airport/Facility
* * * * *
Paragraph 6005 Class E airspace areas extending upward from 700
feet or more above the surface of the earth.
* * * * *
ANE CT E5 Bridgeport, CT [Revised]
Bridgeport, Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.09'48'' N, long. 73 deg.07'34'' W)
Stratford, Sikorsky Heliport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.14'57'' N, long. 73 deg.05'48'' W)
Bridgeport VOR
(lat. 41 deg.09'39'' N, long. 73 deg.07'28'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 10-mile radius of the Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial Airport
from the Sikorsky Airport 245 deg. bearing clockwise to the Sikorsky
Airport 070 deg. bearing, and within a 6.5-mile radius from the
Sikorsky Airport 070 deg. bearing clockwise to the Sikorsky Airport
245 deg. bearing, and within 4 miles on each side of the Bridgeport
VOR 041 deg. radial extending from the 10-mile radius to 14.8 miles
northeast of Bridgeport VOR, and within a 8.5-mile radius of the
Sikorsky Heliport; excluding that airspace within the Bridgeport,
CT, Stratford, CT, and New Haven, CT, Class D Airspace during the
specific dates and times they are effective.
ANE CT E5 Chester, CT [Revised]
Chester Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.23'02'' N, long. 72 deg.30'21'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 9.3-mile radius of Chester Airport, and within 4 miles west
and 5.4 miles of the Chester Airport 339 deg. bearing extending from
the 9.3-mile radius to 17.3 miles northwest of Chester Airport;
excluding that airspace within the Hartford, CT Class D Airspace
during the specific dates and times it is effective.
* * * * *
ANE CT E5 Danbury, CT [Revised]
Danbury Municipal Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.22'17'' N, long. 73 deg.28'56'' W)
(lat. 41 deg.16'48'' N, long. 73 deg.34'53'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 11.5-mile radius of Danbury Municipal Airport from the
Danbury Airport 320 deg. bearing clockwise to the Danbury Airport
010 deg. bearing, and within a 10-mile radius from the Danbury
Airport 010 deg. bearing clockwise to the Danbury Airport 320 deg.
bearing, and within 3 miles on each side of the Carmel VORTAC
218 deg. radial extending from the 10-mile radius to 10 miles
southwest of the Carmel VORTAC, and within 4 miles north and 5.5
miles south of the Danbury Airport 255 deg. bearing extending from
the 10-mile radius to 16 miles west of the Danbury Airport;
excluding that airspace within the White Plains, NY, Class D
Airspace, and that airspace within the White Plains, NY, and
Poughkeepsie, NY, Class E Airspace, and that airspace within the
Danbury, CT Class D Airspace during the specific dates and times it
is effective.
ANE CT E5 Danielson, CT [Revised]
Danielson Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.49'11'' N, long. 71 deg.54'03'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within an 8.1-mile radius of Danielson Airport.
ANE CT E5 Groton, CT [Revised]
Groton-New London Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.19'48'' N, long. 72 deg.02'42'' W)
Groton VOR
(lat. 41 deg.19'49'' N, long. 72 deg.03'07'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.5-mile radius of Groton-New London Airport, and within
1.3 miles on each side of the Groton VOR 048 deg. radial extending
from the 7.5-mile radius to 15.6 miles northeast of the Groton VOR;
excluding that airspace within the Groton, CT Class D Airspace
during the specific dates and times it is effective, and that
airspace within the Westerly, RI Class E Airspace.
ANE CT E5 Hartford, CT [Revised]
Hartford-Brainard Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.44'10'' N, long. 72 deg.39'00'' W)
East Hartford, Rentschler Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.45'15'' N, long. 72 deg.37'28'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within an 11.5-mile radius of Hartford-Brainard Airport, and within
an 11.9-mile radius of the Rentschler Airport; excluding that
airspace within the Windsor Locks, CT Class C Airspace, and that
airspace within the Windsor Locks, CT, and Chester, CT, Class E
Airspace, and that airspace within the Hartford, CT Class D Airspace
during the specific dates and times it is effective.
ANE CT E5 Madison, CT [Revised]
Madison, Griswold Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.16'16'' N, long. 72 deg.32'59'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within an 8.7-mile radius of Griswold Airport from the Griswold
Airport 260 deg. bearing clockwise to the Griswold Airport 090 deg.
bearing, and within a 6.2-mile radius from the Griswold Airport
090 deg. bearing clockwise to the 260 deg. bearing; excluding that
airspace within the Chester, CT Class E Airspace.
ANE CT E5 Meriden, CT [Revised]
Meriden Markham Municipal Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.30'31'' N, long. 72 deg.49'46'' W)
Madison VOR/DME
(lat. 41 deg.18'50'' N, long. 72 deg.41'32'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 10.8-mile radius of Meriden Markham Municipal Airport, and
within 4 miles on each side of the Madison VOR/DME 332 deg. radial
extending from the 10.8-mile radius to 0.6 mile northwest of the
Madison VOR/DME; excluding that airspace within the New Haven, CT
Class D Airspace during the specific dates and times it is
effective, and that airspace within the Bridgeport, CT, Madison, CT,
Chester, CT, and Hartford, CT, Class E Airspace.
ANE CT E5 New Haven, CT [Revised]
New Haven, Tweed-New Haven Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.15'49'' N, long. 72 deg.53'12'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 9-mile radius of Tweed-New Haven Airport; excluding that
airspace within the Bridgeport, CT, Meriden, CT, Chester, CT, and
Madison, CT, Class E Airspace, and that airspace within the New
Haven, CT, Bridgeport, CT, Sikorsky, CT, Class D Airspace during the
specific dates and times they are effective.
ANE CT E5 Oxford, CT [Revised]
Waterbury-Oxford Airport, CT
(lat. 41 deg.28'46'' N, long. 73 deg.08'07'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within an 8-mile radius of Waterbury-Oxford Airport, and within 5
miles on each side of the Waterbury-Oxford Airport 351 deg. bearing
extending from the 8-mile radius to 19 miles north of the Waterbury-
Oxford Airport; excluding that airspace within the Meriden, CT, New
Haven, CT, and Bridgeport, CT, Class E Airspace.
ANE CT E5 Willimantic, CT [Revised]
Willimantic, Windham, Airport, CT
(lat. 42 deg.44'38'' N, long. 72 deg.10'49'' W)
Norwich VORTAC
(lat. 41 deg.33'23'' N, long. 71 deg.59'58'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 10.5-mile radius of Windham Airport, and within 3.7 miles
on each side of the Norwich VORTAC 323 deg. radial extending from
the 10.5-mile radius to 12.9 miles southeast of the Windham Airport,
and within 3.9 miles south and 5.2 miles north of the Windham
Airport 074 deg. bearing extending from the 10.5-mile radius to 15.7
miles east of Windham Airport; excluding that airspace within the
Danielson, CT, and Hartford, CT, Class E Airspace.
ANE CT E5 Windsor Locks, CT [Revised]
Windsor Locks, Bradley International Airport
(lat. 41 deg.56'20'' N, long. 72 deg.40'59'' W)
Bradley VORTAC
(lat. 41 deg.56'27'' N, long. 72 deg.41'19'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 10.9 mile radius of Bradley International Airport, and
within 3.1 miles on each side of the Bradley Airport 044 deg.
bearing extending from the 10.9-mile radius to 11.7 miles northeast
of the Bradley Airport; excluding that airspace within the Hartford,
CT, Westfield, MA, and Springfield/Chicopee, MA, Class D Airspace,
during the specific dates and times they are effective, and that
airspace within the Windsor Locks, CT Class C Airspace.
ANE MA E5 Boston, MA [Revised]
Boston, General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport
(lat. 42 deg.21'51'' N, long. 71 deg.00'18'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within that area bounded by a line beginning at lat. 42 deg.30'00''
N, long. 70 deg.47'58'' W and running to lat. 42 deg.43'00'' N,
long. 70 deg.39'28'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.55'00'' N, long.
70 deg.57'58'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.56'00'' N, long.
71 deg.15'28'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.42'00'' N, long.
71 deg.17'58'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.32'00'' N, long.
71 deg.40'58'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.21'00'' N, long.
71 deg.41'58'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.20'00'' N, long.
71 deg.24'28'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.05'00'' N, long.
71 deg.22'30'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.04'00'' N, long.
71 deg.11'58'' W, then to lat. 41 deg.56'00'' N, long.
71 deg.06'58'' W, then to lat. 41 deg.59'00'' N, long.
70 deg.56'28'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.12'00'' N, long.
70 deg.36'28'' W, then to the point of beginning; excluding that
airspace within the Boston, MA Class B Airspace, and that airspace
within the South Weymouth, MA, Norwood, MA, Bedford, MA, Beverly,
MA, Lawrence, MA, Class D Airspace, during the specific dates and
times they are effective.
ANE MA E5 Fall River, MA [Revised]
Fall River Municipal, MA
(lat. 41 deg.45'18'' N, long. 71 deg.06'36'' W)
Fall River NDB (FLR)
(lat. 41 deg.45'20'' N, long. 71 deg.06'44'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.4-mile radius of Fall River Municipal Airport; excluding
that airspace within the New Bedford, MA Class D Airspace during the
dates and times it is effective, and that airspace within the New
Bedford, MA, Providence, RI, and North Kingstown, RI, Class E
ANE MA E5 Falmouth, MA [Revised]
Falmouth, Otis ANGB, MA
(lat. 41 deg.39'30'' N, long. 70 deg.31'17'' W)
Barnstable Municipal Airport-Boardman/Polando Field
(lat. 41 deg.40'09'' N, long. 70 deg.16'49'' W)
Chatham Municipal Airport
(lat. 41 deg.41'18'' N, long. 69 deg.59'22'' W)
Martha's Vineyard Municipal Airport
(lat. 41 deg.23'35'' N, long. 70 deg.36'52'' W)
Martha's Vineyard VOR/DME
(lat. 41 deg.23'46'' N, long. 70 deg.36'46'' W)
(lat. 41 deg.42'58'' N, long. 70 deg.12'11'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 12.2-mile radius of Otis ANGB, and within a 6.7-mile radius
of Barnstable Municipal Airport, and within 3 miles on each side of
the BOGEY LOM 050 deg. bearing extending from the 6.7-mile radius to
10 miles northeast of the BOGEY LOM, and within a 6.3-mile radius of
the Chatham Municipal Airport, and within a 6.5-mile radius of
Martha's Vineyard Municipal Airport, and within 5.1 miles on each
side of the 052 deg. radial of the Martha's Vineyard VOR/DME
extending from the 6.5-mile radius to 14 miles northeast of Martha's
Vineyard VOR/DME; excluding that airspace within the Hyannis, MA,
and Martha's Vineyard, MA, Class D Airspace during the specific
dates and times they are effective, and that airspace within the
Falmouth, MA Class D Airspace.
ANE MA E5 Fitchburg, MA [Removed]
ANE MA E5 Fort Devens, MA [Revised]
Fort Devens, Moore AAF, MA
(lat. 42 deg.34'12'' N, long. 71 deg.36'10'' W)
Dickinson NDB
(lat. 42 deg.38'46'' N, long. 71 deg.43'37'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.6-mile radius of Fort Devens, Moore AAF, and within 3
miles on each side of 310 deg. bearing from the Dickinson NDB
extending from the 7.6-mile radius to 10 miles northwest of the
Dickinson NDB; excluding that airspace within the Keene, NH, Nashua,
NH, Manchester, NH, and Boston, MA, Class E Airspace.
ANE MA E5 Great Barrington, MA [Revised]
Great Barrington Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.11'03'' N, long. 73 deg.24'11'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 12.8-mile radius of Great Barrington Airport, excluding
that airspace within the Hudson, NY Class E Airspace.
ANE MA E5 Hopedale, MA [Revised]
Hopedale Industrial Park Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.06'23'' N, long. 71 deg.30'36'' W)
Putnam VOR/DME
(lat. 41 deg.57'20'' N, long. 71 deg.50'39'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.3-mile radius of Hopedale Industrial Park Airport, and
within 4 miles on each side of the Putnam VOR/DME 059 deg. radial
extending from the 7.3-mile radius to the Putnam VOR/DME; excluding
that airspace within the Boston, MA, Danielson, CT, Pawtucket, RI,
Providence, RI, and North Kingstown, RI, Class E Airspace.
ANE MA E5 Mansfield, MA [Revised]
Mansfield Municipal Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.00'00'' N, long. 71 deg.11'48'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 8.3-mile radius of Mansfield Municipal Airport; excluding
that airspace within Norwood, MA Class D Airspace during the
specific dates and times it is effective, and that airspace within
the Boston, MA, Hopedale, MA, Fall River, MA, North Kingstown, RI,
Providence, RI, and Pawtucket, RI, Class E Airspace.
ANE MA E5 Marshfield, MA [Revised]
Marshfield Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.05'53'' N, long. 70 deg.40'20'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 6.4-mile radius of Marshfield Airport, excluding that
airspace within the Boston, MA Class E Airspace.
* * * * *
ANE MA E5 Northampton, MA [Revised]
Northampton Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.19'41'' N, long. 72 deg.36'41'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 13.3-mile radius of Northampton Airport; excluding that
airspace within the Springfield/Chicopee, MA, and Westfield, MA,
Class D Airspace during the specific dates and times they are
effective, and that airspace within the Springfield/Chicopee, MA,
Keene, NH, and Windsor Locks, CT, Class E Airspace.
ANE MA E5 Palmer, MA [Revised]
Palmer, Metropolitan Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.13'24'' N, long. 72 deg.18'41'' W)
Palmer NDB
(lat. 42 deg.13'26'' N, long. 72 deg.18'45'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 6.3-mile radius of Metropolitan Airport, and within 3.9
miles on each side of the Palmer NDB 201 deg. bearing extending from
the 6.3-mile radius to 13.3 miles southwest of the Palmer NDB;
excluding that airspace within the Springfield/Chicopee, MA Class D
Airspace during the specific dates and times it is effective, and
that airspace within the Springfield/Chicopee, MA, Northampton, MA,
and Windsor Locks, CT, Class E Airspace.
ANE MA E5 Pittsfield, MA [Revised]
Pittsfield Municipal Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.25'36'' N, long. 73 deg.17'34'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 4-mile radius of Pittsfield Municipal Airport, and within 4
miles on each side of the Pittsfield Municipal Airport 065 deg.
bearing extending from the 4-mile radius to 16.2 miles northeast of
the Pittsfield Municipal Airport; excluding that airspace within the
Great Barrington, MA Class E Airspace.
* * * * *
ANE MA E5 Provincetown, MA [Revised]
Provincetown Municipal Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.04'19'' N, long. 70 deg.13'17'' W)
Provincetown NDB
(lat. 42 deg.04'08'' N, long. 70 deg.13'25'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 6.3-mile radius of Provincetown Municipal Airport, and
within 8 miles north and 4 miles south of the Provincetown NDB
051 deg. bearing extending from the Provincetown NDB to 16 miles
northeast of the Provincetown NDB, and within 8 miles north and 4
miles south of the Provincetown NDB 257 deg. bearing extending from
the Provincetown NDB to 16 miles southwest of the Provincetown NDB;
excluding that airspace within the Marshfield, MA, and Boston, MA,
Class E Airspace.
ANE MA E5 Southbridge, MA [Revised]
Southbridge Municipal Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.06'03'' N, long. 72 deg.02'18'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.8-mile radius of Southbridge Municipal Airport, excluding
that airspace within the Worcester, MA Class E Airspace.
ANE MA E5 Springfield/Chicopee, MA [Revised]
Springfield/Chicopee, Westover AFB, MA
(lat. 42 deg.11'52'' N, long. 72 deg.31'48'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.4-mile radius of Westover AFB; excluding that airspace
within the Westfield, MA Class E Airspace, and that airspace within
the Springfield/Chicopee, MA, and Westfield, MA, Class D Airspace
during the specific dates and times they are effective.
ANE MA E5 Taunton, MA [Revised]
Taunton Municipal Airport, MA
(lat. 41 deg.52'28'' N, long. 71 deg.01'01'' W)
Taunton NDB
(lat. 41 deg.52'35'' N, long. 71 deg.01'01'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.3-mile radius of Taunton Municipal Airport; excluding
that airspace within the Boston, MA, Fall River, MA, New Bedford,
MA, and Mansfield, MA, Class E Airspace.
ANE MA E5 Westfield, MA [Revised]
Westfield, Barnes Municipal Airport, MA
(lat. 42 deg.09'28'' N, long. 72 deg.42'56'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 12.8-mile radius of Barnes Municipal Airport; excluding
that airspace within the Windsor Locks, CT Class C Airspace, and
that airspace within the Northampton, MA, Palmer, MA, and Windsor
Locks, CT, Class E Airspace, and that airspace within the
Springfield, MA, and Westfield, MA, Class D Airspace during the
specific dates and times they are effective.
* * * * *
ANE ME E5 Auburn, ME [Revised]
Auburn/Lewiston Municipal Airport, ME
(lat. 44 deg.02'54'' N, long. 70 deg.17'00'' W)
Lewis LOM
(lat. 43 deg.57'50'' N, long. 70 deg.20'08'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.5-mile radius of Auburn/Lewiston Municipal Airport, and
within 3.9 miles on each side of the LEWIE LOM 203 deg. bearing
extending from the 7.5-mile radius to 8.2 miles southwest of the
* * * * *
ANE ME E5 Bangor, ME [Revised]
Bangor International Airport, ME
(lat. 44 deg.48'27'' N, long. 68 deg.49'41'' W)
(lat. 44 deg.50'30'' N, long. 68 deg.52'26'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 10-mile radius of Bangor International Airport, and that
airspace within 6.5 miles south and 4 miles north of the Bangor
International Airport 136 deg. bearing extending from the 10-mile
radius to 16.7 miles southeast of the Bangor International Airport,
and that airspace within 3.7 miles on each side of the Bangor VORTAC
318 deg. radial extending from the 10-mile radius to 8.8 miles
northwest of the Bangor VORTAC; excluding that airspace within the
Bangor, ME Class D Airspace.
* * * * *
ANE ME E5 Belfast, ME [Revised]
Belfast Municipal Airport, ME
(lat. 44 deg.24'35'' N, long. 69 deg.00'44'' W)
Belfast NDB
(lat. 44 deg.24'40'' N, long. 69 deg.00'39'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 6.4-mile radius of Belfast Municipal Airport from the
Belfast Airport 050 deg. bearing clockwise to the Belfast Airport
180 deg. bearing, and that airspace within 9.4-mile radius from the
Belfast Airport 180 deg. bearing clockwise to the Belfast Airport
050 deg. bearing, and that airspace within 3 miles on each side of
the Belfast NDB 306 deg. bearing extending from the 9.4-mile radius
to 15.4 miles northwest of the Belfast NDB.
ANE ME E5 Biddeford, ME [Revised]
Biddeford Municipal Airport, ME
(lat. 43 deg.27'51'' N, long. 70 deg.28'21'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.8-mile radius of Biddeford Municipal Airport, excluding
that airspace within the Kennebunkport, ME Class E Airspace.
ANE ME E5 Brunswick, ME [Revised]
Brunswick NAS, ME
(lat. 43 deg.53'32'' N, long. 69 deg.56'19'' W)
Brunswick Navy TACAN
(lat. 43 deg.54'09'' N, long. 69 deg.56'43'' W)
Wiscasset Airport, ME
(lat. 43 deg.57'40'' N, long. 69 deg.42'48'' W)
Wiscasset NDB
(lat. 43 deg.58'57'' N, long. 69 deg.38'25'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.8-mile radius of Brunswick NAS, and within 1.8 miles on
each side of the Brunswick Navy TACAN 166 deg. radial extending from
the 7.8-mile radius to 10.4 miles south of the Brunswick Navy TACAN,
and within a 8.4-mile radius of Wiscasset Airport, and within 4
miles south and 6 miles north of the Navy Brunswick TACAN 070 deg.
radial extending from the 8.4-mile radius to 25.5 miles east of the
Navy Brunswick TACAN.
ANE ME E5 Frenchville, ME [Revised]
Frenchville, Northern Aroostook Regional Airport, ME
(lat. 47 deg.17'08'' N, long. 68 deg.18'46'' W)
Frenchville NDB
(lat. 47 deg.16'05'' N, long. 68 deg.15'24'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 8.9-mile radius of Northern Aroostook Regional Airport, and
that airspace within 4.0 miles on each side of the Frenchville NDB
113 deg. bearing extending from the 8.9-mile radius to 9.8 miles
southeast of Frenchville NDB; excluding that airspace outside of the
United States.
ANE ME E5 Fryeburg, ME [Revised]
Fryeburg, Eastern Slopes Regional Airport, ME
(lat. 43 deg.59'26'' N, long. 70 deg.56'49'' W)
Sebago NDB
(lat. 43 deg.54'16'' N, long. 70 deg.46'56'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 2.3-mile radius of Eastern Slopes Regional Airport from the
Eastern Slopes Airport 197 deg. bearing clockwise to the Eastern
Slopes Airport 295 deg. bearing, and that airspace within a 10.3-
mile radius of Eastern Slopes Regional Airport from the Eastern
Slopes Airport 295 deg. bearing clockwise to the Eastern Slopes
Regional Airport 197 deg. bearing, and that airspace within 2 miles
on each side of the Sebago NDB 306 deg. bearing extending from 2.3-
mile radius to the Sebago NDB.
ANE ME E5 Greenville, ME [Revised]
Greenville Municipal Airport, ME
(lat. 45 deg.27'45'' N, long. 69 deg.33'02'' W)
Squaw NDB
(lat. 45 deg.31'18'' N, long. 69 deg.40'28'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 9.4-mile radius of Greenville Municipal Airport from the
Greenville Airport 345 deg. bearing clockwise to the Greenville
Airport 315 deg. bearing, and within a 11.5-mile radius of
Greenville Municipal Airport from the Greenville Airport 315 deg.
bearing clockwise to the Greenville Airport 345 deg. bearing, and
within 3 miles on each side of the Squaw NDB 305 deg. bearing
extending from the 9.4-mile radius to 9.7 miles northwest of the
Squaw NDB.
ANE ME E5 Houlton, ME [Revised]
Houlton International Airport, ME
(lat. 46 deg.07'25'' N, long. 67 deg.47'32'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 9-mile radius of Houlton International Airport excluding
that airspace outside of the United States.
* * * * *
ANE ME E5 Lincoln, ME [Revised]
Lincoln Regional Airport, ME
(lat. 45 deg.21'44'' N, long. 68 deg.32'05'' W)
Lincoln NDB
(lat. 45 deg.21'23'' W, long. 68 deg.32'13'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 10.3-mile radius of Lincoln Regional Airport, and within 4
miles west and 8 miles east of the Lincoln NDB 342 deg. bearing
extending from 10.3-mile radius to 16 miles northwest of the Lincoln
ANE ME E5 Machias, ME [Revised]
Machias Valley Airport, ME
(lat. 44 deg.42'11'' N, long. 67 deg.28'41'' W)
Machias NDB
(lat. 44 deg.42'16'' N, long. 67 deg.28'42'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 8.3-mile radius of Machias Valley Airport.
* * * * *
ANE ME E5 Millinocket, ME [Revised]
Millinocket Municipal Airport, ME
(lat. 45 deg.38'52'' N, long. 68 deg.41'08'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 9.5-mile radius of Millinocket Municipal Airport, excluding
that airspace within the Lincoln, ME Class E Airspace.
ANE ME E5 Norridgewock, ME [Revised]
Norridgewock, Central Maine Airport of Norridgewock, ME
(lat. 44 deg.42'56'' N, long. 69 deg.51'59'' W)
Augusta VORTAC
(lat. 44 deg.19'12'' N, long. 69 deg.47'47'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 12.5-mile radius of Central Maine Airport from the Central
Maine Airport 190 deg. bearing clockwise to the Central Maine
Airport 340 deg. bearing, and within a 10-mile radius of the Central
Maine Airport from the Central Maine Airport 340 deg. bearing
clockwise to the Central Maine Airport 190 deg. bearing, and within
4 miles west and 5 miles east of the Augusta VORTAC 353 deg. radial
extending from the 10-mile radius to the Augusta VORTAC; excluding
that airspace within the Augusta, ME Class E Airspace.
ANE ME E5 Old Town, ME [Revised]
Old Town, Dewitt Field, Old Town Municipal Airport, ME
(lat. 44 deg.57'10'' N, long. 68 deg.40'25'' W)
(lat. 44 deg.50'30'' N, long. 68 deg.52'26'' W)
Old Town NDB
(lat. 45 deg.00'24'' N, long. 68 deg.38'00'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7-mile radius of Dewitt Field, Old Town Municipal Airport,
and within 2.8 miles on each side of the Old Town NDB 029 deg.
bearing extending from the 7-mile radius to 9 miles northeast of the
Old Town NDB, and within 4 miles on each side of the Bangor VORTAC
050 deg. radial extending from the 7-mile radius to 25 miles
northeast of the Bangor VORTAC; excluding that airspace within the
Bangor, ME Class C Airspace, and that airspace within the Bangor, ME
Class E Airspace.
ANE ME E5 Pittsfield, ME [Revised]
Pittsfield Municipal Airport, ME
(lat. 44 deg.46'06'' N, long. 69 deg.22'28'' W)
Burnham NDB
(lat. 44 deg.41'50'' N, long. 69 deg.21'28'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.5-mile radius of Pittsfield Municipal Airport, and within
2.9 miles on each side of the Burnham NDB 170 deg. bearing extending
from the 7.5-mile radius to 9.2 miles south of the NDB; excluding
that airspace within the Belfast, ME Class A Airspace.
ANE ME TA Portland, ME [Revised]
Portland International Jetport, ME
(lat. 43 deg.38'46'' N, long. 70 deg.18'31'' W)
(lat. 43 deg.39'09'' N, long. 70 deg.26'28'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 8.7-mile radius of the Portland International Jetport, and
within 3 miles on each side of the ORHAM LOM 275 deg. bearing
extending from the 8.7-mile radius to 10 miles west of the ORHAM
LOM; including that airspace within the Portland, ME Class C
Airspace, and that airspace within the Biddeford, ME Class E
ANE ME E5 Presque Isle, ME [Revised]
Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle, ME
(lat. 46 deg.41'20'' N, long. 68 deg.02'41'' W)
Presque Isle VORTAC
(lat. 46 deg.46'27'' N, long. 68 deg.05'40'' W)
(lat. 46 deg.36'37'' N, long. 68 deg.01'08'' W)
Caribou Municipal Airport, ME
(lat. 46 deg.52'17'' N, long. 68 deg.01'04'' W)
Loring Air Force Base
(lat. 46 deg.57'01'' N, long. 67 deg.53'08'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within an 11-mile radius of Northern Maine Regional Airport at
Presque Isle, and within 3 milies on each side of the EXCAL LOM
165 deg. bearing extending from the 11-mile radius to 9.2 miles
south of the EXCAL LOM, and within 4 miles east and 8 miles west of
the Presque Isle VORTAC 340 deg. radial extending from the 11-mile
radius to 16 miles northwest of the VORTAC, and within a 8.5-mile
radius of Caribou Municipal Airport, and within an 8.5-mile radius
of Loring Air Force Base; excluding that airspace outside of the
United States, and that airspace within the Limestone, ME, Class D
ANE ME ES Princeton, ME [Revised]
Princeton Municipal Airport, ME
(lat. 45 deg.12'02'' N, long. 67 deg.33'52'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 10-mile radius of Princeton Municipal Airport, excluding
that airspace outside the United States.
ANE ME E5 Rangeley, ME
Rangeley Municipal Airport, ME
(lat. 44 deg.59'30'' N, long. 70 deg.39'49'' W)
Rangeley NDB
(lat. 44 deg.56'04'' N, long. 70 deg.45'04'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 6.3-mile radius of Rangeley Municipal Airport, and within 4
miles southeast and 8 miles northwest of the Ranageley NDB 227 deg.
bearing extending from Ranageley NDB to 16 miles southwest of NDB;
excluding that airspace within the Berlin, NH, Class E Airspace.
ANE ME E5 Rockland, ME [Revised]
Rockland, Knox County Regional Airport, ME
(lat. 44 deg.03'37'' N, long. 69 deg.05'59'' W)
Sprucehead NDB
(lat. 43 deg.59'52'' N, long. 69 deg.07'03'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 8.4-mile radius of Knox County Regional Airport, and within
4 miles east and 5.5 miles west of the Sprucehead NDB 194 deg.
bearing extending from the 8.4-mile radius to 10 miles south of
Sprucehead NDB.
ANE ME E5 Sanford, ME [Revised]
Sanford Municipal, ME
(lat. 43 deg.23'38'' N, long. 70 deg.42'29'' W)
Kennebunk VORTAC
(lat. 43 deg.25'33'' N, long. 70 deg.36'49'' W)
(lat. 43 deg.20'04'' N, long. 70 deg.50'04'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within 10.7 miles of Sanford Municipal Airport from the Sanford
Airport 253 deg. bearing clockwise to the Sanford Airport 073 deg.
bearing, and within 6.7 miles of the Sanford Municipal Airport from
the Sanford Airport 073 deg. bearing clockwise to the Sanford
Airport 253 deg. bearing, and within 4 miles north and 5 miles south
of the SANFD LOM 238 deg. bearing extending from the 6.7-mile radius
to 10 miles southwest of the SANFD LOM, and within 4 miles north and
5 miles south of the Kennebunk VORTAC 064 deg. radial extending from
6.7-mile radius to 9 miles northeast of the Kennebunk VORTAC;
excluding that airspace within the Portsmouth, ME, Kennebunkport,
ME, and Biddeford, ME, Class E Airspace.
ANE ME E5 Waterville, ME [Revised]
Waterville Robert LaFleur Airport, ME
(lat. 44 deg.32'00'' N, long. 69 deg.40'32'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7.5-mile radius of Waterville Robert LaFleur Airport;
excluding that airspace within the Norridgewock, ME, and Augusta,
Class E Airspace.
ANE NH E5 Berlin, NH [Revised]
Berlin Municipal Airport, NH
(lat. 44 deg.34'30'' N, long. 71 deg.10'32'' W)
Berlin VOR/DME
(lat. 44 deg.38'00'' N, long. 71 deg.11'10'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within an 8.2-mile radius of Berlin Municipal Airport, and within 4
miles west and 8 miles east of the Berlin VOR/DME 355 deg. radial
extending from the 8.2-mile radius to 16 miles north of the Berlin
* * * * *
ANE NH E5 Concord, NH [Revised]
Concord Municipal Airport, NH
(lat. 43 deg.12'12'' N, long. 71 deg.30'07'' W)
(lat. 43 deg.07'07'' N, long. 71 deg.27'09'' W)
Concord VORTAC
(lat. 43 deg.13'11'' N, long. 71 deg.34'31'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 12-mile radius of Concord Municipal Airport, and within 4
miles on each side of the EPSOM NDB 156 deg. bearing extending from
the 12-mile radius to 9.6 miles south of the EPSOM NDB, and within 8
miles south and 15 miles north of the Concord VORTAC 300 deg. radial
extending from the 12-mile radius to 20 miles northwest of the
Concord VORTAC; excluding that airspace within the Manchester, NH
Class C Airspace.
ANE NH E5 Keene, NH [Revised]
Keene, Dillant Hopkins Airport, NH
(lat. 42 deg.53'53'' N, long. 72 deg.16'14'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within that area bounded by a line beginning at lat. 43 deg.01'00''
N, long. 72 deg.13'00'' W and running to lat. 42 deg.53'00'' N,
long. 71 deg.55'00'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.38'00'' N, long.
71 deg.41'00'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.26'00'' N, long.
71 deg.42'00'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.26'00'' N, long.
71 deg.53'00'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.24 deg.00'' N, long.
72 deg.00'00'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.28'00'' N, long.
72 deg.15'00'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.28'00'' N, long.
72 deg.40'00'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.39'00'' N, long.
72 deg.48'00'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.46'00'' N, long.
72 deg.43'00'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.52'00'' N, long.
72 deg.28'00'' W, then to lat. 43 deg.05'00'' N, long.
72 deg.34'30'' W, then to lat. 43 deg.10'00'' N, long.
72 deg.19'00'' W, then to the point of beginning.
ANE NH E5 Laconia, NH [Revised]
Laconia Municipal Airport, NH
(lat. 43 deg.34'22'' N, long. 71 deg.25'08'' W)
Belknap NDB
(lat. 43 deg.32'12'' N, long. 71 deg.32'13'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 3.5-mile radius of the Laconia Municipal Airport, and
within 2.8 miles on each side of the Belknap NDB 249 deg. bearing
extending from the 3.5-mile radius to 8.8 miles southwest of the
Belknap NDB, and within 2.8 miles on each side of the Laconia
Municipal Airport 041 deg. bearing extending from the 3.5-mile
radius to 6.5 miles northeast of the Laconia Municipal Airport.
* * * * *
ANE NH E5 Manchester, NH [Revised]
Manchester Airport, NH
(lat. 42 deg.56'00'' N, long. 71 deg.26'16'' W)
Manchester VORTAC
(lat. 42 deg.52'06'' N, long. 71 deg.22'10'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 23-mile radius of the Manchester Airport; excluding that
airspace within the Manchester, NH Class C Airspace, and that
airspace within the Nashua, NH, and Lawrence, MA, Class D Airspace
during the specific dates and times they are effective, and that
airspace within the Boston, MA, and Keene, NH, Concord, NH,
Portsmouth, NH, Nashua, NH, Newburyport, MA, Class E Airspace.
ANE NH E5 Nashua, NH [Revised]
Nashua, Boire Field, NH
(lat. 42 deg.46'54'' N, long. 71 deg.30'53'' W)
(lat. 42 deg.49'24'' N, long. 71 deg.36'08'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 7-mile radius of Boire Field, and within that area bounded
by a line beginning at lat. 42 deg.53'54'' N, long. 71 deg.30'47'' W
and running to lat. 42 deg.53'22'' N, long. 71 deg.31'52'' W, then
to lat. 43 deg.02'25'' N, long 71 deg.13'28'' W, then to lat.
42 deg.55'15'' N, long. 71 deg.06'58'' W, then to lat.
42 deg.38'30'' N, long. 71 deg.21'48'' W, then to lat.
42 deg.40'48'' N, long. 71 deg.27'50'' W, then to lat.
42 deg.40'30'', long. 71 deg.27'03'', and within 4 miles on each
side of the CHERN NDB 303 deg. bearing extending from the 7-mile
radius to 10 miles northwest of the CHERN NDB; excluding that
airspace within the Nashua, NH Class D Airspace during the specific
dates and times it is effective, and that airspace within the
Portsmouth, NH, Fort Devens, MA, and Boston, MA, Class E Airspace,
and that airspace within the Manchester, NH Class C Airspace.
* * * * *
ANE NH E5 Portsmouth, NH [Revised]
Portsmouth, Pease International Tradeport, NH
(lat. 43 deg.04'40'' N, long. 70 deg.49'24'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within that area bounded by a line beginning at lat. 43 deg.25'00''
N, long. 71 deg.13'00'' W and running to lat. 43 deg.27'00'' N,
long. 70 deg.56'00'' W, then to lat. 43 deg.25'00'' N, long.
70 deg.48'00'' W, then to lat. 43 deg.14'00'' N, long.
70 deg.36'00'' W, then to lat. 43 deg.00'00'' N, long.
70 deg.36'00'' W, then to lat. 42 deg.54'00'', long. 70 deg.52'00''
W, then to lat. 42 deg.49'00'' N, long. 71 deg.09'00'' W, then to
lat. 42 deg.53'00'' N, long. 71 deg.12'00'' W, then to lat.
43 deg.03'00'' N, long. 71 deg.05'00'' W, then to the point of
beginning; excluding that airspace within the Portsmouth, NH Class D
Airspace, and that airspace within the Newburyport, MA, and Boston
MA, Class E Airspace.
ANE NH E5 Whitefield, NH [Revised]
Whitefield, Mt. Washington Regional Airport, NH
(lat. 44 deg.22'03'' N, long. 71 deg.32'40'' W)
Mahn NDB
(lat. 44 deg.21'44'' N, long. 71 deg.41'10'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 3.5-mile radius of Mt. Washington Regional Airport, and
within 2.9 miles on each side of the MAHN NDB 267 deg. bearing
extending from 3.5-mile radius to 9.5 miles west of the NAHN NDB;
excluding that airspace within the Lyndonville, VT Class E Airspace.
ANE RI E5 Block Island, RI [Revised]
Block Island State Airport, RI
(lat. 41 deg.10'05''N, long. 71 deg.34'40''W)
Sandy Point VOR/DME
(lat. 41 deg.10'03'' N, long. 71 deg.34'34'' W)
Block Island NDB
(lat. 41 deg.09'59'' N, long. 71 deg.34'47'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 9.0-mile radius of Block Island State Airport, and within 4
miles north to 8 miles south of the Block Island NDB 271 deg.
bearing extending from the 9.0-mile radius to 16 miles west of the
Block Island NDB, and within 4 miles south to 8 miles north of the
Sandy Point VOR/DME 080 deg. radial extending from the 9.0-mile
radius to 16 miles east of the Sandy Point VOR/DME.
ANE RI E5 Newport, RI [Revised]
Newport State, RI
(lat. 41 deg.31'56'' N, long. 71 deg.16'53'' W)
Providence VORTAC
(lat. 41 deg.43'28'' N, long. 71 deg.25'47'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 6.3-mile radius of Newport State Airport, and within 2.2
miles on each side of the Providence VORTAC 150 deg. radial
extending from the 6.3-mile radius to 5.6 miles southeast of the
Providence VORTAC, and within 4 miles northwest to 6 miles southeast
of Newport State Airport 025 deg. bearing extending from the 6.3-
mile radius to 16.2 miles northeast of the Newport State Airport;
excluding that airspace within the North Kingstown, RI, and New
Bedford, MA, Class D Airspace during the specific dates and times
they are effective, and that airspace within the Providence, RI
Class D Airspace, and that airspace within the New Bedford, MA, and
Fall River, MA, Class E Airspace.
ANE RI E5 North Kingstown, RI [Revised]
North Kingstown, Quonset State Airport, RI
(lat. 41 deg.35'48'' N, long. 71 deg.24'43'' W)
Providence VORTAC
(lat. 41 deg.43'28'' N, long. 71 deg.25'47'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 9.3-mile radius of Quonset State Airport, and within 6.5
miles east to 4.5 miles west of the Quonset State Airport 145 deg.
bearing extending from the 9.3-mile radius to 16.3 miles southeast
of the Quonset State Airport, and within 5 miles east to 8 miles
west of the Providence VORTAC 355 deg. radial extending from the
9.3-mile radius to 14.5 miles north of the Providence VORTAC;
excluding that airspace within the North Kingstown, RI, Class D
Airspace during the dates and times it is effective, and that
airspace within the Providence, RI Class C Airspace, and that
airspace within the Newport, RI, and New Bedford, MA, Class E
ANE RI E5 Pawtucket, RI [Revised]
Pawtucket, North Central State, RI
(lat. 41 deg.55'14'' N, long. 71 deg.29'29'' W)
Providence VORTAC
(lat. 41 deg.43'28'' N, long. 71 deg.25'47'' W)
Putnam VOR/DME
(lat. 41 deg.57'20'' N, long. 71 deg.50'39'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 6.6-mile radius of North Central State Airport, and within
2 miles on each side of the North Central State Airport 032 deg.
bearing extending from the 6.6-mile radius to 13,4 miles northeast
of the North Central State Airport, and within 4.5 miles east and
6.5 miles west of the North Central State Airport 212 deg. bearing
extending from the 6.6-mile radius to 16 miles southwest of the
North Central Airport, and within 3.6 miles on each side of the
Putnam VOR/DME 097 deg. radial extending from the 6.6-mile radius to
6.8 miles east of the Putnam VOR/DME, and within 3.8 miles on each
side of the Providence VORTAC 347 deg. radial extending from the
6.6-mile radius to 0.8 miles north of the Providence VORTAC;
excluding that airspace within the Providence, RI Class C Airspace,
and that airspace within the North Kingstown, RI, Danielson, CT, and
Boston, MA Class E Airspace.
ANE RI E5 Providence, RI [Revised]
Providence, Theodore Francis Green State Airport, RI
(lat. 41 deg.43'30'' N, long. 71 deg.25'40'' W)
Providence VORTAC
(lat. 41 deg.43'28'' N, long. 71 deg.25'47'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within an 8.8-mile radius of Theodore Francis Green State Airport,
and within 4 miles northwest to 4.5 miles southeast of the
Providence VORTAC 211 deg. radial extending from the 8.8-mile radius
to 16.7 miles southwest of the Providence VORTAC, within 4 miles on
each side of the VORTAC 330 deg. radial extending from the 8.8-mile
radius to 15.4 miles northwest of the Providence VORTAC, and within
2.9 miles on each side of the Providence VORTAC 132 deg. radial
extending from the 8.8-mile radius to 9.6 miles southeast of the
Providence VORTAC; excluding that airspace within the North
Kingstown, RI Class D Airspace during the dates and times it is
effective, and that airspace within the Providence, RI Class C
Airspace, and that airspace within the North Kingstown, RI,
Pawtucket, RI, Newport, RI, and Fall River, MA, Class E Airspace.
* * * * *
ANE RI E5 Westerly, RI [Revised]
Westerly State Airport, RI
(lat. 41 deg.20'58'' N, long. 71 deg.48'12'' W)
Westerly NDB
(lat. 41 deg.20'40'' N, long. 71 deg.48'52'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within an 8.5-mile radius of Westerly State Airport, and within 2.9
miles on each side of the Westerly NDB 222 deg. bearing extending
from the 8.5-mile radius to 9.4 miles southwest of Westerly NDB;
excluding that airspace within the Block Island, RI Class E
Airspace, and that airspace within the Groton, CT Class D Airspace
during the specific dates and times it is effective.
ANE RI E5 Bennington, VT [Revised]
Bennington, William H. Morse State Airport, VT
(lat. 41 deg.53'29'' N, long. 73 deg.14'47'' W)
Cambridge VOR
(lat. 42 deg.59'40'' N, long. 73 deg.20'38'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 2.5-mile radius of William H. Morse State Airport, and
within 1.3 miles on each side of the Cambridge VOR 145 deg. radius
extending from the 2.5-mile radius to 1.4 miles southeast of
Cambridge VOR.
ANE VT E5 Burlington, VT [Revised]
Burlington International Airport, VT
(lat. 44 deg.28'17'' N, long. 73 deg.09'10'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 23-mile radius of Burlington International Airport;
excluding that airspace within the Burlington, VT Class C Airspace,
and that airspace within the Plattsburgh, NY Class E Airspace, and
that airspace within the Plattsburgh, NY Class D Airspace.
* * * * *
ANE VT E5 Lyndonville, VT [Revised]
Lyndonville, Caledonia County Airport, VT
(lat. 44 deg.34'09'' N, long. 72 deg.01'04'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 12.3-mile radius of Caledonia County Airport.
ANE VT E5 Montpelier, VT [Revised]
Barre-Montpelier, Edward F. Knapp State Airport, VT
(lat. 44 deg.12'12'' N, long. 72 deg.33'44'' W)
Montpelier VOR/DME
(lat. 44 deg.05'08'' N, long. 72 deg.26'57'' W)
Williams NDB
(lat. 44 deg.07'14'' N, long. 72 deg.31'06'' W)
Mt. Mansfield NDB
(lat. 44 deg.23'12'' N, long. 72 deg.41'36'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within an 8-mile radius of Edward F. Knapp State Airport, and within
3 miles on each side of the Montpelier VOR/DME 144 deg. radial
extending from the 8-mile radius to 10 miles southeast of the
Montpelier VOR/DME, and within 2.8 miles on each side of the
Williams NDB 159 deg. bearing extending from the 8-mile radius to
9.3 miles southeast of the Williams NDB, and within 3 miles on each
side of the Mt. Mansfield NDB 332 deg. bearing extending from the 8-
mile radius to 9.8 miles northwest of the Mt. Mansfield NDB.
ANE VT E5 Morrisville, VT [Revised]
Morrisville-Stowe State Airport, VT
(lat. 44 deg.32'04'' N, long. 72 deg.36'50'' W)
Morrisville-Stowe NDB
(lat. 44 deg.34'43'' N, long. 72 deg.35'14'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 4.0-mile radius of Morrisville-Stow Airport, and within 2.9
miles on each side of the Morrisville-Stow NDB 034 deg. bearing
extending from 4.0-mile radius to 9.2 miles northeast of the
Morrisville-Stow NDB.
* * * * *
ANE VT E5 Springfield, VT [Revised]
Springfield, Hartness State Airport, VT
(lat. 43 deg.20'37'' N, long. 72 deg.31'02'' W)
Springfield NDB
(lat. 43 deg.16'12'' N, long. 72 deg.35'11'' W)
That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface
within a 3.5-mile radius of Hartness State Airport, and within 2.8
miles on each side of the Springfield NDB 217 deg. bearing from 3.5-
mile radius to 9 miles southwest of the Springfield NDB.
* * * * *
Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on February 8, 1994.
Francis J. Johns,
Manager, Air Traffic Division, New England Region.
[FR Doc. 94-5779 Filed 3-10-94; 8:45 am]