96-5646. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Interim Listing Priority Guidance  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 48 (Monday, March 11, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 9651-9653]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-5646]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Interim Listing 
    Priority Guidance
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Notice of interim listing priority guidance.
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) adopts interim 
    guidance for assigning relative priorities to listing actions conducted 
    under section 4 of the Endangered Species Act (Act). Congress enacted a 
    moratorium on final listings and critical habitat designations in April 
    1995 which, combined with severe funding constraints, essentially shut 
    down the Service's listing program beginning in October 1995. During 
    this shutdown, a large backlog of listing actions, particularly 
    unresolved proposed listings, is accruing. When the moratorium is 
    lifted and adequate funding is restored to operate a listing program, 
    the Service will need to act expeditiously to resolve the status of 
    outstanding proposed listings. This guidance supplements, but does not 
    replace, the current listing priority guidelines, which are silent on 
    the matter of prioritizing among different types of listing activities. 
    While the backlog exists, and in order to focus conservation benefits 
    on those species in greatest need, the Service believes that processing 
    the outstanding proposed listings should receive higher priority than 
    other actions authorized by section 4 (such as petition findings, new 
    proposed listings, and critical habitat determinations).
    DATES: This guidance takes effect March 11, 1996. Comments on this 
    guidance will be accepted until April 10, 1996. This interim guidance 
    will remain in effect until September 30, 1996, unless extended by 
    further notice.
    ADDRESSES: Comments on this interim guidance should be addressed to the 
    Chief, Division of Endangered Species, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 
    1849 C Street NW., Mailstop ARLSQ-452, Washington, DC 20240.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: E. LaVerne Smith, Chief, Division of 
    Endangered Species, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 703-358-2171 (see 
    ADDRESSES section).
        The Service adopted guidelines on September 21, 1983 (48 FR 43098-
    43105) that govern the assignment of priorities to species under 
    consideration for listing as endangered or threatened under section 4 
    of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et 
    seq.). The Service adopted those guidelines to establish a rational 
    system for allocating available appropriations to the highest priority 
    species when adding species to the lists of endangered or threatened 
    wildlife and plants or reclassifying threatened species to endangered 
    status. The system places greatest importance on the immediacy and 
    magnitude of threats, but also factors in the level of taxonomic 
    distinctiveness by assigning priority in descending order to monotypic 
    genera, full species, and subspecies (or equivalently, distinct 
    population segments of vertebrates).
        The enactment of Public Law 104-6 in April, 1995 rescinded $1.5 
    million from the Service's budget for carrying out listing activities 
    through the remainder of Fiscal Year 1995. Public Law 104-6 also 
    contained a prohibition on the expenditure of the remaining 
    appropriated funds for final determinations to list species or 
    designate critical habitat which, in effect, placed a moratorium on 
    those activities.
        Since the end of Fiscal Year 1995, funding for the Service's 
    endangered species programs, including listing of endangered and 
    threatened species, has been provided through a series of continuing 
    resolutions, each of which has maintained in force the moratorium 
    against issuing final listings or critical habitat designations. The 
    continuing resolutions also severely reduced or eliminated the funding 
    available for the Service's listing program. Consequently, the Service 
    reassigned listing program personnel to other duties. The net effect of 
    these legislative and administrative actions is that the Service's 
    listing program has been essentially shut down since October 1995, and 
    will remain so until adequate funding is restored. The moratorium and 
    severe funding restrictions have created problems that require 
    additional guidance.
        When adequate appropriations are provided by the Congress for the 
    administration of a listing program and when the listing program is no 
    longer restricted by moratoria or similar conditions, the Service will 
    face the considerable task of restaffing its listing program and 
    allocating the available resources to the following listing activities 
    that have accrued significant backlogs. First, the Service has issued 
    proposed listings for 243 species, which require final decisions. 
    Second, although the moratorium imposed by Pub. L. 104-6 does not 
    specifically extend to petition processing or the development of new 
    proposed listings, the extremely limited funding available to the 
    Service for listing activities has generally precluded these actions 
    since October 1, 1995. However, during this period the Service has 
    continued to receive new petitions and now has a backlog of petitions 
    that request the listing or delisting of 41 species under section 
    4(b)(3) of the Act. Third, the Service is required by numerous court 
    orders or settlement agreements to process a variety of actions under 
    section 4 of the Act. Fourth, the Service also needs to make 
    expeditious progress on determining the conservation status of the 182 
    species designated by the Service as candidates for listing in the 
    recently published Candidate Notice of Review (61 FR 7596; February 28, 
    1996). These backlogs and court orders illustrate the need for program-
    wide priorities to guide the allocation of resources once the listing 
    program is revived. For the above reasons, good cause exists to make 
    this guidance effective immediately.
        Section 4(b)(1) of the Act requires the Service to use the ``best 
    available scientific and commercial information'' to determine those 
    species in need of the Act's protections. It has been long-standing 
    Service policy that the order in 
    [[Page 9652]]
    which species should be processed for listing is based primarily on the 
    immediacy and magnitude of the threats they face. Given the large 
    backlogs of proposed species, petitions, and candidate species awaiting 
    proposal, it will be extremely important for the Service to focus its 
    efforts on actions that will provide the greatest conservation benefits 
    to imperiled species in the most expeditious manner.
        The Service will continue to base decisions regarding the order in 
    which species will be proposed or listed on the 1983 listing priority 
    guidelines. These decisions will be implemented by the Regional Office 
    designated with lead responsibility for the particular species. The 
    Service allocates its listing appropriation among the Regional Offices 
    based primarily on the number of proposed and candidate species for 
    which the Region has lead responsibility. This ensures that those areas 
    of the country with the largest percentage of known imperiled biota 
    will receive a correspondingly high level of listing resources. The 
    1983 listing priority guidelines and this guidance will be applied at 
    the National, Regional, and local levels.
        While funding for listing activities is allocated based on expected 
    workload, the types of activities composing each Region's listing 
    workload vary greatly. As a result, Regions with few outstanding 
    proposed listings may be able to process new proposed listings or 
    petition findings before all of the outstanding proposed listings have 
    been processed in Regions with large numbers of outstanding proposed 
        To address the biological, budgetary, and administrative issues 
    noted above, the Service therefore adopts the following interim listing 
    priority guidance.
    Interim Listing Priority Guidance
        The Headquarters Office will promptly process any draft petition 
    findings, draft proposed rules or final rules (once the moratorium is 
    lifted) to add species to the lists, draft proposed or final critical 
    habitat determinations (once the moratorium is lifted), or draft 
    withdrawal notices that could not be processed because of the funding 
    constraints or the moratorium. This will only apply to draft documents 
    already approved by the Field and Regional Offices but for which final 
    action could not be completed per guidance issued by the Director.
        The following sections describe a multi-tiered approach that 
    assigns relative priorities, on a descending basis, to actions to be 
    carried out under section 4 of the Act. The various types of actions 
    within each tier (such as new proposed listings, administrative 
    petition findings, etc.) will be accorded roughly equal priority, but 
    the 1983 listing priority guidelines should be used as applicable. The 
    Service emphasizes that this guidance is effective until September 30, 
    1996 (unless extended by future notice) and the agency fully 
    anticipates returning to a more balanced implementation of the Act's 
    listing responsibilities to concurrently process petition findings and 
    proposed and final listings and critical habitat determinations, after 
    funding has been restored and the backlogs reduced.
    Tier 1--Emergency Listing Actions
        Once the moratorium is lifted, the Service will immediately process 
    emergency listings for species that face an imminent risk of extinction 
    under the emergency listing provisions of section 4(b)(7) of the Act 
    and will prepare a proposed listing immediately upon learning of the 
    need to emergency list. This provision will also apply to any 
    petitioned species for which the Service deems an emergency situation 
    Tier 2--Processing Final Decisions on Proposed Listings (Applies After 
    the Moratorium is Lifted)
        In issuing the outstanding proposed listings, the Service deemed 
    that the vast majority of the proposed species faced high-magnitude 
    threats. The Service believes that focusing efforts on making final 
    decisions relative to these proposed species will provide maximum 
    conservation benefits to those species that are in greatest need of the 
    Act's protections.
    Tier 3--Processing New Proposed Listings for Species Facing High-
    Magnitude Threats (Listing Priority Numbers 1 through 6) and Initial 
    Screening of Petitions
        While the backlog of candidate species has been reduced 
    substantially since 1992, the Service has determined that 182 species 
    warrant issuance of proposed listings. The Act directs the Service to 
    make ``expeditious progress'' in adding new species to the lists and 
    thereby necessitates steady work in reducing the number of outstanding 
    candidate species. Issuance of new proposed listings is the first 
    formal step in the regulatory process for listing a species. Many 
    candidate species face high-magnitude threats and the need to start the 
    regulatory process justifies placement of this activity in Tier 3.
        The Service will conduct a preliminary review of any petition to 
    list a species or change a threatened species to endangered status to 
    determine if an emergency situation exists or if the species would 
    probably be assigned a high listing priority upon completion of a 
    status review. If the initial screening indicates an emergency 
    situation the action will be elevated to Tier 1. If the initial 
    screening indicates a species that probably faces high-magnitude 
    threats, processing of the petition will be assigned to Tier 3.
    Tier 4--Processing new Proposed Rules for Species Facing Moderate- or 
    Low-Magnitude Threats; Processing Administrative Findings on Petitions 
    not Assigned to Tiers 1 or 3; and Processing Final Decisions on 
    Proposed Delistings or Reclassifications
        Processing of new proposed rules for species facing moderate- or 
    low-magnitude threats would provide less conservation benefit than 
    actions described in Tiers 1 through 3, so the Service is assigning 
    this activity to Tier 4.
        Administrative findings for petitions that are not assigned to 
    Tiers 1 or 3 after initial screening will be processed as a Tier 4 
    priority but only to the extent that such action does not substantially 
    deter from the Service's ability to deal with the backlog of proposed 
        Processing of final decisions for previously proposed delistings 
    and reclassifications provides relief from unnecessary regulations. The 
    Service believes that providing such regulatory relief is an 
    appropriate Tier 4 activity.
    Tier 5-- Processing Critical Habitat Determinations and Processing new 
    Proposed Delistings or Reclassifications
        Designation of critical habitat consumes large amounts of the 
    Service's listing appropriation and generally provides only limited 
    conservation benefits beyond those achieved when a species is listed as 
    endangered or threatened. Because critical habitat protections are 
    restricted to Federal actions, situations where designating critical 
    habitat provides additional protection beyond the protections included 
    in section 7 are rare. It is critical during this interim period to 
    maximize the conservation benefit of every dollar spent in the listing 
    activity. The small amount of additional protection that is gained by 
    designating critical habitat for species that are already on the lists 
    is greatly outweighed by providing the protections included in sections 
    7 and 9 to newly-listed species. Therefore, the Service will place 
    higher priority on 
    [[Page 9653]]
    addressing species that presently have no protection under the Act 
    rather than devoting limited resources to the expensive process of 
    designating critical habitat for species already protected by the Act.
        Issuing new proposed delistings and downlistings can provide 
    regulatory relief but will be accorded Tier 5 priority due to limited 
    listing resources and the fact that such actions will not become 
    effective in the immediate future.
    Setting Priorities Within Tier 2
        Most of the outstanding proposed listings deal with species that 
    face high-magnitude threats, such that additional guidance is needed to 
    clarify the relative priorities within Tier 2. Proposed rules dealing 
    with taxa deemed to face imminent, high-magnitude threats will have the 
    highest priority within Tier 2. The Service will promptly review the 
    backlog of 243 proposed species and each Region will reevaluate the 
    immediacy and magnitude of threats facing all species that have been 
    proposed for listing and revise the species' listing priority 
    assignments accordingly. Those with the highest listing priority will 
    be processed first.
        Proposed listings that cover multiple species facing high-magnitude 
    threats will have priority over single-species proposed rules unless 
    the Service has reason to believe that the single-species proposal 
    should be processed to avoid possible extinction.
        Due to unresolved questions or to the length of time since 
    proposal, the Service may determine that additional public comment or 
    hearings are necessary before issuing a final decision for Tier 2 
    actions. Proposed listings for species facing high-magnitude threats 
    that can be quickly completed (based on factors such as few public 
    comments to address or final decisions that were almost complete prior 
    to the moratorium) will have higher priority than proposed rules for 
    species with equivalent listing priorities that still require extensive 
    work to complete.
        Given species with equivalent listing priorities and the factors 
    previously discussed being equal, proposed listings with the oldest 
    dates of issue should be processed first.
    Notifying the Courts on Matters in Litigation
        The Service will assess the status and the relative priority of all 
    section 4 petition and rule-making activities that are the subject of 
    active litigation using this interim guidance and the 1983 listing 
    priority guidelines. The Service, through the Office of the Solicitor, 
    will then notify the Justice Department of its priority determination 
    and request that appropriate relief be requested from each district 
    court to allow those species with the highest biological priority to be 
    addressed first. The Service will provide periodic updates to each 
    district court on the progress that it is making in addressing high 
    priority proposed and candidate species. However, to the extent that 
    these efforts to uphold the Service's interim priority guidance and the 
    1983 listing priority guidelines do not receive deference in the 
    Courts, the Service will need to comply with court orders despite any 
    conservation disruption that may result.
        The Service will not elevate the priority of proposed listings for 
    species under active litigation. To do so would let litigants, rather 
    than expert biological judgments, control the setting of listing 
    priorities. The Regional Office with responsibility for processing such 
    packages will need to determine the relative priority of such cases 
    based upon this guidance and the 1983 listing priority guidelines and 
    furnish supporting documentation that can be submitted to the relevant 
    Court to indicate where such species fall in the overall priority 
    Public Comments Solicited
        The Service intends that any action resulting from this guidance be 
    as accurate and as effective as possible. Therefore, any comments or 
    suggestions from the public, other concerned governmental agencies, the 
    scientific community, industry, commercial trade entities, or any other 
    interested party concerning any aspect of this guidance are hereby 
    solicited. While the guidance will be used immediately, the Service 
    will take into consideration the comments and any additional 
    information received. Such communications may lead to the adoption of 
    additional or revised guidance that differs from this interim guidance.
        The authority for this notice is the Endangered Species Act of 
    1973, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.
        Dated: March 1, 1996.
    John G. Rogers,
    Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
    [FR Doc. 96-5646 Filed 3-8-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Notice of interim listing priority guidance.
Document Number:
This guidance takes effect March 11, 1996. Comments on this guidance will be accepted until April 10, 1996. This interim guidance will remain in effect until September 30, 1996, unless extended by further notice.
9651-9653 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 17