96-5687. John D. Copanos; Denial of Hearing; Final Debarment Order  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 48 (Monday, March 11, 1996)]
    [Pages 9711-9713]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-5687]
    Food and Drug Administration
    [Docket No. 94N-0033]
    John D. Copanos; Denial of Hearing; Final Debarment Order
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) denies John D. Copanos' 
    request for a hearing and issues a final order under section 306(a) of 
    the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) (21 U.S.C. 335a(a)) 
    permanently debarring John D. Copanos, 6504 Montrose Ave., Baltimore, 
    MD 21212, from providing services in any capacity to a person that has 
    an approved or pending drug product application. FDA bases this order 
    on its finding that Mr. Copanos was convicted of a felony under Federal 
    law for conduct relating to the regulation of a drug product under the 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: March 11, 1996
    ADDRESSES: Application for termination of debarment to the Dockets 
    Management Branch (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 12420 
    Parklawn Dr., Rm. 1-23, Rockville, MD 20857.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christine F. Rogers, Center for Drug 
    Evaluation and Research (HFD-7), Food and Drug Administration, 7500 
    Standish Pl., Rockville, MD 20855, 301-594-2041.
    I. Background-
        John D. Copanos was the owner and president of John D. Copanos and 
    Sons, Inc., and Kanasco, Ltd., when, on November 13, 1989, he agreed to 
    plead guilty to one count of distributing misbranded drugs with intent 
    to mislead, a Federal felony offense under sections 301(a) of the act 
    (21 U.S.C. 331(a)) and 303(a)(2)(previously 303(b)) of the act (21 
    U.S.C. 333(a)(2)) (previously 21 U.S.C. 333(b)), and one count of 
    causing the adulteration of drugs with intent to mislead, a Federal 
    felony offense under sections 301(k) and 303(a)(2) of the act. On 
    February 16, 1990, the United States District Court for the District of 
    Maryland accepted Mr. Copanos' plea of guilty and entered judgment 
    against him for these felonies. The bases for these convictions were as 
        Mr. Copanos distributed a drug that was misbranded because its 
    labeling failed to bear adequate directions for use and because it 
    failed to warn of the presence of phenylalanine, a component of 
    aspartame. In fact, adequate testing had not been conducted to 
    determine the effect of aspartame on the stability, potency, and 
    effectiveness of this drug. This drug was also misbranded because it 
    failed to reveal the presence and amount of phenylalanine.
        In addition, Mr. Copanos pled guilty to causing the adulteration of 
    a drug with intent to mislead by failing to comply with current good 
    manufacturing practice.
        In a notice published in the Federal Register of November 9, 1994 
    (59 FR 55846), FDA offered Mr. Copanos an opportunity for a hearing on 
    the agency's proposal to issue an order under section 306(a) of the act 
    debarring Mr. Copanos from providing services in any capacity to a 
    person that has an approved or pending drug product application. FDA 
    based the proposal to debar Mr. Copanos on its finding that he had been 
    convicted of felonies under Federal law for conduct relating to the 
    regulation of a drug product. -
        In the Federal Register notice of November 9, 1994, FDA informed 
    Mr. Copanos that his request for a hearing could not rest upon mere 
    allegations or denials but must present specific facts showing that 
    there was a genuine and substantial issue of fact requiring a hearing. 
    FDA also informed Mr. Copanos that if it conclusively appeared from the 
    face of the information and factual analyses in his request for a 
    hearing that there was no genuine and substantial issue of fact which 
    precluded the order of debarment, FDA would enter summary judgment 
    against him and deny his request for a hearing.
        In a letter dated December 8, 1994, Mr. Copanos requested a 
    hearing, and in a letter dated January 6, 1995, Mr. Copanos submitted 
    arguments and information in support of his hearing request. In his 
    request for a hearing, Mr. Copanos does not dispute that he was 
    convicted of a felony under Federal law as alleged by FDA. However, Mr. 
    Copanos argues that: (1) He did not receive proper notice; (2) he is 
    entitled to a hearing to contest or explain the facts underlying his 
    plea; (3) some factual statements in the agency's proposal are 
    inaccurate; (4) the agency's reliance on portions of the indictment is 
    inappropriate; (5) and the agency's proposal to debar him is 
        The Deputy Commissioner for Operations has considered Mr. Copanos' 
    arguments and concludes that they are unpersuasive and fail to raise a 
    genuine and substantial issue of fact requiring a hearing. Moreover, 
    the legal arguments that Mr. Copanos offers do not create the bases for 
    a hearing (see 21 CFR 12.24(b)(1)). Mr. Copanos' arguments are 
    discussed below.
    II. Mr. Copanos' Arguments in Support of a Hearing
    A. Notice
        Mr. Copanos objects to being notified of his proposed debarment 
    through publication in the Federal Register. It is the policy of the 
    agency to send a notice of proposed debarment by certified mail. If 
    certified mail delivery is unsuccessful, the agency attempts to deliver 
    the notice to the individual personally. If this attempt fails also, 
    [[Page 9712]]
    notice is given through publication in the Federal Register. FDA 
    attempted to serve Mr. Copanos by certified mail but was unable to do 
    so. In September 1994, FDA's Baltimore District Office learned that Mr. 
    Copanos was out of the country. Agents from FDA's Baltimore District 
    Office visited Mr. Copanos' home weekly to determine if he had 
    returned. FDA's Office of Criminal Investigation arranged with U.S. 
    Customs to be notified if Mr. Copanos returned to the country. When Mr. 
    Copanos did not return to the country, the debarment notice was 
    published in the Federal Register on November 9, 1994.
        Mr. Copanos requested a hearing on his proposed debarment and made 
    arguments in support of that request. Thus, it is clear that Mr. 
    Copanos received actual notice of the agency's proposed action and has 
    not been deprived of any procedural rights by virtue of publication of 
    the debarment notice in the Federal Register.
    B. Facts Underlying the Plea
        Mr. Copanos makes the following statements relating to the facts 
    underlying his plea. He states that he held a management position and 
    did not personally misbrand or manufacture adulterated drugs, that none 
    of the drugs or products involved were put into commerce, and that the 
    first count of the plea related to a facility that was not under his 
    full control at the time. Mr. Copanos also states that the agency's 
    proposal sets forth areas of indictment information and factual 
    statements of allegations rather than actual proof.
        Mr. Copanos is correct that the agency's proposal contained some 
    inaccuracies. Although Mr. Copanos pled guilty to counts four and six 
    of the indictment against him, he did not plead guilty to all the 
    particulars listed in the indictment. In its debarment proposal, the 
    agency mistakenly referred to parts of the indictment to which Mr. 
    Copanos did not plead. The agency very much regrets this error. 
    However, this misplaced reliance does not raise a genuine and 
    substantial issue of fact requiring a hearing.
        The act requires FDA to mandatorily debar an individual who has 
    been convicted of certain Federal felonies. The only relevant factual 
    issue is whether Mr. Copanos was, in fact, convicted. Mr. Copanos does 
    not dispute that he pled guilty to two Federal felony counts for 
    actions that relate to the regulation of a drug product. Section 306(l) 
    of the act includes in its definition of a conviction, a guilty plea. 
    Accordingly, Mr. Copanos' statements regarding the factual 
    circumstances underlying his plea fail to raise a genuine and 
    substantial issue of fact justifying a hearing.
    C. Ex Post Facto Argument
        Mr. Copanos argues that the ex post facto clause of the U.S. 
    Constitution prohibits application of section 306(a)(2) of the act to 
    him because this section was not in effect at the time of Mr. Copanos' 
    criminal conduct. The Generic Drug Enforcement Act (GDEA) of 1992, 
    including section 306(a)(2), was enacted on May 13, 1992, and Mr. 
    Copanos was convicted on February 16, 1990.
        An ex post facto law is one that reaches back to punish acts that 
    occurred before enactment of the law or that adds a new punishment to 
    one that was in effect when the crime was committed. (Ex Parte Garland, 
    4 Wall. 333, 377, 18 L. Ed. 366 (1866); Collins v. Youngblood, 497 U.S. 
    37 (1990).)
        Mr. Copanos' claim that application of the mandatory debarment 
    provisions of the act is prohibited by the ex post facto clause is 
    unpersuasive, because the intent of debarment is remedial, not 
    punitive. Congress created the GDEA in response to findings of fraud 
    and corruption in the generic drug industry. Both the language of the 
    GDEA and its legislative history reveal that the purpose of the 
    debarment provisions set forth in the GDEA is ``to restore and ensure 
    the integrity of the abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) approval 
    process and to protect the public health.'' (See section 1, Pub. L. 
    102-282, GDEA of 1992.)
        In a suit challenging a debarment order issued by FDA (58 FR 69368, 
    December 30, 1993), the constitutionality of the debarment provision 
    was upheld against a similar challenge under the ex post facto clause. 
    The reviewing court affirmed the remedial character of debarment:
        Without question, the GDEA serves compelling governmental 
    interests unrelated to punishment. The punitive effects of the GDEA 
    are merely incidental to its overriding purpose to safeguard the 
    integrity of the generic drug industry while protecting public 
    Bae v. Shalala, 44 F.3d 489, 493 (7th Cir. 1995). Because the intent of 
    the GDEA is remedial rather than punitive, Mr. Copanos' argument that 
    the GDEA violates the ex post facto clause must fail. See id. at 496-
    D. Miscellaneous Arguments
        Mr. Copanos argues that his debarment would be ``an 
    unconstitutional taking of the right to earn a living in the United 
    States.'' It appears that Mr. Copanos is referring to a ``taking'' of 
    property under the Fifth Amendment. Mr. Copanos further states that he 
    has sold his company, including all of its approved applications, and 
    that to debar him now ``1would be a malicious act'' on the part of the 
    agency. Mr. Copanos also argues that he should not be debarred because 
    his guilty plea was made at an emotional and stressful time.
        None of these arguments raise a genuine and substantial issue of 
    fact requiring resolution at a hearing. Mr. Copanos has not established 
    that his debarment affects any property interest protected by the Fifth 
    Amendment. The expectation of employment is not recognized as a 
    protected property interest under the Fifth Amendment. Hoopa Valley 
    Tribe v. Christie, 812 F.2d 1097, 1102 (9th Cir. 1986); Chang v. United 
    States, 859 F.2d 893, 896-97 (Fed. Cir. 1988). Loss of potential profit 
    is not a sufficient basis for a ``takings'' claim. Andrus v. Allard, 
    444 U.S. 51, 66 (1979). To have a protected property interest, one must 
    have a ``legitimate claim of entitlement'' to that interest. Erikson v. 
    United States, 67 F.3d 858 (9th Cir. 1995). One who voluntarily enters 
    a pervasively regulated industry, such as the pharmaceutical industry, 
    and then violates its regulations, cannot successfully claim that he 
    has a protected property interest when he is no longer entitled to the 
    benefits of that industry. Id.
        Mr. Copanos does not dispute that he was convicted as alleged by 
    FDA. Under section 306(l)(1)(B) of the act a conviction includes a 
    guilty plea. The facts underlying Mr. Copanos' conviction are not at 
    issue. Moreover, the act does not permit consideration of factors such 
    as emotional stress; rather, the act is clear that an individual shall 
    be debarred if convicted of a felony under Federal law for conduct 
    relating to the regulation of any drug product (see section 
    306(a)(2)(B) of the act). Mr. Copanos has been convicted of such a 
    felony. Accordingly, the Deputy Commissioner for Operations denies Mr. 
    Copanos' request for a hearing.
    III. Findings and Order
        Therefore, the Deputy Commissioner for Operations, under section 
    306(a) of the act and under authority delegated to him (21 CFR 5.20), 
    finds that John D. Copanos has been convicted of felonies under Federal 
    law for conduct relating to the regulation of a drug product (21 U.S.C. 
        As a result of the foregoing findings, John D. Copanos is 
    permanently debarred from providing services in any capacity to a 
    person with an approved or pending drug product application 
    [[Page 9713]]
    under section 505, 507, 512, or 802 of the act (21 U.S.C. 355, 357, 
    360b, or 382), or under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act 
    (42 U.S.C. 262), effective (insert date of publication in the Federal 
    Register), (21 U.S.C. 335a(c)(1)(B) and (c)(2)(A)(ii)). Any person with 
    an approved or pending drug product application who knowingly uses the 
    services of Mr. Copanos, in any capacity, during his period of 
    debarment, will be subject to a civil money penalty (section 307(a)(6) 
    of the act (21 U.S.C. 335b(a)(6))). If Mr. Copanos, during his period 
    of debarment, provides services in any capacity to a person with an 
    approved or pending drug product application, he will be subject to a 
    civil penalty (section 307(a)(7) of the act). In addition, FDA will not 
    accept or review any ANDA or abbreviated antibiotic drug application 
    submitted by or with Mr. Copanos' assistance during his period of 
        Mr. Copanos may file an application to attempt to terminate his 
    debarment pursuant to section 306(d)(4)(A) of the act. Any such 
    application would be reviewed under the criteria and processes set 
    forth in section 306(d)(4)(C) and (d)(4)(D) of the act. Such an 
    application should be identified with Docket No. 94N-0033 and sent to 
    the Dockets Management Branch (address above). All such submissions are 
    to be filed in four copies. The public availability of information in 
    these submissions is governed by 21 CFR 10.20(j). Publicly available 
    submissions may be seen in the Dockets Management Branch between 9 a.m. 
    and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
        Dated: February 22, 1996.
    Michael A. Friedman,
    Deputy Commissioner for Operations.
    [FR Doc. 96-5687 Filed 3-8-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
March 11, 1996
9711-9713 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 94N-0033
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