98-6212. Revised Medical Criteria for Determination of Disability, Endocrine System and Related Criteria  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 47 (Wednesday, March 11, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 11854-11856]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-6212]
    20 CFR Part 404
    RIN 0960-AE65
    Revised Medical Criteria for Determination of Disability, 
    Endocrine System and Related Criteria
    AGENCY: Social Security Administration.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: We are proposing to delete ``Obesity,'' from the listing to 
    adjudicate claims for disability under titles II and XVI of the Social 
    Security Act (the Act) when we evaluate claims of individuals at step 3 
    of our sequential evaluation process. Current medical and vocational 
    research demonstrates that, while many individuals with obesity are 
    disabled, obesity, in and of itself, is not necessarily determinative 
    of an individual's inability to engage in any gainful activity. 
    Instead, individuals with obesity would have their cases reviewed under 
    the listing for an affected body system(s) or, on a case-by-case basis, 
    at the remaining steps of the sequential evaluation process.
    DATES: To be sure that your comments are considered, we must receive 
    them no later than May 11, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be submitted in writing to the Commissioner 
    of Social Security, P.O. Box 1585, Baltimore, MD 21235, sent by telefax 
    to (410) 966-2830, sent by e-mail to regulations@ssa.gov, or delivered 
    to the Social Security Administration, 2109 West Low Rise Building, 
    6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235, between 8:00 a.m. and 
    4:30 p.m. on regular business days. Comments may be inspected during 
    these hours by making arrangements with the contact person shown below.
        The electronic file of this document is available on the Federal 
    Bulletin Board (FBB) at 9:00 a.m. on the date of publication in the 
    Federal Register. To download the file, modem dial (202) 512-1387. The 
    FBB instructions will explain how to download the file and the fee. 
    This file is in WordPerfect and will remain on the FBB during the 
    comment period.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Augustine, Legal Assistant, 
    Office of Process and Innovation Management, Social Security 
    Administration, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21235, 
    (410) 966-5121 for information about these rules. For information on 
    eligibility or claiming benefits, call our national toll-free number, 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title II of the Act provides for the payment 
    of disability insurance benefits to workers insured under the Act. 
    Title II also provides, under certain circumstances, for the payment of 
    child's insurance benefits for persons who become disabled before age 
    22 and widow's and widower's insurance benefits based on disability for 
    widows, widowers, and surviving divorced spouses of insured 
    individuals. In addition, title XVI of the Act provides for 
    supplemental security income (SSI) payments to persons who are aged, 
    blind, or disabled and who have limited income and resources.
        For adults under both the title II and title XVI programs and for 
    persons claiming child's insurance benefits based on disability under 
    the title II program, ``disability'' means that an impairment(s) 
    results in an inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity. 
    For an individual under age 18 claiming SSI benefits based on 
    disability, ``disability'' means that an impairment(s) results in 
    ``marked and severe functional limitations.'' Under both title II and 
    title XVI, disability must be the result of any medically determinable 
    physical or mental impairment(s) that can be expected to result in 
    death or that has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous 
    period of at least 12 months.
        The process for determining whether an individual (except for an 
    individual under age 18 claiming SSI benefits based on disability) is 
    disabled based on the statutory definition is set forth in our 
    longstanding regulations at Secs. 404.1520 and 416.920. These 
    regulations provide for a sequential evaluation process for evaluating 
    disability. There is a separate sequential evaluation process for 
    individuals under age 18 claiming SSI benefits based on disability. At 
    step 3 of both sequential evaluation processes we ask the same 
    question: Whether an individual, who is not engaging in substantial 
    gainful activity and who has an impairment(s) that is severe, has an 
    impairment(s) that meets or equals in severity the criteria of an 
    impairment listed in appendix 1 of subpart P of part 404, the Listing 
    of Impairments (the listings). The listings describe, for each of the 
    major body systems, impairments that are considered severe enough to 
    prevent a
    [[Page 11855]]
    person from doing any gainful activity (or in the case of a child under 
    age 18 claiming SSI benefits based on disability, to cause marked and 
    severe functional limitations). Although the listings are contained 
    only in part 404, they are referenced by subpart I of part 416.
        The listings are divided into part A and part B. The criteria in 
    part A are applied in evaluating impairments of persons age 18 or over. 
    The criteria in part A may also be used to evaluate impairments in 
    persons under age 18 if the disease processes have a similar effect on 
    adults and children. Part B contains additional criteria for evaluating 
    impairments of children under age 18 when the criteria in part A do not 
    give appropriate consideration to the particular effects of the disease 
    processes in childhood. In evaluating disability for a person under age 
    18, we first use the criteria in part B and, if the criteria in part B 
    do not apply, we use the criteria in part A (see Secs. 404.1525 and 
        When these and several other listings were revised and published in 
    the Federal Register on December 6, 1985 (50 FR 50068), we indicated 
    that medical advances in disability evaluation and treatment and 
    program experience would require that we periodically review and update 
    the medical criteria in the listings. Accordingly, we published 
    expiration dates ranging from 3 to 8 years for each of the specific 
    body system listings. We subsequently extended these dates in a final 
    rule published in the Federal Register on December 6, 1993 (58 FR 
    64121). These dates appear in the introductory statement before part A 
    and provide that the current listings in part A and part B for the 
    endocrine system and obesity (9.00) and the endocrine system (109.00) 
    will no longer be effective on June 6, 1997. Subsequently, we issued 
    final rules on June 5, 1997 (62 FR 30746) extending the expiration date 
    of these listings for both part A and part B to June 7, 1999. We are 
    now proposing to delete listing 9.09, ``Obesity,'' and related 
    provisions in the listings, and to rename the section ``Endocrine 
    System.'' (There is no listing for obesity in part B.) These changes 
    will not affect the expiration date for the endocrine system listings.
        We propose to remove listing 9.09 to recognize that there is no 
    generally accepted current medical and vocational knowledge which 
    establishes that even massive obesity, per se, has a defined adverse 
    effect on an individual's ability to work; i.e., even long-term, 
    massive obesity at the level specified in the listing does not 
    necessarily cause limitations that would prevent an individual from 
    engaging in any gainful activity. Associated disorders of the 
    musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, and pulmonary 
    systems are generally the major cause of disability at the listing 
    level in obese individuals but, unless the associated disorder(s) is 
    itself of listing-level severity, no reliable conclusions may be drawn 
    about disability in most obese individuals. Rather, it is necessary to 
    consider the effect of any disorders related to or aggravated by 
    obesity on each individual, on a case-by-case basis, in order to 
    determine whether the individual is disabled.
        The following is a detailed summary of the proposed revisions, 
    together with our reasons for proposing these changes.
    Revisions to Part A of Appendix 1
    Table of Contents
        We propose to delete ``and Obesity'' from section 9.00 to reflect 
    the proposed deletion of listing 9.09.
    9.00  Endocrine System and Obesity
        We propose to delete ``and Obesity'' from the heading in this 
    listing to reflect the proposed deletion of listing 9.09. We also 
    propose to delete the second and third paragraphs from the preface of 
    9.00 because they discuss aspects of the evaluation of obesity. This 
    discussion would no longer be needed under this proposal.
    9.01  Category of Impairments, Endocrine System and Obesity
        We propose to delete ``and Obesity'' from the heading of this 
    listing to reflect the proposed deletion of listing 9.09.
    9.09  Obesity
        We propose to delete this listing in its entirety. Current medical 
    and vocational research demonstrates that the listing is not 
    necessarily reflective of an inability to engage in any gainful 
    activity or even of an inability to engage in substantial gainful 
    activity. For example, listing 9.09A requires a ``[h]istory of pain and 
    limitation of motion in any weight-bearing joint or the lumbosacral 
    spine (on physical examination) associated with findings on medically 
    acceptable imaging techniques of arthritis in the affected joint or 
    lumbosacral spine.'' While such findings certainly could be a cause of 
    disability depending on their impact on a particular individual's 
    functioning, the listing is not specific: It does not indicate the 
    degree of pain, does not require current pain, only a history of pain, 
    and does not indicate a degree of limitation of motion, or any 
    functional effects resulting from the impairment. Thus, the current 
    listing can be satisfied with only minimal additional findings over and 
    above the weight levels, even though some individuals might have 
    sufficient residual functional capacities to work.
        The same holds true for the other criteria in current listing 9.09. 
    Even though the findings in listings 9.09B through 9.09E could be 
    disabling if they were to cause significant limitations of functioning 
    in a given individual, they could also include individuals who are not 
    prevented from working. Indeed, only listings 9.09B and 9.09E specify 
    laboratory values, but those findings may or may not be associated with 
    significantly limited functioning, depending on the individual.
        For this reason, we believe that individuals with the kinds of 
    additional impairments currently listed in 9.09 must have their cases 
    reviewed under the listing for the affected body system or, on a case-
    by-case basis, at the remaining steps of the sequential evaluation 
    process. Individuals whose severe impairments related to obesity are 
    not of listing-level severity may establish that they are disabled, 
    given their residual functional capacities, together with their age, 
    education, and work experience.
        We considered revising the obesity listing by clarifying the 
    severity criteria for the various listed body systems that could be 
    affected (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, peripheral vascular and 
    respiratory). However, because the effects of obesity and related 
    impairments on an individual's functioning vary so widely, we concluded 
    that the only way we could be certain that individuals would be 
    disabled would be by requiring the other impairments to meet or equal 
    the severity of their respective listings. If another body system 
    listing is met or equaled, the individual's weight would become 
    immaterial to the finding of disability. We also considered raising the 
    weights in the tables to the extent that the exacerbated effect of the 
    obesity would ensure that the individuals would be disabled under the 
    listing based on weight alone. We chose not to revise the listing in 
    this way because we would have had to raise the weights in the tables 
    to such high levels that we would rarely use the listing.
    Other Revisions
    Introductory Text
        We propose to delete ``and Obesity'' from item 10 of the 
    introductory text that precedes part A of the Listing of Impairments. 
    We also propose to revise item 10 of the introductory text to read 
    ``Endocrine System (9.00 and 109.00):
    [[Page 11856]]
    June 7, 1999.'' to conform with the style of this section.
    3.00  Respiratory System
        We propose to delete the cross-reference to the obesity listing in 
    the last sentence of 3.00H and in listing 3.10, Sleep-related breathing 
    disorders. Since we propose to delete the obesity listing, the cross-
    reference would no longer be appropriate.
    Regulatory Procedures
    Executive Order 12866
        We have consulted with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    and determined that these proposed regulations meet the criteria for a 
    significant regulatory action under Executive Order (E.O.) 12866. 
    Therefore, we prepared and submitted to OMB an assessment of the 
    potential costs and benefits of this regulatory action. This assessment 
    also contains an analysis of alternative policies we considered and 
    chose not to adopt. It is available for review by members of the public 
    by contacting the person shown above.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        We certify that these proposed rules will not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities because they 
    affect only individuals. Thus, a regulatory flexibility analysis as 
    provided in the Regulatory Flexibility Act, as amended, is not 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        These proposed regulations will impose no new reporting or 
    recordkeeping requirements requiring OMB clearance.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Nos. 96.001, Social 
    Security-Disability Insurance; 96.006, Supplemental Security Income)
    List of Subjects in 20 CFR Part 404
        Administrative practice and procedure, Blind, Disability benefits, 
    Old-age, Survivors and Disability Insurance, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Social security.
        Dated: December 19, 1997.
    Kenneth S. Apfel,
    Commissioner of Social Security.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, part 404, subpart P, 
    Chapter III of Title 20, Code of Federal Regulations, is proposed to be 
    amended as set forth below.
    (1950-  )
        1. The authority citation for subpart P continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 202, 205(a), (b), and (d)-(h), 216(i), 221(a) 
    and (i), 222(c), 223, 225, and 702(a)(5) of the Social Security Act 
    (42 U.S.C. 402, 405(a), (b), and (d)-(h), 416(i), 421(a) and (i), 
    422(c), 423, 425, and 902(a)(5)); sec. 211(b), Pub. L. 104-193, 110 
    Stat. 2105, 2189.
    Appendix 1 to Subpart P--[Amended]
        2. Appendix 1 to Subpart P is amended as follows:
        a. Item 10 of the introductory text before Part A of appendix 1 is 
        b. The Table of Contents for Part A of appendix 1 is amended by 
    removing ``and Obesity'' from section 9.00.
        c. Listing 3.00 in part A of appendix 1 is amended by removing the 
    last sentence of paragraph H.
        d. Listing 3.10 in Part A of appendix 1 is revised.
        e. Listing 9.00 in part A of appendix 1 is amended by removing 
    ``and Obesity'' from the title and removing the last two paragraphs 
    from the preface.
        f. Listing 9.01 in part A of appendix 1 is amended by removing 
    ``and Obesity'' from the title.
        g. Listing 9.09 in part A of appendix 1 is removed.
        The revised text is set forth as follows:
    Appendix 1 to Subpart P--Listing of Impairments
    * * * * *
        10. Endocrine System (9.00 and 109.00): June 7, 1999.
    * * * * *
    Part A
    * * * * *
        3.10  Sleep-related breathing disorders. Evaluate under 3.09 
    (Chronic cor pulmonale) or 12.02 (Organic mental disorders).
    * * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 98-6212 Filed 3-10-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4190-29-P

Document Information

Social Security Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
To be sure that your comments are considered, we must receive them no later than May 11, 1998.
11854-11856 (3 pages)
0960-AE65: Revised Medical Criteria for Determination of Disability, Deletion of Obesity Listing (620F)
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