97-5683. Zeneca Ag Products; Pesticide Tolerance Petition Filing  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 48 (Wednesday, March 12, 1997)]
    [Pages 11441-11447]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-5683]
    [PF-715; FRL-5589-6]
    Zeneca Ag Products; Pesticide Tolerance Petition Filing
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of filing.
    SUMMARY: This notice announces the initial filing of three pesticide 
    petitions proposing the establishment of tolerances for residues of 
    azoxystrobin (not accepted by ANSI) in or on raw agricultural 
    commodities of grape (pesticide petition (PP) 5F4541), pecan (PP 
    6F4642), and tomato, peach, banana, peanut, and wheat (PP 6F4762). This 
    notice includes a summary of the petitions that was prepared by the 
    petitioner, Zeneca Ag Products.
    DATES: Comments, identified by the docket control number [PF-715], must 
    be received on or before, April 11, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: By mail, submit written comments to Public Response and 
    Program Resources Branch, Field Operations Division (7506C), Office of 
    Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St. S.W., 
    Washington, DC 20460. In person, bring comments to Rm. 1132, CM #2, 
    1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202. Comments and data 
    may also be submitted electronically by sending electronic mail (e-
    mail) to: opp-docket@epamail.epa.gov. Electronic comments must be 
    submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use of special characters and 
    any form of encryption.
    [[Page 11442]]
    Comments and data will also be accepted on disks in WordPerfect 5.1 
    file format or in ASCII file format. All comments and data in 
    electronic form must be identified by docket control number [PF-715]. 
    Electronic comments on this notice may be filed online at many Federal 
    Depository Libraries. Additional information on electronic submissions 
    can be found below this document.
        Information submitted as comments concerning this document may be 
    claimed confidential by marking any part or all of that information as 
    ``Confidential Business Information'' (CBI). CBI should not be 
    submitted through e-mail. Information marked as CBI will not be 
    disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR Part 
    2. A copy of the comment that does not contain CBI must be submitted 
    for inclusion in the public record. Information not marked confidential 
    may be disclosed publicly by EPA without prior notice. All written 
    comments will be available for public inspection in Rm. 1132 at the 
    address given above, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
    excluding legal holidays.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cynthia Giles-Parker, Product Manager 
    (22), Registration Division (7505C), Office of Pesticide Programs, 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. 
    Office location, telephone number, and e-mail address: Rm. 229, CM #2, 
    1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA. 22202, 703-305-5540, e-
    mail: giles-parker.cynthia@epamail.epa.gov.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: EPA has received three pesticide petitions 
    (PP) 5F4541, 6F4642, and 6F4762 from Zeneca Ag Products, 1800 Concord 
    Pike, P.O. Box 15458, Wilmington, DE 19850-5458, proposing pursuant to 
    section 408(d) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 
    section 346a(d), to amend 40 CFR part 180 by establishing a tolerance 
    for residues of azoxystrobin (methyl (E)-2-[2-[6-(2-
    cyanophenoxy)pyrimidin-4-yloxy]phenyl]-3-methoxyacrylate) and the Z-
    isomer of azoxystrobin (methyl (Z)-2-[2-[6-(2-cyanophenoxy)pyrimidin-4-
    yloxy]phenyl]-3-methoxyacrylate) in or on the following raw 
    agricultural commodities:
                   Commodity                      Part per million (ppm)    
    Grapes.................................  1.0 ppm                        
    Pecans.................................  0.01 ppm                       
    Tomato.................................  0.2 ppm                        
    Tomato paste...........................  0.6 ppm                        
    Peanut.................................  0.01 ppm                       
    Peanut oil.............................  0.03 ppm                       
    Peanut hay.............................  1.5 ppm                        
    Peach..................................  0.80 ppm                       
    Banana (whole fruit including peel)....  0.5 ppm                        
    Banana pulp............................  0.05 ppm                       
    Wheat grain............................  0.04 ppm                       
    Wheat bran.............................  0.12 ppm                       
    Wheat hay..............................  13.0 ppm                       
    Wheat straw............................  4.0 ppm                        
    Cattle, fat............................  0.01 ppm                       
    Cattle, mbyp...........................  0.01 ppm                       
    Cattle, meat...........................  0.01 ppm                       
    Goats, fat.............................  0.01 ppm                       
    Goats, mbyp............................  0.01 ppm                       
    Goats, meat............................  0.01 ppm                       
    Hogs, fat..............................  0.01 ppm                       
    Hogs, mbyp.............................  0.01 ppm                       
    Hogs, meat.............................  0.01 ppm                       
    Horses, fat............................  0.01 ppm                       
    Horses, mbyp...........................  0.01 ppm                       
    Horses, meat...........................  0.01 ppm                       
    Milk...................................  0.006 ppm                      
    Poultry, fat...........................  0.01 ppm                       
    Poultry, liver.........................  0.01 ppm                       
    Poultry, mbyp..........................  0.01 ppm                       
    Poultry, meat..........................  0.01 ppm                       
    Sheep, fat.............................  0.01 ppm                       
    Sheep, mbyp............................  0.01 ppm                       
    Sheep, meat............................  0.01 ppm                       
        EPA has determined that the petitions contain data or information 
    regarding the elements set forth in section 408(d)(2); however, EPA has 
    not fully evaluated the sufficiency of the submitted data at this time 
    or whether the data supports granting of the petition. Additional data 
    may be needed before EPA rules on the petitions.
        The proposed analytical methods for non-oily crops are gas 
    chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection (GC-NPD) or in mobile 
    phase using high performance liquid chromatography with ultra-violet 
    detection (HPLC-UV).
        The proposed analytical method for oily crops is GC-NPD.
        The proposed analytical method for animal tissue and eggs is (GC-
        The analytical methods summarized above have not been validated by 
    the Agency. Public versions of these analytical methods can be obtained 
    from Pesticide Docket, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of 
    Pesticide Programs, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460, (703)305-
        As required by section 408(d) of the FFDCA, as recently amended by 
    the Food Quality Protection Act, Zeneca Ag Products included in the 
    petition a summary of the petition and authorization for the summary to 
    [[Page 11443]]
    published in the Federal Register in a notice of receipt of the 
    petition. The summary represents the views of Zeneca Ag Products; EPA, 
    as mentioned above, is in the process of evaluating the petition. As 
    required by section 408(d)(3) EPA is including the summary as a part of 
    this notice of filing. EPA may have made minor edits to the summary for 
    the purpose of clarity.
    Petition Summary:
    A. Residue Chemistry
        1. Plant metabolism. Plant metabolism has been evaluated in three 
    diverse crops--grapes, wheat and peanuts--which should serve to define 
    the metabolism of azoxystrobin in a wide range of crops. Parent 
    azoxystrobin is the major component found in crops. Azoxystrobin does 
    not accumulate in crop seeds or fruits, in fact very low residues are 
    found in wheat grain, banana pulp, pecan nutmeat, and peanut (nuts). 
    Metabolism of azoxystrobin in plants is complex with more than 15 
    metabolites identified. These metabolites are present at low levels, 
    typically much less than 5 percent of the Total Recoverable Residue 
        Grapes: In grapes parent azoxystrobin was the major component 
    representing between 34.6 percent and 64.6 percent TRR. The metabolism 
    of azoxystrobin was complex, involving at least six distinct metabolic 
    pathways, yielding a large number of minor metabolites. In total 15 
    metabolites have been identified. Metabolite Compound 28 (4-hydroxy-6-
    (2-cyanophenoxy)pyrimidine) was present at levels of up to 5.2 percent 
    TRR, Compound 13 (2-cyanophenol) was present at levels of up to 5.7 
    percent, with no other metabolites present at levels greater than 4.0 
    percent TRR.
        Wheat: In wheat the total radioactive residues in the grain were 
    very low, ranging from 0.075 to 0.077 ppm azoxystrobin equivalents. As 
    expected, residues in forage and straw were higher (1.02 to 2.79 ppm 
    and 3.06 to 9.41 ppm, respectively).
        The only significant residue in the grain was parent azoxystrobin 
    (17.1 -22.0 percent TRR, 0.013 - 0.017 ppm). No metabolite was present 
    at > 3.3 percent TRR.
        In wheat straw, the major component of the residue was parent 
    azoxystrobin (22.1 - 43.3 percent TRR, 0.676 - 4.07 ppm). In total, 14 
    metabolites were identified, the most significant of which was Compound 
    28 (8.2 - 10.4 percent TRR, 0.319 - 0.731 ppm - sum of free conjugated 
    and bound forms). The Z-isomer was present at 2.1 - 3.5 percent TRR 
    (0.064 - 0.329 ppm). No other metabolite was present at > 3.5 percent 
        In wheat forage azoxystrobin was the major component of the residue 
    (54.9 - 64.7 percent TRR, 0.56 - 1.81 ppm). The two most significant 
    metabolites were Compound 28 (3.2 - 3.7 percent TRR, 0.038 - 0.090 ppm 
    - total) and Z-isomer (1.9 - 2.9 percent TRR, 0.019 - 0.081 ppm). No 
    other metabolite was present at > 1.1 percent TRR.
        Peanuts: In peanuts the total radioactive residues in the nuts and 
    hulls were low compared to those in the foliage.
        The majority of the residue in the nuts was identified as 
    radiolabeled natural products, resulting from the mineralization of 
    azoxystrobin in soil and subsequent incorporation of the evolved 
    14CO2 via photosynthesis. The major radiolabeled natural 
    products identified were fatty acids and these accounted for 42.1 - 
    49.1 percent TRR (0.101 - 0.319 ppm). Incorporation of radioactivity 
    into simple sugars was also confirmed, accounting for 5.8 - 8.5 percent 
    TRR (0.014 - 0.042 ppm). The presence of radiolabeled glutamic acid, an 
    amino acid, was also confirmed. Azoxystrobin was not detected in the 
    nut (0.001 ppm) and no individual metabolite was present at a level 
    greater than 0.002 ppm.
        In the hay the major component of the residue was parent 
    azoxystrobin (33.0 - 43.8 percent TRR, 13.3 - 20.4 ppm). In total 10 
    metabolites were identified, the most significant of which was Compound 
    28, in both the free and conjugated forms (7.0 - 9.0 percent TRR, 2.74 
    - 3.62 ppm). The next most significant metabolites were Compound 13 in 
    both the free and conjugated forms (6.3 percent TRR, 2.53 ppm) and Z-
    isomer (2.4 - 2.8 percent TRR, 0.965 - 1.30 ppm).
        2. Analytical Method. Non-oily Crops: Azoxystrobin and Z-isomer 
    residues in grape and grain samples are extracted in 90:10/
    acetonitrile:water. An aliquot of the extract is cleaned up by 
    adsorption chromatography on a silica sorbent. The eluate is evaporated 
    to dryness and taken up in a known volume of acetone for analysis by 
    GC-NPD or in mobile phase for analysis by high performance liquid 
    chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV). The limit of 
    quantitation of the method is typically 0.02 to 0.05 ppm.
        Oily Crops: Azoxystrobin and Z-isomer residues in oily crop samples 
    are extracted in 90:10/ acetonitrile:water. An aliquot of the extract 
    is cleaned up by passing through a C18 sep-pak. All extracts were 
    cleaned up by gel permeation chromatography eluting through alumina and 
    Florisil solid phase extraction cartridges. The eluate was evaporated 
    to dryness and redissolved in a known volume of acetone for analysis by 
    GC-NPD. The limit of quantitation of the method is typically 0.01 ppm.
        Animal Tissues (Liver), Milk and Eggs: Residues of azoxystrobin in 
    tissue and egg samples are extracted in acetonitrile . An aliquot of 
    the extract is cleaned up by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) 
    eluting through alumina-n and Florisil solid phase extraction 
    cartridges. The eluate is evaporated to dryness and taken up in a known 
    volume of acetone for analysis by GC-NPD. The limit of quantitation is 
    typically 0.01 ppm.
        Residues of azoxystrobin in milk samples are extracted in 
    acetonitrile and partitioned in dichloromethane. The extract is again 
    cleaned up by GPC eluting through alumina-n and Florisil solid phase 
    cartridges. The eluate is evaporated to dryness and taken up in a known 
    volume of acetone for analysis by GC-NPD. The limit of quantitation is 
    typically 0.006 ppm.
        3. Magnitude of residues. Grapes: Trials were carried out in 1994 
    in 5 different states: California, New York, Arkansas, Michigan, and 
    Washington. An additional 9 trials were conducted in 1995 in New York, 
    California (6) and Oregon and Washington.
        Azoxystrobin 80WG was applied at a rate of 0.25 lb ai/A. A total of 
    6 applications was made. The first application was at 1 to 5 inch shoot 
    growth, the second at 8 to 12 inch shoot growth. The third application 
    was at bloom plus or minus 2 days. The last three applications were 
    made at 46 (+/- 3), 35 (+/- 3), and 12-14 days prior to normal harvest.
        Residues in grapes ranged between 0.20 and 0.84 ppm, supporting the 
    proposed tolerance of 1 ppm. No concentration of residues was seen in 
    grape juice or raisins.
        Pecans: Trials were carried out between June and November 1994 in 4 
    different states: Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Texas.
        Azoxystrobin 80WG was applied at a rate of 0.2 lb ai/A. A total of 
    6 applications was made. Applications were made from bud break up to 42 
    days preharvest on a three week application schedule.
        Azoxystrobin and Z-isomer residues on pecans after the final spray 
    were < 0.01="" ppm,="" supporting="" the="" proposed="" tolerance="" of="" 0.01="" ppm.="" banana:="" a="" total="" of="" 6="" residue="" trials="" was="" conducted="" in="" hawaii,="" florida,="" and="" puerto="" rico="" during="" 1995-1996.="" azoxystrobin="" was="" applied="" eight="" times="" at="" [[page="" 11444]]="" a="" rate="" of="" 0.135="" lb="" ai/a.="" applications="" were="" made="" every="" 12-14="" days="" with="" the="" last="" application="" just="" prior="" to="" harvest.="" immediately="" following="" the="" second="" application,="" bags="" were="" placed="" over="" several="" bunches="" of="" bananas="" in="" both="" the="" treated="" and="" untreated="" plots.="" the="" bags="" were="" left="" in="" place="" until="" harvest.="" samples="" of="" bagged="" and="" unbagged="" bananas="" were="" collected="" immediately="" after="" the="" last="" application,="" after="" the="" spray="" deposit="" had="" dried.="" samples="" of="" whole="" bananas="" and="" banana="" pulp="" were="" analyzed="" for="" residues="" of="" azoxystrobin="" and="" the="" z-isomer.="" azoxystrobin="" residues="" on="" bagged="" whole="" bananas="" sampled="" immediately="" after="" the="" last="" application="" ranged="" from="">< 0.01="" to="" 0.15="" ppm.="" azoxystrobin="" residues="" on="" unbagged="" whole="" bananas="" sampled="" immediately="" after="" the="" last="" application="" ranged="" from="" 0.08="" to="" 0.26="" ppm.="" residues="" of="" azoxystrobin="" in="" banana="" pulp="" were="" low="" in="" both="" bagged="" and="" unbagged="" bananas="" ranging="" from="">< 0.01="" to="" 0.03="" ppm.="" residues="" of="" z-isomer="" were="">< 0.01="" ppm="" in="" all="" samples="" of="" whole="" bananas="" and="" banana="" pulp,="" both="" bagged="" and="" unbagged.="" these="" data="" support="" the="" proposed="" tolerances="" of="" 0.5="" ppm="" in="" whole="" bananas="" and="" 0.05="" ppm="" in="" banana="" pulp.="" peaches:="" fourteen="" trials="" were="" carried="" out="" in="" north="" carolina="" (2),="" california="" (4),="" michigan="" (2),="" texas,="" arkansas,="" pennsylvania="" (2),="" georgia,="" and="" south="" carolina="" on="" peaches="" during="" 1995.="" azoxystrobin="" was="" applied="" at="" 0.15="" lb="" ai/a="" starting="" at="" pink="" bud="" to="" 5="" percent="" blossom="" and="" repeating="" at="" 5-10="" day="" intervals.="" all="" the="" samples="" were="" analyzed="" for="" azoxystrobin="" and="" the="" z-isomer.="" azoxystrobin="" residues="" on="" peaches,="" sampled="" 11-14="" days="" after="" the="" final="" spray,="" ranged="" from="" 0.07="" -="" 0.70="" ppm.="" residues="" of="" the="" z-isomer="" were="" low="" and="" ranged="" from="">< 0.01="" -="" 0.05="" ppm.="" these="" data="" support="" the="" proposed="" tolerance="" of="" 0.8="" ppm.="" peanuts:="" twelve="" residue="" trials="" were="" carried="" out="" in="" georgia="" (2),="" north="" carolina="" (3),="" oklahoma,="" texas="" (2),="" florida,="" and="" alabama="" on="" peanuts="" during="" 1994="" and="" in="" 1995.="" azoxystrobin="" was="" applied="" as="" a="" foliar="" broadcast="" spray="" at="" 0.4="" lb="" ai/a="" at="" two="" spray="" intervals:="" 8="" to="" 9="" weeks="" after="" planting="" and="" 12="" to="" 13="" weeks="" after="" planting.="" azoxystrobin="" residues="" on="" peanut="" hay,="" sampled="" about="" 50="" days="" after="" the="" final="" spray,="" ranged="" from="" 0.25-0.91="" ppm.="" residues="" of="" the="" z-isomer="" were="" low="" and="" ranged="" from="">< 0.02="" -="" 0.38="" ppm.="" a="" trace="" residue="" of="" azoxystrobin="" (0.01="" ppm),="" was="" found="" in="" one="" nutmeat="" sample="" only,="" all="" the="" remainder="" were="">< 0.01="" ppm.="" these="" data="" support="" the="" proposed="" tolerances="" of="" 0.01="" ppm="" in="" the="" peanut="" and="" 1.5="" ppm="" in="" peanut="" hay.="" processing="" data="" indicate="" a="" possible="" 3="" x="" concentration="" in="" peanut="" oil="" supporting="" a="" proposed="" tolerance="" of="" 0.03="" ppm.="" tomato:="" sixteen="" residue="" trials="" were="" carried="" out="" in="" california="" (10),="" florida="" (2),="" new="" jersey,="" north="" carolina,="" and="" indiana="" on="" tomatoes="" during="" 1994="" and="" 1995.="" azoxystrobin="" was="" applied="" at="" 0.1="" lb="" ai/a="" starting="" at="" early="" fruiting="" and="" repeating="" on="" a="" 6-8="" day="" interval="" until="" eight="" applications="" had="" been="" made.="" samples="" of="" mature="" fruits="" were="" taken="" 1="" day="" after="" the="" final="" spray="" and="" analyzed="" for="" azoxystrobin="" and="" the="" z-isomer.="" azoxystrobin="" residues,="" one="" day="" after="" the="" final="" spray,="" ranged="" from="" 0.01="" -="" 0.16="" ppm.="" only="" traces="" of="" the="" z-isomer="" ranging="" from="">< 0.01="" -="" 0.02="" ppm="" were="" found.="" these="" data="" support="" the="" proposed="" tolerances="" of="" 0.2="" ppm="" in="" tomato;="" processing="" data="" showing="" a="" possible="" 3="" x="" concentration="" in="" tomato="" paste="" support="" a="" proposed="" tolerance="" of="" 0.6="" ppm.="" wheat:="" six="" magnitude="" of="" the="" residue="" trials="" were="" carried="" out="" on="" wheat="" in="" georgia,="" tennessee,="" montana,="" nebraska,="" virginia,="" and="" oregon="" during="" 1994.="" azoxystrobin="" was="" applied="" twice="" at="" growth="" stages="" zadoks="" 43-="" 45="" and="" 55-59="" at="" 0.2="" lb="" ai/a="" samples="" of="" hay,="" straw="" and="" grain="" were="" analyzed="" for="" azoxystrobin="" and="" the="" z-isomer.="" azoxystrobin="" residues="" on="" hay,="" sampled="" two="" weeks="" after="" the="" final="" spray,="" were="" 0.19="" to="" 6.5="" ppm.="" at="" harvest,="" 33-74="" days="" after="" treatment,="" residues="" in="" wheat="" grain="" were="" low="" and="" ranged="" from="">< 0.01="" -="" 0.03="" ppm.="" residues="" on="" straw="" ranged="" from="" 0.03="" -="" 3.4="" ppm.="" a="" total="" of="" 16="" residue="" trials="" were="" conducted="" in="" mississippi,="" illinois,="" ohio,="" wisconsin,="" texas="" (2),="" nebraska,="" montana="" (2),="" north="" dakota,="" colorado,="" kansas="" (2),="" oklahoma,="" new="" mexico,="" and="" california="" during="" 1995.="" azoxystrobin="" was="" applied="" 2="" times="" at="" a="" rate="" of="" 0.2="" lb="" ai/a.="" application="" timings="" were="" at="" zadoks="" 43-45="" (boot)="" and="" 30-45="" days="" prior="" to="" grain="" harvest="" (no="" later="" than="" zadoks="" 58,="" head="" emergence).="" azoxystrobin="" residues="" on="" hay="" sampled="" 13="" to="" 33="" days="" after="" the="" last="" application="" ranged="" from="" 0.09="" to="" 11.1="" ppm.="" residues="" of="" azoxystrobin="" on="" straw="" sampled="" 36="" to="" 52="" days="" after="" the="" last="" application="" ranged="" from="" 0.03="" to="" 1.31="" ppm.="" residues="" of="" azoxystrobin="" on="" grain="" sampled="" 36="" to="" 52="" days="" after="" the="" last="" application="" were="" low,="" ranging="" from="">< 0.01="" to="" 0.06="" ppm.="" residues="" of="" z-isomer="" on="" hay="" ranged="" from="">< 0.01="" to="" 0.8="" ppm.="" residues="" of="" z-isomer="" on="" straw="" were="" low,="" ranging="" from="">< 0.01="" to="" 0.13="" ppm.="" residues="" of="" the="" z-isomer="" on="" grain="" were="">< 0.01="" ppm="" on="" all="" samples.="" these="" data="" support="" proposed="" tolerances="" of="" 0.04="" ppm="" on="" grain,="" 4.0="" ppm="" on="" straw="" and="" 13="" ppm="" on="" hay.="" processing="" data="" indicate="" a="" possible="" 3="" x="" concentration="" in="" wheat="" bran,="" supporting="" a="" proposed="" tolerance="" of="" 0.12="" ppm.="" b.="" toxicological="" profile="" (azoxystrobin="" technical)="" 1.="" acute="" toxicity.="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" study="" type="" study="" results="" tox.="" category="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" acute="" oral="" rat.................="">50 > 5,000 mg/kg..  IV               
    Acute Dermal Rat...............  LD50 > 2,000 mg/kg..  III              
    Acute Inhalation Rat...........  LC50 = 698 mg/l for                    
        ...........................  LC50 = 962 mg/l for   III              
    Eye Irritation Rabbit..........  Slight irritant, no   III              
                                      corneal effects.                      
    Skin Irritation Rabbit.........  Slight irritant.....  IV               
    Skin Sensitization Guinea Pig..  Not a skin                             
        2. Genotoxicity. Azoxystrobin gave a weak clastogenic response in 
    mammalian cells in vitro at cytotoxic doses. In the whole animal 
    azoxystrobin was negative in established assays for chromosomal damage 
    (clastogenicity) and general DNA damage, at high dose levels 
    ( 2,000 mg/kg). The weak clastogenic effects seen in vitro 
    are not expressed in the whole animal and azoxystrobin is considered to 
    have no genotoxicity in vivo.
                 Assay                       Type               Results     
    In vitro.......................  Ames................  negative         
        ...........................  L5178Y..............  weakly positive  
    [[Page 11445]]
        ...........................  IVC.................  weakly positive  
    In vivo........................  Micronucleus........  negative         
        ...........................  UDS.................  negative         
        3. Reproductive and developmental toxicity. Reproductive toxicity. 
    Azoxystrobin showed no evidence of reproductive toxicity.
        The No Observed Effect Level (NOEL) for toxicity was judged to be 
    300 ppm azoxystrobin, which for the premating period, translates into a 
    daily dose of 32 mg azoxystrobin/kg body weight/day based on body 
    weight reductions relative to control and liver toxicity in adult 
        The liver toxicity observed in the reproductive toxicity study was 
    manifest as gross distension of the common bile duct accompanied by 
    histological change. The histological changes in the intraduodenal bile 
    duct were characterized by an increase (a hyperplasia) in the number of 
    lining (epithelial) cells and bile duct inflammation (cholangitis). In 
    the liver, there was an increased severity of hepatic proliferative 
    cholangitis. The increased severity of the microscopic liver effects 
    were confined to those animals showing gross bile duct changes, 
    suggesting that these effects were secondary to biliary toxicity.
        These observations were confined to male F0 and F1 adult rats and 
    were not detected in female animals or in pups.
           Azoxystrobin in Diet (ppm)                Dose (mg/kg/day)       
    60.....................................  6.5                            
    300....................................  32                             
    1,500..................................  162                            
        Developmental Toxicity. There were no adverse effects in the rat or 
    rabbit on the number, survival and growth of the fetuses in utero. 
    Azoxystrobin caused no developmental toxicity in the rat or in the 
    rabbit up to and including dose levels shown to be maternally toxic.
       Study Type: Developmental      NOEL/LEL (mg/kg/                      
               Toxicity                     day)          Effect Description
    Rabbit (by gavage)............  No developmental     No developmental   
                                     effects. NOEL for    effects. NOAEL for
                                     developmental        maternal toxicity 
                                     toxicity > 500 mg/   = 50 mg/kg/day.   
                                     kg/day. NOAEL for    LEL for maternal  
                                     maternal toxicity    toxicity = 150 mg/
                                     = 50 mg/kg/day..     kg/day; effects   
                                                          were reduced body 
                                                          weight, clinical  
    Rat (by gavage)...............  No developmental     LEL for            
                                     effects, NOEL = 25   fetotoxicity is   
                                     mg/kg/day for        100 mg/kg/day;    
                                     maternal and         effect was        
                                     fetotoxicity.        ``delayed         
                                                          LEL for maternal  
                                                          toxicity 100 mg/kg/
                                                          day; effect was   
                                                          reduced body      
        4. Subchronic Toxicity. Azoxystrobin is of low subchronic toxicity 
    in 21-day dermal testing.
        5. Chronic Toxicity. Oncogenicity - Rat: Azoxystrobin is non-
    oncogenic in the rat.
                                       Male rat (mg/kg/   Female rat (mg/kg/
       Azoxystrobin in Diet (ppm)            day)                day)       
    60..............................  3.6...............  4.5               
    300.............................  18.2..............  22.3              
    1500/750........................  82.4..............  117.6             
        The NOEL/NOAEL for azoxystrobin in the rat is 18 mg/kg bwt/day.
        Zeneca suggests that this chronic rat study has the lowest No 
    Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) of the chronic studies conducted 
    with azoxystrobin. The Reference Dose (RfD) for azoxystrobin should be 
    based upon the NOAEL of 18 mg/kg bwt/day with an uncertainty factor of 
    100, RfD = 0.18 mg/kg bwt/day.
        A dietary inclusion level of 1,500 ppm was established as a Maximum 
    Tolerated Dose (MTD) in female rats, where decrements in body weight 
    gain relative to control of approx. 19 percent at week 53 and 11 
    percent at week 105 were observed. The maximum reduction relative to 
    control was seen at week 73 (approx. 20 percent). In male rats this 
    dose level was in excess of an MTD (biliary toxicity), resulting in a 
    reduction in the top dose level from 1500 ppm to 750 ppm for the second 
    year of the study. Reductions in male body weight gain relative to 
    control animals were seen throughout the duration of the study with a 
    maximum reduction of approx. 11 percent in the first year (at week 45), 
    continuing into the second year (maximum reduction of approx. 13 
    percent at week 99).
        In the rat, there was no statistical increase in the number of 
    tumor-bearing animals, animals with malignant tumors, benign tumors, 
    multiple tumors, single tumors or metastic tumors in animals treated 
    with azoxystrobin at dose levels of up to 1,500 ppm (up to 117.1 mg 
    azoxystrobin/kg bwt/day) for 2 years.
        Oncogenicity - Mouse.
         Azoxystrobin is non-oncogenic in the mouse.
    [[Page 11446]]
                                     Male mouse (mg/kg/  Female mouse (mg/kg/
      Azoxystrobin in Diet (ppm)            day)                 day)       
    50............................  6.2................  8.5                
    300...........................  37.5...............  51.3               
    2000..........................  272.4..............  363.3              
        There was no increased tumor incidence or early onset of tumors in 
    mice receiving up to 2,000 ppm azoxystrobin for up to 2 years. Dietary 
    administration of 2,000 ppm Azoxystrobin was associated with reduced 
    growth and food utilization.
        An MTD was established in the mouse oncogenicity study based on 
    body weight gain depression and decreased food utilization seen at the 
    highest dose test of 2000 ppm. At this dose level body weight gain was 
    depressed 20 percent at week 13 and 28 percent at week 53 in males, and 
    11 percent at week 13 and 19 percent at week 53 in females.
        There was no statistically significant change or alteration in 
    tumor incidence in the mouse attributable to treatment with 
    azoxystrobin at dose levels of up to 2,000 ppm (up to 363.3 mg 
    azoxystrobin/kg bwt/day) for 2 years.
        One-year Feeding Study - Dog. Azoxystrobin was administered to 
    groups of 4 beagle dogs at dose levels of 0, 3, 25 and 200 mg/kg bwt/
    day, as a daily oral dose.
        Adaptive liver responses were observed at 25 and 200 mg/kg bwt/day 
    which were not considered to be toxicologically significant. The 
    adaptive liver responses were increased liver weights and increased 
    serum liver enzyme activities in the absence of any liver 
    histopathology. Liver weights were increased in both sexes at 200 mg/kg 
    bwt/day, and in females at 25 mg/kg bwt/day. Plasma alkaline 
    phosphatase, cholesterol and triglyceride levels were elevated at the 
    top dose in both sexes, with plasma albumin elevated at 200 mg/kg/day 
    in males only. Plasma triglycerides were also elevated at 25 mg/kg bwt/
    day in males only. No such effects were observed at 3 mg/kg bwt/day.
        These changes were not accompanied by any histopathological change 
    in the liver. Such changes in the absence of signs of a toxic lesion 
    are generally considered to reflect the liver compensating for the 
    increased work it must perform in metabolizing the test compound. While 
    they can be considered to be effects of azoxystrobin treatment, these 
    changes are of no toxicological significance.
        The NOEL in this study was 200 mg/kg bwt/day.
        6. Animal metabolism. Azoxystrobin is well absorbed and completely 
    metabolized in the rat. Excretion is rapid and there is no accumulation 
    of azoxystrobin or metabolites. There are no significant plant 
    metabolites that are not animal metabolites.
        7. Metabolite toxicology. Toxicity testing results on the 
    azoxystrobin parent compound are indicative of the toxicity of all 
    significant metabolites seen in either plants or mammals.
    C. Aggregate Exposure
        1. Dietary exposure. a. Food. For the purpose of assessing the 
    potential dietary exposure from these proposed tolerances, EPA 
    generally estimates aggregate exposure based on the Theoretical Maximum 
    Residue Contribution (TMRC) from the tolerances proposed for 
    azoxystrobin as listed above. The TMRC is obtained by multiplying the 
    tolerance level residue for each food by the consumption data which 
    estimate the amount of food and food products eaten by the U.S. 
    population and various population subgroups. Animal feeds (such as 
    wheat forage) are fed to animals; thus, exposure of humans to residue 
    in the animal feeds might result if such residues are transferred to 
    meat, milk or poultry. Animal metabolism and feeding studies indicate 
    that low residues may occur in meat and milk when azoxystrobin is used 
    as proposed. The TMRC for each animal product is obtained by 
    multiplying the tolerance (worst-case) level of residues possible in 
    meat and milk by the food consumption data which estimate the amount of 
    food and food products eaten by various population subgroups. These are 
    very conservative assumptions--100 percent of foods, meat and milk 
    products will contain azoxystrobin residues and those residues would be 
    at the level of the tolerance--that produce a very conservative 
    overestimate of human dietary exposure. Zeneca performed chronic 
    dietary exposure analyses using the food consumption data in the U.S. 
    Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 
    for 1989 through 1992 combined and Technical Assessment System Inc.'s 
    ``EXPOSURE 1'' analysis software. The potential exposure for the U.S. 
    population is 0.0009 mg/kg bwt/day. Potential exposure for children's 
    population subgroups ranged from 0.0013 mg/kg bwt/day for children 7-12 
    Years Old to 0.0029 mg/kg bwt/day for children 1-6 Years Old.
        b. Drinking water. Azoxystrobin does not leach. It is unlikely that 
    azoxystrobin could be present in drinking water or groundwater. 
    Therefore it is not appropriate to assess aggregate exposure from 
    drinking water.
        Azoxystrobin is an analogue of naturally occurring strobilurins 
    which are sensitive to sunlight (photolysis). Azoxystrobin, although 
    more stable than the strobilurins, has a favorable environmental 
    profile. Azoxystrobin is degraded rapidly under agricultural field 
    conditions with a soil half-life of less than 2 weeks. The compound is 
    non-volatile and does not leach, but it is very susceptible to 
    photolysis. Photolysis accounts for the majority of the initial loss of 
    the compound, the remainder being degraded microbially.
        Based on laboratory data the predicted mobility of azoxystrobin in 
    soil is relatively low. The soil adsorption coefficient corrected for 
    soil organic matter (Koc) ranges from 300 to 1690. Consequently, 
    the potential mobility is low to medium. As a measure of possible 
    mobility the standard GUS index value is 1.0; which equates to a non-
        Results from field trials support these laboratory data. After 
    using 14C-labeled azoxystrobin as a ``worst case'' field 
    application - bare surface, irrigated and poorly retentive soil (light 
    texture and low organic matter content), the compound was retained in 
    the upper 2 inches or so of the soil throughout its lifetime.
        As azoxystrobin does not leach it is very unlikely to enter into 
    water bodies except by accidental, direct over-spray. However, the 
    compound in laboratory tests degrades with a half-life of approximately 
    7 weeks in flooded anaerobic soils. There is also potential for 
    photolytic degradation in natural aqueous environments; the aqueous 
    photolysis half-life is 11-17 days.
        2. Non-dietary exposure. Other potential sources of exposure of the 
    general population to residues of pesticides is non-occupation 
    exposure. Since the proposed registrations for azoxystrobin are limited 
    to commercial crop production, turf farms and golf courses, the 
    potential for non-occupational exposure to the general population is 
    not expected to be significant.
    [[Page 11447]]
    D. Cumulative Effects
        Azoxystrobin is a new class of chemistry for pesticides, a beta-
    methoxyacrylate fungicide. Azoxystrobin has the same biochemical mode 
    of action as the naturally occurring strobilurins, inhibition of 
    electron transport. Since there are no other registered pesticides in 
    this chemical class or with this mode of action or mechanism of action, 
    cumulative exposure assessment is not appropriate at this time.
        No evidence or information exists to suggest that toxic effects 
    produced by azoxystrobin would be cumulative with those of any other 
    chemical compounds.
    E. Safety Determination
        1. U.S. population in general. Using the conservative assumptions 
    described above, based on the completeness and reliability of the 
    toxicity data, Zeneca estimates that the aggregate exposure to 
    azoxystrobin will utilize 0.5 percent of the RfD for the U.S. 
    population. This chronic dietary exposure analysis is based on food 
    consumption for the combined years 1989-1992 in the USDA's Nationwide 
    Food Consumption Survey and analysis using Technical Assessment 
    Systems, Inc.'s ``EXPOSURE 1'' analysis software. Generally there are 
    no concerns for exposures below 100 percent of the RfD. The EPA defines 
    the RfD to represent the level at or below which daily aggregate 
    dietary exposure over a lifetime will not pose appreciable risk to 
    human health.
        2. Infants and children. In assessing the potential for additional 
    sensitivity of infants and children to residues of azoxystrobin Zeneca 
    has considered the 2-generation reproduction study in the rat and the 
    developmental toxicity studies in the rat and rabbit. Azoxystrobin 
    showed no evidence of reproductive toxicity. Azoxystrobin caused no 
    developmental toxicity in the rat or rabbit up to and including dose 
    levels shown to be maternally toxic. There were no adverse effects, in 
    the rat or rabbit, on the number, survival and growth of the fetuses in 
        Based on the current toxicological data requirements, the database 
    relative to pre- and post- natal effects for children is complete. 
    Further, azoxystrobin shows no evidence of reproductive or 
    developmental toxicity, therefore we suggest that use of an additional 
    uncertainty factor is not warranted and that the RfD of 0.18 mg/kg/day 
    is appropriate for assessing aggregate risk to infants and children.
        Using the conservative exposure assumption described above, Zeneca 
    concludes that the percent of the RfD that will be utilized by 
    aggregate exposure to residues of azoxystrobin ranges from 0.8 percent 
    for the population subgroups Nursing infants and children 7-12 years 
    old up to 1.6 percent for the population subgroup Children 1-6 years 
    old. Zeneca concludes that there is reasonable certainty that no harm 
    will result to infants and children from aggregate exposure to 
    azoxystrobin residues.
    F. International Tolerances
        There are no Codex Maximum Residue Levels established for 
    II. Public Record
        Interested persons are invited to submit comments on this notice of 
    filing. Comments must bear a notation indicating the docket control 
    number, [PF-715]. All written comments filed in response to this 
    petition will be available in the Public Response and Program Resources 
    Branch, at the address given above from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday 
    through Friday, except legal holidays.
        A record has been established for this notice under docket control 
    number [PF-715] (including comments and data submitted electronically 
    as described below). A public version of this record, including 
    printed, paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include 
    any information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection from 8:30 
    a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The 
    public record is located in Rm. 1132 of the Public Response and Program 
    Resources Branch, Field Operations Division (7506C), Office of 
    Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, Crystal Mall #2, 
    1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA.
        Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
        Electronic comments must be submitted as ASCII files avoiding the 
    use of special characters and any form of encryption.
        The official record for this notice, as well as the public version, 
    as described above will be kept in paper form. Accordingly, EPA will 
    transfer all comments received electronically into printed, paper form 
    as they are received and will place the paper copies in the official 
    record which will also include all comments submitted directly in 
    writing. The official record is the paper record maintained at the 
    address in ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this document.
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 346a.
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
    Agricultural commodities, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: February 24, 1997.
    Peter Caulkins,
    Acting Director, Registration Division, Office of Pesticide Programs.
    [FR Doc. 97-5683 Filed 3-11-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of filing.
Document Number:
Comments, identified by the docket control number [PF-715], must be received on or before, April 11, 1997.
11441-11447 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PF-715, FRL-5589-6
PDF File: