97-6215. Final Revisions to the Polychlorinated Biphenyl Criteria for Human Health and Wildlife for the Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 48 (Wednesday, March 12, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 11724-11731]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-6215]
    [[Page 11723]]
    Part IX
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Part 132
    Revisions to the Polychlorinated Biphenyl Criteria for Human Health and 
    Wildlife for the Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System; 
    Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 48 / Wednesday, March 12, 1997 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 11724]]
    40 CFR Part 132
    RIN 2040-AC94
    Final Revisions to the Polychlorinated Biphenyl Criteria for 
    Human Health and Wildlife for the Water Quality Guidance for the Great 
    Lakes System
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: EPA is publishing final revisions to the polychlorinated 
    biphenyl (PCB) ambient water quality criteria for human health and 
    wildlife for the final Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes 
    System that was published in March 1995 (the 1995 Guidance). The final 
    revisions are limited to the method for calculating a composite 
    baseline bioaccumulation factor (BAF) for PCBs and the method for 
    calculating a composite octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) 
    for PCBs. After reviewing all public comments, EPA concluded that the 
    approach it proposed in October 1996 for calculating a composite 
    baseline BAF, using the second alternative proposed for calculating a 
    composite Kow, for PCBs would be preferable to the approach used 
    in the 1995 Guidance because it would more appropriately relate the 
    concentrations of the PCB congeners in tissue to the concentrations of 
    the PCB congeners in water. Consequently, EPA is today revising the 
    human health cancer criterion for PCBs from 3.9E-6 ug/L to 6.7E-6 ug/L, 
    and the wildlife criterion for PCBs from 7.4E-5 ug/L to 1.2E-4 ug/L. 
    EPA believes that these revisions more accurately represent the 
    numerical limits necessary to protect human health and wildlife in the 
    Great Lakes System.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: March 12, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: The public docket for this rulemaking, including the 
    proposal, public comments in response to the proposal, other major 
    supporting documents, and the index to the docket are available for 
    inspection and copying at U.S. EPA Region 5, 77 West Jackson Blvd., 
    Chicago, IL 60604 by appointment only. Appointments may be made by 
    calling Mary Willis Jackson (telephone 312-886-3717).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mark Morris (4301), U.S. EPA, 401 M 
    Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20460 (202-260-0312).
    I. Introduction
    A. Potentially Affected Entities
        Entities potentially affected by this final rule are those 
    discharging pollutants to waters of the United States in the Great 
    Lakes System. Potentially affected categories and entities include:
                                            Examples of potentially affected
                   Category                             entities            
    Industry..............................  Industries discharging PCBs to  
                                             waters in the Great Lakes      
                                             System as defined in 40 CFR    
    Municipalities........................  Publicly-owned treatment works  
                                             discharging PCBs to waters of  
                                             the Great Lakes System as      
                                             defined in 40 CFR 132.2.       
        This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
    guide for readers regarding entities likely to be affected by this 
    final rule. This table lists the types of entities that EPA is now 
    aware could potentially be affected by this action. To determine 
    whether your facility may be affected by this final rule, you should 
    examine the definition of ``Great Lakes System'' in 40 CFR 132.2 and 
    examine 40 CFR 132.2 which describes the purpose of water quality 
    standards such as those established in this rule. If you have any 
    questions regarding the applicability of this action to a particular 
    entity, consult the person listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER 
    B. Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance
        In March 1995, EPA promulgated the final Water Quality Guidance for 
    the Great Lakes System (the 1995 Guidance) required under section 
    118(c)(2) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1268(c)(2). See 60 FR 
    15366-425 (March 23, 1995). The ambient water quality criteria (AWQC) 
    included in the 1995 Guidance to protect human health and wildlife set 
    maximum ambient concentrations for harmful pollutants to be met in all 
    waters in the Great Lakes System unless site-specific criteria are 
    derived and approved. See 40 CFR Part 132, Tables 3 and 4. Great Lakes 
    States and Tribes must adopt criteria consistent with EPA's criteria by 
    March of 1997. CWA section 118(c)(2). If any State or Tribe fails to 
    meet that deadline, EPA must promulgate criteria that will apply in 
    that State's or Tribe's jurisdiction. Id. Once the criteria take 
    effect, permits for discharges of such pollutants into the Great Lakes 
    System must include limits as necessary to attain the criteria.
        EPA promulgated human health and wildlife criteria for a class of 
    closely related toxic pollutants known as polychlorinated biphenyls 
    (PCBs). The PCB criteria for human health and wildlife incorporate 
    bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) which reflect the fact that PCBs magnify 
    at several steps in aquatic food chains, so that humans and wildlife 
    that eat fish from the Great Lakes may be exposed to PCB concentrations 
    many times higher than the PCB concentration in the waters of the 
    Lakes. Different members of the class of PCBs (called ``congeners'') 
    have different potentials to bioaccumulate. In the 1995 Guidance, EPA 
    derived a single baseline BAF for PCBs for each trophic level by 
    computing a weighted geometric mean baseline BAF from the baseline BAFs 
    for each trophic level for approximately 50 PCB congeners.
        Based on issues raised as part of a lawsuit on the 1995 Guidance, 
    in 1996 EPA proposed a different approach for calculating a single BAF 
    for the class of PCBs. EPA also decided to call this single BAF a 
    ``composite baseline BAF.'' The new approach also required EPA to 
    calculate a composite Kow for PCBs. EPA proposed two different 
    approaches for this calculation. EPA, however, presented calculations 
    of revised BAFs and revised ambient water quality criteria based on 
    only one of the two Kow alternatives. For a more complete 
    discussion of the 1995 Guidance and the revised approach in the 1996 
    proposal, refer to 60 FR 15366 (March 23, 1995) and 61 FR 54748 
    (October 22, 1996).
        After considering all comments, EPA has decided to follow the 
    proposed approach. EPA selected the second of the two alternatives to 
    calculating a composite Kow. As a result, the numerical values for 
    the final BAFs and the final criteria differ very slightly from those 
    that EPA presented in the proposal. The discussion below explains the 
    reasons for the changes.
    II. Background
        The BAFs in the 1995 Guidance relate the concentration of a 
    chemical measured in water to the concentration of the same chemical 
    measured in fish tissue. Under the methodology for the 1995 Guidance, 
    the calculation of a BAF that is to be used for calculating AWQC for a 
    non-polar organic chemical involves three steps for each trophic level. 
    First, EPA obtains a ``total'' BAF based on the total concentrations of 
    the chemical in the water and in the aquatic biota, based on field 
    measurements. Second, EPA converts this initial total BAF into a 
    ``baseline'' BAF that reflects the amount of lipid (fat) in the aquatic 
    biota that was assessed and the amount
    [[Page 11725]]
    of freely dissolved chemical that was estimated in the water. This 
    permits better extrapolation of data from one species to another and 
    from one water body to another. Third, EPA computes a final ``total'' 
    BAF based on the total concentration of the chemical in the water and 
    the organisms at the site to be protected. In this notice, EPA will 
    refer to the first ``total'' BAF as the ``initial total'' BAF, and the 
    final as the ``final total'' BAF. The initial and final total BAFs 
    generally differ because they usually apply to different bodies of 
        An important factor in the calculation of the baseline BAF and both 
    total BAFs for a chemical is the Kow for that chemical. The 
    Kow is a measure of the affinity of a chemical to partition 
    between octanol and water and is used as an estimate of the 
    partitioning between the lipids (fatty tissues) of an aquatic organism 
    and water. The higher the Kow, all other factors being constant, 
    the greater the affinity of the chemical to concentrate in fish tissue. 
    Each chemical has a Kow value. The Kow value for a chemical 
    is usually reported as the log Kow for the chemical. When 
    calculating total and baseline BAFs for a chemical, the chemical-
    specific Kow is used to estimate the freely dissolved fraction of 
    the chemical in the water.
        When this methodology is used to derive human health and wildlife 
    AWQC for a class of chemicals, the normal ``single'' values for 
    baseline and total BAFs for an individual chemical are replaced by 
    composite baseline and composite total BAFs for the class to simplify 
    the equations. Using a composite value in a calculation for the class 
    gives the same result as summing the results of calculations for each 
    member of the class. When calculating a composite baseline BAF or a 
    composite total BAF for all of the chemicals in a class at a trophic 
    level, it is necessary to use a composite Kow. This composite 
    Kow is used to estimate the composite freely dissolved fraction of 
    the class of chemicals in the Great Lakes waters.
        EPA based the PCB BAFs in the 1995 Guidance on a field study 
    conducted in the Great Lakes by Oliver and Niimi (1988). The study 
    collected data on numerous PCB congeners, and EPA calculated a separate 
    baseline BAF for each congener using separate, congener-specific 
    Kows. EPA, however, needed to calculate composite baseline BAFs 
    and composite total BAFs representing all congeners at a trophic level 
    in order to calculate AWQC for human health and wildlife, because there 
    is a single ``cancer potency factor'' which is used for evaluating 
    human health cancer risk for all PCBs. Similarly, for wildlife, there 
    is a single toxicity factor which is used in the derivation of the 
    wildlife criterion. Consequently, composite baseline and total BAFs 
    were needed in order to be consistent with the toxicity data available 
    to derive human health and wildlife criteria.
        In the 1995 Guidance, EPA calculated a composite baseline BAF for 
    PCBs for trophic level 3 and a composite baseline BAF for trophic level 
    4 by computing a weighted geometric mean of the baseline BAFs for 
    individual PCB congeners at each trophic level. The weighted geometric 
    mean baseline BAF was 55,281,000 for trophic level 3 and 116,553,000 
    for trophic level 4. As explained above, when calculating a composite 
    baseline BAF for PCBs, EPA must also use a composite Kow. In the 
    1995 Guidance, EPA calculated a weighted geometric mean Kow of 
    3,885,000 (mean log Kow of 6.589) by weighting the log Kows 
    for the individual PCB congeners by the concentrations of the PCB 
    congeners in fish. The weighted mean log Kow of 6.589 was then 
    used to estimate the freely dissolved fraction of the PCB congeners in 
    the study of Oliver and Niimi (1988). The log Kows for the 
    individual PCB congeners used in the final Guidance came from Hawker 
    and Connell (1988).
        Using the composite baseline BAF for each trophic level and the 
    weighted mean log Kow of 6.589, EPA calculated composite final 
    total BAFs of 520,900 for trophic level 3 and 1,871,000 for trophic 
    level 4 for use in calculating human health criteria. The PCB human 
    health cancer criterion calculated using these BAFs was 3.9E-6 ug/L. 
    For wildlife, the composite final total BAFs were 1,850,000 for trophic 
    level 3 and 6,224,000 for trophic level 4. The PCB wildlife criterion 
    derived using these BAFs was 7.4E-5 ug/L.
        Various industries and trade associations challenged the human 
    health and wildlife criteria for PCBs. AISI v. EPA, D.C. Cir. No.95-
    1348 and consolidated cases. Among the issues they raised was the 
    calculation of the composite baseline BAF as the weighted geometric 
    mean for PCBs. The AISI petitioners alleged that the equation was 
    mathematically inappropriate for a variety of reasons. As a result of 
    this challenge, EPA re-examined the basis for the calculation of the 
    composite baseline BAF as the weighted geometric mean. For a more 
    complete discussion of bioaccumulation and the approach used in the 
    1995 Guidance, refer to 58 FR 20803 (April 16, 1993), and the Procedure 
    to Determine Bioaccumulation Factors (``TSD for BAFs'')(EPA-820-B-95-
    III. Revised Method for Calculating Composite Baseline BAFs for 
    A. The Proposed Approach
        On October 22, 1996, EPA proposed a revised approach for 
    calculating the composite baseline BAF for PCBs for each trophic level. 
    The revised approach uses the sum of all concentrations of PCB 
    congeners in tissue and the sum of all concentrations of PCB congeners 
    in the ambient water, as reported in Oliver and Niimi (1988), to 
    calculate a composite initial total BAF for PCBs at each trophic level. 
    This approach is equivalent to using a weighted arithmetic mean of all 
    the measured initial total BAFs from the PCB congeners, where the 
    weights are the concentrations of the PCB congeners in water. EPA 
    believes this approach is consistent with the definition of 
    bioaccumulation factor and appropriately relates the sum of the 
    concentrations of the PCB congeners in tissue to the sum of the 
    concentrations of the PCB congeners in water. EPA further believes that 
    this approach will provide an accurate composite initial total BAF for 
    the class of PCBs.
        As part of the October 22, 1996 proposal, EPA also proposed to 
    revise its approach for calculating the composite Kow used in the 
    calculation of the composite baseline and total BAFs. EPA proposed two 
    alternatives: the first alternative used the median log Kow of the 
    PCB congeners to derive a composite Kow; the second used the sum 
    of the concentrations of the Kows for all congeners together with 
    the sum of all of the freely dissolved concentrations of the congeners 
    in water. For a more complete discussion of the revised approach for 
    calculating composite BAFs and Kows, refer to 61 FR 54748 (October 
    22, 1996).
    B. Comments on the Proposed Approach
        EPA received three comments on the proposal. Two commenters opposed 
    the revised approach for calculating composite BAFs for PCBs. One of 
    the commenters who opposed the proposal argued that the revised 
    approach yielded less stringent criteria for PCBs and that this action 
    was contradictory to the principle of zero discharge, and inconsistent 
    with what the public had been told about the 1995 Guidance methodology 
    being a superior method yielding more stringent criteria. This 
    commenter also argued that the resulting higher criteria would allow 
    backsliding for pollution prevention scenarios currently established 
    [[Page 11726]]
    operating for existing permitted discharges of PCBs. The other 
    commenter who opposed the proposal was concerned that data (congener 
    specific Kows, tissue and water PCB concentrations) used in the 
    revised approach were taken from reports that were published a decade 
    ago and that more recent data on the behavior of PCBs in the 
    environment, their activity as carcinogenic promoters, and the tendency 
    of ``weathered'' PCBs to be more toxic than the parent compounds, have 
    not been considered. This commenter argued that the revised approach 
    did not provide as much protection against the tendency for PCBs to 
    become more toxic over time. In addition, the commenter argued that, if 
    EPA were to revise the 1995 approach, it should not use the median 
    value because the median ignores extremely high or low values, 
    disregards population trends, and does not weigh skewness, which is a 
    characteristic of the PCBs. In fact, the commenter recommended that EPA 
    compute and use a BAF at the 90 percent confidence level. Finally, the 
    commenter also noted that, since a higher Kow also affects the 
    amount of pollutant that is freely dissolved, the change in the 
    Kow value has a large impact on the final criterion. For these 
    reasons the commenter argued that the 1995 approach, which produces the 
    lowest composite Kow was preferable. However, the commenter 
    concluded that, if EPA revised its approach, it should use the second 
    of the two alternatives proposed, because it produces a lower Kow 
    than the first alternative.
        Finally, one commenter supported the revised approach stating that 
    the proposed modifications to the equation used to calculate the 
    composite BAFs for PCBs are scientifically and mathematically 
    appropriate. However, the commenter further stated that it disagrees 
    with many other issues arising from the 1995 Guidance and EPA's 
    derivation of BAFs for PCBs, which are issues outside the scope of this 
    C. Response to Comments
        EPA appreciates those who provided comments on this rulemaking. In 
    regard to the first comment, EPA disagrees that it has misinformed the 
    public concerning either the 1995 Guidance methodology or the 1996 
    revised methodology. EPA also disagrees with the prediction that the 
    revised criteria will result in backsliding. Although the revised 
    criteria are less stringent than the 1995 criteria, they are not less 
    stringent than the PCB criteria currently in effect in the Great Lakes 
    States. Currently, the range of water quality criteria being 
    implemented in the Great Lakes Basin to protect human health from PCBs 
    is 0.1 to 0.00008 ug/L. EPA's revised methodology produces a human 
    health criterion for PCBs that is about 10 to 10,000 times more 
    stringent than those currently being implemented. For the protection of 
    wildlife the disparity is even more dramatic because many of the Great 
    Lakes States do not have criteria for PCBs to protect wildlife. For the 
    three Great Lakes States that do have criteria for PCBs to protect 
    wildlife, EPA's revised approach produces a wildlife criterion that is 
    approximately 10 to 1,000 times more stringent than those currently 
    being implemented. Given this information, EPA does not believe that 
    permit limits for PCBs based on criteria for human health and wildlife 
    produced by the revised methodology will result in less protection or 
    backsliding. Further, EPA interprets the concept of zero discharge in 
    the Great Lakes Agreement as a goal toward which it is working. The 
    revised PCB criteria, which are still more stringent than criteria 
    currently in effect in the Great Lakes States, are a reasonable and 
    substantial step toward that goal.
        EPA also disagrees with the comment that asserts that EPA should 
    chose an approach to calculating a composite Kow that leads to a 
    more conservative PCB criterion because the current criteria may not 
    sufficiently take into account the effects of ``weathering'' or data 
    from new studies suggesting that PCBs might cause reproductive and 
    developmental toxicity effects. EPA believes that the BAF should 
    estimate bioaccumulation as accurately as possible. EPA believes it is 
    more appropriate to account for the commenter's concerns--if 
    warranted--by adjusting its estimate of PCB's toxicity. Further, EPA 
    believes that it has adequately accounted for weathering. PCBs were 
    first introduced into the Great Lakes Basin in the 1930s. Researchers 
    in the Great Lakes have spent a significant amount of time gathering 
    data and studying the fate and effects of PCBs in this system. Given 
    the length of time some of the PCBs have resided in the Great Lakes 
    Basin, any increased toxicity due to ``weathering'' would be reflected 
    in the data collected in 1986. Therefore, EPA does not agree that it 
    needs to retain the 1995 approach to ensure protection against the 
    possible impacts of weathering.
        EPA agrees that some recent data indicate that PCBs, particularly 
    co-planar PCBs, might cause reproductive and developmental toxicity 
    through processes such as endocrine disruption. Because concentrations 
    associated with such potential adverse effects are under evaluation, 
    EPA can not yet predict whether such effects might occur at 
    concentrations above or below those associated with the cancer risks 
    modeled by the 1995 Guidance. EPA does not believe that it has enough 
    information concerning these additional, potential effects to revise 
    the criteria at this time. As stated in the 1995 Guidance, EPA is 
    committed to improving the science supporting its methodologies and 
    criteria, and will continue to evaluate and revise them in future 
    rulemakings in light of new information, as appropriate.
        EPA agrees with the comment that the median Kow of the PCB 
    congeners should not be used as the composite Kow and that the 
    second alternative set forth in the proposal is more appropriate. EPA 
    also agrees with some of the limitations identified by the commenter 
    that are associated with using a median. However, EPA's reason for 
    adopting the second alternative to calculate a composite Kow as 
    part of this final rule is not because it introduces, as the commenter 
    suggests, a more protective value, but because EPA believes that the 
    second alternative more accurately reflects how PCBs behave in the 
    Great Lakes System. The second alternative provides the same result as 
    would be obtained by performing the relevant calculations for each 
    congener and then summing the results.
    D. Final Action
        As described above, the approach for this final rule uses the sum 
    of the concentrations of all PCB congeners in tissue and the sum of the 
    concentrations of all PCB congeners in the ambient water to calculate a 
    composite initial total BAF for PCBs at each trophic level. The 
    approach also uses individual PCB congener Kow to calculate the 
    composite Kow. The calculations of the composite baseline BAFs for 
    PCBs, the composite final total BAFs to be used in the calculation of 
    AWQC for wildlife and human health, and the PCB criteria for wildlife 
    and humans using the new PCB BAFs are presented below. EPA is not 
    revising the data used in the calculation of the composite BAFs or 
    composite Kows or other aspects related to the derivation of the 
    human health and wildlife criteria for PCBs. The fish tissue data, 
    water column data, and log Kow values used to calculate the new 
    composite BAFs and composite Kow are identical to those used in 
    the 1996 proposal.
    [[Page 11727]]
    1. Calculation of Composite Baseline BAFs for PCBs
        The equation used to calculate a baseline BAF for an individual 
    chemical for each individual trophic level in this final rule is the 
    same as was used in the 1995 Guidance and the 1996 proposal (61 FR 
    54748). The equation to calculate a baseline BAF when a field-measured 
    BAF is available for a chemical, as is the case with PCBs, is (each of 
    the three components for calculating a baseline BAF is discussed 
    Measured BAFtT = BAF based on total concentration in tissue 
    and water (i.e., a total BAF).
    fl = fraction of the tissue that is lipid.
    ffd = fraction of the total chemical in the ambient water that is 
    freely dissolved.
    By comparison, the equation for calculating a composite baseline BAF 
    a. Composite Initial Total BAF
        To calculate a composite initial total BAF for trophic level 4, the 
    data needed are the total concentration of the chemical in the tissue 
    of a trophic level 4 species and the total concentration of the 
    chemical in ambient water at the site of sampling. The trophic level 4 
    species used in the 1995 Guidance, the 1996 proposal and this final 
    rule are salmonids. To calculate a composite initial total BAF for 
    trophic level 3, the data needed are the total concentration of the 
    chemical in the tissue of a trophic level 3 species and the total 
    concentration of the chemical in ambient water at the site of sampling. 
    The trophic level 3 species used in the 1995 Guidance, the 1996 
    proposal and this final rule are sculpins and alewives. The average of 
    the values for the sculpins and alewives is used to represent the 
    trophic level 3 values. The equation to calculate a composite total BAF 
        For trophic level 4, the total concentration of PCB congeners in 
    fish tissue (salmonids) is 4057.3 ng/g and the total concentration of 
    PCB congeners in ambient water is 1006.1 pg/L. For trophic level 3, the 
    average of the total concentrations of PCB congeners in tissue from 
    sculpins and alewife is 1393.15 ng/g. These values were derived in the 
    1996 proposal from Oliver and Niimi (1988).
        The resulting composite initial total BAF is 4,033,000 for trophic 
    level 4 and 1,385,000 for trophic level 3 (rounded to four significant 
    figures as discussed on page G-2 of the TSD for BAFs).
    b. Composite Fraction Freely Dissolved
        To estimate the fraction of PCBs that are freely dissolved in the 
    ambient water requires information on the particulate organic carbon 
    (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the ambient water where the 
    samples were collected and the Kow of the chemical. As in the 1995 
    Guidance and the 1996 proposal, the equation for calculating the 
    fraction freely dissolved for an individual chemical is:
    POC=concentration of particulate organic carbon (kg/L).
    DOC=concentration of dissolved organic carbon (kg/L).
    Kow=n-octanol water partition coefficient for the chemical.
    [[Page 11728]]
    By comparison, to calculate a composite fraction freely dissolved for a 
    group of chemicals, the equation is:
        The log Kows used for the individual PCB congeners come from 
    Hawker and Connell (1988), which were included in the 1996 proposal. To 
    calculate the composite Kow, as explained above, EPA will not 
    employ the first alternative that uses the median log Kow from the 
    log Kows presented in Table 1 of the 1996 proposal (61 FR 54752), 
    but will instead use the second alternative for calculating a composite 
    Kow. As proposed, the formula for calculating the second 
    alternative composite Kow is:
    i=1, 2, * * * n congeners.
    Ctw=total concentration of the congener in water.
    Cfdw=freely dissolved concentration of the congener in water.
    The second alternative for calculating the composite Kow was 
    derived algebraically from the following definition of the fraction 
    freely dissolved, ffd, for a single congener, as given in the 1995 
    Guidance and the 1996 proposal :
        In the second alternative for the composite Kow, the ratio of 
    the sum of the total concentrations of all of the congeners in water 
    over the sum of the freely dissolved concentrations of all of the 
    congeners in water is substituted for the ratio of the total over 
    freely dissolved concentration of a single congener in water. Using the 
    data provided in Table 1 of the 1996 proposal, these equations yield a 
    composite Kow of 2,189,000 (rounded to four significant figures).
        This differs slightly from the composite Kow value of 
    2,238,721 derived in the proposal using the median log Kow 
        In the 1995 Guidance and the 1996 proposal, the POC value used was 
    0.0 kg/L and the DOC value used was 2.0 x 10-6 kg/L for the study 
    of Oliver and Niimi (1988). In this final rule, EPA is not changing 
    these values. Using these values and the revised composite Kow 
    value of 2,189,000 the composite fraction freely dissolved in this 
    final rule is 0.6955, as shown below:
    Again, this differs slightly from the fraction freely dissolved 
    presented in the 1996 proposal. The difference stems from the use of 
    the second alternative for calculating a composite Kow.
    c. Fraction Lipid
        In addition, EPA is not changing the fraction lipid content of the 
    salmonids (0.11) or sculpin (0.08) or alewife (0.07) that were used in 
    the 1995 Guidance and the 1996 proposal for the study of Oliver and 
    Niimi (1988). The average fraction lipid for sculpin and alewife is 
    d. Composite Baseline BAF
        Based on the information presented above and using the equation for 
    calculating composite baseline BAFs, EPA calculates for this final rule 
    a new composite baseline BAF for PCBs for trophic level 4 of 52,720,000 
    and a new composite baseline BAF for PCBs for trophic level 3 of 
    26,550,000 (rounded to four significant figures). Composite Baseline 
    BAF TL4
    [[Page 11729]]
    2. Calculation of Composite Final Total BAFs for Use in AWQC
        The data required to calculate a composite final total BAF for use 
    in deriving a AWQC for PCBs are the composite baseline BAF, the 
    fraction lipid of the aquatic species consumed by the population of 
    interest whether that is humans or wildlife and the composite fraction 
    freely dissolved in the ambient water for the area of interest.
    Composite Total BAF for AWQC = [(Composite Baseline BAF)(Fraction Lipid 
    of Aquatic Species Consumed) + 1](Composite ffd)
    a. Composite Baseline BAF
        The new composite baseline BAFs derived above in section III.D will 
    be used: 52,720,000 for trophic level 4 and 26,550,000 for trophic 
    level 3.
    b. Composite Freely Dissolved Fraction
        The equation for calculating the composite freely dissolved 
    fraction is presented above. EPA is using the same values for POC and 
    DOC used in the 1995 Guidance and the 1996 proposal (4.0 x 10-8 
    kg/L for POC and 2.0 x 10-6 kg/L for DOC). These values represent 
    POC and DOC concentrations in Lake Superior and were used to calculate 
    all of the final total BAFs that were used to derive the AWQC in the 
    1995 Guidance. Both the composite Kow and the composite freely 
    dissolved fraction must be calculated using the Lake Superior values 
    for POC and DOC. The relative total concentrations of the PCB congeners 
    in Lake Superior will be assumed to be the same as in Oliver and Niimi 
    (1988). The resulting composite Kow is 2,107,000 and the composite 
    ffd is 0.6642 (both rounded to four significant figures).
        The freely dissolved fraction of 0.6642 differs slightly from the 
    value of 0.6505 presented in the 1996 proposal. The difference is due 
    to the change in the method for calculating the composite Kow.
    c. Lipid Fraction
        EPA is not changing the lipid values used in the 1995 Guidance and 
    the 1996 proposal. The lipid fraction of the aquatic species consumed 
    by humans in the Great Lakes region is 1.82 for trophic level 3 and 
    3.10 for trophic level 4. For wildlife, the lipid fraction for trophic 
    level 3 is 6.46 and for trophic level 4 is 10.31.
    d. Composite Final Total BAFs for Calculating AWQC
        Using the above values for the composite baseline BAFs, composite 
    freely dissolved fraction for Lake Superior and fraction lipid, EPA 
    today is promulgating the following composite final total BAFs (rounded 
    to four significant figures) to be used in deriving the human health 
    and wildlife AWQC for PCBs:
    Human Health BAF for Trophic Level 4 = [(52,720,000)(0.0310) +1] 0.6642 
    = 1,086,000
    Human Health BAF for Trophic Level 3 = [(26,550,000)(0.0182) +1] 0.6642 
    = 321,000
    Wildlife BAF for Trophic Level 4 = [(52,720,000)(0.1031) +1] 0.6642 = 
    Wildlife BAF for Trophic Level 3 = [(26,550,000)(0.0646) +1] 0.6642 = 
    3. Human Health Cancer Criteria
        Based on the BAFs presented above, EPA today is revising the human 
    health cancer criteria for PCBs in Table 3 of the 1995 Guidance from 
    3.9E-6 g/L to 6.7E-6 g/L. The equations used to 
    calculate the human health cancer criteria for PCBs in this final rule 
    are the same as were used in the 1995 Guidance and the 1996 proposal 
    (61 FR 54753).
    4. Wildlife Criterion
        For wildlife, EPA today is revising the PCB criterion from 7.4E-5 
    g/L to 1.2E-4 g/L based on using the BAFs presented 
    above. The equations used to calculate the wildlife criterion for PCBs 
    in this final rule are the same as were used in the 1995 Guidance and 
    the 1996 proposal (61 FR 54754).
    IV. Effective Date
        Section 553(d)(3) of the Administrative Procedure Act requires 
    Federal agencies to publish final rules at least 30 days before they 
    take effect unless they find that they have ``good cause'' to waive the 
    notice requirement. EPA finds that it has good cause to waive the 30-
    day notice requirement for these revisions to the PCB criteria. EPA 
    needs to make this rule effective as soon as possible to maximize the 
    ability of the States and Tribes to use the new criteria in their 
    Guidance submissions that are due in March 23, 1997. Also, in this case 
    an immediate effective date does not conflict with the goal of the 
    notice requirement (giving the public the opportunity to adjust 
    behavior before the rule imposes penalties). The revised criteria will 
    not affect any member of the public until they are adopted by a Great 
    Lakes State or Tribe (or promulgated by EPA where a State or Tribe 
    fails to submit adequate criteria). EPA anticipates that these 
    processes will take at least 30 days, so that the public will receive 
    adequate notice of the revised requirements before they become binding.
    V. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), EPA 
    must determine whether the regulatory action is ``significant'' and 
    therefore subject to
    [[Page 11730]]
    Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review and the requirements of 
    the Executive Order. The Order defines ``significant regulatory 
    action'' as one that is likely to result in a rule that may:
        (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local, or Tribal governments or 
        (2) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
    thereof; or
        (4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.
        Pursuant to the terms of Executive Order 12866, it has been 
    determined that this final rule is not a ``significant regulatory 
    action'' and is therefore not subject to OMB review.
    VI. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office
        Under 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A) as added by the Small Business 
    Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, EPA submitted a report 
    containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, 
    the U.S. House of Representatives and the Comptroller General of the 
    General Accounting Office prior to publication of the rule in today's 
    Federal Register. This rule is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 
    U.S.C. 804(2).
    VII. Regulatory Flexibility Act as Amended by the Small Business 
    Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) provides that, whenever an 
    agency promulgates a final rule under 5 U.S.C. 553, after being 
    required to publish a general notice of proposed rulemaking, an agency 
    must prepare a final regulatory flexibility analysis unless the head of 
    the agency certifies that the proposed rule will not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 5 U.S.C. 604 
    & 605.
        Under the CWA, EPA's promulgation of water quality standards 
    establishes standards that the States implement through the National 
    Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit process. The 
    States have discretion in deciding how to meet the water quality 
    standards and in developing discharge limits as needed to meet the 
    standards. While State implementation of federally-promulgated water 
    quality standards may result in new or revised discharge limits being 
    placed on small entities, the standards themselves do not apply to any 
    discharger, including small entities.
        Today's rule imposes obligations on the Great Lakes States but, as 
    explained above, does not itself establish any requirements that are 
    applicable to small entities. As a result of EPA's action here, the 
    Great Lakes States will need to ensure that permits they issue include 
    any limitations on discharges necessary to comply with the criteria in 
    today's rule. Until actions are taken to implement the 1995 Guidance, 
    there will be no economic effect of the 1995 Guidance on any entities, 
    large or small. States and Tribes must both adopt their own criteria 
    and implement them before impacts are felt. The implementation 
    regulations provide States and Tribes with a variety of flexible 
    alternatives which can affect the burden felt by any small entity as a 
    result of State or Tribal action to implement this final rule, 
    including total maximum daily load (TMDL) calculations and waste load 
    allocations (WLAs). Impacts will not be felt until States and Tribes 
    select and put in place implementation measures.
        The RFA requires analysis of the impacts of a rule on the small 
    entities subject to the rules' requirements. See United States 
    Distribution Companies v. FERC, 88 F.3d 1105, 1170 (D.C. Cir. 1996). 
    Today's rule establishes no requirements applicable to small entities, 
    and so is not susceptible to regulatory flexibility analysis as 
    prescribed by the RFA. (``[N]o [regulatory flexibility] analysis is 
    necessary when an agency determines that the rule will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
    that are subject to the requirements of the rule,''' United 
    Distribution at 1170, quoting Mid-Tex Elec. Co-op v. FERC, 773 F.2d 
    327, 342 (D.C. Cir. 1985) (emphasis added by United Distribution 
    court).) The Agency is thus certifying that today's rule will not have 
    a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities, within the meaning of the RFA.
        Furthermore, today's final rule results in human health cancer 
    criteria and wildlife criteria less stringent than those currently in 
    the 1995 Guidance. If States or Tribes adopt criteria consistent with 
    today's final rule, they should reduce any adverse economic impact that 
    might have been imposed by State or Tribal adoption of the 1995 
    criteria. Consequently, the economic effect of today's final rule 
    relative to the 1995 Guidance should be positive. Any adverse economic 
    impact on small entities associated with measures taken to implement 
    the current provisions of the 1995 Guidance should be reduced by 
    adoption of the final revisions.
    VIII. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Public 
    Law 104-4, establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
    effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and Tribal 
    governments and the private sector. Under section 202 of the UMRA, EPA 
    generally must prepare a written statement, including a cost-benefit 
    analysis, for proposed and final rules with ``Federal Mandates'' that 
    may result in expenditures to State, local, and Tribal governments, in 
    the aggregate, or to the private sector, of $100 million or more in any 
    one year. Before promulgating an EPA rule for which a written statement 
    is needed, section 205 of the UMRA generally requires EPA to identify 
    and consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives and adopt 
    the least costly, most cost-effective or least burdensome alternative 
    that achieves the objectives of the rule. The provisions of section 205 
    do not apply when they are inconsistent with applicable law. Moreover, 
    section 205 allows EPA to adopt an alternative other than the least 
    costly, most cost-effective or least burdensome alternative if the 
    Administrator publishes with the final rule an explanation why that 
    alternative was not adopted.
        Before EPA establishes any regulatory requirements that may 
    significantly or uniquely affect small governments, including Tribal 
    governments, it must have developed under section 203 of the UMRA a 
    small government agency plan. The plan must provide for notifying 
    potentially affected small governments, enabling officials of the 
    affected small governments to have meaningful and timely input in the 
    development of EPA regulatory proposals with significant Federal 
    intergovernmental mandates, and informing, educating, and advising 
    small governments on compliance with the regulatory requirements.
        As noted above, this final rule is limited to the method for 
    deriving a composite BAF for PCBs and for deriving a composite Kow 
    for PCBs, which will result in human health cancer criteria and 
    wildlife criteria for PCBs less stringent than those currently in the 
    1995 Guidance. If States or Tribes adopt criteria consistent with 
    today's final rule, they will reduce any adverse economic impact that 
    might have been imposed by State or Tribal adoption of
    [[Page 11731]]
    the 1995 criteria. Consequently, EPA has determined that this final 
    rule contains no regulatory requirements that might significantly or 
    uniquely affect small governments. EPA has also determined that this 
    final rule does not contain a Federal mandate that may result in 
    expenditures of $100 million or more for State, local, and Tribal 
    governments, in the aggregate, or the private sector in any one year. 
    Thus, today's final rule is not subject to the requirements of sections 
    202 and 205 of the UMRA.
    IX. Paperwork Reduction Act
        There are no information collection requirements in this final rule 
    and therefore there is no need to obtain OMB approval under the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    X. References
        Great Lakes Water Quality Technical Support Document for the 
    Procedure to Determine Bioaccumulation Factors (EPA-820-B-95-005). NITS 
    Number: PB95187290. ERIC Number: D049.
        Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Criteria Documents for the 
    Protection of Human Health (EPA-820-B-95-006). NITS Number: PB95187308. 
    ERIC Number: D050.
        Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Criteria Documents for 
    Protection of Wildlife: DDT; Mercury; 2,3,7,8-TCDD; PCBs (EPA-820-B-95-
    008). NITS Number: PB95187324. ERIC Number: D052.
        Hawker D.W. and D.W Connell. 1988. Octanol-Water Partition 
    Coefficients of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners. Environ. Sci. 
    Technol., 22(4):382-387.
        Oliver, B.G. and A.J Niimi. 1988. Trophodynamic Analysis of 
    Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners and Other Chlorinated Hydrocarbons 
    in the Lake Ontario Ecosystem. Environ. Sci. Technol., 22(4):388-397.
        U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Water Quality Guidance for 
    the Great Lakes System and Correction; Proposed Rules. Vol. 58, No.72. 
    April 16, 1993. pp.20802-21047.
        U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Water Quality Guidance for 
    the Great Lakes System; Notice of Data Availability. Vol. 59. August 
    30, 1994. pp.44678-44685.
        U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Final Water Quality Guidance 
    for the Great Lakes System; Final Rule. Vol. 60, No.56. March 23, 1995. 
        U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Proposed Revisions to the 
    Polychlorinated Biphenyl Criteria for Human Health and Wildlife for the 
    Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System; Proposed Rule. Vol. 
    61, No.205. October 22, 1996. pp.54748-54756.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 132
        Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
    Great Lakes, Indians--lands, Intergovernmental relations, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Water pollution control.
        Dated: March 6, 1997.
    Carol M. Browner,
        For the reasons set out in the preamble title 40, chapter I of the 
    Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 132 continues to read as 
        Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.
        2. Table 3 to Part 132 is amended by revising the entry for 
    PCBs(class) to read as follows:
                             Table 3.--Water Quality Criteria for Protection of Human Health                        
                                                  HNV (ug/L)                             HCV (ug/L)                 
                 Chemical              -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           Drinking       Nondrinking          Drinking             Nondrinking     
    *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                
    PCBs(class).......................  ..............  ..............  6.7E-6                 6.7E-6               
    *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                
        3. Table 4 to Part 132 is amended by revising the entry for 
    PCBs(class) to read as follows:
           Table 4.--Water Quality Criteria for Protection of Wildlife      
                      Chemical                         Criteria (ug/L)      
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    PCBs(class)................................  1.2E-4                     
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    [FR Doc. 97-6215 Filed 3-11-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
March 12, 1997.
11724-11731 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
2040-AC94: Proposed Revisions to the PCB Criteria for Human Health and Wildlife for the Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 132