97-6217. Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives; Standards for Reformulated Gasoline  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 48 (Wednesday, March 12, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 11346-11360]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-6217]
    40 CFR Part 80
    RIN 2060-AD27
    Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives; Standards for 
    Reformulated Gasoline
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of denial of petition for reconsideration.
    SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 553(e) of the Administrative Procedure 
    Act, the American Petroleum Institute requested that EPA reconsider and 
    repeal the Phase II reformulated gasoline emission reduction standard 
    for oxides of nitrogen. For the reasons provided below, EPA is denying 
    this petition. EPA's review of new data concerning the air quality 
    benefits and cost-effectiveness of the reformulated gasoline emission 
    reduction standard for oxides of nitrogen demonstrates the continued 
    appropriateness of the standard.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: March 12, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Information relevant to this action is contained in Docket 
    No. A-96-27 at the EPA Air and Radiation Docket, room M-1500 (mail code 
    6102), 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. The docket may be 
    inspected at this location from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. weekdays. The 
    docket may also be reached by telephone at (202) 260-7548. As provided 
    in 40 CFR part 2, a reasonable fee may be charged by EPA for 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Debbie Wood, Office of Mobile Sources, 
    Fuels and Energy Division, (202) 233-9000.
    I. Introduction and Background
        On February 16, 1994, EPA published a final rule establishing 
    various content and emission reduction standards for reformulated 
    gasoline (RFG), including provisions for the certification of RFG and 
    enforcement of RFG standards, and establishing certain requirements 
    regarding unreformulated or conventional gasoline (59 FR 7716). The 
    purpose of the RFG program is to improve air quality by requiring that 
    gasoline sold in certain areas of the U.S. be reformulated to reduce 
    emissions from motor vehicles of toxics and tropospheric ozone-forming 
    compounds, as specified by section 211(k) of the Clean Air Act (CAA or 
    the Act). Section 211(k) mandates that RFG be sold in nine specific 
    metropolitan areas with the most severe summertime ozone levels; RFG 
    must also be sold in any ozone nonattainment area reclassified as a 
    severe area, and in other ozone nonattainment areas that choose to 
    participate or ``opt in'' to the program. The Act further requires that 
    conventional gasoline sold in the rest of the country not become any 
    more polluting than it was in 1990 by requiring that each refiner's and 
    importer's gasoline be as clean, on average, as it was in 1990. This 
    has resulted in regulatory requirements referred to as the ``anti-
    dumping'' program.
        The Act mandates certain requirements for the RFG program. Section 
    211(k)(1) directs EPA to issue regulations that:
        Require the greatest reduction in emissions of ozone forming 
    volatile organic compounds (during the high ozone season) and 
    emissions of toxic air pollutants (during the entire year) 
    achievable through the reformulation of conventional gasoline, 
    taking into consideration the cost of achieving such emission 
    reductions, any nonair-quality and other air-quality related health 
    and environmental impacts and energy requirements.
        Section 211(k) specifies the minimum requirement for reduction of 
    volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and toxics for 1995 through 1999, or 
    Phase I of the RFG program; the section specifies that EPA must require 
    the more stringent of a formula fuel or an emission reduction 
    performance standard, measured on a mass basis, equal to 15 percent of 
    baseline emissions. Baseline emissions are the emissions of 1990 model 
    year technology vehicles operated on a specified baseline gasoline. 
    Section 211(k)(2) compositional specifications for RFG include a 2.0 
    weight percent oxygen standard and a 1.0 volume percent benzene 
    standard. Section 211(k)(2) also specifies that emissions of oxides of 
    nitrogen (NOX) may not increase in RFG over baseline emissions.
        For the year 2000 and beyond, or Phase II of the RFG program, the 
    Act specifies that the VOC and toxic performance standards must be no 
    less than either a formula fuel or a 25 percent reduction from baseline 
    emissions, whichever is more stringent. EPA can adjust these standards 
    upward or downward taking into account such factors as technological 
    feasibility and cost, but in no case can the standards be less than 20 
        Shortly after passage of the CAA Amendments in 1990, EPA entered 
    into a regulatory negotiation with interested parties to develop 
    specific proposals for implementing both the RFG and anti-dumping 
    programs. In August 1991, the negotiating committee reached
    [[Page 11347]]
    consensus on a program outline that would form the basis for a notice 
    of proposed rulemaking, addressing emission content standards for Phase 
    I (1995-1999), emission models, certification, use of averaging and 
    credits, and other important program elements.
        The regulatory negotiation conducted by EPA did not address the 
    Phase II VOC and toxic standards for RFG, nor did it address a 
    reduction in NOX emissions beyond the statutory cap imposed under 
    section 211(k)(2)(A). The final rule promulgated by EPA closely 
    followed the consensus outline agreed to by various parties in the 
    negotiated rulemaking process. The final rule also adopted a NOX 
    emission reduction performance standard for Phase II RFG, relying on 
    authority under section 211(c)(1)(A).
        In December 1995, the American Petroleum Institute (API) submitted 
    a petition to EPA requesting reconsideration and repeal of the Phase II 
    RFG NOX standard. API also requested suspension of the effective 
    date of the standard, pending deliberations on the cost-effectiveness 
    of NOX control. EPA's initial review of the API petition indicated 
    that it presented no compelling new evidence or argument that would 
    warrant revisiting the decision made in promulgating the Phase II RFG 
    NOX reduction standard. EPA also conducted a review of relevant 
    and available new information on costs and benefits developed since 
    promulgation of the final rule to ensure that EPA's conclusions on the 
    appropriateness of the Phase II RFG NOX reduction standard remain 
    well-founded. EPA published a Federal Register notice requesting 
    comment on the issues raised in the API petition.1 In December 
    1996, EPA reopened the comment period, to allow public comment on a 
    draft Department of Energy report on RFG costs, and held a meeting with 
    interested parties to discuss the draft report.
        \1\ 61 FR 35960 (July 9, 1996).
        The arguments presented in the API petition are summarized below, 
    followed by a summary of the public comments received, and EPA's 
    response to the petition and comments. A complete copy of the API 
    petition, public comments, and new information generated by EPA may be 
    found in the docket for this action.
    II. Summary of API Petition
    A. Consistency With CAA and Negotiated Rulemaking
        In its petition, API argues that the Phase II RFG NOX emission 
    reduction standard is inconsistent with the 1990 Clean Air Act 
    Amendments and the 1991 regulatory negotiation.2 API cites 
    provisions of the statute that specifically require reductions in 
    various pollutants, and contrasts those explicit NOX reduction 
    mandates with the ``no NOX increase'' approach toward RFG in 
    section 211(k).3 API also argues that the 1991 agreement reached 
    in the regulatory negotiation does not address a Phase II NOX 
    reduction, and that the focus of debate during the regulatory 
    negotiation was whether de minimis increases in NOX would satisfy 
    the no NOX increase standard.4
        \2\ API Petition for Reconsideration and Rulemaking on NOX 
    Reduction Portion of the Reformulated Gasoline Rule (hereinafter 
    ``Pet.'') at p. 1.
        \3\ Pet. at p. 2.
        \4\ Pet. at p. 3.
    B. Air Quality Benefits
        In its petition, API argues that ozone benefits for the Phase II 
    NOX standard are overstated. 5 API states that the primary 
    basis for the NOX standard is ozone attainment, because of the 
    role NOX emissions play with VOC emissions in the formation of 
    ozone. 6 API cites EPA's 1994 Trends Report 7 to support its 
    statement that substantial progress toward ozone attainment has been 
    made. 8 API argues that progress toward attainment of the National 
    Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone can be expected to 
    continue because of new federal programs and state obligations 
    established under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. 9
        \5\  Pet. at p. 5.
        \6\  Ibid.
        \7\ U.S. EPA, National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report 
    1993, EPA 454/R-94-026, October 1994, p. 6.
        \8\  Pet. at p. 6.
        \9\  Ibid.
        API further argues that EPA's section 182(f) waiver decisions show 
    that NOX reductions are not always warranted for ozone 
    attainment.10 API states that, in establishing section 182(f) 
    waivers, Congress recognized that NOX reductions do not always 
    contribute to ozone attainment, because of atmospheric meteorology and 
    the complex relationship of NOX and VOC emissions. 11 API 
    characterizes section 182(f) as stating that major stationary source 
    requirements for NOX do not apply where NOX reductions do not 
    contribute to ozone NAAQS attainment or do not yield net air quality 
    benefits in the affected nonattainment area. 12 API argues that 
    the Phase II RFG NOX standard emphasizes those portions of a 1991 
    National Research Council study 13 and other studies that show 
    NOX control to be an effective ozone control strategy, while 
    discounting those parts of the same studies showing that NOX 
    control may be counterproductive in a particular area. 14 API 
    cites studies to contradict EPA's discounting of the adverse effects of 
    NOX reductions on ozone. 15 API points to parts of EPA's 1993 
    report to Congress (pursuant to section 185B of the CAA) to support its 
    contention that NOX control may not always be appropriate to 
    reduce ozone.16
        \10\ Pet. at p. 7.
        \11\ Pet. at p. 8.
        \12\ Ibid.
        \13\ National Research Council, Rethinking the Ozone Problem in 
    Urban and Regional Air Pollution, National Academy Press, 
    Washington, DC., 1991.
        \14\ Pet. at p. 9.
        \15\ Pet. at p. 10.
        \16\ Pet. at p. 11.
        API argues that in granting section 182(f) waivers, EPA has 
    concluded in most cases that additional NOX reductions are not 
    needed for ozone attainment; however, in a few cases, EPA has found 
    that NOX reductions would be detrimental to ozone 
    attainment.17 Moreover, three waivers would suspend major 
    stationary source NOX control in cities required to use RFG: 
    Chicago, Milwaukee, and Houston.18 API states that the waivers 
    have no set period of duration and stay in place so long as the 
    conditions in section 182(f) are met.19 API concludes that the 
    Phase II NOX standard is incongruous with the granting of section 
    182(f) waivers in RFG areas.20 API also argues that the Phase II 
    RFG NOX standard is incongruous with the two-phased approach EPA 
    adopted for submittal of ozone SIP attainment demonstrations.21 
    API concludes that given the substantial progress toward ozone NAAQS 
    attainment, and the CAA requirement of continued steady progress, EPA's 
    Phase II RFG NOX standard applicable in all RFG areas is 
    incongruous with the granting of state
    [[Page 11348]]
    petitions for waiver from section 182 NOX reduction 
        \17\ Pet. at p. 12.
        \18\ Pet. at p. 13. API also points out that Dallas, which chose 
    to implement the RFG program, has been granted a section 182(f) 
    waiver. The Dallas waiver is based on a showing that Dallas would 
    attain the ozone NAAQS without implementation of the additional 
    NOX controls required under section 182. 59 FR 44386 (August 
    29, 1994).
        \19\ Ibid.
        \20\ Pet. at p. 14.
        \21\ Ibid.
        \22\ Id.
        API also argues that non-ozone benefits claimed for the Phase II 
    RFG NOX standard are wholly speculative; no evidence is offered by 
    EPA to show that the assumed effects are measurable, let alone 
    significant.23 Non-ozone benefits claimed include less acid rain, 
    reduced toxic nitrated compounds, reduced nitrate deposition, improved 
    visibility, lower levels of nitrogen dioxide, lower levels of PM-10, 
    and protection against increases in fuel olefin content which could 
    increase the reactivity of vehicle emissions. 24
        \23\ Pet. at p. 15.
        \24\ Ibid.
    C. Cost-Effectiveness
        API argues that the impact of the NOX reduction standard on 
    gasoline refining costs and on refinery flexibility is 
    understated.25 API cites statements by EPA acknowledging that a 
    NOX performance standard restricts the flexibility of refiners in 
    producing qualifying RFG.26 API discounts EPA's assertion that the 
    performance standard is not a fuel recipe and refiners may produce 
    gasoline in any way that achieves the desired result.27 According 
    to API, any NOX reduction ``interferes with refining flexibility 
    and leaves refiners with unduly costly and narrow choices for producing 
    RFG.'' 28
        \25\ Pet. at p. 16.
        \26\ Ibid.
        \27\ Id.
        \28\ Pet. at pp. 17-18.
        API argues that the cost-effectiveness of NOX reduction is 
    overstated because sulfur removal costs are understated and ozone 
    benefits are overstated. 29 API references detailed information 
    submitted during the RFG rulemaking that criticizes inadequacies in the 
    Bonner & Moore refinery model used by EPA.30 API also cites a 1994 
    DOE study 31 that API characterizes as suggesting that EPA's 
    desulfurization costs are too low.32 API cites cost estimates 
    recently prepared by EPA for the Ozone Transport Assessment Group 
    (OTAG) to illustrate its point that EPA and API are far apart on cost 
    estimates.33 API states that if EPA used more accurate 
    desulfurization costs, the cost of Phase II NOX reductions would 
    increase above the $10,000 per ton benchmark EPA rejected as too high 
    during the RFG rulemaking.34
        \29\ Pet. at pp. 18-19.
        \30\ Pet. at p. 19.
        \31\ U.S. DOE, Estimating the Costs and Effects of Reformulated 
    Gasolines, DOE/PO-0030, December 1994 (hereinafter ``1994 DOE 
        \32\ Pet. at p. 20.
        \33\ Pet. at pp. 20-21.
        \34\ Pet. at p. 21.
        API also argues that EPA's analysis of cost-effectiveness does not 
    take into account that NOX reductions do not contribute to ozone 
    attainment in certain areas.35 API states that the Chicago, 
    Milwaukee, Houston and Dallas areas each have section 182(f) waivers 
    and comprise 33 percent of the non-California RFG market. 36 API 
    argues that the benefit of NOX reductions in these areas is at 
    least zero, if not less than zero, thereby driving EPA's cost-
    effectiveness up to about $7,500 per ton, based on this factor 
        \35\ Pet. at p. 22.
        \36\ Pet. at p. 22.
        \37\ Pet. at p. 22.
        API further argues that EPA understated the relative cost-
    effectiveness of major stationary source NOX control strategies, 
    by dwelling on motor vehicle and engine controls.38 API argues 
    that stationary source controls can discriminate between areas where 
    NOX reductions contribute to ozone attainment and areas where they 
    do not, unlike motor vehicle, engine, and fuel controls.39 API 
    cites several studies conducted by or for EPA between July 1991 and 
    July 1994 that contain more comprehensive information about stationary 
    source controls, including cost-effectiveness.40 API provides a 
    table citing data from those studies, and includes its estimate of 
    incremental cost-effectiveness for several technologies.41 API 
    concludes that its incremental cost-effectiveness values compare 
    favorably even to EPA's incremental cost-effectiveness estimate of 
    $5,000 per ton of NOX removed for a 6.8 percent NOX emission 
        \38\ Pet. at p. 23.
        \39\ Pet. at p. 23.
        \40\ Pet. at pp. 23-24.
        \41\ Pet. at p. 25.
        \42\ Pet. at p. 26.
        API argues that control of major stationary sources for NOX 
    offers a far larger potential for overall reduction in air 
    pollution.43 API cites EPA's 1994 Trends Report that combustion 
    stationary sources account for about 50 percent of national NOX 
    emissions with a NOX reduction potential of 75 to 95 
    percent.44 API further argues that major stationary source 
    controls can be targeted to avoid the economic waste of NOX 
    controls where they are not needed and the adverse effect on ozone 
    because of atmospheric chemistry.45
        \43\ Pet. at p. 27.
        \44\ Pet. at p. 27.
        \45\ Pet. at p. 29.
        API concludes that EPA should repeal the Phase II RFG NOX 
    emission reduction standard or, at least, suspend the effective date 
    until a comprehensive consideration of NOX control cost-
    effectiveness is performed.46 API claims EPA should sequence 
    NOX controls where NOX reductions are appropriate, targeting 
    major stationary source NOX controls first as they are claimed to 
    be more cost-effective and can be targeted where needed geographically. 
    Other controls should not be considered until major stationary source 
    controls are employed and evaluated, according to API.47 Finally, 
    API concludes that Phase II RFG NOX emission reductions are not 
    compelled by the statute, are not necessary, and are not the most cost-
    effective controls for NOX reduction and, thus, satisfy none of 
    the criteria for regulatory action set out in Executive Order 
        \46\ Pet. at p. 31.
        \47\ Pet. at p. 30.
        \48\ Pet. at pp. 30-31.
    III. Summary of Public Comment
        EPA received public comment on the API petition from 26 commenters, 
    including the oil, automotive, and utility industries, and from states 
    and state organizations. This section summarizes those comments.
    A. Consistency With CAA and Regulatory Negotiation Agreement in 
        Whether the Phase II RFG NOX reduction standard is consistent 
    with the CAA and the regulatory negotiation is addressed in comments by 
    several oil companies, and by oil, automotive, utility, and state 
    associations. Most comments from the oil industry restate the points 
    made by API in its petition to EPA, described in the previous section. 
    One oil company also argued that EPA did not give proper consideration 
    to the statutory factors required under section 211(c)(1)(A) of the 
    Act, given that EPA is still trying to define the complex relationships 
    involving NOX, atmospheric chemistry, and ozone formation.
        The automotive, utility, and state association comments argue that 
    although the Phase II RFG NOX reduction standard is not mandated 
    by section 211(k) of the CAA, it is not inconsistent with the CAA, and 
    that the Phase II program was not addressed by the regulatory 
    negotiation's Agreement in Principle, so the NOX reduction 
    standard does not contradict or supersede any specific term of the 
    [[Page 11349]]
    B. Air Quality Benefits
        Most comments address the issue of whether EPA overstated the air 
    quality benefits of the Phase II RFG NOX emission reduction 
    standard. Several oil industry comments cite air quality modeling data 
    generated by OTAG to support the API argument that NOX reductions 
    may cause urban ozone increases, also referred to as NOX 
    disbenefits. One oil company argues that the OTAG modeling results 
    present compelling new evidence against the Phase II RFG NOX 
    emission reduction standard, citing one day each of two modeling runs 
    as evidence that aggressive NOX controls significantly increase 
    ozone concentrations in the urban areas where ozone levels are highest. 
    Those runs include a 60 percent reduction in elevated NOX 
    emissions, and a 60 percent reduction in elevated NOX emissions 
    plus a 30 percent reduction in low-level NOX emissions.
        Another oil company argues that the OTAG modeling results are 
    significant new evidence to support the API petition, and show that the 
    NOX disbenefit phenomenon is consistently present and most 
    pronounced in the Chicago metropolitan area. That company further 
    argues that OTAG modeling results show that urban VOC reductions do not 
    eliminate the disbenefit from NOX reductions, although the company 
    notes that VOC reductions do mitigate the disbenefit. That company 
    argues that the scale of significant ozone transport tends to be 
    substantially localized rather than OTAG domain-wide, undercutting the 
    transport rationale for widespread imposition of NOX controls. The 
    commenter bases its arguments on modeling results for three days for 
    each of three ozone episodes; one with 60 percent elevated point source 
    NOX reductions, the second with 60 percent elevated point source 
    NOX reductions plus 30 percent low-level NOX reductions, and 
    the third with 30 percent VOC reductions plus 60 percent elevated 
    NOX reductions and 30 percent low-level NOX reductions. Also 
    included was one day of a run of 30 percent low-level NOX 
    reductions only.
        In its comments on the petition, API argues that OTAG air quality 
    modeling sensitivity runs as of August 1996 show that downwind air 
    quality benefits of NOX control are far less than expected, 
    undercutting the core transport rationale for widespread imposition of 
    RFG NOX controls. API argues that OTAG modeling confirms its 
    central thesis that NOX emissions reductions increase ozone levels 
    immediately downwind of several urban nonattainment areas, notably 
    Chicago and New York. Finally, API argues that the OTAG modeling shows 
    that the ozone increases were not fully ameliorated by larger NOX 
    reductions or VOC reductions; even if VOC controls were effective, this 
    would put affected states in the position of imposing extra VOC 
    controls to offset the adverse air quality impact of RFG NOX 
        Several states, and state and utility associations also addressed 
    the air quality benefits issue. States and state associations stress 
    the importance of the Phase II RFG NOX standard in state ozone 
    attainment and maintenance planning. State associations argue that OTAG 
    has projected that, in 2007, mobile sources will still contribute 43 
    percent of all NOX after implementation of CAA controls; given the 
    challenges facing so many areas in identifying and implementing 
    programs that will lead to attainment of the ozone standard, the air 
    quality benefits associated with the NOX reduction potential of 
    Phase II RFG cannot be overstated. One state points out that with the 
    anticipated lowering of the federal ozone standard, the Phase II RFG 
    NOX emission reduction standard will become even more critical for 
    states. A state association argues that although there has been 
    progress toward attainment, loss of a tool as significant as Phase II 
    RFG in reducing VOC and NOX would only exacerbate state emission 
    reduction shortfalls.
        While state and state association comments acknowledge that in 
    certain urban areas, NOX reductions can increase ozone, state 
    associations argue that API's advocacy of repeal of the NOX 
    standard is both premature and shortsighted; premature because OTAG is 
    still seeking to define the extent and impact of NOX disbenefits 
    and how disbenefits should be accommodated, and shortsighted because 
    for many areas of the country it has been conclusively ascertained that 
    NOX reductions will be imperative if the ozone standard is to be 
    attained and maintained.
        Several states and state associations argue that modeling 
    demonstrates that NOX reductions are beneficial, and for many 
    areas imperative, notwithstanding potential disbenefits in some limited 
    geographic areas. One state and a state association argue that all 
    major regional modeling efforts performed or underway through such 
    organizations as OTAG and the Ozone Transport Commission have 
    demonstrated that NOX reductions are beneficial in reducing ozone 
    levels and will be needed to achieve attainment of the ozone standard 
    in many areas, and particularly in the eastern U.S. They argue that the 
    importance of NOX reductions in reducing ozone levels is becoming 
    even more pronounced as modeling efforts utilize the newer and more 
    accurate methodology for estimating biogenic VOC emissions.
        A state association argues that the regional photochemical modeling 
    results prepared for OTAG are confirmatory of previous modeling that 
    both elevated and low-level control of NOX are beneficial at 
    reducing the regional extent of ozone, and that the combination of 
    NOX and VOC control, especially in urban areas, can be very 
    effective in reducing regional ozone levels. Another state association 
    also argues that modeling studies have shown that urban VOC reductions, 
    such as those provided by RFG, are effective at addressing any limited 
    NOX disbenefits, while leaving in place the very extensive 
    regional benefits of NOX emission reductions. One state argues 
    that there is no definitive data that Phase II RFG could be a 
    significant disbenefit to ground level ozone attainment and, in the 
    absence of evidence to the contrary, the state will operate under the 
    assumption that all reductions of ground level ozone precursors are 
    both important and beneficial.
        A state association argues that granting contingent waivers on a 
    local nonattainment area basis does not negate EPA recognition and 
    support for regional efforts to use NOX reductions to address 
    ozone transport and attainment issues. It argues that NOX waivers 
    do not take into account that when controls are removed or absent in 
    one area, particularly a control of regional significance, this would 
    generally cause or exacerbate problems for any area downwind of that 
    area. It argues that while the understanding and development of 
    mechanisms for regional ozone reductions over large areas is still 
    evolving, mechanisms that have the greatest potential continue to rely 
    on a balance of both VOC and NOX control.
        A utility industry group argues that the API petition fails to 
    buttress its argument that EPA overstated the air quality benefits of 
    the Phase II RFG NOX standard with new evidence; instead, API 
    relies upon arguments already rejected by EPA. API's section 182(f) 
    waiver argument fails because the grant of a waiver says nothing about 
    the value of the Phase II RFG NOX standard; the utility group 
    argues that the section 182(f) waiver provisions do not apply to the 
    RFG program and that, although temporary waivers have been granted in 
    some places based on highly specific localized facts, the Agency has 
    made it clear waivers would be reevaluated in
    [[Page 11350]]
    light of additional data. The utility group also argues that progress 
    by the states toward attainment as indicated in the 1994 Trends Report 
    does not establish that the Phase II RFG NOX standard is 
    unnecessary or unwise; although progress has been made toward 
    attainment, more still needs to be done.
    C. Cost-Effectiveness
        Most commenters addressed whether EPA understated the cost-
    effectiveness of the Phase II RFG NOX standard. Several oil 
    companies cite data from OTAG both on the comparative cost of 
    stationary source reduction measures and the cost of implementing Phase 
    II RFG throughout the OTAG region. Several companies submitted or cite 
    a ranking developed by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental 
    Services for OTAG of cost per ton ranges for NOX reduction 
    measures. The ranking places Phase II RFG as the second most expensive 
    NOX control measure at $25,000 to $45,000 per ton. The cost ranges 
    are comprised of the lowest and highest marginal cost estimates 
    provided by EPA, the states, industry, and other OTAG participants, and 
    represents the extent of disagreement over the ``true'' costs of each 
    measure, according to one oil company comment. One company argues that 
    these data may be interpreted to show that a NOX reduction 
    strategy that includes the Phase II RFG NOX reduction standard is 
    purchasing a much smaller reduction at a much higher price than is 
    available from alternative measures. That commenter also claims that 
    DOE's analysis indicates a significantly higher cost per ton of 
    NOX removed than estimated by EPA in its Regulatory Impact 
    Analysis (RIA) for the final RFG rule.
        In its comments, API also cites the OTAG region-wide cost-
    effectiveness estimate for the Phase II RFG NOX standard. API 
    argues that even if that figure is adjusted for comparison with only 
    those areas that will use Phase II RFG, the adjusted figure would still 
    ``dwarf'' EPA's $5,000 per ton estimate; however, API did not include 
    such an adjusted figure in its comments. API also cites the New 
    Hampshire list as evidence that the NOX standard is not cost-
        Two state associations argue that it would be more accurate to 
    characterize the cost of Phase II RFG from combined VOC and NOX 
    reductions; the combined OTAG range for the OTAG region is $3,500 to 
    $6,200. One state argues that the cost of the NOX standard is 
    within a reasonable range of cost-effectiveness. That state also argues 
    that the cost of the NOX standard is highly favorable compared to 
    the cost of typical transportation control measures.
        An automobile industry association argues that the API focus on 
    sulfur reduction overlooks the fact that sulfur reductions also 
    decrease hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. That 
    association argues that recent industry data show that when advanced 
    technology vehicles are operated on high sulfur fuels, their emissions 
    will be no better than Tier 0 level vehicles; comparing those new data 
    with expected costs of compliance compiled by Turner, Mason & Company 
    in April 1992 yields a cost-effectiveness estimate of about $200 per 
    ton of pollutant removed when the benefits of sulfur removal on HC, CO, 
    and NOX are considered.
        A clean fuel industry association evaluated capital investment 
    options for reducing the sulfur level in gasoline to meet the Phase II 
    RFG NOX emission reduction standard. That association argues that 
    average costs from the investment options evaluated were generally 
    equal to or less than EPA's original cost estimates for reducing sulfur 
    levels in RFG; therefore, that association argues, the cost of the 
    Phase II RFG NOX emission reduction standard has not fundamentally 
    changed and it is still a cost-effective standard.
        The utility industry argues that API presented no compelling new 
    evidence that desulfurization costs are understated. One utility 
    industry group argues that API's claim that EPA underestimated 
    desulfurization costs does not address the fact that desulfurization is 
    not required; nor did API address the ability of industry to meet the 
    standard without desulfurization. That group also argues that the fact 
    that it might be cheaper to reduce emissions from stationary sources 
    than to reduce NOX in fuels does not mean the same ozone reduction 
    benefits would be produced. Another utility industry association argues 
    that, even if API's claim that regulating stationary sources is more 
    cost-effective is true, that does not justify forcing stationary 
    sources to subsidize the petroleum industry by paying for that 
    industry's share of clean air compliance costs.
    IV. EPA Response
    A. Consistency With CAA and Negotiated Rulemaking
        As EPA pointed out in the RFG final rule, the regulatory 
    negotiation conducted by EPA did not address Phase II RFG VOC and toxic 
    standards; neither did it address a reduction in NOX emissions 
    beyond the statutory cap imposed under section 211(k)(2)(A).49 
    Because the regulatory negotiation did not address Phase II RFG 
    standards, including the NOX reduction standard, Phase II RFG 
    standards are consistent with the Agreement in Principle that resulted 
    from the regulatory negotiation. A reduction in NOX emissions does 
    not interfere with or reduce the benefits gained by the parties from 
    the elements of the Agreement in Principle that were finally adopted in 
    the RFG rule. While it adds costs and gains benefits, these are in 
    addition to, and not at the expense of, the elements addressed in the 
    regulatory negotiation. The costs and air quality benefits of the Phase 
    II RFG NOX emission reduction standard are discussed in more 
    detail in later sections of this notice.
        \49\ 59 FR 7744 (February 16, 1994).
        The Phase II RFG NOX standard is also fully consistent with 
    the Act. EPA proposed and finalized the NOX emission reduction 
    performance standard for Phase II RFG relying on EPA's authority under 
    section 211(c)(1)(A) of the Act, based on EPA's view that NOX 
    reductions from summertime RFG are important to achieve attainment of 
    the ozone NAAQS in many nonattainment areas.50 Section 
    211(c)(1)(A) of the Act allows the Administrator to regulate fuels or 
    fuel additives if ``any emission product of such fuel or fuel additive 
    causes, or contributes to, air pollution which may reasonably be 
    anticipated to endanger the public health or welfare.'' Section 
    211(c)(2)(A) further provides that EPA may control those fuels and fuel 
    additives ``after consideration of all relevant medical and scientific 
    evidence available * * * including consideration of other 
    technologically or economically feasible means of achieving emissions 
    standards under [section 202 of the Act].''
        \50\ Ibid.
        EPA used this authority to require reformulated fuels to also 
    achieve NOX reductions in order to reduce ozone formation, based 
    on scientific evidence regarding the benefits of NOX control and 
    on the cost-effectiveness of NOX reductions. A detailed discussion 
    of the determination of the need for and scientific justification for 
    NOX control is presented in the RIA for the final rule.51 The 
    fact that scientific understanding of atmospheric chemistry and ozone 
    formation continues to evolve does not
    [[Page 11351]]
    negate that determination. In addition, as discussed below, EPA's 
    review of the air quality benefits and cost-effectiveness of the 
    NOX reduction standard does not show that the rulemaking 
    determinations supporting this standard were inappropriate.
        \51\ U.S. EPA, Final Regulatory Impact Analysis for Reformulated 
    Gasoline, December 13, 1993, pp. 313-326.
    B. Air Quality Benefits
    1. The Need for Regional NOX Reduction
        At present, there are 74 areas in the United States, with a 
    population exceeding one hundred million, that do not meet the ozone 
    NAAQS of 120 parts per billion (ppb) for a one-hour daily maximum. The 
    following section describes ozone formation, the regional scale of the 
    ozone problem, and the reductions needed to meet the ozone standard.
        Ozone Formation. Ozone is a naturally occurring trace constituent 
    of the atmosphere. Background ozone concentrations vary by geographic 
    location, altitude, and season. Part of this background ozone 
    concentration is due to natural sources and part is due to long-range 
    transport of anthropogenic or man-made precursor emissions. The natural 
    component of background ozone originates from three sources: (1) 
    Stratospheric ozone (which occurs at about ten to 50 kilometers 
    altitude) that is transported down to the troposphere (i.e., from the 
    ground level through about ten kilometers), (2) ozone formed from the 
    photochemically-initiated oxidation of biogenic (i.e., produced by 
    living organisms) and geogenic (i.e., produced by the earth) methane 
    and carbon monoxide with nitric oxide, and (3) ozone formed from the 
    photochemically-initiated oxidation of biogenic VOCs with NOX. 
    NOX plays an important role in the oxidation of methane, carbon 
    monoxide, and biogenic VOC, though the magnitude of this natural 
    component cannot be precisely determined.52 The background ozone 
    concentration near sea level in the U.S. for a one-hour daily maximum 
    during the summer is usually in the range of 30-50 ppb.53
        \52\ U.S. EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, 
    ``Review of National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone, 
    Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information,'' OAQPS Staff 
    Paper, EPA-452/R-96-007, June 1996.
        \53\ Ibid.
        While ozone formation in the atmosphere involves complex non-linear 
    processes, a simplified description is offered here. For more 
    information on ozone chemistry, see, for example, the 1991 National 
    Research Council study. In short, nitric oxide (NO) is formed during 
    combustion or any high temperature process involving air (air being 
    largely N2 and O2). NO is formed, for example, when fuel is 
    burned to generate power for stationary or mobile sources. The NO is 
    converted to NO2 by reacting with certain compounds formed from 
    oxidized VOCs, called radicals. It is also converted to NO2 by 
    reacting with ozone (O3). Sunlight then causes the NO2 to 
    decompose, leading to the formation of ozone and NO. The NO that 
    results is then able to start this cycle anew. A reaction path that 
    converts NO to NO2 without consuming a molecule of ozone allows 
    ozone to accumulate; this can occur by the presence of oxidized 
    VOCs.54 That is:
        \54\ Seinfeld, John H., ``Urban Air Pollution: State of the 
    Science,'' February 10, 1989 vol., Science.
        1. NO is formed from combustion involving air:
    N2+O2==>NO molecules.
        2. NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) is formed when NO reacts with 
    radicals from oxidized VOCs.
        3. NO2 is also formed when NO reacts with ozone; this removes 
        4. Sunlight causes NO2 to decompose, or photolyze, into NO and 
    O. Ozone is formed when an oxygen molecule (O2) reacts with the 
    oxygen element (O), formed from the decomposition of NO2:
    NO2==>NO+O; and
        A general explanation for the formation of ozone in or near urban 
    areas follows.55 NOX is produced when combustion temperatures 
    are above 2500 deg.K, and air is used as an oxidizer in the combustion 
    process. Incomplete combustion of the fuel also results in the emission 
    of raw fuel components and oxygenated organic components or VOCs from 
    the fuels. In sunlight, these components form free radicals (e.g., OH, 
    HO2, RO, RO2) that oxidize NO to NO2 (reaction 2 above). 
    The free radical is recreated in the process. Each free radical is 
    cycled up to five times. The NO2 then reacts with sunlight to 
    recreate NO and to produce ozone (reaction 4 above). After the first 
    oxidation of NO to NO2, every subsequent operation of the cycle 
    produces ozone with an efficiency greater than 90 percent. In current 
    chemical reaction mechanisms, a typical nitrogen is cycled three to 
    five times. Some of the ozone produced reacts with organics and with 
    sunlight to produce more free radicals to maintain the cyclic oxidation 
        \55\ Jeffries, H.E., communication to Clinton Burklin, ERG, 
    October 27, 1996.
        Ozone itself is a major source of the free radicals that oxidize NO 
    into NO2. This represents a powerful positive feedback process on 
    the formation of more ozone, given available NOX. The oxidation of 
    the VOCs also leads to the production of more free radicals. As the 
    cycle operates, NO2 reacts with free radicals and is converted 
    into nitrates. This form of nitrogen cannot cycle. This also removes 
    free radicals. A system that converts all NOX to nitrogen products 
    cannot create any more ozone.
        NO2 reacts rapidly with free radicals. In situations that have 
    a limited supply of radicals, NO2 effectively competes with VOCs 
    for the limited free radicals, and is converted into nitrates. This 
    results in virtually no production of ozone. Where there are large 
    amounts of NO relative to the sources of radicals (such as VOCs), then 
    the reaction between NO and existing ozone removes ozone (a radical 
    source), and the large amount of NO2 formed competes effectively 
    with VOCs for the other available radicals, thus leading to an overall 
    suppression of ozone.
        In general, areas with high VOC to NOX concentration ratios 
    (greater than eight to ten) can effectively reduce local ozone 
    concentrations with local NOX emission reductions.56 In areas 
    where VOCs are abundant relative to NOX, ozone formation is 
    controlled primarily by the amount of NOX available to react with 
    the oxidized VOCs (reaction 2 above).57 These ``NOX limited'' 
    areas generally include rural, suburban, and downwind areas.58 In 
    contrast, in areas with low VOC to NOX ratios, ozone formation is 
    controlled primarily by the amount of VOC available. Ozone scavenging 
    by the NO-O3 reaction (reaction 3 above) is more effective than 
    the reaction of oxidized VOC with NO producing NO2 (reaction 2 
    above).59 Such areas are ``VOC limited'' and generally include the 
    central core areas of large urban areas with significant vehicle 
        \56\  National Research Council, Rethinking the Ozone Problem in 
    Urban and Regional Air Pollution, National Academy Press, 
    Washington, D.C., 1991.
        \57\ Seinfeld, John H., ``Urban Air Pollution: State of the 
    Science,'' February 10, 1989 vol., Science.
        \58\ Finlayson-Pitts, B.J. and J.N. Pitts, Jr., ``Atmospheric 
    Chemistry of Tropospheric Ozone Formation: Scientific and Regulatory 
    Implications,'' Air and Waste Management Association, Vol. 43, 
    August 1993.
        \59\  Seinfeld, John H., ``Urban Air Pollution: State of the 
    Science,'' February 10, 1989 vol., Science.
        The rate of ozone formation varies with the VOC to NOX ratio. 
    By reducing local emissions of VOC, the formation rate generally slows 
    down, leading to lower ozone levels locally, but with eventual 
    production of approximately the same total amount of ozone. Reduction 
    of NOx emissions can lead to
    [[Page 11352]]
    a more rapid formation of ozone, though with less total amount of ozone 
        \60\ Ibid.
        Different mixtures of VOC and NOX, therefore, can result in 
    different ozone levels such that the total system is non-linear. That 
    is, large amounts of VOC and small amounts of NOX make ozone 
    rapidly but are quickly limited by removal of the NOX. VOC 
    reductions under these circumstances show little effect on ozone. Large 
    amounts of NO and small amounts of VOC (which usually implies smaller 
    radical source strengths) result in the formation of inorganic 
    nitrates, but little ozone. In these cases, reduction of NOX 
    results in an increase in ozone.
        The preceding is a static description. In the atmosphere, physical 
    processes compete with chemical processes and change the outcomes in 
    complex ways. The existence of feedback and non-linearity in the 
    transformation system confound the description. Competing processes 
    determine the ambient concentration and there are an infinite set of 
    process magnitudes that can give rise to the same ambient 
    concentrations and changes in concentrations. Lack of any direct 
    measurement of process magnitudes results in the need to use 
    inferential methods to confirm any explanation of a particular ozone 
        The formation of ozone is further complicated by biogenic 
    emissions, meteorology, and transport of ozone and ozone precursors. 
    The contribution of ozone precursor emissions from biogenic sources to 
    local ambient ozone concentrations can be significant, especially 
    emissions of biogenic VOCs. Important meteorological factors include 
    temperature, and wind direction and speed. Long-range transport results 
    in interactions between distant sources in urban or rural areas and 
    local ambient ozone. Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), formed from the 
    reaction of radicals with NO2, can transport NOX over 
    relatively large distances through the atmosphere. Its rate of 
    decomposition significantly increases with temperature, so that it can 
    be formed in colder regions, transported, and then decomposed to 
    deliver NO2 to downwind areas.61
        \61\ National Research Council, Rethinking the Ozone Problem in 
    Urban and Regional Air Pollution, National Academy Press, 
    Washington, D.C., 1991.
        Regional Scale of the Ozone Problem. Peak ozone concentrations 
    typically occur during hot, dry, stagnant summertime conditions. Year-
    to-year meteorological fluctuations and long-term trends in the 
    frequency and magnitude of peak ozone concentrations can have a 
    significant influence on an area's compliance status.
        Typically, ozone episodes last from three to four days on average, 
    occur as many as seven to ten times per year, and are of large spatial 
    scale. In the eastern United States, high concentrations of ozone in 
    urban, suburban, and rural areas tend to occur concurrently on scales 
    of over 1,000 kilometers.62 Maximum values of non-urban ozone 
    commonly exceed 90 ppb during these episodes, compared with average 
    daily maximum values of 60 ppb in summer. Thus, an urban area need 
    contribute an increment of only 30 ppb over the regional background 
    during a high ozone episode to cause a violation of the ozone NAAQS of 
    120 ppb.63
        \62\ Ibid.
        \63\ Id.
        The precursors to ozone and ozone itself are transported long 
    distances under some commonly occurring meteorological conditions. The 
    transport of ozone and precursor pollutants over hundreds of kilometers 
    is a significant factor in the accumulation of ozone in any given area. 
    Few urban areas in the U.S. can be treated as isolated cities 
    unaffected by regional sources of ozone.64
        \64\ Id.
        NOX Reductions Needed to Meet the Ozone Standard. Over the 
    past two decades, great progress has been made at the local, state and 
    national levels in controlling emissions from many sources of air 
    pollution. Substantial emission reductions are currently being achieved 
    through implementation of the 1990 CAAA measures for mobile and 
    stationary sources. These measures include the retrofit of reasonably 
    available control technology on existing major stationary sources of 
    NOX and implementation of enhanced vehicle inspection and 
    maintenance programs under Title I; new emission standards for new 
    motor vehicles and nonroad engines, and the RFG program under Title II; 
    and controls on certain coal-fired electric power plants under Title 
    IV. The effects of these programs on total NOX emissions over time 
    indicate a decline in emissions from 1990 levels of about 12 percent 
    until the year 2007. However, continued industrial growth and expansion 
    of motor vehicle usage threaten to reverse these past achievements; 
    NOX emissions will gradually increase for the foreseeable future, 
    unless new initiatives are implemented to reduce NOX emissions.
        For many years, control of VOCs was the main strategy employed in 
    efforts to reduce ground-level ozone. More recently, it has become 
    clearer that additional NOX controls will be needed in many areas, 
    especially areas where ozone concentrations are high over a large 
    region (as in the Midwest and Northeast, where RFG is mandated in 
    several nonattainment areas). The extent of local controls that will be 
    needed to attain and maintain the ozone NAAQS in and near seriously 
    polluted cities is sensitive both to the amount of ozone and precursors 
    transported into the local area and to the specific photochemistry of 
    the area.
        In some cases, preliminary local modeling performed by the states 
    indicates that it may not be feasible to find sufficient local control 
    measures for individual nonattainment areas unless transport into the 
    areas is significantly reduced; this may include transport from 
    attainment areas and from other nonattainment areas. These modeling 
    studies suggest that reducing NOX emissions on a regional basis is 
    the most effective approach for reducing ozone over large geographic 
    areas, even though local NOX controls may not be effective by 
    themselves in the urban centers of selected nonattainment areas. Thus, 
    large reductions in NOX emissions may be needed over much of the 
    nation if all areas are to attain the ozone standard.
        The following discussion examines the need for NOX reductions 
    in those regions of the country where RFG is required.
        California. The State of California adopted its ozone SIP on 
    November 15, 1994. The SIP covers most of the populated portion of the 
    state and relies on both NOX and VOC reductions for most 
    California nonattainment areas to demonstrate compliance with the ozone 
    NAAQS. Specifically, the revised SIP projects that the following 
    NOX reductions are needed (from a 1990 baseline): South Coast, 59 
    percent; Sacramento, 40 percent; Ventura, 51 percent; San Diego, 26 
    percent; and San Joaquin Valley, 49 percent.
        The South Coast's control strategy for attainment of the ozone 
    standard specifies a 59 percent reduction in NOX emissions. The 
    design of this strategy took into account the need to reduce NOX 
    as a precursor of particulate matter, as described in the SIP 
    submittal. This represents a reduction of over 800 tons of NOX per 
    day. The reductions are to be achieved from a combination of national, 
    state, and local control measures.
        The Sacramento metropolitan area's control strategy for attainment 
    of the ozone standard specifies a 40 percent reduction in NOX 
    emissions. Modeling results indicate that NOX reductions are
    [[Page 11353]]
    more effective than VOC reductions on a tonnage basis in reducing 
    ambient ozone concentrations. The reductions are to be achieved from a 
    combination of national, state, and local control measures, especially 
    mobile source measures such as standards for heavy duty vehicles and 
    nonroad engines.
        Lake Michigan Region. Modeling and monitoring studies performed to 
    date for the states surrounding Lake Michigan (Illinois, Indiana, 
    Michigan, and Wisconsin) indicate that reducing ozone and ozone 
    precursors transported into the region's nonattainment areas would have 
    a significant effect on the number and stringency of local control 
    measures necessary to meet the ozone NAAQS. In many cases, boundary 
    conditions appear to contribute significantly to peak ozone 
    concentrations; ozone and ozone precursors flowing into a metropolitan 
    area can greatly influence the peak ozone concentration experienced in 
    the metropolitan area. For example, the 1991 Lake Michigan Ozone Study 
    found that transported ozone concentrations entering the region were 40 
    to 60 percent of the peak ozone concentrations in some of the region's 
    metropolitan areas. That is, the air mass entering the study area was 
    measured by aircraft at 70 to 110 ppb (compared to the ozone NAAQS of 
    120 ppb) on episode days.65
        \65\ Roberts, P.T., T.S. Dye, M.E. Korc, H.H. Main, ``Air 
    Quality Data Analysis for the 1991 Lake Michigan Ozone Study,'' 
    final report, STI-92022-1410-FR, Sonoma Technology, 1994.
        Separate modeling analyses in the Lake Michigan region indicate 
    that reduction in ozone and ozone precursor emissions would be 
    effective at reducing peak ozone concentrations. In the Lake Michigan 
    case, a modeled 30 percent reduction in boundary conditions was found 
    to reduce peak ozone concentrations as much as a 60 percent decrease in 
    local VOC emissions.66
        \66\ Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium, ``Lake Michigan 
    Ozone Study--Evaluation of the UAM-V Photochemical Grid Model in the 
    Lake Michigan Region,'' 1994.
        These studies suggest that without reductions in transport and 
    boundary conditions, the necessary degree of local control will be 
    difficult to achieve, even with very stringent local controls. The EPA 
    Matrix Study 67 looked at region-wide NOX control, and the 
    results indicate it would be effective in reducing ozone across the 
    Midwest. The objective of the EPA Matrix Study was to obtain a 
    preliminary estimate of the sensitivity of ozone in the eastern U.S., 
    from Texas to Maine, to changes in VOC and NOX emissions applied 
    region-wide. The modeled control strategy of region-wide 75 percent 
    NOX reduction with 50 percent VOC reduction produced substantial 
    ozone reductions throughout the eastern U.S., with ozone standard 
    exceedances limited to several grid cells in the southeast corner of 
    Lake Michigan, over Toronto, and immediately downwind of New York City.
        \67\ Chu, Shao-Hung and W.M. Cox, ``Effects of Emissions 
    Reductions on Ozone Predictions by the Regional Oxidant Model during 
    the July 1988 Episode,'' Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 34, 
    No. 3, March 1995.
        Taken together, the information available to date suggests that 
    additional reductions in regional NOX emissions will be necessary 
    to attain the ozone NAAQS in the Chicago/Gary/Milwaukee area and 
    downwind (including western Michigan). NOX control in 
    nonattainment areas, such as RFG provides, contributes to regional 
    NOX emission reductions. The information available to date has not 
    shown that upwind controls are all that is needed. Emerging data 
    indicates that NOX controls in Lake Michigan nonattainment areas 
    can contribute to the ozone reduction benefits derived from regional 
    NOX reductions. See discussion infra.
        New York Study. New York State's recent urban airshed modeling 
    (UAM) studies show that substantial reductions in the ozone transported 
    from other regions would be necessary for several areas within the UAM 
    domain to achieve ozone attainment.68 The UAM domain includes 
    areas in New York and Connecticut within and surrounding the New York 
    Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA). This UAM study 
    demonstrates the potential effectiveness of a regional NOX 
    reduction strategy in combination with a local VOC reduction strategy. 
    The New York study showed that the combination of a regional strategy 
    reflecting a 25 percent reduction in VOCs and a 75 percent reduction in 
    NOX outside the New York urban airshed, with a local strategy 
    reflecting a 75 percent reduction in VOCs and a 25 percent reduction in 
    NOX inside the New York urban airshed, would be necessary for all 
    areas throughout the New York UAM domain to reduce predicted ozone 
    levels to 120 ppb or less during adverse meteorological conditions.
        \68\ John, K., S.T. Rao, G. Sistla, W. Hao, and N. Zhou, 
    ``Modeling Analyses of the Ozone Problem in the Northeast,'' EPA-
    230-R-94-018, 1994. John, K., S.T. Rao, G. Sistla, N. Zhou, W. Hao, 
    K. Schere, S. Roselle, N. Possiel, R. Scheffe, ``Examination of the 
    Efficacy of VOC and NOX Emissions Reductions on Ozone 
    Improvement in the New York Metropolitan Area,'' printed in Air 
    Pollution Modeling and Its Application, Plenum Press, NY, 1994.
        Northeast Ozone Transport Region. The Northeast Ozone Transport 
    Region (OTR) includes the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, 
    Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, 
    Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and the CMSA that includes the 
    District of Columbia and northern Virginia. In its analysis supporting 
    the approval of a Low Emission Vehicle program in the mid-Atlantic and 
    Northeast states comprising the OTR, EPA reviewed existing work and 
    performed analyses to evaluate in detail the degree to which NOX 
    controls are needed.69 These studies showed that NOX 
    emissions throughout the OTR must be reduced by 50 to 75 percent from 
    1990 levels to obtain predicted ozone levels of 120 ppb or less 
    throughout the OTR.
        \69\  60 FR 48673 (January 24, 1995).
        Other recent studies have confirmed these conclusions.70 
    Additional modeling simulations suggest that region-wide NOX 
    controls coupled with urban-specific VOC controls would be needed for 
    ozone attainment in the northeastern United States.71 Taken 
    together, these studies point to the need to reduce NOX emissions 
    in the range of 50 to 75 percent throughout the OTR, and VOC emissions 
    by the same amount in and near the Northeast urban corridor, to reach 
    and maintain predicted hourly maximum ozone levels of 120 ppb or less.
        \70\ Kuruville, John et al., ``Modeling Analyses of Ozone 
    Problem in the Northeast,'' prepared for EPA, EPA Document No. EPA-
    230-R-94-108, 1994. Cox, William M. and Chu, Shao-Hung, 
    ``Meteorologically Adjusted Ozone Trends in Urban Areas: A 
    Probabilistic Approach,'' Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 27B, No. 4, 
    pp 425-434, 1993.
        \71\ Rao, S.T., G. Sistla, W. Hao, K. John and J. Biswas, ``On 
    the Assessment of Ozone Control Policies for the Northeastern United 
    States,'' presented at the 21st NATO/CCMS International Technical 
    Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application, Nov. 6-10, 
        Eastern Texas. There has been limited modeling work to date that 
    focuses on the air quality characteristics of the eastern Texas region. 
    The State of Texas has been granted section 182(f) waivers for the 
    Houston/Galveston and Beaumont/Port Arthur nonattainment areas based on 
    preliminary UAM modeling which predicted that local NOX reductions 
    would not contribute to ozone attainment because predicted area ozone 
    concentrations are lowest when only VOC reductions are modeled.72 
    Additional modeling is underway by the State, including UAM modeling 
    using data from the Coastal Oxidant Assessment for Southeast Texas
    [[Page 11354]]
    (COAST) study, but there is not yet enough data to draw conclusions 
    about the potential effect of transport of ozone and its precursors on 
    these areas. This uncertainty has led the State to request that the 
    waivers from local NOX controls in these areas be granted on a 
    temporary basis while more sophisticated modeling is conducted. Texas 
    has requested a one-year extension of its temporary waivers for 
    Houston/Galveston and Beaumont/Port Arthur, citing the need for 
    additional time to complete its UAM modeling.73
        \72\ 60 FR 19515 (April 19, 1995).
        \73\ 61 FR 65505 (December 13, 1996).
        Ozone Transport Assessment Group. EPA is supporting a consultative 
    process involving 37 eastern states that includes examination of the 
    extent to which NOX emissions from as far as hundreds of 
    kilometers away are contributing to smog problems in downwind cities in 
    the eastern U.S. Known as the Ozone Transport Assessment Group (OTAG) 
    and chaired by the State of Illinois, this group is looking into ways 
    of achieving additional cost-effective reductions in ground-level ozone 
    throughout a region consisting of the eastern half of the U.S. 
    Preliminary findings from the first and second of three rounds of 
    control strategy modeling indicate that regional reductions in NOX 
    emissions would be effective in lowering ozone on a regional scale. The 
    relative effectiveness varies by subregion and episode modeled.74 
    Preliminary OTAG modeling results are described in more detail later in 
    this section.
        \74\  Ozone Transport Assessment Group, joint meetings of RUSM 
    and ISI workgroups, ``First Round Strategy Modeling,'' October 25, 
    1996, and ``Round 2 Strategy Modeling,'' December 17, 1996.
        Summary. The preceding discussion demonstrates that substantial 
    region-wide NOX reductions will be needed in regions of the 
    country where RFG is required for those regions to reach attainment of 
    the ozone standard. Reduction in NOX emissions is needed locally 
    in some areas in order to attain the ozone NAAQS while, in some of 
    these or other areas, NOX emission reductions may be needed to 
    help attain the ozone NAAQS in downwind areas or to help maintain ozone 
    levels below the standard in attainment areas. As a local control 
    (except along the Northeast corridor where its use is so widespread as 
    to constitute a regional control), the RFG program will reduce NOX 
    emissions in nonattainment areas and contribute to needed regional 
    NOX reductions.
        Control strategies must consider efforts to reduce regional scale 
    NOX emissions as well as local emissions. In general, NOX 
    emissions reductions in upwind, rural areas coupled with VOC reductions 
    in urban nonattainment areas appears to be an effective strategy in 
    some cases. In some cases however, the urban nonattainment area is also 
    upwind of another urban nonattainment area or contains so much biogenic 
    VOC emissions that reducing only anthropogenic VOC emissions has too 
    little ozone benefit. For example, the Atlanta nonattainment area has 
    very high biogenic VOC, while in the Northeast, many urban 
    nonattainment areas are upwind of other urban nonattainment areas. In 
    cases like these, local NOX reductions may be needed in urban 
    nonattainment areas in addition to, or instead of, VOC reductions for 
    purposes of ozone attainment. Thus, effective ozone control will 
    require an integrated strategy that combines cost-effective reductions 
    in emissions at the local, state, regional, and national levels.
    2. Section 182(f) Waivers and State Implementation Plans for Ozone 
        Because Title I focuses on measures needed to bring nonattainment 
    areas into attainment, the CAA requires EPA to view section 182(f) 
    NOX waivers in a narrow manner. In part, section 182(f) provides 
    that waivers must be granted if states outside an ozone transport 
    region (OTR) show that reducing NOX within a nonattainment area 
    would not contribute to attainment of the ozone NAAQS in that 
    nonattainment area.75 Only the role of local NOX emissions on 
    local attainment of the ozone standard is considered in nonattainment 
    areas outside an OTR. Any exemption may be withdrawn if the basis for 
    granting it no longer applies. For modeling-based exemptions, this will 
    occur if updated modeling analyses reach a different conclusion than 
    the modeling on which the exemption was based.76 Thus all local 
    NOX waivers should be considered temporary and do not shield an 
    area from NOX requirements demonstrated to be needed for ozone 
    attainment in that area or in downwind areas.
        \75\ 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7511a(f)(1)(A).
        \76\  Seitz, John S., Director, OAQPS, EPA, ``Section 182(f) 
    Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Exemptions--Revised Process and 
    Criteria,'' EPA memoranda to Regional Air Directors, dated May 27, 
    1994, and revised February 8, 1995.
        EPA has independent statutory authority under CAA section 
    110(a)(2)(D) to require a state to reduce emissions from sources where 
    there is evidence that transport of such emissions contributes 
    significantly to nonattainment or interferes with maintenance of 
    attainment in other states. That is, the CAA requires a SIP to conform 
    provisions addressing emissions from one state that significantly 
    pollute another downwind state. EPA has stated, in all Federal Register 
    notices approving section 182(f) NOX petitions, that it will use 
    its section 110(a)(2)(D) authority where evidence of significant 
    contribution is found to require needed NOX (and/or VOC) 
    reductions. EPA recently published a notice of intent that it plans to 
    call for SIP revisions in the eastern half of the U.S. to reduce 
    regional ozone transport across state boundaries, in accordance with 
    section 110(a)(2)(D) and (k)(5).77
        \77\  62 FR 1420 (January 10, 1997).
        EPA's granting of exemptions from local NOX controls should be 
    seen in the broader context of SIP attainment plans. For ozone 
    nonattainment areas designated as serious, severe, or extreme, state 
    attainment demonstrations involve the use of dispersion modeling for 
    each nonattainment area. Although these attainment demonstrations were 
    due November 15, 1994, the magnitude of this modeling task, especially 
    for areas that are significantly affected by transport of ozone and 
    ozone precursors generated outside of the nonattainment area, has 
    delayed many states in submitting complete modeling results. 
    Recognizing these challenges, EPA issued guidance on ozone 
    demonstrations 78 that includes an intensive modeling effort to 
    address the problem of long distance transport of ozone, NOX, and 
    VOCs, and submittal of attainment plans in 1997. Considering its 
    modeling results, a state must select and adopt a control strategy that 
    provides for attainment as expeditiously as practicable.
        \78\ Nichols, Mary D., Assistant Administrator for Air and 
    Radiation, ``Ozone Attainment Demonstrations,'' memorandum to EPA 
    Regional Administrators, March 2, 1995.
        When the attainment plans are adopted by the states, these new 
    control strategies will, in effect, replace any NOX waivers 
    previously granted. To the extent the attainment plans include NOX 
    controls on certain major stationary sources in the nonattainment 
    areas, EPA will remove the NOX waiver for those sources. To the 
    extent the plans achieve attainment without additional NOX 
    reductions from certain sources, the waived NOX reductions would 
    be considered excess reductions and, thus, the exemption would 
    continue. EPA's rulemaking action to reconsider the initial NOX 
    waiver may occur simultaneously with rulemaking action on the 
    attainment plans. Thus,
    [[Page 11355]]
    many or all areas, including NOX waiver areas, are potentially 
    subject to NOX controls as needed to attain the ozone standard 
    throughout the nation and/or meet other NAAQSs.
        API selectively cites to those portions of EPA's 1993 section 185B 
    report to Congress that support its contention that NOX control 
    may not always be appropriate to reduce ozone, but ignores the report's 
    overall conclusions regarding the need for many areas across the nation 
    to reduce NOX emissions if ozone attainment is to be achieved. API 
    in particular overlooks the report's finding that, in some cases, even 
    if ozone initially increases in response to small NOX reductions, 
    ozone levels in many areas will decline if NOX levels are more 
    significantly reduced. See section 2.2.2. Thus, in some cases, state 
    and local agencies may need to reduce NOX emissions even though 
    doing so may cause a potential increase in ozone concentrations in 
    central urban areas, as part of a larger plan to enable many 
    nonattainment areas to meet the ozone NAAQS. For example, NOX 
    reductions in the New York metropolitan area are needed for downwind 
    areas within the state and in other states to attain the ozone 
    standard; yet additional VOC controls may be needed in the metropolitan 
    area to offset the local impact of NOX reductions. Similarly, 
    NOX reductions in areas upwind of the Northeast Ozone Transport 
    Region may be needed to help downwind areas attain and maintain the 
    ozone standard, even though those NOX reductions may not in some 
    cases help the upwind areas reduce local peak ozone concentrations. In 
    such cases, a previously granted NOX waiver will not allow an area 
    to avoid implementing NOX control requirements deemed necessary 
    for itself or another area's attainment.
        The progress toward ozone attainment that has been achieved by 
    states to date and the continued progress by states toward ozone 
    attainment, required by the CAA, are not convincing rationales to EPA 
    for dropping the Phase II RFG NOX standard, as suggested in the 
    API petition. The previous discussion demonstrates that substantial 
    region-wide reductions in NOX will be needed in areas of the 
    country where RFG is required for those areas to reach attainment of 
    the ozone standard. Progress toward attainment achieved by states to 
    date and the continued progress toward attainment required under the 
    CAA will not be sufficient without additional combined NOX and VOC 
    emission reductions for some RFG areas, including the Northeast 
    corridor and the Lake Michigan region, as discussed above, to achieve 
    attainment. Moreover, a NOX waiver does not excuse an area from 
    reasonable further progress (RFP) requirements. Thus, progress toward 
    attainment is not a convincing rationale for dropping the Phase II RFG 
    NOX standard, because progress toward attainment is not the same 
    as attainment and, thus, doesn't demonstrate that the Phase II RFG 
    NOX standard is unnecessary or inappropriate. Because the need for 
    extensive NOX control is clear, it is not necessary or appropriate 
    for EPA to delay establishing federal NOX control programs until 
    individual state ozone attainment demonstrations have been developed 
    and presented. EPA agrees with comments that loss of the Phase II RFG 
    NOX standard would only exacerbate state emission reduction 
        Moreover, for the reasons discussed above, EPA does not agree that 
    the Phase II RFG NOX standard is incongruous or at odds with the 
    granting of section 182(f) waivers in RFG areas, as suggested in the 
    API petition. EPA does agree with API's comments that point out that 
    the section 182(f) waiver process alone does not take into account the 
    downwind impact of NOX controls, but notes that API, in doing so, 
    has ignored EPA's stated intent to require NOX reductions from 
    states with areas that received NOX exemptions, pursuant to its 
    section 110(a)(2)(D) authority if such areas are shown to contribute 
    significantly to downwind states' ozone problems.
    3. Comparison of Benefits and Disbenefits From NOX Reductions
        The following discussion focuses on another aspect of API's section 
    182(f) argument: the potential for disbenefits, or increases in urban 
    ozone, that occur as a result of reductions in NOX. The best data 
    currently available to examine this air quality and ozone attainment 
    issue are the photochemical grid modeling results being generated by 
    OTAG. The OTAG model (UAM-V) includes the best emission inventory 
    information available, provided by the states and reviewed by 
    stakeholders and experts, an improved biogenic inventory (BEIS2), and 
    updated chemistry (CB-IV). Data are available from four ozone episodes. 
    79 All stakeholders, including states and the oil, automotive, and 
    utility industries, have been involved in OTAG modeling inputs and 
    modeling runs. Further information describing OTAG is available 
    electronically on the OTAG Home Page at http://www.epa.gov/oar/OTAG/
    otag.html. All OTAG data discussed here are available electronically on 
    the TTN2000 Web Site at http://ttnwww.rtpnc.epa.gov.
        \79\ July 1-11, 1988; July 13-21, 1991; July 20-30, 1993; and 
    July 7-18, 1995.
        OTAG modeling conducted to date consistently demonstrates that 
    NOX reductions applied equally by source type throughout the 37 
    state OTAG region result in widespread ozone reductions across most of 
    that region, and in geographically and temporally limited increases in 
    urban ozone. 80 The OTAG sensitivity modeling cited in oil 
    industry comments included large NOX reductions (i.e., a 60 
    percent reduction in elevated utility system point source NOX 
    emissions plus a 30 percent reduction in low-level, or non-utility 
    point and area source and mobile source, including nonroad and on-
    highway, NOX emissions), or large NOX reductions combined 
    with VOC reductions (i.e., a 60 percent reduction in elevated NOX 
    emissions with a 30 percent reduction in low-level NOX emissions 
    plus a 30 percent reduction in VOC emissions) over the 37 state OTAG 
    region. That modeling indicates that such emission reductions would 
    result in widespread ozone decreases in high ozone areas. That modeling 
    also indicates ozone increases, or disbenefits, particularly within the 
    Northeast corridor and southwestern Lake Michigan area but only in some 
    grid cells on some days of some episodes.
        \80\  Ozone Transport Assessment Group, joint meeting of the 
    RUSM and ISI workgroups, ``Sensitivity Modeling'' and 5g scatter 
    plots, August 22, 1996, ``First Round Strategy Modeling,'' October 
    25, 1996, and ``Round 2 Strategy Modeling,'' December 17, 1996.
        For example, for July 8, 1988, the OTAG modeling run of a 60 
    percent reduction in elevated NOX emissions plus a 30 percent 
    reduction in low-level NOX emissions, throughout the 37 state 
    region (OTAG run 5e), shows decreases in ozone throughout most of the 
    37 state region ranging from four to at least 36 ppb. 81 That 
    modeling run also shows increases in ozone of four to 12 ppb in Boston, 
    Savannah, Wheeling, and Houston, and increases of four to 28 ppb in the 
    Norfolk/Virginia Beach area and along the coasts of Connecticut, New 
    York, and New Jersey.
        \81\  The upper end of the scale of changes in ozone 
    concentrations modeled by OTAG was 36 ppb.
        For July 18, 1991, the same modeling run shows decreases in ozone 
    ranging from four to at least 36 ppb throughout most of the 37-state 
    region. Ozone increases of four to 12 ppb appear in Nashville, Paducah, 
    Detroit, Bay City, and Philadelphia, and increases of four to at least 
    36 ppb in the Lake Michigan area and in Memphis, Louisville, 
    Indianapolis, and Cincinnati. For July
    [[Page 11356]]
    15, 1995, modeling shows ozone decreases ranging from four to at least 
    36 ppb throughout most of the OTAG region, and ozone increases of four 
    to 12 ppb in Milwaukee, Chicago, Youngstown, and Philadelphia, and 
    increases of four to 28 ppb on Long Island and in Memphis.
        OTAG modeling indicates that urban ozone increases from region-wide 
    NOX control are smaller in magnitude and area when NOX 
    reductions are combined with VOC reductions. In a modeling run with a 
    60 percent elevated source NOX reduction, a 30 percent low-level 
    NOX reduction and a 30 percent VOC reduction (OTAG run 5c), for 
    July 8, 1988, ozone increases of four to 12 ppb were confined to 
    Memphis and Norfolk/Virginia Beach, with increases of four to 28 ppb 
    along the coast of Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. For July 18, 
    1991, ozone increases of four to 12 ppb appear in Paducah and 
    Philadelphia, with increases of four to 20 ppb in Chicago, Milwaukee, 
    Cincinnati, and Louisville. For July 15, 1995, increases of four to 12 
    ppb appear in Memphis, Youngstown, Philadelphia, and Long Island.
        The above OTAG results for ozone changes were cited without regard 
    to the actual ozone levels. A closer look at OTAG modeling indicates 
    that urban NOX reductions, as part of region-wide reductions, 
    produce widespread decreases in ozone concentrations on high ozone 
    days. Urban NOX reductions also produce limited increases in ozone 
    concentrations, but the magnitude, time, and location of these 
    increases generally do not cause or contribute to high ozone 
    concentrations; most urban ozone increases occur in areas already below 
    the ozone standard and, thus, in most cases, urban ozone increases 
    resulting from NOX reductions do not cause exceedance of the ozone 
    standard. There are a few days in a few urban areas where NOX 
    reductions produce ozone increases in portions of an urban area that 
    are detrimental. OTAG defined detrimental as an increase exceeding four 
    ppb in a grid cell on a day with ozone exceeding 100 ppb. However, 
    those portions of an urban area with disbenefits on one day of an ozone 
    episode get benefits on later days of the same episode, and later days 
    generally are higher ozone days. 82
        \82\  Lopez, Bob, ``Localized Ozone Increases Due to NOX 
    Control--Transmittal of Technical Evaluation Summary and Draft 
    Policy Options Paper,'' memorandum and attachments from OTAG Task 
    Group on Criteria for Modeling and Strategy Refinement Regarding 
    NOX Disbenefits to OTAG Implementation and Strategies Workgroup 
    and Criteria Evaluation Miniworkgroup, second draft, December 12, 
    1996, and Koerber, Mike, OTAG Policy Group Meeting, December 18, 
        In other words, OTAG has found that, in general, NOX reduction 
    disbenefits are inversely related to ozone concentration. On the low 
    ozone days leading up to an ozone episode (and sometimes the last day 
    or so) the increases are greatest, and on the high ozone days, the 
    increases are least (or nonexistent); the ozone increases generally 
    occur on days when ozone is low and the ozone decreases generally occur 
    on days when ozone is high. This indicates that, in most cases, urban 
    ozone increases may not produce detrimental effects when viewed alone, 
    and the overall effects over the episode are positive. However, OTAG 
    modeling (run 5e) indicates that at least one area for one day of one 
    episode experienced an increase in ozone on a high ozone day. 
    Concentration difference plots show ozone increases over Lake Michigan 
    and the adjacent shoreline at least as high as 36 ppb on July 18, 1991, 
    when the highest modeled ozone concentration was about 110 ppb. 
    However, concentration difference plots also show ozone decreases in 
    downwind states. Decreases in ozone of five ppb extend into Michigan, 
    and decreases of one ppb extend as far as New York, New Hampshire, 
    Vermont, and Maine. The magnitude of the ozone decrease is as high as 
    ten ppb. 83
        \83\  Ibid.
        For July 19, 1991, with peak ozone levels of 130 ppb and, therefore 
    higher than for July 18, OTAG modeling (run 4b) 84 showed ozone 
    increases for only two of the 20 highest grid cells in the Lake 
    Michigan region. On July 20, ozone increases are only apparent for 
    ozone levels less than 100 ppb. OTAG modeling thus demonstrates that 
    the ozone reduction benefits of urban NOX control far outweigh the 
    disbenefits of urban ozone increases in both magnitude of ozone 
    reduction and geographic scope.
        \84\  OTAG run 4b represents the deepest level of controls that 
    has been modeled by OTAG for nonutility point source NOX 
    emissions, and for NOX and VOC emissions from area and mobile 
    sources. If the deepest level of NOX controls being modeled by 
    OTAG for utility NOX and for utility and nonutility point 
    source VOC is then added (OTAG run 2), ozone increases are not as 
    large on July 19, 1991 and some become ozone reductions.
        Ozone benefits and disbenefits occur from both elevated and low-
    level NOX reductions; the relative effectiveness of elevated and 
    low-level NOX reductions varies by region and ozone episode, 
    according to OTAG modeling.85 Elevated and low-level NOX 
    reductions appear to act independently, with little synergistic effect. 
    The pattern of ozone benefits and disbenefits is similar whether the 
    one-hour or the proposed eight-hour ozone standard is modeled.
        \85\ Koerber, Mike, OTAG Policy Group Meeting, December 18, 
        The NOX reduction scenarios modeled by OTAG are for large 
    NOX reductions, greater than the Phase II RFG NOX emission 
    reduction standard of 6.8 percent of gasoline-fueled vehicle emissions 
    on average. Although EPA believes the direction of the effect is 
    reliable, disbenefits from the Phase II RFG NOX emission reduction 
    standard would be smaller than the urban disbenefits modeled by OTAG 
    for larger NOX reductions. EPA recognizes that the OTAG model's 
    coarse grid size (even in fine part of the domain) may cause the 
    modeling to show fewer disbenefit areas than actually exist and would 
    be revealed by finer grid modeling, such as urban-scale modeling. As 
    API points out, urban-scale modeling demonstrations of NOX 
    disbenefits supported the section 182(f) waivers approved by EPA for 
    three mandated RFG areas (Chicago, Milwaukee, and Houston). The OTAG 
    model's grid size and wide field treatments are not precise enough to 
    be used to balance population exposures to ozone benefits and 
    disbenefits from NOX control. However, these facts do not change 
    EPA's conclusion that OTAG modeling demonstrates that the ozone 
    reduction benefits of NOX control far outweigh the disbenefits of 
    urban ozone increases in both magnitude of ozone reduction and 
    geographic scope.
        It should be noted that no scenario modeled by OTAG to date 
    completely mitigates the ozone problem throughout the 37 state domain, 
    so some areas, including the Northeast and the Lake Michigan region, 
    will have to go beyond OTAG scenarios to reach attainment. Since OTAG 
    modeling shows that more NOX emission reductions produce more 
    ozone reductions, the ultimate ozone mitigation level of emissions may 
    not produce urban disbenefits.
        OTAG modeling of the transport of ozone and ozone precursors among 
    subregions is less complete than its modeling of various region-wide 
    emission reduction scenarios. Preliminary OTAG sensitivity tests did 
    include a set of four regional impact runs to examine the effect of 
    controls applied differently within the OTAG domain. For this purpose, 
    OTAG was divided into four subregions: Northeast, Midwest, Southeast, 
    and Southwest.86 The regional impact runs provide
    [[Page 11357]]
    preliminary information on the spatial and temporal scales of ozone 
    transport. NOX reductions of 60 percent from elevated sources and 
    30 percent from low level sources plus a VOC reduction of 30 percent 
    (OTAG run 5c) were applied to one region at a time for each of the four 
    OTAG ozone episodes. In general, surface plots show that emission 
    reductions in a given region have the most ozone reduction benefit in 
    that same region, although downwind benefits outside the region were 
    also apparent. Northeast reductions benefited the Southeast in one 
    episode. Midwest reductions benefited the Northeast in four episodes 
    and the Southeast in one episode. Southeast reductions benefited the 
    Midwest during two episodes and the Southwest during two episodes. 
    Southwest reductions benefited the Midwest during two episodes.87
        \86\ Subsequent to the subregional modeling described here, OTAG 
    has further divided its modeling domain into 13 smaller subregions 
    for purposes of assessing transport between these subregions. This 
    modeling was not complete enough to have been considered in the 
    decision announced today.
        \87\ Ozone Transport Assessment Group, joint meeting of the RUSM 
    and ISI workgroups, ``Sensitivity Modeling,'' August 22, 1996.
        Although OTAG modeling of ozone transport is incomplete, it 
    indicates that NOX reductions have downwind ozone reduction 
    benefits, although those benefits attenuate with distance. NOX 
    reductions in Chicago and Milwaukee may help nearby states such as 
    Michigan and perhaps, to some extent, the Northeast as well. NOX 
    reductions in the southern end of the Northeast corridor will help the 
    northern end.
        The API petition requests that EPA eliminate or delay the Phase II 
    RFG NOX emission reduction standard.88 EPA disagrees, as the 
    evidence does not support eliminating or delaying the Phase II RFG 
    NOX standard. The NOX reductions obtained from RFG in the 
    metropolitan nonattainment areas are an important component of a 
    regional NOX reduction strategy, and modeling and analysis to date 
    strongly supports the need for such regional NOX reductions. Such 
    reductions, especially when combined with urban VOC reductions, lead to 
    ozone reductions on high ozone days across large areas of the country, 
    including all of the major ozone nonattainment areas covered by the RFG 
    program. While the potential for disbenefits is clear, with few 
    exceptions, disbenefits appear on low ozone days and do not cause 
    exceedance of the ozone standard, while benefits appear on high ozone 
    days when they are most needed. As described above, OTAG found only one 
    day of one episode in one area where an urban ozone increase could be 
    classified as detrimental, with detrimental being defined as an 
    increase in ozone of four ppb in a grid cell on a day with ozone 
    exceeding 100 ppb.89 NOX control resulted in ozone decreases 
    for the following days of that episode . EPA does not believe the 
    evidence when viewed overall supports forgoing the ozone reduction 
    benefits of NOX reduction from RFG.
        \88\ One commenter suggested that an ``opt out'' provision from 
    the NOX reduction standard be provided for areas that can 
    document a disbenefit from NOX reductions. For the reasons 
    discussed above, the evidence does not support such a waiver for RFG 
    standards at this time.
        \89\ Lopez, Bob, ``Localized Ozone Increases Due to NOX 
    Control--Transmittal of Technical Evaluation Summary and Draft 
    Policy Options Paper,'' memorandum and attachments from OTAG Task 
    Group on Criteria for Modeling and Strategy Refinement Regarding 
    NOX Disbenefits to OTAG Implementation and Strategies Workgroup 
    and Criteria Evaluation Miniworkgroup, second draft, December 12, 
    1996, and Koerber, Mike, OTAG Policy Group Meeting, December 18, 
        In conclusion, API's arguments that the Phase II RFG NOX 
    standard may cause limited urban disbenefits, and that additional VOC 
    reductions may be necessary to ameliorate such disbenefits, are not 
    compelling new evidence or arguments that support elimination or delay 
    of the Phase II RFG NOX emission reduction standard. 90 EPA 
    has concluded that reducing NOX emissions in required RFG areas as 
    part of a region-wide strategy will contribute to attainment of the 
    ozone standard, even if those NOX emission reductions do not 
    improve air quality in some portions of some RFG areas on some low 
    ozone days. Additional VOC reductions are an option states may choose 
    to avoid or reduce urban ozone increases from NOX control.
        \90\  See discussion in the RFG final rule at 59 FR 7751.
        API recently submitted the results of air quality modeling 
    undertaken by Systems Applications International on API's behalf. API's 
    modeling used the same photochemical grid model, inventory, and episode 
    data as OTAG. API examined the effect in 2007 of a 6.8 percent 
    reduction in mobile source NOX emissions in RFG areas during the 
    1991 episode. API's modeling shows benefits and disbenefits in RFG 
    areas, and no change in most non-RFG areas throughout the OTAG domain. 
    91 On the basis of this modeling, API argues that the Phase II RFG 
    NOX standard will be ineffective in reducing ozone, underscoring 
    the cost-ineffectiveness of the Phase II RFG NOX standard, 
    according to API.
        \91\  EPA was puzzled by effects that appear in Georgia and 
    Alabama, which are not RFG areas, and contacted API for an 
    explanation. API's contractor, SAI, explained in a February 14, 1997 
    telephone call that some anomalies of the modeled results can be 
    explained by the differences in the results when directly comparing 
    modeling runs made on two different computers. However, the 
    differences in results from directly comparing modeling runs made on 
    two different computers may also confound the modeled effects of RFG 
    in terms of ozone concentration differences, casting doubt on the 
    credibility of the results, since the modeled effects of RFG are in 
    the same range as the anomalies claimed by SAI.
        However, API's modeling does not indicate whether disbenefits 
    occurred in grid cells with high or low ozone, so EPA cannot determine 
    if the projected disbenefit would actually be detrimental. As discussed 
    previously, OTAG modeling demonstrates that most urban ozone increases 
    from NOX control occur on low ozone days and do not cause 
    exceedance of the ozone standard, while ozone reductions occur on high 
    ozone days when reductions are most needed. Moreover, API's modeling 
    sets the threshold level of ozone reduction at two ppb, which 
    effectively eliminates benefits below two ppb. The Phase II RFG 
    NOX standard is estimated to achieve a one to two percent 
    reduction in the national NOX inventory, and that reduction would 
    translate into a relatively small reduction in the ozone level at 
    levels above 100 ppb. By setting the threshold at two percent, API's 
    modeling may not capture the benefits of the standard. Thus, EPA is not 
    persuaded by API's modeling that the Phase II RFG NOX standard 
    will be ineffective in reducing ozone; nor does EPA agree that API's 
    modeling underscores the Phase II RFG NOX standard's cost-
    4. Non-ozone Benefits
        In the RFG final rule, EPA cited non-ozone benefits of NOX 
    control, such as reductions in emissions leading to acid rain 
    formation, reductions in toxic nitrated polycyclic aromatic compounds, 
    lower secondary airborne particulate (i.e., ammonium nitrate) 
    formation, reduced nitrate deposition from rain, improved visibility, 
    and lower levels of nitrogen dioxide. A complete discussion of these 
    benefits can be found in the RIA accompanying the RFG final rule. 
    92 EPA did not attempt to quantify the non-ozone benefits of 
    NOX control in the rulemaking, and did not include non-ozone 
    benefits in its cost-effectiveness determination.
        \92\  See the RIA at pp. 321-322. See also 59 FR 7751.
        API claims that because EPA did not quantify non-ozone benefits, 
    such benefits are speculative; API presented no evidence to support 
    this claim. EPA does not agree. The fact that EPA did not quantify non-
    ozone benefits of NOX control does not render those benefits 
    speculative. In a directional sense, at least, the non-ozone benefits 
    of NOX reductions, including the Phase II RFG NOX standard, 
    are clear.
    [[Page 11358]]
        Since publication of the RFG final rule, EPA has identified 
    additional non-ozone benefits from NOX reductions. The following 
    describes how NOX emissions contribute to adverse impacts on the 
        Acid Rain. NOX and sulfur dioxide are the two key air 
    pollutants that cause acid rain and result in adverse effects on 
    aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, materials, visibility, and public 
    health. Nitric acidic deposition plays a dominant role in the acid 
    pulses associated with the fish kills observed during the springtime 
    melt of the snowpack in sensitive watersheds and recently has also been 
    identified as a major contributor to chronic acidification of certain 
    sensitive surface waters.
        Drinking Water Nitrate. High levels of nitrate in drinking water 
    are a health hazard, especially for infants. Atmospheric nitrogen 
    deposition in sensitive forested watersheds can increase stream water 
    nitrate concentrations; the added nitrate can remain in the water and 
    be transported long distances downstream because plants in most 
    freshwater systems do not take up the added nitrate.
        Eutrophication. NOX emissions contribute directly to the 
    widespread accelerated eutrophication of U.S. coastal waters and 
    estuaries. Atmospheric deposition direct to surface waters and 
    deposition to watershed and subsequent transport into the tidal waters 
    has been documented to contribute from 12 to 44 percent of the total 
    nitrogen loadings to U.S. coastal water bodies. Nitrogen is the 
    nutrient limiting growth of algae in most coastal waters and estuaries. 
    Thus addition of nitrogen results in accelerated algal and aquatic 
    plant growth in the water body causing adverse ecological effects and 
    economic impacts that range from nuisance algal blooms to oxygen 
    depletion and fish kills.
        Global Warming. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas. 
    Anthropogenic nitrous oxide emissions in the U.S. contribute about two 
    percent of the greenhouse effect, relative to total U.S. anthropogenic 
    emissions of greenhouse gases. In addition, emissions of NOX lead 
    to the formation of tropospheric ozone, which is another greenhouse 
        Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). Exposure to NO2 is associated with a 
    variety of acute and chronic health effects. The health effects of most 
    concern at ambient or near-ambient concentrations of NO2 include mild 
    changes in airway responsiveness and pulmonary function in individuals 
    with preexisting respiratory illnesses, and increases in respiratory 
    illnesses in children.
        Nitrogen Saturation of Forest Ecosystems. Forests accumulate 
    nitrogen inputs. While nitrogen inputs in forest ecosystems have 
    traditionally been considered beneficial, recent findings in North 
    America and Europe suggest that, because of chronic nitrogen deposition 
    from air pollution, some forests are showing signs of nitrogen 
    saturation, including undesirable nitrate leaching to surface and 
    ground water and decreased plant growth.
        Particulate Matter. NOX compounds react with other compounds 
    to form fine nitrate particles and acid aerosols. Nitrates are 
    especially damaging because of their small size, which results in 
    penetration deep into the lungs. Particulate matter has a wide range of 
    adverse health effects, including premature death.
        Stratospheric Ozone Depletion. A layer of ozone located in the 
    upper atmosphere (stratosphere) protects the surface of the earth 
    (troposphere) from excessive ultraviolet radiation. Tropospheric 
    emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) are very stable and slowly migrate to 
    the stratosphere, where solar radiation breaks it into nitric oxide 
    (NO) and nitrogen (N). The nitric oxide reacts with ozone to form 
    nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. Thus, additional N2O emissions would 
    result in a slight decrease in stratospheric ozone.
        Toxics. In the atmosphere, NOX emissions react to form 
    nitrogen compounds, some of which are toxic. Compounds of concern 
    include transformation products, nitrate radical, peroxyacetyl 
    nitrates, nitroarenes, and nitrosamines.
        Visibility and Regional Haze. NOX emissions can interfere with 
    the transmission of light, limiting visual range and color 
    discrimination. Most visibility and regional haze problems can be 
    traced to carbon, nitrates, nitrogen dioxide, organics, soil dust, and 
    1. Cost-Effectiveness of Phase II RFG NOX Standard
        To update its evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of the Phase II 
    RFG NOX standard, EPA asked DOE to update the 1994 DOE study. EPA 
    used the Bonner & Moore refinery model to estimate costs in the RFG 
    rulemaking, and included the 1994 DOE study and additional industry 
    cost studies in its consideration. EPA determined to update the DOE 
    study for purposes of considering API's petition, rather than the 
    Bonner & Moore analysis, because since the 1994 study, EPA, DOE, and 
    API have worked closely to improve the refinery modeling used by DOE to 
    develop cost estimates. Over 200 improvements and changes to the model 
    have been made in response to suggestions from API.
        EPA notified each party that commented on the API petition when 
    DOE's draft report became available and sent copies to interested 
    parties for their review. EPA also reopened the comment period and held 
    a meeting with interested parties to discuss the draft DOE report.
        DOE's improved model provides a range of cost-effectiveness, rather 
    than a single number. DOE's regionally-weighted cost range per summer 
    ton of NOX removed is $5,400 to $11,300. Based on that range, EPA 
    calculated the annual incremental cost range at $2,180 to $6,000 per 
    ton of NOX removed. Although the high end of EPA's cost-
    effectiveness range exceeds $5,000, EPA does not consider that to be 
    significant, since the midpoint of the range is $4,090. EPA views DOE's 
    updated estimate as new information that confirms the information 
    relied upon in the RFG rulemaking to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of 
    the Phase II RFG NOx standard. The improvements to the DOE model 
    and EPA's updated cost-effectiveness calculations are described in 
    detail in an EPA technical memorandum available in the docket for this 
    action. 93
        \93\ See A-96-27, Memorandum dated February 1997 from Lester 
    Wyborny, Chemical Engineer, Fuels and Energy Division, ``Cost of 
    Phase II RFG NOX Control,'' to Charles Freed, Director, Fuels 
    and Energy Division.
        EPA received comments from the oil and automotive industries on 
    DOE's draft report. Both the oil and automotive industries' comments 
    are critical of certain technical aspects of DOE's refinery modeling. 
    These comments and EPA's responses are discussed in an EPA technical 
    memorandum, and in DOE's final report; both documents are available in 
    the docket for this action. 94
        \94\ Ibid and U.S. DOE, Re-estimation of the Refining Cost of 
    Reformulated Gasoline NOX Control, February 1997.
        Overall, oil industry comments argued that the lower end of the DOE 
    cost range should be dropped because the model form that produced it is 
    not representative. DOE produced a cost range by using both a ``ratio 
    free'' and ``ratio constrained'' form of its refinery model. The ratio 
    free form is similar to the model version used for the 1994 DOE study, 
    with improvements in process descriptions. The ratio free model 
    includes a modeling concept in which refinery streams with identical
    [[Page 11359]]
    distillation cut points are kept separate through different processes, 
    and this modeling concept may produce over-optimized results. The ratio 
    constrained form has the same improvements in process descriptions as 
    the ratio free form, with added constraints on the proportions of 
    streams entering a process, to avoid unrealistic stream separation; 
    however, the ratio constrained form may under-optimize refinery 
    operations. DOE has concluded that both model forms can provide 
    credible estimates of the refining cost range, given the variations 
    within and among refineries, uncertainties in the range of refinery 
    costs, and the over-optimization and under-optimization possibilities 
    of the model forms. EPA agrees with DOE that both model forms are 
    useful in exploring the plausible range of refining costs.
        Oil industry comments argue that the upper end of DOE's range 
    exceeds a benchmark of $5,000 per ton of NOX removed. DOE's 
    regionally-weighted cost-effectiveness estimate for the ratio 
    constrained model form is $11,300 per summer ton of NOX removed, 
    which DOE calculates as $5,200 per annual ton, and which EPA calculates 
    as $6,000 per annual ton. 95 Both EPA and DOE believe that the 
    high end of the range reflected by the ratio constrained model estimate 
    is not significantly different from the benchmark of $5,000 per annual 
        \95\ The annual per ton cost estimates of DOE and EPA differ 
    because EPA uses a different method of annualizing costs than DOE. 
    EPA's calculations are described in a technical memorandum to docket 
    A-96-27; see the memorandum dated February 1997 from Lester Wyborny, 
    Chemical Engineer, Fuels and Energy Division, ``Cost of Phase II RFG 
    NOX Control,'' to Charles Freed, Director, Fuels and Energy 
    Division. Although Phase II RFG NOX emission reductions are 
    required only during the summer ozone season, EPA annualizes the 
    cost so that it may be compared with other emission reduction 
        EPA believes that the updated DOE cost study is the best available 
    evidence concerning the costs of the Phase II RFG NOX standard, 
    including the desulfurization processes that drive those costs. This 
    evidence indicates that the cost-effectiveness analysis used by EPA 
    when setting the standard continues to be valid. The detailed 
    information on desulfurization costs submitted by API to support its 
    petition was previously submitted during the RFG rulemaking and was 
    considered at that time; it is not new information and does not change 
    EPA's view, based on the updated DOE cost modeling, that the Phase II 
    RFG NOX standard remains cost-effective.
        API argues that the 1994 DOE study supports its argument that EPA's 
    desulfurization costs are too low, citing the study's observation that: 
    ``The actual NOX reduction standard for Phase II RFG should 
    reflect margins for enforcement tolerance, temporal production 
    variations* * *, variations among refiners of differing capability, and 
    potential inaccuracies and over-optimization in the refinery yield 
    model* * *,96 However, the 1994 DOE study supports EPA's view that 
    the 6.8 percent average NOX emission reduction standard will cost 
    approximately $5,000 per annual ton of NOX removed. The 1994 DOE 
    study's reference to $10,000 per summer ton is equivalent to EPA's 
    $5,000 per annual ton.97 Furthermore, the 1994 DOE study used 
    inflated year 2000 dollars, while EPA's estimates were in 1990 dollars.
        \96\ Pet. at p. 20, citing the 1994 DOE study at xii.
        \97\ 1994 DOE study, pp. 56-58.
        Oil industry comments also point out that DOE's updated report 
    states that its cost estimates do not include the impact of the 
    requirement that RFG achieve a three percent minimum NOX reduction 
    per batch under the averaging provisions, or the impact of any 
    potential enforcement tolerance associated with that three percent 
    minimum NOX standard. EPA believes that any costs associated with 
    the minimum NOX reduction requirement and any associated 
    enforcement tolerance compliance costs are separate costs associated 
    with these provisions and do not change the cost-effectiveness analysis 
    of the 6.8 percent average NOX emission reduction standard. While 
    EPA is denying API's petition to reconsider the 6.8 percent average 
    standard, it will continue to evaluate and plans to reach a decision on 
    the separate issues associated with the three percent minimum 
    requirement under the averaging provisions.
        As discussed above, NOX reductions from Phase II RFG in 
    several cities with NOX waivers are expected to contribute to 
    ozone attainment in those areas, downwind areas, or both. As discussed 
    previously, EPA believes that the benefits of NOX reduction in 
    these and other RFG areas far outweigh the disbenefits. Thus, EPA does 
    not believe that the benefit of the NOX reductions in Chicago, 
    Milwaukee, and Houston should be calculated as zero when analyzing the 
    cost-effectiveness of the Phase II RFG NOX reduction standard.
        API also argues that the Phase II RFG NOX emission reduction 
    standard interferes with refining flexibility and leaves refiners with 
    unduly costly and narrow choices for producing RFG. However, as the 
    updated DOE study indicates, as discussed above, the Phase II RFG 
    NOX standard is not unduly costly even considering the high end of 
    the range reflected by the ratio constrained model estimate. In the 
    final rule, EPA clarified that the Phase II RFG standards are 
    performance standards and may be met by the refiner's choice of fuel 
    parameter controls. In addition, EPA elected to allow both a per gallon 
    and an averaging standard for NOX to provide greater flexibility 
    to refiners. API has provided no compelling new evidence or argument to 
    the contrary.
    2. Stationary Source Cost-Effectiveness
        API argues that EPA understated the relative cost-effectiveness of 
    major stationary source NOX controls. API cites incremental cost-
    effectiveness estimates for coal-fired utility boilers of $1,300 to 
    $2,200 per ton for selective non-catalytic reduction and $1,250 to 
    $6,600 per ton for selective catalytic reduction.98 For gas and 
    oil-fired utility boilers, API cites $2,100 to $5,650 per ton for 
    selective catalytic reduction, and for gas-fired industrial boilers, 
    $3,300 to $5,500 per ton for selective catalytic reduction.99 In 
    its RIA, EPA cited cost-effectiveness estimates for stationary source 
    NOX emission controls based on utility boilers. Low NOX 
    burner technology was cited at $1,000 per ton and selective catalytic 
    reduction at $3,000 to $10,000 per ton.100
        \98\ Pet. at p. 26.
        \99\ Ibid.
        \100\ RIA at p. 385.
        In stationary source regulations promulgated since the RFG rule, 
    cost-effectiveness estimates have ranged from $200 per ton for certain 
    coal fired power plants 101 to about $3,000 per ton for municipal 
    waste combustors.102 Recent NOX control estimates developed 
    by the Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Management Association (MARAMA) and 
    Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) for those 
    regions for retrofits range from a low of $320 to $1,800 for natural 
    gas reburn for oil and gas boilers to $3,400 to $6,900 for natural gas 
    conversion for coal-fired boilers.103
        \101\ 60 FR 18751 (April 13, 1995).
        \102\ 54 FR 52293 (December 20, 1989); 60 FR 65387 (December 19, 
        \103\ Phase II NOX Controls for the MARAMA and NESCAUM 
    Regions, EPA-453/R-96-002, November 1995, Table 1-7.
        API and other oil industry sources cited cost-effectiveness 
    estimates and rankings that were developed in the OTAG process for 
    Phase II RFG and other NOX reduction programs, as evidence that 
    the Phase II RFG NOX standard is not cost-effective compared to 
    other NOX reduction programs, particularly stationary source 
    [[Page 11360]]
    API argues these other programs offer a larger potential for overall 
    reduction in NOX emissions. The figure of $25,000 to $45,000 per 
    ton of NOX reduced developed in the OTAG process ascribes all the 
    costs of RFG to NOX control, including costs incurred to reduce 
    toxics and VOCs, and to meet the various content requirements. If VOC 
    and NOX reductions are valued equally, as OTAG has done, the 
    incremental cost per ton of NOX removed falls by more than a 
    factor of four to under $7,000 per ton, and the average cost falls to 
    $3,000 to $4,000 per ton. That incremental cost is higher than 
    projected by EPA for the Phase II RFG NOX standard because it 
    assumes that all the gasoline in the 37 state OTAG region, over 90 
    percent of the gasoline sold in the U.S. outside of California, would 
    be included in the RFG program. Costs rise rather than fall as volume 
    of RFG produced increases because less efficient refineries would be 
    drawn into producing RFG. Moreover, EPA's $5,000 per ton cost estimate 
    for the Phase II RFG NOX standard applies to the final increment 
    of emission reduction pursued under the program, while API compares 
    this incremental cost to average costs of other control programs. 
    Average costs are always less than incremental costs; if Phase II RFG 
    costs are evaluated on an average-cost basis, the cost per ton for RFG 
    areas falls to between $2,000 and $3,000.
        Based on the evidence presented, EPA concludes that some stationary 
    source NOX controls are more cost-effective than the Phase II RFG 
    NOX standard, and some are not. The fact that some stationary 
    source NOX controls are more cost-effective does not vitiate the 
    cost-effectiveness of the Phase II RFG NOX standard. EPA cited 
    stationary source costs both above and below the cost of Phase II RFG 
    NOX standard in the RFG rulemaking. EPA does not find that it 
    understated the relative cost-effectiveness of stationary source 
    NOX controls.
        API argues that stationary sources offer more potential for 
    reducing air pollution. API argues that EPA should sequence NOX 
    controls and target major stationary sources first, since stationary 
    source NOX control is more cost-effective and can be targeted 
    geographically to avoid controls where controls are not needed. Other 
    NOX controls should not be considered until major stationary 
    source controls are employed and evaluated, according to API.
        As discussed previously, some stationary source NOX controls 
    are more cost-effective than the Phase II RFG NOX standard, and 
    some are not. However, OTAG has projected that, in 2007, mobile sources 
    will still contribute 42 percent of all NOX after implementation 
    of 1990 CAAA controls for mobile and stationary sources. These measures 
    include the retrofit of reasonably available control technology on 
    existing major stationary sources of NOX and implementation of 
    enhanced inspection and maintenance programs under Title I; new 
    emission standards for new motor vehicles and nonroad engines, and the 
    RFG program under Title II; and controls on certain coal-fired electric 
    power plants under Title IV. Given the challenges facing so many areas 
    in identifying and implementing programs that will lead to attainment 
    of the ozone standard, and the need for additional NOX controls, 
    EPA believes that NOX reductions in urban areas where mobile 
    sources are concentrated, as part of a region-wide NOX reductions, 
    are still essential to achieve ozone attainment. In addition, OTAG 
    modeling demonstrates that even with unrealistically large NOX 
    reductions, such as an 80 percent reduction in elevated NOX plus a 
    60 percent reduction in low level NOX, without VOC reductions, 
    attainment still would not be reached throughout the OTAG region. EPA 
    believes that both stationary source and mobile source controls will be 
    necessary for many areas to reach attainment.
    3. Executive Order 12866
        API argues that the Phase II RFG NOX emission reduction 
    standard does not satisfy the provisions of Executive Order 12866. API 
    argues that the Phase II RFG NOX standard is not compelled by 
    statute or necessary to interpret the statute, or made necessary by 
    public need, or the most cost-effective NOX control to achieve the 
    regulatory objective.
        EPA believes the Phase II RFG NOX reduction standard meets the 
    substantive requirements of the Executive Order 12866. Although the 
    Phase II RFG NOX standard is not required by statute, it is ``made 
    necessary by compelling public need'' 104 and is a cost-effective 
    standard. As discussed earlier, the authority EPA used to establish the 
    standard, section 211(c)(1)(A), allows EPA to regulate fuels or fuel 
    additives if their emission products cause or contribute to air 
    pollution that may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health 
    or welfare. EPA used this authority based on scientific evidence 
    regarding the benefits of NOX control and the cost-effectiveness 
    of NOX reductions. The preceding discussion indicates that EPA's 
    RFG rulemaking properly complied with Executive Order 12866.
        \104\ 58 FR 51735 (October 4, 1993), section 1(a) at 51735.
    V. Conclusion
        A detailed discussion of the determination of the need for, 
    scientific justification for, and cost-effectiveness of NOX 
    control is presented in the RIA for the final rule.105 EPA's 
    review here of the air quality benefits and cost-effectiveness of the 
    Phase II RFG NOX reduction standard does not show that the prior 
    rulemaking determinations supporting this standard were inappropriate. 
    After considering API's petition, public comment, and other relevant 
    information available to EPA, API's petition for reconsideration of the 
    Phase II RFG NOX emission reduction standard is denied.
        \105\ RIA at pp. 313-326.
        Dated: February 28, 1997.
    Mary D. Nichols,
    Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation.
    [FR Doc. 97-6217 Filed 3-11-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of denial of petition for reconsideration.
Document Number:
March 12, 1997.
11346-11360 (15 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 80