98-6325. Equal Credit Opportunity  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 48 (Thursday, March 12, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 12326-12329]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-6325]
    [[Page 12325]]
    Part V
    Federal Reserve System
    12 CFR Parts 202 and 203
    Equal Credit Opportunity and Home Mortgage Disclosure; Proposed Rules
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 48 / Thursday, March 12, 1998 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 12326]]
    12 CFR Part 202
    [Regulation B; Docket No. R-1008]
    Equal Credit Opportunity
    AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
    ACTION: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: Pursuant to its Regulatory Planning and Review Program, the 
    Federal Reserve Board (the ``Board'') is undertaking a review of 
    Regulation B, which carries out the provisions of the Equal Credit 
    Opportunity Act (the ``ECOA''). The ECOA makes it unlawful for 
    creditors to discriminate against an applicant in any aspect of a 
    credit transaction on the basis of race, color, religion, national 
    origin, sex, marital status, age, and other specified bases. The review 
    will determine whether Regulation B should be revised to address 
    technological and other developments; identify areas in the regulation 
    that could be revised to better balance consumer protections and 
    industry burden; and delete obsolete provisions. To gather information 
    necessary for this review and to ensure the participation of interested 
    parties, the Board is soliciting comment on several specific issues, 
    while also soliciting comment generally on potential revisions to the 
    DATES: Comments must be received by May 29, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to Docket No. R-1008, and may be 
    mailed to William W. Wiles, Secretary, Board of Governors of the 
    Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., 
    Washington, DC 20551. Comments also may be delivered to Room B-2222 of 
    the Eccles Building between 8:45 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. weekdays, or to the 
    guard station in the Eccles Building courtyard on 20th Street, N.W. 
    (between Constitution Avenue and C Street) any time. Comments may be 
    inspected in Room MP-500 of the Martin Building between 9:00 a.m. and 
    5:00 p.m. weekdays, except as provided in 12 CFR section 261.12 of the 
    Board's Rules Regarding Availability of Information.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Natalie E. Taylor or Sheilah Goodman, 
    Staff Attorneys, or Jane Jensen Gell, Senior Attorney, Division of 
    Consumer and Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal 
    Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551, at (202) 452-2412 or 452-3667; 
    for the hearing impaired only, contact Diane Jenkins, 
    Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD), at (202) 452-3544.
    I. Background on ECOA and Regulation B
        The Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 15 U.S.C. 1691, enacted in 1974, 
    makes it unlawful for a creditor to discriminate against an applicant 
    in any aspect of a credit transaction on the basis of sex or marital 
    status. In 1975, pursuant to section 703 of the ECOA, the Board issued 
    Regulation B to implement the ECOA. The Congress amended the ECOA in 
    1976 to prohibit discrimination on the additional bases of race, color, 
    religion, national origin, age (provided the applicant has the capacity 
    to contract), receipt of public assistance benefits, and good faith 
    exercise of a right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The Board 
    issued an amended Regulation B in 1976 to reflect the amendments.
        Under the Board's Regulatory Planning and Review Program, which 
    requires periodic review of the Board's regulations, the Board reviewed 
    Regulation B and revised it in 1985 (50 FR 48018, November 20, 1985). 
    In 1989, the Board modified Regulation B to implement amendments to the 
    ECOA contained in the Women's Business Ownership Act of 1988. Those 
    amendments required that creditors give written notice to business 
    applicants of the right to a written statement of reasons for a credit 
    denial, and imposed a record retention requirement for records relating 
    to business credit applications (54 FR 50482, December 7, 1989). The 
    Board further modified the regulation in 1993 to implement amendments 
    to the ECOA contained in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 
    Improvement Act of 1991. The amendments provided applicants with a 
    right to obtain a copy of the appraisal report used in an application 
    secured by residential real property, and expanded the enforcement 
    responsibilities of the federal financial supervisory agencies when 
    information about possible violations of the ECOA becomes known (58 FR 
    65657, December 16, 1993). The Board also modified the regulation in 
    1997 to implement amendments to the ECOA contained in the Economic 
    Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996. The amendments 
    created a privilege for information developed by creditors as a result 
    of ``self-tests'' they conduct (62 FR 66412, December 18, 1997).
    II. Review of Regulation B
        The Board will review Regulation B with three goals in mind: (1) To 
    determine whether regulatory amendments are needed to address 
    technological and other developments; (2) to identify areas in the 
    regulation that could be revised to better balance consumer protections 
    and industry burden; and (3) to delete obsolete provisions.
        This Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is intended to gather 
    information about broad policy issues that could be addressed by 
    revisions to the regulation. The Board is soliciting comment on several 
    specific issues, but also requests suggestions generally on other 
    issues that commenters believe should be addressed or clarified. The 
    Board will publish a proposed rule after evaluating the comments and 
    further analysis.
        Concurrently, the Board is undertaking a review of Regulation C 
    (Home Mortgage Disclosure); an advance notice of proposed rulemaking is 
    published elsewhere in today's Federal Register.
        Comment is specifically solicited on the following issues:
    1. Preapplication Marketing Practices
        The ECOA and Regulation B prohibit discrimination by a creditor 
    against an applicant--a person who has requested or received credit--on 
    a prohibited basis regarding any aspect of a credit transaction. Credit 
    transaction is defined in the regulation as every aspect of an 
    applicant's dealings with a creditor beginning with information 
    requirements. Thus, the coverage of the ECOA is generally limited to a 
    person who has, at a minimum, sought credit information. However, the 
    Board recognizes that a person could be discouraged from seeking credit 
    or credit information. Accordingly, the regulation expressly prohibits 
    a creditor from engaging in any practice that would discourage a 
    reasonable person (on a prohibited basis) from applying for credit. The 
    official staff commentary provides that a creditor is prohibited from 
    using words, symbols, or other forms of communication in advertising 
    that express, imply, or suggest a discriminatory preference or a policy 
    of exclusion, although a creditor is permitted to engage in affirmative 
    advertising to solicit or encourage traditionally disadvantaged groups 
    to apply for credit.
        Aside from the prohibition against discouragement, the ECOA has not 
    been interpreted to apply to a creditor's preapplication marketing 
    [[Page 12327]]
    such as the selection of persons solicited for a credit 
    card.1 Creditors use a number of techniques to decide to 
    whom solicitations will be sent. For instance, creditors will often 
    specify criteria to credit bureaus, which then utilize credit reports 
    to compile mailing lists that identify potential applicants who meet 
    those criteria. This marketing technique--involving prescreened 
    solicitations--is usually carried out through mailed solicitations as 
    well as by telemarketing. Because individuals selected through the 
    prescreening process have not requested credit, they are not deemed to 
    be applicants for purposes of Regulation B when the prescreening 
    occurs. It is only after the individuals respond to a creditor's 
    invitation that the regulation applies.
        \1\ The Fair Housing Act (FHA), which bars discrimination in 
    housing-related transactions, differs in its treatment of 
    prescreened solicitations. The FHA has been interpreted to prohibit 
    persons from prescreening on a prohibited basis, whereas the ECOA 
    permits any prescreening since only ``applicants'' receive the 
    protections of the act.
        During the 1985 review of Regulation B, the Board considered 
    whether prescreened solicitations should be covered by the regulation. 
    It was generally recognized that prescreened solicitations could result 
    in a greater availability of credit for consumers. Also, there was no 
    evidence at that time that creditors were improperly making use of 
    prohibited characteristics. Therefore, the Board deemed it unnecessary 
    to modify the regulation.
        The Board recognizes that prescreening on a prohibited basis may 
    facilitate the identification of potential customers and provide 
    greater access to credit for some consumers. For example, some 
    creditors have used age to target ``older'' individuals for credit 
    solicitations and related financial services. However, the Board and 
    the other banking agencies have also found instances in which 
    creditors, primarily in the credit card industry, have used age to 
    exclude youth and elderly persons from receiving solicitations for 
    preapproved credit. Given the potential for using prohibited bases in 
    prescreening to improperly exclude certain categories of individuals, 
    the Board seeks to gain a better understanding of current practices, 
    and solicits comment on how and to what extent creditors are using any 
    prohibited bases in preapplication marketing.
    2. Inquiry v. Application
        Regulation B allows creditors to establish their own application 
    procedures, including what and how much information to provide to 
    consumers who request information before applying for credit. Creditors 
    and others have expressed concern that the current distinction under 
    Regulation B between an inquiry and an application is difficult to 
    apply. The rule distinguishes between an inquiry and an application 
    based on what the creditor communicates to the consumer. When a 
    consumer requests credit information, this inquiry may entail a 
    discussion of the consumer's credit characteristics. Creditors have 
    suggested that under the regulation it is unclear when a creditor is 
    simply providing information rather than communicating a credit 
    decision--for example, when the creditor explains its underwriting 
    standards in the context of the applicant's credit characteristics. A 
    creditor is required to notify a consumer of action taken (including, 
    as appropriate, a notice of adverse action) if in response to a 
    consumer's request for credit information the creditor communicates a 
    decision not to extend credit.
        Creditors say that it is burdensome to provide an adverse action 
    notice to every consumer who is provided with negative information in 
    the information-gathering process. Also, they suggest that some 
    consumers might be concerned about receiving adverse action notices 
    when they are merely in the process of gathering information to shop 
    for a loan.
        Most questions that the Board receives regarding the distinction 
    between an inquiry and an application arise in mortgage processes. With 
    the increased use of prequalifications, preapprovals, and interactive 
    loan-calculation tools provided over the Internet, creditors have had 
    difficulty determining whether a notice is required. Sometimes, what 
    begins with a creditor providing information turns into an evaluation 
    of creditworthiness.
        With prequalifications or preapprovals, consumers begin their loan-
    shopping by approaching a lender to determine the price of a home they 
    could afford. In this process, creditors often obtain and review the 
    consumer's credit report for a more accurate picture of the consumer's 
    debt obligations and credit history. In most cases, the consumer has 
    not identified a specific property, nor is the consumer necessarily 
    ready to seek a loan from a particular creditor.
        Some creditors provide loan-calculation tools on their home page on 
    the Internet; and consumers are able to calculate the price of a home 
    they could afford by entering information about income and other data. 
    Some programs will calculate the maximum amount for which the consumer 
    could qualify. Other programs encourage the consumer to call the 
    financial institution when information has been entered and it appears 
    from the calculation that the consumer would not qualify for a mortgage 
    due to, for example, low income and high debt. Some creditors' home 
    pages enable the consumer to take the next step of applying to the 
    financial institution for a home loan.
        In determining whether it is possible to provide additional 
    guidance to clarify the distinction between an inquiry and application, 
    the Board believes it is important to encourage creditors to provide 
    information, counseling, and assistance to consumers seeking credit 
    information. The sharing of information through counseling programs, 
    such as home-ownership counseling, is a prime example. In home-
    ownership counseling, a third-party organization and financial 
    institution may partner to counsel potential home buyers--typically 
    first-time home buyers and, often but not necessarily, low-income home 
    buyers--on how to obtain a mortgage. A credit report is often obtained 
    to determine the consumer's financial position and to assist in an 
    ongoing counseling process that could span a year or longer. In some 
    programs, the third-party organization may not only provide counseling 
    services, but also may prescreen applicants for the lender. The Board 
    solicits comment on whether the more formal the process becomes in 
    providing information, counseling, and assisting potential applicants--
    for example, verifying credit information, or prescreening applicants--
    the more the process should be treated as an application. The Board 
    also solicits comment on the following:
        (1) Should the Board devise a different test for determining when 
    an informal discussion becomes an application? If yes, what should be 
    the test?
        (2) Should the Board seek to establish a ``bright-line'' test? For 
    example, should an inquiry become an application when a creditor 
    evaluates or verifies credit information through third-party 
    information (such as by obtaining a credit report or credit score)?
        (3) When, if at all, would the use of an interactive loan-
    calculation tool constitute an application?
        (4) Is it possible or desirable to apply the current notification 
    rules to home-ownership counseling programs? If not, how should the 
    rules be designed to distinguish education-oriented counseling from 
    advice offered by a lender, for example, to a consumer requesting a 
    prequalification decision?
    [[Page 12328]]
        (5) Are there some home-ownership counseling programs that have 
    elements of both counseling and applications such that they should be 
    distinguished from education-oriented counseling?
        (6) Does the issue of distinguishing an inquiry from an application 
    also arise in nonmortgage processes? If so, what are some of the 
    distinguishing characteristics of such processes? Would a test 
    developed for mortgage processes be effective for nonmortgage 
    3. Voluntary Data Collection
        Regulation B generally prohibits creditors from inquiring about an 
    applicant's sex, marital status, race, color, religion, and national 
    origin. This provision was included in the regulation in the belief 
    that if creditors did not have this information, they could not use it 
    to discriminate against applicants. At the same time, exceptions to 
    this prohibition were also included in Regulation B. The regulation 
    requires creditors to collect ``monitoring information'' (age, sex, 
    marital status, and race or national origin) for mortgage loan 
    applicants. This requirement was added because of the specific concern 
    that the data was needed to help detect mortgage lending 
        The regulation also allows creditors to collect data if required by 
    another regulation, order, or agreement of a court or enforcement 
    agency to monitor or enforce compliance with the ECOA, Regulation B, or 
    any other federal or state statute or regulation. This exception was 
    included in the regulation so that lenders would not have to choose 
    between competing regulations or statutes. For example, creditors can 
    collect data pursuant to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act without 
    concerns about violating Regulation B.
        In April 1995, the Board published for comment a proposed amendment 
    to Regulation B that would have allowed, but not required, creditors to 
    collect information about an applicant's sex, marital status, race, 
    color, and national origin for nonmortgage credit products. The 
    regulation would have continued to bar creditors from considering this 
    information in a credit decision. In December 1996, the Board withdrew 
    the proposed amendment, noting that this issue might be more 
    appropriate for the Congress to consider.
        Since issuance of the final action, the Board has received requests 
    from the other federal financial regulatory agencies, creditors, and 
    community groups asking for further consideration of this matter. The 
    Board believes that in light of the overall review of Regulation B it 
    is appropriate to evaluate whether the prohibition on data collection 
    should be changed. The Board solicits comment on whether to consider 
    amending Regulation B to remove the prohibition barring creditors from 
    collecting certain information about applicants for nonmortgage credit 
    4. Definition of Creditor
        The ECOA and Regulation B prohibit a creditor from discriminating 
    against an applicant on a prohibited basis regarding any aspect of a 
    credit transaction. The ECOA's definition of creditor includes anyone 
    who ``regularly extends'' or ``regularly arranges for'' the extension 
    of credit. Regulation B combines the concepts and defines a creditor as 
    a person who, in the ordinary course of business, regularly 
    participates in the decision of whether or not to extend credit, 
    including persons such as a potential purchaser of an obligation who 
    influences the decision of whether or not to extend credit. For 
    purposes of Secs. 202.4 and 202.5(a) (the prohibitions against 
    discrimination and discouragement), brokers or others who regularly 
    refer applicants to creditors (or who select or offer to select 
    creditors to whom applications can be made) are also deemed creditors.
        As creditors expand their distribution systems for lending services 
    and products, they have increasingly asked for guidance about how the 
    definition of ``creditor'' applies when a lender acts in conjunction 
    with other parties and discrimination occurs. The question could arise 
    in the context of transactions in which a mortgage broker discriminates 
    in originating loans that are funded by or closed in the name of the 
    lender, for example, and also could arise in other types of lending, 
    such as automobile financing.
        Regulation B provides that a person (who may otherwise be a 
    creditor) is not a creditor regarding a violation of the ECOA or the 
    regulation committed by another creditor unless the person knew or had 
    reasonable notice of the act, practice, or policy that constituted the 
    violation before becoming involved in the credit transaction. The Board 
    solicits comment on whether it is desirable or feasible to provide 
    further guidance in this area, such as the circumstances under which a 
    creditor is deemed to have knowledge of the acts of other parties when 
    the creditor has participated in the decision to extend credit or set 
    the credit terms.
        Comment is solicited on the following:
        (1) Is it feasible for the regulation to provide more specific 
    guidance given that most issues will depend on the facts of a 
    particular case?
        (2) Should the current test--which relies on whether a person knew 
    or had reasonable notice of an act of discrimination--be modified? If 
    so, in what way?
        (3) Should the regulation address whether, and under what 
    circumstances, a creditor must monitor the pricing or other credit 
    terms when another creditor (for example, a broker) participates in the 
    5. Documentation for Business Credit
        Currently, Regulation B requires written applications if the credit 
    is primarily for the purchase or refinancing of an applicant's 
    principal dwelling. This rule does not apply to business credit. Many 
    requests for business credit are made orally or without a formal 
    written application. In such cases, a creditor usually requests that 
    the applicant submit a financial statement for evaluation. As a general 
    rule, Regulation B prohibits creditors from requiring the signature of 
    a person other than the applicant on any credit instrument where the 
    applicant is individually creditworthy. Where the financial statement 
    offered to support the business credit lists jointly held property and 
    is signed by both owners, some creditors are treating the financial 
    statement as a joint application. Accordingly, both owners often are 
    required to sign the note--even where the request for credit is being 
    made by only one of the property owners. The Board does not believe 
    that a joint property owner's signature on a financial statement to 
    attest to the accuracy or veracity of information is definitive 
    evidence of a joint application.
        Without documentation in the files other than the financial 
    statement, institutions may be required to spend considerable time and 
    expense establishing that an application was for joint, rather than 
    individual, credit. In addition, agencies that examine for compliance 
    with Regulation B may impose costs and other burdens on institutions 
    when it is difficult to determine whether a joint property owner 
    actually intended to be a joint applicant. Accordingly, the Board has 
    been asked to revise the regulation to provide guidance on what 
    mechanisms may be used by creditors to establish a joint property 
    owner's intent to apply for joint business credit.
        The Board solicits comment on the following:
    [[Page 12329]]
        (1) What are some mechanisms through which evidence of an 
    application for joint credit can be established?
        (2) Should the Board provide guidance to clarify the mechanisms 
    through which an application for joint credit can be evidenced? If not, 
    how can creditors ensure that their practices do not violate the 
    6. Business Credit Exemptions
        The ECOA authorizes the Board to exempt a class of transactions, or 
    a particular type of transaction within a class, if the Board 
    determines that the application of all or part of the regulation to 
    such transactions would not contribute substantially to effectuating 
    the purposes of the regulation. Pursuant to Section 703 of the ECOA, 
    the Board has exercised its authority to exempt business credit from 
    certain notification and record retention requirements for consumer 
    credit if the business had gross revenues in excess of $1 million in 
    its preceding fiscal year, or if the business requested an extension of 
    trade credit, credit incident to a factoring agreement, or other 
    similar types of business credit.
        Amendments to the ECOA contained in the Women's Business Ownership 
    Act of 1988 require the Board to review exemptions after five years to 
    determine whether an additional extension is appropriate. While the 
    exemptions for certain business credit do not affect the basic 
    prohibition against discrimination in credit transactions, the 
    exemptions do reduce burden for creditors by modifying the notice 
    requirements of the regulation under Sec. 202.9(a)(3) and the record 
    retention rules under Sec. 202.12(b)(5). The Board solicits comment on 
    whether these exemptions are still appropriate.
    7. Other Issues
        The Board solicits comments on any other broad policy issues that 
    should be addressed in the regulation.
        By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, March 6, 1998.
    William W. Wiles,
    Secretary of the Board.
    [FR Doc. 98-6325 Filed 3-11-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-P

Document Information

Federal Reserve System
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by May 29, 1998.
12326-12329 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Regulation B, Docket No. R-1008
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
12 CFR 202
12 CFR 203