97-6268. Proposed Information Collection to Be Submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Extension Approval  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 49 (Thursday, March 13, 1997)]
    [Pages 11910-11913]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-6268]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    Proposed Information Collection to Be Submitted to the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) for Extension Approval
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The information collection requirements listed below will be 
    submitted to OMB for extension approval under the provisions of the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Copies of specific information 
    collection requirements, related forms, and explanatory material may be 
    obtained by contacting the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) 
    Information Collection Clearance Officer at the address and/or phone 
    numbers listed below.
    DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before May 12, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Comments and suggestions on specific requirements should be 
    sent to the Service Information Collection Clearance Officer, U.S. Fish 
    and Wildlife Service, MS 224-ARLSQ; 1849 C Street, NW., Washington, DC 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Phyllis H. Cook, Service Information 
    Collection Clearance Officer at 703/358-1943; 703/358-2269 (fax).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Service proposes to submit the following 
    information collection requirements to OMB for review and extension 
    approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. 
    Comments are requested regarding (1) whether the collection of 
    information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 
    the agency, including whether the information will have practical 
    utility; (2) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of burden, including 
    the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (3) ways to 
    enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information to be 
    collected; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of 
    information on those who are to respond, including through the use of 
    appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological 
    collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
        Under the present clearance, all permit requirements were contained 
    in one submission and they were assigned OMB Approval 1018-0022, the 
    Federal Fish and Wildlife License/Permit Application and Related 
    Reports, Service Form No. 3-200. In an attempt to make the application 
    process and the comment process more ``user friendly,'' similar types 
    of permits have been grouped together and numbered. The application to 
    apply for Service permits issued under Subchapter B of Title 50 of the 
    Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) will still require completion of the 
    3-200 form. In addition to the permit application, attachments are 
    often necessary to provide additional information required for specific 
    types of permits, and have been assigned numbers also.
        The information collected on the permit application and attachments 
    will be used by the Service to review permit applications and allow the 
    Service to make decisions, according to criteria established in various 
    Federal wildlife conservation statutes and regulations, on the 
    issuance, suspension, revocation or denial of permits. The frequency of 
    response for the following types of permit applications/licenses is on 
    occasion, and all have been currently assigned OMB Control Number 1018-
    0022, unless otherwise noted.
        An agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information 
    unless the collection of information displays a currently valid OMB 
    control number and the agency informs the potential persons who are to 
    respond to such collections that they are not required to respond to 
    the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB 
    control number.
        1. Title: Import of Sport-hunted Trophies of Southern African 
    Leopard and African Elephant.
        Service form number: 3-200.19.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a Convention on 
    International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) permit can be issued 
    to allow the import of sport-hunted African leopard or African elephant 
    for personal use.
        Decription of respondents: Individuals and households; or 
    taxidermist (business) acting on behalf of an individual.
        Number of respondents: 1,000.
        Estimated completion time: 20 minutes.
        Total annual burden: 333 hours.
        2. Title: Import of Sport-hunted Trophies under the Endangered 
    Species Act (ESA) or ESA/Appendix I of CITES (excludes southern African 
    leopard and African elephant).
        Service form number 3-200.20.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether an ESA import permit or an 
    ESA/CITES import permit can be issued to allow the import of sport-
    hunted trophy of an ESA or ESA/CITES protected species for personal 
        Description of respondents: Individuals and households.
        Number or respondents: 50.
        Estimated completion time: 1 hour.
        Total annual burden: 50 hours.
        3. Title: Import of Sport-hunted Argali Trophies.
        Service form number: 3-200.21.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether an ESA import permit can 
    be issued to allow the import of a sport-hunted argali trophy from 
    Mongolia, Kyrgystan, and Tajikistan for personal use.
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households.
        Number of respondents: 30.
        Estimated completion time: .75 hours (45 minutes).
        Total annual burden: 22.5.
    [[Page 11911]]
        4. Title: Import of Sport-hunted Bontebok Trophies.
        Service form number: 3-200.22.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether an ESA import permit can 
    be issued to allow the import of sport-hunted bontebok trophy taken 
    from registered ranches in South Africa for personal use.
        Description of respondents: Individuals or household.
        Number of respondents: 60.
        Estimated completion time: .333 hours (20 minutes).
        Total annual burden: 20 hours.
        Title: Export of Pre-Convention, Pre-Act of Antique Animal 
        Service form number: 3-200.23.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether specimens (animal 
    products) qualify as an antique, as pre-convention under CITES, or as 
    pre-act under the ESA or the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), and 
    whether a pre-convention certificate can be issued to export animal 
    products from the United States.
        Description of respondents: Individuals and households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; State, local or Tribal 
    government; Federal Government.
        Number of respondents: 400.
        Estimated completion time: 40 minutes.
        Total annual burden: 267 hours.
        6. Title: Export of Live Animals (except raptors) Captive Born in 
    the United States under CITES.
        Service form number: 3-200.24.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES export permit or 
    captive-bred certificate can be issued to export U.S. born or hatched 
    specimens from the United States.
        Description of respondents: Individuals and households; business or 
    other for-profit; not for-profit institutions; state, local or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 800.
        Estimated completion time: 40 minutes.
        Total annual burden: 533 hours.
        7. Title: Export of Raptors.
        Service form number: 2-200.25.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES and Migratory Bird 
    Treaty Act export permit can be issued to export raptors from the 
    United States.
        Description of respondents: Individuals and households; not-for-
    profit institution.
        Number of respondents: 80.
        Estimated completion time: 2 hours.
        Total annual burden: 160 hours.
        8. Title: Export/Re-export/Pre-Convention of Animals Under CITES.
        Service form number: 3-200.27.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES export permit or 
    re-export certificate can be issued to export specimens of CITES listed 
    species (except for raptors) from the United States.
        This form was developed for applicants exporting pets that require 
    CITES permit or for those applicants who are not sure what type of 
    CITES permit they should apply for.
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; State, local or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents; 800.
        Estimated completion time: 666 hours (40 minutes).
        Total annual burden: 533 hours.
        9. Export/Re-export of Trophies by Taxidermists Under CITES.
        Service form number: 3-200.28.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES export permit or 
    re-export certificate can be issued to export specimens of CITES listed 
    species (except for raptors) from the United States. This form is 
    designed for use by taxidermists who deal with a smaller ranges of 
    species and do not export live specimens.
        Description of respondents: Business or other for-profit; 
    individuals with taxidermy as a hobby.
        Number of respondents: 150.
        Estimated completion time: .5 hours (30 minutes).
        Total annual burden: 75 hours.
        10. Title: Export/Re-export of Samples Collected from CITES and/or 
    ESA-listed Wildlife.
        Service form number: 3-200.29.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES export permit or 
    re-export certificate can be issued to export tissue samples from 
    specimens of CITES listed species from the United States.
        Description of respondents: Business or other for-profit; not-for-
    profit institution.
        Number of respondents: 80.
        Estimated completion time: 1 hour.
        Total annual burden: 80 hours.
        11. Title: Circuses and Traveling Animal Exhibitions.
        Services form number: 3-200.30.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES pre-Convention 
    certificate, export permit or captive-bred certificate and/or an ESA 
    export/re-import can be issued for a circus or live animal act to 
    export CITES or ESA listed species as part of a traveling animal 
        Description of respondents: Business or other for-profit.
        Number of respondents: 100.
        Estimated completion time: 1 hour.
        Total annual burden: 100 hours.
        12. Title: Import of Appendix-I Animals Under CITES.
        Service form number: 3-200.31.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES import permit can 
    be issued to allow the import of a specimen of an Appendix I CITES 
    listed species for non-commercial purposes.
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; State, local or Tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 40.
        Estimated completion time: 1 hour.
        Total annual burden: 40 hours.
        13. Title: Export/Re-export/Pre-Convention Plants under CITES.
        Service form number: 3-200.32.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES export permit or 
    re-export certificate can be issued to allow the export of a specimen 
    of a CITES listed plant species from the United States. This 
    application form was developed for export of plants that do not qualify 
    as artificially propagated or for use by applicants who are unsure of 
    which type of CITES plant export permit they should apply for.
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; state, local or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 40.
        Estimated completion time: 1 hour.
        Total annual burden: 40 hours.
        14. Title: Certificate for Artificially Propagated Plants.
        Service form number: 3-200.33.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES certificate of 
    artificially propagation can be issued to allow the export of specimens 
    CITES listed plant species from the United States.
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; state, local or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 48.
        Estimated completion time: 2 hours.
        Total annual burden: 96 hours.
        15. Title: Export of American Ginseng under CITES.
        Service form number: 3-200.34.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES export permit can 
    be issued to export either cultivated or wild ginseng from the United 
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; farms; state, local, or 
    tribal government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 80.
    [[Page 11912]]
        Estimated completion time: .333 hours (20 minutes).
        Total annual burden: 26 hours.
        16. Title Import of Appendix-I Plants Under CITES.
        Service form number: 3-200.35.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES import permit can 
    be issued to allow the import specimens of CITES Appendix I plant 
    species for non-commercial purposes.
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for profit institutions; state, local, or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 2.
        Estimated completion time: 1 hour.
        Total annual burden: 2 hours.
        17. Title: Export or Import of Plants under ESA or ESA CITES or 
    Interstate Commerce of Non-native ESA Plants.
        Service form number: 3-200.36.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether an ESA or ESA/CITES export 
    permit can be issued to allow the export of ESA or ESA/CITES protected 
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; farms; 
    business or other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; state, local 
    or tribal government; federal government
        Number of respondents: 2.
        Estimeated completion time: 1 hour.
        Total annual burden: 2 hours.
        18. Title: Export or Import of Animals under ESA or ESA/CITES or 
    Interstate Commerce of Non-native ESA Animals.
        Service form number: 3-200.37.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a permit can be issued to 
    import or export an ESA or ESA/CITES species for interstate commerce of 
    a non-native ESA protected species. This application can be used for 
    both live and dead specimens.
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; farms; 
    business or other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; state, 
    local, or tribal government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 60.
        Estimated completion time: 2 hours.
        Total annual burden: 120 hours.
        19. Title: Import or Samples Collected from CITES Appendix-I and/or 
    ESA-listed Wildlife.
        Service form number: 3-200.38.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a permit can be issued to 
    import tissue samples of ESA or ESA and CITES Appendix I species.
        Decription of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; state, local or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 30.
        Estimated completion time: 1 hour.
        Total annual burden: 30 hours.
        20. Title: Certificate of Scientific Exchange under CITES.
        Service form number: 3-200.39.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITES certificate of 
    scientific exchange can be issued to an institution in order to 
    exchange, on non-commercial loan, CITES specimens that are accessioned/
    catalogued in scientific institutions that are registered with the 
    CITES Secretariat. Issuance of this certificate includes registration 
    with the CITES Secretariat.
        Description of respondents: Business or other for-profit; not-for-
    profit institution.
        Number of respondents: 30.
        Estimated completion time: 1 hour.
        Total annual burden: 30 hours.
        21. Title: Export and Re-import of Museum Specimens under the ESA.
        Service form number: 3-200.40.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether an ESA permit can be 
    issued to export and re-import non-living museum specimens for the 
    purpose of enhancing the survival of the species.
        Description of respondents: Business or other for-profit; non-for-
    profit institutions.
        Number of respondents: 10.
        Estimated completion time: 1 hour.
        Total annual burden: 10 hours.
        22. Title: Captive-bred Wildlife Registration.
        Service form number: 3-200.41.
        Description and use: to evaluate whether a facility can become 
    registered to engage in take, export, re-import and interstate commerce 
    of non-native species protected by the ESA for the enhancement of the 
    species through captive-breeding.
        Note: There is an annual reporting requirement of this 
        Service form number: 3-200.41a.
        Estimated completion time: 3 hours (3-200.41) 2 hours (3-200.41a).
        Decription of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; state, local, or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 100.
        Estimated completion time: 3 hours.
        Total annual burden: 500 hours (including 200 hours record keeping 
    requirements for the annual report).
        23. Title: Import/Transport of Injuries Wildlife.
        Service form number: 3-200.42.
        Description and use: To evaluation whether a permit can be issued 
    to import and/or transport an injurious wildlife species of zoological, 
    educational, medical or scientific purposes as regulated by the Lacey 
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit istitutions; state, local, or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 100.
        Estimated completion time: 3 hours.
        Total annual burden: 300 hours.
        24. Title: Take/Import/Transport of Marine Mammals.
        Service form number: 3-200.42.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a permit can be issued to 
    take, import and/or transport a marine mammal species protected by the 
    MMPA and under the jurisdiction of the Service.
        Note: This permit requires the permittee to file an annual 
    report. There is not a specific form that is required, but the 
    information that must be submitted is outlined on the permit itself. 
    The estimated completion time is 1 hour.
        Description of respondents: Individuals and households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; state local, or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 30.
        Estimated completion time: 2 hours.
        Total annual burden: 90 hours (including 30 hours record keeping 
        25. Title: Registration of an Agent or Tannery.
        Service form number: 3-200.44 and 3-200.44a.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a person or business can 
    be come registered as an agency or tannery under the MMPA to act as an 
    agent to possess and process marine mammal products for Indians, 
    Aleuts, or Eskimos.
        Note: There is an annual reporting requirement for this permit 
    (3-200.44a) that requires an average of 1 hour to complete.
        Description of respondents: Individuals and households; business or 
    other for-profit
        Number of respondents: 10.
        Estimated completion time: .5 hours (30 minutes).
        Total annual burden: 150 hours (including 100 hours for annual 
        26. Title: Import of Sport-hunted Trophies of Polar Bear.
        Service form number(s): 3-200.45.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a person can be issued a 
    permit to import a sport-hunted polar bear trophy taken in Canada for 
    personal use.
        Number of respondents: 100,.
        Estimated completion time: .5 hours (30 minutes).
        Total annual burden: 50 hours.
        27. Title: Import Pet Birds.
        Service form number: 3-200.46.
    [[Page 11913]]
        OMB Approval Number: 1018-0084.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether an import permit can be 
    issued to a person to import pet bird(s) under the Wild Bird 
    Conservation Act (WBCA).
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households.
        Number of respondents: 500.
        Estimated completion time: 30 minutes.
        Total annual burden: 250 hours.
        28. Title: Import of Birds for Scientific Research or Zoological 
    Breeding Display.
        Service form number: 3-200.47.
        OMB Approval Number: 1018-0084.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether an import permit can be 
    issued to allow the import of birds under the WBCA approved cooperative 
    breeding program. The applicant must first have a cooperative breeding 
    program approved (using form 3-200.49) prior to applying for this 
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; state, local, or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 100.
        Estimated completion time: 2 hours.
        Total annual burden: 200 hours.
        29. Title: Import of Birds under an Apprived Cooperative Breeding 
        Service form number: 3-200.48.
        OMB Approved Number: 1018-0084.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether an import permit can be 
    issued to allow import of birds under a WBCA approved cooperaitve 
    breeding program. The applicant must first have a cooperaitve breeding 
    program approved (using form 3-200.49) prior to applicaiton.
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions.
        Number of respondents: 100.
        Estimated completion time: 1 hour.
        Total annual burden: 100 hours.
        30. title: Approval under a Cooperative Breeding Program.
        Service form number: 3-200.49
        OMB Approved Number: 1018-0084.
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a cooperative breeding 
    program can be approved for the import of birds as regulated by the 
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; state, local, or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 100.
        Estimated completion time: 3 hours.
        Total annual burden: 300 hours.
        31. Title: Reissuance of CITIES Permit/Certificate of Renewal of 
    Fish and Wildlife Permits or Registrations.
        Service form number: 3-200.52
        Description and use: Necessary for applicants to apply for 
    reissuance or renewal of previously issued permits, certificates or 
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; state, local, or tribal 
    government; federa government.
        Number of respondents: 200.
        Estimated completion time: .25 hours (15 minutes).
        Total annual burden: 50 hours.
        32. Title: Export Re-export of Marine Mammals under CITIES.
        Service form number: 3-200.53
        Description and use: To evaluate whether a CITIES export permit or 
    re-export certificate can be issued to allow the export or re-export of 
    marine mammals protected under the MMPA.
        Description of respondents: Individuals or households; business or 
    other for-profit; not-for-profit institutions; state, local, or tribal 
    government; federal government.
        Number of respondents: 20.
        Estimated completion time: 2 hours.
        Total annual burden: 40 hours.
        Dated March 3, 1997.
    Marshall P. Jones, Jr.,
    Assistant Director--International Affairs.
    [FR Doc. 97-6268 Filed 3-12-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-M

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Comments must be submitted on or before May 12, 1997.
11910-11913 (4 pages)
PDF File: