95-6312. Financial Assistance for Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessments to Encourage Research Projects for Improvement in the Stock Conditions of the Chesapeake Bay Fisheries  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 50 (Wednesday, March 15, 1995)]
    [Pages 13963-13967]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-6312]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    [Docket No. 95-0222054-5054-01; I.D. 021495A]
    RIN 0648-ZA15
    Financial Assistance for Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessments to 
    Encourage Research Projects for Improvement in the Stock Conditions of 
    the Chesapeake Bay Fisheries
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of availability of funds.
    SUMMARY: A total of $540,000 in Fiscal Year (FY) 1995 funds is 
    available through the NOAA/NMFS Chesapeake Bay Office to assist 
    interested state fishery agencies, academic institutions, and other 
    nonprofit organizations relating to cooperative research units, in 
    carrying out research projects to provide information for Chesapeake 
    Bay Stock Assessments through cooperative agreements. About $180,000 of 
    the base amount is available to initiate new projects in FY 1995, as 
    described in this announcement. NMFS issues this notice describing the 
    conditions under which eligible applications will be accepted and how 
    NMFS will determine which applications will be selected for funding.
    DATES: Applications for funding under this program will be accepted 
    until May 1, 1995, 6 p.m. eastern standard time. Applications received 
    after that time will not be considered for funding. No applications 
    will be accepted by facsimile machine submission.
        Successful applicants generally will be selected approximately 90 
    days from the date of publication in the Federal Register of this 
    notice. The earliest date for awards will be approximately 180 days 
    after the date of publication in the Federal Register of this notice.
    ADDRESSES: Send applications to: M. Elizabeth Gillelan, Division Chief, 
    NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, NMFS, 410 Severn Avenue, Suite 107A, 
    Annapolis, MD 21403.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: M. Elizabeth Gillelan, 410/267-5660.
    I. Introduction
        A. Authority. The Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956, as amended, at 16 
    U.S.C. 753 (a), authorizes the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary), for 
    the purpose of developing adequate, coordinated, cooperative research 
    and training programs for fish and wildlife resources, to continue to 
    enter into cooperative agreements with colleges and universities, with 
    game and fish departments of the several states, and with nonprofit 
    organizations relating to cooperative research units. The Departments 
    of Commerce (DOC), Justice, State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies 
    Appropriations Act of 1995 makes funds available to the Secretary.
        B. Catalog of Federal assistance. The research to be funded is in 
    support of the Chesapeake Bay Studies (CFDA 11.457), under the 
    Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessment Committee (CBSAC).
        C. Program description. The CBSAC was established in 1985 to plan 
    and review Bay-wide resource assessments, coordinate relevant actions 
    of state and Federal agencies, report on fisheries status and trends, 
    and determine, fund and review research projects. The program 
    implements a Bay-wide plan for the assessment of commercially, 
    recreationally, and selected ecologically important species in the 
    Chesapeake Bay. In 1988, CBSAC developed a Bay-wide Stock Assessment 
    Plan, in response to provisions in the Chesapeake Bay Agreement of 
    1987. The plan identified that key obstacles to assessing Bay stocks 
    were the lack of consistent, Bay-wide, fishery-dependent and fishery-
    independent data. Research projects funded since 1988 have focused on 
    developing and improving fishery-independent surveys and catch 
    statistics for key Bay species, such as striped bass, oysters, blue 
    crabs, and alosids. Stock assessment research is essential, given the 
    recent declines in harvest and apparent stock condition for many of the 
    important species of the Chesapeake Bay.
    II. Areas of Special Emphasis
        A. Proposals should exhibit familiarity with related work that is 
    completed or ongoing. Where appropriate, proposals should be 
    multidisciplinary. Coordinated efforts involving multiple eligible 
    applicants or persons are encouraged. Eligible women and minority owned 
    and operated non-profit organizations are encouraged to apply.
        Consideration for funding will be given to applications that 
    address the following stock assessment research and management 
    priorities for the Chesapeake Bay. These are listed in priority order:
        1. Design and development of a Bay-wide recreational survey for 
    blue crabs. This study should provide not only estimates of blue crab 
    harvest by category (eg., hard, soft, peeler) and associated effort, 
    but also biological [[Page 13964]] sample data on size or age 
    distribution of the recreational harvest. This could be designed as a 
    stand-alone survey, or as a supplement to the NMFS Marine Recreational 
    Fisheries Statistics Survey (MRFSS).
        A major impediment to understanding the status of the fishery 
    resources in the Chesapeake Bay is the lack of knowledge of the total 
    removals, by fishing, of important fish and shellfish species. While 
    estimates of commercial catches from both Maryland and Virginia are 
    available based on state reporting requirements, estimates of 
    recreational blue crab harvest are not available for most years. A main 
    concern to be addressed in the design of this survey is the difficulty 
    in obtaining estimates of recreational blue crab catches since much of 
    the harvest is landed at private, rather than public, docks and ramps.
        The recreational survey design should be consistent with the model 
    of the NMFS MRFSS, with its two principal design components. First, a 
    telephone survey instrument used to enumerate total period and seasonal 
    directed fishing effort by mode. Secondly, an access intercept survey 
    component to estimate period/seasonal mean catch-rate by mode and 
    category, and the collection of biological characterization data.
        Proposals for this priority must address the following aspects of 
    the survey design.
        a. Identification of the access-intercept sampling frame, 
        (1) List of all access sites.
        (2) Detailed model for scheduling the temporal and geographic 
    distribution of field interviews within the sampling frame, and the 
    routing scheme among access sites.
        (3) Description of information to be obtained from interviews, 
    specifically the interview survey questionnaire.
        (4) Description of the nature and manner of collection of 
    biological samples which will minimally include size, sex, and category 
    by mode.
        b. Identification of the telephone survey sampling frame, 
        (1) Specifications of who is included in the sampling frame and how 
    this was determined.
        (2) Complete description of the temporal distribution of telephone 
    calls and associated sample size requirements.
        (3) Specification of the interview survey questionnaire.
        c. Completion of a pilot study, which will successfully demonstrate 
    the effectiveness of the above two survey components for the estimation 
    and characterization of blue crab recreational harvest. The pilot study 
    should minimally address the following:
        (1) Comparisons of catch rates among the various fishing modes, 
    methods, and times, etc. which will serve as the basis for determining 
    the proportional sampling needed to provide unbiased estimates.
        (2) Identification and resolution of any deficiencies in the 
    sampling frame.
        (3) Final estimates of the pilot study period recreational harvest 
    by category, mode (with associated effort) and measures of percent 
    standard error about the point estimates.
        Copies of a report of a workshop which discussed concerns specific 
    to the design of a recreational blue crab survey may be obtained from 
    the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office.
        2. Design and conduct a study to determine the discard mortality 
    and discard size frequencies in the commercial and recreational 
    fisheries in Chesapeake Bay. This study should provide information on 
    the reason for discard (e.g., minimum size regulation, lack of market, 
    etc.), the length distribution of discards, and discard mortality 
    rates, primarily for summer flounder and bluefish, as well as other 
    important Bay species. This is to be a onetime study, not a design 
    effort for future implementation.
        Discard information is limited and current assessments are forced 
    to use analogous information from other species and limited areas. Data 
    from this study would be a valuable improvement in coastwide 
        3. Design of a cost-effective American shad mark-and-recapture 
    (tagging) study which would provide abundance and mortality estimates 
    for Chesapeake Bay stocks. There is currently a Bay-wide moratorium on 
    the harvest of American shad, yet coastal intercept fisheries continue 
    to harvest this species. This study should be designed to identify 
    which fisheries harvest Bay stocks, and provide estimates of the 
    abundance and mortality rates for those stocks.
        B. Applications addressing the priorities should build upon, or 
    take into account, any related past or current work.
    III. How to Apply
        A. Eligible Applicants. Applications for cooperative agreements 
    under the Chesapeake Bay Studies Program may be submitted, in 
    accordance with the procedures set forth in this notice, by any state 
    game and fish department, college or university, or other nonprofit 
    organizations relating to cooperative research units. Other Federal 
    agencies or institutions are not eligible to receive Federal assistance 
    under this notice.
        DOC/NOAA/NMFS employees, including full-time, part-time, and 
    intermittent personnel (or their spouses or blood relatives who are 
    members of their immediate households) are not eligible to submit an 
    application under this solicitation or aid in the preparation of an 
    application, except to provide information on program goals, funding 
    priorities, application procedures, and completion of application 
    forms. Since this is a competitive program, assistance will not be 
    provided in conceptualizing, developing, or structuring proposals.
        Eligible applicants outside the Chesapeake Bay region may submit 
    proposals, as long as their objectives support the technical and 
    management priorities of the Chesapeake Bay, as defined in section 
    II.A. above. All solicited proposals received by the closing date will 
    be considered by NMFS.
        B. Duration and terms of funding. Under this solicitation, NMFS 
    will fund Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessment Research Projects for 1 year 
    cooperative agreements. The cooperative agreement has been determined 
    as the appropriate funding instrument because of the substantial 
    involvement of NMFS in:
        1. Developing program research priorities;
        2. Evaluating the performance of the program for effectiveness in 
    meeting regional goals for Chesapeake Bay stock assessments;
        3. Monitoring the progress of each funded project;
        4. Holding periodic workshops with investigators; and
        5. Working with recipients in preparation of annual reports 
    summarizing current accomplishments of the Chesapeake Bay Stock 
    Assessment Committee. Project dates should be scheduled to begin no 
    later than 1 October 1995. Cooperative agreements are approved on an 
    annual basis but may be considered eligible for continuation beyond the 
    first project and budget period subject to the approved scope of work, 
    satisfactory progress, and availability of funds at the total 
    discretion of NMFS. However, there are no assurances for such 
    continuation. Publication of this notice does not obligate NMFS to 
    award any specific cooperative agreement or to obligate any part of the 
    entire amount of funds available.
        C. Cost Sharing. Applications must reflect the total budget 
    necessary to accomplish the project, including contributions and/or 
    donations. Cost sharing is not required under the Chesapeake Bay Stock 
    Assessment Research Program. However, cost sharing is encouraged to 
    enhance the [[Page 13965]] value of a project, and in case of a tie in 
    considering proposals for funding, cost sharing may affect the final 
    decision. The appropriateness of all cost sharing will be determined on 
    the basis of guidance provided in applicable Federal cost principles. 
    If an applicant chooses to share costs, and if that application is 
    selected for funding, the applicant will be bound by the percentage of 
    cost sharing reflected in the award documents.
        The non-Federal share may include funds received from private 
    sources or from state or local governments or the value of in-kind 
    contributions. Federal funds may not be used to meet the non-Federal 
    share of matching funds, except as provided by Federal statute. In-kind 
    contributions are noncash contributions provided by the applicant or 
    non-Federal third parties. In-kind contributions may be in the form of, 
    but are not limited to, personal services rendered in carrying out 
    functions related to the project, and permission to use real or 
    personal property owned by others (for which consideration is not 
    required) in carrying out the project. To support the budget, the 
    applicant must describe briefly the basis for estimating the value of 
    the non-Federal funds derived from in-kind contributions.
        The total cost of a project begins on the effective date of a 
    cooperative agreement between the applicant and an authorized 
    representative of the U.S. Government and ends on the date specified in 
    the award. Accordingly, the time expended and costs incurred in either 
    the development of a project or the financial assistance application, 
    or in any subsequent discussions or negotiations prior to the award, 
    are neither reimbursable nor recognizable as part of the recipient's 
    cost share.
        D. Format. 1. Applications for project funding must be complete. 
    Applicants must identify the specific research priority or priorities 
    to which they are responding. For applications containing more than one 
    project, each project component must be identified individually using 
    the format specified in this section. If an application is not in 
    response to a priority, it should be so stated. Applicants should not 
    assume prior knowledge on the part of NMFS as to the relative merits of 
    the project described in the application. Applications are not to be 
    bound in any manner and should be one-sided. All incomplete 
    applications will be returned to the applicant. Applicants must submit 
    one signed original and two copies of the complete application.
        2. Applications must be submitted in the following format:
        a. Cover sheet: An applicant must use OMB Standard Form 424 
    (revised 4-92) as the cover sheet for each project. Applicants may 
    obtain copies of these forms from the NOAA Grants Management Division 
    or the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office (see ADDRESSES).
        b. Project summary: Each proposal must contain a summary of not 
    more than one page that provides the following:
        (1) Project title.
        (2) Project status (new).
        (3) Project duration (beginning and ending dates).
        (4) Name, address, and telephone number of applicant.
        (5) Principal Investigator(s).
        (6) Project objectives.
        (7) Summary of work to be performed.
        (8) Total Federal funds requested.
        (9) Cost sharing to be provided from non-Federal sources, if any. 
    Specify whether contributions are project-related cash or in-kind.
        (10) Total project cost.
        c. Project description: Each project must be completely and 
    accurately described. Each project description may be up to 15 pages in 
    length. If an application is awarded, NMFS will make all portions of 
    the project description available to the public for review; therefore, 
    NMFS cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any information submitted 
    as part of any project, nor will NMFS accept for consideration any 
    project requesting confidentiality of any part of the project.
        Each project must be described as follows:
        (1) Identification of problem(s): Describe the specific problem to 
    be addressed and the area of emphasis to which the project responds 
    (see section II above).
        (2) Project objectives: This is one of the most important parts of 
    the Project Proposal. Use the following guidelines for stating the 
    objective of the project.
        (a) Keep it simple and easily understandable.
        (b) Be as specific and quantitative as possible.
        (c) Specify the ``what and when;'' avoid the ``how and why.''
        (d) Keep it attainable within the time, money, and human resources 
        (e) Use action verbs that are accomplishment oriented.
        (3) Need for Government financial assistance: Demonstrate the need 
    for assistance. Any appropriate database to substantiate or reinforce 
    the need for the project should be included. Explain why other funding 
    sources cannot fund all the proposed work. List all other sources of 
    funding that are or have been sought for the project.
        (4) Benefits or results expected: Identify and document the results 
    or benefits to be derived from the proposed activities.
        (5) Project statement of work: The Statement of Work is the 
    scientific or technical action plan of activities that are to be 
    accomplished during each budget period of the project. This description 
    must include the specific methodologies, by project job activity, 
    proposed for accomplishing the proposal's objective(s). If the work 
    described in this section does not contain sufficient detail to allow 
    for proper technical evaluation, NMFS will not consider the application 
    for funding and will return it to the applicant.
        Investigators submitting proposals in response to this announcement 
    are strongly encouraged to develop inter-institutional, inter-
    disciplinary research teams in the form of single, integrated proposals 
    or as individual proposals that are clearly linked together. Such 
    collaborative efforts will be factored into the final funding decision.
        Each Statement of Work must include the following information:
        (a) The applicant's name.
        (b) The inclusive dates of the budget period covered under the 
    Statement of Work.
        (c) The title of the proposal.
        (d) The scientific or technical objectives and procedures that are 
    to be accomplished during the budget period. Devise a detailed set of 
    objectives and procedures to answer who, what, how, when, and where. 
    The procedures must be of sufficient detail to enable competent workers 
    to be able to follow them and to complete scheduled activities.
        (e) Location of the work.
        (f) A list of all project personnel and their responsibilities.
        (g) A milestone table that summarizes the procedures (from item 
    III.D.2.c.(5)(d)) that are to be attained in each month covered by the 
    Statement of Work.
        (6) Participation by persons or groups other than the applicant: 
    Describe the level of participation required in the project(s) by NOAA 
    or other government and non-government entities. Specific NOAA 
    employees should not be named in the initial proposal.
        (7) Federal, state and local government activities: List any 
    programs (Federal, state, or local government or activities, including 
    Sea Grant, state Coastal Zone Management Programs, NOAA Oyster Disease 
    Research Program, the state/Federal Chesapeake Bay Program, etc.) this 
    project would affect and describe the relationship 
    [[Page 13966]] between the project and those plans or activities.
        (8) Project management: Describe how the project will be organized 
    and managed. Include resumes of principal investigators. List all 
    persons directly employed by the applicant who will be involved with 
    the project. If a consultant and/or subcontractor is selected prior to 
    application submission, include the name and qualifications of the 
    consultant and/or subcontractor and the process used for selection.
        (9) Monitoring of project performance: Identify who will 
    participate in monitoring the project.
        (10) Project impacts: Describe the impact of the project in terms 
    of anticipated increased production, sales, product quality and safety, 
    improved management, or any other values that will be produced by this 
    project. Describe how these products or services will be made available 
    to the fisheries and management communities.
        (11) Evaluation of project: The applicant is required to provide an 
    evaluation of project accomplishments at the end of each budget period 
    and in the final report. The application must describe the methodology 
    or procedures to be followed to determine technical feasibility, or to 
    quantify the results of the project in promoting increased production, 
    product quality and safety, management effectiveness, or other 
    measurable factors.
        (12) Total project costs: Total project cost is the amount of funds 
    required to accomplish what is proposed in the Statement of Work, and 
    includes contributions and donations. All costs must be shown in a 
    detailed budget. A standard budget form (SF-424A) is available from the 
    offices listed (see ADDRESSES). NMFS will not consider fees or profits 
    as allowable costs for grantees. Additional cost detail may be required 
    prior to a final analysis of overall cost allowability, allocability, 
    and reasonableness. The date, period covered, and findings for the most 
    recent financial audit performed, as well as the name of the audit 
    firm, the contact person, and phone number and address, must be also 
        d. Supporting documentation: Provide any required documents and any 
    additional information necessary or useful to the description of the 
    project. The amount of information will depend on the type of project 
    proposed, but should be no more than 20 pages. The applicant should 
    present any information that would emphasize the value of the project 
    in terms of the significance of the problems addressed. Without such 
    information, the merits of the project may not be fully understood, or 
    the value of the project may be underestimated. The absence of adequate 
    supporting documentation may cause reviewers to question assertions 
    made in describing the project and may result in lower ranking of the 
    project. Information presented in this section should be clearly 
    referenced in the project description.
    IV. Evaluation Criteria and Selection Procedures
        A. Initial evaluation of applications. Applications will be 
    reviewed by NOAA to assure that they meet all requirements of this 
    announcement, including eligibility and relevance to the Chesapeake Bay 
    Stock Assessment Research Program.
        B. Consultation with experts in the field of stock assessment 
    research. For applications meeting the requirements of this 
    solicitation, NMFS will conduct a technical evaluation of each project 
    prior to any other review. This review normally will involve experts 
    from non-NOAA as well as NOAA organizations. All comments submitted to 
    NMFS will be taken into consideration in the technical evaluation of 
    projects. Technical evaluators will submit independent reviews to NMFS. 
    Reviewers will be asked to comment on the following evaluation 
        1. Problem description and conceptual approach for resolution, 
    especially the applicant's comprehension of the problem(s), familiarity 
    with related work that is completed or ongoing, and the overall concept 
    proposed to resolve the problem(s) (30 points).
        2. Soundness of project design/technical approach, especially 
    whether the applicant provided sufficient information to technically 
    evaluate the project and, if so, the strengths and weaknesses of the 
    technical design proposed for problem resolution (35 points).
        3. Project management and experience and qualifications of 
    personnel, including organization and management of the project, and 
    the personnel experience and qualifications (15 points).
        4. Justification and allocation of the budget in terms of the work 
    to be performed (20 points).
        C. Review Panel. NMFS will convene a review panel consisting of at 
    least three regionally recognized experts in the scientific and 
    management aspects of stock assessment research who will conduct 
    reviews as follows:
        1. Evaluate technical reviews.
        2. Provide independent review based on the same criteria as the 
    technical review.
        3. Discuss all review comments as a panel.
        4. Provide individual panelist scores and suggestions for 
    modifications (i.e., budget, personnel, technical approach, etc.).
        D. Funding decision. 1. Applications will be ranked by NMFS into 
    two groups: (a) Recommended, and (b) not recommended. As previously 
    stated (section III A.1.), collaborative proposals and applications 
    which propose a cost share are strongly encouraged, and therefore will 
    be given added weight in the selection process. Numeric ranking will be 
    the major consideration for deciding which of the ``recommended'' 
    proposals will be selected for funding.
        2. After projects have been ranked for funding, the Chief of the 
    NOAA/NMFS Chesapeake Bay Office, in consultation with the Assistant 
    Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA, will determine the projects to be 
    recommended for funding based upon the technical evaluations, panel 
    review, and the evaluation factors; ascertain which projects do not 
    substantially duplicate other projects that are currently funded by 
    NOAA or are approved for funding by other Federal offices; and, 
    determine the amount of funds available for the program. The exact 
    amount of funds awarded to each project will be determined in preaward 
    negotiations between the applicant, the Grants Office, and the NOAA/
    NMFS Chesapeake Bay Office staff.
    V. Administrative Requirements
        A. Obligations of the applicant. 1. Deliverables--In addition to 
    quarterly status and budget reports, and at the time of submission of 
    the final report of results of funded projects, recipients must submit 
    a four-to-five page summary of project work and results that will be 
    compiled in a report of Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessment Research 
    Program results. Projects that produce non-experimental data must have 
    copies of these data transferred to the NOAA/NMFS Chesapeake Bay Office 
    in both compiled, hard copy format, and as a verified, electronic data 
    file. Full, clearly stated documentation of the contents of such data 
    files must be submitted with these data.
        2. Periodic workshops--Investigators will be expected to attend one 
    or two workshops with other Stock Assessment Research Program 
    researchers to encourage interdisciplinary dialogue and forge synthesis 
    of results.
        3. Primary applicant certifications--All primary applicants must 
    submit a [[Page 13967]] completed Form CD-511, ``Certifications 
    Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; Drug-
    Free Workplace Requirements and Lobbying,'' and the following 
    explanations are hereby provided:
        a. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension--Prospective 
    participants (as defined at 15 CFR 26.105) are subject to 15 CFR part 
    26, ``Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension,'' and the related 
    section of the certification form prescribed above applies;
        b. Drug-free workplace--Grantees (as defined at 15 CFR 26.605) are 
    subject to 15 CFR part 26, subpart F, ``Governmentwide Requirements for 
    Drug-Free Workplace (Grants),'' and the related section of the 
    certification form prescribed above applies;
        c. Anti-lobbying--Persons (as defined at 15 CFR 28.105) are subject 
    to the lobbying provisions of 31 U.S.C. 1352, ``Limitation on use of 
    appropriated funds to influence certain Federal contracting and 
    financial transactions,'' and the lobbying section of the certification 
    form prescribed above applies to applications/bids for grants, 
    cooperative agreements, and contracts for more than $100,000, and loans 
    and loan guarantees for more than $150,000, or the single family 
    maximum mortgage limit for affected programs, whichever is greater; and
        d. Anti-lobbying disclosure--Any applicant who has paid or will pay 
    for lobbying using any funds must submit an SF-LLL, ``Disclosure of 
    Lobbying Activities,'' as required under 15 CFR part 28, appendix B.
        4. Lower tier certifications--Recipients shall require applicants/
    bidders for subgrants, contracts, subcontracts, or other lower tier 
    covered transactions at any tier under the award to submit, if 
    applicable, a completed Form CD-512, ``Certifications Regarding 
    Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier 
    Covered Transactions and Lobbying'' and disclosure form SF-LLL, 
    ``Disclosure of Lobbying Activities.'' Form CD-512 is intended for the 
    use of recipients and should not be transmitted to DOC. SF-LLL 
    submitted by any tier recipient or subrecipient should be submitted to 
    DOC in accordance with the instructions contained in the award 
        B. Other requirements. 1. Federal policies and procedures--
    Recipients and subrecipients are subject to all Federal laws and 
    Federal and DOC policies, regulations, and procedures applicable to 
    Federal financial assistance awards.
        2. Indirect cost rates--The total dollar amount of the indirect 
    costs proposed in an application under this program must not exceed the 
    current indirect cost rate negotiated and approved by a cognizant 
    Federal agency. NOAA's acceptance of negotiated rates is subject to 
    total indirect costs not to exceed 100% of total direct costs. This 
    language is pursuant to the NOAA Grants and Cooperative Agreements 
    Policy Manual, Chapter 3(B)(2).
        3. Past performance--Unsatisfactory performance under prior Federal 
    awards may result in an application not being considered for funding. 
    In addition, any recipient and/or researcher who is past due for 
    submitting acceptable progress reports on any previous project funded 
    under this program may be ineligible to be considered for new awards 
    until the delinquent reports are received, reviewed and deemed 
    acceptable by NMFS.
        4. Financial management certifications/preaward accounting survey--
    Successful applicants, at the discretion of the NOAA Grants Officer, 
    may be required to have their financial management systems certified by 
    an independent public accountant as being in compliance with Federal 
    standards specified in the applicable OMB Circulars prior to execution 
    of the award. Any first-time applicant for Federal grant funds may be 
    subject to a preaward accounting survey by the DOC prior to execution 
    of the award.
        5. Delinquent Federal debts--No award of Federal funds shall be 
    made to an applicant who has an outstanding delinquent Federal debt 
    until either:
        a. The delinquent account is paid in full;
        b. A negotiated repayment schedule is established and at least one 
    payment is received; or
        c. Other arrangements satisfactory to DOC are made.
        6. Name checks--Potential recipients may be required to submit an 
    ``Identification-Application for Funding Assistance'' (Form CD-346), 
    which is used to ascertain background information on key individuals 
    associated with the potential recipient. All non-profit and for-profit 
    applicants are subject to a name check review process. Name checks are 
    intended to reveal if any key individuals associated with the applicant 
    have been convicted of or are presently facing, criminal charges such 
    as fraud, theft, perjury, or other matters that significantly reflect 
    on the applicant's management honesty or financial integrity. 
    Applicants will also be subject to credit check reviews.
        7. False statements--A false statement on the application is 
    grounds for denial or termination of funds and grounds for possible 
    punishment by a fine or imprisonment as provided in 18 U.S.C. 1001.
        8. Preaward activities--If applicants incur any costs prior to an 
    award being made, they do so solely at their own risk of not being 
    reimbursed by the Government. Notwithstanding any verbal or written 
    assurance that may have been received, there is no obligation on the 
    part of DOC to cover preaward costs.
        9. Purchase of American-made equipment and products--Applicants are 
    hereby notified that they will be encouraged, to the greatest extent 
    practicable, to purchase American-made equipment and products with 
    funding provided under this program in accordance with Congressional 
    intent as set forth in the resolution contained in Public Law 103-317, 
    sections 607(a) and (b).
        10. Other--If an application is selected for funding, DOC has no 
    obligation to provide any additional funding in connection with that 
    award. Renewal of an award to increase funding or extend the period of 
    performance is at the total discretion of DOC.
        Cooperative agreements awarded pursuant to pertinent statutes shall 
    be in accordance with the Fisheries Research Plan (comprehensive 
    program of fisheries research) in effect on the date of the award.
        This action has been determined to be not significant for purposes 
    of E.O. 12866.
        Applications under this program are subject to Executive Order 
    12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.''
        Prior notice and an opportunity for public comment are not required 
    by the Administrative Procedure Act or any other law for this notice 
    concerning grants, benefits, and contracts. Therefore, a regulatory 
    flexibility analysis is not required for purposes of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act.
        This notice contains collections of information subject to the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act, which have been approved by OMB under OMB 
    control numbers 0348-0043, 0348-0044, and 0605-0001.
        Dated: March 7, 1995.
    Gary Matlock,
    Program Management Officer, National Marine Fisheries Service.
    [FR Doc. 95-6312 Filed 3-14-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-F

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of availability of funds.
Document Number:
Applications for funding under this program will be accepted until May 1, 1995, 6 p.m. eastern standard time. Applications received after that time will not be considered for funding. No applications will be accepted by facsimile machine submission.
13963-13967 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 95-0222054-5054-01, I.D. 021495A
PDF File: