2023-05226. TEGNA Inc., SGCI Holdings III LLC, and CMG Media Operating Company, LLC, Applications for Transfer of Control and Assignment of Certain Subsidiaries  

  • Start Preamble


    Federal Communications Commission.




    This document commences a hearing in connection with a series of applications filed by TEGNA Inc. (TEGNA), SGCI Holdings III LLC (SGCI Holdings), and CMG Media Operating Company, LLC (CMG) seeking Commission consent to the transfer of control and/or assignment of broadcast television station licenses. By this document, the Media Bureau has designated two discrete substantial and material questions of fact for hearing, namely: (1) are the Transactions structured in a way that is likely to trigger a rate increase harmful to consumers, as a result of contractual clauses that take immediate effect after the consummation of the Transactions, and (2) will the Transactions reduce or impair localism, including whether they will result in labor reductions at local stations.


    Persons desiring to participate as parties in the hearing shall file a petition for leave to intervene no later than April 14, 2023.


    File documents with the Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 45 L Street NE, Washington, DC 20554, with a copy mailed to each party to the proceeding. Each document that is filed in this proceeding must display on the front page the docket number of this hearing, “MB Docket No. 22-162.”

    Start Further Info


    Jeremy Miller, Media Bureau, at (202) 418-1507 or jeremy.miller@fcc.gov.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    This is a summary of the Hearing Designation Order (Order), MB Docket No. 22-162, MB 22-149, adopted and released on February 24, 2023. The complete text of this document, including attachments and any related document, is available on the Commission's website at https://www.fcc.gov/​transaction/​standard-general-tegna or by using the search function on the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) web page at www.fcc.gov/​ecfs. Alternative formats are available to persons with disabilities by sending an email to FCC504@fcc.gov or by calling the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice), (202) 418-0432 (TTY).

    Summary of the Hearing Designation Order

    In four sets of applications initially filed on March 18, 2022 and last amended on April 1, 2022, TEGNA Inc. (TEGNA), SGCI Holdings III LLC (SGCI Holdings), and CMG Media Operating Company, LLC (CMG) (collectively, the Applicants) sought consent to transfer control of TEGNA to SGCI Holdings, as well as three other sets of applications filed contemporaneously seeking consent for a series of related transactions: (1) the transfer of control of the four full power television stations of Community News Media LLC (CNM) to a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMG; (2) the transfer of control of Teton Parent Corp. (TPC), the parent company of licensee WFXT(TV), Boston, Massachusetts, from a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMG to SGCI Holdings; and (3) immediately upon consummation of the merger of TEGNA with TPC, the assignment of the licenses of four full-power television stations from subsidiaries of post-merger TEGNA to indirect, wholly-owned subsidiaries of CMG (collectively, the Transactions).

    In addition, the Applicants and affiliated entities filed letters with the Commission putting forth certain commitments, including (1) a December 16, 2022 letter from SGCI Holdings and Standard General, L.P. addressing “the applicability of retransmission consent agreements to the TEGNA stations that will be controlled by Standard General L.P. and SGCI Holdings . . . following the [Transactions],” Letter from Soohyung Kim, SGCI Holdings and Standard General, L.P., to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, Dkt. No. 22-162 (filed Dec. 16, 2022) (SG Waiver Letter); and (2) a December 22, 2022 letter from SGCI Holdings and Standard General, L.P. addressing concerns raised regarding reduction of local jobs after consummation of the Transactions, Letter from Soohyung Kim, SGCI Holdings and Standard General, L.P., to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, Dkt. No. 22-162 (filed Dec. 22, 2022) (SG Staffing Letter)).

    Multiple parties filed petitions and other formal pleadings seeking, among other things, to dismiss or deny the Transactions. These parties' arguments include objections that the structure of the Transactions would unfairly harm subscribers through increased multichannel video programming distributors (MVPD) subscription prices resulting from the triggering of after- Start Printed Page 16007 acquired clauses in retransmission contracts. More specifically, some parties raise concerns with the structure and sequencing of the Transactions and the perceived exploitation of contractual provisions in the retransmission consent agreements held by the stations, which they allege would result in the imposition of higher retransmission fees in a manner inconsistent with a functioning, competitive marketplace. Opponents also argue that the Transactions undermine localism by reducing the amount and scope of local news coverage because the Applicants' business intentions and commitments include reporter layoffs.

    Section 310(d) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 310(d), provides that no station license shall be transferred or assigned unless the Commission, on application, determines that the public interest, convenience, and necessity will be served thereby. If the transaction would not violate a statute or rule, the Commission considers whether it could result in public interest harms by substantially frustrating or impairing the objectives or implementation of the Act or related statutes. Under Section 309(d) of the Act, “[i]f a substantial and material question of fact is presented or if the Commission for any reason is unable to find that grant of the application would be consistent [with the public interest, convenience, and necessity],” it must formally designate the application for a hearing in accordance with Section 309(e) of the Act. 47 U.S.C. 309(d) and (e). Courts have stated that, in reviewing the record, the Commission must designate an application for hearing if “the totality of the evidence arouses a sufficient doubt” as to whether grant of the application would serve the public interest. Serafyn v. FCC, 149 F.3d 1213, 1216 (D.C. Cir. 1998) (quoting Citizens for Jazz on WRVR Inc. v. FCC, 775 F.2d 392, 395 (D.C. Cir. 1985)).

    Potential Public Interest Harm from Increased Retransmission Consent Fees. Pursuant to section 325 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. 325(b), MVPDs may retransmit the signal of a local broadcast television station on a cable or satellite television system only with the station's permission. To facilitate the carriage of local stations, the Act permits licensees of commercial television stations to elect to either require the MVPDs to carry their signals automatically but without compensation, or to negotiate with MVPDs for the right to retransmit the station's signal in exchange for remuneration. If a station elects transmission consent, the station and MVPD negotiate a carriage agreement, known as retransmission consent agreement, which typically involves a fee paid to the local broadcast station calculated on a per-subscriber, per-month basis. Communications Marketplace Report, GN Docket No. 22-203, FCC 22-103, Report, at 167, paragraph 275 (2022). If the parties are unable to negotiate such a carriage agreement, the MVPD must stop retransmitting the station's broadcast signal and viewers lose access to the station on the MVPD's cable or satellite television system in what is known as a blackout.

    Commission caselaw makes clear that increases in retransmission consent rates can constitute a public interest harm if such increases are not simply the product of a properly functioning competitive marketplace. In particular, evidence that anticompetitive practices or other wrongdoing could distinguish what would perhaps constitute a market-driven rate increase from one that is anti-competitive, unwarranted, and harmful to consumers and the public interest. In the instant matter, we find that there is a substantial and material question of fact as to whether any increase in retransmission fees as a result of this transaction is the result of a properly functioning, competitive marketplace, or, alternatively, whether such rate increases would be the result of: (1) the unique structure of the Transactions in which the various assignments and/or transfers of control are closed sequentially in order to take advantage of after-acquired station clauses and maximize retransmission revenue, or (2) some other anticompetitive practices or other wrongdoing, and accordingly, the impact of any such rate increases on the viewing public, including MVPD subscribers.

    Based on the record before us, we are unable to find, due to the unique structure of the Transactions in which the various assignments and/or transfers of control are closed sequentially in order to take advantage of after-acquired station clauses and maximize retransmission revenue, that rates to MVPD subscribers would not rise beyond that which would occur in a properly functioning competitive market. In addition, especially given questions about the intended scope of the commitments relating to enforcement of such clauses, we are unable to find that the commitments offered by the Applicants would adequately mitigate such a result. Accordingly, we designate the Applications for a hearing to determine: whether the sequencing of the Transactions was intended primarily to increase retransmission fees; whether consummation of the Transactions will likely cause an increase in rates for the retail subscribers of the MVPDs that currently hold, or will in the future negotiate, retransmission agreements with the Applicants; whether the sequencing of the Transactions constitutes anticompetitive activity; what the extent of harm to viewers and the public interest would be as a result, whether any such harm would be adequately mitigated by the commitments offered by the Applicants in the SG Waiver Letter; and/or whether any of the Applicants violated any Commission rules or committed other wrongdoing in constructing the Transactions.

    Potential Public Interest Harm to Localism, Including Due to Labor Reductions. Localism, along with competition and diversity, is a longstanding core Commission broadcast policy objective, which together forms the cornerstone of broadcasting. 2 002 Biennial Regulatory Review—Review of the Commission's Broadcast Ownership Rules and Other Rules Adopted Pursuant to Section 202 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Report and Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 18 FCC Rcd 13620, 13643-13644, paras. 73 through76 (2003) (subsequent history omitted) ( 2002 Biennial Review); B roadcast Localism, Notice of Inquiry, 19 FCC Rcd 12425 at paragraph 1 (2004) ( Broadcast Localism NOI) The Commission has consistently interpreted the localism obligation to require that broadcasters air material that is responsive to the needs and interests of the communities that their stations are licensed to serve, including local news, information, and public affairs programming. See, e.g.,Applications of Comcast Corporation, General Electric Company and NBC Universal, Inc. for Consent to Assign Licenses and Transfer Control of Licensees, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 26 FCC Rcd. 4238, 4320, paragraph 197 (2011) ( Comcast/NBCU Order) (citation omitted). As the Supreme Court recently recognized, “[t]he FCC has long explained that the ownership rules seek to promote competition, localism, and viewpoint diversity by ensuring that a small number of entities do not dominate a particular media market.” Fed. Commc'ns Comm'n v. Prometheus Radio Project, 141 S.Ct. 1150, 1155 (2021).

    We recognize that local journalism is the heart of local news and community-responsive programming, and in that context we take seriously concerns that Start Printed Page 16008 a diminution in the employment of local journalists and other local staff poses a threat to localism.

    Plans and Commitments Regarding Jobs. The conflicting evidence on the record before us about SGCI Holdings' intentions and commitments with regard to local staffing at the TEGNA stations, leaves us with substantial and material questions of fact, unresolved by Applicants' filings, that require further investigation to determine the ultimate effects on localism. Central to this determination would be reconciling the accuracy and legitimacy of the Applicants' explanations for the documents seeming to indicate intent and commitments to reduce station-level staff, including whether the “synergies” of job cuts have already taken place; evaluation of SGCI Holdings' explanations that station-level savings have already been achieved and that the financial model is distinguishable from a financial plan; identification of any such jobs that would likely be cut as a result of the proposed transaction and their impact on the Commission's localism policies; and resolution of apparent timeline inconsistencies about representations on staffing.

    The Applicants have offered certain commitments regarding staffing at the TEGNA stations if the Commission were to approve the Transactions. However, the specific deficiencies highlighted by some of the opponents of the Transactions, including the practicality and sufficiency of the SG Staffing Letter, remain unaddressed and unresolved, leaving substantial and material questions of fact as to whether and how station-level staffing might be reduced and the effect of any such reduction on localism.

    Structure of Ownership. The record also indicates that two aspects of the ultimate ownership proposed for New TEGNA also warrant further investigation in order to determine the potential impact on localism. First, the parties present sharply divergent cases as to whether the organizational form of SGCI Holdings as an investment fund benefits or harms the ability of the TEGNA Stations to provide local service going forward. A material question remains whether the specific change in ownership in this transaction from a publicly traded corporation to a private company owned by an investment fund would promote, hinder, or indeed, have no effect on localism. Second, any assessment of localism would also benefit from a determination of the role of Standard General L.P. in the past as a station owner and, more importantly, its role going forward. Although the Applicants, on occasion, refer to the role of Standard General L.P. going forward in an apparent ownership or control capacity, most notably in the recent commitment letters filed in December, it is not clear that this entity is involved in the Transactions. There is a material question how relevant the experience under different, unidentified Standard General L.P. ownership would be compared to that of SGCI Holdings.

    Programming Production. We also find two issues related to the production of community-responsive programming to raise substantial and material questions of fact as to whether SGCI Holdings' acquisition of the TEGNA stations will harm localism. First, questions have been raised in the record regarding how New TEGNA's creation and use of a Washington, DC, news bureau will impact localism, and, in particular, whether it would increase or reduce the Stations' local journalism and coverage of local issues. Second, questions have been raised in the record regarding whether SGCI Holding's apparent intent to provide local news services remotely will promote or harm localism. In order to assess the impact of SGCI Holdings' planned operations on the TEGNA Stations' ability to serve the needs and interests of their local communities, further examination of New TEGNA's evident plans to gather and broadcast local news remotely is necessary.

    Accordingly, it is ordered, That, pursuant to Sections 309(e) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 309(e), and section 1.254 of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 1.254, the above-captioned applications are designated for hearing to be held at a time and location specified in a subsequent Order by the Administrative Law Judge, upon the following questions:

    (a) Whether, in light of the record presented, retransmission consent fees will rise as a result of the Transactions, and if so, whether such an increase is the result of a properly functioning, competitive marketplace, or, alternatively, whether such rate increases would be the result of the unique structure of the Transactions in which the various assignments and/or transfers of control are closed sequentially in order to take advantage of after-acquired station clauses and maximize retransmission revenue, and further, whether such a result would be mitigated by the commitments offered by the Applicants; and

    (b) Whether, and to what extent, in light of the record presented, local content and programming in the affected communities would be adversely affected due to the proposed plans and commitments of SGCI Holdings for station-level staff; its intentions for investments in the stations; the potential financial pressures connected with the acquisition and ownership structure; and the potential effectiveness of the commitments offered by the Applicants.

    It is further ordered, That, pursuant to Section 309(e) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 309(e), and section 1.254 of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 1.254, both the burden of proceeding with the introduction of evidence and the burden of proof with respect to issues specified above shall be upon SGCI Holdings, CNM, CMG, TEGNA, and TPC. We are assigning the burdens in this manner because SGCI Holdings, CNM, CMG, TEGNA, and TPC have the particular knowledge of the specific facts at issue in this proceeding, as well as the statutory obligation to demonstrate that grant of the Transaction is in the public interest.

    It is further ordered, That to avail itself of the opportunity to be heard, SGCI Holdings, CNM, CMG, TEGNA, and TPC pursuant to Section 1.221(c) and 1.221(e) of the Commission's Rules, 47 CFR 1.221(c) and 1.221(e), in person or by their respective attorneys, shall file a written appearance, stating an intention to appear on the date fixed for the hearing and present evidence on the issues specified in the Order. Such written appearance shall be filed within 20 days of the mailing of this Order. Pursuant to Section 1.221(c) of the Commission's rules, if the applicants fail to file an appearance within the specified time period, or have not filed prior to the expiration of that time a petition to dismiss without prejudice, or a petition to accept, for good cause shown, such written appearance beyond expiration of said 20 days, the assignment application will be dismissed with prejudice for failure to prosecute.

    It is further ordered, that, having filed petitions to deny, TNG-CWA and the National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA (NABET-CWA) (collectively, CWA) and Common Cause and United Church of Christ, OC, Inc. (collectively, Common Cause/UCC) are made parties to the proceeding pursuant to Section 1.221(d) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 1.221(d). To avail themselves of the opportunity to be heard, pursuant to Sections 1.221(e) of the Commission's rules, each of these parties, in person or by its attorneys, shall file, a written appearance, stating its intention to appear on the date fixed for the hearing and present evidence on the issues specified in this Order. Such written Start Printed Page 16009 appearance shall be filed within 20 days of the mailing of this Order. If any of these parties fails to file an appearance within the time specified, it shall, unless good cause for such failure is shown, forfeit its hearing rights.

    It is further ordered, That the Chief, Enforcement Bureau, shall be made a party to this proceeding without the need to file a written appearance.

    It is further ordered, That a copy of each document filed in this proceeding subsequent to the date of adoption of this document shall be served on the counsel of record appearing on behalf of the Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Parties may inquire as to the identity of such counsel by calling the Investigations & Hearings Division of the Enforcement Bureau at (202) 418-1420. Such service copy shall be addressed to the named counsel of record, Investigations & Hearings Division, Enforcement Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 45 L Street NE, Washington, DC 20554.

    It is further ordered, That SGCI Holdings, pursuant to Section 311(a)(2) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 311(a)(2), and Section 73.3594 of the Commission's Rules, 47 CFR 73.3594, shall give notice of the hearing within the time and in the manner prescribed in such Rules, and shall advise the Commission of the publication of such notice as required by Section 73.3594(b) of the Rules, 47 CFR 73.3594(b).

    It is further ordered, That a copy of this document, or a summary thereof, shall be published in the Federal Register .

    It is further ordered, That, within fifteen (15) days of the date that written appearances are due, the Administrative Law Judge shall issue a Scheduling Order that includes a set date for resolution.

    It is further ordered, That the Commission's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference Information Center shall send a copy of this Order by certified mail/return receipt requested to:

    TEGNA, Inc.

    Michael Beder, TEGNA Inc., 8350 Broad Street, Suite 2000, Tysons, VA 22102

    Jennifer A. Johnson, Covington & Burling LLP, One CityCenter, 850 Tenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

    SGCI Holdings III LLC/Community News Media LLC

    Soohyung Kim, SGCI Holdings III LLC, 767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10153

    Scott R. Flick, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, 1200 Seventeenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036

    CMG Media Corporation/Teton Parent Corp.

    CMG Legal Dept., 1601 W Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309, United States

    Michael Basile, Cooley LLP, 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20004

    Common Cause

    Yosef Getachew, Common Cause, 805 15th Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005

    United Church of Christ Media Justice Ministry

    Cheryl A. Leanza, United Church of Christ Media Justice Ministry, 100 Maryland Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20002

    The Newsguild—CWA/National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians—CWA

    Andrew Jay Schwartzman, 1341 G Street NW, Fifth Floor, Washington, DC 20005

    David R. Goodfriend, The Goodfriend Group, 208 I Street NE, Washington, DC 20002

    Start Signature

    Federal Communications Commission.

    Thomas Horan,

    Chief of Staff, Media Bureau.

    End Signature


    TEGNA Merger Applications

    Call signCommunity of licenseApplication file Nos.LicenseeFacility ID
    WUPL(TV)Slidell, LA0000186355Belo TV, Inc13938
    WBXN-CDNew Orleans, LA0000186356Belo TV, Inc70419
    KTHV(TV)Little Rock, AR0000186358Cape Publications, Inc2787
    KFSM-TVFort Smith, AR0000186359Cape Publications, Inc66469
    WZZM(TV)Grand Rapids, MI0000186369Combined Communications of Oklahoma, LLC49713
    KENS(TV)San Antonio, TX0000186371KENS-TV, Inc26304
    KFMB-TVSan Diego, CA0000186372KFMB-TV, LLC42122
    KING-TVSeattle, WA0000186389KING Broadcasting Company34847
    KREM(TV)Spokane, WA0000186391KING Broadcasting Company34868
    KTVB(TV)Boise, ID0000186394KING Broadcasting Company34858
    K15IO-DMcCall & New Meadows, ID0000186397KING Broadcasting Company34869
    K16JE-DGlenns Ferry, ID0000186393KING Broadcasting Company188132
    K17KF-DCambridge, ID0000186392KING Broadcasting Company188131
    K21CC-DLewiston, ID0000186390KING Broadcasting Company50532
    K23KY-DCouncil, ID0000186399KING Broadcasting Company11446
    K29NB-DCascade, ID0000186396KING Broadcasting Company34884
    K30QA-DCoeur D'Alene, ID0000186398KING Broadcasting Company34861
    KTFT-LDTwin Falls, ID0000186395KING Broadcasting Company167056
    KONG(TV)Everett , WA0000186373KONG-TV, Inc35396
    KSKN(TV)Spokane, WA0000186387KSKN Television, Inc35606
    KTTU(TV)Tucson, AZ0000186400KTTU-TV, Inc11908
    KWES-TVOdessa, TX0000186401KWES Television, LLC42007
    KXTV(TV)Sacramento, CA0000186403KXTV, LLC25048
    KBMT(TV)Beaumont, TX0000186374LSB Broadcasting, Inc10150
    KCEN-TVTemple, TX0000186384LSB Broadcasting, Inc10245
    KIDY(TV)San Angelo, TX0000186376LSB Broadcasting, Inc58560
    KIII(TV)Corpus Christi, TX0000186379LSB Broadcasting, Inc10188
    KXVA(TV)Abilene, TX0000186377LSB Broadcasting, Inc62293
    KYTX(TV)Nacogdoches, TX0000186385LSB Broadcasting, Inc55644
    KUIL-DBeaumont, TX0000186380LSB Broadcasting, Inc168234
    KAGS-LDBryan, TX0000186378LSB Broadcasting, Inc10246
    KIDB-LDSweetwater, TX0000186375LSB Broadcasting, Inc53545
    Start Printed Page 16010
    KIDU-LDBrownwood, TX0000186383LSB Broadcasting, Inc58559
    KIDV-LDAlbany, TX0000186381LSB Broadcasting, Inc58571
    KVHP-LDJasper, TX0000186382LSB Broadcasting, Inc168235
    WGRZ(TV)Buffalo, NY0000186402Multimedia Entertainment, LLC64547
    KARE(TV)Minneapolis, MN0000186415Multimedia Holdings Corporation23079
    KNAZ-TVFlagstaff, AZ0000186416Multimedia Holdings Corporation24749
    KPNX(TV)Mesa, AZ0000186424Multimedia Holdings Corporation35486
    K06AE-DPrescott, AZ0000186422Multimedia Holdings Corporation35274
    K26OD-DGlobe, AZ0000186421Multimedia Holdings Corporation35487
    KPSN-LDPayson, AZ0000186417Multimedia Holdings Corporation63396
    KTVD(TV)Denver, CO0000186423Multimedia Holdings Corporation68581
    KUSA(TV)Denver, CO0000186419Multimedia Holdings Corporation23074
    WJXX(TV)Orange Park, FL0000186420Multimedia Holdings Corporation11893
    WTLV(TV)Jacksonville, FL0000186418Multimedia Holdings Corporation65046
    KSDK(TV)St. Louis, MO0000186404Multimedia KSDK, LLC46981
    WATL(TV)Atlanta, GA0000186406Pacific and Southern, LLC22819
    WLTX(TV)Columbia, SC0000186407Pacific and Southern, LLC37176
    WMAZ-TVMacon, GA0000186409Pacific and Southern, LLC46991
    WXIA-TVAtlanta, GA0000186408Pacific and Southern, LLC51163
    WBNS(AM)Columbus, OH0000186364RadiOhio, Incorporated54901
    WBNS-FMColumbus, OH0000186363RadiOhio, Incorporated54701
    WHAS-TVLouisville, KY0000186405Sander Operating Co. I LLC D/B/A WHAS Television32327
    KGW(TV)Portland, OR0000186444Sander Operating Co. III LLC D/B/A KGW Television34874
    K16ML-DCorvallis, OR0000186450Sander Operating Co. III LLC D/B/A KGW Television34851
    K17HA-DAstoria, OR0000186449Sander Operating Co. III LLC D/B/A KGW Television130923
    K19LT-DPrineville, etc., OR0000186445Sander Operating Co. III LLC D/B/A KGW Television34864
    K25KS-DThe Dalles, OR0000186452Sander Operating Co. III LLC D/B/A KGW Television34844
    K28MJ-DTillamook, OR0000186446Sander Operating Co. III LLC D/B/A KGW Television189303
    K29AZ-DNewport, OR0000186448Sander Operating Co. III LLC D/B/A KGW Television34865
    K35HU-DGrays River, WA0000186451Sander Operating Co. III LLC D/B/A KGW Television34870
    KGWZ-LDPortland, OR0000186447Sander Operating Co. III LLC D/B/A KGW Television30810
    KMSB(TV)Tucson, AZ0000186388Sander Operating Co. V LLC D/B/A KMSB Television44052
    KCWI-TVAmes, IA0000186425TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC51502
    WCCT-TVWaterbury, CT0000186430TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC14050
    WNEP-TVScranton, PA0000186427TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC73318
    WOI-DTAmes, IA0000186435TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC8661
    WPMTYork, PA0000186439TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC10213
    WQAD-TVMoline, IL0000186438TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC73319
    WTIC-TVHartford, CT0000186428TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC147
    WZDX(TV)Huntsville, AL0000186429TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC28119
    W07DC-DAllentown/Bethlehem, PA0000186437TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC73325
    W10CP-DTowanda, PA0000186431TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC73320
    W14CO-DClarks Summit, etc., PA0000186432TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC73326
    W15CO-DTowanda, PA0000186436TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC73324
    W20AD-DWilliamsport, PA0000186433TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC73321
    W26CV-DMansfield, PA0000186426TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC129499
    W29FQ-DPottsville, PA0000186434TEGNA Broadcast Holdings, LLC73327
    WTSP(TV)St. Petersburg, FL0000186365Tegna East Coast Broadcasting, LLC11290
    WLBZ(TV)Bangor, ME0000186368Tegna East Coast Broadcasting, LLC39644
    WCSH(TV)Portland, ME0000186366Tegna East Coast Broadcasting, LLC39664
    WGCI-LDSkowhegan, ME0000186367Tegna East Coast Broadcasting, LLC39642
    WATN-TVMemphis, TN0000186411TEGNA Memphis Broadcasting, Inc11907
    WLMT(TV)Memphis, TN0000186412TEGNA Memphis Broadcasting, Inc68518
    WTHR(TV)Indianapolis, IN0000186414VideoIndiana, Inc70162
    WALV-CDIndianapolis, IN0000186413VideOhio, Inc70161
    WBIR-TVKnoxville, TN0000186443WBIR-TV, LLC46984
    WBNS-TVColumbus, OH0000186362WBNS-TV, Inc71217
    WCNC-TVCharlotte, NC0000186440WCNC-TV, Inc32326
    W17EE-DLilesville/Wadesboro, NC0000186441WCNC-TV, Inc32316
    W36FB-DBriscoe, NC0000186442WCNC-TV, Inc32317
    Start Printed Page 16011
    WFAA(TV)Dallas, TX0000186453WFAA-TV, Inc72054
    WFMY-TVGreensboro, NC0000186454WFMY Television, LLC72064
    WKYC(TV)Cleveland, OH0000186455WKYC-TV, LLC73195
    WTOL(TV)Toledo, OH0000186456WTOL Television, LLC13992
    WUSA(TV)Washington, D.C0000186457WUSA-TV, Inc65593
    WVEC(TV)Hampton, VA0000186459WVEC Television, LLC74167
    WJHJ-LPNewport News, Etc., VAWVEC Television, LLC35137
    WYSJ-CDYorktown, VAWVEC Television, LLC35134
    WWL-TVNew Orleans, LA0000186352WWL-TV, Inc74192

    Texas Stations To Be Acquired by CMG

    Call signCommunity of licenseApplication file Nos.LicenseeFacility ID
    KHOU(TV)Houston, TX0000186461KHOU-TV, Inc34529
    KTBU(TV)Conroe, TX0000186460KHOU-TV, Inc28324
    KMPX(TV)Decatur, TX0000186462WFAA-TV, Inc73701
    KVUE(TV)Austin, TX0000186458KVUE Television, Inc35867

    Community News Media Transfers

    Call signCommunity of licenseApplication file Nos.LicenseeFacility ID
    KLKN(TV)Lincoln, NE0000186354KLKN Lincoln License LLC11264
    WLNE-TVNew Bedford, MA0000186357WLNE Providence License LLC22591
    WDKA(TV)Paducah, KY0000186361Paducah Television License LLC39561
    KBSI(TV)Cape Girardeau, MO0000186360Paducah Television License LLC19593

    WFXT Sale

    Call signCommunity of licenseApplication file Nos.LicenseeFacility ID
    WFXT(TV)Boston, MA0000186353Teton Opco Corp6463
    End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2023-05226 Filed 3-14-23; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Persons desiring to participate as parties in the hearing shall file a petition for leave to intervene no later than April 14, 2023.
16006-16011 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
MB Docket No. 22-162, DA 22-5149, FR ID 130443
PDF File: