2012-6446. Employment and Training Administration Program Year (PY) 2012 Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Allotments; PY 2012 Wagner-Peyser Act Final Allotments and PY 2012 Workforce Information Grants
Start Preamble
Employment and Training Administration, Labor.
This notice announces allotments for PY 2012 for WIA Title I Youth, Adults and Dislocated Worker Activities programs; final allotments for Employment Service (ES) activities under the Wagner-Peyser Act for PY 2012 and Workforce Information Grants allotments for PY 2012. Allotments for the Work Opportunity Tax Credits will be announced separately.
WIA allotments for States and the State final allotments for the Wagner-Peyser Act are based on formulas defined in their respective statutes. The WIA allotments for the outlying areas are based on a formula determined by the Secretary of Labor (Secretary). As required by WIA section 182(d), on February 17, 2000, a notice of the discretionary formula for allocating PY 2000 funds for the outlying areas (American Samoa, Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Northern Marianas, Palau, and the Virgin Islands) was published in the Federal Register at 65 FR 8236 (February 17, 2000). The rationale for the formula and methodology was fully explained in the February 17, 2000, Federal Register notice. The formula for PY 2012 is the same as used for PY 2000 and is described in the section on Youth Activities program allotments. Comments are invited on the formula used to allot funds to the outlying areas.
Comments on the formula used to allot funds to the outlying areas must be received April 16, 2012.
Submit written comments to the Employment and Training Administration, Office of Financial and Administrative Management, 200 Constitution Ave. NW., Room N-4702, Washington, DC 20210, Attention: Mr. Samuel Jerome Cooper, (202) 693-2833 (phone), (202) 693-2859 (fax), email: Cooper.Samuel@dol.gov.
Commenters are advised that mail delivery in the Washington area may be delayed due to security concerns. Hand-delivered comments will be received at the above address. All overnight mail will be considered to be hand-delivered and must be received at the designated place by the date specified above.
Please submit your comments by only one method. The Department will not review comments received by means other than those listed above or that are received after the comment period has closed.
Comments: All comments on this notice will be retained by the Department and released upon request via email to any member of the public. The Department also will make all the comments it received available for public inspection by appointment during normal business hours at the above address. If you need assistance to review the comments, the Department will provide you with appropriate aids such as readers or print magnifiers. The Department will make copies of this notice available, upon request, in large print, Braille and electronic file on computer disk. The Department will consider providing the notice in other formats upon request. To schedule an appointment to review the comments and/or obtain the notice in an Start Printed Page 15805alternative format, contact Mr. Cooper using the information listed above. The Department will retain all comments received without making any changes to the comments, including any personal information provided. If requested, the comments will be released to the public. The Department cautions commenters not to include their personal information such as Social Security Numbers, personal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses in their comments, as such submitted information will be released with the comment if the comments are requested. It is the commenter's responsibility to safeguard his or her information. If the comment is submitted by email, the email addresses of the commenter will not be released.
WIA Youth Activities allotments—Evan Rosenberg at (202) 693-3593 or LaSharn Youngblood at (202) 693-3606; WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Activities and ES final allotments—Christine Ollis at (202) 693-3937; Workforce Information Grant allotments—Anthony Dais at (202) 693-2784. Individuals with hearing or speech impairments may access the telephone numbers above via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at 1-877-889-5627 (TTY/TDD).
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
The Department of Labor (Department) is announcing WIA allotments for PY 2012 for Youth Activities, Adults and Dislocated Worker Activities, Wagner-Peyser Act PY 2012 final allotments and FY 2012 Workforce Information Grant allotments. This notice provides information on the amount of funds available during PY 2012 to States with an approved WIA Title I and Wagner-Peyser Act Strategic Plan for PY 2012, and information regarding allotments to the outlying areas.
The allotments are based on the funds appropriated in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012, Public Law 112-74, Division F, signed December 23, 2011. The Act requires an across-the-board rescission of 0.189 percent to all Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 discretionary program funding. Included below are tables listing the PY 2012 allotments for programs under WIA Title I Youth Activities (Table A), Adult and Dislocated Workers Employment and Training Activities (Tables B and C, respectively), and the PY 2012 Wagner-Peyser Act final allotments (Table D). Also attached is the PY 2012 Workforce Information Grant table (Table E).
Youth Activities Allotments
PY 2012 Youth Activities funds under WIA total $824,353,022 (including the 0.189 percent rescission). Table A includes a breakdown of the Youth Activities program allotments for PY 2012 and provides a comparison of these allotments to PY 2011 Youth Activities allotments for all States, and outlying areas. Before determining the amount available for States, the total funding available for the outlying areas was reserved at 0.25 percent of the full amount appropriated for Youth Activities (after the 0.189 percent rescission). On December 17, 2003, Public Law 108-188, the Compact of Free Association Amendments Act of 2003 (“the Compact”), was signed. The Compact provided for consolidation of WIA Title I funding, for the Marshall Islands and Micronesia into supplemental grants provided from the Department of Education's appropriation. See 48 USC 1921d(f)(1)(B)(iii). The Compact also specified that the Republic of Palau remained eligible for WIA Title I funding. See 48 USC 1921d(f)(1)(B)(ix). The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (in the Department of Education's General Provisions at Section 306 of Title III, Division F, Pub. L. 112-74) amended the Compact to extend the availability of WIA Title I funding to Palau through FY 2012.
The methodology for distributing funds to all outlying areas is not specified by WIA, but is at the Secretary's discretion. The methodology used is the same as used since PY 2000, i.e., funds are distributed among the remaining areas by formula based on relative share of number of unemployed, a 90 percent hold-harmless of the prior year share, a $75,000 minimum, and a 130 percent stop-gain of the prior year share. As in PY 2011, data for the relative share calculation in the PY 2012 formula were from 2000 Census data for all outlying areas, obtained from the Bureau of the Census Bureau (Bureau) and are based on 2000 Census surveys for those areas conducted either by the Bureau or the outlying areas under the guidance of the Bureau.
The total amount available for Native Americans is 1.5 percent of the total amount for Youth Activities, in accordance with WIA section 127. After determining the amount for the outlying areas and Native Americans, the amount available for allotment to the States for PY 2012 is $809,926,845. This total amount was below the required $1 billion threshold specified in section 127(b)(1)(C)(iv)(IV); therefore, as in PY 2011, the WIA additional minimum provisions were not applied, and, instead, as required by WIA, the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) section 202(a)(3) (as amended by section 701 of the Job Training Reform Amendments of 1992) minimums of 90 percent hold-harmless of the prior year allotment percentage and 0.25 percent State minimum floor were used. Also, as required by WIA, the provision applying a 130 percent stop-gain of the prior year allotment percentage was used. The three formula factors required in WIA use the following data for the PY 2012 allotments:
(1) Number of unemployed for Areas of Substantial Unemployment (ASUs) averages for the 12-month period, July 2010 through June 2011;
(2) Number of excess unemployed individuals or the ASU excess (depending on which is higher) averages for the same 12-month period used for ASU unemployed data; and
(3) Number of economically disadvantaged youth (age 16 to 21, excluding college students and military) from special 2000 Census calculations.
Beginning with the PY 2006 allotments, States identify the ASU data for the PY 2012 allotments using special 2000 Census data based on households, obtained under Employment and Training Administration contract with the Census Bureau and provided to States by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
It should be noted that the most current Census, conducted in 2010, did not include the long form survey which ETA would have used to update the data from the 2000 Census. Instead, ETA will continue to work with the Census Bureau over the next years to use data from the American Community Survey (ACS). ETA will alert States when new data are available for use in within-State allocation formulas; however, updated data will not be available for use with PY 2012 funding.
Adult Employment and Training Activities Allotments
The total Adult Employment and Training Activities appropriation is $770,810,637 (including the 0.189 percent rescission). Table B shows the PY 2012 Adult Employment and Training Activities allotments and comparison to PY 2011 allotments by State. Like the Youth Activities program, the total available for the outlying areas was reserved at 0.25 percent of the full amount appropriated for Adult Activities. As discussed in the Youth Activities section above, WIA funding for the Marshall Islands and Micronesia is no longer provided; instead, funding is provided in the Department of Education's Start Printed Page 15806appropriation. The Adult Activities funds for grants to the remaining outlying areas, for which the distribution methodology is at the Secretary's discretion, were distributed among the areas by the same principles, formula and data as used for outlying areas for Youth Activities. After determining the amount for the outlying areas, the amount available for allotments to the States is $768,883,610. Like the Youth Activities program, the WIA minimum provisions were not applied for the PY 2012 allotments because the total amount available for the States was below the $960 million threshold required for Adult Activities in section 132(b)(1)(B)(iv)(IV). Instead, as required by WIA, the minimum allotments were calculated using the JTPA section 202(a)(3) (as amended by section 701 of the Job Training Reform Amendments of 1992) minimums of 90 percent hold-harmless of the prior year allotment percentage and 0.25 percent State minimum floor. Also, like the Youth Activities program, a provision applying a 130 percent stop-gain of the prior year allotment percentage was used. The three formula factors use the same data as used for the PY 2012 Youth Activities formula, except that data from the 2000 Census for the number of economically disadvantaged adults (age 22 to 72, excluding college students and military) were used.
As noted above, ETA will alert States when new census data are available for use in within-State allocation formulas; however, updated data will not be available for use with PY 2012 funding.
Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities Allotments
The total Dislocated Worker appropriation is $1,232,217,892 (including the 0.189 rescission). The total appropriation includes formula funds for the States, while the National Reserve is used for National Emergency Grants, technical assistance and training, demonstration projects, and the outlying areas' Dislocated Worker allotments. Table C shows the PY 2012 Dislocated Worker Activities fund allotments by State. Like the Youth and Adult Activities programs, the total available for the outlying areas was reserved at 0.25 percent of the full amount appropriated for Dislocated Worker Activities. WIA funding for the Marshall Islands and Micronesia is no longer provided, as discussed above. The Dislocated Worker Activities funds for grants to the remaining outlying areas, for which the distribution methodology is at the Secretary's discretion, were distributed by the same pro rata share as the areas received for the PY 2012 WIA Adult Activities program, the same methodology used in PY 2011. For the State distribution of formula funds, the three formula factors required in WIA use the following data for the PY 2012 allotments:
(1) Number of unemployed, averages for the 12-month period, October 2010 through September 2011;
(2) Number of excess unemployed, averages for the 12-month period, October 2010 through September 2011; and
(3) Number of long-term unemployed, averages for the 12-month period, October 2010 through September 2011.
Since the Dislocated Worker Activities formula has no floor amount or hold-harmless provisions, funding changes for States directly reflect the impact of changes in the number of unemployed.
Wagner-Peyser Act ES Final Allotments
The appropriated level for PY 2012 for ES grants totals $700,841,900 (including the 0.189 rescission). After determining the funding for outlying areas, allotments to States were calculated using the formula set forth at section 6 of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49e). PY 2012 formula allotments were based on each state's share of calendar year 2011 monthly averages of the civilian labor force (CLF) and unemployment. The Secretary is required to set aside up to three percent of the total available funds to assure that each State will have sufficient resources to maintain statewide ES activities, as required under section 6(b)(4) of the Wagner-Peyser Act. In accordance with this provision, the three percent set-aside funds are included in the total allotment. The set-aside funds were distributed in two steps to States that have lost in relative share of resources from the previous year. In Step 1, States that have a CLF below one million and are also below the median CLF density were maintained at 100 percent of their relative share of prior year resources. All remaining set-aside funds were distributed on a pro-rata basis in Step 2 to all other States losing in relative share from the prior year but not meeting the size and density criteria for Step 1. The distribution of ES funds (Table D) includes $699,133,491 for States, as well as $1,708,409 for outlying areas.
Under section 7 of the Wagner-Peyser Act, 10 percent of the total sums allotted to each State shall be reserved for use by the Governor to provide performance incentives for ES offices, services for groups with special needs, and for the extra costs of exemplary models for delivering job services.
Workforce Information Grants Allotments
Total PY 2012 funding for Workforce Information Grants allotments to States is $31,939,520 (after the 0.189 percent rescission). The allotment figures for each State are listed in Table E. Funds are distributed by administrative formula, with a reserve of $176,655 for Guam and the Virgin Islands. The remaining funds are distributed to the States with 40 percent distributed equally to all States and 60 percent distributed based on each State's share of CLF for the 12 months ending September 2011.
Table A—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA Youth Activities State Allotments Comparison of PY 2012 vs PY 2011
State PY 2011 PY 2012 Difference % Difference Total $825,913,862 $824,353,022 ($1,560,840) −0.19 Alabama 12,455,574 11,711,479 (744,095) −5.97 Alaska 2,216,462 2,024,817 (191,645) −8.65 Arizona 15,326,190 16,510,641 1,184,451 7.73 Arkansas 6,794,393 6,431,994 (362,399) −5.33 California 117,952,080 123,857,750 5,905,670 5.01 Colorado 9,788,025 11,882,561 2,094,536 21.40 Connecticut 8,060,872 8,794,724 733,852 9.10 Delaware 2,028,651 2,024,817 (3,834) −0.19 District of Columbia 2,402,872 2,323,591 (79,281) −3.30 Florida 50,372,277 53,892,125 3,519,848 6.99 Georgia 24,305,197 25,482,266 1,177,069 4.84 Start Printed Page 15807 Hawaii 2,272,811 2,243,958 (28,853) −1.27 Idaho 3,428,419 4,027,145 598,726 17.46 Illinois 36,086,031 32,767,678 (3,318,353) −9.20 Indiana 16,043,006 15,457,182 (585,824) −3.65 Iowa 5,519,334 4,962,142 (557,192) −10.10 Kansas 5,248,975 5,511,824 262,849 5.01 Kentucky 12,514,937 12,676,374 161,437 1.29 Louisiana 11,269,372 11,409,318 139,946 1.24 Maine 2,887,584 2,831,274 (56,310) −1.95 Maryland 10,073,999 10,354,690 280,691 2.79 Massachusetts 15,988,686 15,009,154 (979,532) −6.13 Michigan 41,642,666 37,407,571 (4,235,095) −10.17 Minnesota 11,474,392 10,523,152 (951,240) −8.29 Mississippi 10,523,093 9,452,885 (1,070,208) −10.17 Missouri 14,549,044 15,108,428 559,384 3.84 Montana 2,174,750 2,405,630 230,880 10.62 Nebraska 2,288,141 2,207,155 (80,986) −3.54 Nevada 8,303,837 9,104,832 800,995 9.65 New Hampshire 2,253,475 2,024,817 (228,658) −10.15 New Jersey 20,362,826 20,322,861 (39,965) −0.20 New Mexico 4,775,669 4,918,291 142,622 2.99 New York 46,253,787 45,892,839 (360,948) −0.78 North Carolina 24,598,968 23,736,834 (862,134) −3.50 North Dakota 2,028,651 2,024,817 (3,834) −0.19 Ohio 31,915,350 29,136,945 (2,778,405) −8.71 Oklahoma 6,877,913 6,676,111 (201,802) −2.93 Oregon 11,026,583 10,760,018 (266,565) −2.42 Pennsylvania 29,506,561 28,346,353 (1,160,208) −3.93 Puerto Rico 23,908,509 21,476,993 (2,431,516) −10.17 Rhode Island 3,767,218 3,687,520 (79,698) −2.12 South Carolina 13,916,063 12,754,206 (1,161,857) −8.35 South Dakota 2,028,651 2,024,817 (3,834) −0.19 Tennessee 16,288,215 15,784,120 (504,095) −3.09 Texas 52,833,195 55,664,646 2,831,451 5.36 Utah 4,121,624 5,347,985 1,226,361 29.75 Vermont 2,028,651 2,024,817 (3,834) −0.19 Virginia 13,540,444 13,020,339 (520,105) −3.84 Washington 15,992,583 16,959,549 966,966 6.05 West Virginia 4,315,932 4,577,244 261,312 6.05 Wisconsin 13,099,180 12,342,748 (756,432) −5.77 Wyoming 2,028,651 2,024,817 (3,834) −0.19 State Total 811,460,369 809,926,844 (1,533,525) −0.19 American Samoa 117,342 117,112 (230) −0.20 Guam 955,133 953,260 (1,873) −0.20 Northern Marianas 353,447 352,754 (693) −0.20 Palau 75,000 75,000 0 0.00 Virgin Islands 563,863 562,757 (1,106) −0.20 Outlying Areas Total 2,064,785 2,060,883 (3,902) −0.19 Native Americans 12,388,708 12,365,295 (23,413) −0.19 Table B—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA Adult Activities State Allotments Comparison of PY 2012 vs PY 2011
State PY 2011 (Pre-FY 2012 0.189% rescission) PY 2012 Difference % Difference Total $770,921,920 $770,810,637 ($111,283) −0.01 Alabama 12,090,307 11,433,310 (656,997) −5.43 Alaska 2,118,648 1,922,209 (196,439) −9.27 Arizona 14,638,503 15,820,881 1,182,378 8.08 Arkansas 6,399,544 6,067,684 (331,860) −5.19 California 113,937,862 120,000,208 6,062,346 5.32 Colorado 8,838,405 10,859,799 2,021,394 22.87 Connecticut 7,208,528 7,932,575 724,047 10.04 Delaware 1,922,487 1,922,209 (278) −0.01 District of Columbia 2,040,921 1,973,348 (67,573) −3.31 Florida 50,666,671 53,270,412 2,603,741 5.14 Georgia 22,840,137 24,047,603 1,207,466 5.29 Hawaii 2,375,218 2,357,815 (17,403) −0.73 Start Printed Page 15808 Idaho 3,112,389 3,566,489 454,100 14.59 Illinois 33,485,477 30,469,621 (3,015,856) −9.01 Indiana 14,120,139 13,618,422 (501,717) −3.55 Iowa 3,872,586 3,670,939 (201,647) −5.21 Kansas 4,349,496 4,614,871 265,375 6.10 Kentucky 12,990,026 13,197,513 207,487 1.60 Louisiana 10,979,275 10,605,200 (374,075) −3.41 Maine 2,730,113 2,687,582 (42,531) −1.56 Maryland 9,553,233 9,857,689 304,456 3.19 Massachusetts 14,398,404 13,525,014 (873,390) −6.07 Michigan 38,927,229 35,029,449 (3,897,780) −10.01 Minnesota 10,065,109 9,134,795 (930,314) −9.24 Mississippi 9,805,450 8,823,631 (981,819) −10.01 Missouri 13,419,717 14,003,193 583,476 4.35 Montana 2,120,862 2,348,495 227,633 10.73 Nebraska 1,922,487 1,922,209 (278) −0.01 Nevada 8,185,256 8,978,521 793,265 9.69 New Hampshire 1,922,487 1,922,209 (278) −0.01 New Jersey 20,215,513 20,260,335 44,822 0.22 New Mexico 4,573,434 4,727,107 153,673 3.36 New York 45,933,685 45,779,283 (154,402) −0.34 North Carolina 22,906,147 22,178,866 (727,281) −3.18 North Dakota 1,922,487 1,922,209 (278) −0.01 Ohio 29,608,861 27,089,923 (2,518,938) −8.51 Oklahoma 6,455,261 6,289,462 (165,799) −2.57 Oregon 10,347,514 10,151,677 (195,837) −1.89 Pennsylvania 26,995,920 26,000,980 (994,940) −3.69 Puerto Rico 25,392,538 22,849,985 (2,542,553) −10.01 Rhode Island 3,245,983 3,182,636 (63,347) −1.95 South Carolina 13,141,414 12,076,612 (1,064,802) −8.10 South Dakota 1,922,487 1,922,209 (278) −0.01 Tennessee 15,820,576 15,406,376 (414,200) −2.62 Texas 49,503,599 52,386,229 2,882,630 5.82 Utah 3,276,560 4,258,913 982,353 29.98 Vermont 1,922,487 1,922,209 (278) −0.01 Virginia 12,422,005 11,977,315 (444,690) −3.58 Washington 14,762,815 15,738,264 975,449 6.61 West Virginia 4,403,989 4,670,162 266,173 6.04 Wisconsin 11,261,887 10,586,754 (675,133) −5.99 Wyoming 1,922,487 1,922,209 (278) −0.01 State Total 768,994,615 768,883,610 (111,005) −0.01 American Samoa 109,235 109,218 (17) −0.02 Guam 889,140 889,007 (133) −0.01 Northern Marianas 329,026 328,977 (49) −0.01 Palau 75,000 75,000 0 0.00 Virgin Islands 524,904 524,825 (79) −0.02 Outlying Areas Total 1,927,305 1,927,027 (278) −0.01 Table C—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA Dislocated Worker Activities State Allotments Comparison of PY 2012 vs PY 2011
State PY 2011 (Pre-FY 2012 0.189% rescission) PY 2012 Difference % Difference Total $1,287,544,000 $1,232,217,892 ($55,326,108) −4.30 Alabama 16,128,630 15,469,879 (658,751) −4.08 Alaska 1,804,590 1,617,337 (187,253) −10.38 Arizona 21,992,101 21,499,925 (492,176) −2.24 Arkansas 6,535,066 7,022,211 487,145 7.45 California 170,303,818 167,279,720 (3,024,098) −1.78 Colorado 13,969,269 16,138,114 2,168,845 15.53 Connecticut 12,117,862 12,425,813 307,951 2.54 Delaware 2,526,887 2,364,143 (162,744) −6.44 District of Columbia 2,592,780 2,584,544 (8,236) −0.32 Start Printed Page 15809 Florida 81,270,552 77,488,229 (3,782,323) −4.65 Georgia 35,502,366 36,619,541 1,117,175 3.15 Hawaii 2,539,205 2,544,104 4,899 0.19 Idaho 4,240,518 4,848,656 608,138 14.34 Illinois 52,391,500 45,174,858 (7,216,642) −13.77 Indiana 22,971,198 19,764,183 (3,207,015) −13.96 Iowa 6,222,410 5,396,211 (826,199) −13.28 Kansas 5,780,312 6,269,130 488,818 8.46 Kentucky 14,985,351 14,426,545 (558,806) −3.73 Louisiana 8,768,499 10,053,020 1,284,521 14.65 Maine 3,599,239 3,411,860 (187,379) −5.21 Maryland 14,302,198 13,446,336 (855,862) −5.98 Massachusetts 21,065,395 18,123,153 (2,942,242) −13.97 Michigan 51,285,260 37,950,243 (13,335,017) −26.00 Minnesota 12,889,304 12,016,430 (872,874) −6.77 Mississippi 10,150,118 10,347,245 197,127 1.94 Missouri 19,187,040 19,339,341 152,301 0.79 Montana 2,047,301 2,228,454 181,153 8.85 Nebraska 2,059,689 1,769,045 (290,644) −14.11 Nevada 14,332,064 14,404,698 72,634 0.51 New Hampshire 2,764,686 2,023,863 (740,823) −26.80 New Jersey 32,250,359 30,891,644 (1,358,715) −4.21 New Mexico 5,179,814 4,691,620 (488,194) −9.42 New York 55,889,913 53,040,830 (2,849,083) −5.10 North Carolina 35,096,512 33,775,540 (1,320,972) −3.76 North Dakota 499,920 491,586 (8,334) −1.67 Ohio 44,079,882 37,410,700 (6,669,182) −15.13 Oklahoma 6,917,377 5,818,181 (1,099,196) −15.89 Oregon 15,077,317 14,179,357 (897,960) −5.96 Pennsylvania 37,972,551 33,628,882 (4,343,669) −11.44 Puerto Rico 13,696,022 13,792,527 96,505 0.70 Rhode Island 5,104,108 4,729,397 (374,711) −7.34 South Carolina 19,186,456 17,247,928 (1,938,528) −10.10 South Dakota 840,914 914,615 73,701 8.76 Tennessee 22,128,000 21,002,405 (1,125,595) −5.09 Texas 62,020,936 65,045,270 3,024,334 4.88 Utah 6,063,094 6,236,314 173,220 2.86 Vermont 1,243,942 1,060,351 (183,591) −14.76 Virginia 18,481,552 16,429,934 (2,051,618) −11.10 Washington 22,272,901 22,715,887 442,986 1.99 West Virginia 4,558,971 4,805,556 246,585 5.41 Wisconsin 17,345,523 15,286,735 (2,058,788) −11.87 Wyoming 1,201,048 909,374 (291,674) −24.28 State Total 1,063,432,320 1,008,151,464 (55,280,856) −5.20 American Samoa 182,437 174,596 (7,841) −4.30 Guam 1,484,984 1,421,166 (63,818) −4.30 Northern Marianas 549,518 525,903 (23,615) −4.30 Palau 125,260 119,895 (5,365) −4.28 Virgin Islands 876,661 838,985 (37,676) −4.30 Outlying Areas Total 3,218,860 3,080,545 (138,315) −4.30 National Reserve 220,892,820 220,985,883 93,063 0.04 Table D—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Employment Service (Wagner-Peyser) PY 2012 vs PY 2011 Final Allotments
State Final PY 2011 Final PY 2012 Difference % Difference Total $702,168,848 $700,841,900 ($1,326,948) −0.19 Alabama 9,001,789 9,114,728 112,939 1.25 Alaska 7,632,911 7,618,486 (14,425) −0.19 Arizona 13,258,184 13,416,510 158,326 1.19 Arkansas 5,681,857 5,641,422 (40,435) −0.71 California 83,952,834 83,874,952 (77,882) −0.09 Colorado 10,866,249 11,123,996 257,747 2.37 Start Printed Page 15810 Connecticut 7,819,386 7,886,732 67,346 0.86 Delaware 1,961,280 1,957,574 (3,706) −0.19 District of Columbia 2,418,616 2,361,773 (56,843) −2.35 Florida 41,764,675 41,597,929 (166,746) −0.40 Georgia 20,557,324 20,518,463 (38,861) −0.19 Hawaii 2,494,923 2,474,455 (20,468) −0.82 Idaho 6,359,573 6,347,555 (12,018) −0.19 Illinois 29,100,366 28,905,034 (195,332) −0.67 Indiana 13,763,379 13,614,524 (148,855) −1.08 Iowa 6,495,675 6,439,570 (56,105) −0.86 Kansas 5,968,265 5,924,673 (43,592) −0.73 Kentucky 9,075,114 9,063,496 (11,618) −0.13 Louisiana 8,843,833 8,712,855 (130,978) −1.48 Maine 3,781,977 3,774,830 (7,147) −0.19 Maryland 11,722,275 11,687,183 (35,092) −0.30 Massachusetts 14,234,162 14,148,935 (85,227) −0.60 Michigan 24,113,898 23,547,173 (566,725) −2.35 Minnesota 11,997,952 11,868,691 (129,261) −1.08 Mississippi 6,165,253 6,118,274 (46,979) −0.76 Missouri 12,903,606 12,837,723 (65,883) −0.51 Montana 5,197,075 5,187,254 (9,821) −0.19 Nebraska 6,245,863 6,234,060 (11,803) −0.19 Nevada 6,550,359 6,505,421 (44,938) −0.69 New Hampshire 2,833,820 2,803,840 (29,980) −1.06 New Jersey 18,929,760 19,163,297 233,537 1.23 New Mexico 5,832,033 5,821,012 (11,021) −0.19 New York 40,044,986 39,748,915 (296,071) −0.74 North Carolina 19,923,339 19,836,199 (87,140) −0.44 North Dakota 5,292,177 5,282,176 (10,001) −0.19 Ohio 26,306,239 25,946,567 (359,672) −1.37 Oklahoma 6,853,237 6,779,019 (74,218) −1.08 Oregon 8,821,269 8,758,927 (62,342) −0.71 Pennsylvania 26,526,233 26,310,462 (215,771) −0.81 Puerto Rico 7,871,512 7,686,516 (184,996) −2.35 Rhode Island 2,639,094 2,618,648 (20,446) −0.77 South Carolina 9,864,977 9,785,215 (79,762) −0.81 South Dakota 4,891,189 4,881,946 (9,243) −0.19 Tennessee 13,083,238 13,308,517 225,279 1.72 Texas 48,565,592 49,945,739 1,380,147 2.84 Utah 7,284,273 7,113,078 (171,195) −2.35 Vermont 2,291,311 2,286,981 (4,330) −0.19 Virginia 15,912,960 15,905,779 (7,181) −0.05 Washington 14,651,411 14,673,520 22,109 0.15 West Virginia 5,598,448 5,587,868 (10,580) −0.19 Wisconsin 12,716,632 12,597,349 (119,283) −0.94 Wyoming 3,794,821 3,787,650 (7,171) −0.19 State Total 700,457,204 699,133,491 (1,323,713) −0.19 Guam 328,561 327,940 (621) −0.19 Virgin Islands 1,383,083 1,380,469 (2,614) −0.19 Outlying Areas Total 1,711,644 1,708,409 (3,235) −0.19 Start SignatureTable E—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Workforce Information Grants to States PY 2012 vs PY 2011 Allotments
State PY 2011 PY 2012 Difference % Difference Total $31,936,000 $31,939,520 $3,520 0.01 Alabama 500,647 508,082 7,435 1.49 Alaska 288,982 289,182 200 0.07 Arizona 632,935 634,754 1,819 0.29 Arkansas 411,497 411,636 139 0.03 California 2,483,795 2,471,363 (12,432) −0.50 Colorado 570,990 574,272 3,282 0.57 Connecticut 476,946 476,928 (18) 0.00 Delaware 296,667 296,619 (48) −0.02 District of Columbia 285,384 285,345 (39) −0.01 Florida 1,379,470 1,382,267 2,797 0.20 Start Printed Page 15811 Georgia 821,518 822,490 972 0.12 Hawaii 322,344 322,178 (166) −0.05 Idaho 337,184 338,014 830 0.25 Illinois 1,060,267 1,059,262 (1,005) −0.09 Indiana 628,290 628,745 455 0.07 Iowa 450,618 450,398 (220) −0.05 Kansas 429,451 429,282 (169) −0.04 Kentucky 499,293 503,058 3,765 0.75 Louisiana 500,874 498,490 (2,384) −0.48 Maine 330,405 330,165 (240) −0.07 Maryland 607,963 611,479 3,516 0.58 Massachusetts 671,621 674,268 2,647 0.39 Michigan 840,199 826,454 (13,745) −1.64 Minnesota 609,146 610,066 920 0.15 Mississippi 403,784 409,097 5,313 1.32 Missouri 612,168 616,486 4,318 0.71 Montana 305,461 305,900 439 0.14 Nebraska 364,956 365,623 667 0.18 Nevada 412,224 406,858 (5,366) −1.30 New Hampshire 335,675 335,775 100 0.03 New Jersey 801,753 797,757 (3,996) −0.50 New Mexico 362,260 360,655 (1,605) −0.44 New York 1,431,886 1,421,421 (10,465) −0.73 North Carolina 800,773 796,599 (4,174) −0.52 North Dakota 289,407 290,251 844 0.29 Ohio 973,816 968,454 (5,362) −0.55 Oklahoma 461,908 458,559 (3,349) −0.73 Oregon 484,674 489,737 5,063 1.04 Pennsylvania 1,032,323 1,024,530 (7,793) −0.75 Puerto Rico 404,628 401,448 (3,180) −0.79 Rhode Island 314,871 314,447 (424) −0.13 South Carolina 510,108 510,204 96 0.02 South Dakota 298,888 299,393 505 0.17 Tennessee 615,549 626,347 10,798 1.75 Texas 1,734,172 1,751,537 17,365 1.00 Utah 410,093 410,985 892 0.22 Vermont 288,413 288,917 504 0.17 Virginia 756,466 761,294 4,828 0.64 Washington 677,933 674,609 (3,324) −0.49 West Virginia 340,653 340,288 (365) −0.11 Wisconsin 617,807 620,620 2,813 0.46 Wyoming 280,219 280,277 58 0.02 State Total 31,759,354 31,762,865 3,511 0.01 Guam 92,813 92,818 5 0.01 Virgin Islands 83,833 83,837 4 0.00 Outlying Areas Total 176,646 176,655 9 0.01 Signed: at Washington, DC, on this 13th day of March, 2012.
Jane Oates,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2012-6446 Filed 3-15-12; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 03/16/2012
- Department:
- Labor Department
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice.
- Document Number:
- 2012-6446
- Dates:
- Comments on the formula used to allot funds to the outlying areas must be received April 16, 2012.
- Pages:
- 15804-15811 (8 pages)
- PDF File:
- 2012-6446.pdf