94-6153. Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Quarterly Listing of Program Issuances and Coverage DecisionsFourth Quarter 1993

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 52 (Thursday, March 17, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-6153]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: March 17, 1994]
    Health Care Financing Administration
    Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Quarterly Listing of Program 
    Issuances and Coverage Decisions--Fourth Quarter 1993
    AGENCY: Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), HHS.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: This notice lists HCFA manual instructions, substantive and 
    interpretive regulations and other Federal Register notices, and 
    statements of policy that were published during October, November, and 
    December of 1993 that relate to the Medicare and Medicaid programs. 
    Section 1871(c) of the Social Security Act requires that we publish a 
    list of Medicare issuances in the Federal Register at least every 3 
    months. Although we are not mandated to do so by statute, for the sake 
    of completeness of the listing, we are including all Medicaid issuances 
    and Medicare and Medicaid substantive and interpretive regulations 
    (proposed and final) published during this timeframe.
        We are also providing the content of revisions to the Medicare 
    Coverage Issues Manual published between October 1 and December 31, 
    1993. On August 21, 1989 (54 FR 34555), we published the content of the 
    Manual and indicated that we will publish quarterly any updates. Adding 
    to this listing the complete text of the changes to the Medicare 
    Coverage Issues Manual allows us to fulfill this requirement in a 
    manner that facilitates identification of coverage and other changes in 
    our manuals.
    Margaret Cotton, (410) 966-5260 (For Medicare instruction information)
    Walter Rutemueller, (410) 966-5395 (For Medicare coverage information)
    Pat Prete, (410) 965-3246 (For Medicaid instruction information)
    Jacqueline Kidd, (410) 966-4682 (For all other information)
    I. Program Issuances
        The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) is responsible for 
    administering the Medicare and Medicaid programs, which pay for health 
    care and related services for 36 million Medicare beneficiaries and 33 
    million Medicaid recipients. Administration of these programs involves 
    (1) Providing information to Medicare beneficiaries and Medicaid 
    recipients, health care providers, and the public; and (2) effective 
    communications with regional offices, State governments, State Medicaid 
    Agencies, State Survey Agencies, various providers of health care, 
    fiscal intermediaries and carriers who process claims and pay bills, 
    and others. To implement the various statutes on which the programs are 
    based, we issue regulations under authority granted the Secretary under 
    sections 1102, 1871, and 1902 and related provisions of the Social 
    Security Act (the Act) and also issue various manuals, memoranda, and 
    statements necessary to administer the programs efficiently.
        Section 1871(c)(1) of the Act requires that we publish in the 
    Federal Register at least every 3 months a list of all Medicare manual 
    instructions, interpretive rules, statements of policy, and guidelines 
    of general applicability not issued as regulations. We published our 
    first notice June 9, 1988 (53 FR 21730). Although we are not mandated 
    to do so by statute, for the sake of completeness of the listing of 
    operational and policy statements, we are continuing our practice of 
    including Medicare substantive and interpretive regulations (proposed 
    and final) published during the 3-month timeframe. Since the 
    publication of our quarterly listing on June 12, 1992 (57 FR 24797), we 
    decided to add Medicaid issuances to our quarterly listings. 
    Accordingly, we are listing in this notice Medicaid issuances and 
    Medicaid substantive and interpretive regulations published from 
    October 1 through December 30, 1993.
    II. Medicare Coverage Issues
        We receive numerous inquiries from the general public about whether 
    specific items or services are covered under Medicare. Providers, 
    carriers, and intermediaries have copies of the Medicare Coverage 
    Issues Manual, which identifies those medical items, services, 
    technologies, or treatment procedures that can be paid for under 
    Medicare. On August 21, 1989, we published a notice in the Federal 
    Register (54 FR 34555) that contained all the Medicare coverage 
    decisions issued in that manual.
        In that notice, we indicated that revisions to the Coverage Issues 
    Manual will be published at least quarterly in the Federal Register. We 
    also sometimes issue proposed or final national coverage decision 
    changes in separate Federal Register notices. Readers should find this 
    an easy way to identify both issuance changes to all our manuals and 
    the text of changes to the Coverage Issues Manual.
        Revisions to the Coverage Issues Manual are not published on a 
    regular basis but on an as-needed basis. We publish revisions as a 
    result of technological changes, medical practice changes, responses to 
    inquiries we receive seeking clarifications, or the resolution of 
    coverage issues under Medicare. If no Coverage Issues Manual revisions 
    were published during a particular quarter, our listing will reflect 
    that fact.
        Not all revisions to the Coverage Issues Manual contain major 
    changes. As with any instruction, sometimes minor clarifications or 
    revisions are made within the text. We have reprinted manual revisions 
    as transmitted to manual holders. The new text is shown in italics. We 
    will not reprint the table of contents, since the table of contents 
    serves primarily as a finding aid for the user of the manual and does 
    not identify items as covered or not.
    III. How To Use the Addenda
        This notice is organized so that a reader may review the subjects 
    of all manual issuances, memoranda, substantive and interpretive 
    regulations, or coverage decisions published during the timeframe to 
    determine whether any are of particular interest. We expect it to be 
    used in concert with previously published notices. Most notably, those 
    unfamiliar with a description of our Medicare manuals may wish to 
    review Table I of our first three notices (53 FR 21730, 53 FR 36891, 
    and 53 FR 50577) and the notice published March 31, 1993 (58 FR 16837), 
    and those desiring information on the Medicare Coverage Issues Manual 
    may wish to review the August 21, 1989, publication.
        To aid the reader, we have organized and divided this current 
    listing into five addenda. Addendum I identifies updates that changed 
    the Coverage Issues Manual. We published notices in the Federal 
    Register that included the text of changes to the Coverage Issues 
    Manual. These updates, when added to material from the manual published 
    on August 21, 1989, constitute a complete manual as of March 31, 1993. 
    Parties interested in obtaining a copy of the manual and revisions 
    should follow the instructions in section IV of this notice.
        Addendum II identifies previous Federal Register documents that 
    contain a description of all previously published HCFA Medicare and 
    Medicaid manuals and memoranda.
        Addendum III of this notice lists, for each of our manuals or 
    Program Memoranda, a HCFA transmittal number unique to that instruction 
    and its subject matter. A transmittal may consist of a single 
    instruction or many. Often it is necessary to use information in a 
    transmittal in conjunction with information currently in the manuals.
        Addendum IV lists all substantive and interpretive Medicare and 
    Medicaid regulations and general notices published in the Federal 
    Register during the quarter covered by this notice. For each item, we 
    list the date published, the Federal Register citation, the title of 
    the regulation, and the Parts of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 
    which have changed.
        Addendum V sets forth the revisions to the Medicare Coverage Issues 
    Manual that were published during the quarter covered by this notice. 
    For the revisions, we give a brief synopsis of the revisions as they 
    appear on the transmittal sheet, the manual section number, and the 
    title of the section. We present a complete copy of the revised 
    material, no matter how minor the revision, and identify the revisions 
    by printing in italics the text that was changed. If the transmittal 
    includes material unrelated to the revised section, for example, when 
    the addition of revised material causes other sections to be 
    repaginated, we do not reprint the unrelated material.
    IV. How To Obtain Listed Material
    A. Manuals
        An individual or organization interested in routinely receiving any 
    manual and revisions to it may purchase a subscription to that manual. 
    Those wishing to subscribe should contact either the Government 
    Printing Office (GPO) or the National Technical Information Service 
    (NTIS) at the following addresses:
    Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, ATTN: New 
    Order, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, Telephone (202) 783-
    3238, Fax number (202) 512-2250 (for credit card orders); or
    National Technical Information Service, Department of Commerce, 5825 
    Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, Telephone (703) 487-4630.
        In addition, individual manual transmittals and Program Memoranda 
    listed in this notice can be purchased from NTIS. Interested parties 
    should identify the transmittal(s) they want. GPO or NTIS can give 
    complete details on how to obtain the publications they sell.
    B. Regulations and Notices
        Regulations and notices are published in the daily Federal 
    Register. Interested individuals may purchase individual copies or 
    subscribe to the Federal Register by contacting the GPO at the address 
    indicated above. When ordering individual copies, it is necessary to 
    cite either the date of publication or the volume number and page 
    C. Rulings
        Rulings are published on an infrequent basis by HCFA. Interested 
    individuals can obtain copies from the nearest HCFA Regional Office or 
    review them at the nearest regional depository library. We also 
    sometimes publish Rulings in the Federal Register.
    D. HCFA's Compact Disk-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM)
        HCFA's laws, regulations, and manuals are now available on CD-ROM, 
    which may be purchased from GPO or NTIS on a subscription or single 
    copy basis. The Superintendent of Documents list ID is HCLRM, and the 
    stock number is 717-139-00000-3. The following material is contained on 
    the CD-ROM disk:
         Titles XI, XVIII, and XIX of the Act.
         HCFA-related regulations.
         HCFA manuals and monthly revisions.
         HCFA program memoranda.
        The titles are current as of the September 1, 1992, update of the 
    Compilation of the Social Security Laws and the regulations are those 
    in effect as of October 1, 1993.
        The CD-ROM disk does not contain Appendices M (Interpretative 
    Guidelines for Hospices) and R (Resident Assessment for Long Term Care 
    Facilities) of the State Operations Manual. Copies of these appendices 
    may be reviewed at a Federal Depository Library (FDL).
        Any cost report forms incorporated in the manuals are included on 
    the CD-ROM disk as LOTUS files. LOTUS software is needed to view the 
    reports once the files have been copied to a personal computer disk.
    V. How To Review Listed Material
        Transmittals or Program Memoranda can be reviewed at a local FDL. 
    Under the FDL program, government publications are sent to 
    approximately 1400 designated libraries throughout the United States. 
    Interested parties may examine the documents at any one of the FDLs. 
    Some may have arrangements to transfer material to a local library not 
    designated as an FDL. To locate the nearest FDL, individuals should 
    contact any library.
        In addition, individuals may contact regional depository libraries, 
    which receive and retain at least one copy of most Federal government 
    publications, either in printed or microfilm form, for use by the 
    general public. These libraries provide reference services and 
    interlibrary loans; however, they are not sales outlets. Individuals 
    may obtain information about the location of the nearest regional 
    depository library from any library.
        Superintendent of Documents numbers for each HCFA publication are 
    shown in Addendum III, along with the HCFA publication and transmittal 
    numbers. To help FDLs locate the instruction, use the Superintendent of 
    Documents number, plus the HCFA transmittal number. For example, to 
    find the Carriers Manual, Part 2--Program Administration (HCFA-Pub. 14-
    2) transmittal entitled ``The Contractor Performance Evaluation 
    Program--FY 1993,'' use the Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/7-
    3, and the HCFA transmittal number 123.
    VI. General Information
        It is possible that an interested party may have a specific 
    information need and not be able to determine from the listed 
    information whether the issuance or regulation would fulfill that need. 
    Consequently, we are providing information contact persons to answer 
    general questions concerning these items. Copies are not available 
    through the contact persons. Copies can be purchased or reviewed as 
    noted above.
        Questions concerning Medicare items in Addenda III may be addressed 
    to Margaret Cotton, Office of Issuances, Health Care Financing 
    Administration, Room 688 East High Rise, 6325 Security Blvd., 
    Baltimore, MD 21207, Telephone (410) 966-5260.
        Questions concerning Medicaid items in Addenda III may be addressed 
    to Pat Prete, Medicaid Bureau, Office of Medicaid Policy, Health Care 
    Financing Administration, Room 233 East High Rise, 6325 Security Blvd., 
    Baltimore, MD 21207, Telephone (410) 965-3246.
        Questions concerning items in Addenda V may be addressed to Walter 
    Rutemueller, Office of Coverage and Eligibility Policy, Health Care 
    Financing Administration, Room 401 East High Rise, 6325 Security Blvd., 
    Baltimore, MD 21207, Telephone (410) 966-5395.
        Questions concerning all other information may be addressed to 
    Jacqueline Kidd, Regulations Staff, Health Care Financing 
    Administration, Room 132 East High Rise, 6325 Security Blvd., 
    Baltimore, MD 21207, Telephone (410) 966-4682.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.773, 
    Medicare--Hospital Insurance, Program No. 93.774, Medicare--
    Supplementary Medical Insurance Program, and Program No. 93.714, 
    Medical Assistance Program)
        Dated: March 7, 1994.
    Bruce C. Vladeck,
    Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration.
    Addendum I
        This addendum lists the publication dates of the quarterly listing 
    of program issuances and coverage decision updates to the Coverage 
    Issues Manual.
    March 20, 1990 (55 FR 10290)
    February 6, 1991 (56 FR 4830)
    July 5, 1991 (56 FR 30752)
    November 22, 1991 (56 FR 58913)
    January 22, 1992 (57 FR 2558)
    March 16, 1992 (57 FR 9127)
    June 11, 1992 (57 FR 24797)
    October 16, 1992 (57 FR 47468)
    January 7, 1993 (58 FR 3028)
    March 31, 1993 (58 FR 16837)
    July 9, 1993 (58 FR 36967)
    September 1, 1993 (58 FR 46200)
    December 22, 1993 (58 FR 67796)
    Addendum II--Description of Manuals, Memoranda, and HCFA Rulings
        An extensive descriptive listing of Medicare manuals and memoranda 
    was published on June 9, 1988, at 53 FR 21730 and supplemented on 
    September 22, 1988, at 53 FR 36891 and December 16, 1988, at 53 FR 
    50577. Also, a complete description of the Medicare Coverage Issues 
    Manual was published on August 21, 1989, at 54 FR 34555. A brief 
    description of the various Medicaid manuals and memoranda that we 
    maintain was published on October 16, 1992, at 57 FR 47468.
    Addendum III.--Medicare and Medicaid Manual Instructions October Through
                                 December 1993                              
       Trans. No.               Manual/subject/publication number           
    Intermediary Manual, Part 2 - Audits, Reimbursement Program             
     Administration (HCFA-Pub. 13-2) (Superintendent of Documents No. HE    
    394.............   deg. Completion of the Form HCFA-1885A.              
                      The Contractor Performance Evaluation Program--FY     
                      Bill Processing and Service Criterion.                
                      Payment Safeguards Criterion.                         
                      Service Criterion.                                    
                      The RHHI Performance Evaluation Program - FY 1993.    
                      Regional Home Health Intermediary Criterion.          
     Intermediary Manual, Part 3 - Claims Process (HCFA-Pub. 13-3)          
     (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/6)                            
    1606............   deg. Electronic Media Claims.                        
                      File Specifications, Record Specifications, and Data  
                       Element Definitions for EMC Bills.                   
                      National Standard Electronic Remittance Advice.       
                      Medicare Standard Electronic PC-Print Software.       
    1607............   deg. Bill Review for Partial Hospitalization Services
                       Provided in Community Mental Health Centers.         
                      Hospital Outpatient Partial Hospitalization Services. 
                      Provider Electronic Billing File and Record Formats   
                       HCFA-485 Home Health Certification and Plan of       
    1608............   deg. PPS PRICER Program.                             
    1609............   deg. Review of Form HCFA-1450 for Inpatient and      
                       Outpatient Bills.                                    
                      Billing Procedures for Where Medicare Benefits are    
                       Secondary to Group Health Plans for Employed         
                       Beneficiaries/Spouses and the Disabled.              
                      Coding Structures.                                    
                      MSP Outpatient Claims Involving Lab Charges Paid By   
                       Fee Schedule.                                        
    1610............   deg. Rules Governing Charges to Beneficiaries.       
                      The Intermediary Workload Report, Form HCFA-1566.     
    1611............   deg. Claims Processing Timeliness.                   
     Intermediary Manual, Part 4 - Audit Procedures (HCFA-Pub. 13-3)        
     (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/6-4)                          
    31..............   deg. Introduction to the Home Health Agency Uniform  
                       Desk Review.                                         
                      Instructions for Performing Desk Reviews.             
    32..............   deg. General.                                        
                      Revised Medicare Audit Process.                       
    Carriers Manual, Part 2 - Program Administration (HCFA-Pub. 14-2)       
     (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/7-3)                          
    123.............   deg. The Contractor Performance Evaluation Program - 
                       FY 1993.                                             
                      Claims Processing Criterion.                          
                      Payment Safeguards Criterion.                         
                      Service Criterion.                                    
                      CWF Host Performance Evaluation Program - FY 1993.    
    124.............   deg. Functional Standards for Claims Processing      
     Carriers Manual, Part 3 - Claims Process (HCFA-Pub. 14-3)              
     (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/7)                            
    1465............   deg. List of Covered Surgical Procedures.            
    1466............   deg. Requirement for Processing Electronic Media     
                      The System for Processing Electronic Media Claims.    
                      EMC Testing and Verification.                         
                      Technical Requirements.                               
                      Data Sets and Formats for Electronic Media Claims and 
                       Electronic Remittance Advice.                        
    1467............   deg. Bills Involving Medical Assistance Recipients.  
                      Processing Claims for Services of Participating       
                       Physicians or Suppliers.                             
                      Physician and Supplier Billing Requirements for       
                       Services Furnished on or After September 1, 1990.    
                      Participation Program.                                
    1468............   deg. Psychological Tests.                            
    1469............   deg. The Carrier Performance Report, HCFA-1565.      
    1470............   deg. Nonparticipating Physicians to Provide Notices  
                       for Elective Surgery.                                
                      Handling Beneficiary Complaints.                      
    1471............   deg. Technical Specifications of the EOMB.           
    1472............   deg. Epoetin Furnished to ESRD Home Patients.        
    1473............   deg. Introduction.                                   
                      Definition of a Global Surgical Package.              
                      Billing Requirements for Global Surgeries.            
                      Claims Review for Global Surgeries.                   
                      Adjudication of Claims for Global Surgeries.          
                      Postpayment Issues.                                   
                      Claims for Multiple Surgeries.                        
                      Claims for Bilateral Surgeries.                       
                      Procedures Billed With Two or More Surgical Modifiers.
                      Claims for Anesthesia Services Performed On or After  
                       January 1, 1992.                                     
                      Billing for Portable X-Ray Set-Up Services.           
                      Claims Processing System Requirements.                
    1474............   deg. Routine Services and Appliances.                
                      Foot Care and Supportive Devices for the Feet.        
    Program Memorandum, Intermediaries (HCFA-Pub. 60A) (Superintendent of   
     Documents No. HE 22.8/6-5)                                             
    A-93-4..........   deg. Change in Hospice Payment Rates.                
    A-93-5..........   deg. Health Care Financing Administration's Audit and
                       Cost Report Settlement Expectations.                 
    A-93-6..........   deg. FY 1994 Prospective Payment System and Other    
                       Bill Processing Changes.                             
     Program Memorandum, Carriers (HCFA-Pub. 60B) (Superintendent of        
     Documents No. HE 22.8/6-5)                                             
    B-93-5..........   deg. 1994 Physician, Practitioner and Supplier       
                       Participation Enrollment and Fee Schedule Disclosure.
     Program Memorandum, Intermediaries/Carriers (HCFA-Pub. 60 A/B)         
     (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/6-5)                          
    AB-93-5.........   deg. Q Code for New Chemotherapy Drug, Paclitaxel.   
    AB-93-6.........   deg. Current Status of Medicare Program Memorandums  
                       and Letters Issued Before Calendar Year 1993.        
    AB-93-7.........   deg. Use of New Code, G0001, for Billing of Routine  
    Program Memorandum, Medicaid State Agencies (HCFA-Pub. 7)               
     (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/6-5)                          
    93-7............   deg. Current Status of Medicaid Program Memorandums  
                       and Action Transmittals Issued Before Calendar Year  
    93-8............   deg. Title XIX, Social Security Act, Medicaid        
                       Coverage and Payment.                                
    State Operations Manual, Provider Certification (HCFA-Pub. 7)           
     (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/12)                           
    261.............   deg. Life Safety Code Surveys.                       
                      Conducting Initial Surveys and Scheduled Resurveys.   
    Hospital Manual, (HCFA-Pub. 10) (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/
    655.............   deg. Billing for Hospital Outpatient Partial         
                       Hospitalization Services.                            
                      Coding Structures.                                    
                      Completion of Form HCFA-1450 for Inpatient and/or     
                       Outpatient Billing.                                  
    656.............   deg. Focused Medical Review.                         
                      Billing for Part B Outpatient Physical Therapy        
                      Completion of Form HCFA-1450 for Inpatient and/or     
                       Outpatient Billing.                                  
                      Medicare Benefits and Secondary to EGHPs for Employed 
                       Beneficiaries/Spouses and the Disabled.              
                      Coding Structures.                                    
                      MSP Outpatient Claims Involving Lab Charges Paid by   
                       Fee Schedule.                                        
    657.............   deg. Claims Processing Timeliness.                   
     Home Health Agency Manual (HCFA-Pub. 11) (Superintendent of Documents  
     No. HE 22.8/5)                                                         
    263.............   deg. Billing for Part B Outpatient Physical Therapy  
                      Focused Medical Review.                               
    264.............   deg. Claims Processing Timeliness.                   
     Skilled Nursing Facility Manual (HCFA-Pub. 12) (Superintendent of      
     Documents No. HE 22.8/3)                                               
    323.............   deg. Focused Medical Review.                         
                      Billing for Part B Intermediary OPT Bills.            
    324.............   deg. Rules Governing Charges to Beneficiaries.       
    325.............   deg. Claims Processing Timeliness.                   
    Rural Health Clinic and Federally Qualified Health Center Manual (HCFA- 
     Pub. 27) (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/19:985)              
    8...............   deg. Claims Processing Timeliness.                   
     Renal Dialysis Facility Manual (Non-Hospital Operated) (HCFA-Pub. 29)  
     (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/13)                           
    63..............   deg. Claims Processing Timeliness.                   
     Hospice Manual (HCFA-Pub. 21) (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/
    38..............   deg. Focused Medical Review.                         
    39..............   deg. Claims Processing Timeliness.                   
    Outpatient Physical Therapy and Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation 
     Facility Manual (HCFA-Pub. 9) (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/
    112.............   deg. Focused Medical Review.                         
                      Medical Review of Part B OPT Intermediary Bills.      
    113.............   deg. Claims Processing Timeliness.                   
     Coverage Issues Manual (HCFA-Pub. 6) (Superintendent of Documents No.  
     HE 22.8/14)                                                            
    65..............   deg. Artificial Hearts and Related Devices.          
    66..............   deg. Medical Documentation.                          
                      Laboratory Evidence.                                  
     Provider Reimbursement Manual, Part 1 (HCFA-Pub. 15-1) (Superintendent 
     of Documents No. HE 22.8/4)                                            
    373.............   deg. Regional Medicare Swing-Bed SNF Rates.          
    374.............   deg. Elimination of Payment for Return of Equity.    
    375.............   deg. Costs Not Related to Patient Care.              
                      Political Contribution and Lobbying Activities.       
     Provider Reimbursement Manual, Part 1 - Chapter 27 Reimbursement for   
     ESRD and Transplant Services (HCFA-Pub. 15-1-27) (Superintendent of    
     Documents No. HE 22.8/4)                                               
    24..............   deg. Items and Services Furnished to Direct Dealing  
                       Home Dialysis Beneficiaries.                         
    25..............   deg. Epoetin.                                        
                      Infacility Patients.                                  
                      Home Patients.                                        
    Provider Reimbursement Manual, Part II - Provider Cost Reporting Forms  
     and Instructions (Chapter 1) (HCFA-Pub. 15-II) (Superintendent of      
     Documents No. HE 22.8/4)                                               
    16..............   deg. Submission of Cost Report.                      
     Provider Reimbursement Manual, Part II - Provider Cost Reporting Forms 
     and Instructions (Chapter 28) (HCFA-Pub. 15-II-AB) (Superintendent of  
     Documents No. HE 22.8/4)                                               
    3...............   deg. Form HCFA-2552-92 Worksheets.                   
                      Electronic Reporting Specifications for Form HCFA 2552-
                      Cost Center Coding.                                   
     Peer Review Organization Manual (HCFA-Pub. 19) (Superintendent of      
     Documents No. HE 8/8-15)                                               
    25..............   deg. Health Care Financing Administration's Role.    
                      Health Care Quality Improvement Initiative.           
                      Generic Quality Screens - Outpatient Surgery.         
                      Rereview of Quality Concerns.                         
                      Scope of PRO Fraud and Abuse Review Activities.       
                      Review Responsibility.                                
                      Evaluation Report.                                    
                      Availability of Expert Witness.                       
                      Reopening of Cases.                                   
    26..............   deg. Citations and Authority.                        
                      Issuances of Hospital Notices of Noncoverage.         
                      Content of Hospital-Issued Notice of Noncoverage.     
                      Beneficiary Request for PRO Review.                   
                      Solicitation of Views.                                
                      Monitoring Hospital-Issued Notices of Noncoverage.    
                      Beneficiary Liability.                                
                      Right to a Reconsideration.                           
                      Model Notices of Noncoverage.                         
                      Model Hospital Notice Issued to Beneficiary of Pro    
                       Review of Need for Continued Hospitalization.        
    27..............   deg. Monthly Files.                                  
                      Review for Approval of Use of an Assistant at Cataract
    28..............   deg. Background.                                     
                      Report of Findings.                                   
                      Performance Improvement Plan.                         
    State Medicaid Manual, Part 2 - State Organization and General          
     Administration (HCFA-Pub. 45-2) (Superintendent of Documents No. HE    
    84..............   deg. Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and    
                       Treatment Report (Form HCFA-416)                     
    State Medicaid Manual, Part 4 - Services (HCFA-Pub. 45-4)               
     (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/10)                           
    63..............   deg. Authority to Grant Life Safety Code Waivers for 
                       Medicaid Only Certified NFs.                         
     State Medicaid Manual, Part 5 - Early and Periodic Screening,          
     Diagnosis, and Treatment (HCFA-Pub. 45-5) (Superintendent of Documents 
     No. HE 22.8/10)                                                        
    6...............   deg. Screening Service Content.                      
    7...............   deg. Records or Information on Services and          
                       Recipients Annual Participation Goals.               
    State Medicaid Manual, Part 6 - Payment for Services (HCFA-Pub. 45-6)   
     (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/10)                           
    24..............   deg. Federal Upper Limit Payments for Multiple Source
    State Medicaid Manual, Part 7 - Quality Control (HCFA-Pub. 45-7)        
     (Superintendent of Documents No. HE 22.8/10)                           
    49..............   deg. Definitions of Key Terms.                       
                      Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control Review.          
                      MEQC State and Regional Cycles.                       
                      Cases Which Are Not Reviewed.                         
                      Review of AFDC Cash Cases/Individuals.                
                      In-Person Interview.                                  
                      Mandatory Use of IEVS Information.                    
                      Verification Standards.                               
                      Verification Guide.                                   
                      Administrative Period.                                
                      Technical Errors.                                     
                      Review Month Income Projected Forward Throughout      
                       Spenddown Period.                                    
     Medicare/Medicaid, Sanction--Reinstatement Report (HCFA-Pub. 69)       
    93-10...........   deg. Report of Physicians/Practitioners, Providers   
                       and/or Other Health Care Suppliers Excluded/         
    93-11...........   deg. Report of Physicians/Practitioners, Providers   
                       and/or Other Health Care Suppliers Excluded/         
    93-12...........   deg. Report of Physicians/Practitioners, Providers   
                       and/or Other Health Care Suppliers Excluded/         
    93-13...........   deg. Report of Physicians/Practitioners, Providers   
                       and/or Other Health Care Suppliers Excluded/         
                      Addendum IV.--Regulations and Notices Published July Through September 1993                   
          Publication date/citation         42 CFR part                             Title                           
                                                       Final Rules                                                  
    10/01/93 (58 FR 51408)................     435, 436,  Medicaid Program; Eligibility and Coverage Requirements.  
    10/20/93 (58 FR 54045)................           403  Medicare Program; Demonstration Project to Develop a      
                                                           Uniform Cost Reporting System for Hospitals.             
    11/02/93 (58 FR 58502)................     405, 406,  Medicare Program; Self-Implementing Coverage and Payments 
                                               409, 410,   Provisions: 1990 Legislation (Confirmation of Final      
                                               411, 412,   Rule).                                                   
                                               413, 418,                                                            
    11/18/93 (58 FR 60789)................           421  Medicare Program; Carrier Jurisdiction for Claims for     
                                                           Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and   
                                                           Supplies (DMEPOS).                                       
    11/23/93 (58 FR 61816)................     401, 488,  Medicare Program; Granting and Withdrawal of Deeming      
                                                     489   Authority to National Accreditation Organizations.       
    12/02/93 (58 FR 63533)................           491  Medicare Program Required Laboratory Procedures for Rural 
                                                           Health Clinics.                                          
    12/02/93 (58 FR 63626)................      405, 414  Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies and       
                                                           Adjustments to the Relative Value Units Under the        
                                                           Physician Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 1994.           
    12/13/93 (58 FR 65126)................           424  Medicare Program; Intermediary and Carrier Checks That are
                                                           Lost, Stolen, Defaced, Mutilated, Destroyed or Paid on   
                                                           Forged Endorsements.                                     
                                                     Proposed Rules                                                 
    10/01/93 (58 FR 51288)................      440, 441  Medicaid Program; Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis,
                                                           and Treatment Services Defined.                          
    10/15/93 (58 FR 53481)................     431, 440,  Medicaid Program; Case Management.                        
                                                441, 447                                                            
    11/26/93 (58 FR 62312)................      410, 411  Medicare Program; Medicare Coverage of Screening Pap      
                                                           Smears for Early Detection of Cervical Cancer.           
    12/13/93 (58 FR 65150)................           413  Medicare Program; Reporting of Interest From Zero Coupon  
    12/14/93 (58 FR 65312)................     435, 436,  Medicaid Program; Extended Medicaid for Certain Families  
                                                440, 447   Who Lose AFDC Eligibility Because of Earned Income; Work 
                                                           Supplementation Participants; Residency of Minor Parents 
                                                           and Pregnant Individuals.                                
    12/27/93 (58 FR 68366)................           417  Medicare Program; Retroactive Enrollment and Disenrollment
                                                           in Risk Health Maintenance Organizations and Competitive 
                                                           Medical Plans.                                           
    12/29/93 (58 FR 68829)................     410, 417,  Medicare Program; Medicare Coverage and Payment of        
                                                     424   Clinical Psychologist, Other Psychologist, and Clinical  
                                                           Social Worker Services.                                  
    Publication date/citation                                               
    10/01/93 (58 FR 51355)...  Medicare Program; Payment for Extracorporeal 
                                Shock Wave Lithotripsy Services Furnished by
                                Ambulatory Surgical Centers.                
    10/04/93 (58 FR 51632)...  HMOs; Exclusion of Gamete Intrafallopian     
                                Transfer and Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer 
                                as Basic Health Services                    
    10/05/93 (58 FR 51827)...  Medicare Program; Data, Standards and        
                                Methodology Used to Establish Fiscal Year   
                                1994 Budgets for Fiscal Intermediaries and  
    10/05/93 (58 FR 51833)...  HMOs; Qualification Determinations and       
                                Compliance Actions During the Period April  
                                1, 1993, through June 30, 1993.             
    10/06/93 (58 FR 52112)...  Medicare, Medicaid, and CLIA Programs;       
                                Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments  
                                of 1988 Licensed by the State of Washington.
    11/02/93 (58 FR 58553)...  Medicare Programs; Inpatient Hospital        
                                Deductible and Hospital and Extended Care   
                                Services Coinsurance Amounts for 1994.      
    11/02/93 (58 FR 58555)...  Medicare Program; Part A Premium for 1994 for
                                the Uninsured Aged and for Certain Disabled 
                                Individuals Who Have Exhausted Other        
    11/08/93 (58 FR 59271)...  Medicare Program; Monthly Actuarial Rates and
                                Monthly Supplementary Medical Insurance     
                                Premium Rates Beginning January 1, 1994.    
    11/16/93 (58 FR 60458)...  Medicare Program; Withdrawal of the Provider 
                                Reimbursement Review Board Hearing Manual.  
    11/22/93 (58 FR 61692)...  Medicaid Program; Revised Medicaid Management
                                Information Systems (MMIS) Functional       
    11/24/93 (58 FR 62128)...  Medicare Program; Payment for Extracorporeal 
                                Shock Wave Lithotripsy Services Furnished by
                                Ambulatory Surgical Centers (extension of   
                                comment period).                            
    11/26/93 (58 FR 62357)...  Medicare Program; Meeting of the Practicing  
                                Physicians Advisory Council.                
    12/02/93 (58 FR 63856)...  Physician Performance Standard Rates of      
                                Increase for Federal Fiscal Year 1994 and   
                                Physician Fee Schedule Update for Calendar  
                                Year 1994.                                  
    12/13/93 (58 FR 65186)...  Medicare Program; Peer Review Organization,  
                                General Criteria and Standards for          
                                Evaluating Performance of Contract          
    12/14/93 (58 FR 65357)...  Medicare Program; Proposed Additions to and  
                                Deletions From the Current List of Covered  
                                Procedures for Ambulatory Surgical Centers. 
    12/21/93 (58 FR 67350)...  Medicare Program; Changes to the Hospital    
                                Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems and   
                                Fiscal Year 1994 Rates; (Correction).       
    12/22/93 (58 FR 67796)...  Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Quarterly    
                                Listing of Program Issuances and Coverage   
                                Decisions--Third Quarter 1993.              
    12/23/93 (58 FR 68148)...  Approval of the Commission on Office         
                                Laboratory Accreditation.                   
    Addendum V--Medicare Coverage Issues Manual
    (For the reader's convenience, new material and changes to previously 
    published material are in italics. If any part of a sentence in the 
    manual instruction has changed, the entire line is shown in italics. 
    The transmittal includes material unrelated to revised sections. We are 
    not reprinting the unrelated material.)
        Transmittal No. 65; section 65-15, Artificial Hearts and Related 
    DATE; Services Furnished on or After 10/18/93.
        Section 65-15, Artificial Hearts and Related Devices, is revised to 
    provide coverage of the FDA-approved ventricular assist device (known 
    as the BVS 5000) when used only in patients suffering from 
    postcardiotomy ventricular dysfunction. The device is intended for 
    short term use and is not covered when used as a bridge to cardiac 
        There are several devices either in use or under development which 
    replace all or part of the human heart or assist the heart in 
    performing its pumping function. Artificial hearts are considered 
    investigational and not covered under Medicare either when used as a 
    permanent replacement for a human heart or when used as temporary life-
    support systems (i.e., until a human heart becomes available for 
        The FDA-approved ventricular assist device (known as the BVS 5000) 
    is covered when it is used in accordance with its FDA-approved labeled 
    uses for postcardiotomy ventricular dysfunction. The device is intended 
    for short term use and is not covered when used as a bridge to cardiac 
    transplantation. Other ventricular assist devices used as temporary 
    life-support systems are still considered investigational and not 
    covered under the Medicare program. Transmittal No. 66; section 60-4.B, 
    Medical Documentation. CHANGED PROCEDURES--EFFECTIVE DATE: Services 
    furnished on or after 01/01/9.
        Section 60-4.B, Medical Documentation, is revised to reflect 
    changes mandated by Sec. 4152 of OBRA 1990, effective for services 
    rendered on or after January 1, 1991. Implementing changes were 
    published in the Medicare Carriers Manual in July 1991 (transmittal 
    1399). Transmittal No. 66; section 60-4.C, Laboratory Evidence. CHANGED 
        Section 60-4.C, Laboratory Evidence, is revised to indicate that in 
    situations where the arterial blood gas and the oximetry studies are 
    both used to document the need for oxygen therapy and the results are 
    conflicting, the arterial blood gas study is the preferred service of 
    documenting medical need because the results of such studies are 
    considered the best evidence of hypoxemia. In addition, these 
    instructions also clarify that the prohibition against the use of 
    results of tests performed by a durable medical equipment (DME) 
    supplier to qualify patients for home oxygen service does not extend to 
    the results of an arterial blood gas text by a hospital certified to 
    conduct such tests.
        B. Medical Documentation.--Initial claims for oxygen services must 
    include a completed Form HCFA-484 (Attending Physician's Certification 
    of Medical Necessity for Home Oxygen Therapy) to establish whether 
    coverage criteria are met and to ensure that the oxygen services 
    provided are consistent with the physician's prescription or other 
    medical documentation. The attending physician's prescription or other 
    medical documentation must indicate that the other forms of treatment 
    (e.g., medical and physical therapy directed at secretions, 
    bronchospasm and infection) have been tried, have not been sufficiently 
    successful, and oxygen therapy is still required. While there is no 
    substitute for oxygen therapy, each patient must receive optimum 
    therapy before long-term home oxygen therapy is ordered. Use Form HCFA-
    484 for recertifications. (See Medicare Carriers Manual Sec. 3312 for 
    completion of Form HCFA-484.)
        The medical and prescription information on Form HCFA-484 can be 
    completed only by the attending physician or entered on the form from 
    information in the patient's records by an employee of the physician 
    for the physician's review and signature. Although hospital discharge 
    coordinators, nurses, and medical social workers may assist in 
    arranging for physician-prescribed home oxygen, they have no authority 
    to prescribe the services or to enter medical or prescription 
    information in items 1 through 6 of Form HCFA-484. Suppliers may not 
    enter this information either.
        Unlike other types of DME, a physician's certification of medical 
    necessity for oxygen equipment must include the results of specific 
    testing before coverage can be determined.
        Initial claims for oxygen must also be supported by medical 
    documentation. Separate documentation is used with electronic billing. 
    (See Medicare Carriers Manual, Part 3, Sec. 4105.6.) This documentation 
    may be in the form of a prescription written by the patient's attending 
    physician who has recently examined the patient (normally within a 
    month of the start of therapy) and must specify:
         A diagnosis of the disease requiring home use of oxygen;
         The oxygen flow rate; and
         An estimate of the frequency, duration of use (e.g., 2 
    liters per minute, 10 minutes per hour, 12 hours per day), and duration 
    of need (e.g., 6 months or lifetime).
        Note: A prescription for ``Oxygen PRN'' or ``Oxygen as needed'' 
    does not meet this last requirement. Neither provides any basis for 
    determining if the amount of oxygen is reasonable and necessary for 
    the patient.
        All claims with oxygen flow rates of more than 2 liters per minute 
    must be reviewed by a carrier's medical staff before payment can be 
    made. The attending physician may also specify the type of oxygen 
    delivery system to be used (i.e., gas, liquid, or concentrator). If the 
    type of system is specified, then the medical reasons for selecting 
    that system over the alternative systems must also be specified.
        New medical documentation written by the patient's attending 
    physician must be submitted to the carrier in support of revised oxygen 
    requirements when there has been a change in the patient's condition 
    and need for oxygen therapy.
        Carriers are required to conduct periodic, continuing medical 
    necessity reviews on patients whose conditions warrant these reviews 
    and on patients with indefinite or extended periods of necessity as 
    described in Medicare Carriers Manual, Part 3, Sec. 4105.6.C. When 
    indicated, carriers may also request documentation of the results of a 
    repeat arterial blood gas or oximetry study.
        Note: Section 4152 of OBRA 1990 requires earlier recertification 
    and retesting of oxygen patients who begin coverage with an arterial 
    blood gas result at or above a partial pressure of 55 or an arterial 
    oxygen saturation percentage at or above 89. (See Medicare Carriers 
    Manual Sec. 4105.6 for certifications and retesting schedules.)
        C. Laboratory Evidence.--Initial claims for oxygen therapy must 
    also include the results of a blood gas study that has been ordered and 
    evaluated by the attending physician. This is usually in the form of a 
    measurement of the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) in arterial blood. 
    (See Medicare Carriers Manual, Part 3, Sec. 2070.1 for instructions on 
    clinical laboratory tests.) A measurement of arterial oxygen saturation 
    obtained by ear or pulse oximetry, however, is also acceptable when 
    ordered and evaluated by the attending physician and performed under 
    his or her supervision or when performed by a qualified provider or 
    supplier of laboratory services. In situations when the arterial blood 
    gas and the oximetry studies are both used to document the need for 
    home oxygen therapy and the results are conflicting, the arterial blood 
    gas study is the preferred source of documenting medical need. A DME 
    supplier is not considered a qualified provider or supplier of 
    laboratory services for purposes of these guidelines. This prohibition 
    does not extend to the results of an arterial blood gas test conducted 
    by a hospital certified to do such tests. The conditions under which 
    the laboratory tests are performed must be specified in writing and 
    submitted with the initial claim, i.e., at rest, while sleeping, while 
    exercising, on room air, or if while on oxygen, the amount, body 
    position during testing, and similar information necessary for 
    interpreting the evidence as specified by the carrier.
        The preferred sources of laboratory evidence are existing physician 
    and/or hospital records that reflect the patient's medical condition. 
    Since it is expected that virtually all patients who qualify for home 
    oxygen coverage for the first time under these guidelines have recently 
    been discharged from a hospital where they submitted to arterial blood 
    gas tests, the carrier needs to request that such test results be 
    submitted in support of their initial claims for home oxygen. If more 
    than one arterial blood gas test is performed during the patient's 
    hospital stay, the test result obtained closest to the hospital 
    discharge date is the best evidence of the need for home oxygen 
        Carriers may accept an attending physician's statement of recent 
    hospital test results for a particular patient, when appropriate, in 
    lieu of copies of actual hospital records. Subsequent blood gas tests 
    that appear to duplicate the hospital test (e.g., when there is no 
    reason to believe the patient's condition may have changed) are denied 
    as not medically reasonable and necessary.
        A repeat arterial blood gas or oximetry study is normally necessary 
    only when evidence indicates that an oxygen recipient has undergone a 
    major change relevant to home use of oxygen. For example, if the 
    carrier has reason to believe that there has been a major change in the 
    patient's physical condition (e.g., when there has been a significant 
    increase in the amount of oxygen billed on a monthly basis), it may ask 
    for documentation of the results of another blood gas or oximetry 
    [FR Doc. 94-6153 Filed 3-16-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4120-01-P

Document Information

Health Care Finance Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
Services furnished on or after 01/01/9.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: March 17, 1994, OIS-024-N