99-6402. Gray Portland Cement and Clinker From Mexico; Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 51 (Wednesday, March 17, 1999)]
    [Pages 13148-13169]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-6402]
    International Trade Administration
    Gray Portland Cement and Clinker From Mexico; Final Results of 
    Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
    AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
    Department of Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of final results of antidumping duty administrative 
    SUMMARY: On September 10, 1998, the Department of Commerce published 
    the preliminary results of its administrative review of the antidumping 
    duty order on gray portland cement and clinker from Mexico. The review 
    covers one manufacturer/exporter, CEMEX, S.A. de C.V. (CEMEX), and an 
    affiliated party, Cementos de Chihuahua, S.A. de C.V. (CDC), and the 
    period August 1, 1996, through July 31, 1997. We gave interested 
    parties an opportunity to comment on the preliminary results. Based on 
    our analysis of the comments received, we have made changes, including 
    corrections of certain inadvertent programming and clerical errors, in 
    the margin calculation. These corrections and adjustments to margin 
    calculation program are described in the sections entitled ``6. 
    Difference-in-Merchandise Information'' and ``18. Ministerial Errors,'' 
    of the Issues Appendix. The final weighted-average dumping margin for 
    CEMEX and CDC is 49.58 percent ad valorem.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: March 17, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Diane Krawczun, Anne Copper, or George 
    Callen; Import Administration, International Trade Administration, U.S. 
    Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., 
    Washington, DC. 20230; telephone (202) 482-0198, (202) 482-0090, and 
    (202) 482-0180, respectively.
    Applicable Statute and Regulations
        Unless otherwise indicated, all citations to the statute are 
    references to the provisions effective January 1, 1995, the effective 
    date of the amendments made to the Tariff Act of 1930 (the Act) by the 
    Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA). In addition, unless otherwise 
    indicated, all citations to the Department of Commerce's (the 
    Department's) regulations are to the regulations at 19 CFR part 351 
        On September 10, 1998, the Department published in the Federal 
    Register the preliminary results of its administrative review of the 
    antidumping duty order on gray portland cement and clinker from Mexico. 
    Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review: Gray 
    Portland Cement and Clinker From Mexico, 63 FR 48471 (1998) 
    (preliminary results). The Southern Tier Cement Committee (the 
    petitioner) submitted its case brief on October 13, 1998; CEMEX and CDC 
    submitted case briefs on October 30, 1998. CDC re-submitted its case 
    brief on December 2, 1998. The petitioner, CEMEX, and CDC submitted 
    their rebuttal briefs on November 3, 1998. The Department held a public 
    hearing on November 20, 1998. All issues raised in the case and 
    rebuttal briefs by parties to this administrative review are addressed 
    in the ``Issues Appendix,'' which is appended to this notice of final 
    results. The Department has now completed this review in accordance 
    with section 751(a) of the Act.
    Scope of the Review
        The products covered by this review include gray portland cement 
    and clinker. Gray portland cement is a hydraulic cement and the primary 
    component of concrete. Clinker, an intermediate material product 
    produced when manufacturing cement, has no use other than being ground 
    into finished cement. Gray portland cement is currently classifiable 
    under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) item number 2523.29 and 
    cement clinker is currently classifiable under HTS item number 2523.10. 
    Gray portland cement has also been entered under HTS item number 
    2523.90 as ``other hydraulic cements.'' The HTS subheadings are 
    provided for convenience and customs purposes only. The Department's 
    written description remains dispositive as to the scope of the product 
        Pursuant to section 782(i) of the Act, we verified information 
    provided by CEMEX using standard verification procedures, including on-
    site inspection of the manufacturer's facilities and the examination of 
    relevant sales and financial records, and selection of original 
    documentation containing relevant information. Our verification results 
    are outlined in public versions of the verification reports, dated 
    August 21, 1998, and located in the public file in Room B-099 of the 
    Department's main building.
    Final Results of Review
        We determine that the following weighted-average margin exists for 
    the period August 1, 1996, through July 31, 1997:
                              Company                              Margin
    CEMEX/CDC.................................................       49.58%
        The Department shall determine, and the Customs Service shall 
    assess, antidumping duties on all appropriate entries. The Department 
    shall issue appraisement instructions directly to the Customs Service. 
    For assessment purposes, we have calculated an importer-specific duty 
    assessment rate for the merchandise based on the ratio of the total 
    amount of antidumping duties calculated for the examined sales to the 
    total entered value of sales examined.
        Furthermore, the following deposit requirements shall be effective 
    upon publication of this notice of final results of review for all 
    shipments of gray portland cement and clinker from Mexico, entered, or 
    withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after the publication 
    date, as provided for by section 751(a)(1) of the Act: (1) The cash 
    deposit rate for CEMEX/CDC will be 49.58 percent; (2) for previously 
    investigated or reviewed companies not listed above, the cash deposit 
    rate will continue to be the company-specific rate published for the 
    most recent period; (3) if the exporter is not a firm covered in this 
    or any previous reviews or the original less-than-fair-value (LTFV) 
    investigation, but the manufacturer is, the cash deposit rate will be 
    the rate established for the most recent period for the manufacturer of 
    the merchandise; and (4) if neither the exporter nor the manufacturer 
    is a firm covered in this review, the cash deposit rate will continue 
    to be 61.85 percent, which was the ``all others'' rate in the LTFV 
    investigation. See Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair 
    Value: Gray Portland Cement and Clinker from Mexico, 55 FR 29244 
        The deposit requirements shall remain in effect until publication 
    of the final results of the next administrative review.
        This notice serves as a final reminder to importers of their 
    [[Page 13149]]
    under 19 CFR 351.402(f) to file a certificate regarding the 
    reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation of the 
    relevant entries during this review period. Failure to comply with this 
    requirement could result in the Secretary's presumption that 
    reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the subsequent 
    assessment of double antidumping duties.
        This notice also serves as a reminder to parties subject to 
    administrative protective order (APO) of their responsibility 
    concerning the disposition of proprietary information disclosed under 
    APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305. Timely notification of return/
    destruction of APO materials or conversion to judicial protective order 
    is hereby requested. Failure to comply with the regulations and the 
    terms of an APO is a sanctionable violation.
        We are issuing and publishing this determination in accordance with 
    sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
        Dated: March 9, 1999.
    Robert S. LaRussa,
    Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
    Issues Appendix Contents
    1. Revocation of the Underlying Order
    2. Collapsing
    3. Facts Available/CEMEX's Hidalgo Sales
    4. As Invoiced vs. As Produced
    5. Ordinary Course of Trade
    6. Difference-in-Merchandise Information
    7. Level-of-Trade Determination for CEP Sales
    8. CEP Offset Justification
    9. CEP Calculation
    10. Regional Assessment
    11. Bulk vs. Bag Sales
    12. Rebates
    13. Freight
    14. Other Adjustments
    15. Pre-sale Warehousing
    16. Advertising Expenses
    17. Ministerial Errors
    1. Revocation of the Underlying Order
        CEMEX and CDC argue that the Department must terminate this review 
    and revoke the underlying antidumping duty order. CEMEX contends that 
    at the time of the initiation of the original LTFV investigation 
    (October 16, 1989), the Department assumed that the petition was filed 
    ``on behalf of'' a regional industry without measuring whether a 
    majority of the industry actually supported the request. The Department 
    should have done so, CEMEX argues, because a July 1992 General 
    Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) panel decided that the 1979 
    antidumping code required that an antidumping petition filed ``on 
    behalf of'' an industry must be supported by an appropriate majority of 
    the industry and that such support must be ascertained prior to 
    initiating an investigation. According to CEMEX, the panel's decision 
    applies to the instant administrative review for two reasons:
        (1) The Antidumping Agreement resulting from the Uruguay Round 
    negotiations adopted the requirement of industry support articulated by 
    the GATT panel. CEMEX asserts U.S. law incorporated the new standing 
    requirements contained in the Antidumping Agreement, citing section 
    732(c)(4)(C) of the Act.
        (2) Even if the pre-URAA antidumping law applies, the antidumping 
    statute that was in effect in 1989 did not define the term ``on behalf 
    of.'' CEMEX argues that the Department is compelled by the decision in 
    Murray v. Schooner Charming Betsy, 6 U.S. 64, 2 Cranch 64 (1804), to 
    reinterpret U.S. law in accordance with the international obligations 
    of the United States.
        Based on the above, CEMEX asserts that the Department is therefore 
    required in this review to revisit the issue of initiation in the 
    original LTFV investigation.
        According to CDC, the plain language of section 771(4)(C) of the 
    Act requires petitions in regional-industry cases to be filed on behalf 
    of the producers which account for ``all, or almost all, of the 
    production in the region.'' Since the antidumping order covering cement 
    from Mexico was based on a petition that was unsupported by producers 
    accounting for all or almost all of the region's production, CDC 
    asserts, the Department issued the order in violation of U.S. law.
        CDC argues that lack of standing to file an antidumping duty 
    petition is a ``jurisdictional'' defect which parties may raise at any 
    time. Citing Zenith Electronics Corp. v. United States, 872 F. Supp. 
    992 (CIT 1994) (Zenith Electronics), Gilmore Steel Corp. v. United 
    States, 585 F. Supp. 670 (CIT 1984) (Gilmore Steel), and Oregon Steel 
    Mills, Inc. v. United States, 862 F.2d 1541 (Fed. Cir. 1988) (Oregon 
    Steel Mills), CDC contends that the Department has the authority to 
    revoke an order that never had the requisite level of industry support.
        The petitioner argues that the Department initiated the original 
    antidumping investigation properly. The petitioner notes that CEMEX and 
    CDC raised the issue of whether the Department initiated the 
    investigation improperly in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth reviews 
    and were unsuccessful without exception. The petitioner also notes that 
    both parties challenged the initiation of the LTFV investigation before 
    a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) panel to review the final 
    results of the third administrative review. In a unanimous opinion 
    issued on September 13, 1996, according to the petitioner, the panel 
    rejected the claims that CEMEX and CDC advance here.
        The petitioner also contends that respondents' claim is barred by 
    the statute of limitations, requiring that appeals to the decision to 
    initiate an investigation be filed within 30 days of the publication of 
    the antidumping order. The petitioner also contends that respondents 
    did not raise the issue in the now-concluded U.S. Court of 
    International Trade (CIT) appeal from the Department's final 
    determination in the original investigation. Furthermore, the 
    petitioner cites the Department's sixth review final results (Gray 
    Portland Cement and Clinker From Mexico, 63 FR 12764 (March 16, 1998) 
    (Sixth Review Final Results)), in which the Department noted that panel 
    reports under the 1947 GATT were not self-executing and had no legal 
    effect under U.S. law and that neither the 1947 GATT nor the 1979 GATT 
    Antidumping Code obligated the United States to establish industry 
    support in regional-industry cases.
        The petitioner contends that the Department lacks authority under 
    the statute to rescind its decision to initiate or to re-examine the 
    issue of industry support in a review. Finally, citing Suramerica de 
    Aleaciones Laminada, C.A. v. United States, 966 F. 2d 660 (Fed. Cir. 
    1992) (Suramerica), and the Sixth Review Final Results, the petitioner 
    asserts that courts have affirmed the Department's presumption of 
    industry support.
        Department's Position: We agree with the petitioner that, as we 
    stated in our Sixth Review Final Results, the Department has no 
    obligation to determine whether a majority of the industry or the 
    region supported the petition.
        Neither the 1947 GATT nor the 1979 GATT Antidumping Code obligated 
    the United States to establish affirmatively prior to the initiation of 
    a regional-industry case that all or almost all of the producers in the 
    region supported the petition. Neither instrument suggested that the 
    standing requirements in regional-industry cases were any more rigorous 
    than the standing requirements in national-industry cases.
        Furthermore, GATT panel reports, such as the report issued in 1992, 
    had no legal effect or formal status unless and until they were adopted 
    by the
    [[Page 13150]]
    GATT Council or, in the case of antidumping measures, the GATT 
    Antidumping Code Committee. This followed from the fact that the 1947 
    GATT operated, throughout its history, on the basis of consensus for 
    purposes of decision-making in general and the resolution of disputes 
    in particular. It is undisputed in the present case that the 
    Antidumping Code Committee never adopted the GATT panel report. Thus, 
    the recommendations contained in the report were never binding, did not 
    impose any international obligations upon the United States, and did 
    not trigger the rule of statutory construction set forth in Murray v. 
    Schooner Charming Betsy.
        The object of respondents' comments is not the preliminary results 
    of this review. Rather, respondents challenge the initiation of the 
    original LTFV investigation--an event which occurred almost ten years 
    ago and over five years before the effective date of the URAA. The time 
    to voice such objections before the Department was during the 
    investigation. Instead, CEMEX and CDC, as well as the other Mexican 
    cement producer that participated in the original investigation 
    (Apasco, S.A. de C.V.), did not raise this argument before the 
    Department. See Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value; 
    Gray Portland Cement and Clinker From Mexico, 55 FR 29244 (1990) 
    (Original LTFV Investigation). Moreover, neither CEMEX nor any other 
    party appealed the agency's final affirmative LTFV determination 
    (including the decision to initiate) to the appropriate court, and the 
    deadline for doing so has long expired. See section 516A of the Act. 
    Therefore, even if the Department, of its own volition, were to 
    reinterpret U.S. law in light of the 1992 GATT panel report, it lacks 
    the legal authority in this review to revoke the order or otherwise 
    rescind the initiation of the underlying investigation. See also Gray 
    Portland Cement and Clinker from Mexico; Final Results of Antidumping 
    Duty Administrative Review, 62 FR 17581 (1997) (Fourth Review Final 
    Results); Gray Portland Cement and Clinker from Mexico; Final Results 
    of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 62 FR 17148 (1997) (Fifth 
    Review Final Results); Sixth Review Final Results.
        The cases cited by CEMEX and CDC are inapposite. None of them 
    supports the argument that the Department has the authority, in an 
    administrative review under section 751(a) of the Act, to reach back 
    almost ten years and reexamine the issue of industry support for the 
    original petition. In Gilmore Steel, the plaintiff contended that the 
    Department lacked the authority to rescind the investigation based upon 
    insufficient industry support for the petition after the 20-day period 
    established in section 732(c) of the Act had elapsed. 585 F. Supp. at 
    673. In Zenith Electronics, the plaintiff alleged that the petitioner 
    was no longer a domestic ``interested party'' with standing to request 
    an administrative review. 872 F. Supp. at 994. Nothing in Zenith 
    Electronics or Gilmore Steel supports CDC's argument that a party may 
    challenge industry support for a petition almost ten years after the 
    fact in the context of an administrative review under section 751(a) of 
    the Act.
        Oregon Steel Mills involved a challenge to the Department's 
    authority to revoke an antidumping duty order based upon new facts, 
    i.e., the industry's affirmative expression of no further support for 
    the antidumping order, not upon a reexamination of the facts as they 
    existed during the original LTFV investigation. The Federal Circuit 
    held that it was lawful for the Department, in the context of a 
    ``changed circumstances'' review pursuant to section 751(b) of the Act, 
    to revoke an order over the objection of one member of the industry. 
    862 F.2d at 1544-46. The court did not state that industry support for 
    an order must be affirmatively established throughout the life of an 
    order. Indeed, the court went to lengths to explain that it was not 
    ruling on the claim that ``loss of industry support for an existing 
    order creates a `jurisdictional defect.' '' Id. at 1545 n. 4. As courts 
    explained subsequently, the holding in Oregon Steel Mills is limited to 
    the proposition that the Department may, but need not, revoke an order 
    when presented with record evidence which demonstrates a lack of 
    industry support for the continuation of the order. See, e.g., 
    Suramerica at 666 and Citrosuco Paulista, S.A. v. United States, 704 F. 
    Supp. 1075, 1085 (CIT 1988) (Citrosuco).
        Finally, we note, as we did in the final results of the third, 
    fourth, fifth, and sixth administrative reviews, that numerous courts 
    upheld our practice under the pre-URAA statute of assuming, in the 
    absence of evidence to the contrary, that a petition filed on behalf of 
    a regional or national industry is supported by that industry. See, 
    e.g., NTN Bearing Corp. v. United States, 757 F. Supp. 1425, 1427-30 
    (CIT 1991), Citrosuco at 1085, and Comeau Seafoods v. United States, 
    724 F. Supp. 1407, 1410-12 (CIT 1989). Indeed, this issue raised by 
    CEMEX and CDC was before the Federal Circuit in the Suramerica case 
    (966 F.2d at 665, 667). In Suramerica the plaintiffs challenged the 
    Department's interpretation of the phrase ``on behalf of'' which 
    applied to both national- and regional-industry cases. In affirming the 
    Department's practice, the court observed that the phrase ``on behalf 
    of'' was not defined in the statute. Id. at 666-67. The statute was, in 
    fact, open ``to several possible interpretations.'' In the opinion of 
    the court, the Department's practice with regard to standing and 
    industry support for a petition reflected a reasonable ``middle 
    position.'' 966 F.2d at 667. While there was a gap in the statute, the 
    court stated, ``Congress did make (one thing) clear--Commerce has broad 
    discretion in deciding when to pursue an investigation, and when to 
    terminate one.'' Id. Therefore, we reject respondents' arguments that 
    we lack the authority to assess antidumping duties pursuant to these 
    final results of review and that we must revoke the underlying duty 
    2. Collapsing
        CDC argues that the Department's decision to collapse CDC and CEMEX 
    is contrary to law and the Department's established practice, and it is 
    unsupported by the record of this review. CDC cites Antifriction 
    Bearings (Other Than Tapered Rolling Bearings) and Parts Thereof From 
    the Federal Republic of Germany, Final Determination of Sales at Less 
    Than Fair Value, 54 FR 18992, 19089 (1989), in which the Department 
    stated that ``it is the Department's general practice not to collapse 
    related parties except in relatively unusual situations, where the type 
    and degree of relationship is so significant that we find that there is 
    strong possibility of price manipulation.''
        CDC asserts that the preamble to the Department's 1997 regulations 
    supports this policy by rejecting a recommendation that the Department 
    collapse upon finding ``any potential for price manipulation.'' CDC 
    notes further that, in Nihon Cement Co. v. United States, 17 CIT 400 
    (1993), the court criticized the Department for failing to discuss key 
    collapsing criteria, adding that the Department had to consider all the 
    criteria, although each of them need not be met.
        CDC contends that the Department based its decision to collapse on 
    an inadequate analysis of the collapsing factors (i.e., affiliation, 
    similar production facilities and the potential for price manipulation) 
    and a lack of record evidence. CDC asserts that, although it is 
    affiliated with CEMEX, affiliation alone is insufficient for
    [[Page 13151]]
    collapsing producers, according to the Department's policy.
        CDC contends that the Department's conclusion regarding whether 
    CEMEX and CDC have similar production facilities is without basis. CDC 
    claims that the cement CEMEX and CDC export to the United States are 
    not the same type product and that CDC would have to take on 
    substantial retooling at its plant in order to produce the cement type 
    that CEMEX exports to the United States.
        CDC also contends that the Department erroneously determined that 
    there was a significant potential for price manipulation. According to 
    CDC, the Department relied on evidence of the level of common ownership 
    and overlapping boards of directors, but not on intertwined business 
    operations. Regarding common ownership, CDC notes that CEMEX is only a 
    minority shareholder in CAMSA (CDC's parent company) and the majority 
    of shares are still retained by CDC. CDC asserts that its sale of stock 
    to CEMEX was purely a business decision and CEMEX's share does not 
    constitute a controlling interest under Mexican law.
        Regarding overlapping boards of directors, CDC acknowledges that 
    members of CEMEX's management sit on the boards of directors of CDC and 
    its affiliated companies. However, CDC asserts, (1) CEMEX's 
    representatives are in the minority on all of these boards; (2) CDC's 
    pricing and production are not discussed at the board meetings of CDC 
    or any of the group's companies; (3) the Terrazas/Marquez families are 
    in the majority on all boards; and (4) CEMEX's interest in CDC is only 
    that of a passive investor.
        As mentioned above, CDC argues that the Department did not address 
    the criteria of intertwined business operations. CDC asserts that the 
    factual basis upon which the Department relied in finding that this 
    criterion was satisfied in prior reviews does not exist in this review. 
    CDC claims that: (1) The companies do not share information on possible 
    sales opportunities in Mexico or the United States and there is no 
    coordination of sales, pricing or marketing policies; (2) CEMEX has no 
    involvement in CDC's pricing, sales and production decisions; (3) CDC 
    states that CDC and CEMEX do not share facilities or employees and that 
    each company has its own facilities, employees, and accounting records; 
    and (4) there were no commercial transactions between the parties 
    during the POR.
        CDC states that, in past cases, the Department has relied on other 
    factors in determining whether to collapse affiliated companies and 
    that all these factors support not collapsing. CDC claims that 
    suppliers do not bill CDC and CEMEX jointly, each company has its own 
    distinct sales and distribution process and U.S. importer, and the 
    companies do not supply any material inputs to each other.
        CDC distinguishes the facts in this case from those in Queen's 
    Flowers de Colombia v. United States, 981 F. Supp 617 (CIT 1997) 
    (Queen's Flowers). CDC asserts that, unlike the Queen's Flowers 
    decision, collapsing is not needed to prevent circumvention of the 
    antidumping law by means of significant manipulation of pricing or 
    production. CDC asserts that in the cement industry high inland freight 
    costs limit CDC's natural market; therefore, regardless of the 
    antidumping margin, CDC cannot increase its market beyond these 
    geographic constraints. Finally, CDC argues that CEMEX, as an indirect 
    minority shareholder, cannot authorize CDC to change its pricing and 
    production policies.
        The petitioner argues that the Department should collapse CDC and 
    CEMEX as it has in previous reviews and in the LTFV investigation. The 
    petitioner asserts that CDC has provided no new evidence which would 
    reverse the Department's position.
        The petitioner states that CDC concedes that the first prong of the 
    collapsing test (i.e., affiliation) is met. Regarding similar 
    production facilities, the petitioner asserts that the Department found 
    that substantial retooling of CEMEX or CDC's facilities would not be 
    necessary to produce cement Types II and V. The petitioner argues that 
    CDC's claim that CDC and CEMEX do not produce the same product for 
    export to the United States was rejected by the Department as untimely. 
    However, even if the Department considers CDC's assertions, the 
    petitioner argues, there is no evidence to support CDC's claims.
        The petitioner agrees with the Department's determination that 
    there is a potential for price manipulation. The petitioner asserts 
    that the level of common ownership between CEMEX and CDC and other 
    relationships demonstrates that CEMEX has effective control of CDC. The 
    petitioner argues that the Department has collapsed in numerous cases 
    where there is less than a majority interest in another party, focusing 
    on joint manipulation of prices or production, not control.
        Next, the petitioner claims that the level of shared board members 
    indicates a significant potential for the sharing of information about 
    pricing and production. Despite CDC's argument that pricing and 
    production issues are not discussed at board meetings, the petitioner 
    notes that nothing in Mexican law or company policy prohibits these 
    issues from being discussed, including a scheme to manipulate 
    production or price.
        Furthermore, the petitioner asserts that the following facts 
    demonstrate that CEMEX and CDC have intertwined business operations: 
    (1) CEMEX and CDC formerly shipped to the United States through the 
    same distribution channel; (2) CEMEX provides CDC with consulting 
    services and assistance in marketing and exports; and (3) a 1996 
    financial report stated that CDC's affiliation with CEMEX positively 
    influenced CDC's stock.
        Finally, the petitioner claims that the Department has expressly 
    rejected the argument that it may only collapse affiliated producers in 
    ``exceptional'' circumstances. The petitioner cites the Department's 
    determination in Stainless Steel Wire Rod from Sweden, 63 FR 40449, 
    40453 (1998). The petitioner disagrees with CDC's assertion that 
    circumvention as described by the Department in Fresh Cut Flowers from 
    Columbia is not practicable because of the special characteristics of 
    the cement industry and ``the unique geographical features of CDC's 
    market.'' According to the petitioner, the record evidence demonstrates 
    that there is a natural overlap in the U.S. market for imports from CDC 
    and CEMEX. The petitioner states that the two producers can reallocate 
    their geographic shares of the Mexican market in a manner that 
    manipulates the dumping margin and circumvents the order.
        Department's Position: We agree with CDC that we must consider all 
    relevant factors when collapsing two affiliated parties. Section 
    351.401(f) of the Department's regulations describes when the 
    Department will treat two or more affiliated producers as a single 
    entity (i.e., ``collapse'') for purposes of calculating a dumping 
    margin: (1) The producers must be affiliated, (2) the producers must 
    have production facilities that are sufficiently similar so that a 
    shift in production would not require substantial retooling, and (3) 
    there must be a significant potential for the manipulation of price or 
        First, it is uncontested that CEMEX and CDC are affiliated within 
    the meaning of section 771(33)(E) of the Act.
        Second, a shifting of production between CEMEX and CDC would not 
    require substantial retooling given the descriptions of respondents' 
    production facilities and the fact that respondents produce a fungible 
    product, gray
    [[Page 13152]]
    portland cement. (See CEMEX's December 8, 1997, submission and CDC's 
    November 10, 1997, submission.) Furthermore, we have not considered 
    CDC's argument regarding the shifting of production since we rejected 
    the information as untimely. (See Memorandum to File Removing Untimely 
    Information Submitted by CDC, dated November 30, 1998.) Thus, based on 
    the evidence on the record we have concluded that a shift in production 
    would not require substantial retooling.
        Third, the Department may consider, inter alia, the following 
    factors in identifying the potential for manipulation of price or 
    production: (1) Level of common ownership; (2) whether managerial 
    employees or board members of one of the affiliated producers sit on 
    the board of directors of the other affiliated person; and (3) whether 
    operations are intertwined, such as through the sharing of sales 
    information, involvement in production and pricing decisions, the 
    sharing of facilities or employees, or significant transactions between 
    the affiliated producer. The level of common ownership and cross-board 
    members, provides a mechanism for the two parties to share pertinent 
    pricing and production information, as well as intertwined business 
    operations, given that CEMEX owns indirectly a large percentage of CDC 
    and that CEMEX's managers and directors sit on the board of directors 
    of CDC and its affiliated companies. The Department finds that, if CDC 
    and CEMEX are not collapsed, there is a significant potential for price 
    manipulation which could undermine the effectiveness of the order. The 
    decision to collapse is based upon the facts established on the record 
    for this period of review. These facts are similar to the facts 
    established on the record of the fifth and sixth reviews. A complete 
    analysis surrounding the Department's decision to collapse CDC and 
    CEMEX, requiring reference to proprietary information, is contained in 
    the Department's memorandum from Roland L. MacDonald to Joseph A. 
    Spetrini, dated August 31, 1998, located in the official file of this 
    3. Facts Available/CEMEX's Hidalgo Sales
        Comment 1: The petitioner argues that the Department should base 
    CEMEX's dumping margin on total adverse facts available, i.e., the 
    109.43 percent calculated on judicial remand in the second review, for 
    this review completely. The petitioner contends that CEMEX's reporting 
    of incorrect information regarding its Hidalgo sales, its cancellation 
    of verification, its provision of inadequate and delayed explanations 
    to the Department with respect to the cancellation, and its failure to 
    provide requested difference-in-merchandise (DIFMER) information 
    warrant the application of total adverse facts available in this 
    review. The petitioner also argues that the Department should describe 
    more fully, for the final results of this review, the circumstances 
    surrounding the use of adverse facts available with regard to CEMEX's 
    Hidalgo sales in the preliminary results of this review.
        The petitioner asserts that, prior to May 15, 1998, CEMEX had 
    represented to the Department that its Hidalgo plant produced only Type 
    I cement and not Type V cement. The petitioner argues that CEMEX, on 
    May 15, 1998, canceled verification unilaterally, which was scheduled 
    to begin on May 18, 1998, because it became obvious that the Department 
    would discover at verification that CEMEX's Hidalgo plant produced and 
    sold cement meeting Type V specifications. The petitioner argues that 
    CEMEX, a highly experienced respondent, could have discovered the 
    Hidalgo sales information readily prior to verification, should have 
    provided the Department with corrected sales information prior to May 
    15, 1998, and should have proceeded with the verification on the 
    scheduled date. The petitioner maintains that CEMEX provided inadequate 
    and untimely explanations for its cancellation of verification that 
    could only be seen as an effort to engage in damage control, which 
    illustrates CEMEX's failure to provide full and accurate information. 
    The petitioner contends that CEMEX's delay tainted the integrity of the 
    Department's verification conducted July 20 through 31, 1998.
        The petitioner asserts that the Department has used adverse facts 
    available or best information available consistently in cases where a 
    respondent refused to allow the Department to conduct verification, as 
    in Tapered Roller Bearings And Parts Thereof, Finished And Unfinished, 
    From The People's Republic of China, 62 FR 36,764 (1997), Silicon Metal 
    From Argentina, 60 FR 35551 (1995), and Sweaters Wholly Or In Chief 
    Weight of Man-Made Fiber From Taiwan, 58 FR 63913 (1993). The 
    petitioner also contends that the Department erred in using partial 
    adverse facts available as it was not sufficiently adverse to CEMEX, 
    given CEMEX's failure to cooperate with the Department.
        CEMEX responds that the Department's use of CEMEX's verified sales 
    information as the basis of its dumping margin, rather than total facts 
    available, is proper and that the petitioner's allegation is incorrect 
    in law and fact. CEMEX contends that, after the Department conducted 
    U.S. sales verifications but before the home market (HM) verifications 
    were to begin, CEMEX discovered a discrepancy in its database regarding 
    its Hidalgo sales which amounted to less than one percent of CEMEX's 
    total HM sales. CEMEX argues that, to correct its submissions and 
    reschedule verification, it requested an extension of time in 
    accordance with the Department's statutory scheme. CEMEX notes that the 
    Department verified CEMEX's U.S. and HM database and issued the 
    preliminary results within its statutory deadlines. CEMEX concludes 
    that the Department's decision was in accordance with the statutory 
    requirement that determinations be based upon record information as 
    verified by the Department set forth in section 782(i)(3) of the Act.
        CDC asserts that the petitioner's argument that the Department 
    should apply total facts available to CEMEX reinforces CDC's argument 
    that it should not be collapsed with CEMEX. Rather, according to CDC, 
    it should receive a separate rate as discussed in Issue 2, 
    ``Collapsing,'' above. CDC maintains that a decision by the Department 
    to rely on facts available, to any extent, for CDC's indirect minority 
    shareholder punishes CDC unfairly.
        Department's Position: Section 776(a) of the Act requires the 
    Department to use facts otherwise available when necessary information 
    is not on the record or an interested party withholds requested 
    information, fails to provide such information in a timely manner, 
    significantly impedes a proceeding, or provides information that cannot 
    be verified. Section 776(b) of the Act authorizes the Department to use 
    an adverse inference in determining the facts otherwise available 
    whenever an interested party has not cooperated with the Department by 
    not acting to the best of its ability to comply with requests for 
        First, with respect to its Hidalgo sales, CEMEX provided inaccurate 
    information and sought to submit corrected information after the 
    deadline for the submission of factual information had passed. Because 
    CEMEX provided information regarding its Hidalgo sales in an untimely 
    manner, we were unable to verify this information. Therefore, pursuant 
    to section 776(d) of the Act, we have used facts available to establish 
    the normal value (NV) of CEMEX's Hidalgo sales in
    [[Page 13153]]
    the home market. In addition, we note that the nature and timing of 
    CEMEX's cancellation of the home-market verification the last business 
    day before it was scheduled to begin was unprecedented. Given CEMEX's 
    actions, we determine that CEMEX did not act to the best of its ability 
    to provide accurate and timely information for use in our review and 
    therefore our use of an adverse inference is appropriate under section 
    776(b) of the Act. Therefore, as facts available, we substituted the 
    highest calculated NV in this review for all HM sales of cement 
    produced at Hidalgo.
        We disagree with the petitioner that we should have used total 
    adverse facts available in determining a margin. In determining whether 
    the use of total adverse facts available was appropriate, we considered 
    several factors. We considered the degree of overall cooperation we 
    received from CEMEX at the time of our initially planned verification 
    and the small proportion of HM sales affected by CEMEX's error. We 
    determined that, despite the delay caused by CEMEX's cancellation, we 
    were able to verify, with the exception of CEMEX's Hidalgo sales data, 
    CEMEX's timely reported data and complete the administrative review 
    within the timelines prescribed by the statute and our regulations. 
    Accordingly, by using the highest calculated NV in this review for all 
    sales of cement produced by Hidalgo as adverse facts available, we have 
    applied facts available in a manner that is significantly adverse to 
    CEMEX's interests. (See our response to Comment 2, below.) We consider 
    this decision to be consistent with the Statement of Administrative 
    Action, Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT (SAA) (at 
    870), and section 776 of the Act.
        Comment 2: CEMEX contends that the Department should use its 
    corrected sales database for the Hidalgo plant to calculate NV. The 
    Department, CEMEX claims, has the authority under Sec. 351.301(c)(2) of 
    the regulations to accept and use this information which the Department 
    rejected as untimely filed. CEMEX also contends that the Department's 
    two-week verification confirms the overall integrity of CEMEX's 
    response, including data not verified.
        The petitioner responds that the Department relied correctly upon 
    adverse facts available for CEMEX's Hidalgo sales and that CEMEX 
    provided no reason why the Department erred in using adverse facts 
    available for its Hidalgo sales. The petitioner notes that the 
    Department's regulations require the rejection of Hidalgo sales 
    information as untimely filed and that for the Department to accept 
    CEMEX's Hidalgo sales information would deprive the petitioner of the 
    chance to comment. The petitioner rejects CEMEX's argument that the 
    Department verified the overall integrity of CEMEX's home-market data, 
    noting that the Department rejected and returned CEMEX's revised 
    Hidalgo sales data.
        Department's Position: As noted in the preliminary results, 
    although all data from the Hidalgo plant was reported as relating to 
    sales or production of only Type I cement, prior to the commencement of 
    verification, CEMEX notified the Department that the merchandise 
    produced at its Hidalgo plant was either Type V or Type I. See CEMEX's 
    June 3, 1998, submission explaining the discovery of misreported sales 
    at Hidalgo. CEMEX filed a submission on June 16, 1998, revising the 
    home-market sales database for sales of Type V cement from Hidalgo. As 
    this submission constituted unsolicited factual information received 
    after the deadline for submitting factual information under 
    Sec. 351.302(d)(1)-(2) of our regulations, we rejected the submission 
    on June 25, 1998. (See Department's Letter to CEMEX Rejecting Revised 
    Database as Untimely Filed Information, dated June 25, 1998.)
        While we recognize that Sec. 351.301(c)(2) of our regulations 
    authorizes us to request factual information at any time during the 
    proceeding, allowing a party to re-submit information already rejected 
    as untimely would contravene the purpose of the established deadline 
    for the submission of factual information. As a result, we did not 
    request this information pursuant to Sec. 351.301(c)(2) of our 
    regulations. In addition, we reject CEMEX's assertion that we should 
    accept its untimely filed Hidalgo information because we verified the 
    overall integrity of its HM database. We did not verify the accuracy of 
    the Hidalgo information that CEMEX submitted improperly; rather we 
    rejected it as described above. Accordingly, CEMEX's revised, rejected 
    HM database cannot be considered part of the information we verified.
    4. As Invoiced vs. As Produced
        The petitioner contends that the Department erred by matching 
    merchandise in this review on the basis of the ASTM cement type ``as 
    produced'' rather than matching, as it had done in the original 
    investigation and in the first five administrative reviews, on an ``as 
    invoiced'' basis. The petitioner notes that the Department departed 
    from its consistent ``as invoiced'' matching methodology at CEMEX's 
    request after the Department discovered in the sixth review that all 
    cement produced in the Hermosillo plants, though sold as Types I, II, 
    and V, was physically Type V. The petitioner asserts that CEMEX altered 
    its production and shipping arrangements for Type II cement to lower 
    the dumping margin artificially.
        The petitioner contends that matching identical products by ASTM 
    type ``as invoiced'' reflects commercial reality and allows for a fair 
    comparison as required by the statute. The petitioner asserts that the 
    Department has noted that courts have recognized the Department's 
    ``broad discretion `to choose the manner in which ``such or similar' 
    merchandise shall be selected,' '' citing Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon 
    Steel Flat Products From Germany, 60 FR 65264, 65271 (1995) (Cold-
    Rolled From Germany). The petitioner states further that cement 
    customers are only concerned that the cement they purchase meets the 
    ASTM type they have specified and are indifferent to whether the type 
    they purchase may satisfy the specifications of another cement type. 
    Thus, the petitioner maintains, prices of cement vary according to the 
    invoiced type and not the actual physical specifications. In addition, 
    the petitioner argues, no cement meeting the same ASTM specifications 
    is identical and cement can possess a broad range of characteristics. 
    The petitioner contends that to base matching criteria on physical 
    characteristics, as CEMEX propounds, results in a commercially 
    meaningless and an ``apples-to-oranges'' comparison. Indeed, the 
    petitioner asserts, CEMEX's arguments in prior segments of this 
    proceeding establish that the differences in specifications of cement 
    CEMEX sells are commercially significant.
        The petitioner asserts that the Department should remain consistent 
    with its longstanding approach of matching identical merchandise based 
    on whether the products meet the same commercially significant 
    characteristics, citing, e.g., Certain Cut-To-Length Carbon Steel From 
    Finland, 62 FR 18468, 18470 (1997) (Cut-To-Length From Finland). The 
    petitioner argues that neither new facts nor legal justification exist 
    for departing from the Department's longstanding methodology of 
    matching cement ``as invoiced'' in the final results of this review. 
    Citing Cut-To-Length From Finland, the petitioner notes the 
    Department's finding that it would be inconsistent with its matching 
    criteria to consider products sold to
    [[Page 13154]]
    different specifications as identical. Id. at 18470.
        CEMEX responds that the Department matched identical merchandise 
    properly on the basis of the ASTM specification to which the cement was 
    produced. CEMEX argues that matching merchandise according to how it 
    was sold does not meet the statutory requirement of section 771(16) of 
    the Act, which requires ``foreign like product'' to include only 
    merchandise sold in the home market that is physically identical with 
    the merchandise produced for sale to the United States. CEMEX argues 
    that, as the Department recognized in the Sixth Review Final Results, 
    the statute compels the Department to base NV on its sales of cement 
    that meet the customers' specifications physically. CEMEX notes that 
    the petitioner raises the same arguments and cites to the same cases 
    already rejected by the Department in the sixth review and in the 
    preliminary results of this review. CEMEX contends that the prior 
    determinations which the petitioner cites do not support its argument 
    because they involved the identification and order of matching 
    characteristics, which are not at issue here. CEMEX notes that, in this 
    case, no party disputes that product characteristics of cement are 
    determined on the highest ASTM specifications that it meets. Therefore, 
    CEMEX concludes, the Department's identification of HM cement sales 
    pursuant to the highest ASTM specifications to which the cement is 
    produced continues to be in accordance with law.
        CDC, like CEMEX, argues that the Department's decision to match 
    sales on cement type ``as produced'' is justified on the record of this 
    review and that this methodology should be applied consistently to 
    CDC's margin calculations.
        Department's Position: We agree, in part, with CEMEX. Section 
    771(16)(A) of the Act expresses a clear preference for matching sales 
    in the United States with sales in the home market of merchandise that 
    is ``identical in physical characteristics.'' See CEMEX, S.A. v. United 
    States, 133 F.3d 897 (Fed. Cir. 1988) (CEMEX v. U.S.). When 
    circumstances require the Department to compare non-identical 
    merchandise, the statute, at section 773(a)(6)(C)(ii) of the Act, 
    provides for a ``difference-in-merchandise'' adjustment (DIFMER) which 
    is normally equal to the difference in cost of production attributable 
    to differences in physical characteristics. See also 19 CFR 351.411.
        Since the inception of this proceeding, we have seen that all 
    cement conforms generally to the standards established by the ASTM. 
    These standards tend to classify cement according to all significant 
    physical characteristics, dimensional characteristics and/or 
    performance properties. Also from the outset, interested parties and 
    the Department have used ASTM standards to identify merchandise subject 
    to this antidumping order and to establish how, and on what basis, the 
    Department should match sales of identical or similar merchandise. 
    Specifically, the Department has sought, wherever possible, to match 
    sales of ASTM standard Type II to Type II, ASTM standard Type V to Type 
    V, and so forth.
        During the period covered by the original investigation, the 
    Department discovered one or more instances where Mexican producers 
    sold cement meeting one ASTM standard on the basis of cement meeting a 
    lower (included) ASTM standard. However, in the final determination, 
    the Department described these sales as a mistake and not ``the 
    ordinary practice in the industry.'' Original LTFV Investigation, 55 FR 
    at 29248. Therefore, based on the fact that it was the normal industry 
    practice to produce and sell on the same basis, the Department accepted 
    that ``matching by ASTM standard was the most reasonable basis for 
    making equitable identical merchandise comparisons.'' Id. at 29248.
        Devising a methodology for matching sales is often a difficult task 
    and the courts have recognized that the Department has broad discretion 
    ``to choose the manner in which * * * merchandise shall be selected.'' 
    Koyo Seiko Co. v. United States, 66 F.3d 1204, 1209 (Fed. Cir. 1995). 
    We have sought, throughout the past reviews, and in the present one, to 
    (i) match based on physical characteristics, (ii) rely on ASTM 
    standards to distinguish one type of cement from another, and (iii) 
    rely on sales documentation as a convenient surrogate for more direct 
    evidence (e.g., mill test certificates) of cement type.
        In the instant review, the Department requested CEMEX to report HM 
    and U.S. sales data on both an ``as produced'' basis (i.e., reporting 
    the physical properties of each product sold) and on an ``as sold'' 
    basis. CEMEX reported that it produced cement meeting the physical 
    characteristics of Type V cement and sold this cement in the home 
    market as Types I, II, and V cement. CEMEX produced Type V cement at 
    its Yaqui and Campana plants located in the Hermosillo region of 
    Mexico. CEMEX noted, and the record reflects, that Yaqui and Campana 
    are the only two CEMEX plants which, on a consistent basis, produce 
    cement meeting the physical requirements of one type of cement and sell 
    that cement as another type of cement.
        As we stated in our preliminary results, under these circumstances, 
    we believe it would be unreasonable to match merchandise on a ``sold 
    as'' basis. The appropriate product to which U.S. sales should be 
    matched is the HM product that is physically identical to the 
    merchandise produced for U.S.-market sales. Therefore, we appropriately 
    calculated NV based on respondents' sales of cement as produced. 
    Further, such an approach would not address any sales that were merely 
    ``gray portland cement'' or ``cement.'' Finally, a ``sold as'' approach 
    would lend itself to the type of product manipulation about which the 
    petitioner has so often expressed concern. Therefore, for purposes of 
    the final results of this review, the Department has continued to apply 
    the matching methodology applied in the sixth administrative review and 
    the preliminary results of this review.
        The petitioner has expressed concern that matching using physical 
    characteristics will enable CEMEX to manipulate HM sales to conform to 
    certain specifications, thereby limiting the Department's ability to 
    review sales of merchandise in the comparison markets properly. In 
    order to address these concerns, the Department will continue to review 
    and monitor closely sales of both identical and similar merchandise in 
    the home market to ensure that, in subsequent reviews, an accurate and 
    reliable database of HM and U.S. sales are reported. For example, we 
    will continue to request that CEMEX report its HM sales on both an ``as 
    sold'' and ``as produced'' basis. This requirement will limit the 
    possibility for manipulation and ensures additional scrutiny of CEMEX's 
    production processes.
        Finally, we agree with CDC that we should apply our matching 
    methodology consistently to its margin calculations and have adjusted 
    our analysis accordingly.
    5. Ordinary Course of Trade
        CEMEX argues that HM sales of cement produced at Hermosillo were in 
    the ordinary course of trade and should be used in the calculation of 
    NV. CEMEX maintains that the Department did not take into account all 
    legally relevant factors, that sales invoiced as Type II and Type V 
    were made pursuant to a bona fide home-market demand for
    [[Page 13155]]
    those types of cement, that the merchandise sold was not obsolete or of 
    second quality, that it was sold for its intended purposes, and that 
    there were no special sales arrangements for these sales as a category. 
    CEMEX also argues that the Department applied selected factors in 
    performing its ordinary-course-of-trade analysis and that the 
    Department's analysis was not supported by substantial evidence. CEMEX 
    contends that the Department's analysis relies incorrectly on the 
    volume of the sales at issue relative to sales of Type I cement and 
    that the volume of the sales at issue was significant in absolute terms 
    and pursuant to a bona fide demand. CEMEX also argues that judicial 
    precedent and prior administrative practice establish that relatively 
    low sales volume signifies sales outside the ordinary course of trade 
    only when coupled with an absence of bona fide HM demand, which does 
    exist in this case.
        CEMEX also contends that the Department should focus on the actual 
    terms of delivery for the sales at issue, identical to those of Type I 
    customers, rather than the geographic distance, and that the distance 
    to the customers is a geographic fact rather than a condition or 
    practice of sale. CEMEX argues that the Department has not relied on 
    shipping distances in determining whether sales were outside of 
    ordinary course of trade in prior cases. Furthermore, CEMEX argues, if 
    the Department continues to consider shipping distance in its analysis, 
    it should do so on an individual-sale basis. CEMEX also contends that 
    the Department's reliance on the low profitability of the sales at 
    issue ignores the fact that the profit levels on these sales, though 
    not as high as sales invoiced as Type I, are substantial and 
    significant in absolute terms. Moreover, CEMEX notes that the profit 
    differential is not the result of price disparities but rather higher 
    freight costs. CEMEX contends further that the Department's reliance on 
    the small number and type of customers for these sales is improper 
    because such evidence generally reflects sales outside the ordinary 
    course of trade in cases of sales of export overrun and off-
    specification sales, rather than when sales are made to a bona fide 
    home market, which exists in this case. Moreover, CEMEX argues that the 
    twelve years of domestic sales of these products, before and after the 
    imposition of the order, constitutes a ``reasonable period of time'' 
    regardless of the fact that such domestic sales did not begin until 
    after CEMEX began production for export.
        With regard to Type V cement, CEMEX also argues that the 
    Department's preliminary results are factually incorrect because those 
    results failed to appreciate the prior history of this case. 
    Specifically, CEMEX states that, although the Department incorporated 
    portions of the second review analysis memorandum into this 
    administrative review, the Department did not acknowledge that during 
    the second administrative review the Department verified that Tolteca, 
    a CEMEX subsidiary whose production is subject to this review, has made 
    continuous HM sales of Type V cement since 1964. Thus, CEMEX contends 
    that its sales of Types II and V in the home market meet the statutory 
    definition of ordinary course of trade in section 771(15) of the Act. 
    CEMEX maintains that, although the Department relied on facts available 
    to infer that the sales at issue had a ``promotional quality'', there 
    is evidence on the record showing that the sales were no more 
    promotional than Type I sales. CEMEX challenges the overall relevance 
    of ``promotional quality'' as a factor in an ordinary-course-of-trade 
    inquiry and argues that there is no judicial or Departmental precedent 
    which has referred to this factor in any other ordinary-course-of-trade 
        Finally, CEMEX argues that Hermosillo-produced cement sold as Type 
    I is within the ordinary course of trade because four out of six 
    factors (shipping distance, profit, promotional nature, and historical 
    pattern of sales) upon which the Department relied for its analysis of 
    Type II and Type V sales were not present and that the Department's two 
    other factors (number and type of customers and freight costs) are not 
    supported by substantial evidence. Specifically, CEMEX notes that the 
    volume of its Hermosillo Type I sales exceeded five percent of its U.S. 
    sales and, thus, constituted a viable basis to calculate NV under 
    section 351.404(b)(2) of the Department's regulations. In addition, 
    CEMEX contends that the freight cost differences upon which the 
    Department relied were insignificant. CEMEX also assserts that the 
    number and type of customers buying Type I from the Hermosillo plants 
    were consistent with the number and type of customers buying from other 
    plants. Last, CEMEX claims that the Department inaccurately relied upon 
    differences in handling charges between Hermosillo and non-Hermosillo 
    sales of Type I cement.
        The petitioner maintains that CEMEX's HM sales of cement produced 
    as Type V are outside the ordinary course of trade. First, the 
    petitioner asserts that the Department must evaluate not just one 
    factor taken in isolation but rather all the circumstances particular 
    to the sales in question to determine whether the sales reflect the 
    conditions and practices which, for a reasonable time prior to the 
    exportation of the subject merchandise, have been normal. The 
    petitioner notes that the Department relied upon five key factors in 
    determining that Types II and V sales were outside the ordinary course 
    of trade in the second review and that the CIT and Federal Circuit 
    affirmed reliance on these five factors. The petitioner argues that the 
    Department considered these same factors in the fifth and sixth 
    administrative reviews when it found Types II and V to be outside the 
    ordinary course of trade. The petitioner argues that there has been no 
    material change in the evidence relating to these five factors which 
    would justify a different decision.
        In addition to discussing the record evidence regarding the above-
    described factors, the petitioner argues that there are additional 
    factors (e.g., changes in its shipping and production arrangements for 
    cement Types II and V, absorption of freight costs on sales of cement 
    Types II and V) supporting the Department's past determinations in this 
    matter. The petitioner also states that CEMEX's HM sales produced as 
    Type V but sold as Type I are outside the ordinary course of trade. 
    Among a number of arguments to support this contention, the petitioner 
    notes that the subject HM sales meet physical specifications for Type V 
    and that the customers do not need these traits, suggesting production 
    overruns as one possible explanation. Also, the petitioner notes, sales 
    of this merchandise as Type I cement represent a small percentage of HM 
    sales of Type I cement as well as a small percentage of CEMEX's 
    production of Type V. The petitioner also notes that CEMEX's freight 
    costs for these sales were significantly different from the freight 
    costs for other sales of Type I, that the number and type of customers 
    for these sales are unusual, and that CEMEX's profits on sales of 
    physically Type V cement sold as Type I are unusual.
        The petitioner contends that CEMEX's HM sales of all cement 
    produced as Type V, regardless of how they were invoiced and sold, are 
    outside of the ordinary course of trade when considered in the 
    aggregate. In support, the petitioner discusses volume sold, freight 
    cost differences, type of customers, and profit differences. The 
    petitioner asserts that CEMEX's proposed ordinary-course-of-trade 
    analysis is erroneous, that the
    [[Page 13156]]
    Department expressly considered the totality of the circumstances, and 
    that the existence of a limited demand for sales of Type II and Type V 
    does not establish that they are within the ordinary course of trade. 
    Also, the petitioner maintains, only those factors relevant to HM sales 
    of cement are probative with respect to whether CEMEX's sales are 
    outside the ordinary course of trade and that the Department did not 
    consider one factor in isolation. Further, the petitioner contends, the 
    Department's analysis focuses on whether the sales are normal relative 
    to sales of other products of the same class or kind or the 
    respondent's usual practice with respect to the merchandise at issue.
        Finally, the petitioner asserts that CEMEX's argument that its 
    sales of Type II and V cement represent sound business judgment is 
    irrelevant. The petitioner maintains that CEMEX has waived its claim 
    that consolidation of production at Hermosillo was a legitimate 
    business decision because it did not mention this argument in its case 
    brief. Also, the petitioner contends, whether CEMEX's decisions 
    regarding production and distribution arrangements were based on sound 
    business judgment is not a factor in determining if those sales were 
    outside the ordinary course of trade.
        Department's Position: Consistent with our preliminary results, we 
    have determined that CEMEX's HM sales of Type II and Type V cement 
    produced at the Hermosillo plants were outside the ordinary course of 
    trade during the POR. Section 773(a)(1)(B) of the Act states, in part, 
    that NV is ``the price at which the foreign like product is first sold 
    (or, in absence of a sale, offered for sale) for consumption in the 
    exporting country, in the usual commercial quantities and in the 
    ordinary course of trade.'' The term ``ordinary course of trade'' is 
    defined as ``the conditions and practices which, for a reasonable time 
    prior to the exportation of the subject merchandise, have been normal 
    in the trade under consideration with respect to merchandise of the 
    same class or kind.'' The SAA which accompanied the passage of the URAA 
    clarifies this portion of the statute further when it states: 
    ``Commerce may consider other types of sales or transactions to be 
    outside the ordinary course of trade when such sales or transactions 
    have characteristics that are not ordinary as compared to sales or 
    transactions generally made in the same market.'' SAA, at 164. Thus, 
    the statute and the SAA are clear that a determination of whether sales 
    (other than those specifically addressed in section 771(15) of the Act) 
    are in the ordinary course of trade must be based on an analysis 
    comparing the sales in question with sales of merchandise of the same 
    class or kind generally made in the home market (i.e., the Department 
    must consider whether certain HM sales of cement are ordinary in 
    comparison with other HM sales of cement).
        The purpose of the ordinary-course-of-trade provision ``is to 
    prevent dumping margins from being based on sales which are not 
    representative'' of the home market. Thai Pineapple Public Co. v. 
    United States, 946 F. Supp. 11, 15 (CIT 1996) (quoting Laclede Steel 
    Co. v. United States, Slip Op. 95-144 at 6 (CIT Aug. 11, 1995)). 
    Congress has not specified any criteria that the agency should use in 
    determining the appropriate ``conditions and practices.'' Thus, the 
    Department, ``in its discretion, chooses how best to analyze the many 
    factors involved in a determination of whether sales are made within 
    the ordinary course of trade.'' Id. at 14-17.
        In the instant review, the Department's decision to exclude sales 
    of Type II and Type V cement from the calculation of NV centered around 
    the unusual nature and characteristics of these sales compared to the 
    vast bulk of CEMEX's other HM sales. The Department's ordinary-course-
    of-trade inquiry is far-reaching. The agency must evaluate not just 
    ``one factor taken in isolation but rather all the circumstances 
    particular to the sales in question.'' Murata Mfg. Co. v. United 
    States, 820 F. Supp. 603, 607 (CIT 1993) (quoting Certain Welded Carbon 
    Steel Standard Pipes and Tubes from India, Final Results of Antidumping 
    Duty Administrative Review, 56 FR 64753, 64755 (1991)). This broad 
    approach recognizes that each company has its own conditions and 
    practices particular to its trade. In short, the Department examines 
    the totality of the facts in each case to determine if sales are being 
    made for ``unusual reasons'' or under ``unusual circumstances.'' 
    Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide from Japan; Final Results of Antidumping 
    Duty Administrative Review, 58 FR 28551, 28552 (1993).
        We disagree with CEMEX that our analysis used selective factors and 
    was not supported by substantial evidence. Pursuant to section 
    773(a)(1)(B) of the Act, the Department has examined the totality of 
    the circumstances surrounding CEMEX's sales of cement in Mexico that 
    are produced as Type V cement and marketed as Types I, II, and V (which 
    are identical in physical characteristics to the cement that CEMEX 
    sells in the United States).
        In analyzing the ordinary-course-of-trade issue in arriving at its 
    preliminary results in this administrative review, the Department 
    considered the circumstances surrounding CEMEX's HM sales of Types I, 
    II, and V cement from the Hermosillo plants, Yaqui and Campana. An 
    expanded discussion of the most recent analysis can be found in a 
    memorandum dated August 31, 1998 (Memorandum from Roland L. MacDonald 
    to Joseph A. Spetrini, Seventh Antidumping Administrative Review on 
    Gray Portland Cement and Clinker from Mexico--Ordinary Course of 
    Trade). A public version of this memorandum is on file in room B-009 of 
    the Department's main building. As part of that analysis, the 
    Department considered certain data from the second, fifth, and sixth 
    reviews which were placed on the record of the instant review. CEMEX 
    provided no facts in this review that would alter the analysis. We find 
    that the information on the record continues to support the decision 
    that all three types of cement produced at the Hermosillo plants in the 
    home market are sold outside the ordinary course of trade.
        First, we found that during the POR, as in previous reviews, CEMEX 
    sold very small amounts of Type II and Type V in the home market 
    compared to sales of cement produced as Type I. We found that freight 
    costs for Type II and Type V cement were higher than freight costs for 
    Type I sales, with CEMEX absorbing some of these costs. While it is 
    true, as CEMEX has pointed out, that shipping terms for Type II and 
    Type V cement are in some respects similar to Type I, for the years 
    preceding the antidumping order it was CEMEX's normal business practice 
    to pass along the cost of pre-sale freight to purchasers of its Type II 
    cement. Thus, we find it an ``unusual circumstance'' for CEMEX to 
    absorb freight costs after the issuance of the order, particularly 
    given the higher freight costs for Type II and Type V cement than for 
    Type I cement. Third, we found that the normal practice for CEMEX is to 
    ship cement, a heavy material, over relatively short distances. Over 95 
    percent of CEMEX's sales of cement in Mexico were shipped less than 150 
    miles and, during the POR, shipments of cement produced as Type I 
    conformed to this pattern. Shipments of Type II and Type V, however, 
    occurred over vastly greater distances. Fourth, we found that CEMEX's 
    profits on Type II and Type V cement sales during the POR are small 
    compared to those earned on sales of Type I cement. Fifth, we found 
    that the number and type of customers that purchase Type II
    [[Page 13157]]
    and Type V cement from CEMEX is substantially different from those who 
    purchase other cement types.
        The Department disagrees with CEMEX's contention that (i) low sales 
    volume is only relevant to the ordinary-course-of-trade issue if there 
    is no bona fide HM demand, and (ii) the presence of HM demand is 
    indicative of sales within the ordinary course of trade. First, the 
    Department verified in the second review that there was a small, but 
    apparently legitimate, HM demand for Type II and Type V cements. 
    However, that finding did not lead to a determination that the subject 
    sales were made within the ordinary course of trade. As we note above, 
    the CAFC in CEMEX v. U.S. affirmed the Department's determination that 
    CEMEX's HM sales of Types II and V were outside the ordinary course of 
    trade. Second, the Department has often found sales to be outside the 
    ordinary course of trade where volume was considered with other, non-
    demand-related, factors. For example, in Final Determination of Sales 
    at Less Than Fair Value; Sulfur Dyes Including Sulfur Vat Dyes From the 
    United Kingdom, 58 FR 3253, 3256 (1993), the Department concluded that 
    sales were outside the ordinary course of trade based upon abnormally 
    high volume, low price, and the existence of a ``special agreement'' to 
    promote the product at issue. In Tapered Roller Bearings and Parts 
    Thereof, Finished and Unfinished, From Japan, 52 FR 30700, 30704 
    (1987), the Department determined that sales were outside the ordinary 
    course of trade because the sales in question were of small volume and 
    high prices, most of the sales were canceled prior to invoice, and 
    there were no comparable sales in the United States. We have also 
    excluded transactions from the calculation of NV based upon sales made 
    to employees and negligible volume. See, e.g., New Minivans from Japan, 
    57 FR 43, 46 (1992). In short, the Department's consistent and 
    longstanding practice has been to consider sales volume along with 
    numerous other factors, depending upon the specific product involved.
        We also disagree with CEMEX's claim that, instead of considering 
    shipping distances and freight costs, we should focus on shipping terms 
    and practices. In fact, in analyzing this issue, the Department has 
    examined both shipping distances and shipping terms and practices. With 
    respect to shipping distances, we found that the normal practice in 
    Mexico is to ship cement over relatively short distances. As we noted 
    earlier, over 95 percent of all cement shipments in Mexico cover 
    distances of less than 150 miles. While CEMEX's HM shipments of Type I 
    cement conformed to this norm, its shipments of Type II and Type V 
    occurred over substantially greater distances. CEMEX claims that the 
    ``differences in shipping distances is simply a geographic fact'' and 
    the result of a ``legitimate business decision'' and that the 
    Department has not relied on shipping distances in determining whether 
    sales were outside of ordinary course of trade in prior cases. These 
    claims are inapposite. We are not questioning the reasoning behind but 
    the effect of the decision to ship long distances. As we noted in 
    earlier reviews, a company may have sound business reasons for changing 
    its methods of operation but, if sales resulting from this new business 
    practice are not normal for the company (for a reasonable time prior to 
    exportation), then they cannot be said to be within that company's 
    ordinary course of trade. The CIT and CAFC affirmed this analysis in 
    its examination of the second administrative review. CEMEX v. U.S.
        With respect to shipping terms, while it is true, as CEMEX points 
    out, that shipping terms (e.g., CIF or FOB plant) for Type II and Type 
    V are in some respects similar to Type I, we believe this contention 
    proceeds from an incorrect premise. In an ordinary-course-of-trade 
    inquiry, the pertinent issue is whether the conditions and practices 
    are ``normal'' for the company in question. For the years preceding the 
    antidumping order, it was CEMEX's normal business practice to pass 
    along the cost of pre-sale freight to purchasers of its Type II and 
    Type V cement. For CEMEX to absorb freight costs after the issuance of 
    the order is an ``unusual circumstance,'' particularly given the high 
    freight costs for Type II and Type V cement. Thus, with respect to both 
    shipping distances and terms we find sales of Type II and Type V to be 
    outside the ordinary course of trade.
        CEMEX argues that, in the preliminary results, the Department did 
    not acknowledge a legitimate HM demand for the cement from those plants 
    invoiced as Type II and Type V. However, the Department did consider 
    this information in preparing the preliminary results. As CEMEX itself 
    states in its case brief, the Department acknowledged that a legitimate 
    HM demand existed for Type II and Type V in the second review. The 
    Department acknowledged this in the Sixth Review Final Results and 
    continues to recognize that a legitimate HM demand exists for Type II 
    and Type V. But a range of other factors, such as the size of the home 
    market for Type II and Type V cement and other characteristics noted 
    above, were also considered, and we find, based on those factors, that 
    this demand does not compel us to consider sales of Type II and Type V 
    within CEMEX's ordinary course of trade.
        Among the selected factors for which CEMEX argues the Department 
    misapplied the record evidence were historical sales trends and 
    ``promotional quality'' of the products. We disagree. On September 25, 
    1997, the Department issued a questionnaire requesting CEMEX to support 
    its position that HM sales of Type V cement were in the ordinary course 
    of trade by addressing, among other things,``historical sales trends'' 
    and various non-profit motives for making these sales. CEMEX's response 
    (copies of its submission from the fifth and sixth administrative 
    reviews) did not address these two items. Thus, the Department found in 
    the preliminary results that the facts regarding these items have not 
    changed since the second review, that CEMEX did not sell Type II and 
    Type V cement until it began production for export in the mid-eighties, 
    despite the fact that a small domestic demand for such existed prior to 
    that time, and that sales of Type II and Type V cement continue to 
    exhibit a promotional quality that is not evidenced in CEMEX's ordinary 
    sales of cement (for details on the conclusions reached in the second 
    review, see memorandum from Holly A. Kuga to Joseph A. Spetrini, dated 
    August 31, 1993).
        For the reasons stated above, the Department has determined that 
    CEMEX's HM sales of Type V cement during the review period were outside 
    the ordinary course of trade. We note that the facts established in the 
    record of this review are very similar to the facts which led us to 
    determine in the second, fifth, and sixth reviews that HM sales of Type 
    V cement were outside the ordinary course of trade. The decision in the 
    second review, as noted above, was affirmed by the CIT and CAFC. In 
    conclusion, the decision to exclude sales of Type V cement from the 
    calculation of NV centers around the unusual nature and characteristics 
    of these sales compared to the vast majority of CEMEX's other HM sales. 
    Based upon these differences, the Department has determined that they 
    are not representative of CEMEX's HM sales and, therefore, these sales 
    were not within CEMEX's ordinary course of trade.
        With respect to cement from the Hermosillo plants meeting Type V 
    specifications but sold in the HM as Type I, as noted in the memorandum
    [[Page 13158]]
    referred to above (August 31, 1998 Memorandum from Roland L. MacDonald 
    to Joseph A. Spetrini with subject: Seventh Antidumping Administrative 
    Review on Gray Portland Cement and Clinker from Mexico--Ordinary Course 
    of Trade), the record evidence indicates that only at the Hermosillo 
    plants did CEMEX produce consistently a cement meeting one ASTM 
    standard and sell that cement as a different ASTM type. That factor, 
    and others discussed in that memorandum, distinguishes sales of Type I 
    cement produced at Hermosillo from CEMEX's sales of Type I cement 
    produced as Type I from other production facilities.
    6. Difference-in-Merchandise Information
        Comment 1: CEMEX argues that the Department should revise its 
    treatment of difference-in-merchandise (DIFMER) information for the 
    following reasons. First, CEMEX maintains that the issue of a DIFMER 
    adjustment is moot because CEMEX's HM sales of Type V cement were made 
    in the ordinary course of trade thus requiring no DIFMER adjustment. 
    Second, CEMEX claims that it neither requested a DIFMER adjustment nor 
    withdrew such a request and the Department described the record 
    evidence incorrectly in the preliminary notice. CEMEX claims that its 
    views on various options for a DIFMER adjustment have been consistent. 
    Third, CEMEX contends that cost differences between Types I and V 
    cement are the result of plant efficiencies. CEMEX maintains that the 
    production process for all types of cement is identical. According to 
    CEMEX, cost differences among cement types are solely a function of the 
    extraction costs of clay and limestone, the two raw materials which 
    compose cement. CEMEX argues that the cost of these materials depends 
    upon the condition of the quarry and the distance between the plant and 
    the quarry. Thus, CEMEX maintains, the cost differences among the 
    cement types are not due to physical differences in the merchandise; 
    rather they are a function of the quarry itself. In the alternative, 
    CEMEX argues that the Department should either use CDC's DIFMER 
    adjustment since the Department collapsed CDC and CEMEX or calculate a 
    DIFMER using market values, as authorized by the Department's 
    regulations and in the Department's decision in Polyvinyl Alcohol From 
    Taiwan, 63 FR 32810 (June 16, 1998).
        The petitioner responds that the Department based CEMEX's DIFMER 
    adjustment on adverse facts available correctly. The petitioner 
    maintains first that the DIFMER issue is not moot because the 
    Department found correctly that all of CEMEX's sales of cement produced 
    as Type V were outside the ordinary course of trade. The petitioner 
    responds next that the inaccuracies contained in the Department's 
    DIFMER discussion in the preliminary results are irrelevant to the 
    Department's conclusion that CEMEX did not provide the requested DIFMER 
    information. Moreover, the petitioner argues, CEMEX's description of 
    the record is inaccurate. The petitioner asserts that CEMEX did not 
    respond to the Department's requests for DIFMER information and that, 
    by its provision of variable cost of manufacturing (VCOM) data and 
    suggestions for DIFMER calculation, it led the Department to believe 
    that it was requesting a DIFMER adjustment. After suggesting previously 
    that a DIFMER adjustment should be made, the petitioner contends that 
    CEMEX requested a DIFMER adjustment expressly in its April 27, 1998, 
    submission to the Department, where it supplied VCOM data for Types V 
    LA and Type I cement. According to the petitioner, CEMEX led the 
    Department to believe that it was claiming a favorable DIFMER 
    adjustment and then, in effect, withdrew its request on May 8, 1998. 
    Third, the petitioner claims that the record evidence demonstrates 
    affirmatively that physical differences between Types I and V cement 
    contribute to different production costs, e.g., Types V and I differ in 
    the amount of an allowable raw material, tricalcium aluminate, and 
    differing production processes are also required. Fourth, the 
    petitioner argues that the Department should not apply CDC's DIFMER 
    adjustment to CEMEX because to do so would reward CEMEX improperly for 
    its lack of cooperation. The petitioner concludes that the Department 
    should not base CEMEX's DIFMER adjustment on market values because 
    CEMEX has not provided any information on which the Department could 
    calculate such an adjustment. Moreover, the petitioner notes, the 
    Department bases a DIFMER adjustment on differences in market value 
    rarely and disfavors basing adjustments on market value rather than 
    actual costs.
        Department's Position: We agree with the petitioner that section 
    773(a)(6)(C)(ii) of the Act directs the Department to make an 
    adjustment to NV to account for differences in the physical 
    characteristics of merchandise where similar products are compared. 
    Section 351.411(b) of our regulations directs us to consider 
    differences in variable costs associated with the physical differences 
    in the merchandise. Where appropriate, we may also consider differences 
    in the market value. We determine that the record evidence demonstrates 
    the existence of differences in the physical characteristics of cement 
    Types I and V, and, therefore, a DIFMER adjustment is appropriate here.
        Contrary to CEMEX's assertions, the data and product information on 
    the record reflect the existence of differences in the physical 
    characteristics of cement Types I and V. These physical differences 
    were originally made apparent in CEMEX's reported variable 
    manufacturing costs of producing Type I cement and Type V cement in the 
    home market. In addition, the statements CEMEX made in its April 20, 
    1998, and May 8, 1998, submissions indicating that no DIFMER adjustment 
    was necessary is contrary to the facts on the record of this and prior 
    reviews (currently on the record of the instant review), wherein CEMEX 
    has demonstrated that there are differences in the physical 
    characteristics of Types I and V cement which contribute to a 
    difference in their production costs.
        Next, we note that CEMEX did not provide information regarding 
    process or production differences that are attributable to the 
    differences in physical characteristics of cement Types I and V from 
    which we could calculate a DIFMER adjustment. While we acknowledge that 
    our DIFMER discussion in the preliminary results of review contained 
    some sequential inaccuracies, none of these minor errors affect our 
    conclusion that CEMEX provided conflicting and incomplete DIFMER 
    information. We first requested CEMEX to provide DIFMER information in 
    our original questionnaire on October 3, 1997. CEMEX's response on 
    December 8, 1997, provided no information regarding process or 
    production differences that are attributable to the differences in 
    physical characteristics of Types I and V. CEMEX again did not provide 
    information with which we could make a DIFMER adjustment in its section 
    D response filed on March 3, 1998. On March 31, 1998, we requested 
    parties to submit information to assist in our determination of the 
    appropriate DIFMER calculation. On April 17, 1998, we made a second 
    request for DIFMER information. In response to our March 31 and April 
    17 requests, on April 20, 1998, CEMEX stated its belief that no DIFMER 
    adjustment was necessary in this review but offered suggestions for the 
    calculation of its DIFMER adjustment based upon hypothetical
    [[Page 13159]]
    data. However, CEMEX again did not demonstrate the existence of 
    variable cost differences between Types I and V resulting from physical 
    differences in the products. In a submission filed April 27, 1998, 
    CEMEX suggested that the Department base the DIFMER adjustment on 
    CEMEX's reported difference in variable costs for the production of 
    Types I and V although CEMEX had not provided the requisite VCOM data. 
    Finally, on May 8, 1998, CEMEX claimed in its second supplemental 
    response that no variable cost differences existed between Types I and 
    V. Thus the record of this review demonstrates that CEMEX did not 
    comply with the Department's requests for data demonstrating the cost 
    differences between cement Types I and V resulting from their physical 
    differences and offered conflicting information several times.
        Because record evidence indicates the existence of physical 
    differences between cement Types I and V and because CEMEX did not 
    submit viable bases for a DIFMER adjustment, we have calculated a 
    DIFMER adjustment based upon facts otherwise available. Moreover, 
    because CEMEX failed repeatedly to provide requested information, we 
    conclude that CEMEX did not act to the best of its ability. Thus, in 
    accordance with section 776(b) of the Act, we have used an adverse 
    inference in applying facts available. Therefore, as facts available, 
    and in order to minimize the effect of varying plant efficiencies, the 
    Department has compared CEMEX's VCOM to produce cement at the 
    Hermosillo plants (sold as Types I, II, and V but physically Type V) 
    with the lowest variable costs reported by a CEMEX Type I facility. 
    However, we have found that, in our preliminary results, we calculated 
    DIFMER using the VCOM from CEMEX's second-most efficient plant rather 
    than CEMEX's most efficient plant. We have based this determination on 
    findings at the cost verification and Exhibit C-8 of the cost 
    verification report. See Cost Verification Report, dated August 21, 
    1998. Therefore, we have adjusted the DIFMER calculation using the VCOM 
    of CEMEX's most efficient Type I facility in accordance with the 
    methodology we used in the sixth review. This recalculation results in 
    an upward adjustment to NV in accordance with section 776(a) of the 
        CEMEX's remaining arguments supporting the use of a different facts 
    available are without merit. First, as we have concluded that CEMEX's 
    HM sales of Type V cement are outside the ordinary course of trade (see 
    5. Ordinary Course of Trade, above), the DIFMER issue remains active. 
    In addition, using CDC's DIFMER adjustment for CEMEX is contrary to our 
    directive under section 776(b) of the Act to apply adverse facts 
    available where an interested party has failed to cooperate by not 
    acting to the best of its ability to comply with a request for 
    information. We conclude that using CDC's DIFMER, as suggested by 
    CEMEX, would reward CEMEX improperly for its failure to provide the 
    information we requested. Further, we reject CEMEX's proposal that we 
    base our DIFMER adjustment on differences in market value rather than 
    actual costs. CEMEX provided no information upon which we could 
    calculate such an adjustment and, although we retain the discretion to 
    calculate DIFMER based upon market values, we do so rarely. See 
    Preamble to the Department's Regulations, 62 FR at 27370.
        Comment 2: The petitioner contends that the Department's selection 
    of facts available for DIFMER was not sufficiently adverse. It concedes 
    that CEMEX provided variable cost data for Types I and V but, despite 
    the Department's requests, did not provide information on process/
    production differences attributable to physical differences. The 
    petitioner argues that, instead, CEMEX offered a suggested DIFMER 
    calculation based upon hypothetical data. The petitioner also notes 
    that CEMEX stated later that there were no variable cost differences 
    between Types I and V but that Type V is in fact more expensive to 
    produce (physically) than Type I. The petitioner claims that CEMEX has 
    also refused repeatedly to provide DIFMER information in the second, 
    fifth, and sixth reviews. According to the petitioner, the Department 
    should apply total facts available based on CEMEX's refusal to provide 
    DIFMER or, at the very least, should use a 20-percent upward DIFMER 
    adjustment to NV as facts available, consistent with the final remand 
    results of the second review.
        CEMEX argues that if the Department bases CEMEX's DIFMER on facts 
    available a 20-percent DIFMER adjustment is unreasonable as the 
    Department is authorized to rely on information placed on the record. 
    CEMEX contends that its information was timely, verified, and reliable. 
    According to CEMEX, a 20-percent DIFMER adjustment as applied for the 
    second review is unreasonable because each review is a distinct 
    proceeding and the facts differ. CEMEX argues that, in the second 
    review, the Department had only weighted-average VCOM data for Types I 
    and II and did not have plant-specific, cement type-specific VCOM data, 
    as the Department has here.
        Department's Position: We do not agree that a more adverse rate 
    should be used. For the reasons stated in response to comment 1, above, 
    our DIFMER calculation is consistent with prior practice and based upon 
    review- and plant-specific reported data which we verified. We consider 
    our choice of facts available to be sufficiently adverse in order to 
    provide an incentive to respondents to provide complete and accurate 
    responses to our requests for information.
    7. Level-of-Trade Determination for CEP Sales
        The petitioner argues that the Department's methodology for 
    determining the level of trade (LOT) for CEP sales based on the level 
    of the constructed export price (CEP) from the exporter to the related 
    affiliated importer (after deductions required by section 772(d) of the 
    Act) is contrary to the Act and inconsistent with the methodology the 
    Department used to determine LOT for export price (EP) and NV sales. In 
    Borden, Inc. v. United States, 4 F.Supp.2d 1221 (CIT 1998), the 
    petitioner notes that the CIT found this methodology to be contrary to 
    the requirements of the plain language of the statute.
        The petitioner notes that, for EP and NV, the Department bases LOT 
    on the unadjusted starting price in the relevant market. The petitioner 
    asserts that, in order to make an ``apples-to-apples'' LOT comparison, 
    the statute requires the Department to analyze the LOT for both HM and 
    CEP sales equivalently, based on the selling functions performed with 
    respect to the sales to the first unaffiliated customer in both 
    markets. The petitioner concludes that the Department's practice 
    results in an unfair, skewed comparison between an adjusted CEP and an 
    unadjusted NV.
        CEMEX and CDC respond that the Department interpreted section 
    772(d) of the Act properly and based the CEP LOT appropriately on the 
    U.S. price after adjustments. CEMEX and CDC argue that the petitioner's 
    sole reliance upon the CIT decision in Borden is misplaced because, as 
    the Department stated in prior determinations, the decision is not 
    final and the Department is appealing the decision. Respondents also 
    assert that the Department's interpretation of the statute is supported 
    in the SAA and the Department's regulations as well as by Department 
    practice. In light of this interpretation of the statute, argues CDC, 
    any comparison of selling functions for the purpose of determining 
    CDC's eligibility for a CEP
    [[Page 13160]]
    offset must focus on CDC's activities in selling to the two markets, 
    not on the activities of its U.S. affiliate. In addition, CDC argues 
    that the Department applied the proper statutory interpretation in the 
    sixth review.
        Department's Position: As we stated in prior determinations, our 
    practice of basing our LOT analysis on the CEP, rather than at the 
    starting price of CEP, is in full compliance with the statute and the 
    regulations. See Professional Electric Cutting Tools from Japan, 63 FR 
    54441, 54444 (1998). In addition, we have stated that the CIT's 
    decision in Borden is not binding as we are appealing this decision 
    while we continue to apply our current methodology. See Porcelain-on-
    Steel Cookware from Mexico, 63 FR at 38378. Accordingly, consistent 
    with section 351.412 of our regulations, we have continued to base our 
    LOT analysis on the CEP reflecting the sale from exporter to importer 
    for these final results of review.
    8. CEP Offset Justification
        Comment 1: The petitioner argues that the Department determined 
    erroneously that CEMEX's and CDC's HM sales were at a different LOT 
    than their sales to the United States and, on that basis, granted CEMEX 
    and CDC an inappropriate CEP offset adjustment to NV. According to the 
    petitioner, the Department found no differences in LOT in the fifth 
    review and the facts in this review are virtually identical to the 
    facts in that review. Also, the petitioner claims that the Department's 
    methodology for analyzing the LOT and CEP offset issues has not changed 
    since the fifth review and, therefore, no basis exists for a different 
    result with respect to the LOT and CEP offset issues in this review.
        The petitioner argues that, in the preliminary results of this 
    review, the Department found that CEMEX and CDC perform more selling 
    functions for sales to end-users and ready-mixers in the home market 
    than for sales to affiliated importers in the United States. The 
    petitioner argues that, with regard to CEMEX and CDC, the record either 
    contradicts or does not support the Department's finding that their HM 
    and adjusted CEP sales were at different levels of trade. The 
    petitioner argues that the Department must find more than different 
    levels of selling activities to determine that a respondent's HM and 
    U.S.-affiliate sales are at different levels. Also, the petitioner 
    asserts that HM selling functions must be provided to at least the 
    majority of customers, citing Notice of Final Determination of Sales at 
    Less Than Fair Value: Certain Pasta From Italy, 61 FR 30326, 30338 
    (1996), and that minor or relatively insignificant selling functions 
    cannot provide the basis for a determination that there are different 
    LOTs and that a CEP offset adjustment is warranted. With regard to both 
    CEMEX and CDC, the petitioner argues that the record does not support 
    the Department's finding that their HM sales were at a more advanced 
    stage of distribution than their CEP sales.
        With regard to CEMEX, the petitioner argues that no basis exists 
    for the Department's conclusion that CEMEX's sales to its affiliated 
    U.S. distributor, Sunbelt Cement, were at a different place in the 
    distribution chain than CEMEX's HM sales. To the contrary, the 
    petitioner adds, the record evidence reflects that CEMEX's selling 
    activities with respect to its Sunbelt Cement sales were virtually 
    identical to its selling activities with respect to its HM sales.
        The petitioner also contends that the Department's LOT memorandum 
    for the preliminary results contains several inaccuracies. First, the 
    petitioner maintains, for all but one expense, advertising, the 
    activities listed in the Department's chart of expenses relating to 
    CEMEX's indirect selling expenses do not correspond to CEMEX's itemized 
    indirect selling expenses as CEMEX reported in its response. The 
    petitioner next argues the Department relied incorrectly upon five 
    selling functions in its determination that CEMEX's HM sales were at a 
    more advanced LOT than its U.S. sales: strategic and economic planning, 
    market research, personnel training/personnel exchange, procurement and 
    sourcing services and after-sales servicing/warranty service. The 
    petitioner argues that the record demonstrates that the Department 
    found erroneously that CEMEX performs these functions only in the home 
    market. The petitioner also asserts that what the Department describes 
    separately as ``strategic and economic planning'' and ``market 
    research'' are the same activity and should be merged for LOT-analysis 
    purposes. The petitioner maintains further that CEMEX performed sales 
    forecasting in neither the U.S. nor the home market. The petitioner 
    also argues that CEMEX provided insufficient and inconsistent 
    information regarding the after-sale services it provides and failed to 
    establish that the selling functions were applied consistently ``to at 
    least the vast majority of customers and sales in each level of 
    trade,'' citing Certain Pasta From Italy. Finally, the petitioner 
    argues that selling functions such as market research, advertising, and 
    technical advice are insignificant in a mature market such as gray 
    portland cement.
        CEMEX asserts that, based on the law and verified information on 
    the record, the Department's preliminary results properly included a 
    CEP offset. First, CEMEX concurs with the Department's determination 
    that the sales to CEMEX's unaffiliated U.S. distributor, Sunbelt 
    Cement, were at a less-advanced LOT than the LOT of HM sales. CEMEX 
    notes that the CEP adjustments made under section 772(d) of the Act 
    remove all the marketing and distribution activities of Sunbelt Cement, 
    thereby altering the LOT of the starting price to a less-remote link in 
    the chain of distribution. CEMEX contends that the appropriate 
    comparison is based on the selling functions performed by CEMEX with 
    respect to its sales in Mexico and its sales to the United States.
        CEMEX argues that the Department determined appropriately that 
    CEMEX performed significantly different selling functions for CEP and 
    HM sales and that the HM level was more advanced. CEMEX rejects the 
    petitioner's implication that, because the Department reached a 
    different determination in the fifth review, the sixth review results 
    must be wrong. CEMEX also rejects the petitioner's hypothesis that, 
    because the U.S. market is important to CEMEX's business, CEMEX's 
    centralized strategic planning in Mexico must support exports to the 
    United States. CEMEX states that activities with respect to procuring/
    sourcing materials and other assets for U.S. operations are performed 
    by CEMEX's U.S. affiliate. Finally, CEMEX disagrees with the 
    petitioner's argument that market research, advertising, after-sales 
    service, and technical advice are all insignificant in selling cement. 
    CEMEX notes that the list of selling activities that it included in its 
    responses are representative of the activities that the Department has 
    included in LOT questionnaires issued to companies in other cases.
        Department's Position: In accordance with section 773(a)(1)(B) of 
    the Act, to the extent practicable, we determine NV based on sales in 
    the comparison market at the same LOT as the EP or CEP. The NV LOT is 
    that of the starting-price sales in the comparison market or, when NV 
    is based on constructed value (CV), that of sales from which we derive 
    selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses and profit. For EP, 
    the U.S. LOT is also the level of the starting-price sale, which is 
    usually from exporter to importer. For CEP, it is the level of the 
    constructed sales from the exporter to the importer.
        To determine whether NV sales are at a different LOT than EP or 
    CEP, we examine stages in the marketing process
    [[Page 13161]]
    and selling functions along the chain of distribution between the 
    producer and the unaffiliated customer. If the comparison-market sales 
    are at a different LOT, and the difference affects price comparability, 
    as manifested in a pattern of consistent price differences between the 
    sales on which NV is based and comparison-market sales at the LOT of 
    the export transaction, we make a LOT adjustment under section 
    773(a)(7)(A) of the Act. Finally, for CEP sales, if the NV level is 
    more remote from the factory than the CEP level and based on the 
    available information, we are unable to determine the amount of a LOT 
    adjustment, we adjust NV under section 773(a)(7)(B) of the Act (the CEP 
    offset provision). See Notice of Final Determination of Sales at Less 
    Than Fair Value: Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon Steel Plate from South 
    Africa, 62 FR 61971 (November 19, 1997).
        Based upon our analysis of the record, we determine, as in the 
    preliminary results of review, that CEMEX's HM sales occurred at a 
    different and more advanced stage of distribution than CEMEX's sales to 
    its U.S. affiliate. While we note that the LOT memorandum outlining our 
    analysis contains some minor errors, none of these inaccuracies alters 
    our conclusion that CEMEX performs more selling functions at a more 
    advanced stage of distribution in the home market than its CEP sales in 
    the United States. The record reflects that CEMEX performed eleven 
    selling functions in the home market: (1) Strategic and economic 
    planning; (2) market research; (3) advertising; (4) technical advice; 
    (5) personnel training/personnel exchange; (6) inventory maintenance; 
    (7) procurement and sourcing services; (8) freight and delivery 
    arrangements; (9) packaging; (10) credit; and (11) after-sales 
    services/warranties. We note that our LOT memorandum relied incorrectly 
    upon a function not performed by CEMEX, sales forecasting, and 
    therefore we have excluded this function from our analysis.
        Table 6 of our LOT memorandum regarding advertising for CEMEX's CEP 
    sales is in error because the record reflects that CEMEX does not 
    perform advertising functions for its sales to Sunbelt Cement. However, 
    the record demonstrates that CEMEX performs strategic planning, market 
    research, advertising, procurement and sourcing services, personnel 
    training/personnel exchange, packaging, credit and after sales service/
    warranty service for its sales in the home market but not for its CEP 
    sales to the U.S. affiliate after deducting the expenses pursuant to 
    section 772(d) of the Act. Thus, contrary to the petitioner's 
    assertions, we find adequate basis on the record to conclude that CEMEX 
    performs eight of its eleven selling functions with respect to only its 
    HM sales and not with respect to its CEP sales.
        In addition, CEMEX performs a higher degree of inventory 
    maintenance for its HM sales than for its CEP sales. Contrary to the 
    petitioner's assertion, differences in the level of intensity with 
    which a respondent performs a selling function is relevant to our 
    analysis. See Professional Electric Cutting Tools From Japan; 
    Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Review, 63 FR 30706, 30708 
        Thus, as the record demonstrates, CEMEX performs the majority of 
    its selling functions with respect to its HM sales and not with respect 
    to its CEP sales. In addition, CEMEX performs no services for its CEP 
    sales that it does not perform for its HM sales. Accordingly, we 
    determine that CEMEX's HM sales occur at a different and more advanced 
    stage of distribution than its CEP sales. We also determine that the 
    data provided do not permit us to calculate a LOT adjustment; thus in 
    accordance with section 773(a)(7)(B) of the Act, a CEP offset is 
    appropriate for these final results.
        Moreover, we disagree with the petitioner's remaining arguments. 
    The petitioner challenges the Department's decision to grant a CEP 
    offset to CEMEX by asserting that CEMEX's itemized list of indirect 
    selling expenses and its selling functions do not correspond. However, 
    the list to which the petitioner refers (Exhibit B-14 of CEMEX's 
    December 8, 1997, Section B response) itemizes the names of CEMEX's 
    accounts for its indirect selling expenses in the home market and does 
    not provide the services performed as a result of those expenditures. 
    Because the list of accounts upon which the petitioner relies is not an 
    itemization of CEMEX's selling functions but rather lists the accounts 
    to which CEMEX's selling functions are recorded, we would, therefore, 
    not expect CEMEX's indirect selling expenses list and selling-functions 
    chart to correspond. The petitioner also argues that ``strategic and 
    economic planning'' and ``market research'' should be merged for LOT-
    analysis purposes. We disagree with the petitioner. The record 
    characterizes strategic planning as relating to long-range production 
    activity while market research relates to locating markets and gauging 
    their activity, and these distinctions are commonly recognized and 
    understood. Regardless, assuming arguendo that we should merge the two 
    functions, our conclusion that CEMEX's HM sales were at a different and 
    more advanced LOT would remain unchanged since the record demonstrates 
    that CEMEX performed both selling functions for the home market but 
    neither for its U.S. sales
        Comment 2: The petitioner argues that the Department found 
    erroneously that CDC's U.S. and HM sales were at different levels of 
    distribution. Furthermore, according to the petitioner, the Department 
    erred in finding that CDC's HM sales were at a more advanced stage of 
    distribution because CDC performed fewer and different selling 
    functions for CEP sales than for its HM sales. The petitioner argues 
    that CDC did not describe in sufficient detail its selling functions, 
    including ``market research,'' ``technical advice,'' ``customer 
    approval,'' ``solicitation of orders/customer visits,'' ``sales 
    promotion discount programs,'' and ``computer/legal/accounting/business 
    system development,'' so that the Department could determine whether 
    they involved distinct selling functions. Moreover, the petitioner 
    contends, CDC's reported selling functions were not provided to at 
    least a vast majority of customers and sales in the home market. 
    Therefore, the petitioner concludes, CDC's claimed selling functions do 
    not provide the basis for a determination that CDC's HM and U.S. sales 
    were at different levels of trade. The petitioner also notes that the 
    Department reported erroneously in its LOT memorandum that it confirmed 
    CDC's selling functions performed in the home market during 
    verification when, in fact, the Department did not verify CDC's 
    response in this review.
        CDC argues that the Department granted CDC a CEP offset properly. 
    CDC argues that the record demonstrates that its HM sales were made at 
    a more advanced LOT than its U.S. sales, thus satisfying the 
    Department's standard for a CEP offset.
        Department's Position: We disagree with the petitioner that CDC's 
    U.S. and HM sales were at the same levels of distribution. Based upon 
    our analysis of the record, we determine that CDC's HM sales occur at a 
    different and more advanced stage of distribution than CDC's sales to 
    its U.S. affiliate. The record reflects, and our LOT memorandum shows, 
    that CDC performs ten selling functions in the home market: (1) 
    Inventory maintenance; (2) market research; (3) technical advice; (4) 
    advertising; (5) freight and delivery arrangement; (6) customer 
    approval; (7) solicitation of orders/customer visits; (8) sales 
    promotion/discount programs; (9) packing; and (10) computer/legal/
    accounting/business system
    [[Page 13162]]
    development. The record demonstrates that, with the exception of 
    inventory maintenance and freight and delivery arrangements, CDC 
    performs its selling functions for its sales in the home market but not 
    for its CEP sales to the U.S. affiliate after deducting the expenses 
    pursuant to section 772(d) of the Act. The record also demonstrates in 
    sufficient detail for the Department to determine that the selling 
    functions that CDC provides for its HM sales are greater in number and 
    intensity than those selling functions that it provides for its CEP 
    sales. Accordingly, we determine that CDC's HM sales occur at a 
    different and more advanced stage of distribution than its CEP sales 
    and that a CEP offset is appropriate for these final results. We also 
    determine that the data does not provide an appropriate basis for a LOT 
    adjustment; thus in accordance with section 773(a)(7)(B) of the Act, a 
    CEP offset is appropriate for the final results. We note that although 
    our LOT memorandum refers erroneously to a verification at CDC this 
    error does not alter our conclusion for these final results.
    9. CEP Calculation
        Comment 1: The petitioner disagrees with the Department's decision 
    not to deduct indirect selling expenses incurred in the home market on 
    sales to its affiliate in the United States in calculating CEP. The 
    petitioner believes that this decision, although consistent with the 
    Department's current practice and regulations as well as the final 
    results of the fifth and sixth reviews, is contrary to the Act, the 
    URAA, the SAA and judicial precedent. The petitioner argues that the 
    indirect selling expenses, inventory carrying costs and general 
    advertising expenses CEMEX and CDC incurred in the home market with 
    respect to U.S. sales to its affiliate all constitute selling expenses 
    deductible under section 772(d)(1)(D) of the Act.
        The petitioner challenges the Department's limitation of deductible 
    indirect selling expenses incurred in the home market for its CEP 
    calculation as artificial and unsupported by the statute and by 
    legislative history. First, the petitioner argues that the Department 
    has discretion over which expenses can be deducted from CEP and should 
    deduct all indirect expenses associated with U.S. sales from CEP. 
    Second, the petitioner argues that the Department's use of the term 
    ``U.S. expenses'' is limited incorrectly to expenses incurred in 
    connection with a sale in the United States and that it should be 
    expanded to include expenses incurred in relation to sales by the 
    affiliated importer to U.S. customers. Third, the petitioner disagrees 
    with the Department's narrow interpretation of the language in section 
    772(d) referring to expenses ``associated with economic activities 
    occurring in the United States'' to be defined as only those expenses 
    related to sales by the affiliated importer to unaffiliated purchasers. 
    The petitioner contends that the language is interpreted more properly 
    to include all expenses related to U.S. sales. Fourth, the petitioner 
    cites the final results of the fifth review to demonstrate that the 
    Department acted inconsistently with section 772(d) by limiting the 
    deduction of ``any'' expenses incurred in selling subject merchandise 
    in the United States. Fifth, because the Department granted a CEP 
    offset, the petitioner maintains that CEP and NV do not represent an 
    ``apples-to-apples'' comparison. Sixth, the petitioner claims that the 
    Department misinterprets Article 2.4 of the Antidumping Agreement to 
    require only the deduction of costs incurred between importation and 
    resale from CEP when the Agreement ``states that those expenses should 
    be deducted in addition to any other expenses that affect price 
    comparability.'' Finally, the petitioner contends that to allow a 
    deduction from CEP of only those indirect selling expenses incurred in 
    the United States permits respondents to avoid deduction of any selling 
    expenses by shifting U.S.-related selling activities offshore. The 
    petitioner also maintains that the Department must interpret section 
    772(d) according to its plain meaning, citing Mitsubishi Heavy 
    Industries, Ltd. v. United States, 15 F.Supp.2d 807 (CIT 1998) 
    (Mitsubishi). The CIT in Mitsubishi, the petitioner asserts, held that 
    the plain language of section 772(d) of the Act requires the deduction, 
    without limitation, of all expenses generally incurred in selling the 
    subject merchandise in the United States, regardless of where or when 
        CEMEX and CDC respond that the Department is correct in not 
    deducting indirect selling expenses incurred in the home market from 
    CEP calculations. CEMEX and CDC state that the petitioner raised the 
    same argument unsuccessfully in the fifth and sixth administrative 
    reviews. CEMEX argues further that the petitioner attempts to rewrite 
    the legislative history of the URAA and that the Department rejected 
    arguments similar to those advanced by the petitioner in the preamble 
    to the Department's regulations. CDC refutes the petitioner's claim 
    that Mitsubishi compels the Department to deduct from CEP expenses 
    incurred in the home market by a foreign producer and distinguishes the 
    facts in Mitsubishi from those in this case. Moreover, CDC believes 
    that Mitsubishi reinforces the Department's position to limit 
    acceptable deductions from CEP.
        Department's Position: We agree with respondents that we calculated 
    CEP correctly. Upon analysis, the Department determined that the 
    indirect selling expenses at issue relate solely to respondents' sales 
    to their affiliated importers and are not associated with economic 
    activities in the United States. The Department does not deduct 
    indirect expenses incurred in selling to the affiliated U.S. importer 
    under section 772(d) of the Act. See Certain Pasta From Italy, 61 FR at 
    30352. Thus, we have used the same methodology for calculating CEP in 
    the final results, as was done for the preliminary results.
        Comment 2: The petitioner maintains that the Department neglected 
    to include indirect selling expenses in the home market on sales to the 
    United States in ``total U.S. expenses'' for purposes of calculating 
    CEP profit under section 772(f) of the Act.
        The petitioner argues that by including indirect selling expenses 
    in total U.S. expenses in calculating total actual profit but excluding 
    them from total U.S. expenses in determining the expense ratio renders 
    the calculation of CEP profit inconsistent. The petitioner argues that 
    this contradictory treatment of the same expenses cannot be reconciled 
    with the statute. The petitioner also cites U.S. Steel Group v. United 
    States, No. 97-05-00866, Slip Op. 98-96 (CIT 1998) (U.S. Steel), 
    whereby the CIT rejected the Department's inconsistent treatment of 
    movement expenses in the calculation of CEP. The petitioner concludes 
    that if indirect selling expenses incurred in Mexico are properly 
    attributable to U.S. sales for the purpose of calculating U.S. selling 
    expenses in the computation of ``total actual profit'' they must be 
    similarly attributable to U.S. sales for purposes of calculating 
    ``total U.S. expenses'' for the purpose of applying the ``actual 
        CEMEX and CDC argue that the Department calculated ``total U.S. 
    expenses'' correctly in its ``total expenses'' calculations for CEP 
    profit. CEMEX contends that the petitioner has not cited a 
    determination supporting its argument that the Department excluded 
    foreign indirect selling in ``total U.S. expenses'' incorrectly. CEMEX 
    argues that the petitioner's citation to U.S. Steel Group is misplaced 
    because the decision is not final and it does not give deference to the 
    Department's statutory interpretation of the law that it is charged to 
    [[Page 13163]]
        CDC asserts that it was appropriate for the Department to include 
    in total U.S. expenses for CEP profit only expenses related to U.S. 
    operations. CDC cites section 772(f) of the Act, stating that it 
    directs the Department to exclude HM indirect selling expenses 
    associated with U.S. sales and corresponding inventory carrying costs 
    from its definition of total U.S. expenses.
        Department's Position: Pursuant to section 772(f) of the Act, CEP 
    profit includes the total revenue and total actual expenses incurred in 
    making the sale to the unaffiliated purchaser in the U.S. market. 
    However, since the statute directs that profit be allocated only to 
    expenses deducted under sections 772(d) (1) and (2) of the Act, we must 
    exclude indirect selling expenses incurred in Mexico for U.S. sales 
    from ``total U.S. expenses,'' the numerator of the expense ratio. Thus, 
    we did not include indirect selling expenses incurred in Mexico for 
    U.S. sales in ``total U.S. expenses'' in calculating CEP profit. This 
    interpretation is consistent with the intent of the statute. With 
    respect to the petitioner's reference to U.S. Steel, see our response 
    to Comment 3, below. In preparing for these final results, however, we 
    discovered a clerical error in the CEP calculation in our preliminary 
    results. We inadvertently did not include indirect expenses for 
    advertising in the calculation of profit to be allocated to expenses 
    deducted pursuant to section 772(d) of the Act. We have corrected this 
    clerical error for the final results.
        Comment 3: The petitioner argues that the CIT's recent decision in 
    U.S. Steel directs the Department to calculate CEP profit by excluding 
    movement expenses from the denominator of the profit-allocation ratio. 
    The petitioner notes that, in that case, the CIT rejected the 
    Department's argument that the statute required the inclusion of ``all 
    expenses,'' including movement expenses, in the ratio.
        CEMEX and CDC respond that the Department's inclusion of movement 
    expenses in its calculation of total expenses used to calculate CEP 
    profit is a reasonable interpretation of section 772(f) of the Act and 
    is consistent with the Department's past practice. CEMEX and CDC argue 
    that the CIT's decision in U.S. Steel is not final and that the 
    Department has not indicated its intention to abandon its prior policy 
    and adopt the decision.
        Department's Position: We agree with the respondents that our 
    inclusion of movement expenses in the calculation of total expenses 
    used to calculate CEP profit is proper. The CIT's decision in U.S. 
    Steel is neither final nor binding. Accordingly, we have continued to 
    include movement expenses in ``total expenses'' for calculating CEP 
    profit for these final results. This is consistent with the 
    Department's practice in accordance with section 772(d)(3) of the Act.
        Comment 4: The petitioner argues that the Department should revise 
    its calculation of CDC's U.S. indirect expenses because the Department 
    inadvertently allowed a deduction from U.S. indirect selling expenses 
    for the imputed costs of financing antidumping cash deposits. The 
    petitioner notes that the Department denied such an adjustment in the 
    sixth review and that this decision was consistent with past practice.
        CDC responds that the Department's allowance of an offset for the 
    cost of financing cash deposits is in accordance with past practice and 
    CIT precedent. CDC argues that in the past the Department has not been 
    consistent in its treatment of imputed interest payments on cash 
    deposits. CDC contends that the Department has recognized that a 
    company incurs a real expense whether it actually obtained loans or 
    diverted funds from another investment activity to finance the 
    antidumping cash deposits, citing Tapered Roller Bearings, Four Inches 
    or Less in Outside Diameter, and Components Thereof, From Japan, 62 FR 
    11825, 11831 (March 13, 1997).
        Department's Position: We agree that we have allowed CDC a 
    deduction for the imputed costs of financing cash deposits 
    inadvertently. For the final results, we have denied an adjustment to 
    CDC for imputed expenses which CDC claims are related to financing cash 
    deposits. This is consistent with the Department's treatment of such 
    expenses in the sixth review and its practice as described in 
    Antifriction Bearings (Other Than Tapered Roller Bearings) and Parts 
    Thereof from France, et al., 62 FR 54043, 54079 (October 17, 1997). As 
    our position is unchanged from the prior review, we adopt the 
    discussion with respect to this issue in our Sixth Review Final Results 
    (63 FR at 1278).
    10. Regional Assessment
        CEMEX and CDC argue that the United States has not honored its 
    obligations under Article 4.2 of the WTO Antidumping Agreement and its 
    predecessor, Article 4.2 of the 1979 Tokyo Round Antidumping Code. 
    CEMEX and CDC claim that the Department has not implemented the special 
    antidumping duty assessment requirements for regional-industry cases 
    set forth in Article 4.2 because it has imposed antidumping duties on 
    all imports of subject merchandise, including those consigned for 
    consumption outside the Southern Tier region as defined by the ITC in 
    the original investigation. CDC argues that the Department did not give 
    exporters an opportunity to cease exporting at dumped prices into the 
    region prior to the assessment of duties and requests that the 
    Department terminate this review and revoke the antidumping order or, 
    alternatively, assess antidumping duties only on CDC's entries of 
    merchandise consumed within the Southern Tier region. CEMEX requests 
    only that the Department assess duties on its future entries consumed 
    within the Southern Tier region.
        CDC contends that, because the United States did not implement 
    Article 4.2 until it adopted the Uruguay Round Agreement Act (URAA) in 
    1995, implementation was untimely because the regional assessment rules 
    were absent from U.S. law during the original investigation and during 
    the first several reviews of the antidumping order. CDC also asserts 
    that, in adopting section 218 of the URAA, the United States 
    implemented Article 4.2 inadequately. For instance, CDC asserts, 
    Section 218 does not address producers/exporters who, like CDC, export 
    merchandise both into and outside of the region. CDC proffers other 
    examples of the inadequate U.S. implementation of Article 4.2, which 
    are discussed below. If the Department does not terminate this review 
    and revoke the order, CDC asserts, the Department should levy 
    antidumping duties on a regional basis under Article 4.2.
        CEMEX and CDC argue that the United States is obliged to comply 
    with Article 4.2 of the Antidumping Agreement, which states:
        When the industry has been interpreted as referring to the 
    producers in a certain area, i.e., a market as defined in paragraph 
    1(ii), anti-dumping duties shall be levied only on the product in 
    question consigned for final consumption to that area. When the 
    constitutional law of the importing country does not permit the 
    levying of anti-dumping duties on such a basis, the importing Member 
    may levy the anti-dumping duties without limitation only if (a) the 
    exporters shall have been given an opportunity to cease exporting at 
    dumped prices to the area concerned or otherwise give assurances 
    pursuant to Article 8 of this Agreement, and adequate assurances in 
    this regard have not been promptly given, and (b) such duties cannot 
    be levied only on products of specific producers which supply the 
    area in question.
    According to CEMEX and CDC, Article 4.2 compels the Department to 
    refrain from assessing duties on its subject
    [[Page 13164]]
    merchandise destined for consumption outside the Southern Tier. CDC 
    contends that the exception to Article 4.2 does not apply because none 
    of the conditions necessary to justify an exception to Article 4.2 are 
    satisfied in this case. First, both CEMEX and CDC assert that there is 
    no U.S. Constitutional prohibition against levying antidumping duties 
    on a regional basis. CEMEX and CDC contend that neither the port-
    preference clause of the Constitution, which prohibits Congress from 
    regulating commerce or revenue of ports in a discriminatory manner that 
    would confer preferential treatment for the ports of one state over the 
    ports of another state, nor the uniformity clause, which requires the 
    uniform imposition of taxes throughout the United States, render the 
    regional assessment of antidumping duties unconstitutional, citing U.S. 
    Const. Art. I, Sec. 9, cl. 6, and Art. I, Sec. 8, cl. 1. CDC argues 
    further that the United States has never explained its theory that 
    implementing the general assessment rule would result in a 
    constitutional violation.
        Next, CDC contends that the condition by which the Department would 
    be exempted from assessing antidumping duties regionally has not been 
    satisfied. CDC argues that the Department did not permit CDC to enter 
    into a suspension agreement at the time of the original investigation 
    because, at the time of the investigation, the Department's policy was 
    one of refusal to enter into suspension agreements. Moreover, CDC 
    maintains, the Department's decision to collapse CEMEX and CDC in the 
    original investigation diminished CDC's opportunity further to enter 
    into a suspension agreement. CDC also argues that the U.S. 
    implementation included no provisions by which the regional-assessment 
    rules could apply to cases predating the URAA. CDC argues the condition 
    that duties cannot be levied only on products of specific producers 
    which supply the area in question has not been met because the language 
    of Section 218 of the URAA and the Department's regulations demonstrate 
    that assessment on less than a national basis is possible. CDC contends 
    that the fact that Congress enacted Section 218 with language calling 
    for the regional assessment of duties attests to the absence of a U.S. 
    constitutional prohibition against regional assessment.
        The petitioner responds that the Department has assessed 
    antidumping duties properly on all nationwide entries of the subject 
    merchandise. First, the petitioner suggests that, since the Department 
    has not yet assessed duties for the seventh review period, this issue 
    is not ripe for the Department's consideration. However, assuming it is 
    ripe for decision, the petitioner argues that the Department need only 
    consider whether its assessment of antidumping duties under the order 
    is consistent with the U.S. statute. The petitioner asserts that, 
    because the Department's actions are consistent with the law, the 
    Department need not consider respondents' remaining arguments. The 
    petitioner contends that CEMEX, in referring only to Article 4.2, 
    ignores the U.S. law on this issue.
        The petitioner asserts that the Department must act within its 
    authority under sections 736(d)(1)-(2) and 734(m)(1)-(2) of the Act, 
    which were amended by the URAA to conform to the regional-industry 
    provisions of the Antidumping Agreement. The petitioner contends that 
    these provisions are inapplicable to respondents and thus confer no 
    authority upon the Department to refrain from assessing antidumping 
    duties outside the Southern Tier. The petitioner asserts that sections 
    736(d)(1) and 734(m)(1)-(2) of the Act only apply in investigations and 
    not reviews. Second, the petitioner asserts that both CEMEX and CDC do 
    not qualify for the regional assessment of duties under section 
    736(d)(2) of the Act because both respondents exported subject 
    merchandise into the Southern Tier during the period of investigation 
    (POI). Third, the petitioners contend, the Department has no obligation 
    under sections 734(m)(1)-(2) of the Act to offer respondents a 
    suspension agreement because the Department may only accept a 
    suspension agreement during the pendency of an investigation or within 
    60 days after the publication of the antidumping order. For these 
    reasons, the petitioner concludes, the Department complied fully with 
    U.S. law.
        In addition, the petitioner argues that the Department cannot 
    ``implement'' its U.S. obligations under Article 4.2 because the Tokyo 
    Round Antidumping Code is without legal force and only assumes binding 
    character through implementing legislation enacted by Congress. Citing 
    the legislative history of the Trade Agreements Act of 1979 and the 
    URAA, the petitioner asserts that Congress intended U.S. law to prevail 
    in the event of a conflict between U.S. law and these Agreements. 
    Citing inter alia, Suramerica and Footwear Distrib. And Retailers of 
    Am. v. United States, 852 F.Supp. 1078 (CIT 1994), appeal dismissed, 43 
    F.3d 1486 (Fed. Cir. 1994), the petitioner notes that courts have 
    rejected the argument that U.S. law must be administered in conformity 
    with the GATT.
        The petitioner also argues that the Department lacks the statutory 
    authority to terminate the antidumping order or assess duties 
    regionally based on a claim that the Department did not offer 
    respondents an opportunity to enter into a suspension agreement. Citing 
    the Sixth Review Final Results, 63 FR at 12766, the petitioner notes 
    that no respondent appealed the Department's final determination in 
    1990 based on an alleged lack of an opportunity for a suspension 
    agreement and the Department's determination in the original 
    investigation ``is final and binding on all persons, including the 
    Department.'' The petitioner also asserts that neither the statute nor 
    the Department's regulations authorize the Department to rescind a 
    determination made in the original investigation and revoke the order 
    in the context of an administrative review. The Department's authority 
    in an administrative review is limited to calculating a margin and 
    setting new cash deposit rates, the petitioner asserts, citing the 
    NAFTA binational panel decision for the Third Review Final Results.
        The petitioner also notes that CDC's claim that the Department 
    neglected to offer an opportunity for a suspension agreement is barred 
    by the statute of limitations, by res judicata, and because CDC failed 
    to exhaust administrative remedies in the original investigation. 
    Finally, the petitioner notes that, even if it were necessary to 
    discuss the issue, Article 4.2 of the Antidumping Agreement does not 
    require assessment of duties only on imports of subject merchandise 
    consigned for consumption in the Southern Tier. The petitioner argues 
    that the Constitution bars regional assessment of duties, the 
    respondents had the opportunity to enter into a suspension agreement 
    during the original investigation, and the Act complies with the 
    requirement that antidumping duties be applied nationwide if they 
    cannot be assessed only on the products of exporters in the region.
        Department's Position: Before considering respondents' substantive 
    arguments on this issue, we disagree with the petitioner's contention 
    that this issue is not ripe for consideration since we have not yet 
    assessed duties pursuant to the results of this administrative review. 
    The purpose of an administrative review is to ``review and determine * 
    * * the amount of any antidumping duty'' (section 751(a)(1)(B) of the 
    Act) and the results of an administrative review ``shall be the
    [[Page 13165]]
    basis for the assessment of * * * antidumping duties on entries of 
    merchandise covered by the determination and for deposits of estimated 
    duties.'' Section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act. Therefore, the Department's 
    assessment procedures as they pertain to the antidumping duties 
    determined in this review are an appropriate issue for the Department 
    to consider for these final results.
        Turning to arguments by CEMEX and CDC, we disagree that we should 
    exempt entries of subject merchandise exported into regions other than 
    the ``Southern Tier'' from antidumping duties and cash deposits. 
    Respondents' argument focuses on the compatibility of the U.S. 
    antidumping law with the United States' obligations under the URAA. 
    Specifically, respondents suggest that the U.S. antidumping law, as 
    amended by the URAA, does not implement the obligations contained in 
    Article 4.2 of the Antidumping Agreement, which governs the assessment 
    of antidumping duties in regional industry cases, properly.
        The Department's determinations in an antidumping proceeding are 
    governed by the U.S. antidumping statute--specifically, Title VII of 
    the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by the URAA in 1995. As numerous 
    courts have recognized, in the event of a conflict between a GATT 
    obligation and a statute, the statute must prevail. See Federal Mogul 
    Corp. v. United States, 63 F.3d 1572, 1581 (Fed. Cir. 1995), citing 
    Suramerica DeAleaciones Laminadas v. United States, 966 F.2d 660, 668 
    (Fed. Cir. 1992). Congress codified this principle in the URAA. Section 
    102 of the URAA states that ``[n]o provision of any of the Uruguay 
    Round Agreements, nor the application of any such provision to any 
    person or circumstance, that is inconsistent with any law of the United 
    States shall have effect.'' See also SAA at 659 (``The WTO will have no 
    power to change U.S. law. If there is a conflict between U.S. law and 
    any of the Uruguay Round agreements * * * U.S. law will take 
    precedence.''). Thus, even if respondents were correct in asserting 
    that the statutory provisions relating to regional assessment of duties 
    conflicted with the obligations contained in Article 4.2 of the 
    Antidumping Agreement, the Department must act in conformity with the 
    antidumping statute.
        Sections 736(d)(1)-(2) and 734(m) of the Act govern the assessment 
    of antidumping duties in regional-industry cases. To this extent, 
    section 736(d)(1) of the Act provides that, in an investigation in 
    which the ITC makes a regional-industry determination, the Department 
    ``shall, to the maximum extent possible, direct that duties be assessed 
    only on the subject merchandise of the specific exporters or producers 
    that exported the subject merchandise for sale in the region during the 
    period of investigation.'' Because the original Mexican cement 
    antidumping investigation occurred in 1989-90 and the URAA applies only 
    to investigations initiated on the basis of petitions filed after 
    January 1, 1995, this provision does not apply to CEMEX's and CDC's 
    exports. However, even if section 736(d)(1) of the Act did apply to 
    this review, since CEMEX and CDC exported subject merchandise into the 
    region during the POI, the Department directed properly that 
    antidumping duties be assessed on all entries of merchandise produced 
    by CEMEX and CDC. For the same reasons, contrary to CDC's argument, 
    section 351.212(f) of the Department's regulations does not apply to 
    CEMEX's and CDC's entries.
        Moreover, section 736(d)(2) of the Act provides that, ``after 
    publication of the antidumping order, if the administering authority 
    finds that a new exporter or producer is exporting the subject 
    merchandise for sale in the region concerned, the administering 
    authority shall direct that duties be assessed on the subject 
    merchandise of the new exporter or producer consistent with the 
    provisions of section 751(a)(2)(B).'' Because neither CEMEX nor CDC is 
    a new exporter or producer as described in this provision, section 
    751(a)(2)(B) of the Act is inapplicable to the assessment of 
    antidumping duties on subject merchandise exported to the United States 
    by CEMEX or CDC.
        Finally, pursuant to section 734(m) of the Act, in an investigation 
    in which the ITC makes a regional-industry determination, the 
    Department ``shall offer exporters of the subject merchandise who 
    account for substantially all exports of that merchandise for sale in 
    the region concerned the opportunity to enter into (a suspension) 
    agreement.'' Any such agreement is ``subject to all the requirements 
    imposed under this section for other (suspension) agreements, except 
    that if the Commission makes a regional industry determination * * * in 
    its final determination * * * but not in the preliminary affirmative 
    determination * * * any agreement * * * may be accepted within 60 days 
    after the antidumping order is published under section 736.''
        Under section 734(b) of the Act, we may only accept a suspension 
    agreement during the pendency of an investigation. Because the 
    Department cannot enter into a suspension agreement once the 60-day 
    post-order period has passed (and, indeed, seven administrative reviews 
    have passed), the Department's decision not to offer respondents an 
    opportunity to enter into a suspension agreement in this review does 
    not violate section 734(m) of the Act.
        Moreover, although CEMEX argues that the posting of cash deposits 
    should not be required of CEMEX's entries outside the Southern Tier, 
    the Act contains no provision and describes no circumstances under 
    which we may waive an importer's requirement to post cash deposits 
    except when conducting new-shipper reviews under section 751(b) of the 
    Act. Accordingly, for these final results, we will require the posting 
    of cash deposits and assess antidumping duties on entries of CEMEX's 
    and CDC's subject merchandise that have entered or will enter for 
    consumption both inside and outside the Southern Tier.
        As demonstrated above, the Department's decision to assess duties 
    on all subject merchandise exported into the United States by CEMEX and 
    CDC is consistent with the antidumping statute. Indeed, neither CEMEX 
    nor CDC argue that the Department's actions fail to conform to these 
    statutory provisions. For purposes of this administrative review, 
    therefore, the Department need not consider respondents' arguments 
    further concerning the United States' implementation of its obligations 
    under the Antidumping Agreement.
        Nonetheless, we disagree with respondents' contention that the 
    antidumping statute does not fully implement the United States' 
    obligations under the Antidumping Agreement. As the Federal Circuit in 
    Federal Mogul explained: ``GATT agreements are international 
    obligations, and absent express Congressional language to the contrary, 
    statutes should not be interpreted to conflict with international 
    obligations.'' Federal Mogul, 63 F.3d at 1581. Indeed, the U.S. Supreme 
    Court elaborated on this canon of construction. ``It has also been 
    observed that an act of Congress ought never to be construed to violate 
    the law of nations, if any other possible construction remains * * *.'' 
    Murray v. Schooner Charming Betsy, 6 U.S. (2 Cranch.) 64, 118 (1804). 
    See also Fundicao Tupy S.A. v. United States, 652 F. Supp. 1538, 1543 
    (CIT 1987)(``An interpretation and application of the statute which 
    would conflict with the GATT Codes would clearly violate the intent of 
    Congress.''); Footwear Dist. and Retailers of America v. United States, 
    852 F. Supp. 1078, 1092-93 (CIT 1994), quoting Restatement (Third) of 
    [[Page 13166]]
    Foreign Relations Law of the United States, at 115, comment a, p. 64 
    (1987) (``Congress does not intend to repudiate an international 
    obligation of the United States * * * Therefore, when an act of 
    Congress and an international agreement * * * relate to the same 
    subject, the courts, regulatory agencies, and the Executive Branch will 
    endeavor to construe them so as to give effect to both.''). Because 
    qualifying exporters are given an opportunity for exemption from the 
    assessment of antidumping duties, the statutory scheme described above 
    is consistent with Article 4.2 of the Antidumping Agreement. Thus, the 
    United States has fully implemented its obligations with respect to the 
    assessment of antidumping duties in regional industry cases.
        We also disagree with CDC's contention that we must terminate the 
    review and revoke the underlying antidumping duty order because U.S. 
    implementation of its international obligations is allegedly untimely 
    and inadequate. First, as we stated in the third, fourth, fifth and 
    sixth administrative reviews and have reaffirmed in the ``Revocation of 
    Underlying Order'' section, above, we have no authority to revoke the 
    order. Third Review Final Results. See also Fourth Review Final 
    Results; Fifth Review Final Results; and Sixth Review Final Results. 
    Specifically, neither CEMEX nor CDC appealed the Department's final 
    determination based upon the Department's alleged refusal to offer a 
    suspension agreement. Thus, the antidumping duty order, based upon the 
    Department's LTFV determination, is final and binding.
    11. Bulk vs. Bag Sales
        CEMEX argues that the Department should calculate NV based only on 
    bulk sales rather than combining both bulk and bagged sales. CEMEX 
    argues that the Department justified its use of bagged cement sales in 
    its calculation incorrectly on the premise that, by excluding the cost 
    of packing from NV, it made the price of cement in bags equal to the 
    price of bulk cement. CEMEX argues that consumers are willing to pay a 
    premium for the convenience of buying a bag of cement and that this 
    fact is supported by record evidence. Additionally, CEMEX argues that, 
    based on commercial realty, sales of cement in bags are at a different 
    LOT than sales in bulk. CEMEX maintains that section 773(a)(7)(A) of 
    the Act requires the Department to adjust the sale price in the 
    comparison market to ``make due allowances'' for any difference in the 
    comparison market shown to be ``wholly or partly'' due to differences 
    in the LOT and that ``the amount of the adjustment shall be based on 
    the price differences between the two levels of trade in the country in 
    which NV is determined.'' Therefore, CEMEX argues, if the Department 
    uses bagged cement sales in its calculation of NV for the final 
    results, it must deduct the difference in average prices for bag and 
    bulk cement from the net price of bagged cement.
        CDC argues that the Department should compare bag sales in the 
    United States to bag sales in the home market and bulk sales in the 
    United States to bulk sales in the home market in order to make a fair 
    comparison without distortions. CDC states that, in past segments of 
    this and other cement proceedings, the Department made comparisons on a 
    bag-to-bag and bulk-to-bulk basis, citing Original LTFV Investigation, 
    55 FR at 29245, and Concurrence Memorandum, Preliminary Determination: 
    Gray Portland Cement and Clinker from Venezuela (October 28, 1991). CDC 
    acknowledges that, in the fifth and sixth reviews of this order, when 
    CDC made sales of bag and bulk cement in the home market and only bulk 
    cement in the United States, the Department compared both bag and bulk 
    sales made in the home market to bulk sales made in the United States. 
    However, in this review, CDC argues, the Department should make 
    comparisons on a bag-to-bag and bulk-to-bulk basis as it did in the 
    original investigation under similar circumstances. CDC asserts that 
    comparing bulk and bag separately in both markets ensures that no 
    addition to HM price is necessary for the bulk HM sales and the 
    Department need only subtract the HM packing from and add U.S. packing 
    to NV for the HM bagged sale.
        The petitioner responds that the Department compared both bulk and 
    bagged sales to the United States with bulk and bagged sales in the 
    home market in the preliminary results correctly. The petitioner 
    maintains that, except for packaging, the cement sold in both bulk and 
    bagged form is identical. The petitioner also argues that CDC has not 
    established that the Department has a rule of comparing bulk sales only 
    to bulk sales and bagged sales only to bagged sales which, the 
    petitioner asserts, would be contrary to the statute. The petitioner 
    states that sections 773(a)(1)(A)-(B) and section 771(16) of the Act 
    require the Department to compare U.S. sales with sales of the 
    ``foreign like product,'' which is defined as the identical merchandise 
    sold in the home market or, if there is no identical HM merchandise, 
    the most similar merchandise. The petitioner maintains that, in the 
    fifth and sixth reviews, the Department found that bulk and bagged 
    sales ``constitute identical merchandise,'' citing Fifth Review Final 
    Results at 17165, and Sixth Review Final Results at 12777. The 
    petitioner argues that CEMEX misinterpreted the Department's findings 
    by stating that the Department was attempting to ``equalize'' the net 
    prices of bagged and bulk cement by excluding the cost of packing from 
    NV. In fact, the Department was making adjustments for packaging 
    differences which, the petitioner asserts, accounted for the ``only 
    difference between these products.''
        The petitioner contends that the Department rejected CEMEX's 
    argument that sales of bagged cement were at a different LOT than the 
    HM sales of bulk cement in the fifth and sixth reviews and that CEMEX 
    has not demonstrated that the facts in this review warrant a different 
        Finally, the petitioner claims that CEMEX has not satisfied the 
    Department's two-step LOT analysis. First, the petitioner argues that 
    CEMEX has not demonstrated that bagged and bulk cement are sold at 
    different points in the chain of distribution. Second, the petitioner 
    argues, CEMEX has not established differences in selling functions with 
    respect to different customer classifications. In conclusion, the 
    petitioner urges the Department to use bagged and bulk in its 
    calculation of NV.
        Department's Position: We agree with the petitioner and have 
    included all Type I sales, bulk and bagged, in the calculation of NV. 
    The only difference between these products is the packaging; therefore, 
    we have made an adjustment downward to NV to account for packaging 
    differences. In addition, as stated in the LOT section of this notice, 
    we have determined that CEMEX sold at one LOT in the home market; 
    therefore, distinguishing discrete channels of distribution is not 
    warranted as there is only one LOT. Therefore, we have not calculated 
    NV for each channel of distribution as CEMEX requested and have used 
    our standard methodology for comparing NV to U.S. sales for purposes of 
    the final results.
    12. Rebates
        The petitioner argues that the Department should deny CEMEX's 
    claimed adjustment to NV for rebates. First, it claims that, prior to 
    sale, CEMEX did not communicate the conditions to be fulfilled to 
    qualify for the rebate and the amount of the rebate, which are 
    requirements the Department
    [[Page 13167]]
    has established for granting rebate claims (citing Certain Corrosion-
    Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products And Certain Cut-To-Length Carbon 
    Steel Plate From Canada, 61 FR 13815, 13822-23 (1996), and Certain 
    Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products And Certain Cut-To-
    Length Carbon Steel Plate From Canada, 63 FR 12725, 12741 (1998)). The 
    petitioner also asserts that CEMEX must establish that it granted the 
    rebate pursuant to its standard business practice or under a pre-
    established program and cites Antifriction Bearings (Other Than Tapered 
    Roller Bearings) and Parts Thereof From The Federal Republic Of 
    Germany, 54 FR 18992, 19056 (1989), and Portable Electric Typewriters 
    From Japan, 56 FR 14072, 14078 (1991).
        Second, the petitioner argues that the allocation methodology CEMEX 
    used for reporting certain rebates is distortive because the allocated 
    rebates may include rebates on sales of non-subject merchandise. In 
    this review, the petitioner contends, CEMEX used two different methods 
    for reporting rebates on HM sales. The petitioner acknowledges that, in 
    most instances, CEMEX reported rebates on a transaction-specific basis. 
    However, the petitioner argues that CEMEX reported rebates in the 
    REBALH field that it based on an allocation methodology, but it has not 
    provided any information to demonstrate that this allocation is the 
    most specific calculation feasible. Additionally, the petitioner claims 
    that CEMEX has provided no information confirming that it paid 
    allocated rebates on sales of subject merchandise.
        CEMEX argues that the Department's preliminary results adjusted NV 
    correctly for CEMEX's verified rebates. CEMEX argues that the 
    Department has a long-standing practice of allowing a claimed rebate 
    without documentary evidence if the rebates are consistent with a 
    respondent's normal business practices and its past dealings with its 
    customers. CEMEX notes that it provided detailed descriptive data of 
    its rebate program in its response and adequate sample documentation. 
    CEMEX rejects the petitioner's claim that CEMEX's customers were not 
    aware of its rebate policies at the time they were purchasing cement 
    from CEMEX. According to CEMEX, as all rebates were negotiated on a 
    customer-specific basis, customers were aware of the discounts for 
    which they were eligible.
        Next, CEMEX rebuts the petitioner's claim that the Department has a 
    long-standing policy to reject claims for a rebate adjustment unless 
    they are reported on a transaction-specific basis. CEMEX argues that 
    the Department recognizes that it is not unusual for price adjustments 
    to be granted to customers on a specific basis.
        Additionally, CEMEX claims that the petitioner mischaracterizes the 
    record evidence by stating that CEMEX did not provide additional 
    information regarding the rebates reported in the REBALH field. 
    Contrary to the petitioner's argument, CEMEX asserts that, for the non-
    transaction-specific rebates, CEMEX identified where the allocated 
    rebates were reported, the reasons why it allocated them, how it 
    allocated them, and why the allocation methodology it used was not 
    distortive. Therefore, CEMEX concludes, the Department's acceptance of 
    the rebate claims was appropriate.
        Department's Position: We allow adjustments to NV for rebates if we 
    are satisfied that such rebates reflect the respondent's normal 
    business practice and not an attempt by the respondent to eliminate 
    dumping margins once we initiate an antidumping investigation or 
    review. See Certain Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products From 
    Japan, 63 FR 47465, 47468 (1998). In this respect, based on CEMEX's 
    response and our verification of the response, we are satisfied that 
    rebates are a long-established business practice of CEMEX and that 
    CEMEX's customers had a reasonable expectation of receiving such 
    rebates based on their long-standing business relationships with CEMEX.
        With respect to CEMEX's reporting methodology, we have allowed 
    CEMEX's claimed rebate adjustments because the data was submitted in 
    accordance with our methodology and was substantiated at verification. 
    These rebates were reported in the same manner as the sixth review 
    where we granted the adjustment. While the Department prefers that 
    discounts, rebates, and other price adjustments be reported on a 
    transaction-specific basis, the Department has long recognized that 
    some price adjustments are not granted to customers on that basis and 
    thus cannot be reported on that basis. Generally, ``we have accepted 
    claims for discounts, rebates, and other billing adjustments as direct 
    adjustments to price if we determined that the respondent, in reporting 
    these adjustments, acted to the best of its ability and that its 
    reporting methodology was not unreasonably distortive.'' See 
    Antifriction Bearings (Other than Tapered Roller Bearings) and Parts 
    Thereof from France, et al., Final Results of Antidumping Duty 
    Administrative Reviews, 62 FR 2081 (1997). Based on CEMEX's responses 
    to our questionnaire and our verification of those responses, and 
    consistent with our Sixth Review Final Results, we have allowed 
    adjustments for rebates.
    13. Freight
        Comment 1: The petitioner argues that the Department should deny 
    CEMEX's reported HM freight adjustment. The petitioner argues that 
    CEMEX did not demonstrate adequately that it is entitled to the 
    adjustment on HM sales. The petitioner contends that movement expenses 
    are allowable under the statute and under the Department's practice 
    only if they are reported based on the actual, transaction-specific 
    expense or on an allocation methodology that is not distortive. The 
    petitioner argues that CEMEX did not report its HM freight expenses on 
    a transaction-, customer-, point-of-sale- or even a plant-specific 
    basis and has not demonstrated that it was not feasible to report these 
    expenses on a such a basis. The petitioner notes specifically that 
    CEMEX's record-keeping system compiles freight-cost data on a 
    transaction-specific basis and thus CEMEX has failed to demonstrate why 
    it cannot provide the Department with freight expense information on 
    the same basis. The petitioner argues further that CEMEX's response 
    demonstrates CEMEX either did not report freight on a type- and 
    presentation (bulk vs. bag)-specific basis or failed to report a 
    significant volume of Type II cement sold in the home market. The 
    petitioner maintains that CEMEX provided an insufficient explanation 
    for this discrepancy. The petitioner also argues that CEMEX has not 
    demonstrated that its allocation methodology is not distortive of the 
    actual, transaction-specific freight cost. The petitioner notes that, 
    because cement costs vary widely depending upon transportation mode and 
    shipment distances, CEMEX's company-average reporting methodology does 
    not account for potentially significant variances in freight costs 
    among sales. The petitioner also asserts that CEMEX has not 
    demonstrated that freight provided by affiliated freight companies was 
    at arm's length.
        CEMEX argues that the Department deducted its reported HM freight 
    expense from NV properly. CEMEX argues that it reported HM freight in 
    the most specific manner permitted by its record-keeping system and 
    that its methodology is not distortive. CEMEX observes that the 
    Department rejected identical arguments made by the petitioner 
    concerning HM freight expenses in the final results of the fifth and 
    sixth administrative reviews. CEMEX also contends that it did present 
    evidence that the expenses for freight
    [[Page 13168]]
    provided by affiliated parties were made at arm's length.
        Department's Position: We disagree with the petitioner. Based on 
    our findings at verification, we determine that CEMEX's reported 
    freight costs for Type I cement are reported on as specific a basis as 
    is feasible given CEMEX's accounting system, and that they provide a 
    reasonable estimate of actual transaction-specific freight expenses. 
    Thus, it would be inappropriate to apply adverse facts available to 
    CEMEX's freight expense by rejecting the claimed adjustment. 
    Furthermore, with regard to the petitioner's assertion that CEMEX did 
    not demonstrate that the expense for freight provided by affiliated 
    parties was at arm's length, we find that, based on data CEMEX 
    submitted, the expense for freight provided by unaffiliated parties is 
    generally higher than the expense for freight provided by affiliated 
    parties. See Exhibit B-8-C of CEMEX's December 8, 1997, response. Based 
    on this fact, we determine that the expense for freight provided by 
    affiliated parties was at arm's length. Therefore, we have deducted 
    CEMEX's claimed HM freight expense for Type I cement from NV for the 
    final results.
        Comment 2: The petitioner maintains that CDC has failed to 
    demonstrate entitlement to a freight expense adjustment for sales by 
    its affiliate Construcentro. Because CDC's responses demonstrate that 
    CDC's freight-expense methodology for Construcentro results in 
    commingled expenses for subject and non-subject merchandise, the 
    petitioner argues, and because CDC has not demonstrated, in accordance 
    with the preamble to the Department's regulations that its methodology 
    is not distortive, the Department should deny CDC a freight-expense 
    adjustment for sales by Construcentro.
        CDC argues that the Department deducted its reported HM inland 
    freight incurred by Construcentro from NV properly. CDC argues that its 
    allocation is the most specific possible given its accounting system. 
    CDC claims further that, because the majority of its total shipments 
    were of subject cement, the freight expenses associated with its 
    shipments is not inherently distortive. Finally, CDC observes that the 
    Department made an adjustment for this expense in the fifth and sixth 
    administrative reviews where CDC used the same methodology.
        Department's Position: As in prior reviews, we find that CDC 
    reported its freight expenses to the best of its ability given its 
    accounting system. Furthermore, the record indicates that at least 70 
    percent of this particular affiliate's shipments are of subject 
    merchandise and that at least another 10 percent of this affiliate's 
    shipments are of nonsubject ``powder materials.'' See CDC's 
    supplemental response dated May 8, 1998, at page B-6. Because the vast 
    majority of the freight is for subject merchandise or for products 
    sufficiently similar to subject merchandise, we can conclude the 
    relative freight costs would be virtually identical so we find that 
    CDC's methodology is not unreasonably distortive. Therefore, we have 
    deducted the reported HM expense incurred by the affiliate from NV for 
    the final results.
    14. Other Adjustments
        The petitioner argues that CDC is not entitled to a specific 
    deduction included under certain other price adjustments in the OTHADJH 
    field in its HM sales database. The petitioner claims that CDC did not 
    provide documentation demonstrating a standard policy or any agreements 
    communicated to its customers prior to sale and that the price 
    adjustment benefits consumers of an out-of-scope product rather than 
    subject merchandise.
        CDC disagrees and asserts that the Department deducted CDC's 
    OTHADJH from NV correctly. CDC states that in other cases the 
    Department has allowed similar post-sale price adjustments where it was 
    satisfied that the adjustments were not attributable to a company's 
    attempt to lower or eliminate antidumping margins. CDC states that, in 
    its case, there is no evidence on the record to suggest that these 
    adjustments were an attempt to manipulate prices to lower its margin. 
    On the contrary, it notes that the Department has accepted these types 
    of adjustments in the fifth and sixth reviews. CDC also states that it 
    provided sample credit memoranda to support its claim that customers 
    were aware of the discount prior to sales. CDC also notes that the 
    Department rejected in past administrative reviews the petitioner's 
    argument that the discount is not awarded to cement customers.
        Department's Position: Based on information CDC submitted and our 
    verification of similar information in prior reviews, we are satisfied 
    that the price adjustments in question are consistent with CDC's past 
    business practices and that CDC's customers would be knowledgeable of 
    these practices based on long-term business relationships with CDC. 
    Also, no record evidence for this review indicates that we should not 
    conclude, as we have in prior reivews, that the price adjustments 
    covered by this item were paid to cement customers and not attributable 
    to sales of non-subject merchandise. Since CDC was able to allocate the 
    adjustment on a product-specific and customer-specific basis in the 
    month in which the sale occurred, we conclude that such an allocation 
    did not have a distortive effect. Thus, we have allowed CDC's claimed 
    15. Pre-Sale Warehousing
        CEMEX argues that the Department should have deducted pre-sale 
    warehousing expenses in Mexico from NV. CEMEX cites section 
    773(a)(6)(B)(ii) of the Act which requires the Department to reduce NV 
    if included in the price, by the amount of transportation and other 
    expenses, including warehousing expenses, incurred in bringing the 
    foreign like product from the original place of shipment to the place 
    of delivery to the purchaser. As further support, CEMEX also cites the 
    SAA at 827. CEMEX argues further that Sec. 351.401(e)(2) of the 
    Department's regulations provides that the warehousing expenses 
    incurred after the subject merchandise leaves the original place of 
    shipment are to be included in the adjustments for movement expenses. 
    In addition, CEMEX cites section 773a(6)(B)(ii) of the Act, which 
    recognizes that warehousing expenses incurred at facilities other than 
    the production site are considered part of the movement expenses and 
    should therefore be deducted from the sales price.
        CEMEX disagrees with the Department's statement in its Calculation 
    Memorandum of August 31, 1998, that it had reviewed the record of the 
    instant review and found that there had been no change in the reporting 
    methodology of this item from previous reviews. CEMEX claims that it 
    provided the Department with new information such as the per-ton cost 
    of pre-sale warehousing incurred in Mexico and that cost was calculated 
    by company, by month, and reflects only the costs associated with the 
    remote terminals.
        The petitioner agrees with the Department's decision not to include 
    CEMEX's HM pre-sale warehousing expenses as movement expenses. It 
    asserts that, since the Department was not able to verify CEMEX's 
    reported pre-sale warehousing expenses and no new information has been 
    provided, the Department has no reason to change its treatment of these 
    expenses. The petitioner contends that the expense figures CEMEX 
    reported reflect warehouses at locations remote from CEMEX's production 
    plants. In conclusion, the petitioner cites the Department's 
    regulations, the statute, and legislative history to define
    [[Page 13169]]
    movement expenses as only those expenses incurred after the subject 
    merchandise leaves the original place of shipment and that in CEMEX's 
    case these expenses represent only factory warehousing.
        Department's Position: We agree with the petitioner and have not 
    deducted pre-sale warehousing expenses from NV. CEMEX did not, as in 
    prior reviews, submit its data in accordance with the Department's 
    instructions. Because there were no changes in CEMEX's reporting 
    methodology from previous reviews, we again denied the adjustment (see 
    Calculation Memorandum, dated August 31, 1998, located in Room B-009 of 
    the Department's main building).
    16. Advertising Expenses
        CDC argues that the Department treated CDC's HM advertising 
    expenses incorrectly as indirect rather than direct selling expenses. 
    CDC maintains that it demonstrated, through sample documents, that it 
    incurs these expenses directly in conjunction with sales of the product 
    under review and the advertising is directed towards the customer's 
        The petitioner disagrees and asserts that the Department treated 
    these expenses as indirect selling expenses correctly. The petitioner 
    maintains that the record evidence demonstrates that, as in the 
    previous review, CDC's advertising is corporate-image advertising and 
    is not related directly to sales of gray portland cement.
        Department Position: As we have noted in prior reviews, we normally 
    consider direct expenses as expenses that result from, and bear a 
    direct relationship to, sales of products under review. With respect to 
    advertising, the expense must be assumed on behalf of a customer and 
    must be specifically associated with sales of subject merchandise for 
    the Department to treat this expense as a direct selling expense. 
    Although CDC argues that it submitted evidence to support its claim 
    that the expenses were direct, we disagree. The advertising at issue is 
    associated with sales of subject and non-subject cement and promotes 
    the overall corporate image of CDC rather than promoting sales of gray 
    portland cement. Therefore, consistent with our prior practice, we have 
    treated these expenses as indirect selling expenses in the home market.
    17. Ministerial Errors
        Comment 1: CEMEX claims that the Department did not deduct certain 
    rebates from NV inadvertently. The petitioner argues that, because the 
    rebates in question were reported using a distortive methodology, an 
    adjustment for these rebates should not be granted.
        Department's Position: We agree with CEMEX. We have corrected this 
    clerical error for the final results. With regard to the petitioner's 
    argument that the methodology CEMEX used to report these rebates was 
    distortive, see our position for comment 11, above.
        Comment 2: CEMEX claims that the Department used the wrong month 
    variable in recalculating credit for the arm's-length test. The 
    petitioner agrees with CEMEX.
        Department's Position: We agree and have corrected this clerical 
    error for the final results.
        Comment 3: CEMEX claims that, when the Department recalculated its 
    home-market imputed expenses using its revised interest rates, the 
    Department inadvertently used the cumulative average interest rate 
    instead of the monthly interest rate although CEMEX used the monthly 
    interest rates in its original submission. The petitioner argues that 
    the Department apparently used a monthly average interest rate.
        Department's Position: We agree with CEMEX and have corrected this 
    clerical error for the final results.
        Comment 4: CDC claims that the Department mismatched interest rates 
    in recalculating its home-market credit expenses by using the rates 
    that were off by one month. The petitioner agrees with CDC.
        Department's Position: We agree and have corrected this clerical 
    error for the final results.
        Comment 5: CDC argues that the Department should use 360 days in 
    recalculating HM credit expenses because that is the figure respondent 
    used in its original credit calculation.
        Department's Position: We agree with CDC. Because CDC used the same 
    number of days in its U.S. credit expense calculation, we have changed 
    our calculation of CDC's HM credit expenses to reflect a 360 day-credit 
        Comment 6: CDC argues that the Department should convert packing 
    expenses from pesos to U.S. dollars before making the packing 
    adjustment to NV. The petitioner agrees with CDC.
        Department's Position: We agree with CDC and the petitioner and 
    have corrected this ministerial error for the final results.
        Comment 7: CDC argues that the Department should also add U.S. 
    packing to NV rather than deduct it from U.S. price. The petitioner 
    agrees with CDC.
        Department's Position: We agree with CDC and the petitioner and 
    have corrected this ministerial error for the final results.
        Comment 8: CDC argues that the Department neglected to include U.S. 
    packing expenses in its calculation of the CEP ratio. The petitioner 
    agrees with CDC.
        Department's Position: We agree with CDC and the petitioner and 
    have corrected this ministerial error for the final results.
        Comment 9: CEMEX claims that, in calculating the assessment rates, 
    the Department should have included the entered value of cement used in 
    CEMEX's further-manufactured sales. The petitioner agrees with CEMEX.
        Department's Position: We agree with CEMEX and the petitioner and 
    have corrected this error for the final results.
    [FR Doc. 99-6402 Filed 3-16-99; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
International Trade Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of final results of antidumping duty administrative review.
Document Number:
March 17, 1999.
13148-13169 (22 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: