94-6331. Western Systems Power Pool, et al.; Electric Rate and Corporate Regulation Filings  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 53 (Friday, March 18, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-6331]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: March 18, 1994]
    [Docket No. ER91-195-015, et al.]
    Western Systems Power Pool, et al.; Electric Rate and Corporate 
    Regulation Filings
    March 10, 1994.
        Take notice that the following filings have been made with the 
    1. Western Systems Power Pool
    [Docket No. ER91-195-015]
        Take notice that on February 28, 1994, Western Systems Power Pool 
    (WSPP), in compliance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's 
    (Commission) February 16, 1994) ``Order on Remand Addressing QF Issue 
    and Rejecting Settlement Proposal,'' 66 FERC 61,201, filed an amended 
    Sec. 4.16 to its Western Systems Power Pool Agreement (WSPP Agreement). 
    As required by the page 12 of the Commission's February 16 Order, 
    Section 4.16 of the WSPP Agreement is amended to read as follows:
        4.16  Qualifying Facilities: A facility which is a qualifying 
    small power production facility or a qualifying cogeneration 
    facility as these terms are defined in Federal Power Act Sections 
    3(17)(A), 3(17)(C), 3(18)(A), and 3(18)(B); which meets the 
    requirements set forth in 18 CFR; or a facility in 
    Canada or Mexico that complies with similar requirements.
        Comment date: March 24, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    2. Portland General Electric Company
    [Docket Nos. ER93-462-000 and ER93-703-000]
        Take notice that on February 24, 1994, Portland General Electric 
    Company (PGE) tendered for filing a request for deferral of Commission 
    action for sixty (60) days in the above Docket, to allow time for 
    additional modifications to PGE-1 cost support and for FERC Staff 
        Comment date: March 23, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    3. Northern States Power Company (Minnesota)
    [Docket No. ER93-807-001]
        Take notice that on March 4, 1994, Northern States Power Company 
    (Minnesota) tenders its Compliance Filing to the Interconnection and 
    Interchange Agreement between Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) 
    and the City of Blue Earth.
        The contents of this filing are twofold: a revised Rate Schedule P 
    which complies with Ordering Paragraph (D); and a waiver request with 
    respect to Ordering Paragraph (C). NSP requests that the Commission 
    accept this Compliance Filing effective August 23, 1993.
        Comment date: March 24, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    4. Boston Edison Company
    [Docket No. ER94-146-001]
        Take notice that on February 18, 1994, Boston Edison Company 
    tendered for filing its refund report in the above-referenced docket.
        Comment date: March 21, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    5. Midwest Power Systems, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER94-289-000]
        Take notice that on February 25, 1994, Midwest Power Systems Inc. 
    (MPSI) tendered for filing Amendment No. 1 to the filing of a Peaking 
    Capacity Sales Agreement (Agreement) dated June 6, 1991, between Corn 
    Belt Power Cooperative (Corn Belt) and Iowa Public Service Company, n/
    k/a MPSI. This Agreement's principle purpose is to establish terms for 
    MPSI to purchase capacity and energy from Corn Belt from June 1, 1994, 
    through September 30, 2000. Paragraph 12 of the Agreement allows for 
    MPSI to sell capacity and energy to Corn Belt, at Corn Belt's sole 
    option, in the months of October and November of each respective year.
        Amendment No. 1 contains additional support data and information.
        MPSI requests a waiver of Section 35.3 of the Commission's 
    regulations so that the Peaking Capacity Sales Agreement be approved 
    effective June 1, 1994.
        MPSI states that copies of this filing were served on Corn Belt and 
    the Iowa Utilities Board.
        Comment date: March 24, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    6. AES Power Inc.
    [Docket No. ER94-890-000]
        Take notice that on March 4, 1994, AES Power filed an amendment to 
    its application for approval to market capacity and energy at market-
    based rates.
        Comment date: March 23, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    7. East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER94-891-000]
        Take notice that on February 22, 1994, East Texas Electric 
    Cooperative, Inc. tendered for filing an amendment in the above-
    referenced docket.
        Comment date: March 24, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    8. Florida Power & Light Company
    [Docket No. ER94-914-000]
        Take notice that on February 17, 1994, Florida Power & Light 
    Company filed supplemental information regarding its filing in the 
    above-referenced docket.
        Comment date: March 24, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    9. Entergy Services, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER94-936-000]
        Take notice that on March 4, 1994, Entergy Services, Inc., on 
    behalf of Arkansas Power & Light Company (AP&L), filed Exhibits 1 and 2 
    to the Contract Between the United States of America, represented by 
    the Secretary of Energy, acting by and through the Administrator, 
    Southwestern Power Administration, an Administration within the 
    Department of Energy and AP&L.
        Comment date: March 23, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    10. Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER94-1002-000]
        Take notice that on February 28, 1994, Northwestern Wisconsin 
    Electric Company, tendered for filing proposed changes in its 
    Transmission Use Charge, Rate Schedule FERC No. 2. The proposed changes 
    would increase revenues from jurisdictional sales by $272.63 based on 
    the 12 month period ending April 30, 1994. Northwestern Wisconsin 
    Electric Company is proposing this rate schedule change to more 
    accurately reflect the actual cost of transmitting energy from one 
    utility to another based on current cost data. The service agreement 
    for which this rate is calculated calls for the Transmission Use Charge 
    to be reviewed annually and revised on May 1.
        Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company requests this Rate Schedule 
    Change become effective May 1, 1994.
        Copies of this filing have been provided to the respective parties 
    and to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin.
        Comment date: March 23, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    11. Union Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER94-1005-000]
        Take notice that on February 28, 1994, Union Electric Company (UE) 
    tendered for filing an Amendment dated January 26, 1994, to the 
    Interchange Agreement dated June 28, 1978, between Associated Electric 
    Cooperative, Incorporated and UE. UE asserts that the Amendment 
    primarily provides for a new Service Schedule, a new delivery point and 
    revises an existing delivery point.
        Comment date: March 23, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    12. Western Resources, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER94-1010-000]
        Take notice that on March 2, 1994, Western Resources, Inc. (WRI), 
    on behalf of its wholly-owned subsidiary Kansas Gas and Electric 
    Company (KG&E), tendered for filing a contract for the sale of power 
    and energy to the Empire District Electric Company (EDE). WRI asks that 
    Schedule SP be accepted by the Commission and designated a supplement 
    to KG&E's FPC Rate Schedule No. 83.
        Copies of the filing were served on EDE, the Missouri Public 
    Service Commission, and the Kansas Corporation Commission.
        Comment date: March 23, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    13. Pacific Gas and Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER94-1012-000]
        Take notice that on March 3, 1994, Pacific Gas and Electric Company 
    (PG&E) tendered for filing an agreement entitled ``Facilities Agreement 
    For The Construction, Installation, Operation, And Maintenance Of The 
    ARCO-Polonio Pass 70 Kv Line and Tie Lines For The Coastal Branch Phase 
    II Pumping Plants And Powerplant'' (Facilities Agreement) between the 
    Department of Water Resources of the State of California (DWR) and 
        The Special Facilities Agreement has been entered into pursuant to 
    the Comprehensive Agreement between PG&E and DWR, PG&E Rate Schedule 
    FERC No. 77. The Facilities Agreement sets forth the rate, terms and 
    conditions under which PG&E will design, install, own, operate and 
    maintain the facilities for the interconnection of DWR's Devils Den, 
    Bluestone and Polonio Pass Pumping Plants, Casmalia Pumping Plant and 
    San Luis Obispo Powerplant to the PG&E electric system. Under the 
    Facilities Agreement, PG&E proposes to charge DWR monthly payments of 
    costs during construction and an annual Cost of Ownership Charge upon 
    operation, with the latter using the Cost of Ownership Rate for 
    transmission-level, customer-financed facilities as filed with the 
    California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) pursuant to PG&E's 
    Electric Rule No. 2. The Cost of Ownership Rate is expressed as a 
    monthly percentage of the installed cost of the facilities.
        PG&E has requested permission to use automatic rate adjustments 
    whenever the CPUC authorizes a revised Electric Rule No. 2 Cost of 
    Ownership Rate, limited by a rate cap of 6.2% annually.
        Copies of this filing have been served upon DWR and the CPUC.
        Comment date: March 23, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    14. Entergy Services Inc.
    [Docket No. ER94-1019-000]
        Take notice that on March 7, 1994 Entergy Services, Inc. (ESI), as 
    agent for Arkansas Power & Light Company (AP&L), tendered for filing 
    revisions to the rates and Transmission Loss Factor in accordance with 
    the Power Coordination, Interchange and Transmission Service Agreements 
    between AP&L and Conway, West Memphis, and Osceola, Arkansas (Arkansas 
    Cities), Campbell and Thayer, Missouri (Missouri Cities), City Water & 
    Light Plant of Jonesboro, Arkansas and Arkansas Electric Cooperative 
    Corporation (AECC); the Transmission Service Agreement between AP&L and 
    the Louisiana Energy & Power Authority (LEPA); the Transmission Service 
    Agreement between AP&L and the City of Hope, Arkansas; the 
    Hydroelectric Power Transmission and Distribution Service Agreement 
    between AP&L and the City of North Little Rock, Arkansas; the 
    Interchange Agreement between AP&L and Oglethorpe Power Corporation; 
    and the 1992 Settlement Agreement in Docket No. ER92-341-000 between 
    AP&L, Arkansas Cities, Missouri Cities, LEPA, and AECC (collectively 
    Agreements). ESI requests that the revised rates and Transmission Loss 
    Factor become effective on March 1, 1994, subject to refund, in 
    accordance with the provisions of the Agreements. As provided in the 
    Agreements, AP&L and the customers have until June 1, 1994 to review 
    the calculation of the revised rates.
        Comment date: March 24, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    Standard Paragraphs
        E. Any person desiring to be heard or to protest said filing should 
    file a motion to intervene or protest with the Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, NE., Washington, DC 
    20426, in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the Commission's Rules 
    of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 18 CFR 385.214). All such 
    motions or protests should be filed on or before the comment date. 
    Protests will be considered by the Commission in determining the 
    appropriate action to be taken, but will not serve to make protestants 
    parties to the proceeding. Any person wishing to become a party must 
    file a motion to intervene. Copies of this filing are on file with the 
    Commission and are available for public inspection.
    Linwood A. Watson, Jr.,
    Acting Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 94-6331 Filed 3-17-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
March 24, 1994, in accordance with Standard Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: March 18, 1994, Docket No. ER91-195-015, et al.