E9-5827. Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; Update to Materials Incorporated by Reference
Start Preamble
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Final rule; notice of administrative change.
EPA is updating the materials submitted by Maryland that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into the State implementation plan (SIP). The regulations affected by this update have been previously submitted by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and approved by EPA. This update affects the SIP materials that are available for public inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center located at EPA Headquarters in Washington, DC, and the Regional Office.
Effective Date: This action is effective March 19, 2009.
SIP materials which are incorporated by reference into 40 CFR part 52 are available for inspection at the following locations: Air Protection Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region III, 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103; the Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, EPA Headquarters Library, Room Number 3334, EPA West Building, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, and the National Archives and Records Administration. If you wish to obtain materials from a docket in the EPA Headquarters Library, please call the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) Docket/Telephone number: (202) 566-1742; or the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.
Harold A. Frankford, (215) 814-2108 or by e-mail at frankford.harold@epa.gov.
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
The SIP is a living document which the State revises as necessary to address the unique air pollution problems in the State. Therefore, EPA from time to time must take action on SIP revisions containing new and/or revised regulations to make them part of the SIP. On May 22, 1997 (62 FR 27968), EPA revised the procedures for incorporating by reference federally-approved SIPs, as a result of consultations between EPA and the Office of the Federal Register (OFR). The description of the revised SIP document, IBR procedures and “Identification of plan” format are discussed in further detail in the May 22, 1997 Federal Register document. On November 29, 2004 (69 FR 69304), EPA published a document in the Federal Register beginning the new IBR procedure for Maryland. On February 2, 2006 (71 FR 5607) and May 18, 2007 (72 FR 27957), EPA published an update to the IBR material for Maryland. On March 11, 2008 (73 FR 12895), EPA published a correction update to the IBR material pertaining to source-specific requirements. In this document, EPA is doing the following:
1. Announcing the update to the IBR material as of December 1, 2008.
2. Making corrections to the following entries listed in the paragraph 52.1070(c) chart, as described below:
a. COMAR—moving the text from the “State effective date” and the “EPA approval date” columns to the “EPA approval date” and “Additional explanation/citation at 40 CFR 52.1100” columns respectively; and adding new text to the “State effective date column.”
b. COMAR—correcting the regulatory citation in the “Additional explanation/citation at 40 CFR 52.1100” column.
c. COMAR—correcting the page citation in the “EPA approval date” column.
d. COMAR and .03—correcting the text in the “State effective date” and “EPA approval date” columns.
e. COMAR—adding explanatory text to the “Additional explanation/citation at 40 CFR § 52.1100” column.
f. COMAR—revising the explanatory text in the “Additional explanation/citation at 40 CFR 52.1100” column.Start Printed Page 11648
g. TM81-04 and TM83-05—removing these entries from the chart. EPA had approved revisions to COMAR on September 7, 2001 (66 FR 46727) and November 7, 2001 (66 FR 56222), indicating that TM91-01 had replaced TM81-04 and TM83-05 as the SIP enforceable test method document for iron and steel production facilities. See currently, §§ 52.1100(c)(153)(B)(1) and 52.1100(c)(163)(B)(3). Thus, EPA has determined that the inclusion of entries for TM81-04 and TM91-1 in paragraph 52.1070(c) published on or after November 29, 2004 has been in error.
3. Correcting minor miscellaneous typographical errors in the paragraph (c) and (d) charts.
4. Making corrections to the following entries listed in the paragraph 52.1070(d) chart, as described below:
a. PEPCO Chalk Point Units #1 and #2—Adding “Potomac Electric Power Company” to the “Name of source” column.
b. Kaydon Ring and Seal—removing text describing the SIP effective date from the “Additional explanation” column.
5. Making corrections to typographical errors of the Federal Register citations for the following entries listed in the paragraph 52.1070(e) chart:
a. 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory—Kent & Queen Anne's Counties.
b. 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory—Metropolitan Baltimore Ozone Nonattainment Area.
c. 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory—Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton Ozone Nonattainment Area (Cecil County).
d. Post-1996 Rate of Progress Plan & contingency measures—Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton Ozone Nonattainment Area (Cecil County).
EPA has determined that today's rule falls under the “good cause”” exemption in section 553(b)(3)(B) of the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) which, upon finding “good cause” authorizes agencies to dispense with public participation, and section 553(d)(3) which allows an agency to make a rule effective immediately (thereby avoiding the 30-day delayed effective date otherwise provided for in the APA). Today's rule simply codifies provisions which are already in effect as a matter of law in Federal and approved State programs. Under section 553 of the APA, an agency may find good cause where procedures are “impractical, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.” Public comment is “unnecessary” and “contrary to the public interest” since the codification only reflects existing law. Immediate notice in the CFR benefits the public by removing outdated citations and incorrect chart entries.
Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. General Requirements
Under the Clean Air Act, the Administrator is required to approve a SIP submission that complies with the provisions of the Act and applicable Federal regulations. 42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a). Thus, in reviewing SIP submissions, EPA's role is to approve state choices, provided that they meet the criteria of the Clean Air Act. Accordingly, this action merely approves state law as meeting Federal requirements and does not impose additional requirements beyond those imposed by state law. For that reason, this action:
- Is not a “significant regulatory action” subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993);
- Does not impose an information collection burden under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
- Is certified as not having a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
- Does not contain any unfunded mandate or significantly or uniquely affect small governments, as described in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4);
- Does not have Federalism implications as specified in Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999);
- Is not an economically significant regulatory action based on health or safety risks subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);
- Is not a significant regulatory action subject to Executive Order 13211 (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001);
- Is not subject to requirements of Section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) because application of those requirements would be inconsistent with the Clean Air Act; and
- Does not provide EPA with the discretionary authority to address, as appropriate, disproportionate human health or environmental effects, using practicable and legally permissible methods, under Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
B. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General
The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United States. EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. This rule is not a “major rule” as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
C. Petitions for Judicial Review
EPA has also determined that the provisions of section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act pertaining to petitions for judicial review are not applicable to this action. Prior EPA rulemaking actions for each individual component of the Maryland SIP compilations had previously afforded interested parties the opportunity to file a petition for judicial review in the United States Court of Appeals for the appropriate circuit within 60 days of such rulemaking action. Thus, EPA sees no need in this action to reopen the 60-day period for filing such petitions for judicial review for this “Identification of plan” reorganization update action for Maryland.
Start List of SubjectsList of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
- Environmental protection
- Air pollution control
- Carbon monoxide
- Incorporation by reference
- Intergovernmental relations
- Lead
- Nitrogen dioxide
- Ozone
- Particulate matter
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Sulfur oxides
- Volatile organic compounds
Dated: February 2, 2009.
William T. Wisniewski,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region III.
40 CFR part 52 is amended as follows:
End Amendment Part Start PartPART 52—[AMENDED]
End Part Start Amendment Part1. The authority for citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:
End Amendment PartSubpart V—Maryland
Start Amendment Part2. Section 52.1070 is amended by revising paragraphs (b), (c), (d), and (e) to read as follows:
End Amendment PartIdentification of plan.* * * * *Start Printed Page 11649(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (c) and (d) was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates on or after December 1, 2008 will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region III certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of December 1, 2008.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the EPA Region III Office at 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. For further information, call (215) 814-2108; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, Room Number 3334, EPA West Building, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460. For further information, call (202) 566-1742; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.
(c) EPA approved regulations.
Start Printed Page 11659EPA-Approved Regulations in the Maryland SIP
Code of Maryland Administrative Regulations (COMAR) citation Title/subject State effective date EPA approval date Additional explanation/citation at 40 CFR 52.1100 26.11.01 General Administrative Provisions, .01B Exceptions: .01B(3), (13), (21) through (23), (25) Definitions 10/10/01 5/28/02, 67 FR 36810 (c)(171); Additional EPA approvals are codified at §§ 52.1100(c)(119), (c)(122), (c)(143), (c)(148), (c)(158), (c)(159), and (c)(164). Definitions—definition of volatile organic compound (VOC) 10/8/07 3/31/08, 73 FR 10673 Definition reflects the version of 40 CFR 51.100(s), as amended. Relationship of Provisions in this Subtitle 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(1). Delineation of Areas 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(1). Testing and Monitoring 6/19/06 1/3/07, 72 FR 18 Paragraph .04C(2) is added. The SIP effective date is 3/6/07. Records and Information 6/30/97, 12/10/01 5/28/02, 67 FR 36810 (c)(172). Emission Statements 12/7/92 10/12/94, 59 FR 51517 (c)(109). Circumvention 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(1). Malfunctions and Other Temporary Increases in Emissions 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(1). Determination of Ground Level Concentrations—Acceptable Techniques 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(5). Vapor Pressure of Gasoline 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(5) Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) Requirements 7/22/91 2/28/96, 61 FR 7418 (c)(106); TM90-01 was approved as “additional material”, but not IBR'd. 26.11.02 Permits, Approvals, and Registration Definitions 5/8/95 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182); Exceptions:, (1-1), (4)-(6), (10), (15), (16), (22), (29)-(33), (37), (39), (42), (46), (49), (50), (54). General Provisions 5/8/95 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182); Exception: .02D. Federally Enforceable Permits to Construct and State Permits to Operate 5/8/95 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182). Duration of Permits 5/8/95 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182); Exception: .04C(2). Violation of Permits and Approvals 5/8/95 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182). Denial of Applications for State Permits and Approvals 5/8/95, 6/16/97 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182). Procedures for Denying, Revoking, or Reopening and Revising a Permit or Approval 5/8/95 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182). Late Applications and Delays in Acting on Applications 5/8/95 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182). Start Printed Page 11650 Sources Subject to Permits to Construct and Approvals 5/8/95, 5/4/98 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182). Sources Exempt from Permits to Construct and Approvals 5/8/95, 6/16/97, 9/22/97, 3/22/99 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182). Procedures for Obtaining Permits to Construct Certain Significant Sources 5/8/95, 6/16/97 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182); Exception: .11C. Procedures for Obtaining Approvals of PSD Sources and NSR Sources, Permits to Construct, Permits to Construct MACT Determinations on a Case-by-Case Basis in Accordance with 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart B, and Certain 100-Ton Sources 5/8/95 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182). Sources Subject to State Permits to Operate 5/8/95 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182). Procedures for Obtaining State Permits to Operate and Permits to Construct Certain Sources and Permits to Construct Control Equipment on Existing Sources 5/8/95, 6/16/97 2/27/03, 68 FR 9012 (c)(182). 26.11.04 Ambient Air Quality Standards State-Adopted National Ambient Air Quality Standards 5/8/95 8/20/01, 66 FR 43485 (c)(165). Definitions, Reference Conditions, and Methods of Measurement 2/28/05 6/14/06, 71 FR 34257 Particulate Matter 2/28/05 6/14/06, 71 FR 34257 Addition of ambient air quality standard for PM2.5. Sulfur Oxides 2/28/05 6/14/06, 71 FR 34257 Carbon Monoxide 1/5/88; recodified, 8/1/88 4/7/93, 58 FR 18010 (c)(92). Ozone 2/28/05 6/14/06, 71 FR 34257 Addition of an 8-hour ambient air quality standard for ozone. Nitrogen Dioxide 2/28/05 6/14/06, 71 FR 34257 Lead 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(3). 26.11.05 Air Quality Episode System Definitions 6/18/90 4/14/94, 59 FR 17698 (c)(100). General Requirements 6/18/90 4/14/94, 59 FR 17698 (c)(100). Air Pollution Episode Criteria 6/18/90 4/14/94, 59 FR 17698 (c)(100). Standby Emissions Reduction Plan 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(4). Control Requirements and Standby Orders 6/18/90 4/14/94, 59 FR 17698 (c)(100). Tables 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(4). 26.11.06 General Emissions Standards, Prohibitions, and Restrictions Definitions 5/8/91 11/29/94, 59 FR 60908 (c)(102)(i)(B)(14). [Except: .02A(1)(e), (1)(g), (1)(h), (1)(i)] Visible Emissions 11/24/03 8/1/07, 72 FR 41891 Revised paragraph Particulate Matter 11/11/02 8/6/03, 68 FR 46487 (c)(181). Carbon Monoxide in Areas III and IV 1/5/88; recodified, 8/1/88 4/7/93, 58 FR 18010 (c)(92). Sulfur Compounds from Other than Fuel Burning Equipment 11/11/02 8/6/03, 68 FR 46487 (c)(181). Start Printed Page 11651 Volatile Organic Compounds 9/22/97 5/7/01, 66 FR 22924 (c)(156) Note: On 2/27/03 (68 FR 9012), EPA approved a revised rule citation with a State effective date of 5/8/95 [(c)(182)(i)(C)]. Refuse Burning Prohibited in Certain Installations 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(5). Control of PSD sources 10/10/01 5/28/02, 67 FR 36810 (c)(171). Nitrogen Oxides from Nitric Acid Plants 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(5). Tables 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(5). 26.11.07 Open Fires Definitions 5/22/95 6/11/02, 67 FR 39856 (c)(173). General 5/22/95 2/25/97, 62 FR 8380 (c)(120). Control Officer May Authorize Certain Open Fires 8/11/97 6/11/02, 67 FR 39856 (c)(173). Public Officers May Authorize Certain Fires 5/22/95 2/25/97, 62 FR 8380 (c)(120). Open Fires Allowed Without Authorization of Control Officer or Public Officer 5/22/95 2/25/97, 62 FR 8380 (c)(120) .05A(3) & (4), and .05B(3) are State-enforceable only. Safety Determinations at Federal Facilities 8/11/97 6/11/02, 67 FR 39856 (c)(173). 10.18.08/26.11.08 Control of Incinerators 10.18.08/ Definitions 9/12/05 9/15/08, 73 FR 53130 Definition of “crematory” is added. Applicability 7/18/80 8/5/81, 46 FR 39818 (c)(45). Prohibition of Certain Incinerators in Areas III and IV 6/8/81 5/11/82, 47 FR 20126 (c)(58). 10.18.08/ Visible Emissions 11/24/03 8/1/07, 72 FR 41891 Revised paragraph 10.18.08/ Particulate Matter 9/12/05 9/15/08, 73 FR 53130 Sections .05A(3) and .05B(2)(a) are revised. Prohibition of Unapproved Hazardous Waste Incinerators 3/25/84 7/2/85, 50 FR 27245 (c)(82). 26.11.09 Control of Fuel Burning Equipment and Stationary Internal Combustion Engines, and Certain Fuel-Burning Installations Definitions 9/12/05 6/13/06, 71 FR 34014 Revised definition of “interruptible gas service” in Applicability 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(7). General Conditions for Fuel Burning Equipment 6/21/04 7/6/05, 70 FR 38774 Revised paragraphs and .03C(2). Prohibition of Certain New Fuel Burning Equipment 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(7). Visible Emissions 11/24/03 8/1/07, 72 FR 41891 Revised paragraph Control of Particulate Matter 6/21/04 7/6/05, 70 FR 38774 Addition of paragraph Control of Sulfur Oxides from Fuel Burning Equipment 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(7). Control of NOX Emissions for Major Stationary Sources 11/24/03 9/20/04, 69 FR 56170 (c)(191). Tables and Diagrams 11/11/02 5/1/03, 68 FR 23206 (c)(183); Revised Table 1. 26.11.10 Control of Iron and Steel Production Installations Definitions 12/25/00 11/7/01, 66 FR 56222 (c)(163). Applicability 11/2/98 9/7/01, 66 FR 46727 (c)(153). Visible Emissions 11/24/03 8/1/07, 72 FR 41891 Revised paragraph Control of Particulate Matter 11/2/98 9/7/01, 66 FR 46727 (c)(153). Sulfur Content Limitations for Coke Oven Gas 11/2/98 9/7/01, 66 FR 46727 (c)(153). Start Printed Page 11652[1] Control of Volatile Organic Compounds from Iron and Steel Production Installations 12/25/00 11/7/01, 66 FR 56222 (c)(163).[2] Carbon Monoxide 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(8). Testing and Observation Procedures 12/25/00 11/7/01, 66 FR 56222 (c)(163). 26.11.11 Control of Petroleum Products Installations, Including Asphalt Paving, Asphalt Concrete Plants, and Use of Waste Oils Applicability 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(9). Asphalt Paving 4/26/93 1/6/95, 60 FR 2018 (c)(113)(i)(B)(1). Asphalt Concrete Plants in Areas I, II, V, and VI 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(9). Use of Waste Oils as Fuel 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(9). 26.11.12 Control of Batch Type Hot-Dip Galvanizing Installations Definitions 5/8/95 7/25/00, 64 FR 45743 (c)(149). Applicability 5/8/95 7/25/00, 64 FR 45743 (c)(149). Prohibitions and Exemptions 5/8/95 7/25/00, 64 FR 45743 (c)(149). Visible Emissions 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(10). Particulate Matter 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(10). Reporting Requirements 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(10). 26.11.13 Control of Gasoline and Volatile Organic Compound Storage and Handling Definitions 10/18/07 7/18/08, 73 FR 41268 Applicability and Exemption 4/26/93 1/6/95, 60 FR 2018 (c)(113)(i)(B)(3). Large Storage Tanks 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(12). Loading Operations 8/11/97 12/22/98, 63 FR 70667 (c)(132). Gasoline Leaks from Tank Trucks 2/15/93 1/6/95, 60 FR 2018 (c)(112). Plans for Compliance 4/26/93 1/6/95, 60 FR 2018 (c)(113)(i)(B)(5). Control of Gasoline and VOC Emissions from Portable Fuel Containers 6/18/07 7/17/08, 73 FR 40970 Control of VOC Emissions from Marine Vessel Loading 10/18/07 7/18/08, 73 FR 41268 New Regulation. 26.11.14 Control of Emissions From Kraft Pulp Mills Definitions 1/8/01, 10/15/01 11/7/01, 66 FR 56220 (c)(170). Applicability 1/8/01 11/7/01, 66 FR 56220 (c)(170). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds 1/8/01, 10/15/01 11/7/01, 66 FR 56220 (c)(170). 26.11.17 Requirements for Major New Sources and Modifications Definitions 11/24/03 9/20/04, 69 FR 56170 52.1070(c)(191). Applicability 4/26/93, 10/2/00 2/12/01, 66 FR 9766 52.1070(c)(148). General Conditions 11/24/03 9/20/04, 69 FR 56170 52.1070(c)(191). Baseline for Determining Credit for Emission and Air Quality Offsets 4/26/93, 10/2/00 2/12/01, 66 FR 9766 52.1070(c)(148). Administrative Procedures 4/26/93, 10/2/00 2/12/01, 66 FR 9766 52.1070(c)(148). 26.11.19 Volatile Organic Compounds From Specific Processes Definitions 6/5/95 9/2/97, 62 FR 46199 (c)(126) Note: On 5/13/1998 (63 FR 26462), EPA approved the revised definition of “major stationary source of VOC “ with a State effective date of 5/8/1995 [(c)(128)]. Start Printed Page 11653 Applicability, Determining Compliance, Reporting, and General Requirements 5/4/98, 12/10/01 2/3/03, 68 FR 5228 (c)(174), (c)(175) 1. Limited approval of paragraph .02G (9/4/98, 63 FR 47174) [(c)(131)-(c)(133)]. 2. On 2/27/03 (68 FR 9012), EPA approved a revised rule citation with a State effective date of 5/8/95 [(c)(182)(i)(D)]. Automotive and Light-Duty Truck Coating 9/22/97 11/5/98, 63 FR 59720 (c)(140). Can Coating 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (C)(90)(i)(B)(12). Coil Coating 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (C)(90)(i)(B)(12). Large Appliance Coating 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (C)(90)(i)(B)(12). Paper, Fabric, Vinyl and Other Plastic Parts Coating 8/24/98 1/14/2000, 64 FR 2334 (c)(147). Control of VOC Emissions from solid Resin Decorative Surface Manufacturing 6/15/98 6/17/99, 64 FR 32415 (c)(142). Metal Furniture Coating 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (C)(90)(i)(B)(12). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from cold and Vapor Degreasing 6/5/95 8/4/97, 62 FR 41853 (c)(123). Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing 6/5/95 9/2/97, 62 FR 46199 (c)(126). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from Sheet-Fed and Web Lithographic Printing 6/5/95 9/2/97, 62 FR 46199 (c)(126). Dry Cleaning Installations 9/22/97 9/2/98, 63 FR 46662 (c)(131). Miscellaneous Metal Coating 5/8/91 11/29/94, 59 FR 60908 (c)(102)(i)(B)(6). Aerospace Coating Operations 10/2/00, 10/15/01 11/7/01, 66 FR 56220 (c)(169). Brake Shoe Coating Operations 8/24/98 6/17/99, 64 FR 32415 (c)(142). Control of VOC Emissions from Structural Steel Coating Operations 6/29/98 6/17/99, 64 FR 32415 (c)(142). Manufacture of Synthesized Pharmaceutical Products 5/8/91 11/29/94, 59 FR 60908 (c)(102)(i)(B)(14). Paint, Resin, and Adhesive Manufacturing and Adhesive Application 5/4/98, 3/22/99 10/28/99, 64 FR 57989 (c)(145). Control of VOC Equipment Leaks 8/19/91 9/7/94, 59 FR 46180 (c)(103)(i)(B)(9). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from Yeast Manufacturing 9/12/05 3/31/06, 71 FR 16237 Control of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from Screen Printing and Digital Imaging 6/10/02 1/15/03, 68 FR 1972 (c)(177). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from Expandable Polystyrene Operations 10/2/00 5/7/01, 66 FR 22924 (c)(156). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from Commercial Bakery Ovens 7/3/95 10/15/97, 62 FR 53544 (c)(125)(i)(B)(4). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from Vinegar Generators 8/11/97 9/23/99, 64 FR 41445 (c)(137). Control of VOC Emissions from Vehicle Refinishing 5/22/95 8/4/97, 62 FR 41853 (c)(124). Control of VOC Emissions from Leather Coating Operations 8/11/97 9/23/99, 64 FR 41445 (c)(137). Start Printed Page 11654 Control of Volatile Organic Compounds from Explosives and Propellant Manufacturing 8/11/97 1/26/99, 64 FR 3852 (c)(141). Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Reinforced Plastic Manufacturing 8/11/97 8/19/99, 64 FR 45182 (c)(139). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds from Marine Vessel Coating Operations 10/20/97 9/5/01, 66 FR 46379 (c)(166). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds from Bread and Snack Food Drying Operations 10/2/00 5/7/01, 66 FR 22924 (c)(157). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds from Distilled Spirits Facilities 10/2/00, 10/15/01 11/7/01, 66 FR 56220 (c)(160). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds from Organic Chemical Production and Polytetrafluoroethylene Installations 12/10/01, 11/11/02 6/3/03, 68 FR 33000 (c)(176). Control of Volatile Organic Compounds from Medical Device Manufacturing 6/5/06 1/11/07, 72 FR 1289 26.11.20 Mobile Sources Motor Vehicle Emission Control Devices 8/1/88 11/3/92, 57 FR 49651 (c)(90)(i)(B)(13) [as]. Motor Vehicle Fuel Specifications 10/26/92 6/10/94, 59 FR 29957 (c)(101)(i)(B)(3). National Low Emission Vehicle Program 3/22/99 12/28/99, 64 FR 72564 (c)(146). 26.11.24 Stage II Vapor Recovery at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities Definitions 1/29/07 1/17/08, 73 FR 3187 Addition of “Certified Inspector” and “ ‘Vapor Recovery System.” Incorporation by Reference 4/15/02 5/7/03, 68 FR 24363 (c)(178). Applicability, Exemptions, and Effective Date 4/15/02 5/7/03, 68 FR 24363 (c)(178). General Requirements 4/15/02 5/7/03, 68 FR 24363 (c)(178). Testing Requirements 02/28/05 5/8/06, 71 FR 26688 Inspection Requirements 2/15/93 6/9/94, 59 FR 29730 (c)(107). Inspections by a Certified Inspector 1/29/07 1/17/08, 73 FR 3187 Added Section. Training Requirements for Operation and Maintenance of Approved Systems 2/15/93 6/9/94, 59 FR 29730 (c)(107). Record-Keeping and Reporting Requirements 2/28/05 5/8/06, 71 FR 26688 Instructional Signs 2/15/93 6/9/94, 59 FR 29730 (c)(107). Sanctions 2/15/93 6/9/94, 59 FR 29730 (c)(107). 26.11.25 Control of Glass Melting Furnaces Definitions 10/5/98 10/19/05, 70 FR 60738 Applicability and Exemptions 10/5/98 10/19/05, 70 FR 60738 Visible Emissions from Glass Melting Furnaces 10/5/98 10/19/05, 70 FR 60738 Particulate Matter Emissions from Glass Melting Furnaces 10/5/98 10/19/05, 70 FR 60738 Start Printed Page 11655 26.11.26 Conformity Definitions 5/15/95, 6/5/95 12/9/98, 63 FR 67782 (c)(136); definitions of Applicable implementation plan, Governor, State, and State air agency. General Conformity 5/15/95, 6/5/95 12/9/98, 63 FR 67782 (c)(136); current COMAR citation is 26.11.27 Emission Limitations for Power Plants Definitions 7/16/07 9/4/08, 73 FR 51599 Applicability and Exceptions 7/16/07 9/4/08, 73 FR 51599 General Requirements 7/16/07 9/4/08, 73 FR 51599 Exceptions: Paragraphs .03B(7)(a)(iii) and .03D; the word “and” at the end of paragraph .03B(7)(a)(ii). Monitoring and Reporting Requirements 7/16/07 9/4/08, 73 FR 51599 Judicial Review of Penalty Waivers 7/16/07 9/4/08, 73 FR 51599 26.11.29 NOXReduction and Trading Program Definitions 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). Incorporation by Reference 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). Scope and Applicability 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). General Requirements for Affected Trading Sources 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). NOX Allowance Allocations 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). Compliance Supplement Pool 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). Allowance Banking 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). Emission Monitoring 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). Requirements for New Sources and Set-Aside Pool 11/24/03 3/22/04, 69 FR 13236 (c)(184)(i)(C)(1)-(5). Reporting 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). Recordkeeping 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). End-of-Season Reconciliation 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). Compliance Certification 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). Penalties 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). Requirements for Affected Nontrading Sources 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(1). 26.11.30 Policies and Procedures Relating to Maryland's NOXReduction and Trading Program Scope and Applicability 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(2). Definitions 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(2). Procedures Relating to Compliance Accounts and Overdraft Accounts 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(2). Procedures Relating to General Accounts 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(2). Allowance Banking 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(2). Allowance Transfers 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(2). Early Reductions 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(2). Opt-In Procedures 5/1/00 1/10/01, 66 FR 1866 (c)(154)(i)(B)(2). Allocation of Allowances 6/19/06 11/03/06, 71 FR 64647 New column for 2008 allocations. 26.11.32 Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds From Consumer Products Applicability and Exemptions 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Incorporation by Reference 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Definitions 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Standards—General 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Standards—Requirements for Charcoal Lighter Materials 08/18/03 12/09/03, 68 FR 68523 (c)(185). Start Printed Page 11656 Standards—Requirements for Aerosol Adhesives 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Standards—Requirements for Floor Wax Strippers 08/18/03 12/09/03, 68 FR 68523 (c)(185). Requirements for Contact Adhesives, Electronic Cleaners, Footwear, or Leather Care Products, and General Purpose Cleaners 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 New Regulation. Requirements for Adhesive Removers, Electrical Cleaners, and Graffiti Removers 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 New Regulation. Requirements for Solid Air Fresheners and Toilet and Urinal Care Products 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 New Regulation. Innovative Products—CARB Exemption 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .08. Innovative Products—Department Exemption 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Administrative Requirements 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .10; Amended. Reporting Requirements 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .11; Amended. Variances 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .12; Amended. Test Methods 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .13; Amended. Alternative Control Plan (ACP) 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .14; Amended. Approval of an ACP Application 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .15; Amended. Recordkeeping and Availability of Requested Information 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .16. Violations 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .17. Surplus Reduction and Surplus Trading 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .18; Amended. Limited-use surplus reduction credits for early formulations of ACP Products 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .19; Amended. Reconciliation of Shortfalls 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .20; Amended. Modifications to an ACP 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .21; Amended. Cancellation of an ACP 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .22; Amended. Transfer of an ACP 06/18/07 12/10/07, 72 FR 69621 Recodification of existing Regulation .23. 26.11.33 Architectural Coatings Applicability and Exemptions 3/29/04 5/12/05, 70 FR 24979 Test Methods—Incorporation by Reference 3/29/04 5/12/05, 70 FR 24979 Definitions 3/29/04 5/12/05, 70 FR 24979 General Standard—VOC Content Limits 3/29/04 5/12/05, 70 FR 24979 VOC Content Limits 3/29/04 5/12/05, 70 FR 24979 Most Restrictive VOC Limit 2/28/05 10/19/05, 70 FR 60740 Addition of sections B(15) through B(19). Painting Restrictions 3/29/04 5/12/05, 70 FR 24979 Thinning 3/29/04 5/12/05, 70 FR 24979 Rust Preventive Coatings 3/29/04 5/12/05, 70 FR 24979 Coatings Not Listed in Regulation .05 2/28/05 10/19/05, 70 FR 60740 Lacquers 3/29/04 5/12/05, 70 FR 24979 Container Labeling Requirements 2/28/05 10/19/05, 70 FR 60740 Deleted section K. Record Keeping Requirements 2/28/05 10/19/05, 70 FR 60740 Start Printed Page 11657 Compliance Provisions and Test Methods 3/29/04 5/12/05, 70 FR 24979 11.14.08 Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program Title 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Definitions 1/02/95, 10/19/98 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Applicability 6/10/02 1/16/03, 68 FR 2208 (c)(179). Exemptions 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Schedule of the Program 1/02/95, 12/16/96 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Certificates 6/10/02 1/16/03, 68 FR 2208 (c)(179). Extensions 1/02/95, 10/19/98 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Enforcement 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Inspection Standards 6/10/02 1/16/03, 68 FR 2208 (c)(179). General Requirements for Inspection and Preparation for Inspection 1/02/95, 12/16/96, 10/19/98 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Idle Exhaust Emissions Test and Equipment Checks 10/18/98 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Transient Exhaust Emissions Test and Evaporative Purge Test Sequence 12/16/96, 10/19/98 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Evaporative Integrity Test, Gas Cap Leak Test, and On-Board Diagnostics Interrogation Procedures 6/10/02 1/16/03, 68 FR 2208 (c)(179). Failed Vehicle and Reinspection Procedures 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Dynamometer System Specifications 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Constant Volume Sampler, Analysis System, and Inspector Control Specifications 1/02/95, 10/19/98 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Evaporative Test Equipment, Gas Cap Leak Test Equipment, and On-Board Diagnostics Interrogation Equipment Specifications 6/10/02 1/16/03, 68 FR 2208 (c)(179). Quality Assurance and Maintenance—General Requirements 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Test Assurance Procedures 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Dynamometer Periodic Quality Assurance Checks 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Constant Volume Sampler Periodic Quality Assurance Checks 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Analysis System Periodic Quality Assurance Checks 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Evaporative Test Equipment, Gas Cap Leak Test Equipment and On-board Diagnostics Interrogation Equipment Periodic Quality Assurance Checks 1/02/95, 10/19/98 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Overall System Performance Quality Assurance 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Control Charts 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Gas Specifications 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Start Printed Page 11658 Vehicle Emissions Inspection Station 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Technician's Vehicle Report 1/02/95, 10/19/98 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Feedback Reports 1/02/95, 10/19/98 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Certified Emissions Technician 1/02/95, 12/16/96 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Certified Emissions Repair Facility 1/02/95, 12/16/96 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). On-Highway Emissions Test 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Fleet Inspection Station 1/02/95, 12/16/96, 10/19/98 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Fleet Inspection Standards 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Fleet Inspection and Reinspection Methods 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Fleet Equipment and Quality Assurance Requirements 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Fleet Personnel Requirements 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Fleet Calibration Gas Specifications and Standard Reference Materials 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Fleet Recordkeeping Requirements 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Fleet Fees 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Fleet License Suspension and Revocation 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Audits 1/02/95 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). Fleet Inspection After 1998 1/02/95, 2/16/96, 10/19/98 10/29/99, 64 FR 58340 (c)(144). 03.03.05 Motor Fuel Inspection [Contingency SIP Measure] Definitions 12/18/95 1/30/96, 61 FR 2982 (c)(101)(i)(B)(4); Approved as a contingency SIP measure as part of the CO Maintenance Plans for Baltimore and DC. [(c)(117) and (c)(118)]. Standard Specifications for Gasoline 12/18/95 1/30/96, 61 FR 2982 Other Motor Vehicle Fuels 10/26/92 6/10/94, 58 FR 29957 Labeling of Pumps 12/18/95 1/30/96, 61 FR 2982 Samples and Test Tolerance 10/26/92 6/10/94, 58 FR 29957 Commingled Products 10/26/92 6/10/94, 58 FR 29957 03.03.06 Emissions Control Compliance [Contingency SIP Measure] Definitions 12/18/95 1/30/96, 61 FR 2982 (c)(101)(i)(B)(5); Approved as a contingency SIP measure as part of the CO Maintenance Plans for Baltimore and DC. [(c)(117) and (c)(118)]. Vapor Pressure Determination 10/26/92 6/10/94, 58 FR 29957 Oxygen Content Determination 12/18/95 1/30/96, 61 FR 2982 Registration 10/26/92 6/10/94, 58 FR 29957 Record Keeping 10/26/92 6/10/94, 58 FR 29957 Transfer Documentation 12/18/95 1/30/96, 61 FR 2982 TM Technical Memoranda TM91-01 [Except Methods 1004A through E] Test Methods and Equipment Specifications for Stationary Sources 11/2/98 9/7/01, 66 FR 46727 (c)(153)(i)(D)(5) (Supplement 3 is added). (d) EPA approved state source-specific requirements.
Name of source Permit number/type State effective date EPA approval date Additional explanation Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO)—Chalk Point Units #1 and #2 #49352, Amended Consent Order 1/27/78 4/2/79, 44 FR 19192 52.1100(c)(22); FRN republished 5/3/79 (44 FR 25840). Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO)—Dickerson #49352, Amended Consent Order 7/26/78 12/6/79, 44 FR 70141 52.1100(c)(25). Beall Jr./Sr. High School Consent Order 1/30/79 3/18/80, 45 FR 17144 52.1100(c)(26). Mt. Saint Mary's College Consent Order 3/8/79 3/18/80, 45 FR 17144 52.1100(c)(26). Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO)—Chalk Point Secretarial Order 7/19/79 9/3/80, 45 FR 58340 52.1100(c)(34). Maryland Slag Co Consent Agreement (Order) 10/31/80 9/8/81, 41 FR 44757 52.1100(c)(49). Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority Secretarial Order 11/20/81 7/7/82, 47 FR 29531 52.1100(c)(65) (Wheelabrator-Frye, Inc.). Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority and Wheelabrator-Frye, Inc. and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and BEDCO Development Corp Secretarial Order 2/25/83 8/24/83, 45 FR 55179 52.1100(c)(70) (Shutdown of landfill for offsets). Westvaco Corp Consent Order 9/6/83; Rev. 1/26/84 12/20/84, 49 FR 49457 52.1100(c)(74). Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) Administrative Consent Order 9/13/99 12/15/00, 65 FR 78416 52.1100(c)(151). Thomas Manufacturing Corp Consent Decree 2/15/01 11/15/01, 66 FR 57395 52.1100(c)(167). Constellation Power Source Generation, Inc.—Brandon Shores Units #1 & 2; Gould Street Unit #3; H.A. Wagner Units #1, 2, 3 & 4; C.P. Crane Units #1 & 3; and Riverside Unit #4 Consent Order and NOX RACT Averaging Plan Proposal 4/25/01 2/27/02, 67 FR 8897 52.1100(c)(168). Kaydon Ring and Seal, Inc Consent Order 3/5/04 8/31/04, 69 FR 53002 (c)(190). Perdue Farms, Inc Consent Order 2/1/05 1/11/07, 72 FR 1291 52.1070(d)(1). (e) EPA-approved nonregulatory and quasi-regulatory material.
Name of non-regulatory SIP revision Applicable geographic area State submittal date EPA approval date Additional explanation Base Year Emissions Inventory Metropolitan Baltimore Ozone Nonattainment Area 1990 9/20/95 10/30/95, 60 FR 55321 52.1075(a) CO. 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory Metropolitan Washington Ozone Nonattainment Area 3/21/94 10/12/95 1/30/96, 61 FR 2931 52.1075(b) CO. 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory All ozone nonattainment areas 3/21/94 9/27/96, 61 FR 50715 52.1075(c) VOC, NOX, CO. 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory Kent & Queen Anne's Counties 3/21/94 9/27/96, 61 FR 50715 52.1075(d) VOC, NOX, CO. 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory Metropolitan Washington Ozone Nonattainment Area 3/21/94 4/23/97, 62 FR 19676 52.1075(e) VOC, NOX, CO. 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory Metropolitan Washington Ozone Nonattainment Area 12/24/97 7/8/98, 63 FR 36854 52.1075(f) VOC, NOX. 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory Metropolitan Baltimore Ozone Nonattainment Area 12/24/97 2/3/00, 65 FR 5245 52.1075(g) VOC, NOX. 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton Ozone Nonattainment Area (Cecil County) 12/24/97, 4/29/98, 12/21/99, 12/28/00 2/3/00, 65 FR 5252, 9/19/01, 66 FR 48209 52.1075(h) VOC, NOX. 15% Rate of Progress Plan Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton Ozone Nonattainment Area (Cecil County) 7/12/95, #95-20 7/29/97, 62 FR 40457 52.1076(a). Stage II Vapor Recovery Comparability Plan Western Maryland & Eastern Shore Counties 11/5/97 12/9/98, 63 FR 67780 52.1076(b). 15% Rate of Progress Plan Metropolitan Baltimore Ozone Nonattainment Area 10/7/98 2/3/00, 65 FR 5245 52.1076(c). 15% Rate of Progress Plan Metropolitan Washington Ozone Nonattainment Area 5/5/98 7/19/00, 65 FR 44686 52.1076(d). Post-1996 Rate of Progress Plan & contingency measures Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton Ozone Nonattainment Area (Cecil County) 12/24/97, 4/24/98 2/3/00, 65 FR 5252 52.1076(f). 8/18/98, 12/21/99 9/19/01, 66 FR 44809 Start Printed Page 11660 12/28/00, 3/8/04 4/15/04, 69 FR 19939 52.1076(f)(3). Ozone Attainment Plan Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton Ozone Nonattainment Area (Cecil County) 4/29/98, 8/18/98, 12/21/99, 12/28/00, 8/31/01 10/29/01, 66 FR 54578 52.1076(h). 9/2/03 10/27/03, 68 FR 61103 Transportation Conformity Budgets Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton Ozone Nonattainment Area (Cecil County) 4/29/98, 8/18/98, 12/21/99, 12/28/00 10/29/01, 66 FR 54578 52.1076(i). Post-1996 Rate of Progress Plan & contingency measures Metropolitan Baltimore Ozone Nonattainment Area 12/24/97, 4/24/98, 8/18/98, 12/21/99, 12/28/00 9/26/01, 66 FR 49108 52.1076(j). Ozone Attainment Plan Metropolitan Baltimore Ozone Nonattainment Area 4/29/98, 8/18/98, 12/21/99, 12/28/00, 8/31/01 10/30/01, 66 FR 54666 52.1076(k). 9/2/03 10/27/03, 68 FR 61103 52.1076(k). Mobile budgets Metropolitan Baltimore Ozone Nonattainment Area 8/31/01 10/30/01, 66 FR 54666 52.1076(l). 9/2/03 10/27/03, 68 FR 61103 Mobile budgets (2005) Metropolitan Baltimore Ozone Nonattainment Area 9/2/03 10/27/03, 68 FR 61103 52.1076(m). Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton Ozone Nonattainment Area (Cecil County) Mobile budgets (2005 Rate of Progress Plan) Metropolitan Baltimore Ozone Nonattainment Area 11/3/03 2/13/04, 69 FR 7133 52.1076(n). Extension for incorporation of the on-board diagnostics (OBD) testing program into the Maryland I/M SIP All ozone nonattainment areas 7/9/02 1/16/03, 68 FR 2208 52.1078(b). Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) Program Metropolitan Baltimore and Metropolitan Washington Ozone Nonattainment Areas 3/24/94 9/11/95, 60 FR 47081 52.1080. Consultation with Local Officials (CAA Sections 121 & 127) All nonattainment & PSD areas 10/8/81 4/8/82, 47 FR 15140 52.1100(c)(63). Lead (Pb) SIP City of Baltimore 10/23/80 2/23/82, 47 FR 7835 52.1100(c)(60), (61). TM#90-01—“Continuous Emission Monitoring Policies and Procedures”—October 1990 Statewide 9/18/91 2/28/96, 61 FR 7418 52.1100(c)(106); approved into SIP as “additional material”, but not IBR'd. Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan City of Baltimore-Regional Planning District 118 9/20/95 10/31/95, 60 FR 55321 52.1100(c)(117). 7/15/04 04/04/05, 70 FR 16958 Revised Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Base Year Emissions Inventory using MOBILE6. Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Montgomery County Election Districts 4, 7, and 13; Prince Georges County Election Districts 2, 6, 16, 16, 17 and 18 10/12/95 1/30/96, 61 FR 2931 52.1100(c)(118). 3/3/04 04/04/05, 70 FR 16958 Revised Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Base Year Emissions Inventory using MOBILE6. Ozone Maintenance Plan Kent and Queen Anne's Counties 2/4/04 10/21/04, 69 FR 61766 52.1100(c)(187); SIP effective date is 11/22/04. 1996-1999 Rate-of-Progress Plan SIP and the Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) in Appendix H Washington DC 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 12/20/97, 5/20/99 5/16/05, 70 FR 25688 Only the TCMs in Appendix H of the 5/20/1999 revision. 1999 motor vehicle emissions budgets of 128.5 tons per day (tpy) of VOC and 196.4 tpy of NOX. 1990 Base Year Inventory Revisions Washington DC 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 9/2/03, 2/24/04 5/16/05, 70 FR 25688 . Start Printed Page 11661 1999-2005 Rate-of-Progress Plan SIP Revision and the Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) in Appendix J Washington DC 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 9/2/03, 2/24/04 5/16/05, 70 FR 25688 Only the TCMs in Appendix J of the 2/24/2004 revision 2002 motor vehicle emissions budgets (MVEBs) of 125.2 tons per day (tpy) for VOC and 290.3 tpy of NOX, and, 2005 MVEBs of 97.4 tpy for VOC and 234.7 tpy of NOX. VMT Offset SIP Revision Washington DC 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 9/2/03, 2/24/04 5/16/05, 70 FR 25688 Contingency Measure Plan Washington, DC Area 9/2/03, 2/24/04 5/16/05, 70 FR 25688 1-hour Ozone Modeled Demonstration of Attainment Washington DC 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 9/2/03, 2/24/04 5/16/05, 70 FR 25688 Attainment Demonstration and Early Action Plan for the Washington County Ozone Early Action Compact Area Washington County 12/20/04, 2/28/05 8/17/05, 70 FR 48283 1-hour Ozone Attainment Plan Washington DC 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 9/2/2003, 2/24/2004 11/16/05, 70 FR 69440 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Plan for the Kent and Queen Anne's Area Kent and Queen Anne's Counties 05/2/06, 05/19/06 12/22/06, 71 FR 76920 [FR Doc. E9-5827 Filed 3-18-09; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 03/19/2009
- Department:
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Entry Type:
- Rule
- Action:
- Final rule; notice of administrative change.
- Document Number:
- E9-5827
- Pages:
- 11647-11661 (15 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- MD202-3118, FRL-8775-2
- Topics:
- Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, Environmental protection, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Lead, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur oxides, Volatile organic compounds
- PDF File:
- e9-5827.pdf
- CFR: (1)
- 40 CFR 52.1070