94-4682. Electronic Fund Transfers  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 44 (Monday, March 7, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-4682]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: March 7, 1994]
    12 CFR Part 205
    [Regulation E; Docket No. R-0831]
    Electronic Fund Transfers
    AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
    ACTION: Proposed Official Staff Interpretation.
    SUMMARY: The Board is publishing for comment a proposal to revise the 
    official staff commentary to Regulation E (Electronic Fund Transfers). 
    This proposal is part of the Board's current review of Regulation E. 
    The commentary interprets the requirements of Regulation E in order to 
    facilitate compliance by financial institutions that offer electronic 
    fund transfer services to consumers. The proposed revisions change the 
    question and answer format to a narrative one in order to make the 
    commentary easier to use and to conform it with the format of the 
    Board's other staff commentaries. It also includes interpretative 
    provisions previously contained in the regulation that were more 
    explanatory in nature. The proposal includes additional interpretations 
    on matters not previously addressed.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before May 31, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to Docket No. R-0831 and be mailed to 
    William W. Wiles, Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, Washington, DC 20551. They may also be delivered to the guard 
    station in the Eccles Building Courtyard on 20th Street NW. (between 
    Constitution Avenue and C Street) between 8:45 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. 
    weekdays. Except as provided in the Board's rules regarding the 
    availability of information (12 CFR 261.8), comments received will be 
    available for inspection and copying by any member of the public in the 
    Freedom of Information Office, Room MP-500 of the Martin Building 
    between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jane Jensen Gell or Mary Jane Seebach, 
    Staff Attorneys, or John Wood, Senior Attorney, Division of Consumer 
    and Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, Washington, DC 20551, at (202) 452-2412 or (202) 452-3667. For 
    the hearing impaired only, contact Dorothea Thompson, 
    Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD), at (202) 452-3544.
    (1) Background
        The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) (15 U.S.C. 1693), enacted 
    in 1978, provides a basic framework establishing the rights, 
    liabilities, and responsibilities of participants in electronic fund 
    transfer (EFT) systems. The EFTA is implemented by the Board's 
    Regulation E (12 CFR part 205). In 1981, the Board published an 
    official staff commentary to Regulation E. The commentary substitutes 
    for individual official staff interpretations and is designed to 
    facilitate compliance and provide protection from civil liability, 
    under section 915(d)(1) of the act, for financial institutions that act 
    in conformity with it.
        The question and answer format of the present commentary was 
    designed to make compliance easier by providing specific answers, in 
    nontechnical language, to commonly asked questions. The Board proposes 
    to replace the current approach with a narrative format, similar to 
    other commentaries issued by the Board. The proposed change is intended 
    to provide more general applicability, as the current format usually 
    relies on specific factual situations and often restricts the scope of 
    an interpretation.
        The order of comments in the proposal corresponds with the new 
    sections in the regulatory proposal. Throughout the commentary, 
    reference to ``this section'' or ``this paragraph'' means the section 
    or paragraph in the regulation that is the subject of the comment. Each 
    comment in the commentary is identified by a number and the regulatory 
    section or paragraph that it interprets.
        The proposed commentary incorporates text that was moved from the 
    regulation because it is more explanatory in nature than regulatory. In 
    addition, a number of comments would be deleted as obsolete. The Board 
    solicits comment on whether deleting any of these comments creates 
    confusion as to the Board's current interpretation of a particular 
        The section-by-section description that follows points out those 
    provisions that differ in some significant way from the current 
    commentary. Similarly, those portions of the current regulation that 
    would be moved to the commentary are also discussed. Comments in the 
    existing commentary will be referred to as ``questions'' and will be 
    cited by the section number and the number of the question. For 
    example, Q2-11 would be the citation for question number 11 in the 
    commentary to Sec. 205.2. As the substance of many questions does not 
    change in the new format, those comments are not specifically 
    discussed. At the beginning of each section of the proposed commentary 
    is a listing that matches existing comments with the proposed new 
    commentary provisions. It also provides a listing of comments that 
    would be deleted from the commentary, comments that are new, and 
    comments that would be moved to other sections.
    (2) Form of Comment Letters
        Comment letters should refer to Docket No. R-0831. The Board 
    requests that, when possible, comments be prepared using a standard 
    typeface with a type size of 10 or 12 characters per inch. This will 
    enable the Board to convert the text into machine-readable form through 
    electronic scanning, and will facilitate automated retrieval of 
    comments for review. Comments may also be submitted on 3\1/2\ inch or 
    5\1/4\ inch computer diskettes in any IBM-compatible DOS-based format.
    (3) Explanation of Proposed Revisions
    Section 205.2--Definitions 
          New                                   Old                         
    (a)-1...........  Q2-1.                                                 
    (b)-1...........  Q2-2, Q2-3, Q2-4, Q2-5, Q2-5.5.                       
    (b)-2...........  Q3-20, Q3-21.                                         
    (d)-1...........  Q2-8.                                                 
    (f)-1...........  Q2-25.5, Q2-23.                                       
    (f)-2...........  Q2-24.                                                
    (f)-3...........  Q2-25.                                                
    (k)-1...........  Q2-26.                                                
    (k)-2...........  Q2-27.                                                
    (k)-3...........  Q2-27.                                                
    (k)-4...........  Q2-28.                                                
    Comments Deleted
    Q2-6: Business day--substantially all business functions
    Q2-7: Business day--duration
    Q2-9: Business day--short hours
    Q2-22: Electronic terminal--telephone bill payment
    Paragraph 2(b)(2)
        In the regulatory proposal, the exemption for trust accounts has 
    been incorporated into the definition of account. Accordingly, Q3-20 
    (custodial agreements) and Q3-21 (trust accounts) would be included in 
    this section. The change mirrors the statutory definition of account.
    (d) Business Day
        The regulatory proposal includes a new definition of business day. 
    Currently, the term is defined as any day on which the offices of the 
    consumer's financial institution are open to the public for carrying on 
    substantially all business functions. The proposal defines a business 
    day as a calendar day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or any legal 
    public holiday specified in 5 U.S.C. 6103(a). Q2-6, Q2-7 and Q2-9 
    provide guidance on interpreting ``substantially all business 
    functions'' and would be deleted as obsolete.
    (k) Unauthorized Electronic Fund Transfer
        Proposed comment (k)-2 incorporates Q2-27, which provides that when 
    the consumer furnishes an access device and grants actual authority to 
    make transfers to another person (a family member or co-worker, for 
    example) who then exceeds that authority, the consumer is liable for 
    the transfers unless the consumer notifies the financial institution 
    that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. The Board 
    solicits comment on whether financial institutions should be required 
    to disclose a consumer's liability in this instance as part of the 
    initial disclosures of Sec. 205.7. While institutions are required to 
    provide a summary of the consumer's liability under Sec. 205.6 in the 
    initial disclosures, the current model clauses do not refer to this 
    type of situation.
    Section 205.3--Coverage
           New                                  Old                         
    (a)-1...........  New (revised Q9-15).                                  
    (a)-2...........  New (foreign applicability).                          
    (b)-1...........  Q2-11, reverses Q2-16, Q2-18, Q2-19, Q2-21.5.         
    (b)-2...........  Q2-10, Q2-12, Q2-21.                                  
    (c)(2)-1........  Q3-1.                                                 
    (c)(3)-1........  Q3-3.                                                 
    (c)(3)-2........  New (UCC Article 4A/wire transfer).                   
    (c)(3)-3........  New (similar fund transfer systems).                  
    (c)(4)-1........  New (securities exemption).                           
    (c)(4)-2........  Q3-3.5, Q3-3.6, new (margin call).                    
    (c)(5)-1........  Q3-8, Q3-9, Q3-10, Q3-11, Q3-12.                      
    (c)(5)-2........  Q3-13.                                                
    (c)(6)-1........  Q3-14, Q3-15, Q3-16, Q3-19.5.                         
    (c)(6)-2........  Q3-17, Q3-18, Q3-19, new (facsimile machine).         
    (c)(7)-1........  New (UCC Article 4A/small institutions).              
    Comments Deleted
    Q2-12.5: Fund transfer--withholding of income tax on interest
    Q2-12.6: Fund transfer--EBT
    Q2-13: Fund transfer--withdrawal at another institution
    Q2-14: Fund transfer--check truncation
    Q2-15: Fund transfer--payee information, nonelectronic form
    Q2-17: Fund transfer--ACH
    Q2-20: Fund transfer--preauthorized debits by paper drafts, ACH
    Q3-2: Wire transfer--instructions on magnetic tape
    Q3-4: Telephone transfer plans--applicability of intrainstitutional 
    Q3-5: Compulsory use--preauthorized loan payments
    Q3-22: Small institutions exemption--grace period
    Comments Moved
    Q3-6, Q3-7, and Q3-7.5 (see proposed commentary to Sec. 205.10(e))
    Q3-20 and Q3-21 (see proposed commentary to Sec. 205.2)
        Section 205.3 of the proposed regulation is a new section on the 
    regulation's coverage. It includes the existing language on the scope 
    of Regulation E, as well as the definition of EFT and the exemptions 
    from the regulation.
    3(a) General
        To correspond with the regulatory proposal, the commentary proposal 
    consolidates existing and new comments on the regulation's coverage. 
    Q9-15, which specifies when periodic statements are required, also 
    details the types of accounts subject to the requirements of the 
    regulation and has been incorporated into comment (a)-1.
        Proposed comment (a)-2 is new. It explains the application of 
    Regulation E in situations involving foreign-based financial 
    institutions, consumers who are not U.S. citizens, or both. Language 
    for this proposed comment was modeled upon the commentary to Regulation 
    Z on foreign applicability (12 CFR part 226, supp. I, comment 1(c)-1). 
    The Board requests comment on whether the scope of the proposed comment 
    offers sufficient coverage of foreign-related EFTs.
    (b) Electronic Fund Transfer
        In the regulatory proposal, the definition of ``electronic fund 
    transfer'' (currently Sec. 205.2(g)) has been incorporated into the 
    coverage section as the definition is central to determining coverage 
    under the regulation. The proposed commentary reflects this change and 
    consolidates in this section the majority of questions pertaining to 
    EFTs. A number of comments have been deleted due to a change in Board 
    position. For example, Q2-12.6 deals with the electronic payment of 
    government benefits and states that such transfers are not subject to 
    Regulation E. As the Board has adopted amendments to Regulation E 
    extending coverage to electronic benefit transfer programs established 
    by federal, state, or local government agencies, Q2-12.6 has been 
    deleted (see Docket No. R-0829 in today's Federal Register).
        Proposed comment (b)-1 provides examples of EFTs subject to 
    Regulation E. The comment incorporates Q2-19, and reverses Q2-16 to 
    achieve consistency. Q2-16 states that credits to consumers' accounts 
    made by a composite check accompanied by a magnetic tape containing 
    payee information are not EFTs for purposes of Regulation E. Q2-19, on 
    the other hand, states that debits made to consumer accounts by use of 
    a magnetic tape containing consumers' billing information will be 
    considered EFTs covered by the regulation even if all the debits are 
    combined on one composite check sent to the payee. The proposed comment 
    treats both credits and debits to consumer accounts by use of composite 
    checks as EFTs.
        Proposed comment (b)-2 provides examples of EFTs that are not 
    covered by the regulation. The comment generally states that any 
    payment that does not debit or credit a consumer asset account is not 
    an EFT. It also incorporates Q2-10 and Q2-12. Q2-10 provides that a EFT 
    excludes not only payments made by check, draft, or similar paper 
    instrument at an electronic terminal, but also payments in currency 
    since they do not debit or credit a consumer's account. Q2-12 provides 
    that payroll allotments are transfers not covered by Regulation E; an 
    example is a sum designated by the consumer to be deducted from payroll 
    to repay a debt of the consumer. This amount is deducted before a 
    deposit is made to the consumer's account and so the payroll allotment 
    is not a debit to a consumer asset account.
    (c) Exclusions From Coverage
        The regulatory proposal incorporates the exemptions from current 
    Sec. 205.3 into the expanded section on coverage. The Board believes 
    having coverage and exemption provisions in one section simplifies the 
    analysis of whether or not compliance with the regulation is required.
        Two new comments address the relationship of Regulation E to 
    Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Article 4A provides 
    comprehensive rules governing the rights and responsibilities arising 
    from wire transfers. It applies primarily to large-dollar, commercial 
    wire transfers made via Fedwire, Clearing House Interbank Payments 
    Systems (CHIPS), Society for Worldwide Interbank Payments Systems 
    (SWIFT) and Telex.
    (c)(3) Wire Transfers
        UCC Sec. 4A-108 provides that Article 4A does not cover a fund 
    transfer any part of which is governed by the EFTA. In drafting Article 
    4A, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws 
    stated that if a fund transfer is made in part by Fedwire and in part 
    via automated clearinghouse (ACH), because the EFTA applies to the ACH 
    part of the transfer, Article 4A does not apply to any part of the 
    transfer. Institutions that offer Fedwire services have been concerned 
    that these transfers would lose the legal certainty offered by 
    complying with the requirements of Article 4A if some part of the 
    transfer was subject to the EFTA. This concern must be balanced with 
    the potential of subjecting consumers to full liability for 
    unauthorized transfers merely because some part of the transfer, which 
    would ordinarily be covered by Regulation E, was made via Fedwire.
        In 1990, the Board adopted a comprehensive revision of subpart B to 
    Regulation J (55 FR 40791, October 5, 1990). Regulation J (12 CFR part 
    210) specifies the rules applicable to funds transfers handled by 
    Federal Reserve Banks. To ensure that the rules for all funds transfers 
    through Fedwire are consistent, the Board used its preemptive authority 
    under UCC section 4A-107 to determine that subpart B, including the 
    provisions of Article 4A, applies to all funds transfers through 
    Fedwire, even if a portion of the fund transfer is governed by the 
    EFTA. The portion of the fund transfer that is governed by the EFTA is 
    not governed by subpart B.
        Even with this relief, the Board has received questions about the 
    effect of dual coverage. For example, if an institution offers 
    consumers the ability to initiate Fedwire transfers pursuant to a 
    telephone transfer agreement, the transfer would be covered by both 
    Regulation E and Article 4A. UCC section 4A-202 encourages verification 
    of the authenticity of a Fedwire payment order pursuant to a ``security 
    procedure'' established by agreement between the customer and a 
    receiving bank. Putting such an agreement in writing could be deemed to 
    constitute a telephone transfer plan for purposes of Regulation E. The 
    Board believes that if an institution offers Fedwire payments as a 
    service to consumers and does not make the service available in 
    conjunction with a telephone plan subject to Regulation E, then the 
    protections of Article 4A are applicable to the transfer. Proposed 
    comment (c)(3)-2 explains that if the service is offered as a product 
    separate from the more typical telephone bill-payment or other 
    prearranged plan, then any security procedure followed to establish an 
    agreement will not be deemed to create a telephone plan subject to 
    Regulation E.
        The wire transfer exemption extends to any transfer of funds 
    through Fedwire or through a similar fund transfer system. Comment 
    (c)(3)-3 provides examples of such systems.
    (c)(4) Securities and Commodities Transfers
        The Board has proposed to revise the current exemption for certain 
    securities and commodities transfers contained in Sec. 205.3(c). The 
    exemption would apply to a transfer for the purchase or sale of 
    securities or commodities, even if the security or commodity is not 
    regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission or the Commodity 
    Futures Trading Commission so long as it is sold by a registered 
    broker-dealer or futures commission merchant (for example, municipal 
    securities). Proposed comment (c)(4)-1 provides additional 
    clarification on this point.
        Proposed comment (c)(4)-2 provides examples from the current 
    commentary of covered and exempt securities transfers (Q3-3.5 and Q3-
    3.6). The comment also contains a new example of an exempt transfer, 
    that of a telephone order to exercise a margin call. The Board believes 
    that the exercise of a margin call is so closely linked to the purchase 
    or sale of securities as to come within the purview of the exemption. 
    The Board solicits comment on what additional examples may be needed to 
    illustrate the extent of this exemption.
    (c)(6) Telephone-Initiated Transfers
        Proposed comment (c)(6)-2 incorporates examples contained in the 
    current commentary of covered transfers under a written plan (Q3-17, 
    Q3-18 and Q3-19). The proposal also contains a new example, use of a 
    facsimile machine to initiate a transfer. The Board has received 
    questions about plans in which the consumer uses facsimile paper 
    designed to look like a paper ``draft'' to initiate a transfer sent via 
    facsimile machine. The EFTA's definition of EFT includes any transfer 
    through a ``telephonic instrument.'' The Board considers a facsimile 
    machine to be the functional equivalent of a telephone. Since it is a 
    telephone, it is inconsequential whether information about the transfer 
    is transmitted orally or by facsimile. The Board requests comment on 
    this interpretation and solicits additional examples of both covered 
    and exempt transfers.
    (c)(7) Small Institutions
        Proposed comment (c)(7)-1 clarifies that Article 4A is not 
    applicable to transfers exempt from Regulation E under the small 
    institution exemption. As noted above, the drafters of Article 4A 
    considered the EFTA and Regulation E to be mutually exclusive. The 
    Board has been asked whether preauthorized transfers by small 
    institutions (currently, institutions with assets under $25 million) 
    which are largely exempt from Regulations E are thus subject to the 
    requirements of Article 4A by virtue of the exemption (for example, a 
    direct deposit to a consumer's account at a small bank). As noted in 
    the proposed comment, the Board regards the transfers as generally 
    subject to the EFTA, and therefore not covered by Article 4A.
    Section 205.4--General Disclosure Requirements; Jointly Offered 
          New                                   Old                         
    (a)-1...........  Q7-3, Q9-4.                                           
    (a)-2...........  New (revises Q7-4).                                   
    Comments Deleted
    Q4-1: Shared system--scope of disclosures
    Q4-2: Shared system--disclosures on behalf of another institution
    Q4-3: Multiple accounts and account holders (clarified in 
    Sec. 205.4(c)(1) of proposed regulation)
        The Board's regulatory proposal includes both general disclosure 
    requirements and special requirements for providing the various 
    disclosures in a revised Sec. 205.4.
    (a) Form of Disclosures
        The Board has consistently interpreted the format requirements 
    currently contained in Secs. 205.7(a) and 205.9 as generally applicable 
    to all of the disclosures required by the regulation. Comments 
    incorporating Q7-3 and Q9-4 have been moved to this section of the 
    commentary to provide additional guidance on disclosure requirements.
        Currently, Q7-4 provides that Spanish language disclosures satisfy 
    the requirement that disclosures be readily understandable so long as 
    disclosures in English are given to consumers who request them. 
    Proposed comment (a)-2 provides that disclosures may be made in 
    languages other than English, if the disclosures are available in 
    English upon request. This is consistent with the new disclosure 
    requirements in Regulation DD (see 12 CFR 230.3(b)).
    Section 205.5--Issuance of Access Devices 
          New                                   Old                         
    1...............  Q5-1.5.                                               
    (a)(1)-1........  New (footnote 1b to current Sec. 205.5(a)(1)).        
    (a)(2)-1........  Q5-1, Q5-2.                                           
    (a)(2)-2........  Q5-3.                                                 
    (b)-1...........  Q5-6, Q5-7.                                           
    (b)-2...........  Q5-4.5.                                               
    (b)-3...........  Q5-5.                                                 
    (b)-4...........  Q5-8.                                                 
    Comment Deleted
    Q5-4: Renewal or substitution--pre-February 8, 1979 device
    Comments Moved
    Q5-9, Q5-10 (see proposed commentary to Sec. 205.12)
        Section 205.5 provides the rules for issuance of access devices. 
    The substance of existing commentary provisions have been incorporated 
    into the proposal, with one addition.
    (a) Solicited Issuance
        Footnote 1b to current Sec. 205.5(a)(1) provides that financial 
    institutions may issue an access device to each joint account holder 
    for whom the requesting account holder specifically requests an access 
    device. The footnote would be deleted from the regulation and moved to 
    comment (a)(1)-1.
    Section 205.6--Liability of Consumer for Unauthorized Transfers 
          New                                   Old                         
    (a)-1...........  Q6-4, new (current                                    
                      Sec. 205.6(a)(2)).                                    
    (a)-2...........  Q6-3.                                                 
    (b)-1...........  Q6-5 (revised).                                       
    (b)-2...........  Q6-6.5.                                               
    (b)(1)-1........  Q6-5 (revised).                                       
    (b)(1)-2........  Q6-6 (revised).                                       
    (b)(2)-1........  Q6-5 (revised).                                       
    (b)(3)-1........  Q6-5 (revised).                                       
    (b)(3)-2........  Q6-5 (revised).                                       
    (b)(4)-1........  New (current Sec. 205.6(b)(4)).                       
    (b)(5)-1........  Q6-7.                                                 
    (b)(5)-2........  New (notice from third party).                        
    (b)(5)-3........  Q6-8.                                                 
    Comment Deleted
    Q6-1: Unauthorized transfers--access device not involved
    Q6-2: Failure to disclose business days
    Comments Moved
    Q6-9, Q6-10, and Q6-11 (see proposed commentary to Sec. 205.12)
    (a) Conditions for Liability
        The current regulation conditions consumer liability solely on the 
    issuance of an accepted access device (Sec. 205.6(a)). Q6-1, on the 
    other hand, states that if the consumer fails to report an unauthorized 
    EFT within 60 days of transmittal of the periodic statement reflecting 
    the transfer, the consumer could be subject to liability for subsequent 
    transfers. The Board has incorporated the current commentary into the 
    regulatory text. Accordingly, Q6-1 has been deleted.
        Current Sec. 205.6(a)(2) of the regulation requires that the 
    institution provide a means of identifying the consumer to whom the 
    access device is issued. The regulation currently provides example of 
    such permissible means; this explanatory language has been moved to 
    proposed comment (a)-1.
        Current Sec. 205.6(a)(3) of the regulation requires institutions to 
    disclose certain information to the consumer before imposing liability 
    for unauthorized EFTs involving the consumer's account. The information 
    required to be disclosed is already part of the initial disclosures 
    under Sec. 205.7. The regulatory proposal to this section requires that 
    an institution have complied with Sec. 205.7(b) before imposing 
    liability. Accordingly, Q6-2, which pertains to these disclosures, has 
    been deleted.
    (b) Limitations on Amount of Liability
        Q6-5 provides examples of when the liability rules apply. Material 
    from Q6-5, in revised form, has been incorporated into the commentary 
    to paragraph (b).
    (b)(4) Extension of Time Limits
        Current Sec. 205.6(b)(4) provides examples of what constitutes 
    extenuating circumstances for purposes of delaying notification to the 
    institution that an access device has been lost or stolen. The examples 
    have been deleted from the proposed regulation and moved to comment 
    (b)(5) Notice to Financial Institution
        The Board has received questions about whether notice from a third 
    party is sufficient under Sec. 205.6. Proposed comment (b)(5)-2 
    indicates that such notice is considered adequate if it is communicated 
    by a third party on the consumer's behalf.
    Section 205.7--Initial Disclosures 
          New                                   Old                         
    (a)-1...........  Q7-1.                                                 
    (a)-2...........  Q7-2.                                                 
    (a)-3...........  Q7-5.5.                                               
    (a)-4...........  Q7-6, new (timing of disclosures).                    
    (a)-5...........  Q7-6.5.                                               
    (a)-6...........  Q7-5.                                                 
    (b)(1)-1........  Q7-8.                                                 
    (b)(1)-2........  Q7-7.                                                 
    (b)(1)-3........  New (current Sec. 205.7(a)(1)).                       
    (b)(2)-1........  Q7-19, Q7-20.                                         
    (b)(4)-1........  Q7-11.                                                
    (b)(4)-2........  Q7-11.5.                                              
    (b)(4)-3........  Q7-10.                                                
    (b)(5)-1........  Q7-12, 7-13.                                          
    (b)(5)-2........  Q7-14, 7-15.                                          
    (b)(5)-3........  Q7-15.5.                                              
    (b)(9)-1........  Q7-16, 7-17.                                          
    (b)(10)-1.......  Q7-18.                                                
    (b)(10)-2.......  Q7-18.5.                                              
    Comments Deleted
    Q7-9: Summary disclosure of rights
    Comments Moved
    Q7-3, Q7-4 (see proposed commentary to Sec. 205.4)
    (a) Timing of Disclosures
        Proposed comment (a)-4 expands on Q7-6, which discusses the 
    addition of new EFT services. The current commentary requires financial 
    institutions to provide disclosures for the additional service if it is 
    subject to terms and conditions different from those previously 
    described in the initial disclosures; the commentary is silent, 
    however, as to when such disclosures should be provided. The proposed 
    comment requires that such disclosures be given either when the 
    consumer contracts for the new service or before the first EFT is made 
    using the new service.
    (b) Content of Disclosures
        Current Sec. 205.7(a)(1) gives financial institutions the option of 
    including advice about promptly reporting the loss or theft of the 
    access device or other unauthorized transfers in the summary of the 
    consumer's liability. This language has been deleted from the proposed 
    regulation and moved to comment (b)(1)-3.
    Section 205.8--Change in Terms Notice; Error Resolution Notice 
          New                                  Old                          
    (a)-1...........  Q8-6.                                                 
    (a)-2...........  Q8-3, Q8-5.                                           
    (a)-3...........  Q8-4.                                                 
    (a)-4...........  Q8-2.                                                 
    (a)(2)-1........  New (45 calendar days to send notice).                
    (b)-1...........  Q8-8.                                                 
    Comments Deleted
    Q8-1: Terms requiring change in terms notice
    Q8-7: Error resolution notice--no periodic statements sent
    (a) Change in Terms Notice
    (a)(2) Prior Notice Exception
        Proposed comment (a)(2)-1 addresses circumstances when financial 
    institutions are required to send a subsequent notice upon making a 
    permanent change in terms related to security. The Board proposes to 
    extend the time period in which financial institutions must send such 
    notice to 45 days (from the current 30 days) to allow institutions to 
    more easily use the periodic statement as a vehicle of the consumer 
    Section 205.9--Receipts at Electric Terminals; Periodic Statements 
          New                                  Old                          
    (a)-1...........  Q9-1.                                                 
    (a)-2...........  New (footnote 2 to current Sec. 205.9(a)), Q9-2.      
    (a)-3...........  Q9-3.5.                                               
    (a)-4...........  Q9-5.                                                 
    (a)-5...........  Q9-6.                                                 
    (a)-6...........  Q9-4.                                                 
    (a)(1)-1........  New (displaying amount of fee on ATM screen).         
    (a)(2)-1........  Q9-7.                                                 
    (a)(3)-1........  New (current Sec. 205.9(a)(3)).                       
    (a)(3)-2........  New (footnote 3 to current Sec. 205.9(a)(3)), Q-9, 9- 
    (a)(3)-3........  Q9-8.                                                 
    (a)(3)-4........  New (current Sec. 205.9(a)(3)), Q9-37.                
    (a)(3)-5........  Q9-36, Q9-27.                                         
    (a)(4)-1........  New (identification among accounts held by, or access 
                       devices issued by an institution).                   
    (a)(5)-1........  Q9-38.                                                
    (a)(5)-2........  Q9-40.                                                
    (a)(5)(i)-1.....  New (current                                          
                      Sec. 205.9(b)(1)(iv)(A)).                             
    (a)(5)(ii)-1....  New (current                                          
                      Sec. 205.9(b)(1)(iv)(B)).                             
    (a)(5)(iii)-1...  New (current                                          
                      Sec. 205.9(b)(1)(iv)(C)).                             
    (a)(6)-1........  Q9-13, new (current                                   
                      Sec. 205.9(a)(6)).                                    
    (a)(6)-2........  Q9-14.                                                
    (b)-1...........  Q9-19, 9-20.                                          
    (b)-2...........  New (defining periodic cycle).                        
    (b)-3...........  Q9-17.                                                
    (b)-4...........  Q9-18.                                                
    (b)-5...........  Q9-21.                                                
    (b)-6...........  Q9-23, new (footnote 4 to Sec. 205.9(b)(1)).          
    (b)(1)-1........  Q9-25.                                                
    (b)(1)(i)-1.....  Q9-35.                                                
    (b)(1)(iii)-1...  Q9-36.                                                
    (b)(1)(iv)-1....  Q9-40.5.                                              
    (b)(1)(v)-1.....  Q9-28.                                                
    (b)(1)(v)-2.....  Q9-30.                                                
    (b)(1)(v)-3.....  Q9-41.                                                
    (b)(1)(v)-4.....  Q9-43.                                                
    (b)(1)(v)-5.....  Q9-44.                                                
    (b)(1)(v)-6.....  New (footnote 9 to current Sec. 205.9(b)(1)(v)).      
    (b)(3)-1........  Q9-31.                                                
    (b)(3)-2........  Q9-31.5.                                              
    (b)(3)-3........  New (current Sec. 205.9(b)(3)).                       
    (b)(4)-1........  Q9-32.                                                
    (b)(5)&(6)-1....  Q9-33.                                                
    (c)-1...........  Q9-50.                                                
    (d)-1...........  Q9-51.                                                
    Comments Deleted
    Q9-3: Receipts--information displayed on screen
    Q9-10.5: Receipts--type of account, interchange system
    Q9-11: Receipts--unique identifier
    Q9-12: Receipts--terminal location
    Q9-16: Periodic statements--frequency
    Q9-24: Periodic statements--accompanying documents
    Q9-29: Periodic statements--multiple transferees
    Q9-34: Periodic statements--telephone numbers
    Q9-39: Receipts/periodic statements--location code
    Q9-42: Receipts/periodic statements--intermediate party
    Q9-45: Passbook updates--when required
    Q9-46: Passbook accounts--telephone notice alternative
    Q9-47: Passbook updates--discarding of data
    Q9-48: Passbook updates--periodic transmittals
    Q9-49: Quarterly statements--compliance with regular requirements
    Comments Moved
    Q9-4 (see proposed commentary to Sec. 205.4)
    Q9-15 (see proposed commentary to Sec. 205.2)
    Q9-26 (see proposed commentary to Sec. 205.11)
        The Board has proposed a number of editorial revisions to 
    Sec. 205.9 such as adding new paragraphs and headings to better 
    organize the text concerning timing and content of disclosures. A 
    number of comments have been deleted from the proposed commentary to 
    this section. Many of the current questions are very fact specific, and 
    believed to be unnecessary in the revised commentary. No substantive 
    changes are intended.
    (a) Receipts at Electronic Terminals
        Footnote 2 to current Sec. 205.9(a) allows an account-holding 
    institution to make terminal receipts available through third parties. 
    The footnote would be deleted from the regulation and moved to comment 
    (a)(1) Amount
        Current Sec. 205.9(a)(1) provides that financial institutions other 
    than the account-holding institution may include a fee for a transfer 
    in the amount of the transfer if the fee is disclosed on the receipt 
    and on a sign posted on or at the terminal. The regulatory proposal 
    would modify these requirements and allow the account-holding 
    institution to take advantage of the exception. In addition, proposed 
    comment (a)(1)-1 provides that the requirement to display the amount of 
    a transaction fee ``on or at the terminal'' could be met by displaying 
    the fee on the terminal screen before the consumer has initiated the 
    transfer if displayed for a reasonable duration. The Board requests 
    comment on whether the proposed changes provide adequate notice to the 
    (a)(3) Type
        Current Sec. 205.9(a)(3) requires disclosure of the type of 
    transfer and the type of consumer's account to or from which funds are 
    transferred. It also provides examples of descriptions for such 
    accounts. The examples would be deleted from the regulation and moved 
    to comment (a)(3)-1. In addition, Sec. 205.9(a)(3) provides generic 
    descriptions for accounts that are similar in function. These examples 
    would also be deleted from the regulation and incorporated with the 
    substance of Q9-37 in proposed comment (a)(3)-4.
        Footnote 3 to current Sec. 205.9(a)(3) provides an exception to the 
    requirement to disclose the type of transfer and account if the 
    consumer can access only one account at a particular time or terminal. 
    The exception would be deleted from the regulation and the substance 
    moved to comment (a)(3)-2.
    (a)(4) Identification
        Proposed comment (a)(4)-1 clarifies that an identifying number or 
    code that uniquely identifies the consumer's account or access device--
    among all accounts held by an institution or access devices issued by 
    an institution--is sufficient to meet the requirements of the 
    (a)(5) Terminal Location
        The current regulation includes detailed guidance for specifying 
    the terminal location on both the receipt and periodic statement (see 
    current Sec. 205.9(b)(1)(iv)). While the substantive requirement to 
    disclose the location remains unchanged, the illustrative language 
    would be moved to comments (a)(5)(i)-1, (a)(5)(ii)-1, and (a)(5)(iii)-
    (a)(6) Third Party Transfer
        Current Sec. 205.9(a)(6) requires that the name of any third party 
    to or from whom funds are transferred be disclosed on the receipt. It 
    also provides guidance on the use of codes and an exception to the 
    disclosure requirement when the name of the payee cannot be duplicated 
    by the terminal. This secondary information would be deleted from the 
    regulation and moved to comment (a)(6)-1.
    (b) Periodic Statements
        Current Sec. 205.9(b) provides that periodic statements must be 
    sent for each monthly or shorter cycle in which an EFT has occurred, 
    but at least quarterly if no transfer has occurred. As the Board 
    believes that few institutions send a statement (for Regulation E 
    purposes) for a cycle shorter than one month, the regulatory proposal 
    has deleted reference to a ``shorter cycle.'' The reference would be 
    moved to comment (b)-1.
        Proposed comment (b)-2 provides additional guidance on what is 
    considered a cycle for purposes of Regulation E. The comment requires 
    that financial institutions provide relevant information for the cycle 
    or period since the last statement was issued. The Board has adopted a 
    similar approach in the proposed commentary to Regulation DD (see 59 FR 
    5536, February 7, 1994). For example, if an institution may issue 
    quarterly statements in March, June, September, and December and the 
    consumer initiates an EFT in February, an interim statement would be 
    provided. The comment indicates that the statement should provide 
    information for the months of January and February. The regularly 
    scheduled March statement would provide information only about the 
    month of March. The proposed Regulation DD commentary provides that 
    disclosures given on the interim statement cannot be repeated on the 
    regularly scheduled statement. In the example above, the March 
    statement could not repeat information disclosed on the February 
    statement. The Board solicits comment on whether the same approach 
    should be adopted in Regulation E.
        Footnote 4 to current Sec. 205.9(b)(1) permits financial 
    institutions to provide certain periodic statement disclosures on 
    documents that accompany the statement; it also permits institutions to 
    use codes for the disclosures if they are explained either on the 
    statement or accompanying documents. The footnote would be deleted from 
    the regulation and the substance moved to comment (b)-6.
    Paragraph 9(b)(1)(v)
        Footnote 9 to current Sec. 205.9(b)(1)(v) provides that a financial 
    institution need not identify on the periodic statement third parties 
    whose names appear on checks, drafts, or similar paper instruments 
    deposited to the consumer's account at an electronic terminal. The 
    footnote would be deleted from the regulation and the substance moved 
    to comment (b)(1)(v)-6.
    (b)(3) Fees
        Section 205.9(b)(3) provides that financial institutions must 
    disclose the amount of any fees other than a finance charge imposed 
    under Regulation Z, 12 CFR 226.7(f) that were assessed against the 
    account during the statement period for EFTs. The reference to finance 
    charges would be deleted from the regulation and moved to comment 
    Section 205.10--Preauthorized Transfers
           New                                  Old                         
    (a)(1)-1........  Q10-5, Q10-6.                                         
    (a)(1)-2........  Q10-1.                                                
    (a)(1)-3........  Q10-7.                                                
    (a)(1)-4........  Q10-8, Q10-9, New (reverses part of Q10-7).           
    (a)(1)-5........  Q10-10.                                               
    (a)(1)-6........  Q10-12.                                               
    (a)(1)-7........  Q10-11.                                               
    (b)-1...........  Q10-17, New (example of preexisting authorization).   
    (b)-2...........  Q10-18.                                               
    (b)-3...........  Q10-18.6.                                             
    (b)-4...........  Q10-18.5.                                             
    (b)-5...........  New (similarly authorized).                           
    (c)-1...........  Q10-19.                                               
    (c)-2...........  Q10-19.5.                                             
    (d)(1)-1........  Q10-21.                                               
    (d)(2)-1........  new (range).                                          
    (e)(1)-1........  Q3-7, Q3-7.5.                                         
    (e)(1)-2........  New (repayment of overdrafts).                        
    (e)(2)-1........  Q3-6.                                                 
    Comments Deleted
    Q10-2: Notice of credit--when receipt guaranteed
    Q10-3: Notice provided by payor
    Q10-4: Notice provided by payor--form
    Q10-13: Preauthorized credits--availability of funds
    Q10-14: Preauthorized credits--posting schedule
    Q10-15: Preauthorized credits--funds received prior to agreed crediting 
    Q10-16: Preauthorized debits--preexisting authorizations
    Q10-20: Ten-day notice of varying debits--preexisting authorizations
    Q3-5: Compulsory use--preauthorized loan payments
        Section 205.10 sets forth the substantive and disclosure 
    requirements for authorizing preauthorized transfers to and from a 
    consumer's account. The Board has proposed to expand this section to 
    include guidance on the prohibitions against compulsory use, and 
    corresponding commentary has been added. The section contains several 
    new interpretations, as discussed below.
    (a) Preauthorized Transfers to Consumer's Account
        Regulation E currently requires financial institutions that receive 
    preauthorized transfers to credit the funds to the consumers account as 
    of the day the funds are received. The regulatory proposal would delete 
    this requirement as obsolete. Accordingly, Q10-13,10-14, and Q10-15 
    also have been deleted.
    (a)(1) Notice by Financial Institution
        Section 906(b) of the EFTA and current Sec. 205.10(a)(1) of the 
    regulation provide that when a payor credits a consumer's account by 
    preauthorized EFT at least once every 60 days, the account-holding 
    institution must inform the consumer either that the transfer has or 
    has not occurred or provide a phone number for the consumer to use to 
    verify the transfer. Q10-7 provides that the absence of a deposit entry 
    on a periodic statement can serve as notice that a preauthorized 
    transfer has not occurred. Proposed comment (a)(1)-4 reverses the 
    current position and states that the absence of a deposit entry is not 
    negative notice. The Board believes the requirement is an affirmative 
    duty to provide notice either positively or negatively.
    (b) Written Authorization for Preauthorized Transfers From Consumer's 
        Proposed comment (b)-1 incorporates Q10-17, which provides that a 
    financial institution or designated payee does not need to obtain new 
    authorizations before shifting from a paper-based to an electronic 
    debiting system. The proposed comment also provides that a successor 
    payee or institution may rely on a preexisting authorization to debit 
    payments from the consumer's account, for example when an institution 
    purchases the mortgage servicing rights from a party that previously 
    obtained the consumer's authorization. The Board solicits comment on 
    other instances in which a new authorization may not be necessary.
        The requirement in current Sec. 205.10(b) that preauthorized EFTs 
    from a consumer's account be authorized by the consumer only in writing 
    has been revised. The requirement for the authorization to be a signed 
    writing has been expanded to include authorizations which are 
    ``similarly authenticated'' by the consumer. This enhancement addresses 
    developments in electronic services, such as home banking. Proposed 
    comment (b)-5 provides an example of a consumer's authorization that is 
    ``similarly authenticated.'' The comment provides that for a home 
    banking system to satisfy the requirement, there must be some means to 
    identify the consumer (such as a security code), and the consumer must 
    have the ability to obtain a printed copy of the authorization (either 
    from the consumer's printer or from the payee). The Board solicits 
    comment on whether additional safeguards are necessary to protect 
    consumers in this situation. For example, should the commentary require 
    that the authorization remain in the institution's computer memory and 
    be available to the consumer through the home banking device until it 
    is modified or terminated? Should the commentary explicitly require 
    that the authorization may only be provided by the consumer (by using a 
    personal identification code) and not by a payee on the consumer's 
    behalf? How would this change affect the stop payment rules under 
    Sec. 205.10(c)? The Board solicits comment on these and other issues 
    related to the requirements of a written authorization under this 
        The Board solicits comment on two issues that have not been 
    discussed previously in the commentary. The Board has received 
    inquiries about telephone-initiated transfers when the consumer 
    provides an account number to the caller and authorizes a draft or an 
    ACH debit to be submitted against the consumer's account. The Board 
    believes such transfers are EFTs since they are initiated by telephone 
    and authorize the debiting of the consumer's account. The transfers are 
    not ``preauthorized transfers,'' however, and the rules regarding 
    written authorization by the consumer thus are not applicable. The 
    Board solicits comment on whether this type of transfer poses 
    sufficient consumer risk as to warrant special provision in the 
    regulation or commentary.
        The Board has also received questions on what are appropriate means 
    for obtaining a consumer's authorization for preauthorized transfers. 
    For example, the Board has been asked whether sending the consumer a 
    check which incorporates in the endorsement an authorization for the 
    financial institution to automatically debit the consumer's account on 
    a monthly basis is a legitimate method for obtaining the consumer's 
    authorization. The Board solicits comment on whether the commentary or 
    regulation should address such format issues.
    (d) Notice of Transfers Varying in Amount
    (d)(2) Range
        Proposed comment (d)(2)-1 provides guidance on what is an 
    acceptable range for purposes of this section. The comment provides 
    that an acceptable range is one that could plausibly be anticipated by 
    the consumer. For example, if the consumer's monthly payment is 
    approximately $50, providing a range between zero and $10,000 does not 
    seem reasonable. The Board solicits comment on how financial 
    institutions currently determine such a range, as well as reaction to 
    the proposed analysis.
    (e) Compulsory Use
    (e)(1) Credit
        The regulatory proposal incorporates the statutory restrictions 
    against compulsory use of EFTs as a condition of credit, employment, or 
    receipt of government benefits into Sec. 205.10(e). The questions 
    pertaining to compulsory use in the current commentary (under 
    Sec. 205.3) have, for the most part, been incorporated into the 
    commentary proposal. The regulatory proposal also incorporates the 
    substance of footnote 1a to Sec. 205.3 into proposed Sec. 205.10(e)(1), 
    which provides that a financial institution may require the automatic 
    repayment of credit that is extended under an overdraft credit plan or 
    that is extended to maintain a specified minimum balance in the 
    consumer's account. The commentary proposal includes a new comment 
    (e)(1)-2 which allows an institution to use the exception even if the 
    overdraft extension is charged to an open-end account that may be 
    accessed by the consumer in ways other than by overdrafts. For example, 
    in addition to overdraft protection, a consumer may be able to obtain 
    cash advances directly from the credit line without going through a 
    checking account. The Board believes that the exemption applies to such 
    plans and that it is not practicable to distinguish between extensions 
    of credit triggered under such plans because of the overdraft mechanism 
    versus those advanced to the consumer by some other means.
    Section 205.11--Procedures for Resolving Errors
          New                                  Old                          
    (a)-1...........  Q9-26.                                                
    (a)-2...........  Q11-2.                                                
    (a)-3...........  Q11-3.                                                
    (a)-4...........  Q11-4.                                                
    (b)(1)-1........  Q11-8, new (example added).                           
    (b)(1)-2........  New (required submission of an affidavit).            
    (b)(1)-3........  Q11-5.                                                
    (b)(1)-4........  Q11-6.                                                
    (b)(1)-5........  Q11-7.                                                
    (b)(1)-6........  New (footnote 10 to current Sec. 205.11(b)(1)(i)).    
    (b)(2)-1........  Q11-9, new (provisional crediting).                   
    (c)-1...........  New (provide notices either orally or in writing).    
    (c)-2...........  Q11-10.                                               
    (c)-3...........  New (strengthens Q11-31).                             
    (c)-4...........  New (current Sec. 205.11(d)(3)).                      
    (c)-5...........  Q11-20, new (footnote 12 to current Sec.              
    (c)-6...........  New (current Sec. 205.11(e)(1)), Q11-19.              
    (c)-7...........  New current Sec. 205.11(d)(1).                        
    (c)(2)(i)-1.....  New (current Sec. 205.11(c)(3)).                      
    (c)(3)-1........  Q11-11.5.                                             
    (c)(4)-1........  Q11-13.                                               
    (c)(4)-2........  Q11-14.                                               
    (c)(4)-3........  Q11-16.                                               
    (c)(4)-4........  New (footnote 11 to current Sec. 205.11(d)(1)).       
    (d)-1...........  Q11-17.                                               
    (d)(1)-1........  Q11-25.                                               
    (d)(2)-1........  Q11-23.                                               
    (d)(2)-1........  Q11-24.                                               
    (e)-1...........  Q11-30.                                               
    Comments Deleted
    Q11-1: Transfers--initiated by institution
    Q11-11: Deadlines for investigation of error
    Q11-12: Request for documentation--facsimile or photocopy
    Q11-15: Scope of investigation--preauthorized credits
    Q11-18: Crediting of interest
    Q11-21: Written explanation--timing
    Q11-22: Debiting of recredited funds--items to be honored
    Q11-26: Documents relied on--privacy issue
    Q11-27: Documents relied on--no information on relevant tapes
    Q11-28: Withdrawal of error notice
    Q11-29: Withdrawal of error notice
    Comments Moved
    Q11-32, Q11-33 (see proposed commentary to Sec. 205.12)
        Section 205.11 sets forth the regulation's procedures for error 
    resolution. The regulatory proposal reformatted the section to 
    facilitate compliance and the commentary provisions have accordingly 
    been assigned. The proposed commentary contains several new comments, 
    most of which have been removed from the regulation.
    (b) Notice of Error From Consumer
    (b)(1) Timing; Contents
        Section 908 of the EFTA and Sec. 205.11 of the regulation require 
    institutions to investigate and make a final determination as to a 
    consumer's allegation of an error within either 10 business days or 45 
    calendar days. Financial institutions have asked whether they can delay 
    initiating or completing an investigation pending receipt of an 
    affidavit related to the alleged error. Proposed comment (b)(1)-2 
    prohibits institutions from delaying their investigation until a 
    consumer has produced the affidavit. The Board believes that permitting 
    delay would allow institutions to circumvent the investigation 
    procedures currently mandated by the act and regulation.
        Footnote 10 to current Sec. 205.11(b)(1)(i), which permits a 
    financial institution to prescribe procedures for giving notice of an 
    error, would be deleted from the regulation and the substance moved to 
    comment (b)(1)-6.
    (b)(2) Written Confirmation
        Q11-9 provides that a financial institution does not have to have 
    referral procedures for forwarding a written confirmation of error that 
    is sent to the wrong address. Proposed comment (b)(2)-1 further 
    provides that institutions operating under the 45-calendar-day rule 
    need not provisionally credit the consumer's account when the written 
    confirmation is delayed beyond 10 business days because it was sent to 
    the wrong address.
    (c) Time Limits and Extent of Investigation
        As noted in Sec. 205.4, most disclosures required by Regulation E 
    must be in writing and in a form the consumer may keep. Proposed 
    comment (c)-1 provides that financial institutions may give the notices 
    required by Sec. 205.11 either orally or in writing, unless otherwise 
    indicated in the section. This exception would not apply to a 
    consumer's request for documentation pursuant to proposed 
    Sec. 205.11(a)(1)(vii).
        Q11-31 articulates the Board's concern that charging consumers for 
    the financial institution's compliance with the regulation's error 
    resolution procedures might have a chilling effect on the good faith 
    assertion of errors. The Board believes that as the EFTA specifically 
    grants the consumer error-resolution rights, institutions must avoid 
    any deterrent to exercising such rights. To clarify its position, the 
    Board proposes to add comment (c)-3 to explicitly prohibit institutions 
    from charging consumers for error resolution. The Board solicits 
    comment on the impact of such a prohibition on institutions and 
        Current Sec. 205.11(d)(3) provides that a financial institution may 
    correct an error in the amount or manner alleged by the consumer 
    without complying with the investigation requirements of this section 
    if it complies with all other requirements of Sec. 205.11. The 
    provision would be deleted from the regulation and moved to comment 
        Footnote 12 to current Sec. 205.11(e)(2) allows financial 
    institutions to provide the notice of correction on the periodic 
    statement that is mailed or delivered within the time limits specified 
    in the section. The footnote would be deleted from the regulation and 
    moved to comment (c)-5.
        Current Sec. 205.11(e)(1) provides that if a financial institution 
    determines an error occurred, it must correct the error including, 
    where applicable, the crediting of interest and the refunding of any 
    fees or charges imposed. This language would be deleted from the 
    regulation and combined with the substance of Q11-19 in comment (c)-6. 
    The comment would also clarify that the requirement only applies to 
    fees imposed by the institution versus those imposed by third parties.
    Paragraph (c)(2)(i)
        Current Sec. 205.11(c)(3) provides examples of when a financial 
    institution must comply with all requirements of Sec. 205.11 except the 
    provisional crediting requirements. While the examples have been 
    retained in the regulatory proposal, the language requiring compliance 
    with other requirements of the section would be deleted and moved to 
    comment (c)(2)(i)-1.
    (c)(4) Investigation
        Footnote 11 to current Sec. 205.11(d)(1) provides examples of what 
    does and does not constitute an agreement for purposes of this section. 
    The explanatory language would be deleted from the regulation and moved 
    to comment (c)(4)-4.
    Section 205.12--Relation to Other Laws 
          New                                  Old                          
    (a)-1...........  Q6-9, Q6-10, Q6-11, Q11-32, Q11-33.                   
    (a)-2...........  Q5-9, Q5-10.                                          
    (b)-1...........  Q12-1, new (compliance without Board determination).  
    (b)-2...........  New (current preemption of Michigan law).             
        The regulatory proposal has consolidated the references to the 
    Truth in Lending Act and Regulation Z in Sec. 205.12. The section would 
    also contain the rules the Board applies in determining the preemption 
    of inconsistent state laws or in granting a state exemption. The 
    commentary provisions have been consolidated in this section as well.
    (b) Preemption of Inconsistent State Laws
        Proposed comment (b)-1 incorporates Q12-1, which provides that 
    state law may be preempted even if the Board has not issued a 
    determination. The comment also notes that financial institutions are 
    not protected from liability for failing to comply with state law in 
    the absence of a preemption determination by the Board.
        Proposed comment (b)-2 incorporates into the commentary an official 
    staff interpretation preempting certain provisions of Michigan's EFT 
    statute. Future preemption determinations would also be included in the 
    Section 205.13--Administrative Enforcement; Record Retention 
          New                                  Old                          
    (b)-1...........  Q13-2.                                                
    Comments Moved
    Q13-1 (see proposed commentary to appendix A)
        Current Sec. 205.13 contains information about administrative 
    enforcement, issuance of staff interpretations and record retention. 
    The regulatory proposal moved much of the detail pertaining to these 
    topics to the appendices. With one exception, no substantive change was 
    intended. As noted above, the information describing issuance of staff 
    interpretations would be deleted from the regulation, including any 
    reference to unofficial staff interpretations (which the Board no 
    longer issues in writing). Information about procedures for the 
    official commentary is set forth in a new appendix C.
    Section 205.14--Electronic Fund Transfer Service Provider Not Holding 
    Consumer's Account 
          New                                  Old                          
    (a)-1...........  Q14-1, Q14-2.                                         
    (a)-2...........  Q14-3.                                                
    (b)-1...........  New (formerly Sec. 205.14(a)(1).                      
    (b)(1)-1........  Q14-4.                                                
    (b)(2)-1........  Q14-6.                                                
    (c)(1)-1........  Q14-7.                                                
    Comment Deleted
    Q14-5: Periodic statement--issuance of card
        Section 205.14 details the requirements for financial institutions 
    that issue access devices and provide EFT services to consumers even 
    though the consumers' accounts are held by a second institution.
    (b) Compliance by Electronic Fund Transfer Service Provider
        Current Sec. 205.14(a)(1) provides that the service-providing 
    institution shall reimburse the consumer for unauthorized EFTs in 
    excess of the limits set by Sec. 205.6. This provision would be deleted 
    from the regulation and moved to comment (b)-1.
    Section 205.15--Electronic Fund Transfer of Government Benefits
        Proposed comments interpreting the requirements of this section 
    will be published at a later date.
    Appendix A--Model Disclosure Clauses and Forms 
          Old                                  New                          
    Q13-1...........  Appendix A-1.                                         
    Text of Proposed Revisions
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Board proposes to 
    amend 12 CFR part 205 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 205 would be revised to read as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1693.
        2. In part 205, Supplement I would be revised to read as follows:
    Supplement I to Part 205--Official Staff Interpretations
    Section 205.2--Definitions
    (a) Access device
        1. Examples. The term access device includes debit cards, 
    personal identification numbers (PINs), telephone transfer and 
    telephone bill payment codes, and other means that may be used by a 
    consumer to initiate an electronic fund transfer to or from a 
    consumer account. The term does not include magnetic tapes or other 
    devices used internally by a financial institution to initiate 
    electronic transfers.
    (b)(1) Account
        1. Consumer asset accounts. The term consumer asset account 
         Club accounts, such as Christmas or vacation clubs. In 
    many cases, however, these accounts are exempt from the regulation 
    under Sec. 205.3(c)(5) because all electronic transfers to or from 
    the account have been preauthorized by the consumer and involve 
    another account of the consumer at the same institution.
         A retail repurchase agreement (repo) which is a loan 
    made to a financial institution by a consumer that is collateralized 
    by government or government-insured securities.
        The term ``consumer asset account'' does not include:
         Profit-sharing and pension accounts established under a 
    trust agreement, which are exempt under Sec. 205.2(b)(2).
         Escrow accounts, such as those established to ensure 
    payment of items such as real estate taxes, insurance premiums, or 
    completion of repairs or improvements.
         Accounts for accumulating funds to purchase U.S. 
    savings bonds.
    Paragraph (b)(2)
        1. Bona fide trust agreements. The term bona fide trust 
    agreement is not defined by the act or regulation. Therefore, 
    financial institutions must look to state or other applicable law 
    for interpretation.
        2. Custodial agreements. An account held under a custodial 
    agreement that qualifies as a trust under the Internal Revenue Code, 
    such as an individual retirement account, is considered to be held 
    under a trust agreement for purposes of this part.
    (d) Business Day
        1. Duration. A business day includes the entire 24-hour period 
    ending at midnight and notice is effective even if given outside 
    normal business hours. The regulation does not require, however, 
    that telephone lines be available on a 24-hour basis.
    (f) Electronic Terminal
        1. Point-of-sale (POS) payments initiated by telephone. Because 
    the term electronic terminal excludes a telephone operated by a 
    consumer, a financial institution need not provide a terminal 
    receipt when:
         A consumer uses a debit card at a public telephone to 
    pay for the call.
         A consumer initiates a transfer by the equivalent to a 
    telephone, such as by home banking equipment or a facsimile machine.
        2. POS terminals. A POS terminal that captures data 
    electronically, for debiting or crediting to a consumer's asset 
    account, is an electronic terminal for purposes of Regulation E if a 
    debit card is used to initiate the transaction.
        3. Teller-operated terminals. A terminal or other computer 
    equipment operated by an employee of a financial institution is not 
    an electronic terminal for purposes of the regulation. However, 
    transfers initiated at such terminals by means of the consumer's 
    access device (using the consumer's personal identification number, 
    for example) are electronic fund transfers and are subject to other 
    requirements of the regulation. If the access device is used only 
    for identification purposes or for determining the account balance, 
    the transfers are not electronic fund transfers for purposes of the 
    (k) Unauthorized Electronic Fund Transfer
        1. Transfer by institution's employee. A consumer has no 
    liability for erroneous or fraudulent transfers initiated by an 
    employee of a financial institution.
        2. Authority. If a consumer furnishes the access device and 
    grants authority to make transfers to a person (such as a family 
    member or co-worker) who exceeds the authority given, the consumer 
    is fully liable for the transfers unless the consumer has notified 
    the financial institution that transfers by that person are no 
    longer authorized.
        3. Access device obtained through robbery, fraud. An 
    unauthorized electronic fund transfer includes a transfer initiated 
    by a person who obtained the access device from the consumer through 
    fraud or robbery.
        4. Forced initiation. An electronic fund transfer at an 
    automated teller machine (ATM) is an unauthorized transfer if the 
    consumer is induced by force to initiate the transfer.
    Section 205.3--Coverage
    (a) General
        1. Accounts covered. The requirements of the regulation apply 
    only to accounts for which an agreement for electronic fund transfer 
    services to or from the account has been entered into between:
         The consumer and the financial institution (including 
    accounts for which an access device has been issued to the consumer, 
    for example);
         The consumer and a third party (for preauthorized 
    debits or credits, for example), when the account-holding 
    institution has received notice of the agreement and the fund 
    transfers have begun.
        The fact that membership in an automated clearing house requires 
    a participating financial institution to accept electronic fund 
    transfers to accounts at the institution does not make every account 
    of that institution subject to the regulation.
        2. Foreign applicability. Regulation E applies to all persons 
    (including branches and other offices of foreign banks located in 
    the United States) that offer electronic fund transfer services to 
    residents of any state (including resident aliens). It covers any 
    account located in the United States through which electronic fund 
    transfer services are offered to a U.S. resident. This is the case 
    whether or not a particular transfer takes place in the United 
    States and whether or not the financial institution is chartered or 
    based in the United States or a foreign country. The regulation does 
    not apply to a foreign branch of a U.S. bank unless the electronic 
    fund transfer services are offered in connection with an account 
    held by the consumer in a state as defined in Sec. 205.(j).
    (b) Electronic Fund Transfer
        1. Fund transfers covered. The term electronic fund transfer 
         A deposit made at an ATM or other electronic terminal 
    (including a deposit in cash or by check) provided a specific 
    agreement exists between the financial institution and the consumer 
    for electronic fund transfers to or from the account to which the 
    deposit is made.
         Any transfer sent via an automated clearing house. For 
    example, social security benefits under the U.S. Treasury's direct-
    deposit program are covered, even if the listing of payees and 
    payment amounts reaches the account-holding institution by means of 
    a computer printout from a correspondent bank.
         A preauthorized transfer credited or debited to an 
    account in accordance with instructions contained on magnetic tape, 
    even if the financial institution holding the account sends or 
    receives a composite check.
         A transfer resulting from a debit-card transaction, 
    even if no electronic terminal is involved at the time of the 
    transaction, if the consumer's asset account is subsequently debited 
    for the amount of the transfer.
        2. Fund transfers not covered. The term electronic fund transfer 
    does not include:
         A payment that does not debit or credit a consumer 
    asset account, such as payroll allotments to a creditor to repay a 
    credit extension that are deducted from salary payments and not from 
    consumer accounts, or any payment made in currency by a consumer to 
    another person at an electronic terminal.
         A preauthorized check drawn by the financial 
    institution on the consumer's account (such as an interest or other 
    recurring payment to the consumer or another party), even if the 
    check is computer-generated.
    (c) Exclusions From Coverage
    (c)(2) Check Guarantee or Authorization Services
        1. Memo posting. Under a check guarantee or check authorization 
    service, debiting of the consumer's account occurs when the check or 
    draft is presented for payment. These services are exempt from 
    coverage, even when a temporary hold on the account is memo-posted 
    electronically at the time of authorization.
    (c)(3) Wire Transfers
        1. Fedwire and ACH. If a financial institution makes a fund 
    transfer via an automated clearing house (ACH) after receiving funds 
    via Fedwire or a similar network, the transfer by the ACH is covered 
    by the regulation even though the Fedwire or network transfer is 
        2. Article 4A. Financial institutions that offer telephone-
    initiated Fedwire payments are subject to the requirements of the 
    UCC section 4A-202, which encourages that Fedwire payment orders be 
    verified pursuant to a security procedure established by agreement 
    between the consumer and the receiving bank. These transfers are not 
    subject to Regulation E and the agreement is not considered a 
    telephone plan if the service is offered separately and apart from 
    any telephone bill-payment or other prearranged plan normally 
    subject to Regulation E.
        3. Similar fund transfer systems. Examples of fund transfer 
    systems similar to Fedwire include the Clearing House Interbank 
    Payments System (CHIPS), Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial 
    Telecommunication (SWIFT), and Telex.
    (c)(4) Securities and Commodities Transfers
        1. Coverage. The securities exemption applies to securities and 
    commodities that may be sold by a registered broker-dealer or 
    futures commission merchant, even when the security or commodity 
    itself is not regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission or 
    the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
        2. Examples of exempt and nonexempt transfers. The exemption 
    applies to a transfer involving:
         A transfer initiated by a telephone order to a 
    stockbroker to buy or sell securities or to exercise a margin call.
        The exemption does not apply to a transfer involving:
         A debit card that accesses a money market mutual fund 
    and that the consumer uses for purchasing goods or services or 
    obtaining cash.
         A payment of interest or dividends into the consumer's 
    account, for example, from a brokerage firm or from a Federal 
    Reserve Bank (for government securities).
    (c)(5) Automatic Transfers by Account-Holding Institution
        1. Automatic transfers exempted. The exemption applies to:
         Electronic debits or credits to consumer accounts for 
    check charges, stop-payment charges, NSF charges, overdraft charges, 
    provisional credits, error adjustments, and similar items that are 
    initiated automatically on the occurrence of certain events.
         Debits to consumer accounts for group insurance 
    available only through the financial institution and payable only by 
    means of an aggregate payment from the institution to the insurer.
         Electronic fund transfers between a thrift institution 
    and its paired commercial bank in the state of Rhode Island, which 
    are deemed under state law to be intra-institutional.
         Automatic transfers between a consumer's accounts 
    within the same financial institution, even if the account holders 
    on the two accounts are not identical.
        2. Automatic transfers not exempted. Transfers between accounts 
    of the consumer at affiliated institutions (such as between a bank 
    and its subsidiary or within a holding company) are not intra-
    institutional transfers, and thus do not qualify for the exemption.
    (c)(6) Telephone-Initiated Transfers
        1. Written plan or agreement. A transfer that the consumer 
    initiates by telephone is covered only if the transfer is made under 
    a written plan or agreement between the consumer and the financial 
    institution making the transfer. The following do not, by 
    themselves, constitute a written plan or agreement:
         A hold-harmless agreement on a signature card that 
    protects the institution if the consumer requests a transfer.
         A legend on a signature card, periodic statement, or 
    passbook that limits the number of telephone-initiated transfers the 
    consumer can make from a savings account because of Regulation D (12 
    CFR part 204) reserve requirements.
         An agreement permitting the consumer to approve by 
    telephone the rollover of funds at the maturity of an instrument.
        2. Examples of covered transfers. When a written plan or 
    agreement has been entered into, a transfer initiated by a telephone 
    call from a consumer is covered even though:
         An employee of the financial institution completes the 
    transfer manually, for example, by means of a debit memo or deposit 
         The consumer is required to make a separate request for 
    each transfer.
         The consumer uses the plan infrequently.
         The consumer initiates the transfer via a facsimile 
    (c)(7) Small Institutions
        1. Coverage. This exemption is limited to preauthorized 
    transfers; institutions that offer electronic fund transfer services 
    other than preauthorized transfers must comply with the applicable 
    sections of the regulation as to such services. The preauthorized 
    transfers remain subject, however, to sections 913, 915, and 916 of 
    the act and Sec. 205.10(e) and are therefore exempt from UCC Article 
    Section 205.4--General Disclosure Requirements; Jointly Offered 
    (a) Form of Disclosures
        1. General. Although no particular rules govern such matters as 
    type size, number of pages, or the relative conspicuousness of 
    various terms, the disclosures must be in a clear and readily 
    understandable written form that the consumer may retain. Numbers or 
    codes are considered readily understandable if explained elsewhere 
    on the disclosure.
        2. Foreign language disclosures. Disclosures may be made in 
    languages other than English, provided they are available in English 
    upon request.
    Section 205.5--Issuance of Access Devices
        1. Coverage. The provisions of this section limit the 
    circumstances under which a financial institution may issue an 
    access device to a consumer. Making an additional account accessible 
    through an existing access device is equivalent to issuing an access 
    device and is subject to the limitations in this section.
    (a) Solicited Issuance
    Paragraph (a)(1)
        1. Joint account. For joint accounts, a financial institution 
    may issue an access device to each account holder if the requesting 
    holder specifically authorizes the issuance.
    Paragraph (a)(2)
        1. One-for-one rule. In issuing a renewal or substitute access 
    device, a financial institution may not provide additional devices. 
    For example, only one new card and PIN may replace a card and PIN 
    previously issued. If the replacement device permits either 
    additional or fewer types of electronic fund transfer services, new 
    disclosures or a change-in-terms notice are required.
        2. Renewal or substitution by a successor institution. A 
    successor institution is an entity that replaced the original 
    financial institution (for example, through a corporate merger or 
    acquisition) or that has acquired accounts or assumed the operation 
    of an electronic fund transfer system.
    (b) Unsolicited Issuance
        1. Compliance. A financial institution may issue an unsolicited 
    access device (such as a combination of a debit card and PIN) if the 
    institution's ATM system has been programmed not to accept the 
    access device until after the consumer requests and the institution 
    validates the device. Merely instructing a consumer not to use an 
    unsolicited debit card and PIN until after the institution has 
    satisfactorily verified the consumer's identity does not comply with 
    the regulation.
        2. PINS. A financial institution may impose no liability on the 
    consumer for unauthorized transfers involving an unsolicited access 
    device until the device becomes an ``accepted access device'' under 
    the regulation. A card-PIN combination can be treated as an accepted 
    access device once the card and PIN have been used by the consumer.
        3. Functions of PIN. If an institution issues a personal 
    identification number at the consumer's request, the issuance may 
    constitute both a way of validating the debit card and the means to 
    identify the consumer (required as a condition of imposing liability 
    for unauthorized transfers).
        4. Verification of identity. A financial institution may use 
    other means, not just those listed in the regulation, to verify the 
    consumer's identity. However, if an institution fails to correctly 
    verify the consumer's identity, even if reasonable means were used, 
    and an imposter succeeds in having the device validated, the 
    consumer is not liable for any unauthorized transfers from the 
    Section 205.6--Liability of Consumer for Unauthorized Transfers
    (a) Conditions for Liability
        1. Means of identification. A financial institution may use 
    various means for identifying the consumer to whom the access device 
    is issued including but not limited to:
         Electronic or mechanical confirmation (such as a PIN).
         Comparison of the consumer's signature, fingerprint, or 
        2. Multiple users. When more than one access device is issued 
    for an account, the financial institution may, but need not, provide 
    a separate means to identify each user of the account.
    (b) Limitations on Amount of Liability
        1. Application of liability provisions. There are three possible 
    tiers of consumer liability for unauthorized electronic fund 
    transfers depending on the situation. A consumer may be liable for 
    (1) up to $50; (2) up to $500; or (3) an unlimited amount. More than 
    one tier may apply to a given situation because each corresponds to 
    a different (sometimes overlapping) time period.
        2. Consumer negligence. Negligence by the consumer cannot be 
    used as the basis for imposing greater liability than is permissible 
    under Regulation E. Thus, consumer behavior that may constitute 
    negligence under state law, such as writing the PIN on the ATM card 
    or on a piece of paper kept with the card, does not affect the 
    consumer's liability for unauthorized transfers. The extent of the 
    consumer's liability is determined solely by the consumer's 
    promptness in reporting the loss or theft of an access device. 
    Similarly, no agreement between the consumer and an institution may 
    impose greater liability on the consumer for an unauthorized 
    transfer than the limits provided in Regulation E.
    (b)(1) Timely Notice Given
        1. $50 limit applies. The basic liability limit is $50. For 
    example, the consumer's card is lost or stolen on Monday and the 
    consumer learns of the loss or theft on Wednesday. If the consumer 
    notifies the financial institution within two business days of 
    learning of the loss or theft (by midnight Friday), the consumer's 
    liability is limited to $50 or the amount of the unauthorized 
    transfers that occurred before notification, whichever is less.
        2. Knowledge of loss or theft of access device. The fact that a 
    consumer has received a periodic statement that reflects 
    unauthorized transfers may be a factor in determining whether the 
    consumer had knowledge of the loss or theft, but cannot be deemed to 
    represent conclusive evidence that the consumer had such knowledge.
    (b)(2) Timely Notice Not Given
        1. $500 limit applies. The second tier of liability is $500. For 
    example, the consumer's card is stolen on Monday and the consumer 
    learns of the theft that same day. The consumer reports the theft on 
    Friday. The $500 limit applies because the consumer failed to notify 
    the financial institution within two business days of learning of 
    the theft (which would have been by midnight Wednesday). How much 
    the consumer is actually liable for, however, depends on when the 
    unauthorized transfers take place. In the example above, assume an 
    unauthorized transfer for $100 was made on Tuesday, and another 
    unauthorized transfer for $600 occurred on Thursday. As the consumer 
    is liable for the amount of the loss that occurred within the first 
    two business days (but no more than $50), plus the amount of the 
    unauthorized transfers that occurred after the first two business 
    days and before the consumer gives notice, the consumer's total 
    liability is $500 ($50 of the $100 transfer plus $450 of the $600 
    transfer in this example). But if $600 was taken on Tuesday and $100 
    was taken on Thursday, the consumer's maximum liability would be 
    (b)(3) Periodic Statement; Timely Notice Not Given
        1. Unlimited liability applies. The standard of unlimited 
    liability applies if unauthorized transfers appear on a periodic 
    statement, and may apply in conjunction with the first two tiers of 
    liability. If a periodic statement shows an unauthorized transfer, 
    the consumer must notify the financial institution within 60 
    calendar days after the periodic statement was sent; otherwise, the 
    consumer faces unlimited liability for all unauthorized transfers 
    made after the 60-day period. The consumer's liability for 
    unauthorized transfers before the statement is sent and up to 60 
    days following is determined based on the first two tiers of 
    liability: up to $50 if the consumer notifies the financial 
    institution within two business days of learning of the loss or 
    theft of the card and up to $500 if the consumer notifies the 
    institution after two business days of learning of the loss or 
        2. Transfers not involving access device. The first two tiers of 
    liability do not apply to unauthorized transfers from a consumer's 
    account that were made without an access device. If, however, the 
    consumer fails to report such unauthorized transfers within 60 
    calendar days of the financial institution's transmittal of the 
    periodic statement, the consumer may be held liable for any 
    transfers occurring after the close of the 60 days and before notice 
    is given to the institution. For example, assume a consumer's 
    account has been electronically debited for $200 without the 
    consumer's authorization and by means other than the consumer's 
    access device. If the consumer notifies the institution within 60 
    days of transmittal of the periodic statement that shows the 
    unauthorized transfer, the consumer has no liability. If, however, 
    in addition to the $200 transaction, the consumer's account is 
    debited without authorization for $400 on the 61st day after 
    transmittal of the statement and the consumer fails to notify the 
    institution of the unauthorized transfers until the 62nd day, the 
    consumer is liable for the full $400.
    (b)(4) Extension of Time Limits
        1. Extenuating circumstances. Examples of circumstances that 
    require extension of the notification periods under this section 
    include the consumer's extended travel or hospitalization.
    (b)(5) Notice to Financial Institution
        1. Receipt of notice. A financial institution is considered to 
    have received notice for purposes of limiting the consumer's 
    liability if notice is given in a reasonable manner, even if the 
    consumer uses an address or telephone number other than the one 
    specified by the institution.
        2. Notice by third party. Notice to a financial institution by a 
    person acting on the consumer's behalf is considered valid under 
    this section. For example, if a consumer is hospitalized and unable 
    to report the loss or theft of an access device, notice is 
    considered given when someone acting on the consumer's behalf 
    notifies the bank of the loss or theft.
        3. Content of notice. Notice to a financial institution is 
    considered given when a consumer takes reasonable steps to provide 
    the institution with the pertinent account information. Even when 
    the consumer is unable to provide an account number or card number 
    in reporting a lost or stolen access device or an unauthorized 
    transfer, the notice effectively limits the consumer's liability if 
    the consumer otherwise identifies sufficiently the account in 
    question. For example, the consumer may identify the account by the 
    name on the account and the type of account in question.
    Section 205.7--Initial Disclosures
    (a) Timing of Disclosures
        1. Early disclosures. Disclosures given earlier than the 
    regulation requires (for example, when the consumer opens a checking 
    account) need not be repeated when the consumer later signs up for 
    an electronic fund transfer service if the electronic fund transfer 
    agreement is between the consumer and a third party who will 
    initiate preauthorized transfers to or from the consumer's account, 
    unless the terms and conditions required to be disclosed differ from 
    those previously given. If, on the other hand, the electronic fund 
    transfer agreement is directly between the consumer and the account-
    holding institution, the disclosures must be given in close 
    proximity to the event requiring disclosure, for example, signing up 
    for a service.
        2. Lack of prenotification of direct deposit. In some instances, 
    before direct deposit of government payments such as Social Security 
    takes place, the consumer and the financial institution both must 
    complete a Form 1199A (or comparable form providing notice to the 
    institution) and the institution can make disclosures at that time. 
    If an institution has not received advance notice that direct 
    deposits are to be made to a consumer's account, the institution 
    must provide the required disclosures as soon as reasonably possible 
    after the first direct deposit is made, unless the institution has 
    previously given disclosures.
        3. Addition of new accounts. If a consumer opens a new account 
    permitting electronic fund transfers in a financial institution 
    where the consumer already maintains an account that provides for 
    electronic fund transfer services, the institution need only 
    disclose terms and conditions that differ from those previously 
        4. Addition of new electronic fund transfer services. If an 
    electronic fund transfer service is added to a consumer's account 
    and is subject to terms and conditions different from those 
    described in the initial disclosures, disclosures pertaining to the 
    additional service must be given. The disclosures must be provided 
    either when the consumer contracts for the new service or before the 
    first electronic fund transfer is made using the new service.
        5. Addition of service in interchange systems. If a financial 
    institution joins an interchange or shared network system (providing 
    access to terminals operated by other institutions in the system), 
    new disclosures are required for any additional services not 
    previously available to consumers if the terms and conditions for 
    the additional services differ from those previously disclosed.
        6. Disclosures covering all electronic fund transfer services 
    offered. An institution may provide disclosures covering all 
    electronic fund transfer services that it offers, even if some 
    consumers have not arranged to use all services.
    (b) Content of Disclosures
    (b)(1) Liability of Consumer
        1. No liability imposed by financial institution. If a financial 
    institution chooses to impose zero liability for unauthorized 
    electronic fund transfers, it need not provide liability 
    disclosures. If the institution later decides to impose liability, 
    however, it must first provide the disclosures.
        2. Preauthorized transfers. If the only electronic fund 
    transfers from an account are preauthorized transfers, an 
    institution must disclose that liability could arise if the consumer 
    fails to report unauthorized transfers reflected on a periodic 
    statement in order to impose liability on the consumer. The 
    institution must also disclose the telephone number and address for 
    reporting unauthorized transfers.
        3. Additional information. At the institution's option, the 
    summary of the consumer's liability may include advice on promptly 
    reporting unauthorized transfers or the loss or theft of the access 
    (b)(2) Telephone Number and Address
        1. Disclosure of telephone numbers. An institution may use the 
    same or different telephone numbers in the disclosures for the 
    purpose of:
         Reporting the loss or theft of an access device or 
    possible unauthorized transfers;
         Inquiring about the receipt of a preauthorized credit;
         Stopping payment of a preauthorized debit; and
         Giving notice of an error.
        The telephone number need not be incorporated into the text of 
    the disclosure; for example, the institution may instead insert a 
    reference to a telephone number that is readily available to the 
    consumer, such as ``Call your branch office. The number is shown on 
    your periodic statement.'' However, an institution must provide a 
    specific telephone number and address on or with the disclosure 
    statement for reporting a lost or stolen access device or a possible 
    unauthorized transfer.
    (b)(4) Types of Transfers; Limitations
        1. Security limitations. Information about limitations on the 
    frequency and dollar amount of transfers generally must be disclosed 
    in detail, even if related to security aspects of the system. If the 
    confidentiality of certain details is essential to the security of 
    an account or system, however, these details may be withheld (but 
    the fact that limitations exist must still be disclosed). For 
    example, an institution limits cash ATM withdrawals to $100 per day. 
    The institution may disclose that certain daily withdrawal 
    limitations apply and need not disclose that the limitations may not 
    always be enforced (such as during periods when its ATMs are ``off-
        2. Restrictions on certain deposit accounts. A limitation on 
    account activity that restricts the consumer's ability to make 
    electronic fund transfers must be disclosed even if the restriction 
    also applies to transfers made by nonelectronic means. For example, 
    Regulation D restricts the number of payments to third parties that 
    may be made from a money market deposit account; an institution that 
    does not execute EFTs in excess of those limits must disclose the 
    restriction as a limitation on the frequency of electronic fund 
        3. Preauthorized transfers. Financial institutions are not 
    required to list preauthorized transfers among the types of 
    transfers that a consumer can make.
    (b)(5) Fees
        1. Disclosure of fees. A per-item fee for electronic fund 
    transfers must be disclosed even if the same fee is imposed on 
    nonelectronic transfers. If a per-item fee is imposed only under 
    certain conditions, such as when the transactions in the cycle 
    exceed a certain number, those conditions must be disclosed. 
    Itemization of the various fees may be provided on the disclosure 
    statement or on an accompanying document. In the latter case, the 
    statement must refer to the accompanying document.
        2. Fees also applicable to non-electronic fund transfer. An 
    institution is required to disclose all fees that are attributable 
    to electronic fund transfers or the right to make them. Fees that 
    are relevant to both electronic and nonelectronic transfers (for 
    example, minimum balance fees, stop-payment fees or account 
    overdrafts) may, but need not, be disclosed. An institution is not 
    required to disclose fees for inquiries at an ATM since no transfer 
    of funds is involved.
        3. Interchange system fees. Fees paid by the account-holding 
    institution to the operator of a shared or interchange ATM system 
    need not be disclosed, unless imposed on the consumer by the 
    account-holding institution. Fees for use of an ATM that are debited 
    directly to the consumer's account by an institution other than the 
    account-holding institution (for example, fees included in the 
    transfer amount) need not be separately disclosed.
    (b)(9) Confidentiality
        1. Information provided to third parties. The institution must 
    describe the circumstances under which any information relating to 
    an account to or from which electronic fund transfers are permitted, 
    not just information concerning those electronic transfers, will be 
    made available to third parties. The term ``third parties'' includes 
    affiliates such as other subsidiaries of the same holding company.
    (b)(10) Error Resolution
        1. Substantially similar. The error resolution notice must be 
    substantially similar to the model form in appendix A. An 
    institution may delete inapplicable provisions (for example, the 
    requirement for written confirmation of an oral notification), 
    substitute substantive state law requirements affording greater 
    consumer protection than Regulation E, or use different wording so 
    long as the substance of the notice remains the same.
        2. Exception from provisional crediting. If a financial 
    institution takes advantage of the longer time periods for resolving 
    errors under Sec. 205.11(c)(3) (for transfers initiated outside the 
    United States, or resulting from POS debit-card transactions), it 
    must disclose these longer time periods. Similarly, an institution 
    that relies on the exception from provisional crediting in 
    Sec. 205.11(c)(2) for accounts subject to Regulation T must disclose 
    Section 205.8--Change in Terms Notice; Error Resolution Notice
    (a) Change in Terms Notice
        1. Form of notice. No specific form or wording is required for a 
    change in terms notice. The notice may appear on a periodic 
    statement, or may be given by sending a copy of a revised disclosure 
    statement, provided attention is directed to the change (for 
    example, in a cover letter referencing the changed term).
        2. Changes not requiring notice. The following changes do not 
    require disclosure:
         Closing some of an institution's ATMs
         Cancellation of an access device
        3. Limitations on transfers. When the initial disclosures omit 
    details essential to the security of the account or system, a 
    subsequent increase in those limitations need not be disclosed if 
    secrecy is still essential. If, however, an institution had no 
    limits when the initial disclosures were given and it now wishes to 
    impose limits for the first time, it must disclose at least the fact 
    that limits have been adopted. (See also Sec. 205.7(b)(4) and the 
    related commentary.)
        4. Change in telephone number or address. A change in terms 
    notice is not required when a financial institution changes the 
    telephone number or address used for reporting possible unauthorized 
    transfers, but the change must be disclosed under Sec. 205.6 as a 
    condition of imposing liability on the consumer for unauthorized 
    transfers. (See also Sec. 205.6(a) and the related commentary.)
    (a)(2) Prior Notice Exception
        1. Notice of permanent change included in periodic statement. If 
    a change under this paragraph is made permanent, the financial 
    institution may include the written notice to the consumer on or 
    with a periodic statement sent within 45 calendar days of the 
    permanent change.
    (b) Error Resolution Notice
        1. Change between annual and periodic notice. If an institution 
    switches from an annual to a periodic notice, or vice versa, the 
    first notice under the new method must be sent no later than 12 
    months after the last notice under the old method.
    Section 205.9--Receipts at Electronic Terminals; Periodic 
    (a) Receipts at Electronic Terminals
        1. Receipts furnished only on request. The regulation requires 
    that a receipt be ``made available.'' A financial institution may 
    program its electronic terminals to provide a receipt only to 
    consumers who elect to receive one.
        2. Third party providing receipt. An account-holding institution 
    may make terminal receipts available through third parties such as 
    merchants or other financial institutions.
        3. Inclusion of promotional material. A financial institution 
    may include promotional material on receipts if the required 
    information is set forth clearly (for example, by separating it from 
    the promotional material). In addition, a consumer must not be 
    required to surrender the receipt or that portion containing the 
    required disclosures in order to take advantage of a promotion.
        4. Transfer not completed. The receipt requirement does not 
    apply to a transfer that is initiated but not completed, for 
    example, if the ATM is out of currency or the consumer decides not 
    to complete the transfer.
        5. Receipts not furnished due to inadvertent error. If a receipt 
    is not provided to the consumer because of a bona fide unintentional 
    error, such as the terminal running out of paper or the mechanism 
    jamming, no violation results if the financial institution maintains 
    procedures reasonably adapted to avoid such an error.
        6. Individual transfers. If the consumer makes multiple 
    transfers at the same time, the financial institution may document 
    them on a single or on separate receipts.
    (a)(1) Amount
        1. Disclosure of transaction fee. The required display of a fee 
    amount on or at the terminal may be accomplished by displaying the 
    fee on the terminal screen before the consumer has initiated the 
    transfer if displayed for a reasonable duration.
    (a)(2) Date
        1. Calendar date. The receipt must disclose the calendar date on 
    which the consumer uses the electronic terminal. An accounting or 
    business date may be disclosed in addition if the dates are clearly 
    (a)(3) Type
        1. Identifying transfer and account. Examples identifying the 
    type of transfer and the type of the consumer's account to or from 
    which funds are transferred include ``withdrawal from checking,'' 
    ``transfer from savings to checking,'' or ``payment from savings.''
        2. Exception. Identification of an account is not required when 
    the consumer can access only one asset account at a particular time 
    or terminal, even if the access device can normally be used to 
    access more than one account. For example, the consumer may be able 
    to access only one account at terminals operated by institutions 
    other than the account-holding institution, or to access only one 
    account when the terminal is off-line. If a consumer can use an 
    access device at a terminal to debit an asset account and also to 
    access a credit line, the exception is still available.
        3. Access to multiple accounts. If the consumer can use an 
    access device to make transfers to or from different accounts of the 
    same type, the terminal receipt must specify which account was 
    accessed, such as ``withdrawal from checking I'' or ``withdrawal 
    from checking II.'' If only one account besides the primary checking 
    account can be debited, the receipt can identify the account as 
    ``withdrawal from other account.''
        4. Generic descriptions. Generic descriptions may be used for 
    accounts that are similar in function such as share draft or NOW 
    accounts and checking accounts. In a shared system, for example, 
    when a credit union member initiates transfers to or from a share 
    draft account at a terminal owned or operated by a bank, the receipt 
    may identify a withdrawal from the account as a ``withdrawal from 
        5. Point-of-sale transactions. There is no prescribed 
    terminology for identifying a transfer at a merchant's POS terminal. 
    A transfer may be identified, for example, as a purchase, a sale of 
    goods or services, or a payment to a third party. When a consumer 
    obtains cash from a POS terminal in addition to purchasing goods, or 
    obtains cash only, the documentation need not differentiate the 
    transaction from one involving the purchase of goods.
    (a)(4) Identification
        1. Unique identification. A number or code used by a financial 
    institution to identify the consumer's account or the access device 
    used to initiate the transfer need be unique only within that 
    financial institution.
    (a)(5) Terminal Location
        1. Location code. A code or terminal number identifying the 
    terminal where the transfer is initiated may be given as part of a 
    transaction code.
        2. Omission of city name. The city may be omitted if the 
    generally accepted name (such as a branch name) contains the city 
    Paragraph (a)(5)(i)
        1. Street address. The address should include number and street 
    (or intersection); the number (or intersecting street) may be 
    omitted if the street alone uniquely identifies the terminal 
    Paragraph (a)(5)(ii)
        1. Generally accepted name. Examples of a generally accepted 
    name for a specific location include a branch of the financial 
    institution, a shopping center, or an airport.
    Paragraph (a)(5)(iii)
        1. Name of owner or operator of terminal. Examples of an owner 
    or operator of a terminal are a financial institution or a retail 
    (a)(6) Third Party Transfer
        1. Omission of third-party name. The receipt need not disclose 
    the third-party name if the name is provided by the consumer in a 
    form that is not machine readable (for example, if the consumer 
    indicates the payee by depositing a payment stub into the ATM). If, 
    on the other hand, the consumer keys in the identity of the payee, 
    the receipt must identify the payee by name or by using a code that 
    is explained elsewhere on the receipt.
        2. Receipt as proof of payment. Documentation required under 
    this regulation constitutes prima facie proof of a payment to 
    another person, except in the case of a terminal receipt documenting 
    a deposit.
    (b) Periodic Statements
        1. Periodic cycles. Periodic statements may be sent on a cycle 
    that is shorter than monthly. The statements must correspond to 
    periodic cycles that are reasonably equal, that is, do not vary by 
    more than four days from the regular period. The requirement of 
    reasonably equal cycles does not apply when an institution changes 
    cycles for operational or other reasons, such as to establish a new 
    statement day or date.
        2. Defining a cycle. Financial institutions must provide 
    relevant information for the cycle or period since the last 
    statement was issued. For example, an institution regularly issues 
    quarterly periodic statements at the end of March, June, September 
    and December. If the consumer initiates an electronic fund transfer 
    in February, an interim statement would be provided. The interim 
    statement should provide relevant information for the period since 
    the last statement was issued, (the months of January and February 
    in this example). The regularly scheduled statement would provide 
    information from the date of the interim statement.
        3. Inactive accounts. A financial institution need not send 
    statements to consumers whose accounts are inactive as defined by 
    the institution.
        4. Customer pickup. A financial institution may permit, but may 
    not require, consumers to call for their periodic statements.
        5. Periodic statements limited to electronic fund transfer 
    activity. A financial institution that uses a passbook as the 
    primary means for displaying account activity, but also allows the 
    account to be debited electronically, may comply with the periodic 
    statement requirement by providing a statement that reflects only 
    the electronic fund transfers and other required disclosures (such 
    as charges, account balances, and address and telephone number for 
    inquiries). (See Sec. 205.9(c)(1)(i) for the exception applicable to 
    preauthorized transfers for passbook accounts.)
        6. Codes and accompanying documents. To meet the documentation 
    requirements for periodic statements, a financial institution may:
         Include copies of terminal receipts to reflect 
    transfers initiated by the consumer at electronic terminals;
         Enclose posting memos, deposit slips, and other 
    documents that, together with the statement, disclose all the 
    required information;
         Use codes for names of third parties or terminal 
    locations and explain the information to which the codes relate on 
    an accompanying document.
    (b)(1) Transaction Information
        1. Information obtained from others. While financial 
    institutions must maintain reasonable procedures to insure the 
    integrity of data obtained from another institution, a merchant, or 
    other third parties, independent verification of the data for each 
    transfer is not required for purposes of the periodic statement 
    Paragraph (b)(1)(i)
        1. Incorrect deposit amount. If the financial institution 
    determines that the amount actually deposited at an ATM is different 
    from the amount entered by the consumer, the institution need not 
    immediately notify the consumer about the discrepancy. The periodic 
    statement reflecting the deposit may either show the correct amount 
    of the deposit, or the amount entered by the consumer along with the 
    institution's adjustment.
    Paragraph (b)(1)(iii)
        1. Type of transfer. There is no prescribed terminology for 
    describing the type of transfer. It is sufficient to show the amount 
    of the transfer in the debit or the credit column if other 
    information on the statement, such as a terminal location or third-
    party name, enables the consumer to identify the type of transfer.
    Paragraph (b)(1)(iv)
        1. Nonproprietary terminal in network. An institution need not 
    reflect on the periodic statement the street addresses, 
    identification codes, or terminal numbers for transfers initiated in 
    a shared or interchange system at a terminal operated by an 
    institution other than the account-holding institution. The 
    statement must, however, specify the entity which owns or operates 
    the terminal, plus the city and state.
    Paragraph (b)(1)(v)
        1. Recurring payments by government agency. The third-party name 
    for recurring payments from federal, state or local governments need 
    not list the particular agency. For example, ``U.S. gov't'' or 
    ``N.Y. sal'' will suffice.
        2. Consumer as third-party payee. If a consumer makes an 
    electronic fund transfer to another consumer, the financial 
    institution must identify the recipient by name (not just by an 
    account number, for example).
        3. Terminal location/third party. A single entry may be used to 
    identify both the terminal location and the name of the third party 
    to or from whom funds are transferred. For example, if a consumer 
    purchases goods from a merchant, the name of the party to whom funds 
    are transferred (the merchant) and the location of the terminal 
    where the transfer is initiated will be satisfied by a disclosure 
    such as ``XYZ Store, Anytown, Ohio.''
        4. Account-holding institution as third party. Transfers to the 
    account-holding institution, by ATM for example, must show the 
    institution as the recipient, unless other information on the 
    statement, for example, ``loan payment from checking,'' clearly 
    indicates that the payment was to the account-holding institution.
        5. Consistency in third-party identity. The periodic statement 
    must disclose a third-party name as it appeared on the receipt, 
    whether it was, for example, the ``dba'' (doing business as) name of 
    the third party or the parent corporation's name.
        6. Third-party identity on deposits at electronic terminal. A 
    financial institution need not identify third parties whose names 
    appear on checks, drafts, or similar paper instruments deposited to 
    the consumer's account at an electronic terminal.
    (b)(3) Fees
        1. Disclosure of fees. The fees disclosed may include fees for 
    electronic fund transfers and for other non-electronic services and 
    both fixed fees and per-item fees; they may be given as a total or 
    may be itemized in part or in full.
        2. Fees in interchange system. An account-holding institution 
    must disclose any fees it imposes on the consumer for electronic 
    fund transfer services, including fees for ATM transactions in an 
    interchange or shared ATM system. Fees for use of an ATM imposed on 
    the consumer by an institution other than the account-holding 
    institution and included in the amount of the transfer by the 
    terminal-operating institution need not be separately disclosed on 
    the periodic statement.
        3. Finance charges. The requirement to disclose any fees 
    assessed against the account does not include a finance charge 
    imposed on the account during the statement period.
    (b)(4) Account Balances
        1. Opening and closing balances. The opening and closing 
    balances in the consumer's account must reflect both electronic fund 
    transfers and other account activity.
    (b)(5) Address and Telephone Number for Inquiries
    (b)(6) Telephone Number for Preauthorized Transfers
        1. Telephone number. A single telephone number, preceded by the 
    ``direct inquiries to'' language, will satisfy the requirements of 
    Sec. 205.9(b)(5) and (6).
    (c) Exceptions to the Periodic Statement Requirements for Certain 
        1. Transfers between accounts. The regulation provides an 
    exception from the periodic statement requirement for certain intra-
    institutional transfers between a consumer's accounts. The financial 
    institution must still comply with the applicable periodic statement 
    requirements for any other electronic transfers to or from the 
    account. For example, a Regulation E statement must be provided 
    quarterly for an account that also receives payroll deposits 
    electronically, or for any month in which an account is also 
    accessed by a withdrawal at an ATM.
    (d) Documentation for Foreign-Initiated Transfers
        1. Foreign-initiated transfers. An institution must make a good 
    faith effort to provide all required information for foreign 
    initiated transfers. For example, even though the institution may 
    not be able to provide a specific terminal location, it should 
    identify the country and city in which the transfer was initiated.
    Section 205.10--Preauthorized Transfers
    (a) Preauthorized Transfers to Consumer's Account
    (a)(1) Notice by Financial Institution
        1. Content. No specific language is required in the notice 
    regarding receipt of a preauthorized transfer. Identifying the 
    deposit is sufficient; however, simply providing the current account 
    balance is not.
        2. Notice of credit. The financial institution may use separate 
    methods of notice for different types or series of preauthorized 
    transfers. The institution need not offer consumers a choice of 
    notice methods.
        3. Positive notice. A periodic statement sent within two 
    business days of the scheduled transfer, showing the transfer, can 
    serve as notice of receipt.
        4. Negative notice. With a negative-notice system, a financial 
    institution must provide notice if payment is not received by the 
    close of the second business day. If preauthorized transfers cease, 
    the institution should send negative notices following at least 
    three separate missed payments; or it may notify the consumer 
    earlier that it believes the transfers have stopped and that it will 
    no longer send negative notices. The absence of a deposit entry will 
    not serve as negative notice for purposes of a negative-notice 
        5. Telephone notice. If a financial institution uses the 
    telephone notice option, it should be able in most instances to 
    verify during a consumer's initial telephone inquiry whether a 
    transfer was received. The institution must respond within two 
    business days to any inquiry not answered immediately.
        6. Phone number for passbook accounts. The financial institution 
    may use any reasonable means necessary to provide the telephone 
    number to consumers with passbook accounts that can only be accessed 
    by preauthorized credits and that do not receive periodic 
    statements. For example, it may print the telephone number in the 
    passbook, or include the number with the annual error resolution 
        7. Telephone line availability. To satisfy the readily-available 
    standard, the financial institution must provide enough telephone 
    lines so that consumers get a reasonably prompt answer. The 
    institution need only provide telephone service during normal 
    business hours. Within its primary service area, an institution must 
    provide a local or toll-free telephone number. It need not provide a 
    toll-free number or accept collect long-distance calls from outside 
    the area where it normally conducts business.
    (b) Written Authorization for Preauthorized Transfers From 
    Consumer's Account
        1. Preexisting authorizations. The financial institution need 
    not require a new authorization before changing from paper-based to 
    electronic debiting merely because the existing authorization does 
    not specify that debiting is to occur electronically or specifies 
    that the debiting is to occur by paper means. A new authorization 
    also need not be obtained when a successor institution begins 
    collecting payments. For example, when an institution acquires the 
    servicing rights for a mortgage loan, it may rely on the original 
    preauthorized transfer authorization.
        2. Authorization obtained by third party. The account-holding 
    financial institution does not violate this regulation when a third-
    party payee fails to obtain the authorization in writing or to give 
    a copy to the consumer; rather, it is the third-party payee who is 
    in violation of the regulation.
        3. Written authorization for preauthorized transfers. The 
    requirement that preauthorized electronic fund transfers be 
    authorized by the consumer ``only in writing'' cannot be met by a 
    payee's signing a written authorization on the consumer's behalf 
    with only an oral authorization from the consumer. A tape recording 
    of a telephone conversation with a consumer who agrees to 
    preauthorized debits also does not constitute written authorization 
    for purposes of this provision.
        4. Use of a confirmation form. A financial institution or 
    designated payee may comply with the requirements of this section in 
    various ways. For example, a payee may provide the consumer with two 
    copies of a form to permit preauthorized transfers from the 
    consumer's account and require the consumer to sign and return one, 
    while retaining the second copy.
        5. Similarly authenticated. An example of a consumer's 
    authorization that is not in the form of a signed writing but is 
    instead ``similarly authenticated'' is a consumer's authorization 
    via a home computer. For a home banking system to satisfy the 
    requirements of this section, there must be some means to identify 
    the consumer (such as a security code), and the consumer must have 
    the ability to obtain a printed copy of the authorization (such as 
    by printing it on the consumer's printer or by the payee's making a 
    copy for the consumer).
    (c) Consumer's Right To Stop Payment
        1. Stop-payment order. The financial institution must honor an 
    oral stop-payment order made at least three business days before a 
    scheduled debit. If the debit item is resubmitted, the institution 
    must continue to honor the stop-payment order, for example, by 
    suspending all subsequent payments to the payee-originator until the 
    consumer notifies the institution that payments should resume.
        2. Revocation of authorization. Once the financial institution 
    has been notified that the consumer's authorization is no longer 
    valid, it must block all future payments for the particular debit 
    transmitted by the designated payee-originator. The institution may 
    not wait for the payee-originator to terminate the automatic debits. 
    The institution may confirm that the consumer has informed the 
    payee-originator of the revocation by requiring, for example, a copy 
    of the consumer's revocation as written confirmation to be provided 
    within fourteen days of an oral notification. If the institution 
    does not receive the required written confirmation within the 
    fourteen-day period, it may pay subsequent debits to the account.
    (d) Notice of Transfers Varying in Amount
    (d)(1) Notice
        1. Preexisting authorizations. A financial institution holding 
    the consumer's account does not violate this regulation if the 
    designated payee fails to provide notice of varying amounts.
    (d)(2) Range
        1. Range. Financial institutions that elect to provide the 
    consumer with a specified range of amounts for debiting (in lieu of 
    providing the notice of transfers varying in amount) must provide a 
    range that could plausibly be anticipated by the consumer. For 
    example, if the transfer is for payment of a gas bill, an 
    appropriate range might be based on the highest bill in winter and 
    the lowest bill in summer.
    (e) Compulsory Use
    (e)(1) Credit
        1. Loan payments. Creditors may not require repayment of loans 
    by electronic means. A creditor may offer a program with a reduced 
    annual percentage rate or other cost-related incentive for an 
    automatic repayment feature, provided the program with the automatic 
    payment feature is not the only loan program offered by the creditor 
    for the type of credit involved. Examples include:
         Mortgages with graduated payments in which a pledged 
    savings account is automatically debited during an initial period to 
    supplement the monthly payments made by the borrower.
         Mortgage plans calling for preauthorized biweekly 
    payments that are debited electronically to the consumer's account 
    and produce a lower total finance charge.
        2. Overdraft. The provision allowing institutions to require the 
    automatic repayment of an overdraft credit plan applies even if the 
    overdraft extension is charged to an open-end account that may be 
    accessed by the consumer in ways other than by overdrafts.
    (e)(2) Employment or Government Benefit
        1. Payroll. Employers are subject to the act's prohibition 
    against compulsory use of electronic fund transfers as a condition 
    of employment. For example, a financial institution (as an employer) 
    may not require its employees to receive their salary by direct 
    deposit to that same institution. An employer may, however, require 
    direct deposit of salary by electronic means if employees are given 
    a choice of institutions that would receive the direct deposit. 
    Alternatively, an employer may give employees the choice of having 
    their salary deposited at a particular institution, or receiving 
    their salary by check or cash.
    Section 205.11--Procedures for Resolving Errors
    (a) Definition of Error
        1. Terminal location. With regard to deposits at an ATM, the 
    consumer's request for the terminal location or other information 
    triggers the error resolution procedures. The financial institution 
    need only provide the consumer with the ATM location if it has 
    captured that information with regard to deposits. If the consumer 
    merely calls to ascertain whether a deposit made via ATM, 
    preauthorized transfer, or any other type of electronic fund 
    transfer was credited to the account, without asserting an error, 
    the error resolution procedures do not apply.
        2. Loss or theft of access device. A financial institution is 
    required to comply with the error resolution procedures of this 
    section when a consumer reports the loss or theft of an access 
    device if the consumer also alleges possible unauthorized use as a 
    consequence of the loss or theft.
        3. Error asserted after account closed. The financial 
    institution must comply with the error resolution procedures when a 
    consumer properly asserts an error, even if the account has been 
        4. Request for documentation or information. Requests for 
    documentation or other information must be treated as errors unless 
    it is clear that the request by the consumer is only for duplicate 
    copies for tax or other record-keeping purposes.
    (b) Notice of Error From Consumer
    (b)(1) Timing; Contents
        1. Content of error notice. The notice of error is effective 
    even if it does not contain the consumer's account number, so long 
    as the financial institution is able to identify the account in 
    question. For example, the consumer could provide a social security 
    number or other unique means of identification.
        2. Requirement of an affidavit. While a financial institution 
    may require the consumer to sign an affidavit relating to a notice 
    of error, it may not delay initiating or completing an investigation 
    pending receipt of the affidavit.
        3. Statement held for consumer. When a consumer has arranged for 
    periodic statements to be held until picked up, the statement for a 
    particular cycle is deemed to have been transmitted on the date the 
    financial institution first makes the statement available to the 
        4. Failure to provide statement. When a financial institution 
    fails to provide the consumer with a periodic statement, a request 
    for a copy is governed by this section if the consumer gives notice 
    within 60 days from the date on which the statement should have been 
        5. Discovery of error by institution. The error resolution 
    procedures of this section apply only when a notice of error is 
    received from the consumer. If the financial institution itself 
    discovers and corrects an error, it need not comply with the 
        6. Notice at particular phone number or address. A financial 
    institution may require the consumer to give notice only at the 
    telephone number or address disclosed by the institution, provided 
    the institution maintains reasonable procedures to refer the 
    consumer to the specified telephone number or address if the 
    consumer attempts to give notice to the institution in a different 
    (b)(2) Written Confirmation
        1. Written confirmation-of-error notice. If the consumer sends a 
    written confirmation of error to the wrong address, the institution 
    must process the confirmation through normal procedures. But the 
    institution need not provisionally credit the consumer's account if 
    the written confirmation is delayed beyond 10 business days because 
    it was sent to the wrong address.
    (c) Time Limits and Extent of Investigation
        1. Notice to consumer. Unless otherwise indicated in this 
    section, the financial institution may provide the required notices 
    to the consumer either orally or in writing.
        2. Written confirmation of oral notice. A financial institution 
    must begin its investigation promptly upon receipt of an oral 
    notice. It may not delay until it has received a written 
        3. No charge for error resolution. The financial institution may 
    not impose charges for any aspect of the error-resolution process, 
    including charges for documentation or investigation.
        4. Correction without investigation. A financial institution may 
    make, without investigation, a final correction to a consumer's 
    account in the amount or manner alleged by the consumer to be in 
    error, but must comply with all other applicable requirements of 
    Sec. 205.11.
        5. Correction notice. A financial institution may include the 
    notice of correction on a periodic statement that is mailed or 
    delivered within the 10-business-day or 45-calendar-day time limits 
    and that clearly identifies the correction to the consumer's 
    account. Whether such a mailing will be prompt enough to satisfy the 
    requirements of this section must be determined by the institution, 
    taking into account the specific facts involved.
        6. Correction of an error. If the financial institution 
    determines an error occurred, within either the 10-day or 45-day 
    period, it shall correct the error (subject to the liability 
    provisions of Sec. 205.6 (a) and (b)) including, where applicable, 
    the crediting of interest and the refunding of any fees imposed by 
    the institution. In a combined credit/electronic fund transfer 
    transaction, for example, the institution must refund any finance 
    charges incurred as a result of the error. The institution need not 
    refund fees that would have been imposed whether or not the error 
        7. Extent of required investigation. A financial institution 
    complies with its duty to investigate, correct, and report its 
    determination regarding an error described in Sec. 205.11(a)(1)(vii) 
    by transmitting the requested information, clarification, or 
    documentation within the time limits set forth in paragraph (c) of 
    this section. If the institution has provisionally credited the 
    consumer's account in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this 
    section, it may debit the amount upon transmitting the requested 
    information, clarification, or documentation.
    Paragraph (c)(2)(i)
        1. Compliance with all requirements. Financial institutions 
    exempted from provisionally crediting a consumer's account under 
    Sec. 205.11(c)(2)(i) (A) and (B) must still comply with all other 
    requirements of the section.
    (c)(3) Extension of Time Periods
        1. POS debit card transactions. The extended deadlines for 
    investigating errors resulting from POS debit card transactions 
    include all debit card transactions, including those for cash only, 
    at merchants' point-of-sale terminals. The deadlines do not apply to 
    transactions at an ATM, however, even though the ATM may be in a 
    merchant location. POS debit card transactions also include mail and 
    telephone orders.
    (c)(4) Investigation
        1. Third parties. When information or documentation requested by 
    the consumer is in the possession of a third party with whom the 
    financial institution does not have an agreement, the institution 
    satisfies the error resolution requirement by so advising the 
    consumer within the specified time frame.
        2. Scope of investigation. When an alleged error involves a 
    payment to a third party under the financial institution's telephone 
    bill-payment plan, a review of the institution's own records is 
    sufficient, assuming no agreement exists between the institution and 
    the third party concerning the bill-payment service.
        3. POS transfers. When a consumer alleges an error involving a 
    transfer to a merchant via a POS terminal, the institution must 
    verify the information previously transmitted in executing the 
    transfer. For example, the financial institution may request a copy 
    of the sales receipt to verify that the amount of the transfer 
    correctly corresponds to the amount of the consumer's purchase.
        4. Agreement. A financial institution does not have an agreement 
    for purposes of Sec. 205.11(c)(4)(ii) solely because it participates 
    in transactions occurring under the federal recurring payments 
    programs, or that are cleared through an ACH or similar arrangement 
    for the clearing and settlement of fund transfers generally, or 
    because it agrees to be bound by the rules of such an arrangement. 
    But an agreement that a third party will honor an access device is 
    an agreement for purposes of this paragraph.
    (d) Procedures if Financial Institution Determines No Error or 
    Different Error Occurred
        1. Error different from that alleged. When a financial 
    institution determines that an error occurred in a manner or amount 
    different from that described by the consumer, it must comply with 
    the requirements of both paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, as 
    relevant. The institution may give the notice of correction and the 
    explanation separately or in a combined form.
    (d)(1) Written Explanation
        1. Request for documentation. When a consumer requests copies of 
    documents, the financial institution must provide the copies in an 
    understandable form. If an institution relied on magnetic tape it 
    must translate the applicable data into readable form, for example, 
    by printing it and explaining any codes.
    (d)(2) Debiting Provisional Credit
        1. Alternative procedure for debiting of credited funds. The 
    financial institution may comply with the requirements of this 
    section by notifying the consumer that the consumer's account will 
    be debited five business days from the transmittal of the 
    notification, specifying the calendar date on which the debiting 
    will occur.
        2. Fees for overdrafts. The financial institution may not impose 
    fees for items it is required to honor under this section. It may, 
    however, impose any normal transaction or item fee that is unrelated 
    to an overdraft resulting from the debiting. If the account is still 
    overdrawn after five business days, the institution may impose the 
    fees or finance charges to which it is entitled, if any, under an 
    overdraft credit plan.
    (e) Reassertion of Error
        1. Withdrawal of error; right to reassert. The financial 
    institution has no further error resolution responsibilities if the 
    consumer voluntarily withdraws the notice. A consumer who has 
    withdrawn an allegation of error has the right to reassert the 
    allegation unless the financial institution had already complied 
    with all of the error resolution requirements before the allegation 
    was withdrawn. The consumer must do so, however, within the original 
    60-day period.
    Section 205.12--Relation to Other Laws
    (a) Relation to Truth in Lending
        1. Determining applicable regulation. For transactions involving 
    access devices that also constitute credit cards, the applicability 
    of Regulation E versus Regulation Z depends on the nature of the 
    transaction. For example, if the transaction is purely an extension 
    of credit, and does not include a debit to a checking account (or 
    other consumer asset account), the liability limitations and error 
    resolution requirements of Regulation Z apply. If the transaction 
    only debits a checking account (with no credit extended), the 
    comparable provisions of Regulation E apply. Finally, if the 
    transaction debits a checking account but also draws on an overdraft 
    line of credit, the Regulation E provisions apply, as well as 12 CFR 
    226.13(d) and (g) of Regulation Z. As a result, a consumer might be 
    liable for up to $50 under Regulation Z and, in addition, for $50, 
    $500, or an unlimited amount under Regulation E.
        2. Issuance rules. For access devices that also constitute 
    credit cards, the issuance rules of Regulation E apply if the only 
    credit feature is a preexisting credit line attached to the asset 
    account to cover overdrafts (or to maintain a specified minimum 
    balance). Regulation Z rules apply if there is another type of 
    credit feature, for example, one permitting direct extensions of 
    credit that do not involve the asset account.
    (b) Preemption of Inconsistent State Laws
        1. Specific determinations. The regulation prescribes standards 
    for determining whether state laws that govern electronic fund 
    transfers are preempted by the act and the regulation. A state law 
    that is inconsistent may be preempted even if the Board has not 
    issued a determination. However, nothing in Sec. 205.12(b) provides 
    a financial institution with immunity for violations of state law if 
    the institution chooses not to make state disclosures and the Board 
    later determines that the state law is not preempted.
        2. Preemption determination. Effective March 30, 1981, the Board 
    has determined that certain provisions in the state law of Michigan 
    are preempted by the federal law:
         Section 5(4)--Definition of unauthorized use. This 
    provision is preempted to the extent that it relates to the section 
    of state law governing consumer liability for unauthorized use of an 
    access device.
         Section 14--Consumer liability for unauthorized use of 
    an account. This provision is inconsistent with Sec. 205.6 and is 
    less protective of the consumer than the federal law. The state law 
    places liability on the consumer for the unauthorized use of an 
    account in cases involving the consumer's negligence. Under the 
    federal law, a consumer's liability for unauthorized use is not 
    related to the consumer's negligence and depends instead on the 
    consumer's promptness in reporting the loss or theft of the access 
         Section 15--Error resolution. This provision is 
    preempted because it is inconsistent with Sec. 205.11 and is less 
    protective of the consumer than the federal law. The state law 
    allows financial institutions up to 70 days to resolve errors, 
    whereas the federal law generally requires errors to be resolved in 
    45 days.
         Sections 17 and 18--Receipts and periodic statements. 
    These provisions are preempted because they are inconsistent with 
    Sec. 205.9. The provisions require a different disclosure of 
    information than does the federal law. The receipt provision is also 
    preempted because it allows the consumer to be charged for receiving 
    a receipt if a machine cannot furnish one at the time of a transfer.
    Section 205.13--Administrative Enforcement; Record Retention
    (b) Record Retention
        1. Requirements. To evidence compliance, a financial institution 
    should be able to establish that its procedures reasonably ensure 
    the consumer's receipt of required disclosures and documentation.
    Section 205.14--Electronic Fund Transfer Service Provider Not 
    Holding Consumer's Account
    (a) Electronic Fund Transfer Service Providers Subject to 
        1. Applicability. This section applies only when a service 
    provider issues an access device (a debit card or a code, for 
    example) to a consumer with which the consumer can initiate 
    transfers to or from the consumer's account at a financial 
    institution and the two entities have no agreement regarding this 
    electronic fund transfer service. If the service provider does not 
    issue an access device to the consumer, it does not qualify for the 
    treatment accorded by this section. For example, this section does 
    not apply to an institution that initiates preauthorized payroll 
    deposits on behalf of an employer to the consumer's account at 
    another institution. By contrast, this section does apply to an 
    institution that issues a code for initiating telephone transfers 
    from a consumer's account at another institution (provided the 
    account-holding institution does not have an agreement with the 
    other institution regarding the service). This is the case even if 
    the consumer has accounts at both institutions.
        2. ACH agreements. An ACH agreement under which members agree to 
    honor each other's electronic fund transfer cards constitutes an 
    ``agreement'' for purposes of this section.
    (b) Compliance by Electronic Fund Transfer Service Provider
        1. Liability. The service provider is liable for unauthorized 
    electronic fund transfers that exceed the consumer's liability 
    limits in Sec. 205.6.
    (b)(1) Disclosures and Documentation
        1. Periodic statements from electronic fund transfer service 
    provider. A service provider that meets the conditions set forth in 
    the regulation does not have to issue periodic statements. A service 
    provider that does not meet the condition need only include 
    information on periodic statements sent to the consumer about 
    transfers initiated with the access device it has issued.
    (b)(2) Error Resolution
        1. Error resolution. When a consumer notifies the service 
    provider of an error, the electronic fund transfer service provider 
    must investigate and resolve the error as set forth in the 
    regulation. If an error occurred, any fees or charges imposed as a 
    result of the error, either by the service provider or by the 
    account-holding institution (for example, overdraft or dishonor 
    fees) must be reimbursed to the consumer by the service provider.
    (c) Compliance by Account-Holding Institution
    Paragraph (c)(1)
        1. Periodic statements from account-holding institution. The 
    periodic statement provided by the account-holding institution need 
    only contain the information required by Sec. 205.9(c)(1).
    Appendix A--Model Disclosure Clauses and Forms
        1. Review of forms. Neither the Board nor its staff will review 
    or approve disclosure forms or statements for financial 
    institutions. However, the Board has issued model clauses for 
    institutions to use in designing their disclosures. If an 
    institution uses these clauses accurately to reflect its service, 
    the institution is protected from liability for failure to make 
    disclosures in proper form.
        2. Use of the forms. The appendix contains model disclosure 
    clauses for optional use by financial institutions to facilitate 
    compliance with the disclosure requirements of Secs. 205.5(b)(2), 
    and (b)(3), 205.6(a), 205.7, and 205.14(b)(1)(ii). Section 915(d)(2) 
    of the statute provides that use of these clauses in conjunction 
    with other requirements of the regulation will protect a financial 
    institution from liability under sections 915 and 916 of the act to 
    the extent that the clauses accurately reflect the institution's 
    electronic fund transfer services.
        3. Altering the clauses. Financial institutions may use clauses 
    of their own design in conjunction with the Board's model clauses. 
    The inapplicable words or portions of phrases in parentheses should 
    be deleted. The underscored catchlines are not part of the clauses 
    and need not be used. Financial institutions may make alterations, 
    substitutions, or additions in the clauses to reflect the services 
    offered, such as technical changes (e.g., substitution of a trade 
    name for the word ``card,'' deletion of inapplicable services, or 
    substitution of lesser liability limits. Model Clauses A-(2) include 
    references to a telephone number and address. Where two or more of 
    these clauses are used in a disclosure, the telephone number and 
    address may be referenced and need not be repeated.
    Supplement II to Part 205  [Removed]
        3. Supplement II to Part 205 is removed.
        By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, February 24, 1994.
    William W. Wiles,
    Secretary of the Board.
    [FR Doc. 94-4682 Filed 3-2-94; 12:38 pm]
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-P

Document Information

Federal Reserve System
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Proposed Official Staff Interpretation.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before May 31, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: March 7, 1994, Regulation E, Docket No. R-0831
CFR: (15)
12 CFR 205.3)
12 CFR 205.6(a)(2))
12 CFR 205.9(a)(6))
12 CFR 205.11(a)(1)(vii)
12 CFR 205.9(b)(5)
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