94-6413. Capital Requirements for Brokers or Dealers Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 54 (Monday, March 21, 1994)]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-6413]
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    [Federal Register: March 21, 1994]
    17 CFR Part 240
    [Release No. 34-33761; File No. S7-7-94]
    RIN 3235-AG14
    Capital Requirements for Brokers or Dealers Under the Securities 
    Exchange Act of 1934
    AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'').
    ACTION: Proposed rule amendments.
    SUMMARY: The Commission is proposing for comment amendments that would 
    allow broker-dealers to use a theoretical pricing model when 
    calculating capital charges for listed options and related positions. 
    Haircuts for options and related positions, when computed using this 
    model, would more accurately reflect the risk inherent in broker-
    dealers' option positions. The proposed amendments are intended to 
    provide capital charges that better protect broker-dealers against 
    market risk.
    DATES: The requested written data, views, arguments or comments must be 
    received on or before May 16, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: People wishing to submit written data, views, arguments, or 
    comments should file three copies with Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary, 
    Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW., Stop 6-9, 
    Washington, DC 20549. All written data, views, arguments, or comments 
    should refer to File No. S7-7-94. All comments received will be 
    available for public inspection and copying in the Commission's Public 
    Reference Room, 450 Fifth Street, NW., Washington, DC 20549.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael A. Macchiaroli, Associate 
    Director, (202) 272-2904; Roger G. Coffin, Branch Chief, (202) 272-
    7375; Timothy H. Thompson, Branch Chief, (202) 272-2372; or Bradley W. 
    Paulson, Staff Attorney (202) 272-2396; Office of Capital Markets and 
    Financial Responsibility, Division of Market Regulation, Securities and 
    Exchange Commission.
    I. Introduction
        In May 1993, the Commission issued a concept release soliciting 
    public comment on issues relating to the standards imposed on 
    derivative products by the net capital rule (``Concept 
    Release'').1 The Concept Release noted that, at the time, the 
    Commission's staff was studying a recommendation to adopt a theoretical 
    pricing model developed by The Options Clearing Corporation (``OCC'') 
    to determine haircuts for broker-dealers' option positions under the 
    net capital rule. The Concept Release specifically asked questions on 
    the use of theoretical pricing formulas to determine haircuts for over-
    the-counter (``OTC'') options. The Commission is now proposing for 
    comment amendments to the net capital rule, that would allow broker-
    dealers to use data derived from OCC's theoretical pricing model to 
    determine haircuts for listed options and related positions.2
        \1\Securities Exchange Act Rel. No. 32256 (May 4, 1993), 58 FR 
    27486 (May 10, 1993).
        \2\Simultaneous with this release, the Division of Market 
    Regulation (``Division'') is issuing a letter stating that it will 
    recommend no enforcement action to the Commission if, pursuant to 
    the terms of that letter, broker-dealers use theoretical pricing 
    data provided by OCC to calculate haircuts for listed options and 
    related positions.
        The proposed amendments will not change the current strategy-based 
    haircut methodology for OTC options. As noted in the Concept Release, 
    before adequate charges for OTC options can be determined, it will be 
    necessary to ascertain the manner in which the credit risk associated 
    with these positions can be adequately measured. The Commission, 
    however, continues to be interested in studying the applicability of 
    the proposed theoretical pricing haircut methodology to assess the 
    market risk for OTC options and currently is evaluating, among other 
    things, the comment letters addressing the questions for comment set 
    forth in the Concept Release.
    II. Historical and Technical Background
    A. Current Net Capital Treatment of Options
        The Commission's net capital rule requires that every registered 
    broker-dealer maintain sufficient liquid assets to enable those firms 
    that fall below the minimum net capital requirements to liquidate in an 
    orderly fashion without the need for a formal proceeding. Generally, 
    net capital, as defined by Rule 15c3-1, is a broker-dealer's net worth 
    plus liabilities subordinated in accordance with Appendix D of the net 
    capital rule, minus assets not readily convertible into cash and 
    certain percentages, or haircuts, of a firm's proprietary securities 
    positions, including option positions.
        Currently, the net capital rule provides two basic capital 
    treatments for option positions held by broker-dealers. The first 
    approach, which is set forth in Appendix A to Rule 15c3-1, assumes that 
    the option will be exercised or held to expiration. The second 
    approach, a premium-based approach, assumes that options are used as 
    trading positions. This approach is contained in paragraph (c)(2)(x) of 
    Rule 15c3-1. Both methodologies of computing charges provide for lower 
    haircuts for certain risk offsetting positions held by broker-dealers, 
    although the premium-based approach recognizes more types of offset 
    positions. The provisions of Appendix A were designed for firms 
    clearing their proprietary listed option and related positions.3 
    While market-makers on the floors of the option exchanges are exempt 
    from the net capital rule,4 a clearing firm endorsing or 
    guaranteeing the listed option positions of non-clearing market-makers 
    is required to charge the premium-based haircuts to its capital. The 
    premium-based approach also can be used by a clearing firm if its 
    business is limited almost exclusively to effecting (either directly or 
    as agent) and clearing market-making transactions in listed 
        \3\In a letter dated October 23, 1985, the Commission's staff 
    issued no-action relief allowing broker-dealers clearing their 
    proprietary listed option and related positions to apply a premium-
    based haircut methodology. Letter from Michael A. Macchiaroli, 
    Assistant Director, to Michael Minikes, Chairman, Capital Committee, 
    Securities Industry Association, (October 23, 1985).
        \4\17 CFR 240.15c3-1(b)(1).
        \5\17 CFR 240.15c3-1(a)(7).
        As currently drafted, paragraph (c)(2)(x)(F) of Rule 15c3-1 
    provides that, if the haircuts for a particular market-maker's account 
    exceed the equity in the account, the carrying broker-dealer may not 
    extend further credit to the market-maker unless the carrying broker-
    dealer requires the additional deposit of sufficient equity to 
    eliminate the net capital charge. However, the Division, in an 
    interpretive letter approved by the Commission, has allowed the 
    carrying broker-dealer to forego this requirement if it takes a charge 
    against its capital to the extent that the equity in the market-maker's 
    account is insufficient to cover the haircuts.6
        \6\Letter from Lee A. Pickard, Director, Division, Commission, 
    to Joseph W. Sullivan, President, Chicago Board Options Exchange 
    (April 8, 1977).
    B. Development of Option Pricing Models
        Over the last 30 years, several models have been developed to 
    determine the value of an option.7 Initially, these models were 
    applied to warrants, because, at the time, that market was more 
    active.8 Option pricing formulas have been refined and are now 
    widely used to calculate option prices by assigning pre-determined 
    values to the factors that are known to affect their prices.
        \7\An option gives the holder the right to buy (i.e., a call) or 
    sell (i.e., a put) a particular underlying instrument at a certain 
    price for a limited period of time. An option's price, or 
    ``premium,'' has two components, the option's intrinsic value and 
    the ``time value.'' An option's intrinsic value is the difference 
    between the price of the underlying instrument and the strike price. 
    The time value is the amount by which the premium exceeds the 
    option's intrinsic value.
        \8\Fischer Black, ``How We Came Up With the Formula'' in The 
    Financial Derivatives Reader 176 (Kolb ed. 1992).
        In 1973, Fischer Black and Myron Scholes introduced a formula to 
    calculate European call option prices.9 The primary factors 
    affecting the price of an option are: The value of the underlying 
    asset, the exercise price of the option, the price volatility of the 
    underlying asset, the risk-free rate of interest and the remaining time 
    to expiration. The payment of dividends on the stock, as well as the 
    exercise timing of the option (i.e., American or European), also can be 
    factors in the pricing of an option.
        \9\Fischer Black & Myron Scholes, The Pricing of Options and 
    Corporate Liabilities 3 J. Polit. Econ. 637 (May-June 1973).
        A European option can be exercised only on the expiration date, 
    while an American option can be exercised at any time prior to 
    expiration date.
        Subsequent to the development of the Black-Scholes formula, John 
    Cox, Stephen Ross and Mark Rubinstein developed a binomial pricing 
    model to determine the value of options.10 Unlike the Black-
    Scholes formula, which employs ``mathematical tools * * * [that] are 
    quite advanced'' to determine the probable value of the underlying 
    instrument at the time of expiration, the Cox-Ross Rubinstein model 
    replicates periodical upward and downward movements in the value of an 
    option until the option's expiration date.11 By determining 
    different probable option values at various periods during the life of 
    an option, the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model is able to incorporate 
    dividend yields, and American option prices can be determined.
        \1\0John Cox, Mark Rubinstein & Stephen Ross, Option Pricing: A 
    Simplified Approach 7 J. Fin. Econ. 229 (1979).
        \1\1Id. at 230.
        Based on the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model, OCC has developed the 
    Theoretical Intermarket Margining System (``TIMS'') to measure the 
    market risk associated with participants' positions and establish 
    clearing house margin requirements.12 Likewise, for the last 
    several years, option pricing models, including the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein 
    model, have been commonly used by market professionals to develop 
    trading strategies and to manage market risk. In light of such 
    industry-wide usage, recommendations have been made urging the 
    Commission to adopt option pricing models to set capital charges.
        \1\2Securities Exchange Act Rel. No. 23167 (April 22, 1986), 51 
    FR 16127 (April 30, 1986).
        The proposed amendments to Rule 15c3-1 would establish a haircut 
    methodology based on the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein binomial model. This model 
    would be used to determine an option's theoretical gains and losses 
    after re-pricing the option in relation to assumed changes in the value 
    of the underlying instrument. At least initially, OCC would run the 
    model as explained below and deliver to interested broker-dealers the 
    gains and losses from each option positions which would be downloaded 
    by the broker-dealer into a spreadsheet provided by OCC. The 
    spreadsheet would contain all of the broker-dealer's relevant 
    III. Description of the Proposed Rule Amendment
        With respect to each option series13 it clears, OCC would 
    collect the following information on a daily basis:
        \1\3An option series includes option contracts of the same type 
    (either a call or a put) and exercise style covering the same 
    underlying instrument with the same exercise price, expiration date 
    and number of underlying units.
        (i) The dividend streams for the underlying securities,
        (ii) Interest rates (either the current call rate or the 
    Eurodollar rate for the maturity date which approximates the 
    expiration date of the option),
        (iii) Days to expiration, and
        (iv) Closing underlying security and option prices from various 
    Using these values and the binomial model, OCC would measure the 
    implied volatility for each option series.
        OCC then would input to the model the resulting implied volatility 
    for each option series and other data, except the underlying value, 
    used in the calculation of the implied volatility. For each option 
    series, the model would calculate theoretical prices at ten equidistant 
    valuation points within a range consisting of an increase or a decrease 
    of the following percentages of the daily market price of the 
    underlying instrument:
        (i) +(-)15% for equity securities with a ready market, narrow-
    based indexes, and non-high-cap, broad- based indexes,
        (ii) +(-)6% for major market currencies,14 and
        \1\4Deutsche Mark, British Pound, Swiss Franc, French Franc, 
    Canadian Dollar, Japanese Yen and European Currency Unit.
        (iii) +(-)10% for high-cap, broad-based indexes.
        On a daily basis, OCC would use the model to determine the 
    theoretical gains/losses between the option's closing price and the 
    theoretical price at each one of the ten equidistant valuation points. 
    OCC would provide daily these theoretical gain/loss amounts to broker-
        Upon receipt of the theoretical gain/loss amounts, the broker-
    dealer would download the information to a theoretical pricing haircut 
    spreadsheet. The broker-dealer must add to the spreadsheet all 
    proprietary or market-maker positions to be haircut. The spreadsheet 
    generates a profit/loss amount at each valuation point for each option 
    series and related positions covering the same underlying asset. The 
    greatest loss at any of the valuation points becomes the haircut for 
    those positions. The spreadsheet has been programmed to compute a 
    minimum haircut charge and identify the greater of the computed or 
    minimum charge as the haircut.
        For example, assume a portfolio consisting of IBM common stock and 
    various puts and calls on IBM common stock with different strikes and 
    expiration dates. OCC would re-price each option position assuming that 
    the price of the IBM common stock had moved up or down by a maximum of 
    15%, at ten valuation points (i.e., -15%, -12%, -9%, -6%, -3%, +3%, 
    +6%, +9%, +12%, +15%). The single, maximum net loss amount at any one 
    of the ten valuation points would become the haircut for the portfolio.
        Within any portfolio type involving the same underlying stock, 
    index or currency, 100% of a position's gain at any one valuation point 
    will be allowed to offset another position's loss at the same valuation 
    point. Between qualified stock baskets (provided that the stock basket 
    represents no less than 90% of a high-cap, broad-based index's 
    capitalization or 100% of the capitalization of a narrow-based 
    index)15 offset by index options, or futures or futures options on 
    the same underlying index, 95% of gains would offset losses at the same 
    valuation point. Among high-cap, broad-based index options, futures and 
    futures options, 90% of the gain on one high-cap, broad-based index 
    position in the same market group, e.g. U.S. or Japan, would offset the 
    loss on a position on a different high-cap, broad-based index at the 
    same valuation point. Among non-high-cap, broad-based index options, 
    futures and futures options, 75% of the gain on one non-high-cap, 
    broad-based index position shall offset the loss on a position on a 
    different non-high-cap, broad-based index at the same valuation point. 
    The difference in offsets are designed to take into account liquidity 
    and execution risk in different markets.
        \1\5The proposed amendments would not recognize stock basket 
    offsets for non-high-cap, broad-based indexes.
    IV. Discussion of Issues Pertaining to the Proposed Theoretical Pricing 
    Haircut Methodology
    A. Pilot Program
        At the request of the Commission's staff, The Chicago Board Options 
    Exchange, Inc. (``CBOE'') and OCC established a pilot program to 
    compare the results achieved under the current haircut methodology and 
    the theoretical pricing approach. The pilot study was conducted from 
    April 22, 1992, through July 31, 1992, and included twelve firms 
    clearing either independent or proprietary market-maker accounts. The 
    pilot program included approximately 1,400 market-maker accounts.
        The study employed the methodology that is now being proposed to 
    replace the current treatment for options and related positions set 
    forth in the net capital rule. As part of the pilot study, a minimum 
    charge of \1/8\ of a point per option contract was applied when the 
    theoretical pricing haircut for the class or product group reflected 
    little or no market exposure. This minimum charge (raised to \1/4\ of a 
    point in the current proposal), was assessed to account for liquidation 
        During the pilot study period, the proposed haircut methodology 
    resulted in an average haircut level reduction of 38% for self-clearing 
    market-maker firms. This average remained generally constant throughout 
    the pilot study period. This reduction in haircut levels seemed to have 
    resulted from the fact that, while these firms take large positions, 
    they tend to be more active in covering their market risk.
        The results of the pilot study revealed that haircut charges for 
    non-clearing market-maker firms increased by an average of 3%. Of the 
    non-clearing market-maker accounts, 70% reflected a haircut change of 
    less than +(-) $50,000. At the same time, however, total deductions for 
    those firms (reflecting an increase in haircuts above the equity levels 
    kept in the market-maker accounts) increased by an average of 59%. The 
    decrease or minor increase in haircut levels, accompanied by a 
    substantial increase in deductions, seemed to have been the result of a 
    redistribution of haircuts to accounts containing positions with 
    greater market exposure but with less equity to cover the haircut 
        This conclusion appeared to be further confirmed by the fact that, 
    under the proposed methodology, haircut charges for accounts with short 
    positions appeared to increase.16 During the pilot study, CBOE and 
    OCC selected ten accounts that reflected significant differences 
    between the current haircut methodology and theoretical pricing 
    haircuts. Five of these accounts consisted of index option positions, 
    while the rest consisted of equity options. As a general rule, when 
    using theoretical prices to calculate haircuts, excess short positions 
    resulted in a substantial haircut increase. This also was true in the 
    case of index option accounts, where, assuming a +(-) 10% underlying 
    movement, accounts with excess short positions endured an increase in 
    haircut levels, unless the risk associated with the short positions was 
    offset by the profit in another position.
        \1\6Past market experiences have shown that short option 
    positions tend to be particularly risky. In relation to the Market 
    Break of 1987, the Division noted the link between substantial 
    market-maker losses and short option positions. At the time, the 
    Division concluded that ``* * * the present net capital treatment 
    accorded to short options positions is inadequate to insure against 
    the risks of major market movements.'' Division, The October 1987 
    Market Break 5-46 (February 1988).
        To further test the level of market protection provided by the 
    proposed underlying price movement assumptions, the Commission's staff 
    required CBOE and OCC to compare haircuts under the proposed 
    theoretical price-based methodology and under the current methodology, 
    assuming a 22% daily downward market move for two days. In addition, 
    given the magnitude of this market move, implied volatilities were 
    assumed to double in size. The results of this test seemed to be 
    consistent with the general conclusions of the pilot study.
    B. Underlying Price Movement Assumption for Certain Index and Currency 
        One of the principal variables affecting the value of an option is 
    the price of the underlying instrument. The Commission, therefore, 
    believes that underlying price movement assumptions for the proposed 
    theoretical pricing model should be consistent with the volatility 
    assumptions currently incorporated in the net capital rule. These 
    assumptions are: 6% for major market foreign currencies, 15% for 
    equities with a ready market, narrow-based indexes and 10% for high-
    cap, broad-based indexes and non-high-cap broad-based indexes. These 
    underlying price movement assumptions reflect the risk stemming from 
    major movements in the value of the option's underlying instrument.
        While CBOE and OCC agree with the Commission with regard to the 
    underlying price movement assumptions for equities with a ready 
    market,17 they believe that, with respect to high-cap, broad-based 
    index options, a +(-)10% underlying price movement assumption for all 
    broker-dealers may be too large. Similarly, the Philadelphia Stock 
    Exchange (``Phlx'') believes that an underlying price movement 
    assumption of +(-)6% for major market foreign currency options may be 
    too large for non-clearing market-makers. CBOE, OCC and Phlx, 
    therefore, have recommended the following underlying price movement 
    assumptions: (i) +6%, (-)8% for high-cap, broad-based index positions 
    of non-clearing option market-makers and a +(-)10% underlying 
    volatility assumption for all other broker-dealers, and (ii) +(-)4\1/
    2\% for the major market foreign currency positions of non-clearing 
    option market-makers and a +(-)6% for all other broker-dealers.
        \1\7Letter from Mary L. Bender, First Vice President, CBOE & 
    John C. Hiatt, Executive Vice President, OCC to Michael A. 
    Macchiaroli, Associate Director, Division, Commission (May 7, 1993) 
    at 7.
        CBOE and OCC note that during the pilot study, haircuts for non-
    clearing index market-makers increased by an average of approximately 
    27% and deductions increased by 121%. The data, however, provides very 
    little information indicating whether this percentage is entirely due 
    to the application of a +(-)10%, rather than if the proposed +6%, (-)8% 
    underlying price movement assumption, or whether the increase was the 
    result of account positions reflecting a larger market exposure. The 
    data provided, however, shows that during the course of the study there 
    were days when the application of a +(-)10% underlying price movement 
    assumption resulted in haircut reductions. Moreover, in one case for 
    which detailed account information was provided, the data showed that, 
    in the absence of excess naked short positions, theoretical pricing 
    haircuts assuming a +(-)10% underlying price movement resulted in an 
    81% reduction in haircut levels.
        In light of the concerns raised and the lack of sufficient data, 
    the Commission is requesting comments on the recommendation set forth 
    by CBOE, OCC and Phlx. In particular, the Commission would like to 
    receive information on the impact upon traders, their clearing firms 
    and the pricing and liquidity of the index and currency markets 
    resulting from the implementation of a +(-)10% underlying volatility 
    assumption for high-cap, broad-based index options and a +(-)6% for 
    major market currency options and related positions. The Commission 
    also would welcome information regarding the cost of keeping the 
    underlying price movement assumptions at the proposed levels, rather 
    than at the levels recommended by CBOE, OCC and Phlx.18 In this 
    regard, the Commission invites commentators to discuss the extent to 
    which foregoing the added protection afforded by a +(-)10% underlying 
    price movement for high-cap, broad-based index options and a +(-)6% for 
    major market currency options and related positions is justified in 
    light of the possibility of sudden market movements such as those 
    experienced in 1987 and 1989.
        \1\8In this regard, the Commission encourages commentators to 
    consider, in particular, the impact that the marginal cost of 
    capital will have on the proposed rule amendment.
    C. Series Specific Volatilities and Constant Short-term Interest Rates
        Prices derived from theoretical pricing models are a function of 
    the variables inputted. In computing the theoretical price of an 
    option, the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model, like the Black-Scholes formula, 
    assumes that the implied volatility will remain constant over the life 
    of the option. Accordingly, the underlying instrument's price is 
    expected to change smoothly, never reflecting a sudden large movement. 
    Likewise, in computing theoretical prices it is assumed that the short-
    term interest rate never changes.
    (1) Series Specific Volatilities
        Failure to take into account abrupt changes in an option's implied 
    volatility could result in unrealistic theoretical prices and less than 
    adequate capital requirements.19 The proposed rule amendment 
    requires the use of daily calculated series specific implied 
    volatilities. It has been suggested, however, that implied volatility 
    inputs should be allowed to fluctuate within chosen parameters.
        \1\9See generally Fischer Black, ``How to use the Holes in Black 
    Scholes'' in The Financial Derivatives Reader 198 (Kolb ed. 1992).
        There seems to be, however, little market consensus as to the 
    manner in which such adjustment can be implemented. Although it appears 
    that the underlying price movement assumptions embodied in the proposed 
    rule amendment are sufficiently large to adequately address any 
    concerns raised by the use of a constant implied volatility measure, 
    the Commission solicits comments on this issue.
    (2) Constant Short-Term Interest Rates
        Some commentators have suggested that interest rate variables 
    should be allowed to fluctuate within chosen parameters when computing 
    theoretical pricing haircuts. Aside from the computational burden 
    associated with allowing interest rates to fluctuate within chosen 
    parameters,20 it is generally believed that option prices are not 
    so sensitive to changes in interest rates so as to warrant changes in 
    the model's interest rate factor. Moreover, as previously noted, it 
    would seem that the substantial proposed underlying price movement 
    assumptions should compensate for any pricing problem associated with a 
    constant interest rate input.
        \2\0Altering the interest rate assumption would result in a 
    substantial increase in the number of computer calculations 
    necessary to determine theoretical pricing haircuts.
    D. Minimum Charges
        During the pilot program, a minimum haircut of \1/8\ of a point per 
    option contract was applied. Pursuant to a recommendation by OCC and 
    CBOE, the proposed amendments would increase the minimum charge to \1/
    4\ of a point per contract. The Commission believes that this increase 
    is appropriate to account for liquidation and decay risk in the prices 
    of long and short options in those instances in which application of 
    the theoretical pricing haircut methodology results in little or no 
        The proposed minimum charge presumes that a basic equity option 
    contract covers 100 shares. To the extent that an option or futures 
    contract exceeds the size of a basic option contract the minimum charge 
    would have to be increased by the additional percentage amount of 
    underlying units. For example, if an IBM option contract covered 500 
    shares instead of the usual 100, the minimum charge would be $125 
    ((i.e., 5  x  25).
    E. Distribution of Theoretical Pricing Data
        The theoretical pricing haircut methodology set forth in the 
    proposed rule amendment seems to provide appropriate capital levels for 
    broker-dealers. While the securities industry generally supports the 
    proposal and its immediate implementation, the Commission believes that 
    there are several details in the proposed rule that should be observed 
    closely, and continued to be discussed in light of the public comment 
    received in response to this proposal.
        In this regard, particular concerns have been raised respecting the 
    use of proprietary versions of option pricing models to calculate 
    haircuts. During the pilot study, OCC calculated the theoretical value 
    for each option series. Accordingly, the values inputted to determine 
    the theoretical pricing haircuts and, consequently, the resulting 
    haircuts were consistent among broker-dealers with the same positions. 
    In order to secure reliable results during the pilot study, moreover, 
    OCC applied editing procedures to ensure the accuracy of the resulting 
        \2\1Prices for options and underlying assets were supplied by at 
    least two sources, private vendors and the exchanges where the 
    products were traded. OCC would perform a direct comparison of the 
    supplied price data. Subsequently, OCC would subject option prices 
    to a reasonableness check by calculating theoretical prices for 
    every option series. Ranges based on the option's theoretical price 
    were then set. An option's price was verified if a market price fell 
    outside its designated range. OCC would use a theoretical price in 
    place of a market price that fell outside its designated range.
        In light of the reliance on the choices made concerning the model's 
    variables, the use of proprietary models could result in significantly 
    different theoretical prices given the same assumed underlying price 
    movement. The Commission believes, therefore that there is a need for a 
    controlled environment that ensures the integrity of the haircut 
    results for all broker-dealers using the proposed methodology. Allowing 
    broker-dealers to employ any proprietary model and/or failing to 
    control the sources of the various values inputted to the model would 
    substantially hinder the ability to examine the accuracy of option 
    haircuts and their effectiveness as a way of ensuring adequate capital 
    levels. For this reason, the proposed amendments to Rule 15c3-1 would 
    require broker-dealers to use exclusively the theoretical pricing 
    values produced and distributed nightly by OCC (or such other entity as 
    the Commission may designate).
        While the proposed amendments provide authority for the Commission 
    to designate other providers of theoretical option prices, OCC is 
    designated in the rule as a provider because it is presently in a 
    unique position with respect to the listed securities option positions 
    in that it is the issuer of the options, the clearing agent of the 
    options, and the entity that currently sets margin requirements for its 
    clearing members by use of a theoretical pricing model. The Commission 
    also considers it critical that OCC is subject to Commission inspection 
    and regulation.
        The Commission solicits comment on whether it is preferable to 
    continue to use a single theoretical pricing model or whether, and 
    subject to what conditions, the Commission should consider allowing the 
    use of alternative models. The Commission also requests comments on 
    whether limitations should be imposed on fees charged by entities 
    providing theoretical prices.
    F. Alternative Strategy-Based Methodology
        As a practical matter, to be able to implement the proposed haircut 
    methodology, broker-dealers will be required to have a computerized 
    interface with OCC's system.22 This linkage would allow broker-
    dealers to receive timely the theoretical gain/loss amounts provided by 
    OCC. In addition, the computer system would enable broker-dealers to 
    make the multiple calculations that are necessary in order to apply 
    such data to their option positions.
        \2\2For broker-dealers requiring theoretical gains/losses data, 
    OCC is considering a menu approach to select the classes of options 
    for which values are needed. This approach is intended to reduce the 
    expense and transmission time of providing values which are not 
        For broker-dealers who are not participants, OCC is considering 
    the possibility of establishing a dial-up facility to provide 
    theoretical gain/loss amounts. The particular characteristics of 
    this facility would be determined in conjunction with the potential 
        The Commission realizes that broker-dealers with limited option 
    positions might find it not cost effective to implement a computerized 
    interface with OCC. In order to address this concern, the proposed 
    amendments contain an alternative strategy-based haircut methodology. 
    This alternative methodology generally follows the conservative 
    approach currently embodied in Appendix A to the net capital rule.
        Broker-dealers employing the proposed strategy-based methodology 
    would be required to eliminate from net worth the time value associated 
    with long or short option positions. In addition, this alternative 
    haircut methodology will allow only certain basic strategies used by 
    broker-dealers to offset market risk. In particular, broker-dealers 
    would be allowed to take a reduced charge for hedged positions 
    consisting of a long underlying position and an offsetting short call, 
    a short underlying position and an offsetting long call, and a long 
    underlying position and an offsetting long put. The Commission believes 
    that these strategies will allow broker-dealers who do not want to use 
    the theoretical price-based methodology to maintain lower haircut 
    requirements that are consistent with the market risk associated with 
    their option positions.
    V. Discussion of Related Issues
        In connection with the adoption of a theoretical pricing haircut 
    methodology, the Commission believes it is necessary to make the 
    following changes to the net capital rule:
    A. Deletion of Paragraph (a)(7) of the Net Capital Rule
        As previously stated, the net capital rule contains two haircut 
    methodologies, the premium-based approach and the approach embodied in 
    Appendix A to Rule 15c3-1. Currently, pursuant to the provisions of 
    paragraph (a)(7) of the net capital rule, the premium-based approach is 
    available to a clearing firm, if its business is limited almost 
    exclusively to effecting (either directly or as agent) and clearing 
    market-making transactions in listed options.
        The proposed amendments would delete paragraph (a)(7) of the net 
    capital rule. The Commission believes that this provision is no longer 
    necessary, because the proposed amendments would eliminate the 
    distinction between the premium-based approach and the approach set 
    forth in Appendix A.
    B. Steps To Be Taken by a Broker-Dealer Carrying the Account of an 
    Option Market-Maker, When Equity in That Account Is Insufficient To 
    Cover Haircuts
        Pursuant to the provisions of a 1977 interpretive letter, carrying 
    broker-dealers are not required to refrain from extending credit in a 
    market-maker account when haircuts for that account exceed the equity 
    in the account.23 This interpretation is conditioned on the 
    carrying broker-dealer taking a charge against capital to the extent 
    that the equity is insufficient to cover the haircuts. The proposed 
    amendments would incorporate this interpretation into the net capital 
        \2\3Supra note 7.
    VI. Request for Comments
        The Commission invites interested persons to submit written data, 
    views, arguments and/or comments on the proposed amendments. The 
    Commission is particularly interested in receiving comments from 
    broker-dealers on how these proposed rule amendments would affect their 
    required capital levels. Also, the Commission is interested in analyses 
    from broker-dealers on the ability of the theoretical pricing models to 
    accurately predict the risks in trading these instruments.
    VII. Effects on Competition and Summary of Initial Regulatory 
    Flexibility Analysis
        Section 23(a) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. 78w(a)(2), requires 
    the Commission, in adopting rules under the Exchange Act, to consider 
    the anti-competitive effect of the rule, if any, and to balance any 
    impact against the regulatory benefits to be gained. The Commission has 
    considered the proposed amendments in light of this standard and 
    believes, preliminarily, that if adopted they would not likely impose 
    any significant burden on competition that is not necessary or 
    appropriate in furtherance of the Exchange Act. The Commission solicits 
    comment on this preliminary view.
        In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 603, the Commission has prepared an 
    Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (``IRFA'') concerning the 
    proposed amendments. The analysis notes that the proposed amendments 
    would implement a haircut methodology that employs a mathematical 
    formula to determine the theoretical value of options. The purpose of 
    these amendments is to make haircuts reflect more accurately the risks 
    associated with option positions.
        Because of the complexity of the formula used to compute 
    theoretical prices, and in order to ensure the integrity of the 
    resulting haircuts, the Commission is proposing that only the OCC 
    theoretical pricing haircut program be utilized. Accordingly, to be 
    able to use this system it will be necessary for a broker-dealer to 
    have an automate interface with OCC's computer system. This would 
    enable broker-dealers to receive reliable, nightly data necessary to 
    calculate haircuts.
        The proposed amendments will impact ``small business[es]'' or 
    ``small organization[s],'' as those terms are defined in 17 CFR 240.0-
    10(c), subject to Rule 15c3-1, insofar as they would be required to 
    implement a computer interface with OCC to be able to comply with the 
    requirements of the proposed rule amendment. In order to reduce the 
    impact on these broker-dealers, the proposed amendments set forth an 
    alternative haircut methodology that is based on the basic option 
    strategies used by broker-dealers.
        A copy of the IRFA may be obtained by contacting Timothy H. 
    Thompson, Division of Market Regulation, Securities and Exchange 
    Commission, 450 Fifth Street NW., Washington, DC 20549, tel: (202) 272-
    VIII. Statutory Analysis
        The amendments are proposed pursuant to the authority conferred on 
    the Commission by section 15(c)(3) of the Act.
    List of Subjects in 17 CFR Part 240
        Brokers, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Securities.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, Title 17 Chapter II of 
    the Code of Federal Regulation is proposed to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 240 continues to read in part as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 77c, 77d, 77g, 77j, 77s, 77eee, 77ggg, 
    77nnn, 77sss, 77ttt, 78c, 78d, 78i, 78j, 78l, 78m, 78n, 78o, 78p, 
    78s, 78w, 78x, 78ll(d), 79q, 79t, 80a-20, 80a-23, 80a-29, 80a-37, 
    80b-3, 80b-4 and 80b-11, unless otherwise noted.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 240.15c3-1  [Amended]
        2. Section 240.15c3-1 is amended by removing and reserving 
    paragraph (a)(7).
        3. Section 240.15c3-1 is amended by adding an undesignated center 
    heading before paragraph (c)(2)(x) and revising paragraph (c)(2)(x) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 240.15c3-1  Net capital requirements for brokers or dealers.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (2) * * *
    Brokers or Dealers Carrying Accounts of Listed Options Specialists
        (x)(A) With respect to any transaction in listed options for which 
    a broker or dealer acts as a guarantor, endorser or carrying broker or 
    dealer for listed options purchased or written by a specialist that is 
    either not otherwise subject to the provisions of this section or is 
    described in paragraph (c)(2)(vi)(N) of this section, such broker or 
    dealer shall adjust its net worth by deducting as of noon of the next 
    business day the amounts computed as of the prior business day pursuant 
    to Sec. 240.15c3-1a. The required deductions may be reduced by any 
    liquidating equity that exists in such specialist's market maker 
    account as of the close of the prior business day or by the deposit of 
    additional funds or securities in the account by noon of the next 
    business day, and shall be increased to the extent of any liquidating 
    deficit in such account. In no event shall excess equity in the 
    specialist's market maker account result in an increase of the net 
    capital of any such guarantor, endorser, or carrying broker or dealer.
        (B) Definitions. (1) The term listed option shall mean a 
    standardized option as defined in Sec. 240.9b-1 that is traded on a 
    registered national securities exchange or the automated facilities of 
    a registered national securities association and is subject to the 
    transaction reporting requirements of the registered entity where it 
        (2) For purposes of this provision, the equity in an individual 
    specialist's market maker account shall be computed by:
        (i) Marking all securities positions long or short in the account 
    to their respective current market values;
        (ii) Adding (deducting in the case of a debit balance) the credit 
    balance carried in such specialist's market maker account; and
        (iii) Adding (deducting in the case of short positions) the market 
    value of positions long in such account.
        (C) No guarantor, endorser or carrying broker or dealer shall 
    permit the sum of the deductions required pursuant to Sec. 240.15c3-1 
    in respect of all transactions in specialists' market maker accounts 
    guaranteed, endorsed or carried by such broker or dealer to exceed 
    1,000 percent of such broker's or dealer's net capital as defined in 
    Sec. 240.15c3-1(c)(2) for any period exceeding three business days. If 
    at any time such sum exceeds 1,000 percent of such broker's or dealer's 
    net capital, then the broker or dealer shall:
        (1) Immediately transmit telegraphic or telephone facsimile notice 
    of such event to the Division of Market Regulation in the headquarter's 
    office of the Commission in Washington, DC, to the district or regional 
    office of the Commission for the district or region in which the broker 
    or dealer maintains its principal place of business and to its 
    examining authority designated pursuant to section 17(d) of the 
    Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Act (``Designated Examining 
    Authority''); and
        (2) Be subject to the prohibitions against withdrawal of equity 
    capital set forth in Sec. 240.15c3-1(e), and to the prohibitions 
    against reduction, prepayment and repayment of subordination agreements 
    set forth in paragraph (b)(11) of Sec. 240.15c3-1d, as if such broker 
    or dealer's net capital were below the minimum standards specified by 
    each of those paragraphs.
        (D) If at any time there is a liquidating deficit in a specialist's 
    market maker account, then the broker or dealer guaranteeing, endorsing 
    or carrying listed options transactions in such specialist's market 
    maker account may not extend any further credit in that account, and 
    shall take steps to liquidate promptly existing positions in the 
    account. The broker or dealer also shall transmit by the close of 
    business of the following business day telegraphic or telephone 
    facsimile notice to its Designated Examining Authority and the 
    Designated Examining Authority of the specialist, if different from its 
    * * * * *
        4. Section 240.15c3-1a is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 240.15c3-1a  Options (Appendix A to 17 CFR 240.15c3-1).
        (a) Definitions. (1) The term unlisted option shall mean any option 
    not included in the definition of listed option provided in paragraph 
    (c)(2)(x) of Sec. 240.15c3-1.
        (2) For purposes of this section, the term option series includes 
    listed option contracts of the same type (either a call or a put) and 
    exercise style, covering the same underlying security with the same 
    exercise price, expiration date, and number of underlying units.
        (3) For purposes of this Appendix A to Sec. 240.15c3-1, the term 
    related instrument within an option class or product group includes 
    futures contracts and options on futures contracts covering the same 
    underlying instrument. In relation to options on major market foreign 
    currencies a related instrument within an option class also shall 
    include forward contracts on the same underlying currency.
        (4) For purposes of this Appendix A to Sec. 240.15c3-1, the term 
    underlying instrument includes long and short positions, as 
    appropriate, covering the same major market foreign currency, the same 
    security, other than an option contract (underlying security), or a 
    security which is exchangeable for or convertible into the underlying 
    security within a period of 90 days. If the conversion or exchange 
    requires the payment of money or results in a loss upon conversion at 
    the time when the security is deemed an underlying instrument for 
    purposes of this Appendix A to Sec. 240.15c3-1, the broker or dealer 
    will deduct from net worth the full amount of the conversion loss or 
    the amount required for the conversion or exchange. The term underlying 
    security shall not be deemed to include futures contracts, options on 
    futures contracts or unlisted products.
        (5) For the purposes of this Appendix A to Sec. 240.15c3-1, the 
    term product group is two or more option classes, related instruments 
    and underlying instruments in the same portfolio type for which it has 
    determined a percentage of offsetting profits may be applied to losses 
    at the same valuation point.
        (b) Every broker or dealer shall deduct from net worth, in 
    calculating net capital, the amount resulting from the computation 
    required under the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, 
    unless it elects to calculate the required deductions in accordance 
    with the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
    Theoretical Pricing Charges
        (1)(i) Definitions. (A) The terms theoretical gains and losses 
    shall mean the gain and loss in the value of individual option series 
    and the value of related instruments within that option's class, at ten 
    equidistant intervals (valuation points) ranging from an assumed 
    movement (both up and down) in the current market value of the 
    underlying instrument equal to the percentage corresponding to the 
    deductions otherwise required under Sec. 240.15c3-1 for the underlying 
    instrument. Theoretical gains and losses shall be calculated by The 
    Options Clearing Corporation, or such other entity as the Commission 
    may designate, using an approved theoretical options pricing model.
        (B) The term approved theoretical options pricing model shall mean 
    a mathematical model, previously provided in writing to the Commission, 
    which is used by The Options Clearing Corporation to calculate 
    theoretical gains and losses.
        (C) The term major market foreign currency shall mean the currency 
    of a sovereign nation whose short-term debt is rated in the highest 
    category by at least two nationally recognized statistical rating 
    organizations for which there is a substantial inter-bank forward 
    currency market. For purposes of this section, the European Currency 
    Unit (ECU) shall be deemed a major market foreign currency.
        (D) The term qualified stock basket shall mean a set or basket of 
    stock positions with an aggregate market value at least equal to the 
    aggregate underlying value of a particular index option and related 
    instrument within that index option's class, provided that the set or 
    basket of stock represents no less than 90% of the capitalization for a 
    high-cap or non-high-cap broad-based market index, or, in the case of a 
    narrow-based index, no less than 100% of the capitalization for such 
    narrow-based index.
        (ii) With respect to positions involving listed options in a single 
    specialist's market maker account, and, separately, with respect to 
    positions involving listed option positions in its proprietary or other 
    account, the broker or dealer shall group long and short positions into 
    the following portfolio types:
        (A) Equity options on the same underlying instrument and positions 
    in that underlying instrument;
        (B) Options on the same major market foreign currency, positions in 
    that major market foreign currency and related instruments within those 
    options' class;
        (C) High-cap broad-based market index options, related instruments 
    within an option class and qualified stock baskets on the same index;
        (D) All other high-cap broad-based market index options and related 
    instruments within the index option's class or product group;
        (E) Non-high-cap broad based index options on the same index and 
    related instruments within that index option's class and qualified 
    stock baskets in the same index;
        (F) All other non-high-cap broad-based market index options and 
    related instruments within that index option's class or product group, 
        (G) Narrow-based index options, related instruments within the 
    index option's class and qualified stock baskets on the same index.
        (iii) Before making the computation, each broker or dealer shall 
    obtain from The Options Clearing Corporation the theoretical gains and 
    losses for each options series and for the related instruments within 
    those options' class in each specialist's market maker account 
    guaranteed, endorsed or carried by a broker or dealer, or in the 
    proprietary or other accounts of that broker or dealer.
        (A) Upon receipt of the theoretical gains and losses, for each one 
    of the portfolio types described above, the broker or dealer shall 
    multiply the corresponding theoretical gains and losses at each of the 
    ten equidistant valuation points by the number of positions held in a 
    particular options series, the related instruments within those options 
    class and the positions in the same underlying instrument.
        (B) In determining the aggregate profit or loss for each portfolio 
    type, the broker or dealer will be allowed the following offsets:
        (1) Between options on the same underlying instrument, positions 
    covering the same underlying instrument and related instruments within 
    the options' class, 100% of a position's gain shall offset another 
    position's loss at the same valuation point;
        (2) Between high-cap broad-based market index options or related 
    instruments within the option class and qualified stock baskets on the 
    same index, 95% of gains shall offset losses at the same valuation 
        (3) Between narrow-based market index options or related 
    instruments within the option class and qualified stock baskets on the 
    same index, 95% of gains shall offset losses at the same valuation 
        (4) Among positions involving options series covering different 
    high-cap broad-based index options within the same product group, 90% 
    of the gain in a high-cap broad-based market index option and related 
    instruments within that index option's class shall offset the loss at 
    the same valuation point in a different high-cap broad-based market 
    index option and related instruments within that index option's class;
        (5) Among positions involving options series covering different 
    non-high-cap broad-based index options within the same product group, 
    75% of the gain in a non-high-cap broad-based market index option and 
    related instruments within that index option's class shall offset the 
    loss at the same valuation point in another non-high-cap broad-based 
    market index option and related instruments within that index option's 
    class or product group; and
        (6) Between non-high-cap broad-based market index options or 
    related instruments within the same options class and qualified stock 
    baskets on the same index, 95% of the gains shall offset losses at the 
    same valuation point.
        (C) For each portfolio type, the total deduction shall be the 
    larger of:
        (1) The amount for any of the ten equidistant valuation points 
    representing the largest theoretical loss after applying the offsets 
    provided above; or
        (2) A minimum charge equal to one quarter (\1/4\) point times the 
    multiplier for each equity and index option contract and each related 
    instrument within the option's class or product group, or $25 for each 
    option on a major market foreign currency with the minimum charge for 
    futures contracts and options on futures contracts adjusted for 
    contract size differentials, not to exceed market value in the case of 
    long positions in options and options on futures contracts; or
        (3) In the case of portfolio types involving index options and 
    related instruments offset by a qualified stock basket, there will be a 
    minimum charge of 5% of the market value of the qualified stock basket 
    for high-cap broad-based and narrow-based indexes; or
        (4) In the case of portfolio types involving index options and 
    related instruments offset by a qualified stock basket, there will be a 
    minimum charge of 10% of the market value of the qualified stock basket 
    for non-high-cap broad-based indexes.
    Alternative Strategy Based Charges
        (2) A broker or dealer may elect not to apply the method described 
    in paragraph (b)(1) of this section and, instead, calculate adjustments 
    to net worth in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 
        (i) Definitions. (A) The term intrinsic value or in-the-money 
    amount shall mean the amount by which the exercise value, in the case 
    of a call, is less than the current market value of the underlying 
    instrument, and, in the case of a put, is greater than the current 
    market value of the underlying instrument.
        (B) The term out-of-the-money amount shall mean the amount by which 
    the exercise value, in the case of a call, is greater than the current 
    market value of the underlying instrument, and, in the case of a put, 
    is less than the current market value of the underlying instrument.
        (C) The term time value shall mean the current market value of an 
    option contract that is in excess of its intrinsic value.
        (ii) Every broker or dealer electing to calculate adjustments to 
    net worth in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph (b)(2) 
    must make the following adjustments to net worth:
        (A) Add the time value of a short position in a listed option; and
        (B) Deduct the time value of a long position in a listed option, 
    which relates to a position in the same underlying instrument or in a 
    related instrument within the option class or product group as 
    recognized in the strategies enumerated in paragraph (b)(2)(iii)(D) of 
    this section.
        (iii) In computing net capital after the adjustments provided for 
    in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section, every broker or dealer shall 
    deduct the percentages specified in this paragraph (b)(2)(iii) for all 
    listed option positions, positions covering the same underlying 
    instrument and related instruments within the options' class or product 
    group. However, where computing the deductions required for commodity 
    or securities positions, other than a listed option position, if said 
    positions have no related listed option position the broker or dealer 
    shall compute the required deductions for such commodity or securities 
    positions separately.
    Uncovered Short Calls
        (A) Where a broker or dealer is short a call, deducting the 
    percentage required by paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) (A) through (K) of 
    Sec. 240.15c3-1 of the current market value of the underlying 
    instrument for such option reduced by the out-of-the-money amount, to 
    the extent that such reduction does not operate to increase net 
    capital. In no event shall this deduction be less than the greater of 
    $250 for each short call option contract for 100 shares or 50% of the 
    aforementioned percentage.
    Uncovered Short Puts
        (B) Where a broker or dealer is short a put, deducting the 
    percentage required by paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) (A) through (K) of 
    Sec. 240.15c3-1 of the current market value of the underlying 
    instrument for such option reduced by the out-of-the-money amount, to 
    the extent that such reduction does not operate to increase net 
    capital. In no event shall the deduction provided by this paragraph be 
    less than the greater of $250 for each short put option contract for 
    100 shares or 50% of the aforementioned percentage.
    Long Positions
        (C) Where a broker or dealer is long puts or calls, deducting 50 
    percent of the market value of the net long put and call positions in 
    the same options series.
    Certain Security Positions With Offsetting Options
        (D)(1) Where a broker or dealer is long a put for which it has an 
    offsetting long position in the same number of units of the same 
    underlying instrument, or in a related instrument within the option 
    class or product group covering the same number of units of the same 
    underlying instrument, deducting the percentage required by paragraphs 
    (c)(2)(vi) (A) through (K) of Sec. 240.15c3-1 of the current market 
    value of the underlying instrument for the long offsetting position, 
    not to exceed the out-of-the money amount. In no event shall the 
    deduction provided by this paragraph be less than $25 for each option 
    contract for 100 shares, provided that the minimum charge need not 
    exceed the intrinsic value of the option.
        (2) Where a broker or dealer is long a call for which it has an 
    offsetting short position in the same number of units of the same 
    underlying instrument, or in a related instrument within the option 
    class or product group covering the same number of units of the same 
    underlying instrument, deducting the percentage required by paragraphs 
    (c)(2)(vi) (A) through (K) of Sec. 240.15c3-1 of the current market 
    value of the underlying instrument for the short offsetting position, 
    not to exceed the out-of-the-money amount. In no event shall the 
    deduction provided by this paragraph be less than $25 for each option 
    contract for 100 shares, provided that the minimum charge need not 
    exceed the intrinsic value of the option.
        (3) Where a broker or dealer is short a call for which it has an 
    offsetting long position in the same number of units of the same 
    underlying instrument, or in a related instrument within the option 
    class or product group covering the same number of units of the same 
    underlying instrument, deducting, the percentage required by paragraphs 
    (c)(2)(vi) (A) through (K) of Sec. 240.15c3-1 of the current market 
    value of the underlying instrument for the offsetting long position 
    reduced by the short call's intrinsic value. In no event shall the 
    deduction provided by this paragraph be less than $25 for each option 
    contract for 100 shares.
        (c) With respect to transactions involving unlisted options, every 
    broker or dealer shall determine the value of unlisted option positions 
    in accordance with the provision of paragraph (c)(2)(i) of 
    Sec. 240.15c3-1, and shall deduct the percentages of all securities 
    positions or unlisted options in the proprietary or other accounts of 
    the broker or dealer specified in this paragraph (c). However, where 
    computing the deduction required for a security position as if the 
    security position had no related unlisted option position and positions 
    in unlisted options as if uncovered would result in a lesser deduction 
    from net worth, the broker or dealer may compute such deductions 
    Uncovered Calls
        (1) Where a broker or dealer is short a call, deducting, 15 percent 
    (or such other percentage required by paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) (A) through 
    (K) of Sec. 240.15c3-1) of the current market value of the security 
    underlying such option reduced by any excess of the exercise value of 
    the call over the current market value of the underlying security. In 
    no event shall the deduction provided by this paragraph be less than 
    $250 for each option contract for 100 shares.
    Uncovered Puts
        (2) Where a broker or dealer is short a put, deducting 15 percent 
    (or such other percentage required by paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) (A) through 
    (K) of Sec. 240.15c3-1) of the current market value of the security 
    underlying the option reduced by any excess of the market value of the 
    underlying security over the exercise value of the put. In no event 
    shall the deduction provided by this paragraph be less than $250 for 
    each option contract for 100 shares.
    Covered Calls
        (3) Where a broker or dealer is short a call and long equivalent 
    units of the underlying security, deducting 15 percent (or such other 
    percentage required by paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) (A) through (K) of 
    Sec. 240.15c3-1) of the current market value of the underlying security 
    reduced by any excess of the current market value of the underlying 
    security over the exercise value of the call. No reduction under this 
    paragraph shall have the effect of increasing net capital.
    Covered Puts
        (4) Where a broker or dealer is short a put and short equivalent 
    units of the underlying security, deducting 15 percent (or such other 
    percentage required by paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) (A) through (K) of 
    Sec. 240.15c3-1) of the current market value of the underlying security 
    reduced by any excess of the exercise value of the put over the market 
    value of the underlying security. No such reduction shall have the 
    effect of increasing net capital.
    Conversion Accounts
        (5) Where a broker or dealer is long equivalent units of the 
    underlying security, long a put written or endorsed by a broker or 
    dealer and short a call in its proprietary or other accounts, deducting 
    5 percent (or 50 percent of such other percentage required by 
    paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) (A) through (K) of Sec. 240.15c3-1) of the 
    current market value of the underlying security.
        (6) Where a broker or dealer is short equivalent units of the 
    underlying security, long a call written or endorsed by a broker or 
    dealer and short a put in his proprietary or other accounts, deducting 
    5 percent (or 50 percent of such other percentage required by 
    paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) (A) through (K) of Sec. 240.15c3-1) of the market 
    value of the underlying security.
    Long Options
        (7) Where a broker or dealer is long a put or call endorsed or 
    written by a broker or dealer, deducting 15 percent (or such other 
    percentage required by paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) (A) through (K) of 
    Sec. 240.15c3-1) of the market value of the underlying security, not to 
    exceed any value attributed to such option in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of 
    Sec. 240.15c3-1.
        Dated: March 15, 1994.
        By the Commission.
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 94-6413 Filed 3-18-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-P

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Proposed rule amendments.
Document Number:
The requested written data, views, arguments or comments must be received on or before May 16, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: March 21, 1994, Release No. 34-33761, File No. S7-7-94
3235-AG14: Theoretical Pricing To Determine Haircuts on Options
RIN Links:
CFR: (4)
17 CFR 240.15c3-1)
17 CFR 240.15c3-1(c)(2)
17 CFR 240.15c3-1
17 CFR 240.15c3-1a