94-6554. TSCA Section 21 Petition; Notice of Receipt  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 54 (Monday, March 21, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-6554]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: March 21, 1994]
    [OPPTS-211036; FRL-4767-4]
    TSCA Section 21 Petition; Notice of Receipt
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: This notice announces the receipt of a petition submitted by 
    the Environmental Health Coalition (EHC), the Comite Ciudadano Pro 
    Restauracion del Canon del Padro (Comite Ciudadano), and the Southwest 
    Network for Environmental and Economic Justice (SNEEJ), under section 
    21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and requests comments on 
    the petition. The petitioners request relief under sections 4, 6, 7, 
    11, 16, 17, 20, 21, and 26 of TSCA, under the environmental remediation 
    provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), pursuant 
    to the Executive Order of February 11, 1994 on Environmental Justice 
    (Executive Order 12898), and such other relief as justice may require. 
    This petition was submitted ``in response'' to EPA's Federal Register 
    notice of January 26, 1994 requesting comments on the TSCA section 21 
    petition submitted by the Board of Supervisors of Imperial County, 
    California. Under section 21, EPA must respond to the new petition by 
    May 24, 1994.
    DATES: To be of greatest use to EPA in responding to the petition, 
    comments should be received on or before April 25, 1994. However, the 
    Agency will accept comments received after that date.
    ADDRESSES: Persons wishing to provide comments to the Agency should 
    submit them to: TSCA Document Receipt Office (7407), Docket Number 
    211036, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental 
    Protection Agency, Rm. E-G102, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michelle Price, Environmental 
    Assistance Division (7408), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, 
    Environmental Protection Agency, rm. EB-67, 401 M St., SW., Washington, 
    DC 20460, (202) 260-3790.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On February 23, 1994, EPA received a 
    petition under section 21 of TSCA from the EHC, Comite Ciudadano, and 
    the SNEEJ. Section 21 of TSCA allows citizens to petition EPA to 
    initiate a proceeding for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a rule 
    under section 4, 6, or 8 or an order under section 5(e) or 6(b)(2). EPA 
    must respond to a petition within 90 days of receipt. If the Agency 
    grants the petition, it must promptly commence an appropriate 
    proceeding. If EPA denies the petition, it must publish in the Federal 
    Register the reasons for the denial. If EPA denies, or fails to respond 
    to the petition within 90 days, the petitioner may commence action in a 
    United States (U.S.) district court to compel the Agency to initiate 
    the rulemaking requested in the petition.
        Section 20 of TSCA permits any person to sue in district court to 
    restrain a violation of any section of TSCA, any rule promulgated under 
    sections 4, 5, 6, or any order issued under section 5. Any such suit 
    may be brought against the government entity or the private party 
    alleged to be in violation. In addition, section 20 allows citizens to 
    bring suit against EPA to compel the Agency to perform any mandatory 
    (non-discretionary) act or duty. To initiate a suit, citizens must 
    provide both EPA and the person alleged to have committed the 
    violation, with notice of their intent to bring suit 60 days before 
    information, rulemaking and enforcement under TSCA affecting the 
    exposure of the people of color of Baja California, whose interests in 
    the relief under this action are inseparable from the interests of the 
    people of color of Imperial County.'' The petition states that ``any 
    EPA action to remediate the hazardous chemical pollution of the New 
    River must necessarily include action for relief to help people of 
    color on both sides of the border, not just the people of Imperial 
    County.'' The petitioners also state that they, in effect, represent 
    ``a single Latino population undivided by artificial borders, but 
    sharing the disproportionate burden of environmental racism.''
        The petition raises a number of issues for EPA including factual, 
    legal, policy, enforcement, and environmental justice issues. For 
    example, the petitioners allege that ``many companies are importing, 
    exporting, and releasing toxic chemicals illegally in communities of 
    color in both Southern California and Baja California by means other 
    than dumping in the New River.'' They also state that ``for years, 
    hazardous chemicals have been released illegally as a direct result of 
    manufacturing and processing facilities, in and near residential 
    communities along the New River.'' The petitioners have requested that 
    EPA initiate rulemaking action under TSCA sections 4 and 6 to address 
    the problems in the New River area. Pursuant to sections 4, 20, and 21 
    of TSCA, the petitioners have also requested immediate compliance and 
    enforcement action in the form of TSCA inspections and subpoenas under 
    section 11 of TSCA. The petitioners state that these inspections and 
    subpoenas must be directed at U.S., Mexican, and multinational chemical 
    companies involved in the manufacturing, processing, importing, and 
    exporting of chemicals and chemical waste affecting the New River, 
    Imperial County, and Baja California. The petitioners also note that 
    they intend to seek TSCA section 11 subpoenas ``under a private 
    attorney general action in Federal District Court'' in the event that 
    EPA fails to take adequate action.
        The petitioners also request that EPA refer this matter to the 
    NAFTA Regional Advisory Commission for oversight of the remedies and 
    relief. In addition, they request that EPA coordinate with other 
    agencies to take action with regard to the New River pursuant to the 
    Executive Order on Environmental Justice signed by President Clinton on 
    February 11, 1994.
        EPA has initiated its review and evaluation process for this 
    petition. EPA is evaluating the petitioners' request, and is also 
    gathering and reviewing additional available materials, to determine 
    what, if any, action is appropriate in response to the petition. In 
    addition to either granting or denying the petition, EPA may decide to 
    take additional actions under TSCA or other Federal statutes to address 
    the concerns raised by the petitioners.
        Persons commenting are encouraged to provide EPA with information 
    regarding the nature of possible contamination of the New River, 
    including available monitoring data or other information which might 
    assist EPA in characterizing possible pesticide or industrial chemical 
    pollution. Commenters are also encouraged to provide their views 
    regarding the petitioners' description of the problem, the remedies 
    sought by the petitioners, and the legal arguments put forth by the 
    petitioners. In addition, persons commenting are encouraged to provide 
    any information they may have on the import, export, or release of 
    toxic chemicals into communities in either Southern California or Baja 
    California. Persons who possess information they believe could be 
    useful to the Agency in responding to this petition are encouraged to 
    submit the information promptly.
        EPA has established a public record for this section 21 petition 
    (Docket Number 211036). This record includes a copy of the petition and 
    all supplementary information submitted to the Agency by the 
    petitioner. The Agency will also include in the record all comments and 
    information received in response to this Notice, as well as other 
    relevant material. EPA has also established an administrative record 
    (Docket Number 211035 and Administrative Record Number 2194001) for the 
    petition received from Imperial County. Both of these records are 
    available for inspection from 12 noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
    except legal holidays, in the TSCA NCIC, rm. E-G102, 401 M St., SW., 
    Washington, DC 20460.
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection.
        Dated: March 14, 1994.
    Mark Greewood,
    Director, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics.
    [FR Doc. 94-6554 Filed 3-18-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
To be of greatest use to EPA in responding to the petition, comments should be received on or before April 25, 1994. However, the Agency will accept comments received after that date.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: March 21, 1994, OPPTS-211036, FRL-4767-4