97-7233. Competitive Bidding Procedures  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 55 (Friday, March 21, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 13570-13582]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-7233]
    47 CFR Part 1
    [WT Docket No. 97-82; FCC 97-60]
    Competitive Bidding Procedures
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: In this Notice of Proposed Rule Making (``NPRM''), the 
    Commission proposes changes to its general competitive bidding rules 
    that are intended to simplify regulations and eliminate unnecessary 
    rules wherever possible, increase the efficiency of the competitive 
    bidding process, and provide more specific guidance to auction 
    participants while also giving them more flexibility.
    DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before March 27, 1997, and 
    reply comments must be submitted on or before April 16, 1997. Written 
    comments by the public on the proposed and/or modified information 
    collections are due March 27, 1997. Written comments must be submitted 
    by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on the proposed and/or 
    modified information collections on or before May 20, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 
    Washington, DC 20554. In addition to filing comments with the 
    Secretary, a copy of any comments on information collections contained 
    herein should be submitted to Dorothy Conway, Federal Communications 
    Commission, Room 234, 1919 M Street, NW., Washington DC 20554, or via 
    the Internet to dconway@fcc.gov.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mark Bollinger, Wireless 
    Telecommunications Bureau, (202) 416-0660. For additional information 
    concerning the information collections contained in this NPRM, contact 
    Dorothy Conway at (202) 418-0217, or via the Internet at 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This summarizes the Commission's Notice of 
    Proposed Rule Making in FCC Number 97-60; WT Docket No. 97-82, adopted 
    on February 20, 1997, and released on February 28, 1997. The complete 
    text of this NPRM is available for inspection and copying during normal 
    business hours in the FCC Reference Center (Room 239), 1919 M Street, 
    NW., Washington, DC, and also may be purchased from the Commission's 
    copy contractor, International Transcription Service, (202) 857-3800, 
    2100 M Street, NW., Suite 140, Washington, DC 20037. The complete NPRM 
    is also available on the Commission's Internet home page (http://
        The NPRM contains proposed or modified information collections 
    subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). It has been 
    submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review under 
    the PRA. The Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce 
    paperwork burdens, invites the general public, the Office of Management 
    and Budget (OMB), and other Federal agencies to comment on the 
    information collections contained in this NPRM, as required by the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. L. 104-13. Public and agency 
    comments are due at the same time as other comments on this NPRM; OMB 
    notification of action is due 60 days from date of publication of this 
    NPRM in the Federal Register. Comments are requested concerning (a) 
    whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the 
    proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including 
    whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy 
    of the Commission's burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
    utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to 
    minimize the burden of the collection of information on the 
    respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or 
    other forms of information technology.
        OMB Approval Number: N/A.
        Title: In the Matter of Amendment of Part 1 of the Commission's 
    Rules--Competitive Bidding Proceeding, WT Docket No. 97-82, FCC Docket 
    No. 97-60.
        Type of Review: New collection.
        Respondents: Businesses or other for-profit entities.
        Number of Respondents: 45,000.
        Estimated Time for Response: 13 hours.
        Total Annual Burden: 585,000 hours.
        Estimated Cost to Respondents: 2,848 dollars.
        Needs and Uses: The Commission's general competitive bidding rules 
    require applicants for all auctionable services to submit: (1) 
    Ownership information, (2) terms of joint bidding agreements, (3) gross 
    revenue calculations, and (4) evidence of environmental impact. 
    Furthermore, in case a licensee defaults or loses its license, the 
    Commission retains the discretion to re-auction such licenses. If 
    licenses are re-auctioned, the new license winners would be required at 
    the close of the re-auction to comply with the same disclosure 
    requirements explained above.
        The information collected will be used by the Commission to 
    determine whether the applicant is legally, technically, and 
    financially qualified to bid in the spectrum auctions and hold a 
    license for spectrum based services. Without such information the 
    Commission could not determine whether to issue the license to the 
    successful applicant and therefore fulfill its statutory 
    responsibilities in accordance with the Communications Act of 1934, as 
    Synopsis of Notice of Proposed Rule Making
        1. The Commission seeks comment on a variety of proposals and 
    tentative conclusions set forth below. In addition, it seeks comment on 
    whether competitive bidding provisions that have been adopted in 
    specific services but not included in the part 1 rules should be 
    included in part 1 and, if so, whether any amendments to these 
    provisions are needed in light of the proposal, discussed below, to 
    apply these general competitive bidding rules to future auctions.
        2. As the Commission has gained experience in conducting auctions, 
    it has found that much of the auction process can be standardized and 
    that conducting rule makings for each individual service slows down the 
    delivery of service to the public because it may result in regulatory 
    delays before the licensing process begins. Thus, the Commission 
    propose that, to the extent possible, all future auctions be governed 
    by the general competitive bidding rules adopted in this proceeding. It 
    envisions that only a limited number of competitive bidding regulations 
    would need to be adopted on a service-specific basis. The Commission 
    seeks comment on whether the rules adopted in this proceeding should 
    supersede all existing, service-specific competitive bidding rules for 
    future auctions. It proposes that this action would affect all services 
    that are subject to pending proceedings and any services that have 
    existing competitive bidding rules that might apply to licenses that 
    have not yet been auctioned or that must be reauctioned. The Commission 
    seeks comment on whether, alternatively, it should phase in the 
    applicability of the revised general competitive bidding rules at a 
    future date, such that, at a
    [[Page 13571]]
    minimum, initial auctions may be completed under the existing service-
    specific rules. In the event the Commission decides not to apply the 
    revised part 1 rules to supersede existing service-specific auction 
    rules, should it nonetheless subject licenses that are reauctioned (due 
    to defaults or if no winning bidder is otherwise declared) to these 
    revised part 1 general competitive bidding rules? To the extent that 
    commenters believe that service-specific rules should be maintained, 
    they should explain which ones and why.
        3. Section 1.2110(b)(1) of the rules states that the Commission 
    ``will establish the definition of a small business on a service-
    specific basis, taking into consideration the characteristics and 
    capital requirements of the particular service.'' The Commission 
    proposes to continue the practice of soliciting comment in service-
    specific rule making proceedings on the appropriate small business size 
    standard, or tiered standards, for each auctionable service. In such 
    rule makings, the Commission would, take into consideration the 
    characteristics and capital requirements of each service. It would in 
    all cases, however, for purposes of future auctions, express the 
    definition of small business purely in terms of gross revenues. The 
    Commission further proposes that, once the small business definition 
    for any particular service is adopted, the special provisions for which 
    such businesses qualify would be determined by schedules set forth in 
    the general competitive bidding rules. The Commission seeks comment on 
    these proposals.
        4. The Commission notes that some of its eligibility requirements 
    are defined in terms of gross revenues of ``less than'' a certain 
    amount, rather than ``not exceeding'' a certain amount. It tentatively 
    concludes that a uniform method of measurement is preferable because it 
    is more equitable and administratively simpler. The Commission 
    therefore proposes that when it adopts size standards, those standards 
    should be expressed so as to require businesses to have gross revenues 
    ``not to exceed'' particular amounts, and that all standards already 
    adopted be modified to conform to this method of defining size. The 
    Commission seeks comment on this proposal. It also seeks comment on a 
    proposal to base all small business size standards on the applicant's 
    average gross revenues over the preceding three years, consistent with 
    the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C. 632(a).
        5. Although the general competitive bidding rules do not define 
    ``gross revenues,'' the Commission has adopted definitions in various 
    services which are generally the same, but contain some distinction 
    regarding use of audited and unaudited financial statements. In order 
    to promote uniformity of regulations, the Commission proposes to use 
    the broadband PCS definition for all size-based determinations for all 
    auctionable services, with the modification that unaudited financial 
    statements used as a basis for gross revenue calculations must be 
    prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. 
    This modification should ensure that all gross revenues calculations, 
    audited and unaudited, are prepared consistently. It should also 
    discourage bidders from manipulating unaudited financial statements to 
    gain a competitive bidding or payment advantage. The Commission seeks 
    comment on this proposal.
        6. The Commission notes that in the D, E, and F Block Report and 
    Order, 61 FR 33859 (July 1, 1996), it amended the broadband PCS rules 
    to require that an applicant's determination of average gross revenues 
    be based on the three most recently completed fiscal or calendar years. 
    Should it adopt a similar rule for the general auction rules that would 
    extend the same option of using either fiscal or calendar years to 
    applicants in all auctionable services? The Commission also notes that 
    prior to the D, E, and F Block Report and Order, broadband PCS 
    applicants were required to state their average gross revenues as 
    supported by audited financial statements or seek a waiver to use 
    unaudited financial statements. This requirement was simplified in the 
    D, E, and F Block Report and Order to permit the use of unaudited 
    financial statements without seeking a waiver. The Commission seeks 
    comment on whether the general definition of gross revenue should 
    similarly allow the use of unaudited financial statements.
        7. In determining whether an applicant meets certain size-based 
    eligibility requirements, many of the Commission's service-specific 
    competitive bidding rules require it to consider, inter alia, the gross 
    revenues of certain investors in the applicant and the affiliates of 
    attributable investors. ``Affiliate'' is defined by the general auction 
    rules as an individual or entity that directly or indirectly controls 
    or has the power to control the applicant; is directly or indirectly 
    controlled by the applicant; is directly or indirectly controlled by a 
    third person(s) that also controls or has the power to control the 
    applicant; or has an ``identity of interest'' with the applicant. Some 
    service-specific rules have adopted alternative definitions of 
        8. An ``attributable'' investor for purposes of size determinations 
    has been defined differently in the rules for different services; it 
    proposes to use a controlling interest threshold to determine whether 
    an entity qualifies to bid as a small business. Thus, in calculating 
    gross revenues, the Commission would include the gross revenues of the 
    controlling principals of the applicants and their affiliates, with the 
    term ``control'' including both de jure and de facto control of the 
    applicant. The Commission tentatively concludes that this standard, 
    which it recently adopted in the IVDS rules, would simplify the size 
    attribution rules and still enable small businesses to attract adequate 
    financing. It seeks comment on this proposal. The Commission also seeks 
    comment on whether it should change its definition of affiliate. Should 
    the Commission, for example, amend its definition of affiliate to 
    provide an exception for Indian tribes, Alaska Regional or Village 
    Corporations, as it did for broadband PCS? Also, the Commission notes 
    that, earlier this year, the Small Business Administration amended and 
    simplified its regulations governing the small business size standards 
    in 13 CFR part 121, including amendment of its definition of 
    ``affiliate''. The Commission seeks comment on whether it should amend 
    its rules to provide a similar ``affiliate'' definition, which would 
    include, for example, the following general principles of affiliation: 
    (1) Concerns are affiliates of each other when one concern controls or 
    has the power to control the other, or a third party or parties 
    controls or has power to control both; and (2) factors such as 
    ownership, management, previous relationships with or ties to another 
    concern, and contractual relationships, will be considered in 
    determining whether an affiliation exists.
        9. The current part 1 rules define ``rural telephone company'' (or 
    ``rural telco'') as any local exchange carrier, including affiliates, 
    with 100,000 access lines or fewer. The Commission revised the 
    definition of rural telephone company contained in the broadband PCS 
    rules upon which the part 1 rule is based, to conform with that 
    contained in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (``1996 Act''). The 
    Commission tentatively concludes that the definition of rural telco set 
    forth in the 1996 Act should apply to all auctionable services as the 
    term is used in section 309(j) of the Communications Act. Thus,
    [[Page 13572]]
    Sec. 1.2110(b)(3) would be amended so as to define the term ``rural 
    telephone company'' as a local exchange carrier operating entity to the 
    extent that such entity--(A) provides common carrier service to any 
    local exchange carrier study area that does not include either (i) any 
    incorporated place of 10,000 inhabitants or more, or any part thereof, 
    based on the most recently available population statistics of the 
    Bureau of the Census, or (ii) any territory, incorporated or 
    unincorporated, included in an urbanized area, as defined by the Bureau 
    of the Census as of August 10, 1993; (B) provides telephone exchange 
    service, including exchange access, to fewer than 50,000 access lines; 
    (C) provides telephone exchange service to any local exchange carrier 
    study area with fewer than 100,000 access lines; or (D) has less than 
    15 percent of its access lines in communities of more than 50,000 on 
    the date of enactment of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The 
    Commission seeks comment on this tentative conclusion.
        10. Since the Commission began conducting spectrum auctions, 
    installment payments have been utilized as a means of assisting small 
    entities that are likely to have difficulty obtaining adequate private 
    financing. Pursuant to the part 1 rules, unless otherwise specified, 
    such installment payment plans (1) impose interest based on the rate of 
    U.S. Treasury obligations at the time of licensing, plus a possible 
    premium (2) allow installment payments for the full license term, (3) 
    begin with interest-only payments for the first two years, and (4) 
    amortize principal and interest over the remaining term of the license. 
    Additionally, winning bidders are required to execute a promissory note 
    and security agreement as a condition to participate in the installment 
    payment plan.
        11. Changes in the basic framework of the installment payment plans 
    have been made in specific services as the Commission has gained 
    experience from implementing the rules. In certain services the 
    Commission has adopted ``tiered'' installment payment plans, which vary 
    in terms of interest rate and payment terms, depending on the size of 
    the licensee. While the Commission seeks to continue to offer these 
    opportunities to small businesses, and possibly other entities, it 
    seeks comment on ways to refine the installment payment plans to 
    streamline without reducing their benefit to small businesses. For 
    example, it seeks comment on whether the Commission or its designee 
    should seek non-resource intensive means to screen applicants applying 
    for installment payment plans to determine their credit worthiness, and 
    if so, whether all bidders eligible for installment payments should be 
    screened before the start of an auction, or only auction winners. If 
    the Commission were to adopt such screening, what information or 
    standards should serve as criteria for judging a bidder's credit 
    worthiness? Further, the Commission seeks comment on whether it should 
    offer higher bidding credits in lieu of installment payments for 
    winning bidders who qualify. The Commission notes that substituting a 
    system of larger bidding credits might eliminate the administrative and 
    market concerns associated with installment payments, while nonetheless 
    ensuring opportunities for small businesses to participate in auctions. 
    On the other hand, however, installment payment plans have been a 
    useful tool for small businesses to access capital.
        12. As an alternative to offering higher bidding credits in lieu of 
    installment payments, the Commission seeks comment on whether it should 
    require larger down payments, such as 30 or 40 percent, to reduce the 
    amount of a bidder's high bid that is financed by the federal 
    government. Increasing the amount of money a bidder has at stake in the 
    event of a default may reduce the likelihood of default and will reduce 
    the government's risk in the event of default. The Commission also 
    seeks comment on whether it could achieve the same goal of reducing the 
    likelihood of default by adopting a requirement that bidders increase 
    their upfront payment during the course of the auction once their 
    cumulative high bids exceed their upfront payment by some multiple. For 
    example, once a bidder's cumulative bids were more than twenty-five 
    times its upfront payment, it would be required to deposit additional 
    funds with the Commission. The Commission seeks comment on this 
    proposal and how it could be implemented, including the appropriate 
    multiplier used to trigger the supplemental upfront payment obligation.
        13. In addition, the Commission proposes that the general 
    competitive bidding rules be amended to include a schedule of 
    installment payment plans for designated entities seeking to 
    participate in the provision of spectrum-based services. Defining 
    available installment payment plans in the general competitive bidding 
    rules would give potential bidders more certainty about the special 
    provisions available to small businesses and other entities and promote 
    uniformity of regulation. As discussed above, the Commission believes 
    that once a small business definition is adopted for a particular 
    service, or other entities are identified as qualifying for installment 
    payments, eligible businesses should be able to turn to the part 1 
    rules to determine the specific terms available to them. The following 
    schedule of installment payment plans is a possible approach to 
    implementing this concept.
            Average gross revenues                        Interest rate                        Payment terms        
    Not to exceed $3 million.............  T-note rate...............................  2 yrs. interest-only         
                                                                                        payments; amortize principal
                                                                                        and interest over remaining 
                                                                                        license term.               
    Not to exceed $15 million............  T-note rate + 1.5%........................  2 yrs. interest-only         
                                                                                        payments; amortize principal
                                                                                        and interest over remaining 
                                                                                        license term.               
    Not to exceed $40 million............  T-note rate + 2.5%........................  2 yrs. interest-only         
                                                                                        payments; amortize principal
                                                                                        and interest over remaining 
                                                                                        license term.               
    Not to exceed $75 million \1\........  T-note rate + 2.5%........................  Amortize principal and       
                                                                                        interest over license term. 
    Not to exceed $125 million \1\.......  T-note rate + 3.5%........................  Amortize principal and       
                                                                                        interest over license term. 
    \1\ These entities have never been defined as small businesses by service-specific rules, but for broadband PCS 
      they may have been eligible for installment payments as entrepreneurs.                                        
        The schedule set forth above is based in general on the plans 
    adopted for the most recent auctions and, relying on past auction 
    experience, the Commission believes these plans are appropriate. 
    However, it recognizes that
    [[Page 13573]]
    plans with more generous terms were previously adopted for specific 
    services. The Commission seeks comment on whether it should incorporate 
    a schedule of installment payments into the general auction rules while 
    still retaining the authority to modify payment terms on a service-
    specific basis. Further, it seeks comment on the appropriate schedule 
    of payment terms.
        14. Section 1.2110(e)(3)(i) of the rules indicates that the 
    interest rate on installment payments will be the interest rate on 
    Treasury obligations with maturities closest to the duration of the 
    license term at the time of licensing. More precisely, the interest 
    rate is established by using the coupon interest rate for Treasury 
    notes with similar maturities, at the most recent preceding Treasury 
    auction. The Commission notes that, in the Competitive Bidding Second 
    Report and Order, 59 FR 22980 (May 4, 1994), it indicated both that it 
    agreed with those commenters that suggested that interest on 
    installments should be charged at a rate no higher than the 
    government's cost of money and also that the interest rate imposed for 
    installment payments should be equal to the rate for U.S. Treasury 
    obligations of maturity equal to the license term. The Commission 
    recognizes that determining the interest rate for installment payment 
    plans pursuant to Sec. 1.2110(e)(3)(i) may not always reflect the 
    government's cost of money but it provides an objective benchmark for 
    the interest rate determination. The Commission believes that it would 
    be beneficial to licensees for it to more clearly identify in the rules 
    how the interest rate would be determined for all installment payment 
    plans. Therefore, it proposes to codify the existing policy by 
    specifying that the interest rate for installment payments will be 
    determined by taking the coupon rate of interest offered in the most 
    recent Treasury auction preceding the close of the Commission's 
    auction. The Commission seeks comment on this proposal. Further, it 
    seeks comment on whether it should adopt some other basis for computing 
    interest. For example, should the Commission establish more market-
    based interest rates with a cost of funds component and a premium for 
    credit risk? If so, it asks commenters to discuss how it should 
    determine the appropriate interest premium.
        15. Where the Commission uses installment payment plans, it 
    proposes to set the interest rate for such payment plans on the date 
    that the Public Notice is issued announcing the close of the auction 
    and the winning bidders, based on rates established in the most recent 
    Treasury auction with obligation of the appropriate term. Currently, 
    Sec. 1.2110(e)(3)(i) of the Commission's general competitive bidding 
    rules requires that the Commission impose interest based on the rate of 
    U.S. Treasury obligations at the time of licensing. The Commission 
    tentatively concludes, however, that establishing the interest rate on 
    the day that the Public Notice is released announcing the close of the 
    auction is the most appropriate time for both licensees and the 
    Commission. The close of the auction represents the most clearly 
    identifiable time when an obligation to the Commission and the United 
    States Treasury is established. Establishing the interest rate in this 
    way also provides a uniform date on which the interest rate for all 
    prospective licensees within a particular service is established, 
    regardless of petitions to deny or other delays that may vary among 
    bidders. In addition, the Commission believes that establishing the 
    interest rate at a date earlier than the date of licensing would assist 
    bidders in efforts to obtain financing, as interest expense would be 
    calculable from a specific known date. Furthermore, the Commission 
    believes that establishing the interest rate as it proposes would 
    reduce the interest rate risk to the bidder and mitigate this risk to 
    the capital investor. Establishing the interest rate earlier than the 
    point of licensing would also permit the licensee to receive, review, 
    and return the necessary note and security agreement earlier, which 
    would also speed the licensing process. This, in turn, should hasten 
    the development of service to the marketplace. Alternatively, the 
    Commission could establish the interest rate for the installment 
    payment plan in the Public Notice announcing the start of the auction, 
    with the rate based on the most current Treasury rate on that date. 
    This would enable both bidders and potential capital investors to 
    better assess a bidder's prospective financial obligations during the 
    auction. The Commission seeks comment on each of its proposals, 
    tentative conclusions, and alternatives.
        16. Under the current general competitive bidding rules, the 
    Commission may award bidding credits (i.e., payment discounts) to 
    eligible designated entities. These general rules also provide that 
    service-specific rules will specify the designated entities eligible 
    for bidding credits, the licenses for which bidding credits are 
    available, the amounts of bidding credits, and other procedures. 
    Accordingly, the Commission has adopted separate rules governing 
    bidding credits for various auctionable services.
        17. As with installment payments, the Commission believes that the 
    general competitive bidding rules should be amended so that the levels 
    of available bidding credits are defined, and are uniform for all 
    auctionable services. The Commission believes such an approach will be 
    beneficial because potential bidders will have more information well in 
    advance of the auction than they currently do about how such levels 
    will be set. It believes that, once a small business definition is 
    adopted for a particular service, eligible businesses should be able to 
    refer to the part 1 rules to determine the level of bidding credit 
    available to them. The following schedule is a possible approach to 
    implementing this concept.
                    Average annual gross revenues                   credits 
    Not to exceed $3 million.....................................         25
    Not to exceed $15 million....................................         15
    Not to exceed $40 million....................................         10
        The Commission recognizes that these credits may differ from those 
    previously adopted for specific services. Based on past auction 
    experience, however, the Commission believes that the approach taken 
    here would provide adequate opportunities for small businesses of 
    varying sizes to participate in spectrum auctions. In addition, the 
    Commission believes that providing slightly less generous bidding 
    credits for larger businesses (e.g., those businesses with gross 
    revenues not exceeding $40 million) would more specifically tailor the 
    amount of the credit to the needs of the particular applicant. The 
    Commission seeks comment on this schedule, and it also asks interested 
    parties to suggest alternatives. For example, does the demand for 
    capital to implement certain services justify including businesses with 
    average annual gross revenues exceeding $40 million on this schedule? 
    The Commission recognizes that it has suggested that it might be 
    appropriate in some cases to provide larger bidding credits in lieu of 
    installment payments. The Commission is aware that in developing their 
    auction strategy, bidders make calculations about the net present value 
    of their bids and factor in their ability to obtain financing. 
    Therefore, the same net effect can be achieved by giving either higher 
    bidding credits or more generous installment payment terms. If the 
    Commission limited the use of installment payments,
    [[Page 13574]]
    how should that action affect levels of bidding credits?
        18. Under the general competitive bidding rules, a licensee seeking 
    Commission approval of a transfer of control or an assignment of a 
    license acquired through the competitive bidding process utilizing 
    installment payments is required to pay the remaining principal balance 
    as a condition of the transfer. No payment is required, however, when 
    the proposed transferee or assignee is qualified to obtain the same 
    installment financing and assumes the applicant's installment payment 
    obligations. Many of the service-specific auction rules include similar 
    provisions. However, some service-specific unjust enrichment provisions 
    for installment payments contain certain variations from the general 
    rule set forth in Part 1. The broadband PCS unjust enrichment rule, for 
    example, specifies that applicants seeking to assign or transfer 
    control of a license to an entity not meeting the eligibility standards 
    for installment payments must pay not only unpaid principal as a 
    condition of Commission approval but also any unpaid interest accrued 
    through the date of assignment or transfer. This rule also provides 
    that if a licensee utilizing installment financing seeks to make any 
    change in its ownership structure that would result in the loss of 
    eligibility for installment payments, it must pay the unpaid principal 
    and accrued interest as a condition of Commission approval of the 
    change. Finally, in recognition of the tiered installment payment plans 
    offered to broadband PCS licensees, the rule provides that if a 
    licensee seeks to make any change in ownership that would result in the 
    licensee qualifying for a less favorable installment plan, it must seek 
    Commission approval and adjust its payment plan to reflect its new 
    eligibility status. A licensee, under this rule, may not switch its 
    payment plan to a more favorable plan.
        19. Under the Commission's general competitive bidding rules, a 
    licensee seeking Commission approval of a transfer of control or an 
    assignment of a license acquired through the competitive bidding 
    process utilizing bidding credits, or proposing to take any other 
    action relating to ownership or control that will result in loss of 
    eligibility for such bidding credits, is required to pay the sum of the 
    amount of the bidding credit plus interest as a condition of FCC 
    approval. Under the broadband PCS rules, if, within the original term, 
    a licensee applies to assign or transfer control of a license to an 
    entity that is eligible for a lower bidding credit, the difference 
    between the bidding credit obtained by the assigning party and the 
    bidding credit for which the acquiring party would qualify must be paid 
    to the United States Treasury as a condition of approval of the 
    assignment or transfer.
        20. The Commission proposes to amend the general unjust enrichment 
    rules to conform them to the broadband PCS rules. It believes that 
    these rules are preferable to the current general unjust enrichment 
    rules because they provide greater specificity about funds due at the 
    time of transfer or assignment and specifically address changes in 
    ownership that would result in loss of eligibility for installment 
    payments, which the current general rules do not address. The broadband 
    PCS rules also address assignments and transfers between entities 
    qualifying for different tiers of installment payments or bidding 
    credits, thus supplying clearer guidance for auctions in which tiered 
    installment payment plans or bidding credits are provided. The 
    Commission seeks comment on this proposal. Further, it seeks comment on 
    whether it should adopt an unjust enrichment provision that provides a 
    scale of decreasing payment liability based on the number of years a 
    license is held as it has recently done for other services. For 
    example, should the Commission adopt a rule that provides that a 
    business that holds a license that it obtained with a bidding credit 
    must pay back 60 percent of its bidding credit if it transfers the 
    license after five years; 50 percent after eight years; 40 percent 
    after nine years; and 20 percent after ten years? The Commission also 
    solicits comment on unjust enrichment rules as they apply to 
    partitioning and disaggregation. If it decides to adopt partitioning 
    and disaggregation for various services, how should the unjust 
    enrichment rules apply when the partitioner or disaggregator is the 
    recipient of a bidding credit or is paying on an installment payment 
    plan? Should the Commission adopt for all auctionable services the same 
    provisions that it adopted for broadband PCS?
        21. In recent auctions, the Commission has allowed applicants to 
    file their applications either manually or electronically. The 
    Commission believes that requiring all applications to be filed 
    electronically is in the best interest of auction participants as well 
    as members of the public interested in monitoring Commission auctions.
        22. The Commission therefore tentatively concludes to amend 
    Secs. 1.2105(a) and 1.2107(c) of the rules to require that all short-
    form and long-form applications be filed electronically beginning 
    January 1, 1998. The Commission recognizes that there is a need for a 
    period of time before a comprehensive electronic filing requirement 
    becomes effective in order for bidders to prepare and be completely 
    comfortable with this process. It believes that the effective date 
    proposed here will provide potential bidders with adequate time in 
    which to adapt to electronic filing requirements. The Commission seeks 
    comment on this tentative conclusion.
        23. Section 1.2105(b) of the Commission's rules addresses 
    modifications and amendments to FCC Form 175. Specifically, 
    Sec. 1.2105(b)(2) provides that bidders may make minor changes or 
    correct minor errors in the FCC Form 175 application, but major 
    amendments may not be submitted after the initial application deadline. 
    This section further provides that the Commission will classify all 
    amendments as major or minor pursuant to service-specific rules. The 
    Commission proposes to amend the general auction rules to define major 
    amendments to FCC Form 175 uniformly for all auctionable services. It 
    proposes at a minimum to consider any change in ownership that 
    constitutes a change in control to be a major amendment. It also 
    proposes to consider application amendments that show a change in an 
    applicant's size which would affect its eligibility for small business 
    provisions to be a major amendment. The Commission also seeks comment 
    on which other kinds of changes should be deemed major, and which 
    should be deemed minor. For example, how should it treat changes to the 
    licenses selected in simultaneous multiple round auctions? In previous 
    auctions, applicants have claimed that they made mistakes in their 
    license selection and have requested that the Commission allow them to 
    add or delete license selections during the resubmission period. While 
    the Commission has generally refused to grant these requests in order 
    to prevent collusive conduct or gaming that would reduce the 
    competitiveness of the auction, there may be some circumstances in 
    which the competitiveness of the auction might be enhanced by allowing 
    applicants to add licenses to their FCC Form 175 applications. The 
    Commission therefore ask commenters to consider whether an amendment to 
    add licenses should be permissible as a minor amendment. If so, it also 
    asks whether such an amendment should be permitted only until the 
    deadline for submitting upfront payments, because after that point the 
    risks of gaming in the auction
    [[Page 13575]]
    increase due to the availability of information concerning each 
    bidder's eligibility. For example, should an applicant be permitted to 
    add a license designation to its short-form application only if that 
    license already has been designated by two or more applicants? The 
    Commission seeks comment on each of these proposals.
        24. Currently, the general competitive bidding rules do not set 
    forth any ownership disclosure requirements for auction applicants on 
    their short-form applications. Service-specific rules, however, require 
    varying degrees of specific ownership information from applicants. For 
    example, both the narrowband PCS and broadband PCS rules require 
    detailed ownership disclosure from all auction applicants. These rules 
    also state additional requirements for applicants claiming designated 
    entity status. On both the short-and long-form applications for 
    narrowband PCS, applicants must submit a list of (1) any business five 
    percent or more whose stock, warrants, options, or debt securities are 
    owned by the applicant, (2) any business which holds a five percent or 
    more interest in the applicant or any business in which a five percent 
    or more interest is held by another company which holds a five percent 
    interest in the applicant, (3) entities holding a five percent or more 
    interest in the applicant, and (4) partners in a partnership. Short-
    form applicants claiming designated entity status also are required to 
    list all control group members and provide a calculation of gross 
    revenues and personal net worth. Although the broadband PCS 
    requirements are very similar to those for narrowband PCS, the 
    Commission has recently amended the broadband PCS application 
    requirements to make them less burdensome on applicants. Thus, 
    broadband PCS applicants are required to disclose on both short-form 
    and long-form applications a list of (1) any business, holding or 
    applying for CMRS or PMRS licenses, five percent or more of whose 
    stock, warrants, options or debt securities are owned by the applicant, 
    (2) any party which holds a five percent or more interest in the 
    applicant, or any entity holding or applying for CMRS or PMRS licenses 
    in which a five percent or more interest is held by another party which 
    holds a five percent or more interest in the applicant, (3) any person 
    holding five percent or more of each class of stock, warrants, options, 
    or debt securities, and (4) in the case of partnerships, the name and 
    address of each partner. Broadband PCS applicants that claim designated 
    entity status must also identify control group members and provide net 
    asset and gross revenues figures. This information was necessary at the 
    short-form stage for the C and F blocks because participation in these 
    blocks was limited to entities below a net asset and gross revenue 
        25. The Commission continues to believe that detailed ownership 
    information is necessary to ensure that applicants claiming designated 
    entity status in fact qualify for such status, and to ensure compliance 
    with spectrum caps and other ownership limits. Disclosure of ownership 
    information also aids bidders by providing them with information about 
    their auction competitors and alerting them to entities subject to the 
    anti-collusion rules. A standard disclosure requirement, however, would 
    avoid the variation and possible inconsistency found in the current 
    service-specific ownership disclosure requirement. Thus, the Commission 
    seeks comment on whether it should adopt standard ownership disclosure 
    requirements for all auctionable services that are similar to the 
    current rules for broadband PCS. It also seeks comment on what 
    ownership information should be required. Finally, the Commission asks 
    commenters to address whether ownership disclosure should vary 
    depending on whether an applicant is applying for special provisions, 
    such as bidding credits or installment payments.
        26. In addition, the Commission also proposes to adopt a uniform 
    reporting requirement for all applicants claiming designated entity 
    status. Specifically, it proposes to adopt a reporting requirement 
    similar to that in the 900 MHz SMR rules. That rule, unlike the 
    broadband PCS rule, focuses on affiliates and their gross revenues 
    rather than more complex control group equity structures. In keeping 
    with its proposal to adopt the simpler controlling principals and 
    affiliates test, the Commission proposes an analogous reporting 
    requirement. Therefore, it proposes that applicants claiming small 
    business status be required to disclose on their short-form application 
    the names of each controlling principal and affiliate and gross 
    revenues calculations for each. On their long-form applications, they 
    would be required to disclose any additional gross revenues 
    calculations, any agreements that support small business status, and 
    any investor protection agreements. The Commission seeks comment on 
    this proposal.
        27. Currently, the Commission's ownership disclosure rules require 
    applicants to file specific ownership information, in conjunction with 
    their FCC Form 175, prior to each auction. Similarly, at the close of 
    each auction, winning bidders are required to file ownership 
    information on each long-form application.
        28. The Commission believes that by requiring these ownership 
    disclosure filings, it ensures that it receives all the information 
    necessary to evaluate an applicant's qualifications. The Commission 
    notes, however, that these requirements could result in duplicative 
    filings. In order to streamline the application procedure at both the 
    short-form and long-form stage, the Commission requests comment on 
    whether it should create a central database of licensee and bidder 
    data, which would allow bidders to avoid repeating ownership 
    information in each application in each auction. The Commission 
    tentatively concludes that applicants should be able to file ownership 
    information to apply for the first auction in which they participate 
    and that this information should then be stored in a central database 
    which subsequently would be updated each time applicants participate in 
    another auction. After applying for its first auction, an applicant 
    filing for a subsequent auction would either update the ownership 
    information in the database, or rely on the information in the database 
    and certify that there have been no changes. The Commission believes 
    this approach would benefit auction applicants by reducing the time 
    spent preparing auction applications, and it would benefit the 
    Commission by eliminating the need to review and analyze duplicative 
    filings. The Commission seeks comment on this approach to ownership 
        29. Under the broadband PCS rules, the Commission has reserved the 
    right to conduct random audits of applicants and licensees in order to 
    verify information provided regarding their eligibility for certain 
    special provisions. Such entities certify their consent to audits on 
    their short-form applications. The Commission proposes to explicitly 
    reserve this right for all auctionable services and seeks comment on 
    this proposal.
        30. Section 309(j)(8)(C) of the Communications Act as amended by 
    the Telecommunications Act of 1996, requires that any deposits the 
    Commission may require for the qualification of any person to bid in an 
    auction shall be deposited into an interest bearing account. The 
    Communications Act further requires that within 45 days of the 
    auction's conclusion, the deposits of successful bidders shall be paid 
    to the Treasury,
    [[Page 13576]]
    the deposits of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned, and all accrued 
    interest shall be transferred to the Telecommunications Development 
    Fund. Prior to the enactment of this provision, auction deposits were 
    submitted to a non-interest bearing account with the Department of 
    Treasury. Bidders who completely withdrew prior to the close of the 
    auction could, upon written request, receive a refund of their upfront 
    payments prior to the close of the auction.
        31. It is unclear whether Congress intended, by enacting this new 
    law, to require the Commission to change its practice of refunding 
    upfront payments to bidders who withdraw during the course of an 
    auction. The Commission believes that its current practice of returning 
    the upfront payments of bidders who have completely withdrawn prior to 
    the conclusion of competitive bidding is in the public interest as it 
    prevents unnecessary encumbrances on the funds of auction bidders, many 
    of whom may be small businesses, after they have withdrawn from the 
    auction. The Commission seeks comment on this practice and whether it 
    is consistent with the Communications Act.
        32. The Commission determined in the Competitive Bidding Second 
    Report and Order that, upon the conclusion of the auction, a bidder 
    must tender a significant and non-refundable down payment to the 
    Commission over and above its upfront payment in order to provide 
    further assurance that the winning bidder will be able to pay the full 
    amount of its winning bid. The Commission thus required that, within 
    five business days after being notified that it is a high bidder on a 
    particular license, a high bidder must submit to the Commission 
    additional funds as are necessary to bring its total deposits up to 20 
    percent of its high bid(s).
        33. In the Order accompanying this NPRM, the Commission modified 
    the due date for down payments to ten business days after the issuance 
    of a Public Notice announcing winning bidders. In this NPRM, the 
    Commission proposes to retain discretion to determine the down payment 
    amount required for each service and delegate authority to the Bureau 
    to announce this amount in a Public Notice to be issued prior to the 
    start of the auction. In exercising this authority, as discussed above, 
    the Bureau will seek input from the public. The Commission continues to 
    believe that a substantial down payment is needed to ensure that 
    licensees have the financial capability to attract the capital 
    necessary to deploy and operate their systems, and to protect against 
    default. The Commission believes that giving the Bureau the discretion 
    to determine the level of down payments for each auction would be the 
    best way to ensure that such levels remain appropriate for developing 
    and evolving industries. The Commission seeks comment on this proposal. 
    It also seeks comment on whether the level of down payments which it 
    has used in the past should be raised for some services.
        34. Section 1.2109(a) of the Commission's rules provides that 
    auction winners not eligible for installment payments are generally 
    required to make final payment on their license(s) within a certain 
    time following award of the license(s). Section 1.2110(e) of the 
    Commission's rules provides that all winning bidders eligible for 
    installment payments are required to submit a second down payment 
    within a certain time of the license grant. These payment deadlines are 
    announced by public notice when the Commission has granted or is 
    prepared to grant the license(s). Where a winning bidder fails to make 
    its final auction payment for the balance of its winning bid or fails 
    to make the second down payment in a timely manner, it is considered in 
    default on its license(s) and subject to the applicable default 
        35. The Commission continues to believe that the strict enforcement 
    of payment deadlines preserves the integrity of the auction and 
    licensing process by ensuring that applicants have the necessary 
    financial qualifications. In this connection, the Commission believes 
    that the bona fide ability to pay demonstrated by a timely first down 
    payment is essential to a fair and efficient auction process and, thus, 
    it does not propose to modify the approach of requiring timely 
    submission of first down payments. The Commission nonetheless 
    recognizes that applicants may encounter certain difficulties when 
    trying to arrange financing and make substantial payments under strict 
    deadlines. In circumstances which may warrant favorable consideration 
    of a waiver request or an extension of the payment date, it must also 
    evaluate the fairness to other licensees who made their payment in a 
    timely fashion. Accordingly, the Commission proposes to allow winning 
    bidders to make their final payments or second down payments within a 
    short period after the applicable deadline, provided that they also pay 
    a late fee. The Commission believes that, by committing substantial 
    capital to their license acquisition in the form of an initial down 
    payment, winning bidders have demonstrated a bona fide interest in 
    becoming a licensee, but have also incurred a substantial debt to the 
    federal government. The Commission, therefore, seeks comment on the 
    appropriate time period to allow late second down payments and final 
    payments. It believes that the late payment period should be short 
    (e.g., no longer than 10 business days). The Commission tentatively 
    concludes that, if a winning bidder misses the final payment or second 
    down payment deadline and also fails to remit the required payment 
    (plus the applicable late fee) by the end of the late payment period, 
    it would be declared in default and subject to the applicable default 
    payments. The Commission seeks comment on this tentative conclusion.
        36. Additionally, the Commission seeks comment on the appropriate 
    fee to impose for late payment. Because it believes that the late 
    payment fee should be large enough to deter winning bidders from making 
    late payments and yet small enough so as not to be punitive, it 
    tentatively concludes that a late payment of five percent of the amount 
    due is consistent with general commercial practice and provides some 
    recompense to the federal government for the delay and administrative 
    or other costs incurred. The Commission seeks comment on this proposal 
    and asks that commenters proposing alternative late payment fee(s) 
    provide a rationale for the alternative fee amount(s).
        37. This proposal to allow late payments is limited to payments 
    owed by winning bidders that have had their licenses conditionally 
    granted or where the license grant is imminent. As indicated above, the 
    Commission does not propose to adopt a late payment period for initial 
    down payments that are due soon after the close of the auction. It 
    believes it is reasonable to expect that winning bidders timely remit 
    their initial down payments, given that is their first opportunity to 
    demonstrate to the Commission their ability to make payments towards 
    the licenses of interest to them. Further, if a winning bidder defaults 
    on its initial down payment on a license, the Commission can take 
    action under Sec. 1.2109(b) relatively soon after the auction has 
    closed, by, for example, re-auctioning the license or offering it to 
    the other highest bidders (in descending order) at their final bids. 
    Similarly, the Commission does not propose to allow any late submission 
    of upfront payments. Allowing late submission of upfront payments would 
    slow down the
    [[Page 13577]]
    licensing process by delaying the start of an auction.
        38. Under the current rules, winning bidders that are designated 
    entities are not required to pay their second down payment until 
    petitions to deny filed against them are dismissed or denied. In the 
    interim, designated entity winning bidders for the same auction with no 
    petitions filed against them are required to submit their second down 
    payments earlier because their licenses are ready for grant.
        39. The Commission seeks comment on whether it should require all 
    designated entities that win licenses to make their second down 
    payments at the same time. If so, one way to implement this would be 
    for winning bidders who have petitions to deny pending against them to 
    submit their second down payments to the Commission to be deposited 
    into an escrow account. If the petitions to deny are granted, the 
    bidder would be refunded the amount of the second down payment subject 
    to any default payments owed the Commission. If the petitions to deny 
    are dismissed or denied, the funds would be transferred from the escrow 
    account and applied to the balance owed by the licensee. This procedure 
    would have the effect of ensuring that all designated entities pay 
    their down payments in a uniform fashion, thus, reducing any potential 
    inequities that could result from differing payment dates. It would 
    also avoid requiring a bidder with petitioned and non-petitioned 
    licenses to make several payments to the Commission. The Commission 
    seeks comment, however, on whether this procedure would affect the 
    ability of bidders that are subject to petitions to deny to access 
    capital to make their down payments. The Commission also seeks comment 
    on whether all non-designated entities should be required to make 
    payment in full at the same time for the same reasons discussed in 
    connection with designated entities.
        40. Section 1.2104(g) of the rules provides that when a bidder 
    withdraws, defaults, or is otherwise disqualified from a simultaneous 
    multiple round auction, upfront and/or down payment amounts that the 
    bidder has on deposit with the Commission will be applied first to the 
    bid withdrawal and default payments owed the Commission. This rule has 
    been interpreted to encompass upfront and/or down payment funds a 
    bidder has on deposit for licenses won at the same auction. The 
    Commission proposes to delete the language ``simultaneous multiple 
    round'' from Sec. 1.2104(g) because it believes that it should apply to 
    other auction designs with equal force as it does to a simultaneous 
    multiple round auction. The Commission believes strict rules regarding 
    default payments will discourage insincere bidding, maintain the 
    integrity of the auction and ensure that licenses end up in the hands 
    of those parties that value them the most and have the financial 
    capacity to provide service. It seeks comment on this proposal.
        41. In the Competitive Bidding Fifth Report and Order, 59 FR 43062 
    (August 22, 1994), the Commission provided that, where the default 
    payment cannot be determined at the time of default by a broadband PCS 
    licensee (e.g. because the license has not yet been reauctioned), the 
    Commission can obtain a deposit on the default payment to be held on 
    deposit until such time as the final default obligation can be 
    determined. This deposit is held by the Commission until the final 
    default payment can be established and is paid. The purpose of this 
    provision is to maintain the integrity of the auction by discouraging 
    defaults on the part of bidders, encouraging bidders to make secondary 
    or back-up financial arrangements, and ensuring that default payments 
    are made in a timely manner. The Commission seeks comment on a proposal 
    to modify the rules to provide for a similar default deposit for all 
    auctionable services of at least three percent (3%) of the defaulted 
    bid amount.
        42. For the broadband PCS F block auction, the Commission amended 
    the terms of the installment payment plans to provide for late payment 
    fees. Thus, when licensees are late in their scheduled installment 
    payments, the Commission will charge a late payment fee equal to five 
    percent (5%) of the amount of the past due payment. The Commission 
    instituted this fee because it concluded that, without it, licensees 
    may not have adequate financial incentives to make installment payments 
    on time and may attempt to maximize their cash flow at the government's 
    expense by paying late.
        43. The Commission seeks comment on whether it should adopt, for 
    all auctionable services, a late payment fee on any installment payment 
    that is overdue. The late fee could be set, for example, at a rate that 
    is equal to five percent (5%) of the overdue payment. Such payment 
    would accrue on the next business day following the payment due date 
    and would be payable with the next quarterly installment payment 
    obligation. This fee would be assessed for each quarterly payment 
    submitted late. Payments would be applied in the following order: late 
    charges, interest charges, principal payments. Thus, a licensee who 
    makes payment after the due date but does not make payment sufficient 
    to pay the late fee, interest, and principal, will be deemed to have 
    failed to make full payment and will be subject to license cancellation 
    pursuant to the Commission's rules. The Commission tentatively 
    concludes that such a late payment provision is necessary to ensure 
    that licensees have an adequate financial incentive to make installment 
    payments on time. It seeks comment on this tentative conclusion and 
    notes that licensees would continue to have 90 days before a payment is 
    deemed delinquent but a late payment fee would be assessed during this 
        44. Section 1.2110(e)(4)(ii) of the Commission's rules provides 
    that interest that accrues during a grace period will be amortized over 
    the remaining term of the license. Amortizing interest in this way has 
    the effect of changing the amount of all future payments and requiring 
    the Commission, or its designee, to generate a new payment schedule for 
    the license. Changing the amount of the installment payment has, in 
    turn, created uncertainty about the interest schedule, and increased 
    the administrative burden by requiring formulation of a new 
    amortization schedule.
        45. Section 1.2110(e)(4)(ii) also states that in considering 
    whether to grant a request for a grace period, the Commission may 
    consider, among other things, the licensee's payment history, including 
    whether the licensee has defaulted before, how far into the license 
    term the default occurs, the reasons for default, whether the licensee 
    has met construction build-out requirements, the licensee's financial 
    condition, and whether the licensee is seeking a buyer under an 
    authorized distress sale policy. Under this rule, licensees are 
    required to come before the Commission with a filing as well as 
    financial information such as an income statement or balance sheet, in 
    the case of financial distress, to provide the necessary information 
    for the Commission to make its ruling. Licensees are then required to 
    wait for a ruling by the Commission before knowing whether a grace 
    period has been granted or denied. This could place licensees in a 
    position of uncertainty if they are seeking to restructure other debt 
    contingent upon the results of the Commission's grace period ruling.
        46. In order to avoid the potential problems associated with 
    changing the amount of installment payments, the Commission proposes to 
    [[Page 13578]]
    Sec. 1.2110(e)(4)(ii) to require all current licensees who avail 
    themselves of the grace period to pay all fees, all interest accrued 
    during the grace period, and the appropriate scheduled payment with the 
    first payment made following the conclusion of the grace period. It 
    seeks comment on this proposal.
        47. Further, to simplify the grace period procedures, the 
    Commission proposes to revise the method by which grace periods are 
    provided. The Commission or its designee may not have the necessary 
    resources to evaluate a licensee's financial condition, business plans, 
    and capital structure proposals. Therefore, instead of considering 
    grace period requests, the Commission could institute the following 
    system: If a licensee did not make payment on an installment obligation 
    within 90 days of its due date, then the licensee would automatically 
    receive an additional 90 days to make that payment contingent upon 
    receipt of the 5 percent late payment fee proposed above plus an 
    additional late payment fee of 10 percent. The late payment fee that 
    the Commission proposes here is greater than the 5 percent late payment 
    fee that it proposes for non-grace-period late installment payments 
    because it envisions the grace period as an extraordinary remedy and 
    wish to encourage licensee to seek private market solutions to their 
    capital problems before the payment due date or, at a minimum, within 
    90 days of the due date. Under this proposal licensees would not be 
    required to submit a filing to receive a grace period; however, 
    licensees would be expected to resume payments after the 90 day grace 
    period is over. This approach would also be consistent with the 
    standard commercial practice of establishing late payment fees and 
    developing financial incentives for licensees to resolve capital issues 
    before payment due dates. Payments from the licensee would be applied 
    to late fees, interest, and principal, in that order. Any licensee that 
    did not make full payment of all amounts, including a total late 
    payment fee of 15 percent, within 180 days of the payment due date 
    would have its license automatically canceled as provided in 
    Sec. 1.2110(e)(4)(ii). The Commission seeks comment on this method of 
    providing for an automatic grace period.
        48. The Commission also seeks comment on whether licensees that 
    default on installment payment obligations should be subject to the 
    default payment provisions outlined in Sec. 1.2104(g), i.e., the 
    difference between the defaulting winner's bid and the subsequent 
    winning bid plus 3 percent of the lesser of these amounts. Sections 
    1.2110(e)(1) and 1.2110(e)(2) provide that applicants eligible for 
    installment payments will be liable for such a payment if they fail to 
    remit either their initial or final down payment. Section 
    1.2110(e)(4)(iii) provides that following the expiration of any grace 
    period without successful resumption of payment, or upon denial of a 
    grace period request, or upon default with no such request submitted, 
    the license of an entity paying on an installment basis will be 
    canceled automatically. This section does not state, however, that 
    under these circumstances the licensee will be liable for the default 
    payment set forth in Sec. 1.2104(g). Furthermore, the Commission has 
    been asked to address the issue of cross default in the context of 
    installment payments. A cross-default provision would specify that if a 
    licensee defaults on one installment payment loan, it would also 
    default on any other installment payment loans it holds. These 
    provisions are standard in credit-related agreements.
        49. The Commission tentatively concludes that a licensee that makes 
    the necessary down payments but defaults on installment payments should 
    not be exempt from the default payment provisions of Sec. 1.2104(g). 
    Licensees that default at any point in the auction process, either 
    before licenses are issued or during the installment payment period, 
    reduce the efficiency of the licensing process. A default, regardless 
    of when it occurs, makes it necessary for the Commission to incur the 
    costs of reauctioning the license, and the default delays the 
    deployment or continuation of service in the affected market. The 
    Commission believes that imposing the default payment of Sec. 1.2104(g) 
    on all defaulting licensees would serve to discourage defaults and 
    encourage licensees to find private market solutions for default 
    situations in addition to covering the cost the government must incur 
    to reauction the license. The Commission seeks comment on this 
    tentative conclusion and on the appropriate method for calculating 
    default payments when defaults occur during the license term.
        50. The Commission seeks comment on whether it should cross default 
    its installment payment plan loans with other installment payment plan 
    loans to the same licensee. If adopted, should a cross default 
    provision apply across services? For example, if a licensee, with both 
    SMR and broadband PCS licenses, defaults on one of its PCS licenses, 
    should the Commission consider pursuing default remedies against all 
    PCS and SMR licenses? Instead, should the Commission pursue default 
    remedies against the single license only? What factors should influence 
    its decision to pursue cross-defaults? Should cross-defaults be applied 
    automatically or on a case-by-case basis? The Commission also seeks 
    comment, in general, on what remedies are appropriate when licensees 
        51. Congress has directed the Commission to ``design and test 
    multiple alternative methodologies for auction designs.'' The 
    Commission is interested in reducing the length of the auctions without 
    sacrificing the economic efficiency of the assignment process. It seeks 
    comment, in general, on how it can speed the auctions (and in 
    particular the simultaneous multiple round auctions). For example, how 
    could the current procedural rules for simultaneous multiple round 
    auctions be modified to meet this objective, or what new designs might 
    be used to efficiently allocate numerous licenses?
        52. The Commission believes that one way complex auctions of 
    multiple licenses could proceed more quickly would be to modify the 
    current simultaneous multiple round auction to allow bidding on a 
    continuous basis within a combined bid submission/bid withdrawal 
    period. This would give bidders immediate feedback on new high bids, 
    withdrawn high bids and minimum accepted bids, and provide them with 
    the opportunity to move the auction along more quickly. Under the 
    current simultaneous multiple round auction rules, each round of 
    bidding contains a discrete bid submission period and a bid withdrawal 
    period. The rules permit bidders to place bids once within the 
    submission period of the round on licenses that they are eligible to 
    bid on, and they may withdraw high bids only during the bid withdrawal 
    period. This requires bidders to wait until the end of the round to 
    determine their status. An open, continuous bidding round--in which 
    bidders would know when their bid has been exceeded and would be free 
    to bid again--could reduce the delay inherent in the current design. 
    Therefore, the Commission proposes to amend the general rules to 
    provide for such ``real time'' bidding as another design feature for 
    electronic multiple round auctions.
        53. The Commission recognizes, however, that it may be difficult 
    for bidders to react quickly enough to ensure that in each bidding 
    round they make new high bids on the necessary percentage of their 
    bidding eligibility to meet their activity requirement. Therefore, it 
    proposes that after each fixed period of real time bidding (when
    [[Page 13579]]
    only standing high bids from the previous round and new high bids from 
    the current round count in determining the bidder's activity level) the 
    Commission would open a discrete closed bidding period, when bidders 
    would be able to submit valid bids (bids that meet or exceed the 
    minimum accepted bid) at the end of the ``real time'' bidding to ensure 
    that they have the opportunity to meet their activity requirements for 
    the round. Following the discrete closed bidding period, the Commission 
    would post the final round results for the period and make all bids 
    available to the public. By allowing a discrete period of time for 
    bidders to make valid bids at the end of the round, the Commission 
    would reduce the risks associated with real time electronic bidding.
        54. Because ``real time'' auctions are a variation of the 
    simultaneous multiple round auction design established in the rules, 
    the Commission tentatively concludes that many of the same procedures 
    should apply. These include: Upfront payments to determine eligibility, 
    activity requirements that apply to each round, minimum bid increments, 
    and a stopping rule. However, the Commission believes that separate 
    rules would be required on certain issues. The Commission seeks comment 
    on issues that arise when the bid submission and bid withdrawal periods 
    are combined, such as how withdrawn bids should be treated when 
    calculating current activity. For example, whether a bid that is placed 
    and withdrawn in one round should count as activity, and whether a 
    withdrawn bid will negate the status of that bid as activity in the 
    current round as well as the status as standing high bid.
        55. In addition, the Commission seeks comment on the appropriate 
    length for the real time bidding rounds. It seeks comment on what 
    measures it can take to assure bidders that they will have enough time 
    to determine their bidding strategies with ``real time'' bidding. In 
    particular, the Commission seeks comment on the impact of ``real time'' 
    bidding on small businesses, generally, and particularly on their 
    ability to process bid information during the course of a single round.
        56. Currently, Sec. 1.2104(d) of the rules states that the 
    Commission may establish suggested minimum opening bids. In the 
    Competitive Bidding Second Report and Order, the Commission noted that 
    if only two or three applicants applied to bid for a valuable license, 
    it might set a reservation price. A reservation price is a price below 
    which a license subject to auction will not be awarded. The Commission 
    provided the option of setting a reservation price in order to prevent 
    a license from being awarded under circumstances where there would be 
    little competition among bidders and significant incentives to collude.
        57. The Commission proposes to amend Sec. 1.2104 to specify that it 
    may establish minimum opening bids, rather than suggested minimum 
    opening bids. Such a rule has been adopted in service-specific rules. 
    The Commission proposes to amend the general competitive bidding rules 
    to allow it to establish a minimum opening bid because it believes that 
    a minimum opening bid can serve some of the same purposes as a 
    reservation price. A minimum opening bid increases the likelihood that 
    the public receives fair market value for the spectrum being auctioned 
    and can also help an auction move more swiftly. The Commission seeks 
    comment on this proposal.
        58. A bid increment is the amount or percentage by which a bid must 
    be raised above the previous round's high bid in order to be accepted 
    as a valid bid in the current round. The Commission determined in the 
    Competitive Bidding Second Report and Order that it would reserve the 
    right to specify minimum bid increments in dollar terms as well as in 
    percentage terms. The Commission reasoned that imposing a minimum bid 
    increment speeds the progress of the auction and, along with activity 
    and stopping rules, helps to ensure that the auction comes to closure 
    within a reasonable period of time. It did not reserve the discretion 
    to specify maximum bid increments.
        59. Whereas the minimum bid increment speeds the auction process, a 
    maximum bid increment could prevent bidders from placing bids that are 
    significantly higher than the minimum acceptable bid. This type of 
    bidding is known as ``jump bidding.'' Some theoretical literature 
    suggests that bidders could use jump bidding to manipulate the auction 
    process and potentially reduce efficiency of the auction. Jump bidding 
    complicates bidding strategy and denies bidders information about the 
    number of bidders who would be willing to pay prices between the 
    minimum acceptable bid and the jump bid. In the absence of information 
    about the bidders who would be willing to participate at intermediate 
    bids, other bidders might feel compelled to shade their bids more than 
    they otherwise would. This behavior is an attempt to avoid the 
    ``winner's curse,''--the phenomenon of a bidder winning only because he 
    or she has overestimated the value of the license. A general principle 
    of auction theory has it that the auction mechanisms which perform the 
    best are those which are able to induce bidders to reveal the most 
    information. To the extent that jump bids enable bidders to conceal 
    information, the phenomenon moves the process away from the 
    informational advantages of an ascending bid (multiple round) auction 
    in the direction of a first-price sealed bid (single round) auction. 
    The Commission seeks comment on whether it should retain the discretion 
    to employ a maximum bid increment if it finds that jump bidding is 
    impairing the auction process.
        60. Under the current rules, if a high bid is withdrawn prior to 
    the close of a simultaneous multiple round auction, the Commission will 
    impose a payment equal to the difference between the withdrawn bid and 
    the amount of the winning bid the next time the license is offered by 
    the Commission. No withdrawal payment is assessed if the subsequent 
    winning bid exceeds the withdrawn bid. If a winning bidder defaults 
    after the close of an auction, the defaulting bidder will be required 
    to pay the foregoing payment plus an additional payment of 3 percent of 
    the subsequent winning bid or its own withdrawn bid, whichever is 
        61. To help bidders avoid mistaken bids that could expose them to 
    liability for bid withdrawal payments, the Commission has enhanced its 
    electronic bidding software. The software now displays a warning screen 
    to bidders when they try to place a bid that is far in excess of the 
    minimum accepted bid. Bidders must affirmatively override this mistaken 
    bid warning if they wish to place the bid. For example, if the minimum 
    accepted bid for a license is $10,000, an excessive bid warning will 
    appear if a bidder attempts to place a bid of $100,000 or more.
        62. The Commission has also recently addressed the issue of how the 
    bid withdrawal payment rules apply to bids that are mistakenly placed 
    and subsequently withdrawn. In Atlanta Trunking, the Commission stated 
    that, while it believes that in some cases full application of the bid 
    withdrawal payment provisions could impose an extreme and unnecessary 
    hardship on bidders, it may be extremely difficult for the Commission 
    to distinguish between ``honest'' erroneous bids and ``strategic'' 
    erroneous bids. The Commission held that in cases of erroneous bids, 
    some relief from the bid withdrawal payment requirement appears 
    necessary. Thus, it waived the bid withdrawal rules as they apply to 
    900 MHz SMR and broadband PCS and applied the following
    [[Page 13580]]
    guidelines: If at any point during an auction a mistaken bid is 
    withdrawn in the same round in which it was submitted, the bid 
    withdrawal payment should be the greater of (a) the minimum bid 
    increment for that license and round, or (b) the standard bid 
    withdrawal payment calculated as if the bidder had made a bid at the 
    minimum accepted bid. If a mistaken bid is withdrawn in the round 
    immediately following the round in which it was submitted, and the 
    auction is in Stage I or Stage II, the withdrawal payment should be the 
    greater of (a) two times the minimum bid increment during the round in 
    which the mistaken bid was submitted or (b) the standard withdrawal 
    payment calculated as if the bidder had made a bid at one bid increment 
    above the minimum accepted bid. If the mistaken bid is withdrawn two or 
    more rounds following the round in which it was submitted, the bidder 
    should not be eligible for any reduction in the bid withdrawal payment. 
    Similarly, during Stage III of an auction, if a mistaken bid is not 
    withdrawn during the round in which it was submitted, the bidder should 
    not be eligible for any reduction in the bid withdrawal payment.
        63. In response to a commenter's request, the Commission recently 
    modified the broadband PCS rules for the D, E, and F blocks to 
    establish provisions governing the withdrawal of erroneous bids. It 
    thus incorporated the guidelines fashioned in Atlanta Trunking into 
    these rules. The Commission now proposes to change Secs. 1.2104 and 
    1.2109 of the rules such that similar provisions adopted for the 
    broadband PCS D, E, and F block auction will apply to all auctions. The 
    Commission seeks comment on this proposal.
        64. The current auction rules allow a high bidder on a license to 
    withdraw its bid at any point during the auction, subject to a bid 
    withdrawal payment. The Commission has recognized that allowing bid 
    withdrawals facilitates efficient aggregation of licenses and pursuit 
    of efficient backup strategies as information becomes available during 
    the course of an auction. It also is cognizant that allowing 
    withdrawals also risks encouraging insincere bidding and allowing the 
    use of withdrawals for anti-competitive strategic purposes, such as 
    signaling other bidders. To guard against such abuses, the Commission 
    put in place a withdrawal payment equal to the difference between the 
    withdrawn bid and the amount of the winning bid the next time the 
    license is offered by the Commission. The Commission seeks comment on 
    whether it should exercise its authority to limit withdrawals, and if 
    so, under what circumstances. Should the Commission consider limiting 
    the number of withdrawals that a bidder is permitted to make in an 
    auction, the number of rounds in which withdrawals can be made, or the 
    number of withdrawals permitted with respect to a particular license? 
    Are there other ways to address concern about strategic withdrawals 
    without unduly affecting bidders' ability to efficiently aggregate 
    licenses? For example, should the Commission consider increasing the 
    withdrawal payment or changing its structure?
        65. Under Sec. 1.2109(b) of the rules, if a winning bidder 
    withdraws its bid after the auction has closed or fails to remit the 
    required down payment within the requisite period after the Commission 
    has announced high bidders, the bidder will be deemed to have 
    defaulted. This rule also provides that, in such event, the Commission 
    may either re-auction the license to existing or new applicants or 
    offer it to the other highest bidders (in descending order) at their 
    final bids. In the Order accompanying this NPRM, the Commission 
    modified the down payment due date to ten business days after the 
    Commission has issued a Public Notice announcing winning bidders, and 
    accordingly adjusted the period within which the Commission has 
    discretion to offer the defaulted license to bidders in the original 
    auction to the same ten-day period.
        66. When the Commission first adopted rules governing the licensing 
    of defaulted licenses, it stated that ``[i]n the event that a winning 
    bidder in a simultaneous multiple round auction defaults on its down 
    payment obligations, the Commission will generally re-auction the 
    license either to existing or new applicants.'' Noting that in some 
    circumstances the costs of conducting a re-auction may not always be 
    justified, the Commission reserved the discretion in cases in which the 
    winning bidder defaults on its down payment obligation to offer a 
    defaulted license to the highest losing bidders (in descending order of 
    their bids) at their final bids if ``only a small number of relatively 
    low value licenses are to be re-auctioned * * *.''
        67. Having now developed a computerized auction system and 
    conducted numerous auctions, the Commission believes that the costs of 
    a re-auction, even for a small number of relatively low value licenses, 
    would be minimal. Use of regularly scheduled quarterly auctions will 
    also ensure rapid reauction. Further, re-offering a defaulted license 
    to the next highest bidder (in descending order) at their final bids 
    may not ensure that the license will be awarded to the bidder that 
    values it the most highly. When more than one license is being 
    auctioned, aggregation strategies may shift during the course of the 
    auction, affecting interest of individual bidders.
        68. The Commission asks commenters to address whether the 
    Commission should (1) retain Sec. 1.2109(b) in its current form, (2) 
    modify the rule so that the Commission retains the discretion 
    regardless of when a default occurs to offer the license only to the 
    second highest bidder at its bid price (3) modify the rule so that the 
    Commission retains discretion to offer a license on which the winning 
    bidder has defaulted on its down payment obligation only to the second 
    highest bidder, (4) modify the rule so that the Commission retains 
    discretion to offer a defaulted license to the highest losing bidders 
    (in descending order of their bids), but only at the final bid level of 
    the second highest bidder, (5) modify the rule to require re-auction of 
    defaulted licenses regardless of when a default occurs. Moreover, it 
    seeks comment on whether it should modify the rule to codify the 
    statement in the Competitive Bidding Fifth Report and Order that where 
    there are a relatively small number of low value licenses, and only a 
    short time has passed since the initial auction, the Commission may 
    choose to offer the license to the highest losing bidder because the 
    cost of conducting another auction may exceed the benefits. Commenters 
    favoring this should indicate the parameters that the Commission should 
    employ in determining which licenses might be re-offered to bidders in 
    the original auction.
        69. The Commission adopted rules to prohibit collusion in the 
    Competitive Bidding Second Report and Order because it was concerned 
    that collusive conduct by bidders prior to or during an auction could 
    undermine the competitiveness of the bidding process and prevent the 
    formation of a competitive post-auction market structure. In general, 
    bidders are required to identify on their short-form applications any 
    parties with whom they have entered into any consortium arrangements, 
    joint ventures, partnerships or other agreements or understandings 
    which relate to the competitive bidding process. With certain 
    exceptions, all such arrangements must have been entered into prior to 
    the filing of short-form applications. After such applications are 
    filed and prior to the time that the winning bidder has made its 
    [[Page 13581]]
    down payment, all bidders are prohibited from cooperating, 
    collaborating, discussing or disclosing in any manner the substance of 
    their bids or bidding strategies with other bidders, unless such 
    bidders are members of a bidding consortium or other joint bidding 
    arrangement identified on the bidder's short-form application.
        70. As the Commission's auction process has evolved, it has 
    clarified the rules prohibiting collusion. Early on in the auction 
    process, for example, the Commission established exceptions to the 
    anti-collusion rules in an attempt to allow applicants greater 
    flexibility to form agreements with other applicants and thereby 
    acquire the capital necessary to bid successfully for licenses. 
    Specifically, it amended the anti-collusion rules to permit a holder of 
    a non-controlling attributable interest in an applicant to obtain an 
    ownership interest in or enter into a consortium arrangement with 
    another applicant for a license in the same geographic area, provided 
    that the attributable interest holder certifies to the Commission that 
    it has not communicated and will not communicate with the applicant or 
    any one else information concerning the bids or bidding strategies 
    (including which licenses an applicant will or will not bid on) of more 
    than one applicant for licenses in the same geographic area in which it 
    holds an ownership interest or with which it has a consortium 
    arrangement. Additionally, Commission staff has issued public notices 
    and letters that seek to interpret and clarify these rules.
        71. The exception outlined above was adopted in order to facilitate 
    the flow of capital to applicants by enabling parties to make 
    investments in multiple applicants for licenses in the same geographic 
    license areas. Having gained experience with implementing its anti-
    collusion rules, the Commission now believes that this exception is 
    difficult to apply in a business setting. Entities are reluctant to 
    invest in multiple applicants if they cannot obtain information about 
    business plans and strategies, which often necessarily reflect bidding 
    strategies or bids.
        72. The Commission therefore proposes to modify this provision of 
    the anti-collusion rule to permit entities to invest in multiple 
    applicants if the original applicant withdraws from the auction. Under 
    this proposal, a holder of a non-controlling attributable interest in 
    an applicant would be permitted to obtain an ownership interest in or 
    enter into a consortium arrangement with another applicant for a 
    license in the same geographic area, provided that the original 
    applicant has dropped out of the auction and is no longer placing bids, 
    and the attributable interest holder certifies to the Commission that 
    it did not communicate with the new applicant prior to the date that 
    the original applicant withdrew from the auction. The Commission 
    believes that this proposal will encourage entities to invest in 
    bidders if their original applicant fails to complete the auction and 
    will give such entities the flexibility needed to do so. Furthermore, 
    it believes that prohibiting any communication with other applicants 
    prior to when the original applicant withdraws from the auction will 
    prevent investors from exerting pressure on smaller bidders to withdraw 
    in exchange for teaming up with other larger bidders. The Commission 
    seeks comment on this proposal.
        73. In the proceeding involving service-specific auction rules for 
    paging services, several commenters requested that the Commission 
    establish rules that do not have a chilling effect on ongoing business 
    acquisitions and transactions. Under the current rules, they contended, 
    discussions between bidders for the same license area regarding a 
    business merger or acquisition may be construed as discussions of 
    bidding or bidding strategy--thus violating the anti-collusion rules. 
    They proposed that the Commission grant a ``safe harbor'' for certain 
    situations, such as in services where there are incumbent operators, 
    permitting ongoing discussions among bidders concerning mergers, 
    acquisitions or intercarrier arrangements to proceed during the period 
    in which the anti-collusion rules are applicable. Some suggested a 
    system in which respective bidder personnel certify that persons 
    involved in such discussions are not discussing bidding strategy or 
    otherwise divulging bidder information to each other in violation of 
    the anti-collusion rules. Absent a showing that a certification is 
    false, necessary discussions in the ordinary course of business would 
    be permitted during the course of the auction. The Commission seeks 
    comment on this proposal concerning a safe harbor for discussions of 
    certain non-auction business matters and it seeks comment on any other 
    changes to the rules prohibiting collusion they believe are warranted. 
    Finally, it seeks comment on the public notices and letters issued by 
    Commission staff seeking to interpret and clarify these rules.
        74. In 1989, the Commission adopted rules permitting certain 
    license applicants, under prescribed conditions, to construct their 
    facilities prior to license grant. It subsequently determined that part 
    22 and part 90 commercial mobile radio service applicants should be 
    subject to the same rules governing the construction of facilities 
    prior to the grant of pending applications. The Commission later 
    clarified that such rules would extend to successful broadband PCS 
    bidders that had filed a long-form application. Thus, 35 days after the 
    date of the Public Notice announcing the broadband PCS A and B Block 
    Form 600 applications accepted for filing, the parties has filed those 
    applications were permitted, at their own risk, to commence 
    construction of facilities, provided that (1) no petitions to deny the 
    application had been filed; (2) the application did not contain a 
    request for a rule waiver; (3) the applicant complied fully with the 
    antenna structure provisions of Secs. 24.416 and 24.816 of the 
    Commission's rules, including FAA notification, and Commission filing 
    requirements; (4) the application indicated that the facilities would 
    not have a significant environmental effect (see 47 CFR 24.413(f) and 
    24.813(f)); and (5) international coordination of the facilities was 
    not required.
        75. The Commission proposes to extend the pre-grant construction 
    rules set forth in 47 CFR 22.143 to all auction winners, regardless of 
    whether petitions to deny have been filed against their long-form 
    applications. It further proposes to permit each auction winner to 
    begin construction of its system, at its own risk, upon release of a 
    Public Notice announcing the acceptance for filing of post-auction 
    long-form applications. The Commission tentatively concludes that to do 
    so would further the public interest by expediting, in most cases, the 
    initiation of service to the public. It believes that allowing pre-
    grant construction furthers the statutory objective expressed in the 
    Communications Act in section 309(j)(3)(A) of the rapid deployment of 
    new technologies, products, and services for the benefit of the public. 
    Pre-grant construction would be subject to any service-related 
    restrictions, including but not limited to antenna restrictions, 
    environmental requirements, and international restrictions. Finally, 
    the Commission emphasizes that any applicant engaging in pre-grant 
    construction activity would do so entirely at its own risk, and the 
    Commission would not take such activity into account in ruling on any 
    petition to deny although it acknowledges that this could result in 
    significant economic loss to applicants. The Commission seeks comment 
    on this proposal.
    [[Page 13582]]
    Procedural Matters and Ordering Clauses
        76. The Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA), as required 
    by section 604 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, is set forth in 
    Appendix C of the NPRM. Pub. L. 96-354, 94 Stat. 1164, 5 U.S.C. 601 et 
    seq. (1981). Written public comments are request on the IRFA. These 
    comments must be filed in accordance with the same filing deadlines as 
    comments on the rest of the NPRM, but they must have a separate and 
    distinct heading designating them as responses to the IRFA. The 
    Secretary shall send a copy of this NPRM, including the IRFA, to the 
    Chief counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration in 
    accordance with the paragraph 603(a) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
        77. Ex Parte Presentations. This is a non-restricted notice and 
    comment rule making proceeding. Ex parte presentations are permitted, 
    provided they are disclosed as provided in Commission rules. See 
    generally 47 CFR 1.1202, 1.1203, and 1.1206(a).
        78. Authority. This action is taken pursuant to sections 4(i), 
    5(b), 5(c)(1), 303(r), and 309 (j) of the Communications Act of 1934, 
    as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 155(b), 156(c)(1), 303(r), and 309(j).
        79. Comment. This NPRM contains either new or modified information 
    collections. The Federal Communications Commission, as part of its 
    continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden, invites the general 
    public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment 
    on the following revised information collection, as required by the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. L. 104-13. In addition to filing 
    comments on the new or modified collection with the Secretary, a copy 
    of any comments on the information collections contained herein should 
    be submitted to Dorothy Conway, Federal Communications Commission, Room 
    234, 1919 M St., NW., Washington, DC 20554 or via the Internet to 
    Federal Communications Commission.
    William F. Caton,
    Acting Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 97-7233 Filed 3-20-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments must be submitted on or before March 27, 1997, and reply comments must be submitted on or before April 16, 1997. Written comments by the public on the proposed and/or modified information collections are due March 27, 1997. Written comments must be submitted by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on the proposed and/or modified information collections on or before May 20, 1997.
13570-13582 (13 pages)
Docket Numbers:
WT Docket No. 97-82, FCC 97-60
PDF File:
CFR: (4)
47 CFR 1.2110(b)(3)
47 CFR 1.2105(b)(2)
47 CFR 1.2110(e)(3)(i)
47 CFR 1.2110(e)(4)(ii)