2018-05661. Joint Industry Plan; Notice of Filing of the Seventeenth Amendment to the National Market System Plan To Address Extraordinary Market Volatility by Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc., Cboe BYX Exchange, Inc., Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc., Cboe EDGX ...  

  • Start Preamble Start Printed Page 12432 March 15, 2018.

    I. Introduction

    On February 26, 2018, NYSE Group, Inc., on behalf of the following parties to the National Market System Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility (“the Plan”): [1] Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc., Cboe BYX Exchange, Inc., Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc., Cboe EDGX Exchange, Inc., Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc., the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”), Investors Exchange LLC, NASDAQ BX, Inc., NASDAQ PHLX LLC, The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”), New York Stock Exchange LLC (“NYSE”), NYSE Arca, Inc., NYSE National Inc., and NYSE American LLC (collectively, the “Participants”) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”) pursuant to Section 11A(a)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”) [2] and Rule 608 thereunder,[3] a proposal to amend the Plan (“Seventeenth Amendment”).[4] The proposal reflects changes unanimously approved by the Participants. The Seventeenth Amendment proposes to extend the pilot period of the Plan for one year, as discussed below. A copy of the Plan, as proposed to be amended is attached as Exhibit A hereto. The Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments from interested persons on the Seventeenth Amendment.[5]

    II. Description of the Plan

    Set forth in this Section II is the statement of the purpose and summary of the Seventeenth Amendment, along with the information required by Rule 608(a)(4) and (5) under the Exchange Act,[6] prepared and submitted by the Participants to the Commission.[7]

    A. Statement of Purpose and Summary of the Plan Amendment

    The Participants filed the Plan on April 5, 2011, to create a market-wide limit up-limit down mechanism intended to address extraordinary market volatility in NMS Stocks, as defined in Rule 600(b)(47) of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act. The Plan sets forth procedures that provide for market-wide limit up-limit down requirements that would prevent trades in individual NMS Stocks from occurring outside of the specified price bands. These limit up-limit down requirements are coupled with Trading Pauses,[8] as defined in Section I(Y) of the Plan, to accommodate more fundamental price moves. In particular, the Participants adopted this Plan to address the type of sudden price movements that the market experienced on the afternoon of May 6, 2010.

    As set forth in more detail in the Plan, all trading centers in NMS Stocks, including both those operated by Participants and those operated by members of Participants, shall establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to comply with the limit up-limit down requirements specified in the Plan. More specifically, the single plan processor responsible for consolidation of information for an NMS Stock pursuant to Rule 603(b) of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act will be responsible for calculating and disseminating a lower price band and upper price band, as provided for in Section V of the Plan. Section VI of the Plan sets forth the limit up-limit down requirements of the Plan, and in particular, that all trading centers in NMS Stocks, including both those operated by Participants and those operated by members of Participants, shall establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to prevent trades at prices that are below the lower price band or above the upper price band for an NMS Stock, consistent with the Plan.

    The Plan was initially approved for a one-year pilot period, which began on April 8, 2013.[9] Accordingly, the pilot period was scheduled to end on April 8, 2014. As initially contemplated, the Plan would have been fully implemented across all NMS Stocks within six months of initial Plan operations, which meant there would have been full implementation of the Plan for six months before the end of the pilot period. However, pursuant to the fourth amendment to the Plan,[10] the Participants modified the implementation schedule of Phase II of the Plan to extend the time period as to when the Plan would fully apply to all NMS Stocks. Accordingly, the Plan was not implemented across all NMS Stocks until December 8, 2013. Pursuant to the sixth amendment to the Plan,[11] which further modified the implementation schedule of Phase II of the Plan, the date Start Printed Page 12433for full implementation of the Plan was moved to February 24, 2014. Pursuant to the seventh, ninth, tenth, and thirteenth amendments to the Plan,[12] the pilot period was extended from April 8, 2014 to February 20, 2015, from February 20, 2015 to April 22, 2016, from April 22, 2016 to April 17, 2017, and from April 17, 2017 to April 16, 2018.

    The Participants propose to amend Section VIII(C) of the Plan to extend the pilot period through April 15, 2019, to allow the Participants time to assess the changes to the Plan as described in the twelfth and thirteenth amendments to the Plan,[13] which were implemented on November 20, 2017. In the twelfth amendment, the Participants amended the Plan to provide that a Trading Pause will continue until the Primary Listing Exchange has reopened trading using its established reopening procedures and reports a Reopening Price. The Plan was further amended to eliminate the current allowance for a trading center to resume trading in an NMS Stock following a Trading Pause if the Primary Listing Exchange has not reported a Reopening Price within ten minutes after the declaration of a Trading Pause and has not declared a Regulatory Halt. In addition, to preclude potential scenarios when trading may resume without Price Bands, the Plan was amended to provide that a trading center may not resume trading in an NMS Stock following a Trading Pause without Price Bands in such NMS Stock. To address potential scenarios in which there is no Reopening Price from the Primary Listing Exchange to use to calculate Price Bands, the Plan was amended to address when trading may resume if the Primary Listing Exchange is unable to reopen due to a systems or technology issue and how the Reference Price would be determined in such a scenario or if the Primary Listing Exchange reopens trading on a zero bid or zero offer, or both. The thirteenth amendment to the Plan further provided authority for the Processors to publish the following information provided by a primary listing exchange in connection with the reopening of trading following a Trading Pause: auction reference price; auction collars; and number of extensions to the reopening auction.

    In conjunction with amending the Plan, the Primary Listing Exchanges amended their rules for automated reopenings following a Trading Pause consistent with a standardized approach agreed to by Participants that would allow for extensions of a Trading Pause if equilibrium cannot be met for a Reopening Price within specified parameters.[14] The Primary Listing Exchanges implemented the changes to their automated reopenings on November 20, 2017.

    Because both the twelfth and thirteenth amendments to the Plan and the Primary Listing Exchange's amended reopening procedures were implemented on November 20, 2017, the Participants propose to extend the current Pilot an additional year to April 15, 2019. The Participants believe that this additional time will be beneficial in that it allows “the public, the Participants, and the Commission to assess the operation of the Plan and whether the Plan should be modified prior to approval on a permanent basis.” [15] In particular, this additional time will allow the public, the Participants, and the Commission time to assess the operation of the twelfth and thirteenth amendments to the Plan.

    The Participants further believe that extending the Pilot another year would provide additional time for the Participants, the Commission, and the public to consider other potential modifications to the Plan that are currently under consideration. These include consideration of changes to how NMS Stocks are tiered under the Plan, and the applicable percentage parameters associated with such tiers, consideration of the elimination of double-wide Price Bands at the open and close of trading, and consideration of recommendations made by the Equity Market Structure Advisory Committee with respect to Plan operations.[16] The Participants believe that the Plan should continue to operate as a Pilot uninterrupted to provide time to consider whether to make any such further modifications to the Plan.

    B. Governing or Constituent Documents

    The governing documents of the Processor, as defined in Section I(P) of the Plan, will not be affected by the Plan, but once the Plan is implemented, the Processor's obligations will change, as set forth in detail in the Plan.

    C. Implementation of Plan

    The initial date of the Plan operations was April 8, 2013.

    D. Development and Implementation Phases

    The Plan was initially implemented as a one-year pilot program in two Phases, consistent with Section VIII of the Plan: Phase I of Plan implementation began on April 8, 2013 and was completed on May 3, 2013. Implementation of Phase II of the Plan began on August 5, 2013 and was completed on February 24, 2014. The tenth amendment to the Plan was implemented on July 18, 2016 and the twelfth and thirteenth amendments to the Plan were implemented on November 20, 2017.[17] Pursuant to this proposed amendment, the Participants propose to extend the pilot period until April 15, 2019.

    E. Analysis of Impact on Competition

    The proposed Plan does not impose any burden on competition that is not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Exchange Act. The Participants do not believe that the proposed Plan introduces terms that are unreasonably discriminatory for the purposes of Section 11A(c)(1)(D) of the Exchange Act.

    F. Written Understanding or Agreements Relating to Interpretation of, or Participation in, Plan

    The Participants have no written understandings or agreements relating to interpretation of the Plan. Section II(C) of the Plan sets forth how any entity registered as a national securities exchange or national securities association may become a Participant.

    G. Approval of Amendment of the Plan

    Each of the Plan's Participants has executed a written amended Plan.

    H. Terms and Conditions of Access

    Section II(C) of the Plan provides that any entity registered as a national securities exchange or national securities association under the Exchange Act may become a Participant by: (1) Becoming a participant in the applicable Market Data Plans, as defined in Section I(F) of the Plan; (2) executing a copy of the Plan, as then in effect; (3) providing each then-current Participant with a copy of such executed Plan; and (4) effecting an amendment to the Plan as specified in Section III(B) of the Plan.Start Printed Page 12434

    I. Method of Determination and Imposition, and Amount of, Fees and Charges

    Not applicable.

    J. Method and Frequency of Processor Evaluation

    Not applicable.

    K. Dispute Resolution

    Section III(C) of the Plan provides that each Participant shall designate an individual to represent the Participant as a member of an Operating Committee. No later than the initial date of the Plan, the Operating Committee shall designate one member of the Operating Committee to act as the Chair of the Operating Committee. Any recommendation for an amendment to the Plan from the Operating Committee that receives an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the Participants, but is less than unanimous, shall be submitted to the Commission as a request for an amendment to the Plan initiated by the Commission under Rule 608.

    On February 22, 2018, the Operating Committee, duly constituted and chaired by Mr. Robert Books of Cboe, voted unanimously to amend the Plan as set forth herein in accordance with Section III(C) of the Plan. The Plan Advisory Committee was notified in connection with the Seventeenth Amendment and was in favor.

    III. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the amendment is consistent with the Exchange Act and the rules thereunder. Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods:

    Electronic Comments

    Paper Comments

    • Send paper comments in triplicate to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-1090.

    All submissions should refer to File Number 4-631.This file number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on the Commission's internet website (http://www.sec.gov/​rules/​sro.shtml). Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written statements with respect to the proposed plan amendment that are filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to the amendment between the Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549, on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such filing also will be available for inspection and copying at the Participants' offices. All comments received will be posted without change. Persons submitting comments are cautioned that we do not redact or edit personal identifying information from comment submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. All submissions should refer to File Number 4-631 and should be submitted on or before April 11, 2018.

    Start Signature

    By the Commission.

    Brent J. Fields,


    End Signature

    Exhibit A

    Proposed new language is italicized; proposed deletions are in [brackets].

    Plan To Address Extraordinary Market Volatility Submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission Pursuant to Rule 608 of Regulation NMS Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

    Table of Contents

    I. Definitions2
    II. Parties4
    III. Amendments to Plan7
    IV. Trading Center Policies and Procedures8
    V. Price Bands8
    VI. Limit Up-Limit Down Requirements11
    VII. Trading Pauses13
    VIII. Implementation15
    IX. Withdrawal from Plan15
    X. Counterparts and Signatures15
    Appendix A—Percentage Parameters17
    Appendix A—Schedule 119
    Appendix B—Data35


    The Participants submit to the SEC this Plan establishing procedures to address extraordinary volatility in NMS Stocks. The procedures provide for market-wide limit up-limit down requirements that prevent trades in individual NMS Stocks from occurring outside of the specified Price Bands. These limit up-limit down requirements are coupled with Trading Pauses to accommodate more fundamental price moves. The Plan procedures are designed, among other things, to protect investors and promote fair and orderly markets. The Participants developed this Plan pursuant to Rule 608(a)(3) of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act, which authorizes the Participants to act jointly in preparing, filing, and implementing national market system plans.

    I. Definitions

    (A) “Eligible Reported Transactions” shall have the meaning prescribed by the Operating Committee and shall generally mean transactions that are eligible to update the last sale price of an NMS Stock.

    (B) “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

    (C) “Limit State” shall have the meaning provided in Section VI of the Plan.

    (D) “Limit State Quotation” shall have the meaning provided in Section VI of the Plan.

    (E) “Lower Price Band” shall have the meaning provided in Section V of the Plan.

    (F) “Market Data Plans” shall mean the effective national market system plans through which the Participants act jointly to disseminate consolidated information in compliance with Rule 603(b) of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act.

    (G) “National Best Bid” and “National Best Offer” shall have the meaning provided in Rule 600(b)(42) of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act.

    (H) “NMS Stock” shall have the meaning provided in Rule 600(b)(47) of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act.

    (I) “Opening Price” shall mean the price of a transaction that opens trading on the Primary Listing Exchange. If the Primary Listing Exchange opens with quotations, the “Opening Price” shall mean the closing price of the NMS Stock on the Primary Listing Exchange on the previous trading day, or if no such closing price exists, the last sale on the Primary Listing Exchange.

    (J) “Operating Committee” shall have the meaning provided in Section III(C) of the Plan.

    (K) “Participant” means a party to the Plan.

    (L) “Plan” means the plan set forth in this instrument, as amended from time to time in accordance with its provisions.

    (M) “Percentage Parameter” shall mean the percentages for each tier of NMS Stocks set forth in Appendix A of the Plan.

    (N) “Price Bands” shall have the meaning provided in Section V of the Plan.

    (O) “Primary Listing Exchange” shall mean the Participant on which an NMS Stock is listed. If an NMS Stock is listed on more than one Participant, the Participant on which the NMS Stock has been listed the longest shall be the Primary Listing Exchange.

    (P) “Processor” shall mean the single plan processor responsible for the consolidation of information for an NMS Stock pursuant to Rule 603(b) of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act.

    (Q) “Pro-Forma Reference Price” shall have the meaning provided in Section V(A)(2) of the Plan.

    (R) “Reference Price” shall have the meaning provided in Section V of the Plan.Start Printed Page 12435

    (S) “Regular Trading Hours” shall have the meaning provided in Rule 600(b)(64) of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act. For purposes of the Plan, Regular Trading Hours can end earlier than 4:00 p.m. ET in the case of an early scheduled close.

    (T) “Regulatory Halt” shall have the meaning specified in the Market Data Plans.

    (U) “Reopening Price” shall mean the price of a transaction that reopens trading on the Primary Listing Exchange following a Trading Pause or a Regulatory Halt, or, if the Primary Listing Exchange reopens with quotations, the midpoint of those quotations.

    (V) “SEC” shall mean the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

    (W) “Straddle State” shall have the meaning provided in Section VII(A)(2) of the Plan.

    (X) “Trading center” shall have the meaning provided in Rule 600(b)(78) of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act.

    (Y) “Trading Pause” shall have the meaning provided in Section VII of the Plan.

    (Z) “Upper Price Band” shall have the meaning provided in Section V of the Plan.

    II. Parties

    (A) List of Parties

    The parties to the Plan are as follows:

    (1) Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc., 400 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60605

    (2) Cboe BYX Exchange, Inc., 400 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60605

    (3) Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc., 400 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60605

    (4) Cboe EDGX Exchange, Inc., 400 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60605

    (5) Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc., 440 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60605

    (6) Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., 1735 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006

    (7) Investors Exchange LLC, 4 World Trade Center, 44th Floor, New York, New York 10007

    (8) NASDAQ BX, Inc., One Liberty Plaza, New York, New York 10006

    (9) NASDAQ PHLX LLC, 1900 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

    (10) The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC, 1 Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway, New York, NY 10006

    (11) NYSE National, Inc., 11 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005

    (12) New York Stock Exchange LLC, 11 Wall Street, New York, New York 10005

    (13) NYSE American LLC, 11 Wall Street, New York, New York 10005

    (14) NYSE Arca, Inc., 11 Wall Street, New York, New York 10005

    (B) Compliance Undertaking

    By subscribing to and submitting the Plan for approval by the SEC, each Participant agrees to comply with and to enforce compliance, as required by Rule 608(c) of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act, by its members with the provisions of the Plan. To this end, each Participant shall adopt a rule requiring compliance by its members with the provisions of the Plan, and each Participant shall take such actions as are necessary and appropriate as a participant of the Market Data Plans to cause and enable the Processor for each NMS Stock to fulfill the functions set forth in this Plan.

    (C) New Participants

    The Participants agree that any entity registered as a national securities exchange or national securities association under the Exchange Act may become a Participant by: (1) Becoming a participant in the applicable Market Data Plans; (2) executing a copy of the Plan, as then in effect; (3) providing each then-current Participant with a copy of such executed Plan; and (4) effecting an amendment to the Plan as specified in Section III(B) of the Plan.

    (D) Advisory Committee

    (1) Formation. Notwithstanding other provisions of this Plan, an Advisory Committee to the Plan shall be formed and shall function in accordance with the provisions set forth in this section.

    (2) Composition. Members of the Advisory Committee shall be selected for two-year terms as follows:

    (A) Advisory Committee Selections. By affirmative vote of a majority of the Participants, the Participants shall select at least one representatives from each of the following categories to be members of the Advisory Committee: (1) A broker-dealer with a substantial retail investor customer base; (2) a broker-dealer with a substantial institutional investor customer base; (3) an alternative trading system; (4) a broker-dealer that primarily engages in trading for its own account; and (5) an investor.

    (3) Function. Members of the Advisory Committee shall have the right to submit their views to the Operating Committee on Plan matters, prior to a decision by the Operating Committee on such matters. Such matters shall include, but not be limited to, proposed material amendments to the Plan.

    (4) Meetings and Information. Members of the Advisory Committee shall have the right to attend meetings of the Operating Committee and to receive any information concerning Plan matters; provided, however, that the Operating Committee may meet in executive session if, by affirmative vote of a majority of the Participants, the Operating Committee determines that an item of Plan business requires confidential treatment.

    III. Amendments to Plan

    (A) General Amendments

    Except with respect to the addition of new Participants to the Plan, any proposed change in, addition to, or deletion from the Plan shall be effected by means of a written amendment to the Plan that: (1) Sets forth the change, addition, or deletion; (2) is executed on behalf of each Participant; and, (3) is approved by the SEC pursuant to Rule 608 of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act, or otherwise becomes effective under Rule 608 of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act.

    (B) New Participants

    With respect to new Participants, an amendment to the Plan may be effected by the new national securities exchange or national securities association executing a copy of the Plan, as then in effect (with the only changes being the addition of the new Participant's name in Section II(A) of the Plan) and submitting such executed Plan to the SEC for approval. The amendment shall be effective when it is approved by the SEC in accordance with Rule 608 of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act or otherwise becomes effective pursuant to Rule 608 of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act.

    (C) Operating Committee

    (1) Each Participant shall select from its staff one individual to represent the Participant as a member of an Operating Committee, together with a substitute for such individual. The substitute may participate in deliberations of the Operating Committee and shall be considered a voting member thereof only in the absence of the primary representative. Each Participant shall have one vote on all matters considered by the Operating Committee. No later than the initial date of Plan operations, the Operating Committee shall designate one member of the Operating Committee to act as the Chair of the Operating Committee.

    (2) The Operating Committee shall monitor the procedures established pursuant to this Plan and advise the Participants with respect to any deficiencies, problems, or recommendations as the Operating Committee may deem appropriate. The Operating Committee shall establish specifications and procedures for the implementation and operation of the Plan that are consistent with the provisions of this Plan and the Appendixes thereto. With respect to matters in this paragraph, Operating Committee decisions shall be approved by a simple majority vote.

    (3) Any recommendation for an amendment to the Plan from the Operating Committee that receives an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the Participants, but is less than unanimous, shall be submitted to the SEC as a request for an amendment to the Plan initiated by the Commission under Rule 608 of Regulation NMS.

    IV. Trading Center Policies and Procedures

    All trading centers in NMS Stocks, including both those operated by Participants and those operated by members of Participants, shall establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to comply with the limit up-limit down requirements specified in Sections VI of the Plan, and to comply with the Trading Pauses specified in Section VII of the Plan.

    V. Price Bands

    (A) Calculation and Dissemination of Price Bands

    (1) The Processor for each NMS stock shall calculate and disseminate to the public a Lower Price Band and an Upper Price Band during Regular Trading Hours for such NMS Stock. The Price Bands shall be based on a Reference Price for each NMS Stock that equals the arithmetic mean price of Eligible Reported Transactions for the NMS stock over the immediately preceding five-minute period (except for periods following openings and reopenings, which are addressed below). If no Eligible Reported Transactions for the Start Printed Page 12436NMS Stock have occurred over the immediately preceding five-minute period, the previous Reference Price shall remain in effect. The Price Bands for an NMS Stock shall be calculated by applying the Percentage Parameter for such NMS Stock to the Reference Price, with the Lower Price Band being a Percentage Parameter below the Reference Price, and the Upper Price Band being a Percentage Parameter above the Reference Price. The Price Bands shall be calculated during Regular Trading Hours. Between 9:30 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. ET, and 3:35 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. ET, or in the case of an early scheduled close, during the last 25 minutes of trading before the early scheduled close, the Price Bands shall be calculated by applying double the Percentage Parameters set forth in Appendix A. If the Processor has not yet disseminated Price Bands, but a Reference Price is available, a trading center may calculate and apply Price Bands based on the same Reference Price that the Processor would use for calculating such Price Bands until such trading center receives Price Bands from the Processor. If, under Section VII(B)(2), the Primary Listing Exchange notifies the Processor that it is unable to reopen an NMS Stock due to a systems or technology issue and it has not declared a Regulatory Halt, the Processor will calculate and disseminate Price Bands by applying triple the Percentage Parameters set forth in Appendix A for the first 30 seconds such Price Bands are disseminated.

    (2) The Processor shall calculate a Pro-Forma Reference Price on a continuous basis during Regular Trading Hours, as specified in Section V(A)(1) of the Plan. If a Pro-Forma Reference Price has not moved by 1% or more from the Reference Price currently in effect, no new Price Bands shall be disseminated, and the current Reference Price shall remain the effective Reference Price. When the Pro-Forma Reference Price has moved by 1% or more from the Reference Price currently in effect, the Pro-Forma Reference Price shall become the Reference Price, and the Processor shall disseminate new Price Bands based on the new Reference Price; provided, however, that each new Reference Price shall remain in effect for at least 30 seconds.

    (B) Openings

    (1) Except when a Regulatory Halt is in effect at the start of Regular Trading Hours, the first Reference Price for a trading day shall be the Opening Price on the Primary Listing Exchange in an NMS Stock if such Opening Price occurs less than five minutes after the start of Regular Trading Hours. During the period less than five minutes after the Opening Price, a Pro-Forma Reference Price shall be updated on a continuous basis to be the arithmetic mean price of Eligible Reported Transactions for the NMS Stock during the period following the Opening Price (including the Opening Price), and if it differs from the current Reference Price by 1% or more shall become the new Reference Price, except that a new Reference Price shall remain in effect for at least 30 seconds. Subsequent Reference Prices shall be calculated as specified in Section V(A) of the Plan.

    (2) If the Opening Price on the Primary Listing Exchange in an NMS Stock does not occur within five minutes after the start of Regular Trading Hours, the first Reference Price for a trading day shall be the arithmetic mean price of Eligible Reported Transactions for the NMS Stock over the preceding five minute time period, and subsequent Reference Prices shall be calculated as specified in Section V(A) of the Plan.

    (C) Reopenings

    (1) Following a Trading Pause in an NMS Stock, and if the Primary Listing Exchange has not declared a Regulatory Halt, if the Primary Listing Exchange reopens trading with a transaction or quotation that does not include a zero bid or zero offer, the next Reference Price shall be the Reopening Price on the Primary Listing Exchange. Subsequent Reference Prices shall be determined in the manner prescribed for normal openings, as specified in Section V(B)(1) of the Plan. If the Primary Listing Exchange notifies the Processor that it is unable to reopen an NMS Stock due to a systems or technology issue, or if the Primary Listing Exchange reopens trading with a quotation that has a zero bid or zero offer, or both, the next Reference Price shall be the last effective Price Band that was in a Limit State before the Trading Pause. Subsequent Reference Prices shall be calculated as specified in Section V(A) of the Plan.

    (2) Following a Regulatory Halt, the next Reference Price shall be the Opening or Reopening Price on the Primary Listing Exchange if such Opening or Reopening Price occurs within five minutes after the end of the Regulatory Halt, and subsequent Reference Prices shall be determined in the manner prescribed for normal openings, as specified in Section V(B)(1) of the Plan. If such Opening or Reopening Price has not occurred within five minutes after the end of the Regulatory Halt, the Reference Price shall be equal to the arithmetic mean price of Eligible Reported Transactions for the NMS Stock over the preceding five minute time period, and subsequent Reference Prices shall be calculated as specified in Section V(A) of the Plan.

    VI. Limit Up-Limit Down Requirements

    (A) Limitations on Trades and Quotations Outside of Price Bands

    (1) All trading centers in NMS Stocks, including both those operated by Participants and those operated by members of Participants, shall establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to prevent trades at prices that are below the Lower Price Band or above the Upper Price Band for an NMS Stock. Single-priced opening, reopening, and closing transactions on the Primary Listing Exchange, however, shall be excluded from this limitation. In addition, any transaction that both (i) does not update the last sale price (except if solely because the transaction was reported late or because the transaction was an odd-lot sized transaction), and (ii) is excepted or exempt from Rule 611 under Regulation NMS shall be excluded from this limitation.

    (2) When a National Best Bid is below the Lower Price Band or a National Best Offer is above the Upper Price Band for an NMS Stock, the Processor shall disseminate such National Best Bid or National Best Offer with an appropriate flag identifying it as non-executable. When a National Best Offer is equal to the Lower Price Band or a National Best Bid is equal to the Upper Price Band for an NMS Stock, the Processor shall distribute such National Best Bid or National Best Offer with an appropriate flag identifying it as a “Limit State Quotation”.

    (3) All trading centers in NMS Stocks, including both those operated by Participants and those operated by members of Participants, shall establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to prevent the display of offers below the Lower Price Band and bids above the Upper Price Band for an NMS Stock. The Processor shall disseminate an offer below the Lower Price Band or bid above the Upper Price Band that may be submitted despite such reasonable policies and procedures, but with an appropriate flag identifying it as non-executable; provided, however, that any such bid or offer shall not be included in National Best Bid or National Best Offer calculations.

    (B) Entering and Exiting a Limit State

    (1) All trading for an NMS Stock shall immediately enter a Limit State if the National Best Offer equals the Lower Price Band and does not cross the National Best Bid, or the National Best Bid equals the Upper Price Band and does not cross the National Best Offer.

    (2) When trading for an NMS Stock enters a Limit State, the Processor shall disseminate this information by identifying the relevant quotation (i.e., a National Best Offer that equals the Lower Price Band or a National Best Bid that equals the Upper Price Band) as a Limit State Quotation. At this point, the Processor shall cease calculating and disseminating updated Reference Prices and Price Bands for the NMS Stock until either trading exits the Limit State or trading resumes with an opening or re-opening as provided in Section V.

    (3) Trading for an NMS Stock shall exit a Limit State if, within 15 seconds of entering the Limit State, the entire size of all Limit State Quotations are executed or cancelled.

    (4) If trading for an NMS Stock exits a Limit State within 15 seconds of entry, the Processor shall immediately calculate and disseminate updated Price Bands based on a Reference Price that equals the arithmetic mean price of Eligible Reported Transactions for the NMS Stock over the immediately preceding five-minute period (including the period of the Limit State).

    (5) If trading for an NMS Stock does not exit a Limit State within 15 seconds of entry, the Limit State will terminate when the Primary Listing Exchange declares a Trading Pause pursuant to Section VII of the Plan or at the end of Regular Trading Hours.

    VII. Trading Pauses

    (A) Declaration of Trading Pauses

    (1) If trading for an NMS Stock does not exit a Limit State within 15 seconds of entry during Regular Trading Hours, then the Primary Listing Exchange shall declare a Start Printed Page 12437Trading Pause for such NMS Stock and shall notify the Processor.

    (2) The Primary Listing Exchange may also declare a Trading Pause for an NMS Stock when an NMS Stock is in a Straddle State, which is when National Best Bid (Offer) is below (above) the Lower (Upper) Price Band and the NMS Stock is not in a Limit State, and trading in that NMS Stock deviates from normal trading characteristics such that declaring a Trading Pause would support the Plan's goal to address extraordinary market volatility. The Primary Listing Exchange shall develop policies and procedures for determining when it would declare a Trading Pause in such circumstances. If a Trading Pause is declared for an NMS Stock under this provision, the Primary Listing Exchange shall notify the Processor.

    (3) The Processor shall disseminate Trading Pause information to the public. No trades in an NMS Stock shall occur during a Trading Pause, but all bids and offers may be displayed.

    (B) Reopening of Trading During Regular Trading Hours

    (1) Five minutes after declaring a Trading Pause for an NMS Stock, and if the Primary Listing Exchange has not declared a Regulatory Halt, the Primary Listing Exchange shall attempt to reopen trading using its established reopening procedures. The Processor will publish the following information that the Primary Listing Exchange provides to the Processor in connection with such reopening: Auction reference price; auction collars; and number of extensions to the reopening auction. The Trading Pause shall end when the Primary Listing Exchange reports a Reopening Price.

    (2) The Primary Listing Exchange shall notify the Processor if it is unable to reopen trading in an NMS Stock due to a systems or technology issue and if it has not declared a Regulatory Halt. The Processor shall disseminate this information to the public.

    (3) Trading centers may not resume trading in an NMS Stock following a Trading Pause without Price Bands in such NMS Stock.

    (4) The Processor shall update the Price Bands as set forth in Section V(C)(1)-(2) of the Plan after receiving notification from the Primary Listing Exchange of a Reopening Price following a Trading Pause (or a resume message in the case of a reopening quote that has a zero bid or zero offer, or both) or that it is unable to reopen trading following a Trading Pause due to a systems or technology issue, provided that if the Primary Listing Exchange is unable to reopen due to a systems or technology issue, the update to the Price Bands will be no earlier than ten minutes after the beginning of the Trading Pause.

    (C) Trading Pauses Within Ten Minutes of the End of Regular Trading Hours

    (1) If an NMS Stock is in a Trading Pause during the last ten minutes of trading before the end of Regular Trading Hours, the Primary Listing Exchange shall not reopen trading and shall attempt to execute a closing transaction using its established closing procedures. All trading centers may begin trading the NMS Stock when the Primary Listing Exchange executes a closing transaction.

    (2) If the Primary Listing Exchange does not execute a closing transaction within five minutes after the end of Regular Trading Hours, all trading centers may begin trading the NMS Stock.

    VIII. Implementation

    The initial date of Plan operations shall be April 8, 2013.

    The Plan shall be implemented on a pilot basis set to end on [April 16, 2018]April 15, 2019.

    IX. Withdrawal From Plan

    If a Participant obtains SEC approval to withdraw from the Plan, such Participant may withdraw from the Plan at any time on not less than 30 days' prior written notice to each of the other Participants. At such time, the withdrawing Participant shall have no further rights or obligations under the Plan.

    X. Counterparts and Signatures

    The Plan may be executed in any number of counterparts, no one of which need contain all signatures of all Participants, and as many of such counterparts as shall together contain all such signatures shall constitute one and the same instrument.

    In Witness Thereof, this Plan has been executed as of the ___day of February 2018 by each of the parties hereto.














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    NYSE American LLC




    Appendix A—Percentage Parameters

    I. Tier 1 NMS Stocks

    (1) Tier 1 NMS Stocks shall include all NMS Stocks included in the S&P 500 Index, the Russell 1000 Index, and the exchange-traded products (“ETP”) identified as Schedule 1 to this Appendix. Schedule 1 to the Appendix will be reviewed and updated semi-annually based on the fiscal year by the Primary Listing Exchange to add ETPs that meet the criteria, or delete ETPs that are no longer eligible. To determine eligibility for an ETP to be included as a Tier 1 NMS Stock, all ETPs across multiple asset classes and issuers, including domestic equity, international equity, fixed income, currency, and commodities and futures will be identified. Leveraged ETPs will be excluded and the list will be sorted by notional consolidated average daily volume (“CADV”). The period used to measure CADV will be from the first day of the previous fiscal half year up until one week before the beginning of the next fiscal half year. Daily volumes will be multiplied by closing prices and then averaged over the period. ETPs, including inverse ETPs, that trade over $2,000,000 CADV will be eligible to be included as a Tier 1 NMS Stock. The semi-annual updates to Schedule 1 do not require an amendment to the Plan. The Primary Listing Exchanges will maintain the updated Schedule 1 on their respective websites.

    (2) The Percentage Parameters for Tier 1 NMS Stocks with a Reference Price more than $3.00 shall be 5%.

    (3) The Percentage Parameters for Tier 1 NMS Stocks with a Reference Price equal to $0.75 and up to and including $3.00 shall be 20%.

    (4) The Percentage Parameters for Tier 1 NMS Stocks with a Reference Price less than $0.75 shall be the lesser of (a) $0.15 or (b) 75%.

    (5) The Reference Price used for determining which Percentage Parameter shall be applicable during a trading day shall be based on the closing price of the NMS Stock on the Primary Listing Exchange on the previous trading day, or if no closing price exists, the last sale on the Primary Listing Exchange reported by the Processor.

    II. Tier 2 NMS Stocks

    (1) Tier 2 NMS Stocks shall include all NMS Stocks other than those in Tier 1, provided, however, that all rights and warrants are excluded from the Plan.

    (2) The Percentage Parameters for Tier 2 NMS Stocks with a Reference Price more than $3.00 shall be 10%.

    (3) The Percentage Parameters for Tier 2 NMS Stocks with a Reference Price equal to $0.75 and up to and including $3.00 shall be 20%.

    (4) The Percentage Parameters for Tier 2 NMS Stocks with a Reference Price less than $0.75 shall be the lesser of (a) $0.15 or (b) 75%.

    (5) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Percentage Parameters for a Tier 2 NMS Stock that is a leveraged ETP shall be the applicable Percentage Parameter set forth in clauses (2), (3), or (4) above, multiplied by the leverage ratio of such product.

    (6) The Reference Price used for determining which Percentage Parameter shall be applicable during a trading day shall be based on the closing price of the NMS Stock on the Primary Listing Exchange on the previous trading day, or if no closing price Start Printed Page 12438exists, the last sale on the Primary Listing Exchange reported by the Processor.

    Appendix A—Schedule 1

    [As of January 2, 2018]

    TickerETP nameExchange
    SPYSPDR S&P 500® ETFNYSE Arca.
    QQQPowershares QQQ Trust Series 1NASDAQ.
    IWMiShares Russell 2000 ETFNYSE Arca.
    EEMiShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETFNYSE Arca.
    XLFFinancial Select Sector SPDR FundNYSE Arca.
    VXXiPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETNNYSE Arca.
    TLTiShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    HYGiShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    GDXVanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETFNYSE Arca.
    XIVVelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short Term ETNNASDAQ.
    IVViShares Core S&P 500 ETFNYSE Arca.
    GLDSPDR Gold TrustNYSE Arca.
    XLEEnergy Select Sector SPDR FundNYSE Arca.
    LQDiShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    EWZiShares MSCI Brazil Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    XLUUtilities Select Sector SPDR FundNYSE Arca.
    XLIIndustrial Select Sector SPDR FundNYSE Arca.
    DIASPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF TrustNYSE Arca.
    XLPConsumer Staples Select Sector SPDR FundNYSE Arca.
    XLKTechnology Select Sector SPDR FundNYSE Arca.
    SVXYProShares Short VIX Short Term FuturesNYSE Arca.
    FXIiShares China Large-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    XLVHealth Care Select Sector SPDR FundNYSE Arca.
    IYRiShares U.S. Real Estate ETFNYSE Arca.
    XOPSPDR S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETFNYSE Arca.
    VWOVanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETFNYSE Arca.
    VOOVanguard S&P 500 ETFNYSE Arca.
    IEMGiShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETFNYSE Arca.
    EWJiShares MSCI Japan ETFNYSE Arca.
    GDXJVanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETFNYSE Arca.
    XLYConsumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR FundNYSE Arca.
    SMHVanEck Vectors Semiconductor ETFNYSE Arca.
    JNKSPDR Bloomberg Barclays High Yield Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    KRESPDR S&P Regional Banking ETFNYSE Arca.
    MDYSPDR S&P MidCap 400® ETFNYSE Arca.
    XBISPDR S&P Biotech ETFNYSE Arca.
    VEAVanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETFNYSE Arca.
    IBBiShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETFNASDAQ.
    VNQVanguard REIT ETFNYSE Arca.
    AGGiShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    EZUiShares MSCI Eurozone ETFCboe BZX.
    VTIVanguard Total Stock Market ETFNYSE Arca.
    IEFAiShares Core MSCI EAFE ETFCboe BZX.
    XLBMaterials Select Sector SPDR FundNYSE Arca.
    EMBiShares JP Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    IWDiShares Russell 1000 Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    USOUnited States Oil Fund LPNYSE Arca.
    XRTSPDR S&P Retail ETFNYSE Arca.
    IEFiShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    IJRiShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    IJHiShares Core S&P Mid-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    IWFiShares Russell 1000 Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    VGKVanguard FTSE Europe ETFNYSE Arca.
    EWYiShares MSCI South Korea Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    BNDVanguard Total Bond Market ETFNYSE Arca.
    OIHVanEck Vectors Oil Services ETFNYSE Arca.
    DXJWisdomTree Japan Hedged Equity FundNYSE Arca.
    AMLPAlerian MLP ETFNYSE Arca.
    EWWiShares MSCI Mexico Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    IWBiShares Russell 1000 ETFNYSE Arca.
    VTVVanguard Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    RSXVanEck Vectors Russia ETFNYSE Arca.
    SLViShares Silver TrustNYSE Arca.
    EWTiShares MSCI Taiwan Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    IAUiShares Gold TrustNYSE Arca.
    VCSHVanguard Short-Term Corporate Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    TIPiShares TIPS Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    Start Printed Page 12439
    IWOiShares Russell 2000 Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    BSVVanguard Short-Term Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    VCITVanguard Intermediate-Term Corporate Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    IWNiShares Russell 2000 Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    EWGiShares MSCI Germany ETFNYSE Arca.
    INDAiShares MSCI India ETFCboe BZX.
    IVWiShares S&P 500 Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    VEUVanguard FTSE All-World ex-US ETFNYSE Arca.
    PFFiShares US Preferred Stock ETFNASDAQ.
    ITBiShares U.S. Home Construction ETFCboe BZX.
    AAXJiShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan ETFNASDAQ.
    EWHiShares MSCI Hong Kong ETFNYSE Arca.
    HEDJWisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity FundNYSE Arca.
    SOXXiShares PHLX Semiconductor ETFNASDAQ.
    XMESPDR S&P Metals & Mining ETFNYSE Arca.
    IVEiShares S&P 500 Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    SHViShares Short Treasury Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    SHYiShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    VBVanguard Small-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    VUGVanguard Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    BKLNPowerShares Senior Loan PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    AMJJPMorgan Alerian MLP Index ETNNYSE Arca.
    VGTVanguard Information Technology ETFNYSE Arca.
    SHProShares Short S&P500NYSE Arca.
    USMViShares MSCI USA Minimum Volatility ETFCboe BZX.
    EWUiShares MSCI United Kingdom ETFNYSE Arca.
    VYMVanguard High Dividend Yield Index FundNYSE Arca.
    XHBSPDR S&P Homebuilders ETFNYSE Arca.
    IEIiShares 3-7 Year Treasury Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    FXECurrencyShares Euro TrustNYSE Arca.
    EWCiShares MSCI Canada ETFNYSE Arca.
    UNGUnited States Natural Gas Fund LPNYSE Arca.
    XLREReal Estate Select Sector SPDR FundNYSE Arca.
    SPLVPowerShares S&P 500® Low Volatility PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    MUBiShares National Muni Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    VTVanguard Total World Stock Index FundNYSE Arca.
    MINTPIMCO Enhanced Short Maturity Strategy Exchange-Traded FundNYSE Arca.
    DBEFXtrackers MSCI EAFE Hedged Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    VOVanguard Mid-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    OEFiShares S&P 100 ETFNYSE Arca.
    VIGVanguard Dividend Appreciation ETFNYSE Arca.
    EWPiShares MSCI Spain Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    FLOTiShares Floating Rate Bond ETFCboe BZX.
    EPIWisdomTree India Earnings FundNYSE Arca.
    DVYiShares Select Dividend ETFNASDAQ.
    CSJiShares 1-3 Year Credit Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    VIXYProShares VIX Short-Term Futures ETFNYSE Arca.
    CWBSPDR Bloomberg Barclays Convertible Securities ETFNYSE Arca.
    BIVVanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    SCHFSchwab International Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    ITAiShares US Aerospace & Defense ETFCboe BZX.
    RSPGuggenheim S&P 500 Equal Weight ETFNYSE Arca.
    SJNKSPDR Bloomberg Barclays Short Term High Yield Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    ITOTiShares Core S&P Total U.S. Stock Market ETFNYSE Arca.
    BNDXVanguard Total International Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    EWAiShares MSCI Australia ETFNYSE Arca.
    IYTiShares Transportation Average ETFCboe BZX.
    ILFiShares Latin America 40 ETFNYSE Arca.
    VFHVanguard Financials ETFNYSE Arca.
    PCYPowerShares Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    HYSPIMCO 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond Index Exchange-Traded FundNYSE Arca.
    FDNFirst Trust Dow Jones Internet Index FundNYSE Arca.
    CIUiShares Intermediate Credit Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    MTUMiShares MSCI USA Momentum Factor ETFCboe BZX.
    VBRVanguard Small-Cap Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    Start Printed Page 12440
    VXUSVanguard Total International Stock ETFNASDAQ.
    SDYSPDR S&P Dividend ETFNYSE Arca.
    IWRiShares Russell Mid-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    EMLCVanEck Vectors Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    HEWJiShares Currency Hedged MSCI Japan ETFNYSE Arca.
    EFAViShares MSCI EAFE Minimum Volatility ETFCboe BZX.
    EUFNiShares MSCI Europe Financials ETFNASDAQ.
    IWSiShares Russell Mid-Cap Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    SCHXSchwab U.S. Large-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    NEARiShares Short Maturity Bond ETFCboe BZX.
    IWPiShares Russell Mid-Cap Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    KWEBKraneShares CSI China Internet ETFNYSE Arca.
    HEFAiShares Currency Hedged MSCI EAFE ETFCboe BZX.
    EWIiShares MSCI Italy Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    IWViShares Russell 3000 ETFNYSE Arca.
    IYFiShares U.S. Financials ETFNYSE Arca.
    EZAiShares MSCI South Africa ETFNYSE Arca.
    VXFVanguard Extended Market Index FundNYSE Arca.
    IYWiShares U.S. Technology ETFNYSE Arca.
    VHTVanguard Health Care ETFNYSE Arca.
    BILSPDR Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill ETFNYSE Arca.
    UUPPowerShares DB US Dollar Index Bullish FundNYSE Arca.
    IEURiShares Core MSCI Europe ETFNYSE Arca.
    DBCPowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking FundNYSE Arca.
    EFViShares MSCI EAFE Value ETFCboe BZX.
    HEZUiShares Currency Hedged MSCI Eurozone ETFNYSE Arca.
    SCHBSchwab U.S. Broad Market ETFNYSE Arca.
    IEViShares Europe ETFNYSE Arca.
    SCHDSchwab U.S. Dividend Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    VVVanguard Large-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    PGXPowerShares Preferred PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    EWLiShares MSCI Switzerland Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    VPLVanguard FTSE Pacific ETFNYSE Arca.
    IJKiShares S&P Mid-Cap 400 Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    BOTZGlobal X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Thematic ETFNASDAQ.
    VMBSVanguard Mortgage-Backed Securities ETFNASDAQ.
    IXUSiShares Core MSCI Total International Stock ETFNASDAQ.
    VCLTVanguard Long-Term Corporate Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    SCHESchwab Emerging Markets Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    LITGlobal X Lithium & Battery Tech ETFNYSE Arca.
    ASHRXtrackers Harvest CSI 300 China A-Shares ETFNYSE Arca.
    VOEVanguard Mid-Cap Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    VDEVanguard Energy ETFNYSE Arca.
    HDViShares Core High Dividend ETFNYSE Arca.
    IUSGiShares Core US Growth ETFNASDAQ.
    SCHASchwab U.S. Small-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    PSQProShares Short QQQNYSE Arca.
    GOVTiShares Core US Treasury Bond ETFCboe BZX.
    KBWBPowerShares KBW Bank PortfolioNASDAQ.
    EEMViShares MSCI Emerging Markets Minimum Volatility ETF/DupCboe BZX.
    VTIPVanguard Short-Term Inflation-Protected Securities ETFNASDAQ.
    RWXSPDR Dow Jones International Real Estate ETFNYSE Arca.
    ROBOROBO Global Robotics and Automation Index ETFNASDAQ.
    DBJPXtrackers MSCI Japan Hedged Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    VNQIVanguard Global ex-U.S. Real Estate ETFNASDAQ.
    SHYGiShares 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    QUALiShares MSCI USA Quality Factor ETFCboe BZX.
    IGViShares North American Tech-Software ETFCboe BZX.
    EPPiShares MSCI Pacific ex Japan ETFNYSE Arca.
    EWQiShares MSCI France ETFNYSE Arca.
    VLUEiShares MSCI USA Value Factor ETFCboe BZX.
    VSSVanguard FTSE All-World Ex-US Small-Cap Index FundNYSE Arca.
    ECHiShares MSCI Chile Capped ETFCboe BZX.
    SCHZSchwab U.S. Aggregate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    IDViShares International Select Dividend ETFCboe BZX.
    IJSiShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    DBEUXtrackers MSCI Europe Hedged Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    SPIBSPDR Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Term Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    IHIiShares U.S. Medical Devices ETFNYSE Arca.
    HYDVanEck Vectors High Yield Municipal Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    Start Printed Page 12441
    SCHOSchwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETFNYSE Arca.
    SCHHSchwab U.S. REIT ETFNYSE Arca.
    IUSViShares Core US Value ETFNASDAQ.
    SCHGSchwab U.S. Large-Cap Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    SHMSPDR Nuveen Bloomberg Barclays Short Term Municipal Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    FPEFirst Trust Preferred Securities and Income ETFNYSE Arca.
    SPSBSPDR Bloomberg Barclays Short Term Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    VBKVanguard Small-Cap Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    ACWViShares MSCI All Country World Minimum Volatility ETFCboe BZX.
    TOTLSPDR DoubleLine Total Return Tactical ETFNYSE Arca.
    VTEBVanguard Tax-Exempt Bond Index FundNYSE Arca.
    FXUFirst Trust Utilities AlphaDEX FundNYSE Arca.
    IJTiShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Growth ETFNASDAQ.
    IYMiShares U.S. Basic Materials ETFNYSE Arca.
    MLPIETRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructure ETNNYSE Arca.
    VPUVanguard Utilities Index FundNYSE Arca.
    SRLNSPDR Blackstone/GSO Senior Loan ETFNYSE Arca.
    FXLFirst Trust Technology AlphaDEX FundNYSE Arca.
    BLVVanguard Long-Term Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    SPHDPowerShares S&P 500 High Dividend Low Volatility PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    IYHiShares U.S. Healthcare ETFNYSE Arca.
    TFISPDR Nuveen Bloomberg Barclays Municipal Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    ICFiShares Cohen & Steers REIT ETFCboe BZX.
    VDCVanguard Consumer Staples ETFNYSE Arca.
    EWMiShares MSCI Malaysia ETFNYSE Arca.
    VOXVanguard Telecommunication Services ETFNYSE Arca.
    IJJiShares S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    SCHPSchwab U.S. TIPS ETFNYSE Arca.
    DBAPowerShares DB Agriculture FundNYSE Arca.
    THDiShares MSCI Thailand Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    VISVanguard Industrials ETFNYSE Arca.
    EIDOiShares MSCI Indonesia ETFNYSE Arca.
    IYGiShares U.S. Financial Services ETFNYSE Arca.
    ANGLVanEck Vectors Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    RWMProShares Short Russell2000NYSE Arca.
    FTSMFirst Trust Enhanced Short Maturity ETFNASDAQ.
    EWSiShares MSCI Singapore Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    FVDFirst Trust Value Line Dividend Index FundNYSE Arca.
    BWXSPDR Bloomberg Barclays International Treasury Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    OILiPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil Total Return Index ETNsNYSE Arca.
    IYEiShares U.S. Energy ETFNYSE Arca.
    QTECFirst Trust NASDAQ.-100 Technology Index FundNASDAQ.
    DGROiShares Core Dividend Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    TURiShares MSCI Turkey ETFNASDAQ.
    VOTVanguard Mid-Cap Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    IYZiShares US Telecommunications ETFCboe BZX.
    PHBPowerShares High Yield Corporate Bond PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    SCHVSchwab U.S. Large-Cap Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    KIESPDR S&P Insurance ETFNYSE Arca.
    IDUiShares U.S. Utilities ETFNYSE Arca.
    EMLPFirst Trust North American Energy Infrastructure FundNYSE Arca.
    REMiShares Mortgage Real Estate Capped ETFCboe BZX.
    ERUSiShares MSCI Russia Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    MGKVanguard Mega Cap Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    VGSHVanguard Short-Term Government Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    FXBCurrencyShares British Pound Sterling TrustNYSE Arca.
    NOBLProShares S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats ETFCboe BZX.
    GBILGoldman Sachs TreasuryAccess® 0-1 Year ETFNYSE Arca.
    PRFPowerShares FTSE RAFI U.S. 1000 PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    EFGiShares MSCI EAFE Growth ETFCboe BZX.
    AMZAInfraCap MLP ETFNYSE Arca.
    GVIiShares Intermediate Government/Credit Bond ETFCboe BZX.
    GUNRFlexShares Global Upstream Natural Resources Index FundNYSE Arca.
    VAWVanguard Materials ETFNYSE Arca.
    XARSPDR S&P Aerospace & Defense ETFNYSE Arca.
    BONDPIMCO Active Bond Exchange-Traded FundNYSE Arca.
    VTWOVanguard Russell 2000NASDAQ.
    IGFiShares Global Infrastructure ETFNASDAQ.
    FLRNSPDR Bloomberg Barclays Investment Grade Floating Rate ETFNYSE Arca.
    SCHMSchwab U.S. Mid-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    Start Printed Page 12442
    FNDXSchwab Fundamental U.S. Large Company Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    RWOSPDR Dow Jones Global Real Estate ETFNYSE Arca.
    EWDiShares MSCI Sweden Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    CQQQGuggenheim China Technology ETFNYSE Arca.
    VRPPowerShares Variable Rate Preferred PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    FTECFidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    ZIVVelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Medium Term ETNNASDAQ.
    IYJiShares U.S. Industrials ETFCboe BZX.
    DEMWisdomTree Emerging Markets High Dividend FundNYSE Arca.
    USMCPrincipal U.S. Mega-Cap Multi-Factor ETFNASDAQ.
    GSYGuggenheim Ultra Short Duration ETFNYSE Arca.
    XESSPDR S&P Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ETFNYSE Arca.
    VGITVanguard Intermediate-Term Government Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    VCRVanguard Consumer Discretionary ETFNYSE Arca.
    FNDFSchwab Fundamental International Large Company Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    FXYCurrencyShares Japanese Yen TrustNYSE Arca.
    FNDASchwab Fundamental U.S. Small Company Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    IDEViShares Core MSCI International Developed Markets ETFNYSE Arca.
    DONWisdomTree U.S. MidCap Dividend FundNYSE Arca.
    ITMVanEck Vectors AMT-Free Intermediate Municipal Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    HACKETFMG Prime Cyber Security ETFNYSE Arca.
    CREDiShares Core US Credit Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    FNCLFidelity MSCI Financials Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    IXNiShares Global Tech ETFNYSE Arca.
    ONEQFidelity NASDAQ. Composite Index Tracking Stock ETFNASDAQ.
    SPDWSPDR S&P World ex-US ETFNYSE Arca.
    HEWGiShares Currency Hedged MSCI Germany ETFNASDAQ.
    TBFProShares Short 20+ Year TreasuryNYSE Arca.
    RPGGuggenheim S&P 500 Pure Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    DOGProShares Short Dow30NYSE Arca.
    RYTGuggenheim S&P Equal Weight Technology ETFNYSE Arca.
    LMBSFirst Trust Low Duration Opportunities ETFNASDAQ.
    SPHBPowerShares S&P 500® High Beta PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    INDYiShares India 50 ETFNASDAQ.
    IYCiShares U.S. Consumer Services ETFNYSE Arca.
    RINGiShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETFNASDAQ.
    MDYGSPDR S&P 400 Mid Cap Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    DFEWisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend FundNYSE Arca.
    DGRWWisdomTree U.S. Quality Dividend Growth FundNASDAQ.
    SPEMSPDR S&P Emerging Markets ETFNYSE Arca.
    FNDESchwab Fundamental Emerging Markets Large Company Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    IXCiShares Global Energy ETFNYSE Arca.
    EPHEiShares MSCI Philippines ETFNYSE Arca.
    DGSWisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend FundNYSE Arca.
    FXCCurrencyShares Canadian Dollar TrustNYSE Arca.
    EPOLiShares MSCI Poland Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    GSLCGoldman Sachs ActiveBeta U.S. Large Cap Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    ISTBiShares Core 1-5 Year USD Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    VWOBVanguard Emerging Markets Government Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    STIPiShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    SUBiShares Short-Term National Muni Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    TLHiShares 10-20 Year Treasury Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    EMHYiShares Emerging Markets High Yield Bond ETFCboe BZX.
    FXOFirst Trust Financial AlphaDEX FundNYSE Arca.
    LDRSInnovator IBD® ETF Leaders ETFNYSE Arca.
    SPABSPDR Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    SLYVSPDR S&P 600 Small Cap Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    DJPiPath Bloomberg Commodity Index Total Return ETNNYSE Arca.
    SDOGALPS Sector Dividend Dogs ETFNYSE Arca.
    MLPAGlobal X MLP ETFNYSE Arca.
    FBTFirst Trust NYSE Arca. Biotechnology Index FundNYSE Arca.
    FVFirst Trust Dorsey Wright Focus 5 ETFNASDAQ.
    SCHRSchwab Intermediate-Term U.S. Treasury ETFNYSE Arca.
    MDYVSPDR S&P 400 Mid Cap Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    TANGuggenheim Solar ETFNYSE Arca.
    FTSLFirst Trust Senior Loan ETFNASDAQ.
    PZAPowerShares National AMT-Free Municipal Bond PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    VOOGVanguard S&P 500 Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    FEXFirst Trust Large Cap Core AlphaDEX FundNASDAQ.
    SKYYFirst Trust ISE Cloud Computing Index FundNASDAQ.
    Start Printed Page 12443
    SDIVGlobal X SuperDividend ETFNYSE Arca.
    IATiShares U.S. Regional Banks ETFNYSE Arca.
    SLYGSPDR S&P 600 Small Cap Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    IYKiShares U.S. Consumer Goods ETFNYSE Arca.
    IUSBiShares Core Total USD Bond Market ETFNASDAQ.
    VGLTVanguard Long-Term Government Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    XSDSPDR S&P Semiconductor ETFNYSE Arca.
    EDVVanguard Extended Duration Treasury ETFNYSE Arca.
    HYLSFirst Trust Exchange-Traded Fund IV First Trust Tactical High Yield ETFNASDAQ.
    GREKGlobal X MSCI Greece ETFNYSE Arca.
    XTiShares Exponential Technologies ETFNASDAQ.
    SPTMSPDR Portfolio Total Stock Market ETFNYSE Arca.
    PPLTETFS Physical Platinum SharesNYSE Arca.
    XMLVPowerShares S&P MidCap Low Volatility PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    VIGIVanguard International Dividend Appreciation ETFNASDAQ.
    SCHKSchwab 1000 Index® ETFNYSE Arca.
    SPYGSPDR Portfolio S&P 500 Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    IGMiShares North American Tech ETFNYSE Arca.
    ARKKARK Innovation ETFNYSE Arca.
    XSLVPowerShares S&P SmallCap Low Volatility PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    FXHFirst Trust Health Care AlphaDEX FundNYSE Arca.
    IWYiShares Russell Top 200 Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    VONGVanguard Russell 1000 Growth ETFNASDAQ.
    EWNiShares MSCI Netherlands ETFNYSE Arca.
    CLRGIQ Chaikin U.S. Large Cap ETFNASDAQ.
    PICKiShares MSCI Global Metals & Mining Producers ETFCboe BZX.
    DESWisdomTree U.S. SmallCap Dividend FundNYSE Arca.
    SCHCSchwab International Small-Cap Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    IGOViShares International Treasury Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    GNRSPDR S&P Global Natural Resources ETFNYSE Arca.
    CLYiShares 10+ Year Credit Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    IPACiShares Core MSCI Pacific ETFNYSE Arca.
    EMQQEMQQ The Emerging Markets Internet & Ecommerce ETFNYSE Arca.
    FFTYInnovator IBD® 50 ETFNYSE Arca.
    AIEQAI Powered Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    FEPFirst Trust Europe AlphaDEX FundNASDAQ.
    DLSWisdomTree International SmallCap Dividend FundNYSE Arca.
    IXJiShares Global Healthcare ETFNYSE Arca.
    AOMiShares Core Moderate Allocation FundNYSE Arca.
    PGFPowerShares Financial Preferred PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    FXRFirst Trust Industrials/Producer Durables AlphaDEX FundNYSE Arca.
    JOiPath Bloomberg Coffee Subindex Total Return ETNNYSE Arca.
    FDLFirst Trust Morningstar Dividend Leaders Index FundNYSE Arca.
    FHLCFidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    VXZiPATH S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETNNYSE Arca.
    SILGlobal X Silver Miners ETFNYSE Arca.
    LRGFiShares Edge MSCI Multifactor USA ETFNYSE Arca.
    SPLGSPDR Portfolio Large Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    DFJWisdomTree Japan SmallCap Dividend FundNYSE Arca.
    PHYSSprott Physical Gold TrustNYSE Arca.
    SPTLSPDR Bloomberg Barclays Long Term Treasury ETFNYSE Arca.
    URAGlobal X Uranium ETFNYSE Arca.
    JPINJPMorgan Diversified Return International Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    PDBCPowerShares DB Optimum Yield Diversified Commodity Strategy PortfolioNASDAQ.
    HYMBSPDR Nuveen S&P High Yield Municipal Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    FNDCSchwab Fundamental International Small Company Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    HYLBXtrackers USD High Yield Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    PXHPowerShares FTSE RAFI Emerging Markets PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    DBOPowerShares DB Oil FundNYSE Arca.
    PRFZPowerShares FTSE RAFI US 1500 Small-Mid PortfolioNASDAQ.
    AIAiShares Asia 50 ETFNASDAQ.
    DWXSPDR S&P International Dividend ETFNYSE Arca.
    MOATVanEck Vectors Morningstar Wide Moat ETFNYSE Arca.
    XPHSPDR S&P Pharmaceuticals ETFNYSE Arca.
    RPVGuggenheim S&P 500 Pure Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    AORiShares Core Growth Allocation FundNYSE Arca.
    ITESPDR Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Term Treasury ETFNYSE Arca.
    PSIPowerShares Dynamic Semiconductors PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    VYMIVanguard International High Dividend Yield ETFNASDAQ.
    PPAPowerShares Aerospace & Defense PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    Start Printed Page 12444
    JPMFJPMorgan Managed Futures Strategy ETFNYSE Arca.
    SCIFVanEck Vectors India Small-Cap Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    FMiShares MSCI Frontier 100 ETFNYSE Arca.
    FDTFirst Trust Developed Markets ex-US AlphaDEX FundNASDAQ.
    DSIiShares MSCI KLD 400 Social ETFNYSE Arca.
    GWXSPDR S&P International Small Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    SLQDiShares 0-5 Year Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETFNASDAQ.
    ARKWARK Web x.0 ETFNYSE Arca.
    STPZPIMCO 1-5 Year U.S. TIPS Index Exchange-Traded FundNYSE Arca.
    SPSMSPDR Portfolio Small Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    IEOiShares U.S. Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETFCboe BZX.
    SPHQPowerShares S&P 500 Quality PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    PNQIPowerShares NASDAQ. Internet PortfolioNASDAQ.
    IWCiShares Micro-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    VIOOVanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 ETFNYSE Arca.
    RYHGuggenheim S&P Equal Weight Health Care ETFNYSE Arca.
    SGOLETFS Physical Swiss Gold SharesNYSE Arca.
    REMXVanEck Vectors Rare Earth/Strategic Metals ETFNYSE Arca.
    REETiShares Global REIT ETFNYSE Arca.
    VONVVanguard Russell 1000 ValueNASDAQ.
    IHFiShares U.S. Healthcare Providers ETFNYSE Arca.
    BSCIGuggenheim BulletShares 2018 Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    MGVVanguard Mega Cap Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    BSJJGuggenheim BulletShares 2019 High Yield Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    BBHVanEck Vectors Biotech ETFNASDAQ.
    IGEiShares North American Natural Resources ETFCboe BZX.
    BSJKGuggenheim BulletShares 2020 High Yield Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    PDPPowerShares DWA Momentum PortfolioNASDAQ.
    FXACurrencyShares Australian Dollar TrustNYSE Arca.
    BSJIGuggenheim BulletShares 2018 High Yield Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    RFDIFirst Trust RiverFront Dynamic Developed International ETFNASDAQ.
    CORPPIMCO Investment Grade Corporate Bond Index Exchange-Traded FundNYSE Arca.
    FPXFirst Trust US IPO Index FundNYSE Arca.
    GEMGoldman Sachs ActiveBeta Emerging Markets Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    PWVPowerShares Dynamic Large Cap Value PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    BSCKGuggenheim BulletShares 2020 Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    TDTTFlexShares iBoxx 3-Year Target Duration TIPS Index FundNYSE Arca.
    AMUETRACS Alerian MLP Index ETNNYSE Arca.
    IXGiShares Global Financials ETFNYSE Arca.
    FXDFirst Trust Consumer Discretionary AlphaDEX FundNYSE Arca.
    DLNWisdomTree U.S. LargeCap Dividend FundNYSE Arca.
    ILTBiShares Core Long-Term USD Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    FRELFidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    SCJiShares MSCI Japan Small-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    GSGiShares S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed TrustNYSE Arca.
    FENYFidelity MSCI Energy Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    BSCJGuggenheim BulletShares 2019 Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    FXGFirst Trust Consumer Staples AlphaDEX FundNYSE Arca.
    BABPowerShares Taxable Municipal Bond PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    QAIIQ Hedge Multi-Strategy Tracker ETFNYSE Arca.
    SPYVSPDR Portfolio S&P 500 Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    PPHVanEck Vectors Pharmaceutical ETFNASDAQ.
    SMINiShares MSCI India Small-Cap ETFCboe BZX.
    DBBPowerShares DB Base Metals FundNYSE Arca.
    TOKiShares MSCI Kokusai ETFNYSE Arca.
    SECTMain Sector Rotation ETFCboe BZX.
    FCGFirst Trust Natural Gas ETFNYSE Arca.
    IVOGVanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 Growth ETFNYSE Arca.
    EXIiShares Global Industrials ETFNYSE Arca.
    EWOiShares MSCI Austria Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    SGGiPath Bloomberg Sugar Subindex Total Return ETNNYSE Arca.
    IDLVPowerShares S&P International Developed Low Volatility PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    SIZEiShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor ETFNYSE Arca.
    FTAFirst Trust Large Cap Value AlphaDEX FundNASDAQ.
    FLEEFranklin FTSE Europe ETFNYSE Arca.
    PJPPowerShares Dynamic Pharmaceuticals PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    ECONEGShares Emerging Markets Consumer ETFNYSE Arca.
    FEMFirst Trust Emerging Markets AlphaDEX FundNASDAQ.
    HFXIIQ 50 Percent Hedged FTSE International ETFNYSE Arca.
    EBNDSPDR Bloomberg Barclays Emerging Markets Local Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    Start Printed Page 12445
    INTFiShares Edge MSCI Multifactor Intl ETFNYSE Arca.
    EUMProShares Short MSCI Emerging MarketsNYSE Arca.
    IFVFirst Trust Dorsey Wright International Focus 5 ETFNASDAQ.
    LEMBiShares J.P. Morgan EM Local Currency Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    IPESPDR Bloomberg Barclays TIPS ETFNYSE Arca.
    BSCLGuggenheim BulletShares 2021 Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    AOKiShares Core Conservative Allocation FundNYSE Arca.
    IHEiShares U.S. Pharmaceuticals ETFNYSE Arca.
    FXZFirst Trust Materials AlphaDEX FundNYSE Arca.
    IYYiShares Dow Jones U.S. ETFNYSE Arca.
    PXFPowerShares FTSE RAFI Developed Markets ex-U.S. PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    QDFFlexShares Quality Dividend Index FundNYSE Arca.
    HYEMVanEck Vectors Emerging Markets High Yield Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    AOAiShares Core Aggressive Allocation FundNYSE Arca.
    RYFGuggenheim S&P Equal Weight Financial ETFNYSE Arca.
    PSLVSprott Physical Silver TrustNYSE Arca.
    FXNFirst Trust Energy AlphaDEX FundNYSE Arca.
    SPYDSPDR Portfolio S&P 500 High Dividend ETFNYSE Arca.
    MOOVanEck Vectors Agribusiness ETFNYSE Arca.
    ULVMUSAA MSCI USA Value Momentum Blend Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    PKWPowerShares Buyback Achievers PortfolioNASDAQ.
    PWSPacer WealthShield ETFCboe BZX.
    QQEWFirst Trust NASDAQ.-100 Equal Weighted Index FundNASDAQ.
    DHSWisdomTree U.S. High Dividend FundNYSE Arca.
    IVOOVanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 ETFNYSE Arca.
    CMFiShares California Muni Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    IGHGProShares Investment Grade-Interest Rate Hedged ETFCboe BZX.
    SPLBSPDR Bloomberg Barclays Long Term Corporate Bond ETNYSE Arca.
    PIDPowerShares International Dividend Achievers PortfolioNASDAQ.
    VONEVanguard Russell 1000NASDAQ.
    IAGGiShares International Aggregate Bond FundCboe BZX.
    EPUiShares MSCI All Peru Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    RWLOppenheimer Large Cap Revenue ETFNYSE Arca.
    RHSGuggenheim S&P 500 Equal Weight Consumer Staples ETFNYSE Arca.
    USRTiShares U.S. Core REIT ETFNYSE Arca.
    MGCVanguard Mega Cap 300 Index FundNYSE Arca.
    PTLCPacer Trendpilot 750 ETFCboe BZX.
    IQDFFlexShares International Quality Dividend Index FundNYSE Arca.
    EWXSPDR S&P Emerging Markets Small Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    JKDiShares Morningstar Large-Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    FXFCurrencyShares Swiss Franc TrustNYSE Arca.
    PFXFVanEck Vectors Preferred Securities ex Financials ETFNYSE Arca.
    LVHDLegg Mason Low Volatility High Dividend ETFNASDAQ.
    KBWYPowerShares KBW Premium Yield Equity REIT PortfolioNASDAQ.
    FEMSFirst Trust Emerging Markets Small Cap AlphaDEX FundNASDAQ.
    CFOVictory CEMP US 500 Enhanced Volatility Wtd Index ETFNASDAQ.
    PSCTPowerShares S&P SmallCap Information Technology PortfolioNASDAQ.
    NIBiPath Bloomberg Cocoa Subindex Total Return ETNNYSE Arca.
    CSMLIQ Chaikin U.S. Small Cap ETFNASDAQ.
    BSCMGuggenheim BulletShares 2022 Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    IEZiShares U.S. Oil Equipment & Services ETFNYSE Arca.
    FUTYFidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    FTCSFirst Trust Capital Strength ETFNASDAQ.
    PALLETFS Physical Palladium SharesNYSE Arca.
    XLGGuggenheim S&P 500® Top 50 ETFNYSE Arca.
    BSJLGuggenheim BulletShares 2021 High Yield Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    RDIVOppenheimer Ultra Dividend Revenue ETFNYSE Arca.
    CGWGuggenheim S&P Global Water Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    BSCHGuggenheim BulletShares 2017 Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    FSTAFidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    FDDFirst Trust STOXX European Select Dividend Income FundNYSE Arca.
    PSPPowerShares Global Listed Private Equity PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    FIDUFidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    VNMVanEck Vectors Vietnam ETFNYSE Arca.
    PSKSPDR Wells Fargo Preferred Stock ETFNYSE Arca.
    MDIVFirst Trust Multi-Asset Diversified Income Index FundNASDAQ.
    ARGTGlobal X MSCI Argentina ETFNYSE Arca.
    EEMAiShares MSCI Emerging Markets Asia ETFNASDAQ.
    EZMWisdomTree U.S. MidCap Earnings FundNYSE Arca.
    IFGLiShares International Developed Real Estate ETFNASDAQ.
    RWJOppenheimer Small Cap Revenue ETFNYSE Arca.
    Start Printed Page 12446
    TDTFFlexShares iBoxx 5-Year Target Duration TIPS Index FundNYSE Arca.
    PEYPowerShares High Yield Equity Dividend Achievers PortfolioNASDAQ.
    ATMPBarclays ETN+ Select MLP ETNNYSE Arca.
    PTHPowerShares DWA Healthcare Momentum PortfolioNASDAQ.
    IOOiShares Global 100 ETFNYSE Arca.
    GBFiShares Government/Credit Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    FTXOFirst Trust Nasdaq Bank ETFNASDAQ.
    FIXDFirst Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETFNASDAQ.
    HEEMiShares Currency Hedged MSCI Emerging Markets ETFCboe BZX.
    PINPowerShares India PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    PCEFPowerShares CEF Income Composite PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    CHIQGlobal X China Consumer ETFNYSE Arca.
    DWMWisdomTree International Equity FundNYSE Arca.
    CXSEWisdomTree Trust WisdomTree China ex-State-Owned Enterprises FundNASDAQ.
    VOOVVanguard S&P 500 Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    RYEGuggenheim S&P 500 Equal Weight Energy ETFNYSE Arca.
    PKBPowerShares Dynamic Building & Construction PortfolioNYSE Arca.
    GMFSPDR S&P Emerging Asia Pacific ETFNYSE Arca.
    MNAIQ Merger Arbitrage ETFNYSE Arca.
    FMATFidelity MSCI Materials Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    OUSAO'Shares FTSE U.S. Quality Dividend ETFNYSE Arca.
    RZVGuggenheim S&P Smallcap 600 Pure Value ETFNYSE Arca.
    IBDMiShares iBonds Dec 2021 Term Corporate ETFNYSE Arca.
    FLTRVanEck Vectors Investment Grade Floating Rate ETFNYSE Arca.
    BNOUnited States Brent Oil Fund, LPNYSE Arca.
    QABAFirst Trust NASDAQ. ABA Community Bank Index FundNASDAQ.
    FDISFidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    SLYSPDR S&P 600 Small Cap ETFNYSE Arca.
    CDCVictory CEMP US EQ Income Enhanced Volatility Wtd Index ETFNASDAQ.
    FYXFirst Trust Small Cap Core AlphaDEX FundNASDAQ.
    SUSAiShares MSCI USA ESG Select ETFNYSE Arca.
    REZiShares Residential Real Estate Capped ETFNYSE Arca.
    IBDLiShares iBonds Dec 2020 Term Corporate ETFNYSE Arca.
    BSJHGuggenheim BulletShares 2017 High Yield Corporate Bond ETFNYSE Arca.
    UIVMUSAA MSCI International Value Momentum Blend Index ETFNYSE Arca.
    GSIEGoldman Sachs ActiveBeta International Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    AGGYWisdomTree Barclays Yield Enhanced U.S. Aggregate Bond FundNYSE Arca.
    JPUSJPMorgan Diversified Return US Equity ETFNYSE Arca.
    RGIGuggenheim S&P 500 Equal Weight Industrials ETFNYSE Arca.
    IHDGWisdomTree International Hedged Quality Dividend Growth FundNYSE Arca.
    URTHiShares MSCI World ETFNYSE Arca.
    DGLPowerShares DB Gold FundNYSE Arca.
    CIBRFirst Trust NASDAQ. Cybersecurity ETFNASDAQ.
    FMBFirst Trust Managed Municipal ETFNASDAQ.
    FTCFirst Trust Large Cap Growth AlphaDEX FundNASDAQ.
    RDVYFirst Trust NASDAQ. Rising Dividend Achievers ETFNASDAQ.
    KBAKraneShares Bosera MSCI China A Share ETFNYSE Arca.
    DXJSWisdomTree Japan Hedged SmallCap Equity FundNASDAQ.
    TDIVFirst Trust NASDAQ. Technology Dividend Index FundNASDAQ.
    IXPiShares Global Telecom ETFNYSE Arca.
    SLXVanEck Vectors Steel ETFNYSE Arca.

    Appendix B—Data

    Unless otherwise specified, the following data shall be collected and transmitted to the SEC in an agreed-upon format on a monthly basis, to be provided 30 calendar days following month end. Unless otherwise specified, the Primary Listing Exchanges shall be responsible for collecting and transmitting the data to the SEC. Data collected in connection with Sections II(E)—(G) below shall be transmitted to the SEC with a request for confidential treatment under the Freedom of Information Act. 5 U.S.C. 552, and the SEC's rules and regulations thereunder.

    I. Summary Statistics

    A. Frequency with which NMS Stocks enter a Limit State. Such summary data shall be broken down as follows:

    1. Partition stocks by category

    a. Tier 1 non-ETP issues >$3.00

    b. Tier 1 non-ETP issues >= $0.75 and = $3.00

    c. Tier 1 non-ETP issues <$0.75

    d. Tier 1 non-leveraged ETPs in each of above categories

    e. Tier 1 leveraged ETPs in each of above categories

    f. Tier 2 non-ETPs in each of above categories

    g. Tier 2 non-leveraged ETPs in each of above categories

    h. Tier 2 leveraged ETPs in each of above categories

    2. Partition by time of day

    a. Opening (prior to 9:45 a.m. ET)

    b. Regular (between 9:45 a.m. ET and 3:35 p.m. ET)

    c. Closing (after 3:35 p.m. ET)

    d. Within five minutes of a Trading Pause re-open or IPO open

    3. Track reasons for entering a Limit State, such as:

    a. Liquidity gap—price reverts from a Limit State Quotation and returns to trading within the Price Bands

    b. Broken tradesStart Printed Page 12447

    c. Primary Listing Exchange manually declares a Trading Pause pursuant to Section (VII)(2) of the Plan

    d. Other

    B. Determine (1), (2) and (3) for when a Trading Pause has been declared for an NMS Stock pursuant to the Plan.

    II. Raw Data (All Participants, Except A-E, Which Are for the Primary Listing Exchanges Only)

    A. Record of every Straddle State

    1. Ticker, date, time entered, time exited, flag for ending with Limit State, flag for ending with manual override.

    2. Pipe delimited with field names as first record.

    B. Record of every Price Band

    1. Ticker, date, time at beginning of Price Band, Upper Price Band, Lower Price Band

    2. Pipe delimited with field names as first record

    C. Record of every Limit State

    1. Ticker, date, time entered, time exited, flag for halt

    2. Pipe delimited with field names as first record

    D. Record of every Trading Pause or halt

    1. Ticker, date, time entered, time exited, type of halt (i.e., regulatory halt, non-regulatory halt, Trading Pause pursuant to the Plan, other)

    2. Pipe delimited with field names as first record

    E. Data set or orders entered into reopening auctions during halts or Trading Pauses

    1. Arrivals, Changes, Cancels, # shares, limit/market, side, Limit State side

    2. Pipe delimited with field name as first record

    F. Data set of order events received during Limit States

    G. Summary data on order flow of arrivals and cancellations for each 15-second period for discrete time periods and sample stocks to be determined by the SEC in subsequent data requests. Must indicate side(s) of Limit State.

    1. Market/marketable sell orders arrivals and executions

    a. Count

    b. Shares

    c. Shares executed

    2. Market/marketable buy orders arrivals and executions

    a. Count

    b. Shares

    c. Shares executed

    3. Count arriving, volume arriving and shares executing in limit sell orders above NBBO mid-point

    4. Count arriving, volume arriving and shares executing in limit sell orders at or below NBBO mid-point (non-marketable)

    5. Count arriving, volume arriving and shares executing in limit buy orders at or above NBBO mid-point (non-marketable)

    6. Count arriving, volume arriving and shares executing in limit buy orders below NBBO mid-point

    7. Count and volume arriving of limit sell orders priced at or above NBBO mid-point plus $0.05

    8. Count and volume arriving of limit buy orders priced at or below NBBO mid-point minus $0.05

    9. Count and volume of (3-8) for cancels

    10. Include: ticker, date, time at start, time of Limit State, all data item fields in 1, last sale prior to 15-second period (null if no trades today), range during 15-second period, last trade during 15-second period

    III. On May 28, 2015, Participants Provided to the SEC a Supplemental Joint Assessment Relating to the Impact of the Plan and Calibration of the Percentage Parameters as Follows

    A. Assess the statistical and economic impact on liquidity of approaching Price Bands.

    B. Assess the statistical and economic impact of the Price Bands on erroneous trades.

    C. Assess the statistical and economic impact of the appropriateness of the Percentage Parameters used for the Price Bands.

    D. Assess whether the Limit State is the appropriate length to allow for liquidity replenishment when a Limit State is reached because of a temporary liquidity gap.

    E. Evaluate concerns from the options markets regarding the statistical and economic impact of Limit States on liquidity and market quality in the options markets. (Participants that operate options exchange should also prepare such assessment reports.)

    F. Assess whether the process for entering a Limit State should be adjusted and whether Straddle States are problematic.

    G. Assess whether the process for exiting a Limit State should be adjusted.

    H. Assess whether the Trading Pauses are too long or short and whether the reopening procedures should be adjusted.

    End Preamble


    1.  On May 31, 2012, the Commission approved the Plan, as modified by Amendment No. 1. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 67091, 77 FR 33498 (June 6, 2012) (File No. 4- 631) (“Approval Order”). On February 20, 2013, the Commission noticed for immediate effectiveness the Second Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 68953, 78 FR 13113 (February 26, 2013). On April 3, 2013, the Commission approved the Third Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 69287, 78 FR 21483 (April 10, 2013). On August 27, 2013, the Commission noticed for immediate effectiveness the Fourth Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 70273, 78 FR 54321 (September 3, 2013). On September 26, 2013, the Commission approved the Fifth Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 70530, 78 FR 60937 (October 2, 2013). On January 7, 2014, the Commission noticed for immediate effectiveness the Sixth Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 71247, 79 FR 2204 (January 13, 2014). On April 3, 2014, the Commission approved the Seventh Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 71851, 79 FR 19687 (April 9, 2014). On February 19, 2015, the Commission approved the Eight Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 74323, 80 FR 10169 (February 25, 2015). On October 22, 2015, the Commission approved the Ninth Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 76244, 80 FR 66099 (October 28, 2015). On April 21, 2016, the Commission approved the Tenth Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 77679, 81 FR 24908 (April 27, 2016). On August 26, 2016, the Commission noticed for immediate effectiveness the Eleventh Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 78703, 81 FR 60397 (September 1, 2016). On January 19, 2017, the Commission approved the Twelfth Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 79845, 82 FR 8551 (January 26, 2017). On April 13, 2017, the Commission approved the Thirteenth Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 80455, 82 FR 18519 (April 19, 2017). On April 28, 2017, the Commission noticed for immediate effectiveness the Fourteenth Amendment to the Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 80549, 82 FR 20928 (May 4, 2017). On September 26, 2017, the Commission noticed for immediate effectiveness the Fifteenth Amendment to Plan. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 81720, 82 FR 45922 (October 2, 2017) (“Fifteenth Amendment”). On February 14, 2018, the Commission received the Sixteenth Amendment to the Plan, which was effective on filing but notice of which has not yet been published.

    Back to Citation

    4.  See Letter from Elizabeth King, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, NYSE, to Brent Fields, Secretary, Commission, dated February 23, 2018. (“Transmittal Letter”).

    Back to Citation

    7.  See Transmittal Letter, supra note 4.

    Back to Citation

    8.  Unless otherwise specified, the terms used herein have the same meaning as set forth in the Plan.

    Back to Citation

    9.  See Section VIII of the Plan.

    Back to Citation

    10.  See supra note 1.

    Back to Citation

    11.  See supra note 1.

    Back to Citation

    12.  See supra note 1.

    Back to Citation

    13.  See supra note 1.

    Back to Citation

    14.  See Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 79846 (January 19, 2017), 82 FR 8548 (January 26, 2017) (SR-NYSEArca-2016-130) (Approval Order); 79884 (January 26, 2017), 82 FR 8968 (February 1, 2017) (SR-BatsBZX-2016-61) (Approval Order); 79876 (January 25, 2017), 82 FR 8888 (January 31, 2017) (SR-Nasdaq-2016-131) (Approval Order).

    Back to Citation

    15.  See Approval Order, supra note 1, 77 FR 33498 at 33508.

    Back to Citation

    16.  See U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Equity Market Structure Advisory Committee, Recommendations for Rulemaking on Issues of Market Quality, dated November 29, 2016, available here: https://www.sec.gov/​spotlight/​emsac/​emsac-recommendations-rulemaking-market-quality.pdf.

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    17.  See Fifteenth Amendment, supra note 1.

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    [FR Doc. 2018-05661 Filed 3-20-18; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 8011-01-P

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
12432-12447 (16 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Release No. 34-82888, File No. 4-631
of 2018-03-15
PDF File: