96-7076. National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 58 (Monday, March 25, 1996)]
    [Pages 12066-12068]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-7076]
    National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
    AGENCY: Department of Education.
    ACTION: Notice of Proposed Funding Priority for Fiscal Years 1996-1997 
    for a Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center.
    SUMMARY: The Secretary proposes a funding priority for a new 
    Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) under the National 
    Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) for fiscal 
    years l996-1997. The Secretary takes this action to focus research 
    attention on areas of national need. This priority is intended to 
    improve rehabilitation services and outcomes for individuals with 
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before April 24, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: All comments concerning this proposed priority should be 
    addressed to David Esquith, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland 
    Avenue, S.W., Switzer Building, Room 3424, Washington, D.C. 20202-2601.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David Esquith. Telephone: (202) 205-
    8801. Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf 
    (TDD) may call the TDD number at (202) 205-5516. Internet: 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice contains a proposed priority 
    under the RERC program for research on technology for older persons 
    with disabilities.
        Authority for the RERC program of NIDRR is contained in section 
    204(b)(3) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 760-
    762). Under this program the Secretary makes awards to public and 
    private agencies and organizations, including institutions of higher 
    education, Indian tribes, and tribal organizations, to conduct 
    research, demonstration, and training activities regarding 
    rehabilitation technology in order to enhance opportunities for meeting 
    the needs of, and addressing the barriers confronted by, individuals 
    with disabilities in all aspects of their lives. An RERC must be 
    operated by or in collaboration with an institution of higher education 
    or a nonprofit organization.
        This proposed priority supports the National Education Goal that 
    calls for every adult American to possess the skills necessary to 
    compete in a global economy.
        Under the regulations for this program (see 34 CFR 353.32) the 
    Secretary may establish research priorities by reserving funds to 
    support particular research activities.
        The Secretary will announce the final priority in a notice in the 
    Federal Register. The final priority will be determined by responses to 
    this notice, available funds, and other considerations of the 
    Department. Funding of a particular project depends on the final 
    priority, the availability of funds, and the quality of the 
    applications received. The publication of this proposed priority does 
    not preclude the Secretary from proposing additional priorities, nor 
    does it limit the Secretary to funding only this priority, subject to 
    meeting applicable rulemaking requirements.
        Note: This notice of proposed priority does not solicit 
    applications. A notice inviting applications under this competition 
    will be published in the Federal Register concurrent with or 
    following the notice of final priority.
    Description of the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center Program
        RERCs carry out research or demonstration activities by: (1) 
    developing and disseminating innovative methods of applying advanced 
    technology, scientific achievement, and psychological and social 
    knowledge to (a) solve rehabilitation problems and remove environmental 
    barriers, and (b) study new or emerging technologies, products, or 
    environments; (2) demonstrating and disseminating (a) innovative models 
    for the delivery of cost-effective rehabilitation technology services 
    to rural and urban areas, and (b) other scientific research to assist 
    in meeting the employment and independent living needs of individuals 
    with severe disabilities; or (3) facilitating service delivery systems 
    change through (a) the development, evaluation, and dissemination of 
    consumer-responsive and individual and family centered innovative 
    models for the delivery to both rural and urban areas of innovative
    [[Page 12067]]
    cost-effective rehabilitation technology services, and (b) other 
    scientific research to assist in meeting the employment and independent 
    needs of individuals with severe disabilities.
        Each RERC must provide training opportunities to individuals, 
    including individuals with disabilities, to become researchers of 
    rehabilitation technology and practitioners of rehabilitation 
    technology in conjunction with institutions of higher education and 
    nonprofit organizations.
        General: The Secretary proposes that the following requirements 
    apply to this RERC pursuant to this absolute priority unless noted 
        The RERC must have the capability to design, build, and test 
    prototype devices and assist in the transfer of successful solutions to 
    the marketplace. The RERC must evaluate the efficacy and safety of its 
    new products, instrumentation, or assistive devices.
        The RERC must provide graduate-level research training to build 
    capacity for engineering research in the rehabilitation field and to 
    provide training in the applications of new technology to service 
    providers and to individuals with disabilities and their families.
        The RERC must develop all training materials in formats that will 
    be accessible to individuals with various types of disabilities and 
    communication modes, and widely disseminate findings and products to 
    individuals with disabilities and their families and representatives, 
    service providers, manufacturers and distributors, and other 
    appropriate target populations.
        The RERC must involve individuals with disabilities and, if 
    appropriate, their family members in planning and implementing the 
    research, development, and training programs, in interpreting and 
    disseminating the research findings, and in evaluating the Center.
        The RERC must share information and data, and, as appropriate, 
    collaborate on research and training with other NIDRR-supported 
    grantees including, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities 
    Act (ADA) Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers and 
    other related RERCs and RRTCs. The RERC must work closely with the RERC 
    on Technology Evaluation and Transfer at the State University of New 
    York at Buffalo.
        Priority: Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3) the Secretary proposes to give 
    an absolute preference to applications that meet the following 
    priority. The Secretary proposes to fund under this competition only 
    applications that meet this absolute priority.
    Proposed Priority: Assistive Technology for Older Persons With 
        In 1991-1992, of 30.68 million persons who were 65 years old and 
    over, 16.54 million or 53.9 percent had a disability. Of those 16.54 
    million with a disability, 15.21 million persons had a ``functional 
    limitation'' performing activities such as seeing, hearing, reaching, 
    or walking (J. McNeil, Americans with Disabilities: 1991-1992, 
    Household Economic Studies, P70-33, December 1993). The prevalence of 
    medical, neurological and orthopedic impairments increases with the age 
    of the population. It is estimated that over half of all Americans over 
    seventy years of age have one or more disabilities (McNeil, 1993). 
    Also, as a result of improved life-long health care and expanded 
    employment and educational opportunities, increased numbers of persons 
    with severe disabilities will become part of our elderly population and 
    experience new or changed assistive technology needs.
        While assistive technology has been used in rehabilitation to help 
    reduce the adverse effects of disability, it is only beginning to be 
    used effectively to address problems in geriatric rehabilitation. An 
    RERC on assistive technology for older persons with disabilities will 
    address the application of technology to meet the special needs of 
    older persons with disabilities and their caregivers.
        Many devices or techniques aimed at ameliorating specific 
    disabilities are designed to augment or take advantage of compensatory 
    abilities. However, multiple and gradual changes related to aging may 
    leave older persons without one or more areas of strength with which to 
    compensate for other functional losses. For example, an older person 
    requiring a wheelchair, because of gradual loss of muscle mass, may not 
    have, or may not be able to develop, the requisite arm strength to use 
    grab bars to assist them in transferring in and out of their 
        Efforts to develop and disseminate technological aids to older 
    persons with functional limitations must be conducted in the context of 
    using effective information dissemination strategies to reach older 
    persons. It is also necessary to deliver effective training in the use 
    and maintenance of the technology that is prescribed. It is 
    particularly important to make information on assistive technology for 
    older persons with disabilities available in relation to the major 
    activities of work, personal and health care, and leisure.
        Assistive technology can address the physical stress that is 
    problematic for caregivers of older persons with disabilities. Many of 
    these caregivers are spouses who are elderly themselves. Premature 
    admission to institutional care is commonly caused by a crisis of the 
    caregiver rather than by a sudden deterioration in the health or 
    abilities of the older persons with a disability. Typically, the 
    caregiver becomes injured or sick and finds it impossible to continue 
    to do the lifting and other demanding physical tasks. Assistive 
    technology that can assist the caregiver can have a major impact on 
    eliminating the need or delaying the time for institutional placement 
    of an older person with a disability.
    Proposed Priority
        The Secretary proposes to establish an RERC on assistive technology 
    for older persons with disabilities for the purposes of: (1) 
    Identifying the needs for assistive technology by older persons with 
    disabilities; (2) developing design modifications to existing assistive 
    technology devices and disseminating these modifications to developers 
    of assistive technology; (3) developing and evaluating unique assistive 
    technology devices that otherwise will not be developed by the field; 
    (4) identifying the problems of assistive technology service delivery 
    utilization, including maintenance, and developing and testing service 
    delivery models to address those problems; and (5) developing and 
    delivering training and technical assistance to rehabilitation service 
    providers, providers of general services to older persons, and 
    consumers, on sources and uses of assistive technology for older 
    persons with disabilities and caregivers.
        In addition to activities proposed by the applicant to carry out 
    these purposes, the RERC shall:
         Develop and implement an information dissemination 
    initiative to address utilization problems, including targeting 
    disability and elderly organizations as well as assistive technology 
    service providers;
         Coordinate and share information with NIDRR-funded RRTCs 
    on Rehabilitation and Aging, and with programs funded under the 
    Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 
    1988; and
         Establish a collaborative relationship with the RERC on 
    Technology Evaluation and Transfer and the RERC on Accessible Housing 
    and Universal Design.
    [[Page 12068]]
    Invitation To Comment
        Interested persons are invited to submit comments and 
    recommendations regarding this proposed priority. All comments 
    submitted in response to this notice will be available for public 
    inspection, during and after the comment period, in Room 3424, Switzer 
    Building, 330 C Street SW., Washington, DC, between the hours of 9:00 
    a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week except Federal 
    Applicable Program Regulations
        34 CFR Parts 350 and 353.
        Program Authority: 29 U.S.C. 760-762.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 84.133E, 
    Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers)
        Dated: February 12, 1996.
    Howard R. Moses,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative 
    [FR Doc. 96-7076 Filed 3-22-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4000-01-P

Document Information

Education Department
Entry Type:
Notice of Proposed Funding Priority for Fiscal Years 1996-1997 for a Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before April 24, 1996.
12066-12068 (3 pages)
PDF File: