99-6817. Endangered and Threatened Species: Threatened Status for Two ESUs of Steelhead in Washington and Oregon  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 57 (Thursday, March 25, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 14517-14528]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-6817]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 223
    [Docket No. 980225046-9070-03; I.D. 021098B]
    RIN 0648-AK54
    Endangered and Threatened Species: Threatened Status for Two ESUs 
    of Steelhead in Washington and Oregon
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Final rule; notice of determination.
    SUMMARY: Previously, NMFS completed a comprehensive status review of 
    west coast steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations in Washington, 
    Oregon, Idaho, and California, and identified 15 Evolutionarily 
    Significant Units (ESUs) within this range. NMFS now issues a final 
    rule to list two ESUs as threatened under the Endangered Species Act 
    (ESA). The listed ESUs include the Middle Columbia River ESU located in 
    Washington and Oregon, and the Upper Willamette River ESU located in 
        In both threatened ESUs, only naturally spawned populations of 
    steelhead residing below impassable natural barriers (e.g., long-
    standing, natural waterfalls) are listed. NMFS examined the 
    relationship between hatchery and natural populations of steelhead in 
    these ESUs and determines none of the identified hatchery populations 
    are essential for recovery at this time.
        At this time, NMFS is listing only anadromous life forms of O. 
        NMFS will issue any protective regulations deemed necessary under 
    section 4(d) of the ESA for the listed ESUs in a separate rulemaking. 
    Even though NMFS does not now issue protective regulations for these 
    ESUs, Federal agencies are required under section 7 of the ESA to 
    consult with NMFS if any activity they authorize, fund, or carry out 
    may affect listed steelhead.
    DATES: Effective May 24, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Branch Chief, Protected Resources Division, NMFS, Northwest 
    Region, 525 NE Oregon Street, Suite 500, Portland, OR 97232-2737.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Garth Griffin, 503-231-2005, or Chris 
    Mobley, 301-713-1401.
    Electronic Access
        Reference materials regarding this listing determination can also 
    be obtained from the internet at www.nwr.noaa.gov.
    Species Background
        Biological and life history information for steelhead can be found 
    in NMFS' recent status assessments (Busby et al., 1996; NMFS, 1999a and 
    1999b) and in the Federal Register notice announcing the listing 
    proposal (63 FR 11797, March 10, 1998).
    Previous Federal ESA Actions Related to West Coast Steelhead
        The history of petitions received regarding west coast steelhead is 
    summarized in the proposed rule published on August 9, 1996 (61 FR 
    41541). The most comprehensive petition was submitted by Oregon Natural 
    Resources Council and 15 co-petitioners on February 16, 1994. In 
    response to this petition, NMFS assessed the best available scientific 
    and commercial data, including technical information from Pacific 
    Salmon Biological Technical Committees (PSBTCs) and interested parties 
    in Washington and Oregon. The PSBTCs consisted primarily of scientists 
    (from Federal, state, and local resource agencies, Indian tribes, 
    industries, universities, professional societies, and public interest 
    groups) possessing technical expertise relevant to steelhead and their 
    habitats. NMFS also established a Biological Review Team (BRT), 
    composed of staff from NMFS' Northwest and Southwest Fisheries Science 
    Centers and Southwest Regional Office, as well as a representative of 
    the U.S. Geological Survey Biological Resources Division (formerly the 
    National Biological Service), which conducted a coastwide status review 
    for west coast steelhead (Busby et al., 1996).
        Based on the results of the BRT report, and after considering other 
    information and existing conservation measures, NMFS published a 
    proposed listing determination (61 FR 41541, August 9, 1996) that 
    identified 15 ESUs of steelhead in the states of Washington, Oregon, 
    Idaho, and California. Ten of these ESUs were proposed for listing as 
    threatened or endangered species, four were found not warranted for 
    listing, and one was identified as a candidate for listing.
        On August 18, 1997, NMFS published a final rule listing five ESUs 
    as threatened or endangered under the ESA (62 FR 43937, August 18, 
    1997). In a separate notice published on the same day, NMFS determined 
    substantial scientific disagreement remained for five proposed ESUs (62 
    FR 43974, August 18, 1997). In accordance with section 4(b)(6)(B)(i) of 
    the ESA, NMFS deferred its decision on these remaining steelhead ESUs 
    for 6 months, until February 9, 1998, for the purpose of soliciting 
    additional data. On March 19, 1998, NMFS published a final rule listing 
    two ESUs as threatened (63 FR 13347, March 19, 1998). In this notice 
    NMFS also determined the remaining three ESUs (Oregon Coast, Klamath 
    Mountains Province, and Northern California) did not warrant listing 
        On March 10, 1998, NMFS published a proposed listing determination 
    for Middle Columbia River and Upper Willamette River steelhead ESUs (63 
    [[Page 14518]]
    11798). This proposed rule was based on an updated status review 
    completed for previously deferred ESUs [Memorandum to William Stelle 
    and William Hogarth from M. Schiewe, December 18, 1997, Status of 
    Deferred and Candidate ESUs of West Coast Steelhead]. In response to 
    the proposed rule, NMFS received comments and scientific information 
    from affected states, tribes, and others which were recently considered 
    by NMFS' BRT. NMFS has now completed an updated status review that 
    analyzes this new information (NMFS, 1999a). Copies of this memorandum 
    are available upon request (see ADDRESSES). Based on this updated 
    review and other information, NMFS now lists the Upper Willamette River 
    and Middle Columbia River steelhead ESUs as threatened species under 
    the ESA.
    Summary of Comments Received in Response to the Proposed Rule
        NMFS held 21 public hearings in California, Oregon, Idaho, and 
    Washington to solicit comments on this and other salmonid listing 
    proposals (63 FR 16955, April 7, 1998; 63 FR 30455, June 4, 1998). 
    During the 112-day public comment period, NMFS received 28 written 
    comments on the proposed rule from Federal, state, and local government 
    agencies, Indian tribes, non-governmental organizations, the scientific 
    community, and other individuals. A number of comments addressed 
    specific technical issues pertaining to a particular geographic region 
    or O. mykiss population. These technical comments were considered by 
    NMFS' BRT in its re-evaluation of ESU boundaries and status and are 
    discussed in the updated Status Review document (NMFS, 1999a).
        On July 1, 1994, NMFS, jointly with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
    Service (FWS), published a series of policies regarding listings under 
    the ESA, including a policy for peer review of scientific data (59 FR 
    34270). In accordance with this policy, NMFS solicited a total of 35 
    individuals to take part in a peer review of the current and previous 
    west coast steelhead proposed rules. All individuals solicited are 
    recognized experts in the field of steelhead biology, and represent a 
    broad range of interests, including Federal, state, and tribal resource 
    managers, private industry consultants, and academia. Eight individuals 
    took part in the peer review of these findings; comments from peer 
    reviewers were considered by NMFS' BRT and are summarized in the 
    relevant Status Review documents (e.g., NMFS 1997a).
        A summary of comments received in response to this proposed rule is 
    presented here.
    Issue 1: Sufficiency and Accuracy of Scientific Information and 
        Comment: Numerous commenters disputed the sufficiency and accuracy 
    of data which NMFS employed in its proposed rule to list two steelhead 
    ESUs as threatened under the ESA. Several commenters urged NMFS to 
    delay any ESA listing decisions for steelhead until additional 
    scientific information is available concerning this species.
        Response: Section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA requires that NMFS make its 
    listing determinations solely on the basis of the best available 
    scientific and commercial data after reviewing the status of the 
    species. NMFS believes that information contained in the agency's 
    status review (Busby et al., 1996), together with more recent 
    information obtained in response to the proposed rule (NMFS, 1999a), 
    represents the best scientific information presently available for the 
    steelhead ESUs addressed in this final rule. NMFS has conducted an 
    exhaustive review of all available information relevant to the status 
    of this species. NMFS has also solicited information and opinion from 
    all interested parties. If, in the future, new data become available to 
    change these conclusions, NMFS will act accordingly.
    Issue 2: Description and Status of Steelhead ESUs
        Comment: Several commenters disputed NMFS' conclusions regarding 
    the geographic boundaries for some of the ESUs and questioned NMFS' 
    basis for determining these boundaries.
        Response: NMFS has published a policy describing how it applies the 
    ESA definition of ``species'' to anadromous salmonid species (56 FR 
    58612; November 20, 1991). More recently, NMFS and FWS published a 
    joint policy, which is consistent with NMFS' policy, regarding the 
    definition of ``distinct population segments'' (61 FR 4722, February 7, 
    1996). The earlier policy is more detailed and applies specifically to 
    Pacific salmonids and, therefore, was used for this determination. This 
    policy indicates that one or more naturally reproducing salmonid 
    populations will be considered to be distinct and, hence, species under 
    the ESA, if they represent an ESU of the biological species. To be 
    considered an ESU, a population must satisfy two criteria: (1) It must 
    be reproductively isolated from other population units of the same 
    species, and (2) it must represent an important component in the 
    evolutionary legacy of the biological species. The first criterion, 
    reproductive isolation, need not be absolute but must have been strong 
    enough to permit evolutionarily important differences to occur in 
    different population units. The second criterion is met if the 
    population contributes substantially to the ecological or genetic 
    diversity of the species as a whole. Guidance on applying this policy 
    is contained in a NOAA Technical Memorandum entitled ``Definition of 
    'Species' Under the Endangered Species Act: Application to Pacific 
    Salmon'' (Waples, 1991) and in a recent scientific paper by Waples 
        The National Research Council (NRC) has recently addressed the 
    issue of defining species under the ESA (NRC, 1995). Their report found 
    that protecting distinct population segments (DPS) is soundly based on 
    scientific evidence, and recommends applying an ``Evolutionary Unit'' 
    (EU) approach in describing these segments. The NRC report describes 
    the high degree of similarity between the EU and ESU approaches 
    (differences being largely a matter of application between salmon and 
    other vertebrates), and concluded that either approach would lead to 
    similar DPS descriptions most of the time.
        Comment: Several commenters questioned NMFS' methodology for 
    determining whether a given steelhead ESU warranted listing. In most 
    cases, such commenters also expressed opinions regarding whether 
    listing was warranted for a particular steelhead ESU. A few commenters 
    provided substantive new information relevant to making risk 
        Response: Section 3 of the ESA defines the term ``endangered 
    species'' as ``any species which is in danger of extinction throughout 
    all or a significant portion of its range.'' The term ``threatened 
    species'' is defined as ``any species which is likely to become an 
    endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a 
    significant portion of its range.'' NMFS has identified a number of 
    factors that should be considered in evaluating the level of risk faced 
    by an ESU, including: (1) absolute numbers of fish and their spatial 
    and temporal distribution; (2) current abundance in relation to 
    historical abundance and current carrying capacity of the habitat; (3) 
    trends in abundance; (4) natural and human-influenced factors that 
    cause variability in survival and abundance; (5) possible threats to 
    genetic integrity (e.g., from strays or outplants from hatchery 
    programs); and (6) recent events (e.g., a drought or changes in harvest 
    management) that have
    [[Page 14519]]
    predictable short-term consequences for abundance of the ESU. A more 
    detailed discussion of status of individual ESUs is provided in this 
    document under ``Summary of Conclusions Regarding Listed ESUs.''
    Issue 3: Factors Contributing to the Decline of West Coast 
        Comment: Many commenters identified factors they believe have 
    contributed to the decline of west coast steelhead. Factors identified 
    include overharvest by recreational fisheries, predation by pinnipeds 
    and piscivorous fish species, effects of artificial propagation, and 
    the deterioration or loss of freshwater and marine habitats.
        Response: NMFS agrees that many factors, past and present, have 
    contributed to the decline of West Coast steelhead. NMFS also 
    recognizes that natural environmental fluctuations have likely played a 
    role in the species' recent declines. However, NMFS believes other 
    human-induced impacts (e.g., incidental catch in certain fisheries, 
    hatchery practices, and habitat modification) have played an equally 
    significant role in this species' decline. Moreover, these human-
    induced impacts have likely reduced the species' resiliency to natural 
    factors for decline such as drought and poor ocean conditions (NMFS, 
        Since the time of this proposed listing, NMFS has published a 
    report describing the impacts of California sea lions and Pacific 
    harbor seals upon salmonids and on the coastal ecosystems of 
    Washington, Oregon, and California (NMFS, 1999c). This report concludes 
    that in certain cases where pinniped populations co-occur with 
    depressed salmonid populations, salmon populations may experience 
    severe impacts due to predation. An example of such a situation is 
    Ballard Locks, Washington, where sea lions are known to consume 
    significant numbers of adult winter steelhead. This study further 
    concludes that data regarding pinniped predation are quite limited, and 
    that substantial additional research is needed to fully address this 
    issue. Existing information on the seriously depressed status of many 
    salmonid stocks is sufficient to warrant actions to remove pinnipeds in 
    areas of co-occurrence where pinnipeds prey on depressed salmonid 
    populations (NMFS, 1997b). For additional information on this issue see 
    the ``Summary of Factors Affecting Steelhead'' later in this document.
        Comment: Several commenters stated that NMFS' assessment 
    underestimated the significant influence of natural environmental 
    fluctuations on salmonid populations. Several commenters stated that 
    ocean conditions are one of the primary factors for decline.
        Response: Environmental changes in both marine and freshwater 
    habitats can have important impacts on steelhead abundance. For 
    example, a pattern of relatively high abundance in the mid-1980s 
    followed by (often sharp) declines over the next decade occurred in 
    steelhead populations from most geographic regions of the Pacific 
    Northwest. This result is most plausibly explained by broad-scale 
    changes in ocean productivity. Similarly, 6 to 8 years of drought in 
    the late 1980s and early 1990s adversely affected many freshwater 
    habitats for steelhead throughout the region. These natural phenomena 
    put increasing pressure on natural populations already stressed by 
    anthropogenic factors such as habitat degradation, blockage of 
    migratory routes, and harvest (NMFS, 1996a).
        Improvement of cyclic or episodic environmental conditions (for 
    example, increases in ocean productivity or shifts from drought to 
    wetter conditions) may help alleviate extinction risk to steelhead 
    populations. However, NMFS cannot reliably predict future environmental 
    conditions, making it unreasonable to assume improvements in abundance 
    as a result of improvements in such conditions. Furthermore, steelhead 
    and other species of Pacific salmon have evolved over the centuries 
    with such cyclical environmental stresses. This species has persisted 
    through time in the face of these conditions largely due to the 
    presence of freshwater and estuarine refugia. As these refugia are 
    altered and degraded, Pacific salmon species are more vulnerable to 
    such episodic events as shifts in ocean productivity and drought cycles 
    (NMFS, 1996a).
    Issue 4: Consideration of Existing Conservation Measures
        Comment: Several commenters argued that NMFS had not considered 
    existing conservation programs designed to enhance steelhead stocks 
    within a particular ESU. Some commenters provided specific information 
    on some of these programs to NMFS concerning the efficacy of existing 
    conservation plans.
        Response: NMFS has reviewed existing conservation plans and 
    measures relevant to the two ESUs addressed in this final rule and 
    concludes that existing conservation efforts in some cases have helped 
    ameliorate risks facing the species. These conservation efforts are 
    discussed in detail later in this document under ``Existing 
    Conservation Efforts.''
        While several of the plans addressed in comments show promise for 
    ameliorating risks facing steelhead, some of the measures described in 
    comments have not been implemented and are only recently proposed. Some 
    of these measures are also geographically limited to individual river 
    basins or political subdivisions, thereby improving conditions for only 
    a small portion of the entire ESU.
        Even though existing conservation efforts and plans in the listed 
    ESUs are not sufficient to preclude the need for listings at this time, 
    they are nevertheless valuable for improving watershed health and 
    restoring fishery resources. In those cases where well-developed, 
    reliable conservation plans exist, NMFS may choose to incorporate them 
    into the recovery planning process. In the case of threatened species, 
    NMFS also has flexibility under section 4(d) of the ESA to tailor the 
    protective regulations based on the contents of available conservation 
    measures. NMFS has already adopted 4(d) rules that except a limited 
    range of activities from section 9 take prohibitions. For example, the 
    interim 4(d) rule for Southern Oregon/Northern California coho salmon 
    (62 FR 38479, July 18, 1997) excepts habitat restoration activities 
    conducted in accordance with approved plans and fisheries conducted in 
    accordance with an approved state management plan. In appropriate 
    cases, 4(d) rules could contain limited take prohibitions applicable to 
    such activities as forestry, agriculture, and road construction when 
    such activities are conducted in accordance with NMFS approved state or 
    tribal conservation plans.
        These examples show that NMFS may apply modified ESA section 9 
    prohibitions where NMFS approved state or tribal conservation plans 
    exist. There may be other circumstances as well in which NMFS would use 
    the flexibility of section 4(d). For example, in some cases there may 
    be a healthy population of salmon or steelhead within an overall ESU 
    that is listed. In such a case, it may not be necessary to apply the 
    full range of prohibitions available in section 9. NMFS intends to use 
    the flexibility of the ESA to respond appropriately to the biological 
    condition of each ESU and the populations within it, and to the 
    strength of state and tribal conservation plans in place to protect 
    Issue 5: Steelhead Biology and Ecology
        Comment: Several commenters asserted that resident rainbow trout 
    should be included in listed steelhead ESUs. Several commenters also 
    stated that NMFS and FWS should address how the presence of rainbow 
    [[Page 14520]]
    populations may ameliorate risks facing anadromous populations within 
    listed ESUs.
        Response: In its August 9, 1996, proposed rule (61 FR 41541), NMFS 
    stated that based on available genetic information, it was the 
    consensus of NMFS scientists, as well as regional fishery biologists, 
    that resident fish should generally be considered part of the steelhead 
    ESUs. However, NMFS concluded that available data were inconclusive 
    regarding the relationship of resident rainbow trout and steelhead. 
    NMFS requested additional data in the proposed rule to clarify this 
    relationship and determine if resident rainbow trout should be included 
    in listed steelhead ESUs.
        In response to this request for additional information, many groups 
    and individuals expressed opinions regarding this issue. In most cases 
    these opinions were not supported by new information that resolves 
    existing uncertainty. Two state fishery management agencies (Washington 
    Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and Oregon Department of Fish 
    and Wildlife(ODFW)) provided comments and information supporting the 
    inclusion of resident rainbow trout in listed steelhead ESUs. In 
    general, these parties also felt that rainbow trout may serve as an 
    important reservoir of genetic material for at-risk steelhead stocks.
        While conclusive evidence does not yet exist regarding the 
    relationship of resident and anadromous O. mykiss, NMFS believes 
    available evidence suggests that resident rainbow trout should be 
    included in listed steelhead ESUs in certain cases. Such cases include 
    (1) where resident O. mykiss have the opportunity to interbreed with 
    anadromous fish below natural or man-made barriers, or (2) where 
    resident fish of native lineage once had the ability to interbreed with 
    anadromous fish but no longer do because they are currently above 
    human-made barriers, and they are considered essential for recovery of 
    the ESU. Whether resident fish that exist above any particular man-made 
    barrier meet these criteria must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by 
    NMFS. Resident fish above long-standing natural barriers and those that 
    are derived from the introduction of non-native rainbow trout would not 
    be considered part of any salmonid ESU.
        Several lines of evidence exist to support this conclusion. Under 
    certain conditions, anadromous and resident O. mykiss are apparently 
    capable not only of interbreeding, but also of having offspring that 
    express the alternate life history form, that is, anadromous fish can 
    produce nonanadromous offspring, and vice versa (Shapovalov and Taft, 
    1954; Burgner et al., 1992). Mullan et al. (1992) found evidence that 
    in very cold streams, juvenile steelhead had difficulty attaining 
    ``mean threshold size for smoltification'' and concluded that ``Most 
    fish here [Methow River, Washington] that do not emigrate downstream 
    early in life are thermally-fated to a resident life history regardless 
    of whether they were the progeny of anadromous or resident parents.'' 
    Additionally, Shapovalov and Taft (1954) reported evidence of O. mykiss 
    maturing in fresh water and spawning prior to their first ocean 
    migration; this life history variation has also been found in cutthroat 
    trout (O. clarki) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
        NMFS believes resident fish can help buffer extinction risks to an 
    anadromous population by mitigating depensatory effects in spawning 
    populations, by providing offspring that migrate to the ocean and enter 
    the breeding population of steelhead, and by providing a ``reserve'' 
    gene pool in freshwater that may persist through times of unfavorable 
    conditions for anadromous fish. In spite of these potential benefits, 
    the presence of resident populations is not a substitute for 
    conservation of anadromous populations. A particular concern is 
    isolation of resident populations by human-caused barriers to 
    migration. This interrupts normal population dynamics and population 
    genetic processes and can lead to loss of a genetically based trait 
    (anadromy). As discussed in NMFS' ``species identification'' paper 
    (Waples, 1991), the potential loss of anadromy in distinct population 
    segments may, in and of itself, warrant listing the ESU as a whole.
        On February 7, 1996, FWS and NMFS adopted a joint policy to clarify 
    their interpretation of the phrase ``distinct population segment of any 
    species of vertebrate fish or wildlife'' (DPS) for the purposes of 
    listing, delisting, and reclassifying species under the ESA (61 FR 
    4722). DPSs are ``species'' pursuant to section 3(15) of the ESA. 
    Previously, NMFS had developed a policy for stocks of Pacific salmon 
    where an ESU of a biological species is considered to be a DPS if (1) 
    it is substantially reproductively isolated from other conspecific 
    population units, and (2) it represents an important component in the 
    evolutionary legacy of the species (56 FR 58612, November 20, 1991). 
    NMFS believes available data suggest that resident rainbow trout are, 
    in many cases, part of steelhead ESUs. However, FWS, which has ESA 
    authority for resident fish, maintains that behavioral forms can be 
    regarded as separate DPSs (e.g., as when the agency listed coastal, but 
    not interior, populations of the western snowy plover).
        In its review of West Coast steelhead, NMFS' BRT stated that 
    rainbow trout and steelhead in the same area may share a common gene 
    pool, at least over evolutionary time periods (NMFS, 1997a). The 
    importance of any recovery action is measured in terms of its ability 
    to recover the listed species in the foreseeable future. The FWS 
    believes that steelhead recovery will not rely on the intermittent 
    exchange of genetic material between resident and anadromous forms 
    (FWS, 1997). As a result, without a clear demonstration of any risks to 
    resident rainbow trout or the need to protect rainbow trout to recover 
    steelhead in the foreseeable future, the FWS concludes that only the 
    anadromous forms of O. mykiss should be included in the listed 
    steelhead ESUs at this time (Department of the Interior, 1997; FWS, 
        Comment: Several commenters questioned NMFS' inclusion of both 
    summer- and winter-run steelhead in the same ESU. These commenters 
    suggested that summer- and winter-run steelhead be segregated into 
    individual ESUs based on life history differences.
        Response: While NMFS considers both life history forms (summer and 
    winter steelhead) to be important components of diversity within the 
    species, new genetic data reinforces previous conclusions that within a 
    geographic area, summer and winter steelhead typically are more 
    genetically similar to one another than either is to populations with 
    similar run timing in different geographic areas. This indicates that 
    an ESU that included summer-run populations from different geographic 
    areas but excluded winter-run populations (or vice-versa) would be an 
    inappropriate unit. The only biologically meaningful way to have summer 
    and winter steelhead populations in separate ESUs would be to have a 
    very large number of ESUs, most consisting of just one or a very few 
    populations. This would be inconsistent with the approach NMFS has 
    taken in defining ESUs in other anadromous Pacific salmonids. Taking 
    these factors into consideration, NMFS concludes that summer and winter 
    steelhead should be considered part of the same ESU in geographic areas 
    where they co-occur.
    Summary of Steelhead ESU Determinations
        The following is a summary of NMFS' ESU determinations for the 
    species. A more detailed discussion of ESU determinations is presented 
    in the
    [[Page 14521]]
    ``Status Review Update for Deferred and Candidate ESUs of West Coast 
    Steelhead'' (NMFS, 1997a) and ``Updated Review of the Status of the 
    Upper Willamette River and Middle Columbia River ESUs of Steelhead'' 
    (NMFS, 1999a). Copies of these documents are available upon request 
    (see ADDRESSES).
        NMFS also evaluated the relationship between hatchery and natural 
    populations of steelhead in these ESUs (NMFS, 1999b). In examining this 
    relationship, NMFS scientists consulted with hatchery managers to 
    determine whether any hatchery populations are similar enough to 
    native, naturally spawned fish to be considered part of the biological 
    (1) Upper Willamette River ESU
        This steelhead ESU occupies the Willamette River and its 
    tributaries, upstream from Willamette Falls to the Calapooia River, 
    inclusive. This is a revision of the proposed ESU boundary in that NMFS 
    now refines the range of this ESU to exclude rivers upstream of the 
    Calapooia River.
        The Willamette River Basin is zoogeographically complex. In 
    addition to its connection to the Columbia River, the Willamette River 
    historically has had connections with coastal basins through stream 
    capture and headwater transfer events (Minckley et al., 1986).
        Steelhead from the upper Willamette River are genetically distinct 
    from those in the lower river. Reproductive isolation from lower river 
    populations may have been facilitated by Willamette Falls, which is 
    known to be a migration barrier to some anadromous salmonids. For 
    example, winter steelhead and spring chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) 
    occurred historically above the falls, but summer steelhead, fall 
    chinook salmon, and coho salmon did not (PGE, 1994).
        The native steelhead of this basin are late-migrating winter 
    steelhead, entering fresh water primarily in March and April (Howell et 
    al., 1985), whereas most other populations of west coast winter 
    steelhead enter fresh water beginning in November or December. As early 
    as 1885, fish ladders were constructed at Willamette Falls to aid the 
    passage of anadromous fish. The ladders have been modified and rebuilt, 
    most recently in 1971, as technology has improved (Bennett, 1987; PGE, 
    1994). These fishways facilitated successful introduction of Skamania 
    stock summer steelhead and early-migrating Big Creek stock winter 
    steelhead to the upper basin. Another effort to expand the steelhead 
    production in the upper Willamette River was the stocking of native 
    steelhead in tributaries not historically used by that species. Native 
    steelhead primarily used tributaries on the east side of the basin, 
    with cutthroat trout predominating in streams draining the west side of 
    the basin.
        Resident O. mykiss are known to occupy the Upper Willamette River 
    Basin; however, most of these populations occur above natural and 
    manmade barriers (Kostow, 1995). Historically, spawning by Upper 
    Willamette River steelhead was concentrated in the North and Middle 
    Santiam River Basins (Fulton, 1970). These areas are now largely 
    blocked to fish passage by dams, and steelhead spawning is now 
    distributed throughout more of the Upper Willamette River Basin than in 
    the past (Fulton, 1970). Due to introductions of non-native steelhead 
    stocks and transplantation of native stocks within the basin, it is 
    difficult to formulate a clear picture of the present distribution of 
    native Upper Willamette River steelhead, and their relationship to 
    nonanadromous and possibly residualized O. mykiss within the basin.
        Substantive comments from ODFW on this ESU addressed the boundaries 
    of the ESU and the relationship between the native steelhead of the 
    middle basin and the resident trout of the upper basin (i.e., McKenzie 
    and Middle Fork Willamette Rivers) (Greer, 1998). Additionally, NMFS 
    was able to evaluate new genetic information pertinent to this ESU.
        Recently developed resident trout genetic data from the McKenzie 
    and Middle Fork Willamette River Basins showed no genetic continuity 
    with known hatchery trout (Cape Cod stock) or any Willamette River 
    steelhead population. Additionally, ODFW has been unable to achieve 
    success in their attempts to establish steelhead populations in these 
    subbasins. These factors combine to give credence to the theory that, 
    for some unidentified reason, the upper reaches of the Willamette River 
    Basin are not suitable to support steelhead populations, although 
    resident trout and chinook salmon have been successful there.
        NMFS reviewed the steelhead distribution described by Fulton 
    (1970); however, aside from this, little new information was added to 
    that presented by Busby et al. (1996). NMFS concludes that this ESU was 
    comprised of the native late-run winter steelhead and that the historic 
    distribution of the ESU did not extend upstream of the Calapooia River. 
    NMFS also concludes that steelhead had some historic distribution in 
    westside tributaries to the Willamette River (e.g., Gales Creek in the 
    Tualatin River Basin) but that current distribution of winter-run 
    steelhead in westside tributaries is somewhat unclear. Based on limited 
    genetic analysis, the recent samples from westside tributaries do not 
    appear to reflect populations derived from this ESU (NMFS, 1999a). 
    However, information provided by the State of Oregon indicates that 
    winter-run steelhead may in fact presently occur in several westside 
    tributaries (Kostow, 1995; NMFS, 1999a).
        Based on the best available scientific information, NMFS concludes 
    that westside tributaries to the Willamette River warrant inclusion in 
    this ESU at this time, although some uncertainty remains regarding this 
    conclusion. While westside tributaries are included in the ESU, it is 
    important to note that the listed ESU consists of naturally spawned, 
    winter-run steelhead. Where distinguishable, naturally spawned, summer-
    run steelhead are not included in the listed ESU.
    Hatchery Populations Pertaining to the ESU
        NMFS identified three hatchery stocks associated with the Upper 
    Willamette River ESU (NMFS, 1999b). After reviewing the best available 
    information regarding the relationship between hatchery and natural 
    populations in this ESU, NMFS concludes that the North Santiam River 
    (ODFW Stock 21) hatchery stock should be considered part of the ESU. 
    However, the Big Creek (ODFW Stock 13) and Skamania/Foster/McKenzie 
    ODFW stocks are not considered part of the ESU. The listing status of 
    these hatchery stocks is described later in this document under 
    ``Status of Steelhead ESUs.''
    (2) Middle Columbia River ESU
        This inland steelhead ESU occupies the Columbia River Basin and 
    tributaries from above the Wind River in Washington and the Hood River 
    in Oregon (exclusive), upstream to, and including, the Yakima River, in 
    Washington. Steelhead of the Snake River Basin are excluded. Franklin 
    and Dyrness (1973) placed the Yakima River Basin in the Columbia Basin 
    Physiographic Province, along with the Deschutes, John Day, Walla 
    Walla, and lower Snake River Basins. Geology within this province is 
    dominated by the Columbia River Basalt formation, stemming from lava 
    deposition in the Miocene epoch, overlain by plio-Pleistocene deposits 
    of glaciolacustrine origin (Franklin & Dyrness, 1973). This 
    intermontane region includes some of the driest areas of the Pacific 
    Northwest, generally receiving less than 40 centimeters of rainfall 
    annually (Jackson, 1993). Vegetation is of the
    [[Page 14522]]
    shrub-steppe province, reflecting the dry climate and harsh temperature 
        Genetic differences between inland and coastal steelhead are well 
    established, although some uncertainty remains about the exact 
    geographic boundaries of the two forms in the Columbia River. 
    Electrophoretic and meristic data show consistent differences between 
    several middle Columbia River steelhead populations and Snake River 
    steelhead. No recent genetic data exist for natural steelhead 
    populations in the upper Columbia River, but recent WDFW data show that 
    the Wells Hatchery stock from the upper Columbia River does not have a 
    close genetic affinity to sampled populations from the middle Columbia 
        All steelhead in the Columbia River Basin upstream from The Dalles 
    Dam are summer-run, inland steelhead (Schreck et al., 1986; 
    Reisenbichler et al., 1992; and Chapman et al., 1994). Steelhead in 
    Fifteenmile Creek, Oregon, are genetically allied with inland O. 
    mykiss, but are winter-run. Winter steelhead are also found in the 
    Klickitat and White Salmon Rivers, Washington.
        Life history information for steelhead of this ESU indicates that 
    most middle Columbia River steelhead smolt at 2 years and spend 1 to 2 
    years in salt water (i.e., 1-ocean and 2-ocean fish, respectively) 
    prior to re-entering fresh water, where they may remain up to a year 
    prior to spawning (Howell et al., 1985; BPA, 1992). Within this ESU, 
    the Klickitat River is unusual in that it produces both summer and 
    winter steelhead, and the summer steelhead are dominated by 2-ocean 
    steelhead, whereas most other rivers in this region produce about equal 
    numbers of both 1- and 2-ocean steelhead.
        The proposed listing of the Middle Columbia River ESU generated 
    substantive comments from ODFW (Greer, 1998) and the Confederated 
    Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (CTWSRO) (Calica, 
    1998). These comments, while summarized here, are discussed in detail 
    in the status review update (NMFS, 1999a).
        NMFS previously concluded that native, resident O. mykiss 
    populations that have the opportunity to interbreed with anadromous O. 
    mykiss should be included in the steelhead ESUs (Busby et al., 1996). 
    While ODFW and CTWSRO presented anecdotal accounts of spawning 
    interactions between resident trout and steelhead in the Deschutes 
    River (i.e., Zimmerman and Reeves, 1996; 1997; and 1998), such studies 
    did not provide much evidence of this. NMFS concludes that, given the 
    opportunity for reproductive interaction, co-occurring resident trout 
    are included within this steelhead ESU.
        In its comments, ODFW recommended that NMFS realign the proposed 
    ESU to exclude winter steelhead from it; however, this recommendation 
    is not supported by any new scientific data. Currently available data 
    indicate that these are inland steelhead populations. An intensive 
    genetic survey of these steelhead populations might provide useful 
    information to further clarify the relationship between coastal and 
    inland steelhead. NMFS concludes that no change in the ESU boundaries 
    are warranted based solely on the presence of a winter-run life 
        Recently obtained genetic data raises some question about the 
    boundaries of the Middle Columbia River ESU. However, NMFS concludes 
    that this new information is too uncertain at this stage to warrant 
    revising the proposed ESU boundaries. NMFS will revise these boundaries 
    in the future when additional data support such a revision.
    Hatchery Populations Pertaining to the ESU
        NMFS identified two hatchery stocks associated with the Middle 
    Columbia River ESU (NMFS, 1999b). After reviewing the best available 
    information regarding the relationship between hatchery and natural 
    populations in this ESU, NMFS concludes that both the Deschutes River 
    (ODFW Stock 66) and Umatilla River (ODFW Stock 91) hatchery stocks 
    should be considered part of the ESU. The listing status of these 
    hatchery stocks is described later in this document under ``Status of 
    Steelhead ESUs.''
    Summary of Factors Affecting Steelhead
        Section 4(a)(1) of the ESA and NMFS listing regulations (50 CFR 
    part 424) set forth procedures for listing species. The Secretary of 
    Commerce must determine, through the regulatory process, if a species 
    is endangered or threatened based upon any one or a combination of the 
    following factors: (1) The present or threatened destruction, 
    modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (2) 
    overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or 
    educational purposes; (3) disease or predation; (4) inadequacy of 
    existing regulatory mechanisms; or (5) other natural or human-made 
    factors affecting its continued existence.
        Several recent documents describe in more detail the impacts of 
    various factors contributing to the decline of steelhead and other 
    salmonids (e.g., 63 FR 11798; NMFS, 1999a). Relative to west coast 
    steelhead, NMFS prepared a supporting document that addresses the 
    factors leading to the decline of this species entitled ``Factors for 
    Decline: A Supplement to the Notice of Determination for West Coast 
    Steelhead'' (NMFS, 1996b). This report, available upon request (see 
    ADDRESSES), concludes that all of the factors identified in section 
    4(a)(1) of the ESA have played a role in the decline of the species. 
    The report identifies destruction and modification of habitat, 
    overutilization for recreational purposes, and natural and human-made 
    factors as being the primary reasons for the decline of west coast 
    Efforts Being Made to Protect West Coast Steelhead
        Under section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA, the Secretary of Commerce is 
    required to make listing determinations solely on the basis of the best 
    scientific and commercial data available and after taking into account 
    efforts being made to protect a species. During the status review for 
    west coast steelhead and for other salmonids, NMFS reviewed protective 
    efforts ranging in scope from regional strategies to local watershed 
    initiatives; some of the major efforts are summarized in the March 10, 
    1998 proposed rule (63 FR 11798) as well as a document entitled 
    ``Steelhead Conservation Efforts: A Supplement to the Notice of 
    Determination for West Coast Steelhead under the Endangered Species 
    Act'' (NMFS, 1996c). During the proposed rule period, NMFS identified 
    additional conservation measures in the States of Washington and 
    Oregon. These additional conservation measures are summarized here.
        Two Federal planning efforts affect aquatic habitat on Federal 
    lands within the range of these ESUs. These Federal efforts in some 
    cases provide substantial protection for aquatic communities and are 
    therefore considered in NMFS' listing determination. Federal forest 
    lands in the Upper Willamette River ESU (and some areas of the Middle 
    Columbia River ESU) are managed under U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and 
    Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Land and Resource Management Plans or 
    Land Use Plans which are amended by the Northwest Forest Plan (NFP). 
    The NFP is a Federal interagency cooperative program that was 
    implemented to provide a coordinated management direction for the lands 
    administered by the USFS and BLM. A major part of the Plan, 
    implementation of an Aquatic Conservation Strategy (ACS) on Federal 
    land, is expected to reverse the trend of aquatic ecosystem degradation 
    and contribute toward fish habitat recovery. Coordination among
    [[Page 14523]]
    the Federal land management agencies, NMFS, the U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency (EPA), and the FWS should ensure that the ACS 
    objectives are achieved.
        Prior to implementing the Record of Decision for the President's 
    Forest Plan, little or no riparian protection was afforded for the fish 
    and their habitat. One of the most important substantive protective 
    measures implemented through the Plan are riparian reserves. These are 
    buffered strips of land that, depending on stream class and type of 
    watershed, range from 300 ft (91m) on perennial streams to 50 ft (15 m) 
    on ephemeral streams.
        Some Federal lands in the Middle Columbia River ESU are managed 
    under USFS and BLM Land and Resource Management Plans or Land Use Plans 
    which are amended by PACFISH. PACFISH provides objectives, standards 
    and guidelines that are applied to all Federal land management 
    activities such as timber harvest, road construction, mining, grazing 
    and recreation. The USFS and BLM implemented PACFISH in 1995 and 
    intended it to provide interim protection to anadromous fish habitat 
    while a longer term, basin scale aquatic conservation strategy was 
    developed in the Interior Columbia Basin, Ecosystem Managment Project 
    (ICBEMP). It is intended that ICBEMP will have a Final Environmental 
    Impact Statement and Record of Decision by early 2000.
        For other ESUs already listed in the Interior Columbia Basin (Snake 
    River chinook, Snake River steelhead, and Upper Columbia River 
    steelhead), NMFS has required in section 7 consultation, several 
    components that are in addition to the PACFISH strategy (NMFS 1995; 
    NMFS 1998). NMFS, USFS, and BLM intend these additional components to 
    bridge the gap between interim PACFISH direction and the longterm 
    strategy envisioned for ICBEMP. NMFS anticipates that these components 
    will also be carried forward in the ICBEMP direction. These components 
    include (but are not limited to) implementation monitoring and 
    accountability, a system of watersheds that are prioritized for 
    protection and restoration, improved and monitored grazing systems, 
    road system evaluation and planning requirements, mapping and analysis 
    of unroaded areas, multi-year restoration strategies, and batching and 
    analyzing projects at the watershed scale. Given the timeframe for 
    ICBEMP, NMFS will likely conduct similar additional section 7 
    consultations for the Land and Resource Management plans within the 
    Middle Columbia River ESU and will then consult on ICBEMP when it is 
        In the range of both the Middle Columbia River and Upper Willamette 
    River ESUs, several notable efforts have recently been initiated. 
    Harvest, hatchery, and habitat protections under state control are 
    evolving under the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds (OPSW). The 
    OPSW is a long-term effort to protect all at-risk wild salmonids 
    through cooperation between state, local and Federal agencies, tribal 
    governments, industry, private organizations, and individuals. Parts of 
    the OPSW are already providing benefits, including an aggressive 
    program by the Oregon Department of Transportation to inventory, 
    repair, and replace road culverts that block fish from reaching 
    important spawning and rearing areas. The OPSW also encourages efforts 
    to improve conditions for salmon through non-regulatory means, 
    including significant efforts by local watershed councils. An 
    Independent Multi-disciplinary Science Team provides scientific 
    oversight to OPSW components and outcomes. A recent Executive Order 
    from Governor Kitzhaber reinforced his expectation that all state 
    agencies will make improved environmental health and salmon recovery 
    part of their mission.
        Protecting and restoring fish and wildlife habitat and population 
    levels in the Willamette River Basin, promoting proper floodplain 
    management, and enhancing water quality is the focus of the recently 
    formed Willamette Restoration Initiative (WRI). The WRI creates a 
    mechanism through which residents of the basin are mounting a 
    concerted, collaborative effort to restore watershed health. In 
    addition, habitat protection and improved water quality in the 
    Portland/Vancouver metropolitan areas are getting unprecedented 
    attention from local jurisdictions. The regional government, Metro, 
    recently adopted an aggressive stream and floodplain protection 
    ordinance designed to protect functions and values of floodplains, and 
    natural stream and adjacent vegetated corridors. All jurisdictions in 
    the region must amend their land use plans and implementing ordinances 
    to comply with the Metro ordinance within 18 months. Metro also has a 
    green spaces acquisition program that addresses regional biodiversity, 
    and is giving protection to significant amounts of land, some of it on 
    the Sandy River or on tributaries to the Willamette River. The City of 
    Portland has identified those activities which impact salmonids and is 
    now using that information to reduce impacts of existing programs and 
    to identify potential enhancement actions. The City will shortly be 
    making significant improvements in its storm water management program, 
    a key to reducing impacts on salmonid habitat.
        In the lower Columbia River, salmonid populations were seriously 
    depleted long before increasing predator populations posed any 
    significant threat to their long-term survival. Various development and 
    management actions have interrupted the natural balance between 
    predator and prey populations, and this situation now poses a risk to 
    struggling salmonid populations. For example, steps have already been 
    taken this year by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), FWS, ODFW, 
    and NMFS to relocate at least 90 percent of a Caspian tern colony away 
    from areas in the lower Columbia where their primary food is juvenile 
        The State of Washington is currently in the process of developing a 
    statewide strategy to protect and restore wild steelhead and other 
    salmon and trout species. In May of 1997, Governor Gary Locke and other 
    state officials signed a Memorandum of Agreement creating the Joint 
    Natural Resources Cabinet (Joint Cabinet). This body is comprised of 
    state agency directors or their equivalents from a wide variety of 
    agencies whose activities and constituents influence Washington's 
    natural resources. The goal of the Joint Cabinet is to restore salmon, 
    steelhead, and trout populations by improving those habitats on which 
    the fish rely. The Joint Cabinet's current activities include 
    development of the Lower Columbia Steelhead Conservation Initiative 
    (LCSCI), which is intended to comprehensively address protection and 
    recovery of steelhead in the lower Columbia River area.
        NMFS intends to continue working with the State of Washington and 
    stakeholders involved in the formulation of the LCSCI. Ultimately, when 
    completed, this conservation effort may help to ameliorate risks facing 
    many salmonid species in this region. In the near term, for steelhead 
    and other listed species, individual components of the conservation 
    effort may be recognized through section 4(d) of the ESA. In this way 
    activities conducted in accordance with full, matured, and implemented 
    conservation efforts may be excepted from take under section 9 of the 
        NMFS and FWS are also engaged in an ongoing effort to assist in the 
    development of multiple species Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) for 
    state and privately owned lands in Oregon and Washington. While section 
    7 of the ESA addresses species protection associated
    [[Page 14524]]
    with Federal actions and lands, Habitat Conservation Planning under 
    section 10 of the ESA addresses species protection on private (non-
    Federal) lands. HCPs are particularly important since significant 
    portions of habitat in the range of both steelhead ESUs is in non-
    Federal ownership. The intent of the HCP process is to ensure that any 
    incidental taking of listed species will not appreciably reduce the 
    likelihood of survival of the species, reduce conflicts between listed 
    species and economic development activities, and to provide a framework 
    that would encourage ``creative partnerships'' between the public and 
    private sectors and state, municipal, and Federal agencies in the 
    interests of endangered and threatened species and habitat 
        NMFS will continue to evaluate state, tribal, and non-Federal 
    efforts to develop and implement measures to protect and begin the 
    recovery of steelhead populations within these ESUs. Because a 
    substantial portion of land in these ESUs is in state or private 
    ownership, conservation measures on these lands will be key to 
    protecting and recovering steelhead populations in these ESUs. NMFS 
    recognizes that strong conservation benefits will accrue from specific 
    components of many non-Federal conservation efforts.
        While NMFS acknowledges that many of the ongoing protective efforts 
    are likely to promote the conservation of steelhead and other 
    salmonids, some are very recent and few address steelhead conservation 
    at a scale that is adequate to protect and conserve entire ESUs. NMFS 
    concludes that existing protective efforts are inadequate to preclude a 
    listing for these ESUs. However, NMFS will continue to encourage these 
    and future protective efforts and will work with Federal, state, and 
    tribal fisheries managers to evaluate, promote, and improve efforts to 
    conserve steelhead populations.
    Status of Steelhead ESUs
        Section 3 of the ESA defines the term ``endangered species'' as 
    ``any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a 
    significant portion of its range.'' The term ``threatened species'' is 
    defined as ``any species which is likely to become an endangered 
    species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant 
    portion of its range.'' Thompson (1991) suggested that conventional 
    rules of thumb, analytical approaches, and simulations may all be 
    useful in making this determination. In previous status reviews (e.g., 
    Weitkamp et al., 1995), NMFS has identified a number of factors that 
    should be considered in evaluating the level of risk faced by an ESU, 
    including: (1) absolute numbers of fish and their spatial and temporal 
    distribution; (2) current abundance in relation to historical abundance 
    and current carrying capacity of the habitat; (3) trends in abundance; 
    (4) natural and human-influenced factors that cause variability in 
    survival and abundance; (5) possible threats to genetic integrity 
    (e.g., from strays or outplants from hatchery programs); and (6) recent 
    events (e.g., a drought or changes in harvest management) that have 
    predictable short-term consequences for abundance of the ESU.
        During the coastwide status review for steelhead, NMFS evaluated 
    both quantitative and qualitative information to determine whether any 
    proposed ESU is threatened or endangered according to the ESA. The 
    types of information used in these assessments are described in the 
    proposed rule, published August 9, 1996 (61 FR 41541). The assessments 
    also considered whether any of the hatchery populations identified in 
    ``Summary of Steelhead ESU Determinations'' should be considered 
    essential for the recovery of a listed ESU. The following summaries 
    draw on these quantitative and qualitative assessments to describe 
    NMFS' conclusions regarding the status of each steelhead ESU. A more 
    detailed discussion of the status of these steelhead ESUs is presented 
    in the ``Status Review Update for Deferred and Candidate ESUs of West 
    Coast Steelhead'' (NMFS, 1997a) and ``Updated Review of the Status of 
    the Upper Willamette River and Middle Columbia River ESUs of 
    Steelhead'' (NMFS, 1999a). Copies of these documents are available upon 
    request (see ADDRESSES).
    (1) Upper Willamette River ESU
        Steelhead in the Upper Willamette River ESU are distributed in a 
    few, relatively small, natural populations. Over the past several 
    decades, total abundance of natural late-migrating winter steelhead 
    ascending the Willamette Falls fish ladder has fluctuated several times 
    over a range of approximately 5,000 to 20,000 spawners. However, the 
    last peak occurred in 1988, and this peak has been followed by a steep 
    and continuing decline. Abundance in each of the last 5 years has been 
    below 4,300 fish, and the run in 1995 was the lowest in 30 years. 
    Declines also have been observed in almost all natural populations, 
    including those with and without a substantial component of naturally 
    spawning hatchery fish. NMFS notes with concern the results from ODFW's 
    extinction assessment, which estimates that the Molalla River 
    population had a greater than 20 percent extinction probability in the 
    next 60 years, and that the upper South Santiam River population had a 
    greater than 5 percent extinction risk within the next 100 years 
    (Chilcote, 1997).
        Steelhead native to the Upper Willamette River ESU are late-run 
    winter steelhead, but introduced hatchery stocks of summer and early-
    run winter steelhead also occur in the upper Willamette River. 
    Estimates of the proportion of hatchery fish in natural spawning 
    escapements range from 5 to 25 percent. NMFS is concerned about the 
    potential risks associated with interactions between non-native summer 
    and wild winter steelhead, whose spawning areas are sympatric in some 
    rivers (especially in the Molalla and North and South Santiam Rivers). 
    The percentage of hatchery fish in natural spawning escapements is 
    considered relatively low in most rivers in the Upper Willamette River 
    Basin. Declines in winter steelhead runs, regardless of degree of 
    hatchery influence, suggest that causes other than artificial 
    propagation are primarily responsible for reduced abundances.
        NMFS remains concerned about the lack of historical abundance 
    estimates for winter steelhead in the Upper Willamette River ESU. It 
    may be possible that population sizes were never large above Willamette 
    Falls, and that the winter steelhead in this ESU are capable of 
    persisting at relatively low abundance. Although not as extreme as is 
    the case for spring chinook salmon, the proportion and total amount of 
    historical steelhead spawning habitat that has been blocked by dams and 
    water diversions is high in the Upper Willamette River ESU. It is 
    possible that several consecutive years of poor ocean conditions and 
    recent harvest pressure in the lower Columbia River have pushed the 
    winter steelhead populations in the Upper Willamette River drainage to 
    the limit of their resiliency.
    Listing Determination
        Based on new information submitted by ODFW and others, NMFS 
    concludes Upper Willamette River steelhead warrant listing as a 
    threatened species. NMFS is concerned about the universally declining 
    trends in abundance in the relatively small-to-moderate sized runs of 
    winter steelhead in this ESU. Recent abundance trends indicate 
    naturally spawned steelhead have declined to historically low levels in 
    areas above Willamette Falls. This
    [[Page 14525]]
    low abundance, coupled with potential risks associated with 
    interactions between naturally spawned steelhead and hatchery stocks is 
    of great concern to NMFS.
        Recent conservation planning efforts by the State of Oregon may 
    reduce risks faced by steelhead in this ESU in the future; however, 
    these efforts are still in their formative stages. Specifically, the 
    OPSW, while substantially implemented and funded on the Oregon Coast, 
    has not yet reached a similar level of development in inland areas. 
    Furthermore, while the NFP has reduced habitat degradation on Federal 
    lands within this ESU, less than 20 percent of land areas in this 
    region are under Federal ownership and hence covered by this management 
    Status of Hatchery Populations
        NMFS concludes that none of the hatchery steelhead stocks 
    identified as part of this ESU (see ``Summary of Steelhead ESU 
    Determinations'') should be listed since they are not currently 
    essential for its recovery (NMFS, 1999b).
    (2) Middle Columbia River Basin ESU
        Current population sizes are substantially lower than historic 
    levels, especially in the rivers with the largest steelhead runs in the 
    ESU: the John Day, Deschutes, and Yakima Rivers. At least two 
    extinctions of native steelhead runs in the ESU have occurred (the 
    Crooked and Metolius Rivers, both in the Deschutes River Basin). Trends 
    in natural escapement in the Yakima and Umatilla Rivers have been 
    highly variable since the mid-late 1970s, ranging from abundances that 
    indicate relatively healthy runs to those that are cause for concern 
    (i.e., from 2,000 to 3,000 steelhead during peaks to approximately 500 
    fish during the low points).
        One of the most significant sources of risk to steelhead in the 
    Middle Columbia ESU is the recent and dramatic increase in the 
    percentage of hatchery fish in natural escapement in the Deschutes 
    River Basin. ODFW estimates that in recent years, the percentage of 
    hatchery strays in the Deschutes River has exceeded 70 percent, and 
    most of these are believed to be long-distance strays from outside the 
    ESU. Coincident with this increase in the percentage of strays has been 
    a decline in the abundance of native steelhead in the Deschutes River. 
    In combination with the trends in hatchery fish in the Deschutes River, 
    estimates of increased proportions of hatchery fish in the John Day and 
    Umatilla River Basins pose a risk to wild steelhead due to negative 
    effects of genetic and ecological interactions with hatchery fish. For 
    example, in recent years, most of the fish planted in the Touchet River 
    are from out of ESU stocks. As a result, a recent analysis of this 
    stock by WDFW found that it was most similar genetically to Wells 
    Hatchery steelhead from the Upper Columbia River ESU.
        NMFS remains concerned about the widespread declines in abundance 
    in the steelhead populations in this ESU. The serious declines in 
    abundance in the John Day River Basin are especially troublesome, 
    because the John Day River has supported the largest populations of 
    naturally spawning summer steelhead in the ESU. Populations in the 
    Yakima River Basin are at a small fraction of historical levels, with 
    the majority of production coming from a single stream (Satus Creek). 
    The number of naturally spawning fish in the Umatilla River has been 
    relatively stable in recent years, but this has been accomplished with 
    substantial supplementation of natural spawning by hatchery-reared 
    fish. Naturally produced steelhead have declined precipitously in the 
    Deschutes River over the past decade. The most optimistic observation 
    that can be made for steelhead in this area is that some populations 
    have shown resiliency to bounce back from even more depressed levels in 
    the past (e.g., the late 1970s).
        The continued increase of stray steelhead into the Deschutes River 
    Basin is also a major source of concern to NMFS. ODFW and CTWSRO 
    estimate that 60 to 80 percent of the naturally spawning population is 
    composed of strays, which greatly outnumber naturally produced fish. 
    Although the level of reproductive success of these stray fish has not 
    been evaluated, the levels are so high that major genetic and 
    ecological effects on natural populations are possible. Recent efforts 
    underway by the CTWSRO and ODFW to determine the origin of strays and 
    the proportion of strays that are spawning naturally in the Deschutes 
    River may prove useful in focusing management efforts to address this 
    serious issue.
        ODFW argues that resident fish in the Deschutes River play a more 
    substantial role in overall population dynamics and abundance of O. 
    mykiss than is the case in other streams within this ESU or in most 
    other steelhead ESUs. Further, they argue that the resident populations 
    in the Deschutes River are robust and provide a substantial buffer 
    against extinction. Evaluating the role of resident fish in extinction 
    risk analysis for steelhead ESUs is very complex. Comprehensive 
    abundance information for resident fish is not available, but if the 
    data presented by ODFW for Nena Creek/North Junction are 
    representative, the overall abundance of resident fish in the Deschutes 
    River may be fairly high. Some spawning between resident and anadromous 
    fish has been observed, but there appears to be substantial 
    microhabitat partitioning of reproduction between the forms based on 
    size, timing, and location. Available information is limited, but it 
    does not provide evidence that resident fish contribute significantly 
    to anadromous returns. A tentative conclusion is that, within the 
    Deschutes River Basin, the two forms are closely linked over 
    evolutionary time frames, but the ability of the resident form to 
    substantially affect demographic/genetic processes in steelhead 
    populations in the short term is doubtful. To the extent that the 
    resident form has been producing steelhead offspring in this ESU, the 
    effect of that production has not been sufficient to stave off 
    continued declines in steelhead populations. Furthermore, if there is 
    substantial and continuing gene flow between resident and anadromous 
    forms, that would suggest that the high stray rates of non-native 
    hatchery steelhead also pose a genetic risk to resident fish in the 
    Deschutes River. Not enough information currently exists to determine 
    whether the relative abundances of the two life history forms should be 
    viewed positively (e.g., the relatively high abundance of the resident 
    form in those streams can act to buffer the anadromous form from 
    declines) or negatively (e.g., the resident form is outcompeting or 
    interbreeding with the anadromous form) in risk evaluations.
    Listing Determination
        NMFS concludes the Middle Columbia ESU warrants listing as a 
    threatened species. Continued declines in steelhead abundance and 
    increases in the percentage of hatchery fish in natural escapements 
    pose significant threats to this ESU.
        Recent conservation planning efforts by the States of Washington 
    and Oregon may reduce risks faced by steelhead in this ESU in the 
    future; however, these efforts are still in their formative stages. 
    Federal management efforts, including the NFP, PACFISH, and forthcoming 
    ICEBMP, address important habitat-related risk factors for this ESU. 
    However, only about 24 percent of the land area within this ESU is 
    under Federal management and subject to these management efforts.
    Status of Hatchery Populations
        NMFS concludes that none of the hatchery steelhead stocks 
    identified as part of this ESU (see ``Summary of Steelhead ESU 
    Determinations'') should
    [[Page 14526]]
    be listed since they are not currently essential for its recovery 
    (NMFS, 1999b).
        Based on new information and comments received during the proposed 
    rule, NMFS concludes that Upper Willamette River steelhead and Middle 
    Columbia River steelhead warrant listing as threatened species under 
    the ESA. The geographic boundaries (i.e., the watersheds within which 
    the members of the ESU spend their freshwater residence) for these ESUs 
    are described under ``Summary of Steelhead ESU Determinations.''
        In both threatened steelhead ESUs, NMFS is listing only naturally 
    spawned populations residing below impassable natural barriers (e.g., 
    long-standing, natural waterfalls). NMFS' intent in listing only 
    ``naturally spawned'' populations is to protect steelhead stocks that 
    are indigenous to (i.e., part of) the ESU. In this listing 
    determination, NMFS has identified various non-indigenous populations 
    that co-occur with fish in the listed ESUs. The agency recognizes the 
    difficulty of differentiating between indigenous and non-indigenous 
    fish, especially when the latter are not readily distinguishable with a 
    mark (e.g., fin clip). Also, matings in the wild of either type would 
    generally result in progeny that would be treated as listed fish (i.e., 
    they would have been naturally spawned in the geographic range of the 
    listed ESU and have no distinguishing mark). Therefore, to reduce 
    confusion regarding which steelhead are considered listed within an 
    ESU, NMFS will treat all naturally spawned fish as listed for purposes 
    of the ESA. Efforts to determine the conservation status of an ESU 
    would focus on the contribution of indigenous fish to the listed ESU. 
    It should be noted that NMFS will take actions necessary to minimize or 
    prevent non-indigenous steelhead from spawning in the wild unless the 
    fish are specifically part of a recovery effort.
        NMFS has also evaluated the relationship between hatchery and 
    natural populations of steelhead in the listed ESUs (described 
    previously in ``Summary of Steelhead ESU Determinations'' and ``Status 
    of Steelhead ESUs''). None of the hatchery populations are being listed 
    because, while some are considered part of the ESUs, none are deemed 
    essential for the recovery of either ESU (NMFS, 1999b).
        The determination that a hatchery stock is not ``essential'' for 
    recovery does not preclude it from playing a role in recovery. Any 
    hatchery population that is part of the ESU is available for use in 
    recovery if conditions warrant. In this context, an ``essential'' 
    hatchery population is one that is vital to incorporate into recovery 
    efforts (for example, if the associated natural population(s) were 
    extinct or at high risk of extinction). Under such circumstances, NMFS 
    would consider taking the administrative action of listing existing 
    hatchery fish.
        NMFS' ``Interim Policy on Artificial Propagation of Pacific Salmon 
    Under the Endangered Species Act'' (58 FR 17573, April 5, 1993) 
    provides guidance on the treatment of hatchery stocks in the event of a 
    listing. Under this policy, ``progeny of fish from the listed species 
    that are propagated artificially are considered part of the listed 
    species and are protected under the ESA.'' In the case of hatchery 
    steelhead populations considered to be part of the Upper Willamette 
    River ESU or Middle Columbia River ESU, the protective regulations that 
    NMFS will issue shortly may except take of naturally spawned listed 
    fish for use as broodstock as part of an overall conservation program. 
    According to the interim policy, the progeny of these hatchery-wild or 
    wild-wild crosses would also be listed. Given the requirement for an 
    acceptable conservation plan as a prerequisite for collecting 
    broodstock, NMFS determines that it is not necessary to consider the 
    progeny of intentional hatchery-wild or wild-wild crosses as listed.
        In addition, NMFS believes it is desirable to incorporate naturally 
    spawned fish into these hatchery populations to ensure that their 
    genetic and life history characteristics do not diverge significantly 
    from the natural populations. NMFS therefore concludes that it is not 
    inconsistent with NMFS' interim policy, nor with the policy and 
    purposes of the ESA, to consider these progeny as part of the ESU but 
    not listed.
        At this time, NMFS is listing only anadromous life forms of O. 
    Prohibitions and Protective Measures
        Section 9 of the ESA prohibits certain activities that directly or 
    indirectly affect endangered species. These prohibitions apply to all 
    individuals, organizations, and agencies subject to U.S. jurisdiction. 
    Section 9 prohibitions apply automatically to endangered species, as 
    described in the following discussion, this is not the case for 
    threatened species.
        Section 4(d) of the ESA directs the Secretary of Commerce to 
    implement regulations ``to provide for the conservation of [threatened] 
    species,'' that may include extending any or all of the prohibitions of 
    section 9 to threatened species. Section 9(a)(1)(g) also prohibits 
    violations of protective regulations for threatened species implemented 
    under section 4(d). NMFS will issue shortly protective regulations 
    pursuant to section 4(d) for the listed ESUs.
        Section 7(a)(4) of the ESA requires that Federal agencies consult 
    with NMFS on any actions likely to jeopardize the continued existence 
    of a species proposed for listing and on actions likely to result in 
    the destruction or adverse modification of proposed critical habitat. 
    For listed species, section 7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to ensure 
    that activities they authorize, fund, or conduct are not likely to 
    jeopardize the continued existence of a listed species or to destroy or 
    adversely modify its critical habitat. If a Federal action may affect a 
    listed species or its critical habitat, the responsible Federal agency 
    must enter into consultation with NMFS.
        Examples of Federal actions likely to affect steelhead in the 
    listed ESUs include authorized land management activities of the USFS 
    and BLM, as well as operation of hydroelectric and storage projects of 
    the Bureau of Reclamation and COE. Such activities include timber sales 
    and harvest, hydroelectric power generation, and flood control. Federal 
    actions, including the COE section 404 permitting activities under the 
    Clean Water Act, COE permitting activities under the River and Harbors 
    Act, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permits issued by 
    EPA, highway projects authorized by the Federal Highway Administration, 
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission licenses for nonfederal 
    development and operation of hydropower, and Federal salmon hatcheries, 
    may also require consultation. These actions will likely be subject to 
    ESA section 7 consultation requirements that may result in conditions 
    designed to achieve the intended purpose of the project and avoid or 
    reduce impacts to steelhead and its habitat within the range of the 
    listed ESUs. It is important to note that the current listing applies 
    only to the anadromous form of O. mykiss; therefore, section 7 
    consultations will not address resident forms of O. mykiss at this 
        There are likely to be Federal actions ongoing in the range of the 
    listed ESUs at the time these listings become effective. Therefore, 
    NMFS will review all ongoing actions that may affect the listed species 
    with Federal agencies and will complete formal or informal 
    consultations, where requested or necessary, for such actions pursuant 
    to ESA section 7(a)(2).
    [[Page 14527]]
        Sections 10(a)(1)(A) and 10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA provide NMFS with 
    authority to grant exceptions to the ESA's ``taking'' prohibitions. 
    Section 10(a)(1)(A) scientific research and enhancement permits may be 
    issued to entities (Federal and non-Federal) conducting research that 
    involves a directed take of listed species.
        NMFS has issued ESA section 10(a)(1)(A) research or enhancement 
    permits for other listed species (e.g., Snake River chinook salmon and 
    Sacramento River winter-run chinook salmon) for a number of activities, 
    including trapping and tagging, electroshocking to determine population 
    presence and abundance, removal of fish from irrigation ditches, and 
    collection of adult fish for artificial propagation programs. NMFS is 
    aware of several sampling efforts for steelhead in the listed ESUs, 
    including efforts by Federal and state fishery management agencies. 
    These and other research efforts could provide critical information 
    regarding steelhead distribution and population abundance.
        ESA Section 10(a)(1)(B) incidental take permits may be issued to 
    non-Federal entities performing activities that may incidentally take 
    listed species. The types of activities potentially requiring a section 
    10(a)(1)(B) incidental take permit include the release of artificially 
    propagated fish by state or privately operated and funded hatcheries, 
    state or university research on species other than steelhead, not 
    receiving Federal authorization or funding, the implementation of state 
    fishing regulations, and timber harvest activities on nonfederal lands.
    Take Guidance
        On July 1, 1994, (59 FR 34272) NMFS and FWS published a policy 
    committing the agencies to identify, to the maximum extent practicable 
    at the time a species is listed, those activities that would or would 
    not constitute a violation of section 9 of the ESA. The intent of this 
    policy is to increase public awareness of the effect of a listing on 
    proposed and on-going activities within the species' range. NMFS 
    believes that, based on the best available information, the following 
    actions will not result in a violation of section 9: (1) Possession of 
    steelhead from the listed ESUs acquired lawfully by permit issued by 
    NMFS pursuant to section 10 of the ESA, or by the terms of an 
    incidental take statement pursuant to section 7 of the ESA; and (2) 
    federally funded or approved projects that involve activities such as 
    silviculture, grazing, mining, road construction, dam construction and 
    operation, discharge of fill material, stream channelization or 
    diversion for which a section 7 consultation has been completed, and 
    when such an activity is conducted in accordance with any terms and 
    conditions provided by NMFS in an incidental take statement accompanied 
    by a biological opinion pursuant to section 7 of the ESA. As described 
    previously in this notice, NMFS may adopt 4(d) protective regulations 
    that except other activities from section 9 take prohibitions for 
    threatened species.
        Activities that NMFS believes could potentially harm, injure or 
    kill steelhead in the listed ESUs and result in a violation of section 
    9 of the ESA include, but are not limited to: (1) land-use activities 
    that adversely affect steelhead habitat in this ESU (e.g., logging, 
    grazing, farming, road construction in riparian areas, and areas 
    susceptible to mass wasting and surface erosion); (2) destruction or 
    alteration of steelhead habitat in the listed ESUs, such as removal of 
    large woody debris and ``sinker logs'' or riparian shade canopy, 
    dredging, discharge of fill material, draining, ditching, diverting, 
    blocking, or altering stream channels or surface or ground water flow; 
    (3) discharges or dumping of toxic chemicals or other pollutants (e.g., 
    sewage, oil, gasoline) into waters or riparian areas supporting listed 
    steelhead; (4) violation of discharge permits; (5) pesticide and 
    herbicide applications; (6) interstate and foreign commerce of 
    steelhead from the listed ESUs and import/export of steelhead from 
    listed ESUs without an ESA permit, unless the fish were harvested 
    pursuant to legal exception; (7) collecting or handling of steelhead 
    from listed ESUs (permits to conduct these activities are available for 
    purposes of scientific research or to enhance the propagation or 
    survival of the species); and (8) introduction of non-native species 
    likely to prey on steelhead in these ESUs or displace them from their 
    habitat. This list is not exhaustive. It is intended to provide some 
    examples of the types of activities that might or might not be 
    considered by NMFS as constituting a take of listed steelhead under the 
    ESA and its regulations. Questions regarding whether specific 
    activities will constitute a violation of this rule, and general 
    inquiries regarding prohibitions and permits, should be directed to 
    Effective Date of Final Listing
        Given the cultural, scientific, and recreational importance of this 
    species, and the broad geographic range of these listings, NMFS 
    recognizes that numerous parties may be affected by this listing. 
    Therefore, to permit an orderly implementation of the consultation 
    requirements associated with this action, this final listing will take 
    effect May 24, 1999.
    Conservation Measures
        Conservation benefits are provided to species listed as endangered 
    or threatened under the ESA through increased recognition, recovery 
    actions, Federal agency consultation requirements, and prohibitions on 
    taking. Increased recognition through listing promotes public awareness 
    and conservation actions by Federal, state, and local agencies, private 
    organizations, and individuals.
        Several conservation efforts are underway that may reverse the 
    decline of west coast steelhead and other salmonids. NMFS is encouraged 
    by these significant efforts, which could provide all stakeholders with 
    an approach to achieving the purposes of the ESA-protecting and 
    restoring native fish populations and the ecosystems upon which they 
    depend that are less regulatory. NMFS will continue to encourage and 
    support these initiatives as important components of recovery planning 
    for steelhead and other salmonids.
        To succeed, protective regulations and recovery programs for 
    steelhead will need to focus on conserving aquatic ecosystem health. 
    NMFS intends that Federal lands and Federal activities play a primary 
    role in preserving listed populations and the ecosystems upon which 
    they depend. However, throughout the range of the listed ESUs, 
    steelhead habitat occurs and can be affected by activities on state, 
    tribal or private land.
        Conservation measures that could be implemented to help conserve 
    the species are listed here (the list is generalized and does not 
    constitute NMFS' interpretation of a recovery plan under section 4(f) 
    of the ESA). Progress on some of these is being made to differing 
    degrees in specific areas.
        1. Measures could be taken to promote practices that are more 
    protective of (or restore) steelhead habitat across a variety of land 
    and water management activities. Activities affecting this habitat 
    include timber harvest; agriculture; livestock grazing and operations; 
    pesticide and herbicide applications; construction and urban 
    development; road building and maintenance; sand and gravel mining; 
    stream channelization; dredging and dredged spoil disposal; dock and 
    marina construction; diking and bank stabilization; dam construction/
    operation; irrigation withdrawal,
    [[Page 14528]]
    storage, and management; mineral mining; wastewater/pollutant 
    discharge; wetland and floodplain alteration; habitat restoration 
    projects; and woody debris/structure removal from rivers and estuaries. 
    Each of these activities could be modified to ensure that watersheds 
    and specific river reaches are adequately protected in the short- and 
        2. Fish passage could be restored at barriers to migration through 
    the installation or modification of fish ladders, upgrade of culverts, 
    or removal of barriers.
        3. Harvest regulations could be modified to protect listed 
    steelhead populations affected by both directed harvest and incidental 
    take in other fisheries.
        4. Artificial propagation programs could be modified to minimize 
    negative impacts (e.g., genetic introgression, competition, disease, 
    etc.) upon native populations of steelhead.
        5. Predator control/relocation programs could be implemented in 
    areas where predators pose a significant threat to steelhead.
        6. Measures could be taken to improve monitoring of steelhead 
    populations and their habitat.
        7. Federal agencies such as the USFS, BLM, Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission, COE, U.S. Department of Transportation, and U.S. 
    Bureau of Reclamation could review their management programs and use 
    their discretionary authorities to formulate conservation plans 
    pursuant to section 7(a)(1) of the ESA.
        NMFS encourages non-Federal landowners to assess the impacts of 
    their actions on threatened or endangered salmonids. In particular, 
    NMFS encourages state and local governments to use their existing 
    authorities and programs, and encourages the formation of watershed 
    partnerships to promote conservation in accordance with ecosystem 
    principles. These partnerships will be successful only if state, 
    tribal, and local governments, landowner representatives, and Federal 
    and non-Federal biologists all participate and share the goal of 
    restoring steelhead and salmon to the watersheds.
    Critical Habitat
        Section 4(b)(6)(C) of the ESA requires that, to the extent prudent, 
    critical habitat be designated concurrently with the listing of a 
    species unless such critical habitat is not determinable at that time. 
    On February 5, 1999, NMFS published a proposed critical habitat rule 
    for all listed and proposed steelhead ESUs (64 FR 5740). Copies of this 
    critical habitat proposed rule are available upon request (see 
        The 1982 amendments to the ESA, in section 4(b)(1)(A), restrict the 
    information that may be considered when assessing species for listing. 
    Based on this limitation of criteria for a listing decision and the 
    opinion in Pacific Legal Foundation v. Andrus, 675 F.2d 825 (6th Cir. 
    1981), NMFS has categorically excluded all ESA listing actions from 
    environmental assessment requirements of the National Environmental 
    Policy Act (NEPA) under NOAA Administrative Order 216-6.
        As noted in the Conference Report on the 1982 amendments to the 
    ESA, economic impacts cannot be considered when assessing the status of 
    species. Therefore, the economic analysis requirements of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) are not applicable to the listing 
    process. Similarly, this final rule is exempt from review under E.O. 
        This rule has been determined to be major under the Congressional 
    Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.)
        At this time NMFS is not promulgating protective regulations 
    pursuant to ESA section 4(d). In the future, prior to finalizing its 
    4(d) regulations for the threatened steelhead ESUs, NMFS will comply 
    with all relevant NEPA and RFA requirements.
        A complete list of all references cited herein is available upon 
    request (see ADDRESSES) and can also be obtained from the internet at 
    Threatened Species Regulations Consolidation
        In the proposed rule issued on March 10, 1998 (63 FR 11774), Upper 
    Willamette River steelhead was designated the letter (v) and Middle 
    Columbia River steelhead the letter (w) in Sec. 227.4. Since March 10, 
    1998, NMFS issued a final rule consolidating and reorganizing existing 
    regulations regarding implementation of the ESA. In this 
    reorganization, Sec. 227.4 has been redesignated as Sec. 223.102; 
    therefore, Upper Willamette River steelhead is designated in this final 
    rule as paragraph (a)(14) and Middle Columbia River steelhead as 
    paragraph (a)(15) of Sec. 223.102. The regulatory text of the proposed 
    rule remains unchanged in this final rule.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 223
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Marine 
    mammals, Transportation.
        Dated: March 15, 1999.
    Andrew A. Rosenberg,
    Deputy Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 50 CFR part 223 is 
    amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 223 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq; 16 U.S.C. 742a et seq.; 31 
    U.S.C. 9701.
        2. In Sec. 223.102, paragraphs (a)(14) and (a)(15) are added to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 223.102  Enumeration of threatened marine and anadromous species.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (14) Upper Willamette River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). 
    Includes all naturally spawned populations of winter-run steelhead in 
    the Willamette River, Oregon, and its tributaries upstream from 
    Willamette Falls to the Calapooia River, inclusive;
        (15) Middle Columbia River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). 
    Includes all naturally spawned populations of steelhead in streams from 
    above the Wind River, Washington, and the Hood River, Oregon 
    (exclusive), upstream to, and including, the Yakima River, Washington. 
    Excluded are steelhead from the Snake River Basin.
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 99-6817 Filed 3-24-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule; notice of determination.
Document Number:
Effective May 24, 1999.
14517-14528 (12 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 980225046-9070-03, I.D. 021098B
0648-AK54: Take of Threatened Central California Coast, South Central California Coast, and Snake River Basin ESUs of Steelhead Salmon Under the ESA
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 223.102