[Federal Register Volume 61, Number 60 (Wednesday, March 27, 1996)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 13454-13461]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 96-7317]
50 CFR Part 649
[Docket No. 960304058-6058-01; I.D. 020696A]
RIN 0648-XX50
American Lobster Fishery; Emergency Gear Conflict Regulations
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Emergency interim rule.
SUMMARY: NMFS, by emergency interim rule, amends the regulations
implementing the American Lobster Fishery Management Plan (FMP). This
emergency rule implements a prohibition on mobile gear vessels fishing
in newly defined Restricted Gear Areas I and II; a prohibition on
lobster pot vessels fishing in and lobster pots in newly defined
Restricted Gear Area III; and a requirement that all mobile gear
vessels in Restricted Gear Areas I and II and all lobster pot (fixed
gear) vessels in Restricted Gear Area III stow their gear while
transiting the restricted gear areas. The intended effect is to reduce
gear losses caused by use of fixed and mobile gear simultaneously in
the same area.
EFFECTIVE DATE: April 1, 1996 through June 25, 1996. Restricted Gear
Areas I and II will be closed to mobile gear for the duration of this
emergency action. Restricted Gear Area III will be closed April 1, 1996
through April 30, 1996, to fishing by fixed gear vessels.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the Environmental Assessment supporting this
action may be obtained from Douglas Marshall, Executive Director, New
England Fishery Management Council (Council), 5 Broadway, Saugus, MA
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul H. Jones, Fishery Policy Analyst,
American lobster pot gear vessels began losing fixed gear in the
offshore waters of Southern New England as a result of increased
trawling by mobile gear fishers targeting monkfish during 1991. In
1992, offshore lobster fishers and some mobile gear fishers sought
assistance from the Council. At that time, the Council believed that
voluntary industry agreements were preferable to regulatory action. The
Council helped several groups of fixed and mobile gear fishers draft
and circulate the ``Southern New England Offshore Gear Conflict
Resolution.'' The agreement was initially effective, because the
fishers designed it to allow them to fish their gear in the most
productive areas and seasons. Both fixed and mobile gear fishers gave
up access to fishing grounds when they were less productive to gain
easier access to grounds during more productive seasons. Besides
setting aside areas to separate fixed and mobile gear, the resolution
stressed cooperation
[[Page 13455]]
and good communication among the different fishing groups. Due to the
resolution, the fishers reported much greater cooperation and
significantly less gear loss.
During the 1994-95 season conflicts rapidly escalated as mobile
gear fishers changed their fishing practices. The pursuit of
alternative species, declining abundances of traditional species,
additional regulations to reduce fishing on stressed fish stocks, and
changing market conditions all have contributed to the recent increase
in gear conflicts. New mobile gear fishers targeting monkfish with
deepwater trawls frequently failed to recognize the agreement and gear
conflicts increased.
Because of the increase in gear conflicts, the Council decided at
its February 1995 meeting to hold additional meetings and reemphasize
its support of the voluntary agreement. The Council also warned that
regulations designed to reduce the gear conflicts would be developed if
the voluntary agreement continued to be ineffective. Continued efforts
by the Council to resolve the problem through voluntary means were not
successful during the first half of 1995.
Due to these failed efforts and the anticipated economic hardship,
the Council requested on August 21, 1995, that NMFS take Secretarial
emergency action to implement segments of the voluntary agreement by
regulation. On September 13, 1995, NMFS disapproved the request,
because the situation described by the Council in the emergency request
was a longstanding one and the recent escalation from increased
monkfish trawling was known to the Council the previous fall, the
proposed boundaries were unenforceable, and the Council had not
proposed a permanent solution to the problem.
On October 25, 1995, the Council announced that gear conflicts had
increased. The U.S. Coast Guard affirmed this statement by reporting
that gear conflicts had almost doubled those for October 1994. Due to
the unanticipated level of the increase in fishing effort for monkfish
in areas where lobster fishers place their traps during the winter, the
Council reiterated its request for Secretarial emergency action on
October 25, 1995, and modified its August 21, 1995, request to include
defined straight lines by latitude and longitude, rather than the
fathom contoured lines defined in their last request. The Council's
Gear Conflict Committee met on November 15, 1995, and boundaries
defined by latitude and longitude for the two mobile gear and one fixed
gear areas were developed to accommodate the ability of the U.S. Coast
Guard to enforce the gear closure areas.
In recommending the emergency action, the Council stated that it
recognizes that the action does not address all types of fixed gear
conflicts, nor does it apply to all fishing areas within Southern New
England. The failure of the current industry agreement to adequately
manage the gear conflict is an unforeseen event, for which the Council
had insufficient time to respond by developing amendments and
implementing rules through the standard rulemaking process.
Additionally, the magnitude of the conflict and the degree of economic
hardship in the fixed gear fleet due to the conflict was unanticipated
by the Council.
During the Council's October 25, 1995, meeting, NMFS informed the
Council that development of permanent measures was a requisite for
consideration of its request for Secretarial emergency action. At its
December 13, 1995, meeting, the Council voted to hold public hearings
on an action that will insert a framework mechanism in each of its FMPs
through the amendment process to allow gear conflicts to be addressed
in a timely manner in the future.
Although the development of these framework actions is moving
forward, it will likely take several months for them to be completed
and implemented, if approved. Due to the unanticipated levels of
increases in effort by mobile gear vessels on monkfish and the time
needed for the Council to develop measures to alleviate this problem,
NMFS believes that emergency action is warranted.
NMFS concurs with the Council that this emergency action is
necessary because substantial harm and disruption to the fishery is
occurring on a scale unforeseen in previous seasons that threatens the
economic liability of offshore lobster fishing operations. Direct
economic losses to individual lobster vessels are reported by the
Council to be as high as $75,000. The value of lost gear reported to
the Council for a partial season by eight lobster vessels totaled more
than $290,000. There are approximately 50 active lobster vessels
fishing within the gear conflict areas. If the above data are
extrapolated across the 50 vessel fleet, the direct economic loss as a
result of lost gear is potentially $1.8 million.
The value of lobster landings during October through June, when
operators of lobster vessels move their gear inshore, averaged more
than $8.5 million for 1991-93. Landings data showing the magnitude of
lost fishing opportunity during 1994 and 1995 are unavailable. Lobster
fishers reported setting their gear in a severely closed band that had
a significant effect on catch per trap. Even if the number of traps
remained constant and catch per trap only declined 25 percent, the lost
revenue could have totaled more than $2.1 million. The total estimated
economic loss that could be prevented by taking emergency action is
therefore nearly $4 million. The Council believes that the potential
benefit of taking emergency action significantly exceeds the economic
loss by trawlers targeting monkfish in the restricted gear areas, and
greatly outweighs the value of advance notice and public comment. This
action is consistent with the FMP objectives to minimize social,
cultural, and economic dislocation in the lobster fishery.
The Council is actively pursuing viable means to mitigate the long-
term gear conflicts, but recent conditions have caused rapid escalation
of the conflicts and efforts to resolve this problem have only recently
failed. These conditions include increased targeting of monkfish by
mobile gear vessels, as reported to the Council by the U.S. Coast Guard
on October 25, 1995. The emergency measures are a set of initial
measures addressing the immediate interim need to begin the process of
curtailing gear conflicts. These measures were selected rather than
other options because they are relatively less controversial, as
evidenced by the near unanimous support of the Council and because the
area boundaries are more narrowly defined and more easily enforced.
The emergency action is expected to greatly reduce gear damage and
economic loss. The Council believes, and NMFS agrees, that preventing
the potential economic loss greatly outweighs the need for advance
notice and public comment before taking action.
The closures will be known as Restricted Gear Areas I, II, and III.
Restricted Gear Areas I and II will be closed to mobile gear (defined
as trawls, beam trawls, and dredges) for the duration of this emergency
action. Restricted Gear Area III will be closed upon implementation of
this rule through April 30, 1996, to fishing by fixed gear vessels.
Vessels may transit these areas if their gear is properly stowed.
NMFS has determined that this rule is necessary to respond to an
emergency situation and is consistent with the
[[Page 13456]]
Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act and other applicable
The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA, also finds for
good cause that the reasons justifying implementation of this rule on
an emergency basis make it impracticable and contrary to the public
interest to provide additional notice and opportunity for public
comment, or to delay for 30 days the effective date of these emergency
regulations, under the provisions of sections 553 (b) and (d) of the
Administrative Procedure Act.
This emergency rule has been determined to be not significant for
purposes of E.O. 12866.
This rule is exempt from the procedures of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis because
the rule is issued without opportunity for prior public comment,
therefore, no analysis has been prepared.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 649
Dated: March 20, 1996.
Gary Matlock,
Program Management Officer, National Marine Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 649 is amended
as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 649 continues to read as
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
2. In Sec. 649.2 definitions for ``Beam trawl'', ``Dredge or dredge
gear'', ``Fixed gear'', ``Mobile gear'', and ``Trawl'' are added, in
alphabetical order to read as follows:
Sec. 649.2 Definitions.
* * * * *
Beam trawl means gear consisting of a twine bag attached to a beam
attached to a towing wire designed so that the beam does not contact
the bottom. The beam is constructed with sinkers or shoes on either
side that support the beam above the bottom or any other modification
so that the beam does not contact the bottom. The beam trawl is
designed to slide along the bottom rather than dredge the bottom.
* * * * *
Dredge or dredge gear means gear consisting of a mouth frame
attached to a holding bag constructed of metal rings, or any other
modification to this design, that can be or is used in the harvest of
Atlantic sea scallops.
* * * * *
Fixed gear means lobster pot trawls.
* * * * *
Mobile gear means trawls, beam trawls, and dredges that are
attached to a vessel at all times and which maneuver with that vessel.
* * * * *
Trawl means gear consisting of a net that is towed, including but
not limited to beam trawls, pair trawls and Danish and Scottish seine
* * * * *
3. In Sec. 649.8, paragraphs (c)(11) and (c)(12) are added to read
as follows:
Sec. 649.8 Prohibitions.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(11) Enter or be in the areas described in Sec. 649.23 (a)(1) and
(b)(1) on a mobile gear fishing vessel, during the time periods
specified in Sec. 649.23 (a)(2) and (b)(2), except as provided in
Sec. 649.23 (a)(3) and (b)(3).
(12) Enter or be in, and no fixed gear may be deployed or remain
in, the areas described in Sec. 649.23(c)(1) on a fixed gear fishing
vessel, during the time periods specified in Sec. 649.23(c)(2), except
as provided in Sec. 649.23(c)(3).
* * * * *
4. Section 649.23 is added to subpart B to read as follows:
Sec. 649.23 Restricted gear areas.
(a) Restricted Gear Area I. (1) No mobile gear fishing vessel or
person on a mobile gear fishing vessel, may enter, fish, or be in the
following areas during the time period specified in paragraph (a)(2) of
this section (Figure 4 to part 649), as defined by straight lines
connecting the following points in the order stated, except as
specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this section:
Point Latitude Longitude
Inshore Boundary
to 120.
69.......................... 40 deg.07.9' N. 68 deg.36.0' W.
70.......................... 40 deg.07.2' N. 68 deg.38.4' W.
71.......................... 40 deg.06.9' N. 68 deg.46.5' W.
72.......................... 40 deg.08.7' N. 68 deg.49.6' W.
73.......................... 40 deg.08.1' N. 68 deg.51.0' W.
74.......................... 40 deg.05.7' N. 68 deg.52.4' W.
75.......................... 40 deg.03.6' N. 68 deg.57.2' W.
76.......................... 40 deg.03.65' N. 69 deg.00.0' W.
77.......................... 40 deg.04.35' N. 69 deg.00.5' W.
78.......................... 40 deg.05.2' N. 69 deg.00.5' W
79.......................... 40 deg.05.3' N. 69 deg.01.1' W.
80.......................... 40 deg.08.9' N. 69 deg.01.75' W.
81.......................... 40 deg.11.0' N. 69 deg.03.8' W.
82.......................... 40 deg.11.6' N. 69 deg.05.4' W.
83.......................... 40 deg.10.25' N. 69 deg.04.4' W.
84.......................... 40 deg.09.75' N. 69 deg.04.15' W.
85.......................... 40 deg.08.45' N. 69 deg.03.6' W.
86.......................... 40 deg.05.65' N. 69 deg.03.55' W.
87.......................... 40 deg.04.1' N. 69 deg.03.9' W.
88.......................... 40 deg.02.65' N. 69 deg.05.6' W.
89.......................... 40 deg.02.00' N. 69 deg.08.35' W.
90.......................... 40 deg.02.65' N. 69 deg.11.15' W.
91.......................... 40 deg.00.05' N. 69 deg.14.6' W.
92.......................... 39 deg.57.8' N. 69 deg.20.35' W.
93.......................... 39 deg.56.65' N. 69 deg.24.4' W.
94.......................... 39 deg.56.1' N. 69 deg.26.35' W.
95.......................... 39 deg.56.55' N. 69 deg.34.1' W.
96.......................... 39 deg.57.85' N. 69 deg.36.5' W.
97.......................... 40 deg.00.65' N. 69 deg.36.5' W.
98.......................... 40 deg.00.9' N. 69 deg.37.3' W.
99.......................... 39 deg.59.15' N. 69 deg.37.3' W.
100......................... 39 deg.58.8' N. 69 deg.38.45' W.
102......................... 39 deg.56.2' N. 69 deg.40.2' W.
103......................... 39 deg.55.75' N. 69 deg.41.4' W.
104......................... 39 deg.56.7' N. 69 deg.53.6' W.
105......................... 39 deg.57.55' N. 69 deg.54.05' W.
106......................... 39 deg.57.4' N. 69 deg.55.9' W.
107......................... 39 deg.56.9' N. 69 deg.57.45' W.
108......................... 39 deg.58.25' N. 70 deg.03.0' W.
110......................... 39 deg.59.2' N. 70 deg.04.9' W.
111......................... 40 deg.00.7' N. 70 deg.08.7' W.
112......................... 40 deg.03.75' N. 70 deg.10.15' W.
115......................... 40 deg.05.2' N. 70 deg.10.9' W.
116......................... 40 deg.02.45' N. 70 deg.14.1' W.
119......................... 40 deg.02.75' N. 70 deg.16.1' W.
to 181.
Offshore Boundary
to 69.
120......................... 40 deg.06.4' N. 68 deg.35.8' W.
121......................... 40 deg.05.25' N. 68 deg.39.3' W.
122......................... 40 deg.05.4' N. 68 deg.44.5' W.
123......................... 40 deg.06.0' N. 68 deg.46.5' W.
124......................... 40 deg.07.4' N. 68 deg.49.6' W.
125......................... 40 deg.05.55' N. 68 deg.49.8' W.
126......................... 40 deg.03.9' N. 68 deg.51.7' W.
127......................... 40 deg.02.25' N. 68 deg.55.4' W.
128......................... 40 deg.02.6' N. 69 deg.00.0' W.
129......................... 40 deg.02.75' N. 69 deg.00.75' W.
130......................... 40 deg.04.2' N. 69 deg.01.75' W.
131......................... 40 deg.06.15' N. 69 deg.01.95' W.
132......................... 40 deg.07.25' N. 69 deg.02.0' W.
133......................... 40 deg.08.5' N. 69 deg.02.25' W.
134......................... 40 deg.09.2' N. 69 deg.02.95' W.
135......................... 40 deg.09.75' N. 69 deg.03.3' W.
136......................... 40 deg.09.55' N. 69 deg.03.85' W.
137......................... 40 deg.08.4' N. 69 deg.03.4' W.
138......................... 40 deg.07.2' N. 69 deg.03.3' W.
139......................... 40 deg.06.0' N. 69 deg.03.1' W.
140......................... 40 deg.05.4' N. 69 deg.03.05' W.
141......................... 40 deg.04.8' N. 69 deg.03.05' W.
142......................... 40 deg.03.55' N. 69 deg.03.55' W.
143......................... 40 deg.01.9' N. 69 deg.03.95' W.
144......................... 40 deg.01.0' N. 69 deg.04.4' W.
146......................... 39 deg.59.9' N. 69 deg.06.25' W.
147......................... 40 deg.00.6' N. 69 deg.10.05' W.
148......................... 39 deg.59.25' N. 69 deg.11.15' W.
149......................... 39 deg.57.45' N. 69 deg.16.05' W.
150......................... 39 deg.56.1' N. 69 deg.20.1' W.
151......................... 39 deg.54.6' N. 69 deg.25.65' W.
152......................... 39 deg.54.65' N. 69 deg.26.9' W.
153......................... 39 deg.54.8' N. 69 deg.30.95' W.
154......................... 39 deg.54.35' N. 69 deg.33.4' W.
155......................... 39 deg.55.0' N. 69 deg.34.9' W.
156......................... 39 deg.56.55' N. 69 deg.36.0' W.
157......................... 39 deg.57.95' N. 69 deg.36.45' W.
158......................... 39 deg.58.75' N. 69 deg.36.3' W.
159......................... 39 deg.58.8' N. 69 deg.36.95' W.
[[Page 13457]]
160......................... 39 deg.57.95' N. 69 deg.38.1' W.
161......................... 39 deg.54.5' N. 69 deg.38.25' W.
162......................... 39 deg.53.6' N. 69 deg.46.5' W.
163......................... 39 deg.54.7' N. 69 deg.50.0' W.
164......................... 39 deg.55.25' N. 69 deg.51.4' W.
165......................... 39 deg.55.2' N. 69 deg.53.1' W.
166......................... 39 deg.54.85' N. 69 deg.53.9' W.
167......................... 39 deg.55.7' N. 69 deg.54.9' W.
168......................... 39 deg.56.15' N. 69 deg.55.35' W.
169......................... 39 deg.56.05' N. 69 deg.56.25' W.
170......................... 39 deg.55.3' N. 69 deg.57.1' W.
171......................... 39 deg.54.8' N. 69 deg.58.6' W.
172......................... 39 deg.56.05' N. 70 deg.00.65' W.
173......................... 39 deg.55.3' N. 70 deg.02.95' W.
174......................... 39 deg.56.9' N. 70 deg.11.3' W.
175......................... 39 deg.58.9' N. 70 deg.11.5' W.
176......................... 39 deg.59.6' N. 70 deg.11.1' W.
177......................... 40 deg.01.35' N. 70 deg.11.2' W.
178......................... 40 deg.02.6' N. 70 deg.12.0' W.
179......................... 40 deg.00.4' N. 70 deg.12.3' W.
180......................... 39 deg.59.75' N. 70 deg.13.05' W.
181......................... 39 deg.59.3' N. 70 deg.14.0' W.
to 119.
(2) Duration. No mobile gear fishing vessel or person on a mobile
gear fishing vessel may enter, fish, or be in Restricted Gear Area I
from April 1, 1996 through June 25, 1996, except as specified in
paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(3) Transiting. Vessels may transit Restricted Gear Area I as
defined in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, provided that gear is
stowed and not available for immediate use in accordance with the
provisions of paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
(b) Restricted Gear Area II. (1) No mobile gear fishing vessel or
person on a mobile gear fishing vessel may enter, fish, or be in the
following areas during the time period specified in paragraph (b)(2) of
this section (Figure 5 to part 649), as defined by straight lines
connecting the following points in the order stated, except as
specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section:
Point Latitude Longitude
Inshore Boundary
to 1.
49............................ 40 deg.02.75' N. 70 deg.16.1' W.
50............................ 40 deg.00.7' N. 70 deg.18.6' W.
51............................ 39 deg.59.8' N. 70 deg.21.75' W.
52............................ 39 deg.59.75' N. 70 deg.25.5' W.
53............................ 40 deg.03.85' N. 70 deg.28.75' W.
54............................ 40 deg.00.55' N. 70 deg.32.1' W.
55............................ 39 deg.59.15' N. 70 deg.34.45' W.
56............................ 39 deg.58.9' N. 70 deg.38.65' W.
57............................ 40 deg.00.1' N. 70 deg.45.1' W.
58............................ 40 deg.00.5' N. 70 deg.57.6' W.
59............................ 40 deg.02.0' N. 71 deg.01.3' W.
60............................ 39 deg.59.3' N. 71 deg.18.4' W.
61............................ 40 deg.00.7' N. 71 deg.19.8' W.
62............................ 39 deg.57.5' N. 71 deg.20.6' W.
63............................ 39 deg.53.1' N. 71 deg.36.1' W.
64............................ 39 deg.52.6' N. 71 deg.40.35' W.
65............................ 39 deg.53.1' N. 71 deg.42.7' W.
66............................ 39 deg.46.95' N. 71 deg.49.0' W.
67............................ 39 deg.41.15' N. 71 deg.57.1' W.
68............................ 39 deg.35.45' N. 72 deg.02.0' W.
69............................ 39 deg.32.65' N. 72 deg.06.1' W.
70............................ 39 deg.29.75' N. 72 deg.09.8' W.
to 48.
Offshore Boundary
to 49.
1............................. 39 deg.59.3' N. 70 deg.14.0' W.
2............................. 39 deg.58.85' N. 70 deg.15.2' W.
3............................. 39 deg.59.3' N. 70 deg.18.4' W.
4............................. 39 deg.58.1' N. 70 deg.19.4' W.
5............................. 39 deg.57.0' N. 70 deg.19.85' W.
6............................. 39 deg.57.55' N. 70 deg.21.25' W.
7............................. 39 deg.57.5' N. 70 deg.22.8' W.
8............................. 39 deg.57.1' N. 70 deg.25.4' W.
9............................. 39 deg.57.65' N. 70 deg.27.05' W.
10............................ 39 deg.58.58' N. 70 deg.27.7' W.
11............................ 40 deg.00.65' N. 70 deg.28.8' W.
12............................ 40 deg.02.2' N. 70 deg.29.15' W.
13............................ 40 deg.01.0' N. 70 deg.30.2' W.
14............................ 39 deg.58.58' N. 70 deg.31.85' W.
15............................ 39 deg.57.05' N. 70 deg.34.35' W.
16............................ 39 deg.56.42' N. 70 deg.36.8' W.
21............................ 39 deg.58.15' N. 70 deg.48.0' W.
24............................ 39 deg.58.3' N. 70 deg.51.1' W.
25............................ 39 deg.58.1' N. 70 deg.52.25' W.
26............................ 39 deg.58.05' N. 70 deg.53.55' W.
27............................ 39 deg.58.4' N. 70 deg.59.6' W.
28............................ 39 deg.59.8' N. 71 deg.01.05' W.
29............................ 39 deg.58.2' N. 71 deg.05.85' W.
30............................ 39 deg.57.45' N. 71 deg.12.15' W.
31............................ 39 deg.57.2' N. 71 deg.15.0' W.
32............................ 39 deg.56.3' N. 71 deg.18.95' W.
33............................ 39 deg.51.4' N. 71 deg.36.1' W.
34............................ 39 deg.51.75' N. 71 deg.41.5' W.
35............................ 39 deg.50.05' N. 71 deg.42.5' W.
36............................ 39 deg.50.0' N. 71 deg.45.0' W.
37............................ 39 deg.48.95' N. 71 deg.46.05' W.
38............................ 39 deg.46.6' N. 71 deg.46.1' W.
39............................ 39 deg.43.5' N. 71 deg.49.4' W.
40............................ 39 deg.41.3' N. 71 deg.55.0' W.
41............................ 39 deg.39.0' N. 71 deg.55.6' W.
42............................ 39 deg.36.72' N. 71 deg.58.25' W.
43............................ 39 deg.35.15' N. 71 deg.58.55' W.
44............................ 39 deg.34.5' N. 72 deg.00.75' W.
45............................ 39 deg.32.2' N. 72 deg.02.25' W.
46............................ 39 deg.32.15' N. 72 deg.04.1' W.
47............................ 39 deg.28.5' N. 72 deg.06.5' W.
48............................ 39 deg.29.0' N. 72 deg.09.25' W.
to 70.
(2) Duration. No mobile gear fishing vessel or person on a mobile
gear fishing vessel may enter, fish, or be in Restricted Gear Area II
from April 1, 1996 through June 25, 1996, except as specified in
paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
(3) Transiting. Vessels may transit Restricted Gear Area II as
defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, provided that gear is
stowed and not available for immediate use in accordance with the
provisions of paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
(c) Restricted Gear Area III. (1) No fixed gear fishing vessel or
person on a fixed gear fishing vessel may enter, fish, or be in, and no
fixed gear may be deployed or remain in, the following areas during the
time period specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this section (Figure 6 to
part 649), as defined by straight lines connecting the following points
in the order stated, except as specified in paragraph (c)(3) of this
Point Latitude Longitude
Inshore Boundary
to 49.
182......................... 40 deg.05.6' N. 70 deg.17.7' W.
183......................... 40 deg.06.5' N. 70 deg.40.05' W.
184......................... 40 deg.11.05' N. 70 deg.45.8' W.
185......................... 40 deg.12.75' N. 70 deg.55.05' W.
186......................... 40 deg.10.7' N. 71 deg.10.25' W.
187......................... 39 deg.57.9' N. 71 deg.28.7' W.
188......................... 39 deg.55.6' N. 71 deg.41.2' W.
189......................... 39 deg.55.85' N. 71 deg.45.0' W.
190......................... 39 deg.53.75' N. 71 deg.52.25' W.
191......................... 39 deg.47.2' N. 72 deg.01.6' W.
192......................... 39 deg.33.65' N. 72 deg.15.0' W.
to 70.
Offshoe Boundary
to 182.
49.......................... 40 deg.02.75' N. 70 deg.16.1' W.
50.......................... 40 deg.00.7' N. 70 deg.18.6' W.
51.......................... 39 deg.59.8' N. 70 deg.21.75' W.
52.......................... 39 deg.59.75' N. 70 deg.25.5' W.
53.......................... 40 deg.03.85' N. 70 deg.28.75' W.
54.......................... 40 deg.00.55' N. 70 deg.32.1' W.
55.......................... 39 deg.59.15' N. 70 deg.34.45' W.
56.......................... 39 deg.58.9' N. 70 deg.38.65' W.
57.......................... 40 deg.00.1' N. 70 deg.45.1' W.
58.......................... 40 deg.00.5' N. 70 deg.57.6' W.
59.......................... 40 deg.02.0' N. 71 deg.01.3' W.
60.......................... 39 deg.59.3' N. 71 deg.18.4' W.
61.......................... 40 deg.00.7' N. 71 deg.19.8' W.
62.......................... 39 deg.57.5' N. 71 deg.20.6' W.
63.......................... 39 deg.53.1' N. 71 deg.36.1' W.
64.......................... 39 deg.52.6' N. 71 deg.40.35' W.
65.......................... 39 deg.53.1' N. 71 deg.42.7' W.
66.......................... 39 deg.46.95' N. 71 deg.49.0' W.
67.......................... 39 deg.41.15' N. 71 deg.57.1' W.
68.......................... 39 deg.35.45' N. 72 deg.02.0' W.
69.......................... 39 deg.32.65' N. 72 deg.06.1' W.
70.......................... 39 deg.29.75' N. 72 deg.09.8' W.
to 192.
(2) Duration. No fixed gear fishing vessel or person on a fixed
gear fishing vessel may enter, fish, or be in, and no fixed gear may be
deployed or remain in, Restricted Gear Area III from April 1, 1996
through April 30, 1996, except as specified in paragraph (c)(3) of this
(3) Transiting. Vessels may transit Restricted Gear Area III as
defined in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, provided that their gear
is stowed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (d)(2) of this
(d) Gear stowage requirements. (1) Mobile gear vessels transiting
Restricted Gear Area I and Restricted Gear Area II specified under
paragraphs (a)(1) and
[[Page 13458]]
(b)(1) of this section must stow their gear so it is not available for
immediate use as follows:
(i) Trawl vessel net stowage requirements. A net that is stowed and
is not available for immediate use conforms to one of the following
(A) A net stowed below deck, provided:
(1) It is located below the main working deck from which the net is
deployed and retrieved;
(2) The towing wires, including the leg wires, are detached from
the net; and
(3) It is fan-folded (flaked) and bound around its circumference;
(B) A net stowed and lashed down on deck, provided:
(1) It is fan-folded (flaked) and bound around its circumference;
(2) It is securely fastened to the deck or rail of the vessel; and
(3) The towing wires, including the leg wires, are detached from
the net; or
(C) A net that is on a reel and is covered and secured, provided:
(1) The entire surface of the net is covered with canvas or other
similar material that is securely bound;
(2) The towing wires, including the leg wires, are detached from
the net; and
(3) The codend is removed from the net and stored below deck; or
(D) Nets that are secured in a manner authorized in writing by the
Regional Director.
(ii) Scallop dredge and beam trawl stowage requirements. A scallop
dredge and beam trawl that is stowed and is not available for immediate
use must:
(A) Detach the towing wire from the scallop dredge or beam trawl;
(B) Reel the wire up onto the winch; and
(C) Secure and cover the dredge or beam trawl so that it is
rendered unusable for fishing.
(2) Fixed gear stowage requirements. Fixed gear vessels transiting
Restricted Gear Area III specified under paragraphs (c)(1) of this
section must stow their gear as follows so it is not available for
immediate use:
(i) Secure all pots, buoys, and high flyers so that the gear is not
available for immediate use and
(ii) The pots must not have trawl warps connected to the bridles
and must be unbaited.
5. Figures 4, 5 and 6 are added to part 649 to read as follows:
[[Page 13459]]
Restricted Gear Area I; Closed to Mobile Gear Towed From a Vessel
Figure 4 to Part 649--Restricted Gear Area I
[[Page 13460]]
Restricted Gear Area II; Closed to Mobile Gear Towed From a Vessel
Figure 5 to Part 649--Restricted Gear Area II
[[Page 13461]]
Restricted Gear Area III, Closed to Lobster Trap Gear
Figure 6 to Part 649--Restricted Gear Area III
[FR Doc. 96-7317 Filed 3-22-96; 3:45 pm]